#op hits him with the good old one two
bloominglegumes · 11 months
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so g1 megop in my opinion is, more than anything else, the background romantic relationship in some type of bad sitcom that never gets resolved
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Billy and his songbird || Billy the kid x singer!reader
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Summary: Billy is captivated to say the least when he watches you perform on stage.
Warnings: none that I can think of
Wc: 983
A/n: crap summary but I've always wanted to do a crossover between tbosas and btk lol. this was so fun to make, ALSO nothing you can take from me has to be one of the top three songs on the soundtrack along with pure as the driven snow and the ballad of lucy gray baird. I SAID WHAT I SAID.
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Divider by @pommecita
The sun hung low on the western horizon, casting long shadows across the dusty streets of the small frontier town. The swinging doors of the saloon creaked as a lone figure stepped inside, his silhouette framed by the fading light.
The murmurs and laughter of the patrons hushed for a moment as they turned their attention to the newcomer. The dimly lit room flickered with the warm glow of oil lamps, and the air was thick with the scent of whiskey and cigar smoke.
The stranger, a tall and lean figure wearing a wide-brimmed hat pulled low over his eyes, scanned the room before his gaze settled on you. A slow grin crept across his face as recognition sparked in his eyes.
You were unaware of Billy’s gaze with your back turned to the crowd as you tuned your guitar ready for your performance for the night.
Billy looked around, his eyes scanning the room until they locked onto a familiar face: Jesse Evans. The two had esse crossed paths many times before, sometimes as allies and sometimes as adversaries, but tonight, it seemed like old times.
“Billy!” Jesse called out, a wide grin spreading across his face. “Well, I’ll be damned. Thought you were avoiding us. Billy smirked and tipped his hat as he approached Jesse and the others at a table near the corner that had a good view of the stage. “Just needed a bit of a break, Jesse. Couldn’t resist the allure of Sante Fe and the atmosphere ‘round here.”
Jesse slaps Billy’s back, “Well, you came on a good day, kid. Y/n’s singing tonight.“ He cocks his head to you on the stage as Billy’s eyes roam your figure. “Jesse leaned in toward Billy. “You know, we used to get mighty excited whenever we heard she was performing. She’s got a voice that can make even the toughest outlaw shed a tear.”
Billy raised an eyebrow, his interest piqued. “Is that right? Well, I reckon I’ll have to hear it for myself.”
Jesse smirks at his friend as Billy catches on to his smirk with a roll of his eyes. “How’s everyone’s night goin’?” You speak in the mic as the saloon erupts in loudness, a few cheers, whistles and the sound of hands hitting tables, showcasing their feelings.
You chuckle, “Good, good, that’s what I like to hear,” a mischievous glint flashed across Billy’s eyes as he hears Jesse chuckles beside him, a playful nudge to his stomach.
“Oh! Is that bottle there for me?” Your eyes widen the slightest as you see one of the locals walk over to you with a flask in hand. “Of course, doll,” Cal grins up at you as the crowd loudens. “Oh, come on, ya’ll. You know I gave up drinking when I was 12,” You playfully wink.
The crowd erupted in laughter and amusement at your customary banter. Billy found himself captivated by your charm. “It’s to clear my piles, ya’ll. To clear my pipes” You assure them jokingly, throwing the flask back to the crowd with a grin.
You turn your head to give a sign to your band to start the song you prepared. The crowd hushed, waiting for the music to start, “You can’t take my past,” your bandmates start off, “you can’t take my history,” the crowd was silent in awe as they listen to the melodic voices that filled the space.
“You could take my pa,” “but his name’s a mystery.” You take a step forward to the mic, “Nothin’ you can take from me was ever worth keeping” your eyes flutter shut as you hear a few whoops from the crowd.
“Oh, nothing you can take,” your eyes open and Billy swore he saw them sparkle, “was ever worth keeping,” the corner of your mouth tips up to form a small smirk as the upbeat song comes to life causing an eruption of cheers from the patrons.
You wore a huge smile on your face as your fingers skilfully strum your guitar. “C’mon!” You encourage the already hyped up crowd full of cowboys and cowgirls; your boot tapping on the wooden stage as they clap along, already boosting your adrenaline.
“Can’t take my charm. Can’t take my humour. Can’t take my wealth, cause it’s just a rumour.” The way you effortlessly and gracefully twirled around the stage, your voice and stage presence mesmerising and commanding everyone’s attention—Billy was truly and utterly enchanted—you, the enchanter.
“Nothing you can take was ever worth keeping. No, nothing you can take was ever worth keeping,” Billy couldn’t help but feel his head lightly bopping to the beat, his eyes looking around to see everyone else just as captivated by your presence.
You were having the time of your life, like always whenever you sang, your heart pumping with adrenaline, “Thinkin’ your so fine. Thinkin’ you could have mine.”
Billy couldn’t help but be enchanted by your performance. He leaned against the wall, a half-smile playing on his lips as he watched you sing. Jesse and his gang, too, were caught up in the infectious energy of the moment. It seemed like everyone in the saloon, regardless of their affiliations, was having a great time.
“Thinkin’ you’re in control. Thinkin’ you’ll change me, maybe rearrange me, think again if that’s your goal.” Your eyes roam around the practically full saloon before you lock eyes with none other than Billy the Kid in the corner.
You saw him a few hours prior from a distance, but that was it. Now, his blue irises were staring straight at you, his lips lightly upturned as his finger taps along to the beat of the music, your fingers still dancing over your guitar strings, not missing a beat.
You both stared at each for what seemed liked hours but was merely a few seconds; and, for those few seconds, something unspoken passed between you.
A playful smile made it to your lips before you tore your eyes away from Billy’s. “Can’t take my sass. Can’t take my talkin’,” Billy’s watches your figure as you move across the stage, leaning forward to the crowd, “you can kiss my ass, then keep on walkin’,”
An amused expression flashed over Billy’s face, “She’s good isn’t she, Billy?” Jesse shouts over the loud music as Billy chuckles, nodding his head. “She’s somethin’ alright. A songbird.” Jesse snorts at him, “a songbird, huh?” he echoes as Billy’s eyes fall back onto the stage that you controlled.
“Nothin’ you can take from me is worth dirt.” Your eyes lock with one another, “take it ‘cause I’d give it free, it won’t hurt.” Your eyebrow lightly cocks at his direction as Billy’s lips parted. It seemed as if it was only the two of you in the saloon, everyone fading in the background.
The crowd falls into a hush, sensing the end of the song, “Nothin’ you can take was ever worth keepin’. No, nothin’ you can take was ever worth keepin’.” The upbeat tempo once again affiliated the saloon as the pleasantly surprised patrons clapped, danced, and tapped along to the catchy beat of the song.
When the song reached its crescendo, you finished with a flourish, your fingers dancing over the guitar strings. Everyone in the saloon cheered and whistled, and you couldn’t help but bow, acknowledging the appreciation.
“Ya’ll have a good night, thank you!” You exclaim into the mic before turning around and packing up your equipment. “We’re havin’ a drink, join us?” Annie, your bandmate comes up to you, placing her hand on your shoulder.
You smile up at her, “Thanks, Annie. I’ll come join you guys later.” As you stand back up, you lock eyes with Jesse Evans. You were well acquainted with the man, the two of you hanging out whenever you were free. He was sat a table with Billy, his gang the next table over.
He beckoned you with a smile as you reciprocate it, signalling to him that you’d be there in a sec. “Hey, sweetheart,” Cal drawled, obviously drunk as he had a cigarette in between his lips.
“Hey there, Cal. Enjoying yourself?” You politely smile at him as her offers to hold your hand as you descend the stage stairs—although you were quite capable of walking down yourself.
“Wanna join me for a drink, eh?” “Uh-“ “-what do ya say?” Your eyes lock with Billy’s who was staring you down. “Thank you for the offer, Cal. But I’m gonna have to decline,” You quickly say as your feet quickly moved away, leaving him there.
“Popular, ain’t ya?” Jesse chuckles, moving the seat back beside him for you. “Mind sharin’ a drink with us?” He pats the seat as your eyes flicker between him and Billy. You returned the smile, taking a seat between Billy and Jesse “I’m a busy girl but I’ll make time for ya. Always a pleasure to share good company,” you playfully wink at Jesse as you hear Billy softly chuckle.
“Lovely to finally meet you, Mr. Bonney,” You extend your hand out gracefully as he looks down at it before looking back at you with a smile. “Please, the pleasure is all mine.”
The conversation flowed as freely as the whiskey, and soon, the saloon was filled with the sounds of camaraderie. You found yourself in the middle of it all, laughing at Jesse's stories, clinking glasses with the gang, and sharing glances with Billy that spoke volumes.
"It was Billy's first time here watching your perform y'know," Jesse pipes up, his glass of whisky close to his lips before he throws his head back as you look at Billy who was already looking at you. "What'd you think 'bout my performance Billy?"
Billy pretends to ponder, rubbing his jaw as you giggle. "What can I say, darlin'? You were great out there. I couldn't keep my eyes off of you," he admits as you grin at his bluntness.
As the evening drew to a close, Jesse stood and stretched. "Well, Billy, it's been a pleasure catchin' up with you. But we've got a long ride ahead of us tomorrow."
Billy nodded, his gaze lingering on you. "I reckon it's time for me to hit the trail as well. But before I go, there's somethin' I've been meanin' to ask." You looked at him, curiosity in your eyes. "Ask away."
Billy hesitated for a moment before speaking. "Would you mind if I walked you home? It's not every day a man gets to meet a singer as talented as you." You smiled, touched by the slightly expected request, you nodded with a gracious smile. "I'd be delighted, Billy."
As you and Billy stepped out into the cool night air, the distant sounds of the bustling saloon faded, leaving only the soft murmur of the wind and the occasional creak of a swinging sign. The moon cast a gentle glow on the empty streets as the two of you walked side by side.
"Quite a night, wouldn't you say?" Billy remarked, his tone a mix of charm and genuine admiration. You hummed. "Never thought I'd find myself walking home with an infamous outlaw." You smirked as Billy reciprocated it, "Life's full of surprises, darlin'," he tips his hat.
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mrslankyman · 5 months
New Years Kiss
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Mike Schmidt x (fem) reader
->1.1k words
Music blared through the house. Your friend had decided to throw a party. You honestly didn’t care to be there.
New years around all these people didn’t feel like a good start to your 2000 journey. Why did it have to be so crowded.
You barely knew anyone at the party. Maybe the alcohol was the reason for everyone getting along. It loosened you up. Made you feel like you belonged. Perhaps you should drink. Maybe it help you.
You walked down the small hallway to the kitchen. Passing an open doored room. Honestly you wish you didn’t see the make out sesh going on inside. It simply reminded you of how lonely you were.
Going into the new years yet again without anyone. No amount of grapes eaten under the table or red underwear you buy would secure you a man for the next year.
If only life was that easy.
Mike thought the same. Minus the red underwear. He didn’t really know how to spend new years. Till he got invited to this party. Now he stood in the corner of the kitchen. Watching others talk, kiss, and run off to random rooms to do god knows what.
He felt so alone. He didn’t drink he had to drive home. Abby was off at their grandmas for the night. She always wanted to spend new years with her and Mike. This year Mike opped out of going. He wanted to give this party a try.
He regretted it greatly.
No girl came up to him like these other guys. No girl waved or gave him the eye. He saw so many movies of the girls just coming up and kissing the boy she wanted.
He wouldn’t have that luck. He wouldn’t wanna admit it to anyone but a new years kiss was one of his biggest wishes.
To have someone to hold on new years. Know you’d be with them once the clock hit 12. Secure it with a kiss. Like a fairy tale. It felt like a dream.
Which it was. As Mike knew he was not really desirable. A 25 year old man raising his sister and struggling to make ends meet. Who’d wanna be around that?
You walked into the kitchen. Looking up at the man who stood in the corner. He held a can of Pepsi. Not beer. Which was shocking. You also didn’t drink tonight.
You simply walked up to the small plate of appetizers. Grabbing some grapes. The man chuckled a little.
