#phones with keyboards
z0mbgender · 8 months
Thinking about the ending for saw x had Amanda and John opening a door and stepping out into the light VS every other movie ending with a door being closed and being left in darkness
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Little things I don't know what to do with
1. Phantom: Just because you're my dad doesn't mean you get to tell me what to do!
Nightwing: *just now learning he has a clone son and is nearly hysterical* Actually, it does!
Killer croc: *still holding Phantom by the neck but is now awkward about it* Uh, is this a bad time?
2. Tim goes undercover as Alvin Draper in infiltrate this new and very successful gang thats popped up in Gotham only to start falling for the mysterious leader Danny Nightingale aka a mage going by the name Hex
3. Future 7ft tall Phantom bursts into present day Gotham City like a meteor. Curled into a ball, he desperately tries to keep his unconscious husband safe from the flames and impacts as they are thrown through several buildings before creating a crater in one of the local parks
By some miracle his hubby is safe and Danny passes out once he sees some of the local bats approaching via rooftops
4. Danny flirts with Spoiler by bringing her wierd stuff thats purple. What makes it interesting is that none of this stuff should be purple
5. Danny accidentally ends up in the DC universe via ghost zone portal after he gets injured by one of his parents failed experimental weapons and it destabilizes him. He fights Superman thinking he's possessed and hes actually creaming Superman pretty bad since Clark can't hit what isn't tangible but oh boy, it can hit him.
Anyway the other supers come out to save Superman and began ganging up on Phantom.
Danny, fully convinced they're all possessed, opens a portal and manages to get them all in using Looney Toons Trickery promising to come back and "free the hosts" once he gets a more stable portal. Danny can't go through it since he's so unstable and has to look for some way to fix himself before it becomes a (after)life-threatening issue.
Turns out Ectoplasm is somehow worse for a Kryptonian than Kryptonite and they have no powers what so ever within the Ghost Zone and everything aches.
And they're basically living out every creepypasta/horror movie ever in this creepy hell dimension.
Fun times.
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purgetrooperfox · 3 months
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cadmium-free · 7 months
changing careers to become a freeloading catgirl. the job description is for me to lie across whatever you're doing and go touch my belly touch my belly touch my belly touch my belly and then maim you when you give in. and i demand a salary of 100k a year for this crucial service im offering
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bahoreal · 7 months
the keyboard types for you. they can be customised as much as you like (e.g. additon of numberpads) these are just examples of each of em
mechanical / slim / touchscreen
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emojiturtledaily · 8 months
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Day 896: 🐢 & 👾
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their name is mirren! they're a.... detective maybe?? i mean they say they're a detective but there's no way that's true. they'd probably take at least three hours to realize there's something off about gingi. also they would likely be found in the cinema, after you've wandered around a bunch and some time has passed. there'd be an option to talk to the weirdo standing awkwardly by the popcorn butter station, and they would immediately say something so strange and stupid that the narrator needs a minute to process it
uhhhhhh i doubt many ppl will wanna but if u wanna ask questions (about or to them) feel free to, just make sure to specify that it's for them in the ask. i might do a quick doodle :)
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*Chase when finding out Buddy is around 2 years older than him*
Chase: So, how was the Victorian era?
Buddy: Peaceful
Chase: Why? Because it was slower paced and not everyone was staring at their screens?
Buddy: No, because you weren't there
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egophiliac · 9 months
Hello! Sorry to bother but do you have any digital art tips? I’m quite new to it and any tips, tricks or advice would be helpful! Your coloring style is very beautiful and I love it a lot!
thank you! 💚💚💚 sorry this is a bit late, hopefully there's still something helpful in it!
(also, it got pretty long, sorry!)
