#(looks at episode number 155 uploaded)
off-menu-moments · 2 years
Ep 13: Phil Wang, 55:19
P: Pleeeease! E, J: [laughing] P: Thank you, genie. J: —um, your wish is my command. P: When do you get freed? When, like, someone compliments the chef? J: Uh—the minute another guest has chosen to free me. E, P: [laughter] E: That gonna be in your starter? J: Like, basically. You have to not have a meal. You have to have no food, no drink or anything—and you can choose to free me instead. P: And that’s when the podcast ends. J: Yeah. [laughing] E: Yeah, we’re looking to get at least twenty episodes under the belt before the genie gets freed.
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netzonexo-blog · 6 years
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1. Accounts from reporters regarding EXO
“Because the venue was prepared in the rush, even though there weren’t any seats prepared for the artists, EXO calmly answered the reporters’ questions without a hint of discomfort, spreading their cheeriness. After the press con, they sought out the table that the reporters were sitting at and greeted them with thanks.”
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“After the press con ended, EXO personally went to the reporters’ waiting room to greet them, Baekhyun immediately recognised the Xiaohu logo (t/n: SohuTV’s mascot), and even said ‘Xinku le’ (you’ve worked hard) in Mandarin, they were very kind”
2. Love towards EXO from celebrities around them
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Son Ho Young’s tweet: It’s a personal text but simply because my heart is so thankful and because I’m happy, I’m uploading it~ I definitely have to catch the live broadcast today^^ Everyone, won’t you watch the MV that Suho filmed while working hard?~ Suho’s text:  Title: Hello Son Ho Young seonbae-nim~ Son Ho Young seonbae-nim hello~ It’s EXO’s leader Suho.^^ Today I filmed for EXO 90:2014. While recording I realised that tomorrow is the broadcast day of the episode we filmed with god seonbae-nims. Thus I thought of seonbae-nims and wanted to let you know, so I took the liberty of asking PD-nim for your number to contact you. That day’s filming was a really memorable day! Thank you very much. If you have the time, please watch it!^^
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On a variety program that EXO filmed, the panelists’ did this volunarily. He did a heart while shouting ‘EXO’ and EXO’s new song ‘Ko Ko Bop’. One of the panelists wrote on his own instagram, ‘Daebak charming’, ‘Let’s meet at music shows, as your singer hoobae, please take care of me’
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After recording ‘Cultwo Show’, Jung Chanwoo left these comments ‘EXO for the win’ ‘EXO is cool’ 
Additionally, Kim Youngchul uploaded a selca that he took with EXO, Jung Chanwoo jokingly commented ‘You turned into a squid’. Even though their meeting with EXO was short, they kindled a good relationship
3. EXO’s sincere fan-love
The L-pose Seo Janghoon did on ‘Knowing Bros’, and when they took a group photo with ‘Knowing Bros’ they also did an L, and Sehun once wrote a capital L on the back of his hand, they’re all symbol of EXO’s fandom name EXO-L. 
If you rewatch the broadcast, you can hear Suho’s voice saying ‘Let’s do EXO-L (pose)’. Even when they’re on variety programs, you can tell that they’re thinking of their fans.
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It’s also well known that EXO paid 77 million won in Lotte World tickets for their fans to repay them. 
4. EXO’s hard work for social justice
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EXO D.O., Lay, Baekhyun and Chanyeol were sponsors for the movie ‘Spirits Homecoming’ which was about Korean comfort women for Japanese soldiers
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EXO’s donations [Pic 1: delivered charcoal briquettes; Pic 2: Chen donated money to a foundation that helps youth interested in entrepreneurship; Pic 3: Chen donated to the welfare foundation in his hometown; Pic 4: Chen donated 5 million won to his church]
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EXO Chanyeol, D.O.,Baekhyun’s donations for comfort women
Efforts like these are probably a factor in making people love them so much.
The reason EXO are loved. The reason EXO deserves to be loved.
