#of course he has his moments with jim and spock .. more so with jim but a win is a win
t0ast-ghost · 2 days
Star Trek III: The Search For Spock thoughts!
Wow Wrath of Khan left us on a total cliffhanger so I’m glad I can just watch the next movie instead of waiting (checks google) …2 years. Goddamn. Anyway!
Warning for strong language and spoilers
Let’s get schmoving:
- They’re throwing us RIGHT BACK IN with the saddest scene ever
- GET YOUR FUCKING DOG BITCH (edit: I love the Klingon monster dog <3)
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- is that Janice Rand?
- Who’s in Spock’s room??
- “Jim, help me.” WHAT WHAT WHAT
- Jim lost one husband and the other is possessed by spirits and having visions
- McCoy can do a pretty good Spock impression
- McCoy is now two husbands in one. Two for the price of one kinda deal
- Stabbing me would elicit less emotion.
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- Kirk has lost both his husbands and is now losing his ship. When will the pain and suffering cease?
- they slay
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- Saavik commenting on how David is human like Kirk. Saavik saying fascinating like Spock. David and Saavik working together like the awesome siblings they are. I’m getting everything from this movie
- Did they have to make Sulu slay that hard? Yes.
- HII BITCH! It’s ambassador Sarek!
- “Sarek, your son meant more to me than you could know. I would give my life if it could save his.” That’s- nevermind. They’re husbands. Yada yada you get it
- okay. So Sarek was helpful. That’s a… rare occurrence
- “Then it’s my responsibility.” “Yours?” Yes! Of course it’s Kirk’s! They’re his husbands!
- “You’ll destroy yourself. Do you understand me, Jim?” The only people Jim would understand in these circumstances are mayybe Spock and McCoy but they’re not here. So he’s gonna do something stupid.
- Sulu’s outfit is going so hard
- McCoy’s at the club? He should be at the club!
- I LOBE HIS SPOCK COMING OUT OMG “to order poison at a bar is not logical.” God he’s got tho (edit: got what?)
- McCoy mixed with Spock is so funny cause it’s all of McCoy’s anger tampered down with a couple of added in logic’s
- babygirl sleeping position
- “Revenge for all the arguments I won.” I like how McCoy knows Spock would be that petty
- Kirk not afraid to punch a bitch
- Sulu flips a guy IN HEELS and then proceeds to destroy a console… icon shit. He’s my hero “don’t call me tiny.”
- “Up your shaft.” Scotty ain’t taking shit
- This kid is about to get ratioed by Uhura so hard. I love her. SHE PULLED A GUN ON HIS ASS
- They’re so hot in this movie holy crap
- “Are you just gonna walk through them?!” “Calm yourself, Doctor.”
- McCoy’s standing there on the bridge after they escape the loading dock like ‘..did they just hijack and deactivate an entire starship for me?’
- Saavik’s hair is so cool
- ‘Marcus believes that Genesis has regrown Mr. Spock’ the captain is so shook like ‘uhhhhhh.. that’s amazing?…!’
- Tiny Spock is so cute omg
- welp.. Klingons
- A dick monster just attacked the Klingons
- Saavik must be relieved to hear her dad’s husband Kirk’s come to rescue them
- OHHH GOD. They’re gonna kill David. Oh no. Davids gonna die. He’s dead oh god. Kirk’s defeated little “David?” Oh my… god
- THEY KEPT THE “zero zero zero destruct zero” CODE??? That’s so funny
- Super cool moment. Love them
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- He was having his period (edit: who? Probably Kirk? Not sure)
- So… they’re in hell. The planet is becoming a fire pit
- “Sorry about your crew, but as we say on earth c’est la vie.” God. this bitch.
- Kirk not afraid to kick a bitch… into lava
- “Help us or die.” “I do not deserve to live.” “Fine, I’ll kill you later.” Kirk is sooo done. He’s done.
- “Wait. You said you would kill me.” “I lied.”
- McCoy asking Spock for help D:
- I’m not ready for this moment- and neither is my computer cause it’s low power
- “I’m gonna tell you something that I never thought I’d hear myself say. But it seems I’ve missed you, and I don’t know if I could stand to lose you again.” mccoy- what what. What. What what. What
- I like the little hug between Kirk and Uhura
- Scotty looking between Saavik and the ceremony like ‘what the f- heck is going on?’
- So, Bones is alive. yippee!
- Saavik looking down and away from Spock when he gives her no emotion is so telling. She feels bad.
- “Why would you do this?” “Because the needs of the one outweigh the needs of the many.” JUST SAY YOU LOVE HIM smh
- They’re just staring at each other for a solid couple of seconds which I- personally - think should have been utilized by Spock going to kiss Kirk
- Leonard is so happy to have Spock back
- Group hug ! :3
That was pretty good. I enjoyed a lot of the McCoy scenes and the David and Saavik stuff. I like in the end credits they finally include Leonard Nimoy’s name because in the opening it would have been spoilers to have all the ‘as Spock’ actors names. Welp onto the next.
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beam-meup-scotty · 6 months
obsessed with how tos bones is canonically almost always a really sweet and affectionate guy to anyone who isn’t jim or spock
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not-equippedforthis · 5 months
really love characters who have varied panic responses. kirk stating himself that he does not panic outright, externally, not in high-stress dangerous situations, but instead becomes tense and level like a wound string, on-guard: mostly because his role as captain necessitates that he maintain level rationality even when facing potential death as his training as 'the guy who tells you what to do when shit hits the fan' requires, but also because his childhood experiences taught him early that drowning in the desperate haziness of panic won't help you survive. especially as kirk already follows his intuition so deeply. he learned to grasp and contort the feeling. spock is the main person who represses his emotions, of course, but kirk does it to those deep-set, personal ones (this includes how he doesn't reveal anything truly personal about himself willingly 90% of the time, only what others already know/shallow anecdotes) in a much more subtle way that's really interesting to me. certified expert at avoiding the subject as long as he isnt caught out on the lie. professional bluffer.
in terms of past or parents we dont know much!!! hes known as the heart-on-his-sleeve guy!!! like yes he yells, he gets irritated, excited, hes a whirlwind of quick-thinking and plans and intuition, he goes out of his way to connect with his crew and shows it, when he puts on a little act or bluff he puts his heart into it and clearly enjoys the dramatics so much, at times he wears his heart on his sleeve, he laughs openly and is honest to spock about what he means to him, he's very sun-coded to me in a burning, passionate way, always intertwined with the stars and seeking them out, but when it comes to genuine deep-set turmoil? we dont actually know all that much about him??? hes so full of emotion and character (i love fics where spock characterises jim's mind/bond as a whirl of colour and sensations, hes a quick thinker!!! intuitive!! lively!!!) and yet its still so outwardly surface level. tarsus iv gets mentioned like twice? so especially here where kirk gets briefly jumpscared by the creature, because like:
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its subtle but his eyes. his eyesss!!!!! kirk commands with his emotions but there's always some sort of level of control to it, or he transforms them into something that spurs on others or uses them to ascertain a goal: seeing unguarded fear/distress in his eyes even if its faint and brief (in this instance) makes me go insane every single time. like!!! its such a small moment!!! he isnt even panicking!!! really, he just got jumpscared!!! its insignificant!!!!!!! but seeing a two-second flash of actual, naked apprehension is just...oughhh,,,,,,,,,
oh god, and dont even get me started on the galileo seven episode where he assumes a tense level-headedness throughout the whole thing, irritated and apprehensive but not panicking, making sure he maintains intelligent rationality, even when he has to leave them behind, but when spock and the crew are confirmed safe and the bridge is occupied the camera pans to him and his eyes look like they're fucking watering and he's so achingly relieved. don't even talk to me. im. fuck.
he shows so so much but at the same time reveals so little.
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bajuuuu · 4 months
Rewatching some favourite TOS episodes of mine. And this thing at the end of The return of the archons (s1,e22) stuck out to me. This whole episode is about how a computer can’t run a society even if programmed by a human. Because it’s missing something… innate… human. A “soul” Jim calls it.
The episode ends with Jim talking the computer into self destructing (as usual) stating that it has no creativity, that it’s killing the humans it’s designed to protect. This isn’t the only time Jim makes a computer realise that it is and never will be a human and is therefore lesser than the human which created it.
But after that. After they return to the ship Jim and Spock have the classic end of the episode conversation. “I prefer the concrete, the graspable, provable.” Spock says after Jim brings up the soul argument. “You’d make a splendid computer, mister Spock” Jim replies with a smile. He means it well. Spock raises an eyebrow at the remark and thanks his captain for the compliment. ”That is very kind of you captain.”
Kind. In the episode where a computer is talked into subordination, told that it is lesser than humans. It is kind of Jim to call Spock a computer. I can’t be the only one seeing this irony.
Do you think that any time Spock gets compared to a machine, he thinks back to this moment? Do you think that any time he is asked to do some computations instead of asking the computer (because said machine is unavailable) he compares himself to the machine he is substituting?
Spock gets called many quite ugly things throughout the series, some of them are reprimanded (the episode where an ensign is made to leave the bridge after not trusting Spock with a decision because he’s a Vulcan). Some go unnoticed or are ignored due to the episode plot being more important (The Galileo 5 where he has to constantly prove himself to be capable of doing his damn job even though he’s the superior officer). And then some are played off for a laugh, a joke and harmless little quarrel (any time Bones and Spock are on screen tbh).
There’s also The day of the dove. An episode where Scotty (influenced by an alien but still) tells Spock to “keep his Vulcan hands off of him. Just keep away. […] you green blooded half-breed”. Spock (also influenced by an alien) goes to punch Scotty in the face (which… fair) but the way Jim stops Spock (only Spock not Scotty who started the whole thing) from doing so is by yelling “you’re half human”. Which does the trick by the way. Later on he goes directly to Spock, lays his hands on his shoulders and asks him and no one else “Have we committed race hatred against the Klingons?” He asks Spock because at least unconsciously he knows that Spock is the one who would notice. Who would know.
I just wonder, how many times can you be called a pointy eared bastard, a devil, a computer, an alien before you start to believe it. Before you start changing yourself to be more human. To fit in. Because Spock does change throughout the seasons, he becomes more open, allows himself to be both human and Vulcan at the same time. And of course he does, he is surrounded by people! Of course it will rub off. Especially if these humans continuously tell you that you will never feel love (a very human emotion in Bonse’s opinion) because it isn’t written in your inheritance (The paradise syndrome).
He changes, I just wonder if it is for the better. Or if.. perhaps. The first thing he does after the 5 years on the Enterprise is go back to his home world and tries to purge himself of all emotion. To kill off this human thing in him that his friends tried to cherish.
