#ok it’s 12 am now i am dead goodnight
flurrywhipdies · 1 year
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Made the video BG art for @ohgeeeznotagain's newest release "All Day"! It's a song about the Hexsquad kicking butt. Yeah that's right 💪
These were tough to tackle but they eventually came together! As always working with Oh Geeez has been an honour and a dream come true. I'm genuinely thankful all of this was possible.
Stream this absolute bop... ALL DAY❗❗ Check out Oh Geeez's profile for the song (and more because this isn't their only banger)!
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HBO Titians Superboy and Beast Boy Bodyswap part 1
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“Dam superboy really is shredded huh” I said to myself feeling my stolen chest… well not really stolen but more like forcibly given…
See after superboy and lex Luther had been
poisoned by this witch (lex Luther was already dead by the time superboy fell ill) the titians had me morph into a virus so I could enter his blood and try to fight off that of something there was no cure for. It had to be me, I was the only chance to do anything medically for superboy on the inside, I mean after all he was the son of Superman, the man of steel. nothing we have would be able to cut into his skin, and if we use kryptinite to soften him up, the magical poison could have just spread faster resulting in his death
The team was worried that if I became an organism that small I might not be able to get out of his blood stream or if I lost control and changed sizes inside of him, it’d kill us both.
But what choice did I have, do nothing and let superboy die? Or risk both our lives to save him? Well I wasn’t gonna let one of my best friends die, so I shrunk down into a tube, and let them inject me though his airway (basically like a nasal spray)
Once inside of him I made my way around microscopically for hours, destroying bit by bit of the poison untill I got the signal that he would be fine
Now getting back out was a bit tricky, even if they could tell exactly where I was in his body and inject a needle to pull me out, there would be no needle…… they kind of have a habit of liking to break in half when you try to insert them inside of someone that’s as hard as steel…
So I decided best course of action is to go out the way I came in, though the lungs, once in the lungs I morphed into a fly, his immune system didn’t exactly like that, or maybe I just ticked his lungs haha, cause I was immediately blown out with the force of a hurricane, lucky I didn’t go splat hitting, well any object on the way out… to be fair the moment I saw light (despite me flying at hundreds of miles an hour, out his system in a split second) I started to remorph into myself, so they probs helped with not going splat, when I hit the floor.
“Gar, are you ok?” Asked knightwing (our team leader)
“Yay, just hurt a bit after getting blown out going Mach Jesus” I said weakly
“ well thanks to you, superboy is gonna be fine, we’re glad we didn’t lose ether of you, we had our doubts, but you did it, you saved the day gar, go get some rest, you’ve earned it” knightwing said patting me on the shoulder
“Ow that hurts dick” I said wincing
“Okay well goodnight gang ima go sleep for like 12 hours, come get me when we have a mission/ ready to hunt down that witch again” I said already half asleep dragging myself along the walks to my room and bed
That night I had some of the weirdest dreams, I dreamed that I was superboy, but I knew that I was me still on the inside, but I couldn’t control my transformations, like I’d focus on transforming and it was like I could just feel time slow down, nothing would happen
I woke up 10 hours after I saved superboy, I was in my bed and I could feel the torn clothes around “oh no, I must have been sleep transforming again” I thought to myself
“Am I still transformed? I feel bigger, and full of energy, and this is coming from the guy that everyone clearly knows has adhd, and spends most of his time as a lion or other big enemies helping take down the bad guys” I thought to myself
I swung myself around to sit up on my bad, and opened my eyes to look at myself, “nope still human” I thought to myself “that’s good”
I yawned as I got up and started stretching. but i could still feel the breeze from tearing my clothing in my sleep
I opened my eyes again and looked down just to scream
“Ahhhhhh why am I so big, I’m not even green, so this definitely isn’t a animal transformation” I said trying to remain calm
I ran to the mirror but was there in less than a micro second, “what the fuck” I said catching myself on the sink careful not to break it with my impact
I looked up into the mirror and lost it, “i-I-im superboy” I said feeling my face
“Oh man this is so crazy, I have to go tell dick, or even raven, she’d know what to do, this must be a side effect of the magic that was in his blood or something
Oh man, it’s gonna be weird having 2 super boy’s on the team “ I said still checking myself out in the mirror
So far I’ve been very careful not to look at superboy’s dick but if I’m stuck looking like him, I mean it’s only a matter of time right?
I decided before I go confront the team, I guess I should go shower first, typically when I have dreams like these where I transform in them, I kinda sweat a lot…
I stepped into the shower and started washing my hair, and eventually the time came to scrub my body.
I looked down and gasped, “dude, I know superboy is a clone but what possible need could superboy need a super dick for, like this thing is huge” I thought to myself as I began stroking it
Unfortunately for me, and superboy I guess, it doesn’t feel as good as it did when I was still me, I was probably stroking it for close to 40 minutes before I was even close to cumming, “dam” I thought to myself “if it takes me this long to even get close to cumming, superboy could probably fuck someone to death”
After that thought I started laughing to myself, “ man besides the whole lack of sensitivity down there, this might not be to bad of a problem, I mean after all who wouldn’t wanna fuck superboy right?”
At that point starfire came running into the bathroom yelling my name “Beast boy, I know your probably wanting to get acquainted with your new body but nows not the time”
“What do you mean” I said “I’m super boy”
“ no your not, super boy is in your body that’s still in the medical room, we’ve already cleared him for combat, come on I know it’s you gar, we gotta go, we got a new lead on that witch, she’ll have the answers to how this happened”
“B-b-but star are you sure, like I haven’t even had this body for like 2 hours yet, I don’t know how to use his powers” I said with a look of confusion
“Funny, superboy said the same thing… Just punch hard, come on we gotta go NOW gar.”
#edit this post originally had nudity in it of some guy that looked like the superboy actor but tumblr blocked it…
Guess a more explicit version will have to wait till I make a patreon haha
200 followers and I’ll start making explicit versions on patreon ?
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twocrabcake · 9 months
alright here’s the deal
i’m gonna make a percentage of how many trap victims/related persons survive
wish me luck this is gonna be tedious 🫡
it’s been an hour or two since i wrote that lol i got busy
idk i’m starting when its like 12am????
survived: iiiiiiiiii
not: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
special (survived): iiiiiii
special (not): iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
special is either 1 the game was rigged or 2 they beat the game but died some other related way (ex: adam) 3 or if it was up to somebody else to save you as part of their game (ex: eric matthews, like a lot of them actually)
special good is when it was rigged/something was against them or different but they still beat it. hold on hold up i’m looking for an example rn. ok the secretary lady deborah or something she was in a trap out of her control but she survived.
(timing these for some reason) 1:12 am
dude idk where to put matthews bc his first game was a fluke and he survived but he was also like saved? idk man i’ll think about it (i put him in special died OH GOD NO LOOK AT NOTES)
i can’t put my headcanons/theory’s in here okay cowabummer dude (i have to put adam in dead i’m sorry ok)
1:20 (^im realizing now a shit ton of these fall into the special category whoopsies maybe i got too specific)
1:28 aw dude the fatal 5 are gonna suckkkk bc they’re all working together and linked and connected and shit fhhhghh
1:33 okay dude the steam lady is difficult bc the first half was a special but the last wasn’t. fuck it im just gonna say she could have survived the burns herself
1:40 can’t decide if the first and rebooted games from jigsaw should be put in together or if they should be separate. i just finished i smoked an entire bowl and i am trying my best here ok
1:50 the train guys is rigged they don’t explicitly say it but there’s no way
1:58 alright. fucking finally. that experience was just a downward spiral haha get it bc i hate that movie. also hate jigsaw the movie jigsaw. this was very unpleasant once i’m done with this shit i’m gonna fall asleep to saw 5 or smthn.
2:02 i have to use a counter online bc i’m too tired to count all those little i bitches
2:06 the fruits of my labor. my creation. behold
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Pie chart
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oh thank god
ok so there it is. the ratio of victims that survived and victims who’ve perished in jigsaws traps. you don’t know how much footage i’ve skimmed through. 1 like=1 ass kicking for to me because what was i thinking
me laying down in bed after this ↓
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2:18 ok here it is. the real true official one.
sorry for all that. thank you for accompanying me on this task. i did not have fun. except when i was watching 1-3d but then after that it sucked. 1-3d even took up almost all of the view time but the last bits were so unpleasant it threw that all out the window. gonna go watch one of the original saw movies. you can tell saw x will be good bc it has saw in the name. the title. oh my god oh god i’m realizing i forgot people. i think i forgot bobby. what the hell man screw this i’m going to sleep. i’ll deal with it when i wake up and wonder what the fuck i was on last night. thank you for joining me on this journey of a mental breakdown everybody. a mental spiral, even, if you will. i’m imagining cheesy ending scene music like the character/actor is thanking the audience. signing, logging off at 2:34 am. goodnight everyone.
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blacksupremacy86 · 2 years
Weekend At The Cabin Part 1
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A nerdy decision of mine leads me to a week long vacation with these two jock fools.
I find myself stranded in a dead end area with a blanket of snow covering the cabin.
I sit quite sad watching the snowflakes fall from the sky blanketing over the cabin.
A cup of chocolate in my hand as I take a sip feeling someone shadowing over me.
It’s Hank Hall super cutie hottie that shadow over me washing on me.
I spin my body to face him with a super sexy white and bright smile.
“Can I help you Hank?”
“Let’s hang out man we are stuck in here.”
“Sure, why not?”
“Can you hypnotize me?”
“Perfect timing”
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I am not sure what I should say telling him to take a seat, closing the binds and smirk.
Flipping a switch down to its dim then off on
my handle.
I grab a candle from the cabinet in the cabin kitchen and open the draws.
Finding a liter and head back to the living room and place on the table.
Clicking the liter on lit up the candle stick as it lights the room in a small light.
Placing the liter down I shove it the cabin chair forward and sit down in it.
“Are you sure about this Hank?”
“I’m bored and it won’t work “
“Ok then”
“You see that shadow on the wall shape like a clock.”
“Look as the clock turns slowly a minute at a time.”
“Watch it slowly drop til it hits midnight.”
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I stand up putting the place back then walk behind the couch.
My hands hit his shoulders rubbing them so tightly heavily.
Kneeling behind the couch my lips next to his ears.
Guiding him slowly letting the clock move on its own.
The hands grow bigger and take differing shapes
He is lost the movement my massage takes him even deeper.
