#papa feeds us well
felsicveins · 2 years
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--- "Look at me!" ---
Another great chapter @mutantninjamidlifecrisis
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greycaelum · 6 months
Please this reminded me of kaleidoscope. I believe that the gojo kids are chunky babys🤣🤣
TRUEEEEEE~ I didn't get to give you anything last week so I'll make it a drabble~ I hope you like it! Chonky sunshine babies~ Happy December everyone!!
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CW: suggestive hints at the end, nothing too much~
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Kouki had breast milk for his whole first year.
"He's chonky..." Satoru rubbed his face against the squishy mallowy, chompable cheeks of his 10-month-old son you are feeding on your rocking chair by the engawa of your home. Satoru is sitting on the floor while watching you nurse the little boy close to drifting into dreamland.
Kouki has always had a good appetite and was very easy to nurse. So much so that you had to start scheduling his feeding or else if you didn't he would be too chonky and too heavy to lift.
"Can we keep him just like this? Look he's the most precious thing you probably have seen in your life!" Satoru rested his chin on your knees and flashed you his puppy eyes trying to convince you to feed the little mochi more.
"Chonky baby is cute but he'll drain me if I just let him." You kissed the thin sheen of hair on your son's head, as white as snow like his father. Kouki's lashes fluttered, unlatching from you, and he scrunched his nose to snuggle in your chest, yawning for a bit before closing his drowsy eyes back to sleep.
"I'll burp him, lemme..." Satoru opened his arms and gently rubbed Kouki's back. It didn't take long for the little mochi to burp. For some reason, he always burps fast when it's his Papa.
"Satoru don't!"
Your eyes widen at your husband sneaking in a bite to the sleeping baby's cheeks, too cute to resist utterly waking a grumpy sleepy mochi.
Satoru rubbed the back of his head as he tried to soothe the little mochi up.
"Sorry Honey, he was just too cute to resist."
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Saika although a pretty small baby has also been breastfed a year and 2 months because it took her quite a while to get used to formula.
It's 2:30 am and it's the Little Treasure's time for milk. Satoru is away for an overseas mission so you have to deal with the night feeding as well. Tired and reluctant, you parted ways with your soft pillow to reach for the bassinet only to be met with an empty space.
Chill ran down your spine as you shot up in panic only to be met by the scene of your drowsy husband sitting on your rocking chair with Saika in his arms suckling on her milk bottle.
"Go back to sleep Honey, I'll put her back after she finishes." Satoru yawned and smiled softly in your direction.
"But you haven't slept yet..." You felt relieved your daughter wasn't fussy. The little one is a little more sensitive and has been quite protected because of the incident before her birth.
"It's fine, look she's too precious when she drinks milk, I can't possibly take my eyes off her." Satoru grinned down at his daughter, suckling despite asleep. "She's so tiny... So precious..." He murmured as he held the bottle of milk for her. "She's perfect."
You smiled at them bonding in the wee hours of dawn as you returned to sleep. By the next morning, it came as no surprise to see Satoru cramped inside Saika's crib, sound asleep as the little Treasure blinked up to you innocently holding her empty milk bottle.
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"What are you looking at?" You warily glanced at your husband when you asked him to help you with the hook of your bra since it's hard for you to reach. Pregnancy for the third time has made you quite adept in asking him for help since if you won't he will pester you and follow you around until he gets to help you with something.
Satoru hummed and kissed your nape, looking at the mirror as he hugged you from the back with his face slotted in the space of your shoulder. A proud smile adorned his lips as he slowly reached to cup your heavy breast and his other hand protectively caress your heavy baby bump sending shivers down your spine.
"You're so sexy, Honey." Satoru praised you peppering kisses to your skin as he sucks on your neck leaving a love bite before staring back at your reflection in the mirror with a satisfied smirk at your flushed state. "If your milk comes before the babies, can I have a taste test first?"
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Check out the Masterlist for more
All rights and credits of the Jujutsu Kaisen character(s) mentioned images(s) and songs(s) used, belongs to their respective owner(s)
General/Kaleidoscope Series Taglist: @ice-icebaby @aeanya @gummy-dummy @tender-rosiey @lexiene @nevermoresworld @loml-riri @pelicanpizza @emichou-chan
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onelittlespiral · 6 months
Warning: Bear Attacks
As we move into the holiday season, we would like to issue our annual warning about bear attacks. With colder weather setting in, an increased number of bears will be driven indoors as they search for food, warmth, and mates. And bears are far more dangerous in confined spaces.
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Take this specimen here for instance. At first glance, he seems like a kind, friendly, fuzzy man who would keep you warm through a cold winter night. Maybe not the most happening upstairs, but he means well. Would you believe that just this summer he looked more like this?
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Young and cute, but certainly not the hairy beast we have seen him turn into this season. If you are going out this winter, be aware, and be alert for the warning signs and know what to do if a bear sets its sights on you. First, how do you identify a bear? There are a few common varieties, each with their own quirks:
You have the very standard Grizzly bear, warm and cuddly. Pronounced dad bod. Notice the expression, the signature bear smirk. This will be one of the earliest signs that a bear is on the hunt.
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Of course you also have the muscle bears. Their signature muscles will be coated in a thick layer of fur, accentuating their size. Hair will peak out from beneath heavy biceps, and their tank tops give no doubt to the forest underneath. They will often infiltrate and train you up before attacking. They like their marks ready, bro.
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Even the smaller, younger cubs present a danger this time of year. They may seem helpless, but let us assure you they are far more knowledgeable than they seem. They can cause some of the most drastic changes in age, hair, and temperament. Countless men soon find themselves caring for their cubs, foraging for them, and assuming responsibility as they age into papa bears for their sweet little cubs.
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Now bears will all hunt in their own ways, but there are patterns to their behavior. First, bears tend to congregate together. If you notice one, be on alert for others. Second, beware of beer and whiskey drinks offered to you. These are the trademark drinks of several bear species. Third, monitor the air in a room. That many big, burly men will tend to warm a place up and start to sweat, and bear musk is among their most potent tools to pacify targets. And in greater numbers these effects can be amplified. Their fur traps the musk close to their skin, so the closer they get the more enraptured you will become. If you are subjected to a direct hit from, say, a bear’s pit, it may already to be too late.
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In case you find yourself taken back to a bear’s den, all is not lost yet, but far more drastic measures may need to be taken. Continued exposure to them will accelerate any changes, so you must be quick and decisive. First, avoid any food they may offer you, no matter how starved you may suddenly feel yourself becoming. Feeding the insatiable new hunger will only awaken the bear that is growing inside of you. Second, avoid direct contact with their fur. They may appear warm and inviting, and their cuddles are indeed among the coziest in the world. But skin-to-fur contact encourages hair growth as your body grows a pelt of its own. Third, avoid getting under the covers with them. Their body heat will quickly begin to melt your wits and your body will begin sweating, creating a musk of its own to compliment. Take this young man for example:
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He barely made it out from a cuddle session with a bear, but some drastic changes have already occurred. His 6 pack abs have begun their journey to a muscle gut. He can hardly go a day without shaving or a full beard will quickly cover his face. And the musk he now produces keeps him far hornier than he ever was before. The effect seems to be limited to just himself, for now. Can you believe he is only 21? Hasn’t been carded in months. He had to drop from his football team, no longer in the right shape for it. He now is much more suited to rugby. And he is one of the lucky ones. This one was not so lucky:
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These two photos were taken mere days apart. He was, sadly, subjected to the final transformation: becoming a bear himself. After being taken to a den, accepting some greasy snacks, and cuddled into submission, this poor man was selected to be a bear’s mate. He was laid on his back, had his clothes removed, and the bear started massaging his legs and thighs. He ran his thick fingers over his hole and slowly worked his way inside to stretch him out for what was to come. It wasn’t long before his bear dick was pressed against him, and he felt the thick, veiny cock begin to slowly pump into his cavity. Once bears get started, it is nearly impossible to get them to stop. His thighs slapped against his target’s ass as his wild bush pressed against his hole. When a bear decides to breed, it is hot, steamy, and rough. Moans tend to erupt from victims as their body betrays them, fur pushing out from every follicle, minds consumed by thoughts of sex, food, and men. Their dicks tend to stretch to match that of their mate’s, growing thick as a beer can, and so sensitive. Any memories that conflict with the bear they are becoming are churned by a new, heavy sack. Testicles will swell to the size of golf balls under the effort. Their old lives leak out of their cocks as they are edged, molding beneath their captor until the bear is happy with their target. And then, the bear will come, pumping load after load deep into their new mate. The target’s belly bloats to contain it all, creating the signature bear gut that juts out over their new bodies. The effort will push any last memories out as their cock erupts. Both bears will quickly be exhausted, falling asleep in a sticky, smelly, sweaty heap. And then it’s over. We have yet to discover a way to revert any victims. Not that they would want to. They become enraptured with their new bodies, and begin to hunt on their own for new mates. It is said a bear has an insatiable appetite, and will change as many men as they can get their hands on in a winter season until they find the perfect mate for hibernation.
