#op: may 5 2022
pr · 1 year
boys go to jupiter to get more stupider, and girls get long covid to get their brain corroded 😔
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0sbrain · 10 months
(i'll add links to all of the twitter posts so you can see the interactions, but most of the videos can be found on John Lowrie's youtube channel)
Just for the record... (September 4, 2022) RAD
Ze search for the Sandvich continues (September 4, 2022) RAD
1, 2, 3... (September 6, 2022) RAD
The search goes on (September 7, 2022) JPL
SeptOktoberfest (September 12, 2022) RAD
On Its Own Terms (September 12, 2022) JPL
The plot thickens (September 19, 2022) JPL
Doc! Where are you? (September 20, 2022) RAD
Who are THESE Women? (September 30, 2022) JPL
Ze search continues: mindmeld (October 2, 2022) RAD
Medic Beware! (October 6, 2022) GS
Out to sea (October 16, 2022) JPL
The Medic? (October 30, 2022) JPL
Shadowy meetings (October 31, 2022) RAD
C R U S T (November 7, 2022) JPL
Mind Meld (November 13, 2022) RAD
Medic escapes (November 16, 2022) RAD
Gratuitous Product Placement or One Sweet Ride (November 29, 2022) JPL
bonus: heavymedic diner (TFConnect) (December 14, 2022) Shork
Song for a Sandvich (January 5, 2023) JPL
The Tower of No Refunds (February 24, 2023) JPL
Ze sandvich is in there (March 5, 2023) RAD
Covert Ops (March 10, 2023) JPL
Look into my eyes (March 30, 22023) RAD
Existential Angst (April 4, 2023) JPL
You better answer the fucking question (April 8th 2023) Shork
Battle of the Breads Part 1 (April 27, 2023) JPL
Battle of the Breads Part 2 (April 28, 2023) JPL
Romantic interlude (May 31, 2023) JPL
Torn between two Loves (June 14, 2023) GS
C R U S T Strikes Back! Part 1 (August 10, 2023) JPL
C R U S T Strikes Back Part 2 (August 17, 2023) JPL
I'll update this post whenever new episodes come out! This post will be linked on my pinned post
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mxjackparker · 1 month
With all the propaganda and rhetoric against top surgery that "Gender Criticals" and general transphobes are spreading, here's some info on what top surgery was actually like for me, from surgery all through the healing process! (This post will include some images of drains and a little blood!)
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I was diagnosed with gender dysphoria (which is necessary in the UK for surgery) around May 2020 and started testosterone February 2021, all through GenderCare. I got a letter from the gender therapist and a surgery referral from GenderGP and consulted with my surgeon then booked surgery for 14th Feb 2022.
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I had to travel all the way to Manchester, on a coach that took many hours, and book a hotel. I raised surgery money via GoFundMe because despite being referred to (now closing) Tavistock GIC in early 2020, my appointment to even be assessed wouldn't have been for over 5 years.
I had a double incision top surgery (double mastectomy) on February 14th 2022 as scheduled! I woke up in a fairly minor amount of pain, still on painkillers from the surgery, with drains. As you can see, I was also so happy that probably made it hurt less!
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My top surgery took a few hours. Pre-surgery, my chest size was a 32 H. That's a lot of tissue to be removing, and so I did end up with drains for the first 48 hours after surgery, though drains aren't used as broadly in the UK anymore and not by default.
I was discharged from the hospital the morning after my surgery (some people go home the day of, but I pre-arranged to stay overnight). I took no painkillers after surgery at any point during healing. I was up and walking around from the moment I left!
If you take painkillers, that may make you more fatigued and/or constipated, so those things are totally normal. If you need painkillers, you should absolutely take them - it's not a point of pride to suffer more than you need to. I didn't take any painkillers because I have a history of addiction to them. However, I found the pain entirely tolerable even despite the lack of medication.
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The evening after I was released from the hospital, I was pacing my hotel room carrying my drains! Moving promotes healing and prevents blood clots. I was very hunched!
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Directly after surgery I got to briefly see my chest, but not for long given that I needed to have the compression vest on! I didn't have too much swelling, so I could see what my chest actually looked like and was so excited. Once I got my drains out, I got to see it for longer!
The pain post-surgery was manageable. I had to bend forwards a little when walking so as not to pull on my stitches and make it hurt more, but I never took any painkillers and the pain was never intense enough to make me feel compelled to. I kept wearing my compression vest!
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The drains were honestly the most painful part of the experience for me, and once they were out the most pain I felt was from my back from walking hunched forward. I wore the compression vest on and off for 2 weeks then abandoned it completely, because I had such little swelling.
3 weeks after surgery, I got my dressings off (except nipples). I could see the full scar. I told my surgeon I wanted scars that were mostly straight, and that combined with the size of my chest meant the scars needed to meet in the middle in a little triangle.
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Everyone's scar shape is different, and you should talk to your surgeon about what you want. I didn't want semi-circle shape scars, because I wanted the scar to follow my pectorals so I'd have the option in the long-term of fading/medical tattooing and mostly hiding the scar.
3 weeks after top surgery, I was well-healed enough that I went into London for the Sex Work Strike and did a speech there! I was well-recovered by this point, though still fatigued. (A link to my speech if you're interested.)
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Around a month, I took off the nipple dressing as instructed by my post-op nurse, and one was healed enough for no dressing but the other took about another week to be as healed. Healing isn't perfectly symmetrical.
Once all of my dressings were off and I was able to probably clean my nipples and scars, I got to see the full result of my chest. This is the thinnest my scars ever were, because they hadn't developed as scars yet - they were healed shut but weren't done scarring.
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Once I was past a month of healing, all of the physical effects of top surgery had dissipated. I was no longer fatigued, my scars didn't hurt (though they did itch!), and I was in the secondary healing phase. My chest below the top of the nipple had minimal sensation.
I got phantom sensations, like water being poured over my chest, as the nerves reconnected. It wasn't painful, but it was weird! By month 2, I regained full sensation in most of my chest, with very little sensation on the scar and the skin directly between it and my nipples.
I have pretty much full sensation (including erotic sensation) in my nipples now. It's important to note: double incision almost always results in some loss of sensation, especially in the nipples. I'd have been fine with that, and this was an extra bonus for me!
This is my chest and scars 8 months after surgery.
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And this is my chest now, just over 2 years after top surgery:
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I'm very happy with how it looks, with how it feels, and I have zero regrets!