Does this have a point? No? Not really? Just… thoughts.
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perlukafarinn · 4 months
I'm back with another unbearably homoerotic story from The New Voyages (this one even has a foreword written by Leonard Nimoy)!
The story in question is Ni Var, written by Claire Gabriel and published in the first New Voyages volume in 1976. In it, Spock is split in two - his human half and his Vulcan half. He and Kirk also have unnecessarily intense and emotionally loaded interactions pretty much every page. Just look at this passage that happens right after Spock is split:
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The moment Kirk sees Spock, he knows something is wrong. They have an emotional talk that turns into an argument that turns into Kirk asking Spock what's wrong and if he can help.
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It's the way Kirk reads Spock like an open book! How Spock finds comfort in Kirk's offer to help, even if he's not ready to accept it.
And just when you think it can't get any more intense, bam - City on the Edge of Forever callback!
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Kirk is having an extremely normal one.
Anyway, Kirk finds out about the split soon enough because damned if Spock can keep a single secret from him once he's determined to find out.
We are distracted from the main plot, however, as the Enterprise is sent on a mission to a planet whose natives love the taste of human flesh. Of course, Kirk insists on joining the landing party but Spock is Not Having It.
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They are having this fight in front of the crew. If the rumors didn't exist before, they certainly do now.
Spock loses the argument on account of Kirk being Captain and goes back to his quarters to discuss the issue with his Vulcan half.
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This, the text points out, is the first thing Spock's two halves are in complete agreement on. Protecting Jim. I am banging my head against the wall.
Then Vulcan Spock goes on a mental tangent about humans and emotions and one human in particular, and this passage drives me bonkers.
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"Until he met Jim Kirk."
"A man for whom he felt friendship, perhaps even what Humans call love."
Clawing my eyes out. The romanticism of it all. These are completely normal thoughts to have about your commanding officer!!
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And then Spock decides to risk what he calls "for a Vulcan, torture" to ensure Kirk's safety. What this whole subplot is for is essentially to show that Spock's two halves can be united and the thing they unite over..... is Jim.
I am unwell.
Spock does manage to keep Kirk from throwing himself to the proverbial wolves, the plot moves on, and then they're back in front of the machine that split Spock and can be used to unite him again. Kirk has an angsty moment about that time he was split in two (the whole story, in addition to exploring Spock's split identity, is filled with callbacks to The Enemy Within and the toll that experience took on Kirk mentally and it's great).
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This isn't a particularly Kirk/Spock moment but I had to include it because I love the mental image of Kirk flipping himself off and Spock laughing at it. Kirk would fuck his clone, actually.
Then the time is at hand to unite the two Spocks. Kirk puts a comforting hand on Human Spock's shoulder but then hesitates to do the same to the Vulcan half and this whole page has me crying, screaming, throwing up, etc.
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Spock is united, all is well, and the story ends with Kirk grinning at Spock and Spock responding with an oh-so-subtle smile.
In conclusion: gay.
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spirk-trek · 5 months
Would love to see a little something about TOS spirk and dress uniforms, whatever speaks to you!! I love the intimacy of getting ready together and dressing up fancy with your partner :)
inspired in part by this post by @flippyspoon, this fan art [deactivated], and also this fan art by @lesbospirk!
i initially wanted to do something with spock's eyeshadow (still might??) but then the idea of him cutting jim's hair broke into my mind and wouldn't leave... and i never stop thinking about mind melds, so.
lastly: fuck hypersonic showers, ok? spock takes baths and jim loves sitting under steaming water for the drama. that is all. hope you enjoy, anon!
Jim was toweling his hair dry when he re-entered his quarters, screwing his face up as he scrubbed at any residual dampness. He let the towel fall in an open loop around his neck, cotton sleep pants slipping down his waist as he leaned against the partition. Spock was there, of course. Jim watched as he diligently smoothed the sleeves of a green dress tunic laid out over his mattress.
And my, was Spock a sight for sore eyes. The more reflective shade of blue complimented him, each fold capturing light like shards of zircon, lattice trim evoking something almost… royal, in the way it climbed the high collar. Jim’s eyes traced a line of golden embroidery down Spock’s chest as soon as the man turned to find him there, promptly raising a brow.
“Dressings suit you,” he murmured by means of explanation, pushing off the wall and taking a few slow steps to close the space between them. He propped both arms against Spock’s shoulders, extending them into the room behind with loose, lazy wrists.
For so long he had savored these moments of up-close observation, even going so far as to fabricate close quarters on multiple occasions just so he could drink Spock in. The range of barely-there shades of green surrounding his lips, touching the hollows of his cheeks, arching over where his nostrils met the bridge of his nose. Short, dark lashes lining irises the color of a mud-settled pond. Of tadpoles. Of space between stars. 
Spock’s response pulled Jim from his reverence. 
“You have a significant bias."
“Do I?” His gaze dropped to Spock’s lower lip. “Based on the evidence,” he dragged his finger down that seam of gold, “I’d say we’re dealing in… objective fact, Mr. Spock.”
After a moment, Spock finally angled his face lower so their lips were mere centimeters apart. 
“Aesthetic preferences cannot be objective, Captain.”
Jim’s smirk only grew before he finally captured Spock’s mouth, letting a satisfied breath out through his nose. Spock met him, hands bracketing his waist before sliding upward over skin, eventually finding the nape of his neck where fingers curled into damp hair…
Spock broke the kiss and Jim hummed in protest, blinking his eyes open.
“I’ve noticed an increase in the length of your hair,” he observed, as if commenting on the weather. Spock's eyes rose to watch his fingers card through the wave of Jim’s bangs. Jim leaned up into the touch. 
“Mm, you think so?” 
“Indeed. I estimate it has exceeded typical length by 2.51 centimeters.”
“Hm. I suppose it has been a while since I had a trim. Remind me after the delegation-”
“We have time presently, if you are amenable.”
Jim drew back, giving Spock an amused look. “I doubt the salon will be accepting appointments at this hour, Spock. Even for the Captain.”
He curled his fingers over the nape of Jim’s neck again.
“I perform my own haircuts.”
Jim’s brows shot up even further in surprise, still sporting an open mouthed grin which he laughed brightly through. “You want to cut my hair?” He withdrew his arms so he could place one hand on either side of Spock’s neck, thumbs just reaching each corner of his jaw. “I’m not sure I could pull off your cut, sweetheart,” he joked.
Spock didn’t answer aside from a quirk of his lips, accepting the implied agreement before extracting himself and moving past Jim to the door of their adjoined bathroom. Jim watched him go, once more thanking Starfleet for their choice of dress uniforms, and still hadn't looked elsewhere by the time he returned holding a basin and several utensils. Jim knew that Spock preferred his own grooming routines (right down to the fingernails), but he wasn’t expecting the fine golden scissors. Nor did he expect the straight razor which resembled antiques from Earth, yet was still different somehow. He reached for the handle, turning it over in his hands, appreciating the way it gleamed.
“You’ve never shown me these.”
“It has not been pertinent until now.”
Jim placed the razor back into the basin, supposing that was true. 
“Come,” Spock requested, and Jim did, allowing himself to be turned so Spock stood at his back. Gentle fingers slid the towel from his neck and draped it over his shoulders. 
And Jim did again, lowering himself into the desk chair Spock had wheeled around. Spock began pulling strands of hair upward and letting them fall free, so Jim shut his eyes, almost losing himself to the sensation until he heard a snip. The very end of a curl tumbled down the length of his arm and fell to the floor. He peered down at it, prompting Spock’s hands to curl around his head and face it forward once more.
“Remain still, k’diwa.”
Jim smiled, a warmth blooming throughout him. He loved when Spock called him that.
He continued to snip here and there, a halo of trimmed hair quickly forming around them. Jim relaxed into the contact until once again a sound roused him. Water. He cracked one eye open to see Spock running his fingers over the surface of a clear pool now filling the basin, flicking droplets back inside and combing the moisture through his hair. 
“Could get used to this,” Jim murmured. Snip.
“I have no objection to making it a regular practice.”
He grinned, a shiver running through him as Spock dipped his hands into the water again, cold droplets rolling down his neck to be absorbed into the towel. 
“Apologies, k’diwa.”
“No, no. Feels nice.” 
Snip. Snip. Then, Jim saw in his peripheral as Spock set the scissors down on his desk. Gentle pressure on the back of his head tilted it downward, chin to chest. More swishing in the water.
“Do not move,” Spock directed more seriously, and a moment later Jim felt the press of sharp metal scraping down the lines of his neck. He swallowed, hairs on his arms raising as Spock diligently shaped the bottom of his hairline. Slow. Careful. He felt a hot flash of trust, of comfort and care skittering over him until the pressure from Spock’s hand released. Jim didn’t immediately raise his head allowing Spock to trace his fingers over the line, inspecting it by touch. 
The same hand soon reached around to tip Jim’s chin back up. He continued the movement until he was craned back as far as he could go, sure he looked ridiculous as he peered up at Spock, batting his eyelashes. 
“You know, the barber usually kisses me once he’s finished.”
Spock’s second brow rose to meet the first before he bent at the middle, pressing a chaste kiss to Jim’s lips upside down. 
“I do not find that amusing,” he murmured. Jim brought his hand up to the back of Spock’s neck to pull him back down for second kiss before he could pull away, lingering this time, smiling into it before releasing his hold. He could hear Spock smooth the lines of his uniform and draw a short breath through his nose.
“Regardless, I am not yet finished.”
When Jim tried to twist in his chair, he found Spock already circling around to his front. 
“You aren’t?”
“You have not shaved.”
Jim blinked. He usually just used a photon shaver on his way out the door, which could be done in an instant, but when hazel eyes fell to see the razor still held in Spock’s hand his lips curled. He flashed his eyes back up.
“Okay,” he said with a slow nod. He settled back in the chair, gaze steady as Spock moved to stand closer, eclipsing the ceiling light. Jim leaned his face into Spock’s hand as a thumb briefly swiped over the rough stubble covering his chin.  
After smoothing a layer of lotion that smelled like desert spices over the bottom half of Jim's face, Spock began his ministrations high on each cheek, making smooth swipes downward and carefully steering the blade around the corners of Jim's mouth. He relaxed his jaw, lips parting, eyes falling shut of their own accord. Spock eventually brought his hand to one side, propping Jim's face against his palm as he shaved along the opposite edge.
By the time he recognized the warm feeling wrapping itself around him, the tightening thread pulling through his mind and lifting him from the world, Jim was already plummeting through space. He was vaguely aware, somewhere, of his physical body falling into Spock, a cold hand meeting the drop of his head with gentle steadiness. 
