marivictal · 2 years
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Day 12 - Abominations
shoutout to Darius palisman oc Bell!! the artist is @notllorstel​
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doodlebug-qt · 1 year
More Crossover art for Gravity Falls and Young Sheldon. Fast forwarding in the story, Missy finds a puppy in the woods and wants to keep it. Stan gives in because she'll never be allowed to have a dog at home because her brother is afraid of everything, especially animals and especially dog-animals. But of course, the dog can't be normal because, you know, it's Gravity Falls.
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merryclaus · 2 years
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So I drew a human version of Yon Mii inspired by @notllorstel 's human versions of 1010, with human gijinka Neon J designed by @homiu-l . I tried yo follow the reference and make him look good. It's not as bad as I feared it would look.
The original plan was to draw Yon Mii in the middle and have her brothers surround her with J in the back, but that was too much work so I hung up family portraits instead.
I hope this is okay use the designs.
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mfdragon · 4 months
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The Confession (Part 1)
So yea uh.... wanted to pop off a bit for the finale and it got a little out of hand. Regardless, really hope it was worth the wait :3 (Wanted to thank @notllorstel for helping render one of the pages and @ectospacecadet for helping with some of the dialogue. You guys rock!)
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teenytinyapprentice · 1 month
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commission for Llors @notllorstel of Francis Vern from their incredibly fun twoscole au! >:) He's here to cause problems
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sepublic · 1 year
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Depending on how much you accept Avi Roque as a source of canon, it seems the name Fiddlesticks is canon for Raine’s palisman! Congrats to @notllorstel!
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“Like looking in a mirror, the image is slightly distorted.”
Today is @notllorstel’s twisted fates au! Where two alternate realities end up colliding. One which we’re familiar with and the other where a few key events happened differently.
I gave tf Hershel a toolbox in contrast to our Layton’s trunk.
Also gave the Lukes different outfits.
Now the question is which Luke goes where? Are they in the right reality or are they in the wrong place? 😈
Hope you enjoy!
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ghost-town-story · 5 months
Hello! I know it's only the beginning of January but that means it's the perfect time to start prepping for what is probably my favorite event
*drum roll please*
What the heck is FebruarOC?
Originally started by notllorstel for artists on Tumblr (original post can be found here), FebruarOC is a character challenge taking place in February. Each day corresponds to a letter A-Z, and the goal is to do something for a character whose name starts with that letter (like a character intro, snippet featuring them, drawing them, etc.). If you don't have a character for a certain day, time to make one up and/or name that character you've been procrastinating naming :) Days 27 and 28 (and 29, for a leap year) are free spaces for whatever shenanigans or characters you'd like.
I’ve been doing FebruarOC for a few years now, and I’d love to see more people get involved in it, especially it's kinda died off in artblr. Hence why I'm nudging writeblr to hopefully generate some interest.
So, I hope to see some of y'all come February!
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akunnito · 17 days
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me because I found the *the* OC ever (OC owner: https://www.tumblr.com/notllorstel)
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fannishcodex · 2 years
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What if both their hairstyles change?
I’ve been meaning to do fanart of how @notllorstel​ draws Darius’s non-Abomination hair because I love it, and finally decided to do it after seeing Hunter’s new look in the new poster.
For this, headcanon that Darius currently doesn’t have enough magical energy to consistently maintain his Abomination hair post-DOU like he was able to before, so now he’s back to his previous/natural non-Abomination hair as his default. And for Hunter, headcanon that in like the immediate aftermath of DOU and as soon as he saw the statues of Caleb and Philip, he completely freaked out and cut his hair as one of many specific trauma responses to everything that just happened.
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Round 1 Conclusion
As Round 1 comes to close, i want to give a round of Applause to all the AUs that have made it to the second round. But I also want to take the time to give a shout out to the runner up AUs.
Mystery Trio AU by Various
Timestuck AU by @dodofiasco
Beauty and the beast AU by @artsycrapfromsai
One of us AU by @ashidaii Ghost Stan AU by @gryphsdeadbones One and a Half Stans AU by @disappeareddraws Never human AU by @notllorstel Pirate AU by @gobblewanker
The brackets for round 2 will be up sometime soon, see you all then!
