#pink fong cartoon
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Hogi,poki,Jeni and pinkfong tee
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oneatlatime · 9 months
Return to Omashu
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Fire nation priorities. Yes, there's a war to win, but first! We must make our colonies aesthetically consistent. Couple of gates, some gold trim, and some spiky bits! Can't forget the gold spiky bits!
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Fulfilling the beat up Sokka quota this episode is raw sewage.
That sewer trek must have been long. They went in during the day and it's night now.
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I spoke too soon! The quota is in fact filled by tribbles.
"it's so awful I'm dying." I get the feeling that Sokka has been waiting years to use that line. I love how quickly everyone in the Gaang supports each others' spontaneous plans. It's a sign of a good team if you can ream off fake names without blinking and fake the plague without being asked. They all work so well together. Zuko could take some lessons from these guys on lying.
Well this episode's going to land differently post-Covid.
Looks like Zuko Jr.'s going to be in this episode. Bummer. Although tweedledee and tweedledum are intriguing. Who'd ever think to give a teenage girl villain a pair of eighty year old poetry twins? One of the great things so far about this show is how they consistently choose to go with the most out-there option and always make it work. In a show about defeating the firelord, they chose to kill the moon for the finale. And it worked. The plot point, not the killing.
So I'm thinking that orange and yellow must be an acknowledged fashion choice among the four nations outside of an airbending context, because of the number of times fire nation guards have looked right at Aang and not seen him. Also I think his tattoos must have selective invisibility.
It's a crying shame that Hot Topic doesn't exist in the Avatar universe, because this May girl just passed their employment interview with flying colours. I'm siding with what I'm guessing is her mom on this one. Just chill for a bit.
Ok maybe don't chill for a bit. Yeah my bad. This is not a good time to chill.
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Reusing the same Naruto run shot literally two seconds later.
How many projectiles can you fit in one pair of sleeves? She's got a whole armoury up there.
Seriously I know she's bored and all but no teenage girl should have access to that many weapons. If I'd had access to an armoury when I was a teenager, people absolutely would have died.
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So cute. I'll take 12 please.
Every sentence that Zuko Jr. is saying to this pink girl is some kind of veiled insult or threat. I'd adopt Pink Girl's wilful obliviousness too if I had to deal with that.
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Smart Bumi. He knows his people and his element. We've seen more than enough times already that something about being an earthbender makes you too stubborn to quit and unable to change plans even when your original plan is obviously not working (looking at you, Fong). So, knowing that his people are unable to change course, he prevents them from entering on to that course in the first place.
And Aang picks up on this too! Actually, since Bumi knew Aang growing up, do you think he picked up the concept of strategic retreat from airbending?
Tribbles to the rescue! Given that these are sewer dwelling creatures, this fake plague might turn real.
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I love how casual Sokka is about touching other people.
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Every street in Omashu seems to have a couple of bundles of twigs propped up against a wall somewhere. It's probably an animation trick to fill up the background.
Love the one guy really committing to the bit who just flops on the ground.
"Pentapox! I'm pretty sure I've heard of that." Humans are so suggestible.
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I love that Flopsy remembers him. Aang's propensity to make friends wherever he goes paying off again. Also, exactly how much metal to the fire nation have access to? They're doing the floor, walls, ceilings, of the whole city. There must be some crazy budget surpluses that need using up.
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This baby has an absurd throwing arm.
Machine gun Momo!
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This is what happens when you don't feed your lemur AANG.
I know cartoon physics is a thing, but can this baby secretly fly or something?
Poor Momo didn't ask for any of this. Guy just wanted some berries. Now he's getting his tail pulled and bitten (hopefully no teeth yet).
Add absurd grip strength to this baby's list of other superhuman characteristics.
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Baby apparently weighs quite a bit too.
Flying lemur unintentionally kidnaps baby. Did not see that coming.
Tiny nitpick: the circus master introduces Zuko jr. as "the firelord's daughter" rather than as Princess Zuko jr. Does she not have a title?
Nope. He's calling her princess now. Maybe there are a bunch of princesses in the fire nation and he was just being specific?
Thus begins the bullying of pink girl. Imagine going to school with a bunch of fire nation noble girls? There must have been casualties.
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I love Sokka so much. Expert hug administrator.
"everything so clever. So tricky." Actually the avatar forgot to feed his lemur and it kind of snowballed from there. Hands down one of my favourite tropes is when one side in a conflict assumes their enemies are master manipulators, then we learn that actually they're just failing upwards through shenanigans. Love that.
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Poor pink girl. The only viable strategy, both for her own safety and the safety of the whole circus, is appeasement.
"The universe is giving me strong hints that it's time for a career change." No blame cast, no fingers pointed, but also not giving Zuko jr. credit for influencing her. That's some fancy talking.
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And now they're reusing the campsite shot too?
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Poor Momo. That's about the face I make around babies.