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It is advised that men stay aware, stay alert, and stay away. Report any bear sightings immediately. And stay tuned for any further information.
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a-hazbin-reader · 4 months
To move away from all the angst I’d like to request a VERY fluffy request please!
I don’t know if Y/N has given birth to their third child yet but if they haven’t what about like having really weird cravings late at night and waking Alastor up so he can make us what we crave
As we should
Alastor X Reader Headcanons
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TW: None, I think???
Description: ☝️⬆️
Your pregnancy cravings never failed to surprise Alastor with your first pregnancy but the second time around knocked him off his feet
The first pregnancy had you asking for some pretty strange but not totally disgusting combinations
Alastor was pretty sure he saw you trying to take a bite out of one of his tentacles once
Even then, he didn't think it was all that crazy that your body craved that
But this time? Alastor is worried that his unborn spawn is trying to kill you via poisoning
He just doesn't understand what he got himself into this time around because your cravings are HORRIFIC
You asked for things that made him want to gag but he never let it show, not wanting to upset you
Sure, he'll joke about it, but he doesn't want you thinking that you're disgusting because you have a craving that you can't help
Your hormones were an entirely different beast to tangle with, one pregnancy problem at a time
Alastor hadn't really had a need for sleep before but that's changed ever since his family started growing
Now he's waking up nearly every night out of a dead sleep to you, shaking his shoulder and asking him for some monstrosity to eat
You're whispering something to him but he's too tired to understand what you're saying
"Alastor... Darling... Wake up, I'm really hungry..."
Your persistent shaking of his shoulder begins to rouse him and he turns his head towards you, eyes still shut
"Hn... Hm..?"
He can hear the whine in your voice, some dreamy part of his brain thinking that you sound cute like this
"I really want to eat fried squid and strawberry ice cream...please..?"
The overwhelming disgust he feels at your request makes him wide awake, sitting up to give you a baffled look
"Why would you-HOW-Where would I even get that at this hour!?"
You blink and stare at him like it's obvious, then you put on a faux pout and rub his arm slowly, scooting closer to him
"Get it? No, I want you to make it for me...please..? You always make the best food..."
Stroking his ego always works for you, the poor man knowing his been got as he signs and gets out of bed, you waddling after him happily
He dutifully makes everything for you from scratch, your happy cooing behind him making it feel a little less ridiculous for him to be up and cooking at this hour
Alastor genuinely can't watch you eat it, having to look away to keep his gagging under control, even if you look like you're in heaven right now
When you ask for pickled peppers to dip into the rest of it is when he has to leave the room, what you're doing to food is monstrous
And he's a cannibal
Once he gets a grip on his stomach, he comes back to find you no longer alone in the kitchen, now feeding his darling twins some of your food
They make disgusted faces at the combination and instead try to take your ice cream, something that makes you laugh
"I suppose it is pretty gross, huh? Your poor papa can't even begin to wrap his head around these cravings~"
You smile and feed each of the twins a bite of ice cream before noticing Alastor, blushing at the fact that you got caught
"I walk away for five minutes and you're poisoning my children?"
You gasp and hug the twins close to your body, making a shocked face as you pretend to be flabbergasted
"Poison? MY babies just wanted a little treat before they went back to bed..!"
The way his twins turn to stare at him with wide innocent eyes as they cling to you makes his heart melt at the sight
"Is that so? Well, they've had their treat, and now it is time for little fawns to go back to bed~"
At first they put up a fight, whining and climbing you until you threaten to give them another bite of your midnight snack, pushing a bite in their faces
Suddenly, running into papa's arms and going back to sleep doesn't seem as bad to them now
Together, you two manage to get your children back to bed before laying down in your own bed, cuddling close to each other
Alastor is rubbing your baby bump and nuzzling the back of your neck, soothing you back to sleep
You're practically purring from all the attention, stomach full, muscles relaxed, and your husband wrapped around you
"Mn...thank you for the food, darling..."
He can't help but chuckle as you put your hand over his own, your cravings finally subsiding and allowing you to sleep
"I'm not sure that concoction qualified as food, but you're welcome, nonetheless, my dear~"
You elbow him playfully as he kisses your neck, less than amused by his jabs at your pregnancy cravings, you couldn't help it
"Maybe you should sleep on the couch."
"So sorry, darling~"
He doesn't even try to sound a little sorry, instead pulling you closer as you two fall asleep together, blissful
The next night, when you ask for something even worse than before, Alastor gets up and is ready to do it all over again
He thinks your cravings are horrific and probably doing damage to his sanity but he'll do anything for his wife
Especially when it's somewhat his fault you even want to eat these things
Even if it means making food combinations so terrible that if he died, he would go to double hell for it
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This one took so long I'm so SORRY
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yawnderu · 3 months
delulu time🤭
Everybody keeps talking about how Simon’s hands are constantly cold… But I have a feeling this man is a fucking furnace.
He’s so big and burly, so warm and cuddly… He’ll take off his hoodie and give it to you and it would as warm as if it just got out of the dryer. He’s so warm his cologne just spreads out like from an oil diffuser.
He’s looking so warm and cuddly just laying on the couch, you just want to put your hands down his sweatpants🤭 He’ll let you lay down on his chest, pulling his hoodie over your head and body.🦘
And with Simon being such a girl dad we have to talk about the ���hot balls’ phenomenon. A theory that athletes and physically active people have more baby daughters because of having a slightly higher body temperature and the heat destroys male spermatozoa😭🫶🏼
I also believe he always wears a lot of layers, as many as the weather allows. He’ll always spare you his jacket… He has so many hoodies, socks, it’s insane… He’s so clean and disciplined, folding his clothes impeccably, his bed always perfectly made. His apartment is so neat, a remnant of his army ways.
Only problem is his place is always a little cold, he simply doesn’t need the heating like you do :( Your feet would get so cold he would simply have to warm them up in his lap, rubbing your soft soles against and tenderly kissing your pretty toes… He secretly loves it and that’s why he never puts the heating on :(
Don’t get me wrong, Simon isn’t a feet guy per se, but he adores every single part of you… He worships the ground you walk on. So he’s utterly blind to the fact that you’ve been feeding him so well these past months all in an attempt to get him to the optimal cuddling weight🤤 (photos for reference🤭)
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Ps. This is so discombobulated and corny but I can’t stop thinking about it. I swear I’m a better writer in my native language.🎀
I used to date a guy who was ALWAYS a fucking furnace. It was lovely during winter, but summer were nightmares in a small bed. x_x
Yeah!! I'm also a firm believer of Simon always having VERY warm hands, to the point he can easily sandwich your cold hands and heat them up almost instantly. Simon's body is always very warm, yet he uses long-sleeved shirts out of habit, keeping his tattoos hidden from his enemies to keep both of you safe and away from Ghost and his enemies.💗
One of his favorite things is putting his hoodie over your body when you're cuddling or standing together at home, watching your pretty face peer up at him from the fabric has to be the closest thing to heaven he's ever gotten.
The ‘hot balls’ phenomenon made me giggle GRJFEHJB God, he's such a girl dad that it hurts. I can see him cuddling his baby daughters, holding them close to his bare skin because they find it comforting and always sleep through the night without waking up whenever their papa puts them to sleep. <3
YES!! Simon loves rubbing and kissing your feet, simply because he loves you and loves using his body to make you feel better, his warm breath tickling your feet to the point you've been close to accidentally kicking his face more than once, yet it's worth if for him the moment you start thanking him for warming you up, rewarding him with a rapid-fire of kisses all over his rough face.
I stand by the fact that the easiest way to Simon's heart is his stomach. He needs to eat plenty of calories to maintain his body mass and keep growing muscles, coming home especially hungry after being at the gym, ready to eat whatever hot meal you've prepared for him. :((
Sometimes you have to remind him to eat slower, yet the small hiccups he gets after eating fast serve as reassurance that he absolutely adores and devours anything you cook.<3333
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Yandere Buddy Daddies x Delinquent Teen Reader (2)
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“Did you eat breakfast today?”
