#pa dept of health
kkginfo · 2 years
Ragging: There is no such thing as healthy ragging.. What psychologists say about the demon of ragging.. | KKG INFO
Ragging: There is no such thing as healthy ragging.. What psychologists say about the demon of ragging.. | KKG INFO
Ragging: Needless to say, the ragging incident at the Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Medical College in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, has sparked a huge debate across the country. Ragging: Needless to say, the raging incident at the Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Medical College in Indore, Madhya Pradesh has sparked a huge debate across the country. The ragging by the seniors on the juniors shocked everyone. A case…
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asp1diske-art · 4 months
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a friend got me back into Have a Nice Death and wow that's a lot of updates huh
Death took a sick leave.
Long story short,
Death found an odd pill in the Addictions Dept,
and while he was wondering whether he should give it to the R&D Dept or the Hazardous Waste Disposal,
Pump Quinn put in in his koffee.
Pump Quinn “I’m so sorry, I thought it was a vitamin!”
Death “It’s all right, Quinn. But next time please consult me before putting things in my koffee”
Orville “Uh, anyway, the analysis is in, and apparently it’s a test version of Mordicine. It boosts attack, but the Intoxicated effect is stronger. Also it applies random status ailments.”
Death “Is there no antidote?”
Orville “Um… no, I don’t think so. Still, it’s not permanent so you’ll just have to sit it out.”
Death “Comforting words indeed.”
Ding dong!
Ding dong? A guest?
Death “How long is this going to take?”
Orville “It’ll be over by tomorrow at most. So just keep an eye on your health and you’ll be fine! Even if it’s not… well, it’s you boss, so it should be okay—”
Life “I heard you took a sick leave. Pa-the-tic!”
Orville “Boss? Boss, are you listening?”
Death “Ah, yes… do the side effects include hallucinations?”
Life “I’m right here you numbskull.”
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Just a reminder as raw milk makes a resurgence as a "health" food that the only difference between raw milk and pasteurized milk is that pasteurized milk doesn't have harmful bacteria in it unless some kind of serious cross-contamination issue has occurred. Yes, serious illness from raw milk is still very much a thing that happens to people.
Feeding kids under 5, adults over 65, or immunocompromised people raw milk is especially dangerous but even otherwise healthy individuals can become gravely ill. There is no reason to drink raw milk. I can't stop you, but I can tell you it's a ridiculous hill to die on, and you might actually die on it.
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chereserene · 1 year
Lost opportunities
Ewan ko ba kasalanan ko ba or hindi lang talaga siya para sa akin.
Dalawang opportunities na yung pinakawalan ko just because I don't know if qualified ba ako to be on that position.
1st yung credit and collection associate which is may training naman pero feel ko hindi lang ako fit kasi kahit under ako sa dept. na yun for almost 2 years hindi pa sapat yung skills ko para dun though sabi tuturuan naman ako pero feel ko I won't be happy, ayoko na maburnout ulit sa job na hindi ko na rin gusto.
2nd naghahanap R. Guidance and counselor pero ang alam ko kasi you need to take MA for you to have a job position sa loob ng guidance and counseling. Since, iba naman yung tinapos ko and tinitake ko as of now feel ko di ako qualified. Now, I really don't know if fit ba ako or qualified (part time lang naman). Since di naman ako nagtake ng MA and alam ko bawal yun. Pero if I want too pwede naman ako magGC kaso di pa ako qualified to work since I'm not taking Masters in GCm And hindi ko pa afford magtuloy sa MA. May 3 years pa naman ako isipin what field ko gusto talaga.
So, ayun feel ko naman if hindi para sa akin. Hindi talaga ibibigay sa akin may mga bagay lang talaga na ayoko na ipilit and at the same time gusto ko sana dun sa alam ko na masaya yung mental health ko.
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asrisgratitudejournal · 11 months
Open Day and Idul Adha
Hello, welcome back at my disposal!
Hari ini (Kamis) dan kemarin (Rabu) ku helping around di Open Day-nya department. Ku senang banget deh. Udah tahu sih kalau Kamisnya akan Idul Adha (di googlecalendar-ku kan kumasukin hari libur Indonesia juga ya), tapi pas sign-up ku mikirnya yaudahlahya it’s not like I’m going to celebrate hari raya Idul Adha in some special way juga. Palingan kalau ambil day off juga terus ngapaenn, mendingan saya kerja atau mencari uang. Tahun lalu sih kayanya berhasil solat Id di OXCIS ya sama Diny, tapi apa lagi hari Sabtu ya? Pokoknya siangnya lanjut ngopi di Starbucks terus rame orang gitu dan I didn’t feel guilty at all for not working. Nah yang ini tuh kenapa sign up buat Open Day adalah karena kerjanya dari jam 9-16 (paynya ga gede sih cuma £13/hour, tapi kalau dikali 7 dan dikali 2 lumayan lah ya) dan awalnya kupikir solat id bakal pagi (di Indo kan biasanya jam berapa sih, jam 7, atau paling siang jam 8 lah), eh ternyata di sini baru solat jam 9.30…. Mayan kebingungan kemarin. Awalnya padahal udah yang yah yasudahlah skip aja solat id kan sunnah, eh tapi kebetulan di dept ada Adewunmi teman muslim yang ikutan openday juga dan dia ngajakin solat bareng di RobertHooke jam 9.30 setelah ijin ke Sarah… jadinya ikut lah saya…. (which is REALLY GOOD, thank you Adewunmi….). Di Robert Hooke tapi PANAS banget sampe pusing dan super penuh ku nyempil-nyempil, begitu salam langsung buka mukena dan cabs balik ke dept…
Oh iya, OPEN DAY. Iya jadi open day seperti namanya adalah hari buka… Atau mirip kaya open house gitu kali ya. Kan University of Oxford ini seperti yang kalian ketahui (atau nggak ketahui? Tapi sekarang jadi tahu), sangat tertutup dan elit. Masuk college harus ngetap pake bod card, sampe ada email hati-hati di-tailgate segala. Setiap building department pasti akses harus pake bod card juga, atau kalau pun departmentnya open kaya Earth Sciences ya harus pass receptionist dulu di jam kerja weekday. Paham sih karena ini menyangkut masalah safety dan security kan. Kalau college ya karena living compound juga aja and you don’t want just any other people to get into your living quarter and then possibly take your stuff. Kalau di dept ya karena ada lab dengan data-data penting. Dan ya karena university adalah sekolah aja gaksih, supaya bisa belajar comfortably ya harus merasa aman dulu.
