#oh im so nervous wails
aluhnim · 6 months
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Autumn Sky - Ginkgo Bag
This has been a long time coming, but the Kickstarter for this bag is finally here! Thank you to everyone and those on Twitter for all the support.
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bawkrya · 2 years
see my only turn off from the lair tracker thread ordeal is that i’d want to like........ have all of my posts together and not have others comment in between updates/post res for other folders im intending to work on, but then i still want interaction?!?! but then i intend to have like. 12 fucking tabs to work through and dont want to spam the everloving shit out of the forums to reserve all the needed posts. 
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st4rrth0ughts · 4 months
its my first time requesting so im a bit nervous..!
i've been seeing dr ratio practically EVERYWHERE and its been rotting my brain inside and out. i just need to see him fucked out his mind by m!reader while desperately trying to reading to read the book he picked up earlier, something about about a math theory? we all know he's blabbering until his speech becomes incoherent...
i was thinking the setting could be in his office(?) feel free to ignore this if you're uncomfortable with it 😭
don't be nervous, everyone is welcome here <33 real this man needs to be tied down and put in his place, we are robbed of more sub ratio fics TT-TT a/n: two veritas fics bc this man deserves it
imagine handing veritas a book, giving the man a challenge. he has to get through the entire thing while you fuck him from behind. Of course, being the person that he is, he takes up the challenge immediately, and you grin, knowing that stupid smirk would be wiped away in a instant.
You start off slow, grabbing his waist as your cock teases his entrance, making veritas's breath hitch as he reads through the first pages, leaning forward on his desk as his hands flip through the book leisurely, only for his movements to stiffen as a small gasp escapes him when your tip slides in. He stops reading for a brief moment, only for you to give him a harsh slap to his ass, threatening to leave him like this for the rest of the day, making him stammer as he continues on the book.
Slowly, your movements become more frantic, veritas can feel your cock pound into him, hitting his cervix as he leans forward, crying out as you smack his ass again, tutting your tongue as you pull away, causing Veritas to whine out as he quickly fumbles over the book's last few pages. Your honestly quite proud of him, and every good boy deserves a reward, don't they?
Lifting his hips just so that his feet were dangling over the floor, and slamming into his tight heat, causing the red eyed professor to wail out as he stutters over the last sentence, immediately dropping the book as he begs for you to hurry up and make him cum. After a few more harsh thrusts, he squirts hard, eyes rolling back as he lets out a downright pornographic moan. Oh, but you weren't done yet, afterall, you haven't had your fill yet!
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mochiwrites · 2 months
woe, secret husbands drabble be upon ye
Scar hovered, nervously, over the sleeping form of his husband. Every rise and fall of Grian's chest sent an anxious fear through Scar's, and he watched, carefully, as Grian slept.
Jellie, cozy on her spot next to Grian's shoulder, peeked open a singular judgemental eye at him. Scar stared back, helpless. Her tail flicked.
"I know." He whispered, careful not to wake Grian, "I'm just so worried, you know?"
Jellie might've been the best cat in the world, but she was still a cat. She yawned at him before closing her eye and returning to her purring.
At least she could relax, Scar thought bitterly (was he jealous of a cat? Maybe.) He'd been running himself up and down making sure Grian was safe and comfortable and alive. Bringing him soup and giving him water- he'd even put one of those cold towels on Grian's forehead! That's what they always did in the movies!
But the nervous energy remained, and a horrid little voice in the back of his head asked, What if he Turns? What would you do? What price would you pay to survive?
Not that one, Scar responded forcefully. That much he was sure of. Slowly, he crawled into bed next to his husband, careful not to disturb either the sickly Grian or the picky Jellie. He managed, awkwardly, and curled up on his side, still watching the rise and fall of Grian's chest. ".....mm? scar?" Grian opened a bleary eye, very much still half-asleep. "Oh, sorry, songbird. Didn't mean to wake you." Grian yawned, shuffling, and caught Scar's hand in his own. Scar squeezed it, lightly, and Grian smiled, eyes closed. "L've ya.." Scar huffed, "I love you, too." Grian fell back asleep almost immediately afterwards, but Scar still stewed in his restlessness, absently running his fingers across Grian's wrist. Ba bum Oh. Heartbeats. Scar had forgotten. Silly of him, really. Carefully, he shifted his hand so that he could feel each pulse easily. Relief flooded him, and he relaxed a little. And then, certain that Grian was still with him, he drifted off to sleep.
seceret husbands au,,, they have all my thoughts,,,
I love this sm,,,, 🥺 scar’s little moment with jellie was so !!!!! him just being so nervous and worried… and the HEARTBEAT. SCAR FEELING HIS PULSE AND THATS WHAT SETTLES HIM. IM SO !!!!!!!!!
wailing AND sobbing I love them. I love them and this soso much UEUEUEUEUE
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kajii, lemon guy whatever his name is: HERE! MY NEW-
white tiger:
white tiger:
kajii, scared: shit-oh oh man its not what it looks like
white tiger:
kajii, remembering the 150 threats he got from aku for hurting the jinko even tho the train thing was aku’s idea: i would totally not bomb u like-
white tiger:
kajii, nervous, sweating, about to throw up: i mean i just really value the alliance so obviously if i knew u were here, weretiger-
white tiger:
kajii: shit shit dont look mad um oh okay um
white tiger:
atsushi: um mr kajii… im gonna have to take u in for bringing a dangerous animal to public area and for causing a disturbance
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writingsofwesteros · 2 years
NOOO because im obsessed with reader x Rhaenyra x Daemon. we need part 2. we need wedding smut we need them breeding the reader. her getting pregnant and giving birth to a targaryen girl since they wanted want and them getting obsessed and possessive over both of their girls
AN:Hi, I hope you like it x
“Please…a-ah, ah!” You cried out. Your head falling back as the pleasure took a hold of you. Daemon’s hard cock pushed deeper inside you, hitting your soft spot again and again as you wailed. The chuckles from both of them had you blushing so prettily. Your soft, ample breasts are bouncing.
Your hands moved down his muscled chest as your pretty face screwed up in pleasure. “Such a pretty Princess.” Rhaenyra teasingly whispered into your ear as Daemon chuckled. Her words had you whining as you realised you were a Princess now and how much it had all changed.
You looked down at the dragon that had always made you nervous in all the best ways. His hands slowly rested on your hips as he rocked his own. “Oh gods..” You whimpered. Your eyes water in pleasure. It was like nothing you had experienced before. “Please..” You whined; hardly knowing what you were begging for as you leaned in.
Your soft breasts brushed against him as Daemon’s head fell back. “Fuck, you are good.” He purred. Rhaenyra’s soft giggles had you blushing and hiding into the Prince’s neck as you continued to bounce. Soft moans and whines escaped you so prettily and echoed around the room.
You tightened around his large cock; your walls fluttered as your wetness continued to drip. His hand moved into your locks and took a fistful as his thrusts quickened. His own desire for release is taking over. “Good girl.” Rhaenyra whispered before leaning in and passionately capturing your soft lips. “So ruined.” She purred.
You nearly collapsed on her as you looped your arms around Rhaenyra. Your eyes rolled back as the pleasure ripped through you. “Cum for me. Good girl.” She whispered sweet nothings as you squirted around Daemon’s cock. His hold on your hips only tightening as he thrusts quickened.
You watched as Rhaenyra gracefully moved from you. “Keep riding him.” She ordered you and soft shivers ran down your spin as you whimpered but ultimately followed her desires. Your hands return to rest on his chest. Rhaenyra hummed; a smirk dancing on her lips as she lowered her own soaked pussy onto Daemon’s awaiting mouth.
She moaned and placed her hands to settle on the headboard behind her. Your eyes could only watch the display in awe as your wetness drenched your inner thighs. Daemon’s hands moved to her now and began to feast. All the while rocking his hips; pushing against you with his own stomach tightening.
You whimpered as your sensitivity only rose. Your soft breasts bouncing once more as he moaned. Rhaenrya’s noises of pleasure soon moved into the room as Daemon released inside you. “Oh gods..” You whined. Your legs shaking as he kept you on him; cumming so deep inside you.
“They are beautiful.” Rhaenyra whispered into Daemon’s ear as the both of them watched you rest. Their little Visenya sleeping peacefully in the cot beside you. “They are.” He hummed; a soft smile spreading across his face as you moved to cuddle the sheets so adorably. 
“Mother…” Jace’s voice quietly came from behind them and Daemon stepped closer to you. “Should you not be sleeping?” Rhaenyra hummed and noticed little Joffrey peeking behind his brother. “Can we see her?” They both whispered and she couldn’t help but giggle at their excitement that matched her own.
Daemon’s hand gently stroked your leg as he moved to sit beside you. “Is she well?” Jace asked with worry in his tone. “Yes, she just needs to rest.” Rhaenyra hummed and gently brought the boys towards Visenya’s cot. “She’s tiny.” Joffrey muttered out as Rhaenyra only looked on with a smile.
Daemon leaned in and burrowed into your neck. “Daemon..” You softly whispered out before turning to cuddle into his chest. The rogue Prince only chuckled as he stroked your locks. “Rest now.” He whispered before moving to settle beside you. Your legs instantly tangle with his own.
“Take your brother back to his room.” Rhaenyra whispered and pressed a soft kiss to both of their heads. She gently removed Visenya from the cot and into her arms. Unspoken promises were thought as she moved to the bed. Daemon could only watch with soft eyes as his wife gently stroked the babe’s head.
The fire inside him burned as you softly hummed in his ear. He would allow nothing to happen to the little family they had created on Dragonstone. Well, a not so little family. His hand moved to gently palm your soft breast; still so sensitive and he chuckled at your reaction. 
“Don’t tease her.” Rhaenyra hummed as she enjoyed the sight a little too much. Her husband only smirked before he leaned in and gently captured her soft lips. “Should you not be resting?” You softly asked; a yawn escaping you as you slowly turned on your side. Your eyes looking over your daughter as Daemon’s arms wrapped you from behind.