“He asked you a question, (Y/n).”
“I heard.”
“Answer. Him.”
“(Y/n)...did you eat?”
Kazuki sighed as Rei easily wrestled the controller out of your hands to toss you over his shoulder
Not even bothered by your violent struggles he took you to the room designated as your punishment room
Where Kazuki or Rei would hold you tight until you let them hold you peacefully 
Training you to obey them in the form of cuddles like a chicken
So in the dark room, your wriggling and cursing slowed as Rei’s hold held firm
But even when you stopped struggling and leaned back into his chest 
He didn’t release you 
Instead, he carried you along with him as he went into the tub
No doubt to sleep 
With the darkened surroundings, Rei’s firm hold, and the warmth of his arms you reluctantly joined 
“Where’s (Y/n) and Papa Rei?”
“Ah, they’re napping right now.”
“Oooh I want to–”
“Ah ah! Didn’t you say you wanted to make (Y/n) their favorite lunch?”
“OH Yeah!”
“Alright then let’s get to work!”
When you awake so is Rei, hold unrelenting and forcing you to gently notify him
“Are you going to behave?”
He didn’t believe you but Kazuki told him he had to be gentle
Apparently, the perfect life they were giving you wasn’t a welcome change
He’d prefer to lock you tight and show you the joys of a single room 
Like he used to know
Then they could work on building you out of that
But Kazuki already thought his old lifestyle was problematic and he didn’t need that rubbing off on Miri now
“The next time you misbehave you won’t be playing Kart for a month.”
You sucked your teeth but nodded your head
“Ah, you two are back!”
“(Y/n)! Look what I made for you! All by myself!”
“Hehehe we made it for you! See, see? Look, look!”
“Uh, thanks, Miri.”
“(Y/n) has something to say.”
“Excuse me? What’s this about?”
You wanted to punch that smile off his face
“...The answer to the question you asked. It's no.”
“Well, then you better eat up the delicious meal me and Miri made for you!” 
He rubs the top of your head as you sit at the table 
Not oblivious to the warning look Rei is giving you as Miri offers to feed you 
You accept with clenched fists 
How you wish you could get out of here
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rizsu · 5 months
nonsensical questions — you must answer! tokyo revengers, jujutsu kaisen.
⤹ list ﹕ s. shinichiro + i. wakasa | f. toji + r. sukuna.
being a father means your child is either gonna humble you or throw questions only the divine can answer.
+ extra. for toji's part megumi's an older brother 😝
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SHINICHIRO SANO — “well...!”
“daddy, if the sun went boom what would you do?”
curiousity is a child's best friend. when his son asks a question, the boy will not stop until he gets his answer.
curiousity, on the other hand, is not a father's best friend. shinichiro's more experienced than his five-year-old, he's had his fair share of ‘curiousity killed the cat’ moments.
as if shaping the mangoes into star-shaped pieces wasn't enough for him, he just had to spice it up with a triple question-mark (???) question and his cute actions.
the little one, or as shinichiro calls him, mini shini, was the one who introduced the question. he stretched out both arms and drew an imaginary circle in the air to reenact the sun going “boom!”
a sweat-bead trickles down shinichiro's neck. he swallows hard. if he dares to answer the question wrong, it'll only result in a challenging battle to make him eat the fruit. he ponders on the question, what would he do if the sun truly went boom?
die? no, that's too intense.
stop it? a power he wish he had.
tell the sun “don't do that!”? sounds like a perfect answer.
shinichiro places the star-shaped cutter down, lifting the boy onto the countertop. stabbing one of the many mango pieces with the child's fork, he imitates the sound of an airplane, swirling the fork in a bee-line before it lands in his son's mouth.
the action sends the younger one into a fit of giggles. he happily chews on the fruit, kicking his dangling feet back-and-forth.
“and as for your question,” shinichiro begins, “i'll tell the sun to not go boom-boom before it booms.”
he ends the sentence with a smile, gearing up the fork for another airplane run.
his son, however, doesn't return the excitement. instead, he tilts his head, slows the pace of his kicking, and questions his father, “but the sun is all the way up there. you're down here. how would that work?”
shinichiro smiles ear-to-ear, finding the genuine curiousity of his son amusing. he uses his free hand to ruffle the boy's hair, feeding him the fruit as he speaks, “because i'm your dad!”
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WAKASA IMAUSHI — “realistically speaking–”
the backyard, wakasa, his toddler, a bucket of pink paint with a paintbrush, and a kid-sized vanity. it's finally daddy-daughter playtime and his little girl is energized and ready! after her well deserved nap, she's been more bouncy than ever. her steps have little jumps to it, her now messy pigtails still bounce with her, and her painted palms are evidence of the happiness.
as soon as the toddler woke up, she stared into nothingness to regain her senses. then, she immediately made it her mission to run to her dad.
“papa! papa!” was the only word heard throughout the hallways alongside her footsteps. it didn't take her any longer than a minute to find her father situated on the hammock outside.
she stopped in her tracks halfway there, raising a finger up to her mouth. it's an action she does whenever she's making a decision. wakasa looks peaceful; should she go to him or go back? of course, she goes to her dad!
when she arrived next to him, she stood on the tip of her toes to see inside the hammock. there he is, peaceful with his eyes closed. the slumber — or whatever he's doing — doesn't last for long. his newly found father instincts have been tickled and tingled. he sensed the presence of his daughter.
wakasa opened his eyes, greeting his daughter with a soft smile and lifting her onto him.
“slept well?” he asked, running his hand on top of her head in attempts to smoothen the stray hair strands.
“mhm, i did!” she nods.
“me too, princess,” he mumbles, yawning after the sentence.
the two sit in silence, enjoying the perfect weather.
toddlers aren't experts at sitting for too long. soon, she got bored and jumped off her dad's lap.
“papa, can i have a unicorn?” she pouts, patting her hands on his arm.
wakasa coughs. he accidentally choked on his saliva after hearing such a question. unicorns aren't real, and he's not going to rent a horse. it's not the same — his baby would be disappointed!
“an’ i want it to paint my table pink!” she disrupts his thoughts, adding another sentence to her previous one.
“i'm sorry princess. i can't get you a unicorn, but i can paint your table pink,” he breaks the news to her, immediately following up with a suggestion. although the unicorn won't be in the equation, the pink table will, and that's more than enough for her!
and that's the reason as to why they're surrounding her vanity with a bucket of pink paint. wakasa took his time to drag the vanity out, and his princess took her time to bring the paintbrush!
channeling his inner painter skills, he got to work as soon as she brought the brush. a little swish and swash of the brush and her vanity was eighty-percent finished. even though she lacked a brush, it didn't stop her from dipping her hands into the paint and using that as her brush. a bit of a mess, but nothing will ever get in between daddy-daughter time!
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TOJI FUSHIGURO — “*lost the war and the battle*”
toji experienced more in emotions today than he's ever had in his entire life. whether it's the five stages of grief or exhaustion, he felt it all. his three-year-old daughter made sure to run her father's pockets and his mind dry. what was supposed to be a monthly home restocking run ended up being an expensive whatever-fits-in-the-cart-daddy-buys-it run. megumi got himself two lego sets, and the baby girl got herself a dollhouse.
don't be fooled; it's not just any regular dollhouse. it's a walk-in, spacious, pastel pink and white with purple accents dollhouse. toji knew the moment she stopped in her tracks with her mouth agape his card would end up maxed out.
he gulped, hoping that she doesn't turn around to him. during toji's younger days, if he didn't want to deal with something he'd pretend he doesn't see it. if he can't see it, the problem does not exist. but now, he's a father — he has duties!
as the younger sister by four years, megumi's bound to do as his sister says. the seven-year-old boy made sure to be his sister's knight the very minute she came into the world. he was in love, a little jealous, and absolutely adored her. if she wanted that dollhouse, he'd back her up!
“not today, princess. not today.”
not today? such words are nonexistent in her world. something must be wrong with her father. she turns around, walking up to him with her arms stretched out. toji follows suit, bending over to lift her.
she squints at him, he pretends to not notice, megumi busies himself with his toy car while imitating the sounds of a sports car.
“i wan’ the dolly house!” she pouts, using one hand to repeatedly pat on his chest and the other pointing at the dollhouse in view.
“you can't have it today,” he explains, shooting her a small smile that has a double meaning.
again, she doesn't get it. once a child is confused, they begin using a word they won't stop using.
“'cause i said so.”
“why?” she tilts her head.
“not today, sweetie,” he tilts his head.
