#oh yeah. that genie's not getting free is he
off-menu-moments · 2 years
Ep 13: Phil Wang, 55:19
P: Pleeeease! E, J: [laughing] P: Thank you, genie. J: —um, your wish is my command. P: When do you get freed? When, like, someone compliments the chef? J: Uh—the minute another guest has chosen to free me. E, P: [laughter] E: That gonna be in your starter? J: Like, basically. You have to not have a meal. You have to have no food, no drink or anything—and you can choose to free me instead. P: And that’s when the podcast ends. J: Yeah. [laughing] E: Yeah, we’re looking to get at least twenty episodes under the belt before the genie gets freed.
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silversodas · 4 months
Interesting Alastor Insights
I think I may have figured out what was up Alastor’s ass in Dead Beat Dad. On one hand it may be a deeper issue that I am missing some context for, but I actually think it’s a little simpler then we think.
Even before Lucifer arrived, Alastor was clearly not happy about him coming over, and yes Alastor was 100% full of shit in the dad off song, BUT! Something note worthy is that he was not only being possessive of the Hotel (claiming to be its host and even greeting Lucifer as the master of the house does) but is also weirdly possessive of Charlie
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And right down to the “fuck you” to Lucifer’s face it was projecting “get your feet off of my damn coffee table and get outta my house” energy. At first I was wondering what crawled up Alastor’s ass and died, and then Hell’s greatest Dad starts playing and..
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“Who’s been faithful as a Nun? Who’s been here since day one?”
And it dawned on me and I was like “Alastor, why are you acting like your being replaced?” And Charlie is just as confused at Alastor’s behavior, like this came out of nowhere. Apparently Alastor was determined to show Lucifer who the Genie of this bottle is. But I didn’t believe it at first, I was like “nah it has to be something else” but then Mimzy gave some VARY interesting insight
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When Mimzy first arrived, Alastor has a look that says (oh this is all I need right now) but he still seems happy to see her
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Like holy shit, he happily reciprocates the hug, but that’s not to surprising if you know who Mimzy is if you have been fallowing Viv for a while
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When she mentioned that he frequented the club (speakeasy)that she preformed in I was like “oh! They are drinking buddies!” Drinking Buddies are someone you generally only know the fun side of because you only hang out together at the bar, but Mimzy highlights a different side to their relationship
“Put on some Jazz, and pour a few fingers of Rye, and he becomes a kitten”
This gives me insight that while they were alive, she wasn’t just his drinking buddy and dance partner, she was his comfort zone. The way she phrased this sentence, made it sound like this was something she used to do for Alastor when they were alive, maybe she was a soothing presence as well as an entertaining one in Alastor’s life. But bar friends can sometimes be pretty high maintenance friends outside the bar, actually I think a lot of us have had something close to a friend like Mimzy in our lives. Apparently she is so bad that even Husk is concerned enough about Alastor to try and talk to him about her
“You and I both know Mimzy only shows up when she needs something. That bitch is trouble, and who knows what demon she fucked with to come running to you this time”
Alastor’s response threw me for a loop
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“It’s nothing I can’t handle, don’t worry Husker, who would cross me?”
So Alastor is not immune to having toxic friends? I always assumed he would just drop anyone who became to much trouble, this is an interesting surprise. And on top of that he’s…an enabler!? Huh…that is super interesting to know. Putting a pin in the rest of this interaction for another post because there is a lot to unpack with husk and alastor. Except for the being on a leash thing because it made me realize something.
What if the reason he felt upstaged by Lucifer was not because Lilith told him to keep him away (yeah I am subscribing to the Lilith theory, it’s to much to Be a coincidence) but because he is legitimately afraid of no longer being needed by Charlie? What if, if he isn’t needed by Charlie then he has to go back to wherever he was the last 7 years? Everyone assumes he is free because he acts as such, but is he? Like real question, what if he was a straight up gift to Charlie in a way? Even if it was a “look after my daughter” command I would still call that sending a gift.
And oh man, what if he was suppose to tell the whole truth to Charlie but gave the whole, “I am here for entertainment” speech instead.
And your probably thinking, Charlie wouldn’t tell him to leave. Yeah but does Alastor know that? And he probably thinks Lilith might call him back anyway if he is not needed but just hanging out. But as we have seen, he cant even except his own situation
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I will unpack this whole encounter later, but for real I don’t even think he is that mad at husk, he was mad at the reminder that his soul doesn’t belong to him any more. Like look at his face, it’s the most upset we have ever seen him, and it’s so detailed. He looks enraged, but also hurt at the same time. He and Charlie are not friends, yet, but I think he does feel some what safe at the hotel and maybe that’s enough for now
I also think there is some stock in Alastor hating that Lucifer is a bad dad theory, because that contempt was so raw and he did calm the fuck down a little bit during the “more then anything” song
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But those are my random insights of Alastor, there were more but this is already to long I just hope it’s coherent
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suiana · 5 months
yo i saw ur rb && feel free to write about the renting concept!!! if u do pls tag me i’d love to see <33 😋
😻😻 rhanks genie
(yandere! rental boyfriend x gn! reader) (shitpost kinda) (concept based on this post)
you know, it's not like you were ugly, dumb or poor. in fact, you consider yourself rather attractive, smart and quite rich. but it seems that no one has noticed that which... might've been why you were single for a very long period of time.
very meaning from when you were born up until recently.
you had always desired for a relationship. wanting to experience the joys of love, the romance, the contentment you get whenever you're with that special someone.
unfortunately you never got to experience that. never. even after putting down your dignity and renting a boyfriend.
you had rented a rather pretty looking guy from this... dodgy website called 'rent-a-darling'? was that the name? it probably is. what a weird website it's called. anyways, it was basically a rental boyfriend/girlfriend website and you had absolutely struck gold with it.
perfect face, perfect body, incredibly intelligent... he was basically a work of art. and his personality wasn't half that bad either! he cracked jokes and they were entertaining enough! he made you laugh, feel better about your miserable love life...
but he just wasn't it.
so you decided to end contact with him. there was no point in continuing that rental service anyways. it's not like he'd like you back even if you fell for him.
except that was exactly what happened?? a few days after you officially ended your contact with your absolute god of a rental boyfriend, he showed up at your doorstep, panting as a lovesick look paints his beautiful features.
you were concerned to say the least. after all, you had never seen him act in such a way before. which was why you allowed him in... which led you to your current situation which was far from ideal.
"could you let me go please? my arms are sore..."
"you know, you're really cute like this."
you merely sigh in response, looking away as you grow awkward under his obsessed gaze. this has been the fifth day since he tied you up, only allowing you to leave the bed for meals and the toilet.
and in those five days he's openly admitted to be in love with you.
while it was nice and endearing to hear such words, you only wish it was from someone you actually loved back. and maybe not as crazy as this guy was.
"can you please let me go? do you want money or something? i can give it to you-"
"what i want is your love, and that cannot be bought with money."
he interjects promptly, still smiling at you with his pearly white teeth which were honestly starting to creep you out. why were they so white? why was he so objectively perfect? and why was he madly obsessed with you?
"hey can i just ask something? why are you so obsessed? like just why."
he pauses for a second, hummung contently as he shuts his eyes for a bit.
"I'm not sure why,"
his eyes open again and he continues his sentence. this time, you can't help but feel an impending sense of dread in your gut when he speaks.
"i guess i just really adore you."
he then giggles oddly, tugging at your bedsheets as his face nears yours.
"you complete me, my love."
you grimace as his face nears yours. ugh, what you wanted was that lovey dovey shit you saw on television. not whatever this was. kidnapping and constant moans of how your captor loves you.
but oh well, it is a relationship. just not the one you wanted. maybe you could learn to deal with it-
"darling! if you tell me how much you love me, block everyone else you know, leave your job, and promise to run away with me, I'll untie you! how about it?"
...yeah, you're not dealing with this. perhaps you're just not meant for love.
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siriuslysmoking · 21 days
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Summary: An unlikely friendship leads into the battlefield together and somehow still stays strong. After Seven years of a full friendship something slips, and it will never be the same.
Warnings: None? Parental issues ig but nothing major.
-Then afterwards we drop into a quiet little place And have a drink or two And then I go and spoil it all By saying somethin' stupid like, "I love you"-
Growing up living next to the Harringtons was different than you expected, between the ages of zero to fifteen you heard parties next door every weekend. Then one weekend they stopped. You couldn't help but notice the lack of cars in the driveway. But Steve was still at school, his parents though, his parents were nowhere to be found.
Four weekends after the parties stopped you decided to confront Steve, you'd barely talked to him before, brief hello's after school, small waves through your bedroom windows, maybe a head nod of acknowledgement in the school hallways.
When you got home from school you saw the lights of a TV flickering in the window, you decided to finally talk to him. Knocking on the door you heard some shuffling from the otherside of the door. You watched as Fifteen year old Steve opened the door lazily.
"What are you doing here?"
"I'm coming in." You said with a smile.
"You can't just come in." He huffs, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Yes. I can." You wait until he moves to the side, granting you access to the house.
You tried not to notice the mess, but you couldn't help looking around the house you've never been in before.
"What do you need?"
"I don't need anything." You turn to him in the entryway.
"Then why are you here, bothering me."
"Oh, I'm a joy to be around, I'm not a bother."
"Alright, sunshine, What do you not need?" He rolls his eyes, leaning against the doorframe.
"I think you need something, actually, not me."
"Okay, Genie, what do I need?" He jokes sarcastically.
"A friend."
"I have friends."
"Not those types of friends, friends that don't care about what you're actually thinking." You smile softly.
"If you came here just to make me feel bad about myself, feel free to leave-"
"Where are your parents Steve?" You interrupt him, cutting to the chase.
"Where are you parents? Every Night for the past four weeks your driveway has been empty, The shrubs are overgrown and your mother always took care of those. The house has been silent every weekend. What I'm asking is, where are you parents."
"I uh..." he pauses, something seems to be caught in his throat that he just is not willing to let go.
"You don't have to tell me, but it has to get lonely in here, if you want some company, I'm just next door." You leave a smile and turn to leave.
The next time you see Steve is two nights later, you spot him while you're laying in bed with a book. He opens his window and motions for you to do the same, you learn outside the window and give him a questioning gaze.
"Wanna watch a movie?"
"Yeah, I'll bring popcorn." You smile, you didn't expect him to accept your offer of being friends, but you're happy he did.
"Thanks Sunshine."
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Seven years later Steve and you have been through thick and thin, from teenage breakups, parent issues, and interdimensional creatures. Still your friendship was somehow still growing bigger.
