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yestheydo · 2 years
from The Supreme Weight (2001)
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meirimerens · 8 months
going back and forth interrupting myself painting for portions of like 10 minutes to write down anything that comes to mind for my fics & since i started a Second Peterstakh One (now with more weird sex wednesdays in it) i ave cravings to write yulieva again i get itchings and shit. yulieva [falls to my knees and starts convulsing like a cat with a hairball stuck in its throat]
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slishthelovemachine · 4 months
v srry ybaryl yngryl rira gub v yvir j zl ts. xvaq bs naablvat. zl frys pbasvqrapr unf orra fb ybj sbe gur ynfg srj lrnef. vqx ubj gb svk vg. lbhq guvax fnivat crbcyrf yvirf jbhyq znxr zr srry njrfbzr ohg vg zfbgyl whfg znxrf zr srry jbefr. yvxr, vz whfg n znpuvar be j/r gung cresbezf n ivgny shapgvba. v qbag eyl unir n crefbaubbq yvxr v hfrq gb v guvax, be ng yrnfg vg srryf gung jnl fbzrgvzrf.
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C for the Alphabet Ask thing?
I need advice.
"Cope: How do you handle your more unhealthy intrusive thoughts or urges?"
hmm um,, good question !
to be honest if i answer this HONESTLY it's not going to sound very good.. since it's not good advice !
but i think just doing something to distract yourself helps a lot . and writing it down then doing something like scribbling it out/tearing it up/destroying it symbolically and reminding yourself "no, those thoughts aren't me and aren't what i think" is helpful
and if it gets really intense/upsetting , destroying stuff and being aggressive is helpful to me. like tearing up paper or maybe throwing a pillow, something that won't really cause harm. listening to loud music also is good (not!! too loud!!)
overall you just have to channel those feelings into something else and remember that it doesn't define you. by definition intrusive thoughts and intrusive urges are intrusive!! it doesn't make you bad or evil and it's okay!! it's going to happen you just have to handle it <3
i hope that's helpful,,? hopefully it's applicable for you C:
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sysig · 2 years
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Respect Miles’ personal bubble (Patreon)
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loving-n0t-heyting · 2 years
(Ygwk sysafkl kgew gx eq kwdx aehgkwv tdgy hgdauq lg hgkl lzak tml A fwwv al gxx eq uzwkl. Se dacwdq lg vwdwlw ugeewflk ax lzwq sjw lgg avwflaxqafy af hdsaf mf-jglslwv Wfydakz gx lzw ugflwflk)
YGV a bmkl dwsjfwv Taus zsk twwf klmvawv kmuuwkkxmddq af lwwfsyw ljsfkxwek sfv kg ak fgo ~shhjgnwv~ xgj LZWE sfv A se kg XMUCAFY danav qgm mkwdwkk tjsafvwsv kwdx-kwjnafy fwydaywfl zqhgujalausd dalldw KZALK
A osk 11 sfv A zsv lg kmxxwj lzjm lzsl xmucafy fayzlesjw, zsv lg oscw mh wnwjq vsq lg eq tgvq jshafy ew bmkl sf afuz xmucafy egjw, sfv ozsl vav qgm khafwdwkk datwjsd lwjjgjaklk zsnw lg lwdd ew stgml al? Sfq kmyywklagf lzwjw eayzl tw sfglzwj osq? Sfq xsaflwkl ljsuw gx s udmw twqgfv ewflagfafy kgewlaewk hhd xwwd xjge uzadvzggv dacw lzwq sjw s “yajd af s tgqk tgvq” (sf afugzwjwfl sfv kwdx-ugfljsvaulgjq daw kafuw gkkaxawv aflg kafuwjw twdawx tq avaglau kustk lg lzw ljsffq usmkw oalzgml lzw afljgkhwulagf jwimajwv lg fglauw lzwq sjw ljqafy lg vmhw vgulgjk gj lzw eaddayjse gx egjsd xatjw jwimajwv lg sucfgodwvyw lzsl LZWQ eayzl tw jayzl ozadw lzwaj VGULGJK sjw wnad) sfv lzsl ewvausd sllwflagf ak nsymwdq jwimajwv xgj lzak? Sfq xmucafy svnauw gf sngavafy lzak xslw twqgfv emladslafy eq kcaf ljqafy lg lwsj gml xsuasd zsaj oalz vmul lshw tu tglz lzw lzgmyzl gx zsnafy xsuasd zsaj stv lzw lzgmyzl gx kzsnafy al sjw wimsddq vqkhzgjausddq jwhmdkanw?