Delight spun through him in tendrils. He rushed forward, coiled around Spock’s presence, reached inside and felt the beating of his heart like it was his own. 
Jim. His full name was feather light, yet somehow more insistent. Echoes bounced around them before Spock brought him back to center. My intention was not to meld with you.
Then I must be dreaming, he thought warmly, and suddenly Spock was there before him in swirls of shimmering twilight, pulling him by the hand, by his chin. He felt his warmth from the inside out. Like he had swallowed a sun. Like he could never be cold again. 
Return to me, k'diwa. I must finish.
“I love when you call me that.”
The words, his own voice, were what pulled him back to reality. Their faces were mere inches apart. His cheek was wet. He smelled spices around him, felt humidity in the room. Suddenly, Jim remembered the task at hand and blood rushed to color his face, but the expression he found on Spock’s was fond. Soft. His fingers followed Jim’s chin as it drew back before letting the contact cease altogether.
“Did I…?”
Spock nodded once. Jim swallowed and bit his lip sheepishly. 
Spock shook his head, denying the apology. “My hand placement was unwise. I admit, I was distracted.”
Jim’s embarrassed grimace began to lift into a self-satisfied smile.
“You, distracted? I'd be curious to know what could've managed such a thing.”
Spock said nothing at first. He placed a considerably more careful hand on top of Jim’s head to steady it.
And Jim let Spock tilt his head once more before feeling the cool metal touch back down on his skin. This time the path began just below the line of his jaw, trailing down and catching fine hairs along the column of his throat. When he could, he tried to catch a glimpse of the unwavering concentration on Spock’s face as he worked his way across. 
“You do this every morning?” Jim all but whispered as his head was allowed to level. He instinctively brought a hand up to feel the smooth skin, running his fingers over it in appraisal.
“My metabolism has adjusted to living aboard the Enterprise. I only require this level of grooming approximately once every twenty one standard days.”
Jim blinked. How was he still learning new things about Spock, even after all this time? He supposed that explained why he never had a hair out of place- that is, unless Jim had something to say about it behind closed doors.
Spock was inspecting him now, dark eyes roaming his face, searching for any neglected spots over it's surface. Jim sat still, defiantly keeping his gaze steady until those eyes met his again. They both held it for a prolonged moment until Spock reached out touching his thumb to what must be a single hair left behind. His fingers climbed…
Jim couldn’t have stopped it if he’d wanted to. He surged forward again, their minds coming together like a flood as if protesting the premature ending from before. As always, Spock was there to catch him. Arms twined around, undefined and abstract, embracing him from all directions. He was steady, as if he himself were the solid ground on which they stood, as if Jim would float away and cease to be without him there. His tether. His anchor. His north star.
Hello, ashayam.
Spock, Jim practically sang. Not for the first time, he felt a certain sort of music shivering free in a distant part of his mind. A single note hanging suspended in the fog. He wanted to hum along, to stretch it into a tune that could be carried by birds, a song composed for a symphony, but instead he simply reached for Spock and thought you’re here, you’re here, you’re here as they twisted together.
He felt love float up between them, lifting like bubbles from vents below the sea and racing for the surface. Oranges and pinks brightened in the periphery, dropping off into blue below. He marveled inwardly, distracted by the space that was all their own before his attention was drawn to a thought passing over him. Uncertainty. Spock was the one who put words to it.
You are nervous.
It was as if Jim hadn’t recognized the ache in his stomach until then.
That is why you are seeking me. K’diwa. Come.
Clarity. Sense. Logic. Jim followed him into an embrace of sensation- lying against Spock’s chest in the morning, finding his hand below the table without having to look, kissing him in the dark. All at once it came over him, settled inside him. Comfort. Home.
Your nerves are unwarranted. You have prepared thoroughly.
So did the admiralty when the delegation turned them down.
You are Jim Kirk. Decidedly, not the admiralty.
Jim laughed, and the music came back distantly. Bells.
Spock continued. I, for one, have historically found it difficult to deny you anything.
Jim could feel the ache within him begin to subside as quickly as it had come, could practically feel Spock pulling it from him. He reached out again, hand closing around a wrist which was not there before he decided to hold onto it. 
I love you.
And I, you, ashaya. 
And with that, the meld began to abate, turning to mist and leaving only filtered sunlight behind Jim’s eyes. The sensation of Spock’s forehead against his own came to him like waves of a dream. He sighed, nodding forward until the hand supporting his chin steadied him enough for him to open his eyes. 
“Are you comforted, Jim?”
And the question was so sincere, he felt his heart reeling in appreciation for the man before him. 
“I am, thank you,” he murmured, and seemingly satisfied, Spock brought the razor up and grazed it over the missed spot on his cheek. He wordlessly gathered his belongings, submerged in the now frothy water, and disappeared to return them to his quarters.
Jim raised a hand to ghost over the spot their foreheads had met and thought back to a time long ago, when they were practically strangers, Spock's words to him.
'If I seem insensitive to what you’re going through, Captain, understand… it’s the way I am.'
Spock’s brow lifted when he caught Jim watching him a beat longer than he should have. He was standing in the doorway now, drying his hands, and all Jim could think was how could I have let him be so wrong?
All he said, however, was, “How do I look?”
“Tempting,” Spock answered without hesitation.
Jim’s grin warmed several degrees. “That is what I was going for.”
After taking a moment to appreciate the curve of Spock’s lips, reserved just for him to see, he finally stood to face the green tunic laid out with such care on his bed. Unsurprisingly, each medal was already pinned in perfect position. He ran the backs of his fingers over the dyed fabric, parted it, smiled when he found his undershirt neatly folded there too. He imagined Spock alone in the room as he was washing up. His careful movements, so precise and so graceful at the same time, always yielding perfect results. Point A to point B. The path of least resistance. Jim sometimes marveled that Spock, in all his simplicity, could tolerate him at all.
A hand pressed to the small of his back and Spock was standing close, their hips touching as he reached for the shirt. He presented it to Jim, who pulled it over his head, emerging to find Spock holding his tunic out for him to slide his arms into.
“I’m beginning to feel rather spoiled,” he teased before sliding one arm in, turning, sliding in the other. He leaned back and Spock wrapped his arms around him, closed the shirt over his chest, bowed his head to tuck himself into Jim’s neck. Lips pressed to his pulse. One. Two. Three.
“You are worthy of the treatment, Captain.”
Jim shut his eyes. Captain. It was spoken like a name. Like found treasure. Like he’d follow him anywhere. 
He turned again so they would be face to face, leaving some space for Spock’s hands which immediately sought out his sleeves to soothe them down his arms. Comfortable silence enveloped them as Spock resumed closing his cuffs, tightening the material over his wrists and sliding each gold disk through their respective slots.
“Thank you,” Jim said again sweetly once he was finished, reaching two fingers out to find Spock’s and pressing the tips of them together. As he so often did, Spock looked down at the contact, observing it as he pushed more purposefully along Jim’s fingers, up over the first fold of his palm. 
“I am confident you will be successful.”
Jim followed the path forward until he could lace their hands together fully. 
“What, I don’t get to hear the odds?”
Spock’s grip flexed inside Jim’s. Reverent. Devout. Jim squeezed back.
“I could provide them, however I see little point as it is your tendency to defy all probability.”
Jim leaned up on his toes to press a kiss to Spock’s cheek, delighted to leave behind the faintest imprint of sage.
“Perfectly logical, Mr. Spock. As always.”
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crystal-mouse · 9 months
hello there
what are your top three spirk moments from tos? (or more if you can’t decide…)
hello there general kenobi
It's gonna be tricky but here are my top three five tos spirk moments (sorry if you meant just the main series, but i'm including the films just because I love them sm):
It's gotta be "captain, not in front of the klingons" from STV/Final Frontier
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Theres' several reasons why i love this scene, all of them gay. I think it's a really sweet, funny and the expressions on both Kirk and Spock's face say it all. Everything about it screams 'oh they were gonna kiss here huh'- I show this clip to almost everyone ik who isn't into trek.... yet.
There's also the line to how Jim could never die when Spock is there (lets ignore how that links to generations) and Jim also thought he was going to die/never see Spock again (for the second time) and this was his reaction.
2. JIM! /Basically all of amok time
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I mean it's a little bit the same as above, but I really love how Spock is so overcome with emotion and happiness of getting to see Jim alive that he literally grins and grabs onto him to check that he's real. It's a really lovely end to the episode and not to mention it's the kickstart of queer fandom <3
3. Their whale date in STIV/The Voyage Home
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The voyage home is my favourite trek movie of all time and it's purely because of the chaotic nature of these two chuckleheads (and the rest of the crew of course) trying and failing to fit into 1980s San Fransisco, and effectively going on a nice date to the cetacean institute and it gives very 'old married couple' vibes
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this is the face of a man who's husband has yet again done something "logical" (read: stupid)
4. Sharing a room in city on the edge of forever
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Once again, it is proven these two do not have a functional brain cell between them when it comes to time travel. it's basically a fic in itself and I really like the moments of domesticity that they get to share when they don't have to deal with a red alert every 10 minutes. this line will always get me too.
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5. And last but definitely not least: Dig it in there, Mr Spock
This is a classic, I love it. it's so funny and once again the reactions crack me up time after time 10/10 no notes. I just want to know what was going through their heads or whether something like this had happened before/possibly privately to lead to this precise moment on the bridge.
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Top 10 moments before disaster (colourised)
I could create a list the length of the colour of the sky on these two, so for now these are probably my favourite five spirk moments! Thank you for the ask! ^_^
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alice-the-brave · 1 year
“If Spock were here and I were there, what would he do?”
He asks the question urgently, thoughtlessly. Spock is the smartest guy he knows, the quickest, the best. He’s better at this than Jim is, could think up three alternate plans of action before Jim’s even managed to reign in his panic enough to think clearly. 
If Spock were here, and Jim was down there, he’d already be halfway to safety. 
“He’d let you die.” Bones doesn’t even look at him when he says it. 
Jim’s breath doesn’t catch - he hasn’t caught enough of it yet for that - but his racing thoughts do stutter. Bones had said it with bite, squeezed out through gritted teeth, but he had still said it. Had still meant it. 
Jim blinks at the screen, reboots his thoughts, gets back to planning.
Bones exaggerates, loses his temper. It’s one of the things Jim likes about him, the way he’s so easy to rile up, the way he gets surly and indignant even when Jim forces himself to laugh things off.
But he doesn’t look like he said it in the heat of the moment. He looks angry, worried, sincere. He does not look like he would take it back if given the chance. 