As the party died down you walked your guests out, thanking them for coming, and the housewarming gifts.
Once everyone leaves it's just you and Steve, the two of you clean up together and once you both are done you pour a glass of wine for the both of you. You hand Steve his as you both settle onto the couch. "Thanks, Sunny."
"Wanna watch a movie?"
"I'll get some popcorn." Steve says sitting up and moving to the kitchen, "Pick out a movie, just nothing too geeky."
"Hey! My movie picks are far superior than yours."
"Don't insult my movie preferences, I worked at Family Video for a year!" He shouts from the kitchen.
"Yeah until the government paid us off for our silence."
He returns with a bag of popcorn.
"Did you burn it again?" It wasn't even a question at this point.
"I take offense to that! I am fully capable of making popcorn."
"You may be able to make a beautiful fettuccine but popcorn is not your forte." He scoffs as he opens the bag and then the smell comes... "Steve, I swear."
"I didn't mean to!" He yells, you grab the bag as you rush to the trash to throw it out and open up a window.
"You are forever off popcorn duty." You shout behind you, throwing in a new bag. "The fact that you do it every time astounds me."
Once a fresh bag is made, you snuggle up with a blanket on the couch.
Halfway through the movie Steve lays his head down on your lap, you slowly run your fingers through his hair, you hear his breathing start to grow smoother and slower. You let him sleep through the movie so he'll not be so tired for his drive home. But looking at the time he should probably just stay the night
Once the movie is over you shake Steve awake, since it's so late you tell him to stay the night, he holds no argument and just follows you back to your room, once he's changed and you've both brushed your teeth.
"Night Stevie."
"I love you, Sunny." He's said it a million times over the past seven years, but this time... this time I just felt different. His heavy eyes held something that's never been aimed in your direction before. You can't get yourself to let words out, His throat sounds tight when he whispers shakily, "I'm so in love with you, it's almost painful to see you knowing that you don't know that I am utterly enamored with you. You are my universe, my star, my sky, my Sunny. And I'm sorry, I'm ruining the best thing I've ever had saying this, but I can't go another day without knowing your feelings."
You just stare at him for what feels like hours, days, years. You only escape your mind when Steve suddenly sits up, saying, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry-"
He says it over and over that it doesn't even sound like a word anymore. "I shouldn't have- I'm sorry."
"Steve," You murmur, standing up and rounding the bed to try to stop him from getting dressed.
"I'm so sorry, Sunny-" He's buttoning his jeans when you place your hands on his cheek, you only realize then that he let the clawing tears escape his eyes.
"Stop." You look at him softly, "Steve, I need you to breathe."
You hear him take a deep shaky breath, "I didn't want to ruin this-"
"Steve, you didn't ruin anything." You say with a soft smile.
"I- I didn't?"
You shake your head slowly, "I love you so much Steve that it consumes me, sometimes it's all I am, the love I have for you, and it's only grown over the years now that I know you."
"No..." He looks relieved, "Really?"
"Yes, Steve." You move one of your hands into his hair, it's the best way to soothe him. "So much that Robin considered calling a doctor."
He smiles into your hands, "Can I kiss you now?"
"You don't need to ask, you never need to ask." Then his lips meet your and it was like coming up for air after being stuck underwater for a lifetime.
"I love you, I love you, I love you." He repeats into your lips with a smile. Once you separate he rests his forehead on yours, "I love how you know me, I love how you love me."
Because to be loved is to be known.
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TOS Replay Stray Thoughts #1:
Ahh, playing Tales of Symphonia is like coming home. ❤️
It's been some time since I wrapped up my years-long 100% completion run, so just for fun, I'll provide some wisened/wisecracking commentary along the way. Starting...NOW!!!
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-As I'm playing the GC version, it's funny how I went from "the NA opening instrumental is totally rad and Starry Heavens is generic anime schlock" to, uh, kinda the opposite.
To this TOS veteran, said instrumental still "represents" the game for me, but in retrospect removing the Japanese songs is a really cynical practice. (And I'm saying this as someone who doesn't care for Modern Tales at all.)
(Seriously, what's up with the different instrument in the PS2/OST versions??? Dunno what that sound is, but it's no good.)
-Who is Vidarr? What's his deal? No one knows, but I'm thinking he's in desperate need of a character study -- one diving into the complex themes of Do Not Get In Our Way and Ugh I Lost To A Bunch Of Kids.
-"I gave the Chosen a lifetime's supply of gels for her journey!"
Then where are they, guy? 'Cause I didn't get a single one when they joined my party.
(There's a story here...were they lost in a tragic accident? Or is Kratos a gel addict?)
-"What are you saying? Do you realize how many died here because of him?"
Scott Menville condemning Scott Menville.
-Kratos in Triet: Lloyd, you are growing stronger -- you've realized you can't just swing your swords mindlessly.
Also Kratos in Triet: Your swordsmanship is bad and you should feel bad.
(Both in-character! But they're bundled too closely.)
-Colette: ohnoitsbroken
That needed another take.
-Lloyd shoots a Renegade with the Sorcerer's Ring and that frees him because??? (As you can tell, nitpicking's a habit of mine.)
-One storytelling flaw of TOS -- particularly in the first act -- is that it's a little *too* frontloaded with foreshadowing. It practically spells out Colette's fate no less than three times before you leave Iselia! That resigned "yeah" of hers on Lloyd's balcony was enough.
-I love Clumsy Colette, but I've always felt Ditzy Colette comes off as a little too dumb/mean-spirited. (Never liked the "you need to act more Chosen-like!" scene early on) I guess you could say it's a coping mechanism of sorts to distract herself from her inevitable death, but I don't know if that works.
-"You got re-ject-ed!"
See, even Genis knows Lloyd and Colette are meant to be. Oh, sure, he's laughing at Lloyd's expense now, but he's crying on the inside. I promise.
Annnnd that's it for now! I'll be posting more thoughts on the regular, so stay tuned for further Tales of Symphonia geekiness!
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bigwishes · 2 years
Hey I am in dire need for some help!
I'm a 6'4 handsome jock, big beefy muscles, a deep baritone voice and got every guy on the team begging to suck my 8.5-incher.
I know this al sounds amazing and fuck yeah it is.. but the last few days I felt weak, not like I was sick or anything, but like my strength started leaving me. I heard a lot about your wishes where people drain their bullies or the jocks of their school. I'm an upstanding person, I have helped go up against bullying even from my teammates, I've helped my younger brother in the gym when he didn't know what he needed to do, even coach thinks I have everything he needs to become state champion this year.
So please save me from loosing all my hard worked size, I don't even know who is doing this to me.
Oh no you're losing muscle?!?!?! well we can't have that. The truth is mate I know exactly what is going on and who is doing it to you. A new student at the college gym always wanted to work out but his parent's never let him, worried it might stunt his growth. He desperately wanted to catch up and asked if I could put everyone in the gym's gains on him for the next week. Nobody noticed but you've got a keen eye and seem to notice what's going on so I tell you what I'll stop this guys wish, tell him to wish for something new and as a reward for being so perceptive I'll make you the new focus of the wish. Get you your gains back from the past few days and give you the gains of everyone who goes to the gym for the next week.
Day 1 was dope as fuck, your muscle felt pumped again, you were no longer tired after lifting and you felt incredibly solid after a workout. You were happy to be yourself again, working towards you goals. As much as you had prided yourself on hard work and being natural you were low key excited for a little magical boost, just a couple pounds of muscle from magic surely would still make you natural, after all the gains being sent your way are still gains worked for, just not gains worked for by you.
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Day 2 was even better, whole fuck you were pumped all the time, you probably didn't even need to go to the gym but you wanted to, you loved the gym and didn't want to take the week off because you were getting free gains. After all it was like working double time getting swole, you were excited for the state championships in a few months and to go home and see your brother and show off your gains. The Christmas dinner keeps running in your head of him asking you how you got massive and you just saying diet and exercise. the thought of entering a bodybuilding comp crossed your mind, you were getting huge and its not like you could test positive for roids, and you'd never be tempted by them either.
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Day 3 was different, you woke up at 12:01am on the dot and felt an insane pump, it wasn't slow and every lasting like how day 2 was this was fast, like a flood of blood throughout your whole body, like you were being pumped up like a balloon,
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You struggled on your bed feeling more and more mass being added to your frame. The growth finally subsided and you passed out.
You struggled driving your car to the campas gym, the seat was uncomfortable and your thighs and swollen up so big you gym shorts felt like they were cutting off the circulation to your legs, maybe you should take the rest of the week off....or maybe ask for the growth to stop now....
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Day 4 was a struggle, you had another growth surge in the middle of the night and it really set in just how much mass hundreds of people using the 24 hour gym daily can make. You would be fine to be like this, it'd be awesome and absolute easy win at state championships followed by sponsorships, you could drop out and be paid by supplement companies to simply pose with their products, but you couldn't get bigger than this, anymore size and you wouldn't even be able to get in your car anymore, no, you had to text the genie and ask for it to end early.
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Day 5 was hell, you had a growth spurt in the middle of the gym changing room, bringing a whole new meaning to the words "Changing Room" not a single person in there noticed, like the magic was just making everyone thing you were always this big. Your coach had commented on how genetically gifted you were, apparently you had been made to do a random roid test several times and always come back clean, something you had no memory of. Going through old social media posts you saw you were much bigger in high school then you actually were, like the past was changing to accommodate for all this new found size.
Still after today you knew you didn't want anymore, even your best friend stood next to you as your posed your hulking frame in the mirror.
"bro, there is such a thing as too large, slim down for a few months or you'll be off the team for being too slow"
He was right, the new size was impacting your ability to play, one strong and fast you were now just strong, a brick wall no one could get by sure but what was the point it you couldn't chase a guy down or move your arms properly to catch the ball.
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Day 6 was spent messaging the genie all day different combinations of "I wish to be smaller" or "please stop the growth now" any phrase you could think of to try to get the genie's attention to stop the growth. What your young mind thought would be cool t first turned into your biggest nightmare, you had outgrown your car and you couldn't even sell it for a new one as last time you got out of it you completely caved in the drivers side by simply shutting the door. You spent an hour walking to the gym, the only thing to clear your mind was lifting weights. During a rest your daily does of growth kicked in, your pecs and traps were swelling so close to your neck you could barely turn your head anymore.