“That’s it settle into the cough now falling back.”
“Your mind empty becomes mush”
“Only my voice can penetrate that mind”
“I am all you can hear”
“We are about to conclude the trance “
“11:57…..58……..59…..12:00 am”
“Can you hear me?”
“That’s yes sir”
“Yes Sir”
“Stand up”
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“Do a sexy striptease dance”
“Wow! You really come to life “
“Strip it off”
“Give me a lap dance”
“Faster “
“Go to my bedroom and get under the cover”
I join him a few minutes later with a bag of odds that I need for the next step.
“These electrical pads are necessary “
“Yes necessary “
“Just two more one on each side of the brain”
“Say good night forever dumbfuck”
“Dumbfuck goodnight”
A flick of the switch sending out like a light and leaving his body all to me.
I monitor his vitals and changing brainwaves through my per view in between his arms.
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The end
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asher-the-diaster · 3 years
the sister planets part 6
as always here are the part index so you can find other installments https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DYMuKK5CIgJgDapNbu5sBqr_b5uT1Yz4pJoJ2fuAk4w/edit?usp=sharing
The conseil meeting just went on and on for hours after we discovered that the humans were saphians.
The captain started to droop in her chair, she made a weird noise as things went on.
Soon the area behind her eyes was getting darker, she was having trouble keeping her head up.
I noticed and I could see that titi-ta did too but there was nothing that we could do.
Time went on and she got irritable.
Until finally she made a gutral call from deep in her throat.
“Ok!” she screamed, “that’s it!”
Everyone turned to her and froze, the way she was talking raditaed danger, we were transfixed.
The captain stood on her good leg, somehow managing to stay blanched.
“I don’t know aot, but I don't know that we are not getting anywhere, and this has to stop. I am aware that you are scared, and I am too, but we have been at this for like 12 hours so it's clear we aren’t going to get anywhere! I also know that I am a soldier not a member of the government, i am not a diplomat, whatever comes of this won’t be my decision. Finally I can get you into contact with someone who can, or at very least help you try, but not right now!”
“Why not?” asked simany, he was the military representative and seemed to be the only person not scared out of her wits at the humans behaviour.
“Because I haven't slept, or eaten in a good 48 hours, and am dangerously close to passing out or going on a murderous rampage.”
“What is sleep? it’s not translating?” I asked.
“It's a human survival function, a form of rest we need daily to function. It's been 2 days since i got any.”
“What does it require?”
“A safe place to lie down, dark and fucking quite!”
“Ok, ok, we will let you go back to the contact room.”
We ajured the conseil until the captain could get this sleep, in order to function again.
I escorted her back to the room as I was supposed to check on the other human's injuries.
As soon as we left the conseil chambers the captain stumbled.
She leaned heavily on her crutch, eyes barely open, she kept putting her hand in front of her air mask.
“Captain you don’t look well do you need assistance?”
“Just try, I'll be fine, come on.”
By the time we made it to the airlock she was only standing because of her crutch, which hadn’t been designed to take the humans full weight.
“While the airlock was changing from neutral air to earth air, she started to undo her skin.
I looked at her terrified, “relax my species developed to wear extra layers to protect us from the elements.
Well that would explain how they conquered a death planet.
As soon as the air exchange was complete we stepped through the contact chamber, only to find that the light had been turned off. The captain seemed to have slightly better night vision than me and went over to her stretcher in the room, taking off the breathing apparatus.
I noticed that the human glowed, very faintly in the dark, probably less than they could see.
I was threw that and the strong heat waves the humans give off that i saw the dead humans.
I gave off a high pitched squeal, the captain turned to look at me, “what's wrong?”
“Your companions are dead!” I screamed.
“What? No!” the captain said, “they're just sleeping!”
I pulled the emergency alarm, and the room filled with red light.
“Twee-ake, stop their fine.”
The humans bloated upright.
“What's going on?” one of them asked.
Doctors rushed through the airlock into the room.
“Nothing!” Penner yelled, “nothing is happening, they just saw you sleeping and assumed you were dead!”
“Nothey were dying!” i yelled, “their body temperature was low, their hearts were breathing too slowly, they were breathing too little! I swear they were dead or dying!”
The captain drew a strangely heavy breath, “no that was normal, and i can explain latter but for now,” she raised a frist by her head with three of her fingers and thumb together with only the finger in the middle sticking out, i did not understand the gesture, but i had a suspicion it wasn't very polite, “and goodnight.”
She flopped back onto the medical stretcher and closed her eyes.
“I second that sentiment,” the human with the broken arm said.
Soon all the humans were in the same pre-death state, we left the room disturbed.
The next day the human medic explained what exactly sleep was: a survival function in which the saphin mind shut down their consciousness and awareness of their environment in order to achieve other important survival functions, such as converting short term memory into long term, healing wounds, and the brain getting rid of toxic waste.
“Humans and other animals on earth need sleep,” Olivera explained, “it's essential for our survival, if it wasn’t every species that required it would have been killed off long ago by the ones that don’t, but that didn’t happen. There are creatures that need to keep moving to breathe that still sleep. To you sleeping might look like death, but for us it keeps us alive.”
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makerofmadness · 2 years
sorry for flooding the tags with these but I can’t resist they’re just too good. under the cut once again.
Andy: Ok, maybe playing ‘whose family is most dysfunctional’ wasn’t the best idea we’ve had. Felix's been crying in the bathroom for an hour. We can’t get them out...
Andy: Felix was banned from the chicken shack, so we had to go out of town to get some. Felix: Well, they shouldn’t say “all you can eat” if they don’t mean it. Andy: Felix, you ate a chair.
Andy: I slept for almost 12 hours but I might still be tired so lets go for 12 more just incase. Melody: Andy, that's a coma. Andy: Sounds festive.
Andy: Am I going too far? Melody: No, no, no. You went too far about seven hours ago. Now you're going to prison.
Andy: *Kicks the door down looking panicked* Margret: What did you do? Andy: Nobody died. Margret: WHAT KIND OF ANSWER IS THAT?!
Andy: Welcome, fellow idiots Margret: Hello, Andy Andy: No, no, not you, you're not an idiot Margret: You underestimate me
Andy: Whaddya call a fish with no eye? Claus, not looking up: Myxine Circifrons Andy: Andy: fsh
Andy: A theif. Claus: Thief? Andy: Theif. Claus: I before E, except after C. Andy: Thceif. Andy: No.
Andy: You saved me. I owe you my life. Peter: No thanks. I’ve seen it and I’m not very impressed.
Andy: Okay. I get it. You've had a really hard time lately, you're stressed out, seven people died- Peter: Twelve, actually. Andy: Not the point. Look, they're dead now and really whose fault is that? Peter: Yours! Andy: That's right: no one's.
Andy: 'Person of interest' is almost too flattering. Andy: Like, if the police were to pound on my door and go, 'A man has been murdered in your building and you are a person of interest,' I'd be like, 'Moi? Oh, do go on.'
Andy: I’m going to defeat you with the power of friendship! ... And this knife I found.
Felix: You seem familiar, have I threatened you before?
Felix: Goodnight moon. Felix: Goodnight tree. Felix: Goodnight ghosts that only I can see.
Melody: If you can’t beat them, dress better than them
Melody: Physically, yes, I could fight a bird. But emotionally? Imagine the toll.
Melody: BEHOLD, the field in which I grow my fucks! Lay thine eyes upon it, and thou shalt see that it is barren!
Margret: Fool me once, I’m gonna kill you
Margret: You can de-escalate any situation by simply saying, 'Are we about to kiss?' Margret: Doesn't work for getting out of speeding tickets, by the way.
Claus: You wanna see how hardcore I am? Claus: *punches wall* Claus: Claus: Take me to the hospital.
Claus: I’m sick and tired of being called 'mortal' like, you don’t know that. Neither do I. I have never died even ONCE. Nothing has been proven yet. Stop making assumptions. It’s rude.
Peter: With great power comes great need to take a nap. Wake me up later.
Peter, motioning to a Halloween display: All these ghosts! All these ghosts! I still can’t find a boo.
Felix: Lol heads up if you try to make a candle with food coloring, the food coloring will just sink to the bottom of the glass, and when the flame eventually reaches the bottom all the food coloring will catch fire and become one giant tall flame that you cannot possibly blow out and the glass will start to crack and then you'll throw your tea on it in a panic and then the extremely hot food coloring will boil and sizzle horribly and then the glass will shatter. Please take my word on this lmfao Melody: What did you do op? Felix: A MISTAKE
Felix: I know you’re deflecting by making jokes about how hot you are. Margret: It’s not a joke. Margret: *sniffles* Margret: I’m a legit snack.
Felix, in a meeting: My policy is if you see something, say something. Claus: I saw a squirrel in a tree today! Felix, with the tone of someone who is used to Claus: Outstanding. Felix: This is what I’m talking about people.
Felix: I think I'm having a mid-life crisis. Peter: You're like 15 years old Felix: I MIGHT DIE AT 30!
Melody: How many kids do you have? Margret: Biologically, emotionally, or legally?
Melody: I prevented a murder today. Claus: Really? How’d you do that? Melody: self control.
Melody: petition to remove the 'd' from Wednesday Peter: Wednesay Melody: Not what I had in mind, but I'm flexible
Margret: This is a mistake Claus, enthusiastically: A mistake we're going to laugh about one day! Margret: But not today Claus, still enthusiastic: Oh, no. Today's going to be a mess
Margret, tending to Peter's wounds: How would you rate your pain? Peter: Zero stars. Would NOT recommend.
Claus: .. .----. -- / ... --- .-. .-. -.-- [translation: I’M SORRY] Peter: What's that? Claus: Remorse code. Peter: I'm even angrier now.
Andy: I know you snuck out last night, Margret. Claus: Play dumb! Margret: Who's Margret? Claus: NOT THAT DUMB!!!
Andy: Are you the big spoon or the little spoon? Felix: I'm a knife. Melody, from across the room: They're the little spoon.
Margret: So, what, now I’m just supposed to do anything that Felix does? I mean, what if they jumped off a cliff? Melody: If Felix were to jump off a cliff, they would’ve done their due diligence regarding the height of the cliff, the depth of the water, and the angle of entry, so yes. If you see Felix jump off a cliff, by all means, jump off a cliff. Margret: You jump off a cliff! Melody: Gladly. Provided Felix did first.
