#not to mention the ghostie streams
wackytheorist · 21 days
Hey qsmp tag , we got on trending from sheer depression and angst yippeee!
But something a bit more sincere,
I've never seen so many people so active and even live blogging for badboyhalo this month (understandable ).
I'm terrible at words but the feeling of people who you don't know liking your posts. When your in a smallish fandom and have the casual viewers of the tag memorized(hopefully doesn't come off as creepy my brain does that sometimes.) and see people you don't know participate in it.
It just feels so good.
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azulock · 7 months
Shidou, oliver, nagi and sendo when they wake up ( in the middle of the night ) to find s/o quietly weeping?
I love hurt/comfort, sooooo- maybe s/o is crying cuz of insecurities?
Love ur works❤️💋
- 👻anon
Ask got lost cause I'm a mess but I had copied it to work on another file so it's fine. Anyway ghostie, made a slight change to this one cause I'm a hot girl with nightmare problems, like night terrors actually, and the realistic kind of nightmare, it legit has me waking crying and sitting up, very angst. Funny to say that tho cause the days I was writing this I was having nightmares, the universe has a sense of irony.
gn!reader. Oliver (488 words), Sendo (499 words), Shidou (435 words), Nagi (600 words). mentions of nightmares, but no warnings, only fluff
oliver aiku
It was still pitch black in the room when Oliver woke up to the feeling of something pushing against his body. he didn't need to try and focus his eyes to know it was you - he knew well enough that he kept you in a constrictor like embrace while he slept. though, he did squeeze his eyes in a urgent attempt to get used to the darkness the moment he heard your pained hiccups and choked breath.
Gently, he rubs a large hand over your back and shoulder, gruff voice asking you what's wrong. you hesitate to answer, but stop pushing against him and he takes it as a chance to bring you closer in, burying his face in your hair. when you don't respond, only continue crying against his bare chest Oliver already knows the answer - truth is he knew even before he asked.
He'd already seen you have nightmares, already been woken up by the trashing and incoherent, panicked sleep talking. he just never saw you wake up like this, crying, sweating and choking on your own breath. Oliver takes a moment to fully will his body to wake up, softly caressing your head and back while he does. when the gentle touch doesn't work to stop your crying he pulls you onto his lap, pushing away the covers before getting up with you in his arms.
Even in your confused state you are fast to ask him where he is going, arms weakly surrounding his broad shoulders. when he answers, you furrow your brows and stare at him. "a shower?" you mutter back. "yeah, you know I like showering with you," he answers with a yawn, you knew it was true, and not even in a sexual way, for Oliver it was like a bonding activity. "but it's the middle of the night," you protest and he shrugs. "doesn't matter, we gotta wash away those nightmares, love."
The minute the warm water hits his hand he is brought back to a time when he was a child and his mother used the same thing for him, running a shower to wash away whatever plagued his small mind. to this day, the water still felt grounding to him. it took a bit of coaxing but Oliver managed to get you under the shower with him, the warm stream luring you into it's soothing touch. you let him wash your skin and listen to him babble about nothing at all. soon enough you are talking too, and even laughing at his bad singing as he pulls you into dancing with him, head laying on his chest and listening to his steady heartbeat.
"ah, I think we should leave now before my hands turn fully into raisins," you yawn against his chest. "eh, I wouldn't mind that. did the shower help?" he asks, stiffling a yawn of his own. "yeah, you did too. thank you, Oli."
sendo shuto
Waking up in the middle of the night had never been uncommon for Sendo, he was a light sleeper, and he woke often enough that he'd learned to just will himself back to sleep. but this time he couldn't do it, not when he noticed the sound was coming from his own bed. when the quiet whimpering hit his ears again he almost panicked, sitting up and reaching out to you, only to find you quietly crying, face buried in your pillow.
The moment his hand touches your shoulder you startle, apologizing between small sobs for waking him up, tears pooling in your eyes. at the sight, Sendo almost tears up himself, throwing out his own apologies for not waking up before. he holds you close, face resting in your shoulder as he gently asks you what's wrong, hands caressing your skin as he does so. You pause, hiccuping a bit before whispering to him about your nightmare with only a vague description.
He feels his heart sink, hugging you tight as he tries to sush your cries and clean away your tears. though, when he notices it isn't working, he almost panics again, before calming himself down so he can help. you cry into his chest, tears staining his shirt, and he decides staying in bed just won't do you no good. with gentle words and soft touches, Sendo urges you to get up and out of bed with him, hand never leaving yours as he guides you out of the bedroom.