“Gonna sit under the table and eat them?” His voice sounded teasing but as you looked up his eyes didn’t display the same emotion. He looked tired, worn out but.. some what attractive.
Your face flushed as he had caught on to what you were gonna do. “Yeah. It’s stupid but.. I kinda want to find someone next year.” You looked down at the grapes. 12 in your hand. It had to work.. didn’t it?
He walked closer to you and grabbed 12 him self. “Okay, I’ll give it a try too. I’m wanting to find someone as well. This years been too lonely. Besides 2000 doesn’t sound like a bad year.” He looked at you. you smiled and nodded. He was about the same height as you. Which was cute. Not too tall.. but not terribly short.
“It’s only 11 we can talk under the table if you want.” He nodded towards the kitchen table. You nodded in agreement and headed over to the kitchen table. You both crawled under.
Mike pulled the chairs to cover you two under the table. It sorta felt like just you two were at the house. Besides the music and the sound of people talking.
“I’m Mike by the way.” His eyes flicked up to you. Displaying some new emotion. He seemed intrigued to know you.
“I’m Y/N..” You smiled and looked down at your grapes. “Rough year too?” You asked him not looking up.
“Yeah. Pretty rough. I hope this one’s better. Raising my sister is tough. I’ve never had kids. So.. I’m just praying I’m doing it right.” He sighed and looked down.
Your heart ached. This man seemed so sweet. At least from what he gave off. He seemed like he was caring. Even if his eyes looked dead and tired.
“I’m sure you’ll have a good year. It’s nice you’re there for your sister. I’m sure she appreciates it.” You nudge him gently. Wanting to lighten the mood a little. He chuckled as he looked at the ground shrugging his shoulders.
“I hope she does..” his voice dropped again. You frowned and looked over at him. His shoulders slumped, eyes down and lips in a thin line. He didn’t even seem excited for the new years.
But were you even excited? Every year came with the hopes of something new with the ending of nothing.
You both sat in silence for a few minutes. Though you just met him something pulled you to him. He could say the same for you. Despite coming off as not excited. He quite liked your company. He stared at the floor.
Not because he was awkward , or didn’t wanna talk, but because he wanted to make the perfect conversation. He combed over every possibility. He wanted to talk to you.
You were the first girl at the party to even pay him any attention. For the most part you were the only girl to give him this much attention.
So once he picked the topic it was just a long conversation. He talked about his sister, you talked about your work, he talked about his Aunt Jane and how he disliked her, you talked about how you wished for something great in life.
in a short time you two got to know each. All before the clock hit 11:59.
You learned that Mike longed for a new years kiss once. You told him how you longed for someone to go into the new years with.
And once that clock hit 11:59 you went to the grapes.
You both smiled and popped the grapes in your mouths. Trying to get all 11 in before 12.
Once the clock hit 12 and everyone else shouted happy new years. You and Mike got to your last grape. You stared at him happily. You had done it. You ate all 12 grapes before 12:01.
“We did i-“ Mike was cut off by you leaning in. Pressing a kiss to his lips. He tasted like the grapes. With a mix of Pepsi. He quickly kissed back. His body felt a surge of electric. He didn’t suspect this.
He didn’t realize how tentivly you listened to him as he spoke of his wish. He pulled you closer. Deepening the kiss. Maybe he just met you. Maybe you just met him.
But you had a whole year to get to know each other now.
Maybe the grapes did work.
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animeshotsh · 6 months
Choso and Yuuji with a OP lil sister HCs
Notes: Completly random fic. Just brainrot moments. AU. Gojo its your adoptive Dad! We dont follow the plotline because we want to be happy. SFW. OP lil sis because I say so. PLATONIC.
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You are probably one of the many Kenjaku kids they had in their lifetime. Having human features but a big curse energy that envolves all your body and scares away the curses.
However, since that cursed energy showed itself late Kenjaku was sure you were a failure and left you.
You meet Yuuji first and he is confused about you being his lil sister till he sees you punch off a second grade curse giving him the most confused look when he runs to get you in his arms because you are so little and small? And you could have died? And poor Yuuji has lose too many people.
"But Gojo-sensei says im strong" add Gojo at the side nodding.
Under no reason you should be at Shibuya but you go because you have no sense of self preservation.
You also started to miss Yuuji and no one was back at the school to check on you.
Takes you few seconds to find Yuuji appearing behind him and staring to heal him. (So OP you know reverse curse technique Gojo is jealous).
"Big bro dont die! You promised we could go to the Park with Gumi-San (Megumi) and Kugi-san (Nobara)
Nobara its alive! You actually passed to say Hi to Yaga (who was pissed but no suprised to see you there). On your way to Yuuji and helped Shoko heal her.
When Choso hears "big bro" he turns to you and once you two make eye contact a flash of memories go into Choso's mind. You two being together since you were a few months old and how he would help you eat and walk.
Choso its in shock but if Itadori its his lil bro then you are his lil sis. No problem, he is happy he has a New family member.
And Kenjaku its pissed because how did such a perfect toll scape their sight?
Does not matter! Cause Yuuji and Choso are in big bro protective mode!!
Till you snap your fingers and Kenjaku brain explotes leaving behind Geto Suguru's Body and...a box?
A box you soon take cause its look strange and you are curious.
"....are these Gojo-sensei eyes?"
And somehow you end opening the box?
Last thing Gojo expected to see once out was you looking up to him confused (you look so cute he wants to hug you forever) and his best friends body (he needs theraphy).
Lets do a big time skip.
Choso is slowly adapting to the life in the school, he is so lucky to have Yuuji and You to help him!
Oh, and Yuuji grounded you because you went to Shibuya when he told you not to. But that same night you two slept together because he had nightmares.
Choso has so much big bro love towards you. He likes to chase you around and loves to let you do his hair. He is also amazed and scared of your powers. Would have loved if you had met his other brothers and sometimes cries because you are them when they were young.
Yuuji knows you longer than Choso does, he knows how Gojo raised you with Megumi, he has accepted that Megumi its your other big bro. But Choso cant seem to do it. The first time he saw you on Megumi's shoulders he went to his room and cried because he was not a good brother. (You never asked him to carry you on his shoulders so he feels bad).
But you are also a sneaky kid!! Since Gojo raised you, you got his sense of humor and ego so of course you go and scare both of them from time to time. Appearing at random times. Choso almost hitted you the first time and you almost broke his arm in self defense (amazing bonding).
He actually tells you, you can attack him if he tries to attack you first.
Missions are still happening and both Yuuji and Choso are so against you going out, even when Maki points out you are probably the next Gojo sussesor along side Yuuta.
-Its Yuuta another one I need to worry about?-
Choso thoughts because he is now worried you may have another big bro. (Who may be better than him and he cant risk it).
But no, you let him know only Megumi its your non biological big bro.
"And im your dad!" Gojo.
Anyway, Yuuji and Choso only let you go on missions if they can go with you. And most times they wont even let you fight.
So you are just there 🙍‍♀️ basically getting money from the missions by being a stand by.
One time a curse scaped Choso attack and decided you were its Next target.
It did not end well for the curse and Choso almost has a crisis because you ended covered in curse's blood.
Yuuji has to tell him the same happened while he was fightning a curse along side you to calm him down.
Somehow he gets stronger after it so no curse can Escape him. He PROTECTS.
Choso once decided to stay still all night because he could not bring himself to wake you up. Yuuji tried to tell him he could move but Choso insisted on not moving.
MOVIE NIGHTS. The three of you do lots of movie nights. During most of them you end sleeping in the middle of the movie on top of one of your big bros.
First time it happened to Yuuji he felt asleep too and Gojo took pics because you two looked so cute!!
Turns out you only wake up if you feel danger around you so now they can freely move you after you end sleeping again. (They end knowing this because you once feel asleep during a mission Gojo took you with him and when the curse got too close you woke up and vanished the curse). (Gojo was so proud of course he told everyone and got hate from Choso and Yuuji for putting you at risk).
Also, if Gojo spoiled you then your brothers now have a personal competition against him to spoil you more. You will be getting lots of gifts and treats!
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heyitsdoe · 8 months
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A/N - I'm a little (a lot) late on posting this, but here was my NSFW entry for the @op-xreader-zine!! I hope y'all have checked out all of the wonderful creations that we put together in there, and if you haven't already, please do! Please enjoy this little piece from me hehehe <3
WARNINGS: Sexual content, intoxication, drunk sex (consensual)
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You stir slowly from sleep with a soft inhale, shifting amongst the warm, cotton covers that never fails to get tangled between your legs. The morning chill that settles over the castle hits your shoulder as it peeks out from the sheets, and you shiver, trying to tuck the fabric back up protectively. With a bleary crack of your eyelids, now roused beyond the point of falling back into slumber, they train onto the first thing in your line of sight. And, oh, what a sight it is. A smile lifts the corners of your mouth, gazing softly at your lover beside you.
His face is serene, the brow normally furrowed in thought and concentration now smooth and relaxed. A dangerous man, so beautiful in slumber. Seeing Mihawk like this, asleep and at peace beside you, his hand unconsciously pressing against the skin of your hip for contact, was something you’d never forget. No dreams disturb him, his breathing even and deep. Sleep holds him tightly.
Good, you thought, he certainly needed it. 
Waking before the legendary swordsman is a rarity. He keeps strange hours, training and finding other ways to occupy his time around the castle when he isn’t out sailing the seas, and often rises early to tend to the garden. And so, you don’t squander this moment to gaze upon him with reverence.
Eventually, as if he can feel your stare, his eyes blink open, regarding you with a tenderness that has your heart beating hard. A low hum emanates from his mouth, and one hand reaches up to slowly caress your cheek.
“I’ll never get enough of this…” His mutter is breathy as he stirs. “Waking up and seeing such a lovely sight before me.”
You scoff, gently pushing his arm, but can’t help but agree to the statement. “Getting sappy in your old age, love?”
There’s something in the way he looks at you, thoughtful and quiet. “No. Just more honest.”
“Imagine that…” you hum, amused, before leaning forward to place a soft kiss to his lips. “I managed to make an honest man out of you after all. This anniversary is something special.”
You feel the smirk on his mouth as you lean in for a second, then a third kiss. He lingers, savoring the feeling just a moment more, before rising with a groan from the bed. There’s much to do today, but you look forward to every second of it.
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Anniversary or not, with a castle so large, there was always something that needed doing. Sweeping, dusting, and all manner of other menial chores…and that was just to keep it clean. Even on a special day, such as today, these important things couldn’t be skipped. Laundry, dishes, the list went on. But you and your love went about it with a practiced patience. After so long, so many years together, the routine and domesticity of chores felt…comfortable. Almost fun.
Then on to the garden where the weeds needed trimming, and the many fruits and vegetables planted needed meticulous care and attention. Kuraigana’s harsh environment meant consistent tending to ensure they didn’t wither away and die. That was largely Mihawk’s responsibility—a pastime you knew he’d never openly admit to anyone outside of you or that red-haired rascal of a pirate, of course.
By the island’s standards, the morning was downright lovely; only the barest hint of a chill in the wind of an inky, oily, green-purple sky. Watching your husband tend to the plants with such gentleness never failed to make you smile. If only the rest of the world saw him as you could…
With a keen eye, the two of you inspected each crop. What was ripe ended up in the wicker basket hung from your arm, placed there with care by Mihawk as he perused the many vegetables you’d both grown there over the years. Each time you caught one another’s eye, warmth grew in your chest, little knowing smiles lifting your mouths. The serenity, the peace…you could think of no better setting for your anniversary.
Comfortable admiration and years of cultivated love eventually slid to coy intrigue, when the brush of his fingers against yours as he placed a bright red tomato into the basket lingered a bit longer than necessary. A touch so gentle. Chaste. Trailing down the length of your pinky with lazy intent, a tiny spark hits your chest. Mihawk’s eyes held a question behind them, watching with deep interest at what you might say or do to his touch.
Several times, his hands found your skin in some way or another through the morning. Never further than a ghostly, barely-there sensation. Fleeting. Testing. More akin to a promise than anything.
Oh, this was a familiar game. A favorite of yours.