I spoke too soon again. This episode's beat up Sokka quota is actually fulfilled by Katara's backhand. Because apparently it's a cardinal sin to prevent a baby from chewing on a potentially bladed weapon? Priorities girl.
Well that accidental kidnapping had some unintended positive consequences. Don't you love it when problems fix themselves?
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She even paints her nails black and wears fingerless gloves. Seriously. Hot Topic. STAT.
"Well, Asula called a little louder." Hell of a lot of information in that sentence.
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How long is her neck?
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Ego much?
Zhao was an asshole and unpleasant, but at least he had some good banter. Zuko jr. is just mean. I hope I see less of her going forward.
Bumi! Hi Bumi! I love Bumi.
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Pink girl's loyalty was tested with burning nets and released beasts. Now May's loyalty is tested with her brother's life. Zuko jr. is so good to her friends.
Why is no one able to recognise Aang? He's dressed like an airbender. The only one of those left is the avatar. It's not that hard.
Pink girl is lucky that Sokka is quite prone to friction.
More wood bundles. I guess it's for scaffolding?
Gotta give it to Zuko jr., she has excellent balance.
May has leg knives as well as arm knives?
And shirt knives. How does she not stab herself every time she sits down? And if this place is so boring, why does she feel the need to carry 8 billion knives?
Love the Appa tail slap. Underrated and underused move.
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So Bumi has no spine left.
Facebending. Neat.
Neutral Jing is a neat concept, but I'll be damned if any earthbender we've seen apart from Bumi ever bothers with it.
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Suddenly the 100 year gap between Aang and Bumi can no longer be ignored. Bumi is still Aang's friend, but he's got a century of learning and a city to protect. This is kind of a sad moment.
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Do May and Zuko have some history? Is that's what's being implied here?
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Wouldn't expect any less. I wonder how these two are going to explain the return of their son without painting the resistance in a really good light.
Zuko jr. is spelled with a Z.
Final Thoughts
Zuko Jr. gets a girl squad, the Gaang gets a reason to spend a season gallivanting all over the Earth Kingdom, and the audience gets to see Superslide part 2. A weird mix of establishing groundwork and having fun this episode.
I totally buy that the fire nation guards and governor fell for the plague thing. Anyone remember "that lemur! He's earthbending!" These guys are not smart.
The plague thing did not bother me at all. I thought it would, since the anti-science idiots in the Fortuneteller really annoyed me. I think since the fake plague was treated as a joke the whole way through, and never actually endangered anyone, it didn't bring up Covid memories.
I think Flopsy's pupils are sideways hourglasses, which contributes nicely to his uncanniness.
I think the stuffy that the baby was throwing is the same animal as the beaver bear thing at the circus.
I love Momo the machine gun. I think those are the same berries as the ones Iroh was going to double poison himself with.
Sokka getting to plan the plague and getting to save the day with boomerang was fun. That's two episodes in a row where he's been the plan guy. Katara got to use some of her new and improved waterbending as well, but she was really pushed to the background otherwise.
I think pink Girl, whose name I still haven't caught, is quite good at reading people. I caught more than one 'shallow-on-the-surface-but-actually-way-deep' statement from her. Also she can Vulcan pinch people's bending? I'm guessing it's temporary or else Katara would be really freaking out.
May was just too much. Too overdone. Yes, there are teenage girls like that, but it felt a bit on the nose. Actually, way too much on the nose. I get that she can't show any emotion in front of Zuko jr. for her own safety, but "can I offer you an egg fireflakes in this trying time?" is not exactly an appropriate response to your little brother's disappearance.
I'm still not liking Zuko jr. But I'm someone who never likes the villain anyway, at least not when our heroes are this likeable.
This episode was not easy on Aang. It was an interesting mix of bringing home the reality of the war and the reality of the time passed. Even when he seemingly got to save his friend in the end, he actually didn't because things are more complicated now. He untied the damsel from the railroad track and she tied herself right back on.
Further evidence for my 'entire fire nation is colourblind' theory this episode. Aang was not disguised apart from a hat made from a very incriminating colour. He had a giant blue stripe down the back of his head! Come on!
No Zuko this episode. He was last seen stealing a perfectly nice lady's bird horse, and it'll be a while before I forgive him for that, so good call by the writers to not have him around.
Now that I think about it, there was a lot going on this episode. Sewer break & enter, assassination attempt, fake plague, hostage exchange, water v. knife fight, fire v. air fight, vulcan pinch v. bending fight, Boomerang & bison v. knife fight, earthbending philosophy, girl squad assembly, lemur harassment, and baby restoration. This episode felt long in a good way.
How about, instead of learning the elements, Aang learns pink girl's vulcan pinch and just does that to the fire lord?
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cocoabubbelle · 1 year
Watching “Scooby Doo, Where Are You?” (1969-1970 CBS) + Thoughts
Episode 19: Mystery Mask Mix Up
Is it me or is the typeface for the episode card different?
