#op this is everything
kugisakiss · 4 months
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live your dream, build a train, sumo wrestle said train, pick a fight with the government, remove your organs to replace with better, cooler things, don't let the haters tell you what you can do
original post
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interstellarsystem · 20 days
Nonhuman expressions of affection are great. Purring. Exposing weak points as a show of trust. Head bonks. Preening and chewing. Nuzzling. Biting. Intertwining tails. Feeding each other. Little chuffs, chatters, beeps and squeaks. Fluffing up of feathers, fur or other things. Dancing to impress. Cleaning their fur, scales, feathers or skin. Sharing body heat. Ears pointing toward those you care about to show your full attention is on them. Slow blinking.
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qiinamii · 10 months
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"Xiao does things" (and friends) twitter log part 2
-- UPDATE: removed some of the arts to make its own individual post since I am bad at organizing, sorry! (but the last one is new lol) xD
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holdoncallfailed · 2 months
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here is the life i've always longed for.....!!
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mintypsii · 9 months
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yk adorable group hug and luffy moment aside, did zoro just kick the ground . after he was hugged . is this show even real
sorry but the way nami went 🤨🏳️‍🌈 TWICE
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ralefaelle · 2 months
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POV you and your bff did something dumb
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thefiresofpompeii · 18 days
> new series release (space babies) coincided with the uk seeing the northern lights for the first time in years
> the devil’s chord coincided with paul mccartney’s long-missing hofner bass guitar being found, by a doctor who fan no less
> boom coincided with an actual meteor crash
> 73 yards is coinciding with a rise in bizarre supposedly-occult animal sacrifice rituals in britain (the folk horror part) and rishi sunak finally calling a general election (the political drama part)
> hypothesis: russell t davies has somehow managed to tune in to the universe’s divine frequency ??
> conclusion: messing with the forces of fate, cause&effect and coincidence, even if it’s for the pop culture franchise you’re showrunning, actually turns it into an egregore, but only if it’s been going for long enough (sixty fucking years to the dot) and watched by enough people (tens of millions). which it has
> ergo, postscriptum: television magick is real and is being unintentionally performed by the creators + audience of the world’s silliest science fiction show
> /jk. unless?
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alithographica · 5 months
Regret to inform you lotion spider post is probably fake, in the notes there are People pointing out the same reviewer has been periodically posting the exact same review over and over
I am devastated, nobody talk to me unless you can make spider lotion real
Spiders if you’re reading this you have a huge opportunity to commit to the bit here
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cosmosnout · 4 months
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Sabo’s like “I forgor”
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ptoruu · 14 days
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NICO ROBIN🌙 pre-timeskip robin you mean everything to me
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strangemcrposts · 4 months
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interstellarsystem · 2 months
Nonhumans are here, even if you do not see us. We always will be. We are often hard to spot, but can be found doing all the things a human might.
A cat went to work at an event stall for a mental health service.
A massive sea serpent wanted to go to science class because it enjoyed it more than the rest of those living in its shared form.
The void sat down, huddled up in a blanket, to watch a tv show with its partners. It had to stop watching after a bit, but enjoyed spending time with those close to it anyway.
A wolf went to a psychologist appointment and gratefully drank the hot chocolate they were offered in the waiting room.
A shapeshifting being of pure darkness spoke publicly about trans rights in front of politicians and then went to the pride festival he helped fight to keep alive.
A dragon went to school so the others sharing his human body could have a break.
A manifestation of the fear of madness itself sat in the food court at the mall eating mochi and drinking tea while waiting for its friends to get back from shopping.
A witch drew a picture of his cardinal bird and shared the work he was so proud of with his friends.
A cockatoo borrowed the next book in his favourite series from the school library and almost couldn't wait the whole day to go home and read it.
An alien went camping and watched the birds outside and the way the wind made waves and patterns on the water.
A fallen angel went shopping for sunglasses to shield his eyes from how bright the sun was.
A harpy went shopping for new plants to look after. He named a few because he loved them so much, and sent pictures to all of his friends.
An anthropomorphic hedgehog traded Pokemon cards with his peers at school. He was happy with his collection.
You may not see us, and you may feel alone, but you are not. We are just hidden. We are in more places than you'd think, and in the places you'd least expect. We are complex, we are valued, and we are here.
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orphee-aux-enfers · 5 months
If I learned anything in my master's degree, it was actually about differentiating mis and disinfo, because misinformation and disinformation are not synonyms.
Incorrect or misleading information. Basically, being wrong or repeating something factually incorrect.
Incorrect, misleading information designed to be deceptive and propagate wrong information to obfuscate the truth. Becomes misinformation when it's been shared and repeated repeatedly, but not when someone posts the initial incorrect, misleading information.
If you see someone posting disinformation, call it what it is. When I was studying propaganda and disinformation, we had to take breaks every fifteen minutes and check in with someone not immersed in it because even with training you are not immune to propaganda.
Calling a spade a spade is a very important skill.
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nerdpoe · 3 days
John Constantine stays on top of things in the Paranormal world. He's still not sure how this led to being a secret parent, but at this point why not have this happen in his life.
Point being, he knew when Pariah Dark got taken down by a kid.
He also knew that, whether or not that kid became the next High King, there would be a lot of attempts to summon him.
Further investigation revealed the flimsiest secret identity he'd ever seen, and also that the kid was like fourteen. Fifteen, max.
So he started his own personal campaign; he spread false rumors about the One Who Defeated Pariah Dark.
Gave the wrong summoning sigil out like candy, lied and said that the kid was strong enough to ignore his own summoning and send innocents in his stead because it was funny, interrupted as many potential summonings as he could, and overall kept an ear out for the kid.
He slipped Batman the information on the GIW, and to the surprise of no one it was dismantled in three months flat.
He made offerings to the kid, but charmed them so that they were bathed in the strongest protection wards he knew, just in case the kid had to go against his own parents. He made sure they were things a teenager would like; hoodies with NASA branding or space themes, backpacks from the DOOMED franchise, school supplies that were not themed because there was a limit to how much someone could do that before the other kids made fun of them, etc.
The kid has no idea he exists, which is great considering his uh. Luck. Better the kid doesn't know. Better he never starts thinking about the kid by his name.
Except at some point, he started doing that.
At some point, he started caring.
And worse, after that point, some of his enemies started to notice and hone in on Danny.
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no1deahow · 27 days
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The Sabo part came out of nowhere
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luffypeach · 2 months
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it breakes my heart how someone as happy and carefree as luffy had such a tragic childhood and overall family. maybe it is true that the flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful
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