I think the biggest thing is to just take things slow -- digital art feels different than drawing traditionally, and it's SUPER easy to get overwhelmed by the billions of cool features that the digital world offers. (I say, as someone who spends a lot of time downloading cool brushes and textures...and then never using them ever.) there is a ton of really cool stuff you can do digitally, but because there's so much, I think it's really important to take time to figure out what is and isn't working for you. spend some time doodling without any intent to do a finished piece, figure out how you like to hold (or not hold) your tablet, what keyboard shortcuts you end up using a lot (and therefore might want to map to your pen/tablet buttons for quicker use)...that kind of thing!
everyone's workflow and preferred program and style are different, so it's hard to give hard-and-fast general advice. but the things that I think of as the essentials for learning digital art programs, and what I think of as a good order to focus on learning them in (although YMMV, especially depending on what kind of art you're doing):
brush customization (e.g. flow, opacity, softness)
layers and layer masks
selections and transformations (e.g. scale, rotate, flip horizontal/vertical, skew) (skew is underrated and I will die on that hill)
blending modes (e.g. multiply, screen)
adjustments/adjustment layers (e.g. hue/saturation, curves)
and I think most stuff after that is gravy! often very good gravy though! but yeah, as overall advice I recommend just taking things one little bit at a time, spending some time just drawing and messing around with each feature and what you can do with it. whether or not you end up incorporating any of it into your workflow, it's always good to try things out and just see how they feel! :D
and just so there is at least a little more concrete helpfulness in here, here's a few more specific things that I think are super important to keep in mind!
use! your! tablet/pen buttons! I mentioned this earlier, but they are extremely useful for keyboard shortcuts that you use often! most programs will also let you create new shortcuts for other things -- personally, I use the magic wand tool to fill in big color blocks a lot, so I made shortcuts for 'expand selection' and 'fill' and then mapped them to my tablet buttons.
flop your work horizontally often! when you're working on something, you get used to the way it looks, so seeing it mirrored is a quick way to see it with fresh eyes! in my experience, it often feels like this:
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(a common thing is to find that everything is sort of 'leaning' too much one way, which is where skew really comes in handy!) (seriously, I love skew, it is my savior)
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if you're working with color, keep a hue/saturation adjustment layer (or a layer filled with black or white and set to Color) on top and toggle it on occasionally to check your values! a lot of people who know a lot more about color than me (and are better at putting it into words) have written about why values are so important, so all I'll say is that the rule of thumb is that your image should still be readable in greyscale:
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there are some exceptions and grey areas (do ho ho), but it's a good general rule to keep in mind! (some programs also have a colorblind mode, so you can check to see how your work will look to someone with colorblindness!)
and finally, here's some digital art programs I recommend, if you're still looking for a good one!
free: krita, FireAlpaca
paid: ClipStudio, Procreate (iOS/iPad only)
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one-time-i-dreamt · 8 months
I found an old Nokia phone with a slide out keyboard that was also a miniature keyboard that worked, it was adorable!
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bloomics · 25 days
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ghoulia yelps with blue and tech stims for anon
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
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starfables · 1 month
opens the door to my limo, drops this on the red carpet, and immediently speeds away.
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majorshatterandhare · 6 months
[Answer options in order are:
1. Yes, guitar, mandolin
2. Yes, piano/keyboard
3. Yes, violin, viola, cello, bass (inc. electric bass)
4. Yes, percussion
5. Yes, a woodwind
6. Yes, a brass instrument
7. Yes, multiple
8. Yes, something not mentioned here
9. No, I do not currently play an instrument but I sing
10. No, I do not currently play an instrument and I do not sing.
End Options]
Please specify in the comments or tags!
I’m sorry there aren’t more options, I only had 10 spaces or I would’ve included more. I tried to go with the most common and obviously with groups!
What counts for singing is up to you. I think most people sing some amount, but you can decide if yours counts or not. The reason for this is because you can teach yourself an instrument, so not requiring lessons or anything for either instruments or singing.
If you want to learn an instrument, especially if you don’t currently play any, I would love to know if you shared!
Please reblog! I wanna know how many of us play instuments ourselves and what that distribution is.
If you don’t listen to the Mechanisms don’t respond to this poll! I’m sure your answer is very interesting, but it will skew the results!
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pupstarz · 19 days
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Safe cutecore stimboard!
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 4 months
Roxy: wehere's seasons greasons
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Roxy: its that tmie of year agian
Dirk: It doesn't have to be.
Roxy: its not optional!
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werewolfetone · 3 months
My dealer: got some straight gas 🔥😛 this strain is called "early eighteenth century irish presbyterianism" 😳 you'll be zonked out of your gourd 💯
Me: yeah whatever. I don't feel shit.
5 minutes later: dude I ſwear I juſt ſaw ſomeone preaching prieſt-craft at the meeting-houſe
My buddy samuel haliday, pacing: the britiſh ſynod is lying to us
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