The squad is trying to con some random guy Andy: Um, Claus, why are you pretending I'm this guy's family? Claus: We need money! Andy: You're scamming him? Claus: I was thinking more like flat-out stealing from him? Andy: What?! No way! Claus: Why not? We already stole Peter! Peter: Hey guys Andy: No, we didn't. Peter can think and talk for themself, they can do whatever they want! Peter: I wanna steal
Andy, texting Margret: Margret! Help I’m being kidnapped Peter: Where are you? Andy: I’m with some strange person. In a car. Help. Margret: I’ll call Peter. Peter, answering their cell: Y’ello? Margret: Where’s Andy? They texted me that they were being kidnapped. Peter: Andy? Whaddya mean, they're right next to me- Peter: Peter: I’ll call you back. *hangs up* Peter: THE NEW HAIRCUT ISN’T THAT BAD! Andy: WHO ARE YOU?!
Melody: What do you think Felix will do for a distraction? Peter: They’ll probably, like, make a noise or throw a rock. That’s what I would do. *Building explodes and several car alarms go off* Peter: ... or they could do that.
Andy: Listen, I can explain... Melody: You’re making $500,000 and you’re only gonna pay me $30,000? Felix: You’re getting 30 grand? I’m getting $1,000! Margret: You guys are getting paid?
Cop: You’re receiving a ticket for having three people on one motorcycle. Andy: Shit. Margret: Wait, three? Cop: Yeah? Claus: OH MY GOD PETER FELL OFF!!!
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ilovefandoms102 · 4 years
Part 11
Summary: Girls night doesn’t go as planned...
@ma10427 @lasnaro @certainstatesmantoadartisan @iamaunicorn4704 @riverdaleserpent04 @justcallmesams @sspidermanss @tangledinsparkles @jellyfishbeansontoast @hurricane-abigail @poguesnobx
Part 10  Part 12 
Note: I had a lot of fun writing this and I hope you guys love it!
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“Wait, but do you really have to go?” JJ asked, pouting as I repacked my clothes.
“Yes, babe, I already told Kie I was coming. I can’t back out on her.” I said laughing at how cute he looked. He was sitting up in my bed, the sheets covering his lower half, and his hair was a disaster. 
“I won’t get cuddles tonight though” he whined.
“And here you are telling me you’re a manly man” I mumbled. 
“I’m allowed to be upset that my girlfriend is leaving me” he said matter of factly.
“Oh my god JJ, I’m staying the night at Kie’s not leaving the country.” I huffed at him.
“Who’s going to keep me warm at night? Who am I going to kiss goodnight?” he asked.
“My brother?” I said.
“Babe! This is serious!” JJ said throwing his hands up, he was such a drama queen. 
“Alright well, I’m ready to go. Are you taking me or am I taking myself?” I said, rolling my eyes at him.
JJ flopped back on the bed. He threw his clothes back on, huffing the whole time. Me getting a nice view of his ass. He grabbed his hat, backpack, and took the keys from me. We piled ourselves in the van and headed to Kie’s house. I texted her that I was on the way, her replying that the other guys were there too, so JJ could chill with all of us for a bit. 
“Kie said the other guys were there too if you want to stay for a minute” I said looking over at JJ. He smiled, pulling our entwined hands up to kiss the back of my hand.
We pulled into Kie’s house, seeing my brother and Pope sitting on the front porch. We got out shouting our hellos. I grabbed my stuff and walked up towards the boys.
“Evening gentlemen” I said, fist bumping Pope, and doing a handshake with my brother. 
“Brethren,” JJ greeted in a posh British accent, hugging both Pope and John B. I laughed at them, leaving them to their guy talk to go find the girls.
Kie and Sarah were in the kitchen baking something because it smelt heavenly when I walked in. I went upstairs and sat my bag in her room. Then I met them in the kitchen, hugged both of them, and let out a girly squeal for how excited I was to see them. Thankfully, Kie’s parents weren’t home so we had access to all the beer we wanted. 
“What’s baking? It smells awesome.” I asked, inhaling deep.
“My dad’s famous chocolate chip cookies” Kie smiled, knowing they were my favorite.  
“I’m excited to try them,” Sarah said, rubbing her hands together excitedly. 
“What took you so long to get here?” Kie asked. I turned about fifty shades of red, earning giggles from my girlfriends. “That explains a lot” Kie said.
“We got in a fight and well...we made up.” I said sheepishly. 
“I’ll say” Sarah laughed. 
The guys then piled in the house. My brother coming to stand between Sarah and I, JJ coming to my other side, and Pope standing between Kie and I. We talked and laughed about anything and everything. The guys having a few play fights. John B and I getting into an argument about who was getting the last cookie.
“I’m the oldest!” I yelled.
“Well I’m the youngest!” he yelled back.
“I’m a girl” I stated
“So?” John B asked.
“I have rights as a female to the last cookie” I said matter of factly. 
“That makes literally no sense,” JB said.
“Because you’re dumb” I said, darting my hand out and snagging the cookie. 
“Hey!” he yelled. 
“You snooze you lose” I said with a mouthful of cookie.
“Are you guys 17 or 5?” Pope asked. 
It was time for the guys to go so the girls night of fun could begin. I walked JJ to the van, going straight into his arms. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t going to miss him. I loved feeling his warmth next to me every night. 
“I’ll miss you” I said into his neck. He squeezed me tighter.
“I love you baby” he said, kissing me quick on the lips. What turned into one quick kiss turned into multiple pecks all over my face.
“JJ” I giggled.
“I-love-you-so-much” he said, kissing somewhere new with every word. I was so overwhelmed with love I could have cried.
“I love you J” I said, giving him a final squeeze before going back into Kie’s house. I watched the guys pile into the van and take off. I went into the living room with the girls so the fun could begin. 
We painted our toenails, baked more cookies, and watched a scary movie. We went through an entire bottle of wine, a lot of beer, and some vodka shots that Sarah had brought. At the moment, Kie was blasting music through her speakers and we all danced around her living room. I heard a loud bang and looked behind me. The girls didn’t notice so I told Kie to turn the music off.
“Did you hear that?” I asked.
“What?” Kie asked.
“I didn’t hear anything.” Sarah said. Just when she said that, there was another bang.
“What the fuck!” I shouted.
All of us went to investigate, finding nothing of course. I started getting nervous, hoping it was all just imagination. Hoping we were just scaring ourselves from the movie we watched. 
“Kie your parents are out of town right? They aren’t coming back early?” Sarah asked.
“No, they are gone all week” Kie said.
“Should we call the guys?” I asked. All of us agreeing, I got out my phone to call JJ. No answer.
“No JJ” I said, starting to panic. I tried my brother, again no answer. Of course when we need them they aren’t picking up.
“Pope didn’t answer” Kie said.
“JB didn’t either” I said.
“What do we do?” Sarah asked, panic clear in her voice.
Then there was pounding on the door, all of us screamed. I went and checked to see no one was there. Then there was pounding on the back door. We huddled in a circle, both girls hiding behind me.
“Why am I in front?!” I yelled.
“Because you’re the better fighter!” Kie yelled back.
“That’s not going to help when they are at the front and back!” I yelled again.
Now there was banging up stairs. We bolted to the kitchen, looking around for anything to use as a weapon. I tried calling my brother and JJ, still no answer.
“JJ! Please pick up! There’s people trying to break into Kie’s house!” I cried into the phone, hoping JJ would check his missed calls. 
“Birdie, someone is trying to break in, please pick up!” I said to my brother’s voicemail. 
We went back into the living room, I paced back and forth. Then the power went out, we all screamed again. We huddled together, Sarah starting to cry, and Kie trying to comfort her. If this was the guys idea of a joke, I was going to kill them. We had no escape plan since we were blocked at all possible exits. The window upstairs crashed open and we all froze. The back and front doors busted open, two figures appearing. They were tall and burly looking, wearing all black, and with ski masks on. I couldn’t see if they had weapons or not, I was terrified more for my friends than for me since I wasn’t afraid to fight. 
“We know you found it.” the man by the front door said.
“What are you talking about? Who are you?” I asked.
“We know you found it Routledge!” the one upstairs said. They knew who I was which scared me even more.
They started coming closer to us, we huddled closer together. We backed up as they came closer, I whispered to Kie and Sarah to keep calling the guys. 
“Where’s the damn gold?!” the man by the back door asked. 
“I don’t know!” I screamed. “I have no clue what you’re talking about!” I looked at all of them, trying to think of how we could get away.
“You’re old man was crazy about it. Got himself dead because of the fucking gold, so don’t think you can play dumb” he said. 
I saw something shiny reflecting in the man by the back doors hand. My eyes widening when I realized it was a gun. We were absolutely fucked. No way we were getting out of here. 
“When I say, run as fast as you can to the front door, it’s the best option” I whispered.
“Seriously?!” Sarah whisper yelled.
“You got any better ideas Cameron?!” I said to her. 
“Guys, there’s a full window behind us, it’s going to hurt but we need to jump through it. I think if we all go at once it won’t be as bad” Kie whispered.
“Ok on three....one...two...three” I said.
All of us sprinted behind us to the huge glass window covering a side of Kie’s house. The three of us held on to each other as we burst through the glass and onto the grass below us. I felt several stings where glass had cut me, but I couldn’t focus on that now. I needed to get my girls out of here alive. We scrambled up, none of us having any serious injuries, and took off down the street.
We could hear them coming behind us, shooting off rounds that barely missed us. I pushed myself faster and faster, encouraging my friends to do the same. We saw headlights coming towards us and I recognized the van right away. I cried in relief. We shouted for the guys to open the door so we could pile in. JB was driving with JJ riding shotgun. Pope swung open the door and everyone piled in. 
Everyone except me...
One of the men chasing us caught a hold of my hair and yanked me from the van. I screamed for my brother, for JJ. I heard all of them screaming for me. I punched, kicked, scratched, anything to try and get me free. 
“You know what we want Routledge!” the man holding me said. 
Next thing I see is JJ running full speed at me, taking all of us to the ground. My breath left my body, but my adrenaline was high enough for me to keep focus. The man’s hold loosened enough for me to roll away, leaving JJ beating the absolute shit out of him. 
“JJ come on let’s go!” I yelled, pulling on his shirt. 