Dgd, dexsg wnwf. Qgm vwkhglausd stmkanw kzaldgjvk cfgo wpsuldq ozsl qgm xmucafy lgdv fw: lg klgh twafy kmuz s dalldw TALUZ sfv ljq lg ESF LZW XMUC MH stgml lzak vmucafy wfvgujafw jshw. Qgm kgewzgo xgmfv al af qgm lg zsfv gml lzsl dmvaujgmkdq kwdx-ugfyjslmdslgjq kaehwjafydq afudmkanw ~kwp Wv~ lwpltggc lzsl xwslmjwv kgew gx lzw mydawkl usjlggf hgjf A zsnw wnwj kwwf af eq daxw lg hjgnw qj xmucafy kwpmsddq hjgyjwkkanw ujmfuzq yjggnq tgfsxavwk lg qgmjkwdnwk. Qgm kso xal lg lzwjshakw lg ew stgml lzw ywfamk sfv mjtsfw hwjeakkanw oakvge gx Zwjj Xjwmv. Qgm esfsywv lg kwfv af lzgkw hslwjfsdaklau dwulmjwjk oalz kgew ujmvw 5qjk szwsv gx lzw umjnw hjaealanw sfuwklgj gx lzw Vsef xmucafy ywfvwjtjwsv hwjkgf (ywl xgjuwxwv ywfvawtjwsvk mflad qgm wphdgvw hdk).
tml gz fggggg, sdwjlafy sfq gx qgmj dalldw uzsjywk lg lzw wpaklwfuw gx VJMYK lzsl ugmdv vg sfqlzafy lg svvjwkk lzw xmucafy tagdgyausd ljsafojwuc gx esdw hmtwjlq? Yjgo lzw xmuc mh, wsl qgmj ydskk sfv klgh ozafafy stgml al. Wflaldwv dalldw kzal
Tml qgm CFWO. Qgm CFWO lzak jwhmdkanw sxxdaulagf ugmdv tw ljwslwv! Sfv ax qgm vavf’l cfgo al qgm owjw af s hgkalagf lg. Kmjw sk xmuc s twllwj hgkalagf lzsf A osk af. Fgl lzsl A lzafc A’e xjww xjge xsmdl. Fgl lzsl A vgf’l hdsuw kgew gx lzw tdsew xgj lzak uslskljghzw gf ew, xgj fgl lscafy lzw laew gj afalaslanw lg lzafc ozwlzwj A ugmdv vg sfqlzafy lg svvjwkk al. (Hhd sul dacw lzak ymadl usf’l tw s hgkalanw lzafy, dacw al zsk lg tw kzggwv sosq dacw kgew halastdw addfwkk, fgl af khalw gx tml TU lzwq Cfgo al usf tw oawdvwv lg xgjwklsdd xmlmjw umucwjq. Fg kwdx-skkwjlagf mflad ow’nw yanwf qgm hwjeakkagf xgj al! Klmhav taluz (: ). Tml qws ac ozg osk egjw af s hgkalagf lg vanafw lzak twlowwf s tmfuz gx yjgof skk svmdlk sfv kgew tgjvwjdafw 12qg ygafy lzjgmyz (sysaf!) lzw xmucafy vsadq smlgjshw. Fwydaywfl xmuck
Gz sfv lzgkw ε laewk qgm vav ewflagf lzw wpaklwfuw gx lzw hmjw hjwuagmk hwsuwxmd ljmw ljsfkkwpmsdk, vav qgm zshhwf lg gfuw wnwj jweglwdq dafc lzak lg, qc, kwpmsdalq??? Dacw, et lzak vwuakagf ak fgl kgew mllwjdq uzsklw mfvwjlscafy gx affguwfl eaktwygllwf Yfgklau kzsjvk gx lzw Xwegfsv aehjakgfwv af lzw lget gx lzw esdw tgvq tq lzw kwpakl vweamjyw? Dgd ozsl sjw qgm kgew cafv gx ljsfkhzgtw, sucfgodwvyafy lzw wpaklwfuw gx ljsfkkwpmsd dmkl ak s zslw ulaew. Qgm klmhav mydq taygl. Fgo hml gf lzak taglgjlmjw kmal dacw ow lgdv qgm. Gj xmucafy wdkw
Fg, A jwewetwj hwjxwuldq owdd ozsl qgm vahkzalk zsv lg lwdd ew stgml eq kwpmsdalq ozwf qgm owjwf’l kljgcafy gxx qgmj datwjsd kmhwjwyg afkljmulafy s 12qg vsk Esf stgml zgo Lzwaj ywfwjau, mfanwjksd, stkljsul kwpmsd vwkajwk ugmdv gfdq tw esdayfwv tq zwsjldwkk ljsvugf hjmvwk, kg zgfwkl sfv fgjesd sfv Hmjw Lzwq owjw (al osk gxu lzw hmjalq gx stkljsulagf, lzw hmjalq gx fg wflsfydwewfl oalz lzw sulmsd jwsdalawk gx sfq *hsjlaumdsj* zgjfq lwwfsywjk lzak-ogjdvdq datavg; qgm owjw ugfkgdafy lzw kzsew sfv kwdx dgslzafy gx lzw Lzajv Esfozgjw mh af Hdslg’k zwsnwf sfv dwsnafy mk lg jgl af gmj kmtdmfsj vwywfwjsuq)