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lady-of-imladris · 10 months
How to recognize AI "Art"
A post I have wanted to make for a long time because I think it's important to know! Please mind that this is not 100% accurate and I am by no means an expert on AI art. My knowledge on the topic comes from a semester of research on the development of AI art and how it has improved over the years. I wrote a pretty intense paper on it (I got an A on this!) and I am now using this knowledge to help identify AI art.
I often ask myself "did an actual person make this art or did they just generate it?" because I WANT TO SUPPORT ARTISTS WITH A REBLOG BUT AI "ART" IS NOT ART!!!!
Image description and tags, other posts by the same user If there is no image description by OP, that's usually a bit sketchy. Also read tags other people have added in their reblogs! And look at other posts from the same user!
Features blending In an image where a person is wearing glasses, do they maybe merge into the skin a bit? (see Image 9)
Circular artefacts TBH I forgot why they happen but one paper I studied discussed ways to remove them because they are an obvious giveaway that an image is artificial (see Image 10)
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Image 1: Circular Artifacts [1]
4. Problems with text or other "logical composition stuff" (sorry I'm bad at words) AI is bad at generating text! It looks like words, but it makes no sense. In Image 3, where does the cat's paw come from? (Also note here that DALL-E puts those coloured squares in the bottom right corner).
Take a closer look at the hands of the women in the image on the bottom right. How many are there? Hands are also a good indicator!
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Image 2 [2], Image 3 [3]
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Image 4 [4], Image 5 [5]
5. mismatched earrings/eyes... ("long range dependencies") Human faces are symmetric, we (usually) have two eyes, two ears... That's a problem for AI. Earrings and eyecolours usually have to match. Either side may look perfectly fine, but when you look at is as a whole, it does not always work.
6. seems "too smooth"? I've noticed a lack of texture. Brushstrokes are missing, everything seems just a little flat. There are definitely generative models that can emulate brush strokes, but watch out for backgrounds. They sometimes give it away!
7. read this article for a lot of additional information!
8. something I found in this article that is not mentioned: the harsh contrast I have taken the below pictures from that article, and you can see some very "harsh" areas around the irises in the pictures with the eyes, or around the kids
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Image 6, 7, 8 [6, 7, 8]
In the two images below, I have just marked some areas that seem off and I will briefly discuss why:
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Image 9, Image 10 [9, 10]
Left (Image 9): In Halbrand's hair, there seems to be part of a crown or some other adornment, but it's not quite there. You can also see the general "smoothness" in this image. Another suspicious looking area is Galadriel's neck. Between their faces, you can see the mountain range in the background continue, but it stops exactly where the strand of hair is. On the right side of the image, there are some bright spots on the rocks that also look a bit weird.
Right (Image 10): I have marked some spots that I think look a bit like circular artifacts (that have probably already been "treated" by the generative model). On the bottom left side I have circled this jar? vase? Whatever. You can see that the lid and the rest of the object don't align.
Once again: DISCLAIMER - I could be wrong! This is really hard because the generative models get better.
[1] D. Stap, M. Bleeker, S. Ibrahimi, and M. ter Hoeve. Conditional image generation and manipulation for user-specified content. arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.04909, 2020.
[2] A. Ramesh, P. Dhariwal, A. Nichol, C. Chu, and M. Chen. Hierarchical text-conditional image generation with clip latents. arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.06125, 2022.
[3, 4] Generated by me using DALL-E for research purposes.
[5, 6, 7, 8] from this article, accessed on August 15 2023
[9, 10] posted by Tumblr user @ fandomfatale, accessed on August 15 2023
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silvereyedowl · 6 months
What We Know About Series 15
This post will be updated with more information.
It will be coming in 2025, preceded by a Christmas special in 2024.
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Ncuti Gatwa as the Doctor. Millie Gibson as Ruby Sunday. Russell T Davies described her as "crucial" to the season. Varada Sethu as TBA – her as-yet-unnamed companion will join the Doctor and Ruby in the TARDIS. (Sethu's casting was leaked weeks prior to the April 12 announcement as she was seen at location filming.)
Sethu unexpectedly appeared as Anglican Marine Mundy Flynn in series 14 episode "Boom". Afterwards, RTD stated that she would be playing a new character when she returned, but hinted there was a connection of some sort. Steven Moffat also said RTD had a plan for Sethu, and compared the plot to Clara Oswald – whose first season revolved around her having multiple doppelgangers in different time periods.
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Nicola Coughlan will be appearing in the Christmas special. Here's a video check-in from her.
Episode 2 is set to feature a guest actor who previously played a different character in the past.
Like Series 14, there will be 8 episodes and a preceding Christmas special. As of the publication of DWM 596, five scripts had been fully written.
RTD said that, besides himself, there will be four guest writers for the season.
The Christmas special is "Joy to the World", written by Steven Moffat – marking the first holiday special not to be written by the current showrunner. Interestingly, RTD previously said he was working on it in 2022, suggesting plans changed.
RTD also promised no further gap years, and hinted that the eight-episode length which Series 14 will hold to may change in the future.
When Davies wrote his "Letter from the Showrunner" column for Doctor Who Magazine 591, the Script and Legal departments were investigating whether the show was allowed to use a certain title for episode 6.
One episode contains the words garden, firmament, and diploma.
Another episode contains the words radiation, moth, and skiffle.
An Entertainment Weekly set visit saw an episode involving "space stations, holograms, and the Doctor using his brain to thwart an interstellar foe". They also had exclusive looks at two of the Doctor's costumes for the season.
Formal preparations for series 15 began in late July 2023.
Filming began on October 23, 2023.
RTD, writing about the final days of filming for series 14, said "Yasmin Finney wrapped a few days ago, big hugs, see you soon", raising a possibility that her character Rose Noble will appear in the season as well.
Block 1 will be directed by Alex Pillai, and block 2 will be directed by Peter Hoar, who previously directed "A Good Man Goes to War". Amanda Brotchie and Makalla McPherson will also be directing episodes. McPherson teased a maze sequence appearing in one of her episodes, through which the Doctor is fleeing enemies.
In DWM 600, Davies gave a production update for the season: the Christmas special was almost picture-locked before FX. Episode 1 had just one more scene to shoot, episodes 2 and 3 were to start filming soon, episode 4 had finished shooting, episode 5 was on its fifth draft, episode 6 was on its ninth draft, episode 7 sat waiting, and episode 8 would be written soon.
