#or whoever may be interested
studiowabisabi · 1 year
SO! Streaming has finally reached desktop Tumblr! Ive been thinking about streaming art stuff n whatever! To my 85 followers, would yall actually watch me stream while I doodle shit? I think it’d be kinda fun :>
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jjba-smash-or-pass · 5 months
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mad-hunts · 26 days
okay, but real talk, y'all... who's gonna invite barton over to do masks and gossip with them? because i know he's VERY morally atrocious, but i just know that he likes to take care of himself and would also be a fan of learning new blackmail material about people at the same time, so i promise he won't try to pull anything at a hangout like this JSJSJ he'll be enjoying himself too much to do evil after all LMAOOO
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bbyboybucket · 2 months
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I’m trying not be a hater rn, bc it may be really good but damn I wish marvel would move on from brainwashing/possession at this point or at least take a break. I mean they have wore that concept out by now, just recently we had Wanda brainwashing a whole town and then being possessed/brainwashed herself by the dark hold, we had the black widow movie which was all about brainwashing. Captain Marvel was Brainwashed. The Eternals were semi-brainwashed. Clint and Loki have been brainwashed. Even Peter Quill was temporarily brainwashed by his dad. This is just off the top of my head, there’s probably more.
I mean are you really telling me that there aren’t better, cooler things to do Isaiah than reuse a plot point from a previous cap movie 10 years ago? This just sounds so fucking lazy, it sounds like marvel thought “everyone liked a brainwashed super soldier friend in one cap movie, so we’ll do it again for this one.” LAZYYYY. We’ve seen it with Captain America, we’ve seen brainwashing in a million other marvel projects. Like holy fuck can we please let go of the “mind controlled good guy acting bad” and use some of the other cool concepts from the comics. It’s just disappointing bc I don’t wanna see the same concept used for the 3000th time when there’s so much story potential here
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the-genius-az · 1 month
Here's the link: https://www.tumblr.com/stupidlyqueer/743141672280555520/attempts-at-atla-fanfics?source=share
I go with Azula being closer to Ty Lee, it doesn't mean she doesn't love them both equally, she's just more drawn to the that gives her more attention and such. Baby girl is touch starved, she naturally gets closer to the omega that gives her more hugs and cuddles and such. Azula can't really measure which one she loves more, just which one she leans towards more often.
(Like, if she has to choose, Azula will go with whoever gives her the physical comfort she has been craving her whole life.)
Could make it Maizulee + Katara (and Katara's an alpha because I think it'd be funny to make her and Azula low-key compete who's hornier). Or make it Azutara because bond breaks can't be fixed, so if they (Zuko & Katara) can't stop the betrayal from happening without losing the war, Katara just spent so long trying to save Azula that she just... creates her own bond without noticing. Azula is very confused but, y'know, she's starved enough to not even care, she just needs the comfort.
I like writing healthy A/B/O, but questionable stuff comes along sometimes.
- Ash 🔥🍌
Thanks for this, Ash!
Here's the link
I can not enter :(
Baby girl is touch starved, she naturally gets closer to the omega that gives her more hugs and cuddles and such.
I know, our baby only wants love and affection, and life only gives her tragedies!
And Katara's an alpha because I think it'd be funny to make her and Azula low-key compete who's hornier.
I love it even more! Azula deserves three girlfriends.
Katara just spent so long trying to save Azula that she just... creates her own bond without noticing.
It would be a great show! Imagine Mai and Ty Lee in shock because the girl who was going to get Azula back for them steals her!
Azula is very confused but, y'know, she's starved enough to not even care, she just needs the comfort.
Azula: I don't care who you are, just give me love, cuddles and affection! 😭
I like writing healthy A/B/O, but questionable stuff comes along sometimes.
Don't worry! Send me anything questionable, I'm a no-questions-asking guy!
(Well... obviously I'll ask questions, but I won't judge you!)