“Hmm, we are.” Rhaenyra giggled down at you. Her fingers stroked your cheek as Daemon burrowed into your neck. You could only watch on lovingly before taking Rhaenyra’s hand in yours. You gently began to play with her fingers before resting your head back down.
Daemon slowly moved against you. His cock hardened as his hips began to rock some more. His hand moving up to your breast now; palming you as you fought against whining.
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peanut-in-the-goal · 29 days
seven minutes
Seven minutes. 
The human brain works for seven minutes after death. You see your life flash before your eyes seven minutes before you die. Seven minutes.
“Nice one, James!” Sirius stands side by side with his godson, fighting death eaters with him, just like he did with his father. He grins easily as he slides into his old dueling stance, wand out in front as he flicks and weavers himself through the enemies.
It’s like an old dance to him, something never forgotten just like riding a bike. He doesn’t see his cousin in the shadows, too busy sending spell after spell at Lucius, making sure he takes all the hits.
At this moment, Harry is his brother, and just like Regulus, he will take every taunt, hit, or hex to protect him. He grins when Harry lands a good spell, and finally knocks Lucius off the platform.
“Avada Kedavra!” 
Sirius sees Bellatrix too late, his head snapping back. He stumbles, going toward the veil. He sees James’ face staring at him, looking like he did when they were 15. He leans into the veil, smiling. 
I get to go home. 
Harry screams.
It’s said that in the first minute, you see yourself being born.
Sirius blinks and he sees bright white. Like his eyes have been covered his whole life and he can finally see, blinded by nothing but white white white. The walls are white, and the doctor holding him has blue gloves on, a blue mask too. He has thin square lensed glasses on, and he’s smiling so hard that you can barely see his eyes.
Behind the doctor, there is a man behind him. Tall, dark grey eyes, and short black hair neatly styled.
Distantly, he hears crying, wailing. He wonders who it is. His eyes are blurry, and he can’t get a true breath in.
The crying is him.
He reaches for the man with the dark hair. The man’s face goes hard, cold even. He’s no longer looking over the doctor’s shoulder, no longer interested in the baby that is being held. He stands straight up and turns to look at someone else who Sirius hadn’t noticed yet.
“Boy.” The man says. He doesn’t sound proud, but he is not displeased either. He seems satisfied enough and nods at the woman on the bed before turning and leaving the room.
Sirius cries harder, searching for something, anything in the room to cling to. His small hands reach for the doctors, but he can’t reach the fingers holding him, probably wouldn’t be able to grab onto them anyways.
He’s handed to someone else, the women on the bed that the man was talking to earlier. She looks just like the man. Long black hair, grey eyes, pale skin and sharp cheeks bones prominent in her face. 
She doesn’t look as cold as he did though. Her face is flushed red and there’s sweated covering her skin. She coos softly and holds him close to her, cradling him to her chest.
“Oh, im so happy you’re a boy,” she whispers into his skin. His crying dies down a bit, having someone to cling to. “Sirius,” she whispers, “Sirius.”
The second minute you see your happiest memories, the small and pleasant things. The first time anything made you truly happy and you did something good.
Sirius are Reguluis are running around the halls of 12 Grimmauld place. Their parents are away on ministry business, but they’re happy for the freedom it gives them. Kreature is in charge of watching the two, but with his friendship towards the Regulus they hope he won’t rat them out.
They run around the halls, jumping over furniture and sliding down the rails of the stairs. A muggle game that they watched the ot6her kids play in the streets through their windows. They called it tag.
The brothers threw themselves out of reach from each other, Kreature yelling at them to behave, but all the boys can do is laugh. They’re barely 9 and 10. They spend all their time living up to their parents perfect image, young scholars, piano lessons, flying lessons. 
It’s both of theirs first time smiling this hard, being able to breathe easily.
He blinks.
Sirius is on the train to hogwarts. He’s nervous being away from his parents and his brother for the year. His hair is gelled bak, posture straight, and he sits in a compartment alone in his ridiculously expensive robes. He stares out the window, and notices this boy with wild brown hair. His glasses look too big for his face andd he’s hugging his parents good bye before running after the train. It’s 10:58 and the boy is trying to lift his trunk up the steps and make it on the train.
Sirius is baffled by the unseriousness of the boy. He recognizes him from the dinner parties, another blood, a Potter. Jeremy? Maybe Josh? He was never allowed to talk to him, his parents calling his family bloodtraitors.
It’s no time at all for the messy haired boy to poke his head into the compartment.
“Hi!” He’s loud and cheerful and his this stupid grin on his face. “Black, right?” Sirius stares at his and nods. “I’m James! Mind if I sit?”
This is exactly who Sirius shouldn’t be friends with. He’s also exactly who Sirius wants to be friends with. He nods again and extends his hand. “Sirius.” He says. He gives the boy, James, a slight smile. James smiles back and warmness spreads through Sirius’ chest, he feels safe and he can’t exactly pinpoint why or what it is. He knows him and James are going to be friends.
Sirius blinks again, and he’s in his third year setting up a prank with his friends.
They’ve snuck into slytherin dorms, befriended some house elves who are helping out. It’s the early hours of the morning, James and Sirius smushed under the the invisibility robe, Remus under polyjuice potion to look like Slughorn, and Peter was waiting in front of the dorm room as a rat to keep lookout. They snuck around the Slytherins dorms, replacing their robes with ones that were annoyingly pink. Each student got a pink robe on top of their trunks, and the house elves held onto whichever robes they took from the students for cleaning. 
James and Sirius were laughing so hard that they woke up the first years, who Remus had to calm down and say he was just doing a dorm check. They were so scared of their head of house being in their dorms at three in the morning that they just nodded along, and Remus had to put a silencio over them for the rest of the night.
They laughed so hard the next morning when the slytherins came into the Great Hall glaring daggers at them in their bubblegum pink robes.
He blinks.
He’s at the hospital, asleep on Remus’ shoulder while Remus reads a book. Peter sits on the other side, watching whatevers playing on the muggle television. Sirius sighs, stretches, and looks around. A kind-looking nurse walks into the waiting room.
“For Potter?” She asks. The three stand up at once. Other family is there too, Effie and Monty, Dorcas and Marlene, even Minnie came to see Baby Potter. Sirius is surrounded by his family, the one he chose and grew up with.
The group goes to the delivery room, Smiling and crying over little Harry. One of them having a baby shows that they’ll be okay. It’s the marauders world, it always has been, and now they’re expanding even more. 
Sirius holds his godson for the first time and cries for the joy of it all.
In the third minute, you see the love of your life.
Sirius sees Remus, the quiet eleven year old covered in scars. He carries a thick, wellworn book in his arms, and is wearing an old knit sweater. It hangs off of his lean frame, bunches at his wrists. 
Sirius thinks he’s adorable.
It’s their fourth year and they’re sitting next to each other in the great hall. James and Peter are there too, sitting across from them, talking about something that he isn’t paying attention too.
Him and Remus are side by side, shoulders knocking against each other with every laugh, knees bumping into each other every few moments. Sirius was loud, smiling, grinning, soaking in every joyous minute of life that he possibly could. Remus was quiet, small smiles and easy going laughs that Sirius melted for every time.
He blinks.
Sirius and Remus are walking down the halls together. James and Peter are off in Hogsmeade, and Sirius stayed with Remus while he recovers from the full moon the night before. They’re walking through different parts of the castle, planning how they’ll set up for a new prank once the others get back. 
Sirius is talking about wizards chess, a way he trapped James in their game last night and beat him. He’s smiling and gesturing happily as he talks, and then Remus grabs his hand. Sirius stops talking and stares, and Remus smiles back and grips Sirius’ hand with a little more confidence.
“Hi.” Sirius says back.
“Problem?” Remus asks, with a smirk on his face. He knows exactly what he’s doing to Sirius.
“Nope!” It comes out as a squeak, and Sirius immediately wants to face palm and disappear. Remus laughs, and Sirius is swooning.
He blinks again.
He’s crying in his bed, the beginning of his sixth year at Hogwarts. His parents kicked him out and he hasn’t slept in Remus’ bed since. He’s always had nightmares, but they’re worse now, and he doesn’t want to wake Remus every night.
He’s shaking, his covers pulled tight around him and over his head while he struggles to breathe, a silencing charm placed before he fell asleep.
He startles when someone pulls at his curtain and the moonlight shines through the fabric of his blanket.
“Pads?” Remus whispers into the air, hand hovering over the blanket. Sirius tries to bury himself further into his mattress. He lets out a soft sob. “Oh love,” Remus’ hand finds his waist easily, pushing gently until Sirius rolls over. 
Sirius lowers the blanket from over his head, his lip wobbling and eyes full of tears when he meets Remus’ face.
“How did you know?” Ha asks. How did you hear me? He thinks.
“I just felt like something was wrong. Can I lay with you?” 
Sirius’ heart explodes, and he nods while he moves over to make space. They get resettled, Sirius’ head ends up on Remus’ chest, Remus’ arm wrapped securely around his waist.
“I love you.” Remus whispers into his hair, pressing a kiss to his forehead. “Sleep well.” 
Sirius falls asleep with a smile.
The fourth minute shows you all the times you’ve felt alone, sad. Unlovable.
Sirius is sitting in the Great hall on his second day at Hogwarts. People have been staring at him since he entered the hall, his cousins glaring since last night. Since a Black got sorted into Gryffindor and not Slytherin. He wishes he could melt into the ground.
He wishes he was good enough, a good heir, a good son.
The owls bring morning mail, and he’s dreading his parents reaction to his placement. He’s sure they know, dear cousin Bellatrix surely told them the moment they made it back to their dorms.