In DWM 601, Davies mentioned that the sets for the UNIT Ops Room and the Sundays' flat were about to "spring back into life", and also mentioned sets for a hospital, a set "so real, we could rent it out as its actual self", and another described as an "absolute labyrinth".
On a further note, Davies has indicated that series 16 is already planned out, and that a fourth season is being planned as well, for which he joked that he might write a dialogueless episode.
Filming wrapped on May 25, 2024.
Davies said in an interview that he expects the season to air at least partially in May.
In DWM 597, Davies mentioned that sets for a hotel, a hospital, and a "chamber" were being built.
Davies said that the season will not include an anniversary celebration for the new series, due to possible "anniversary overload" after the centenary special and the 60th.
He also stated that a scene filmed on March 8, 2024 would "live forever in the show's history".
RTD teased 3 words from the climax of the series: "tinderbox", "Croydon", "threshold".
SPOILERS below the cut!
All leaks and otherwise unofficial news will be here.
Location Filming Reports
Filming for the 2024 Christmas special showing both a WWII setting and contemporary NYC.
More Christmas special filming with Joel Fry.
Filming for episode 4 (directed by Peter Hoar) with Millie Gibson, Jonah Hauer-King (whose character appears to be romantically involved with Ruby), Blake Patrick Anderson, and extras playing protestors and UNIT soldiers.
Lewis Comay was spotted in location filming, alongside the Doctor and Varada Sethu's character, in what appears to be 1950s Miami.
Filming in Cardiff Central on April 21, including the Doctor, Ruby, and Shirley Anne Bingham. Propaganda posters of Hauer-King's character, a crown logo, and strange changes in circumstances for several characters.
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landgraabbed · 2 months
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it's been a while since i last shared the game that currently has my attention, and currently that is outward: definitive edition (dev: nine dot studios). this got long, so i'll put it under the cut. the short of it is that i am in love with this game that is catered to freaks like me in every way!
the game was first released in 2019, and the definitive edition including all dlcs came out in 2022, and i'd say this game was on my radar since 2020-2022, but i never really played it until now. i've been enjoying my time with this game, and what a game it is! it makes me feel like most of my favorites do: scrabbling for victories, being forced to get by the skin of my neck, and having to always play past my mistakes. in many ways it reminds me of favorites such as dragon's dogma, morrowind my heavily modded skyrim, and souls games to an extent, but with survival elements added on to it.
to set the stage, this game puts you in the boots of a gender neutral Just A Guy™ who is saddled with debt incurred by their grandmother and is on the verge of losing their lighthouse home. in aurai, actions that damage the community may incur what is called a blood price, meaning a bloodline may have to pay the price of said actions even decades or centuries removed from the action. the first chapter of your adventure sees you attempting to repay a parcel of the blood price on your bloodline by whatever means possible within 5 days, after your hard work was lost in the same shipwreck that nearly took your life. and off you go to do that. you can approach this goal by whatever means you can come up with and you can also fail to do so, and the game will continue. where i am currently, i managed to barely make the deadline and have been exploring the world. there are currently four factions i can approach in order to advance the plot, but i am taking my time to meet all of them before i make a decision. they each are tackling different issues in aurai at the moment, such as the holy mission's quest to fight against the scourge.
the moment to moment gameplay is very engaging to me. it really is a game that anyone who knows me knows that of course it will appeal to me. navigation reminds me of morrowind with npcs giving you directions and a complete lack of quest markers (or even an indication of where you are in the map! you need to orient yourself using landmarks and road signs). combat is brutal and best avoided at most times. you need to manage your inventory and loadout for the climate and your needs, as well as what you expect to encounter in your journeys, where the weight of your inventory is very important. your stats will become burnt (i.e., you will have a temporarily reduced maximum stamina until rest) the more you use them, greatly emphasizing how you're just a rando. there is magic in this world, but you don't start out with mana needed to cast spells and must perform a difficult pilgrimage to the center of the mountain that dominates the landscape of the first area. and even then, you must sacrifice your precious hp and stamina to build a mana pool. the tradeoff: magic has been absolutely fun and op in my experience. the game rewards preparation and knowing when the fuck to leg it most of all. and if you meet your untimely demise, you're not sent to the last checkpoint. instead, the game rolls one of the appropriate defeat scenarios appropriate to your current situation which can be a boon or a curse (and honestly must have been the inspiration to the alternative death system part of this skyrim mod). the game constantly autosaves, so savescumming isn't a possibility. most of all, you wander in a lovely environment to the sound of bangers.
pictures were only edited to add some small grain and are at the native resolution of the steam deck since it's where i've been playing! i do want to look at it on my laptop too. it also features online and splitscreen co-op, but i haven't tried that out. i do hear it's a great way to approach the game. another thing i really enjoyed learning about is the studio's investment in promoting a crunch-free, ethical philosophy to game development, and extending that over their publishing efforts in order to foster the development of more indie niche games developped ethically.
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onewhoturns · 9 months
A-Z Challenge GAME 5
Starting D today, so here we have: E games!
This one is... hm. To be honest, with the first-person games I'm a *little* concerned that I might feel nauseous if I try to muscle through a couple of these in a short time frame >< The only one I'm sure won't make me sick is Erica, but I've played a demo of Eternal Threads and it was mostly okay, not sure what to expect from Escape Academy, but just might not be a one- or two-session knockout, if it makes me feel ill -.-'
I also would need to find people able to play a session with me for that game, cause some of those achievements are multiplayer, but not many
As always, more info on the games under the cut.
Do me a solid this round cause y'all have ignored all the other fmv games and all the horror/thriller stuff from last round and I want to play one
1. Erica (2021)
"Prepare to immerse yourself in an interactive live-action thriller, merging the world of film and game like never before. Erica is a young lady plagued with nightmares of her father's murder. With the traumatic events of her childhood dragged back into the light via grisly new clues, it's up to you to unearth the shocking truth. Explore the enigma of Delphi House where every choice you make influences how the game develops, with multiple endings awaiting you at the finale of the gripping branching narrative." Steam tags: choose your own adventure, fmv, interactive fiction, female protagonist, point & click, choices matter, puzzle, story rich, action
2. Escape Academy (2022)
"Welcome to Escape Academy. Train to become the ultimate Escapist. Solve Puzzles. Hack Servers. Meet the Faculty. Brew the perfect cup of tea. Escape Rooms in single player or co-op with a friend - local or online!" Steam tags: escape room, puzzle, multiplayer, online co-op, visual novel, adventure, casual, mystery, story rich
3. Eternal Threads (2022)
"Eternal Threads is a single-player, first-person story-driven puzzle game of time manipulation, choice and consequence. As an operative tasked with fixing corruption in the timestream, you have been sent to the North of England in May 2015, where six people died in a house fire. Prohibited from simply stopping the fire, you must instead manipulate the choices made by the housemates in the week leading up to it so that they all survive the event." Steam tags: choices matter, story rich, multiple endings, time manipulation, investigation, emotional, adventure, atmospheric
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aerodaltonimperial · 2 years
Katy's masterpost of "what the hell is hookhausen and why are you so obsessed with it?????" aka the hookhausen video primer!!!!
