wrecked-cuticles · 6 months
who up being transgender on behindthename.com ?
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deinheilpraktiker · 1 year
Wissenschaftler entwickeln eine neue elektrochemische Sensorplattform zur Überwachung von vaskularisierten Gewebemodellen Die Kostspieligkeit der Arzneimittelentwicklung und die Einschränkungen bei der Untersuchung physiologischer Prozesse im Labor sind zwei unterschiedliche wissenschaftliche Probleme, die möglicherweise dieselbe Lösung haben. Mikrophysikalische Systeme (MPS) sind In-vitro-Plattformen, die aus Zellen in einer Mikroumgebung bestehen, die der im Körper vorkommenden sehr ähnlich sind, und es Wissenschaftlern ermöglichen, die Bedingungen von Geweben im Körper nachzubilden, um sowo... #B_Zelle #Biotechnik #Drogen #Fibroblast #Forschung #Gefäß #in_vitro #Krebs #Membran #OKT #Sauerstoff #Stoffwechsel #Zelle
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kriptokritik · 1 year
Ayı piyasasına meydan okuyan kripto para!
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Kripto para piyasasının kritik bir düşüş sürecinden geçtiği bir haftada, Cosmos Network üzerinde faaliyet gösteren bu altcoin, müthiş bir yükseliş kaydetti. İşte ayı piyasasına meydan okuyan o kripto para!
Bu kripto para ayı piyasasına rağmen yükseldi!
Birlikte çalışabilirliğe odaklanan popüler blok zinciri Cosmos Network üzerine inşa edilmiş bir altcoin, kripto piyasasında yaşanan son düşüşlere rağmen, müthiş bir yükseliş kaydetti. Akıllı sözleşme platformu OKX Chain’in yerel kripto varlığı OKT, FTX çöküşünün yol açtığı en son ayı piyasasına meydan okuyarak, yeni ortaklıklara imza attı. Ve bu sayede son yedi gün içinde, piyasanın geri kalanından çok daha iyi bir performans göstererek, büyük bir fiyat artışı elde etti. Cosmos üzerine kurulu ve Ethereum (ETH) Sanal Makinesi (EVM) ile uyumlu bir katman 1 protokolü olan OKT, 10 Aralık’ta 19,54$’lık düşük seviyeden 16 Aralık’ta 27,28$’a kadar yükseldi. Yani bir haftadan kısa bir sürede ,61’lik bir artış gördü. Ancak altcoin, kazanımlarının bir kısmını geri kaybetti. (Yazımız yayına hazırlanırken CoinMarketCap verilerine göre, OKT 24,32 dolardan işlem görüyor.) Piyasa değerine göre 77. sırada yer alan kripto para, kısa süre önce meme temalı Chihuahua Chain (HUAHUA), sosyal kripto oyun ağı Candy Club, merkeziyetsiz kripto borsası (DEX) ağı Lovely Swap ve piyasa analiz protokolü Nansen gibi bazı dijital varlıklar ve kripto şirketleriyle bir dizi yeni ortaklığa imza attığını duyurdu. Yatırımcılar artık HUAHUA ve OKT’yi Chihuahua Chain ile OKX Chain arasında transfer edebilir. Ayrıca Candy Club’da 677’den fazla oyunda OKT tokenlerini kullanabilirler. Yatırımcılar ayrıca, merkezsiz kripto borsası Lovely Swap üzerinden OKT alım satım işlemleri gerçekleştirebilir ve Nansen’de hodl ettikleri OKT’leri takip edebilir. Güncel son dakika gelişmelerden anında haberdar olmak için Kriptokritik.com‘u  Twitter’da takip edin, Yaay’da takip edin, İnstagram’da takip edin, Tiktok‘ta takip edin, Facebook sayfamızı beğenin, Discord sunucumuza  ve Telegram kanalımıza katılın! Read the full article
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kilometermacher · 2 years
Kektura mit dem Rad? Ein Versuch
Kektura mit dem Rad? Ein Versuch
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View On WordPress
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hikayunas · 21 days
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hey wake up
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lord-leclerc · 1 year
charles after turning the internet upside down by just one story:
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dizzybizz · 7 months
ok i need someone elses (especially- but not exclusively- other afab autistics, cis or trans) thoughts on this shit cause im losing my goddamn mind i just have so many feelings about gender and its fucking me up
ok so.
ive always sorta felt disconnected with my gender and i dont think me being autistic helps with it either. what with trying to pinpoint feelings and all that being hard. and it has i guess planted a lot of doubt surrounding my thoughts and feelings about my own gender in my mind. i question if everything im feeling is just bc im autistic. which is why im making this post!! i just need some outside perspectives and thoughts and i guess i want to know that im probably not alone in my struggles with this.
idk how i wanna structure this post but ill just write down the things that come to mind.
like before i hit puberty i was not into the idea of it at all. and before i had considered the fact that i might be trans, i thought it was just because i didnt like the thought of change. and i think thats normal, being hesitant about puberty.
