#pay the fucking actors and writers
montanabohemian · 11 months
if i see a single one of you pissed that your faves canceled an event or a con appearance because they're striking for fair wages then imma come for you in your sleep 🔪🔪🔪
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(direct that fury where it belongs: AMPTP and the execs)
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pizzacatdelight · 11 months
I'm happy that today, the actors are striking along with the writers. As a person who haven't watched any new live action stuff that came out of America since 2017, I think it's overdue.
For too long, they have been paid lower than they expected. That some have to have second jobs to support themselves and their families. Doesn't get paid when they do self-taped auditions. And now AI are threatening to take their jobs away!
It's terrible that the studios are being greedy about it, especially when there's reports they were going to keep the writers striking until they lose their homes and apartments!!! The nerves of the studios! At least we weren't fooled by that.
So yes, your favorite shows and movies will be further delayed than it already had. Yes, this means we'll be getting more reality shows on TV than before. Networks might have to relay on reruns for awhile. They'll even have import shows from foreign countries to keep their channels afloat (hey we might get a new "Squid Game" or sort that takes America by storm). And they might have to cancel some of your shows because of the strike, which sucks, but at least you know that the writers were working hard for the cause.
For now, support the actors and writers. Donate food and aid for the strikers and people whose jobs are affected. Vocally support the strikes on social media. And always listen to the WGA East/West and the SAG-AFTRA official channels for any updates.
As for me, while I don't watch live action stuff that much as I have a backlog of anime to watch, video games to play, webcomics, books and fanfics to read, I hope the actors and writers strike as long as they can until they get what they want. Not only it will be good for them, but it'll be good for the fandom too.
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unhinged-jackles · 9 months
misha can't even talk about 15 years of castiel because of the strike i want to eat glass
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the-technicolor-yawn · 9 months
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cobbbvanth · 9 months
end the strikes right now i'm so fucking serious i NEED to see rhys and taika talking about ofmd s2
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spyder31 · 11 months
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Please, please spread the word around and help Writers/Actors!!
It is not okay to let Studios and Streamers walk over hard working people that give us the content that we watch daily!
I would like to let you know that many actors and writers are not able to take breaks so they can pay for rent for their own homes.
Just because the show does well does not mean they are paid fairly for what they do!!
Even if their part is big.
Let us not forget the artists who are also getting hit hard by AI!! So please do not use AI sites or apps as you’re only supporting them.
Going forward with this please do not hate on actors/writers/artists who “only” post about it and do nothing. THEY ARE DOING SOMETHING.
Not many of them have the money to donate or help voice the problem in public.
So if you have the time to write a comment complaining about what they’re not doing then you have the time to spread the word around and help.
Not every actor/writer/artist is a millionaire/billionaire.
I will be tagging multiple things to help spread this. (Remember a lot of things will be affected and is by this.)
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princelabia · 11 months
don't get me wrong I'm gonna miss bailey bass like crazy but I am kind of getting invested in the in-story implications of claudia being played by a different actor in the second season... like yessss give me unreliable narrator give me contradiction give me louis never truly understanding her give me recollective inconsistencies and louis erasing and misremembering his daughter to ease his own guilty conscience. I'm so curious to see what they do with this opportunity to increase our distrust in louis as a narrator and also increase the horror of what happened to claudia and how louis is not so much honoring her memory but rewriting history
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byersfanclub · 11 months
we’re winning but at what cost
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0ynes · 9 months
A very special message from Eiichiro Oda WE ARE GETTING A SEASON 2!!  EIICHIRO ODA, THANK YOU FOR SAVING MY LIFE!  Look at him teasing Chopper TT-TT
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musicalchaos07 · 10 months
Feel like pure shit just want him back
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matchamilk400 · 9 months
Angel babies!
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novelconcepts · 10 months
I just. How are the studios not fucking embarrassed yet? How are they not just wallowing in awareness that they are the baddies? I understand wealth separates a man from his common sense and, uh, soul, but. How are you looking at a bunch of artists who are asking for basically the bare minimum, going “yeah, no, I need my yachts”, and you’re NOT aware how pathetic you look? The biggest loser energy in the world.
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jcams88 · 11 months
Once again sending a giant Fuck You out to the studios for robbing us of the Jam Reiderson content we would have gotten at SDCC
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brittlebutch · 11 months
bill and ted and their efforts in education is something thats So Important to me - they really do want to learn and find new things soo interesting, its just that traditional teaching methods fail them. even stuff they love (music) took them so long to learn !!!! which is something i feel like ppl miss a lot. choosing to learn smthn that is difficult and has a steep learning curve is actually So Hard and frustrating and bill and ted actually put in so much effort to learn!! and ofc it works out (they win battle of the bands, become famous, save the world etc) but i feel like they wouldve worked at it even if they never met rufus and all that bc they approach life with such genuine earnestness. which is a trait i admire so much and they make me so happy :)
yes dude you absolutely hit the nail on the head!!! i love love love that Bill and Ted don't make it through any of the movies thanks to any kind of special skill or innate talent, they manage to make it through just because they're so affable and enthusiastic that people around them (even some who would have reason to actually dislike them) just can't seem to help but be taken with them and decide to help them out - no perpetuating the myth of independence anywhere!!
and you're so right about the time travel probably not being strictly Necessary in their development like, their audition at the beginning of Bogus Journey isn't very good but it's still technically way more musical than their garage jam sessions were in Excellent Adventure! (You could argue that's just the Princesses carrying the sound, which is probably true to an extent, BUT I don't think that's it entirely bc there's not any discordant distortion-noise like there was in EA and parts of the melody do seem to cut out when Bill and Ted pause playing to speak) So they were learning and improving between movies, it's just that they're naturally kind of slow at it AND they've also probably not been able to focus on learning all that well bc they're working full time and struggling financially - once they take like a year and a half outside of time to practice nothing but guitar they're able to show off some serious musical acumen, and THEN i love how Face the Music shows how even though they've both gotten pretty Technically skilled at a huge variety of instruments, they're still 'bad at it' bc they struggle to write music that other people enjoy/understand and they still aren't overly bothered by that at all!
Also love that the same applies to Billie and Thea - they seem to have a much easier time of things than their dads do wrt learning/innate skills BUT they're still 24 and haven't moved out or gone to college or gotten jobs or anything and no one (other than Chief Logan ofc) puts them down or admonishes them for this! They're both loved and supported wholeheartedly by their parents (who OFC understand it all completely) and they make it through the movie the same exact way Bill and Ted did! Even though Billie and Thea do rely on a more-than-solid grasp of musical history to navigate the circuits of time, their ability to sway the historical figures to their cause largely thanks to their enthusiasm for the topic and general affability and i love how that's always upheld by the movies as a Valued Trait i love it SO much
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Heartstopper Season 3: Will Nick ever get his sweatshirts back?
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pinkeoni · 10 months
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