It took me awhile and a LOT of help (thank you so much friends!!!!) to get all of these videos compiled and in the right order, and I added a few extra that aren't technically "canon" (after shows, vloghausens) but as far as I am concerned, if it happens in kayfabe, it's canon. If you think you might enjoy insanity and a fucking amazing enemies-to-besties plot line, this might be something you enjoy. I'm still missing a few here and there, but I think this is pretty solid!!!
THE ORIGINAL RUN (Feb-August 2022): the courtship
Hook's interview on Hey! (EW), most for shits and giggles because it never fails to make me laugh, but also is a great introduction to him.
The slow-burn enemies-to-partners video. HUGE thanks to OP for this, because I literally consider this video God's gift to us.
The training montage. I laugh every time.
The May 13, 2022 after-show. Skip to 5:30. They are a package deal at this point as far as everyone in the arena is concerned LOL (another view here, starts at 5:40. 2 days into their partnership and Danhausen is like, "CM Punk owes me money." Hook: "let's go.")
Vloghausen chip tasting. Starts at 2:35. The fact that they had to do this multiple times because all those chip bags are already open tickles me.
Road to Double or Nothing. RJ City is a gift lol
Tag team match!!! Skip to 48:55. It's the little finger wiggles before tags that always gets me. Love is real.
Post tag match interview. Starts at 4:00. They could have refilmed this when Hook lost it and didn't, so that smile at Danhausen is canon now, I don't make the rules.
Literally just ten seconds of them driving the Gator. Starts at :30. SMILEHAUSEN.
Danhausen loves Hook. 1:42:50. Interview show, Danhausen talks about Hook glowingly for 10 seconds.
Hookhausen buys “PT Cruisers.” We are still trying to figure out if Hook actually has a driver’s license.
Why must you hurt me in this way. Starts at 4:30. The "break-up"???? I don't like this video.
Hook and Danhausen sell chips for monies. Another vloghausen gift. They still love each other. TWO fist bumps!!! BLESSED.
Hookhausen hawks their GIANT ASS POSTER. If video does not load on AEW Twitter, plz see back-up link here.
After-show fist bump w/FTW Belt. Starts at 10:47.
The Dark Months (Sept-Dec 2022): nothing sob sob
A NEW ERA???: we have found new wills to live
Hook is click-bait in a vloghausen. First onscreen appearance since August 2022 by the trollhausen of the universe. WE BACK, BABIES.
Danhausen’s good friend Hook! Danhausen says Hook’s name on air!! And there was much rejoicing!
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coolmomacchiato · 2 years
Auroras, The Course of Empire, and a HUGE Tiger & Bunny 2 realization
Before I begin, let me start out with a brief art history lesson about a series of 5 paintings by English-American painter Thomas Cole of the Hudson River School movement (mid-1800's). The series depicts the growth and fall of an imaginary city, each taking place at a different time of day to reflect where in its lifecycle it is. The paintings are: "The Savage State" or "Commencement of Empire" (Dawn/sunrise)
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The Arcadian/Pastoral State (morning)
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The Consummation of Empire (Sun's zenith/Day)
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Destruction (Waning day/twilight)
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and finally, Desolation (Sunset)
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Of course even beyond Cole, the different stages of the day/night cycle has widely been used to symbolize the circle of life: Morning/Sunrise being birth/rebirth, Day for "adulthood"/Consummation (completion), Sunset/Twilight for downfall/aging, and Night for death. The SECOND thing we need to establish is the way "Little Aurora" is constantly equated with " hope" - both literally (as in it says the words right there) and figuratively, since she represents hope for not just NEXT, but society as a whole:
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Now - how does this relate to Tiger & Bunny 2, you may ask? If you recall, Sunsets were a visual metaphor in Cour 1, and referenced in the ED AIDA, as well as the OP.
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In Cour 2's ED, we see Kotetsu and Barnaby - each alone - standing under a night sky filled with auroras, surrounded by a broken cityscape. As the sun begins to rise over the desolation, Tiger and Barnaby cross a liminal landscape to find each other again, to face a new day together. Indeed, the ED ends with a visual recall to Cour 1, but at dawn:
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S2 ends with the destruction of the status quo. The last scene takes place at night: the hero system is no more, society is fractured between NEXT/non-NEXT, Kotetsu has lost his powers, and Kotetsu & Barnaby are no longer "Buddy heroes". Even the two symbols of "justice", Sternbild, and Tiger & Barnaby's partnership as a whole - Justice Tower and Mr. Legend's statue - are destroyed in the fray.
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However, as the title of Episode 20 says, The darkest hour is always before dawn. In fact, Episode 25 ends with the hope of a new beginning. The title is "Today is Not Tomorrow's Yesterday", and includes an epilogue scene where we see a snow-flecked museum that looks disturbingly like a mausoleum. The memorial plaque says "The Legend of Buddy Hero", with the starting date of when the first episode of S1 took place - the beginning of their hero partnership - and ending on the day that S2E25 happens on. Underneath that, we see "NEXT". Though this might be the end of the era of Tiger & Bunny as we know it, NEXT is the beginning of a new one.
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So what does this mean for the future of the series? I posit that S2 isn't a conclusion - it's a second act that precedes a 3rd act with a drastic change of status quo - and a new beginning.