[PANN] The reason EXO are loved
Overall: +2161; -190
[+488;-18] EXO is really kind ㅠ I got this gif from a comment that was written in response to a post swearing at EXO back then, but it’s a gif of their stage at a welfare centre, a disabled person put out his hand, and Kai shook his hand politely and the EXO members at the back had smiles on their faces ㅠㅠ Angels ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
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[+424;-16] Seems like people who have filmed with them before all have good opinions of them... Besides filming, if you listen to anecdotes or accounts from interviews and such, they’re all praises... For me, the best was them sponsoring the movie ‘Spirits Homecoming’ which was about comfort women ㄷㄷ EXO is cool
[+203;-1] When I see Kyungsoo being treated prettily by the really toptoptoptop class such as Jo Insung, Kim Woobin, Song Joongki, Lee Kwangsoo etc, I find him to be so nice. They hold meet-ups and even went to Kyungsoo’s company to look for him and even came to support Kyungsoo ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
[+194;-3] I’ve never heard a single bad thing about EXO from celebrities surrounding them or from people in the industry. Though actually they wouldn’t dare say anything bad about any celebrity, but it’s not like EXO doesn’t get mentioned at all, it’s that they say many good things
[+161;-1] Bursting with EXO pride ㅠㅠㅠㅠ Love you EXO
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[+155;-2] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ  ‘Knowing Bros’ members did the fanclub hand gesture? I don’t think I saw it ㅋㅋㅋㅋ The ‘Ko Ko Bop’ too ㅋㅋㅋ Seems like they had fun
[+129;-1] EXO donate a lot and so do their fans, props~~ EXO are admirable too but when  EXO-Ls do tributes, they donate a large sum. Good fandom culture wins. Personally I don’t agree with birthday tributes, I hope they will change to making donations instead. Chanyeol, Jongdae and Kai volunteered to deliver charcoal briquettes, even fans didn’t know they went. I hope they’ll continue volunteer work, even though donating money is good too
[+126;-0] My friend’s dad is a bodyguard and he was in charge of EXO once. The boys were very polite and kind.. It was when they were becoming very popular and very busy, even so when he asked for autographs, the members all signed for him without any hint of rejection ㅠㅠ
[+123;-0] Seriously a nice guy ㅜㅠㅜㅜ The pic is Chanyeol during Mama era
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[+122;-1] On ‘Knowing Bros’, because Baekhyun didn’t know the rules, they lost unfortunately, but not a single member said stuff like “Ah, Baekhyun, why are you like that!!”, instead they said “As long as you know now~”, they’re shockingly pure and kind
[+114;-1] Even if you don’t follow EXO, you can’t bash EXO’s visuals or personalities. They are humble even when they’re receiving the daesang
[+103;-2] It’s widely known that in EXO, Suho and Chen are famous for being kind, but the other members are kind too. Though for the two of them, seriously at one glance you can feel that they’re nice. They are really well-mannered towards seonbaes and people they meet have good things to say about them. A famous anecdote is when Jongdae was filming, because of the noise, he went to an old lady to apologise, even while getting sworn at, he was still bright ㅠㅠㅠ After filming ended, he again went to look for the old lady to apologise, he didn’t do it just for show, it’s really just who he is. Even without cameras, his good deeds are overflowing.
[+97;-1] They really talk prettily  “Please keep shining so we can always find you” - Xiumin
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[+95;-0] Because their fan-love is amazing, isn’t that why they are loved. EXO let’s love ㅠㅠ❤ 
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parresafmp · 4 years
Podcasts by the Numbers: Stats, Demographics & Facts
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Figure One
Podcast Statistics
There are 850,000  of Active Podcasts: (Edisonresearch.com 2019)
The total number of podcast episodes sums up to 30 million (The State of Podcasting, 2020)
Podcasts are produced in over 100 different languages (The State of Podcasting, 2020)
Comedy, News, Society & Culture, Sports, True Crime are among the top popular genres of podcasts (Leading podcast genres U.S. 2019 | Statista, 2020) 
IHeartRadio with 216.25 million streams is the leading podcast publisher worldwide: (Top podcast publishers by global streams and downloads 2020 | Statista, 2020) 
Podcast Demographics in the US
 According to Infinite Dial 75% of the US population are familiar with the term “podcasting” – which is an increase from 70% in 2019 (Infinite Dial 2020)
55% (155 million) of the US population has listened to a podcast – up from 51% in 2019 (Infinite Dial 20)
37% (104 million) listened to a podcast in the last month – up from 32% in 2019 (Infinite Dial 20)
24% (68 million) listen to podcasts weekly – up from 22% in 2019 (Infinite Dial 20)
16 million people in the US are “avid podcast fans” (Nielsen Q1 2018)
51% of podcast listeners are male – same as US population (Infinite Dial 20)
45% of monthly podcast listeners have household income over $75K.
