mademoisellegush · 8 months
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Shoves this in the gortash tag.
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moodyseal · 6 months
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il foreshadowing quello potente
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der-papero · 2 years
Arrivati dei nuovi vicini. Il tipo si mette al telefono sul balcone, con un tono di voce importante, in linea con i parametri vocali al sud del Garigliano.
Pascaaaaa... a cas tutt'appost??? Ebbraaaav... comm 'e ritt?.... ma vafancul tu e nonn't!!!
Credo che mi aprirò una birra e passerò la serata a guardare le stelle.
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interlinked49 · 1 year
mi fanno pariare assai quelli che nonostante io non risponda mai continuano a rispondere alle mie storie 💀 we vi giuro ma è così difficile capire che non voglio interagire in nessun modo?
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"Pariare" reblog
Parlare… , poesia di Paul Eluard
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444names · 1 year
quenya names BUT excluding "n"
Abeges Adfar Afairde Aideed Ailmë Airow Aittarta Alacalaht Alador Alalata Alaquár Alassë Alasty Alaurmë Alcomer Aldamo Aldarmë Aligh Alightë Alimírë Almillë Almostar Alofts Aloster Alyal Alórë Amartaht Amarths Amaster Ambour Amerossë Amiry Amíri Aptar Arastar Araulmë Arereldo Aressa Ariell Arimast Arium Artar Artheassa Arthop Arátorris Asteatar Atalë Atarrele Atessar Attalcar Attelday Attle Attyelfhe Aurauruca Avalcarve Avars Averi Awavyhar Axarofts Balmë Barus Bears Beasar Beatië Begeme Beger Beigilt Belwë Belómë Belótil Bitar Bitheak Blearch Blemosta Blose Blowler Boolo Booma Bormajor Borría Brefiry Breft Brelloss Brosight Calamermë Calië Caliër Callë Calwa Camal Carisir Carsumbar Casto Celmë Celpë Childa Chilew Cildal Cilúmet Cittar Coakemma Collë Commer Compir Culië Dackles Deepvast Deref Desta Dorth Dowest Dowvar Dwards Dwaverulë Eadmight Eafalm Ealië Eastir Easto Eaval Edeler Elcomel Eldace Eldaita Eldald Elders Eldil Eldor Eldëa Eleyma Eligh Elmairya Elperië Elpought Elómë Emousse Eriellë Erussë Essëa Estril Estumo Eveasar Evermë Everucto Eämba Eämbare Eärairess Faitë Falaule Fallord Fallómë Fastalmë Fastar Fatar Feasto Feavesta Femerup Femore Feright Firrámar Flataraxë Folace Foldë Forda Fordis Forgol Formers Foryalqua Frussë Fíright Garders Gemar Gessë Giviefix Glook Golityell Golka Golótië Grasse Graxal Grelows Guage Gualië Halmilië Halmous Hamar Harroyamo Hastair Hastale Hasterel Haulë Hayels Hearmo Hearë Hease Hecele Hiefty Hilda Hilwë Hilótë Hipbur Hirech Homba Hostul Hrostarë Hyarmo Hyatch Hyaver Icemarix Ieless Ilmar Ilqua Ilver Ilwemme Ircalë Ishity Isirë Istilda Istlacalë Istomer Jesub Jewelpë Khale Kulielk Lairrorom Laitya Laiwë Lalcop Lasars Lastar Laucar Laurace Laure Leasto Lepvata Lestur Limír Lofted Lorome Lossoussë Loverea Loveri Lovestley Lublumba Luvali Luvalm Lámairels Lámairya Lólaulië Lómace Macaldë Maicto Mairyar Mariath Marights Maril Marima Marma Marmer Maroyalmo Marsivil Masse Massë Masto Mastrusem Melmo Merdi Merflas Merusive Mirds Miriër Mirster Missahtë Mitil Musil Ocavers Oirol Olady Oldur Orottar Orows Orrímaker Ortard Ortop Osilith Outher Oxfol Oxfor Parer Pariars Parmë Peavalamo Pedge Peepvarta Pelday Perumak Perussë Petta Phalt Phays Pider Pitheldo Pittelë Plamel Posta Prass Priset Questiry Quety Ragema Rastarda Realmaitë Recormer Relet Relómë Ressë Riker Rikor Rissë Rombar Rosts Rufirië Rukorelwë Rólast Rómer Rómits Rúatáril Sarátorto Secomp Semer Shaly Shelet Sherdar Shitë Sicklere Siders Sight Sightar Silmight Silmë Simer Stairds Stairief Stele