You protest, insisting that he needs the rest, but he responds that he could never rest knowing you were suffering. he leads you both to the kitchen, soft smile never faltering as he offers to make you tea. when you don't reject it, he feels a little better, putting the kettle on the fire as he tries to make a conversation to distract you. soon enough you hear the familiar whistle, and Sendo gets busy with making you both tea.
Giving you both mugs to hold, he moves to pick up whatever sweet snack you got in the fridge and a mantle he kept on the arm of the couch. with everything in hand, Sendo takes you to the balcony of your apartment, sitting down side by side with the mantle over your legs to keep you both warm. You talk and drink the tea, watching the stars scattered on dark sky above the city. it's peaceful, and although it takes a little, that peace starts to seep to you, your tears drying and the smile returning to your face.
It doesn't take long for your head to be dropping on his shoulder, heavy eyes unfocused as you cling to his arm. "thank you, Shuto, it feels safe with you," it's only a whisper, but it's the loudest thing for him at the moment. "you don't need to thank me, love, I'm always here for this," he replies, even though he doesn't think you can hear.
ryusei shidou
Shidou was always something of a deep sleeper, few are the things that can disturb his slumber before it's time for his alarm to ring - an they usually piss him off. not you, though. the minute he realizes what woke him was your crying form, trembling and gasping by his side in the bed, he is fully alert. few are the things that terrify him, but seeing you like that is one of them.
At first, it's confusing, but it's only half a moment before Shidou has his arms wrapped around you tight. it ceases your trembling, and after a couple seconds your breathing is even again, but tears still fall from your eyes. he asks what is the matter, question whispered in your ear as gently as he manages. you respond with a simple "nightmare" voice quiet and shaky. Shidou had heard you mention them before, he just never imagined it was like that.
Whatever, his surprise doesn't matter now, he needs a solution, something to chase whichever nightmare you had away. he thinks for a minute before his mind slips back to the thing you did the first time you came to his house. something you do together almost once a month. it can't be a bad idea - even if the idea is watch old B horror movies.
And when Shidou offers you don't disagree - though, you did spend a second in thought, one that had him surprisingly tense. so he carries you to the couch, covers and all, before throwing some popcorn in the microwave and setting off to pick up the most ridiculous movie he can thing of - Killer Klowns from Outer Space. it's weird, it's trashy, and it's the thing you two watched at a midnight screening on your first date.
With remote control and popcorn in hand he settles with you under the covers, his eyes spending more time on you than on the screen. where you start the movie still tense and misty eyed, you end it yawning between laughs. and it's like a weight was lifted from his shoulders - Shidou knows he is not the best at delicate situations, but at least this time his methods worked. so when you suggest going back to bed, he feels like he can sleep soundly again.
"ain't you afraid of dreaming with killer clowns, tho?" he remarks with a laugh, muffled by how his face rests against your neck. "nah, killer clowns are easy stuff," you chuckle and shake your head. "besides, even if I do, I know I got you there to protect me."
nagi seishiro
For Nagi, waking up in the middle of the night was rare - it was rarer yet for him to not just immediately close his eyes and fall straight into deep sleep again. though, it was a bit hard to do that when he felt something shaking and hiccuping beside him on the bed. he was about to call it a hassle and try to sleep again when his brain finally snapped and made the connection, noticing the absence of your body wrapped around his own. the shaking and hiccuping were you - fuck, you were crying.
Slowly and carefully he turned around, at a loss of what to do when he saw your trembling form under the covers - but he knew he had to do something. with light hands Nagi pulls the covers just enough so he can see your face, his eyes being met with your red and teary ones. you both freeze for a moment before you bury your face back in the pillow, muttering an apology for waking him up, words almost unintelligible between your hiccups - shit, now he feels terrible.
Still at a bit of a loss, Nagi shakes his head, refusing your apology and trying to ask you what happened as he pulls you to him, your back against his chest. your answer is a small whisper and he only barely understands it, but he is left to wonder how terrible a nightmare gotta be to leave you like this. when you keep crying even as he tries to sooth you, Nagi notices there is no way you can go back to sleep like this, so he sits up in bed and pulls you into his lap, kissing the top of your head.