Nah tapi, kecuali 2 hari ini (hari ini dan kemarin), hampir semua part of Oxford open for prospective students (and their parents, or families, or friends), termasuk college-ku sendiri yaitu Exeter college, dan Department Earth Sciences. Tujuannya ya supaya anak-anak yang masih galau milih mau kuliah apa (dan orang tuanya) ini bisa lihat department jurusan yang akan dipilih anaknya ini offer course apa aja sih, apa yang akan dipelajari, ada fasilitas apa, siapa yang akan ngajar, gimana sustainabilitynya terhadap environment (if that is something that is valuable and important to their lifestyle), gimana diversitynya, apakah communitynya tight atau nggak, akan burn out nggak nanti karena kan ni sekolah anak pinter semua isinya, gimana mental health supportnya, etc2. WHICH IS REALLY GOOD. I was talking to Mas Felix earlier (karena kami ber2 dosen di UI, di department yang sama): “kita di Indo gaada gaksih mas kaya gini? Aku dulu kayanya sama mama papa gapernah ke openday ke ITB gitu, di UI ada gak ya?” Terus Mas Felix ingetnya ada sepertinya tapi emang yang ngerjain semua mahasiswa dan himpunan. Ku Cuma ingetnya dulu di FITB sepertinya ada semacam hari buat tur jurusan gitu, ke gedung geologi, ke meteorologi labbir, geodesi, tapi itu setelah masuk TPB, bukan sebelum milih jurusan di SNMPTN. Kemudian ku baru inget lagi juga ada acara “Aku Masuk ITB”, karena KPA pernah nampil di openingnya di Aula Barat, terus tapi aku gainget konsep acaranya gimana dan apakah ku pernah promoting jadi student volunteer buat promoting geology ke anak-anak SMA…. Sepertinya nggak….
Kalau di sini, yang ngomong ya emang betulan faculty-nya, bahkan selain talk introduction to earth sciences, ada juga talk yang lebih thematic, si Laura bahas research ice sheetnya, dan Ros bahas paleobiology. Terus tugasku sebagai PhD student sebetulnya ngeliatin aja cool volcanic rocks, volcano suits, terus microscope dan thin section, talk about field trips. Selain yang kusebut barusan, ada juga desk meteorite dan seismology. Si visitors ini juga di-offer buat lab tour, ngeliatin geological map, intinya dikasih tau lah apa yang bakal dihadapi 4 tahun ke depan. Bisa sampai nanya-nanya proses admissionnya juga, funding, sampai assessment exam.
Kemarin ku sempat ngobrol sama yang jauh-jauh datang dari Italia, France, China, beneran beda ya kalau world-class university beneran modelan Oxford. Terus paling lucu biasanya yang lebih excited dan tidak malu-malu nanya adalah parentsnya compared to the children, padahal yang mau skola kan anaknya ye, tapi ya apparently sama aja kultur barat atau timur kalau bahas parents mah. Terus paling nervous kalau parentsnya adalah GEOLOGIST atau EARTH SCIENTIST juga… karena kan ya emang common kan ya pattern orangtua encouraging anaknya to take the same path as theirs. Kadang kalau case yang ortunya geologist ini tapi bisa lebih enak juga sih, karena most of the time mereka sendiri yang ngejelasin ke anaknya jadi w tinggal ngangguk-ngangguk aja, ngeiyain.
Terus selain lab tours, talks, dan showcases of cool rocks, ada demonstration juga! Tentang atmospheric circulation dan seawater density. VERY VERY COOL. Asli ye. Kalau mama papa w kaya banget, pasti pengen banget ambil undergrad study di Oxford. Sayangnya cuma mampu sampai ITB aja dulu HUHU (but it’s okay tho Non, sekarang kan toh udah di Oxford juga??!).
Oh iya, terus dari sini juga tapi jadi belajar BANYAK BANGET aja sih, terutama ke “gimana mau bangun department geoscience sendiri nanti di UI”. Gak sendiri, tapi maksudnya, how we could do better. Tapi jujur ya, ku merasa bersyukurrrrr banget bisa ke Oxford. Ku dari sekarang udah meresapi as much as I can gimana si Earth Sciences departmentnya Oxford ini jalan terus udah ngebayangin implementasinya nanti sebaliknya ku di UI. VERY VERY EXCITED.