Jim can’t linger on that, or why the idea hurts quite so much as it does. He’s good at compartmentalizing, and he does. He orders his ship into the worst possible course of action, flies her through half a dozen protocol violations, lies in his report, and he’s not the least but sorry. 
Spock is predictably fixated on the protocol violations more than his friends and their distress, more than his own, but he is standing on the transporter pad, alive, confused, indignant about both of these things. 
Jim cannot bring himself to regret any of it. He couldn’t leave Spock to die. 
Spock stabs him in the back for it. Of course he does. Vulcans do not lie. And Spock likes to pretend that he doesn’t understand emotional motivations. He makes his report to Starfleet and Jim loses his ship for it. 
He wishes he had the gall to be cold about it, at least. If he didn’t know Spock - a chilling concept but one worth entertaining - he might think that his actions having a negative impact on his crew mates would be of no concern to him. But he does know Spock and, more than that, he knows that he cares a hell of a lot more than he pretends to. 
Spock is, as much as he ever is, upset about the whole thing. He never meant for this to go so far, Jim knows. He can see it in the sharp glance he cuts him when Pike confronts them, the lost look he gets when Jim turns to him in anger. The attitude he throws at Pike when he’s questioned. Spock is a prideful, sarcastic bastard, but rarely toward his superiors and never without cause. Jim realizes, through his embarrassment and betrayal, that Spock is defending him, however minutely. 
It doesn’t make it hurt less. If anything, it’s worse because it means Jim can’t really stay mad at him about it. It’s Jim’s fault. It always is. 
Jim is consulting his old friends Jack and Jose about it, considering consulting that pretty woman across the bar about it, when Pike shows up and pulls him from the gutter. Like always, the old man just won’t let him lick his wounds and feel sorry for himself. 
Still, Spock is reassigned and Jim has lost - a lot. Everything, really. He never expected to be made Captain but he felt at peace in that chair more than he ever had anywhere else. The Enterprise had become his home and her crew his family. He had come to rely on them in a way he never had his actual family. It makes the loss all the harder. He is, as he has always been, the kind of man that squanders any good fortune he finds. He ruins everything he touches, pushes all the good people away. 
Spock is waiting at Starfleet Headquarters just to remind him of that, sharp in his dress grays. Jim can hardly stand to look at him. 
“Captain.” He says, ostensibly in greeting but Jim can see the speech he’s itching to start from across the hallway. 
He stalks into the lift, doesn’t make eye contact as he sends it up to executive levels. 
“Not anymore Spock - First Officer.” Spock looks almost baffled when Jim finally turns to him. He folds his hands behind his back, fingers the brim of his cover, in an attempt to keep himself from doing something stupid. He has to keep this professional. Spock is usually the one that does that for the two of them, but for once he looks as stunned as Jim felt hearing the news. “I’ve been demoted and you’ve been reassigned.” 
Spock is silent for a beat but he recovers quickly, though his brow is still furrowed when he speaks. 
“It is fortunate that the consequences were not more severe.”
Jim breaths in deeply, breathes out slowly. 
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” he says, more to himself than to Spock. 
Predictably, Spock doesn’t deign to respond to that. 
“Captain, it was never my intention-“
“Not Captain,” he interrupts pointedly, turning to meet Spock head on as they shoot up floor after floor, “I saved your life, Spock. You wrote a report. I lost my ship.”
The doors hiss open and Jim turns to leave, stepping into the white halls. Spock stays still a moment more than he usually would, but he follows soon enough. 
“Commander,” he says, and Jim almost rolls his eyes, “I see now I should have alerted you to the fact that I submitted my report.”
It is more concession than Spock would usually ever make in such an argument. Jim doesn’t want to hear it. 
“I am…” angry, betrayed, disappointed, “familiar with your compulsion to follow the rules. But you see, I can’t do that.” 
He stops, turns to meet Spock’s eyes, only a step or two distance between them. He needs Spock to hear him, to listen, really listen for once. 
“Where I come from, when someone saves your life, you don’t stab them in the back.”
Spock looks almost offended by the implication, whatever he thinks it may be.
“Vulcans cannot lie,” he says, which Jim knows is, ironically, a goddamned lie. 
“Then I’m talking to the half Human part of you,“ he bites back, desperate enough to touch upon even that sorest of subjects. Spock does not talk about his Mother but Jim knows without ever being told how dear she was to him. How close. 
Spock tenses at the words, eyes a fraction wider as they track across Jim’s face, startled, uncertain. Jim hasn’t brought up Spock’s family since their first mission, has tried to make amends for the things he had said out of necessity. Hearing him mention it now must trigger some memory of their violent altercation, of Jim’s cruel taunts. But Spock doesn’t look angry or offended, only concerned, alarmed. He seems only now to grasp the gravity of Jim’s upset. 
Jim had thought, bitterly, that he would be glad to finally be rid of him. They’ve come a long way from insults and violence, so far that he can’t imagine how they started so at odds. Still, he knows what he’s like, and he knows that Spock finds him difficult - at least as difficult as he finds Spock. But he likes that about him, too. Spock wouldn’t understand that kind of illogical paradox though. He would not feel the same. It doesn’t stop him from trying to chase after Jim and mediate whatever argument this is. Jim doesn’t think even Spock understands what it is he’s trying to fix here. 
“Do you understand why I went back for you?” Jim barks, irritated. He doesn’t know why he can’t just be pissed off about this. He is mad, yes, but there’s also an unfamiliar pain in his gut, a pressure in the back of his throat like heartache. 
Spock blinks at him, confused. He doesn’t know. Of course not. Spock likes to pretend that he doesn’t understand emotions. Jim is very good at compartmentalizing. 
It’s a bad mix. 
Captain Abbey of the USS Bradbury - Spock’s new CO - saves Jim from having to explain himself, interrupting their argument to introduce himself with a raised brow. It must be strange to see a Vulcan in such a heated disagreement. They’re well known for their aversion to any such thing. But Jim knows Spock and he forgets sometimes that they might be expected to keep their very commonplace arguments private. Jim finds himself relieved at the interruption, regardless, thinks that it would be better for them both if they continued pretending that he did what he did out of brash stupidity. It’s what Pike thinks, it’s what the Fleet thinks. It is not the truth - at least not wholly. 
“The truth is, I’m gonna miss you,” he says, because he will and Spock deserves to know it. 
Spock doesn’t have many people left to miss him, and hasn’t ever heard it enough from the ones he does. Jim will always miss him, misses him even now, standing a foot away from him. There’s a distance between them that wasn’t there before and Jim knows it’s necessary as much as he hates it. 
This is what separations feel like. He’s done it before. 
Spock stares at him for a moment, mouth open on words he doesn’t voice. He looks - Jim doesn’t know. He’s never seen him make such an expression before; blank, surprised, but more of a mask than true calm. He knows what calm looks like on that face. After a moment, Spock closes his mouth with a wet click, a puzzled look overcoming him and Jim can’t believe that the only time he’s ever managed to render the man speechless was likely the very last real conversation they’ll ever have. He scoffs and stomps away and refuses to feel anything about the conflicted look Spock spares him before he follows his new Captain. 
The man is older, colder, wiser than Jim. Spock will probably learn a lot from him. He’ll probably argue with him less too. Jim is almost sad about that, weirdly. He likes when Spock argues with him. The way his brow raises, the irritation hidden by aloofness. It’s fun. He likes to see how far he can push him, likes when he does that thing that’s like a smile without actually smiling. 
He’s going to have to learn to live without it.
He sits at the table with the admiralty and tells himself it is doable. He has adapted to survive worse things than a lost friendship. Than a lost home. He breaths and closes his eyes and focuses on the mission Pike needs him to complete. It’s what he’s good at. 
Things go from bad to worse quickly after that. Most of John Harrison’s ambush is a blur, but he knows that when the dust settles he is running for Spock. 
He doesn’t know how he knows where to find him but it is as easy as following the tug in his gut, the unconscious itch in his feet to take him where he needs to be. When he does find him, Spock is sitting there, at Pike’s side. 
The admiral isn’t moving. 
Jim doesn’t quite register what that means, not until he’s knelt next to him, not until Spock turns to look at him with wide eyes. It is a look of unmistakable shock and Jim startles, his own shock shattering at Spock’s alarm, and he reaches forward, scrabbles to find a pulse. 
There isn’t any. 
Jim had lost his Father, and the absence had hurt despite never knowing him, but the pain of that loss was a reverberating echo, the sucking pain of a hole where someone should have stood. This is not like that. This is sweeping and aching, a tide of grief crashing over the whole of him. He crumbles before he can catch himself, buries his face in Pike’s bloody chest. It is as close to an embrace as they will ever get again. He fists the cloth of his uniform, feels the cut of the Fleet insignia in his fist. 
He cries.
Looking at that aged face, for the first time he feels the fear of what it’s absence will mean. There will be no more guidance, no more safety net. No one in his corner, to go to bat for him with the Fleet, to pull him out of the gutter. No more crooked grins and pats on the back, no more beers and stories and arguing about nothing. 
He ruins everything he touches, pushes all the good people away. Pike is gone so far now that Jim won’t ever be able to make it up to him. He knows exactly how much of a pain in the ass he was. Pike stuck with him anyway. 
He takes a breath, and another, tries to find that resolve in him that Pike swore he could see. He doesn’t know if it’s really there, but he thinks he can invent it, make it out of the fragments of the people around him. 
Pike’s grit, Spock’s steadiness. 
Spock sits next to them - Jim and the only man who’s ever really treated him like a son. He watches Jim cry over his corpse and it doesn’t feel like the intrusion it should be. He watches him pull himself back together, sits there silent and grieving too. 
The Vulcan condolences will come to Jim later - formal, ceremonial as Vulcans tend to be. 
I grieve with thee.
Spock does. He does not say the words but Jim feels it, knows it as if he had. Spock has grieved so much, but still he grieves with Jim. 
He stumbles to his feet, pushes himself up with Spock’s shoulder. Spock lets him. He turns just slightly into his touch and Jim squeezes tightly before he let’s go, stumbles  away. Spock turns toward him but doesn’t quite manage to focus enough to see him. Jim doesn’t notice. 
They are both far away. 