Why are the subtitles not working?
When Daphne expressed interest in buying the mask that totally has nothing to do with the creepy guys earlier wanting to search for a particular mask: “Looks like Daphne wants to scare off a couple of new boyfriends 😜” You wish that were true Shaggy 😚 sorry its the Shaphne in me.
Store owner I know these goons caught you by surprise and are intimidating, but why would you say to whom you sold the mask to?
Daphne’s pink tights apparently glow in the dark.
It would appear that not only is Velma one of the strongest members of the Scooby Gang, she’s also the most physically imposing by the way everyone hides behind her. No wonder she joins Shaggy in the MultiVersus Game.
“Quick Scooby! Make like a Watchdog!” Well, he’s trying, but not everyone is afraid of a large, 120lb Great Dane.
Apparently Scooby speaks Mandarin or Cantonese,…or whatever the writers though that dialogue sounded remotely like any of the Chinese languages (I cannot speak any of the languages, but I heard “gomen” thrown in by Scooby, which sounds more like the short version of the Japanese “gomennasai”)
Scooby uses Shirt Presser. It’s super effective!
Mr. Fong, the Art Dealer, warns that as long as Daphne keeps the mask, she will be in great danger. A genuine precaution, or a warning by one of the three culprits (the supposed ghost of this mask + his two henchmen)?
Fraphne? (Daphne holding on Fred’s arm in worry; then again, both Freddy and Velma are holding her defensively, so it might just be platonic protectiveness)
Daphne too stubborn to hold onto the mask she bought rather than hand it over to the police or Mr. Fong for safekeeping (tbf it probably costed her a pretty penny.)
“I didn’t know that zombies could ride cars.”
Second time we hear an upbeat song playing for a chase scene. Also, Fred’s a reckless driver.
The girls are holding onto Shaggy for dear life during this car chase. Smart, as he’s probably powerful enough to deflect potential damage from car crashes. (Also mini Shelma since she’s the closest to him)
Mystery Van is able to smash through a hotel entrance, go through lobby, and up the stairs. I call shenanigans on both this logic and that none of the Scooby Gang will be charge for disturbing the peace. (Mini Fraphne again: she’s holding onto him for dear life while she and the rest of the gang almost fall out their seats from Fred’s crazy driving.)
Hilariously, the Zombie henchmen weren’t dumb enough to follow the Mystery Van into the hotel, so patiently waited for it to come out to resume chase.
How did you guys get on top of a building?! Freddy don’t cover your eyes with the rest of the gang YOU’RE THE ONE THAT GOT THEM INTO THIS SITUATION OWN UP TO IT!!!
Parkour: Mystery Van Style.
Oh, so driving into hotels is too extreme for Zombies, but driving onto and off of buildings isn’t?!
Mystery Van drops down and crashes through a glass ceiling without any scratches. SHENANIGANS, I tell ya!!
I forgot to mention this in the previous episode, but the Mystery Van’s interiors changes more than my mental health status on a day to day basis.
Have they not learned last episode’s lesson of locking the doors to the back of their car?? You left your dog behind again!! (See episode
Dear 70s: why are cheesy love songs the go-to-music for chase scenes????
Scooby uses bike; it was ineffective.
Because a big car slipping on a banana peel makes sense.
My sis: why does the weird cartoon logic bug you so much?? ; Me: I DON’T KNOW IT’S NEVER BUGGED ME BEFORE BUT IT DOES NOW!!!
Animation Goof: Scooby’s arm momentarily turns green as he tries to unearth Shaggy from the pile of spilled fishes from a boat Fred crashes into. (Funny Frelma moment as they exchange quips.)
Of course the Zombies immediately capture, bind, and gag Daphne and have her in their car offscreen without anyone noticing.
Secret message that can be read via reflections.
Of course the temple doors they sneak through aren’t locked.
Good news: Fred and Velma immediately find Daphne after splitting up with Shaggy and Scooby. Bad news: t’was a trap.
“What you can’t see can’t hurt ya!” *proceeds to crash as soon as he enters the mysterious room with his eyes covered.*
“I dare you to cross this line! >:D” Bad guy: *crosses line like a boss.* “D:”
Question: is it possible to ride Great Danes like horses in real life?
Shaggy and Scooby disguise themselves and speak like racist caricatures. (Did Scooby technically dress like a racist caricature of a Native American last episode?)
Sitting on a lit fuse of dynamite stops the flame but burns your seat.
Accidental rescue! The Scooby Gang’s reunited.
Pigeon Coop. Daphne has a princess moment and lovingly cuddles a pigeon/dove(?) while Velma reads a suspicious message it had tied to its leg.
First time we hear that Shaggy has a model train set, and Fred wants to use it for a trap. Break your own toys, Freddy!
