#escape academy
onewhoturns · 8 months
A-Z Challenge GAME 5
Starting D today, so here we have: E games!
This one is... hm. To be honest, with the first-person games I'm a *little* concerned that I might feel nauseous if I try to muscle through a couple of these in a short time frame >< The only one I'm sure won't make me sick is Erica, but I've played a demo of Eternal Threads and it was mostly okay, not sure what to expect from Escape Academy, but just might not be a one- or two-session knockout, if it makes me feel ill -.-'
I also would need to find people able to play a session with me for that game, cause some of those achievements are multiplayer, but not many
As always, more info on the games under the cut.
Do me a solid this round cause y'all have ignored all the other fmv games and all the horror/thriller stuff from last round and I want to play one
1. Erica (2021)
"Prepare to immerse yourself in an interactive live-action thriller, merging the world of film and game like never before. Erica is a young lady plagued with nightmares of her father's murder. With the traumatic events of her childhood dragged back into the light via grisly new clues, it's up to you to unearth the shocking truth. Explore the enigma of Delphi House where every choice you make influences how the game develops, with multiple endings awaiting you at the finale of the gripping branching narrative." Steam tags: choose your own adventure, fmv, interactive fiction, female protagonist, point & click, choices matter, puzzle, story rich, action
2. Escape Academy (2022)
"Welcome to Escape Academy. Train to become the ultimate Escapist. Solve Puzzles. Hack Servers. Meet the Faculty. Brew the perfect cup of tea. Escape Rooms in single player or co-op with a friend - local or online!" Steam tags: escape room, puzzle, multiplayer, online co-op, visual novel, adventure, casual, mystery, story rich
3. Eternal Threads (2022)
"Eternal Threads is a single-player, first-person story-driven puzzle game of time manipulation, choice and consequence. As an operative tasked with fixing corruption in the timestream, you have been sent to the North of England in May 2015, where six people died in a house fire. Prohibited from simply stopping the fire, you must instead manipulate the choices made by the housemates in the week leading up to it so that they all survive the event." Steam tags: choices matter, story rich, multiple endings, time manipulation, investigation, emotional, adventure, atmospheric
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Professor Bonilla from Escape Academy is wlw !
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toader · 3 months
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mercutiglo · 1 year
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This very saturday December 17th from Noon to Midnight PST @sufficientowls and myself will be doing our annual charity stream, Stream of the Sugar Plum Fairies!
We’ll have plenty of friends on and the ability for the audience to participate in our Minecraft Winter Wonderland Village and battle against us in Fall Guys! But that’s not all! We’ll be battling with our companions in Golf with your Friends, testing our knowledge in Holiday Themed Jeopardy!, doing everyones favorite holiday activity - deceiving each other in One Night Ultimate Werewolf, and solving our way through escape room type puzzles in Escape Academy!!
Additionally, every year we do this stream for charities in both Portland and Minneapolis. This year we’ll be splitting all donations between The Bridge for Youth in Minneapolis, and Outside In from Portland. Both of these charities help out the unhoused in their respective cities. On stream donation incentives will be announced day of, so keep an eye out for that!
One final piece of info for you about this stream: It’ll be happening over on twitch.tv/infinitybreakgaming. We’re super close to our goal of 250 followers, which will unlock the Warathon - a streaming marathon of Wario Land and Wario Ware games. The most important part of this stream is that it will even be done in cosplay!! So, if you’re interested in that, be sure to check out the channel and give it a follow.
Thank you so much for reading and see you on Saturday!!
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celestiachan · 4 months
so if [SPOILERS. STOP READING THIS POST IF YOU DON'T WANT SPOILERS] eel was actually a robot then what was up with freeing him from that prison. did quanty make the prison. did no one notice how unfleshlike his flesh was. did quanty put a whole ass robot into an actual prison with no one noticing. also how come there are only two students in the whole school
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chekushka · 4 months
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Really coll game, recommend playing
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dynamos-games · 7 months
mmm I'm bored
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the-omega-artist · 2 years
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no context spoilers
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radinagames2020 · 1 year
Escape Academy
Rating: 4/5. Very short, writing was OK, but the puzzles were fun which is the point anyway!
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Escape Academy is a quick little escape room game for 1 or 2 people. I played through it on local co-op with my husband, and overall it was really fun! It definitely captured that feeling of doing an escape room, and the puzzles were challenging and clever. We only got stuck a couple times, but the game has a built-in hint mechanism which is quite useful.
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The writing is cute, although nothing super amazing. The plot is very silly, but I still enjoyed it. I had hoped there'd be more of an actual school side to the game, like running around a campus - but no such luck. Also, the game is very short. 5 escape rooms in the main game, and 5 in each of the DLCs. I could have used a lot more, but I suppose that's the price we pay for them being interesting and creative rooms! I look forward to future content released for this game and will probably keep playing it.
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rhokitten · 1 year
I think I finally figured out how to do links? Credit to professorsparklepants who I stole the idea of Fanfic I Won’t Write Friday from. If the link works.