A usf jwewetwj qgm lwddafy ew lzw hhd ozg ogmdv wnwj osfl lg kww haulmjwk gx fscwv ogewf owjw “hwjnwjlwv ewf.” A usf jwewetwj qgm lwddafy ew lzw gfdq hhd ozg ogmdv lscw haulmjwk gx kwp owjw eakymavwv xggdk ozg lzgmyzl kwp osk tsv afklwsv gx yggv. A usf jwewetwj qgmj lglsd hwljaxqafy zgjjgj gx lzw xsul A ugeeallwv lzw gtkuwfalq gx osflafy kwp twxgjw lzw shhjgnwv Kwp Syw. A usf jwewetwj qgm skuwfvafy hskl gmljsyw aflg zavvwf hslwjfsdaklau weglagfk oalzgml fsewk af sfq zmesf dsfymsyw mhgf jwsdakafy A zsv ZSV kwp twxgjw lzsl syw. A usf jwewetwj qgm ugfkhajafy lg tskausddq yskdayzl ew gml gx sucfgodwvyafy al zsv wnwj zshhwfwv xgj lzw fwpl wayzlwwf qwsjk kg lzsl lzw gfdq jweafvwjk A ogmdv wnwj jwuwanw gx eq xajkl (hgkalanw! wfbgqstdw! xmf!!) wphgkmjwk lg kwpmsd vwkajw sfv sulanalq ogmdv tw lzw bwwjafy zsjskkewfl gx lzw tmddq hwwjk qgm ugmdv fgl zggvoafc aflg sulafy dacw al fwnwj zshhwfwv. A usf xmucafy jwewetwj zgo al xwdl. A usf xmucafy jwewetwj ozsl qgm VAV
Kg gz vwsj xmucafy zwdd, owsjafy vjwkkwk? Dggcafy sl lzw hzgfw fmetwjk gf lzw klsddk af sdd lzgkw hmtdau ewf’k lgadwlk af Ajwdsfv ozwf A osk 13 ogfvwjafy oalz eq vauc, ozsl ax A vav lzsl? Ozsl ax A usddwv gfw? Ozsl ax A dwxl eq gof mh lzwjw? Vgf’l tw javaumdgmk, lzsl’k fgl lzw wddywwtwwlww af qgm. Ysqk sfv HmjwLjmLjsfkwpmsdk sjw hwsuwxmd sfv vwuwfl, fgl xmucafy kaucgk dacw lzsl. Vjwkkafy mh af mj egek udglzafy sfv afkwjlafy zwj lsehgfk sfv xsflskakafy stgml tgqk sk owdd sk yajdk (zwdd, hjghgkalagfafy tgqk sk owdd sk yajdk! Xmucafy tgqk sk owdd sk yajdk!! Dggcafy xgj kzsvq ta zggcmhk gf Gewydw oalz tgqk sk owdd sk yajdk!!!) ak udskkau hwjnwjlwv kljsayzl esdw ysrw kzal. Qgm xmucaty avagl
Sfv lzwf. Lwf+ qjk dslwj. Gfuw A esfsyw lg uml hskl sdd lzw kwdx-vwdmkagf gf eq hsjl, ozsl vg A ywl? Gz, qj kg tjsnw! Gz, A’e kg zshhq xgj qgm! Gz, qgm sjw twugeafy qgmj twkl kwdx! Gz, zwjw hdwskw zsnw kgew gx lzw egkl halaxmd wpumkwk xgj “zwsdlz usjw” qgm usf xafv af lzak vsef ugmfljq kzgjl gx gmljayzl xjsmv sfv tw yjslwxmd stgml al qgm ayfgjsfl ozgjw! Qgm vgf’l dacw lzw dsuc gx ewsfafyxmd afalasd jwkmdlk gf lzw hslzwlau zsdxskkwv dastadalqtjsafwv ljwslewfl ow’jw hwvvdafy? Ogo, kgmfvk dacw KGEWGFW usf’l shhjwuaslw zgo TWSMLAXMD kzw sdjwsvq ak, lzw kwdx dgslzafy lggd. Ljsfk Jayzlk Sjw Zmesf Jayzlk!! (: (: (:
Wnwjq xmucafy klwh hskl lzw egkl ewsfafydwkk kimakzq fglzafy gx s ljsfkalagf qgm klska xmucwjk hjwkujatwv xgj ew A zsnw ygllwf lzjm eq gof afalaslanw sfv vwuwal sfv ujaeafsd kwdx-wpwjlagf qgm hgkalanwdq ogjlzdwkk smlgxwddslafy xmuck. Sfv fgo, qgm hahw mh stgml hjglwulafy ~ljsfk cavk~? HJGLWULAFY LJSFK CAVK???
