#not very subtle bro
mudinyourshoes · 7 months
fan zerui kissed one (1) cute boy and completely forgot he was in the mafia
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braisedhoney · 11 months
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looks are deceiving.
back in the day i would have given anything for these two to fight. they’re already kind of dead, so it’s fiiine they're fiiiine.
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rainbowgaez · 1 month
one thing about being a trans woman in a male dominated space is that before you start transitioning (and early into it), you will just be off-putting to other men. it sucks, but in my experience that just made it easier to avoid people i probably wouldn't have gotten along with anyway.
however, after you hit a certain threshold in transition and performative presentation, you become fly tape for the most desperate kind of weird guys imaginable. you might think this is an improvement. it's better to be liked than shunned and cold-shouldered—and it's hard to argue with that—but the thing about these weird dudes is that they are often not very perceptive, introspective or self-aware, and that complicates an already complicated situation.
you see, they are parched. for weeks, months, years, they've been searching for a pretty girl who they believe is as verifiably skilled and knowledgeable as they think they are. and after suffering through the sweltering sausage desert that is their hobby or interest, they've stumbled upon an oasis. they become infatuated, assured their journey has come to an end so long as they can flatter and impress their way into your heart, something they're woefully confident in their ability to achieve usually. their narrow view of reason is eclipsed because something girl shaped is the perfect size to obscure it.
this is something that pretty much any femme presenting person has probably had to deal with at some point, but as a trans woman it has placed me in this really awkward spot multiple times. most of the time it comes down to two questions:
do they know, and are they going to be weird about it?
i know, ideally, it wouldn't matter, and hopefully i can just turn down their advances and they'll take a hint and fuck off. but that's just the ideal scenario, and like i said earlier, these guys aren't good at picking up hints.
so if they persist, it's like. what do i do? do i tell them in hopes they'll lose interest? that's just one possibility out of several that come from doing that. earlier when i asked "are they going to be weird about it," it's important to mention "weird" means more than one thing in this context. are they suddenly going to start acting angry and violent toward me as if my personal existence is an attempt to deceive them? are they going to become more interested and thereby even harder to make go away? did they somehow already know and that's why they were interested in the first place?
all questions i never want to have to ask nor do i want answered but things i feel i have to occupy myself with to make sure i don't end up in an even worse situation
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elitadream · 2 years
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Just a little headcanon I came up with on a whim.^^ I found interesting that certain items can be quite rare depending on the game and the region, and so I got this idea that Mario would go find a specific one after overhearing the royal servants mentioning it. Being the considerate sweetheart that he is, of course he'd go through the trouble of catching something special to offer it as a gift to Her Majesty. 💝
As for Toad, I like to view his playful side as a mix between "smug little shit" and "best wingman". xD
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piiinkfreak · 7 months
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Cloud recess chaos trio!!
I don't actually really like some parts of this but it is as it is now...
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riverfelloff · 7 months
"i could fix him"
"i could make him worse"
i can do the secret third thing (help him solve the case of his dog that died years ago while slowly falling in love because while he doesn't need love to 'fix' him, he deserves to be shown that people can and should care about him, his dad is wrong for never showing up)
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s0up1ta · 5 months
not to be the chip guy but of course he comes first. chibos little beanie instead of the captains hat is SUCH a great touch !! the fact he still has his necklace and his long coat in a different more cover-up-slut approach makes me insaneeeee god he's so. Just like me frfr. you just drew me but if i had long hair and more bastard swagger that's so coolio bro what the freaksauce... ALSO keeping his belt and piercings make me to happy forever and ever but swagever ! Im normal ^_^ WAITTT also the "coverupslut" tits thing is really funny to me obviously he couldn't be walking around like that in the Real World because it's lame and doesn't support his transgender swagger but I really love how you kept his midriff and the teensiest tiniest little bit of a happy trail because he fucking WOULD wouldn't he. he WOULD fucking look like that. and !! speaking of speaking of that his black crop top thing works really well with both his style and his style of dancing which I think is so awesome sauce broski AND THE BLACK NAILS. THATS IMPORTANT can i get you to make something canon for me from one guy to another you're such a good friend and this isn't me buttering you up at all but on a totally separate note did you know you're hot and cool and all your art is amazing and you're talented and smart. could you make it so jay was the one to paint his nails and he complained forever and ever about it he wad so annoyed but he only complained more when the paint started chipping and he forced her to fix it. staring at you with autism eyes Btw