I heard to cocking of the gun and went stock still, I turned and saw one of the men pointing it at JJ. He wasn’t paying attention to me, my brother saw my intentions and ran to the same spot I had in mind. 
“NO!” John B shouted at me.
We collided into each other, and the shot had rang out.
Everything went dark.
Ooooohh cliffhanger! Let me know what you guys think!!
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choco-myth · 4 years
okay so i did the stupid thing and stayed up till 2am to watch the entire abema stream
it is now 5 am and my eyes want to die
my liveblogging under the cut (its really long lol) please keep in mind that all the info might not be accurate as it is extremely late for me and i am prone to error
beginning was mostly cutesy scenario interview questions
hanae natsuki (riddle va) likes trey, says their relationship feels very real and tender
azuls va likes the tweels more than azul lol
the stage actors are more nervous abt recording lol
treys va thinks riddle is very cute
jamil and ace va both pulled and got their birthday boys
with p r i z e s
red (hearts/scarab) vs blue (octa/igni + special helper grim LOL)
winner gets cake in the shape of grims face omggg
deuce is up :V
odamn theyre getting a lot right (hanae natsuki so speedy shdksjjsdk)
they got i think 12 points
aoi shouta up for blue team
they're so behind omg
futaba next!! jamil in da mirror what will he do
azul next!!
"multiple people working together" "TWISTED WONDERLAND" omggg
they got 90 points damn
red team still in the lead, but theyre getting an extra 30 seconds so we shall see owo
red team wins 160 - 140 AMAZING
okay so i think i saw jiangshi malleus?? definitely saw wolf kalim. think i saw pirate savanaclaw too, and really pretty pomefiore. actually i think the cm was voiced by vils va
goodbye first cast :(((
the tweels keep making stupid hand symbols behind azuls head ahdjsjsjjs
kalims va: i found out whenever im in trouble i can just go "ne???" [turns to futaba], and things will be okay
i opened up social media to send distress posts and my whole computer started lagging i am booboo the fool
2nd cast came in!! and zakki is wearing an ugly tie shdjsjsj
also ruggies va has a tie... (i think its supposed to be hyena or cheetah themed??? we stan)
jacks va oshi is epel, jackpel fackin confirmed folks
ruggies va also likes idia and sebek
all the pomes were nervous when recording 🥺
kaito kazuki being an experienced va but was still nervous abt nailing malmals character omg 🥺
epels va has a dog named epel whadda fack......
grim cake... 2!
its 4am im dozing off a bit idk how the teams are separated atm
think its savanaclaw and pomefiore vs diasomnia + grim
wild and beauty team to describe them... omg tsunotaro and nakama team...
gooo epel!!
damn ruggie va doing the guesswork!!
somebody won. i think it was tsunotaro and nakama team, its 4:20 i am dead in da water sorry
omg?? someone said that epels va is related to one of the night ravens??
epel rare!! what a cutie
actuag tbh
it 5am now im gonna clear my ap and then pass out
mkay if u made it here thbaks for reading ok goodnight
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herstoryherlegacy · 3 years
God shows up
Today I had a laundry list of things to do starting at 8am. I jumped out of bed to do fasting bloodwork for my endocrinologist before my gyno appointment. I had time to grab a bite at Starbucks before that appointment. I was pretty happy because my favorite beauty brand Dose of Colors had reposted my Gofundme page on their IG stories. I can’t say enough about how sweet the entire staff is over there. I’m so blessed to know them and thankful for their support of me as an artist and person. I have been so blessed with donations to my family that I felt compelled to do something for someone else. In the drive thru I looked behind me, to see a mama and what looked to have been her baby in the back she was attending to. Of course I felt connected to her as a mama of a toddler. I wanted to treat her to her drink because who knows what she has going on, but it’s early morning and she’s been mom’ing already. At the window I paid for both of our orders and left to my doctors, hoping her day had been made. I also loaded my card up with $30 and posted it to my IG stories to further treat my lovely followers if they needed a drink. I’ll come back more to this later.
My gyno appointment wasn’t bad. I was getting a pap which I had missed a couple weeks prior. This doctor who was new to me, was the one who called me with my official diagnosis. He is kind and caring and I have never desired to have a male gyno, but I felt comfortable in his presence. He asked me how I was doing and I told him my concerns about wanting a hysterectomy to further avoid any cancers. He said that may not be the best choice, unless my genetics testing said I am at risk. He mentioned removing my ovaries can put me at higher risk of heart attacks and Jesus I’m already at risk because of my diabetes. I was hoping it would be a positive and preventative option, but it comes with its own risks. Am I willing to take them? Honestly…a lot of these choices aren’t even mine. I mean yeah, legally I have the choice to say no to chemo and no to surgery and just live my life like normal, ignoring my health concerns. But no one really does that. I hate I don’t have choices in what happens do me. No I will never opt out of treatment, because I value my life, but do I want to do any of this shit? Nay. With cancer, I don’t have any choices it feels like. My body is calling the shots and I have to bow down to what’s happening. I felt pretty upset after that talk. I felt scared. My once pretty ok morning was not spiraling into darkness. I still had shit to do. I needed to drop off my daughters homeschool work and pick up new work. I had to go to Ashley furniture and check out that recliner I wanted. I was in no mood, I was crying a ton. So I headed to Ashley. I knew I wanted to see the same nice lady who had helped me previously with my purchases, but what was her name again? I could describe her. But I didn’t feel like describing her because I felt like if I spoke I would cry, I was still in that place. So i sucked it up as much as I could and walked in.
Guess who was sitting right at the entrance to greet me. Helen 🤍. I reintroduced myself and told her what I was in for today. She remembered me and got up to show me around. She turned over her shoulder and asked how I was doing. I answered honestly. I told her I was not doing well, and that I needed this recliner for my chemotherapy. I of course, broke down. And she looked me dead in the eyes, really the only place she could look since we are both masked, and she spoke to me firmly, but not harshly. She told me to stop right now. She implored me to look into meditation. She explained all the benefits and told me that I needed to stop putting my fears into the universe and start replacing those with good thoughts. She had an entire conversation uplifting me and before I knew if I had stopped crying completely. I’m not sure helens religious beliefs or if she doesn’t have any, but the conversation we had could have very well replaced some words with “Jesus” and served the same purpose. Because yes I do believe the universe lines things up for us, but I can also say the same thing about God. And I whole heartedly because God lined me up with Helen today. She told me that if I had come yesterday or tomorrow she wouldn’t have been here. And it’s true. I was meant to go there yesterday but my daughter was sick and I saved it for today. I can’t deny that wasn’t Devine intervention. I needed helens healing words today. I found my recliner and was granted a great deal. And what do you know? Helen also works at Home Depot by me, has been for 25 years! I told her I also needed a new fridge and she was going to be able to help me there also. My needs are being met, and I have none other to thank than Jesus. He has never left me before, I don’t believe he would leave me now, and as much as I feel..betrayed by this diagnosis, God is showing me he is very much still there. I don’t know how to tap into him completely yet, my relationship needs work, but I want to know his plan and I want to know I’ll be okay. So far, I believe I’m being shown just that.
Poor Sophie had been super sick the other day with some sort of tummy bug. I also needed to grab her an at home covid test to help rule that out. I visited one CVS with no luck. Grabbed lunch and headed to another. This one I asked the pharmacy and she said it would be at the register if they had them, but she didn’t think they would. I was feeling defeated not being able to get one for soph, but I asked anyway. The girl said “you know what, I’ve been telling people all day we are out, but my manager actually found 3 in the back”..you’re here God, I see you. I grabbed one and with some assistance from the lovely associate I saved $12 off my purchase, these things aren’t cheap. I felt better and headed home. I had lunch, and passed out on the couch. I was exhausted to the bone running around for 6 straight hours. I slept on the couch for 3’ish hours. It felt wonderful. I’m still dreadfully tired so I’ll say goodnight here. But Regardless of what my relationship status is with the Lord, he has never ever not once left me hanging. I have always been able to have my needs met by him. This is no time for me to question our God, but instead press in, thank him for my blessings, see those silver linings, and manifest as Helen says, the things I want. So I am speaking into the universe, that I will be healed, that I will be here for my girls. I’m believing it. But also..don’t stop praying for me!
Oh! Before I go, trip out on this.
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deltastorm101 · 3 years
So, I tried to calculate Control...
... and its Epic Games deal, with the help of my certified smooth brain™ and probably incorrect sources. I started this last night hella tired and with a headache, I have finished it up today hella tired and with a headache, and this is what I produced: bullshit! :D But hey, at least double checked bullshit that’s open for discussion and contribution and expansion. Also, I probably won’t list the sources because a) I’m lazy and b) I didn’t have to dig thaaat deep down to find all this so if you really wanna know you could probably hit google with it as well. Anyhow here we go lol So, the initial thought which got all of this rolling was the 2020-wrap-up-post Remedy linked on their twitter, and Epic’s linked publishing announcement in it: studios Remedy, Playdead and GenDesign will release their next next-gen games with Epic. Now, we all know Remedy are working on some sort of Alan Wake-ish thing as we speak (right? right?? god I hope so), which meanssss our boy will most likely be an Epic exclusive. Which makes me kinda sad because, well. I’m deep in Steam’s ass. Hell, I waited for Control for a full year before I played it because they can pry the Steam version from my cold dead hands. So I asked myself... was it worth it for them? How much money did they throw at Remedy (and 505 Games) to have them play along? Would they have reached more people from the get-go if they had released it on Steam right away? Did the individual programmer, designer, writer, artist, person behind it profit from this at all? (Also, like, about the rights and copyright thing,,,,, you’d think they could have learned from Alan Wake and its IP belonging to Microsoft and so not really being able to do anything more with it because they don’t ‘own’ it and shit) buuut anyway that’s not the point of this post, now it’s time to do some MATH BABEY
Ok, let’s start with some things we know. Facts. Figures. Data. Turns out my initial question, how much money was involved, could be answered by doing one (1) google search: according to Wikipedia, Epic gave Remedy and 505 Games €9.49mio. The total budget for the game was €26.9mio over the course of 3 years of development. We know that as of December 2020, over 2mio copies of the game were sold, with November 2020 being the best-selling month ever since its initial release in August 2019. This is where question 1) comes into play: how many of those 2 million copies were sold in 2019 and how many in 2020? Stay tuned, I think I found out.