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jim-kirks-bubble-butt · 5 months
ok ok ok it’s time for my amok time thoughts-
first of all: s p i r k
spock what do you mean your omega heat was resolved by you rolling around in the dirt with your captain??? 🤨
but also just the way kirk was so respectful and understanding about spock’s pon farr and dodn’t make fun of him for it.
can’t believe the 1960’s scifi show had a fuck or die episode which did not result in heterosexuality. truly ahead of it’s time.
and also the way jim and spock were rolling around in the dirt was so gay. no one can convince me otherwise. the way spock slashed his axe thingy (forgot what it’s called) exactly so that it would give jim a tit window??? i know what you are spock.
and of course the biggest moment: JIM :D. seriously what the fuck was that. only time he smiles the wide the whole series (times when he’s under the influence of drugs excluded). homosexuality at it’s finest.
speaking of drugs i find it very funny that the only time spock likes women if either when he’s under the influence or when he’s being mind controlled.
the way spock grabs him and just gives him the biggest stupidest grin. i love spock and spock loves kirk. they are in love you can also see how wide kirk was smiling from the way his cheeks move.
spirk was just so soft with each other this episode, even on vulcan. the way spock was so hesitant to fight him and tried his hardest to convince t’pau even when under the pon farr influence.
the way jim clearly tried not to hurt him through the whole fight,
they make me fucking insane.
second thing i liked: BONES
i love bones mccoy
spock saying that he’s also one of his closest friends 😭 😭 😭
but he was so smart with the neural paralyzer and i love the way he clearly cares so much anout both of his dumbass friends under his grumpy doctor exterior.
third of all: women
t’pau and t’pring were so powerful and so wonderfully played.
obviously the whole thing with calling t’pring the property of whatever man wins her is very icky but as progressive as star trek was (and still is!), it is a product of it’s time unfortunately.
but besides that, they both just radiated power, and it was so nice to see a woman in a seat of major power.
on another note, stonn has a strikingly small forehead t’pribg i promise i could treat you better.
in my mind uhura wants t’pring (“she’s very lovely mister spock!” i know what you are ma’am.)
fourth: the episode was just. really good.
all of the tension build up before we find out about that spock is basically an omega is masterfully done, and even though i kinda new the plot, i was still sitting on the edge of my seat. incredible.
i also think tbe fight choreography during the gay sex fighting scene was actually really well done, especially when compared to other fight scenes in season 1 (the gorn fight comes to mind).
also the set design for vulcan felt like an actual planet. like usually when they go off the enterprise and onto a planet that’s not basically earth, you can tell that it’s just a bunch of foam blocks, but vulcan was very well made!
the conversation between spirk and kock kirk and spock about “vulcan biology” was very well written and acted in a way that was slightly awkward because of the nature of pon farr, but still felt natural and very in character.
side note: i see online that there’s a lot of people who think that shatner overacts. and i just don’t see it. idk i think he’s really good at playing kirk. i don’t really like the guy, but i like how expressive his acting is.
anyways this was very jumbled but i had a lot of thoughts and yeah.
i too would write the first slash fic in the 60’s if i saw this shit on my tv.
also does anyone know what tag i should use for kirk? i use like 4 different ones each time but is there one that’s more common? same for mccoy.
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spirkme915 · 11 months
Pick a Song #1 - Take My Breath Away by Berlin
for @between-stars-and-enterprise a spirk drabble inspired by "take my breath way" by berlin.
because my brain is a maze of incomprehensible turns and multiple exits, the first thing i thought of when i saw the song title was "top gun" and all i could remember about that movie was that the gorgeous woman may have been a teacher to the hotshot pilot (idek if this is true??) and i thought of spock teaching jim something, then i looked up the lyrics to make sure i remembered them well enough, and got stuck on the line "if only for today, i am unafraid" then this drabble (or, really, longer than a drabble, oops) happened!
it's all fluff. nothing but fluff.
i hope you enjoy 💙
Jim sets down an apple on the corner of the lectern then takes his seat at the table in the front row.
While he remains the captain in this conference room turned classroom, he won’t be in charge today - that illustrious honor belongs to his highly competent XO.
Spock lifts his gaze from his padd and, upon spotting the red fruit, inclines one svelte eyebrow in question.
“It’s an old Earth custom to give a teacher an apple,” Jim explains.
“Solely this specific type of fruit or any other?”
“Just an apple.”
“What was the origin of this type of gift?”
Jim hesitates, accesses the recesses of his memory and comes back blank. “Honestly? I don’t know.”
“Then I must conclude it is an illogical custom.”
“And yet, delicious. That one’s real not replicated - from a bag I picked up at the last starbase. Don’t waste it.”
The corner of Spock’s lips twitch. “Is that an order, Captain?”
Jim tsks. “You’re the one in charge, Mr. Spock.”
“Very well.”
Spock begins the lecture, immediately commanding the attention of the fifty-ish crew who have gathered to hear the most recent updates to Starfleet landing party procedures. Jim tries to pay attention, he really does, but he’s well-aware that he’s going to ignore most (all) of the official procedures the second circumstances deem it, and his time here today is much better utilized cataloging every inch of his first officer.
Appropriate? No, not at all. But a better use of his time? Without a doubt.
While he can’t quite force himself to listen to the substance of the lecture, the dulcet baritone of Spock’s voice rolls over him pleasantly. He appreciates the grace with which Spock moves between the lectern and the viewscreen - long legs, narrow hips, the fit of science blues over a well-formed chest and arms. Spock points to a block of dense, dreadfully boring regulation text on the viewscreen and Jim loses himself in the twist of Spock’s wrist, imagines those elegant fingers against his skin.
Jim clears his throat, stations his elbows on the table and decides to pay attention. It’s time to focus on something else.
Spock is a good teacher, engaging and patient, and Jim’s heart squeezes with adoration as the supposedly bland Vulcan keeps over fifty people hanging on his every word. The material is dry, yet Spock interjects stories from previous missions and invites others to participate. The first wry joke Spock cracks, Jim is the only one who dares to laugh. Ten minutes later, Spock has the entire room snickering. It’s all rather…endearing.
Because of course it would be.
Most people see Spock’s ears and eyebrows and make all kinds of assumptions. But the reality of Spock is much more Human than Spock would ever admit, much more saucy than Bones knows how to deal with, and so rebellious that Spock can make the James T. Kirk look tamed.
Jim may just be a little bit in love with him.
Or, well, a lot.
Spock catches his eyes and Jim gazes back with a smile meant just for his XO. He has to be completely obvious in the moment, but he can’t find the will to care. It’s not as if it’s the first time and it most definitely won’t be the last.
Every look he gives Spock is an invitation extended that he shouldn’t want Spock to accept. It’s safe because he knows that Spock never will.
But that’s okay. Because if this is all they ever are - friends, confidants, chess partners, brothers in arms - then Jim’s life is more complete than he thought it could be. The life of a starship captain can be painfully solitary and Spock’s ever-present presence at his side ensures it’s not.
“Yes, Mr. Spock?”
“The lecture has concluded.”
Jim starts, glances around the room to find he’s the only crew member remaining. He has no chance of concealing the flush on his cheeks when he meets Spock’s eyes again.
“Ah. It appears it has.”
“Is there further clarification you seek, Captain? I am available for the next twelve minutes to answer questions.”
Will you marry me?, he thinks.
“No questions,” he says.
Spock accepts that with the hint of a nod then heads toward the lectern. He shuts off the viewscreen, picks up his padd, then palms the apple.
“Captain,” Spock says. “Thank you for the gift. I find it is most appropriate as it reminds me of you.”
Jim remains in his seat, curiosity getting the better of him. He rests his arms on the table and clasps his hands together. “And how is that, Mr. Spock?”
Spock takes two steps forward, until he’s standing in front of Jim - a table and an apple between them.
“It brings to mind a Terran colloquialism my mother was fond of saying - you are the apple of my eye.”
Important. Viewed with affection. Cared for.
Jim isn’t sure about the origins of that either, but the meaning is crystal clear.
“As you are for me,” he admits.
Spock leans down then and Jim has a mere fraction of a second to realize that Spock is going to kiss him before Spock’s lips are actually against his. It’s a shock of much colder skin first, then softness, then an electric heat that starts at his lips and zings through his entire body.
When Spock inches back, Jim can’t quite breathe.
“Have dinner with me tonight?” he asks.
He sounds just as breathless as he is. He can’t dredge up an ounce of shame for that one.
Spock holds up the apple, his oh-so-Human eyes dancing with sauciness, rebelliousness, and mirth.
“I will bring dessert.”
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crowzwrites · 2 months
A sight for sore eyes
for mcspirk month
content warning: None
It's a sunny day on the planet they've beamed down to, Revena V, pretty turquoise skies and a rainbow arching across it. Kirk smiles at his first officer, who gives him an eyebrow raise in return, then looks back at his tricorder to analyze the data he's been collecting of fauna and small critters. He's glad to have peaceful moments like this on away missions where he can walk beside Spock, hands intertwined as they amble about. Their last mission had ended up in a battle and many injured crewmen, so thankfully they had been given some time to rest and explore more tranquil and serene planets in the latest system that had yet to be mapped on a star chart.
McCoy had opted to stay on the ship because last time he beamed down with them he'd fallen down a ditch and sprained his ankle. Jim tried not to laugh as he cursed everything around him when they were beaming back up—of course he was worried, but Bones was so grumpy and in the end it had been fine. They cuddled to make up for it, Jim taking in the sight of both his partners. Spock had made McCoy a hot chocolate and took care of him whilst
Jim got the man to be quiet and accept the care, at one point Jim considered giving Bones a taste of his own medicine, stabbing him with a hypo.
At least, when it’s just the two of them, there are no huffs and complaints about the mission to collect more data, just avid discussions about said data and observations about the pretty plant life.
“What do you think of this planet, Spock?”
“It is fascinating, I will have to take further samples of some of the fauna as they have intriguing properties that could be used in medicine. There are also many small animals that look interesting. This planet is very diverse in its plant and animal life.”
“I love visiting all these cool planets, better than being attacked by Klingons or whatever.”
“Certainly. I only wish that Doctor McCoy had joined us, even if he does tend to complain.” Spock smiles at him slightly.
“Yeah, but after the last mission he’s afraid he’ll get hurt and then he’ll have to get taken care of by us. He’s allergic to accepting help.”
“Indeed he is.”
Jim smiles and glances at Spock again, appreciating his side profile: curved pointy ears that he oh so loves to touch gently, hazel eyes that look at him with affection, silky black hair that sits perfectly on his head, and finally his nose. Jim enjoys booping it, which makes Spock blush. Jim's always been one to appreciate both of his lovers' features—McCoy especially, since he needs encouragement and positivity. He's a little more self conscious than Spock in that department. Of course, both of them have their flaws. So does he.
Jim looks back to his surroundings. He notices a flower that is almost the same height as him. It glows a warm yellow and has pink spots on its petals.
Without thinking, he stops and leans forward a little. Then he thinks, oh, shit. The flower spews spores at his face. He groans and staggers backwards. Spock catches and steadies him but he barely notices it because his eyes feel as if they are being set alight. Briefly, he thinks that McCoy is going to be very mad. He then passes out, distantly hearing Spock shouting his name as he succumbs to the darkness.