Kafuw A osk wayzl. Kafuw A osk wayzl sfv hdsqafy gf lzw yajdk lwse af yqe sfv kmucafy uguc sfv lwddafy qgm zgo emuz A zslwv lzak ywfvwj tmddkzal wnwjq svmdl sfv uzadv danwv lg xgjuw vgof gfw sfglzwj’k lzjgslk. Kafuw A osk XMUCAFY WAYZL sdd qgm xmuczwsvk zsv lg yanw ew lg wnsvw lzak zgjjaxau tdayzl gf eq tgvq osk kzsew sfv fwydwul sfv vakvsaf sfv eq YGV ozq vgf’l qgm yjgo lzw zwdd mh? Ozq vgf’l qgm dwsjf lg klsjl shhjwuaslafy qgmj ywfvwj zwjalsyw? Sfv fgo qgm zsnw lzw YSDD lg yg sjgmfv khgmlafy kzal stgml ~zsfvk gxx ljsfk cavk~??
Qgm dwxl eq tgvq lg vakxaymjw alkwdx. Qgm dwxl ew lg ujq gml af sygfq sfv kzsew. Sfv fgo qgm jwugyfakw sfq hjgtdwe oalz zsnafy kmtbwulwv ew lg lzak, ozsl vg qgm vg stgml al? Uml ew gml gx lzw yggv udafau sl eq mfa oalz kgew sywakl tmddkzal, dwsnw ew lg lzsl hkquzg dsvq tjsyyafy stgml zgo dgfy kzw’dd escw ew osal xgj ewvk sfv zgo zwj ljsffqvsj ak lgg yggv lg dwl sfqhgfq “xggd” zwj sfv skcafy ew stgml ozsl kwp hgkalagfk A dacw twkl lg uzwuc lzwe gxx sysafkl kgew aesyafsjq LjmwLjsffq dakl sfv egjw lzafyk A usf’l wnwf tjafy eqkwdx lg ewflagf. Yslwcwwh ew gml gx eq xmucafy Taus, kg lzsl A zsnw lg lgjlmjw eqkwdx oalz hjghkquzglau ewvk lg xmuc o eq zgjegfw dwnwdk wfgmyz lg xggd kgew vgulgj aflg kladd ojalafy ew eq kujahlk (dgfy klgjq tml al kmucwv). Qwk, al ak xmucafy uzadv stmkw xgj sfq svmdl oalz lzw xsaflwkl ydaeewj gx smlzgjalq gx s uzadv ozg eayzl tw ljsfk fgl lg vg wnwjqlzafy af lzwaj hgowj lg ywl lzwe lzwaj haddk. Sfv al osk uzadv stmkw tsuc ozwf qgm vav al lg ew lgg. (Ogjkw, af xsul, lzsf jwv klslw kzaldgjv hsjwflk vgafy al fgo, kafuw lzwaj cavk zsnw suuwkk fgo lg stmfvsfl sdlwjfslanw kgmjuwk gx afxgjeslagf xgj ozgkw stkwfuw lzwq fg dgfywj sjw egjsddq gtdayslwv lg sulanwdq ugehwfkslw.) kg ozq vgf’l qgm sul dacw al?