BUT uhm. now im not religious. but i vividly remember praying to god that i would at least be as late a bloomer as possible. if not, never ever going through afab puberty. and i always felt more inclined towards amab puberty, and i thought it was a MUCH better deal than whatever afab puberty was going to do with me.
and i feel really silly writing this cause that does not sound like something a normal cis girl would do or think... and i feel quite confident in me being not cis. but i guess this is just a post to seek some validation in my suspicion and feelings. but i also want to know if it is an experience others share.
my gender thoughts as i call them have been particularly prevelant since 2019, thats when i think i first started contemplating whether i might just actually be trans. at that time i believe it was more towards the non binary, but nowadays its ftm
and i just idk. im kinda lost and lonely here, i havent talked about with any family members which are the people i spend most of my time with currently. i wanted to get the perspective of people who are also autistic and might relate to the gender feelings and yeah
and ok no sorry, jumping back, cause its always at its worst before and during shark week (like right now :)) and that has also thrown me off quite badly
cause what if its just pms, or just some kinda hormone imbalance or some shit like that. am i crazy cause sometimes i feel like im driving myself mad with this stuff. is it common to have really intense thoughts about gender anytime your period is about to kick in.
also growing up with a younger brother (who also has a whole ass army of guy friends) when you have these thoughts is fucked up ngl who allowed this. youre telling me he gets to just get that puberty for free. fucking hell wtf
sorry i lost it pls just idk tell me your thoughts wherever, replies, i think im turning off reblogs for this but, my inbox or dms anything ok thanks so much, means the world
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lordgolden · 1 year
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die-freundin · 10 months
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31 OKT 1927 (Nr. 21)
just before All Saint's Day, Nadja Leu is giving us a classic meet-cute love story. this one's between a butch bachelor and a distinguished lady of the performing arts (who knows more than she lets on...)
short stories like these take up a sizeable portion of the magazine's limited space. most likely there simply was no other place to publish them. some of them are absolutely definitely fictional, but i cant help but identify with Varya's lovestruck behavior as the lady of her literal dreams casually waltzes into her home. "I'll move to the guest room and let her have the bedroom" - butches really have not changed in 100 years. interesting to me is that the lady who enters our hapless butch's appartment keeps referring to her with masculine terms and language even after a initial "misunderstanding" is cleared up. clearly Varya likes it that way. i wouldnt call Corriger la fortune a masterpiece of literature but i enjoy reading about masculine women being flustered by the presence of a beautiful lady. she just like me for real.
image IDs under the cut:
ID deutsch:
Nadja Leu Corriger la fortune.
An der Etagentür stand der Name "W. Balukin", und "dieser" W. Balkukin hieß Warwara Iwanowna Balukin. Wenn ich den Vornamen nicht vollständig genannt hätte, so würde man Warwara Iwanowna unbedingt für einen sympathischen, blonden jungen Herren halten müssen, wie so in ihrem gemütlichen Heim saß, Zigaretten qualmte und zeichnete. Verschiedene Blätter lagen bereits vor Warja - wie ihre Bekannten sie nannten - die Entwürfe zeigten alle den gleichen Frauentyp, eine tief brünette, schlanke Frau mit mandelförmigen, dunklen Augen.
Warja fühlte sich einsam. Ein ganzes Jahr war sie nun in Deutschland und konnte sich immer noch nicht an jemanden fest anschließen. Führte sie der Zufall mit einem lieben Mädel irgendwo zusammen, dann war es sicher, daß sie nächtelang das Bild jener dunklen Frau im Traume sah, so deutlich, daß sie das Bild der Unbekannten zeichnen mußte. Selbst in ihren Modeentwürfen - sie war Modezeichnerin eines großen Hauses - wiederholten sich in letzter Zeit die Züge jener Frau, an die sie denken mußte, ohne sie zu kennen.
Da klingelte es, Warja aus ihren Träumen reißend. Sie schloß die Knöpfe ihres dunkelbraunen Hausanzugs und ging öffnen. - Vor ihr stand… jene Frau, Zug um Zug ihrem Traumbilde gleich. Warja war es unmöglich zu reden. Sie starrte die Fremde an. Diese lächelte über die Verwirrung, die sie angerichtet hatte und sagte, immer noch ein wenig lächelnd:
"Verzeihen Sie bitte die Störung, mein Herr, doch dürfte ich vielleichte die in der Zeitung annoncierten möblierten Räue besichtigen? Ich bin seit einer Woche hier und möchte nicht länger im Hotel wohnen."