I had an idea for writing a fic converting the Escape Academy game into an actual college/high school romance story with smut. I had a plan for the class structure, lesson plans, and everything. I just thought it wouldn’t really be worth the effort. I’d have to do the research for the lessons I wanted to do. If there was really any interest in it, I might consider it.
Honestly, I kind of just wanted a reason to write about the two multiplayer characters in a relationship with their rival.
Pros of continuing this fic:
It would give the game an actual, coherent story rather than ‘random kids found a weird escape room, were invited to a school based on escape rooms, keep doing escape rooms, win’.
I also think it would be interesting to write out the lessons. I had plans for like a lesson in the art class on the history of forgeries, a computer class on the future of AI how Quanty thinks AI will be superior in solving escape rooms, and botany on identifying plants.
Cons of continuing this fic:
Oh my god, so much research.
I really want it to be college age, but I don’t want a college style class selection.
I’d literally have to add the whole story with nearly nothing to start with. Because the original game’s plot really doesn’t make much sense.
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hardcoregamer · 2 years
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Escape Academy Seeks a Way Out to Success
Overall, Escape Academy seems not only like a terrific game of iam8bit’s first publishing outing, but just an amazing game in general, especially for lovers of puzzlers, escape rooms, adventure games and more.
Read some more!
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onewhoturns · 8 months
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Success! Thanks @reddgiant
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fangirlstuff1901 · 2 years
I’m a Terrible Escapist | Escape the Fire | Escape Academy
I found this game randomly on Xbox Game Pass and I am glad I gave it a chance because I am obsessed. So I thought I would record a video of me playing it.
Despite what the video displays I actually feel like I am a decent escapist and do well in most escape rooms I participate in lol. Thankfully in real life I have other people assisting me for when I think too much.
Still, I really enjoyed playing this game and I highly recommend if you like escape rooms!
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cryophagecritiques · 2 years
Escape Academy Review (PS5/PS4/XBX/XB1/PC)
"You don't need to escape from this good time!"
Developed by Coin Crew Games, Escape Academy brings a fascinating flavor of point-and-click style games to modern consoles, as the creative premise and brilliant design blend together to produce a game that everyone can enjoy! This game knows exactly what it wants to do and does so very well, albeit at the cost of replayability.
The main accomplishment of Escape Academy is its successful attempt at capturing the energy of an escape room. The complexity of the puzzles and the fact that you're almost always working under the stress of a timer leads to a brilliant feeling of urgency as you sprint through areas, solving puzzles and figuring out what to do. These elements combine perfectly to create an experience similar to a real-life escape room.
Furthering this experience are the brilliant and devilish puzzles sprinkled throughout the game. These puzzles aren't just simple roadblocks to your goal; every room features puzzles that require genuine thought and creative thinking. Even when you can easily get lost due to missing one little thing, the game's hint system keeps the momentum going and helps you stay on the right path. Additionally, none of the solutions to the puzzles feel cheap. There was only ever one time where I felt the game pulled an unfair move, but it was mostly my fault for not paying enough attention.
However, outside of the puzzles... That's about it. The game doesn't feature much else. There are conversations you can listen to, but not only do these do nothing, but they don't even occur once you've beaten the game. You can replay puzzles from the main character's dorm, but this only lets you get a better rank on the escape rooms, which will come effortlessly if you remember some of the puzzles. Compare this to Professor Layton, where the puzzles were not only memorable but easily replayable, due to their balance of being memorable but not too memorable. I can easily pick up and play one of the Professor Layton games, but I can't see myself ever picking up Escape Academy for a second playthrough.
Additionally, the graphical style can be clunky at times. While unique and pleasant to the eyes, I noticed a few instances where the graphics didn't quite work. Fires can look like they're clipping through the background, and spinning objects look clip-tastic sometimes. While this hardly detracted from my enjoyment of the game, it can still be mildly distracting.
For the experience, it provides, however, the current price point of Escape Academy is fantastic! For a simple $20, I would highly recommend Escape Academy for a fun weekend!
If you like my reviews, consider donating to my Patreon! (https://www.patreon.com/user?u=67811756) I try to get one review out every month, and any donation of ANY amount will get your name listed here at the end of my reviews!
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I'm gearing up to fly to Texas for the first time since COVID (my husband used to live there for a few years so I split time 50/50 between Colorado and Texas) and we're going to be staying in the small town we used to live in for the Solar Eclipse.
Anyway, I have pretty bad anxiety when it comes to flying so I always buy myself a new game to play on the flight to help distract myself. And I am having trouble choosing a game (surprise surpirse, the adhd and anxiety riddled human is having trouble making a decision).
That's where you come in! I really try not to find out TOO much about each game, so I put the jist of each game
If you suggest a game, I like "cozy" games, not too much combat, and I love an indie game. I use my Nintendo switch exclusively so that's really the only actual qualification for a game.
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passionsod · 2 months
The Opposite Of Shut Down Is Not Open Up
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