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Day 7, the final day of growth. You had become a fucking monster. Lost your place on the team from barely being able to move. You were staving all the time and spent most of your day now shovelling food down your throat as simply waling down the dorm room stairs caused you to burn a whole day's work of calories for any normal guy. You were anxiously awaiting today's growth and spent the whole day locked in your room. Everything around you was destroyed, unable to handle all the strength you had busted most things you touched and your furniture had all collapsed. Cheap college budget furniture could barely hold your weight how you were before all this but now it was just scrap wood and metal on the floor, you couldn't even bend down to pick it up. The whole day passed you buy and you saw the time 11:30pm...any moment now your final growth would happen and then you could figure out how to reverse it, or live with it. You tried to think positively, how awesome it would be to be an absolute monster, how much action you'd get. A deluded lie you told yourself, the truth was after what you did to your care you were terrified to go on a date or out for a hook up, every time you thought about it you could only think about accidently breaking the guys spine, but you'll finally get to figure all this out in just a few minutes, after tonight no more growth, just learning to live with the size. A message appear on your phone, from the genie, maybe he had finally seen your messages, maybe he'll shrink you back to how you were a few days ago, maybe you'd get punished for turning away the gift and turned into a twink....but being a twink would be better than this.
"hey bro, hope you are enjoying all the mass from the guys in the gym, today is gonna be a bit different. I explained what was going on to the original wish maker and he felt shitty and made a new wish, he wanted the nicest guy in the gym to triple in size and well I have decided you're nicest guy! you've been great carrying your team and just being a nice guy in the gym so I dunno how big you are now mate but I hope you always dreamed to be massive. If you've gotten too big from this tell me now and Ill stop the wish but after 11:59pm thats it, it goes through and nothing I can do about it"
You laughed loudly, this was your chance, to get the body from a few days ago, be a massive goliath but not be too big. Thank god. 11:45, still heaps of time. You excitedly went to message back but your phone slipped out you massive hands. Instinctively you went to catch it before it landed on the floor *CRUNCH...you opened your hand to see bits of crushed aluminium and glass slip out your fingers and on to the floor. You stopped, in shock you simply got off your bed and walked to the bathroom mirror. No one had gotten shell shock from breaking their phone before but you just stood in your bathroom, barely big enough for you to fit in and stared at yourself in the mirror. You thought you had become a monster, no, you were a freak, a massive freak of nature but in just a few more minutes, then, then you'd truly become a monster and there was no way for you to stop it now.
Morphs in the story done by the incredibly Max Morphs check out their blog and show them some love.
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anon-e-miss · 7 months
Hazing - 5
Jazz was a patient mech. He needed to be in his line of work. Though it irritated him that Tarantulas was running free and unsupervised with Prowl’s bitty, he knew this was an instance when he could not be rash. Sentinel’s favourite could not be removed without consequences and though Jazz did not fear the Prime’s vengeance for himself, he had places to disappear to, kin who would guard him, Prowl was not so fortunate. He did not want to see Prowl punished for his impatience. Thankfully, Sentinel’s energon thirst was unending and it was not long before the saboteur heard tell of plans to test Tarantulas latest weapon of war.
He laid in wait, within view of the test site with a carton of popped gears. Jazz nodded as a familiar yellow and blue mech joined him and offered the mech, his originator a servoful of the greasy snack. This had been a tradition of their since Jazz had learned to arm a bomb. Punch did not wear the Autobot’s brand, neither did he wear the Decepticon’s. The fact his creations wore these brands was his doing. They were his optics inside these lumbering armies. No Autobot knew Jazz’s twin was amongst the Decepticons, just as no Decepticon knew Jazz was Ricochet’s twin. Neither he nor his twin considered the other an enemy. Their deeds in this war were a means to an end.
Down below, Jazz saw Tarantulas, his mandible clicking as he spoke excitedly about his latest creation. Each time Jazz saw the mech, he was that much more a freak of his own making. Jazz feared what his creation might look like, what Tarantulas might have done to the poor little thing. He took another servoful of popped gears and took a twig of Kremzeek. Sentinel Prime tapped his ped with impatience as his prized madmech raved about his marvelous new weapon. Jazz smiled as he watched the Prime rebuke the freeze. Looking sullen, Tarantulas pulled out a remote and pressed the button. Hundreds of small, buzzing missiles shot up into the air. For a fraction of a nanoklik they flew towards the Dead End, the Prime’s favourite dart board, but then they flipped about in midair and changed direction. Every last one raced towards the Prime. Sentinel transformed but he was not fast enough to get away. He exploded into thousands of pieces. His Vanguard descended on the scientist. His screams rose up from the crush.
“Nicely done,” Punch said.
“We’ll see what sorta Prime the Matrix comes up wit next,” Jazz said.
“Could be a worse mech than Zeta or Sentinel,” Punch declared.
“Could be,” Jazz agreed. “Or the Matrix might just surprise us all.”
Ori stuck around as Jazz went forward with the next phase of his plan. They neatly sidestepped his crude traps and walked deep into his lab. There were half finished inventions, schematics and prototypes all over the place. It did not seem like he focused on any one project but a dozen at once. In the middle of the lab was the skeletal structure of a warbuild. He did not think he wanted to know what plans Tarantulas had held for that thing. Jazz listened intently and made his way deeper into the lab, searching until he found the freak’s living space. There was a carefully wrapped bundle in the middle of a spider’s web. Jazz cut it open, revealing a bitlet. The little one yawned as Jazz pulled him from the web.
“A bitlet?” Punch asked. “What was that freak doin’ wit a bitlet?”
“Sired ‘m,” Jazz explained. “On the tac attache for Spec Ops.”
“Ya took a fancy to the mech,” Punch guessed.
“Oh yeah,” Jazz agreed. “That I did. ‘N I fancied his creation was better off wit’m.”
“Seein’ as Tarantulas was a madmech, I can agreed to that,” Punch replied. “Ya plannin’ to be geni to this bitty?”
“Mm,” Jazz hummed. “Seein’ as I moved his ori into my hab, I suppose I am.”
“Did he tell ya the bitty’s designation?” Punch asked.
“No,” Jazz replied. “Seems like he didn’t even get to hold this lil thang. ‘M surprised he’s sane to be honest wit ya. But he’s sane ‘n he’s sharp. ‘M sure y’re Ori’s got somethin’ in processor for ya.”
“Lemme know when I can visit,” Punch said.
“Maybe ya outta come now,” Jazz offered. “He ain’t got experience at this sorta thing. ‘M sure ya can help.”
“I’ll leave’m be if he’s uncomfortable,” Punch replied. “Some oris wanna village ‘n some wanna nest in peace.”
Jazz knew Prowl would be waiting at home. He had fragged him so well the dark-cycle before, Prowl had elected to work from home rather than show off his limp to his new colleagues. Poor mech was shy of letting on that they were fragging but most of them if not all of them knew. Hound and Cliffjumper could hear them every time Jazz helped Prowl with his paperwork and if Hound knew, Mirage did as well. They might keep it to themselves but Jazz thought it would not be hard for the others to catch on. The fact they were not trying to take advantage of this information was good for them. Jazz would not be forgiving of blackmail attempts.
The bitlet was an armful, Jazz mused as he adjusted his grip. Underneath all those mods, Tarantulas’ natural build had been quite a lot bigger than Prowl. Considering how big the bitty was at only a few quartexes old, he must have been quite the big newling and yet Prowl had not only given emergence to him naturally, he had recovered incredibly quickly. He was a natural brooder, Jazz thought. It was something to consider for the future. For the moment, bitty cooed happily as they approached Jazz’s door.
“Know yet ori’s waitin’ for ya, don’t ya, Sweetspark?” Jazz cooed. He knocked once.
“Taught’m yer knock?” Punch asked.
“Tarantulas snatched ‘m from home,” Jazz explained. “Taught ‘m ya ain’t e’er completely safe.”
“Jazz?” Prowl sounded anxious as he called to him as Jazz opened the door.
“I brought company,” Jazz told him. “‘N y’re bitlet.”
“You really found him?” Prowl asked, he peaked around the corner. “Hello.”
“Don’t mind me,” Punch said. “‘M the rascal’s ori ‘n he thought ya might want support from someone that’s been there.”
“Maybe?” Prowl said.
“Poor thang, y’re in knots,” Punch crooned. “Ya go have a seat. Jazz’ll give ya yer bitty ‘n no one will take’m from ya again.”
“You are not an Autobot,” Prowl said. He sat on the couch amongst the pillows Jazz had piled up for him when he had moved in.
“Not a Decepticon either,” Punch assured him.
“Ori keeps everyone honest,” Jazz explained. He lowered the hefty bitlet into his originator’s arms. Prowl immediately teared up as he held his creation tightly in his arms.
“There there,” Punch crooners “Ya been through an ordeal. Everythin’s alright now.”
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theautismgoblin · 5 months
Okay so I already talked bout the Snow Genie Au, but I GOT THE CHARACTER SHEET DONEEEEE
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Okay so, all the characters keep core personalities here. Finn is the Vamp!King (he hates getting called that), Simo is the Time Oracle (instead of wish master), Snow Genie (aka Prismo) is the Ice King, Jake is in Gunther's spot (his dad did this, cause his bio-dad is horrid), Marcy is a sweet yet care-free girl, and Bonnie is still a scientist with questionable morales, Dream Trunks is the Cosmic Owl stand in (if a bad dream with her happens, she leaves a treat somewhere in the affected person's home). Magic Scarab is a little crud who just wants revenge on Prismo (who isn't sane) for causing the apocalypse. And Betty is a God Auditor (she takes care of anyone against Golb).. Oh yeah
Golb is considered the main god now. So the Lich and Billy are also swapped (but Lich is still the last scholar of Golb, since understanding chaos takes a loooooooooootttttttt)
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nobodyfamousposts · 2 years
Your lordness, speaking of isekai... are you going to make another fic based on that? Because I checked and you're missing one of Norm the genie.
(Snaps fingers) I knew I was forgetting something!
“I wish I was the top model! Most popular and most famous and adored by the populous!”
So being top model wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. Her modeling jobs were at all hours, giving Lila limited time to relax or even sleep. She had a strict schedule that didn’t let her spend time with her followers to gloat and an even stricter diet that limited what she could eat.
She was not meant to survive on such small and tasteless portions!
At the very least, she had hoped for the opportunity to brag to the sheep at school, but being in such high demand meant they had to cut into her school hours, too! What was even the point of being the best if she couldn’t gloat about it?
Lila sighed as she prepared to step outside once again.
Still, it would be worth it for the popularity! Just remember, Lila! You’re the top model! Best of the best! Now no one will doubt how amazing you are and there is NOTHING that can ruin that for you!
…then Lila was almost instantly mobbed upon leaving her apartment.
Granted, it was what she had wanted. To be recognized on the street and adored by the populous.