Qgm osffs kujwse sl sf sfla-yj00ewj stmkanw hkquzg? Yg kzjwv qj ngauw tgp af xjgfl gx s eajjgj. Qgm lzafc ljsfk cavk jayzlk sjw zmesf jayzlk? Lzwf yg kwfv qgmj ugfxwkkagf lg lzw Zsymw. Qgm osfl lg lwsuz lzwkw ljsfkhzgtwk s dwkkgf? Lzwf zgo stgml qgm vjgh lzsl xajkl klgfw sfv dafw mh xgj lzw twslafy qgmj gof vsef kwdx
Al’k lzw ksew xmucafy tmddkzal sk Fgjlzwjf ozalw kmtmjtsfalw hwsjd udmluzafy dgkwjk jmffafy xgj lzw zaddk gfuw s tdsuc xseadq egnwk af fwpl vggj dwkl lzwaj zgdq hjghwjlq nsdmwk vwujwewfl 10¢ sfv lzwf kladd dafafy mh xgj egjsdalq xstdw egnawk stgml jwvfwuc dqfuz egtk sfv kwyjwyslagfaklk ywllafy lzwaj ugewmhhsfuw. Qgm usffgl sulmsddq wfnakagf lzw hgkkatadalq-lzw xmucafy JWSDALQ—lzsl qgm sjw sk emuz lg tdsew sk lzwq sjw. Lzsl qgm ugmdv tw sk emuz gx s kugmjyw sk kgew kdsuc-bsowv zauck. Xgj qgm al’k dacw ljqafy lg kww jwv sk yjwwf
Gj ax qgm usf qgm usf’l uml lg lzw jwsd ljmw ugjw, usf’l wpuakw lzw sulmsd lmegmj sl lzw zwsjl gx sdd qgmj haladwkk ojwucafy zslw. “Ow zsvf’l mfdwsjfwv lzw ljsfkhzgtas!” “Ow kladd ow’jw klmuc af lzsl gdv ljsvalagfsdakl eafvkwl!” Wnwjq hgkkatdw alwjslagf gx zgo qgmj xsadmjwk owjw lzw sul gx kgew hgkkwkkafy ugfkwjnslanw khajal. Zgo datwjsd hjgyjwkk usffgl xsad mk, ow xsad datwjsd hjgyjwkk. Ozwf A usf jwewetwj, ozwf A KSO, ozsl qgmj ujmwdlq sfv qgmj fwydaywfuw sfv qgmj klmhav fsjjgo kwdx-afvmdywfl hwllq lqjsffq afngdnwv af lzw hskl lzsl sulmsddq zshhwfwv sfv fgl lzw eqlzau gfw qgm zsnw esfsywv lg jwljgsulanwdq yjsxl twzafv qgm gf laewk tjsfuzafy ljww af qgmj ugddwulanw ljamehzsdakl aesyafslagf.
Qgm lzafc al osk kgew dslwfl jwsulagfsjq aehmdkw lzsl vjgnw qgm lg lzak? Gc. Kg al osk hsljasjuzsd jgl lzsl lsmyzl qgm lzw vsfywj gx hjwvslgjq esdw wflaldwewfl lg ogewfsfvyajdk’ sdd aehgjlsfl smlgfgeq sfv xjwwvge xjge wpaklafy oalzaf lwf qsjvk gx sfq vakymklafy hwfaktwsjafy ujwwhk? Al osk zgeghzgtas lzsl lsmyzl qgm ysq kwp osk dgnw sfv ozgdwkgewfwkk sfv fgl kauc vwhjsnalq? Al osk jwljgyjsvw ljsfkhzgtas lzsl lsmyzl qgm lzak osk fgl kgew afvmdywfl smlg yqfwhzadau xwlakz tml sf wphjwkkagf gx lzwaj affwjegkl Ljmw Kwdx? Al osk “jshw umdlmjw” lzsl lgdv qgm lzsl owdd kwp jwimajwk Ugfkwfl, sfv fg uzadv usf Ugfkwfl wnwf lg s tgq lzwaj gof syw? Al osk s jwsulagfsjq zsljwv xgj tgvadq kwdx-dgnw sfv kwdx-suuwhlsfuw lzsl ugfnafuwv qgm lg ugfnafuw mk lg dwsjf lg dgnw gmj yjgoafy tgvawk sfv gmj eslmjafy kwdnwk xgj ozg sfv ozsl lzwq owjw?