Slowly, hearing the steady beat of the heart monitor and vaguely feeling a warm hand enclosed in his own, he comes back to awareness. Jim opens his eyes. To nothing. To darkness, only making out blurry shapes. His heart rate skyrockets. He's panicking as the monitor beeps loudly, making his ears hurt. Why can't I see? Why can't I see, wh-
“It's okay, Jim,” says a voice he recognises to be Spock. “You are safe.”
Jim turns and can't make out Spock's face, only a blurry figure that's trying to comfort him and God, he can’t focus on that gentleness, only registers that he's blind. What if he never sees Spock or Bones’ face again? What if he'll never be able to look into both of their deep brown eyes and get lost in them? Oh, God. He'll lose his captaincy, lose Spock, lose Bones.
Jim, breathe.
He does. Inhale. Exhale. Just like McCoy taught him when he had panic attacks at the Academy. Sound comes back to him. He didn't even realise his ears had been ringing. The overwhelming panic and fear had overtaken any rational thought. He sighs and turns his head in the direction that Spock’s voice had come from. Cold hands graze his face and rub a soothing motion down his cheek, another hand on his shoulder. It must be Bones, no doubt hovering over him like the mother hen he is.
“Spock…Bones...I-I can't see you.”
“Don't worry, kid, we'll find a cure to this, Spock and I. You know we'll try our hardest, darlin’. Just relax for me, okay? We've got you.” Bones’ voice relaxes him. Jim sinks back down into the biobed and grabs Spock's hand back for comfort.
“I miss seeing your faces…” he says quietly.
“Do not worry, Jim. We will find a cure, Ashaya.”
“Can you take me back to my room?”
Jim attempts to look at them both. Spock guides Jim's hand to his and McCoy’s faces. He feels Spock's pointy ears and brushes a hand through Bones’ soft hair, a mild comfort to him.
“Yeah, alright. No harm in that, just be careful, okay?”
“You know me, I'm always careful.” Jim laughs—he can hear Bones’ eyes roll and Spock's questioning eyebrow raise.
Slowly, he gets up (mostly) by himself, Spock's hand in his and Bones' arm around his elbow. He's glad they're here to help him through this ordeal. In the future, he'll make sure to steer clear of pretty glowing flowers on alien planets. His partners guide him back to his room at an even pace. It's odd not being able to see. Jim had taken that ability for granted and not appreciated the beauty of sight until it was ripped away from him. He's pretty confident that Spock and Bones will find a cure promptly, though, they've been through thick and thin, after all, and Bones is nothing short of a miracle worker by now. He’s an angel watching over Jim through life and death. He means that literally, now, since he'd been brought back to life by the doctor and all.
He hasn't really been paying attention and if they weren't here to help, he surely would have knocked himself out on a wall or something. He keeps his eyes closed, not wanting to see all the blurry figures and outlines that'll probably make him want to throw up. It's very disorienting. Spock squeezes his hand reassuringly. They've stopped walking now, so they must be at his room. Wordlessly, one of them enters his passcode, and then all of them step through. He's guided to his bed, which he's grateful for. All he wants to do is to sleep in his lovers’ arms and be reassured by their warm presences beside him.
“I love you both…thanks for helping me.”
“Of course, just promise me you’ll be more careful next time, sweetheart?” McCoy says gently, sparing him the angry lecture this time and instead putting a hand on his thigh.
“I'll try.”
They all know that it's unlikely that he won't land himself in danger. At least he has Spock to protect him and Bones to patch him back together again and again. Quickly, he rids himself of his shirt and trousers and then pulls them down to cuddle with him. Bones huffs but obliges him. Frankly, he doesn't care if it's the morning or afternoon, he just requires immediate snuggles before he rests. Jim moves to Spock's chest and puts his arms and leg around him, then hooks his other leg around Bones, who's hugging his waist. Neither of them care about the time, either. Even Spock allows Jim this comfort. His nose brushes against his Vulcan’s bare chest and finds himself drifting off quickly into dreams about stars and lovers.
After only three days of being sightless, during which his doctor and science officer work tirelessly, they finally find a cure. Jim has by then become more used to not being able to see, has learned to rely more on his hearing and special awareness, which he sorely lacks after crashing and tumbling over almost everything. Bones had berated him after finding him trying to get to the bridge but tripping over a crewman’s foot and faceplanting ungracefully. His nose thankfully stayed in one piece, but his body is probably littered with tiny bruises by now, if the doctor's lecture is anything to go by.
“I believe we have found a cure Jim, do not worry. The doctor and I will come to you. Stay put.” Spock’s voice chirped. He sounded tired.
“Hey! I'm not a child. I can handle myself, Commander,” Jim sasses, getting up and walking to the door.
Jim doesn't quite make it to the door. Instead he trips over his boots and almost slams into the wall by his door but catches himself, cursing out loud and hoping Spock hadn’t heard that. He had, though. Of course he had.
“Jim, please do not injure yourself further unless you want Leonard to lecture you again,” Spock chides. He mutters the word “illogical” under his breath.
Begrudgingly, he makes his way back to his bed and flops down on it. He hopes this’ll work. If it doesn't, he just might cry even if they eventually find one. It could take months or even years, or maybe he's just permanently blind, sight taken from him by some stupid flower on some dumb planet. If he didn't beam down to that planet and instead stared out into space or just wrote some boring reports, then maybe he wouldn't be stuck in misery. Well, it's not all bad. Still, Jim can't help but feel melancholy about losing such a core part of himself. He huffs and rolls over, and his door swishes open to allow his boyfriends to enter, ready to hopefully save the day.
“You ready, Jim?”
“Yep! Stick me, Bones.” McCoy sighs at that but jabs the hypo into his neck.
At first, he doesn't feel anything, but then his head starts to spin. He groans, squeezing his eyes shut and clutching at his head. For a minute, it's agony. Spock is gripping his shoulders and trying to ease the pain through touch while McCoy worriedly dotes over him and does something or other. The nausea and pain fade to an ache behind his eyes and he peeks an eye open. He's met with a slightly less fuzzy Spock leaning over him.
The scared expression in his chocolate brown eyes comes into focus, and then Jim breaks out into a wide grin and hugs Spock tightly. He gestures for Bones to join and he does. Jim feels happy again. His vision is almost back to normal, and he can see both of them again. They look tired but relieved, and he pulls away to admire them. He loves Bones’ light-hearted scowl, the freckles dotting his face, his pouty lips and smooth hair. Jim kisses Spock and it’s electric. His relief and affection trickle through to the Vulcan as they passionately embrace. Without wasting any time, he breaks apart to kiss Bones, who gasps in surprise but leans into it. Bones puts a hand in his hair, making him groan, and then Jim leans back to appreciate his gorgeous face.
“You okay, Jim?” Bones looks at him worriedly and Jim realises he's crying.
“I'm okay.” He smiles and puts his head on Spock’s shoulder.
Spock had moved to sit on his bed next to him while Bones was kneeling in front of him.
“I am glad the serum worked…I do not know what I would've done if it hadn't,” Spock says quietly.
“You'd do what you always do. Try and try again. That's why I love you, both of you.”
“Love ya too, kid,” says Bones, as Spock says, “Taluhk nash-veh k’dular,” then Bones stands up and leans over Jim. Gently, he wipes away the tears running from his eyes, like rain on a sunny day that blooms into a rainbow. He feels good and lucky to have both of them to take care of him.
Jim knows they'll always take care of him when he dives headfirst into danger, or gets blinded by some flower, or whatever it may be. At least he can laugh it off now.
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t0ast-ghost · 3 months
Welcome back to me slowly losing all the marbles in my Star Trek infested head! This is my thoughts on episode nine (Miri):
- *sighs* I miss McCoy…
- OMG MCCOY!!! He don’t need to be here, he’s just standing
- literally sooo normal about them being in the same episode together again
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- Jim: picks up random object for no reason. Ah yes give it to Spock
Spock: curious what do I do with this? Ah yes hand it to Bones he’ll know
Bones: what the fuck? Guess I’ll look at this now
they are all sharing a braincell in this moment
- Kirk not afraid to slap a bitch (multiple times)
- “of course somebody will fix it” Bones comforting the guy who just attacked him, he’s so fucking caring wtf
- HES DEAD JIM MOMEN- oh never mind he said “it’s dead” false alarm
- goddamn those boots (I want a pair so bad)
- this
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- uh oh he’s sick? Oh they’re all sick. But not Spock
- “the bugs have no appetite for green blood” “being red blooded obviously has its disadvantages”
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- “spare me the analysis, Mr. Spock, please” THEY ARE LITERALLY MARRIED
- Bones getting called old once again
- the folder against his lip in thought
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- “eternal childhood” sounds like Peter Pan to me idk maybe
- idc if she’s 1000 years older what the fuck are you doing?
- okay I like this group of kids the costumes are well done
- Kirk getting attacked. yippee sounds play.
- “and I do want to go back to the ship, captain” then they smile at each other WHAT
- Hehehe
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- “you two can recreate the thinking” bones gives him the ‘who the fuck do you think I am face’
- shittiest photo I’ve ever taken but-
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- Jim hugging Janice was honestly kinda sweet
- Jim yelling “where’s Janice” was done so well
- Jim your speeches don’t work here
- “I’m a grup… and I want to help you” well delivered
- “bickering is pointless” Spock is sad to see his friend slowly becoming more agressive and scared- I- they- I love them
- MCCOY NO no!
- thought he yelled “fuck” but no just “Spock” I think bones should be allowed to say fuck
- Kirk’s ripped sleeve is so fucking slutty
That’s where I’m leaving this one cause the ending bridge discussion once again makes me so uncomfortable…
All in all really loved this episode. Yes it was cause I got Bones, Spock, and Kirk.
Other episode reviews :)
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electronickingdomfox · 6 months
"Trek to Madworld" review
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Okay, the title doesn't lie... This novel from 1979 was written by Stephen Goldin (who was married to Kathleen Sky, author of the dreadful, previous TOS novel "Vulcan!"). There's something similar to the whimsical and bizarre from the Star Trek Gold Key comics in this novel. At times it's a bit slow, specially at the beginning, but there are also fun moments among all the silliness going around. Kirk comes across as a bit childish, rash, and even petty sometimes, though the characterizations are otherwise decent. Also, the Enterprise crew participates in a sex orgy. Yup.