“I sure hope this crazy contraption works.” “Sure it will!” Me: *checks the score between Fred’s successful vs unsuccessful traps* 😬
Poor Scooby isn’t able to finish setting up his part of the traps in time, so winds up caught in it along with the criminals.
Useful policemen/sheriffs/detectives yet again! And yes, Mr. Fong was one of the bad guys.
Day 19 of no “And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren’t for you meddling kids!” For being one of the most well known catchphrases of this entire franchise, it surprisingly took a while for it to actually be a thing. *sees there are only 6 episodes left this season.* 😐
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artchyoungk · 2 years
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The Boy Who Cried Wolf.
(based on a cartoon by Pink Fong)
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designhouseph · 6 years
A Vector arts of Baby Shark family with Pink Fong for sale
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aylinaliens · 3 years
One invisible gold thread (tied me to you) — Chapter 1
Fandom: 2Gether
Pairings: Earn/Pear, Pear/Air, Sarawat/Tine, Ohm/Fong
Summary: Soulmate did not always equate to romance, most spend their lives together as platonically. That is exactly what Earn thought would happen with Pear—but as they spent more time together in person, Earn struggles to calm the raging storm of emotions in her heart. Soon enough, Earn finds herself drawn in like a moth to a flame, Pear’s soft bubblegum pink cardigan and bright eyes serving as balm to her soul. At first, Earn just denies what she feels inside, claiming that the only reason her throat closed up when she was in the proximity of the soft-spoken medical student was because of indigestion. As Earn spends more time with her soulmate, she begins to struggle with understanding the intricacies of her own sexuality, but realization never actually dawns on her until she finds out someone was actively pursuing Pear. That was when Earn starts to come to turns with her feelings...but it was too late now. Right?
Word Count: 1779
Notes: in honor of 2gether the movie being announced i have decided to finally post this because let’s be honest...gmmtv is going to clown on us earnpear shippers again. i typically hate love triangles but dear uranus has made me realize that wlw!love triangles are God Tier so thus this fic was born. hope you like tropes because !! this fic will have it all. soulmates? roommates? fake dating? mutual pining? friends to lovers? unrequited love? bed sharing? friends with benefits? it’s what these sapphics deserve
Read the first chapter on Ao3 or down below!
Curiously, Earn lifted her arm and brought it closer to her face so she could examine it. Sarawat obviously understood what was happening, also recently finding his soulmate, so he just leaned back in his seat, sipping on his drink, and quietly observing the own messages on his forearm.
After nearly seven minutes of waiting Pear was done and it was...definitely not doodle of a cat. No, it was something else.
“Oh god. Did she draw a penis?”
Sarawat choked on his drink in surprise. “What?” He gaped. “What did you just say?”
“I said my soulmate just drew an anatomically correct penis on my arm.”
A familiar fluttering sensation cursed through Earn’s body, signaling another message has appeared. She was mid conversation with Sarawat in the process of telling him what time their gig for tomorrow was but never got to.
Full of excitement and butterflies Earn quickly yanked her sleeve up—it’s been thirty six hours since her soulmate last sent a message. It was normal for Pear to disappear for days on end so Earn was used to the delayed reply.
As she glanced down at her forearm she expected to see a reply to the conversation she asked a few days ago but instead it was a drawing.
Once again no big deal—Pear was artistic. She had always sent doodles to Earn.
However, this drawing was not simply just of animals or flowers. She couldn’t exactly tell what it was right now because Pear was still drawing it.
Curiously, Earn lifted her arm and brought it closer to her face so she could examine it. Sarawat obviously understood what was happening, also recently finding his soulmate, so he just leaned back in his seat, sipping on his drink, and quietly observing the own messages on his forearm.
After nearly seven minutes of waiting Pear was done and it was...definitely not doodle of a cat. No, it was something else.
“Oh god. Did she draw a penis?”
Sarawat choked on his drink in surprise. “What?” He gasped. “What did you just say?”
“I said my soulmate just drew an anatomically correct penis on my arm.”
Sarawat looked shocked and positively scandalized but he was not the only one. Earn was just as confused. She held her arm up for him to see and after a few seconds of studying it he came to the same conclusion.
“She drew an anatomically correct penis on your arm. With labels. Why did she send you an anatomically correct penis on your arm?”
Earn lifted her shoulder up in a shrug, leaning down to rummage through her bag to find a pen. Once she did she yanked the cap off and scribbled a quick message.
um...is there like context or a reason that you drew that?
She waited awhile for a reply, staring intently down at her arm for any new piece of ink. It did not matter how long she waited it never came. At least a reply to that question never came. As she studied her arm for what seem like forever the conversation with Sarawat died away.
He knew she was far too preoccupied with with waiting for a message to appear. He was probably the only one in the band who could truly understand what Earn was feeling since he was the only one who had recently discovered his soulmate mark.