He winces when he sees his family bird fly in, carrying a crimson red letter in its beak. He drops the letter and it starts screeching in his mothers shrill voice.
“Sirius black! How dare you! How dare you disgrace your family like this? Me and your father are very disappointed. You have embarrassed us! You’ve embarrassed your brother! Pull your act together, or else you’ll regret it. I promise you. You will regret it.”
The letter tears itself apart in front of him. He stares at the destroyed paper, his lip only quivers for a moment before he pulls itself together. Blacks don’t cry. His parents must be mad if they’re willing to send a howler when everyone can hear it. If people weren’t looking at him before, then they certainly are now.
“Well,” he starts. He tries to sound nonchalant and like he doesn’t care. It doesn’t work. It comes out strained and forced. “They seem happy?” He tries for a joke, but no one laughs. Everyone is looking at him, most with pity in their eyes, other looking like they want to laugh. 
His new friends look at him like they can’t believe a parent would ever do that to their kid. He envys their obliviousness, their disbelief. They don’t understand what it’s like to have parents like his. James’ parents love him unconditionally, Remus’ mom makes him tea every morning and his father helps heal him father transformations. Peter comes two loving parents and two little brothers, a family that’s the closest Sirius has ever seen.
Sirius feels alone when learning how his parents treat him versus how his friends’ parents treat them. He never realized how different he was, that there was something wrong with him to deserve it.
He cries in his bed later that night.
He blinks.
It’s a cold night, and Sirius sits on toip of the Astronomy tower in thin pajama pants and a white tshirt. He shivers as the wind blows through his hair and licks over his skin. He’s thinner than he’s ever been, refusing to eat unless forced to. Not able to sleep until he’s dropping from exhaustion.
He stares into the sky, looking for anything to ground him back into reality, but at the same time he wishes for nothing more than to disappear. He did the unthinkable, telling Snape Remus’ secret, and now none of his friends will talk to him. They’ll look at him, they’ll glare daggers into him like they want nothing more than to beat the shit out of him.
He wouldn’t blame them. He deserves it. 
He blinks.
He’s staring at the wall. He isn’t sure how long he’s been sitting against the concrete wall, staring at the matching concrete wall across from him. He can feel how matted his hair is, how heavy and long it is. Dementors blow cold air into his cell when they pass. He doesn’t have the energy to shiver anymore.
He doesn’t have the energy for anything anymore.
He distantly remembers screaming and crying to anyone who would listen that it wasn’t him. He didn’t kill his best friends, he didn’t rat them out, he would never. Nobody would listen, the guards didn’t care about him in the slightest. 
Now he just sits.
He’s accepted his fate that he’s never getting out of Azkaban. His bestfriend is dead. His godson is an orphan. Every letter he’s sent to Remus has gone unanswered. He wants to believe that Remus never received them, but somehow he knows that’s not the case.
Remus probably saw the letters, and he ignored them. He genuinely believes that his boyfriend murdered his best friends.
The fifth minute you see your miracle moments. 
Sirius is on the ground screaming in pain. He thinks his screaming anyways, his throat certainly hurts and he can’t catch his breath. His mother stands above him with her wand pointed at his face. He isn’t sure how long he’s there until everything goes dark.
Regulus finds him sometime later and gently helps him up.
“Reg?” Sirius asks, confused. “What’s going on?” Regulus’ face is tearstricken, something Sirius hasn’t seen from his brother in years. He’s never met anyone who could hide their emotions as well as his little brother. “Are you okay?”
Regulus shakes his head silently, pulling a little harsher at Sirius’ arm until he stands up. His side twinges in pain, the tell tale sign of bruises forming over his calves and arms. He inhales sharply when the change in position makes his head pound.
“You have to go.” Regulus whispers. He drags Sirius’ arm over his own shoulders to support his brothers weight. He drags him towards the stairs, the two making their way to Sirius’ room.
“What?” Sirius asks, a bit too loud that Regulus shushes him immediately. “I don’t understand,” he says quiter. He’s a little scatter brained, still trying to figure out what’s going on, why he was on the ground, why his brother was crying.
Regulus nudges the door to Sirius’ room open with his foot, and drops Sirius onto the bed. 
The room is destroyed, posters Sirius had on his wall are ripped to shreds, his desk torn apart and papers everywhere, his clothes are spread out on every surface. It’s clear Walburga was searching for something.
Regulus starts grabbing things at random and shoving them into Sirius’ trunk at the foot of his bed. 
“You have to leave, Sirius.” He keeps stuffing more and more clothes into his trunk. Anything he can reach.
“See, you keep saying that but you won’t tell me why.” Sirius is sitting up in his bed, watching his brother frantically move around his room.
“You’re not safe here, you have to leave.”
Sirius tsks at him. “I’ve never been safe here, what’s it matter now?”
Regulus stops moving and glares hard at him. It doesn’t do much other than show Sirius just how red-eyed and flushed faced his younger brother is. “Regulus….:” His tone is softer, more gentle.
“Because they’ll kill you know!” Regulus yells at him. “She’ll kill you…” His voice breaks, “And I’d rather lose you for the summer than for the rest of my life.” He’s crying again, and Sirius’ breath hitches in his throat. “I was healing you for an hour before you finally woke up. You… You were so cut up, a piece of you arm was missing. There was so many different wounds Siri, did you even notice you were laying in your own blood? Your arm was broken, so was your nose. I healed most of it but, b-but I didn’t you were going to wake up.” Regulus is sobbing. He’s kneeling on the ground by Sirius’ trunk, his hands are balled tightly in fist against his own thighs.
“I thought you weren’t going to wake up..” He whispers.
“Oh, Regulus,” Sirius starts. “Reg I’m okay, I’m alright-”
“But you almost weren’t! Can’t you see that? You almost wweren’t. You aren’t invincible Sirius!” Regulus keeps packing. “You have to leave.”
“I can’t leave you here.”
“You have to!” Regulus huffs, and throws a rolled up pair of socks at him. “You have protected me your whole life. Let me protect you this one time. I’ll be safe here. If I stay, then they won’t come after you!” His hands are shaking so hard that he balls them up again.
Sirius shakes his head, sliding off the bed, and now that Regulus points it out, he notices the weakness in the his left ankle. 
“What if they start hurting you once I leave? What then?” Sirius asks, he sits down next to Regulus. He reaches a hand out and grabs one of his, unfurling his fist. There’s small crescent shapes indents from how tight his grip was.
“Then I can take it.”
“No, Reg-”
“No Sirius! I can take it! I need you to be okay! They won’t hurt me the same as they hurt you.”
“Come with me.” Sirius reaches for Regulus other hand.
“I can’t. You know I can’t. If I stay, then you’re free to leave.” Sirius is shaking his head before Regulus even finishes talking. “They won’t kill me Sirius. I’m the back up, they have no one else if something happens to me. Sirius opens his mouth to say something else when they hear the front door slam open.
They look at each other wide eyed.
“You have to leave. Now.” Regulus says, yanking his hands away from his brother and frantically added last things into his trunk.
“No Sirius. Now!” The stairs creek and their mothers footsteps get closer, her heels clicking against the old wooden floor. Regulus pulls his wand out and shrinks Sirius’ trunk to fit in his pocket. He shoves it into Sirius’ hands before grabbing his arm and dragging him towards the window.
“Reggie wait-”
“Sirius if you don’t leave right now I swear to Merlin that I will push you out this window!”
“She’s coming!” Regulus starts pushing at Sirius while opening the window and popping the screen out at the same time. “I’ll see you at school in two months. Don’t write, she’ll get mad. I’ll be okay, I promise.”
“I love you.” Sirius yanks his brother into a hug, he holds tight. Never ready to let go.
“I love you too.” Regulus says, melting into his brother. “Please go.” He whispers. Sirius lets go of him, lifting himself out of the window. He sits there for a moment before fully jumping out. 
“If something happens, anything happens, you leave. You come to the Potters.”
“Sirius, I can’t leave.” 
“You can. And you will. If anything happens you will come to the Potters. Understand? Or else I’m not leaving.”
Regulus huffs, and smiles. His brother has always been so damn stubborn.
“Fine, I promise. Now go. Before she catches us.” Sirius ruffles his hair one more time, before dropping out of the window, into the streets outside. He disappears into the dark just in time for his mother to twist open the door to the bedroom. 
Sirius is safe.
He blinks. 
He’s underneath one of the quidditch towers. It’s been raining all night, but he doesn’t feel safe enough to go back to his dorm. He doesn’t know if he deserves it. He’s wrapped in a thin blanket from his bed, and abulky sweatshirts. His clothes are wet where they’re touching the mud on the ground below him. The wooden beams on the tower and mostly wet and soaked through, but at least he is protected from the wind.
He shakes. He’s so cold.
He tries to settle himself down a little more, ready to sleep there once again for the night. He’ll sneak back into the dorms during breakfast to shower.
He can hear footsteps leading up to the tower he’s under, feet stomping in mud, but he doesn’t expect them to walk up to the tower and slip into it. He stares wide-eyed at Remus. His hair is plastered to his head and his clothes are soaked through from the rain.
It takes Sirius half a second before he’s scrambling to sit up, his hands sinking into mud puddles around him.
“Rem-” he starts. Trying to apologize again and again, and he would be apologizing for the rest of his life. He stops talking when Remus holds a hand up to him.
“Why are you under here?” Remus asks, displeased. He looks around the small space, cringing at the cold and the state of the structure. Spider webs covered the walls, patches of grass overtaking the corners.
“What?” Sirius was leaning against one of the corners, still on the ground. “I assumed you wouldn’t want me back in the dorms- Remus I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, really, I wasn’t thinking- and- and-”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. And I know you’ll never forgive me, and I deserve that-” Sirius blabbered over Remus.
“Sirius stop.” Sirius stopped. “I forgive you.”
“What?” He jerked, his brain taking a moment to catch up. “No! You can’t! I don’t deserve it.”
