#otter & puppy
bananakeiky · 9 months
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thescruffiestotter · 6 months
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littlepawz · 4 months
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Baby otters. /sigh/. Don't you just want to hug them and kiss their chubby cheeks?
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lumitycanon · 29 days
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temiree · 9 months
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Welcome to the family, little pup! We've adopted a new puppy as of this week, and I thought this would be a nice follow-up to Rosco's memorial. <3
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littlehypnone · 1 month
could you do kitty dew, puppy mountain and otter rain sleepy cuddles maybe? just sleepy little guys?
THIS IS THE CUTEST!!! (I made them shapeshifters here so the three of them are literally little fluffy guys heheh)
also obligatory @sphylor tag for not only terrarium boys but little fluffy and cuddly terrarium boys ehehehe :3
Swiss has a lot on his hands.
He had chores planned for the day, something with Copia, but he never made it. In the morning he couldn’t find one of his hoodies and went to Dewdrop, assuming it was him who stole it. It wouldn't be surprising in the slightest, but what he found instead of the 5’7 fire ghoul was a small orange kitten curled up in a little ball on, indeed, his hoodie. The multi ghoul sighed and picked him up with one hand still sleeping—he’s so tiny he fits in his grasp perfectly.
Swiss wanted to take him to Rain’s room, knowing Dewdrop preferred the water ghoul to be the one caring for him like this, but there waited for them another surprise. In Rain’s bed was Rain, sure but he was in his otter form. A big otter at least. He started squeaking and wiggling happily at Swiss' presence and the multi ghoul had no choice but to pick him up with his other hand and take both of the little creatures to yet someone else.
Rain isn’t small enough to fit in his hand, though, and his wiggling definitely didn’t help, so he ended up hanging over Swiss’ shoulder and squeaking as the multi ghoul walked to another door. At that point he was definitely late for his chores already.
Mountain was the one Swiss was hoping would take care of Rain and Dewdrop, but it didn’t work either. He was already quite amused by the situation, and getting jumped by a cute little bernese mountain dog puppy made him burst out into a full body laugh and nearly drop Rain in the process.
Swiss figured he was getting no chores done today and so he let Copia know with a quick text before bending down to somehow grab Mountain, too, and doing his best to carry all three of them to the common room. He managed—even without waking Dewdrop up—and now the kitten and the otter are napping together on the couch while Swiss tries to keep Mountain from eating the edge of said couch.
"Mount, buddy, please," Swiss pleads, even though he's still very amused by the whole ordeal, and tries to pry the puppy away from the couch. His fangs catch on the damaged fabric, though, and Swiss would absolutely hate himself for hurting him by pulling forcefully. "Okay, puppy, here. Here!" the multi ghoul tutts at him and waves his fingers in front of his fluffy little face.
It succeeds in distracting Mountain from the couch and he lets out a happy little chuff, but Swiss regrets his methods as his exceptionally sharp puppy teeth latch onto his hand. "Ow!"
He sighs and shakes his head, still smiling through it all, and returns to the couch. Both Dewdrop and Rain respectfully chirp and squeak at the disturbance, but once Swiss settles with Mountain tucked under his arm, the otter and the kitten deem the multi ghoul's chest a more comfortable nap spot.
Dewdrop meowing crawls onto the middle of his chest first, and flops onto his side before immediately kicking up a loud purr. Rain squeaks some more as he follows his best friend and cuddles up to his back, right under Swiss' chin.
Faced with cuddles, all the excess energy Mountain had leaves him and he snuggles happily into Swiss' arm. The multi ghoul sighs and closes his own eyes, hoping that later it will be him who wakes up first; before any havoc that might go down with the three menaces well rested and ready for more mischief.
A few hours later—why did it take so long for someone to get to the commons?—Cumulus and Phantom take in the image that the four of them create on the couch.
Swiss is sprawled out flat on his back and snoring loudly, Mountain is drooling against his arm, Dewdrop is purring up a storm, and Rain is squeaking and huffing into his fur as they all sleep.
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golden-girl-daisy · 10 months
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Lost in the sauce
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brandirecognition · 11 months
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wooden pins are now available! consider checking out the shop here!
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obv10usly · 23 days
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It's Mandy day so that means i'm serving otters! This is definitely one of my favourite days of the year. I get to make otter gifs for my fave person @alittledizzy, what could be better??!? Love you so friggin much, Mandy! Happy birthday!!! <3
These amazing footages are from Emmy Award-winning cinematographer Maxwel Hohn. [x]
image description: a gif set of sea otters. One very fluffly baby is floating in the calming water on its mother's tummy. One is massaging its face as if to wake itself up. One is simply sleeping peacefully floating. Some are diving among the green sea of kelp. And the last one turns to the camera to give you a kiss.
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thescruffiestotter · 8 months
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sinnerwear · 11 months
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Sinner Pup Hood sinnerwear.co
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lumitycanon · 18 days
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temiree · 8 months
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I was suggested by AnimalKingdomWolf in this month's Patreon suggestion box to draw Tem looking after the new puppy... and, well... this pretty much summarizes my experience! 🥴
This is dramatized a bit, so don't worry, she's fine and hasn't eaten a Playstation controller or anything, but we've had to stop her from chewing on a number of things lol. We've also coated wires and stuff with a gross, bitter substance to make them extra unpleasant for her.
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courtdraws · 9 months
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sketchbook: creacher edition
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eliotdrawings · 10 months
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more blob commissions! get your own here >> https://ko-fi.com/eliotdrawings/commissions
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abyssal-wonders · 9 months
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kokomi + otters doodle :3
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