#player one
quotespile · 9 months
You know, I think the people I feel saddest for are the ones who once knew what profoundness was, but who lost or became numb to the sensation of wonder, who felt their emotions floating away and just didn't care. I guess that's what's scariest: not caring about the loss.
Douglas Coupland, Player One
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grungiiuvu · 17 days
before becoming player 1, did player 1 like the character they ended up becoming?
*holding the mic up to player one, waiting for their answer. The reporters lean in, the camera lens whirred, desperate for any information about the elusive, mysterious person before them*
*player one opens their mouth, the world leans in... They begin to speak....*
*a power cut happens*
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dilfslayer69 · 7 months
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threemadetwo · 1 year
If you stare at someone for long enough does their face not become your own?
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fiftytwotwentyfour · 5 months
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Puzzle 1: Box One
Presented by Neil Patrick Harris
Created by Theory 11
Puzzle Classification: Table Top Escape Room
Price: ~ $35 (I did receive it as a gift)
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*** This Tabletop Escape Room was Brought to You by Nerd Gummy Clusters, Monster Energy, and Path Water ***
Jk - Just my choosen game fuel. Sadly, I'm without sponsorship...
If any of know me (especially from my ol' book blog) I tend to collect books and forget about them without ever reading them.
Apparently games/puzzles are no different.
I received this box couple holidays ago as a gift and I just shelved it - but - to be fair I was a bit preoccupied with other engagements/challenges - but - I am happy to state I am glad I waited and devoted my full attention to Box One.
I have purchased other Theory 11 merchandise before (mainly playing cards) because of their high quality and craftsmanship. I can easily report Box One is made of the utmost quality. Items inside were crisp, durable, and hold high production value.
I've done Tabletop Escape Rooms in the past and their in game mechanics are typically flimsy paper or janky cardboard. Inside Box One you will find cards made from heavy cardstock and items made with heft. Another classy touch - the game provides you paper and a pen so you need little to no outside items*.
One of absolute favorite thing about this box is the was that I didn't have to "destroy" anything - aka - I was able to repackage the game and I can share with an unsuspecting friend/family member.
It is made for the use of solo play - which for me is great because available/willing friends are few and far between - but if you are more popular than me you could still play with a couple of buds and still have blast.
Another area were Box One superceeds other basic Tabletop Escape Rooms is that the gameplay is mostly linear - you feel like you have a clear directive even as you have a "story/mystery/issue" yet to unravel - what I mean - as you play you actually feel like you are progressing with the game where as other escape rooms I've played in the past you just open up a box and haphazardly slap mini puzzles together while racing an arbitrary clock. Box One is a gem that you can comfortably/leisurely play in one or two hour/afternoon session.
As I have already said the quality and production value are top notch, but I did find one in game mechanic slightly irritating as it put a damper completion time. I did manage to find a work around and dive right back into the enjoyment of the game.
If I had to state any other cons - I would say some of the "challenges/mini games" almost - almost - boarded on being too tiresome. If they would have mixed things up a bit more, maybe shortened them up a bit, and/or added one or two more mechanics it would have been absolutely stellar game - near impossible to top.
Don't get me wrong - it was still awesome - I found it to be on the eaiser side. How things unraveled truly is what kept it compelling and engaging.
Completion Time: 2hr36min43sec91ms
Hints/Clues Used: Zero
Items Not Included / Needed:
Phone/Computer with Internet Connection
Flashlight/Light Source
Personal Rating: 7.5/10
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2024 Puzzle Record: 1/1
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beasanfi1997 · 7 months
Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Benedict Wong and Hannah John-Kamen played in Black Mirror and because the characters of Dark Crystal are true connected and because SkekVar was a real responsable to murder All-Maudra Mayrin, the mother of Seladon, and so Naia, Gurjin's sister, Is the aunt of Kira and because Hannah John-Kamen played Player One with Ralph Ineson that he play SkekMal and because he play Kingsman, the Witch and Game of Thrones with Taron Egerton, Anya Taylor-Joy and Natalie Emmanuel and Hannah John-Kamen too play Lara Croft with Alicia Vikander that She voice Mira, Rian's first love, that She play with Taron Egerton in the movie Testament of Youth and that too Kit Harrington(the actor of Jon Snow) played with them and Imagine that Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen reveals at the audience that Jen Is Rian and Deet's son.