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thenecropolix · 6 months
I see I've garnered some interest on my last post regarding vampires and speculative biology, therefore I'm happy to share my thoughts and the conclusion I've reached in terms of vampire anatomy
So to preface this, I actually am not a huge fan of vampires in terms of how modern media has portrayed them; compared to more fascinating yet gruesome concept of lycanthropy and its metaphorical parallels to humanity, identity, and horrific transformation, Vampires just... lacked that appeal to me with the simplicity of an otherwise abnormal human with pointy ears and having a thirst for blood.
When you look at it from the biological lens in regards to actual vampire bats, it's fascimating but incredibly ridiculous to think that a creature could subsist entirely on blood; it's an extreme specialization that only works in oh so many critters due to how unsustainable it to just live off of a liquid diet.
There's also the matter of just the overall appearance; as fun as it is drawing winged humanoids that still retain human limbs, a quick descent into anatomy made me realize how heavily modified the skeleton had to be to accommodate for a naturally mult-limbed vertebrate because at the end of the day, bat wings (and bird wings as another reference) are modified arms and hands that, with the addition of normal arms/hands, would be an anatomical nightmare.
In trying to come up with a plausible explanation as to how a living vampire would anatomically work, I came to 2 separate conclusions: the vampire would either have a modified keel (an expanded sternum in birds) that would allow for the place of grasping limbs positioned lower along the body in addition to a pair of wings (thus making them 4 limbed), OR (the more plausible idea in my mind) they would be more anatomically similar to a pterosaur in which only 1 finger is modified to act as the wing, allowing the other 4 fingers to be free at the cost of reduced strength (but which is then made up for in the back limbs, which would be anatomically similar to that of a primate with the bonus of human hand flexibility).
There's also the matter of sociability and behavior in vampires that I think is rather ironic; often, older media portrays them as brooding figures that live solitary lives and compete with another, but funnily enough vampire bats are highly social (well the females are at least) and have been documented sharing food and participating in allogrooming; ergo, I like to think they'd be more sociable, perhaps even on par with the modern wolf in terms of social dynamics (albeit modified).
Lastly, the food issue came to my attention and it occurred to me that perhaps rather than being obligatory sanguivores, vampires are instead facultative sanguivores and live more akin to scavengers or carrion eaters like vultures; that is, they stalk prey that's injured or on the verge of death. The prey in question I imagine would consist of medium to large ungulates like wild boar, deer, and elk as opposed to humans (I think "attacks" would be misinterpreted much like those of other apex predators e.g. perhaps the vampire was feasting on a human that was already dead or was extremely desperate for food); regarding their hunting hours, naturally they are nocturnal, but I think moreso cause they're sensitive to sunlight in the way any nocturnal critter is: the eyes are better suited for the night (light won't kill them, it's just not easy on the vision nor, perhaps, sensitive skin).
For a more modern interpretation regarding the whole thing with blood, I had the thought that as opposed to vampire bats who go for fresh blood, I thought that perhaps they could consume coagulated blood as it's a common ingredient in blood sausage and soups in other countries (contrary to American media). This actually then made me realize it seems no one's thought of the word building concept of vampire farmers who raise their own livestock for personal consumption (imagine if you will, a vampire farmer hiring human farmhands with livestock maintenance cause you can only do so much with hands on your legs and only 4 working fingers attached to a wing). Alternatively there are those with hunting licenses permitted to stalk the environment for prey around certain times of the year).
I think... I think I've gotten most of what I had in mind out of my head (although knowing me, I most likely forgot to note a thing or 2), jumbled as it is; if anyone is further interested in the anatomical concepts, I'd be happy to post them on my other blog where I mostly post conceptual work
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azol-otl · 2 years
Random Jason Hijinks I either wish would happen someday or find amusing to think about.
Rose and Jason break Eddie out of hell and steal his soul back from Neron. Jaime is dragged along by Rose because he and Eddie were “friends a few reboots ago”. Jason asked Roy who sent him Connor who is suffering™.