Warja hatte inzwischen ihre Fassung wiedergefunden. Sie sagte der Dame nicht, daß die betreffenden Räue sich bei einer Dame ein Stockwerk über ihr befänden, sondern bat die Dame in ihre Wohnung - und hatte nur den Wunsch, den fieberhaften Gedanken, diese fremde Frau nicht mehr wegzulassen. Sie zeigte derselben ihr Schlaf- und ihr Arbeitszimmer, schnell überlegend, daß sie selbst ja auch im Fremdenzimmer wohnen könne, wenn sie nur bei ihr bliebe, diese dunkle Frau. Plötzlich lachte der Fremde. "Aber ich vergesse ja, meinen Namen zu nennen, Herr Balukin. Ich bin Maria Alieny und werde einige Zeit hier an der Oper gastieren. Doch Verzeihung, Herr Balukin, darf ich fragen, ob Sie hier ganz allein wohnen?" - Warja bejahte. - "Ich muß offen sagen, sie gefielen mir ausnehmend gut, die Zimmer, doch Sie verstehen, ich kann natürlich nicht daran denken, bei einem alleinstehenden Herrn zu mieten. Schade. Aber ich kann wirklich nur bei einer Dame wohnen… Doch was sehe ich hier, Herr Balukin? Sie haben mich gezeichnet?" Dabei nahm Maria ein Blatt zur Hand. "Wie genau sie mich beobachtet haben müssen!" Warja konnte vor innerer Erregung kaum sprechen, vor Glück, die Frau bei sich zu sehen, die sie im Traum so oft besucht hatte. Sie konnte nicht anders, stockend kam es über ihre Lippen: "Mein gnädiges Fräulein, Sie sehen, daß ich jetzt ganz ruhig bin, Sie sahen aber auch, daß ich, als ich Sie erblickte, vor Erregung keine Worte finden konnte. Zuerst muß ich einen Irrtum aufklären, ich sehe wohl wie ein junger Mann aus und mein Denken wird wohl auch einem solchen ähnlich sein, aber… ich bin ja eine Frau, wie Sie! Und ohne Sie je gesehen zu haben, träumte ich von einer Frau, die ihre Züge trägt, und so wurde es Ihr Bild, Maria, das ich in Gedanken an den Traum zeichnete. Nun sehe Sie vor mir in Wirklichkeit. Wissen Sie, was das heißt? - Das höchste Glück in der Nähe zu wissen, es nicht besitzen zu dürfen - weil ich eine Frau bin. Denn wie könnte ich annehmen, daß Sie verstehen können, daß ich eine Frau liebte in meinen Gedanken. Und nun sind Sie bei mir. Ich weiß ja, Sie werden jetzt gehen und doch, ich kann Sie nicht belügen. Maria, was ist? Sie lachen doch nicht über mich? - Ich kann es nicht fassen, helfen Sie mir doch, ich kann nicht glauben, was meine Augen sehen. Daß Sie lieb zu mir sein können! O du, ich muß dich umarmen! Maria, du weißt alles und willst bei mir bleiben?… Das ist seligste Seligkeit, und nie wieder werde ich dich von mir lassen."
Und einige Tage später, als sich Maria aus "Herrn" Balukins breitem französischem Bette erhoben hatte, da sagte diese unter tiefem Erröten zu Warja: "Nun versprich mir, daß du auch mir verzeihen kannst. Ich wußte nämlich, wer du warst. Vor einigen Tagen erkundigte ich mich nach dir, als ich dich in der Modeausstellung sah. Denn schon damals war auch mein Interesse für dich so stark, daß ich einen Weg zu dir suchte. Da kam mir die Annonce zur Hilfe, daß in dem Hause, in dem du wohnst, möblierte Räume abzugeben seien. Und so spielte ich ein wenig 'corriger la fortune'. Denke, Warja, daß ich im Augenblick wirklich keinen schnelleren Weg finden konnte, um zu erfahren, daß auch du mich so lieb haben kannst, wie ich dich, du lieber Junge…"
ID english:
"V. Balukin" the sign at the appartment door said, this* V. Balukin being Varvara Ivanovna Balukin. Had I omitted this first name, one would easily take Varvara Ivanovna for a pleasant fair-haired young man, the way she was lounging in her comfortable abode, smoking cigarettes while drawing. A number of sheets already lay in front of Varya - as she was known to her acquaintances - all of the sketches showing the same type of woman: a slender brunette with dark almond-shaped eyes.
Varya felt lonely. She'd been in Germany for a whole year and still could not find anyone to settle down with. Whenever chance did allow her to cross paths with a nice girl somewhere, the image of that dark lady would haunt her dreams for nights on end, with such clarity that it compelled her to draw pictures of this stranger. Even her fashion sketches - she was, at the time, an illustrator for a big fashion store - had started to take on the features of that woman who was stuck in her head without her knowing who she was.