Selain buat Geosains UI, ku juga mikir, wah ini yang namanya well-informed candidate. Betulan sebelum milih mau kuliah apa tuh ya emang paling bener ya research kaya gini. Datengin sekolahnya, ngobrol sama orang-orangnya, ngeliat tempat tinggalnya kaya apa, baru make reasonable choice after considering and analysing all options. Ku dulu juga banyak banget sih ngelakuin research. Untungnya mamaku sangat pintar huhu jadi kami ke UNS liat FK-nya (dari luar doang sih, tapi at least ku tahu “Oh ini ya UNS”. Terus UGM mah gausah research banyak juga ku sudah banyak tahu dari pelatnas IESO untungnya (walaupun sangat biased karena ku cuma tahu FT dan Teknik Geologi aja). Terus ITB juga lumayan dari labbirnya udah banyak hangout di sana sejak SMA, dan di Bosscha bahkan ku hidup di sana sebulan (yang membuatku yakin bahwa ku gamau ambil Astrophysics because otak gasampe). Hm ke UI juga pernah, karena dekat rumah aja kali ya. Dan yaudah dari semua options itu ku akhirnya pilih ITB. Tapi gapernah tuh ku menghadiri open daynya Geologi ITB terus dapet informasi tentang sekolah geologi itu ngapain, kulap ke mana, dosennya siapa, typical day mahasiswanya kaya apa (untuk “apa yang dipelajari” tentu saja ku sudah khatam karena udah belajar sampai bikin penampang dari SMA jadi bukan masalah besar). Tapi bayangin kalau kalian bukan anak olim kebumian, mana tahu??? Terus yaudah milih-milih aja gitu random FITB tanpa tahu FITB itu apa (well, secara umum pasti tahu sih ada di internet), tapi to interact, to experience directly, kan nda. Btw kalau kalian di sini ada yang tahu uni di Indo yang ngadain open day kasihtahu ya.
Tapi ya emang balik lagi, ga murah juga sih, ku sadar di sini bisa kaya gini, dan bahkan orang-orang internasional ini bisa datang ke Oxford karena mereka mampu secara ekonomi. Mungkin konsepnya ya “liburan sekolah” sekalian lihat-lihat future campus, terus mereka ke UK dan kemudian ke Oxford dan Cambridge dan kampus-kampus London. Dulu kayanya Nadia juga sempat ngajak buat nemenin dia open day di UCL atau LSE gitu, terus tapi ku sibuk dan akhirnya Bu Yani yang nemenin.
Udah sih basically ini postingan cuma cerita aja kalau sangat senang habis bantu-bantu open day dan betapa konsep open day ini sangat bagus dan harus diimplimentasikan di Indonesia (yang setahuku belum ada? But I might be wrong).
Besok meeting sama Tamsin jam 10 gatau mau ngomongin apa, tadi Erdem ngemail ngajak ketemu bahas data RE tapi kubilang lagi bantuin openday jadi besok aja ye, jadi yasudah. Ini mau langsung pulang setelah beli makan malam gatau apa tapi, ke M&S aja kita lihat.
17.10 29/06/2023 @30.18
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yawpyawp · 7 months
the PA dept of health MMJ page has aggressively bad ux lol
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valleyledger · 2 years
Valley Youth House Awarded $750,000 From Federal Program to Address Housing and Homelessness
Valley Youth House Awarded $750,000 From Federal Program to Address Housing and Homelessness
The federal Dept. of Health and Human Services Family and Youth Services Bureau (FYSB) awards the funding through a competitive application process to support organizations and communities that are committed to ending youth homelessness.   LEHIGH VALLEY, PA (10/28/22) – Valley Youth House announces the award of $750,000 over a three-year period to fund the Transitional Living Program (TLP) that…
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abceedeefu · 2 years
It’s been nine days since I resigned...
Head, Recruitment & Onboarding
...dili man jud mawala ang PRESSURE, pero dili nako makaya iyahang style na mag sige’g adjust para sa iyaha. EVERYDAY ADJUST. Na toxic ‘ko n’ya, dili sya healthy for me. Mao to biskan ganahan ko sa’kuang work, I chose to give up that day. Kay grabe jud sya ka PUSHY. Kahit gaano ka organize lahat ng gawin mo, wala gyapon. Pangitaan niya ug mali. I was telling myself everyday, “Go lang, until sa kaya mo pa, at the end of the day may sweldo ka gurl, bay-e sya mag ugtas sa mga walang kwentang problema nya na mabigyan man ng solusyon na pinapalaki pa nya 🤣.” Unya kay mental health na man nakasalalay. Dili nako gusto mag buang-buang, two to three years? All because of one person na who doesn't even care? Nah to the ah to the NO. I deserved to be treated right kay nanarbaho ko’g tarong, if there are some lapses sa’kuang work, mao nang time na panic sya na magsige’g panugo na wala sa timing ba then malimtan nako akuang ginabuhat na di na mabalikan. Like wala pakabalik lingkod tawagon napud. There was that time na she ask me to assist her 30 minutes before the event, and pinagawa nya ako ng re-report nya. I was like, okay, kasi this is one of my duty and responsibility, to help the management run smoothly. When the time came, I was situated at the center of the event hall, para mag pipi-pindot sa laptop ng PPT Slides. Hindi kasi sya techy, so hindi marunong gamitin ang pointer. Ayaw nya rin na gamitin ko ang pointer, gusto nya pindutin ko talaga manually sa laptop. So, okay, no problem. So, I was there at the front while all the DEPARTMENT HEADS are discussing. Long story short, dahil sa mahina ang boses ng ibang dept heads, gusto nya iikot ko ang microphone while magpipi-pindot ako sa laptop. Like how? Elastic yan? Flexible yan? Infront ha, sinabi nyang, “Bigay mo ang mic doon, THIS IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY HA, TANDAAN mo yan.” She said that while naka on ang mic, and walking towards me. Sa harapan. She was so palak that time and I was like KALMADO pa days. And I said, “ah, okay ma’am.” Kinuha ko ang mic, walk, pindot, libot, fairies wheel. Any many more, she would also bend rules, na kesyo ganito kasi ganyan. She would also fly away like a langaw, she would never stand strong sa mga kasama nya sa office. She will always make you feel incompetent. She likes to bring down people. She likes to downgrade people. I’ve seen how she talks and handles situations poorly. I always pray to God to give those employees strength and motivation na makapunta and matapos ang work nila accordingly. She also likes to bend management system. This, I won’t tell, I always practice privacy and confidentiality. God will do the rest. She would never listen first... Then and there. I always cry at night. Actually, pasulod pa lang ko sa doorway buhos na agad luha ko. I was crying my heart out infront of my mom. Here pa yung time na, strong pa ako, lalaban lang kasi ganto naman talaga daw kapag una mong work, according sa ibang tao. Pero bakit madalas? Bakit ako kinakabahan ni hindi pa ako nakaalis ng bahay? Bakit hindi na ako excited pumasok? So, naa koy choice. And I chose to resign biskan unsa pa ka big help mga Officemate nako sa’kua, dili jud ka nila pasagdan, one for all for one jud mi ana sa office. However I typically able to make it through a bad Monday, survive a challenging week, and learn valuable lessons from a disappointing quarter, I just can’t stay there anymore. I need to get back up again. All I want is peace of mind. There are moments na naga struggle ko even sa small things. There’s this upsetting emotions and anxiety that won’t go away. Dili sya healthy for me. Relentless stress. Toxic management system. Erase. It typically follows me home. Steal away much-needed sleep, and generally cause worry and stress at that time. THOSE DAYS. Seconds. It lead myself to stress, burnout, anxiety, damage to my self-esteem, and serious disruptions sa akuang normal life. I was being professional but SHE WAS NOT. I don’t know. I can’t really express my self well. It’s just that, I love the job but I just really can’t stay. I just can’t.