Pre-Red Hood Jason and Pre-Green Arrow Connor first meet up back when Jason was part of the All-Caste hunting a demon. It’s a one-shot adventure and the things you have to know are:  
a) this is before Jason’s growth spurt so he’s over a head shorter than Connor.
b) Connor isn’t a cape so excuse him for not understanding demons and fucking up hilariously a few times.
c) When Jason tries to kill the demon who is possessing the human, he and Connor fight about it. The fight ends when the demon explodes out of the person like the Pus of Man from Dark Souls 3.
d) Talia is the one who finds and picks up Jason from the adventure (Connor thinks she’s his mom and Jason just didn’t inherit the melanin) and is also the one who gives Connor contact information for Jason because she wants him to have some sort of friend.
e) They never actually learned the other’s name so anytime they’d hear about Red Hood or Green Arrow they literally don’t know it’s that guy they met as teenagers.
Jason decides to actually dust off his mystic training when Dick walks in and Jason gets hit with so many bad vibes he’s genuinely worried something is wrong with Dick.  
Jason: “Did they not fix the Brother Blood mind control thing fully? Did Raven miss something? Isn’t Dick friends with a million people? How have they all missed this????”
It ends with bringing Danny Chase back to life and the only person remotely happy about it is Jason and even that’s a stretch.
Rose, why are you part of the Wild Hunt?!!!
What do you mean Biz got taken by the fae?!
Roy, why is this werewolf saying he’s your husband?!
Eddie, why didn’t you tell me you were a prince of hell? What do you mean that one of Trigon’s sons is buried in Gotham?!!! No wait, you still haven’t told me how you’re a prince of hell!
Jason and Talia's road trip where Jason comes to the uncomfortable realization that he views Talia as a mother/aunt figure.
Bonus Artemis suffering Jason’s Mom Has it Going On.
Jason gets a new dog named Ellie and he loves her and Dog very much. What do you mean she’s a Blue Lantern!?
Ellie is short for Elpis and she’s absolutely Hope Corgi.
Roy finds out that he has a whole-ass checking account under one of his aliases that he never knew about. Turns out Jason created it for him years ago and Roy’s actually under W.E.  employed as an independent contractor and he’s been making 6 figures for years because Jason never bothered telling anyone that he still owns Wayne R&D.
Jason slowly but surely claims Park Row and the surrounding areas as his territory. It has the unforeseen consequence of magical folk moving into the neighborhood because Gotham is a nightmare to live in normally, Magic Gotham is even worse and the only people who can survive are big hitters like Blood, Zatanna, and Ivy or small fries like the kitchen witch near Leslie’s. Welcome to the big leagues, Jason.
Jason keeps getting mistaken for Jason Blood and it is annoying. One day some demon hunters threw something at Jason and did anyone know Jason used to be in heaven because he sure didn’t and these angel wings are a fucking nightmare.
Rose busts a gut laughing because she somehow became friends with the least demon-y demon Eddie and Jason as an angel.
Jason, Ivy, Sideways, and Impulse (Impulse voice: “Why am I even here?”) vs the Madness Wavelength in Arkham.
Jason kills Joker and finds out that he cannot. Not as in “He doesn’t die” or “There will be a new one” but a secret third option, “The universe literally resets the day every time he’s killed.” Instead of being a tragedy, it becomes a comedy as killing Joker slowly becomes Jason’s go-to when shit goes wrong/killing him is good stress relief. Stephanie discovers what happens because she’s had to write the same essay nine times once. Instead of being horrified they (and then Helena, Tim, Duke, etc.) make killing Joker a gag. The only ones not allowed to kill the Joker are Dick and Bruce because then the universe decides it’s the bad timeline instead of just resetting again.
Tim: *drops his latte on a hot guy and then embarrasses himself in public trying to apologize and becomes a meme.*
Tim: I guess I have to kill Joker now.