“but why?” she raises an eyebrow.
toji begins to feel the stress creeping in, “because—”
“i can put my toys back if it's too much,” megumi intervenes, he's been watching them for a minute now. he, too, wants the dollhouse, but he won't say that! it's not in line with his knight image.
“no, meg'. leave it in there,” he rejects his son's offer. toji's been strong on letting megumi know he mustn't sacrifice his wants for others... and it'll be unfair if he had to put his toys back.
this almost set the three-year-old off — she wants that dollhouse! seeing that megumi's toys fit in the trolley, maybe she can break down the dollhouse and fit it in the trolley too.
“daddy, break the dolly house ‘nd put it in the trolley!” she increases the pace of the hand patting on his chest. she had a bright idea and she's going to stick to it.
toji goes silent. the idea isn't the smartest, but he felt his proud dad senses tingle. his second baby had a suggestion! an actual one! and she didn't use “why” this time!
giving in he walked towards to house, still against it but what can he do in the faces of his children? they're his weakness. he didn't win this time, but he'll win next time. this counts as the fifty-seventh lost.
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SUKUNA RYOMEN — “apparently i do not have rights.”
“papa, let's play dress up.”
sukuna doesn't know if he's offended or proud. instead of a question, he was met with a statement. there weren't any greetings, any hugs, just nothing but a statement. she walked in with business! slowly, but surely, she's showing signs that she's taking after him and he's never been more proud.
however, such proudness doesn't mean he's going to twinkle and sprinkle. he's a man and will continue to look like it — not.
who told sukuna he had freedom of speech? what made him think his little carbon copy wasn't going to drag him? with her two hands securing their grip on his wrist, she walked backwards to her room. the only time sukuna accepts defeat is when he's face-to-face with her. he's a gun, but she's a bomb. it is evident that he's overpowered by her.
the moment he entered her room, he was met with instant sparkles and positivity. he knew he was about to be princess-fied and there's unfortunately nothing that can be done.
she sits him down on her stool. then, she grabs her tiara, standing on her tiptoes to place it on his hair. she gathers her toy makeup and her glitter-included perfume. sukuna's right eye twitches; he can feel the items laughing at him.
“it's makeup time!” she announces, opening the palette of six bright colours.
she dabs her finger in the purple eyeshadow. making sure there's enough pigment, she swipes it over on to his eyelids. one layer done, another to go. this time she goes in with blue just below his eyebrows. satisfied with the eyeshadow, she goes in with white in the middle to blend the colours. a perfect mix!
the next step is the blush. she whips out the blush, using three fingers to apply it this time. she repeats until she's satisfied with the amount. sukuna's cheeks are as rosy as a rose!
the last item is the lipgloss. it's also his most dreaded one. he despises the way the lipgloss feels on his lips — it's far too sticky for his liking! he'd rather use oil. in sad attempts to soften the stickyness, sukuna licks his lips.
she squeezes the tube until the gloss overflows. it's just the right amount to apply on and over his lips. her hands are a little shaky, but she's still a good makeup artist!
sukuna has now been princess-fied. due to his behaviour at her studio, she gives him a star sticker.
“papa, you're pretty now!” she compliments, clapping her hands at her creation.
sukuna took the compliment another way. was he not pretty before? did that mean she found him visually troubled? maybe she doesn't — kids are honest people, and she doesn't know how to lie yet.
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ghulehunknown · 7 months
Papa Headcanons - 🐱👅
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All the Papas love going down, but they each have their own style
Prefers to get you nice and worked up, so he’ll spend a painfully long time kissing and caressing you before actually going down on you (so when he does use his tongue it feels explosive)
Says “My, my aren’t we a wet little thing?” everytime, knowing FULL WELL he did that to you
Soft and slow, very gentle
Long, painted strokes along your entire area
Massages your breasts while flicking his tongue around your clit
Uses his thumb to rub circles on your clit to give his mouth a break but doesn’t stop until you’ve cum at least once or twice, preferably in his mouth
Roughly fingers you while eating you out
Spreads your legs wide so he can eat every inch of you
Loves to eat you from behind so he can finger your ass too
Grabs onto your legs and hips so he can pull your body closer to him
Wants to take his time and edges you - so he’ll alternate by doing other forms of foreplay (sucking on your nipples or pinching them, making out, fingering you)
Praises you (“brava ragazza”) for being so patient as he takes his time torturing you (“You will be rewarded, tesorina”)
Wants to do all the work so he’ll scold you if you start to grind against him
Loves to see his Papal paints smeared all over your thighs
Massages your ass and tits while eating you out
Would die happy drowned in pussy
Wears the smell of you like a badge of honor the whole day
Desperate to eat your arousal and drink you if you squirt
In fact it’s a little game he plays with himself, to see if he can make you squirt (he’s almost always successful)
Dying to get you off this way before he fucks you hard into the mattress
LOVES when you ride his face; he wants to be smothered and barely able to breathe
Also into 69ing - you on top or laying on your sides
Favorite cunnilingus position is you on your back with your legs spread and one hooked over his shoulder while he finger fucks you and sucks your clit
Massages your g-spot when he knows you’re close to cumming
Darts his tongue in and out of your hole a lot (“Amore, how could I waste a single drop of you?”)
Suctions/sucks on your clit a lot and alternates that, flicking his tongue, and using the flat part of his tongue
While each papa has their talents and are very good at doing down, Terzo is the Prince of Cunnilingus - a cunt connoisseur, if you will
Immediately wants to kiss you during (so you can see how aroused he’s made you) and after because sometimes he’s sweet like that
Usually wants to fuck right after you’ve cum (while you’re still breathing heavily)
Kisses every inch of you
Moans as soon as he has you in his mouth; he can cum just from eating you out (pathetic little rat man)
Can’t help it and will stroke himself while going down on you, unless you have him tied up (to punish him for being a dirty, needy man)
Loves being submissive to you while pleasuring you - either kneeling underneath you while you’re standing or sitting on the edge of the bed/couch, or tied up to the bedpost while you ride his face
Wants to be used like your sex toy
Would gladly spend all day down there as long as you’re getting off
Heard somewhere that spelling the alphabet with his tongue will get you off, so he does that and stops at whichever letter or motion gets the loudest response
He’s got a little bit of washing machine syndrome going on - very sloppy and all over the place at times
Finds a steady rhythm, position, and stroke and sticks to it because if it always works why change it
Listens to your breathing get heavier and stays consistent with his speed and motion when you grip his hair and tell him “don’t stop!”
Wants to cuddle you after and kiss you and feed you snacks (one time he hand fed you fruit snacks while he was down there)
927 notes · View notes
harunayuuka2060 · 4 months
*In the Royal Palace of Sunset Savannah*
*The servants talking among themselves.*
Servant A: Prince Leona has a newborn son? That can't be true, right?
Servant B: It is!
Servant A: How can they be sure that the baby is his?
Servant B: I know, right?! It could be anyone's! Knowing MC-
The servants: P-Prince Cheka! *immediately bows to him*
Cheka: Those rumors were proven to be untrue! And yet, you are still badmouthing them!
The servants: P-Please forgive us, Prince Cheka!
Cheka: *is still feeling angry at the servants*
Cheka's mother: *has arrived, tapping her son's shoulder* Calm down, Cheka.
Cheka: But!
Cheka's mother: Let me handle this myself. Your father is waiting for you. You shouldn't be late.
Cheka: *nods* *then takes his leave*
The servants: *trembling in fear*
Cheka's mother: How dare you insult someone who is not here?
The servants: Y-Your Highness!
Cheka's mother: *is more furious than Cheka* How could I listen to every rumor you had spread about them?
Falena: Cheka, where is your mother?
Cheka: She's teaching those rude servants a lesson!
Falena: *sigh* Well, have you heard about the news? *smiles, brightening the mood*
Falena: Your Unca and MC have a baby.
Cheka: Yes! Papa, Papa! You have the picture of my baby cousin, right? What is his name?! What does he look like?!
Falena: Now, now. Calm down, Cheka. *chuckles*
Falena: Here. Your Unca sent it this morning. *showing him the photo of Baby Liora*
Falena: *chuckles* You could definitely see the resemblance.
Cheka: Papa! When can we visit him?
Falena: Well... We still need to wait for MC's permission to see him.
Falena: For now, we need to register Liora under the royal family's name.
Cheka: Hm! And! Can I arrange a room for Lili?
Falena: *chuckles* *liking the fact that Cheka has already a nickname for his baby cousin*
Falena: Of course.