But in retrospect, she probably should have talked to Adrien first about what to expect. Or really any other celebrity.
A shame she hadn’t known any.
And a greater shame she went out without any sort of bodyguard or protection as the mob was an actual mob that saw fit to take advantage of her ill preparedness to effectively jump the unsuspecting minor.
One particularly enthusiastic person cheered. "I GOT A CHUNK OF HER HAIR!"
And that person was immediately tackled by several others in a fight for the locks.
Lila, now sans some articles of clothing and sporting a new hairstyle, just managed to crawl out from beneath the pile of people. With them distracted by their infighting, she managed to dash away to a nearby alley to catch her breath. Which would have been fine had said alley not been full of garbage.
At least no one would think to look for her there, right?
And perhaps it was because no one noticed or thought to check that she was able to observe a rather special moment as a familiar voice reached her ears.
“Hey, Adrien. Sorry to hear you lost your top model spot.”
Lila peaked out and…yes, that was Marinette Dupain-Cheng on the street right outside the school. And sure enough, there was Adrien Agreste standing there as well—strangely ignored for once now that he was no longer the most popular model in Paris.
And yet he looked far from disappointed as he smiled at Marinette.
“Actually, I’m kind of grateful. Ever since Lila was named the new face of the brand, I’ve been getting less work.” He gave a shrug. “If anything, I’m enjoying the time off. I haven’t had this much free time in years!”
Lila gaped.
That was right! She had been too tired and busy to notice, but ever since her wish, she hadn’t been modeling with Adrien as much anymore. In fact, the amount of shoots she’d been having with him had been decreasing as her solo jobs have increased.
She clenched her fists in frustration.
Her wish was supposed to have made her the perfect companion alongside Adrien! Or at least if she outshone him, he was supposed to be impressed with her for it! Or at least more miserable than this!
Marinette smiled back at him. “Well, at least something good is coming out of it for you.”
He grinned. “Hey, how about grabbing lunch? Now that I’m not in demand anymore, I’m being allowed to get my own lunch now.”
The other girl blushed heavily at that and nodded. “O-oh! Okay! Sure yeah!”
And with that, the two walked away to get a lunch together. Just like something out of a movie about a perfect couple.
Lila twitched.
Honestly, it was as if the universe was laughing at her.
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eeveecryptid · 1 year
lines through the movie because - hello - i adore just how well done it was. feel free to adjust pronouns/phrasing if needed. May include nsfw material.
“s/he's here again. s/he was watching me.” “try and get back to sleep before (name) finds you in my bed.” “what are you doing out of bed, little girl/boy?” “s/he sleepwalks sometimes since our parents died.” “you're a good boy/girl for taking such care of your sister/brother/sibling.” “that must have been quite some dream.” “i almost shit my goddamn pants.” “if i knew you were gonna be screaming in your sleep, i would've left you at the side of the road.” “you know, one might have nightmares heading back into that shithole town.” “hey, why don't you just take a seat and leave the poor kid alone, huh, (name)?” “ten bucks says you can't shoot that off from here.” “twenty says i can knock the bottle without even looking.” “you snooze, you lose- it's (sender's name)'s sandwich now.” “i heard that you shot your partner in the ass during training.” “heard that your daddy, some big shot on the force, had to bail you out.” “what's the 'S' stand for? stupid?” “sooner they shut this whole town down, the better, as far as i'm concerned.” “we're nice people once you get to know us.” “s/he's only got eyes for the big fella, and I don't fancy your chances against him.” “you really shoot your own partner?” “still pining after (name), i see.” “never gonna happen, bro.” “i see you wax your chest now.” “after you ran away, (name) was the closest thing i had to family.” they raised me, put me through school, the academy-- they were there for me.” “where were you? i haven't even heard from you in five years.” “they've been trying to contain that shit, but the genie is out of the bottle now, and i don't think it's going back in.” “what kind of person can pick a lock like that?” “it's kind of impressive, but also, what the fuck?” “i'd never let anything hurt you.” “lock-pick the door behind you when you leave-- and don't touch the bike!” “what would the worst way to die be? to be swallowed whole by a snake or eaten alive by a great white shark?” “you're a freak, (name).” “i plan on dying peacefully in bed, snuggled in (name)'s big burly arms. “you said 'everyone into the briefing room,' so- here i am.” “i didn't mean you, you moron. not you, (name), everyone else. “what if someone wanders in and there's no-one behind the front desk? an old lady's looking for her cat or something.” “i'm sorry, (name), is that important? a new girlfriend?” “maybe you could take her out to eat at Planet Hollywood.” “they have a new one in Gatlin- oh, they got a great salad. little wine.” “maybe just take her back to your apartment, rent a movie at Blockbuster, get cozy on the couch, or put on some Journey.” “Steve Perry's voice, what it does to a woman's heart, huh? am i right?” “sounds like i might be getting laid.” “leaving, that's what they want. so they can destroy my life's work.” “it's okay, little girl/boy, because we've found you a new family.” “don't worry about your brother/sister, s/he'll be coming along as well, in due course.” “we would never separate the two of you.” “who are you gonna call? you're the police.” “i'm no medical expert, but i think that guy might just be beyond saving.” “congratulations, rookie, on the promotion.” “i'm sure your father would be incredibly proud that his pathetic specimen of a child is rising so quickly through the ranks.” “someone should confiscate that.” “the faster we find them, the faster we can get the fuck out of here.” “so you're (name)'s little sister/brother, huh? i didn't think the two of you spoke.” “my parents died in a car accident when i was eight.” “my brother and i grew up in an orphanage here.” “i ran away a long time ago.” “i had to learn to handle myself quickly.” “you're probably wondering what a guy like me is doing as a cop, right?” “oh yeah, no, he's fucking fine, yeah. who doesn't cough up a little blood on the floor when they're feeling sick? just a little cold.” “of course he's not fucking okay, man, look at him.” “you're no einstein, are you, buddy?” “get your shit together, or you're not gonna make it through the night.” “i just really want to get out of this town.” “i don't know who they are. i don't know, and i don't care.” “they're just some people with a vested interest in getting hold of whatever dirty secrets Umbrella are keeping down there and exposing them.” “come on, (name). don't look at me like that. it's just money, alright? and they have plenty of it.” “it was just a way of getting out of this . . . small town, dead-end life.” “you were just gonna leave us?” “we have to find (name 1) and (name 2) and tell them (name 3) is dead.” “come on, these are your friends!” “they bought you off, didn't they? they paid you to keep quiet about all the shit they were doing in here.” “now they've left you to rot in the gutter like the rest of us.” “don't be so damn naïve.” “you got some weird friends.” “(name 1) betrayed us, (name 2). s/he was gonna leave us here to die.” “we have to follow him/her, 'cause i think it's our only way out of here.” “this is my life's work. i'm not giving it to anybody.” “i'm not really offering you a choice here, pal.” “you didn't have to make it like this.” “what the hell is wrong with you?” “this is so fucked.” “jesus, (name), you and that fucking gun.” “i wouldn't have pulled the trigger, kid.” “did you really believe you could be part of my family?” “oh, such a sweet little soldier. such a loyal drone.” “how could you be so dumb when your sister/brother's so smart?” “i almost feel sad having to kill you. almost.” “i should have taken you and your sister/brother down to the lab. you would have made excellent specimens.” [ to an attacker ] “get. the fuck. away. from my brother/sister.” “this is really nice, but i think i broke some ribs.” “we got to get the fuck out of here, Umbrella is gonna level this place.” “trust me, i'm as surprised as you are, buddy.” “i should've listened to you a long time ago.” “i may have scratched the paint on your bike.” [ to a monster ] “hey! you ugly fuck!” “a rocket launcher? Found it in first class.” “i don't understand, i thought i was dead.” “what happened to my eyes? i can't see.” “it's a side effect, one of the things we had to do to bring you back. there will be others.”
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lolotheparagon · 4 months
Sofia the First Season 3 in a Nutshell
Cool Hand Fluke - 7/10
Finally, an episode about the mermaids that isnt shit... That is a sentence I just said.
Minimus is Missing - 10/10
Every pegasus in the kingdom has been Pied Pipered away and he mastermind behind this is revealed to be a spoilt kid wizard who really wanted a pegasus for his birthday and decided to steal every horse in the kingdom cos he can. He also gets a rock ballad villain song. Yknow, this show really surprises you sometimes.
Cedric Be Good - 9/10
After all this time, Cedric finally has the amulet by swapping it for a fake copy and goes through the five stages of grief cos he doesnt realise he stole his surrogate niece's most priced possession.
Princess Adventure Club - 1/10
Oh, a new princess who's an adventurer? Now that sounds cool! I wonder if there'll be regular adventures she'll take Sofia and the gang to- OH MY GOD AMBER CAN YOU STOP BEING A BITCH FOR 5 MINUTES?? This girl's characterisation really is the prime example of "depending on the writer"
Minding the Manor - 4/10
Aunt Tilly instructs Sofia to housesit her mansion for an afternoon whilst dealing with gargoyles. Then its revealed Tilly wants to pass onto Sofia the role of being a errand girl to everyone else's domestic problems, even though she's like 8
The Secret Library - 6/10
Okay, not a bad start to this Secret Library arc and its a good story about Minimus making amends with his free-spirited big brother. Also Cary Elwes is the villain in this, which was a delight to see. Also Merida's in this and she gives the last good advice out of all the Disney Princesses to Sofia.
New Genie on the Block - -3/10
This is the most whack shit Ive ever seen in a kids cartoon. So a genie is loose in Tangu and theres a genie patrol, who is run BY a genie and he's designed to look like an American cop for some reason and Sofia becomes a honorary deputy throughout the episode. Their flying carpets are designed to look like American police cars but we're in fucking Arabia. WHAT IS THIS DESIGN CHOICE? The kid genie that's supposed causing trouble is just doing party tricks for a group of kids but Sofia and the genie cop chasistise him anyway for breaking the rules (oh yeah there's genie rules and unlike Aladdin, there's like a bajillion of them even though this kid genie isnt even doing that much rulebreaking) and thus ends up causing more trouble. Wow, its like the actual American police. I dont know what the fuck the writers were smoking but its fucking hilarious
The Fliegel Has Landed - 1/10
Jessica DiCicco plays an mean alpha bitch fairy who's just moved next to the trolls and its up to Sofia and Cedric to teach this bully a lesson? Nice! I cant wait for them to squash this nasty bug- oh no theyre redeeming her, for fucks sake!!!