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topdance6 · 2 years
China Visa Service
卡式台胞證 to the current pandemic disaster, China is at present requiring all foreigners to present their Electronic Health Declaration QR code and vaccination certificate upon arrival, as nicely as unfavorable PCR and antibody checks. They will then bear additional testing at the airport and, offered all is nice to go, a 14-day quarantine. Some provinces require that quarantine to final 21 days or much more for essentially the most extreme cases. Should a visitor take a look at positive at any point, they are escorted to a government facility for isolation. The Chinese Embassy will also not accept signatures in something aside from black or blue ink. Book an appointment on-line throughAVAS, so you probably can hand in your paperwork. Eligibility necessities to teach in China are interchangeable with Z-Visa eligibility as a end result of holding a sound working visa is the principle requirement for teaching right here. There are a selection of exceptions that could be made, nevertheless, so take a glance at ourAm I Eligible to Teach in China? The video does an excellent job of providing you with an summary of how to get your work visa for China, though we now have extra updated info beneath. For passengers finally certain for China who transfer via different countries, the above-mentioned procedures for checking well being codes or the Certified Health Declaration Forms also needs to be strictly followed. You must additionally present a photocopy of the information page of your passport. You should have an original signed U.S passport that should still be valid for a minimal of 6 months from the date of entry into China. Obtaining a work visa in China may be quite a prolonged and complex course of. With regulations continually changing, it presents quite a challenge for companies who wish to hire foreign employees in China. Find below a full record of the international locations whose residents do not require a visa to travel to Taiwan. You can have someone else complete the application in your behalf, however the utility type should have your signature. If you aren't from a visa-exempt country, then you have to apply for a Taiwan visa if you want to be allowed entry into the country. This article will element the Taiwan visa software course of, including the Taiwan eVisa and Visa On Arrival. Applications for a Chinese visa can solely be submitted via official Visa Application Centers , and may be submitted in person by the applicant or by way of an agent. China Visa Application And Requirements The China Z Visa software course of may even see overwhelming at first but, in actuality, it’s quite easy, particularly when you consider that your potential employer will be doing many of the bureaucratic run-around. Applicants who use an digital visa issued by Australia or New Zealand as the required documentmust present the valid Australia or New Zealand electronic visaas entering Taiwan. Nationals of aforementioned countries meaning to submit an online application for such a certificates should rigorously learn the next. The processing time starts from when the TRO obtain all necessities as specified in "Visa necessities" desk above. Travel Visa Pro is a registered hand-carry service with the united states Travel Visa Pro provides kind completion and courier providers based mostly in your enter and Dept of State and international consulates/embassies’ instructions, but doesn't provide legal advice. However, Visa applicants should current themselves physically at the embassy, entrust a friend, relative, or use our service at Visa Express to assist with their software. All international nationals are required to get a Chinese visa earlier than getting into China. This contains the a hundred and forty four and 72-hour visa-free transit in main Chinese cities like Guangzhou, Beijing, and Shanghai. Very overseas national who would like to enter China will need a Chinese visa. The applicant should current the certificates and the required paperwork for inspection when getting into Taiwan. Entry might be denied if the required paperwork usually are not produced. An approved R.O.C. Travel Authorization Certificate from the National Immigration Agency, Ministry of the Interior is legitimate for 90 days. Visa Necessities For Visiting China Since May 2018, the Chinese resort island of Hainan has provided 30-day visa-free entry to citizens of 59 international locations including the US, Canada, the EU, the UK, New Zealand, Malaysia and Singapore. You can’t depart Hainan island and journey to mainland China on this visa – if you would like to roam deeper into China, you'll need a standard tourist visa. Here is every little thing you should find out about acquiring a tourist visa for China, based on the requirements in place earlier than the pandemic, which are prone to remain when China reopens to worldwide vacationers. Always check the most recent regulations with the Chinese authorities before you journey. When the application is submitted to the embassy or consulate, it's reviewed for any possible purple flags. These embody prior convictions for crimes dedicated or a history of overstaying on a visa. The order by which names seem has no significance, and the listings or hyperlinks could also be removed at any time on the discretion of the Department. The up-to ten-year validity visa is not a temporary offer, however represents a long-term reciprocal dedication. While an applicant ought to typically apply well prematurely of their anticipated journey date, an individual with a currently legitimate visa or with no present journey plan mustn't rush to apply. 