*Back in Al Asim's estate*
Leona: *holding his baby*
Baby Liora: *cute baby noises*
Leona: *glances at MC who's reading a book about child-rearing while preparing Liora's feeding bottle*
MC: I will pluck your eyeballs.
Leona: Tch. I'm not looking.
Baby Liora: *his small ears twitching* *then cries*
Leona: Looks like he's hungry.
MC: Give him to me.
Leona: *obediently follows*
MC: *starts feeding Liora*
Leona: *watches*
Leona: He's drinking it fast.
MC: Hm.
*Kalim and Jamil eavesdropping.*
Kalim: They're getting along!
Jamil: Kalim, keep your voice down, or Leona will hear us.
Leona: *ends up staring at MC*
Leona: ...
Leona: Won't you come back to me?
MC: ...
MC: *shoots a string of fire that almost reaches his nose*
Leona: !!!
MC: I haven't forgiven you.
Kalim: Aww...
Jamil: You jinxed it.
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snailsagere · 4 months
Please read my dni in my bio before interacting
I made a computer games to play when regressed so here's phone games to play when regressed!
Phone games to play when regressed!
All of these games are free unless stated otherwise and I will give content warnings if needed! If I miss anything and you think I should include it then feel free to tell me!
🌸= personal favourites
Monster girl maker 1 and 2
Description- it's a cute dress up game where you design monster girls, it's really really cute!
CW- I think it's got some medically stuff and general stuff that may be scary
My little pony pocket ponies
Description- it's a game where you get through enemies using the mlp characters it's quite tricky so I recommend this more for anyone who regresses to older ages but it's still really fun!
CW- none :3
🌸My little pony colour by magic
Description- it's a colour by number game where you colour in scenes and decorate a friendship museum!
CW- none :3
🌸My little pony magic princess
Description- you rebuild equestria and complete quests as well as little in game competitions!
CW- none :3
🌸My little pony celebration
Description- you celebrate loads of different parties hosted by the my little pony characters!
CW- none :3
Toca world
Description- pretty much like a doll house but on your phone, make characters, make them a house and explore the world etc, there are also dlc's you can pay for which add stuff like new locations etc
CW- none :3
Toca hair salon 3
Description- this is a paid game where you cut and style different people's hair!
CW- cartoon scissors, hair cutting equipment etc
🌸Hello kitty around the world
Description- you travel to different countries as hello kitty, learn facts about them and where they are in world! you also earn traditional outfits and food to dress hello kitty and feed her!
CW- none! :3
Hello kitty educational games
Description- play a variety of different games to earn outfits and furniture for hello kitty!
CW- none! :3
🌸Hello kitty fashion star
Description- dress up girls in sanrio clothes!
CW- none! :3
Hello kitty cafe
Description- own a cafe! And play as sanrio characters! This games a bit tricky so I recommend it for older kids! Aswell as that there used to be in app purchases to make it easier but they do not work anymore so keep that in mind!
CW- none! :3
Hello kitty goodnight
Description- you play little mini games to get the hello kitty family to sleep!
CW- none! :3
🌸Littlest pet shop your world
Description- play loads and loads of littlest pet shop mini games and if you have the lps with the rubbery heads you can even scan them into the game!
CW- none! (I haven't played every mini game but it seems fine)
Cats and soup
Description- this is a clicky game where you unlock cats for them to make soup
CW- drawings of cartoony knives (to cut veggies)
Description- you play as a bunny making food for customers based on hints they give you
CW- none (I don't remember if they use kitchen equipment but I think they don't, not certain though!)
My talking Angela 2
Description- look after a cat called angela, play mini games etc
CW- none! :3
🌸Virtual families 3
Description- I grew up play virtual families 2!this is the same premise we're you look after a family on your phone!
CW- none! :3
Tsuki odyssey
Description- similar to tsuki adventure but now you're in a new location, you can fish, buy things, decorate your house and see what tsuki gets up to
CW- I think burglary is mentioned at the start
Cats are cute
Description- expand a town of cats, pet them, feed them and play with them!
CW- none! :3
Adorable home
Description- play as a couple and adopt loads and loads of cats, look after them and decorate and expand your house!
CW- none! :3
Any papa's game
Description- cook food for customers! All the papa's games are paid for but they're only £1-£3! My personal recommendation is papa's pancakeria!
CW- some of the games have knives in them
🌸Pokemon playhouse
Description- you collect pokemon and play cute mini games with them! This is a good game for little kids who like pokemon!
CW- none! :3
Pokemon smile
Description- brush your teeth to catch pokemon!
CW- none! :3
Pokemon go
Description- walk around outside and catch pokemon! Definitely recommend doing this when it's less cold hehe
CW- none! :3
Pokemon cafe
Description- a match three gand where you make food and drinks fir pokemon customers!
CW- cartoony knife+kitchen equipment maybe
Description- raise eggs until they hatch into cute creatures! I loved this game when I was little
CW- none! :3
🌸My school-learning game
Description- be a teacher in a school and teach characters basic maths and English (it has a few different language options depending on where you're from) you can unlock things but you have to pay for them but what is free is fun
CW- none! :3
Colouring games
Description- colour in pictures!
CW- none! :3
🌸Jungle floof
Description- raise jungle animals and play mini games!
CW- none! :3
Description- a kinder egg toy game! Loads of different activities to do and you can unlock characters by scanning your kinder toys!
CW- none! :3
🌸Duo abc
Description- learn the alphabet and basic words (only English), disclaimer? Maybe? not the same as duolingo, this app is made for children
CW- none! :3
Extras! (games I found while making this list)
Plants vs Zombies 1, 2 and 3
Description- fight zombies by setting up plants with different abilities! I recommend this for older kids, I had pvz 1 and 2 when I was younger and I was very bad at it haha
CW- zombies, ungorey violence (no blood etc)
Sundae picnic
Description- make ice cream for cats and dogs! (please don't actually give cats or dogs ice cream)
CW- none! :3
Pokemon sleep
Description- collect pokemon by sleeping (sometimes the app doesn't record your sleep properly but usually it's ok, still fun either way)
CW- none! :3
Khan kids
Description- I haven't played it yet but it looks like it has little mini games for younger kids on it!
CW- idk :c
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natailiatulls07 · 10 months
The McLaren drivers
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Lando Norris x Female!Driver!Reader
Summary - When the two McLaren drivers are seen sharing an intimate moment, fans go wild
Warning - None
Reader drivers for McLaren
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Spotted: McLarens drivers sharing a intimate moment after a night out in Monacos night life. Both have recently become single from their respective former relationships, is there something going on?
Liked by username and 6,794 others
username It’s definitely silly season!! When did this start??
username Yk I actually see it happening tho 🤭
username What is McLaren putting in there water??
usersname mama y papa? mama y papa?
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Spending my favourite season with my favourites
Liked by alex_albon and 45,879 others
username my favourites = Lando Norris?? 🤔
lilymhe what a beauty ❤️
= yourusername speak for yourself! 😍
oscarpiastri I know something you don't I know something you will never know
= yourusername shhh! 🤫
= username Oscar tell us! What is going on?!
= username I bet it’s about her and Lando
username Stop teasing us and feed us what we need please!! 😩
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Loving summer but only when I’m with you
Liked by lewishamilton and 37,978 others
username BITCH We know who that is, no need to hide her!!
= username Everyone say it with me... Y/n
= username Y/n
yourusername Oooo who is that girl??
= landonorris Ooo you'll never know 😉
= username Aw come on, they're just messing with us now
username I mean you might as well hard lauch by now 😏
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Come to McLaren, we have love in the air 🤍
Liked yukitsunoda0511 and 57,576 others
username Well done guys, we knew it was coming 😌
mclaren Once again, our job here at McLaren is successful 😎
= yourusername Thank you McLaren!!
= landonorris Thank you McLaren!!
oscarpiastri Finally! Do you how long I had to hold this in?!
= landonorris Thanks mate 👍🏻
landonorris ❤️❤️❤️
= yourusername 🤍🤍🤍
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Darling, you're the one I want ❤️
Liked by maxfewtrell and 58,978 others
username Okay now I believe in love 😍
yourusername Aww baby you used taylor swift lyrics!!