The Princess Ballet - 10/10
Kari is a wonderful side character and Sofia and Amber helping her overcome her crippling perfectionism whilst practicing ballet and hiring a special tutor to teach her in ways she can understand before the big show is super sweet. THIS. This is what Sofia the First is all about
All the Sprite Moves - -5/10
Vivian has moved into a new castle and hates it, so she enlists the help of the sprites to make the castle haunted so her family can leave. There was also a subplot where Clover gets drunk on love potion berries and obsesses over Crackle and apparently these berries are a plot device cos Sofia uses them again to drug the sprites to leave the castle. That was really weird, dont ever do that again.
Sofia in Elvenmoor - 10/10
The most kid friendly acid trip episode you'll ever get. A good lesson about being focussed on what you're doing and not getting distracted by whats around you. Also there was an adorable moment when the King tries to communicate with one of Sofia's critter friends (even though he cant understand squirrel) when he's trying to find her. He also didnt want to cut down an ancient tree when his men were constructing a road and wanted them to build around it, even before he noticed Sofia was in the tree. King Roland's environmentally friendly and thats just neat.
Stormy Lani - 1/10
They really pulled the magical native stereotype with Lani and had the gall to have a white girl teach an indigenous girl to calm her temper cos her emotions change the weather. WOW. That is Steven Universe levels of racist.
Lord of the Rink - 7/10
Huh, imagine that. A good Prince Hugo episode . This one's a flip-around from Just One of the Princes where Hugo worries his interest in a feminine sport like ice skating will cause his friends and his father to mock him and Sofia reassures him to just do the sport and not worry what others think. Nice to see theres no gender double standard in this show.
The Secret Library: Olaf and the Tale of Miss Nettle - 0/10
Once I found out Ms Nettle was getting redeemed, I skipped through the entire episode cos im so DONE with this show redeeming every villain in its path. Why cant we teach kids that sometimes people are just dicks?
Gone With the Wand - 9/10
We meet Cedric's niece, Calista, who adores her uncle as much as Sofia does. Now im entirely convinced Cedric cared for Sofia all this time cos she reminds him of Calista and I find that so sweet. They then go to Merlin's castle where Cedric goes into fanboy mode, manage to imprison an evil sorceress and have Calista learn not to steal stuff thats her favourite colour cos its still stealing. Only downside is why that evil sorceress had to be Morgana. Girl gets way too much hate in fantasy stories.
Bad Little Dragon - 7/10
Weird title aside, its a great Crackle episode where her jealousy over Vivian's new baby dragon is completely justified as the new dragon is not only an international jewel thief, but an adult dragon just with a baby body and talks like an old school gangster. This is the funniest shit
Bunny Swap - 6/10
It's a solid Clover episode where he gets his privilege checked by his doopleganger
Her Royal Spyness - -7/10
Best In Air Show - 5/10
Minimus has an overbearing mother zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Dads and Daughters Day - 8/10
Sofia gets a similar problem like what she had in Mom's the Word, this time its with her dad. Her and Amber's class are going on a field trip with all their dads and after Hildegarde's remark about Roland not being Sofia's real dad, Sofia fears that because she doesnt have memories of previous dad and daughter trips like Amber, she doesnt believe she's truly his daughter. Cue heartfelt speech from Roland about how he'll always love her and in comes my unintelligble bawling.
Elena and the Secret of Avalor - 8/10
A Sofia the First episode tackling the destruction that imperalism causes to a nation, a new princess protagonist named Elena getting the upper hand and finally getting her crown, her family and her kingdom back from an imperalist bitch? Well, damn, I'm impressed. Although Sofia's family couldve done a lot more and the idea of a Latina princess being trapped inside an amulet that was used by white princesses really bothers me. Like, why couldnt Elena just be in forced exile thanks to the villain or have her be trapped in a magic mirror or some shit?
The Tale of the Noble Knight - 4/10
Kevin Michael Richardson plays an amazingly hammy knight. Shame he wasnt in a better episode.
The Bamboo Kite - 7/10
Nice to see the lesson of respecting both old and new technology and resources. Its just neat.
Beauty is the Beast - 9/10
This time, Sofia gets summoned to help a princess. She meets Charlotte, who's been turned into a beast as a punishment because she was racist to a goblin. Sofia tries to get the goblin and princess to get along and they end up being besties cos they both nerd out over royal stuff. Honestly, I wish Charlotte kept her beast form. Its very ugly cute.
Cauldronation Day - 2/10
Lucinda's having some witch graduation ceremony but her two new friends are both fighting over the position to be the witch of honour so Sofia tries to make them become friends, even though they clearly arent good enough friends to Lucy. Its fucking infuriating how Lucinda never puts two and two together and just makes Sofia her witch of honour and tell her friends to fuck off cos Sofia is right there being supportive.
Camp Wilderwood
Yknow that spoilt wizard kid Wendell from Minimus is Missing? That kid who stole a kingdom's pegasi cos he really wanted one instead of a magic lute? That kid who even took over a small kingdom for the evulz? Lets redeem him and have him befriended by James all because htey both hated going to a summer camp. Great, a terrible slap-dash villain redemption and a mediocre James episode. Man, this kid never gets a good episode.
Royal Vacation - 5/10
"See, parents? The best way to get your family to spend more time with each other is by forcing them to go on vacation! Even if the vacation turns out to be 90 percent a disaster. As long as you come home feeling happy at the end, that's all that matters!"
Hexley Hall - 8/10
Sofia has unlocked new amulet powers and Cedric takes her to his old wizard school to meet Billy West wizard to get more info about the amulet. I love how halfway throughout the episode, Cedric gets interested in Sofia's amulet and you'd think "oh no, is he gonna go back to stealing it again to take over Enchancia?" but thes its immediately dropped as Cedric's friendship with his pet raven suddenly becomes the focus and he goes into papa wolf mode when Sofia is threatened by Billy West wizard later on and he didnt even care about the amulet. Dont know if that was either a writing flub or an intentional twist, but I like it.
The Princess Prodigy - 10/10
Vivian gets manipulated by an evil musical baron who's preying on her musical talent to fuel his own musical magic, by isolating her from her bandmates and making her lash out at her friends, causing them to help her come to her senses and take down the baron. Cue an epic Scott Pilgrim style music magic battle between Sofia, Vivian and the others and you have an absolute baller episode.
One for the Books - 9/10
A nerdy prince named Desmond, who hasnt had a major appearance since Enchanted Science Fair, struggles with an eccentric assignment giving by the best teacher in the entire school (Seriously, I love Mr P, he's such a cool unorthodox teacher and those are the best. He reminds me of my old geography teacher when I was at school) and he's too embrassed to ask for help since he's usually the top student. A good lesson about never being afraid to ask for help and dont give magical growing food to an already magical plant. This is how you get Piranha Plants
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Ooc: @hoopa-is-hoopa blog owner here. Here's my writing prompt. Clive trying to help hoopa getting better at imitating him
//Your Hoopa is so fun to write! They're just a silly little guy. Thank you for the request!
“Oh, so close, Hoopa! It’s more like a…”
Clive mimes slicking back his pompadour one more time, far more confident than any 50-something-year-old man should be in such an action. Luckily, nobody has to know how many times he’s rehearsed that in front of the mirror, as a teenager and again as a middle-aged man. The mythical laughs joyously at this action, as he has the past five times. 
“Okay, Hoopa thinks Hoopa understands what to do!”
The little one runs their hands over their tiny ponytail, face smug and body swaying in midair just a little. 
“Do I… actually sway like that, little guy?”
“Yeah, a little! Don’t worry, Hoopa thinks it’s cool!”
The old man under the disguise grimaces a little. Okay, maybe it’s time to lose that part of the “swag”. Even a man like him can tell when something’s run its course. 
“Nah, nah, you can drop that. No need to be ‘try hard’ about it.”
“Ooh, are the air quotes part of being like Clive too? Hoopa can do air quotes!”
Hoopa, with his free hand, excitedly mimes air quoting at his conversation partner, missing the context of mockery that comes with them. 
“Hoopa thinks air quotes are ‘super cool’!”
Clavell, for his part, tries to imagine exactly how sarcastic he should expect a small genie that hops from world to world to be. Eventually, his mental math settles on “they’re trying to be nice”.
“...That, um… no. You don’t need the air quotes.”
The little genie crosses his arms and grumbles, though he doesn’t seem genuinely mad. 
“Oh, oh! Does Clive like donuts?! Hoopa can try to copy how Clive eats donuts!”
The ‘student’ chuckles. It’s a pretty thinly-veiled excuse for Hoopa to bring out a box of donuts from their rings--something that still intrigues Clive every time he sees it--but from the way his stomach growls at the sight of them, Clive decides to reserve any snide comments. 
“Sure, little guy, I could go for some donuts! Pass one over here.”
Hoopa throws, and Clive catches. With only a little bit of fumbling between his hands. Pretty impressive if you were to ask him. Then the man stops. How does a ‘cool guy’ eat a donut? …Leaning against a wall? Sure. Leaning against a wall. 
Clive leans so far back he nearly trips over thin air, before narrowly saving himself. He points at Hoopa with a grin, like it never happened, and tries to nonchalantly take a bite of his donut. Crumbs spill all over his borrowed school uniform. 
Hoopa again laughs in long, loud peals that he takes a few seconds to calm from, and Clavell’s only a little insulted. Finally, Hoopa pumps their fists in excitement, and tries their own imitation. It’s strikingly on-point: the initial swagger. The fall from grace. And finally, the recovery, still tinged with a little embarrassment. So accurate, and so vivid. 
“How was that, Clive?”
“That was great, Hoopa! Never do it again.”
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christall77 · 2 years
~❦Dear Friend of Mine Pt. 2❦~
|M!Genie x F!Reader|
Here's the continuation of my short Genie story. I'm not sure if I'll make another part or not but for now here's part 2, enjoy! (⁠ㆁ⁠ω⁠ㆁ⁠)
Part 1
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“What's this?”
“A toaster.”
“What's that?”
“And this?”
“And that black thing with strange circles on top?”
“TV remote with which you turn the TV on or off and control the channels.”
You answer tiredly as you watch him play with the remote, his red eyes scanning everything with child like curiousity. After what happened yesterday, your motivation to watch one of your favorite Netflix shows disappeared into thin air.
Having a supernatural being just appear in your room was enough for the day, so you decided to go to sleep earlier than usual. That morning you woke up late as usual on the weekends, staying in the warm sheets just a little while longer in hopes to doze off again and continue dreaming about a genie you all of a sudden released from a lamp.