Beyond a knowing, smoky stare, you refrained from visibly acknowledging his subtle advances. Instead, you ‘innocently’ returned the favor in kind, finding every excuse to touch him on the wrist or hand, even the back of his neck if you were to pass behind him. Naturally, Mihawk barely showed any reaction to the treatment, only the tiniest flutter of his eyelids to indicate he felt your fingers against his skin at all.
Each new touch built upon the last. Slowly, the earlier affection began to simmer, to bubble just under the surface. All morning this continued, even into the kitchen where you are now preparing dinner.
You chop and mince at your cutting board while he prepares the pots with water. Together, you’re an efficient team in the kitchen as you navigate the steps of the recipe, reaching around one another for the next ingredient or kitchen tool.
More touching. More not-so-subtle lingering stares. The man somehow even manages to find an excuse to show you how to ‘properly’ chop an onion, larger hands covering yours to demonstrate as his chest rests at your back, firm and warm. If he feels the shiver down your spine, he says nothing. Oh, he is good…
But two can play at this game. When you insist on him lifting you up to reach a particularly high-placed utensil—one that you really don’t require, given the recipe, but he doesn’t need to know that—the position places your ample chest flush with his face as you reach above him, giving quite a view if you did say so yourself. It’s tough to hide the pleased grin on your face, not having to look to know he’s staring. That penetrative gaze of his is practically palpable.
Minutes drag as you carefully dance around what you both know the other wants, the cooking of your dinner now little more than a stage to the building tension between you. The heat from the stove doesn’t help any either, fueling increasingly lewder thoughts, bolder touches, and even the occasional whispered promise of what the evening has in store for each other.
Finally, the food cooked and plated with care, you take your places across the table from one another. A small vase of flowers is between you; along with a single candle lit, the wax dripping down its side into the metal tray beneath; and mood decor that you barely even acknowledge amidst the heated stare you keep with your husband, taking in his handsome visage gluttonously.
You drink your wine, topping it off when the contents are gone. A good buzz would only make this all the better, you think.
Light conversation carries you through your meal, though the words hardly matter. Beneath it all is the palpable sexual tension that’s spent the past half dozen hours building between you. He eats delicately, expression denoting the indulgent eye-fucking no doubt happening in that head of his. A bite of your lip is the only sign that you’ve noticed. 
Your plates sit empty after some time, and upon noticing, Mihawk stands from his chair, walking over to grab your plate alongside his and bringing them to the kitchen. When he returns, he’s still holding his wine, extending his hand to you as an invitation.
“Shall we end tonight in the parlor, love?” he asks, voice husky and eyes never straying from what—who—he wants most. That sexy little upward quirk of his lips is impossible to look away from.
Without a word, you return the smile with one of your own, placing your hand in his and following him further into the halls of the castle.
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He doesn’t pounce immediately, but there’s no mistaking the intensity of his gaze on you as he sets the fireplace alight, flaming to life and matching the heat flowing through your veins. You stand on the fur rug as he moves around you, watching the flames lick upwards, heart beating hard in your chest. The feeling of his lips pressed to your shoulder makes you shudder, his free hand guiding down your arm delicately.
The moment is still, your breath loud in your ears, before hours of stewing in your own desire come to a head. The stuttered sigh against your skin is enough to indicate that Mihawk has reached his limit as well.
One by one, clothes are discarded to the floor, exposing skin for wandering lips and hands to touch and savor. The castle air is cold all around you, but the fireplace rages hot. Wine and lust cloud your mind, gasping when his teeth nip along your neck. Not to be outdone, your hands wander behind and between you, fingers stroking the silky skin of his cock. You smile at the sound of his pleased hum.
You turn in his arms, facing your husband, and thread your fingers through his dark hair, dragging his lips to yours in a hard kiss. He tastes of wine and spice, exotic and sinfully sweet. Impatience makes it all teeth and tongue, seeking and wanting. Mihawk is happy to return the enthusiasm in kind.
A surprised noise escapes your lips as he suddenly lifts you, pressing you close. With a bit of maneuvering, he’s lowered you to your back, the soft fur rug protecting it from the icy tiles of the castle floor. But your thoughts never stray from the Warlord as he settles himself over you, eyes raking in the sight of your nakedness. The wine makes his pupils large and shaky, but they still hold an abundance of admiration and heady desire. Reflections of the flames dance in his eyes, captivating you.
You’re well and truly drunk, you decide, body tingling as his lips suck and lick his way over your jaw and neck. Everything is too much, but in all the right ways. Soft, low moans are breathed into your ear, sending your mind haywire. Your legs wrap themselves around his waist, pulling him in, hoping he’ll understand what you were needing.
His hips shift, hands spreading your knees apart to open yourself to him. His tip presses to where you’re in most need of him, Your breath catches, the moment before he presses in feeling like a lifetime, before that blessed stretch tightens your lower half. He fits perfectly, your bodies so accustomed to one another that it feels like he’s home, deep inside of you. He’s still, gazing down at you with parted lips and a glazed, drunk stare.
His thrusts are slow, lackadaisical, as he savors you. Every penetration is a prayer, your unabashed moans their answer. With the wine heightening every sense, even this gentle pace is like fire burning through you, your sounds of pleasure matched by his own. Mihawk envelops you completely, body and soul, celebrating your lives together in the best way you knew how.
He’s all you can see when your eyes crack open. Golden eyes gaze back, missing not even a single moment as he fucks you deeply, passionately. His sweaty forehead presses to your own, sharing this moment of love and lust together. Higher and higher he takes you, his pace never quickening, his love never waning.
Your peak hits without warning, but it’s as soft as it is overwhelming, muscles shaking around his cock, triggering his own breathless release. His face creases with concentrated pleasure, hips pushing just a little deeper to ride out the waves as long as he can. You’re floating in a red haze with him, coming down from your passion bit by bit, the fireplace keeping you in a dopey state of bliss all the while.
You’re unsure how long you stay that way, him still seated inside you, sweat sticking your skin together. Words feel unnecessary, and so you both stay silent, basking in your post-sex glow. Soon enough, the logs would burn to ash, and the castle’s typical chill would cool you down.
But for now you lay beneath your husband, fingers stroking along his arms, eyes flitting across his face, burning this moment to memory so you’d never forget.
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tobiasdrake · 19 days
Man, every time you post from Dragonball Meta I go "Man, that makes so much sense! Now I wanna see their take on this" On that note: How would you describe Gohan and Krillin's dynamic
It takes a village to raise a child. Goku, Chi-Chi, and Piccolo's contributions to Gohan's upbringing are often brought up, but it's often overlooked that he was Krillin's ward for a time too.
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During their time on Namek, Krillin and Gohan have a pretty neat dynamic. As a hybrid Saiyan given some instruction in ki manipulation and martial arts by Piccolo, Gohan has a great deal of raw ability. But he's also five years old.
He's got a lot of power and some technical prowess but he doesn't have the sharp instincts or experience of a martial artist. He has the temperament of a child in need of guidance. Because. Like. That's what he literally is.
His ki sensing tends to be more finely tuned than Krillin's.
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Gohan is a fantastic radar. I think learning to sense ki at such an early age probably made it second nature for him, like having a sixth sense. But that's my speculation.
In any case, Gohan's got a lot of ability but what he lacks is maturity, experience, and some of the more esoteric techniques picked up from a lifetime of martial arts study. That's where Krillin comes in. Krillin calls the shots during their time on Namek.
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As an aside, I love this moment because it conveys the difference in technique between the two. Gohan and Krillin are both about to absolutely murder these guys in one hit each, but the way they're about to do it is totally different.
Gohan fights like a brawler, and so he's just going in for a hard right hook. Krillin, meanwhile, is preparing to twirl himself around with Bukujutsu in order to create momentum for a spinning kick.
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Brute force on the one hand and finely honed martial arts on the other. Akira Toriyama's greatest talent as an artist was conveying character through action.
That is their dynamic on Namek. (Dynamek?) Gohan is powerful beyond measure while Krillin makes choices about where and how to apply that power. And when Gohan's impulsiveness gets them into trouble (in a way that will pay out massive dividends for years to come):
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It's Krillin's technical knowledge, experience, and knack for subterfuge that gets them out of it.
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This victory was brought to you by everybody cannibalizing Tenshinhan's techniques because they're so good. Dude needs to start filing patents.
Bunch of fucking thieves, Kame-senryu.
This sort of teamwork is the relationship they develop. Krillin is experienced and tactical, but also pragmatic. He didn't want to save Dende; He was totally willing to let Dende die to avoid exposing him and Gohan. But he rolls with it and adapts.
When he next sets out into a situation where they might have to leave the Namekians to die, he doesn't say he's not taking Gohan to avoid a similar predicament... but he does bench Gohan without giving any reason for it.
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It's certainly an interesting choice, to be sure.
And a mistake he'll spend the next six days trying to un-make.
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Oof. Would have been a great idea to have brought Gohan along in the first place, huh?
He does it again much later, when he's once again flying into a situation where he might have to choose between exposing himself to Frieza or letting the Namekians die.
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Again, no explanation offered. Gohan volunteers to join and Krillin tells him, "Nope." Gohan has implicitly been fired from ever doing spy ops with Krillin again. Nonetheless, he continues to follow Krillin's lead unquestioningly, all the way up to the end.
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For his part, Gohan is impulsive and follows his heart. He leans on Krillin for guidance and mentorship, but also follows his heart.
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But together they effectively fight as a single unit. That... psychic mind training thing they were doing on the spaceship wasn't just sparring; They were also forming battle strategies and making plans for fighting an enemy together.
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The coordination and teamwork between Gohan and Krillin is some of the best in the series, because they had both time and will to practice and train themselves as battle partners. Guldo can freeze time and he's still on the backfoot from how fast they flow from one attack to another, and how well Gohan's learned to read Krillin's moves and follow along without a word between them.
Oh, and the ki sensing.
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I love the way Krillin and Gohan dominate this fight. Guldo's telekinesis almost pulls this out for him right at the end, but 90% of this fight is Guldo narrowly avoiding being brutally murdered by virtue of his time manipulation.
This is, once again, the Planet Trade Organization in the nutshell. Their raw abilities are incredible, while the Earthlings are better fighters. This tends to put the Earthlings on the backfoot, but the Earthlings have the tools to at least navigate the situation - For a time, at least.
When they can find an answer, they excel. When they can't, the raw ability of the PTO wins out. One of my favorite moments for Gohan and Krillin is right here, when they intervene during Vegeta's fight with Recoome.
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This is a desperation move. There was no plan here. "We're fucked; GET 'IM!" was the only idea exchanged before they rush in.
So, lacking a coordinated strategy like the ones they used against Guldo, you can see their different values manifest in how they move. Krillin, the underhanded pragmatist, goes straight for a critical shot. Hitting Recoome with a well-placed knee drop to slam his jaw shut on the ultra-powerful Eraser Gun he's firing from his mouth.
Krillin's sneak attack fucks up Recoome about as hard as the preceding battle with Vegeta did.
But where Krillin sees an opening for a powerful hit, Gohan sees a life in danger. So he moves to save Vegeta instead of following Krillin's attack. Even Vegeta's startled by this decision.
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Vegeta's pissed that Gohan didn't let him die. Vegeta would have let Vegeta die.
This is who Gohan is: A kindhearted boy who doesn't want to be in these violent situations but will do whatever he has to do in order to protect the lives of others.
Gohan is the most unambiguously heroic character in the cast. There is no poison in his heart. He's not here to fight. He doesn't care about martial arts. He has no enjoyment and no love of violence. He has Goku's best quality: He doesn't like it when people are being hurt, and he's bold enough to get involved if he can. But it's distilled in Gohan, untouched by Goku's poison.
Which is both a strength and a weakness, in different ways. And remains so throughout the rest of his life.
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munson-blurbs · 1 year
Thoughts on how eddie would react to the reader (his girlfriend) buying new underwear/lingerie and showing it off to him whike she changes into comfy clothes for the evening? Bc my boyfriend apparently didn't even look long enough to differentiate between two very clearly very different pairs and I need Eddie to have a better reaction🥲
Combining this with a req from @kellysimagines:
How about reader and Eddie dont wanna go out to celebrate their 3 year anniversary so they spend it at his trailer and the reader suprises Eddie only wearing thigh high leather boots and only that and Eddie is surprised and they have sex?