= landonorris Only for you ❤️
username I don't know which one I want 😩
maxverstappen1 Now remember to keep it pg please 🙏🏻
= landonorris No promises!!
yourusername posted a story
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chiquititaosita · 8 days
˗ˏˋ꒰♰꒱ gojo dating a latina | (gojo satoru x latina! reader)
I got inspo for gojo recently, he’s so hard yet easy to write for but when it comes to x readers YALL MOTIVATE ME also please comment if y’all wanna be on the tag list @sanjisblackasswife @mommypieck @backwzzds @chrollohearttags @painism
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- finds it hot when you dance shaking your hips
- immediate wolf whistle and tries to use his charm
-loves that you played hard to get
- when you speak Spanish oh my god his love for you grows 10x bigger
-he even loves how you say his name, makes him melt
- he’s in love with your dialect fr
-then your distinctive latina indigenous features
-loves to kiss your nose bridge specifically
-If you wear lip liner, he’s gonna call your kisses spicy kisses
-“I want besos and I wan’em now!!l
-calls you spicy, and exotic (man’s got jumped) 😭😭
-loves it when you wear honey on your lips
-“oh hello there mamacita!!” The way he says it sounds so white you find it funny 😭😭
-will call you mamas, mami, or princess
-picks up on Spanish lingo claiming he’s learning on duolingo but he’s serious yet never finishes things 💀
- LOVES IT WHEN YOU COOK!! He’s never had that much flavor even Japanese food has tons of flavor
-dances to everything
- actually is afraid of your aim when you throw shit at him (specifically the chancla)
- he hates it when you grab it and spank his ass sometimes playfully
-y’all make fun of each others accents.
-when he yells your name he adds a Spanglish accent.
- he fw bad bunny and romeo santos
- gets hard when you get angry in Spanish,
-“dude why are you not scared?” “I love it when she’s angry.” he’ll be all smitten for you
- feeds you (we Latinas are ALWAYS HUNGRY)
- “so uh quieres joder?” That’s how bad it is
- loves that you’re possessive and clingy because he won’t have to worry as much about you being loyal
-“Im on a mission—“
-“I’m going over there.” You’ll hang up and drag him by the ear, take the train home lecture him on not scaring you on missions. Because well like curses and some curse users
-“you look bonita!!”
- he loves how wild you are!!
- hands on hips when doing perreo IS A MUST
-man’s got some seasoning in him you just brought out the rest of the inner spice he needed.
-when you tell him your insecurities about being a phase or used as a token girl he’ll be serious and reassure you that he only has and does have eyes for you only
-nah bc you got him that much weak in the knees
- loves the fact you are always calling him papas, amorcito, satorito (HIS FAVORITE)
-pretends to be sounding dumb not knowing some basic Spanish words just to hear them in English or Japanese (whichever language y’all speak to each other)
-“te amo.”
-“what does that mean?”
“I love you.”
“I love you too!!” He’ll kiss you and also finds you addicting
-when you both kiss he gets addicted “ugh you taste amazing!!”
- will never get his hands off of you
-loves you for you. Forever and always
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rookieloveskashi · 1 month
contents: fluff, post-war arc canon, pregnant reader, reader and kakashi are married and already have four children (if it isn't obvious yes i want to give him a baseball team), selfship-coded. wc: 0.7k
happy mother's day (or just normal sunday) to everyone 💕
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Kakashi made a big show of ignoring the little whisper, comfortably sighing and rubbing his face into his pillow. Two tiny hands pressed into his shoulder and started violently shaking.
You suppressed a giggle and pretended like you were still fast asleep. Kakashi quietly exhaled the laughter caught in his throat before turning and looking into the expectant eyes of his three-year-old son.
“Yes, Obi—”
“SHHHHH!” The boy stared down at him with more exasperation than such a tiny face should be able to muster. “Don’t wake up Mama.”
Kakashi happened to know that you were wide awake, still fighting the belly laughs that would give you away. Beneath the blanket, you curled your fingers around his forearm to stabilize yourself.
“Why should I be awake when your mother is allowed to sleep?” Kakashi whispered to his son.
The boy rolled his eyes and sighed in a perfect recreation of Kakashi’s own younger self. “Becaaauuusee.”
Another little voice piped up from beside the bed. “It’s Mother’s Day.”
“We want to make breakfast for Mama,” a third voice chimed in.
Kakashi contorted himself just enough to see two more of his miniature self peeking over the edge of the bed, all messy silver hair and dark eyes.
Seems they planned a joint attack.
“Oh, that’s so nice of you,” he answered, dramatically yawning and snuggling back into you; his face tucked into your neck and his hand cradling your belly. “Well, you know where the kitchen is.”
Two little hands grabbed Kakashi’s face and forced him to turn away from you. Then he felt his son’s tiny uncoordinated baby fingers prying his left eye open. “Papa!”
“We need your help!”
“There’s three of you and only one of me,” Kakashi reasoned. “I would only get in your way.”
“We can’t use the stove!”
“Mmmm that does pose a problem.”
“Are you getting up or not?!”
The boys were making enough noise to wake the whole village. Kakashi couldn’t help but smile at the way they already embodied teamwork, if only to get their lazy dad out of bed. “Tell you what, let me go check on your baby sister, and then I’ll meet you three in the kitchen.”
“Okay!” the triplets answered in chorus before rushing out of the room in a thunder of tiny pattering feet (and hands; an interesting result of sometimes using ninja hounds as babysitters).
With the coast clear, you let out a few giggles as you turned over to face Kakashi. “Good morning,” you beamed.
Kakashi hummed and kissed the tip of your nose. “Didn’t you hear? You’re supposed to be sleeping.”
“Like that was gonna happen,” you laughed.
“We’re going to have to work on their stealth skills.” Kakashi pulled you in for a proper kiss, enjoying the warmth of your body for a few more moments before rolling out of bed. “Maybe you can fall asleep again before they come back.”
“No way! I’m too excited to see what they have in mind. Go on; don’t keep them waiting.”
Kakashi rolled his eyes, taking an extra minute to kiss your slightly swollen tummy before finally getting out of bed to chase after his sons.
Just as you were starting to worry that the breakfast had become more of a chore than your husband could handle, Kakashi pushed open the door—your infant daughter in one arm and two plates balanced on the other.
“Mama! You’re already awake!”
“Did Papa wake you up?!”
“No, ‘Kumo. I just woke up a minute ago,” you grinned.
The triplets climbed into bed and surrounded you, all but ignoring their father’s warnings to avoid crawling over your stomach. Once they were settled, Kakashi placed your daughter in your arms so she could be fed.
“There’s no room for your plate,” he laughed.
“I’ll feed you, Mama!”
“No, me!”
“I counted the strawberries!”
“Well I stirred up the eggs!”
“But I picked the plate!”
“You’ll have to take turns,” Kakashi interjected, patting each boy on the head to calm them down. They each quickly scooped up a bite of food, racing to see who would be ready first.
Kakashi’s eyes drooped with exhaustion, but the contentment he truly felt at the scene was written all over his face. Then he looked at you, and that contentment morphed into pure joy.
“Happy mother’s day, Y/N.”
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hockeyshmockey · 8 months
Lance Stroll- Biggest Champion
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summary: a moment between the oldest wolff and lance after some scary moments in Qatar. lance stroll x wolff reader
warnings: talk about the medical issues in qatar!
wc: 1.1k
“Papa,” you said worriedly as you say next to Toto in the Mercedes garage in Qatar. Since you had begun seeing Lance, throughout this season, the set up usually was you watching your boyfriend and friends race from the Mercedes garage and stepping out to see Lance pre and post race. Unless Chloe was in town where the two of you could be found giggling in the Aston garage, this seemed to work for the two of you.
That day in Qatar had been otherworldly hot. Lance had not been having the greatest weekend, taking ice baths every hour it seemed like and spending a lot of time in his drivers room trying to work through his frustrations. You had joined him some of the time, offering him silent comfort which seemed to be what he needed with all the pressure sitting on his shoulders.
As you and Toto stared at the screens showing several onboards and now sharing Logan’s voluntary retirement, your worry crept up for not only Lance, but your friends as well. A hand fell on your shoulder, squeezing to offer support as Lewis joined your little group. Carmen was standing off to the side with George’s trainer, chewing on her nail as she shared similar worries about her boy in the drivers seat.
“I really can’t believe this,” Lewis shook his head as Logan was wheeled into the Williams garage. “This is so dangerous. The FIA can't let this happen again.”
The group all watched as more and more drivers chimed in over the radios about not feeling well. Alonso pretty much asking his team to throw water over him on his last pit, which they couldn’t do. After another round of Max crossing the line first, finally some relief hit as the groups shoulders lifted knowing their final driver and friends would be getting out of the cars soon.
Watching the other team onboards which your father kept on a separate screen for your benefit, you winced as you watched Alex have to be assisted out of his car. Switching over to Lances, you watched as he sat in his car for a minute before trying to haul himself out. You felt slight relief as he made it from the car, leaning over by the tire for a second. But that relief was short lived.