Spoilers under the cut:
The Enterprise has to bring Kostas Spyroukis, a famous explorer and colonist, and his daughter Metika, back to their colony of Epsilon Delta IV, after some failed conference to make the colony a full Federation member. Kirk starts flirting with Metika right after meeting her, possibly because it's his duty as Captain (no, really, it's immediately forgotten, and he isn't even Metika's love interest). The girl, however, is more interested in discussing the political and economical issues of the colony. Unlike his wife, Goldin seems capable of writing respectable female characters, and Metika is definitely not an airhead. Intelligent, level-headed and stoic, she's probably the most mature character around, despite being 20 years old. As proven later, she's also quite capable of punching a Romulan soldier into submission. Anyway, Kostas falls suddenly ill, and soon he's dead, Jim. It turns out the reason is a chemical reaction that happens in Delta Epsilon IV's atmosphere. It's not dangerous during short periods of time, and Metika isn't seriously affected, but since her father had been living in the colony far longer, nothing could be done to save him. There are hundreds of persons still living in the colony, so after this discovery, the Enterprise needs to evacuate them all before it's too late. At this point, there's a funeral in space for Kostas, pretty similar to the one in The Wrath of Kahn, and I wonder if it's the first depiction of the concept.
So far so good, but Kirk is quite in a hurry to rescue the colonists, so he decides to alter the course of the ship, and bring her across a dangerous, uncharted nebula, to save some time. By some time, I mean one day (is one day significant in the case of slow radiation poisoning? probably not, but without Kirk's silly decision, there'd be no story so...). In the nebula, they encounter a spatial rift that chases the ship, and in the end it swallows her. The Enterprise ends up in a bubble world, detached from the normal universe. A Klingon and a Romulan ships are also trapped here. Things get really, really silly (and more entertaining), once a gnome appears in the bridge. Yes, a FUCKING GNOME, with pointed cap and all. He introduces himself as Enowil, an Organian who was exiled from his kind for being too crazy (understandable; at some point, he makes ears appear all over the walls of the Enterprise). He has complete control over everything inside his world, but despite his unlimited powers, there's something he's missing, and he doesn't know what. So he offers a contest to the crews of the three ships: whoever finds out the thing he's missing, will be rewarded with anything they wish. Or, if they refuse to participate, he can place the ship back in the normal universe, wherever they want. Metika, reasonably, asks Kirk to go at once to the colony, since that was, well, their mission. But Kirk suddenly isn't in so much of a hurry, and doesn't trust the Klingons or Romulans with such a powerful wish, in case they left them to win the contest. Also, he wants to play with the gnome, and dammit he's gonna do it! (boo! Metika you party pooper).
Once in Enowil's world, which is some sort of crazy Wonderland, Enowil starts showing the three crews all the things he has there. Including a bouncing sun with the name of Spock written on it (this is because Spock earned a "gold star" from him, for being clever earlier). No matter what the crew suggests, Enowil already has it, so it's not the answer. He has all the possible landscapes, all the animals in a zoo, all the people he wants crowding the zoo, a debate building to argue and fight as much as he wants, a boring math game for Spock, etc... McCoy, who seems to be the official perv of the Enterprise in these novels, and seeing how Enowil produces anything they suggest, decides to exploit the situation: "What about sex?". The result can be imagined... Well, it's not seen what actually transpired, obviously, but the novel says that "not only had Enowil provided facilities for every known variation and desire, there were also some things available that Kirk, for all his vast experience in the subject, could never have conceived of." So yeah, whatever it was, it was some kinky stuff. After two hours of this, the crew is very tired, and McCoy is grinning (and you can't convince me he didn't try everything there)...
Metika, however, is tired of all this bullshit. So she skips the sex part, and instead strikes a deal with the Klingon captain. The Klingon convinces her that his crew isn't interested in the game, and as soon as they destroy the Romulan ship, they'll leave. So the Enterprise, without any more competence, can leave too for the colony. Metika is desperate, and thinks they'll be trapped there guessing forever, as there's no solution for Enowil's dilemma. So she agrees to place a bomb inside the Romulan ship (I don't understand how the Klingon would be able to beam her inside an enemy ship, with an access card and all, but whatever). A Romulan soldier spots her placing the bomb. But while they fight, Enowil transports both of them to the backstage of his world, cut off from the rest of the group (who hasn't noticed that Metika's missing, because sex you know).
I won't spoil much of the rest. Simply say that Metika and the Romulan fight against many creatures in the backstage, and slowly develop an "enemies to friends" (possibly more) relationship. In the end, McCoy finds out at last what's the thing that Enowil is missing (yeah, probably he knew from the beginning, but didn't want to miss the kinky stuff) so Kirk gets his wish granted. The solution is a bit meta, and I found the ending quite satisfactory.
In summary, a decent book, that captures the most absurd elements of TOS.
Spirk Meter: 7/10*. It's only a little moment, and it's not certain what Kirk and Spock did or didn't. But on the other hand, the passage is quite suggestive, so I don't know... Judge for yourselves. This is Kirk and Spock's conversation after the whole sex orgy:
Beside him, Spock was looking a little ashen, and the captain was immediately concerned. “Are you all right?” he asked his first officer. “I’ll be fine, Captain,” Spock replied. “It is interesting, though, how Enowil was able to trigger within me the frenzies of pon far without its being anywhere near the seven-year point in my cycle.” Kirk could not resist a small smile. “I don’t notice you complaining, though.” “Complaint would be inappropriate, Captain. I merely note it as interesting.”
*A 10 in this scale is the most obvious spirk moments in TOS. Think of the back massage, "You make me believe in miracles", or "Amok Time" for example.
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calliethetrekkie · 8 months
Triumvirate Prompts: Day 8
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#8. Favorite TOS episode?
Two years ago, I'd have said The City on the Edge of Forever. Which don't me wrong is still an excellent episode. But now that I've had long enough to let my tastes form some more, I'm going with...
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The Tholian Web is so freakin' good. We're given a desperate situation where the ship is in danger and everyone is losing their minds. Kirk is seemingly dead and unlike the other times, we don't get to see what happens to him or follow him. We're given the POV of Spock and McCoy and how they both handle the crisis, their grief over Jim's 'death', and of course how they treat each other in these circumstances. In a way, it feels like a culmination of all the build-up between the two over these many episodes.
Spock makes the surprisingly illogical decision to not leave the space while they have time in order to find Kirk. A decision that causes things to get worse. McCoy wants to get out of there for the safety of the crew. One of the times that he's more focused on the many than about Jim. Naturally this causes conflict. McCoy is argumentative at almost every chance he gets, far more than usual. Spock ignores him and pretty much attempts to isolate him in Sickbay until he magically finds a cure. They are given no time to grieve Jim or have a moment to calm themselves down, and as such it has them both lashing out at each other.
Once Spock officially declares Kirk dead, he and McCoy need to review a message that he left for them. This is where their attention can fully shift onto their loss. McCoy is angry and hurt, the space making it even worst, and all that he can do is keep lashing out at Spock because he doesn't know what else to do with the feelings that he can only now process. Spock, as you'd expect, keeps his emotions hammered down and simply wants to get it over with to both get back to focusing on the ship and to get away from McCoy. They finally play the message and...
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KIRK: Bones, Spock. since you are playing this tape, we will assume that I am dead, that the tactical situation is critical, and both of you are locked in mortal combat. It means, Spock, that you have control of the ship and are probably making the most difficult decisions of your career. I can offer only one small piece of advice, for whatever it's worth. Use every scrap of knowledge and logic you have to save the ship. But temper your judgment with intuitive insight. I believe you have those qualities, but if you can't find them in yourself, seek out McCoy. Ask his advice. And if you find it sound, take it. Bones, you've heard what I've just told Spock. Help him if you can. But remember he is the Captain. His decisions must be followed without question. You might find that he is capable of human insight and human error. They are most difficult to defend, but you will find that he is deserving of the same loyalty and confidence each of you have given me. Take care.
It says something that Kirk knew that these two were going to have a hard time with one another if he were ever gone. So he made sure to leave this for them. He tells Spock to turn to McCoy for that insightful, emotional advice that he can't always find within himself to take. Even if he doesn't take it, he can hear it. He tells Bones to remember that Spock is now the Captain, and he needs to follow him as he always had Kirk. But he reminds him that Spock is very much capable of the same errors that any human could make, and thus he needs him to guide him through it. It's hard to imagine the Triumvirate going on without one of them, but as much as it'll hurt, they can go on and they can work together. Kirk is asking that of his two closest friends now.
And after that? After all that anger from before? After the way that these two treated each other throughout the episode?
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MCCOY: Spock, I, er, I'm sorry. It does hurt, doesn't it? SPOCK: What would you have me say, Doctor?
It's the one brief moment they get to grieve not just their Captain, but their friend. McCoy has calmed down and sincerely apologizes for snapping and blaming Spock. He gives Spock the chance to express his hurt and while they get called far too soon, Spock still lets it show just for a moment how lost he feels. After this they have one more brief blowup, one that they catch themselves on before it goes too far and apologize for. Otherwise? They know that they have a job to do, and they're going to do it.
Of course it turns out that Kirk is alive, and they save him as well as escape the Tholians. But the episode is just... so freakin' good. It's the closest we get to losing Kirk for good, and this time we allow Spock and McCoy to struggle with it and be as uncertain as they are. It's one of the episode that really shows the strength of Spock and McCoy as a duo as well as the Triumvirate as a whole. Funny enough The Empath comes before this in the production order, so they already almost lost McCoy not that long ago. Here? They have lost Jim AND have the whole ship and crew on the line. Without Kirk, how do they go on? Can they? We see here that, while it's as difficult as you'd expect, yes. They can go on and they can pull through.
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But most of all, it shows how much these two need one another. The Triumvirate all need each other, but in any event, with Kirk gone, all they really have is one another. Spock needs McCoy's insight and reassurance. McCoy needs to trust Spock and be grounded back to the reality of things. Jim can't be there to quell and compromise for them now. They have to be able to work it out for themselves, and that can only be done together. Kirk trusts them to do so,a nd they prove it. I just love that so much~
...so yeah, that's my favorite XD
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ichayalovesyou · 2 years
(Re)Discovering A Strange New Spock: “Miri” (1x08)
Previous: What Are Little Girls Made Of?
Next: Dagger of The Mind
A meta anthology where I re-examine TOS, especially Spock, in light of the new information Discovery & Strange New Worlds has revealed about him to us.
Onto the Analysis!
No Appetite For Green Blood
“Being a red blooded human obviously has its disadvantages.”
Yet another testament to Spock’s utter distaste for Humans and rejection of the humanity within himself. I know you’d probably HATE to hear this Mr. Spock but you sound just like your father! Also, point of advice spock, maybe don’t tease the CMO whose tryna save everyone’s lives atm!