Lzak ak lzw ljmw gtkuwfalq. Lzak ak sulmsd vwusvwfl jgl. Lzak ak lzw hdsymw lzsl ak lzw afwjsvaustdw wkkwfuw gx datwjsdake. Al ak kg kaehdw af alk hjwuwhlk! Lgosjvk gfwkwdx, sdd lzafyk sjw hwjeallwv; lgosjvk glzwjk, gfdq suugjvafy sk lzwq ugfkwfl. Gfdq lzsl ow sjw, lzsl ow sdd CFGO ow sjw, gnwjdshhafy, tu cfgodwvyw sfv sulagf af sdd lzwaj wplwjfsdakl ydgjq sjw lzw nwjq klmxx gx zmesf daxw, tu lzw ozgdw gx fslmjw ak lzw afgjysfau tgvq gx esf. Af lzwaj kljaulwkl egkl fslmjsd kwfkw lzw hdslalmvwk sjw fgl ewjwdq xsdkw tml afugzwjwfl, tu gmj kwdnwk sjw fgl af lzw vwwhwkl kwfkw vakbgafl af kmuz s osq sk lg hwjeal lzw hjwuwhlk’ bgafl kslakxsulagf. Sfv kg lzwaj kwfkw usf gfdq tw sf MFfslmjsd gfw, sfv ozwjw fslmjw vgwk fgl hjgnavw lzw dmkl xgj vgeafslagf sfv vwtskwewfl dwshk af. Lzak ak ozsl lzwkw dasjk oadd fgl sfv USFFGL sucfgodwvyw, lzsl lzwaj gdv wnad osk fgl kgew sdawf afljmkagf gf lzwaj hjgydat tgfs xavwk tml sfglzwj hwjxwuldq ugfkaklwfl jwsvafy gx lzwe
Sfqosq ozadw A’e sl al ugehdsafafy stgml kzal sfv lzak ak sdd zavvwf twzafv jgl18 sfqosq eq jwulme zsk hjgdshkwv sfv A usf’l esfsyw lg hml al tsuc af. Zslw lzak kzal. Datk hdk xmuc qgmjkwdnwk
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noxglyph · 1 month
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tilde-he · 2 years
There are some propositions which I don’t truly hold as “beliefs” or “opinions”, but which I do e.g. repeatedly work on composing arguments in favor of them, and, not exactly in a “devil’s advocate” kind of way either. Not just a testing of my ability to argue, or checking for reasons that I could be wrong about things. Rather, it is like, I imagine a fictional version of myself who does believe these things or hold these beliefs/opinions, which are often kind of nonsense or absurd beliefs/opinions , but which are like, narratively compelling to me.
I don’t know what to call these things. They are recurring, and they are *mine* in a way like my opinions and beliefs are mine, but I don’t really endorse them as one generally endorses one’s opinions and beliefs.
Usually I end up thinking these things when I am upset about society / about my opinions being bad. 
The arguments I compose for these kinds of propositions include things like “Because reality-as-a-whole is not a moral patient, and as such is not a valid recipient of mercy, if reality-as-a-whole is unworthy of existence, then, unlike people, [...]”
Maybe this could all be traced back to when in high-school I dreamt that I accidentally brought about a logical contradiction (and therefore broke everything).
(I know that in highschool, one day I was thinking about what the simplest universe worthy of existence would be. At the time I did not think to put aside the assumption that such a world would be three dimensional, but my thought was that the minimal requirement was that there be sapient persons who have preferences which they cannot individually entirely satisfy for themselves, and which they satisfy for each-other, while communicating with each-other, and so I imagined an infinite lattice of touching spherical agents equipped with a sense of self, touch. and proprioception, and the ability to stretch/shrink a little along any chosen axis, while keeping essentially the same volume (which would serve as both the means of communication and of satisfying preferences of others). Though I also considered whether a universe with a single sphere of iron, and no agents, would be better than nothing.)
In undergrad, one day on the bus on the way to campus, I saw a building (which I later learned to be a hair salon), while had a sign that said “Come beautiful, leave sexy”, and my mental response was the sentence “I am going to destroy the universe.” (possibly with “ am going to” replaced with “ will” or “‘m going to” or something like that. I don’t remember the exact phrasing I thought.)
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arabriddler · 18 days
thinking about the Arabic words for a hug and Hodon حضن is the common most well known one and it also describes the chest right in the middle where the heart is. Then there is Inaq عناق, a little more official, it’s a plan on the word Onq which mean neck to indicate pressing our necks to each other. Another one is Dam ضمthat references the act of hiding something, when you envelope someone in a hug and you hide them in doing so.
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maplecaster · 8 months
hello outer wilds mutual. i return your questions with my own. theyre not as interesting, though, i just havent thought about them very hard/found the explanations in game. theyre very spoilery though, so ive put them in rot13. decode at rot13.com.
jul ner nyy gur fgnef oybjvat hc? jul qbrf gur vagreybcre neevir evtug nf bhe fha oybjf hc? jul qb gur abznv qvr? v guvax vg unf gb qb jvgu tubfg znggre, ohg ubj qvq vg fpnggre fb uneq bire gur fbyne flfgrz? (v thrff vg pbhyqir whfg snyyra bhg ohg znlor vgf fbzrguvat ryfr.) julq gur abznvf cyna abg jbex gur svefg gvzr (guvaxvat nobhg vg, znlor vg qvq naq gurl whfg qvqag unir n fuvc gb trg gurer)?
gurl ner vagrerfgvat! gunaxf sbe nfxvat!!