As you saw him stumble, you gasped, hand covering your mouth as your father frowned, the two of you watching as Lance’s knees buckled and sent him fumbling into the door of the ambulance. Toto put a hand on your back as you both watched medical personnel approach the driver, before the feed was cut.
“Go,” Toto nodded as you looked on helplessly, taking no time before hightailing it from the Mercedes garage to the Aston Martin one down the row.
“Is he ok?” You asked breathlessly as you saw Lawrence and Lance's Engineer standing together with matching frowns.
“He had some trouble with the heat,” Lawrence said as he put a hand on your shoulder in sympathy. “He didn’t look too good getting out of the car but they took him right to the medical center.”
“Will they let us in?” You immediately asked.
“I’ve got to wait for Fernando,” Lawrence sighed, looking over at Ben and Henry. “I think they’ll let Henry in, you want to go with him and work that charm? Check on our boy?”
“I’m on it,” you smiled weakly as Henry nodded, leading you out of the garage to where he grabbed an Aston golf cart and drove you over to the medical center. Considering the state of the drivers, the usually calm area was a mad house with other team members, drivers, and some partners as well.
You followed Henry’s lead as he walked up to one of the track workers. The two spoke for a moment, Henry gesturing over his shoulder to you. As the worker saw you wringing your hands and the clear worry on your face, her own expression softened and she nodded before pointing down the hall.
You hurried after Henry, keeping up with his long strides as the two of you approached a curtained off area. Henry peeked his head in before pulling back the sheets, showing your boyfriend sitting on the bed in no shirt and just his fire proof bottoms.
“Hey mate,” Henry said as he approached the bed, clapping Lances shoulder as the boy smiled up at him tiredly. “Boss man couldn’t get away but wanted us to make sure to come check on ya.”
“I’m alright,” Lance said, his words slightly slurred with exhaustion as he looked past Henry towards you. He reached out a hand, you immediately rushing over to grab it in both of yours. “Just exhausted. They’ve got me on some fluids right now.”
“Some good rest and food will get you right,” Henry squeezed his shoulder before looking back at you. “We’ll I’ll leave you and report back to Lawrence. You both should be able to get back to the garage but if not give me a shout, I’ll come get you.”
“Thank you Henry,” you said softly as he smiled at the both of you before heading back out the way he came. You took a long second now that you were alone to let your eyes take in all of Lance’s face- skin sweaty, eyes tired.
“I really am ok,” he murmured, cupping your cheek as he saw the unshed tears on your lash line. You nuzzled in to his touch, letting out a sigh as you felt some of the weight on your shoulders lift just having him in front of you.
“I’m glad, it was scary out there,” you rasped out, looking at him once more. “A few other guys apparently passed out in the mc post race.”
“God this should’ve never happened,” Lance shook his head. Any further talking was put on pause as a nurse shuffled in, taking stock of Lances IV drip and telling him he would still be here for another hour or so for observation.
“I know I wasn’t at my best this weekend,” Lance admitted thickly. “And I’ve got some apologies to make. But being in the car, feeling like I could’ve gone off at any moment. All I could think about was getting back to you. And telling you how much I adore you, and that I don’t say it enough, but I’m really thankful for you and everything you do for me.”
“Oh schatz,” you said as you leaned in teary eyed again, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead. “You’re doing your best. Your frustration is something everyone understands, we just need to find better ways for you to express it. There is nothing I would change about you. I love you and I love being your biggest champion. There’s no getting rid of me.”
“I love you,” he smiled tiredly, pursing his lips with a pout till you rolled your eyes and leaned down to press a kiss to his lips.
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whalesforhands · 5 months
kaizen daycare! 2
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“(name)-sensei! Why’d you look so n-nerv—“ His little eyebrows furrow, tiny hand coming up to scratch his head in focused thought. “Nerv-y?”
(He promised Nanamin he would use a new word today.)
You giggle as you ruffle his hair. “That was a wonderful try, Yuuji-kun.” Two of your hands settle on his squishy cheeks as he stares up at you. “But I suppose I am a little nervous.”
Hmm… So that’s how it was pronounced! He’s gonna tell Nanamin he tried anyway. But… What’s causing you to be this way, though? That faraway look in your eyes is troubling him too… Oh!
“Didya forget to eat today, (name)-sensei?!” A pat to your knee as he stares up at you, all sparkly gaze and blushy cheeks with a smile that was overflowing with glowing excitement.
So cute. He reminds you of a blooming flower.
“Ahah, Yuuji-kun that’s not—“
Blonde, brunettes and raven-haired heads perk up at the little boy’s voice, their attention lost on the toys as they quickly start to trickle out of your sight and making a run for their cubbies. Are they-
“I got riceballs today!”
“Nanamin said he made me karaage!”
“Papa said our chara-bens are cute today too!”
“Daddy bought us kikufuku mochi for dessert!”
“Ahh, wait— Children-!” You realized a little too late.
It isn’t long before a clatter of bento boxes and a small assortment of various treats settle themselves in front of you, scattered into a small pile as the twins start pushing their treats forward a little more to make you notice it first.
“Mmm! (nwame)-swensei mwakes goodsh food!” Kugisaki Nobara finds herself being fed an adult’s lunch as she chews, her eyes closed in satisfaction and her feet kicking about as she continues to savour the taste of the food you were sharing with her.
(Sharing is an understatement. You’re surprised by how much she could eat, and how she was vacuuming up almost the entirety of your own packed lunch.)
“I’ll mwake sure to-“ She stops when she sees your stern gaze, not minding at all but taking the moment to swallow. “Forget my bento more off-then!” You only giggle as you shake your head in response, wiping off the grain of rice at the corner of her lips.
“Your grandma will be sad if you don’t eat her food often, Nobara-chan. You have to remember to bring it all the time, okay?”
“Mmm…” She’s still thinking as she watches your amused face, a hand on her cheek. “If (name)-sensei thinks so…” Her face breaks into a grin as she shows you a thumbs-up. “Okay!”
You hear several growls next to you. A turn of your head reveals the wanting gaze of the rest of your kids, all hungry ministrations of eating their own packed lunches stopped.
“Eh…?” The chopsticks in your hand have paused midair in bewilderment, wrist just in distance of Megumi as he makes a small grab for it, leading your utensil into his mouth as he noms down on the tamagoyaki you held.
“…it’s good…!” His eyes sparkle as he turns his head to face the growing pouts of his classmates, the rising jealousy not at all apparent to him as he feels you gently pry the chopsticks out of his mouth, a small tap to his nose in slight scolding that makes him nearly want to sneeze.
“Nanako wants some too!”
“M-mimiko as well!”
“I’m still hungry, (name)-sensei!”
“E-eh???? (name)-sensei was feeding me first!”
In the end, you had an empty lunch box and a very, very satisfied class of kids who had very full bellies that day.
(Are they trying to pay you back for that day? You’re really starting to think you have the sweetest kids to ever exist.)
“You all…” Megumi shifts closer to you, nestling himself on your lap as your hand goes up to support him, beginning to peek up at your face. You had started to tremble from where you sat on the floor of the foam-tiled play area, growing silent as the rest of the kids slowly crowded around you.
(Were they in trouble? Are you upset with them…? Please, please don’t be! They’re good kids!)
Megumi catches a glimmer forming at the corner of your eye, his small hands starting to grip onto your shirt and his green eyes starting to widen as he realizes that you’re cryi—
“Are so cute!” You’re already scooping them all into your arms, your face hot with gratuitous joy as you embrace the squealing kids close to you, enjoying their cuddly warmth and pats of your face.
(“Oh, but-” You begin to tut, staring down at the five kids squished together on your lap. “I have my own lunch today, kids.”
There’s a glower on their faces, disappointment and disheartened expressions clear and evident. It squeezes at your heart in guilt as the colorful plastic wrapping of one of the sweets is captured from the corner of your eye.
“B-but! It seems that I would need help clearing all these treats up!”)
You tiptoe out the room, gently shutting the door of the nap room behind you.
“Good work today.” Ieiri Shoko is sipping her second cup of coffee of the day as she appears behind you, clearly amused at your frazzled form after putting the children to sleep.
“There’s nothing good about today…” You’re sulking as you slump against the door, your knees bent as you let out a loud sigh.
A smirk appears on her face. “Why? Scared of being alone with a couple guys and their kids?” She heard the whole conversation. Perks of being one of the first few to arrive just to get some time to be alone with you.