Tine was terrible, if not more so, at replying in a timely matter. Sometimes Tine would wait hours just to answer back with a single letter, either forgetting to reply or simply not noticing it.
So Earn waited. Minute after minute. Nothing. Just as she was about to give up that familiar fluttering sensation came back, making her heart soar.
But it was not a reply to Earn’s question. No. It wasn’t even a word.
It was just a smaller anatomically correct penis that was colored in instead of labeling.
Earn pursed her lips in bewilderment but decided that she obviously would not get a reply any time soon.
“I don’t know.” She admitted, shrugging once more. “I really don’t know.”
The first Earn noticed her soulmate mark she was seventeen. She had gym during school today so in between classes she hoped in the shower for a quick rinse off. She didn’t notice any ink nor did she feel abnormal as she scrubbed the dirt and sweat away.
It was afterwards, when she was towel drying her body and trying to slip back on her uniform that she saw pink ink near her wrist.
Confusion coursed through her as she brought her arm toward the light for a better look. She didn’t remember writing anything on her arms.
At first Earn didn’t quite understood what it said due to how faint it was but the longer she stared the more she could understand it.
Mitochondria is the powerhouse cell.
She was shocked, that was sure, but she didn’t have time to think too critically about it because the bell signifying her next class was about to begin snapped her out of it.
Earn forgot about that day in the shower for a few weeks. She knew that soulmates and soul marks were real but it never registered to Earn that was what it was. She didn’t have a soulmate. No way did she have a soulmate. Earn just...forgot that she wrote that. Yeah. That is exactly what happened.
It wasn’t until she was laying in bed one day, laptop perched on her lap as she hummed along to her favorite band, that the memory of that day came flooding back.
A stinging sensation started at the base of her spine and slowly traveled up until her fingertips were tingling and her her throat was constricting. Soon enough the sensation had made its way all over he body, from her fingertips to her toes Earn felt it.
It didn’t hurt, quite the opposite, but it was enough to pause what she was doing.
Then the stinging feeling evaporated into thin air. It was like it never happened. Instead it was replaced by something akin to butterflies but vastly more intense.
A half done math equation appeared near her elbow. A math equation Earn never even learned.
A few beats of silence passed before more ink appeared. It was of a cartoon bunny holding up a sign that that had a phrase on it: Susu Pear!
Earn could no longer pretend like she forgot about writing on her arm. No. This was a soulmate mark.
She practically threw off her laptop off and hastily scrambled out of bed to her desk to grab a pen. Once she found one she tore off the cap and scribbled out a word, feeling as if her heart would leap out of her chest.
Earn waited for a reply what seemed like years but in reality it was only half a minute.
Oh god. Oh my god. She had a soulmate.
None of her friends of family got their soulmate marks yet so she was utterly confused on what to do next. She could search the web for answers but she was scared that her soulmate would disappear.
cute bunny drawing. is your name pear?
The reply was almost instantaneously, showing up before Earn even finished her own message.
thank you! yes, my name is pear. what’s your name?
Before Earn could reply again Pear wrote something else back, just below her previous message.
you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to! i know that some people ignore their soulmate marks.
Butterflies erupted in Earn’s stomach once again but this time it was not because of the ink. Soulmate. Pear just confirmed it. There was no backing out of it now.
my name is earn and...i don’t want to ignore this. unless...you want to?
no! i don’t want to ignore this. i want to um, get to know you. can we do that?
of course. what do you want to know?
That’s exactly what Earn did, she told Pear everything. Not that night but over the next few years they essentially bared their souls to each other in every sense of the word. Sometimes they would write whole entire essays to each other, forced to erase the earlier conversations or come up with new creative places to write. Sometimes they would send doodles back in forth.
After a few months of talking when the two settled into a comfortable routine, somehow becoming each others biggest supporters. Before every exam, Pear would send Earn the same little cartoon bunny cartoon drawing. Every time the message on the poster was different.
susu earn!
you can do it.
good luck!
earn! you got this!
i'm always rooting for you!
you got this, babe!
Sometimes the messages were so cheesy that Earn felt color flood her cheeks and often never replied because she didn’t know what to say. She would feign innocence when this happened, claiming she was just so nervous about her exam that she forgot to reply.
It was ridiculous—she was so tongue tied and bashful over the same messages you would find on motivational stickers. If anyone else drew these things Earn would think it was dumb but because it was from Pear she thought it utterly adorable.
Earn in return took up to expanding Pear’s musical knowledge and interests. She would use her arms to write down random bits of lyrics she thought of instead of on paper. Pear always took care to never erase those lyrics until Earn gave her the green light.
However, most of the time they just talked. About anything. About nothing. After a few years went by of this Earn grew fond of the soulmate she knew virtually everything yet nothing about.
Unlike most people who got soulmate marks she dated. It was nothing serious, it never was, but she got to experience many different firsts.