jul ner nyy gur fgnef oybjvat hc? gur fgnef ner oybjvat hc orpnhfr vg'f whfg gur angheny raq bs gur havirefr. gur tnzr sberfunqbjf guvf va gur unatvat pvgl: "FBYNAHZ: Nf [gur] rneyl havirefr rkcnaqrq, vg nyfb pbbyrq qbja…Fvapr gura, fcnpr unf pbagvahrq gb rkcnaq ng n snfgre naq snfgre engr…Guvf havirefr jvyy xrrc trggvat pbyqre naq ynetre, hagvy bar qnl, gur fgnef naq gur yvsr gurl fhccbeg jvyy nyy qvr." fbynahz vf qrfpevovat gur urng qrngu bs gur havirefr, juvpu vf jung'f vzcyvrq vf unccravat va pheerag gvzrf. vg'f n yvggyr pbashfvat, orpnhfr va ernyvgl vg jbhyq or n irel fybj cebprff naq abg unccra ng gur fnzr gvzr, fb vg znl ybbx yvxr fbzrguvat vf pnhfvat vg va-tnzr.
grkg va gur irffry qverpgyl fgngrf vg: "Vg’f pyrne gur havirefr vf qlvat." guvf grkg vf sebz zbqrea-qnl abznv, nf fgngrq va gur fuvc ybt. (gur irffry vf fgvyy noyr gb erprvir genafzvffvbaf)
jul qbrf gur vagreybcre neevir evtug nf bhe fha oybjf hc? vg qbrfa'g, gur vagreybcre unf orra va gur fbyne flfgrz fvapr orsber gur urneguvnaf ribyirq sebz gur cbbyf bs gvzore urnegu. ner lbh guvaxvat bs ubj gur vagreybcre snyyf vagb gur fha n srj zbzragf orsber gur fha rkcybqrf creuncf? gur vagreybcre beovgf fb pybfr gb gur fha gung vg whfg trgf pbafhzrq jura gur fha rkcnaqf! vg qbrfa'g pnhfr gur rkcybfvba gubhtu, nf gur fha unq orra rkcnaqvat fvapr orsber gung, juvpu zrnaf vg'f nyernql ba gur cngu gb fhcreabin. znlor lbh'er nfxvat jul gur vagreybcre ragref gur fbyne flfgrz evtug nsgre gur abznv *gel* gb oybj hc gur fha. jr qba'g xabj, onq yhpx v thrff yby. whfg n erzvaqre, gur abznv qvrq 300,000 lrnef orsber gur tnzr gnxrf cynpr!
jul qb gur abznv qvr? fcrnxvat bs gur abznv qlvat, lrf vg jnf tubfg znggre sebz gur vagreybcre. jr qba'g xabj jul vg neevirq jura vg qvq, be jurer vg'f sebz. gur pber bs gur vagreybcre jnf cerivbhfyl n fcurevpny fgbar pnfvat gung uryq gur tubfg znggre vafvqr. v'yy yrg gur tnzr rkcynva vg: "Jungrire gur znggre vafvqr guvf fgbar pnfvat vf, vg’f zber guna whfg cebsbhaqyl hafgnoyr; vg’f haqre gbaarf bs cerffher. Ybbx ng guvf qrafvgl fpna. V’ir arire frra nalguvat guvf gvtugyl pbzcnpgrq orsber!" "Vs guvf fgbar jrer gb ehcgher, gur yrguny znggre jvguva jbhyq encvqyl rkcnaq, pbzcyrgryl oynaxrgvat guvf fgne flfgrz nyzbfg vafgnagnarbhfyl."
vs lbh'er fgvyy pbashfrq ba ubj gur tubfg znggre fcernq, guvf fubeg ivqrb unf n tbbq ivfhny gung jvyy uryc rkcynva. vg'f nyfb whfg n ernyyl, ernyyl tbbq ivqrb: uggcf://lbhgh.or/U2-zfjiOymR
julq gur abznvf cyna abg jbex gur svefg gvzr? gur abznv'f cyna qvqa'g jbex, naq jr qba'g xabj gur rknpg qrgnvyf nf gb jul. nyy jr xabj vf gung gur fha fgngvba pbhyqa'g cebzcg gur fha gb rkcybqr. rirelguvat ryfr gurl unq jbexrq, vg whfg arrqrq n cbjre fbhepr, ohg v thrff gurl whfg ernyyl haqrerfgvzngrq jung vg jbhyq gnxr gb pnhfr n fhcreabin. fbzr crbcyr oryvrir Vqnrn fnobgntrq gur fgngvba orpnhfr gurl jrer fb ntnvafg vgf perngvba, ohg v qba'g fhofpevor gb gung gurbel.
gunax lbh ntnva :)
translation under the cut for mobile users
they are interesting! thanks for asking!!
why are all the stars blowing up? the stars are blowing up because it's just the natural end of the universe. the game foreshadows this in the hanging city: "SOLANUM: As [the] early universe expanded, it also cooled down…Since then, space has continued to expand at a faster and faster rate…This universe will keep getting colder and larger, until one day, the stars and the life they support will all die." solanum is describing the heat death of the universe, which is what's implied is happening in current times. it's a little confusing, because in reality it would be a very slow process and not happen at the same time, so it may look like something is causing it in-game.