Your feet shift nervously as you hands begin to fiddle with each other, a sigh escaping your lips as you lean back against the door. “You know I’m no good at being social, Shoko…”
You’re pouting at her as your cheeks start to warm from embarrassment. “What if they find me weird and unsettling and—“ You nearly want to scream. “What if they pull Megumi and the twins out of school because they think I’m unsuitable—“ You stop yourself. “But at the same time if they’ve moved into the neighborhood I’ll be running into them 24/7! If they find out I’m just some loser who stays at home all day and reads—“
You cough to cut yourself off at your spiel. Relax… You take in a deep breath as you finally start to calm. “And what if…” Your eyes flicker towards the ground. “They just… Don’t like me?”
A beat passes, and another.
Her eyes trail off to the side, letting the silence beat amongst the both of you. “They’ll like you like I love you, (name).” Her dark eyes meet yours, her steps stopping right before you as you catch the sight of her heels. “And if you’re so worried, you could always catch dinner with me instead as an excuse.”
(She would even call him up using the school register to tell him you can’t make it because your plant died or some other stupid excuse if that was what you wanted.)
“You’re so kind Shoko…!” You tackle her into a hug. “Your kindness precedes a being like me!” You pull back, glancing up at her blank, unimpressed gaze as you let a smile grace your face. “Jokes aside,” You scratch your cheek.
“I think it’s too late to even fully reject him now…”
You gulp nervously as the domineering man stood before you, all smiles and teeth and turned up eyes behind dark sunglasses that gleam with expectant want.
“I-I think that I have—“ Distance is closed in an instance, a towering frame leaning over you and breaking all boundaries of personal space.
“Y’know, the kids are gonna be super super excited once they find out we’re moving in next to ya!” Large porcelain hands reach up to grasp both of your own in his. “Won’tcha please come make them happy? Megumi and the twins talk about you lots, ya know? They even forget to eat sometimes when they get to tell us all about you.” There’s a cute pout on his face that makes your stomach swirl, your bewildered eyes starting to twirl as the scent of his cologne invades your nose…
(He’s so handsome… And so thoughtful of his kids… Ahh, you can feel your heart stutter…)
“I-I suppose I do have some free time today…!” He’s so close! If he leans down anymore, your lips would be—!
“Oho, that’s nice to hear, sensei!” A grin and a pat to your head. “We should have fully settled in by this afternoon, so I’ll come pick ya up after school, kay?” He pulls himself away (begrudgingly) as he pats his pockets for his car keys.
“O-oh, that’s not—“
“See ya later, sweetheart!” He’s practically already skipping out the door, sending you a salute and a wink as you stand there in stunned silence.
It looks like you have plans tonight with your neighbour… You turn towards the corridor before you pause in your steps abruptly, a small chill going up your spine.
Did you ever tell him your unit number…?
(Oh, you must’ve forgotten to close a window somewhere. No time to dawdle on your bad memory now when the kids’ health is at stake!)
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You did actually go pretty hungry that day considering your lunch was fully consumed by 5 overeager toddlers. Shoko shared her convenience store sandwich with you.
Suguru heard the story of your shared lunch from Mimiko and used that as an excuse to talk recipes with you. Character-bentos are a popular topic between the both of you.
nvy’s aftertalk:
to all the anons who guessed that i was watching gakuen babysitters i am ashamed to admit that you are right i am a sucker for babies and cannot stop rewatching this dumb anime
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my loves!! i got that pussy tea for u ehhe (˃ᴗ⩹)
avatar reactions - oral sex ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ 。⋆
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jake ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ 。⋆
• charmingly; being wheelchair-bound back when he was a human means jake's had to up his oral game. therefore he knows exactly how to have you quivering and gushing all over his pretty face. jake's pretty big on tongue especially, whether it be using the pink tip to leave little quick kitten licks across your swollen bud; or wider tongue-strokes across the length of your exposed pussy; or even eagerly thrust it as deep as he can past your clenching opening, deep inside your wet warmth
• likewise, this man loves to chuckle and smirk as he does it too--paired with heavy eye contact and some well-placed thigh spanks, nothing riles him up more than seeing you squirm and squeal as his chesty hums and laughs vibrate through your sweat-covered, hyper-aroused form above (or in front of) him.
quaritch ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ 。⋆
• sloppily; quaritch loves some hot, juicy pussy to slurp up, 100%. being a sadistic lover, when he goes down on you he continues to maintain his dominance; there's no letting you take control with quaritch. being a marine, he'll utilise that discipline and patience to tease you, making you whine and buck up your hips as he tongues extra hard against your swollen, sensitive cunt
• he'll be unabashedly confident in his ability to please you, too. wide-toothed grins, crow's feet, hot breaths on your exposed flesh, he's going at it--"..mmphmm..unhhpm..you like-mphm-like that, darlin'?..goddamn..always so sweet for me mama.." he'll muffle out, as he continues the brutal onslaught of his rough, eager licks and slurps as he eats you out for all you're worth.
tonowari ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ 。⋆
• earnestly; it's different for the metkayina clan, as they're all socialised to accept interest and enthusiasm wholeheartedly; be it for the sea, the all-mother, childrearing, but especially the fulfillment of their loved one's needs. therefore tonowari takes his job of pleasuring you seriously; perhaps not dominantly, but with the utmost respect and desire
• tonowari's favourite meal is your swollen, throbbing mound, gyrating desperately against his awaiting mouth. he's a big boy, and so'll make sure to eat up every drop of slick essence you can give. using his wide, thick pink tongue, he'll lay it flat along the length of your pussy--eyes softly closed, eyebrows raised slightly in unconscious earnest intrigue, tonowari's just here to make his um'ma happy. and if that takes some extra languid suckles and messy, wet smears of your aching cunt across his eager face, this papa bear's all game.
tsu'tey ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ 。⋆
• religiously; tsu'tey's a mature omaticayan, born and raised in the higher ranks of the clan, and reared in a heavily esoteric and introspective community. when this man eats pussy, he eats it like he's eating the most sacred of offerings from the all-mother eywa herself. almost as though he sees it as a spiritual practice, tsu'tey finds much pleasure and satisfaction in seeing you get wetter and wetter; your outer pussy swelling from arousal, clit throbbing, opening clenching, all at the mere prospect of being pleasured by your mate
• tsu'tey takes it incredibly seriously too--not one for overt emotionalism, he'll be surprisingly deliberate and careful with his actions; making sure to remain skilled, focused and successful in pleasuring your body. he'll swiftly use the tip of his tongue to tease your slick entrance, and leave studied nips and open-mouthed kisses to your outer pussy. he'll use the pads of his fingers scoop up your excess arousal, taste it, feed it to you, or even smear it across his forehead, cheeks and chin whilst chanting a prayer to eywa, thanking her for blessing him with such a mate.
ronal ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ 。⋆
• intentionally; this can go either way for ronal, as depending on her mood (and your good behaviour) she can either be soft, almost maternal in her movements, or calculated and unyielding as she punishes you for breaking one of her rules, or not fulfilling her expectations. some days she'll leave gentle kisses to your thighs, humming softly in satisfaction at your writhing hips and heaving chest. other days ronal'll take no issue with laying some firm, sharp spanks to your exposed pussy, hissing, snarling and baring her sharp piercing fangs as you squirm in anticipation
• she may decide to let up after some especially harsh punishment, using the long pads of her fingers to smooth soft traces in between your spread legs, massaging your outer lips. coaxing out your rich juices for her to wantonly lap up, all the while sporting a gentle smile. but if she's feeling a little more disciplinary, ronal won't hesitate to grope your soft thighs and tongue hard, thrusting deep into your oversensitive cunt as she coerces yet another white-hot release from your exhausted, fucked-out form.
neytiri ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ 。⋆
• playfully; neytiri gets the most satisfaction from seeing you succumb to her ministrations; more than punishing, more than rewarding, perhaps even more than teasing. being able to coax out your needy whines, feel your shuddering hips, and the lewd clenching and throbbing of your warm, wet mound fills neytiri with an almost addicting sense of pride.
• no one can satisfy her mate like she can, and she'll be virtually unable to repress the grin, creased eyes, bared fangs and little sultry giggles she lets out as she watches you come undone in front of her, teasing with a "..now, look at my sweet, sweet girl, aah..so wet, so much..all for mama, yes?..ahhmm, yes, my girl.." as she continues milking your body-wracking orgasm. fingers jutting hard into your g-spot, neytiri's hums of an almost innocent contentment contrasting lewdly to your needy moans, and the wet, slick sounds of your opening sucking her fingers back into your needy pussy.
hope u enjoyed bbys<3
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