Staff have repeatedly spoken about "change" around S2, and now I think I understand what they meant. Bringing back the times of day symbolism, we can imagine that the entire story of Tiger & Bunny could be divided into 3 acts (seasons), with 3 "intermissions"(movies). They are: Intermission 1: The Beginning Movie Season 1: Day (Consummation) (this is a recent visual from S2, but I've always found the choice to frame them against a bright day unusual, compared to the historical treatment of key art):
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Intermission 2: The Rising Season 2: Sunset/Nightfall (Destruction & Desolation) If so, then perhaps during the live audience viewing of Episode 25, which will air on the infamous T&B day of Christmas Eve (Dec 24, 2022), we will get an announcement of the conclusion: Intermission 3: The Fall? Season 3: Sunrise/Dawn (Rebirth. "Tomorrow is not Yesterday's Today.") As many have noticed, there seemed to be several suspended story and character arcs from S2. Foreshadowed events (such as the dinner/drinks date") don't end up happening, and character journeys don't feel complete. I can go into detail on what specific story aspects feel set up for a 3rd arc, but that will be for another post. For now, I will leave you with this last Easter egg. Thank you for reading!
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italeteller · 9 months
Is there any modern isekai anime you think are actually worth watching? Or is it all just the same toxic wish fulfilment garbage at this point?
Fear not anon, there's actually some good modern isekai anime still! But first, some hearsay:
-While I didn't personally vibe with it, I've heard a lot of good things about Re:Zero, but I've also heard a lot of bad and cringe things about it, so it's up to you I guess
-Ascendance of a Bookworm is another I don't know anything about, but I've heard good things
Now for the ones I have actually watched:
-My next life as the villainess: all routes lead to doom! is a 2021 isekai where a teen girl dies and gets reborn into the world of her favorite dating sim, but she's in the body of Katarina, the awful rotten-hearted villainess, and to top it all off she's 7 years-old.
Katarina soon realizes that, if her new life progresses the same as the game's, all she's got to look forward to is banishment or death, because game!Katarina is a major bitch so nobody loves her, and she starts taking measures for her inevitable doom: she learns to farm so she'll be able to procure food is she's banished, tries her hand at magic and swordfighting so she'll be able to defend herself, and other stuff like that
She's also a naturally nice person to everybody in the game so all the boys and girls end up falling in love with her, which she completely doesn't notice because she's dead certain that the game has to go on the preplanned route so she has no idea everybody who's supposed to romance and/or befriend the game's protagonist wants to jump her bones instead.
It's a pretty fun series, and while it's no benchmark of storytelling, it does have a few genuinely good plot twists and heartwarming moments. I wish it would end up as a proper bisexual harem, but I knows the odds aren't good, sadly.
Also, if you do watch it, stick to the first season. The second season is bad. Like Bad bad. Makes you regret the time you spent watching it-Bad. There's a movie coming on December, which I hope is good and redeems the franchise, but if not, the first season is good
Saihate no Paladin/The Faraway Paladin is another 2021 isekai where a random dude gets reincarnated as a baby in the ruins where a great evil is sealed, and gets adopted by three undead: a skeleton warrior, a mummy priestess and a ghost wizard. They raise him, teach him to fight, magic and miracles, and then send him off to the world when he turns 15. It's a pretty decent story, it has a slow start, taking some 5 episode to properly set up the MC's circumstances and goals before his journey, and it's got a second season coming on October so if you wanna catch up, you'll get more content soon
My only problem with it is that it should be a fantasy anime. The isekai part is... I mean it's there, it seems like there will be something with the gods and the different cycles of reincarnation, but it could very easily have been a fantasy story and lose nothing. The main character having been a random japanese man before reincarnating doesn't really add anything, so idk if you wanna count it as an isekai or not
Tensei Shitara Ken Deshita is a 2022 isekai-that-should-have-been-a-fantasy where another random japanese dude is reincarnated into a magic sword. He immediately goes "welp, time to discard everything about my previous life and be the best sword I can" and begins slaughtering monsters to grind levels. He eventually becomes a super OP weapon and that's when he gets found by his future master, a preteen catgirl slave whose caravan is escaping from a two-headed zombie bear
The catgirl gets the sword and kills the bear, the sword uses his telekinetic powers to kill the slaver by snapping his neck 180° degrees, burns the slave contract and they team up. The sword restores the girl's name, Fran, which she had lost when she became a slave, and Fran names the sword "Teacher", and they set out to grind levels so that Fran may evolve - because she's a member of the Black Cat race, which is the only race in that world that can't evolve, which is why they're discriminated and sold as slaves, and Fran wants to prove her race can evolve after all
This one I have a love-hate relationship with. It does a lot of the shit I hate on other isekais, but it also does a lot of things I like. Yes, Fran is ridiculously OP with little effort thanks to being able to share Teacher's skills, and she breezes through most challenges effortlessly which is often anticlimactic as hell, but she's got an actual tangible goal and a personality so she's already more interesting than your average isekai MC. There's no romance and almost no fanservice, and when there is it's always with the adult women in the series, so that's another bullet dodged
But on the other hand, the slavery plot is introduced, and then dropped almost entirely except for a bunch of obviously evil people who all get punished, and meanwhile everybody else is super nice to Fran and nobody brings up the fact that hey, she was a legal slave until not too long ago and her race is still being enslaved and nobody's doing anything about it, ain't that fucked up? No? Nobody wanna say anything? Idk, it's a fun romp but it's also very power-fantasy-trash at the same time. It's got a second season confirmed in production, maybe that will do something with the slavery plot
The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady is a 2023 series that should really have a shorter name, my god. It's another should've-been-a-fantasy isekai and it's. Hmm. It's got some amazing first episodes, but then they tried to cram A LOT of plot into the rest and fucked it all up. A lot of stuff makes very little sense, character motivations are all out of whack, and you get the feeling that they really needed another cour, or at least 6 more episodes, to fit it all in properly
It's one of those series that you can see the potential it had, how great it could've been if it had been allowed, and it makes you kinda sad that you'll never see it unless you go to read the light novels. The reason for this rush is that the studio wanted to end the series on the end of the third light novel, which is where the main girl gets together with her girlfriend as a canon, explicit, openly gay couple, which is a deeply respectable, dare I even say admirable goal, but I still wish it had had more episodes so it hadn't had to sacrifice the rest of the series for it