2) Post-arrival – Crown will assist with the required native registration course of until the complete immigration process is accomplished. A Denmark short-stay visa may be prolonged if new information have arisen since the visa was issued. Applications to extend a visa should be duly substantiated by pressure majeure, humanitarian grounds or critical occupational or personal reasons. A visa extension might not result within the period of the keep exceeding ninety days. Regarding https://www.chinavisa.com.tw/photo/ ’s bills throughout keep in the Schengen zone, both the employer or the companion firm must state coverage of expenses on the letter or invitation. Your passport and copies of your earlier visas valid for a minimum of 3 months beyond the return date are required. This fee doesn't embrace the possible extensions that you may request sooner or later whereas in China as these are separate extra fees. The M Visa is a visa explicitly given to foreigners who are coming to China with the plan of partnering or negotiating with companies in China. A enterprise that falls on this visa category contains signing contracts, negotiating import and export of products, and even getting a tour of how somebody else’s firm operates. If you only had a vacationer visa in China, you would not be in a position to do any of this since it will not fall under the purpose of your go to. Business visas are designed to keep all foreigners organized in their country and ensure nobody is doing what they are not imagined to do. Please don't confuse this visa with the China F Visa, because the F Visa is for science and tradition, not enterprise. Turkey Visa For Chinese Citizens Immigration officers in each country make the final decision to confess or to deny entry into the country or region, even when all of the stipulated necessities have been met. CVSC doesn't assure that the issuing authority will problem the visa in a well timed method and inside the specified timeframe; due to this fact, CVSC fees will be collected for the completion of procedures required for this concern. Non-refundable fares or reservations should not be bought until all visas have been obtained. Failure to comply with the directions exactly will likely end in rejection of the appliance. Just https://www.chinavisa.com.tw/china-visa/%E9%AB%98%E9%9B%84%E5%B8%82/index.php than 5 months remained until the deadline specified by Mark. The passport needed to be delivered in less than 6 months. Mark planned to be in China at the end of August 2021 to start out work on a project in Guangzhou. Yes, you can extend your German Schengen visa, but only in distinctive cases the place new facts and special causes arise after entry in Germany, i.e. You will be spending more days in Germany, than within the other countries. Apply for this visa if you have to obtain medical care in Germany. How To Apply For China Visa Online Whether you propose to go to Cambodia to see the temples, explore the museums, or simply try the food, making use of for an eVisa will get you there. If you're in need of more info or need help applying for your Cambodian on-line visa, our experts are right here to assist. In other instances, nonetheless, it could take up to 7 enterprise days depending on the correctness of the data in the Indian Visa Application or public holidays scheduled in India on the time of utility or the busy holiday season. 1.6 “Clients” refers to any individual or a third party authorized by the former submitting a Chinese visa utility to the Chinese Visa Application Service Facility, together with people, travel companies or other companies. Since all Mongolian citizens are eligible to apply for the traditional "E" sequence odd passport, due to this fact, in apply, all Mongolian residents enjoy visa-free entry to China for 30 days. As a part of Vision 2030, the Kingdom is providing visitors from China a historic opportunity to find Saudi Arabia’s breathtaking landscapes and its people’s warm hospitality. Although there was an internet process which allowed for an applicant to verify a diploma, this verification is not widely accepted by all labor bureau’s in China. Therefore, it's generally really helpful that an applicant follow the verification course of that has been set out of their respective country. Although the steps of the method could differ from nation to nation, the ultimate step always remains the identical; which is legalization by the Chinese embassy in that exact country. Certain paperwork should now also be legalized and authenticated earlier than will probably be accepted by Chinese authorities and your permits can be processed. To put together for the model new system upgrade fo the launch of the new online platform, the e-Visa service might be temporarily unavailable from 23 September 2021 to 26 September 2021. It is kindly requested to print a replica of the confirmation e-mail to present to the airline and the Thai immigration officers to check when travelling to Thailand. Despite its huge dimension, touring around China is convenient and environment friendly, because of its high-speed rail community and abundance of airports and native buses. This is a letter supplied by the Chinese authorities which states that an applicant is eligible to work in China. For this letter to obtained, the required documentation have to be submitted to the labor bureau by an employer. In order to attract extra foreign expertise, China has recently applied a more open and efficient visa coverage. It has greatly simplified the method by making the requirements and steps of the process extra concise. Temporary Nonimmigrant Workers If the Non O visa expired in March, then I suggest that you simply update your stamp first by having a 60-day extension or a 1 year yr extension. Please get in touch with the Thai immigration workplace in your province. You have to have four hundred,000 THB and certificate of fathership to get the 1 12 months extension. I recommend that you simply contact the local immigration office the place you reside. If you stay in Bangkok, please call 1178 for more information. If you would like another long run visa, you can only apply proper now for the Non Immigrant O visa for having Thai spouse or child. These visas allow certain human trafficking victims to remain in the united states for up to 4 years to get well from their ordeal and help law enforcement within the investigation and prosecution of traffickers. Australian nations employed in particular occupations can reap the advantages of a treaty between the