 27% of US podcast listeners have a 4-year college degree.
 Age of monthly podcast listeners versus US population (Infinite Dial 20)
                         12-34: 48% (vs 37%)                           55+: 20% (vs 23%)                           35-54: 32% (vs 40%)
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Figure two
Podcast Demographics in the UK
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Figure Three
In the UK an average of 6.5 million adults are podcast listeners on weekly. 63% of total podcast listeners are male in the UK compare to 37% female listeners (UK weekly podcast listeners, 2020). 14% of listeners are aged between 15–24 years (UK weekly podcast listeners, 2020). 38% of listeners are aged between 25–34 years (UK weekly podcast listeners, 2020). 29% of listeners are aged between 35–54 years (UK weekly podcast listeners, 2020).   19% of listeners are 55 years old and above (UK weekly podcast listeners, 2020). .
67% of the total podcast users, listen to the entire episode, 22% listen to most of the episode, 5% listen to almost half of the episode, 2% listen to less than half, and in a survey 4% says their consumption varies widely (UK weekly podcast listeners, 2020).
67% of listeners use smartphones as their preferred device to listen to podcast on, 39% of listeners, listen at home (UK weekly podcast listeners, 2020) .
Consumers listen on average to 3.7 hours of podcasts (UK weekly podcast listeners, 2020).
8:00–8:15 AM are time that the podcast reaches its highest audience (UK weekly podcast listeners, 2020). 
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Figure four
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Figure Five
Podcast consumers tends to be more active on all social media channels.
Podcast consumers are more likely to follow  brands on social media.
69% agreed that podcast ads made them aware of new products or services
How many downloads makes a successful podcast?
The most successful with about 50,000 downloads in 30 days·An episode with 9,000 downloads earns a place in the top 5% An episode with 3,400 downloads earns a place in the top 10%.The average podcast racks up 141 downloads in the first 30 days.
Do podcasters make money? Some do, podcasters earns through sponsorship, donations, affiliate marketing, and listener support (Jovic, 2020) .
I decided to look into research present in the podcast demographics between the UK and the US in order for me to get a better understanding of my target market as well as of my competitors as I am tending to produce shows as a part of a network. There are large numbers of active podcasts available which would make it a challenging competition to standout, meaning the content must be attractive to feature listeners.
Edisonresearch.com. 2020. Edison Research Infinite Dial 2020. [online] Available at: <https://www.edisonresearch.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/The-Infinite-Dial-2020-from-Edison-Research-and-Triton-Digital.pdf> [Accessed 17 October 2020].  Edisonresearch.com. 2019. [online] Available at: <https://www.edisonresearch.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Infinite-Dial-2019-PDF-1.pdf> [Accessed 17 October 2020].  Jovic, D., 2020. 40 Powerful Podcast Statistics To Tune Into - 2020 Edition. [online] SmallBizGenius. Available at: <https://www.smallbizgenius.net/by-the-numbers/podcast-statistics/#gref> [Accessed 17 October 2020]. Nielsen.com. 2017. Podcast Content Is Growing Audio Engagement. [online] Available at: <https://www.nielsen.com/us/en/insights/article/2020/podcast-content-is-growing-audio-engagement/> [Accessed 17 October 2020].  Statista. 2020. Leading Podcast Genres U.S. 2019 | Statista. [online] Available at: <https://www.statista.com/statistics/786938/top-podcast-genres/> [Accessed 17 October 2020]. 
Statista. 2020. Top Podcast Publishers By Global Streams And Downloads 2020 | Statista. [online] Available at: <https://www.statista.com/statistics/613724/global-podcast-streams-downloads/> [Accessed 17 October 2020].  2020. The State Of Podcasting. [online] Available at: <https://www.podcastinsights.com/podcast-statistics/> [Accessed 17 October 2020]. 2020. UK Weekly Podcast Listeners. [image] Available at: <https://www.statista.com/statistics/1012861/weekly-podcast-listening-by-age-uk/> [Accessed 17 October 2020]. 
