#platonic purposal
poorly-drawn-mdzs · 9 months
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There is a platonic explanation for all this. Right?
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fountainpenguin · 9 months
One of my favorite silly things is that during the Hermitcraft/Empires crossover, when Tango and Jimmy reunite and they're in that frozen heartbeat before they start screaming and running in circles around each other, Tango [creator] made the intentional choice to cover his screen in dozens of pink hearts and play sweet music and then... he really went on a stream and bemoaned that he "could have done more."
Sir???? You stopped dead in the middle of a conversation and stared at Jimmy with hearts obscuring your vision, then screamed unintelligible nonsense and ran circles around him, I think we got the message.
Tango really out here like "My special little guy really really REALLY missed his soulmate and I need EVERYONE to know" slkdjf Love him for playing up the bit
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saw that new article that was like "hacks is the greatest romcom on tv but in a totally platonic way because deborah makes fun of ava's hands being big all the time and would clearly never be dtf" and i was like "we are watching this show very differently"
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luckycloverforducks · 3 months
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(SWAP AU) Al threw him off of him 10 seconds after this
I think a recurring joke in the AU would be other people assuming Angel and Al are dating or something and they'd deny it (Alastor especially) but then turn around and do something that absolutely does not help their case
(Angel isn't famous in this AU so sometimes people think "Angel" might be a pet name (he uses Angel and Anthony interchangeably) and well, Angel is Angel)
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Their Deal is bound by promise, and neither has broken them yet
Would there be consequence if it was broken? No one knows. Alastor didn't really specify, or maybe Angel didn't catch it.
Anthony has zero clue, but for obvious reasons he'd rather not risk it.
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dantebt · 3 months
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wdyd when i
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hamofjustice · 11 months
nemona feels like an obscure blorbo instead of the main rival character from the latest pokemon game because to get to her really good content from people who really get it, you first have to wade through the ocean of yandere pervert obsessive stalker annoying punchable bimbo amazon goddess interpretations of...
... a neurodivergent and possibly disabled high schooler who's desperately trying to make any friends or get any support from her rich neglectful family - while everyone in her school is jealous of their own imagined version of a privileged asshole version of her they made up - who deeply and platonically loves and supports the one new kid who agreed to take the time to get to know and respect her and her special interest without having to hold back her true self
unlike her, it's not great!
kinda feels like she has the same problem in our world that she does in hers.
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unityrain24 · 29 days
hate when people refer to sex as "the bedroom." also hate how "slept/sleeping together" is a way to say "had/having sex together." why do you hate romance. why do you hate platonic. why must everything be about sex. did you really have to use platonic/romantic/nuetral terms and make them about sex. can't you just use sexual terms for sexual things.
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offonaherosjourney · 1 year
At some point Kazuki is going to vent to a mom from daycare about how hard parenting is and how he wished Rei helped more around the house and the woman is going to nod understandingly and ask Kazuki how long he and Rei have been married and Kazuki is going to give her a puzzled look and say "married? we're not even dating??", and that woman is going to laugh because haha turns out that Kazuki the failed stand-up comedian does have some good jokes after all.
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chansoooo1-blog · 6 months
The way Carmy starts avoiding and distancing himself from Sydney after he starts going out with Claire. Like you can't make this shit up??
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y-rhywbeth2 · 1 month
The idea of Bhaal betting on Durge eventually breaking down (from religious indoctrination, trauma bond, loss of purpose/ambition, whatever) and then they'll be ready to become his pawn again just to get some semblance of that back (and then he can punish them for their rebellion and failure).
But then Bane canonically taking an interest in the protagonist, whether they chose to control the brain or not, and also apparently having had an interest in Durge's ambition/cruelty pre-amnesia and calling dibs...
This could go hilariously.
Bane: “So you want ambition, power, dark purpose, and an unhealthy attachment to terrible authority figures do you?”
Bhaal: "You can't call dibs on my ex-Chosen, Bane!"
Bane, who never responds well to being told what to do: “Dibs.” :)
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wee-miss-noone · 2 years
Sooo.... do you prefer the Goth and Lover-Of-Life-And-Finer-Things-In-It Dynamic where the Goth ditches their Life-Loving BF(F) in overly dramatic fashion....
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...ooor the Goth and Lover-Of-Life-And-Finer-Things-In-It Dynamic  where the Lover-Of-Life-And-Finer-Things-In-It ditches and ghosts the Goth in overly dramatic fashion (possibly sending the Goth into a self-destructive spiral involving a lot of drinking and a mental breakdown)?
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just askin’
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rexscanonwife · 3 months
I'm getting the hang of making tiktoks now! I thought this one suited them really well 😂😂
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kittykatninja321 · 2 months
I went “I’m not into this but let’s hear them out” on one too many omegaverse fics and now I have thoughts and opinions and headcanons and shit. Horrifying. Please be careful it could happen to you
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im-not-a-l0ser · 14 days
Okay, as we know, i don't believe in bigot Max. I don't think it's real.
Buuuut, a Freaky Friday fic in which Richie is trans and Max not only has to deal with being in a nerds body, but being in the wrong body. For the first time, he understands why everything transphobic Max says to Richie gets to him— he realises it's not just another weakness to point out, it is directly attacking a person for something they can't control.
Max is so thankful to get his body back in the end, but he can't help but feel bad for Richie. He'd cried upon seeing he was in Max's body, and Max could swear he'd seen him choke a few times just looking down at himself. Richie had a few days in a body closer to his own and now he had to go back to dystopia.
(Max may of may not try to raise money for Richie’s transition, whose to say)
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koukaaa-descent · 3 months
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Both of us are going to die here. I just hadn't thought you'd be first.
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iersei · 8 months
I did my part 🫡
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Could I get Lincoln and Taylor being besties
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they are each other's ride or die !!!
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