We know that Remedy gets to keep 45% of the revenue, which, I assumed, means that 505 keeps the remaining 55% (probably a lot more going on there but shhh). We know that Control’s sales cooked up €17.84mio in 2019 (so months September – December), €17.7mio of those in the first month alone (O.O). Side note: because it came out at the very end of August, I’ll ignore that month and declare September the first sales month.
We know that 60% of sales in 2019 were digital ones (aka Epic Store, mostly), 40% physical ones (consoles PS4 and XB1), while in 2020, only 10% of sales were physical and a whopping 90% digital; which is people on Epic who wanted to get their hands on the first DLC and – you guessed it – the Steam release of the Ultimate Edition in August 2020.
Which begs question 2): what’s bigger, 60% of 2019 sales because ‘ooh shiny new game’, or 90% of 2020 sales because ‘yay steam release’? The answer may look obvious, but you have to take into account the dropping price, which I also researched for your pleasure and enjoyment.
For this I used a German website called idealo.de, which focuses on looking for the best deals for basically anything you can buy on the internet, and it also gives you diagrams that describe at which point in time the product was at which exact price. This is what it gave me: - release price: €60 - December 2019: €41 (PS4)/€44 (XB1) - mid-2020: €30 - Ultimate Edition release: €30 - December 2020: €14 (PS4)/€18 (XB1)/€30 (Ultimate Editions) At this point I was like “lol hold on i need chocolate for this cuz i’ll be here for some time *sweating*”
To continue this mess™, I see more questions: 3) How many employees does Remedy have, which positions do they work in and what are their salaries? 4) How many employees does 505 have, which positions and salaries do they have? 5) What’s the total revenue that Control has generated so far?
And also some more stuff like, are my numbers accurate, am I even grasping these concepts correctly, are there even more people involved or am I just trying to explain complete crap (yes) but let’s just ignore all of that shall we. At that point I went “oh shit what have i gotten myself into, this screen does not get my point across, i need pen and paper” and you know shit is gonna go DOWN when I do math on paper.
My paper math birthed the following calculation:
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Following this up, we can calculate the end-of-2019 sales, if we set the price for September and October to €60, for November and December to approx. €45:
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Now, you might notice that one of those numbers is big and the other is HUGE. Why might that be? Well...
- Covid19: everyone stayed at home and needed video games to play - More sale months of the year, naturally - dropping price: why get it for €60 when you can get it for 20 - Ultimate Edition: why buy it in June when you get more content in August aaaand... - it comes out on Steam.
With this in mind, let’s see what questions we can answer: 1) 661,110 copies in 2019; 1,338,889 copies in 2020 2) 60% digital sales in 2019 means 396,666 Epic copies; 90% digital sales in 2020 means 1,205,000 copies – most of it from Steam? Some of it? A good chunk? The bigger chunk? There’s no way of really knowing for sure but... you could read this into it. I definitely am. 3) Google told me Remedy had a little over 250 employees at the end of 2019... 4) ... and 505 has less than 100. I found no good sources for this, I think linkedin said 37, someone else said 50. I’ll just use the 50 figure, idk. No idea man. and for 5) I’ll contradict my point that the Steam release is what knocked the sales out of the park and assume that the number of sold copies stayed the same across all 12 months of 2020, which gives us this:
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Ok and now we’re getting into the most dangerous of danger zones because I have no idea how companies or capitalism work, so for educated people™, the remaining calculations might read like a toddler wrote them; I apologize profusely and hereby present last night’s brain vomit:
As stated earlier, development took 3 years, but everyone wanted to get paid in 2020 as well so let’s use 4 years to find out the salaries, which is 48 months. Let’s assume the utopian idea that every employee on the line here gets the exact same amount of money (LOL ikr but shhhh, let’s live out our dirtiest equality fantasies for a second ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)). Which would mean...
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And now without the Epic Deal™:
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Quod erat demonstrandum. Remedy has been selling their souls to Epic for €350 a month since 2017. (I don’t mean this as maliciously as I’m making it sound, don’t worry xD)
OKAY SO, O B V I O U S L Y, I have not the slightest idea what on earth I’m talking about so read this like you’d read a good fanfiction. We don’t know the different salaries across the different positions (and genders HAH), we don’t know if other parties were involved, I’ve completely ignored the sum that Epic themselves get, I have ignored taxes, I don’t know if my numbers are accurate (they’re definitely not I mean 505 must have more employees than 50), if I made mistakes (yes), and also somewhere along the way I forgot to use the €26.9mio budget figure because, uuh, I have no idea where to use it, what it means, where did it come from, where did it go, cotton eye joe - but oh well, I’m not starting over, take it or leave it.
So... I can now officially say I have written hot steamy economics fic xD Man I put waaay too much time into this but damn was it fun. Good three-hour-deep-dive (two of them spent munching on chocolate half-asleep listening to psytrance to keep my brain twitchy). Real-life-theorizing. Fuck capitalism. Don’t do drugs. Pet a cat. Wear your mask. Call your grandparents.
If there’s typos in this I’m sorry but also I’m not, I can’t be bothered to proofread again lol. Goodnight imma catch up on the sleep I lost. Gotta love full moons
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strangest-loser · 4 years
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IT Rewrite
Stay With Me ( And You Can Dream Forever)
Chapter One
Rhiannon Erica Denbrough was born on January 4, 1976, six minutes before her twin brother William Stephen Denbrough, who everyone called Bill. Her parents Sharon and Zack doted on their children and the twins grew up absolutely inseparable. That was until five years later, little George Elmer Denbrough was born.
The five year old twins were confused and upset when it was explained to them that they would have to share their parents with another little baby and they took to hiding from their pregnant mother in protest of their new sibling, but on the evening of September 18th 1981 Rhiannon woke up from a nightmare crying for her Mommy to comfort her only to find her grandmother sitting in the living room, her parents nowhere in sight. The thought that her parents had left them caused Rhiannon to become hysterical, waking Bill up in the process who cried at the mere sight of his twin sister crying. After some comfort from their nanna they tuckered themselves out and the next morning they were both woken up by their father and bundled into the car to meet their baby brother Georgie.
The last time either of them had been in a hospital was a year ago when Bill fell off the swing set in their back yard and broke his arm. Four year old Rhiannon didn’t really understand what had happened but she knew that Billy was crying so she leapt off the swing set too to try and make him feel better, she ended up with a sprained wrist and neither of their parents were too impressed. But this time was different, they didn’t come in through the ER, they used the front doors, and neither of them were in pain when they were walking hand in hand with their dad towards the room that their Mom was lying in. The sight of their Mommy lying in the hospital bed triggered big smiles and instant chatter from the five year old twins who were immediately quietened by their mother. Rhiannon was the first person to spot the tiny bundle tucked up in their mothers arms and once her eyes met the blanket covered figure she fell silent, staring in awe and curiosity. “Do you want to meet him Rhiannon?” Sharon sounded tired but her soft smile stopped the little girl from hiding behind her father legs. She was thoroughly overwhelmed by the situation but her little feet carried her to climb on to the bed and nestle into her mothers arm looking down into the little face of her baby brother Georgie. Billy had a similar reaction to his sister and as soon as the twins saw little Georgie Denbrough they immediately became his protectors and closest friends.
The years passed by and soon it was 1988. Rhiannon was 12 and growing into a confident and talented little lady, her mom was teaching her piano and she loved to read while Billy loved art and Georgie was great at building things out of Legos. Playing her scales was something Rhiannon did every day after school before practicing through her pieces to get her grade. But that evening her parents were out on a date so she and Billy were babysitting Georgie. 
“Come on Georgie, you know we have already let you stay up an hour past your bedtime,” Rhiannon scolded lightly while tickling the boy into a fit of giggles. Billy walked back into the room after grabbing Georgie’s pajamas and lifted Georgie out of his big sisters torturous hold. “But Ro, I’m not tired,” Georgie complained before trying to smother a yawn. Georgie was trying to rebel after Sharon and Zack announced to the trio of siblings that they were in fact inspecting a fourth child, Georgie was not really excited to be a big brother. 
The twins shared a knowing look before Rhiannon started to help Georgie into his PJ’s, “Alright little one, what’s the matter?” She spoke softly tucking him in before she and Bill laid down beside their brother who let out a little sigh and began to spill out his worries. “I know that Mommy and Daddy love you and me and Billy, but I’m scared that when Mommy has her baby that her and Daddy wont have time for me anymore.” Georgie’s little face was sad and worried and Rhiannon immediately scooped him up into her lap letting him snuggle into her neck. “You know, we had the same worries when you were born,” Bill offered into the conversation his hand rubbing soothing strokes along the little ones back.
"Mommy used to sing us a song whenever we were worried about someone new joining our family," Rhiannon confirmed smiling at Georgie's awed face before he begged her to sing it for him too. Bill nodded at the slightly older twin before she caved, "alright, now come in close then." Georgie laid tucked into her side while Billy sat on Georgie's opposite side running his hand through Georgie's blonde hair. Rhiannon smiled at the boys before her voice flowed out in the song she had memorised since she was a child.
Everybody is born to care, it's something we were made to share, not to keep to ourselves all alone.
If you make room for someone new, doesn't mean that there's less for you, only means that our circle has grown.
Love knows, love grows, bigger than before.
In your heart there's always more.
Georgie snuggled down closer to his big sister before letting out a big yawn, he loved when his big sister sang for him because she was really good. It was immediate comfort for the youngest Denbrough.
It's magic the more you give it away, the more love comes back to you everyday.
Rhiannon smiled fondly down at her baby brother before poking his side's to produce a sleepy giggle.
You are my Georgie and I am your Ro, always forever, wherever we go.
Love knows, love grows bigger than before, in your heart there's always more,
Always more.
Georgie's even breathing gave it away that he had finally fallen asleep so Rhiannon replaced her body with his stuffed turtle and her and Bill crept out of the room and shut the door. When Sharon and Zack came home that night to find the twins reading side by side they bid them soft good nights before going in to kiss Georgie goodnight.