Remus moved to squat down next to Sirius, minding the mud. “I forgive you.” His hand reached out carefully to cup Sirius’ face. Sirius trembled under his touch but leaned into it and the same time.
“Remus…” A stray tear fell from his eye. “Moony..”
Remus wiped it away, pulling Sirius in and hugging his head to his chest. “I forgive you.” He whispered again. “Oh pads,” he said, pressing a kiss to Sirius’ forehead. Sirius sobbed into him, wrapping his arms around Remus’ waist. Remus shushed him quietly, before shifting to look Sirius in the eyes.
“Let’s get you out of here, yeah? I’m half worried that this whole structure is going to fall onto us.” He gave Sirius a strained smile. Sirius let out a wet laugh that was half a sob, taking Remus’ hands and letting him pull him up.
“Yeah, I’d like that.”
The sixth minute is when you judge yourself, if you were a good enough person
Regulus dropped a plate at dinner, and he looked like a dear in headlights when his mother started to rise out of her seat, anger in her eyes.
“Reg-” She starts, and Sirius cuts her off.
“So, I’m thinking about dating this girl from school.” He says. He is not thinking about doing that. Ever. “Jessica Wright. She’s a muggleborn, a little dull, but she’s pretty enough.” He’s rambling, saying anything to get his mothers attention on him.
“Excuse me?” She shrieks. “A mudblood? You-”
“Muggle born is the correct term, mother.” 
She forgets about Regulus entirely. If looks could kill, Sirius thinks, I’d be a dead man. 
His father stays seated, but he puts his utensils down, content with watching his wife torture his child. Sirius keeps talking.
“Mudblood is so outdated, don’t you think? Very posh, very old. From your time probably, right mother?”
Walburga is quick to slap him across the face, her rings biting at his flesh.
“Ouch,” Sirius says sarcastically, hiding how much that hurt. “That was almost painful mother, losing your touch, are we?”
He pinpoints the exact moment she goes from just being angry to downright pissed off. It was going to be a long night.
He’s laying on the ground, eyes shut tight and his fists clenched. His jaw is locked. He will not  scream. He won’t give them the satisfaction. He can feel the exact moment his leg snaps and his entire body goes in blinding pain. He gasps, his eyes shooting open while he stares his mother in the eye.
She cackles. She shuts his eyes again.
It’s worth it, he tells himself. It’s worth it, it’s worth it, it’s worth it. He keeps repeating it, convincing himself. Regulus bolted the moment his mother hit him the first time. He’s glad for that, Regulus doesn’t have to see him like this then. He knows his brother will heal him later, but for now he just has to take it until his mother gets tired.
He’s doing good, for his brother.
He blinks.
Him and his friends are sitting in the Great Hall. They got to breakfast early that morning, Sirius next to Remus, James next to Peter. 
“This is going to be so good!” Sirius muses. The four talk in hushed whispers, waiting for other students to fill the hall. They’ve charmed Slughorn’s pumpkin juice to spill on his head as soon as he lifts his fork. 
The hall starts to fill slowly as more students come to eat breakfast. Finally, Slughorn walks through the hall, yawning and looking not at all awake as he makes his way to the teachers table.
James has to kick Sirius under the table so he stops staring and smiling as slughorn walks past. 
“You’ll give us away!” He whispers, but James is smiling anyways. Peter is grinning next to him, they can’t wait for Slughorn to get juiced. Remus smiles, shaking his head at his dumbass friends. The boys have fully abandoned pretending to eat when slughorn finally sits down. He fills his plate with food, and finally picks up his fork.
The hall is mostly filled at this point, and the boys are watching professor Slughorn like hawks.
He picks up his fork, and his goblet raises and tips on his head.
He gasps in shock, hands hovering at his side. Students around the hall notice and start cackling with laughter. The halls shake with joy, and the four boys grin. Sirius and Remus high five under the table, James and Sirius tap their feet together.
Slughorn is fuming. Sirius falters slightly at the look on his face, he’s extremely upset. Then Sirius decides he doesn’t actually care because he made everyone else laugh.
And how bad could he be if he made everyone else happy at the expense of one person?
He blinks.
“Expelliarmus!” James yells. He flicks Snape’s wand out of his hand. There a group following them, chanting.
“Nice one, James!” Sirius grins next to him, James starts to lift Snape in the air. Dangling him upside down.
“Now,” James starts, “who wants to see me take of Snape’s trousers?” The group cheers and yells louder. Sirius is laughing the loudest, nudging James with his arm.
“Do it, Prongs!” He cheers. James does.
They both cackle and laugh at Snape’s expense. Snape is horrified, frantical;ly reaching for his pants, but struggling upside. The boys laugh and ridicule him as they put on a show in front of the crowd. Sirius doesn’t feel an ounce of remorse. Distantly, a small part of his brain wonders if he should.
The seventh minute is unpredictable. You see your entire life start to finish, flashes of everything you’ve ever done.
Sirius sits through piano lessons, his teacher a harsh lady who smacks his hand with a cane if he messes up. He always plays beautifully.
He blinks.
Sirius and Regulus are stuck to each other like glue. Hand and hand running around the house, to the park up the street. Sirius was always pulling him, urging him to move forward forward. All Regulus would do is pull back back back. 
“What of our parents, Sirius?” He asked, worried of the trouble they would get in.
“What of us, Reg?” Sirius would shoot back. “Memories over fears, come on.” He would tug Regulus’ hand softly, and Regulus would always come with him anyways.
He blinks.
Sitting at the table in silence, family dinner where it never felt like family. It felt like Regulus and Sirius versus the world. Sirius protecting Regulus from the rest of the world. The food was always quite good though.
He blinks. 
Sirius is hugging his brother goodbye the night before he leaves for Hogwarts. Regulus is in Sirius’ bed, clinging onto him.
“Don’t leave.” Regulus cries. He looks at Sirius with large doe eyes. “I don’t want you to go.”
Sirius holds him tighter, pressing Regulus’ face into his neck so he doesn’t have to look at his sad eyes.
“I’m sorry Reggie,” he whispers. “I have to go. But I’ll come back for winter and easter and summer. Then next year we’ll be together again.”
“I’ll miss you.” Regulus mumbles. Sirius gets teary eyed.
“I’ll miss you too,” he chokes out.
He blinks.
Sirius is sitting on the stool in front of the entire school. Everyone looked up when his name was called, another Black heir.
He smirks going up there, no doubt that he’d be put in Slytherin.
“Slytherin?” The sorting hat asks. Sirius’ face drops. The hat sounds like the thought is the funniest in the world.
“Well, it is quite funny,” the hat says. “You barely have an ounce of Slytherin in you. Nothing like your cousins.” 
No, no, no. 
“Yes… Yes I see, you seem much better suited for..”
Sirius feels his heart drop to his toes. His parents are going to kill him.’
“Gryffindor!” The hat yells. Sirius swallows, and starts walking toward the red and gold table.
His parents are definitely going to kill him.
He blinks.
Sirius and James are pulling a prank, the first one of their second year. They’re standing at one of the higher stairs. They’re hidden under the invisibility cloak, crammed but they fit. Everytime a first year walks by (or a slytherin), they levitate something out of their hands.
So far they’ve got a book, a wand, even a toad. They levitate for a minute or two, watching the owner jump for it just above their reach, before letting it drop.
Sirius and James are grinning, high fiving every time.
He blinks.
Remus and Sirius are sharing a moment by the black lake. James is off wooing Evans, and Peter is with him. Wingman and all. Sirius and Remus get to be alone together, and they’ve just started dating.
Sirius lays his head on Remus’ shoulder, smiling softly.
“I love it when you smile like that.” Remus says. He has a book open in his lap, but he isn’t reading. He’s looking at Sirius.
Sirius feels his face grow hot and hides in Remus’ shoulder.
“Moonyy…” He whines. Remus laughs, one of his hands easily wrapping around Sirius’ waist.
“It’s cute.” Remus says. Sirius blushes harder and tries to burrow further into Remus. Remus grins a toothy grins, forgetting his book entirely and bringing his other hand to play with Sirius’ hair.
He blinks.
He’s standing in the corridor on the night of a full moon. He’s staring down Snape across from him. Fuming.
“Tell me, Black.” Snape says. He smirking, his wand twirling in his hand. Sirius’ wand is in his other. He disarmed him the moment he turned the corner.
“No?” Snape mocks. “Is the puppy that whipped? You don’t anything if Remus doesn’t tell you to, do you?” Snape laughs. Sirius wants nothing more than to lunge at him.
“Does Remus make all your decisions for you? Do your homework love, Pay attention Paddy, Be good Sirius.” Snape does his best to mock Remus’ voice, and it only serves to piss Sirius off more.
“Fuck you.” He spits. It takes all of his willpower to not kill Snape where he stands.
“I’m sure Remus does.”
Sirius does lunge this time. Snape freezes him with a flick of his wand.
“Where does he go, Black?” Snape asks again. Sirius is so blinded by fury that he doesn’t fully process what he’s saying until afterwards.
“You really want to know? Go to the willow, press the not. Then you’ll find out.” 
Snape grins, greasy and gross, throws Sirius’ wand to the other end of the corridor, and doesn’t release him until he’s already turned the corner. Sirius fills with a strong sense of dread.
He blinks.
Sirius ends up on the Potters doorstep. He’s cold, and quiet, and sad. It’s extremely early in the morning, the back of his shirt is still soaked in blood, but at least he isn’t bleeding since Regulus healed him. The pain is a dull thrum that’s getting stronger. He couldn’t feel it before due to the adrenaline of escaping, but now it hits him full force.
He takes a breath and knocks on the door. He leans against the wall of the porch, righting himself once he realizes he’s leaving a bloodstain.
The light turns on in the entryway, and he blinks tiredly as the door slowly opens. It’s a short women who answers, looking curiously at the young boy on her doorstep.