Figure One:  2020. Podcast Audience Concept Illustration. [image] Available at: <https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/podcast-audience-concept-illustration_9233877.htm#page=1&query=podcast&position=24> [Accessed 19 October 2020]. Figure Two:  2020. Nielsen Q3 2017 Podcast Insights. [image] Available at: <https://www.podcastinsights.com/podcast-statistics/> [Accessed 19 October 2020]. Figure Three:  2020. UK Weekly Podcast Listeners. [image] Available at: <https://www.statista.com/statistics/1012861/weekly-podcast-listening-by-age-uk/> [Accessed 17 October 2020].
Figure Four: 2020. PROPORTION THAT USED EACH DEVICE TO LISTEN TO PODCASTS United Kingdom. [image] Available at: <http://www.digitalnewsreport.org/survey/2019/podcasts-who-why-what-and-where/> [Accessed 17 October 2020].  Figure Five:  2020. PROPORTION THAT USED EACH DEVICE TO LISTEN TO PODCASTS United Kingdom. [image] Available at: <http://www.digitalnewsreport.org/survey/2019/podcasts-who-why-what-and-where/> [Accessed 17 October 2020].
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vdayucla · 6 years
Fifteen years ago, on 13 May 2013, Valve announced the existence of Half-Life 2. Fifteen years later, we decided to count how many enemies Gordon Freeman destroys over the course of history’s most beloved first-person shooter. Now, after months of fragging and recording, we finally know Doctor Freeman’s body count.
Hint: The answer is 797. And we documented all those kills in glorious, Matrix-like slow motion.
For those who want a more granular analysis, 658 of those dead are Combine units, versus 139 being Xen creatures. Headcrabs might be annoying and deserving of death, but the Combine’s inter-dimensional empire bore the biggest brunt of Freeman’s wrath.
One caveat is that we played Half-Life 2 as a survival game, not a COD-like first-person shooter. Some sections in the game, like the mines under Ravenholm, are filled with enemies that respawn forever or are too slow to warrant killing. In such instances, we simply ran past enemies instead of fighting them. When possible, we avoided combat to avoid wasting ammo – and also to avoid filling our hard drives with unnecessary footage. Hard drive space may be cheap, but it’s not free, and we don’t monetise our channel to cover the overhead for these videos. We make them purely for love in gaming.
Of the 10 out of 14 chapters played (because not all chapters involve combat), by far the bloodiest ones were “Anticitizen One” and “Follow Freeman”, with body counts of 155 and 101 respectively... and that’s whilst we were trying to avoid combat by running past slow zombies and distracted soldiers. The most idyllic (or boring) chapters were “Water Hazard” and “Highway 17”, where we killed only 49 and 51 enemies respectively. Not coincidentally, those are the chapters most filled with obligatory vehicle sections, where you spend longer on being stuck on props than shooting things.
Without question, our two favourite chapters were “We don’t go to Ravenholm” and “Dark Energy”, with the hilarity of the gravity gun and ragdoll physics. Even fifteen years after release, Half-Life 2 and its physics-driven gameplay have yet to be bested by modern AAA franchises like Battlefield or Call of Duty.
We did, however, want to showcase Half-Life 2 with the best possible graphics. Whilst Half-Life 2: Update exists, at only 3 gigabytes, the graphical improvements are too slight to justify downloading. Instead, we turned to Cinematic Mod: Awakening – Origins, by far the cleanest fork of Cinematic Mod we’ve ever seen. Whilst Cinematic Mod has a reputation for silly models, Origins is vanilla Half-Life 2 with assets upscaled to stunning 4K, retaining the style of the original. The results are astounding, as seen in our videos.
Sadly, Origins is no longer available for download due to behind-the-scenes drama. But we saved a copy for ourselves, and if people ask, we’ll gladly upload it to Google Drive for posterity.
Eventually we aim to summate Freeman’s kills in all these games, so we can determine his lifetime body count. We’re still counting the number of enemies felled by Freeman in Black Mesa, Episode One, and Episode Two. But based on footage we’ve analysed and videos edited, we estimate Gordon Freeman has murdered 1,435 enemies over the course of the Half-Life saga. So far we’ve counted around 400 kills in Black Mesa, 100 in Episode One, and 200 in Episode Two.
Of course, we still need to upload videos proving our results. We look forward to doing just that in the coming months.
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