Rhiannon let her fingers drift across the white keys trying to slowly muscle her way through learning claire de lune. Every wrong note was mounting on her nerves and she was getting frustrated with it. Her impending rage was interrupted by Georgie running in and out of the room towards the basement. "Be careful down there Georgie!" She called after her baby brother who quite honestly had a knack for getting in trouble. "I will!" He called back through the open door and Rhiannon took this as a cue to take one more crack at her piano lesson. But after another fail she was one step away from breaking their beautiful piano so she decided that the most ethical decision was to take a break. Her mind wandered as her eyes drifted towards the basement door, their basement was well organised so it shouldn't be taking Georgie to find whatever he was looking for. Standing from her stool she crossed the room into the hallway and peered into the basement. It was dark and she couldn't see Georgie down there. "Georgie, everything ok?" She called softly into the black void and was answered by Georgie sprinting back up the stairs with the box of wax in his hands, running right into the arms of his big sister who scooped up the little man and at his request, carried him back up to their brother Billy's bedroom.
After melting down the wax herself so that Georgie couldn't hurt himself Rhiannon watched as Bill painted the liquid over Georgie's little paper boat to seal it from the rain. "Will you come out and play with me Ro?" Georgie pleaded using his puppy dog eyes on his big sister knowing they would work, they always did. "Sure Georgie, piano was getting boring anyway. Just wait for me at the door."
The little boy ran out of the bedroom thanking his big brother for his toy before disappearing down the stairs and out of sight. Rhiannon turned her attention to her twin who was getting over being sick for the past week. Her hand met his forehead and feeling no temperature she smiled and told him to finish eating his soup and get a little more sleep. Shutting the door she crossed the hallway passing Georgie's room and her parents room to finally meet her bedroom. Grabbing her green raincoat off the hook on her door she slid it on over her sweater and stuffed her feet into her matching green galoshes. She shut the door to her bedroom and began to walk down the stairs, breaking into a run when she saw the door open, Georgie no where in sight.
It was pouring outside and it took a second for Rhiannon to spot her baby brother in the rain before she found him kneeling over next to the storm drain, running to him she gripped his shoulders making him look at her "Georgie you can't run off like that ok? Anything could have happened to you, promise me!" She ranted out in one breath her hand falling to the steel drain entrance, completely unaware of the glowing yellow eyes growing ever closer to her hand. She took one look at a swelling bruise forming on her baby brothers head before asking him.
"Did you hit your hea-"
White clawed fingers grabbed her wrist in an iron grip before ripping her down to the drain. She couldn't even think in time to stop herself and her head burned when it smashed against the drain, a sick crack reverberated throughout the rainy street and Rhiannon was out cold, her blacked out body lying face down in the rain, blood running from her head. She was completely dead to the world, dead to the agonised screaming of her baby brother as he was dragged deep down into the sewers, on the intersection of Jackson Street and Witcham Street.
The regulated beeping of the room around her made the pain spike in Rhiannon's head. Waking up caused her heart monitor to spike and for nurses to pile into the room pressing buttons and writing on charts. They were swiftly followed by Sharon and Zack who were failing to hide Bill behind them as they stood at the door. Her head was spinning and she begged a nurse to silence the beeping heart monitor that only grew faster and louder as her head swam. Her parents didn't get any closer even though Bill was clearly reaching for his sister. Her confusion started to make her upset. "Where's Georgie?"
She could read the heartbreak on her parents faces before her mother fell to the ground sobbing and her father refused to meet his daughters gaze.
Her confusion turned to disbelief, then hysteria. No. No that wasn't possible. This was Georgie that they were talking about, her baby, he had to be ok. "No," she whispered, the heart rate monitor next to her bed began screaming along with the girl who was strapped to it. "No No No NO NO NO YOUR LYING! HE HAS TO BE OK YOUR LYING!!" She began to rip the wires our of her arms screaming and sobbing. Nurses held her down as she thrashed and screamed for her baby brother before a doctor stabbed her with a syringe that began to make her head swim as her screams of Georgie's name became whimpers as the drugs forced her brain to power off, sleep hitting her like a train.
Grief would haunt her for the rest of her life.
This is the first part of my IT Rewrite!
I love this series and I have been so excited to write this.
The song that Rhiannon sings to Georgie is a song called 'Always more' and it's from a Barbie movie called Island Princess, this series is operating off the basis that those movies don't exist 😂
I'll be covering both It Chapter One and Chapter Two so get ready for one hell of a story.
Let me know if you want to be tagged and I hope you enjoy.
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creepyalienghost · 4 years
👻ghost part 4👻
Sammy was reading and taking notes off his books when his Uncle opened the door and told him it was lunchtime. He came down to the kitchen for lunch and meet his new caretaker. “Sammy this is miss. Polk. She will be your new caretaker. And this is her son, Norman Polk.” His Uncle introduce them officially.
Sammy looked at miss. Polk and waves at her. “Hello miss. Polk.” He spoke quietly.
She knelt down to his high and smiled. “Hello dear Sammy.” She held out her hand and he shakes it. “How are we doing today?”
Sammy glances around the room then back at her and gave her a smile. “I’m well. You?”
“I’m the same. Now. Why don’t you two go wash your hands for lunch. Mr. Wyatt has paired a lovely meal for us.” She replied.
Sammy and Norman both went out of the kitchen into the bathroom next door and washes there hands with soap and water. When they were walking back Sammy herd a whisper behind him. It sounded like his name was being called and turned quickly around. But there was nothing there. Just and empty long hallway.
“Your alright, Sammy?” Norman ask a few feet ahead.
Sammy turned back to him and nodded. ”y-yea..I’m fine..” he mumbled. Then there were on there way to the kitchen again.
Sammy sat at the table next to Ms. Jade to his left and Norman to his right. He begins to eat as the grown ups chatter away and trying to ignore the demons. He wanted to ack normal so the polks wouldn’t think he was strange but he really didn’t know how to be Normal.
Once they were finish and excuse from the table Sammy and Norman spent the rest of the day. Sammy showing Norman the cool places he found. The lake in the trees, an abandoned shack and the tree he found to be the perfect one to climb and sit in.
They had to come in once dinner was ready and after they had to wind down for the day. Get there bath down and change into there sleep clothes and brush there teeth. After that they can read a book, draw, do a puzzle before bed.
Sammy and Norman worked on a puzzle until it was bedtime. He. went into his room which were across Sammy’s room. Peter had put the polks in rooms close around Sammy’s to check on him faster if needed. Miss. Polk Came and tucked Norman in and told her son goodnight. Then she went into Sammy’s room.
Sammy claws into bed and lays down. Miss.polk comes over and tucks the blanket up to his chin. “Goodnight Sammy. Get ready for your first day of school.” She smiled
“Yes ma’am. Goodnight Miss.polk” Sammy replied. Miss.polk ruffles his hair and leaves, closing the door
Sammy was sleeping peacefully for a good long time then suddenly awoke in the middle of the night by a bad feeling creeping within him. He found he couldn’t move. He couldn’t set up. Couldn’t turn over. This worried him a lot. Was he dead? Paralyzed?
He looked around with his eyes in the darkness. At first he couldn’t see anything out of the ordinary but after a few seconds he saw something that made him terrified. A pitch black figure darker then the darkness around was in the far left corner watching him. Calling for him.
Sammy screamed.
He screamed to the top of his lungs. Until Miss. Polk open the door and flipped on the light, making the figure disappear and making Sammy able to move again.
Miss. Polk Came to Sammy’s side after checking his room and wrapped her arms around him. “Shhh. It’s ok now. You only had a bad dream.” Her voice was kind.
Sammy was sobbing and hugging the woman like a mother. He knew it wasn’t a dream but he couldn’t tell her without sounding mad. She could leave him or hurt him or send him off to the Loony bin. listening to her calming voice made him feel safer though. Norman came to the open door. “Is everything ok With him mama?” He ask
His mother looked up at Norman. “Yes dear. Sammy just had a bad dream. That’s all.” She smiled and he came over and crawled into bed next to Sammy. Sammy felt a lot better with them around. Like nothing could hurt him every again.
Nora Polk stayed with Sammy until he was mostly back asleep. He puts him next to Norman and tucks them both in. “Goodnight you two.” She gets up and flips off the lights and closes the door.
By 8 o’clock Miss.polk entered Sammy’s room and woke they boys up for there first day of schooling here. “Come on you two. Time to get up” she said.
They obeyed and got out of bed. “Sammy make dear your bed and get dress alright?” She ask.
“Yes ma’am.” Sammy nodded and started making his bed as norman and his mother left Sammy’s room.
Sammy finished and got dressed. Once he was done he meet Norman and Miss.polk by the stairs. They head down to the kitchen for breakfast. There Miss.Polk explains to Sammy and Norman how she will teach here.
“School hours will be from 9 o’clock tell lunch. At 12.” She takes a bite of her French toast. “The first two hours with ether be spilling and reading or math in one day. Another day it could be Science and history.” She took a sip of her coffee. “The last hour is for the arts. Music, drawing. Stuff like that.” She finishes.
“That sounds fantastic Miss. Polk.” Sammy smiles.
Nora Polk looked at him. “Well I’m glad you think so dear.”
Once they were finish they all headed for the school room. Peter Lawrence had added in another desk for Norman as well with his own pencils and notebooks. Today the first hour was math. Miss.polk wrote problems on the bored and one after the other the boys came up and answered them. Sammy struggled a bit but Miss. Polk helped him with the counting.
The second hour Miss.polk had them name the states on an empty map. Norman got 15 he knew by heart and Sammy only got 6. After they Copied off a map in a different colored pin so they know what to work on.
The last hour Miss.polk taught them the notes of music in the music room. They played the notes in order on the piano, taking turns and watching the other. Sammy found himself loving this subject the most. He wanted to get better at music. He paid really close attention to Miss.polks instructions so he could learn.
After the last hour was finish they all headed back down for lunch. “ How was your first day of school?” Mrs.jade ask Sammy as they were all eating.
“It was great! Fantastic!” Sammy smiled then turned to Miss.polk. “I’m happy to have you as my caretaker Miss.polk.”
“Aww well thank you dear.” Miss.polk smiled.
Sammy turned to Norman. “I’m happy to have you as a friend.”
Norman smiled and hugged him. “ I am to.”
As they boys told the other grown-ups what they learned in the classroom the ghost there watch. And they listen. And they want.
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lesmiserabby · 4 years
Tagged by @queen-paladin, thanks for the tag!
1. what is the color of your hairbrush? Red
2. name a food you never eat: Oh there are so many.... But the no bacon and no poutine seem to be horrifying to my fellow Canadians
3. are you typically too warm or too cold? Too warm is the one I actually notice so I’m gonna go with that
4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago? Practicing piano
5. what’s your favorite candy bar? I’m assuming this translates to chocolate bar in Canadian and I’m not super big on chocolate... I enjoy the occasional Snickers though.