“Hello?” She asks, cautiously.
“Hi.” Sirius says. “I’m Sirius.”
 The women smiles, here face lighting up. “Sirius? James’ friend?” Sirius nods. “Oh my, I’ve heard so much about you! Come in dear, come in.” She says. She opens the door and lets Sirius in, she gasps once he’s in the light and his wounds and blood are visible.
“Monty!” She starts yelling. “Monty get down here!” Sirius starts to lose his fight with consciousness and he feels like he’s underwater. He’s about to turn and ask for James when his head pokes around the corner.
“Mama, que-” His eyes snap to Sirius standing in the middle of the hall looking lost. “Sirius!” He runs  down the rest of the stairs and to his friend. “What happened, what’s going on, why-”
“Hi Prongs.” One side of Sirius’ mouth lifts in a slight smile. “I think I need help.”
Everything tilts and he drops to the floor.
He opens his eyes.
“Gryffindor wins the house cup!” Dumbledore yells. All the Gryffindor’s at the table scream and cheer, their hats flying up into the air.
“We did it!” James yells. Him and Sirius climb onto the table.
“We did it!” Sirius yells back, high fiving his best friend. The two grin and smile, setting off fireworks for their departing gift. The Gryffindor crest explodes into the sky. Remus and Peter climb onto the table as well, all taking their final bows.
They graduated.
He blinks.
Remus and Sirius enter their new flat. Eahc holding a box. Sirius drops his in the entry way, going to Remus and making him drops his as well. He stands on his tiptoes to peck Remus’ lips. 
“Welcome Home, baby.” He says. He hugs him tightly, everything is going to be okay.
He blinks.
The group is met up at Molly and Arthurs house. Order meeting. The prophecy was just announced, Harry Potter is in danger.
The Potters must go into hiding. Sirius wvows to protect them with his life.
James hugs him, smiles, and chooses Peter.
He blinks. 
Sirius is flying to the Potters as fast as he can, his motorcycles going as fast as possible. He gets there and he can hear Lily screaming, before the street goes quiet. He’s too late.
Too late too late too late.
Peter is standing in the driveway, staring at the house.
“Peter!” Sirius screams.” He isn’t fully on the ground before he’s swinging at his old friend. Peter tries to open his mouth, tries to say something but Sirius is on him immediately.
“My, my.” Voldemort comes out of the door, Sirius looks over his shoulder at him. “The Black I couldn’t have.”
He blinks.
He sits staring at the wall of his cell. He would guess it’s beena  few years. It fells like it’s been an eternity. He doesn’t know how much longer he can take it.
Someone walks past with a newspaper.
He sees Peter. Peter. As a rat.
Sirius sees red. He’s going to kill Peter. He turns into a dog and slips out.
He blinks.
Sirius sees Remus again in the shack. 
Brings back old memories, he thinks. He hugs his friend, boyfriend? Exfriend? He doesn’t know what they are, but he’s happy to see him regardless.
They threaten Peter together.
Just like old times,
He blinks.
Sirius has been in his old house for so long. Too long. Remus stays with him most days, but he’s aching for the chance to get out and help fight.
His godson is in danger. 
“Sirius!” Molly calls, he can hear her feet running up the stairs. “Sirius!” She’s out of breath.
“What?” He asks frantically. “Whats happened?”
“It’s Harry! Arthur called, him and his friends broke into the ministry. They’re looking for the prophecy. Sirius, the death eaters found.”
He’s gone in a flash, he apparates to the ministry. He notices the crack of the rest of the order behind him. He doesn’t mind them, he walks straight up to Lucius and punches him in the face.
He blinks.
Everything is dark.
Home. Is his last thought. The next time he opens his eyes, it’s white light except for his best friend standing there waiting for him. James opens his arms for him, which Sirius easily falls into.
I’m home.
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cressthebest · 3 months
Art Heist, Baby! thoughts pt. 14
we’re nearing the end yall and i’m getting HELLA nervous. five chapters left. and reg is gonna die. i’m not ready
chapter 34:
1. the mulciber swap went perfect. still nervous though
2. the heist is almost over. and they’re all splitting up to go places. i don’t think i can handle this
3. god, it’s the lucius swap. i don’t think it’s gonna go well. i’m so worried
4. “Regulus cleared his throat. “I just want to say that it had been a privilege and an honour to conduct this heist with all of you. Each of you are brilliant individuals and I couldn’t have asked for a better team.”” sobbing so badly rn. horrifically sobbing. oh my god. the death must be this chapter. it feels all like a final goodbye, and it probably is for reg
5. reg wants to fix his relationship with sirius over a hundred cups of coffee. that sounds so nice
6. reg is looking forward to attending sirius and remus’ wedding! and he’s surprised that sirius wants him there. this. this all feels so foreboding
7. god. they’re face to face with tom riddle. this isn’t gonna end well. i can feel it
8. it was a set up. all reg gets to say is “james run” and then there’s bullets. i almost don’t want to read the rest of the chapter. i don’t even think i’m gonna cry. just quiet resignation. i will be fine. i fucking called it last post tho, saying it would be tom riddles fault.
9. oh gosh. reg is dying right there on the floor, blood pooling in his lungs and he’s telling james not to be scared
10. i was a fool. of course i’m sobbing. i sent my freind a two minute long voice recording while sobbing about how sad i was over the death. they can confirm, though i’m not asking them to
11. reg gives james his ring. oh fuck
12. dying by tom riddles’ hands. drowning in his own blood. of course he dies by drowning
13. on another note, i’m sure that james’ gun kink is very much gone
14. “It wasn’t the amount of blood that had accumulated all over the floor that convinced James that Regulus was dead.
Or the fact that Regulus had stopped the gurgling and wheezing noises several minutes ago as he drifted into cruel stillness.
It wasn’t Barty’s tear stained and blood splattered face. Or Evan’s desperate attempts to shake Regulus awake. It wasn’t even Peter’s sorrowful look upon checking for a pulse. Or his frantic attempts to do CPR anyway.
It was Sirius’ agonised wails as he pleaded and called out to a God he never believed in to spare his brother. To bring him back. “I just got him back,” Sirius screamed. “I just got him back. Please. Don’t do this. Please bring him back. I just got him back.””
this fucking fic i swear to god
15. everyone else is dead, thanks to evan and barty. for once, i agree with their unhinged. it was a slaughter of men on the other side, and i am glad. they are dead, and they don’t even deserve it. they deserve a life of torture for what they did. thank fucking god they’re dead tho. it makes me rest easy
they were supposed to get a house with green or red shutters and get married and travel the world and make tea and orange muffins and snog in art museums and visit their freinds and be happy and in love and never live a mundane life cause they’re rich and together. but NO. it has to all get ruined
im not okay, thank you for asking. i will never be okay, thank you for asking. i never want to be okay again, stop asking.
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shigarakisslutbag · 10 months
I honestly didn't think I'd write on here again but I can't sleep and it's like 5:30 in the morning lol. So I'll write some thigh fuckin' headcanons to ease the stress 😎 (also TW: for thigh fucking, somnophilia, long post in general LMFAO. If I missed anything I apologize. Also it's now 6:19 after finishing it so there's probably typos I've missed after briefly skimming this so Im also sorry for that LMFAO)
(EDIT after writing. I'm so sorry this ended up not being headcanons and was just a full on drabble I found of pulled out of my ass but I hope you still enjoy it lol)
Now truthfully I havent even watched/finished the seasons after season 4 lol. I'm in the middle of season 5 still because I'm severely depressed and can't enjoy anything. But that doesn't mean I don't still love shigaraki and tbh I still read fanfiction from time to time about him or dabi.
I feel like a lot of people paint shigaraki as either absolutely vile and grimey or just aloof and soft with a grumpy attitude. And I feel like it's a bit of both. Which really plays into his sex life (if he'll ever have one). But even without a sex life, his personality most certainly plays into his fantasies and kinks.
I want to also emphasize that fantasies are just that, fantasies. Shigaraki most likely has plenty of fantasies that he'd never dream of acting out with his partner should he ever have one. I feel like even if he had some sick fantasies or kinks, and you happened to be okay with it, he would still be iffy because if this man, for whatever reason, picked you out of everyone else?? He's not going to treat you like absolute garbage. Shigaraki is definitely not the nicest person by any means, but by God if he cares about someone he fucking cares. Esp because you're probably the only person who actually loves him in his entirety. So if he's into noncon, somnophilia, predator/prey play, or whatever, it's going to be a while before he gets comfortable bringing up any of those fantasies with you.
Now that I've gotten that out of the way, you're wondering "goddamnit ash shut the fuck up and tell me the thigh f-" wELL THATS TOO DAMN BAD YOU LISTEN TO SEGGSY MONOLOGUE OR YOU GET NOTHING. ty luv u.
Okay so his fantasies right ? What are shigarakis kinks ? Does he have any? Oh absolutely. And they range from either something as light and soft as hickeys and tying you up in silk while eating you out for 2 hours to nipple clamps and making you wail with hot tears and shoving a dildo down your throat telling you take it like you've taken every other mans cock down your throat because he knows stupid sluts like you are always capable of doing those things if you know it'll make your pussy soak the sheets.
Now it's not his top fantasy, but thigh fucking. And God do you have the prettiest thighs. It doesn't matter is there's stretch marks, if they're chubby, skinny, or if you have immense scarring on them he LOVES them. He loves how soft they are. He loves how they look in shorts or a skirt (esp when you keep trying to pull them down a bit because they're a size smaller than what you wanted so they don't pudge out). He loves how your delicate hands lay on top of your thighs while you fiddle with your fingers out of nervousness. He loves the way they move when he walks behind you, you have a walk that puts any model to shame. He just loves them . And by God does he throb at thought of getting to push his cock past your sweaty or oily thighs. The head of his dick barely kissing your clit each time he thrusts. But that's not the biggest and best part at all. He wants to wake you up to it. You've told him countless times he can wake you up to any sexual acts but he's still nervous. But he's really horny right now. And you're sweaty from the lack of AC and you're naked on your side sleeping away. But he genuinely can't think of anything else other than how wet your pussy must be right now and how slick your thighs must be from the heat of the room. His cock is absolutely aching to slide between your thighs and folds. He has never felt so hungry until he met someone with a body as inviting as your own. He's been stroking for the past couple minutes but it's just not enough .