U.S. and Australia that enables them to use for a brief visa to work and stay in America. The E-3 visa requires that an individual is applying to work in an occupation that requires specialized information and coaching. This form must be crammed out and submitted to the US authorities electronically. The US authorities is only granting DACA renewals, however you probably can still submit a model new DACA software to hold your home in line. Valid passport, which should cowl a minimum of the duration of this system. Applicants must show that they'll resume their actions as college students after they participate in the Summer Work & Travel Program, supplied that it is not the final yr of their degree. Nonimmigrant visas can be found for tourism, faculty, or enterprise functions. Most candidates making use of for a non-immigrant visa are short-term visitors coming to the United States for enterprise or pleasure. “B-1” visas are issued to short-term guests for business and short-term training; “B-2” visas are issued to short-term guests for pleasure. Discover On Visa Facilitation For Candidates Totally Vaccinated China On 21 April 2021, the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the United States of America published the Notice on the Testing Requirements for China-Bound Passengers Departing from Dallas after Inoculated with COVID-19 Vaccines. According to the Notice, China will accept vaccination records in journey purposes from people who have been inoculated in the United States with COVID-19 vaccines made by U.S. vaccine producers. Travelers from these countries are required to be absolutely vaccinated before arrival. For the purposes of entry into Singapore, a person is taken into account absolutely vaccinated 14 days after receiving the complete regimen of Pfizer-BioNTech/Comirnaty, Moderna, or WHO EUL vaccines. “Only where presence just isn't attainable should digital teaching continue to exist,” rector Jörg Kirbs declared, citing for example basic lectures with as a lot as one hundred twenty students. The university could supply a maximum of 30 seats in its lecture halls, supplied that the rules of distance have been observed. Many pupil residences in Rhineland-Palatinate are currently empty. “Usually 100 per cent of the dormitories are rented out and solely each fifth applicant could be offered a room,” stated a spokesperson for the Studentenwerk Vorderpfalz, which operates dormitories in Landau, Ludwigshafen, Worms and Germersheim. “The Corona disaster has practically reversed the situation for us. The East German state of Saxony is the first in Germany to make masks obligatory for public transport and retail. The regulation will apply from Monday, stated State Premier Michael Kretschmer in Dresden. To cowl nostril and mouth, it does not need to be an costly FFP2 masks, a easy cloth or scarf is sufficient, the head of the government emphasized. Kretschmer stated that if one allows additional contacts of people in so many areas, a mask obligation is “the right answer”. Starting Monday, some restrictions to comprise the Corona pandemic are to be relaxed in Saxony. If you wish to receive your scholar visa for Germany it is currently essential handy in a proof through the visa process that the research can't be accomplished overseas. This ought to be submitted as a document, if necessary additionally within the type of an e-mail, from the respective college. In addition to the usual notification of admission, the college should now verify that the student’s presence in Germany is required, and from when. In common, the ultimate processing of student visa purposes is now once again attainable everywhere. Chinese Language Officials Warn College Students Of Visa Problems If They Come To U S Certain courses or establishments may set off “red flags” for a consul. Perhaps, a consular validation study confirmed that student visa recipients attending sure schools weren't likely to return residence. Or a consular sense that a two-week English language course is just a pretext to stay within the US could also be prevalent. However, as talked about in Q.34 above, if a overseas nationwide is concerned in a civil case which has not been closed and the People’s Court has decided that he or she must not go away the country, the courtroom may concern an order prohibiting departure. However, I had also deliberate to go away China and are available again, also to travel, on the same residence allow, however now I am worried that it is going to be cancelled in my absence. I’m from Australia and married to my Chinese national wife. The visa requirements stay the same, even if your utility gets processed by this service provider. It is important to get the proper paperwork to the proper place. Your place of residence and not your citizenship defines which embassy or consulate is in control of your request. You can use this listing of all German representations abroad to find the embassy or Consulate General in management of your application.
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t-radicans · 3 years
I’m relieved to have Biden in office. However, knowing that his assistant health secretary is a white man who started identifying as a transwoman in his 50s, saying he “wanted to be a girl,” leading to his wife divorcing him, makes me worry. I don’t want to make unwarranted assumptions, but some of his actions and comments seem like red flags. 
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kkginfo · 2 years
Benefits of Amla Seeds: Are You Giving Up Amla Seeds? | KKG INFO
Benefits of Amla Seeds: Are You Giving Up Amla Seeds? | KKG INFO
Amla seeds are used to prepare many types of food like pickles, rice and marmalade. Gooseberry seed is used.. then the seeds are thrown out.. but these gooseberry seeds are also good for health. Benefits of Gooseberry: Gooseberry seeds have medicinal properties. Eating these will increase immunity. It is known to be good for health. Gooseberry Puja has a special place in the month of Karthika.…
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eowyntheavenger · 4 years
What have the protests accomplished?