Jason and Kory remeeting and wow it’s really awkward that we only got close because of a universe meddler and then you dipped and never contacted me again even though I was a hundred percent serious that you were one of my first friends and are very important to me.
Oh no. Not the talking. Not communication! Kory take mercy on me and just drop me like a bad memory don’t have us open a dialogue where we reconcile all of the bullshit that happened to us and the fact that we did genuinely get close at very low points in our lives and be willing to try and be friends again!
Give! Kory! All! The! Friends! She doesn’t care if you think it’s a bad idea, it's her life!
Gotham Vigilante Tabletop Club (GVTC) featuring Jason, Tim, Stephanie, Duke, Helena, and Harper. They each get a turn as dm and every one of them brings in a different game.
Why is Damian’s friend (Colin) asking me for love advice? I’m a gay disaster ask anyone else please. ??? I guess I can try to help??? Who’s your crush?
It’s Lian and Jason regrets agreeing to help because Roy is going to murder him.
Countdown 2 Electric Boogaloo. Except for this time they were all shoved into the dimension separately and by separate events and there is no danger. It is just a multiversal road trip with the people who vexed you greatly but are slightly grown up now.
Bonus scene includes Jason’s gleeful face when he realizes he understands what all of those words Donna keeps muttering under her breath mean because Artemis was a bro and taught him Themysciran Greek.
#I didn't mean for all of them to sound like comedies but sometimes that just happens#People may hate on the all-caste for not being Jason enough or whatever#But have we ever stopped to think that Damian is related to an immortal cult and Duke is the son of an eldritch being#And Dick is related to an unrelated cult and just all the weird shit that happens in Gotham anyways?#Why can all these exist and Jason not also have mystic monk training he never uses#Listen I don't know much about Gotham's magic population but I'm pretty sure the place is awful to live in with the nine different curses#So having a dude that's basically a mage-killer claim a territory can only be a good thing for their safety#Plus I'm positive that magic folk would keep property values low because who would go looking for magic users in Park Row#Everyone was written terribly for rhato but Jason and Kory had the potential to be a really interesting relationship#Just this lack of judgement and ability to not have to shave down all of your sharp edges for one another#also I do really like the idea of them trying romance or sex and then deciding that they need friends more and then staying friends#Gotham Vigilante Tabletop Club my beloved#Look Duke and Tim canonically play tabletop games and if dc would finally acknowledge that Stephanie and Jason are nerds they would too#I miss Colin and the idea of him and Jason being disaster siblings or disaster guardian-child is important to me#I don't know if it's canon but considering linguistic drift Themyscira should either have its own language or dialect#and Donna should use it to say mean things under her breath#Jason Todd#I am not tagging anyone else their tags deserve to be Bat-Free#oh boy do I love how I can't make indents in even in html. Sorry for the eyesore whoever reads this mess
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tirsynni · 1 year
it is not “ageism” because people find older qualities like gray hair and wrinkles attractive and this certainly has nothing to do with “purity culture” oh my g-d go back into your proshipping circle and leave us alone stop misusing terms and stay out of main tags
I would like to thank this anon for being an amazing example of why I am so frustrated with modern fandom:
"It's not ageism. I want to have them look older for my personal kinks/fetishes/whatever. Get out of our spaces, proshipper."
Hell, if you want to do that, go for it! Write whatever you want. I'm pro-self-indulgence with fics. Just don't do that bullshit where you argue that of course it should somehow magically be canon that they look that way, that of course someone in that age range will have gray hair and wrinkles, whatever. And for fuck's sake, get off anon if you're so confident in your beliefs. Yeesh. I feel like I need a broom and to yell at you to get off my lawn.
Referencing purity culture when you have no idea what it actually means? People like anon don't realize that they fell into a popular trap: they're taught specific trigger phrases so they have a strong, violent response to them, equating the people connected to those trigger phrases with IRL evil acts. They support right-wing, Conservative ideals because they're packaged to target people like anon. Years ago, it was "Do this or the terrorists win." Right now, it's accusing all opponents of being a pedophile. Kneejerk response: they're evil and are obviously pro-pedophilia. Yes. If you use the word "proshipper," you're a card-carrying member of purity culture, complete with the defensive response to all possible trigger phrases.