gillion design is so real forever and ever and I'm totally okay about it bro trust. absolutely LOVE the fact he kept his necklace too but instead it's framed as a gift from pretzel and made as a Kandi necklace :〕 it's so sick ANDDD THE WAY HE DRESSES !!! his baggy black tank-top and belt with the pants bro you Get It he fucking. Would look like that humanized wouldn't he. the bracelets and the also black nails (that. And Again, looking at you with begging and pleading autism eyes. jay probably had to act like she was just SO down to do and felt like it for funsies so she could teach pretzel when in reality chibo just begged her because he's a little bitch and really wanted to bond with gillion because he's an idiot and couldn't think of a better way. Also his paint was chipping and he was mildly annoyed) AND !! THE HAIRRRRR holy shit my friend tumblr user and mutual soup s0up1ta im losing my actual goddamn ever-loving mind over the way you drew his dyed hair it's so fucking pretty dude THE COLORRRRSSSSSS THE COLORS IM BEING POSSESED AND TAKEN AWAY. THE VIBRANCY SNATCHED MY SOUL AND GOT ME VAPORIZED LIKE IT WAS DAYBRINGER SOLOMON SAVE THE WORLD AND SUCK EACH OTHER VAMP4VAMP STYLE MY FINAL MESSAGE
Oh my god. And pretzel. soup im losing my fucking MINDDDDD over pretzel i know when you showed me the (theses aren't posted yet. i get to be in the Cool Exclusive Friend Club for. Asecond >:DDD) drawings of her with the biker helmet i lost my shit then but I need to lose it again. i lose that very frequently. The little patches in her jeans and clips in her messy hair and home-made bracelets covering every part of her body that they can and her big fluffy skirts that mimic her frogtopus arms that spread out and her overalls QND THAT ONE DRAWING. WHERE AHE IS PAINTING GILLIONS EYELINER ON IM. SOUP IM SHAKING YOU IM LOSING OT and also. Of course she would like bluey <3
Now onto the actual writing for just a second because I need to ramble on how well you fucking Captured the way it was written so perfectly because like. Holy fuck dude
Tigers being paired with you Definitely is the best possible outcome because you have created something for me to be Insane about. I could picture everything so vividly and i heard that one line where it was him going "I want you. I want you baby" and i just completely saw your drawing of them arms linked and extended and I lost my MINDD soup. spinning in circles and shimmying like a deep sea isopod ruffling up dirt on the seafloor look at me in my dead ass eye holes because i cannot express enough how much I love that. everything in this fic was pictured entirely in your style and I'm so fucking normal about that I promise. i LOVE seeing the little details you move from both cannon jrwi and your designs into the way they're drawing because, and I cannot stress this enough that this is a good thing, they all look like Them. normally with au's it's them slightly off or that's Them just in a different outfit but NOOO dude you got it so perfect. yeah that IS what they would look like that IS how they would dress and act and look and fucking DANCE bro 🗣🗣‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
and finally just wanted to say the writing is sosososo good forever and ever but that's exactly what I would expect from Tigers101 the fnc guy and chip kisser themself alright not surprised in the least. and with the art being as amazing at going with it not nearly surprised it's sof uckign awesome seeing you grow and get more talented as an artist because DUDE !!!!!! HOLY SHIT YOU HAVE GROWNNNN its so awesome man
anyway leave you with this image
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because i saw the part where chibo blushed and I pictured him in your style and i nearly whisper-screamed faggot out loud before catching myself because I'm tired <3 thank you for being you and so rad and sweet forever and ever and making the sick ass cool ass shit that you do im sohyped and so happy everytime I get. A message or a tag from you because I KNOWWWWW it means I get something to feast apon and i love it so much. already said it once but it's so nice i say it twice suck each other vamp4vamp style and save da world. my final message
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rivet-city-rebel · 2 months
I think the house casting was perfect because I could absolutely see that man being a playboy but then all the *working* women in vegas also have horror stories about being paid for several hours of getting their personalities and likenesses lifted and put into a little file that they have no idea how he’ll use at a later date.