The doorbell rang, dragging Varya out of her dreams. She fastened the buttons of her dark brown pajamas and went to unlock the door. - She found… - just that woman, the spitting image of the specter in her dreams. Words failed Varya. She stared at the stranger, who gave a little smile at the confusion she caused, and with that same smile still on her lips said:
"So sorry to bother you, sir, but would you let me see the furnished rooms for rent that I saw being advertised in the paper? I've been in town for a week and don't want to stay at a hotel any longer."
In the mean time Varya had managed to compose herself. She didn't tell the lady that those rooms were to be found one floor above this one, but let her into the appartment - taken by the need to not let her leave. She showed her bedroom and her studio to her, thinking quickly that she herself would be more than fine with moving into the guest room if only this dark lady were to stay with her. The stranger gave a sudden laugh.
"Oh dear, I forgot to tell you my name, Mr Balukin. I'm Maria Alieny, I'll be on stage at the opera for a little while. However, Mr Balukin, if I may ask: Do you live here all on your own?" - Varya affirmed this. - "To be honest I've taken quite a shine to these rooms, but you understand that I can't rent with a single bachelor. A pity. But I really must live with a woman… But what is this, Mr Balukin? You've been drawing me?" Maria grabbed one of the sketches as she said it, "You must have observed me quite closely!" Varya struggled to speak taken by the thrill and bliss of seeing the woman who had visited her so often in her dreams. She couldn't help but sputter: "Dearest madam, as you can see I'm completely calm now, but you took my breath away when I saw you. So first I'll have to correct a misunderstanding, I may look and perhaps even think like a young man, but… I am a woman, just like you! And I've been dreaming of a woman who looks just like you even though I had never seen you before, that's how the drawings I made thinking about that dream ended up having your face. And now you're actually here. Do you know what that means? - To be within reach of the greatest bliss, knowing I will never be allowed to grasp it - because I'm a woman. Because how could I presume you'd understand I'd been in love with a woman in my thoughts. And now you're here with me. Of course I know you'll leave now, but still, I cannot lie to you. What's that, Maria? You're not laughing at me, are you? - I can't believe it, help me here, I can't believe my eyes. You're so kind to me! O you, come into my arms! Maria, you know all this and want to stay with me? … This is bliss upon greatest bliss and I'll never let you leave my side."
A couple of days later, as Maria rose from "Mister" Balukin's broad french bed, her cheeks flushed a bright red and she told Varya: "Now you promise me that you'll be able to forgive me too. I knew who you were all along. A couple of days ago I asked around about you, when I saw you at the fashion show. Even back then I'd been so interested in you, I had to find a way to get close to you. That ad in the paper that said there were furnished rooms to rent in the house you lived in came to my aid. And so I did a little 'corriger la fortune'. See, Varya, in that moment I simply couldn't find a faster way to see if you could love me the same way I loved you, my dearest boy…"
*the author uses the masculine form here, something that i cant account for in English.
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wrecked-cuticles · 7 months
theres this old couple in my neighbourhood thats always out together and the wife has an electric scooter and just now ive witnessed that she doesnt wait for her husband instead the man jogs after him 😭
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deinheilpraktiker · 10 months
Studie untersucht den Zusammenhang zwischen der Angst, etwas zu verpassen, und Fehlanpassungsverhalten bei College-Studenten Die Angst, lohnende und unterhaltsame Erlebnisse zu verpassen (FoMO), ist etwas, das die meisten Menschen irgendwann im Leben verspüren. Laut einer neuen Studie, die diese Woche in der Open-Access-Zeitschrift PLOS veröffentlicht wurde, hängt das Ausmaß, in dem jemand FoMO erlebt, bei College-Studenten mit dem Risiko zusammen, an unangemessenen Verhaltensweisen wie akademischem Fehlverhalten, Drogen- und Alkoholkonsum und Gesetzesverstößen teilzunehmen ONE von Paul McKee... #Alkohol #Cannabis #Drogen #Forschung #Maschinelles_Lernen #OKT #Psychologie #Studenten
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retrokid616 · 2 months
what i thought the will master was last week
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this week
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neixins · 2 months
the fantasy romance vs romantic fantasy distinction is so silly to me bc it’s very pedantic and then the terms aren’t even used correctly half the time like. what’s even the point then
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hikayunas · 7 months
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meanwhile, in another universe...
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mundanemiseries · 8 months
// I am...abt to crash but Raven won’t let me sleep till I say it but
No Rae’s never been one to worship, apathetic to the divine for the most part but
But in bed with him? The way your name falls from his lips’ like scripture. A soft desperate prayer to a god only he knows of.
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