Pear, on the other hand, apparently never dated—before or after the soulmate mark appeared—swearing she was far too busy with trying to get into college and than medical school to date. Besides, she wrote one day, I have you. That’s enough.
Messages like that always left Earn melting into a puddle of goo. The thing with soulmates is that they didn’t exactly have to be romantic. Hundreds of thousands of soulmates got their mark but decided to just stay platonic. That’s exactly what Earn thought would happen to them.
It’s not as if she never thought about them in a romantic sense, Earn did more than she cared to admit, but she would always quickly shake out of when she realized that it would never between them too like that.
It has been almost four years and neither of them has asked to meet yet. Surely if they wanted to meet each other they could of. At the start they found out that they only lived three hours apart. After they began college, Earn and Pear found out that they were even closer to each other.
Yet they always managed to skirt around that topic. It would happen one day or it never will Earn wrote one day either way let's just stay like this while we wait for that day to come.
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osslove · 3 years
2021 Christmas Mall Decoration And Christmas LED Lights
Of course, the designated action for Christmas is to watch the lighting! There are dazzling Christmas decorations everywhere in Hong Kong, and shopping malls in various districts have created unique Christmas check-ins with different themes, from popular cartoon characters to Christmas markets, to celebrate with you the most lively moments of the winter every year. We have summarized the most worthy Christmas decorations for you, and let you have fun at Christmas!
Metroplaza “Berry Christmas in LotsoLand”
This winter, Kwai Fong Metropolitan Plaza will bring a pink burst of Lausu Bear Lotso theme Christmas decorations, leading everyone into the super eye-catching Strawberry Bear Paradise! Blessed are fans of Disney and Pixar’s classic animation “Ark of Fighting”. From November 12 to January 2, 2022, Metropolis Plaza will host the first Lao Su bear-themed “Strawberry Workshop” decoration in Hong Kong , Erected a three-meter-high statue of Laosu, a Christmas tree of light and shadow, more than ten thousand new Guinea nymphs and a sea of ​​flowers. Among them, the nine-meter-long “furry corridor” is very proud, it looks like a warm hat! There is a limited time store in the atrium on the third floor of the mall, selling Japanese direct delivery and limited time Lao Su and Disney products; in addition, with designated The Point member points and same-day electronic money consumption, or general customers can redeem limited labor with designated same-day electronic money consumption. Su mask and mask cover or vacuum glass bottle.
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Citywalk “Ice Dream Kingdom”
From November 16th to January 2nd, 2022, Tsuen Wan Citywalk will bring everyone into the snow world of Disney animation “Frozen”, and let everyone take pictures at the ice castle and the crystal garden. Don’t miss the different check-in slots, such as “Little White Wishing Tree”, “Ice and Snow Crystal Garden”, “Floating Snow Paradise”, 360-degree immersive “Ice and Snow Fantasy Wonderland” mirror room and so on. In addition to checking in with popular characters Elsa, Anna, and Olaf, there is a limited-time store selling themed products on site. S+ Rewards members can experience the “Ice and Snow Fantasy Wonder” or the effect of falling snow with designated points. On designated weekends and holidays during the promotion period, with designated S+ Rewards points, you can go to the second phase of the mall to participate in the Christmas parent-child workshop. The Tsum Tsum mini model of the “Frozen” character is equipped with LED lights to make ice and snow dream lighting.
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“Disney Winter Celebration” Disney sparkling winter lighting
Disney’s streaming platform Disney+ will land in Hong Kong this autumn and winter, taking advantage of the Christmas Sino Group’s seven major shopping malls Tuen Mun City Plaza, Olympian City, Citywalk, Tsim Sha Tsui Center, Empire Center, China Hong Kong City and Sino Plaza. It is also beneficial for East Street to cooperate with Disney. , Held a series of “Disney Winter Celebration” activities to create a cross-shopping festival party. Starting from November 11th, Christmas LED strip lights will be lit up in Tsim Sha Tsui Centre and Empire Centre. The giant LED multimedia curtain wall facing the sea in Victoria Harbour is composed of 8,2000 thousand color-changing LED dots, covering a total area of ​​4,000 square meters. It exclusively broadcasts Christmas lighting videos of the six major Disney+ brands. In addition, there are Tuen Mun City Plaza, Olympian City, Citywalk Christmas short film on Lee Tung Street. The Christmas LED lights in Mody are based on the four major Disney+ brands, Disney, Pith, Marvel and Star Wars, creating a fantasy Disney+ universe; as for the outer walls of the Empire Center, China Hong Kong City and Sino Plaza, there will be Christmas LED lights featuring Disney+ characters. Disney fans should definitely check it out.
Popular Disney characters Elsa, Mickey Mouse, Woody, Buzz Lightyear, Iron Man, etc. will appear in major shopping malls in different forms. Just take photos and upload them to Instagram and Facebook, and add the tags “#SinoMalls2021” and “#Sino Group Mall 2021”. The most popular and creative lucky winners will win rich prizes and Disney gifts.