Warnings: smut (18+ only, minors DNI), sub!Eddie, dom!Reader, c*m eating, thigh riding, praise
WC: 1.3k
A/N: The model in the picture is just there to provide a visual of the boots, and does not necessarily represent how Reader looks. Eddie would worship any of your bodies 💚 also, shoutout to @big-ope-vibes for convincing me to post this tonight in an attempt to defeat the Sunday scaries and to @pastel-pillows for helping me write sub!Eddie.
“Hey, babe, I’m home!” Eddie’s voice calls out. His nose is pink from the chill in the air. Indiana winters are brutal, and this one is no exception. “And I brought Chinese for dinner!”
“I’m in the bedroom,” you call back. “Got you a little surprise.”
Eddie’s brows pinch together in confusion. “I thought we said no gifts,” he whines, placing the bag of takeout on a snack table. It’s your third anniversary, and you’re trying to save up for a house. The trailer Eddie bought from his uncle Wayne after the older man moved to Florida was cozy, but it wasn’t where you wanted to grow old together.
You giggle mischievously, further piquing his interest. “Just come over here, handsome!” You hear him stomp through the living room; he isn’t angry, just walks with a heavy foot. It makes it nearly impossible for him to sneak up on you, snaking his arms around your waist and resting his chin on your shoulder to say, “guess who?”
“Baby, you’re making me look bad–holy fuckin’ shit.” Eddie’s jaw basically hits the floor as he takes in the sight of you before him. You’re kneeling on the bed, wearing nothing but a sheer pink bra, a tiny matching g-string, and black thigh-high boots. “When did you–how did you–can I just touch you? Please?”
It seems bizarre, Eddie asking you for permission. He’s usually the dominant one, making you beg for an iota of pleasure. You’re taken aback for a moment before replying, “of course.”
His hands immediately fall to the swell of your breasts, thumbs easily finding your nipples through the gauzy material. “Don’t even know where to start,” he mumbles. He looks up at you with wide eyes. “Tell me what to do, Sweetheart. Please. I’ll do anything you say.” 
“Touch me, Eds. Need…need you to touch me.”
“Tell me where, baby,” he begs. “You’re in charge tonight. Want you to use me.”
The idea of bossing Eddie around is so foreign to you, and it takes you a beat before you can figure out exactly what you want. Your whole body buzzes with need. “Let me ride your thigh,” you murmur, “and while I do that, you’re gonna suck on my tits.”
Eddie nods, lifting you onto the bed and placing you on his lap. He starts to unhook your bra, but you shove his hands away.
“Did I say you could do that?” you snap, feeling more confident in your dominance.
Eddie gives you a confused look. “N-No,” he stammers, “but you said–”
“I said to suck on my tits. You can get me fully naked once you make me come. Got it?” When he just nods again, you tilt his chin upwards towards you. “Good boys use their words, Eddie.”
You sigh impatiently. “Don’t apologize; just tell me you understand.”
“Yes, ma’am. I understand. I won't get you naked until you come.” He swallows thickly, leaning in and bringing his lips to your clothed nipples. One hand rests on the middle of your back, but he stops before using the other one to cup your ass. “Can I please touch your ass?”
You kiss him, biting his lower lip as you pull back. “Since you asked so nicely.” He whimpers lightly, grabbing the soft flesh in his strong palms. For a brief moment, he looks like he wants to spank you–which he typically does–but quickly remembers his new role. His mouth returns to your tits, lapping and sucking on them hungrily. You wrap your arms over his shoulders, grinding down on his upper leg. ‘Keep your hands right here; that’s my good boy. Don’t let them move or I might not let you come.” 
“Won’t move,” he promises meekly, “take whatever you need. ‘M your fucktoy to use.”
You suck a harsh bruise into the nape of his neck, licking over it once you finish. “And what a sweet little fucktoy you are, hm? All mine, and ‘m gonna make sure everyone knows it.” You tug his shirt above his head and leave a trail of hickeys across his chest. Already started to feel pent up and overstimulated, Eddie instinctively begins bouncing his leg up and down. “Stay still,” you order him, ‘hold me and stay fucking still. Fucktoys don’t move.”
“Could I, um…could I kiss your neck?” Eddie asks, and you can’t help but note the slight whine in his tone. “Please, baby? ‘S my favorite spot…” He pouts as you shake your head.
“Tell you what,” you reason, still grinding your needy cunt on his thigh. You’re so wet that it’s leaving a damp patch on the denim, turning both of you on even more. “If you let me come, I’ll let you kiss my neck.” The friction is driving you wild, and you dig your fingernails into his bare back. “Fuck, Eddie. ‘S like your body was made to get me off.” 
You watch as his hand instinctively snakes down towards his erection, palming at it pathetically. A tiny whine escapes his lips as you pull it away and push him back onto the bed. “Trying to cheat the system?” you taunt him, rummaging through the dresser drawer until you find what you’re looking for. “Sit over there,” you motion towards the chair tucked under your vanity, “and put your hands behind you.” Eddie does as he’s told, a bead of sweat trickling down his forehead. The shiny silver handcuffs glint as you snap them around his wrists. “This is what happens when you can’t follow directions.”
“‘M sorry, ma’am,” he gulps, but you’ve already devised a new way to torture him. Slipping off your panties and unclasping your bra, you let both fall to the floor. You’re left only in the thigh-high boots. “Wan’ touch,” he mumbles, knowing that the effort is fruitless. Instead, he watches as you get down on your knees, pulling at his belt buckle and unfastening his button and fly. When you take his cock out of his boxers, he lets out an audible sigh of relief. He thinks I’m gonna blow him, you realize, a suspicion that’s only confirmed when he says, “Yes, baby, please.”
You tut disapprovingly as you make your way back to the drawer, purposely bending over a bit more than is necessary to give him a better view of your ass. Grinning, you slide a cockring down his shaft and press the tiny plastic power button. Eddie yelps out as the toy begins vibrating around the base of his length.
“Now,” you say, bringing yourself back to your position on his thigh, “I’m gonna get myself off, and you’re not gonna come until I tell you to.” He’s too overstimulated to respond, so you take his face in your hand and turn it so he’s looking into your eyes. “I said, good boys use their words.”
“Okay, yes, shit, I w-won’t come.”
You rub your clit against his naked thigh, faster until you feel your orgasm about to hit. His upper leg is covered in your slick, and you throw back your head in utter pleasure as you finish. “Such a good fucktoy, letting me come all over him. You’re so fucking good to me, Eddie.”
The praise combined with the vibrations and your own orgasm is too much for him to handle, and he groans out a loud string of curses. Thick, hot ropes of cum trickle down his cock, pooling in the thatch of curls at the base. “Shit, ‘m so sorry–I didn’t mean to–”
But you just kiss him, roughly and deeply, effectively shutting him up. “That was really hot,” you murmur into his ear, before dropping to your knees again. This time, you use your tongue to clean him up, swallowing every last drop. “And delicious.”
Eddie writhes against the chair, and you let him out of the restraints. “Baby, any time you wanna be in charge, just…just fuckin’ do it, holy shit.” He pauses before adding, “and wear those boots, too.”
“Okay,” you say, shooting him a salacious grin, “how does ten minutes sound?”
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try-set-me-on-fire · 1 year
Hi, me again, this time with the prompt "6. coffee in bed" 🙏
Send me soft prompts! Find the finished ones on AO3!
Buck has long since resigned himself to the fact that his sleep schedule is well and truly fucked. 24 hour shifts were all well and good in his 20s, but now at the ripe old age of 32 he collapses as soon as he gets home like someone’s hit a hard reset switch, and he never knows if he’ll wake up in an hour or ten. Frankly, he doesn’t know how Bobby is still upright, though he’d never say it to his face.
So, blinking awake on a Sunday (maybe) morning (possibly) in June, he has no idea how long he’s been down. His eyes are glued shut, so probably a while. He throws an arm out and it smacks immediately into Eddie, who grunts.
“Morning?” It’s sort of a greeting and sort of a question, and he feels weight shift on the bed as Eddie cranes to check the clock.
“Mm.” Buck scrubs a hand over his face and blinks open his eyes. Eddie looks like he's just been taken out of one of those vacuum seal bags you pack your clothes in when you're trying to save space in a suitcase, and Buck has to lean over and kiss him about it.
"Oh my god, Buck," Eddie mumbles, pushing him away with his whole hand smushed against his face. "Did you eat roadkill for dinner?"
"Don't you insult Bobby's casserole like that." Buck goes for Eddie's neck instead but ends up yawning against his jugular. "Fuck. I'm gonna get coffee." He starts to roll over but Eddie slings an arm around him and pulls him back down.
"It's being taken care of," he says, burying his face into Buck's shoulder. "Act surprised."
Buck makes a questioning face at him, but his boyfriend is busy being half asleep again and nuzzling his pec, so he just lays there squinting at the ceiling and wondering if Eddie has developed some sort of coffee based telekinesis. He's started thinking about practical applications in the field (does it have to be hot coffee? How big a container can it be in? Can they just start remotely dumping venti iced lattes on fires?) when Chris enters the room, carefully transporting two mugs. Eddie flops onto his back and then flops upright, passing the mugs to Buck and pulling Chris down for a kiss on the forehead.
"Happy father's day," Chris says, only scrunching his nose a little at the display of affection.
"Thanks, kid," Eddie smiles at him, already flapping a hand at Buck to get his coffee back. He takes a sip as Chris leaves the room again, and Buck holds onto the other warm ceramic in his hands, suddenly feeling very awake and a little awkward.
"Uh- I can head out, if you want."
Eddie squints at him over his coffee. "Why?"
Buck waves towards the kitchen. "You know, if you and Chris want to spend the day together."
Eddie's still making a face at him. "Buck-"
Whatever he was going to say is interrupted by Chris returning, even more carefully balancing a tray of food in his arms. He sets it down on the bed and Eddie eagerly pulls it over, grabbing a waffle piled high with whip cream.
"Cards first!" Chris admonishes, sitting at the foot of the bed.
"Oh, o-kay, okay," Eddie laughs, picking up one of two folded pieces of paper tucked under the plates.
"Two cards!" Buck grins, stretching his foot under the covers to nudge Chris. "Your dad's a lucky guy."
Chris makes the same face his dad had just been making. "One's for you, Buck."
Buck's pretty sure his face makes the exact expression of the emoticon with the colon and the capital o. "Me?"
"Yeah," Chris says, like obviously Buck gets a father's day card, duh, don't be stupid. Buck kind of just freezes there, rebooting, until Eddie grabs the paper and swaps it with the mug still clutched in his hand and he looks down to read it automatically.
On the front, in suspenseful italic, are the words "When Rodan flaps his wings…" and Buck coughs out a laugh, remembering last month's Godzilla night where they'd stayed up way too late watching movies while Eddie was covering for someone on B shift. He opens the card and doesn't start crying immediately, thank you, he lasts a few seconds with dry eyes. On the inside is a full spread drawing of the fiery pteranodon looming over the city of Los Angeles. On the bottom left a firefighter stands on a rooftop, blasting him in the face with a hose. Written in the sky is "... Buck saves the day!"
"Told you he'd cry," Eddie says, smug. Buck tries to glare at him but he's just a big blur through the tears.
"You're so mean to me," he croaks, reaching out blindly for moral support from Christopher, the superior Diaz. Chris shuffles over and wraps him in a hug which, oh boy, doesn't help the crying situation. "Th-thank you," he manages to get out, clinging to the kid a little and fully expecting him to pull away all huffy and teenager-like.
Chris just rests his head against Buck's. "You've been my dad, like, forever," he says quietly, and, really, it's too early in the day to be put through a trash compactor like this. "I probably should have made more cards to make up for the other years."
Buck makes a sound like "gk!" and feels Eddie's hand on his side. "Well, we don't want him to actually keel over. That would be an embarrassing ambulance ride."
