#or rebefriending?
honeykyeom · 6 months
when everything starts clicking together and u realize the past people in your life just aren’t good people and are rotten to their core
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lux-scriptum · 1 year
ive had to start over in animal crossing because of changing switches rip
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fritillary · 2 years
i cant put into words how much i hate drug addicts
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bananadragapult · 6 months
Do you ever play as an oc in a video game and the cutscene makes your oc do something so out of character? Like they would rather die than do that.
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rarepears · 1 year
Picturing Shen Jiu genuinely having no idea how the fuck to deal with his new family. There's the lazy tsundere with encyclopedic monster knowledge who apparently just stole his body and married his least favorite student. There's his least favorite student who apparently grew up to be a demon emperor. And there's his older brother who apparently turned out to be a serial killer. I just. I want Shen Jiu looking at his family and coming to the absolutely horrifying realization that he's the normal one. He's the only person in this goddamn family who is even capable of interfacing with normal people. He ends up rebefriending the jiejies at the Red Warm Pavilion on the trading basis of he vents about his weird family and they give him a list of shitty people to aim his older brother at.
+bonus points if Hannibal is the prodigal oldest child but Shen Jiu is the beloved spoiled fucking rotten baby of the family who unknowingly has all three of them wrapped around his finger.
Shen Jiu also has Yue Qingyuan wrapped around his finger!
His begrudgingly best friend is the rat's son who doesn't piss him off on a daily basis - which is more than what he can say about everyone else around him.
(Will is kind of... grateful? To finally have someone that he can easily read like a book. After being surrounded by all sorts of people that he can't use his empathy on with accurate results, it's quite comforting to know that his empathy can still work on SOME.)
[More in #hannibal lector reborn as Shen Yuan and Luo Binghe's firstborn son AU]
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tea-and-secrets · 7 days
Just need to brag about this as I can't tell any people in person so basically, in january my online friend group of like 7 months at that point decided to rebefriend a guy who caused 4 months worth of drama (leading to 2 of my friends being banned from the website we used, like ip banned). Naturally ya know I dont trust the guy i mean he made callout posts on all of us for our 'horrid' actions when all we did was mention that we didnt want to be around him (its a really long situation but yeah) but all my friends now thought he changed and got mad at me for not trusting him immediately. like even my closest friend was giving him a chance despite her confessing to me that he didnt trust the guy fully anyway.
this led to my entire friendgroup eventually cutting me off and making up like 18billion reasons for why I suck?? (including fake doxxing allegations) also my girlfriend broke up with me due to this situation and also the fact i talked about fictional characters,,, it was a rough time
HOWEVER cut to march, and I log back into my account on the site for the first time in a very long time and lo-and-behold, the guy was still awful and my entire friend group split up because of him and now everyone hates each other. ik its awful to be like "i told you so" because it seemed to be a very upsetting situation, however... i did tell them that it was going to blow up in their faces because the guy hadnt changed and I WAS RIGHT
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deadsbian · 2 months
once after cutting me off i kept a friend on discord as a pending friend rq for two years straight until he finally added me back and explaining what the fuck was up. I am a persistence predator
truly an inspiration . liv secret time i made a separate discord And instagram acc once as a fake identity to try to like get some closure on my ex for ghosting me for a year in like 2020 and then ended up briefly rebefriending them before mysteriously disappearing and i still use the fake email i made up as a burner to this day they call me the normaler
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Annabeth/Percy - Annabeth leads the war for the Titans and Percy surrenders
Annabeth & Piper - Piper’s attempts at rebefriending Annabeth after TLH without any lies
Hazel & Nico - Trying to recreate that one dish but have an argument over who’s right.
Jason & Leo - Leo angers a local nature spirit who also happens to be Jason’s nephew. It’s weird.
Frank & Annabeth - they’re smart and crazy in love, I’m sure they have a big three support group piper is no longer part of.
Ooh, these are all really cool
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rwby-sk · 2 years
Neo: *They're not going to like me*
Jaune: "Well... no maybe not. But we are short on allies right now. So, I don't know, you just have to not be the worst person we know"
Neo: *...what?*
Jaune: "You don't have to be 'good'. You just need to be 'not the worst'. Then by default they have to like you"
Neo: *This isn't going to go well*
Jaune: "Well we rebefriended the Ace Ops and Emerald, so, I think they can get along with you too"
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cornsobsessions · 1 year
really one step forwards two steps back-ing the whole getting over and rebefriending my ex thing :/ we hung out for several hours today and i didn’t feel like i was Being Normal about it, it just like was two friends hanging out but also i overthought so many things about it at work today and then i got home and scrolled through too much of our text conversations looking for something specific related to something we were talking about
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kenmab · 3 years
the bittersweet feeling of seeing xue meng befriend the mei brothers who are just shadows of the people he held closest to him
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stargod · 3 years
The most unrealistic self-indulgent wish i have for Last Life right now would b for Scar to offer Joel (or vice versa) a magical friendship emerald to work together even tho joel is red...