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Mira Place “Jingle All The Rail” Christmas Europe Station
Mira Place, a shopping mall in Tsim Sha Tsui, will create a Christmas decoration with the theme of the European station from now until January 2, 2022, making you feel like you are on a European trip. A giant golden clock is hung in the mall, and a seven-meter-high shimmering mirror art ticket office is set up in the atrium. It is very beautiful to check in in the dream mirror room; in addition, there is the “Mira Place Dream Train” and a four-meter-high champagne Christmas tree. Every 15 minutes, the atrium will stage a “Jingle All The Rail” music and light show. The train starts to emit smoke with the music, and the LED lights, Christmas bell and LED screen flash together at the same time.
During the event, check in at the station and share it on Instagram* (details). The photos with the most Christmas atmosphere have a chance to win exciting prizes, including a “Check-in Master Award” The Mira Hong Kong festive and indulgent accommodation experience (worth $6,800) ) And 19 “Finalists Award”. Mira Place members can drive the “Xunmei/Xunwei Train” in the atrium with a single purchase of $100 in electronic currency, and receive instant rewards based on the distance they drive the train. A total of more than 4,000 beauty and food rewards will be given away.
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Shining Point East Yao Hong Kong
Every Christmas and New Year, colorful and dazzling LED lights will be lit up all over Tsim Sha Tsui East. In 2021, the 39th anniversary of “Sparkling Tsim Sha Tsui East” will be celebrated. The outer walls of buildings in Tsim Sha Tsui East and the promenade will be replaced with Christmas LED lights. The multimedia curtain wall lighting at Tsim Sha Tsui Center and Empire Center is composed of more than 80,000 LED dot LED lights, which change color with the dynamic rhythm; the three flyovers of Mody Road are equipped with Christmas card-themed lighting; a sea of ​​LED lights is hung in Mody, and the outer wall of Nanyang Center is hung. “V Love HK” and the LED lights of the gingerbread man falling from the sky holding a balloon and so on. Don’t miss the Santa Claus skating at Wing On Plaza, the 38-class giant snowflake at The Royal Garden in Hong Kong, the environmentally friendly golden shining beads at the New World Millennium Hong Kong Hotel, the straight-line love at the Kowloon Shangri-La Hotel, the Regal Kowloon Hotel and the Grand InterContinental Hotel Christmas LED lights and so on. Click here to see this year’s limited Disney lighting!
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Harbour City “Christmas Passenger Terminal”
Every Christmas, the large-scale Christmas installation at Harbour City in Tsim Sha Tsui attracts many people to take pictures of the pilgrimage. In 2021, the theme of Christmas Harbour City is “Christmas Terminal” to create a joyful Christmas passenger terminal. The protagonist Cookie Penguin accidentally scattered Christmas cookies all over the place. The scene is very interesting. The outdoor Christmas installation at the main entrance of Ocean Terminal will be extended to near the Star Ferry Terminal, with a reserved access route near the sea. According to tradition, the Harbour City Christmas installation is a fundraiser for the Hong Kong Blood Cancer Fund. This year, a charity photo zone will be set up on site. The public must make an appointment online.
On November 18th, everyone can go to Harbour City to participate in the light-up event, kicking off the 20th year of charity fundraising. If you are interested in participating in the on-site lighting, you can register on Klook from November 12th. Each group of up to four people can donate $250 to attend. There are 80 groups on a first-come, first-served basis. Please check the Harbour City Facebook page for registration details. November Announced on the 12th.
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Yoho Mall “Winter Day: Wonderland of the Forest”
From November 13 to January 2, 2022, Yoho Mall uses light and shadow installations to create a fantasy forest wonderland. “Winter Day: Wonderland of the Forest” set up different check-in points in the first and second phases of the atrium and Yoho Urban Farm respectively, including the giant interactive installation “Gem of Wish Light”, the “Flower Labyrinth” with erected arches, and a six-meter high The “Aurora Colorful Glass Christmas Tree” and the 15-fan-long “Fairy Starlight Wishing Corridor” allow you to take beautiful photos full of winter feeling.
Log in to the “Shindi Shopping Mall” mobile app to play the “Fantasy Forest Secret Treasure Hunt” interactive device game, and have a chance to win the ultimate prize of 1 million The Point membership points! From December 1st to February 28th, 2022, members of The Point by SHKP can redeem shopping coupons and enjoy up to $1,600 rebate after spending a specified amount in electronic currency at the venue.
In addition, the shopping mall will hold the “Morning Handmade Market” in the underground piazza on designated weekends in conjunction with the Rye Catcher, bringing 20 local hand-made and boutique stalls. You can also participate in the Christmas Canvas Photo Frame Workshop and the Christmas Sand Bottle Workshop to make gifts for others.