5/26 4 officers fired for murdering George Floyd 5/27 Charges dropped for Kenneth Walker (Breonna Taylor’s boyfriend, who police accused of killing her) 5/28 University of Minnesota cancels contract with police 5/28 3rd precinct police station neutralized by protesters 5/28 Minneapolis transit union refuses to bring police officers to protests or transport arrested protesters 5/29 Activists commandeer Minneapolis hotel to provide shelter to homeless 5/29 Former officer Chauvin arrested and charged with murder 5/29 Louisville Mayor suspends “no-knock” warrants 5/30 US Embassies across Africa condemn police murder of George Floyd 5/30 Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison takes over prosecution of the murdering officer 5/30 Transport Workers Union refuses to help NYPD transport arrests protesters 5/30 Maryland lawmakers forming work group on police reform, accountability 5/31 2 abusive officers fired for pulling a couple out of their car and tasing them - Atlanta, GA 6/1 Minneapolis public schools end contract with police 6/1 Confederate monument removed after being toppled by protesters - Birmingham, AL 6/1 CA prosecutors launch campaign to stop DAs from accepting police union money 6/1 Tulsa Mayor agrees to not renew Live PD contract 6/1 Louisville police chief fired after shooting of David Mcatee 6/1 Congress begins bipartisan push to cut off police access to military gear 6/1 Atlanta announces plans to create a task force and public database to track police brutality in metro Atlanta area 6/2 Minneapolis AFL-CIO calls for resignation of police union president Bob Kroll, a vocal white supremest 6/2 Pittsburgh transit union announces refusal to transport police officers or arrest protesters 6/2 Racist ex-mayor Frank Rizzo statue removed in Philadelphia 6/2 6 abusive officers charged for violence against residents and protesters - Atlanta, GA 6/2 Civil rights investigation of Minneapolis Police Dept launched 6/2 San Francisco resolution to prevent law enforcement from hiring officers with history of misconduct 6/2 Survey indicates that 64% of those polled are sympathetic to protesters, 47% disapprove of police handling of the protests, and 54% think the burning down of the Minneapolis police precinct was fully or partially justified 6/2 Trenton NJ announces policing reforms 6/2 Minneapolis City Council members consider disbanding the police 6/2 Confederate statue removed from Alexandria, VA 6/3 Officer fired for tweets promoting violence against protesters - Denver, CO 6/3 Walker Art Center and the Minneapolis Institute of Art cut ties with the MPD 6/3 Chauvin charges upgraded to second degree murder, remaining 3 officers also charged and taken into custody 6/3 Richmond VA Mayor Stoney announces RPD reform measures: establish "Marcus" alert for folks experiencing mental health crises, establish independent Citizen Review Board, an ordinance to remove Confederate monuments, and implement racial equity study 6/3 County commissioners deny proposal for $23 million expansion of Fulton County jail 6/3 Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board unanimously votes to sever ties with MPD 6/3 Seattle withdraws request to end federal oversight/consent decree of police department 6/3 Breonna Taylor’s case reopened 6/3 Louisville police department (Breonna Taylor’s murderers) will now be under review from an outside agency, which will include review on training, bias-free policing and accountability 6/3 Colorado lawmakers introduce a police reform bill that includes body cam laws, repealing the “fleeing felon” statute, and banning chokeholds 6/3 Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti announces plans to reduce funding to police department by $150M and instead invest in minority communities 6/4 Virginia governor announces plans to remove Robert E. Lee statue from Richmond 6/4 Portland schools superintendent discontinues presence of armed police officers in schools 6/4 MBTA (Metro Boston) board orders that buses wont transport police to protests, or protesters to police 6/4 King County Labor Federation issues ultimatum to police unions: admit to and address racism in Seattle PD, or be removed 6/5 City of Minneapolis bans all chokeholds by police 6/5 Racist ex-mayor Hubbard statue removed - Dearborn, MI 6/5 NFL condemns racism and admits it should have listened to players’ protests 6/5 California Governor Gavin Newsom calls for statewide use-of-force standard made along with community leaders and ban on carotid holds 6/5 2 Buffalo officers suspended within a day of pushing 75 year old protester to the ground, and lying about it 6/5 2 NYPD officers suspended after videos of violence to protesters 6/5 The US Marines bans display of the Confederate flag 6/5 Dallas adopts a "duty to intervene" rule that requires officers to stop other cops who are engaging in excessive use of force 6/5 Dallas City Manager T.C. Broadnax releases an 11-point action plan for immediate police reforms 6/6 Statue of Confederate general Williams Carter Wickham torn down - Richmond, VA 6/6 2 Buffalo officers charged with second-degree assault for shoving elderly man 6/6 San Francisco Mayor London Breed announces effort to defund police and redirect funds to Black community 6/7 Frank Rizzo mural removed, to be replaced with new artwork - Philadelphia, PA 6/7 Minneapolis City Council members announce intent to disband the police department, invest in proven community-led public safety 6/7 Protesters in Bristol topple statue of slave trader Edward Colston, throw it in the river 6/7 NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio vows for the first time to cut funding for NYPD, redirect to social services 6/7 A Virginia police officer faces charges after using a stun gun on a black man 6/8 NY State Assembly passes the Eric Garner Anti-Chokehold Act 6/8 Democrats in Congress unveil a bill to rein in bias and excessive force in policing 6/8 Black lawmakers block a legislative session in Pennsylvania to demand action on police reform 6/8 France bans police use of chokeholds 6/8 Seattle council members join calls to defund police department 6/8 Boston reevaluates how it funds police department 6/8 Honolulu Police Commission nominees voice support for more transparency, reforms 6/8 Rights groups and Floyd’s family call for a UN inquiry into American policing and help with systemic police reform
No, it’s not enough, but this is only the beginning. Keep fighting!!!
(This list comes from Mara Ahmed’s blog post and was compiled by Fahd Ahmed; I added sources and new entries. Please reblog with further additions.)
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onedivinemisfit · 3 years
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This is not an AU. So long as I don’t *use* those two words I’m good x’D
Anyway I have been watching so much 80s MTV this was like. Doomed to happen. Listen the art form of that decade was so mmmmmmm
Notes on designs:
Zen - every sappy ballad singer rolled into one. Flowery prose. Chicago-esque prep boy with mullet. Kiki is his backup singer. Mitsuhide his bassist.
Shirayuki - a voice like Belinda Carlisle. Marketed as the girl next door. Will break with her image. Raj is currently (read: soon not) her manager.
Obi - Annie Lennox but a man. Androgyne expression. Writes advanced technical music, but never fully utilizes his voice bc *ugh*. Totally doesn’t have a background in opera. Nope. Nu-uh. Lata is his long-suffering next-door neighbor.