The Executioner and her Way of Life is a 2022 series, the final pick of the list, and the one I like the most, so of course it's only got one season and no confirmed sequel because god hates me, personally
The main character, Menou, is a teenage priestess from her world's church, and she's also in charge of killing all the japanese people who get isekai'd into her world. Menou doesn't enjoy the killing and feels guilty for it, but she knows she must do it to stop the ridiculous powers the isekai'd are given from bringing ruin to her world. One such power is the one that turned her whole village, people and buildings alike, into ash when she was little. She was rescued and raised by Flare, the world's strongest warrior, whose power is only matched by her mental instability, which she gladly passed to her apprentice
The story proper begins when Menou meets Akari, the new japanese teenager in town, and finds out Akari's power prevents her from dying. Thus, Menou takes Akari on a trip across the continent to see the sights and find a weapon strong enough to kill her before Akari goes nuclear. Akari, meanwhile, is ecstatic, because she doesn't know Menou wants to kill her, and because she's down horrendous for her from the moment their eyes meet, loudly and openly fantasizing about the romantic adventures they'll have and telling her stuff like "you're the only one for me" to her face
As the series goes on, you start to notice there's something very, very wrong with Akari
Another such character is Momo, Menou's junior who is also loudly and openly in lesbians with her, very annoyed that Menou spends so much time with Akari, and also very off in the head. I hope you're seeing a pattern here
The final character in this delightful ensemble is Asuna, the princess of the realm and the most well adjusted character in the series. She's a wandering knight who loves a good fight and develops the most hilarious crush on Momo, who wants nothing to do with her and is constantly antagonizing Asuna, attacking her, ambushing her and throwing her into deadly traps, only for the princess to walk it off and offer to buy her a drink. It's honestly hilarious
And there you have it, my personal isekai reccommendation list. Hope you find at least one that suits your tastes
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ms-m-astrologer · 1 year
The Week Ahead: May 29-June 4, 2023
Lunar Phases
Wednesday, May 31, 14:18 UT - Gibbous Moon, 24°53’ Libra
The key phrases for the Gibbous lunar phase are to “tweak and adjust” our plans as needed, and to “pour more energy and effort” into our projects. Much of those tweaks and adjustments come from “smoothing troubled waters” (let’s say) - someone is mightily pissed off, might even be our own selves, and we’re trying to make it right.
Sunday, June 4, 03:42 UT - Full Moon, 13°18’ Sagittarius
The key phrases for the Full lunar phase are to “culminate, illumine, fulfill,” and to “pour all our energy/effort” into our plans. Other people’s input is helpful, because we need those different perspectives - someone is going to have a terrific idea we can use. Doing our “duty” becomes a little more important; our consciences may pinch us a little more sharply.
Void of Course Moon
Monday, May 29, 09:46 UT (Virgo) - 14:51 UT (Libra)
Wednesday, May 31, 14:53 UT (Libra) - 22:45 UT (Scorpio)
Saturday, June 2, 00:51 UT (Scorpio) - 05:03 UT (Sagittarius)
Monday, June 5, 03:24 UT (Sagittarius) - 07:31 UT (Capricorn)
Pre-retrograde shadow: Saturn/Pisces
Retrograde: Pluto/Aquarius
Post-retrograde shadow: Mercury/Taurus (until Wednesday the 31st), Ceres/Virgo
Transiting Mercury has its greatest western elongation on Monday, May 29, 09:39 UT, at 13°08’ Taurus; and exits its retrograde zone on Wednesday, May 31, 19:39 UT, at 14°37’ Taurus. Almost out of the woods!
Although she isn’t yet in her retrograde zone, transiting Venus has her greatest eastern elongation on Sunday, June 4, 15:00 UT, at 29°06’ Cancer. This is like the “Last Quarter” lunar phase; we potentially are turning away from some Venus-type thing dating from her last inferior conjunction with the Sun (January 9, 2022, 18°43’ Capricorn).
Et Cetera
There are two Opportunity Periods this week:
Monday, May 29, 14:51 UT to Wednesday, May 31, 14:53 UT. “Another long OP that’s even better than the last one … a fine time for strong connections and relationships.”
Friday, June 2, 14:10 UT - Saturday, June 3, 00:51 UT. “A powerful OP … good for just about anything, from deep romance to hard work.”
June is - as I mentioned in my blog post Cosmic Events June 2023 - a bit of a transitional month, with things getting set up. Next week is when that particular process really gets underway - making this a good week to make sure we’re on a relatively even keel, or at least prepared.
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mattoidmeerkat · 2 years
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911 Week 2022 - Day Five: Favorite Relationship ↳ Bathena + types of couples (adapted from this post with permission of OP)
[Image ID: twenty gifs demonstrating the different kinds of a couple Bathena are; each image has a description in the middle.
GIF 1: In a flashback during 2x16, Athena is responding to a call in where she meets Bobby for the first time and he hands her Maurice, the rooster. She looks at Bobby in shock. The words "The Destined Couple" are written in the middle.
GIF 2: Bobby and Athena are sitting in his church talking after a rouch call in 1x10. The words "The Second Chance Couple" are written in the middle.
GIF 3: On their first date in 1x10, Bobby and Athena talk and smile at each other before sitting down. She looks gorgeous in her brown dress and he looks just as handsome in his suit. The words "The Classy Couple" are written in the middle.
GIF 4: In 2x01, Athena is pushing Bobby against a firetruck kissing him. He crouches down to be level with her and kisses her back. The words "The Steamy Couple" are written in the middle.
GIF 5: In 2x08, Bobby and Athena say goodbye to each other on a call while holding hands and slowly pulling apart to leave. She is in uniform and he is in full turnout gear. The words "The Battlefield Couple" are written in the middle.
GIF 6: In 2x08, Bathena are enjoying a quiet evening at his apartment. Before they sit down to eat Bobby smiles and leans in to hug Athena from behind while holding her hand. The words "The Adorable Couple" are written in the middle.
GIF 7: In 2x08, Bathena are happily dancing at his apartment while holding hands. The words "The Best Friends Couple" are written in the middle.
GIF 8: Bobby and Athena smile at each other while slipping their weddings rings onto each others fingers at their wedding in 2x18. May and Harry are standing besides them smiling broadly. The words "The True Love Couple" are written in the middle.
GIF 9: Bobby is holding Athena while she clings to him and breaks down in his arms in 3x07. While she is crying he quietly reassures her. The words "The Angsty Couple" are written in the middle.
GIF 10: In 3x08, while Athena is cooking for the team at the firehouse Bobby holds her close to kiss her. He hugs her from behind and they both smile broadly. Behind him a cardboard cutout of Bobby from his childhood ice skating days looks on. The words "The Cute Couple" are written in the middle.