6. have you ever been to a professional sports game? Canada vs someone in Fifa over ten years ago, it rained a lot which was unfortunate because soccer is very much outside. It was fun enough, but I’ve never been super into sports, my dad and sibling loved it though.
7. what is the last thing you said out loud? Not counting humming along to my piano, I said goodnight to my mom.
8. what is your favorite ice cream? cookie dough or butterscotch swirl.
9. what was the last thing you had to drink? Sodastream orange soda
10. do you like your wallet? Very much, it’s BB-8!
11. what is the last thing you ate? spaghettini smothered in parmesan cheese
12. did you buy any new clothes last weekend? nope
13. what’s the last sporting event you watched? I dunno, probably some bits and pieces of hockey or soccer on tv?
14. what is your favorite flavor of popcorn? Very specifically love the cheddar from this local place, absolutely fantastic, 10/10. Also love Smartfood white cheddar and also just regular popcorn with melted butter.
15. who is the last person you sent a text message to? my boyfriend
16. ever been camping? yes, so many times growing up, used to go at least once every summer. I miss it. 
17. do you take vitamins? I try to, I have forgotten for the past month or so, they are definitely needed courtesy of my inability to eat a lot of things.
18. do you regularly attend a place of worship? Sort of, I try to, I’m a preacher’s kid, but I also get bad insomnia - like went to work on less than an hour of sleep the other day bad - and accidentally sleep instead. It was very pathetic that I couldn’t even get myself out of bed and into the kitchen when we were doing our services as livestreams from home.
19. do you have a tan? No, I kind of did this summer but it’s gone again. Generally I try to cover myself in sunscreen and avoid tanning because I have the complexion of an anemic vampire and I don’t tan, I just burn and then it fades, and I HATE it. 
20. do you prefer chinese or pizza? Pizza, 
21. do you drink your soda through a straw? Depends on how coordinated I’m feeling, but probably should use my straws more often, regardless of what I’m drinking. I frequently spill water on myself when I try to drink.
22. what color socks do you usually wear? black
23. do you ever drive above the speed limit? Occasionally a couple kilometers over by accident, mostly I just walk places since I don’t have my own car. (do have my full G, cars are just too expensive)
24. what terrifies you? So so so many things. Spiders, being abandoned, losing loved ones, bitchy customers at work who don’t know how to read a menu
25. look to your left, what do you see? my wall
26. what chore do you hate most? Currently hating packing and I haven’t even started really beyond taking empty boxes from work oops
27. what do you think of when you hear an australian accent? Ok so 99.9% of the time wen I hear an Australian accent it is Siri on my boyfriend’s phone acting as a GPS and he likes to pretend to fight with Siri and be like “don’t tell me what to do” so I don’t really think anything so much as internally have a deep sigh and kind of laugh to myself. I love him.
28. what’s your favorite soda? Don’t really have one any more, used to be all over Pepsi but I’m trying to have less caffeine because insomnia and hoping cutting out caffeine helps (it hasn’t yet but oh well) so....
29. do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? I usually only ever really get fast food when I’m at work and it literally is my workplace so... I’m just already there, inside, behind the counter.
30. what’s your favorite number? A nat 20 on a D20 when playing Dungeons and Dragons.
31. who’s the last person you talked to? Not counting texts to my boyfriend, my mom
32. favorite meat? Chicken and fish, for fish specifically walleye/pickerel (ideally from NWO) and salmon
33. last song you listened to? So Soon by Marianas Trench because that piano part with Josh Ramsay’s vocals is just beautiful
34. last book you read? Currently working through Axiom’s End by Lindsay Ellis and Spine of the Dragon by Kevin J Anderson for physical books and listening to Clash of Kings for audiobook.
35. favorite day of the week? Monday because that is my therapy and piano lesson day, the one day a week I always consistently know what I’m doing, other days are uncertain because work schedule is different every week.
36. can you say the alphabet backwards? I can barely say it normally.
37. how do you like your coffee? Nonexistant, the smell makes me nauseous.
38. favorite pair of shoes? My new work shoes, specifically because they’re new and therefore not falling apart.
39. time you normally get up? Depends on what my work schedule is.
40. what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? sunset
41. how many blankets on your bed? 5? I think? If I counted right.
42. describe your kitchen plates: white
43. describe your kitchen at the moment: An island, cupboards, a stove, a dishwasher, a fridge, usually the dog is there begging for treats because she knows exactly where they are. I dunno, it’s a kitchen
44. do you have a favorite alcoholic drink? Mike’s Hard Lemonade is always good, I also like mixing Sourpuss with Sprite or ginger ale, I like both the raspberry and green apple. 
45. do you play cards? No.
46. what color is your car? My parents have a white car, I am helping my boyfriend pay for his truck, he calls it our truck but it’s really his, the truck is silver
47. can you change a tire? I helped my dad change one once way back in high school, haven’t done it since, definitely don’t remember.
48. your favorite state or province? Gonna sound so Ontario-centric if I say Ontario but yeah.... But not south Ontario, specifically northwest Ontario, which really should be its own province. Manitoba’s nice too. Like I live here now but not big on South Ontario. Niagara is kinda pretty but please just send me back up north.
49. favorite job you’ve had? Honestly my current job. Like there are times that it sucks but I’ve been here over a year and the competition is housekeeping (dead body, deer skull, people getting drunk and puking all over the bathrooms) and that time I got screamed at by an alcoholic woman when I was 17 for “blowing off shifts” that I wasn’t even scheduled for when I had a throat infection and then asking for time off when my grandpa died (literally screamed at me day of) so like... yeah, McDonald’s is actually heavenly in comparison.
Tagging @autie-j and @bb8-boppity-boo
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elusive---ivory · 4 years
The Woman In Velvet pt 14
Oof, second to last chapter, boys. We all knew this was coming. A shoutout to @princessgeekface for being my editor through this process. You are wonderful 💕💕💕
PARING: Arthur Fleck x Oc
WARNING: Violence
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Taglist (I love you all so so much 💕💕):
@jaylovesbats @memory-mortis @gloomyladyy @mijachula @princessgeekface @radio-hoo-ha @lolacolaempath
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"I'm not sure my wife would like that. Maybe my next wife." Murray's voice boomed on the stage.
Roaring of laughter came from the audience.
"You should see our next guest coming up. I'm pretty sure this guy could use a doctor." Murray commented.
"Oh? Does he have sexual problems?" Dr. Sally asked.
"I think he's got a lot of problems. Let's show that clip one last time." Murray said.
Arthur's clip played.
The audience ate it up, listening to Arthur's laughter in the clip.
Sandy rolled her eyes, looking over at Arthur, who was staring intently at the curtains.
Sandy stood back from the curtains, carefully watching Arthur's movements. The tech guys next to Arthur looked uncomfortable, and tried shuffling away.
"You might've seen that clip of our next guest. Now, before he comes out, I just wanted to say that we're all heartbroken about what's going on in the city tonight, but this is how he wanted to come out. I honestly believe we could all use a good laugh. So, please welcome Joker."
As the jazz band started, the curtains fell back, revealing Arthur. Arthur came onstage, dancing and twirling around.
Sandy watched from backstage. She looked over by the curtain, seeing Arthur's still lit cigarette. Sandy picked it up, taking a small puff, before distinguishing it.
Arthur shook Murray's hand, then headed over to Dr. Sally, who was just expecting a hug. He cupped Dr. Sally cheeks and kissed her passionately.
Sandy rolled her eyes, crossing her arms backstage.
Whistles and ahhs came from the audience.
Dr. Sally had a very shocked look on her face, as she sat back down.
"That was quite the entrance." Murray commented.
Arthur looked around at the scenery of it all.
Murray looked at Arthur, raising a comedic eyebrow. "You ok?"
"Yeah, this is exactly how I imagined it." Arthur replied.
"Well, that makes one of us." Murray joked.
Laughter and applause came from the audience.
Sandy continued watching from a small television backstage.
"So, could you tell us about this look? You said when we spoke earlier that this wasn't a political statement." Murray said, pointing out his makeup.
"That's right, Murray. I'm not political. I'm just trying to make people laugh." Arthur looked over to the audience, not one of them chuckling.
Sandy cracked a smile backstage.
"And how's that going for you?" Murray commented, again.
The audience once again roared with laughter.
Sandy's cracked smile turned into an angry frown.
Arthur mocked the audience's laughter with his own demented cackle.
"Tell us about your lady friend backstage. She's also dressed as apart of your act. Do you two got a thing going on?" Murray asked.
Sandy paused. Her eyebrows furrowed at the TV. She crossed her arms
Arthur smirked. "It's a little more than 'a thing'. She's my sweetheart. My dear, Sandy."
Awws and oohs came from the audience.
Murray laughed. "Ha. I've heard that one before."
The audience howled with laughter.
Sandy glared hard at the television. She wasn't laughing one bit. All of Murray's jokes were stale and just blatantly mean to Arthur.
"So you tell us you're a comedian. Got any new material? Wanna tell us a joke?" Murray asked, not sounding too pleasant.
The audience applauded.
"Yeah? Okay." Arthur took out his joke book.
"He's gotta book full of jokes." Murray commented.
Arthur flipped a few pages into his notebook.
Arthur paused for a second.
"Take your time. You got all night." Murray laughed.
"Okay, okay. Here's one, knock knock." Arthur said.
"And you had to look that up." Murray commented.
The audience laughed.
Sandy couldn't take the stress. She bit her thumb. She wanted to bash Murray's skull in, see if he was still joking about that.
"I wanna get it right." Arthur's voice was somber.
Sandy couldn't look. She turned her head away from the television.
"Knock, knock." Arthur repeated.
"Who's there?" Murray replied.
"It's the police, ma'am. Your son's been hit by a drunk driver. He's dead." Arthur chuckled.
A loud groan came from the audience.
Sandy laughed at Arthur's edgy joke. Two of the tech guys stared strangely at her. She smiled, watching the television.
"No, no, no. We do not joke about that." Dr. Sally scolded.
"Yeah, that's not funny, Arthur." Murray said.
Arthur chuckled, looking down. "Yeah, I'm sorry. It's just been a rough few weeks. Ever since I..."
Arthur trailed off. His eyes wandered over the audience.