Strested Stril Suble Subled Sumbë Sumárië Suphalli Sussar Sussë Sustlamir Swommírë Súlië Súrië Talar Talma Taloweava Talótë Tarmar Tarthful Tarucal Tassë Tateldë Teldook Teled Telem Tellë Telos Telove Terfla Terist Terme Teroma Thalië Tirmëa Tivil Towitar Tualf Turows Tyartalls Tyarómë Tyeas Tyelf Tyerumë Tyestelur Uldoro Umbeass Umostar Urohtarë Vagol Valace Valdë Valighta Valië Valmircar Valock Varacirë Varbody Vardil Vassë Veacom Vereastál Viévalië Vortopped Wardaths Wariagle Waráto Wavald Waveless Wearaft Weldë Westar Whabitive Whigill Whipear Whordi Wiftelf Wiliër Wiough Wombipell Womwers Woros Yards Yarldë Yarmë Yarría Yataur Yeldaurë Yeldósar Yesildo Yulka Yáriefta Árity Írimmaher Ñgoller Ñolwë Ólastya Úroted Úvalmo Ṃbarafic Ṃbarmel
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nsomma · 4 years
Mi sento Dora l'esploratrice - di me stessa.
Dora l'esploratrice tra i cumuli di rifiuti che cerca un tesoro.
Dora l'esploratrice che pulisce casa mia dopo che ci sono entrati una ventina di regaz e abbiamo spostato il divano nell'ingresso.
Ripperoni, Dora.
Per ora ha trovato un aspetto di merda, scarsa autostima e incapacità nelle relazioni.
Stay turned (che Dora continua ad esplorare).
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chiesa e basto ma sono jamie e sam di ted lasso in quella scena dove il papà di sam è super incoraggiante e jamie li guarda e rosica
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gooblegobbleblog · 4 years
Amaro Lucano
Alle tre di notte
Che ce ne fotte.
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mademoisellegush · 9 months
Enver Gortash, né Flymm: a tentative timeline
OR: I try to make sense of whatever the fuck is up with the Dark Urge's oiliest ex-fwb
enver flymm lives with his parents, sally and dravo flymm in the lower city, cobblers for generations, etc. he tinkers a lot, "traps and mechanisms", described as "needy, foolish, wicked, demanding attention, very crafty, smart boy - too smart" "He was always a little monster. Nasty to the core. He would've torn me and Dravo apart with his whining, his demands, the never-ending racket of him!" (note: they note that they made enver feel powerless, and this would have been the inciting incident that made him feel justice= revenge and fear)
the parents owe money to The Guild, the criminal organization that basically ran Baldur's Gate behind the scenes (everyone either owing them money or getting kickback / blackmail from it)
a warlock shows up and offers money for Enver. they sell their son to said warlock.
Enver seems to have changed his name then, either the warlock doing it or him denying the flymm name?
warlock then brings Enver to the House of Hope - I assume Raphael might have been his patron? which would mean raphael wanted enver from the start. Nubaldin, who used to work in the prison of the House of Hope, calls him "a mischievous little blot of a boy, who slipped through his fingers"
at some point during his stay in the prison of the House of Hope, Enver figures out about the Crown of Karsus held in Mephistopheles' vault. he escapes the house of hope
back in faerun's plane, he starts moving against the Guild. There's a report to Nine-Fingers, Guildmaster, of "upstart smuggler Enver Gortash making inroads on the illicit arms trade in the chionthar valley", though states it's more like "annexation", replacing the Knights of the Shield and the Zhentarim. definitely had a grudge to bear against them lol
Notes that seem to be from somwhere in this period of time:
"lavender scented diary of lady wisteria jannath" where hes like. seducing this old pariar for the diamond ring worth more than her mansion.