There is not much he thinks he can do, he has never been the best at dealing with peoples emotions. so Nagi does what he'd do for himself and offers to find something to distract you. he snuggles you comfortably between his legs, head resting on your shoulder as you hug a pillow. at first he tries putting some show or cartoon for you to watch on his phone, but that doesn't prove to be enough to stifle your cries and he finds himself back to the drawing board, and having to think of something else.
It takes a minute of Nagi just silently caressing your head before he thinks of something. muttering against your ear, he asks if you'd rather play something with him. when you nod stretches one arm to reach for the nightstand, opening a drawer and pulling out your switch. he finds something cozy but still engaging enough to keep you entertained, and you settle on letting him hit the buttons while you just make the decisions. Nagi can't be sure how much time passes with you nestled between his arms and legs as he holds the console, but his plan works, and the game distracts you. the tears start drying on your cheeks and your breath evens out slowly, and sure as daybreak, a smile lights you face again.
"sei, thank you for doing this for me," you mutter, words cut by a long yawn. "huh? it's not like you got to thank me, tho, I don't mind it. so, what you want me to do no-" Nagi's answer is cut short just as he looks from the console back to you, finding your eyes closed as you'd fallen asleep in his arms. that night, he stays like that, being thankful he can sleep in any position, just so he can keep you safe.
today's tag sponsors: @wishiknewwhatiwasdoingwithmylife @loser-vxbez
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rhiaarrow · 3 months
Honestly I think Bad and the Late Night Trio is my favorite dynamic that's come out of the QSMP.
And I'm not just talking about qBad, Dapper, Pomme and Richas I'm also talking about ccBad, Dappmin, Pommin and Ricardão.
It's just the little things they do, because they're just so used to each other by now and the adms have become such good friends because of the amount of time they spend together on and off the server.
There's just so many examples that stick in my head because they're just so sweet when you realize that none of this people knew each other this time last year.
Like the time when Richas just showed up in front of Bad randomly one day after the reset (the day that Dapper set up the magnet mining machine) and just went;
"Dapper told me through the magic of discord to come see the cool stuff you've been doing, what am I here to see tio?"
Or when Bad and Dapper were out investigating and Dapper puts down a sign saying;
"Richas won't stop telepathically asking if he can come visit."
To which Bad just offhandedly replies
"If he can Dragon Magic his way here then sure, but I am not walking all the way home already."
And sure enough, a few minutes later we hear Richas' horn sound out as he appears out of the blue, having finally been given permission by Dappmin to join their exploration
Not to mention the amount of times we've arrived and been told by Bad; "So heres what [Richas or Pomme or Dapper or any combination of those 3] and I did off stream. "
Or "No Richas I'm not leaving I'm just sending the Ghosties off."
Or when Bad was attempting to figure out how to bribe Richas into keeping his armour on in Lucky Ducks by figuring out what he loved the most before going
"If you don't put your armour on I'll take away fofoca time."
And then explained to the chat that 'fofoca time' is what Richas calls it when he and Bad hang out after stream and that got Richas to put his armour on immediately.
Or even today when Bad threatened to end stream in order to make Richas use a heart container.
Not to mention the night Pommin and Ricardão spent with ccBad training him in battleship before that day in Purgatory 2 or the night they spent modifying the egg signs together.
My favorite example of how close they are even outside of their characters will still forever be the night when Bad, Richas and Pomme were collecting ice together to cover the favela ocean and Ricardão and Pommin were very obviously sat in a vc together while the mined.
They spent a while teaching Bad and the other how to pronounce certain sounds in their native languages.
Then Richarlyson asked Bad about a sound he struggled with in English so Bad taught Ricardão how to make the 'th' sound in the English language correctly while Pommin judged the noise they were making because Bad obviously couldn't hear.
Then later Bad asks Pomme where Richas went since he wasn't visible on the map and she just stands there before telling him that she knows the location and taking him to the exact coordinates.
And they do that a couple times until Bad finally decides to sneak up on Richas and scares Ricardão so bad that he stops moving completely in game for a solid minute and Pommin is just keyboard smashing on signs because she's laughing too hard at how loudly they screamed.
And then Ricardão had to go afk for a couple minutes later on because someone had come to check on them since they'd screamed so loud so early in the morning and they had to tell them that they were, in fact, fine.
Sure right now the way they interact with each other definitely slightly breaks Bad's rp of not knowing each other, especially with Richas.