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hawstar · 1 year
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micascarvalho · 5 months
What’s your favourite game ? 😅😃 Mine is : console FIFA & board game TIMES UP 😍
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quotespile · 1 month
You keep waiting for the moral of your life to become obvious, but it never does. Work, work, work: No moral. No plot. No eureka! Just production schedules and days. You might as well be living inside a photocopier.
Douglas Coupland, Player One
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lilybug-02 · 3 months
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Possession PSA.
Thank you @ferronickel for giving me this crack head idea.
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grungiiuvu · 1 month
aha! I got close. I will take my minor w thank you
i also compiled this for your pleasure
player one
The popular theories that are possible, some arguments for and against
Pei Ming: by far the most popular option. We don’t know much about the original character from Cultivator’s choice besides thw fact he and Ling Wen were close and he was mentor to Feng Xin. Those both still ring true now, so if he’s player one, he’s been around long enough to have been able to not become either of those things, so either he’s not plater one, or he’s decided to keep his character!s role close to canon. Has displayed behavior that suggest wanting to cause issues, but that could be because of his canon personality. Is he smart enough to come up with the seeing stones..? Unclear.
Ling Wen: not a very popular theory tbh, but worth mentioning briefly since she’s the correct age. She’s straying from her canon personality but that can easily be attributed to Mu qing’s actions (and as we know from sqx, characters can become people, and that has clearly at least started for her)
Mei Nianqing: i have seen this mentioned once and tbh i think it holds weight. Guy shows unprompted hostility to Mu Qing, which would make sense if he knows of Mu qing being a villain from reading the story, or could be suspicion becuase Mu qing has strayed FAR off the storyline (he seduced the male lead for Christ’s sake!). Thoughts Against? Not much honestly, because we havent spent enough time with him to know if he’s strayed off his original character (if that character was ever mentioned enough to have a personality that is)
Xie Lian: possibly the funniest of the ones here. Holds weight but i have some heavy doubt. From what i’ve seen of people with this theory, it’s largey based on how recently Xie Lian has been becoming his own person more (but again. See previous comment about characters being able to become people). There is also the fact that ye shows discomfort being called by his name (at least by Mu Qing). Personally i think this points more towards Xie lian having impostor syndrome due to being a nepo baby, or possibly being a player four, because these changes are too recent (and it doesnt seem that players are notified when another olayer enters the world, based on how SQX said they knew of player three (mq) from the message he sent, not from a notification of entering the world, so it is possible another player joined the game)
For a while Hua Cheng was considered, but that’s now largely been retired due to how he acts
I read this with such a grin on my face. You really do seem to be paying attention!!
You've made very good points across the board, i am truly enjoying this. I see you're not on board the popular theory of Feng Xin?
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dphotoworld · 10 months
Player One Astronomy Artemis-C Pro и Artemis-M Pro для астрофотографии получили охлаждение сенсора
Компания Cytron Japan Co., Ltd. выпустит охлажд... Читать дальше »
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fagtainsparklez · 3 months
i trust we’re all mature enough now so can i just the say philza ace race incident? genuinely one of the funniest fucking things to ever come out of mcc. it’s up there it’s the mcc7 battle box incident. so many grown adults decided to ignore the actual track signals because of their immutable trust in philza minecraft and i think that’s beautiful
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naturecalls111 · 6 months
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Gotta let your future kids know, cook! Gimme a sharpie!
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fluffyartbl0g · 4 months
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SPECIAL SHOUTOUT TO @wheryheart-rb AND @staryeclipse WHO WERE EPIC ENOUGH TO LEND ME THEIR KNOWLEDGE OF OVERWATCH T O T!!!! Stary wrote Nami's rant (tho I tweaked it a lil owo) and Whery suggested characters that Nami, Luffy, Franky, Zoro and Yamato could play as! (which u can see below,,, thanks guys <3)
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Anyways I was thinking about a modern AU, but ONLY about what video games everyone would play XD Though I've decided jinbei and brook are the type to not understand pc gaming at all,, so,,,,
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wotchernewt · 2 months
seriously though nothing can stop me from interpreting Real Life as canon just for how it progresses the canary curse situation. i'm obsessed with it. the curse gets broken in secret life and then in the very next "series", as much of a joke as it is, you get a situation like THAT. jimmy enters a mineshaft and everyone but him dies. not just his team, though obviously it's more significant because they were all red, but ren/martyn/skizz all get a mineshaft-death apiece. that canary's not doing his job anymore. he escaped his cage and made a break for the surface and everyone else is paying the price for it, and i for one could not be more proud of that little bird.
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