"Ever since I killed those three wallstreet guys." Arthur said, quietly.
Murray looked around at the audience. "Okay, I'm waiting for the the punchline."
"There is no punchline. It's not a joke." Arthur's voice was monotonous. His eyes swelled up with sadness.
A loud gasp washed over the audience.
Sandy closed her eyes, taking a deep sigh. She couldn't help, but feel remorse in this moment. Remorse for Arthur. The tech guys stared at the TV in shock.
Murray gave Arthur a disgusted glare. "You're serious, aren't you? You're telling us you killed those three young men on the subway?"
"Mmhmm." Arthur mumbled.
Murray raised his eyebrow. "And why should we believe you?"
Arthur smirked, shrugging. "Got nothing left to lose. Nothing can hurt me anymore."
Arthur paused for a moment, before chuckling. "My life is nothing but a comedy."
Loud booes came from the audience.
Sandy smirked.
Murray shook his head. "So let me get this straight. You think killing those guys is funny?"
Arthur smacked his lips. "I do, and I'm tired of pretending it's not. Comedy is subjective, Murray. Isn't that what they say? All of you, the system that knows so much. You decide what's right or wrong. The same way you what's funny or not."
More booes and groans came from the audience.
Murray stuttered. "I think I might understand that you did this to start a movement, to become a symbol."
Arthur rolled his eyes. "Come on, MurRay. Do I look like the kind of clown that could start a movement? I killed those guys because they were awful. Everybody is awful these days. It's enough to make anyone crazy."
Murray leaned back in his chair. "So, that's it you're crazy? That's your defense for killing three young men."
Arthur smirked, widely. "No. They couldn't carry a tomb to save their lives."
Sandy laughed loudly from backstage. The two tech guys were glued to the screen, cautious of the lady in front of them.
Arthur smiled, hearing Sandy's laughter from backstage.
More booes and groans followed the audience.
Arthur dramatically rolled his eyes. "Oh, why are people so upset about these guys? If it was me dying on the sidewalk, you'd walk all over me. I PASS you every day, and you DON'T notice me. Oh, but these guys, because Thomas Wayne went and cried about them on TV."
Sandy could hear the pain and tension in his voice. Arthur was at his breaking point. Seeing him like this broke Sandy's heart. A black tear ran down her face. She cracked a smile, holding it all together.
Murray continued pushing his questions. "So, you've got a problem with Thomas Wayne?"
Arthur nodded his head, vigorously. "Yes, I do."
Arthur turned his head towards Murray.
"Have you seen what it's like out there, MurRay? Do you ever actually leave the studio? Everybody just yells and screams at each other. Nobody's civil ANYMORE! Nobody THINKS what it's like to be the other guy. You think men like Thomas Wayne ever think about what it's like to be someone like me. To be somebody, but themselves. They DON'T. They think we'll just sit there and take it like GOOD LITTLE BOYS and we won't WEREWOLF and go WILD."
Sandy's eyes widened, as she covered her mouth to silent her laughing sobs. She never seen this much pain coming from just one man. The techs seemed to get invested with Arthur's big speech.
Murray his head. "Are you finished? There's so much self pity, Arthur. It's almost like you're making excuses for killing those three men. What about your sweetheart, huh, Sandy? She's not awful, right? Not everyone, and I'll tell you this, not everyone is awful."
Arthur glared at Murray. "You're awful, Murray."
"Me? I'm awful? How am I awful?" Murray said, defensively.
Arthur's green ocean eyes glared menacingly at Murray. "Playing my video. Inviting me on the show. You just wanted to make fun of me. You're just like the rest of them."
Murray scoffed. "You don't know the first thing about me, pal. Look what happened because of what you did. What it led to. Two officers are in critical condition because of what you did."
Arthur started laughing with a gentle tear rolling down his face.
"And you're laughing. You're laughing. Someone was killed today because of what you did."
Arthur kept nodding and smiling. "I know. How about another joke, MurRay."
Murray shook his head. "No, I think we've had enough of your jokes."
"What do you get when you cross a mentally ill loner with a SOCIETY that ABANDONS him and treats him like TRASH? I'll tell you what you get. YOU GET WHAT YOU FUCKING DESERVE."
Arthur pulled out the gun, shooting Murray in the head.
The audience ran screaming in terror.
Arthur laughed to himself. Getting up, he shot Murray a second time in the chest
Sandy and the techs witnessed the horror firsthand. Sandy ran out onto the stage.
"Arthur." Sandy screamed.
Arthur walked up to the camera.
"Goodnight, and always remember. That's life."
Arthur was promptly tackled by security.
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thundersstruck · 5 years
Down the Hall-Auston Matthews
A/N: oh look I’m not dead I’ve just had major writers block and Auston feels... anyways uh the title sounds like a Harry Styles song lol. Auston and the reader met on tinder but never realized they live super close to each other
Let me know if you want a part two ig
P.S. idk how Canadian money works lol
Masterlist of writings that I sometimes update
Requested: negative
Warnings: fluff, swearing, poor plot and poorly proofread ya know tha usual, short-ish
Gif credit: @fivehole
Word count: 1100
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(Y/N)’s POV:
Unlocking the door to my dark apartment I open the door, drop my heels and flip on the light with a sigh. As I kick the door shut a message comes through on my phone.
Starboy💫: how was your work event?
Me: a total snooze fest with no deserts, that forced me to wear heels and a dress all night when I could’ve been watching say yes to the dress on my couch in my comfy clothes
Starboy💫: sounds like fun
Me: loads :) how was your night?
Starboy💫: good me and some of the guys hung out but now seeing that it’s approximately 12:15 am they have all left and now it’s just me
Me: woah you used a big word, I’m proud
Starboy💫: hahaha very funny
Me: you know you love me...
Me: xoxo gossip girl 💋
Starboy💫: you need sleep go to bed
Me: no! What I need is cake
Starboy💫: you what?
Me: I. Need. Cake.
Me: I would kill for a slice of cake right now…literally
Starboy💫: umm ok, do you wanna go get cake with me? There’s a cute little bakery down the street from my place that’s open 24/7 and always has good cake. Also please don’t kill me
Me: yes! I mean uh yeah sure let me just change I’ll text you when I need your address
Me: don’t worry I won’t :)
Starboy💫: sounds Gouda
I quickly run to my room, slipping out of my dress and into jeans and the first hoodie I see. I grab my purse and my phone sending a text to Auston.
Me: hey I’m leaving now
Starboy💫: ok I’ll meet you in my lobby *sends location* I’m wearing a hoodie and sweats... you know what I look like lmao
Me: okay sounds good.
I slip on my shoes and open the door to my apartment just to close and lock it. As I turn around to head down the hall I run into a tall, very muscular person. “Oh my gosh I’m so sorry!” I say looking up at the person. “No no it’s totally my fau- (Y/N)?” The person says. “Auston? Where did you come from?” I ask in total shock. “Uh my apartment that’s down the hall.” He says “wait how long have you lived there?” I ask looking towards his apartment door. “Uhh like four years roughly” he answers “wow uh ok me too how have we never run into each other?” I question him. “That’s a good question, that I’ll answer when we get cake.” He responds and we start walking down the hall to the elevators. We step into the elevator and stand in silence, hands brushing against each other just like a movie. Even more cliche like a movie I’ve got a million thoughts running around my damn head but they’re all interrupted by Auston lacing his hand in mine, which is oddly soft, and pulling me out of the elevator and my thoughts. “Safety first ya know.” He says as we leave the building and out into the cold of Toronto. We walk in the quiet night for a bit until Auston starts talking. “I like your jacket, maple leaf blue looks good on you” He says with a wink “aw thanks someone I know kinda plays for them, he’s kinda cute, has tattoos and is tall and stuff.” I say with a smile. “Wow sounds like a great guy.” He says stifling a laugh. “Yeah he really is.” I say with a wide smile, my thoughts drifting to how great Auston is. We reach the bakery and he lets go of my hand to grab the door for me. “Wow what a gentleman” I say with a giggle. “I try, if I didn’t my mom would probably slap me.” He says laughing. “Welcome to Maple Sweet Bakery how may I help you?” The girl behind the counter asks. “Hi yes could I please get a slice the orange dreamsicle cake?” I ask “yes ma’am and for you sir?” She asks referring to Auston. “I’ll take a piece of cannoli cake please.” Auston says. “Coming right up, that’ll be $6.34 please.” The girl says as Auston and I both pull out our wallets. “Nope not gonna happen this is a date, let me be kind and buy you your cake so you don’t possibly think about the thought of killing me.” Auston says handing her his card as I cross my arms. “I owe you one.” I say as she hands him the card and a receipt and me the slices of cake. He hands her back the receipt and heads to the table that I’m sitting at. He sits down and we both start eating our slices of cake and make small talk. As we talk I find myself admiring his features. His soft brown eyes that are like melted chocolate and his cute smile and the cute lines that come with it. “You ok?” He asks me shaking me from my thoughts. “Hm what yeah.” I answer looking at the last bit of cake I have before eating it. “You looked zoned out, deep in thought.” He says taking his last bite of cake. “I was in thought but it was more like admiration.” I say crossing my arms on the table and placing a smile on my face. He reciprocates the smile and asks “whats caught your eye?” “Oh nothing just this cute boy who lives down the hall from me.” I say causing him to lightly blush and smile. “Interesting I was thinking about this breathtaking girl who lives down the hall from me.” He says causing me to blush and smile, as he helps me up from my seat.
We walk back hand in hand to the apartment building, talking and flirting back and forth. We get into the elevator and ride it up to our floor still thinking about our date. We reach my door first and stop after I unlock it. “Well I guess this is goodnight.” He says holding my hands “I guess so.” I respond looking into his eyes. Both of our eyes flicker between looking at each other and looking at our lips. And just like a movie he pushes some hair behind my ear, leans in and places his lips on mine. The kiss is soft like his lips and tastes like the cake he ate a bit ago. He pulls away and then places a kiss on my cheek. “Goodnight.” He says leaving me star struck in my doorway. “Goodnight. See ya later Starboy.”
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//ok sorry guys... as much as I really want to smut it up tonight.. I cannot keep awake.  I did not sleep well last night, toothache kept me up from 1 to 5 am.. so im dead tired now AND i gotta go on another supply run, made it 2 full weeks but now im out of stuff.  uuggh.. goodnight at 8:12 pm
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