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garbagevanfleet · 2 years
Will Bug ever warm up to Demon!Josh like he did with Demon!Jake? He is trying so hard to rebefriend Bug and it melts my heart 😭
We will just have to see, huh? I sure hope they become buddies
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mikessuffering · 3 years
this is the next version of frisk.
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10034 years after their death, they are resurrected by an old experiment that Afton accidentally left on the surface. they wake up in a box in their old home. after all these years, most of the Nightmares tried to embrace their new lives as souls of agony. there is still ecstasy in them though, and it still makes causing suffering hard on them. especially towards others that are already suffering. Nightmare Fredbear saves frisk from the others after they first remeet. after all this time, Nightmare Fredbear believes the world is being cruel to him for sending a child to the house that looks so much like their best friend. in the house, frisk has two choices. to show mercy, and rebefriend the Nightmares. or to kill them all. this version of frisk shows mercy, and is brought into the Nightmare family. unofficially adopted by Nightmare Fredbear, since he doesn't have access to legal papers. sadly, frisk has to leave on their adventure. the mountain that the animatronics are trapped under is calling them. it just so happens that the Nightmares anticipated that frisk would climb the mountain. six children before them came over the years to the Nightmare house, hoping to be killed. not wanting to kill a suicidal child, they all tried helping them have will to live. eventually they got attached. when those children realized that the Nightmares wouldn't try to kill them anymore, they went to the mountain to try jumping to their deaths instead. they thought frisk was trying to do the same thing. after a large fight, frisk revealed who they were. the Nightmares give up trying to save them, consumed by guilt and grief, and they let Frisk jump. Frisk then finds themself in the underground. they get attacked by a flower, and then adopted by the Marionette. Mari tries to give frisk a home, but the call to adventure is too loud. frisk eventually escapes the ruins, and runs into Fredbear, who pulls a prank on them, and cracks a few jokes. they go on an adventure through out the underground, getting attacked by animatronics, and befriending them during the fights. several members of the royal guard, including captain Foxy, try to take their soul out of their still living body. frisk befriends them though. they even get on TV with Funtime Foxy and Funtime Chica, the Funtimetwins™! frisk eventually makes it to the kings, who both try to kill them, till Afton realizes that it's Frisk. before he can explain, the Marionette attacked them, to save Frisk. everyone they met then comes to stop the kings from killing them. after that, the flower from earlier steals everyone's souls, becoming the Golden God of Hyperdeath. Frisk then fights the god, and WINS by showing Mercy and saving their friends. the god breaks the barrier, and frees all of animatronic kind. Frisk would then go on to be the ambassador for animatronic kind, once everyone is on the surface. from then on, they are no longer afraid and have lost all self preservation skills. they fought a literal god and won, who the hell are they even afraid of now? their reactions to people trying to kill them is "meh". they got ✨worse✨ now, and are in deep need for therapy. they died so many more times in this route than in the 80s. thoughts on the exceptionally worse Frisk Afton?
"Alright, we're back! And this time, Malhare isn't gonna interrupt. Also, I'm glad to see the nightmares trying to redeem themselves. I really hate seeing my fellow animatronics kill people. I also enjoy that this version of me shows mercy, although, that's not much like me, I would give mercy to ANYONE but William. Another thing is it's cool that I won against a god. Also, please give my other self some therapy, please, just for Frisk's mental health. 10/10 on this AU!" CC says.
"Well put, CC. I agree. Especially on the therapy part. I just gotta say you have some really great timelines. Although, i do hate seeing my little brother suffer. So, I'll give it a 9.5/10. Great job asker!" Mike says, carrying Elizabeth.
Elizabeth has just learnt to read, so she might get some stuff wrong.
"I really like this AU, although, seeing CC suffer is one thing… Please get Frisk therapy. Thank you. Also, 9/10!" Elizabeth says.
"Alright, anyways, thanks for asking! See you later everyone!"
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agsfsf in that last fake fic ask i misread the end of it as virgil putting up a fight with roman's rebefriending until virgil fell out of a third story window and it was Wild for a few seconds
alskjalj WHOOPS no lol
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biomic · 4 years
From what I've seen and heard about Ultraman Cosmos (aka just 1 episode and other summaries), it seems like it might be up your alley with the light tone and healing and rebefriending most of the monsters.
it’s definitely on the list! everything i’ve seen from it looks very cute
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