Turns out it wasn't a dream at all when a certain ravenette woke you up again by jumping in your bed and hitting you with a pillow. You almost fell out and onto the floor while yelling out a whole bunch of curses, if he hadn't been nice enough to catch you with his magic. And when you were going to ask him what all of that was for, he grinned and said with his voice full of sarcasm- “My apologies for waking you up too early. I thought you were dead!”
Yeah thanks for that. Right now he watches flabbergasted once one of his fingers accidentally switches the television on. “What kind of strange magic is this?”, taking the remote away from him and turning it off again you answer. “Not magic, electricity. The remote sends a signal over to the television, which then it detects it and in response turns on.”
Dhabruan watches you lay the remote down on the table where it belonged and head towards the kitchen, presumably to make breakfast. With a poof he disappears, leaving nothing but a black cloud of smoke that vanishes soon after behind, only to reappear in the kitchen. Paying him no mind you continue scrambling the eggs in the pan.
“So...” you can feel his gaze on you as he speaks, “Have you come up with a wish yet?” With a sigh you shook your head and glance at his dark form hovering beside you, head tilted to the side.
“No I haven't.”, your answer was short and straight to the point. But Dhabruan was not satisfied with that answer, shrinking himself he flies in front of your face his voice more high pitched now. “Not even a little bit?”
“As I told you yesterday. I won't give my wishes up so easily, and it has only been a day jeez... Are all Genies that persistent like you?”, he was glaring at you for a second but calmed himself down again, his lips now forming into a pout instead before he shrugs. “Worth a shot.”
“Oh my...”, “What, you never seen buildings like this before? When was the last time you were summoned out of that lamp?”. As you make your way towards the grocery store, the ravenette paces beside you. Eying up each building and everything foreign to him. “I don't know, which king or sultan is in reign at the moment? Hm? What's this?”, he grabs a yellow plastic bag that's been sticking out between someone's groceries. Earlier that day you discovered Dhabruan's invisibility to others, you guessed he was only visible to you since you were the one freeing him from the lamp.
“Lays..? Must be peasant food, no doubt.”, with a small huff he opens the package of chips with ease and takes a taste of a smaller one.
Your (e/c) gaze turns towards him once he started silently moaning from the taste, his eyes brightening up. “It tastes magnificent!”, letting out a chuckle you tell him much to his delight, “Well we can get more of these where we're heading now. If you want.”
With his cheeks now full of chips and small crumbs falling from his lips he nods. You think it's quite ironic that Dhabruan is now the one asking lots of questions when he was the one who was answering yours just yesterday. All the while not really hiding his irritation at the same time.
At the end of the day he's still rude and pushy towards you, but you have a feeling that he'll warm up to you in time.
It has been a few weeks since the Genie has been with you and he would be lying if he told you he's not enjoying your company. Sure you take your sweet sweet time for your first wish but it could've been worse. You're not the worst master he has ever had to serve actually, it's also really fun to tease and annoy you.
Especially at the very first minutes of your days. This morning he woke you up with a trumpet, well you did tell him you had to get up early for school and this so called "phone" as you call it, didn't manage to do the job.
“Argh what the hell?!”, “Good afternoon!”
His red ringed eyes watch your reaction in amusement. “Afternoon?!”, “I'm joking, it's morning sleepy head.” If looks could kill he would already be more than six feet under the ground and buried alive, him smiling innocently in response.
Dhabruan pulls you out of the bed, a little to quick for comfort and poofs you away into your bathroom with a bundle of clothes in your arms. Once he notices you entering the living room where he has been waiting, he points towards the kitchen. “I thought I'll make you some toast and coffee, because you seem to have this almost every morning.”, the Genie says between his mouthfuls of Lays.
Ever since the first time trying them he seems to enjoy these a lot.
As you brush a few strands of (h/l) (h/c) hair back you take a look at the kitchen table and low and behold, said food and drink are standing there. “What is with the sudden nice gesture? Surely you must've something planned.”, you know he didn't mean any harm up until now.
But that doesn't mean he won't be pulling some type of prank on you again or something. With an exaggerated gasp he disappears from his comfortable spot on the couch, reappearing next to you with an arm around your shoulders.
“Can't a Genie be a little nice and help their master for once without being called suspicious? I'm hurt...”, leaning against your frame, the being floats the food and drink over to him and forces your mouth to open and eat your breakfast with his magic. “Now if I remember correctly you have school so we can't waste anymore time right? Oh! I have an idea, why don't you wish-”, “No.”
He looks back at your face with a deadpan, “You didn't even let me finish.”
'God, when is this day going to end... Who in their right mind decided it's better to have three hours of math as the last subject of the day. On mondays. For the rest of the few weeks we have left here.' you think in disbelief once hearing the news from your teacher before the lunchbell rings.
“Why the long face?”, you hear Dhabruan tease after he left his lamp in your bag and made himself comfortable on your right shoulder. Shrinked to a smaller size again and letting his feet dangle.
“You heard what our teacher said, three whole hours of math as the last subject of the day. God sometimes I just wish-”, “Yes?” noticing what you just said your (e/c) gaze turns towards the smiling genie who's batting his dark eyelashes at you.
Shaking your head with a small sigh you mutter, “Dhabruan I'm not going to waste a wish for this!”, he crosses his arms but doesn't shake off his smile. “Whatever master.”, “Stop calling me that I told you it's fine if you just call me by my name.”
The two of you keep having conversations casually as you get yourself some food in the cafeteria and head to the rooftop. You were in the middle of a sentence when someone bumps into your shoulder. Luckily you didn't spill anything, your genie on the other hand had to get a hold of your (h/l) hair, the sudden contact surprising him and almost making him fall to the ground. Though he quickly recovered and reappeared on your shoulder again.
“Hey watch where you're going!”, and if the day hasn't been bad already now you had to bump into Bethany of all people. “Sorry.”
The brunette picks up the phone she dropped and glares at you as she now stands before you with her hands sassily on her hips. “Ugh it's the weirdo (y/n) again. Have you become this lonely to be talking to yourself now? Pathetic.”, she checks her phone for any damages then gasps. “Are you serious!? Do you know how much that case costs? Now it's ruined because of you!”, with a blank expression you listen to her rant about it, other students giving you looks of confusion as they pass by.
She practically shoves her phone to your face, the many gems and rings glittering a little to much for your taste. 'Ruined is not really the right word... It's just a damn scratch, who in their right mind would even buy a case like that?'
Meanwhile Dhabruan is confused from this whole ordeal, even sharing a glance with you before he snaps his fingers, stopping everything around you and then transporting the both of you to the rooftop. Snapping his fingers again to unfreeze everything, probably leaving Bethany alone in the hall. “Well that was certainly... Interesting.”, you nod in response and thank him for the help.
“What did this girl even mean with "this lonely"? Pretty much anyone your age has someone! You do have friends right?”
There was silence between you two before you sit down on a bench keeping your (e/c) on the floor, Dhabruan joining beside you. His red gaze not leaving you and listening attentively. But before you could tell him the door to the rooftop opens with a loud bang.
“There she is!”, great she's back and by the looks of it she's not alone. “That's the one who shoved me!” Ok first of all, it wasn't a shove and second, it's not like anyone or anything got harmed.
The group of five girls surround you. You don't want to deal with any of this, so you get up and try to get out of here. Only to be grabbed by your (h/l) hair and shoved to the ground, away from the bench and your Genie.
You take in a sharp inhale when you feel your palms scrape against the floor. Two of the girls hold you in place while Bethany and the others begin to laugh at the display. One of the blondes by her sides searches through your pockets until she pulls out your own phone and hands it to her. “If you think you can get away with this then you're dead wrong!”
Bethany holds your phone up in the air, and with all her might throws it to the ground, screen shattering. “There. That's what you get for being a rude bitch, I can't believe that I've been friends with the likes of you.”, she huffs satisfied, a victorious grin plastered upon her face.
That last comment brought back some unwanted memories which you wish you could forget. But if you did, you wouldn't learn and maybe even do the same mistake all over again.
You glare up at her, “Can't believe it either but, you know what? At least I learned to hang around with the right people and not the ones who are just being my friend because they can.”, you grin, “Having no friends at all is way better than having so many that won't even really consider you as one.”, the two girls who've been keeping you still glance at each other nervously. “Thinking back it made me realize how full of shit certain people are.”
This caused a few gasps to erupt among the group. The brunette grits her teeth in anger, “What the hell did you just say?!”, “Did I stutter? Right, you only listen if you want to hear it.” you respond nonchalantly.
That's when Bethany has had enough. Shoving the blonde, who's been watching the situation silently unfold, out of the way when she tried to calm her down. Shutting your eyes you brace for the impact of her hand coming down towards you.
But it never came. Your (e/c) widen slightly, seeing a familiar pale hand holding your bully's own in a tight grip. Just inches away from your face by the wrist. Bethany struggles to free herself, not even knowing what's holding her down. Slowly thick smoke surrounds the group and the girls let go of you in surprise before all run off in fright. Leaving you alone with Bethany and the supernatural being.
“W-What?! What's happening? Something's grabbing my hand! Why-!”, Bethany quickly stops her struggles when the dark haired figure decides to make himself visible for her. You've never seen Dhabruan like this before, yes, he did get frustrated and annoyed a lot and had his moments. Granted you've known him only for this long, but he looks just downright... terrifying. His hair and attire flowing as if caught in the wind, while a dark aura surrounds him.
“Humans like you... Make me sick.”, he seethes in a low tone, his voice seeming to echo just like when you first met him. Eyes glowing a dark red. The brunette only shakes under his intimidating gaze, frozen in place.
“Consider yourself lucky. If I would happen to be free and not under my master's command, who knows if your pathetic little being would still be standing here. Now get out of here.”, Dhabruan releases her from his tight hold and watches her scurry off with tears in her eyes.
You can't believe he protected you and went as far as even threaten your ex best friend. It made you feel a little bit warm inside to see him actually stand up and reveal himself for your sake. It's strange, you can't really decipher that feeling yet because you've never felt like this for someone ever before, so you shake off these thoughts when he turns towards you, now back to his normal calmer looking self.
“Do you need any assistance?”, getting a hold of your hand he pulls you to your feet and fixes your messy self with a quick snap of his fingers. “Thank you-”, “You idiot!” You blink once. Then twice. Letting out a confused sound as he looks down at you like a scolding parent.
“Why didn't you wish for me to help you?! Or maybe wish for some kind of self defense skills or- whatever! It has been an emergency situation, the perfect opportunity and yet you let yourself almost get beaten!”, with a heavy sigh and a shake of his head he reaches out and ruffles your hair. With his gaze turned away he mumbles, “At least you're safe now...”