Buck laughs, and it sounds wet and gross, and then kisses the side of Chris's head, which probably feels wet and gross. "I love you, so much."
"I know," Chris says, grinning. "I love you too, Buck. Eat your waffle. I put sprinkles on it!"
Buck laughs again, and pulls Chris up onto the bed with them to share. He's big, growing up so quick, and two grown men and a teenager are a pretty cramped fit on a queen mattress, but none of the three members of this family that Buck somehow, miraculously belongs to minds the proximity.
"Happy father's day, Buck," Eddie says, eyes heart twistingly soft as he kisses Buck's cheek. "Glad you're here with me. With us."
Buck makes a face as his eyes start stinging again, and covers Chris's eyes so he can lean forward and kiss Eddie on the mouth, quick. "No place I'd rather be."
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riotwritesthings · 7 months
Who Guards the Bodyguard
T, 3k - No-Powers AU, Humor, bodyguard!Bucky
One college bar, one bodyguard, one sleazeball who can't take no for an answer. Shaken, not stirred.
Hey remember when I took birthday prompts, like… 9 months ago? Good times. Anyways guess what I finally finished.
The prompt was some combination of “You’re my new bodyguard and you’re cute” / “Help me I’m being hit on at a bar please be my fake boyfriend for a second” / “I’m going to save you from the terrible date you’re having” So I really just mashed all of those together and ended up with this lol. I hope you enjoy it @clarajanedesperaux!
This job is supposed to be easy.
All Bucky has to do is keep an eye on a billionaire’s spoiled, wild son and make sure the kid doesn’t end up kidnapped or otherwise killed. Easy.
And yet, it has not been easy, most notably because Tony Stark can’t know that Bucky is guarding him. Howard had been very insistent about his son’s ability and determination to ditch his previous bodyguards, and half of the stories were honestly impressive if true. So Bucky has a very strict set of guidelines to follow that most days make him feel more like a stalker than anything else.
He gets a ping whenever Tony leaves the Stark family’s Fifth Avenue mansion, and satellite tracking makes it quick work to follow him anywhere in the city. Bucky’s not exactly sure how Stark has GPS-tagged his son, but he’s not paid to ask questions.
He’s paid to put his experience in black ops and undercover work to good use and not be seen while he’s following a twenty-year-old around the city making sure no one kills the kid.
Totally normal, super easy.
Yeah right, Bucky thinks to himself in bemusement as he watches Tony over the rim of his beer.
This is the third bar the Stark heir has been to tonight, and Bucky really must be getting old because all he wants is to go home.
He’d kind of like to tell Tony to go home too, and not just because it would mean Bucky could go back to his apartment to hang out with his cat. It’s because he knows what Tony is doing, he knows the rotating cast of friends that meet Tony at one bar just to abandon him at another. He knows how damn lonely that is.
He might be watching from a distance, but Bucky is pretty damn good at what he does and he can tell there’s a lot more to Tony than the kid lets on. He’s got a bigger heart than he likes to show and hidden scars, he deserves better than fake friends and a father who won’t even give him a chance.
But that’s none of Bucky’s business.
Two more bars later, Bucky is feeling a lot less generous towards his charge. This place is too damn crowded, and loud, and Bucky has to keep moving around to keep Tony in his sight. And for what, just to watch him half-heartedly flirt with some asshole in a trucker hat, of all things? The kid could at least have the decency to have some taste.
Bucky forces down some more unsavory thoughts about trucker-hat-douche as he slides onto another seat at the bar and waves for a refill on his beer. He pointedly ignores it when the guy on the next stool spins to face him, keeping his gaze fixed firmly on Tony near the pool table across the bar. Even if he wasn’t working right now, he is in no mood and he does his best to convey that with the side of his face.
The asshole doesn’t take the hint though, and Bucky can feel the weight of his sleazy smirk as he asks, “Well hello, you come here often?”
“Nope,” Bucky says shortly, which is conveniently both true, and will hopefully cut off any further conversation.
"That makes sense,” the man says with a nod and a widening smirk, continuing to ignore all of Bucky’s not-so-subtle hints, “I would remember seeing you before.”
He probably thinks it sounds flattering, but he just comes across as gross. Bucky takes his eyes off his charge just long enough to glance over at the man next to him, taking in his flushed, sweaty face. The asshole is definitely drunk, probably completely hammered, and Bucky doesn’t want to deal with this.
He fixes his eyes forward again, hoping the guy will at least take one of his hints if he just keeps throwing them in the asshole’s face.
“C’mon, I’ve seen you moving all around the bar,“ the man says, because of course he can’t just give up. ”It’s obvious you’re looking for something, only to wind up next to me,“ he continues in what he probably thinks is an alluring tone, ”there’s no reason to play hard to get now.”
"‘M not playing anythin’,” Bucky snaps, cutting his gaze to the side just long enough to give the man a sharp glare, "and I’m not interested."
The asshole on the next stool just laughs, and Bucky can smell the vodka on his breath as he leans closer. “Don’t be like that,” he says with another slimey laugh, “you don’t even know me yet, and I’m very interesting.”
Bucky lets himself outright scoff at that, because he very seriously doubts that this bar-regular who can’t take no for an answer has any sort of hobby that Bucky would find interesting. He can see it from the corner of his eye when the asshole scowls, when his fingers curl tighter around his drink, and Bucky sighs internally.
“What, you think you’re too good to even give me the fucking time of day?” The guy demands, abandoning his attempt at a sultry tone in favor of a snarl. It sounds more natural for him, honestly.
There are a lot of ways Bucky could answer that.
He could point out that technically at this point it would be ‘time of night.’ Or he could get brutally honest and say that while he doesn’t usually think very highly of himself at all these days, he does still think he can do better than this random bar asshole. Maybe not a whole lot better, but better.
Instead of saying anything at all though, Bucky reluctantly tears his eyes away from the Stark heir across the small bar. He turns to finally face the man next to him and fixes him with a dry, expectant stare, quirking an eyebrow and letting the man fill in how ‘interesting’ Bucky thinks he is for himself.
The asshole’s face starts to twist with rage, but he smooths it out again with what looks like a fair amount of effort before saying, “Well, how about you let me buy you a drink and give me sixty seconds to change your mind.”
“No,” Bucky says shortly and starts to turn away. But then the man starts to reach for him, like he’s going to grab Bucky’s shoulder to stop him, and Bucky goes tense all over.
Part of him, a big part, wants to break this asshole’s wrist and be done with it, but that would draw way too much attention. He doesn’t trust himself to grab the man’s hand without breaking something, and he can’t even risk punching the jerk when his entire job relies on Tony never noticing him.
So Bucky has to settle for moving out of the asshole’s reach, shifting half off of his stool to accomplish it, and glaring harder as he snaps, "Do not touch me."
If the man was less drunk, and less of a dick, there’s no doubt that Bucky’s best death glare would be enough to chase him off. But he is a drunk asshole, so instead of running he grits his teeth and narrows his eyes.
“Listen, asshole,” the guy starts and Bucky does outright laugh at that, sharp and mocking.
He’s not surprised that the man’s face flushes an angrier shade of red, but Bucky really couldn’t help himself. The asshole continues to sputter for a second before sliding ungracefully off his stool and pulling himself up to his full height, wobbling slightly in the process.
“I don’t appreciate you- fuckin’- talking down to me,” the asshole spits furiously, but Bucky isn’t listening to him anymore.
With a sigh, Bucky slides the rest of the way off of his own stool and he can only hope that Tony is still distracted with the trucker-hat-douche because this is definitely about to become a scene. At least it’s somewhat gratifying to watch the drunk stumble back half a step when Bucky pulls himself up to his full height and squares his shoulders, but it doesn’t look like the man plans on backing down.
“Last chance to walk away,” Bucky warns because he has had it with tonight. At this point he will be perfectly happy to get kicked out of this shitty bar and fuck this job.
The asshole has his mouth open to respond, but then his eyes go wide as Bucky feels someone winding their arms around his and plastering themself tightly to his side. Bucky feels his own face twitch in shock when he jerks his gaze to the side and realizes that it’s Tony clinging to him.
Tony, who Bucky is supposed to be keeping an eye on, and who is not supposed to even be aware of Bucky’s existence. Tony, who is smiling up at him like Bucky isn’t a complete stranger to him, like he knows Bucky.
“There you are, hot stuff,” Tony says, his tone as familiar as his grin, and Bucky has a terrible feeling about the future of his employment. “I was starting to think you were standing me up,” Tony continues, fluttering those long eyelashes up at him.
The eyelashes that Bucky has tried so hard not to notice, but he’s sure as hell noticing them now.
Even caught off guard, and maybe a little distracted, Bucky isn’t a complete moron. He knows what Tony is doing, so he quickly pulls it together and works up a smile of his own.
“Wouldn’t’ve been so hard t’ spot you if you’d picked a less crowded place,” Bucky finds himself saying, because he can’t not complain about this dive bar now that he’s been given the chance.
Tony throws his head back with a laugh, and Bucky does not let himself get caught up in the sound of it. Not even a little.
“I * knew* you would hate it,” Tony says gleefully and the light in his eyes isn’t just teasing, it’s knowing.
Like Tony actually chose this bar just to annoy him, and Bucky is officially in so over his head.
He is also reluctantly charmed, and Bucky can’t fight down a tiny grin of his own even as he shakes his head and says, “You-”
“Hey,” the asshole interrupts, apparently not happy with being completely ignored.
He’s glaring at both of them now, and Bucky automatically shifts so he’s a little more between the drunk and the person he’s supposed to be secretly bodyguarding. He can at least still do half of his job. Tony grins at him like he knows exactly what Bucky is thinking, and hell, he probably does. Just like it’s probably no accident that Tony is wrapped around his good arm, making it much less likely that he’ll throw a punch.
Nothing would really surprise Bucky at this point, Tony is so damn smart and apparently Bucky has been underestimating him, too. And apparently, Tony has been watching him back, and Bucky has no idea what to do with that.
When the asshole makes another impatient sound Tony finally deigns to look over at him, barely tearing his gaze away from Bucky long enough to flit his eyes over the man from head to foot.
“Bye,” Tony says, his tone artfully dismissive, and then goes right back to grinning up at Bucky like the other man doesn’t exist.
To Tony’s credit, his cold, superior tone has the asshole automatically taking a step backward, even as he sputters, "Dude, wh- what the fuck-"
“What part are you not getting?” Tony asks, one sharp eyebrow crawling up his forehead as he slowly turns to face the asshole again, like he’s still unconvinced that the man is worth the effort. ”He was looking for someone, now he’s found me,“ Tony continues as he smoothly fits himself under Bucky’s arm, ”no part of this has anything to do with you, so you can go ahead and leave now."
Bucky can’t quite bite down his laugh when the drunk man sputters dumbly again, and the tiny grin that Tony flashes up at him has Bucky’s heartbeat doing truly concerning things in his chest. But he’s not thinking about that, just like he’s not thinking about the way his arm has automatically fallen around Tony’s shoulders, the way Tony fits perfectly against his side.
“L-Listen here, you little-” the asshole stutters and then trails off, his face going scarlet as he seems to notice all of the people staring at them.
"Little what?" Tony asks coldly, the look on his face just daring the asshole to come up with something that Tony hasn’t been called before. Bucky is equal parts impressed, enraged at his employer all over again, and trying his best not to be completely smitten.
The asshole’s face is nearly purple as his eyes dart from side to side, taking note of the increasing number of people watching them with open interest and amusement.
“Fuck this,” he grumbles and finally starts to back away, deciding to save what little face he has left in front of this crowd of college douchebags. He apparently has to try and get the last word though, because as he turns he shoots Bucky a final glare he loudly mutters “I could do better anyways.”
“Doubt it!” Tony calls after him gleefully, and the on-looking crowd laughs. Then he turns his bright grin up at Bucky, and oh, fuck.
Bucky is so fucking fucked.
“Do you want to get out of here, now?” Tony asks, quirking an eyebrow at him.