GIF 11: Bobby and Athena are slow dancing in their living room during date night in 3x16. The words "The Romantic Couple" are written in the middle.
GIF 12: Athena wearing turnout gear leans her forehead against an injured Bobby's forehead while in a burning building in 4x14. The words "The Soulmates Couple" are written in the middle.
GIF 13: Athena embraces Bobby tightly after he comes out of a burning building in 5x08. When she leans back to look at his smiling face she places her hand against his cheek. The words "The Affectionate Couple" are written in the middle.
GIF 14: While at a casino in 5x09, Bathena start their reenactment of a robby. They hold hands and release them to assume their positions for the robbery walk-through. Walking away from Bobby, Athena turns to look at him over her bare shoulder revealed by her orange dress. The words "The Chaotic Couple" are written in the middle.
GIF 15: In 5x09, Bathena are playing cards when Athena presents Bobby with handcuffs suggesting alternative activities. The words "The Kinky Couple" are written in the middle.
GIF 16: In 5x09, Bobby and Athena enter their bedroom while smiling. Athena throws away a pair of handcuffs and lays down sideways on their bed. Bobby climbs up onto the bed to move on top of her. While they kiss, she embraces him and places her hands on the back of his shoulder and head. The words "The Hot Couple" are written in the middle.
GIF 17: In 5x15, Bathena are sitting side-by-side on their couch while Athena goes through a box of items from her law school days. Bobby kisses her temple and puts his arms around her. They both smile happily. The words "The Sentimental Couple" are written in the middle.
GIF 18: At the hospital in 5x16, Athena thanks Bobby for going all Papa Bear and saving May from the fire. She playfully touches his suspenders while smiling at him. He looks lovingly at the daughter the managed to save. The words "The Bear Parents Couple" are written in the middle.
GIF 19: While Bobby is icing his injured hands in 5x17, Athena tenderly caresses his arm slowly from the shoulder all the way down to his hand. The words "The Tender Couple" are written in the middle.
GIF 20: At Hen & Karen's wedding in 5x18 Athena hands Bobby back the cruise tickets he presented to her. They both leaning in while smiling broadly and kiss. The words "The Happy Couple" are written in the middle.
/end ID]
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wheelscomedyandmore · 5 months
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Remembering Elvis Presley (January 8, 1935-August 16, 1977) on his birthday
Even though Frank Sinatra didn’t like rock ‘n’ roll at first, he grew to appreciate some of it later on, and he and Elvis Presley became friends.
On May 12, 1960, when he returned from the Army, Elvis guest-starred on The Frank Sinatra Timex Show. Sinatra and Elvis sang a duet of “Love Me Tender” and “Witchcraft.” The audience was filled with members of the Elvis fanclub, so that Elvis received a most warm welcome by screaming girls. The show garnered tremendous newspaper and magazine coverage, and the ratings were headlined in the Hollywood Reporter: SINATRA-ELVIS SPEC RATES 5 YEAR HIGH. Trendex gave the show a whopping 41.5 rating against CBS's 4.2 and NBC's 21.2.
Nancy Sinatra, Jr. guested on the show too and remembered that she was in love with Elvis. Later, she appeared in one of Elvis’s movies, Speedway, and became close friends with him. She also threw Priscilla a baby shower.
Nancy Sinatra, Jr.: “I was eighteen years old and in love with Elvis; totally in love with Elvis. He melted my heart, to meet him in person. I met him when he came out of the Army, when he got off the plane. I went as part of the PR for that special. Just to welcome him home on behalf of my dad and Timex. It was a photo op more than anything else. I was scared to death.”
Nancy Sinatra, Jr.: “I think both guys, I could say this with some authority, both of them were nervous. Because, I mean, here are two great legends coming together. They were already legends in their own time. Elvis, I think, had the edge on the nerves, however. I think he was a little edgier than Dad. But it turned out to be a very, very cute moment in history. It's a great moment in time.”
On May 1, 1967, Sinatra let Elvis and Priscilla use his private jet to fly from Palm Springs to their wedding in Las Vegas and to their Honeymoon. Priscilla explained in 2022 that Sinatra had offered them his plane to escape from the paparazzi.
Holding a picture of Elvis in front of Sinatra’s plane, Priscilla said:
“This is Frank Sinatra’s plane. Frank had offered us the plane so we could keep everything low-key and keep it again private. It was very gracious of him to do this because it helped a lot. After the wedding, the paparazzi definitely was after us. We were saying goodbye to some friends in Vegas and getting ready to get on the plane. It was a nice treat for us.”
Journalist Chris Hitchens revealed that Sinatra tried to get Elvis to quit doing drugs, shortly before he died.
“Tom Jones and I met up for a drink with [Sinatra] in New York and he told us that he had just been on the phone to Elvis."
He then described Sinatra telling the pair: "When I called the hospital in Memphis, the girl on the switchboard asked, ‘Who’s calling?' and when I replied, 'Frank Sinatra’ I fully expected her to say, 'Oh, yeah, and I’m the Queen of England' or some such dumb line.
But she must have recognised my voice because, a few seconds later, Elvis came on the line. I told him he’s got to look after himself and quit fooling around. He’s too young to die, and I told him so.”
After Elvis’s death on August 16, 1977, Sinatra made a statement about Elvis, saying: “There have been many accolades uttered about Elvis’s talent and performances through the years, all of which I agree with wholeheartedly.
I shall miss him dearly as a friend. He was a warm, considerate and generous man.”
Photo: Frank Sinatra and Elvis Presley, on The Frank Sinatra Timex Show, 1960
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gtamoneydrop · 3 months
Delving into the Anticipated File Size of GTA 6
As Rockstar Games maintains silence on the official file size for GTA 6, various clues emerge, offering a glimpse into the sheer magnitude of the impending game.
There's little doubt that GTA 6 is gearing up to be one of the largest gaming phenomena in history, capturing widespread anticipation and promising an expansive virtual world. With Grand Theft Auto 5 gracing screens in 2013, it's reasonable to surmise that GTA 6, likely in development for over a decade, is poised to deliver a monumental gaming experience.
While the exact file size remains undisclosed, early estimates project it could reach a substantial 200 GB. In 2022, a Reddit user named Denso95 meticulously analyzed a leaked developer build of GTA 6, approximating its size at around 80 GB and speculating a final release size just under 200 GB. This aligns with the observed patterns in previous GTA releases.