a letter to franc, a now deceased arms dealer, where hes like being a freak about how "weapons distributions continues like a parent saving their drowning child: swimmingly" and also how he loves "any man willing to birth a little more slithering wet malice into the world"
1482 DR (for sure, from dialogue with Karlach saying it's been ten years), he's selling Karlach (who looked up to and liked him !) to Zariel in order to get the prototype for his Steel Watchers. because i think he can't be satisfied with what he actually has, he wants *everyone* to like him, through being terrified of him and his weapons.
at some point, meets with the Dark Urge and ally together. they steal the crown of karsus with halsik's help. the Absolute hoax is put into motion
they get ketheric and myrkul in on it, after the crown heist, by digging isobel up so she can get necromanced.
Gondians fit here (as the note by Vance Farnol places it)
not too long before the game (at most a year? two?), orin poisons and tadpoles the Dark Urge and goes to Ketheric and Gortash to act as Bhaal's Chosen. Dark Urge becomes a test subject chew toy for Kressa Bonedaughter at Moonrise.
gortash tadpoles his parents "months" before the game, as sally flymm states if you talk to her.
My question: when did Enver Gortash find the Emperor/Balduran and bring him back under the domination of the Elder Brain, as part of taking down the Knights of the Shield? Or when he and the Dark Urge had acquired the Crown? does anyone have a screenshot of the interrogation sequence between those two?
(note: the emperor has a devnote for the emotions the Voice Actor was supposed to express when gortash proposes an alliance thats like. Yeah he's lying but i hate his guts, and you could always betray him first)
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pasqualequalanoart · 2 years
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È uscito il trailer della nuova serie di Lamu' e posto un mio sketch . La serie di Lamu'fa' troppo pariare 🖤 #lamu #anime #lovejapan #loveanime #sketches  #sketch #artist #art #artstagram #arts #artwork #artworker #comics #drawing #drawings #draw #artist  #artlovers #watercolor #illustration #illustrator #illustrationart #illustrationartists #gallery #galleryart #comics #comicbookartist #qualano #pasqualequalano #qualanoart https://www.instagram.com/p/CdwB7i4MVvg/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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der-papero · 1 year
Non so voi, ma io adesso vado a pariare così.
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valesempretanto46 · 2 years
Ma quanto mi fanno pariare ‘sti fatti 😂😂😂
Almeno adesso sto con un peso in meno e posso tornare qui
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comeunombranelbuio · 3 years
Vi manco? Se parli più con ragazzi non dovrebbe essere difficile trovare una ragazza in chat
Perderò la testa prima o poi per questa questione..
Trovare una ragazza che mi abbia scritto 2-3-4 messaggi a cui io non abbia mai risposto.. non c’è! 🤷🏻‍♀️ per cui non riesco a capire,o sei tu che hai voglia di “pariare” o davvero non capisco.
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casoacose · 3 years
Sono andata a fare gli auguri a zia e aveva fatto i cannelloni. Abbiamo ricordato quando una decina di anni fa facevamo le tavolate e il primo erano o: cannelloni o ravioli del pastificio del paese. Sempre la solita tovaglia, brutta per altri, per me bellissima da piccola e tutt'ora per i ricordi che mi riporta. Zio e papà che litigavano bonariamente su questioni politiche, nonna che a capotavola diceva le sue perle (lo spirito di pariare l'abbiamo preso da te). Banale, banalissimo ma: eravamo felici e non lo sapevamo. La cosa bella è che ci abbiamo ripensato tutte col sorriso, anche se lo so che dentro una parte di zia moriva un altro po'.
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lunedì voglio la rimpatriata casinara di mezza nazionale che videochiama l'altra metà e così tutti ignorano completamente le premiazioni perché chissenefrega loro devono pariare
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