“Yes,” Bucky groans instantly and emphatically, all thoughts of his imminent unemployment momentarily forgotten in the force of his relief over getting to leave.
Being caught by Tony is the least of the rules he’s broken, but he can worry about that later, or maybe never. It’s not like anyone needs to know that he’s been slowly but surely failing the first rule of bodyguarding over months of catching glimpses of the real Tony. Except Tony might know, because he’s been watching Bucky back.
And Tony is still grinning smugly as he starts to drag Bucky out of the bar with his arm still looped comfortably around Bucky’s waist, staying plastered to his side. Bucky has no idea if it’s necessary or not, he can’t tear his eyes away from Tony to see if the asshole is still hanging around.
He does spare the most fleeting thought for the trucker hat douche that Tony was flirting with before, but that’s only to think that at least this mess is getting Tony away from that asshole. Tony deserves so much better, of that Bucky is sure, he’s had way too much time to think about it while watching Tony flirt with every type of douchebag.
Once they’re out in the cool night air Bucky drags in his first deep breath in what feels like hours, relishing in the slightly less disgusting smells of the city. At least there’s less old-vomit smell.
When Tony snickers Bucky looks over at him again, honestly not sure what to make of the teasing, knowing smile on Tony’s face.
”So, where to now?“ Tony asks innocently, like he’s not still actively throwing Bucky’s life into chaos.
”Off to look for a new job, probably,“ Bucky grumbles, but he can’t actually force any annoyance into his voice. It’s not like he actually likes this job, after all, but…
He’ll probably never see Tony again, once he’s fired, and that thought sends a sharp pang through his chest that Bucky is trying not to think about too hard. Tony is still staring up at him as they start to aimlessly wander down the sidewalk, apparently trusting Bucky not to run them into any street signs, and Bucky is trying not to think about that either.
”Why?“ Tony asks, sounding genuinely confused, and then he pouts as he adds, ”I can go back to pretending not to notice you, is that more fun? Little weird, big-time stalker vibes, but I can work with that.“
Bucky huffs out a laugh, then raises an eyebrow as he asks, ”“S that what you’re into? That why you haven’ ditched me yet, like all th’ others?”
“Give yourself some credit,” Tony says, patting his side, “I did try at first, but you’re hard to shake. Plus, you’re much cuter than the rest of them were.”
Bucky tears his eyes away from Tony’s teasing, flirty grin, looking back down the dark street and trying to ignore the heat rising in his cheeks. ”Maybe I’m jus’ sick of bein’ dragged to college bars,“ he says after a pause that’s probably tellingly long.
”Okay,“ Tony says agreeably, and when Bucky looks over at him in surprise, he finds Tony grinning up at him with an almost hopeful look in his eyes as he asks, ”How do you feel about burgers?“
Bucky finds himself trailing to a stop, still staring at Tony, who stopped right along with him and is now watching with a nervous little smile, like maybe he thinks the ‘better’ that he deserves is somehow Bucky.
For a second all Bucky can do is stare, his mouth gone completely dry. He has to lick his lips, watching Tony’s clever gaze track the motion, before he can croak out, “Seems like I’m gonna be fired for a different reason.”
Tony laughs, delighted, and starts leading him down the street again as he asks, ”What are you talking about? What better place to guard me from than up close and personal?“
Bucky is pretty sure that the elder Stark would not agree with that statement, but like hell is he going to be the one to point that out. He knows this is probably a terrible idea, and he’s definitely going to get fired for this sooner or later, but with any luck, it won’t be the last time he sees Tony.
”So, burgers?“ Bucky asks as he tightens his arm a little more around Tony’s shoulders, and when Tony smiles wider Bucky finally lets himself acknowledge the way it makes his heart flip over itself in his chest.
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jomeimei421 · 2 years
you got any orv fic recs 🙏🏼
BOY I sure do. This list is going to be pretty long, so I'll put it below the cut.
Mei's ORV Fic Reccs
Spoilers for ORV until the epilogue!
Post-Epilogue by the1864
GEN, yoohankim if you squint. This one is one of my favorite ORV fics at the moment so it's going first in this list! It picks up right where 551 leaves off, and every single character is written absurdly well, especially the main trio! Great if you're looking for KDJ recovery stuff.
Rendezvous by WindsofTime
Joongdok. A reimagining of select scenes from ORV, if KDJ and YJH made more use of Midday Tryst, told from YJH's point of view. A tiny bit different from canon, but not enough to call it canon divergence. The babygirl YJH fic ever. Op GETS him.
The False Last Act by younglegends
GEN. If you read any fic on this list, please read this one. I can't say anything about it without spoiling parts of it, and I really don't want to do that. Extremely well executed. Lovely, comforting, and will make your stomach flip like you've stared too long into the abyss. Read this fic TWICE. Read it TWO (2) TIMES.
My Cooking was Always Better with You (Now if only you would eat it) by pave_ment
GEN, joongdok if you squint. For those who lament over the fact that we never got to see any scenes from YJH's 81st regression cooking adventure I present to you: Dungeon Meshi AU, ft. chimera KDJ and bratty chef adventurer YJH. Enjoy!
Tell Me I Did Good Until Now by featherx
GEN. with a little sangsoo on the side. KDJ returns post epilogue, but stays a child in body and mind. This one had me reeling for the whole week when I read it. Sweet and melancholy. I especially loved YJH being bullied by children. KDJ is really, profoundly loved in this one.
An Incomplete Record of Correspondence Between The Magnificent, Unbiased, Genius Author Han Su-yeong and The Jackass Who Dares to Edit Her Work by Dragonomatopoeia
Joongdok. Yoohan's annoying arguments in the ORV shared google doc. The concept and title alone are too funny to not put on this list.
The Prologue Past the Epilogue by AVoresmith
Yoohankim, though mostly just JD at the moment. Of all the ORV fics I've ever read, I think this fic comes to closest to imitating the actual writing style of ORV along with nailing the characterizations with pinpoint precision. Also contains a JD kiss chapter that is more intense than any actual nsfw scene they could have wrote. There are some caveats to this recommendation though:
It gets slightly NSFW in the latest chapter.
Biyoo is several hundred years old and is treated as an adult, not a kid. There will be mention of Biyoo in relationships with adult partners -- including implied YJH. In my opinion it's handled tactfully, but it's also something that might turn some people off to this fic, so please be aware!
LGY has a big puppy love crush on KDJ. Obviously completely one-sided, but it's there.
Home Invasion by misoriri
GEN. KDJ gets shingles and has to be taken to the doctor. YJH breaks a door and then looms in the kitchen like an evil lamp post. JHW bites a tomato like an apple. LJY gets demolished at Club Penguin Card Jitsu. A short read, but hysterical. KCom is so fucking funny in this.
I saw you in a dream by featherx
GEN, Doksoo if you squint. OD meets the HSY of his new worldline, and can't help feeling like he knows her from another time, another place. Had to lay down after this one. Solid 999 and SP fam content, as well as typical YHK style cosmic unbreakable bonds.
We are A Woven Thread by ksalientian
Yoohankim. A reincarnation AU. I read this one a while back but I found it again recently and it still hits just as hard! The cosmic codependence trio finds themselves trapped in another looping cycle, but as is always the case with them, they always find each other and are okay in the end.
A Short Pause by Je_te_veux
GEN, but can be read as JD. An episode set between 517 and 520, a day in the life of YJH, and having some time to think. JTV is a Chinese writer, and you will need to copy and paste into a translator to read their fics, but genuinely they are one of the best ORV writers I've ever read. This fic is one of the ones I always come back to. Really excellent YJH characterization.
Honey and Ginger by Rivani
Yoohankim. Good old fashioned fluff sickfic! The banter is very well done; the three of them are insufferable <3
Too Many Cooks by SonaSona
Yoohankim. KCom makes dinner. HSY makes herself a nuisance. Sona's prose is incredible, and her characterization of the main trio is impeccable. Light, sweet, with just a touch of the ORV brand melancholy. Yoohan is always funny.
There are more but this post is getting pretty long so! Enjoy 👍
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bengiyo · 5 months
I Became the Main Role of a BL Drama Ep 3 (Finale) Stray Thoughts
Last time, Akafuji recognized that he has a crush on Aoyanagi for real, and Aoyanagi also recognized there may be something going on with him. The two lonely boys are trying to put on their best faces for the sake of the drama, but Akafuji is crushed by his own attraction, and Aoyanagi by his own doubts in himself as an actor. Aoyanagi rescued Kuromiya from an aggressive can, and we learned he's afraid of aggressive women. Kuromiya intervened, and Akafuji took Aoyanagi on a date. The two of them practiced kissing, but it was sad as fuck, and then the network cut the kiss from their show.
This curry looks pretty good.
Oh yes. Thank you voiceover for confirming they're both thinking about the kiss.
I'm glad Akafuji can still benefit from his stan knowledge, but now he's spiraling.
Welcome back, baby is a messy eater.
It definitely feels like they're having more fun separating themselves from the characters.
I will love Akafuji forever. He responded to being dumped for loving his hobby by loving it harder.
I would also stan Aoyanagi if he took me so seriously and then praised me for loving my stories.
I love when one confesses when they think the other is sleeping.
Aoyanagi has the best eyes of the year OMG.
I like the manager listening in to check on his charge.
Ope. Tendo-san called it falling in love.
I love the shot of the manager stepping over Hajime in the front as it's implied he's putting himself between Hajime and Akafuji.
Oh no. My boy is gonna be alone on his birthday again.
Oh, of course it was intended as a surprise party. I love Akafuji.
Aoyanagi is crying. I'm crying.
Welcome back, The Heart Knows!
They cut a kiss from a friends to lovers BL with this much sexual tension?? Come on.
I'm glad the rest of the crew knows that Aoyanagi is a good actor who usually hits his marks.
They really had that boy spit on the 4th wall. Holy shit.
Fucking paparazzi holy shit.
Oh, I hate misunderstandings like this, but I get it.
Tendo-san, please fix this!
OH MY GOD. I'VE HAD TO GIVE FOR SO LONG AND I FINALLY GET TO RECEIVE. I had hoped the managers would be real and I was not expecting this!
Run, baby boy, RUN!!!
Holy shit, this indeed a stan's apartment.
He has the cutout!!
This is a completely acceptable stan reaction, and also a fantastic shot.
"I like you as myself" will never get old.
"I'm sorry for going on about myself. Anyway, what did you want to talk about?" Sorry to all other BL characters, but we have a new king.
I love this confession.
They planned to remove a kiss that was in the manga??? EVIL.
Aw, this was so close to perfect, but then they chickened out on a real kiss.
Final Verdict: 9.5, This Show Will Drown You in BL Goodness. If they had kissed properly, this would have a 10 and the new standard for all comedy BL follow. Instead, I will say that this show executes comedy with meta commentary about BL better than any other attempt before it (excepting A Man Who Defies the World of BL). Despite confirming the managers, the show chickened out on the mains and I will be docking it for that. Still, this show was excellently paced and will be my new default reaction image whenever someone insists that a Thai BL should be 12 episodes of meandering nonsense with no fucking idea where it's going or what story it's telling. This show executed a great arc in three movements. Everyone else, have several seats.
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dilfdarthvader · 7 months
The official 'OP has read 500 Merlin fics in a month' rec list
I am truly deep in Merthur hell and have recently hit around ~500 fics read for this fandom so far. As such, I wanted to compile my favorite Merthur fics so far.
(if y'all like rec lists, i might do an obikin rec list too!)
Secretary by Candymacaron
rating: E
Summary: Job-hunting has familiarized Merlin with rejection. Most of the listings in the paper require qualifications he lacks, or prior job experience no eighteen year old would have. One listing sticks out at Merlin—a simple advert, with the word ‘Secretary’ written in bold typeface. (A Secretary Movie/BBC Merlin AU in which a fragile Merlin learns to love his job, himself, getting spanked, and his boss. All in that order.)
one of the first fics i read in this fandom and!!!! it's such a good secretary au (which is always a classic for any kink readers)
The Wedding Night by s0mmerspr0ssen
rating: E
ship: Gwen/Merlin/Arthur
Summary: The consummation of a royal marriage must be witnessed by a third party. Naturally, for Arthur and Gwen, that witness is Merlin.