He peels off the throw blanket you have over you because despite the heat you always love your blanket to sleep. But even after the blanket is removed you still don't wake . He slowly examines your body and grazes his hand down your body. Going over your shoulders and arms to ribs to hip bone. Finally meets that beautiful soft ass of yours. He gentle lifts your thigh to angle and can see your pussy . Its so wet and glistening from the lights on the street coming in through your window, beaming in and lighting up your skin to a beautiful warm glow.
He lifts up one of your slick folds, seeing your pretty clit and rubbing his thumb in tiny circles on it. He can't take it anymore and slides his cock between your thighs, his shaft rubbing your leaking pussy and making your clit throb even more. You may be asleep but your cunt is always awake and ready to be touched by him.
He starts thrusting slowly to building up that pressure in his groin to make his orgasm feel even better in the end. He can feel you coating his shaft with your juices more and more with each desperate thrust he makes to your thighs. Your thighs are so sweaty and warm and grip his dick so nicely taking any and every drop of cum he wants to and could ever give you. He can hear slight wet sounds coming from your cunt with each thrust that keeps getting more rapid and animalistic with each thrust because you dont know how to stop being such a needy whore all the time even in your sleep. Before he knows it you're gushing and your cum is on the sheets making him go over the edge. Now he's spitting thick, white shots of cum all over your thighs while drops of it roll down your skin onto the bed as well. You're still mostly asleep, but youve adorned a dazed smile on your face with a satisfied tomura passed out next you .
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smilingangel582 · 10 months
Me see lee Lyney and him having a crush on Aether:
Any ways I was thinking of requesting lee Lyney and ler Aether but if you don't take request because of to busy or just plain out just don't want to I understand
Have a good day or night ☺️
-Pepper 🫑 anon
Nah, nah, Im totally planning on writing ler!aether soon!! Hehe, great minds think a like.
I often have a very air headed mind, so I decided to write the fics on requests so it will be easier and better for anons, hehe. Anyway, enjoy this genshin fic. Additionally, think of this as a sequel to "Rainbow roses."
This is romantic, btw hehe~
(P.s his tongue sticking is way too cute, and i wanna punish him with tickles)
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Fontaine thrills Aether in many ways. He often thought Sumeru was the best place he ever visited, but Fontaine came to equal grounds. He can tell Charlotte wasn't kidding back then.
"Bonjour monsieur." The far voice of the woman in a frilly dress greeted him, "Are you perhaps on your way to see Mr. Lyney's latest magic show?"
He smiled and exchanged glances with Paimon, who pointed out "Yup we are... we really see Lyney go wild"
The rainbow rose he kept made him look forward to today's show. It's been some time back after the phantom weasel incident.
After showing the way to take the tickets the woman already left. Lynette was by the entrance of the opera house waving now along with her ears and tail swishing "Hi,"
"Lynette!" Paimon squeaked only to greet back, "Oh, where's Lyney?"
Aether nodded in agreement. Then, for the first time, she offered a fond smile, "I'm sure the ever so confident and bold magician Lyney is, in fact, nervous in particular today."
Aether tilted his head "Why is that?"
She pointed at the rainbow rose on his bosom. "This... well, I'm sure I gave you enough hints, so... take your seats in the front we'll meet during our performance."
With a mysterious glance, she left. Paimon clueless turned to the rose. "Eh? Because of the flower? Was he worried about us asking for the trick again?"
Aether blushed with a smile. Maybe he did understand the situation, especially after Charlotte's brief enlightenment of floral symbolism.
"What's got you so red?" She piped curiously, of course he shakes his head and offered to proceed to the opera House.
Indeed the show began, there's no sign of anxiety, yet he did shift his eyes away from Aether when he talked animatedly by flourishing his hat with a pigeon flapping out of his hat.
The crowd laughed when he juggled clumsily, feigning that he wasn't talented at that but then spinning them back to Lynette, who perfected it by one hand. Aether was fascinated by magicians. He never did understand how magic is considered a form of deception.
The show was spectacular as always with new tricks and old ones that never get bored. After the show everyone exited, talking about how amazing Lyney did and Paimon nagged on that she gotta know the trick somehow to satisfy her.
Later on, the stars of the show arrived. Lyney's discomfort seems slight, but it's his voice that convinced his act. Lynette waved adorably "Hello, did you like the show, traveller?"
They nodded, and Paimon as always stepped towards Lyney folding her arms. "So, teacher? Paimon observed your tricks! That disappearance magic happened because you had a pigeon hidden in the hat, right?"
Aether pointed out now "I doubt that's it, he did show his empty hat"
"Right on the money traveller"
Hearinf Lyney's reply as well, it felt like the end of the world for Piamon. she wailed "Aahhh Paimon's gonna get brain fry!"
Lyney stuck his tongue playfully "Well sorry Paimon, but you tried... I still can reveal my secrets like that"
Aether wanted to say something, but Lyentte suddenly reached for Paimon, taking her out. "How about Paimon and I go and have some desserts, you two chat along"
Expecting a chide from Lyney Aether turned to him, but he flushed in complete surprise. "D-dont leave... I mean... don't spoil your a-appetite Lynette" she was already gone with a complaining Paimon.
Aether is socially active, so he can tell how Lyney is awkward for the first time. As a man on stage he's hard to read but right now Aether can read him like a book.
They left the opera house only to reach the top peak of fontaine, through the lift and staring at the city and waters. Lyney seemed to change the subject first "So, how was the show, traveller?"
Aether shrugged with a grin "As amazing as ever, honestly that's amazing"
"Loss of vocabulary, I see?" Lyney chuckled "well its a good compliment for me, and I'm motivated..."
Aether slowly picked the rainbow rose, seeing the latter distracted by the breeze he shifted the topic now, "I must say, you have a really nice way of expressing passion, Lyney"
Choking a bit to a dangerous topic he sheepishly waved it off seeing hiw the rainbow rose is already involved, "Come now, you flatter me traveller, do I look like a floral expert to you"
A clever magician indeed.
Smirking, Aether advances, pinning Lyney against the balcony as his arms gripped the railing, he appeared taller now, "So, quick question, Charlotte did provide the symbolic meaning of the rainbow rose, plus you decided to change it so easily after knowing the truth, I doubt it's ignorance"
Lyney's position did seem uneasy. He tried to remain calm, but Aether's mesmerising golden eyes didn't let him. "Aether, please... I..."
"You said my name"
That genuinely sounded happy. In fact, he could see Lyney's defences crumbling gradually. He reached to playfully pinch his sides. "Right...? You did say Aether, right?"
Flinching at the touch, he tried to push those taunting fingers, "N-no...?"
The squeezes became clear as water this time, Lyney couldn't help giggle contagiously. "Alriihight trahahahveller thihihis ihihis rihihidiculous!"
Grinning back, he hummed mockingly. "Not even the magician can understand my sense of humour"
He forcefully wiggled his fingers under his armpits finally breaking the defensive part of him. This made Lyney try to escape from the side as loud snickers tumbled from his lips "Ahahaha Aehehehether wahahahit wahahahait whyhyhyhy?"
"Lynette did let slip a fact about you, so... I want confirmation. " this time, both of them blush, one because of the flushed excitement and the other in his predicament.
"Whahaha? Shehehehe dihihid?" He tried once more to push the annoying pesky fingers playfully poking his bare underarms, which he tried to close up.
"Come on Lyney, admit it, you like me?"
This was like that night with Lyney all over again. He whined now trying to curl away from him, "Ahahaha plehehehease! NOHOHO!"
Aether decided to slide his fingers on his tights, though he didn't know how sensitive they were "How convenient that your weakest spots are so vulnerable, Lyney your so cute"
Aether decided it was enough before anyone else heard Lyney's loud laughter. He watched the other lean forward on the balcony gasping for breath "Ahahaha gohohod thahats uhuhunexpexted"
"Sorry, I felt... like doing it, since you seemed to stiff" Aether said shyly.
"Aha... noho worries I... neheeded that" finally gasping and regaining his stamina he cleared his throat, no picking up his hat "Well truthfully, I didn't expect you to find out so easily, I... uh... didn't mean to but-"
"Save it, Lyney," Aether grabbed his wrist and and then reached over to grip his neck as he forced a kiss. It surprise Lyney that a mild reaction of pulling away took over but soon gave into the warm touch.
They had the same rosiness, and Lyney lowered his hat with a wary giggle. "Ihi don't know what to say... uh, Aether"
"Say nothing, I'm looking forward to your next performance" Aether waved now heading back first. Then Lyney nodded with overwhelming happiness but mischievously added "And revenge"
Looking back a brief frightened look took over but he smiled it over "Sure then I'll get revenge on your revenge, Mr. Magician."
Lynye ran after him, catching as they laughed together. Meanwhile Paimon was the only clueless person who was still engrossed in figuring out how Lyney did his tricks.
Hope Lynette didn't slip a new interrogation method for Paimon. She just left us speechless when she drank her tea, pretending obliviously to that question.