You smile, “You didn't have to help me, but you did. Don't tell me... Have you finally warmed up to me? Aww!” a faint red tint appears on his pale cheeks and he immediately clears his throat. Not denying anything you just said.
Dhabruan snaps his fingers again, your phone appearing in your hands fixed up and as good as new. “There, I figured you would appreciate it if it's fixed. You humans do make a lot of fuss about your tiny screens alot if something happens. But no more free wishes anymore!”
With a poof of smoke the ravenette disappears and reappears on your shoulder in his smaller self, “We can continue our talk some other time when you're ready.”, pulling lightly on your (h/c) strands he signals for you to move. Which you do once the bell rings, signalling the end of your break. On your way back you glance down towards him, the Genie still avoiding your gaze.
“Seriously, thank you for doing this though.”, “Yeah, yeah whatever. Quit saying all that mushy stuff.” he turns so you can't see his face, a small smile forming on his lips. 'You're welcome (y/n)...'
~Back at home~
“By the way, what happens to Bethany and the other girls? They saw you didn't they? Should we be worried?”, you ask. Dhabruan turns his attention away from the chips he's eating and waves a dismissive hand towards you. “Don't worry my friend. That won't be a problem.”
“So I am your friend-?”
“Shut up and keep watching that... Whatever that is you're watching! What even is this abomination?”
Le gasp, “Don't say that to poor Pingu!”
“Now Bethany, how did you get that bruise?”, the nurse asks as she examines the brunette's wrist. “I was at the rooftop a-and then!”, the girl pauses and furrows her eyebrows.
“I can't really remember...” The nurse sighs and shakes her head. “Not even a little bit?”, “I-I'm not sure! There was a ghost or something? Maybe it's haunting me because of all I did!” Bethany keeps rambling about and the nurse sits in front of her with a tired face listening to her talk more of the nonsense.
“I'm not getting paid enough for this. Wait... I don't even get paid...”
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uncannychange · 1 year
Tumblr media
Accidental Trophy Wife by RandomCaps
"Ok, genie, I wish… I didn't have to go to school anymore!"
After a puff of smoke, the genie nodded and said, "Done; you now have your college degree."
"Awesome!" Jacob said. "Ok…. for my next wish…" Jacob had been feeling a bit lonely as of late, which gave him an idea. "Yeah, alright… Ms. Genie, I wish for a girlfriend that-"
The genie dropped her brow and gave him an angry look. "Nope. That is not going to happen. I don't make sex slaves for men. If you wanted a woman so obedient, why don't you become one?" The genie said with fire in her voice as clouds of smoke began to envelop Jacob.
The width of his body shrank down, becoming much leaner. His legs grew and became longer and lost all their hair, as did his arms. His chest churned and rumbled until some of the previously mysteriously disappeared fat reappeared as two of Cupid's kettledrums.
Jacob, by this time, was panting, overwhelmed by the transformation, but did manage to speak to the genie. "I…. was…… going… to ask…. for someone….. Ahhhh…….." He was interrupted by his member being removed and replaced with a far more sensual feminine slit. The genie said, "No amount of pleading can change this; all my transformation magic is permanent with a capital P."
Jacob, now that his body, save for his currently feminizing face, was female and the transformation had calmed down, managed to say, "But I just wanted a girlfriend who would go on cute dates with me, and then I was going to use my last wish to free you from the lamp…" The genie immediately recognized her mistake, but it was too late.
By this time, Jacob had already become Mei Zhen, a beautiful Chinese woman currently married to a tech mogul as his trophy wife. As the teleportation magic began to envelop Mei Zhen, the genie could only shout, "Quick, what's your last wish??" And Mei Zhen could keep her word and wish the genie free…
When Mei Zhen regained awareness of her whereabouts, she was in a gorgeous California mansion. She looked out the window to see rolling hills and closer to home, a large pool with a courtyard, many expensive cars, and even people's yard keeping. She looked around the house and also found countless rooms. Some lounged, some for eating and drinking until she found an exceptionally femininely decorated room. She felt drawn to the room and inspected it. She found ornately crafted furniture, a vanity filled with makeup, and a closet.
When she opened the door to the walk-in closet, she was met with a wave of pink magic that seemed to start to rewrite her brain. Looking at the bras and panties, she recalled being a little girl who moved to America with her mom and bought her first training bras. Looking at her skirts, she remembered the similar clothes she wore at all her ballet recitals. As she spied richly made dresses, she began to recall every beauty competition she had ever won, which was many. And as she spied her purses, she remembered the ridiculously expensive one her husband had bought her on their first anniversary. It was expensive, but that's what she loved about Charles; he could always afford to lavish her with anything her heart desired.
Mei Zhen had complete control. She recalled the night she went all the way with him, too, as a thank-you for all the gifts he had bought her, and with that, every semblance of Jacob was fully repressed in Mei Zhen's mind. Just then, she heard the door open, and Charles called out for her. "Coming, dear!" Mei Zhen said, her new heels clicking on the floor as she rushed to greet her beloved husband.
…. 2 years later.
Mei Zhen was dressed casually today; she had some shopping to do but didn't feel like going over the top today. That's when time seemed to stop around her, and some lady looking straight out of Aladdin appeared in front of her. "Oh Jacob, thank God I found you; I found a way to reverse the magic. All you have to do is say you want me to."
Mei Zhen looked at the strangely dressed lady in confusion. "Um… I'm sorry, miss, but I don't know anybody named Jacob; you must have the wrong person." The genie tried pleading, "No, no, you're Jacob, remember? I assumed the worst and accidentally turned you into a Chinese bombshell?"
Mei Zhen again looked at her with even more confusion. "Um, ma'am… Jacob's a man's name. Do I look like I could have ever been a man?" Mei Zhen said, gesturing towards her breasts."
The genie immediately recognized she was too late; Jacob, if he was in there, was either suppressed or fully merged with Mei Zhen. He was gone. "Oh, you're right… I-I must have the wrong person miss. I'm sorry." The genie said as she unfroze time and went away to think. She still felt guilty for doing this to an innocent person who had freed her, but she didn't know how to help Jacob. If she couldn't free him, she was at a loss. Until she had a new idea and immediately poorer back to Mei Zhen's house in a new form, unlike her old one.
Now, the genie dressed like a modern woman, with crops and jeans, but levitated to show her magic powers. She appeared to Mei Zhen and said, "Hi there, miss; the council of genies has selected you to have your very own personal, lifelong genie that you can use for any little wish whenever you feel the need!"
Mei Zhen was ecstatic at the news and began wishing for new things to make herself more beautiful and enjoy her new life as a trophy wife a little bit more. The genie thought, "Well if I can't help Jacob, I can at least help Mei Zhen."
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aggimaginary · 2 years
The Bad Guys (my version) - Epilogue (chapter 16)
First Previous "Sequel special" The Bad Guys: New Beginnings, New Normal "Sequel series" The Bad Guys season 1: Our Own Story chapter 1
*One year later...*
At the prison entrance, Wolf and Snake were turning in their jumpsuits and collecting the last bit of their regular clothing. Due to exhibiting good behavior, their sentence got reduced, and the Bad Guys only spent a year in jail, and we're now finally free.
Meanwhile, while collecting their respective jacket/hat, Wolf was talking to Snake, "Okay, so imagine it's your birthday."
"It is my birthday," replied Snake.
As they both gave the officer in the booth their jumpsuits, Snake grabbed his hat and placed it on his head while Wolf, who was carrying his jacket, commented, "Yeah, I know. So, but we're walking along and you meet a genie.
Snake asked in reply, "Okay, what's his name?"
"What's the genie's name?" Wolf asked back.
"Yeah, I want to know who I'm talking to," replied Snake.
Wolf replied, thinking off the top of his head, "I don't know, Genie or Gene for short. So he offers you three wishes."
A male officer gave Snake a thumbs up, which the reptile saw.
"Why three?" Snaked asked while turning back at Wolf.
Wolf answered again, "You know, industry standard. Now, what do you wish for?
Snake started to think, "Uh..."
"Good luck out there, guys," a passing police officer commented as he walked by them.
"I'm gonna go with nothing," he said, replying with a smile.
Wolf chuckled, mentioning while nudging Snake, "Nothing? Come on, it's your birthday."
Two officers that greeted them at the door pretended to act surprised before they smiled and gave a "good luck out there" gesture to them.
Passing through the doors with Wolf, Snake commented, "All right, but what do I need wishes for? I got my freedom."
Shark, Piranha, and Tarantula, who were already dressed in their regular attire, greeted both boys at the front door.
"Hey," commented Tarantula, who was hanging on the door before crawling onto the floor.
"Guys," greeted Shark.
"Finally, we've been waiting," Hornet smirked
"Looking good, hermanos," complimented Piranha as they all started to walk over to the jail entrance doors.
"I got my friends" added Snake, who was continuing his answer to Wolf's comment.
"Aw," said Tarantula, who appreciated the comment.
Snake continued, "I got the skin of a reptile half my age."
Shark replied, "I don't know about half your age, but you do look good."
"Well, that's because you just molted," Wolf mentioned.
"Yes, I did," Snake answered happily.
"That's part of the snake biology. Everyone should know that's the best part," Hornet mentioned
"You smell good, too," added Shark.
Snake complimented himself, saying as all 6 Bad Guys exited through the doors before the doors closed behind them, "I'm shiny; I'm gorgeous."
They all laughed happily, embracing the first bit of their new freedom, before looking both ways across the road in front of them, feeling unsure of what to do next.
Tarantula broke the silence, "Uh, so what do we do now?"
"Steal a car," suggested Piranha.
Everyone immediately turned their heads, giving a "really" glare at him while Wolf commented, "Piranha!"
Piranha quickly replied, "I was joking. It was a joke."
"You know, I kinda like his suggestion," Hornet admitted sarcastically.
Snake then got an idea, "You know, on second thought, Wolf, maybe I'd, uh, wish for a ride."
Wolf smiled and answered, "Oh, yeah? Alakazam," he snapped his fingers.
On cue, Diane approached them, driving a new car that looked like Wolf's old car, but without a rooftop, and it had two gold stripes in the middle of the front hood. It screeched to a halt in front of the Bad Guys, who all chuckled happily while feeling relieved that there wasn't a long walk home in their favor.
"Nice," commented Wolf, who liked how the car looked.
Diane stood up and greeted them with, "Hey, guys. Ready to get to work?"
But Hornet was the only one who wasn't satisfied with Diane's appearance when she fetched them up, "Oh, it's you," he then looked away while crossing his arms, and mumbled, "I'm expecting someone else."