My bookmark note read: "did i start watching merlin for the show or for the smut fic? this fic makes me think it's the latter". This ship is just SO GOOD too.
Next to You (It's the Rule) by LunaMyLove
rating: T
summary: Arthur and Merlin have a special relationship. They always have, even when they were prince and servant. While many question it when first noticing, eventually it becomes an understanding in Camelot—and even among some other countries—that where there is Arthur, there is Merlin. And, where there is Merlin, there is Arthur. Or Arthur and Merlin's relationship as witnessed and explained by others. Also, or Five times someone realizes that Merlin is the Queen, one time Merlin realizes it himself, and one time he owns it.
such a fluffy read that had me giggling and kicking my feet in the air and twirling my hair. instant reread
all the scars at the start (I could’ve showed you) by AgapantoBlu
rating: T
ship: Gwen/Merlin/Arthur
Summary: [In which Gwaine accidentally brings Merlin's dead girlfriend back to life as a ghost. Leave it to Arthur and Gwen to overreact over every small thing, but being very chill about the very big thing.]
you'll need to be logged into AO3 to read this, but boy is it worth it. i was sobbing. full on sobbing. 10/10
Glow Gold by BelleCrow
rating: E
Summary: Merlin takes the final battle into his own hands after Mordred's blade finds Arthur's heart. Wielding power over life and death there on the battlefield, Merlin's magic is revealed. But the only surviving witness is Arthur, and he has carefully spun the tale to keep Merlin's magic a secret. The King is determined to keep it so until he can drag the truth from Merlin's lips and press his own revelations back into his sorcerer.
this fic gave me a magic kink. i had to keep pausing reading bc holy shit.
Fit for a King by Clea2011
rating: E
Summary: Merlin is a prize fit for a king. But the king he was intended for hasn't taken that prize. When the king of the faeries loses his big-eared, argumentative and troublesome bedmate, he orders his people to find a replacement. Nobody disobeys Oberon. Ever. But Merlin is Arthur's.
FAE! FICS! i love love love this fic and it was so fun and full of some fun familiar characters
so close and I'm halfway to it by ariadne_odair
rating: M
Summary: Merlin swears he doesn’t go looking for trouble, but it seems to follow him around regardless. After being ambushed by a group of bandits, it’s up to Arthur and Merlin to rescue the rest of the knights. Of course this involves journeying through a forest full of magical creatures- because nothing in Merlin’s life is ever easy. That would be more than enough for Merlin to deal with, but nights alone in the wilderness and escaping death every five minutes, have a funny way of bringing two people together. Merlin doesn’t want to reveal his true feelings to Arthur, but then he never wanted to reveal his magic to anyone, either. And look how that turned out. It's a lot easier to manage Merlin's secrets between them when they're surrounded by nothing but trees. But Arthur and Merlin will have to return to Camelot eventually. Merlin's destiny might just be closer than he thinks.
and finally, the first fic in a decade that kept me up until 2am to read. this fic made me fall in love with fics again.
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punk4ndisorderly · 1 year
light on
The one where Y/N is the daughter of a legendary Team USA coach and used to attend the development program with the boys. 8 years after they last saw each other in person, a reunion brings Jack and Y/N back into each other’s lives... and hearts.
if you keep the light on, i'll keep the light on
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I  II - something about the way you look tonight III
 “Coach Jr., you look great!”
 Y/N laughed as Alex got closer to give her a hug.
 “How long has it been?”
 “Too long, you dick. How’s the missus?”
 “Rehearsing. Stressing. Driving herself crazy because of tiny details. The play is premiering in a week and she is so happy I swear she’s skipping around like he’s in a fucking prairie… I love her so much.”
 “You guys are so cute, I swear to god… I wish I would be able to make it but I’m so happy she’s finally doing musical theatre!” she beamed, looking past him to see Jack walk through the door, clearly being nagged by Trevor, who was almost jumping up and down around their friend, not ever shutting up.
 Alex looked back to see where her attention had been diverted to.
 “You two really need to just get it out of your systems.” he stated simply, with a blank expression.
 Y/N’s jaw almost hit the floor at her friend’s crude comment, but she couldn’t say she was surprised, he had always been one to be forward when it came to speaking his mind.
 “Turc!” she scolded. “We are polar opposites who happen to be good friends and…”
 “Sweetheart, you’re rambling. You and Jacko have always had a weird chemistry, and I mean that in a good way. It wouldn’t hurt to bite down on that apple. Also, I’ve already been recruited by the drama queen to fix you two up, so…”
 “Your girlfriend?”
 She stifled a laugh, shaking her head and rubbing his arm up and down.
 “Alright, Alex, thanks. I’ve got to go, though. I’ll see you later?”
 “Count on it!”
 Jack waited alone in the media room Coach had arranged for the photo ops to take place in, leaning against the wall, going through his Instagram feed. Apparently, his former commander in chief had already posted the famed picture they had taken earlier and everyone was freaking out over it. The duo did look couple-y. He smiled when he got a text notification: Y/N had forwarded the picture to him.
 We’re too cute for words, Hughes! xo it read.
 He wondered if she’d ever see him as anything other than plain old Jack from camp. Trevor was right, he did have a huge crush on her. How could he not? She was gorgeous, kind, funny and extremely talented. He couldn’t get enough of her. He never grew tired of her presence. Something about her had a stranger hold on him.
 His relationship had become tiring and dull so when his girlfriend told him she wanted to end things he was torn between feeling heartbroken and being relieved. Even though he felt a heavy weight inside his ribcage, he wasn’t reminded of it as often today because her presence eased his mind, soothed his heart.
 Y/N walked in, rolling up her sleeves and moving to stand beside him.
 “We’re a hit.” she announced, showing him her million-dollar smile.
 The brunette man returned her grin, shrugging.
 “I’ve always known we were epic.”
 Soon enough, in came the mini tornado known as Y/N’s father, followed closely by the kids who had earned their picture with hard work. They took a couple of photographs before a young girl, brought as one of the boys’ plus one, requested they’d pretend they were gazing adoringly into each other’s eyes while she stood aside looking annoyed.
 The doctor wrapped her arms around his neck and did as she was asked. Jack’s blue eyes burning into her own, his intense gaze making her feel something she couldn’t quite explain. He had a way of always making her feel special just by looking at her.
 “I think you two should date.” the teenager blurted out. “People would go wild.”
 “I’ve been hearing that quite a lot lately.” Y/N replied, avoiding to meet Jack’s eyes as she waved the girl goodbye.
 Jack didn’t say a word, burying his hands in his pockets as he tried to act casual.
 The photo ops were finished and both were looking forward to their well-deserved break. They walked side by side down the hall back to the improvised green room assigned to the star athletes.
 “They went with formal wear for the benefit dinner, Tkachuk told me his team only did casual wear last year… I guess they really wanted to milk the whole glamorous superstar deal.” Y/N pointed out, breaking the silence that had settled between the pair.
 “I’m hardly an example of what glamorous stands for.” Jack chuckled, scrunching up his nose.
 “Oh, no, I meant Trevor. I wonder what he’s wearing.”
 He stopped on his tracks, pretending to be deep in thought. 
 “That’s actually a pretty good question. He is known for making bold choices.”
 “That’s one way to look at it.” she snorted, instantly covering her mouth with her hands.
 “Did you just…”
 “Don’t!” the smaller woman pleaded.
 Jack erupted into a fit of laughter and Y/N groaned, crossing her arms in front of her chest.
 “You’re never going to let me live this down, are you?”
 “Not for a second, Messier.” he winked, finally managing to stop laughing, noticing the frown on her face. “Oh, come on… I promise I won’t mention it to anyone, alright? It was kinda cute, actually.” the brunette man joked as he placed his arm around her shoulders, squeezing her tightly against his side in an unexpected moment of bravery.
 “Yeah, yeah…” she rolled her eyes lightheartedly and opened the door, only to find the room empty. “Where is everybody?”
 “They let about ten minutes or so ago to get ready for dinner.” an older woman explained, as she entered the room to restock the refreshments table for the next day.
 “Shit, Alex and I were supposed to share the car we rented for the weekend!” Y/N grunted.
 “I was stuck with Z and Cole.” Jack said, checking his phone for any texts or calls letting him know he was on his own. “Unbelievable.”
 “Guess I’m calling a cab.” she sighed.
 “We can share one if you’d like.” the brunette man offered. “Where are you staying?”
 “The mighty Saint John’s. Courtesy of the boss.”
 “They really booked us all to stay in the same place, hu? I’ll call for a car.”
 The cab didn’t take long to arrive. As the gentleman he was, Jack opened the door for Y/N to climb in, joining her and letting the taxi driver know where they wanted to go. When they got to the hotel, Y/N saw the time on her phone, mumbling something about not being able to get ready on time, tapping her foot impatiently while they waited for the elevator to come down.
 Jack chuckled to himself as she checked her watch time and time again while they went up.
 “This is not funny, Hughes… I thought we had more time!” she whimpered, just before the familiar ring let them know they had arrived.
 “I don’t know why you’re worried about that, you’ll look great even if you have had less time to get ready.” he stated, matter-of-factly when they stepped out into the hall. “I have seen you sweaty, red and disheveled before.”
 Y/N scoffed, looking for her room key, hidden somewhere in her purse before halting in front of her door. 
“This is me.”
 “I’m staying right down the hall. Do you think they managed to book the whole floor?”
 “Knowing the boss and how much of a control freak he is, probably, yes. He knows Turc and Z are way too rowdy together and didn’t want to disturb other guests.”
“They did try to drag me out of bed to get pizza at 4 am the last time the three of us where in the same place.”
 “Why am I not surprised?” Y/N pondered, turning her back to him to open the door. “Go get ready, unfairly handsome man. We’re supposed to be meeting downstairs in twenty, right?”
 Jack simply nodded, taking in the way she had called him handsome once again and waiting until she closed the door behind her to walk down the hall into his own room.
Y/N took a shower, wrapping a towel around her body and rushing back and forth her neat room, looking for the dress and shoes she had packed specifically for that night, laying the satin fabric carefully on the bed before she put on her lingerie.
 She heard a knock on the door and hastily grabbed the first thing she found to put on, going to answer it.
 “Hey, birdy!” Alex greeted her sheepishly, waltzing into her room in a dark blue suit.
 “You look good, Turc.” Y/N smiled, tying the fluffy robe around her body.
 “Hey, hey, hey! Is that how you’re going to show up at the benefit? You little rebel, disrespecting the dress code, I like it!” her bubbly friend gushed, sitting down on the bed.
 “Haha, very funny! I’m still pissed you left me at camp without saying anything.” she pointed out, turning on the hair dryer, missing Alex’s reply over the noise.
 The man got up, grabbing the device from her. “Let me help you with that.”
 “Thank you.”
 “I see you brought the red dress. Nice!”
 “You and your girlfriend did threaten to pinch me really hard if I didn’t.” Y/N snickered, closing her eyes while Alex picked up a brush and the dryer.
 “We have our ways…” he shrugged. “So… Are we going to talk about the elephant in the room, or…?”
 “What elephant in the room?” the doctor questioned, turning to look at her friend.
 “Well, you know, the whole Jack-is-single-and-you-should-totally-take-advantage-of-that situation.”
 “Did Trevor set you up to this?”
 “He just broke up with his girlfriend, Turc. They had been dating for a while, according to the press. He needs to grieve and figure his life out before you nerds try to set him up with someone else, you know that…” she shook her head, looking down at her hands.
 “You would make an adorable pair, though… Just putting it out there.” Alex mumbled as he finished tying Y/N’s hair in a low bun, leaving out some strands to frame her face. “Voilà!” he cheered triumphantly, satisfied with his work once he saw a small smile creep up on his friend’s face.
 “You do have some weird fairy godparent hands… I trained you well. Can you pass me my make-up from the bedside table, please?”
 “Your wishes are my command.” he grinned, handing her the beauty products.