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majestyjun · 1 year
been a while but im back lol. yeonjun has been occupying my mind as of lately ever since the tour (there are so many edits of him its crazy)
anyways can’t stop thinking about brother’s best friend yeonjun who gets off from teasing his friends sister whenever he’s around. would probably flirt like crazy just to get her flustered but then smirk and be like “don’t think too much of it” leaving her all stunned. this probably leads to the both of them going into a mini flirting war to see who would give in first (surprisingly yeonjun does) asdfghjkl
idk im thinking about writing again and idk if this is a good fic idea but what do you think ❤️
oh. OH. oh hold on ONE SECOND IM TAKING THIS (in millie direction) LOL
yeonjun, the flirt and bad influence, the one your big brother became friends with, always neglects his little sister, doesn’t he, the baby of the family that is adored by all the adults… maybe that’s why you ended up so… dumb >< so sad when your brother doesn’t give you any attention… but yeonjun does, slapping his thigh as you wander over, oblivious to his intentions n just wanting attention, stupid girl you fall so easily for his trap. n it’s yeonjun, sitting on his lap, who flips up your skirt, your cute squeak of surprise masked by the sounds of your brother and his friends watching some boring sports game… shhh, princess, don’t want your big brother to know, do you? that yeonjun’s big hand is caressing your cute ass under your skirt, your thighs clenching and bimbo girl so confused as to why your skin is so hot, feeling flushed but not knowing why… only that yeonjun makes you feel this way, an itching sensation between your plush thighs, ugh, it’s so embarrassing ><
poor girl, no attention until yeonjun’s around, your brother and his friends absorbed in playing some game without you, crying in your room when he was mean to you and told you to get lost… and yeonjun’s knocking on your door. running into his arms and crying, letting him coddle n comfort you, his hand dangerously resting on the curve of your ass, slowly sliding down your thighs, cute girl sniffles turning into heated gasps of arousal, not knowing why >< so, dumb girl, let yeonjun take care of you, let him play with you? he’ll give you all the attention you want, bimbo~~ letting yeonjun flip up your skirt, his hands tugging away at your cute panties, smirking like a predator gazing at its prey as he whispers he’ll make it all feel better, pretty girl, ugh he’s so aroused by how you nod so trustingly, spreading your legs when he tells you to, dumb virgin <3 yeonjun who licks up your pretty folds, so cutely aroused for him without knowing it, his head buried between your thighs as you writhe and sob on your bed, struggling to keep quiet as he warns you, bucking your hips into his lips in such sweet, innocent arousal, don’t know what to do except that yeonjun’s big hands are holding down your legs spread apart n he’s making such lewd noises from sucking n licking up your essence, feels so so good n so so wrong, cute girl cumming on his face in moments, your hand muffling your cute high pitched cries and wails of his name, not even knowing what he’s done <3 corrupted you so deep, you’re begging him to please, please make it feel better, feels so good n being so nervous to take his cock, mumbling if it’ll fit. and yeonjun who reassures you, saying he’ll make himself fit, all you have to do is spread your legs n be a good girl <3 so think you can do it, dumb virgin~?
what the fuck did i just write jesus i need water—
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hermanunworthy · 6 months
welp. todays the day. pray for me guys this could easily be the most upsetting episode of dndads for me. im dreading this so bad
- i feel sick i havent been able to move on from the intro
- im gonna be so honest i was expecting a "sike" or something at the end so u can imagine my relief when the little clicks started playing
- okay. okay. time to listen to ur fun facts u sick fucks
- anthony stfu i dont want to hear ur voice (hes literally the dm)
- will. what evil fact do u have for us today.
- scary plays the piano omg!!!
- "im really nervous about what anthonys gonna do this episode" U AND ME BOTH MATT
- it has taken me an hour just to get through the intro + facts.
- "but at what cost?" AT WHAT COST IS RIGHT BETH.
- "wheres hermie?" IM DONE
- anthony rushing them away. i cannot. i cannot
- "well fix it" im done
- "this marriage has one less spouse but heavens got one more little angel" MATTHEW ARNOLD CAN U NOT.
- im sitting here in shock through all of this
- "just be happy ur not in hell" shut up anthony too soon
- thank god normal didnt take damage again
- lincoln cool scar era okay
- theyre back home.
- "VOTE WILLY"?????
- "u guys ready to see him?" NO. NO IM NOT
- ty for protecting dood scary :[
- "the only thing keeping u together is the absolute ignorance u have of the fact that maybe the only person who ever showed u any real affection in the last couple years of ur life is dead" anthony burch im hunting u down.
- is the dude w the white beard that "new fan fave npc" will was talking about lol
- BARRY?????
- HOLY FUCK......
- anthony burch. i hate u
- okay scam apologizing does feel good
- "u feel like home for some reason" WAILS
- ty henry for giving normal what he needed im gonna sob my eyes out
- "i liked u too" sighs.
- "hermie u definitely were one of us" SOBS
- "i did notice u. thanks for everything" AAUAGAUHH
- "lark shakes ur hand, sparrow goes in for a hug" ough.
- "help me normal, only u can save me normal" WTF??? WTF????
- guys i made it through. [confetti falls on me]
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stiffyck · 1 year
hello hello! this is the third time ive tried to make this coherent so. it might not be that but oh well
i imagine that, after scar gets help for his trauma, he starts to realise just how touch starved hes been this whole time because like. he was on his own for years, of course hes gonna want a hug
but, he has been on his own for years, and so he isnt quite sure how to ask for a hug. of course, he knows that he can just say it but. what if they think its weird? he hopes that someone will just hug him without him having to ask, but everyone is being annoyingly considerate and doesn’t want to make him upset by doing something he might not want (he’s not actually annoyed, he loves them all to bits but if they would stop being so nice for ten seconds-)
however! whilst most of the hermits have the general fact of scar’s trauma at the forefront of their minds, as they were the ones to help him, a couple new arrivals don’t always remember
so, of course, when you make a village like boatem with: - everyone so close together, you swing a cat (or boatem inc. company horse) and you’re bound to hit someone - two siblings who seem to be physically attached to someone at any given moment, and are not as familiar with scar’s trauma as the rest of them -two people who are very happy to have said siblings attached to them -and scar himself, who is frankly hoping he is attached to at some point
you’re bound to have an instance like this
scar hums to himself as he bonemeals the ground outside his swaggon. he wonders how it would go if he started to search for more rare flowers—he’s sure the only orange flower can’t be the tulip. maybe he could find some kind of orange poppy, or- ooh! maybe he could find some tiger lilies! although they are poisonous to cats, so-
“hi scar!”
scar yelps, dropping his pile of bonemeal on the floor. the dandelion he drops it on swells massively in size.
before he has time to register this, a heavy weight lands on his back, arms wrapping around his shoulders and legs around his waist. scar freezes. it’s grian. grian is on him. grian is..
grian is hugging him.
slightly embarrassingly, scar starts to tear up. grian seems to notice, and immediately his grip slackens.
“oh- shit, scar, i’m so sorry-“ he jumps off, and makes to step backwards. “I should have thought-“
“could-“ scar turns quickly, he doesn’t want grian to leave. “um. could you do that again?”
grian blinks. “are you sure? I don’t want you to do something you don’t want to.”
“no, no that’s- that’s not it.” scar steps towards him, nervous. “I, um. I just haven’t had a hug in a while.” he admits, smiling sheepishly. “I wasn’t sure how to ask.”
“oh, scar.” grian’s mouth splits into a relieved grin. “do you want me to hug you?”
“yes please.” scar says.
what scar learns: grian gives good hugs. he pulls scar in and holds him tight and close, and scar feels so warm and happy and safe. he presses his face into grian’s sweater, grinning like an idiot, wishing he’d asked sooner, because this is possibly the best thing he’s ever felt.
“there’s an issue.”
“are you okay?” grian tries to pull away but scar keeps him close, and he laughs.
“i’m not gonna be able to work on the swaggon.” scar says. “‘cause I just wanna do this forever.”
scar gets hugs he deserves it
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“I wish people would notice you more.”
A/N: This is a John Pitcairn birthday special. This involves my OC, Enola, but it is not in the style of Assassin’s Creed Forsaken this time.
Includes: Angst/Comfort scenario.
Warning: Suicide mention
Summary: Enola tried to commit suicide in the middle of the night, but Pitcairn was there in time.
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“Pitcairn, stop it! Just stop it, please! I can’t deal with this anymore! I can’t! I-“
“Enola, if you will allow me to explain-“
“Why should you care?” She retorts, followed by a fit of rage, “Why should you care about me?!” Pitcairn stays attentive as though it does not faze him at all. She presses her fingertips on her left hand close to her chest, eyes slit and voice raised in a way that could annoy anyone else in his place.
“I’m a nobody. I’m a loser, a depressed, selfish bitch that thinks everyone around her hates her! When no one talks to me, I think I’m too annoying. Or when someone has nothing to say to me, I think I’m in the way of their time, their life.”
Her voice lowers to a quiet snivel, a weak smile appears from her lips.
“I think of you, John. I wish I was like you.” Enola takes in a huge, deep breath, waits for a few seconds, then lets it out to be masked with a sob. “I wish I could do something more than this! I wish I wasn’t afraid! I-I do things and I regret them immediately afterwords because it’s all I know.” She immediately raises her left hand to wipe the tears flowing down her cheeks , sniffling. “Regrets are my fear, John.”
Enola points to the small, ivory dagger on the top of her drawer. Pitcairn glances over at the weapon for a split second, taking in the beauty and the polished silver of the blade. He turns his head back to her direction, letting her continue her ranting.
“I tried cutting myself because I know if I’m not here you will all be happy. No more of me. But seeing you stop me, seeing you standing there… looking at my selfish side.”
She frowns now, her mind seething with thoughts as she continues,
“You think I’m doing this for attention aren’t you? You think I’m a mistake, don’t you? That I should travel back home, stay home, never come back. Oh god, what have I done? What have I done, I’m so sorry! Im sorry!”
Enola wails on, placing her hands on her face to hide her face from him.
Pitcairn can see she is going through another mental episode, something that has been troubling her for some time now periodically.
So, he stands in front of her, his hands go out to touch her arms but she backs away in fear.