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the-void-painter · 8 months
Dont tell the others, youre my favorite brother.
-the yellow painter
Y̷̤̕ò̷̳ư̶̦'̸̠̄r̵̀ͅe̴̢̚ ̸͓̀n̶̹̎ŏ̶̞t̵̟͗ ̴̟̐v̶̝̀e̸̘͊r̴̜͋y̶̮͒ ̴̡̈́s̶͓̊u̶͚̓b̸͔͘t̸͙̕l̶͜͝e̸͔͘ ̶̳́ȃ̷̱b̴͎̿o̵̤̚ù̵̖t̷̘͊ ̴̃͜i̵̳͒t̸͈̎
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set-phasers-to-whump · 7 months
give your whumpee a cough. nothing more, no fever or chills or anything that would cause them to think they should stay home and rest. just an intense, grating cough and the sore throat it produces, the lowered voice, the exhaustion. just enough to be uncomfortable, but not enough to make them slow down. yeah.
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bubblyernie · 5 months
literally every single one of my ocs (who are dudes, or masc-leaning) are the most doofy-aaaa boyfriend ever. like without fail i don't think i can even write a guy who, regardless of composition and personality, will turn into the most stuttering man-loser the second he's confronted with the sheer beauty/levelheadedness/competency of his boyfriend/wife/girlfriend/whatever
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dutybcrne · 5 months
Kaeya wasn’t one to really get angry as a kid, but the very few times when he genuinely did, it was extremely obvious to everyone, in the way he carried himself.
#hc; kaeya#//Dude had/has like#//Mom type anger bfbfb#//Where his bad mood would just absolutely Contaminate the very room he was in and make the atmosphere utterly Suffocating#//He wouldn’t be confrontational about it either; just be absolutely Frigid; enough that it leaks through his politeness#//Which most of the time was at Luc (after antics gone too far or him pressing Kae abt himself/his past too much)#//Or maids who mouthed off and gossiped a bit too much; esp abt Addie. Which was the most frequent cause#//Only TWICE at Crepus; 1) directly when he tried to pry once; 2) from afar the day he died when Kae saw the Delusion on him#//And ONCE at Addie after Luc left & she tried to lessen the blame Kae heaped upon himself; in reasoning Luc could have; too#//He regrets that one most#//He’s not even overt with it; not usually. But still v palpable to those it’s directed at#//It’sa subtle storminess in his eye; a particular tension in his body.ACertain Tone in his voice; like an air of finality w each sentence#//It was far more obvious as a kid than present day; bc later on he got better at hiding it as smth else#//& as a bab; it was far more jarring to see him acting that way after being used to him being so warm and shy#//For Diluc esp; it was prolly a mad stressful affair each time it happened; no matter how infrequent#//One minute yer bro is jokin around & chilling; then he’s suddenly put what feels like leagues between you & kicked you off Dragonspine#//Tended to show up sometimes during their knight days at the others & ESP in his first few months as Cavalry Captain#//Except he was deffo far more willing to resort to confrontations over insubordination & challenges of his capability in latter#//Before he mellowed out again bc of Jean & Varka and really started picking up the silver tongue’n sly approach more#//It was more efficient seeing people fall apart seemingly from their own doings than do it himself & deal with the troublesome aftermaths#//Nowadays; his Vision acting up if anything is is main tell to if he’s angry or not#//Unless the person knows him REALLY well; or he genuinely can’t hold it back#//But that one is v extreme cases
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beardedhandstoadshark · 7 months
In hindsight, Zhongli presenting himself as a dragon when faking his death was kind of a dick move ngl
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powerfultenderness · 2 years
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an au in which belos makes another grimwalker a couple days before king's tide so when he's defeated the boy is left in the castle and hunter takes care of him(aka hunter gets a baby brother: the au)
The boy's name is jacob since it's the first name that came into hunter's mind in ASIAS so I assume he likes it!! I made him look like a baby version of caleb bc idk if it was established in canon but I think every clone gets closer to caleb's appearance
Hunter acts like his protective big brother but he also kinda sees jacob as his inner child?? he wants to raise jacob the way he wishes he was raised himself,,, the others also ADORE the kid esp luz willow and camilla!!
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totentnz · 8 months
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how the fuck am i supposed to kill this guy if he's just johnny in a different coat of paint?
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