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Plaza Hollywood “Kakao Friends Christmas Dreamland”
From now to January 2, 2022, the “Kakao Friends Christmas Dreamland” will be set up in the atrium of Plaza Hollywood, Diamond Hill, which combines interactive game elements and a limited-time store to enjoy Christmas with you. Christmas Dreamland has a number of colorful check-in locations, and adults can check-in everywhere. Children can even play “Ryan Flying Over the Pirate Ship” two-meter high skating and jumping on the trampoline in the “Apeach Bouncing Coffee Cup”! You only need to spend more than $200 in the venue, or you can participate in the game once with five points from the VIC member of Plaza Hollywood.
Every Saturday, Sunday and public holidays from November 13th, the mall will hold a “Ryan & Apeach Meet-up”. You can participate in the meet-up with designated spending or points; you can redeem Kakao Friends 2022 from November 20 Monthly calendar, Octopus set or dinner plate.
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Moko New Century Plaza “Miffy Nordic Winter Snow Art Village”
From November 4th to January 2nd, 2022, Moko New Century Plaza will present the “Miffy Nordic Winter Snow Art Village” Christmas decorations, creating a lovely scene in a fresh Nordic style. A small Nordic village is set up in the atrium of the mall, three meters high Miffy and other friends characters Uncle Pilot and Melanie are waiting for you to take a photo together!
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Log-on “Moomin-The Spirit of Adventure” limited-time store
From November 3 to 29, Log-on in Causeway Bay will hold a Moomin family-themed limited-time store, bringing cute and healing check-in spots. During the limited-time store, Moomin family forest huts and camping picnic scenes are set up, which is full of autumn laziness. The limited-time store will first sell a variety of exclusive limited products, including Moomin sleeping bag-shaped pillows, camping LED smart lights, picnic mats, and wooden pallets. You can also get a limited Moomin gift wrapping paper when you purchase the specified amount in the store. There are four types to choose from. The best gift is for you. If you want to buy Christmas gifts, there are other cartoon characters in the same scene including Kakao Friends, Sanrio, Hayao Miyazaki, Yuru Chara mascot, Snoopy, corner creatures, Lego and other themed products and Christmas decorations. You must check it out when exchanging gifts!
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a34trgv2 · 4 years
Why Is Baby Shark?
So, Baby Shark recently crossed 7.2 billion views on YouTube, surpassing Despacito. Honestly, I don't find it too surprising as Baby Shark is very popular amongst kids. What I still can't wrap my head around though is why this song? Why did kids gravitate strongly towards Baby Shark and not something like Wheels On The Bus or This Little Light Of Mine? Well I have a few theories but I doubt will have a conclusive answer by the end of this post.
The song itself is fine as far as nursery rhymes go. It's simple enough for kids to sing along, it has a bouncy tune and at the very least it teaches kids what you should do if you encounter a family of sharks. Not that you likely would, but I digress. I guess if I was a little kid I'd sing along too, but as a full grown adult, I don't find myself singing along intentionally. This is because despite being a harmless children's song, I think there are much better songs kids could be singing with much more important messages.
That video by Pink Fong though is the very first people think of when they hear the words Baby Shark. It's not hard to see why as the video is straight up bonkers! It's basically just a couple of kids in front of a green screen running away from a family of colorful cartoon sharks. I imagine those kids must've been having a lot of fun on set because this was just a ludicrous concept for a video. Yet it's its silly nature that makes kids want to watch it over and over again.
There's also the dance that's commonly associated with this song and it is odd to say the least. So as the song plays, the kids will stick their arms out and open and close them as if they were on big mouth. There's also hand swaying, finger pointing and running in place involved. Apparently kids seems to like it as there are countless videos of them dancing to this song.
So why is Baby Shark? Well at first I thought it was just a fad that people would forget about in a week. Now Baby Shark is a global phenomenon with a ton of merch and a new TV show coming to Nickelodeon. As to why though, I don't really have a clear answer. Kids just seem to like it and that's fine. While I still think kids should listen to a song that's just as bouncy but has a much more important message (i.e. It's A Small World or This Little Light Of Mind), it's overall fairly harmless. I guess the big take away here is Baby Shark is here to stay for a little while longer.
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geekbroll · 4 years
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Kellogg's Baby Shark cereal - 13.2 oz box The extent of my knowledge of #BabyShark is the video of the protesters singing the song to a scared kid. Apparently it's a campfire song popularized by South Korean company Pink Fong who make children's videos for YouTube. This cereal is licensed from #PinkFong #kelloggs #cetealbox #mommyshark #cerealisle #daddyshark #babysharkcereal #winco #kelloggscereal #doodoodoodoodoodoo #sharksofinstagram #sharkweek #cartoons #cartooncharacters #jaws #cerealmascots (at WinCo) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8ydp4cBGc-/?igshid=1580dp9qmanuz
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Pinkfong and Hogi T-shirts
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Pinkfong Stickers Pack
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