 “Thank you so much, Turkey. How late am I, right now?” she asked, spraying her favorite perfume on her neck and the back of her ear, before getting up and picking up her dress.
 “You still have time, don’t worry. I’ll go down right now and tell them you’ll be ready in a minute.”
 “Just do me one last favor and zip up my dress, please.”
 Downstairs, the group had been divided into two, so they could fit into the large taxi vans parked outside. Jack adjusted his suit jacket, looking around the room from time to time, checking if she had come down yet.
 Alex walked out of the elevator, smirking once he recognized the disappointed look on the brunette man’s face when he realized he wasn’t the one he was so eagerly waiting for.
 “Hey, beauty.” he greeted him.
“Hey, Turc.”
 “She’ll be down in a minute.”
 “What?” he mumbled, snapping back to reality, having clearly missed the suggestive tone of his voice.
 “You don’t fool anyone, Hughesy.” his friend winked, leaving him alone to join Cole by the front desk.
 He pretended he didn’t understand what he meant, leaning against the pillar next to the large couches in the main entrance, going through his social media feeds for the tenth time in half an hour. Nothing new.
 His older brother had texted him to let him know he had seen the picture Coach had shared and that he “totally approved” but had “dibs” on her since he had known her for longer than he did to which he had replied with a middle finger emoji.
 “Finally!” Trevor chanted, throwing his hands up in the air as he approached Jack by the pillar. “I was beginning to think I was going to have to get you ready myself!”
 Jack looked up from his phone, being left speechless at the sight of her. He knew she’d look amazing, but he had no idea that, ten years later, she could still knock the wind out of him.
 Y/N had chosen a beautiful red A-line dress with a generous square cleavage that accentuated her tiny waist. She could only be described as a fallen angel. He bit down on his bottom lip, clearly too distracted by her beauty to be more subtle about checking her out.
 “Okay, beauty, you can breathe now.” Alex came up from behind him, tapping him on the shoulder. “Come on, everybody, Coach Jr. is here. Let’s go.”
 At the sound of Alex’s voice, Y/N glanced in their direction, locking eyes with Jack. She smiled softly, scrunching up her nose the way she always did. He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out.
 Alex linked arms with Y/N, leading her outside and leaving him standing there, completely dumbfounded. 
 “Dude, did you just choke?” Trevor asked, trying to hold in a cackle.
 “Shut up.”
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accio-victuuri · 1 year
I’ve been seeing some old candies being discussed around weibo and they are not long enough to require their own post. but these small ones can all live in this one space. 🫶🏼
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a good number of these are fake rumors so keep that in mind. i cannot elaborate on them because that’s what these are, small hearsays and stories.
• While filming the scene in the waterfall, wyb told xz to call him “husband”, xz thought he meant to call lwj that but wyb said “call me.. not him.”
• OP said that when was on the set before, XLS would pout occasionally, it may be a subconscious action. Then WLS would say that XLS is so cute, He will say that every time, if XLS is tired, it is as good as if he is not because of WYB.
• Recently there was a kiss that looked like the two of them. They saw it and then WLS said if he hadn’t been there with him ( XLS ) he will believe that it’s true 😂😂😂
It’s allegedly this photo :
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• i really don’t know how true this is, but it’s a fake contribution so just chill. OP said for the eleme commercial, there was a part that WYB’s character was supposed to draw something, he did but it was edited. because what he made was a “rabbit” and it ended up being just a person with a smiling face. and well, we know who the rabbit is — xiao zhan. 💟
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• wyb said this to xz : “be cruel to others, leave your cuteness to me.” LOL.
• during cql days, XLS ordered KFC for everyone but realized he didn’t order enough so he just got one box and asked others to eat. So he started eating his chicken wings, WLS then said he wanted some too. Then he took bites from the same chicken wing XLS did. HAHAHAHAHAHA! The food sharing between them is just 👀 — they have no boundaries on that.
• i’m not really a fan of cpns that say they see something in xz’s eye. i just feel like it’s reaching too much. but this one is pretty sus cause i actually see it. who knows. 👁️👄👁️
the photo of wyb looks like the one reflected in his eyes.
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• a rumor of XZ going through the bjyx st, because for 520 he mentioned that there is an art he really liked and praised it. saying that it’s of a beautiful couple and there is a red plum blossom. it is allegedly this art below. awwww. wangxian! we all know XZ loves them and he is an artist who has an eye for these things. didn’t expect to like the more scandalous type of art tho 👀
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• apparently the filming of “drunk lwj” was chaotic, xz was first asking wyb if it’s okay to carry him and wyb said he is light. xz asks, how light? then wyb replied that he didn’t weigh himself recently. there was talks of xz carrying a sack ( wyb ) and them being asked to walk in an “s” direction, not in a straight line cause lwj is supposed to be drunk. they were stepping on each other clothes, hitting the pillar and just laughing the whole time 😂😂😂
• the fact that wyb once gave a wedding gift to a friend and it’s from wedgwood. now, xz is endorsing the brand.
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bought an xbox one and I'm soo excited to play more cod games (going insane) (I fear I'm hyperfixating on black ops) (like a fool)
i think hesh is very stingy abt the brother title. like he wouldn't be mean abt it but but he does not like other people calling him their brother he has a brother and its logan !! (kick tries to joke that him and hesh are basically as close as hesh and logan and gets the most vile side eye from them both)
keegan and logan are both bitches w little social awareness so all their interactions are bouncing insults off of each other so for a while everyone thinks they want each other dead
elias is the mother rorke is the dad, obviously
merrick is constantly grumbling stupid complaints abt everything and corners the brothers to talk about The War bcs their soft squishy brains are the only ones not sick of him
neptune and kick have like a 10 year age gap but are as equally stupid as each other
I think kick is like early 30s and was not part of the original 15 survivors but rather Some Guy the ghosts picked up off the side of the road for his IT skills. idk maybe their other guy died
-angel :]
Xbox one gamin time lfg
Pls, that's real. Took his old pals in Viking a solid week of deadeyed stares before they'd stop going "That's my brother" because listen.... Hesh gets they're kidding but he doesn't like the joke. They can call him "Mom" as much as they want tho, he thinks that's funny. Poor Kick lmaoooooo not BOTH of them hitting him with the side eye. Bro vaporizes
Keegan and Logan bitching at each other internally going "This guy speaks my language." and everyone else is like "Are they gonna? Fight?? Should we get someone?! Elias. Elias pls. Get over here." (Literally just two autistic people recognizing each other as autistic and going "Fucking finally some good food.")
Elias has a "Mom" jar where people have to pony up a dollar every time they call him mom and Rorke has a "Dad" jar where HE pony's up money to whoever calls him dad. (Obviously the caveat with Rorke's thing is that is HAS to be a slip up, you can't just "Infinite Money Glitch" him. Though the funnier the slip up is the better the money is.)
Merrick bonds with the boys (accidentally on his part) by bitching about the war. Hesh and Logan (used to their dad telling war stories) just sit there enjoying themselves and asking questions every so often.
Neptune and Kick got one braincell to share and half the time Riley stole it like a tennis ball
"Some random guy" Yeah Keegan was driving them back from an op (late night taco bell run) and ran someone over (Kick) so they shoved him in the trunk but he lived so now he's theirs now. Dibs.
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slutforsilverfoxes · 10 months
🔊 Calling my fellow McGarrett girls, gays, and theys:
A McGarrett x reader undercover op at a casino has been begging itself to be written... do I keep going with this? Excerpt below the cut 👀
When your former mentor had contacted you about an opening at her coral reef research lab, moving from Camden to Oahu had been a no brainer. You’d packed up your life in New Jersey and been on a plane to the Aloha State within a week. Your favorite cousin, who’s truthfully more like the big brother you always wanted, had been elated to hear the news, welcoming you at the airport with open arms and two simple rules.
“Always answer the phone when I call so you don’t worry me to death,” Danny had said, holding up one finger, “and two,” he added a second, “you’re an adult and you can date anyone on this island-”
“Thank… you?”
“-but stay away from this schmuck.”
The schmuck in question had simply rolled his eyes, draped a beautiful lei around your neck, and greeted you with a warm hug. “It’s nice to finally meet the famous Y/N. I’m Steve.”
Your confident promise to your cousin had been broken a whopping two months later- and no, you hadn’t ignored one of his phone calls.
“Did you get me a beer?” you ask with a teasing lilt to your voice, wringing out your wet hair before dropping down onto the bench beside your boyfriend of three months. A quick glance around reveals that Danny’s over by the shrimp truck with Kamekona, and you lean forward to steal a kiss before putting some space between yourself and your favorite brunette.
“I surely did not,” Steve sasses back and takes a swig of his ice cold beverage. “Alcohol and diving do not mix. But I did happen to get a mango smoothie from that one place down the road this pretty girl I know really likes.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Mhm,” he responds, a goofy grin spreading across his handsome face. “But, uh, she didn’t show, so I guess you can have it.”
You laugh and give him a playful shove, then let out a content hum as you pop the straw through the lid and take a grateful sip. “So good,” you moan in delight, and Steve has to bite his lip to refrain from making a comment when he spots Danny approaching the table with your regular orders.
“Hey, you.” Your cousin greets you with a kiss on the cheek before taking up residence on the bench across from you and Steve. “Why’re you sitting all the way over there, huh? You like that clown better or somethin’?”
“This guy?” you snort, taking your lunch off the tray and rifling through the napkins in search of a fork.
“Ouch.” Steve winces as if burned by your comment, and you surreptitiously squeeze his thigh beneath the table.
“So tell me about this case you’ve got,” you coax your cousin to change the subject, spearing some grilled veggies on the plastic tines and scooping up a respectable mound of rice on top.
“So there’s a diamond smuggling ring-” Danny starts, and you immediately cut him off with, “Shut up, that doesn’t happen in real life.” You turn to Steve for confirmation, but nothing about his facial expression suggests this is a joke. “Are you serious right now? BFFR, Danno.”
“I don’t- I don’t know what that means. Why are you making me feel old?”
“Be fucking for real,” you and Steve supply in unison, and you smile proudly at him. “You’re learning!”
“Between you and Gracie, I keep up, okay?”
“Oh, between my cousin and my daughter, you- okay, that’s excellent,” Danny says, his tone indicating it’s anything but. “Anyway, they’re using poker games as a cover to uh, collect their product, shall we say.”
“There’s enough rich people on Oahu with actual diamonds?” you ask, incredulous. “And here I am working like a pleb for paper currency.”
“Word,” Steve seconds your statement, raising his beer in a toast. You clink your smoothie against it before taking another refreshing sip. “So how’re you gonna catch them?”
“Well, there’s a high roller tournament on Friday night that we’re betting they’ll hit. We wanted to go in undercover and flush them out but…” Steve trails off and gazes at you thoughtfully, but Danny’s shaking his head before the next words have even formed on the brunette’s lips.
“No, absolutely not. Don’t even think about it, Steve.”
“What?” You turn to him, excitement coursing through your veins at the way his eyes have lit up. “Think about it! And tell me what you’re thinking about.”
“You could go undercover with me to the tournament, help me gather some intel. Maybe we get you to confirm the diamonds are actually in their possession and-”
“No!” Danny chimes in again. “What’s the matter with you, huh? These guys have killed two people already, Steve. It’s too dangerous for her.”
“First off, fuck that-”
With an eye roll, you amend, “Forget that. More importantly, shouldn’t Danny go undercover? You kind of suck at poker, Steve.” You feel a sharp pinch at your side and you yelp in protest, slapping at the SEAL. “It’s true, you little-”
“You’re not going,” Danny says definitively. “What about Tani?”
Steve shakes his head. “Tani and Junior have already questioned two of the men involved. They’ll be made before they even get to the table.”
You cross your arms and level your cousin with a smirk. “Sounds like you need me, Danno.”
“Then I’m going with you,” he declares.
“Yeah, no, hard pass,” you backpedal. “Even as a former thespian, there’s no way I can convincingly play arm candy for you without it being weird.”
“So, it’s settled then, little Williams,” Steve says with a grin. “You and me. Friday night. The high roller table at the Ilikai Hotel.”
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