Haki - sad jazz songs as if sung by Haley Reinhart. Coaxed out of retirement by Izana, then took the job as his PA when her health declined (again)
Haruka, Haruto, Kain and Kirika (the latter two being personal interpretations of king Kain and Kiki’s mother) - ABBA basically. Legends. Haruto and Kain went into variety, then divorced. Haruka works for Wisteria Records as dept chief. Kirika died in a car accident. Kain od’ed.
Kihal - rebellious image Pat Benatar-style. Chaotic anti-establishment activist who butts heads gladly.
Torou and Shirayuki - Jane Fonda-ish workout video with vocals. Torou needed publicity for her gym studio, Shirayuki needed a break from her suffocating good girl image. Also they’re sisters. Cuz I love it when they are.
Suzu and Yuzuri - techno pop duo. ELO-inspired Suzu combined with a Madonna-like Yuzuri. Lots of downright funky jams.
Izana - David Bowie to the T. Reinvented himself from a wholesome variety child star to eccentric artist with a fondness for performance art.
Mihaya - part of a Milli Vanilli-like scandal, has since attempted a comeback as a bad boy pop rock vocalist. Alice Cooper just worse.
Part 2
AnS (c) Akizuki Sorata
Art: Me
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Sudah lama sekali tidak update di sini, tapi ku baru saja pulang dari conference seminggu kemarin di Vienna! Namanya EGU General Assembly. EGU stands for European Geosciences Union. Super-duper seru. Ku suka banget ngelihat orang ngerjain sains, se-passionate itu diskusi, pokoknya tiba-tiba jadi gak se-khawatir itu lagi terhadap betapa akan doomednya kita dan humanity di bumi.
Ku juga di sana ketemu Army! Dia lihat gantungan RJ-ku di tas dan dia langsung nyamperin ajak ngobrol. Anak PhD 1st year di Turin ngerjain HPHT metamorphic gitu.
Presentasiku juga lancar Alhamdulillah! Nggak ada pertanyaan aneh-aneh sih tapi so far feedbacknya positif (YEY!).
Ketemu Octria juga di sana. Dan dapet kenalan 14 orang Indonesia baru yang present talk/poster juga di sana. Pada ngerjain riset yang seru-seru dan keren. Ada postdoc di NUS, KAUST, Cambridge. Ku sempat nanya-nanya juga welfare gimana di sana, cara dapetin postdocnya, dsb.
Paling menarik, gara-gara ku koar-koar di twitter, tadi pagi ku diundang Pak Erwin (dosen aku pas di ITB), buat sharing di kelas Geologi Terapan beliau. Mahasiswanya adalah mahasiswa S2 dan S3 di ITB… Jadi banyak diskusi juga tentang gimana menghidupkan budaya riset dan ekosistem riset yang sehat di universitas di Indonesia. Apparently, di Indo masih susah banget mahasiswa S3 buat diskusi sama dosen pembimbingnya??? Dan itu aja di kelas ITB ya, apalagi di uni-uni lain… Gak kebayang…
Anyway, senang beberapa minggu ini sibuk banget dan merasa mental health lagi di posisi yang lumayan OK. Semoga di upcoming weeks juga masih sama ya.
Oh iya, ku belum menjurnal lebaran juga lagi. Intinya lebaran ku di Oxford saja: pagi solat id di Robert Hooke, lanjut ngebuka sampel 500hours, terus makan opor buatan Aisha, lanjut open house, si Listi masak rendang dan opor. Aji, Rayvell, Icha, Isana, Widari pada main ke rumah. Besoknya kayanya langsung kerja(?). OH! Ada latihan presentasi deng sama Tamsin dan David, barengan sama si Sofia. Weekendnya Sabtu diundang  Bu Yani main ke Abingdon, makan opor lagi. Sabtu sore mengalami kejadian nemenin Deva ke ED JR karena dia mengalami chest pain, itu baru balik dari hospital jam 1.30 am sepertinya. Sampe rumah jam 2 pagi. Minggunya Mba Jess mengundan buat main ke rumahnya (makan opor lagi) dan sehabis itu ngambil laptop ke dept.
Senin pagi langsung cabs ke Gatwick deh ambil bis 5.30 am. Udah selebihnya balik lagi ke Vienna. Wow sangat intense yah kehidupan beberapa minggu ini.
Udah sepertinya itu dulu aja rekapnya. Intinya lagi-lagi amat sangat berterima kasih YaAllah dan super bersyukur atas kelancaran dan kemudahan hidup. Jadikanlah hamba-Mu ini hamba yang selalu bersyukur dan tidak kufur nikmat. Aamiin YRA.
P.S. di twitter lagi rame lagi si Army being sensitive over MBC caption gitu keributan sama SVT kocak bet dah.
Flat 39 OX1 1AD
21:19, 22/04/2024
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airasilver · 3 years
Jesus Fucking Christ. This is getting out of hand now.
They need to stop the letters, not rewrite them.
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ratherthepoint · 3 years
Hi friends!! So as you may know I’ve been volunteering at a lot of community covid vaccine clinics. I love working with the physician, and although we’re a small group we’re able to vaccinate people who are having trouble finding vaccines elsewhere.
This week, the PA Dept of Health decided to stop sending vaccines to small clinic like ours and instead centralize to the large health systems. This is..... ridiculously stupid, not only because it’s dumb to make FEWER places vaccine distributors but also because the larger health systems have proven they can’t be trusted to actually get the vaccine to the community. Instead they’re just vaccinating their employees (even the ones who work AT HOME.)
Anyways! A few of my classmates and I wrote a letter to the news talking about why this isn’t great. It’s here! We have have a petition going around to ask the Governor to change this ruling and keep sending vaccines to the small guys like us. Even if you don’t live in PA, I would SO appreciate if you would check out the petition and maybe even sign and share it. We’re trying SO hard to promote and equitable vaccine distribution and we really don’t want that to stop!!
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