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While current size estimates are speculative, an official revelation is expected when GTA 6 becomes available for digital pre-order, likely later this year on the PlayStation and Xbox stores.
Reflecting on Historical Game Sizes
A retrospective examination of recent Rockstar Games releases and their respective file sizes provides valuable insights into the potential scale of GTA 6:
Red Dead Redemption 2: 120 GB GTA 5: 111.37 GB GTA 4 Complete Edition: 32 GB GTA: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition: 19 GB *(Sizes may vary between platforms or due to game updates)
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The transition from GTA 4 to GTA 5 witnessed a significant quadrupling of the file size, underscoring Rockstar's dedication to delivering increasingly immersive gaming experiences. While a fourfold increase to 400 GB appears improbable for GTA 6, a notably larger storage requirement is expected. This anticipation stems from the apparent doubling of the playable area compared to GTA 5 and the rumored inclusion of more building interiors, as hinted by the 2022 leaks.
Addressing Unverified Rumors
Contrary to an unverified rumor positing a colossal 750 GB file size for GTA 6, such claims lack substantive evidence. If true, this purported file size would render the game unplayable on day-one PS5 consoles, which provide only 667 GB of usable storage out of their 825 GB total.
Comparing GTA 6 to other expansive games like Microsoft Flight Simulator, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare/Black Ops Cold War, and Ark: Survival Evolved, it appears unlikely that GTA 6 would exceed expectations and reach a file size of 750 GB. While GTA 6 is expected to be substantial, a more 'acceptable' file size of 300 GB might be a reasonable expectation if Rockstar Games deems additional space necessary for the game's expansive content.
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butterfluffy · 2 years
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“love letter”
⠀⠀ੈ♡˳· wherein y/n, a student of OP academy, received a love letter, but from who?
⠀⠀➧ fluff | sanji × gn!reader | route no. 5
⠀⠀➧ warnings — none! mistakes and swearing may be present, though.. so do ignore them, thanks!
⠀⠀➧ requests are open! do send some requests for me to write!
⠀⠀꒰ 🍨 ꒱ notes: welcome to sanji's route for my 100+ followers special! if you'd like to check out the others, click this!
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You had honestly expected it. You had expected that it was Sanji, the curly-browed flirt who sent you the letter. Well, he's the only one who's sending love letters to almost everyone..
“Man, that guy's really such a flirt, huh?” You snickered as you recalled the contents of the love letter Sanji had sent you...
To the lovely Y/n, it is I, Sanji—the prince who has fallen in love with you. And due to the high fall, I've been injured, and the only cure to my injury is your loving, my love. So I hope you accept my confession and love me back, mellorine! ꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖♡
“Mr. Prince strikes again, haha..!” You laughed, swinging yourself on the swing, head leaned onto the iron chain holding you and the swing. “But I do wonder how many people received a letter from him too..?”
Sighing by this you were then startled by someone who covered your eyes all of a sudden.. “Guess who, my love.”
The familiar voice cooes, putting you into ease. “Sanji.” You answered, touching his hands that are now resting on your shoulder. “Correct, it's me, your one and only prince charming, Sanji~”
“Mhm, what are you here for, Mr. Prince?” You asked, using the nickname he gave himself, only causing the blond to chuckle. “This prince is here for you, my love.”
Placing a lingering kiss on your hand, Sanji then moved closer to you, arms dangling by your neck.
“Oh?” You hummed, looking up to his face, sending him a playful wink. “If you're here just to flirt with me, I don't mind. I'll play along.”
“My my, I'm here for another reason, my lovely Y/n.” He stated, his index finger motioning into a ‘no’ before continuing, “I came here to profess my love for you, Y/n.”
“I love you like how I love cooking, for you have captured my heart that is willing to beat only for you. I love you.” The blond confessed, caressing your cheek as he whispered his words into your ear, tickling your brain by his husky voice.
“That's not surprising... But Sanji, let me ask, how many people have you confessed to this day alone?” You asked with an eye roll, still not buying his confession, even though his words are making your heart flutter.
And by your question, Sanji falls into silence, a deep sigh escaping his lips before he gave his answer— “One.”
“I've confessed to a single person today—wait, no, for the past 2 months, actually. And it is you, my love. Only you.” Sanji responded, words laced with sincerity. Being true to heart, his answer shocking you.
“Now that's news..” You mumbled, a blush appearing on your face, looking away from Sanji who only smiled at your expression, finding it lovely and cute.
“Do you accept my confession, Y/n?” He inquires after a moment, slowly swinging you in tranquility. Completely in serene.
“...Who knows,” You teased, looking back at his blank face. “If you wanna find out, c'mere, I'll tell it to ya~”
Making him move towards you by pulling his neck tie, you then placed a kiss on his cheek and then winking at the now dumbfounded boy who blew a fuse, turning into a blushing, stammering mess.
“I-I, uh, u..uhm, damn, how—how amazing, that's a yes, yeah—?” Sanji coughs out, doing his best to recompose himself.
“Yes Sanji, it's a yes.. Now, surrender yourself to me because you're now mine, alright~?” You whispered in a silvery tone to the boy who only nodded, out of words from how you defeated him in his own game of flirting, though he undeniably loves this, and of course, you...
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© butterfluffy 2022
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picopepin · 1 year
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I posted 475 times in 2022
That's 248 more posts than 2021!
272 posts created (57%)
203 posts reblogged (43%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 358 of my posts in 2022
Only 25% of my posts had no tags
#myart - 214 posts
#myocs - 87 posts
#mettaton - 53 posts
#ubetella - 53 posts
#stygians - 34 posts
#mte198x - 30 posts
#mtebott198x - 30 posts
#undertale - 28 posts
#art by op - 26 posts
#closed species - 25 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#i had to do two versions cause the one that was living rent free in the music video inside my head was the second one and the first just
My Top Posts in 2022:
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King of Hearts~ One of the best prompts landed on my birthday >:D Day 29 @mettatonmay
828 notes - Posted May 29, 2022
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My final piece for @2022mtt! Preorders for hard copies end on the 13th of July!!
872 notes - Posted July 4, 2022
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A little departure from ALEX BEET RED for @mettatonmay day 9, Family!
1,000 notes - Posted May 9, 2022
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Free day of @mettatonmay! I did mte198x for indulgent reasons uvu which i will engage in also indulgently with tomorrows prompt since its my birthdaaayy
1,069 notes - Posted May 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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2,595 notes - Posted October 13, 2022
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