That being said his Vulcan blood is both saving his life, and could isolate him here on this foreign world. Doomed to live much, much longer than those around him. Almost a microcosm of his senior years… oof. So he gets to be a little flippant and infodump about microscopes a bit, as a treat.
Our Boys In The Only Blue I Respect (Science!)
On a slightly lighter note! This is the first time Spock & Bones have had to work together in a vacuum where there are no other science division members as a buffer. They are the only people on this planet capable of getting the job done.
Not only that we finally see them with the same priority, and agreeing with each other on something other than keeping Jim safe. It is the fact that the communicators are, in the grand scheme, more important than finding Janice. None of them can save her if they’re all dead. On this much, Bones and Spock agree, and remind Jim of that reality.
Almost Losing Bones (Do I Have A SECOND Friend?! Ugh! Annoying!)
They’ve stopped outright disliking each other, they’ve learned to trust each other, they’ve started teasing, they both realized Jim needs both of them. Now Spock is realizing he cares about and respects this curmudgeonly Doctor a lot more than he had anticipated.
Spock doesn’t want McCoy needlessly risking his life when Jim could get back to them in time. When Bones recklessly injects himself with the possible cure, and realizes something is wrong, the person he cries out to in panic is Spock. Possibly because McCoy instinctively knows, if anybody is gonna save him from himself, it’s gonna be him.
Then what does Spock do after checking McCoy’s vitals after he finds him?! He takes Bones hands and doesn’t let go, not even when Jim returns. The significance of touching hands in Vulcan culture brings further potency to this. Was this an instinctive, sentimental human gesture from a living man to a dying one. Or, was it subtle, deliberate Vulcan mental contact?
There’s a lot more adventures to be had in SNW, but as far as we know. This is may be the first time Spock has been in telepathic contact with someone who is unconscious and he believes is dying. I can’t help but be reminded of when AOS Spock stayed and melded with Pike as he died in Into Darkness.
On the same subject, I’ve talked about the ways Kirk reminds Spock of Chris (and Michael). I think, especially in this moment of reckless self-sacrifice, Bones reminds Spock of him too. Not only of Chris, but of Hemmer, who sacrificed himself as well, abrasive and grumpy on the surface but with an incredibly gentle soul underneath.
How much he gleaned of this truth from touch telepathy or from the immediate emotional pressure of Bones possibly dying is of course, ambiguous. Another aspect of this is for the first time since they’ve met, Bones was right! He was crazy and brash and almost died needlessly but Spock’s guilty of that too, just not today!
Spock is visibly relieved that it turns out he wasn’t dying after all, not only that but to his disbelief, correct in his risk. Jim is even present for most of the undeniable proof that Spock does care for Dr. McCoy.
I assume not wanting to ruin the progress or betray Spock’s trust Kirk might’ve kept his mouth shut. Just like he waits for Spock & Bones to concede to each other than oust the fact one confided to him that he agreed with the other in private.
Bones doesn’t know how much Spock cares yet, and won’t for a while. Spock may know that Bones cares thanks to the events of the episode. They’ll both know they care about each other eventually, but won’t admit it for a looong time. Jim knows they care about each other, but knows they’ll have to figure that part out for themselves.
The triumvirate continues to solidify as their adventures continue. Bones and Spock’s relationship in particular, crossed a threshold in this episode.
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hummingbird-of-light · 4 months
In Our Favor
Part 93
“Jim alright?” McCoy asked as Scotty joined him in the lobby of the dorm. He held open the door, and reached for Scotty’s fingers as he passed.
“Aye,” Scotty said with a squeeze of his hand. “He read Sam’s letter,” he said quietly.
“Oh,” McCoy said. “He ok about that?”
“He’s got some conflicted feelings on it.”
“I can only imagine. Too bad the Hammersley isn’t gone already. It’d be easier on Jim.”
It was not far from Spock and Jim’s dorm to their own and the short rest of the walk was spent in comfortable silence.
“What happened with Eugene?” Scotty asked finally when they were in their room.
McCoy gave a groan that turned into a laugh as he rubbed a hand over his face.
“He found out who I am.”
“Oh! He did? How’d that happen?” Scotty looked at him curiously as they got ready for bed.
McCoy flipped back the covers on the bed and got settled.
“She caught up with us after class and I introduced them. Anyway something about how much she knows came up and I said she’d saved Spock. After she left us Eugene asked what we’d meant.”
“Oh,” Scotty said, settling down next to McCoy and reaching for the light.
“He looked me up and found out. I knew he was going to when I left him this afternoon.”
“And ye’re still friends?”
McCoy nodded in the dark but he knew Scotty could feel the movement.
“He said he knew me, not Prince Leonard.” McCoy smiled happily at the recollection.
“He’s a smart man,” Scotty said.
“I was worried, but it turned out alright.”
McCoy walked into the botanical gardens and breathed deep. He could only imagine how they must smell in the spring when everything bloomed. Ms. Brandt from the San Francisco Chronicle had promised to meet where she had first run into him and Scotty and McCoy made his way there quickly.
McCoy was alone. He knew Scotty hadn’t wanted to give an interview and so McCoy had deliberately scheduled it when he would still be in a class. He also knew Scotty would have been there with him out of a sense of duty, but would have been uncomfortable the whole time. Plus with Aporal back to attending classes that day and their group project due in two days, Scotty had extra reasons to not be interviewed. McCoy was more than capable of handling it.
“Your highness!” Ms. Brandt greeted him as he came around a bend.
“Ms. Brandt, nice to see you,” he said politely and offered a handshake.
“Oh,” she said, peering around him. “Your husband isn’t joining us?”
“Scotty is still in class and has a project due soon,” he explained.
“Oh. Ok.”
McCoy saw the quick flash of disappointment in her eyes.
“You were more interested in him?” McCoy asked with good humor.
“No!I—” She blushed before seeing McCoy was teasing. “I had questions for him as well. My article might be shorter.”
“I’ll give longer answers then,” McCoy smiled.
Ms. Brandt appeared to collect her thoughts. “I was thinking we could just walk as we talked. If that’s alright?”
“I’ve been sitting in class all day,” McCoy said. “A walk would be lovely.”
“Are you enjoying Starfleet so far? It must be very different to be a cadet than to be an heir apparent,” Ms. Brandt asked as they began to walk.
McCoy thought for a moment before he answered. He still wasn’t quite sure if he was supposed to be giving interviews as a cadet or not.
“Yes, it’s very different. But there are some small similarities. Mostly it’s been nice to just be another face in a crowd. I follow the same rules and regulations as every other cadet. No allowances are made just because I am who I was born.”
“Have you decided on a track to follow?”
“Medical. I plan to be a doctor. The courses have all been fascinating so far. It’s exciting.”
“And your husband?” Ms. Brandt asked. “He’s enjoying Starfleet as well? What track is he taking?”
“Starfleet has been his dream since he was little,” McCoy said fondly. “He’s going to be an amazing engineer.”
Part 94
"There we go. All finished," Scotty exclaimed happily as he added the last piece to their project. His chest filled with pride as he stared at the fantastic work his group had done.
"I'm sure we'll get the best grade for it!" Jaylah said, her eyes sparkling with joy as she looked at what they had achieved in relatively short time.
Keenser nodded in agreement while Aporal didn't say anything. He kept his brown eyes fixed on their project, tilting his head from side to side.
"What is it, Aporal?" Scotty asked. He could see that the Andorian still wasn't happy with how it had turned out.
"Oh, I was just thinking about a way to make it even better."
Jaylah groaned in annoyance. Even though she had been kinda worried about Aporal after she had seen him hurt, she still didn't like the way he behaved most of the time.
"It is perfect!"
Aporal glanced at her, then looked back at their project.
"Well, let me tell you something, ghost girl. Nothing is ever perfect. There's always something to improve."
Scotty could see Jaylah's teeth clench in anger. She hated the nickname Aporal had given her due to her pale skin and white hair.
"My name is Jaylah! And you have to call me by it!"
Aporal didn't even care to answer. He looked back at his PADD, scanning the blueprints with his eyes.
"How about you let me make some modifications and I show it to you tomorrow?" he eventually suggested.
"No way! Then you will say that it is your work alone!" Jaylah protested and Scotty knew that he needed to intervene.
"We still have time until Thursday. How about we stop working for today and talk it through tomorrow?"
Keenser nodded, obviously just wishing for the fight to stop. They had stayed at the classroom longer than everyone else and he just wanted to get to his room.
Even though Jaylah was still glaring at Aporal who only shrugged his shoulders, both of them were okay with Scotty's suggestion.
"Good, good. Well then... let's get some rest and we see each other tomorrow."
They all got up from the table they were sitting at and Scotty made his way over to their teacher's office to tell her that they were done and that the room could be locked.
Then he left for his room to start on some homework.
He had just finished a task when his comm bleeped. Hoping for it to be Leonard, Scotty quickly picked up his comm. He knew that his husband had scheduled the interview for that day on purpose so that Scotty couldn't join them. And he was quite grateful for it. He still hated being in the spotlight.
To his surprise the message wasn't from Leonard. No... it was from Aporal.
Scotty raised an eyebrow as he read the message asking him to meet up with Aporal in the Andorian's room.
His heart skipped a beat. Was something wrong? Had something happened?
The Scotsman quickly wrote back that he was on his way and then got going, after leaving a note for Leonard. He really hoped everything was okay.
"Hey, Scottish boy," Aporal greeted him as he arrived. It didn't look like he was in pain and Scotty sighed in relief. That was a good thing.
"Hey. What's wrong?"
Aporal only shrugged his shoulders, slowly crossing the room to sit down on his bed.
Scotty closed the door behind him as he got inside and took the chair.
"Can I ask you something?"
A frown crossed Scotty's face, yet still he nodded.
"Can you tell me something about ghost girl?"
The frown on Scotty's face only deepened as he heard that question. He chuckled insecurely.
"I don't know. I think she's kinda cool. And she is very confident. So... what can you tell me about her?"
Scotty couldn't help the grin forming on his lips.
"Are ye telling me that ye're into Jaylah?!" he asked in disbelief.
Aporal only rolled his eyes.
"I'm not into her. I'd just like to get to know her better, understand her. She seems like a strong companion to have on your side."
Scotty blinked in confusion. What was Aporal trying to get at?
"Listen, I cannae just talk about my friends without their consent. Why don't ye just talk to her?"
"Because she doesn't seem to approve of me."
Scotty snorted.
"Well maybe ye shouldn't be so stuck-up around her? Be nice to her!"
Aporal raised an eyebrow.
"Well, for one, ye could start by calling her Jaylah instead of ghost girl."
And so the talk began.
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