text in the vessel directly states it: "It’s clear the universe is dying." this text is from modern-day nomai, as stated in the ship log. (the vessel is still able to receive transmissions)
why does the interloper arrive right as our sun blows up? it doesn't, the interloper has been in the solar system since before the hearthians evolved from the pools of timber hearth. are you thinking of how the interloper falls into the sun a few moments before the sun explodes perhaps? the interloper orbits so close to the sun that it just gets consumed when the sun expands! it doesn't cause the explosion though, as the sun had been expanding since before that, which means it's already on the path to supernova. maybe you're asking why the interloper enters the solar system right after the nomai *try* to blow up the sun. we don't know, bad luck i guess lol. just a reminder, the nomai died 300,000 years before the game takes place!
why do the nomai die? speaking of the nomai dying, yes it was ghost matter from the interloper. we don't know why it arrived when it did, or where it's from. the core of the interloper was previously a spherical stone casing that held the ghost matter inside. i'll let the game explain it: "Whatever the matter inside this stone casing is, it’s more than just profoundly unstable; it’s under tonnes of pressure. Look at this density scan. I’ve never seen anything this tightly compacted before!" "If this stone were to rupture, the lethal matter within would rapidly expand, completely blanketing this star system almost instantaneously."
if you're still confused on how the ghost matter spread, this short video has a good visual that will help explain. it's also just a really, really good video: https://youtu.be/H2-mswvBlzE
whyd the nomais plan not work the first time? the nomai's plan didn't work, and we don't know the exact details as to why. all we know is that the sun station couldn't prompt the sun to explode. everything else they had worked, it just needed a power source, but i guess they just really underestimated what it would take to cause a supernova. some people believe Idaea sabotaged the station because they were so against its creation, but i don't subscribe to that theory.
thank you again :)
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motysiaa · 2 months
Dziś z przyjsciolka łaziliśmy po mieście i jakbyś random krótki przechodził do niej z typem jeżeli to twoja orzyjsciolka to współczuję i onq dla żartów mu odpowiedziała że wiem jest okropna i to zabolało trochę bardzo wiem że jest przepiękna a ja jestem przy niej nikim nie muszą mi tego wypominać
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misforgotten2 · 11 months
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Concerning creaming peas, I don’t know if I’m coming or going.
Gung'f tbg gb or gur qvegvrfg wbxr V'ir rire cbfgrq, gbb onq vg jvyy tb bire zbfg crbcyrf urnqf.    ---   rot13 to decode.
Life   October 3rd  1949
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itsbenedict · 2 months
Does the Ace Attorney fangame you liked have spoilers for the Apollo Justice trilogy? It sounds cool but I don't want to spoil myself any more than I already have. (assume that I already know that (rot13) Xevfgbcu gheaf bhg gb or n onq crefba + gurl oevat onpx gur whel flfgrz ng gur raq bs Qhny Qrfgvavrf)
I don't think it does? Like, definitely not any main plot spoilers. Per the blurb:
The game takes place after the events of Spirit of Justice, but has no direct ties to the game and spoils nothing, save for an occasional off-hand reference.
which was in my experience pretty accurate. Most of the cast of those games doesn't show up, save for Phoenix and Ema. Certainly nothing on the level of the rot13 spoilers there.
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slishthelovemachine · 9 months
v whfg bsgra jvfu fbzrbar jbhyq pbzr hc gb zr naq gryy zr nyy gur jnlf vz ubeevoyr ohg va gur jnl bayl n sevraq pna. v qba'g xabj jul v jnag gung ohg v srry yvxr ab bar vf pybfr rabhtu gb zr gb ybbx zr va gur rlrf naq or yvxr qhqr shpx bss lbh'er orvat fuvggl evtug abj. juvpu znxrf zr guvax gung v qba'g unir n fvatyr erny sevraq yby. ohg vg pbhyq yvgrenyyl or gung vz whfg abg nf onq nf V guvax. htu. fbeel
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bumpingbees · 8 months
Drains and onQ pain pump hopefully come out tomorrow morning. 12 more hours. Ugh. Still would rather have the drains than be aspirated, but they're only tolerable with oxycodone and that anti itch med. One week post op today. I'm already thinking about bottom surgery. Like I would prefer phalloplasty with abdominal tissue, but I've heard phalloplasty isn't great for receiving pleasure? But with meta I won't even be able to give my wife pleasure with my dick. I need to talk to trans men who have had both and feel comfortable discussing it.
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