The kitten was also with her as it stood on the edge of the car and meowed cutely, leaping into Wolf's arms and purring.
Wolf snuggled the kitten while saying, "Hey. Whoa," he made sure it didn't fall or slip out.
Tarantula thought Wolf and the kitten looked adorable together, "Aw."
Soon, all eight of them (The Bad Guys, Diane, and the kitten, who now had his own pair of sunglasses) were in the car, ready to head back to Los Angeles, and Wolf was more than happy to drive.
Before Wolf started to drive, he turned his head and faced the fourth wall, "Hey, you. That's right. Come here. Little closer. I said closer," he added with a little more intimidation, bringing it closer.
He then smiled and commented, "Now that we've had some time to get acquainted, uh, not so scary now, are we?"
He placed on his signature sunglasses, telling Tarantula, "Webs, hit it!"
Tarantula pressed play on her MP3 player and started to play a song as the rest of the Bad Guys, and Diane, placed sunglasses on, hopped their heads to the beat of the song, and all laughed together as Wolf drove down the road, off towards the route that would take them back to where they belonged.
Of course, let's just say that things were definitely not gonna be the same the minute they get home. And the story of the Bad Guys isn't over; it's just the beginning.
Sam Rockwell - Mr. Wolf
Marc Maron - Mr. Snake
Craig Robinson - Mr. Shark
Anthony Ramos - Mr. Piranha
Awkwafina - Ms. Tarantula
Rhenzy Feliz - Mr. Hornet
Richard Ayoade - Professor Marmalade
Zazie Beetz - Diane Foxington /The Crimson Paw
Lilly Singh - Tiffany Fluffit
Alex Borstein - Chief Misty Luggins
Stephanie Beatriz - Mira Rose
Author I.M. Rally
Co-Author MasterClass60 TU4QU0I53T4IAN6L3
Well, I'm so excited, there's no disguising I'm on a road to a brand new horizon Time is right to change this life Give me the sunshine, bring me the light so
I can see it, believe it I'm gonna seize it, it's a brand new day I can see it, believe it I'm gonna seize it, it's a brand new, brand new day  A brand new day A brand new day  For my brand new ways
I was raising hell and I, I loved the heat, but All the fire didn't make me feel complete, and so I Burnt it down and I cut it loose Served my sentence and you know I paid my dues So I'ma change my ways, gonna change my heart Gonna change direction for a brand new start 'Cause when there's so much love for me and my crew All my people, we got to make it through (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
'Cause I can see it, believe it I'm gonna seize it, it's a brand new day I can see it, believe it I'm gonna seize it, it's a brand new, brand new day A brand new day A brand new day For my brand new ways
Somebody tell me, are you ready for change? (Woah, yeah) I know, I know different paths seem strange (Woah, yeah) When the future's calling, don't waste your time (Woah, yeah) Carpe diem and go blow your mind (Woah, yeah) I've seen the light, and I'm comin' to get ya (Woah, yeah) You gotta make your luck, gotta paint the picture (Woah, yeah) I'm the same, the same with a different mind (Woah, yeah) This new life got me feeling right
'Cause I can see it, believe it I'm gonna seize it, it's a brand new day I can see it, believe it I'm gonna seize it, it's a brand new, brand new day A brand new day
Finally, I finished my version of the Bad Guys movie. I hope you really like it. Special thanks to MasterClass60 and TU4QU0I53T4IAN6L3 for being my co-authors and helping me with this story. I couldn't have made this story without them
Okay, so I have a big announcement, and this might be a surprise to you... I will post another story of the Bad Guys that took place after The Bad Guys: New Beginnings, New Normal. My next story of the Bad Guys would be similar to the concept of how I made my other stories, and that said, the next story would be The Bad Guys: season 1, where every chapter contained one story, like episodes in a TV series. In season 1, the Bad Guys continued their adventure after they turned in a new leaf, and, at the same time, continued their criminal life. There will also be some flashbacks before the events of the movie, which means the story will explore more about my OC, Mr. Hornet, and his past. Some of you wondered why he has those PTSDs and his fear of becoming good again would make him think he would be alone again... well, you'll get your answers in the next story.
Though the story was announced, I won't post it soon. I will be taking a break in the meantime so I can be ready when I will post it, but it will be later this year.
In the meantime, I hope you'll keep supporting me and my stories and of course, my future stories of the Bad Guys. You'll never know what I stored for these amazing sixsome! See you real soon!
First Previous "Sequel special" The Bad Guys: New Beginnings, New Normal "Sequel series" The Bad Guys season 1: Our Own Story chapter 1
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willywonderfan · 2 years
Webs of bloodlust final part
(Sebastian took a few steps forward while Walter took a few steps back with his eyes flooding with tears from seeing that his dead brother was brought back as a monster.)
Walter: Sebastian, what's become of you?
Sebastian: What's wrong brother, aren't you glad to see me again!?
Bernadette: Yeah, didn't you want your brother to come back?
Walter: Not like this!
(Walter then realized that Bernadette knew something very personal about him.)
Walter: How did you know that?
Bernadette: As a head vampire, I am capable of many this...
(Bernadette summons tentacles made of dark energy to hold Walter and the most of the crew in place.)
Bernadette: Including mind reading.
Vampire mouse: Hey Master Bernadette, where did the fly and gnome go?
Bernadette: What!?
(Bernadette turns around and sees that Larry and Sprocket were nowhere to be found.)
Bernadette: Where the fuck did they go!?
Larry and Sprocket: Lerroy Jenkins!!!
(Larry and Sprocket jump into the scene and incapacitate most of the vampires with holy water.)
Larry: Well that's most of them.
Sprocket: And now it's time to defeat you!
Bernadette: Oh I don't think you'll be doing that...
(Before anyone could say anything Sheldon and Anthony come out of nowhere and bite the two would-be saviours.)
Djimmi: Larry, Sprocket, no!!!
(Djimmi manages to break free from the tentacles and tries to escape along side Walter and Lucy, but their friends who were clearly being mind controlled blocked the exit as Larry and Sprocket woke up as mind controlled vampires.)
Sebastian: Just give it up brother, it's 57 against 3, so you're clearly gonna loose here...
Djimmi: You're forgetting that I'm a genie that can turn back time!
Djimmi: Because I usually use my overpowered magic as a last resort.
Bernadette: Yeah about that, I've cursed this mansion so that only vampiric magic works here.
Djimmi, Walter, and Lucy: Oh, shit...
(Bernadette walks up to Walter while holding something behind her back.)
Bernadette: Now that I've got you right where I want you...(she pulls out a wedding ring) I'd like to take your hand in marriage.
(No one says anything for a few moments.)
Walter: Are you serious, that's what this has all been about, you wanted to fucking marry me!?
Bernadette: Yeah, why? Are you saying that I should've just asked?
Walter: No, I'm already married you bitch!!!
Bernadette: Well how was I supposed to know!?
Lucy: Oh I don't know, maybe the fact that he and I have matching wedding rings!?
(Walter and Lucy shows Bernadette their wedding rings.)
Bernadette: Well I fucked up.
Djimmi, Walter, and Lucy: You think!?
Bernadette: Hey to be fair, you two could've saved a lot of time by telling me you were married, any way here's your cure and now I'll be onto the next guy.
(Bernadette breaks everyone out of her mind control and tries to leave the room but is immediately confronted and arrested by the supernatural police for mind control and performing necrovampirisum without a license.)
Walter: Yeah, Lucy and I called the supernatural police on you, because we're not letting you get away with this.
Bernadette: You haven't seen the last of me assholes!!!
Sebastian: Ugh, what happened, why am I alive again?
Walter: Sebastian!
(Sebastian turns around and sees Walter.)
Sebastian: Walter!
(The brothers have a sincere sibling hug.)
Sebastian: How's my little bro.
Walter: Oh, I'm fine, by the way, this is my wife Lucy.
Lucy: Hello Sebastian.
Sebastian: Well look at my bro being a married man, and I must say that you're a lucky lady.
Sheldon: Guys I hate to interrupt, but it's almost sunset, so if you want to be cured, then there's no time to waste.
Sebastian: Well about that...
Walter: What's wrong?
Sebastian: Well since I was brought back through necrovampirisum, I kinda need to stay a vampire, since it's the vampirisum that's keeping me alive.
Walter: Well I that case I'm staying a vampire too.
Lucy: Well then so am I.
Felicity: And I guess I'll also become a permanent vampire.
Sheldon: Really, even after all you guys been through?
Walter: Yeah, besides I don't think it'll be too bad.
Lucy: I feel like I wanna stay a vampire because of what I went through.
Felicity: And I feel more wild and carefree as a vampire.
Sheldon: If you insist, the rest of us on the other hand are eager to be cured.
(The other vampires line up to be cured by Djimmi outside the mansion, eventually everyone got a cup of the antidote.)
Vampire mouse: Drink up, everybody!
(The others vampires drank their cup of antidote and shadowy bat monsters flew out of their bodies, after Collin was cured he walk towards the Walter, Lucy, and Felicity.)
Collin: Come on guys, just please take the antidote, you three still have a minute left.
Felicity: We appreciate your concern, but we're staying as vampires.
Collin: Are you guys sure that you actually want to do this?
(The three look at eachother and replied with yes.)
Collin: Alright then, just make sure not to fall too deep into the darkness.
Felicity: We promise that we won't.
(Reassured, Collin heads back to the group, the bloodmoon rises and Walter, Sebastian, Felicity, and Lucy have the some monsters emerges from their hearts, Walter walks up to them and asks a question.)
Walter: We're not going to regret this, are we?
Walter: What does that mean?
(The bat monsters go back into the four's hearts and become vampires permanently, the next day the crew wake up Glumstone from his stone state.)
Glumstone: I'm glad to see everything is back to normal.
Sheldon: Well, for the most part...
Glumstone: Should I be worried?
Sheldon: No, it's just that Walter, Lucy, and Felicity decided to stay vampires while Walter's brother Sebastian had to stay a vampire to stay alive, but they won't hurt you.
Glumstone: That's good to hear.
(That night Walter and Lucy are romantically strolling down the moonlight city streets, they sit down on a bench and share a blood bag together.)
Sebastian: Hey, wait up guys!
(Sebastian and Felicity catch up and sit bedside they two love bugs.)
Walter: (smugly) Nice to see that you haven't changed a bit.
Sebastian: (jokingly) You're just jealous that I'm still cooler than you.
(The four joked together for about an hour, they then looked up at the beautiful night sky, ready for the new adventures the await them now that they're vampires.)
The end.
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