This is how Trump and his minions won over so many people. This is how the Russian bots won over so many people on tumblr and Facebook and Twitter. They learn the language or sometimes create the language -- in this case, proship -- and as such are able to manipulate people from diverse backgrounds to agree to attack the same exact people and enforce the same exact right-wing, fascist bullshit. "If these people do this, they obviously promote pedophilia and probably are parties to evil acts. Feel open to attack them. You are fighting evil." This people do not research or use the time to use critical thinking: after all, if they question it or even consider defending these evil people, are they evil, too?
These are the same people who end up convinced that some other minority group is evil -- like trans people - and are confident that their group is safe because their group is Good. We went from "don't like, don't read" to anons bitching about "proshipping." Don't worry: soon, your group will be evil, too.
We've entered the latest age of cults. Experts warned us about it a decade or so ago, that the economic and cultural instability was very similar to what led to the rise of cults several decades ago. Think the Age of Charles Manson. Same thing, except now we aren't seeing cults in the form of communes in the woods. We're seeing them in online communities, in the form of Trumpers, QAnons, antivaxxers, TERFs, crunchy moms, etc. We're seeing a rise in the group mindthink which suppresses critical thought and individual opinions. "We are Good. They are Bad. If you question it, you're Bad, too."
"Leave us alone," says anon. "My actions are good. Go away, proshipper."
I'm posting this anon as an example. The rest I'm just blocking and deleting. Seriously, this shit is tiring. It's bad enough that I have to deal with this bullshit every time I turn on the news about the latest book ban or anti-abortion laws or -- hey! -- pushes to legally murder women who obtain abortions. I don't need that shit in my inbox, too.
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hoofpeet · 2 years
Who the heck would Kamado marry? Is Beni the "wife" did Ingo fuck Beni because Ingo NO
He immediately turns and walks off into the highlands, leaving him forever guessing
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lanliingwang · 8 months
I've had this idea for a while, but -- AU where in a VR-esque world where Heroic Spirits can at random be summoned (and generally choose to like. protect townsfolk and do favors for them whether bc of their own ideals or bc the world does kind of reward you for that), Oberon accidentally falls into the world from outside and encounters Arjuna and Jiang Ziya, and they kind of?? become a sort of familial unit after a while of slowly getting to know and bond with each other
(third ascension Oberon, just to clarify lol)
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polarexplorerspoll · 9 months
to whoever submitted harry pennell way back before the poll started i was going through the old google form and just realized i completely forgot to actually include him in the bracket. total oversight on my part i swear i didn’t purposefully exclude him or anything. i’ll bring him back for the bonus round as consolation but yeah sorry. idk what happened there
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brittapcrrys · 9 months
hugh laurie is just ...... So ........
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Just watched a fantastic crossover video of Dean and a female character from a different fandom. The idea is the female character has died and he's mourning her (and their relationship). What kills me is that the scene with Jo touching Dean's face (from season 7) and Dean mourning Cass (from season 13) were used.
You know the ones:
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The Dean mourning Cass in 13x01 was used.
For a romantic love story in this video.
For Dean.
Dean who in those scenes was mourning his brother.
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matoitech · 2 years
trigger is like ok galo and lio r gay and in love and attracted to each other and they kiss and they do get married post canon but they r only allowed to express so much physical affection on screen or our dudebro fans will be angry on twitter and we cannot think of literally anything worse
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causalityparadoxes · 2 years
20 minutes babeyyyy
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prismartist · 2 years
hey can i make u feel unnecessary pain :]
The universe said you are not alone. by Kat_writes_maybe
finally got around to reading this and ughhh yea that is. that is pain alright
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