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quibbs126 · 2 years
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I drew this this morning
So this is something that’s been in my head for a while now, it was basically inspired by @teenytinyapprentice Ghost Luke au, as well as @notllorstel Lingering Ghosts drawings, that were themselves inspired by the Ghost Luke au. But basically, I was thinking of a scenario where Desmond’s daughter was a ghost that followed him, but the only one able to see her (or any ghosts) was Aurora. So basically on their travels on the Bostonius, Aurora would see this strange little girl, but no one else seemed to be able to see her. The two end up talking at a few points and they do end up liking each other, but I imagine this here to be one of their interactions
I also had another scenario where the ghost daughter shows up throughout most/all of the prequels, being someone (presumably) Layton and co keep seeing, usually around the same places Descole tends to be, however Descole himself is unaware of her presence, or at least can’t see her and thus doesn’t know it’s her. But maybe the only other person to see her is Melina, like when they’re relaxing on the beach in Eternal Diva, Janice or Nina mentions how she sees a girl here on the beach too, but no one else can see her and don’t know what she’s talking about. Melina would be able to see her because she’s already dead. I dunno, but I’m not sure that’s what I’m doing in this picture
The design for Des’s daughter is just based on my own design, and the bunny is just something I imagine the ghost with, maybe a stuffed animal she had with her when she died. And the head bit is based on @notllorstel design for her, because I think it’s really clever, having her face obscured because we don’t actually know what she looks like, while still having a creepy factor
But yeah, just something I wanted to draw
Also I am aware that in my headcanons I say she isn’t dead, but generally the idea is that she is, and I just had a general idea here, so ignore my headcanons
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chuckecheesekid9000 · 4 months
Shermie and Vivi Pines (Mikey, Dipper, and Mabel's paternal grandparents)
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Since the Quagmire Triplets (Duncan, Isadora, and Quigley) never appeared in live-action movie from 2004 titled "A Series of Unfortunate Events", I'll ship Sherman "Shermie" Pines (@notllorstel's version) with Violet "Vivi" Baudelaire (2004 movie version), because in Omniverse Falls, she will be Mikey, Dipper, and Mabel's paternal grandmother, where as in Universe Falls' 50th chapter titled "A Tale of Two Stans" where the baby is revealed to be Filbirck and Karen's grandson, That means Shermie is actually Stan and Ford's older brother, and the baby is his first kid, Bernhard Pines (The Pines Siblings' dad), But I felt like Stan was suppose to mention a sister-in-law to ford.
Vivi was suppose to be on Shmebulock's Pines conspiracy board with Shermie for Gravity Falls lost legends.
Here is every quote I came up for characters about Sherman and Violet for Omniverse Falls, and as you can see there isn’t much here….
"They're you're family, poindexter, Shermie and Vivi's three grandkids, The tall one in the white biker jacket with black streaks on the arm sleeves is the oldest of them, named Michael, or Mikey as he rather be called, besides him, the second and short one is his colorful little sister, named Mabel and with both of them is their sweaty brother, named Mason, or Dipper as he liked to be called as well. You can figure the rest." - Stan
“Apparently, Violet and Sherman Pines’ grandkids have been staying with Stanley for the summer (It's hard to believe that the parents, Felicity and Bernhard Pines would trust all three of these kids with Stanly; they clearly thought he was me).” - Ford
“Anyway, about your Grandpa Shermie. that guy was a total square, let me tell you! I mean, who wears a bow tie to a hospital? Did I ever tell you that I was there the day you two were born? I visited your mom, pop, and other relatives in the hospital. Still remember like it was yesterday. Mabel came first, socked the doctor in the jaw! My little fighter. Dipper’s face was blue. Umbilical cord must have wrapped around his neck or something. When I got a hold of you two, I didn’t want to let you go. Had to fight Grandpa Shermie just to keep you for another minute! now onto your Grandma Vivi. that chick was really something, Who else wears a pair of halfmoon glasses at home to look after your brother, Mikey here, when he was only 5 years old, while your mom, pop, and Grandpa Shermie were all at the hospital? Let me tell you this, Grandma Vivi told me that she use to teach him how to invent a machine called "A Rock-Retrieval Device", while looking after him, the reason why is because she wanted him to be an inventor like her, and inventing machines will be in his genes, someday." - Stan
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lex-n-weegie · 1 year
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Making palismen for my friend’s inserts was super fun, so sometime after doing that I made a hypothetical Palisman for Laika, along with ones for Raine and Darius(Bell was taken from @/notllorstel, not actually @ing them cause what if they perceive me /lh)
(if you're curious, Dynamo uses they/them, Alto she/her, and Bell any pronouns)
As per usual, rambles under the cut haha
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For this little hypothetical world, Laika was extremely lucky to get their palisman, so was Raine. Thanks to Eda's extremely close friendship with them, they were given the opportunity to "request" one of their own, and they managed to bargain for the same opportunity for their sister. While they both knew what they wanted for their funky little staff buddies, Laika had troubles with theirs "coming to life." For palismen to bond with their witch and be active, the witch first has to say their deepest desire, what they want in life. Laika had no idea what they wanted out of life, and for awhile their little buddy simply stayed still until a late night where when angrily ranting to themselves, they said they just wanted to be themself throughout life. Then poof! Little ghost buddy sprung to life.
Dynamo, just like their appearance, acts very silly and clown like, mischievous and whatnot. Just like Laika, they love performing, and have helped with shows before. Alto is a slight bit more serious, and unlike her witch Raine, she also enjoy performing. She and Dynamo have put on tiny plays before, and she's also quite protective of the little ghostly ghoul. Bell is mischievous themself, being carved by Darius themself during Hexside. They and Dynamo often playfully make fun of the pining couple, pretending to be swept off their feet by the other and so utterly swooned. Dynamo is only able to be with either of them for a short time nowadays however, since they can only see Bell during the private beach visits Darius and Laika have, while only being able to see Alto if Laika swings by the Bat Queen's forest(Raine had sent their palisman there after being coven head, not wanting a grim fate for their little bat buddy)
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mfdragon · 6 months
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Guess what habit @notllorstel picked up during quarantine. At first it was just blessing themselves but recently they now THANK themselves ON TOP of everything else!
And it just gave me huge Blitzwing energy so, here we are.
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ghostliliane · 2 years
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Art Trade with the amazing @notllorstel !! Check them out and there drawing of my oc Louis <3  This is Peridot and she is just an real Badass of a Character ;3
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