“Don’t touch me, Don’t touch me! I can’t live like this anymore! I can’t keep trying to get his attention, but I love him too much, but then I just wanted to jump off a fucking building and-“
“Enola, stop this nonsense and listen!”
Pitcairn’s hands lightly shake her arms after he pins her to the wall. He bores his eyes deep into hers, his eyebrows furrowing to make it seem like he is frustrated at her, which is not the case here. Her hysterical crying stops at his words. Her glossy eyes observed him, not knowing what is going on inside his head. She lets out a sniffle and her bottom lip quivers too.
“M’eudail, dear.” Pitcairn cooed out, his hand brushing her hair as if he was comforting a newborn child.
“You are someone. You are strong, you’re not a coward at all. You-“ He licks his lips in a nervous kind of way, and his grip on her arms loosens.
“Haytham, okay?” He continues, his voice gentle and caring. “You don’t need Haytham. You definitely do not need him. He will never be with you.” Enola starts to cry again but he hushes her, wiping the tears rolling down her eyes and cheeks.
“Let me tell you why, Enola.” His hands wrap around her hands, intertwining his fingers with hers.
“Because you are worth a whole lot more than the attention of one nobleman. Your worth is priceless. A king’s charter can’t claim you. Please take heed of my words. I am only a man, I am only a soldier fighting for his country. But I will fight for what I believe in. I believe in you. If you want someone to listen to you, all you have to do is ask. If you want to write to me, do it. I’ll reply as soon as I am able to. To lose you Enola is to lose the war and I will not lose you. You hear this right? Nod yes.”
Enola nods her head quickly and sniffles again. His lips make a smile at her head nod, his hands still on hers in a supportive way.
“You are enough, you are great. Please let me show you why you are.”
“What do you mean show me?” Enola’s voice and her eyes are soft and curious.
Suddenly, he pins her down to her bed, having her yelp out and blink her eyes quickly in a surprised reaction.
“J-John, what are you-“
She gets interrupted by his lips, gently pressing them to her nose. Her eyebrows raise slightly as keeps silent as he continues his tour of kisses on her face. Not one part of her face goes bare with his caresses. They maybe slow, but it’s something that makes Enola giggle at to make her happier.
The last part of her face he kisses are her eyelids, his hands cupping her cheeks and his thumbs placed close to her nose. With a sweet smile, she glances his way to see a sweet smile also on his face.
“Tha gaol agam ort. Tha thu a’ ciomhead Bòidheach.”
Her face gazed in confusion at his words, and a small chuckle escapes from his lips.
“I love you. You look so beautiful.”
“How do I say I love you too?”
“Tha gaol agam ort cuideachd.”
“Tha goal agam ort cuideachd.”
A smug look appears on his face after she repeated what he said to her.
“I guess the lessons have paid off, don’t you think?”
Enola lets out another giggle and she wraps her arms around his neck, kissing his cheek as she does so.
“Mum only let me learn Irish.”
“I guess being British has some of its perks.”
Pitcairn lets out a soft chuckle at this joke, his arms already wrapped around her body.
“Yet, I wouldn’t have met everyone if it wasn’t for… for the past.”
“Don’t worry about the past. The past is over now. All that matters is what you do in the future.”
He moves his body away from the hug but he is still in reach just incase she needs another one. He tucks a lock of hair behind her ear and he slowly grazes his fingertips over her jawline.
“You’re a good woman, Enola. You only need a helping hand.”
“You have been too kind to me. Caring and understanding. I wish people noticed you more.”
Enola admired him, still admires him. Maybe even more now. He always was a man of his heart, caring about others in a way that made him well respected in a large group setting. But this one-on-one talk with him seems to have gotten through to her. More than ever.
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fluffallamaful · 1 year
I actually really like the image of DREAM being the one to initiate physical contact in the Prison Therapy AU.
See, the thing about Dream being so reserved is that being anything else has been actively punished basically since the beginning of the server. The things he loves have been used against him (his horse was killed and it’s corpse paraded around as a taunt, his boyfriend was almost assassinated, etc.), his authority has been both overemphasized and spat upon as he was propped up as basically a straw man to kick down whenever someone wanted to “stick it to the man”, he’s been attacked, publicly humiliated, killed twice and almost a third time before an audience that refused to save him — showing vulnerability has historically gotten him nothing but trouble. And this is without mentioning the fact that Quackity and Sam tortured him, for months on end: a situation that is at once terrifying, humiliating, and violating.
Quackity knows this. Sam’s kind of (extremely) in denial about just how EVIL all of that was, but Quackity is really not. So when he comes in those first few times, he’s really just trying to give Dream some space. He plays games and throws his turns to give the prisoner prizes at the end, he makes light conversation, he eats meals — very calm, domestic, non-intrusive activities to help form some sense of trust in the idea that Quackity is no longer a threat.
But he didn’t account for the fact that Dream hasn’t had a proper hug in over a year.
So, Dream eventually works up the courage to…take a little more. He brushes his hand against Quackity’s. He makes excuses to stumble into him. His touches are quick and fleeting, and it takes Quackity a moment to catch on, but eventually he does. And then Dream does something a little too obvious, and Quackity decides to return the favor by play-wrestling him into the floor. (Dream’s scared shitless by this at first, thinking he overstepped — but then he realizes that Quackity is laughing.)
And then Quackity accidentally ends up tickling Dream’s sides.
The next session ends up revolving into another wrestling match, but this time Quackity brought something: a little electric brush. He ends up sitting on Dream’s back and pulling his foot up to run the thing along his soles, a sensation that gets him screeching. A few sessions later he brings in the chair. And finally, Dream ends up in the flustering position of being the target of a Tickle Therapy Program, courtesy of the local prison system.
oh wait this is so much cuter my god i’m going to actuall burst lowjqbajducifjse 😣
that image of dream being pushed into the floor and immediately bracing for the worst, only to find quackity laughing at him in such a friendly and forgiving way is just so… 🤌🏼 it’s so cute. it reminds me of a movie scene im trying desperately to work it out. but that’s so cute that tickle therapy actually starts with quackity and dream play wrestling ☹️
(more below):
i love the idea of dream enjoying the play wrestle turned tickle fight so much that he tries to initiate it again for the next couple of times that quackity visits. like he becomes a lil provoker for the next couple sessions,, jabbing at quackity’s side or doing anything that results in quackity saying his usual “Yeah? You wanna go again, smiley?”
and then one time after the first few, quackity decides to play dirty and brings a toothbrush 😭 THATS SO CUYR LIKE IM GOING TO 🌋 i’m going to erupt. but it’s just so adorable because dream would not expect it in the slightest. like he’s pinned down the obsidian, giggly and giddy, and already panicking when he feels quackity sit over his back and pull his leg up by the ankle. but what he doesn’t expect is for a whirring noise to suddenly sound out from behind him, followed by a shocking amount of sparkly energy to race through his nervous system, all from the tiny spot where quackity’s bristles had brushed over his sole. he’s wailing and cackling in seconds, but he’s unable to deny at the end of it that it’s not something he’d be opposed to happening again.
i love this version so much more like i love the idea of them play wrestling togetherrrr 😭 and once again it would be therapeutic for quackity as well because he’s also lost much of the people who he’d be able to receive physical touch from as well:(
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monstraduplicia · 1 year
as much as I like the iwtv tv show and really enjoy a lot of what they're doing in terms of story, i do have to agree that it's sanitizing the gothic elements and taking a genuinely gutwrenching and thrilling story and making it. utterly palatable. while this is natural bc it's tv so the writers want it to reach a broader audience, i think when comparing it to the film specifically you see just how much the show missed the mark when it came to the storys gothic elements
specifically with like. the kills. in the film version lestat specifically seduces his victims before killing them. there is flirtation or kissing and lestats knowing, narcissistic smiles before finally taking what he came for. cat and mouse, hunter and prey, pretty cut and dry sex appeal with a dark twist. but in the show? the victims might be toyed with or tortured, but there is no second layer! its clear lestat isn't attracted to these people and there is no feeding as sex or even feeding as rape. show lestat seems to view humans as walking blood bags, fun to toy with on a sadistic level, but the gothic romance/sexuality is removed which is boooooring
most egregiously is the treatment with Claudia. they completely missed the marc imo of claudias horror of being a woman stuck in the body of a child save with the one scene where this is explored and she has a nervous breakdown early on. she doesn't have a romantic fixation on louis which removes incest connotations, which like. incest is horrifying, especially when its someone you love wanting something from you that you cannot give. in the film, Louis is clearly struggling with a life alone with Claudia as she wants to become his wife and he desperately tries to find some middle ground as to not lose her. imo tv claudia should have asked Louis why he doesn't want to watch her use the bathroom like her uncle did and take it as an insult that he doesn't. the closest we get is the "who's gonna fuck me!" line which while great still doesn't quite reach what it needs to
then there's claudias murders. in the film, she sees a naked woman and yearns to be her, because that is what she is supposed to be. the horror of her mind not matching her body consumes her so much that she kills her and keeps her corpse to rot in her own bed, hidden beneath lestats dolls no less. the music is a cacophony of wailing violins as lestat removes the dolls one by one to reveal the corpse, naked as a rape victim and kept as a living memento of what physically can never be. claudia has become so enraged by her wrongness that she hacks at her hair only to scream a classic horror scream when her doll curls immediately return. this is horror! this is terrifying! this perfectly captures the psychopathy at play. in the show? it's comedy. claudia is drunk and has to play wheres waldo as she scrambles to find missing pieces, all while her latest victim moans from the closest. we're told she's become a crazed serial killer, piling up bodies and cutting off trophies, but there's no feeling it. theres no deep sense of oh God what has she done. what has this child done. it's played for laughs.
its a good show and i genuinely adore a lot of choices, but for a horror show about vampires who do fucked up things im asking for a bit more meat on the bone tbh
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