But at the end of the day when they hang out together it's not just qBad and Richarlyson, it's also Ricardão & ccBad who have spent a frankly ridiculous amount of hours playing together in the less than a year they've known each other (not counting the time Ricardão admitted to being a fan of BBH for).
In fact Ricardão confirmed to Foolish today that since the reset they're the player with the second highest playtime, after Bad, but only by a little bit, and I just think that's very fitting.
Long story short, I LOVE the late night trio and Bad's dynamic because they're just such a chaotic mess who are all willing to do anything and everything that one of them wants to do, no matter how ridiculous it sounds.
It's soooooooo hard to believe they've not even known each other for a year yet because they just all click so fucking well that it's insane.
People from 4 different nationalities, 3 of them playing speechless eggs, and they've become so close thanks to this server. I just think it's beautiful :')
(It is also 3am so I may just be rambling nonsense, so if this makes no sense forgive me xD)
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cw: MINORS DNI, dead dove do not eat, gender neutral reader, yandere, noncon/dubcon thigh riding, blood kink, mask kink, light knifeplay, fuck or die lite™️, soft dirty talk, blood, mentions of murder, the reader is brutally stabbed, backstabbing (lol you’ll get it), physical assault, death threats, threat of wound fucking, horny Ghostie
Remember to like & reblog if you enjoy my work~ <3
word count: 1,939
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The mist seemed a lot thicker than you remembered.
A constant reminder that you were indeed in the dark, as well as in danger. Especially after some asshole decided to make an offering to thicken it. You’d kill that bastard yourself if you could; but you can’t. You are a survivor, a mouse in the classic game. You couldn’t spill blood other than your own even if you wanted to.
Speaking of a cat and mouse game, you definitely felt like a mouse now. Especially when the cat was right across the dingy hallway, grasping another of your vermin brethren by the throat: Ace.
The man coughed as The Ghost Face held him high against the wall, holding his knife up against the man’s throat. The blade was as long as your forearm, glinting in the crude, broken down lighting of the old manufacturing building you were all thrust into for a trial.
A loud boom sounded through the building; a sacrifice had been completed. The hooks were cruel, and you unfortunately couldn’t get there in time to save your other friend.
You slowly peeked through the crack of the red wardrobe you were currently hiding in, your heartbeat loud in your ears as you heard Ace cough again, you supposed that it meant that Ghostface’s grip was now tighter on the poor man’s throat.
“Where. Are. They?” You heard the masked man’s muffled voice. His breathing was labored; chasing survivors around to murder them was obviously a tiring game. But you knew that the bastard enjoyed it. The last time you were against him he took a crude and bloody photo of you as a “keepsake”, according to him.
“W-Who?!” Ace croaked loudly, his legs kicking out in a weak attempt to try and fight off the black-clad killer.
“(Y/N), you stupid fuck!!” The Ghostface roars as he slams Ace against the wall, making the man nearly crack his skull on the dirty cement. Ace groans, choking and sputtering as he tries to get his bearings again after that attack that clearly made him dizzy. He knew that Ghostface was obsessed with you, stopping at nothing to get near you in every single trial you two were in together. The killer’s never been this angry though, and he was scared that he would get killed early from this crazy fucker. He knew that there was only one way to get out of this, and in the end, it was every man for himself.
You swallow hard has Ace slowly raises a bloody finger, pointing directly at the closet you’ve nestled yourself into. 
Your heart drops into your shoes, the killer slowly turning to face the closet as well. You hear him chuckle as he drops the squirming and injured man, letting him scramble up off of the floor and watch with wide eyes.
His boots sound heavy as they get closer to you, your eyes wide and your heart leaping out of your chest. You knew he was toying with you, there was no way that he ever wanted to go slow at anything. You were supposed to be scared.
The double doors swung open before you could even blink, and without thinking you tried to scamper away as if you even had a chance against him. You screamed as the killer grabbed at you, wrapping his arms around your waist and throwing you to the ground, knocking the wind out of you.
“Aw now, don’t run off now sweetpea, we’re just gettin’ started!!” Danny laughs as he sits on top of you to stop you from wiggling.
“NO!!!!” You scream out as you see Ace run off, tears streaming down your cheeks at the prospect of being alone with the lunatic that meant you harm. You wiggle harder, managing to break free from under Ghostface for but a fleeting moment before you feel something roughly pierce your shoulder blade... something sharp.
You scream as Ghostface’s knife pierces you, white-hot pain coursing through your body as you feel ribs crack and blood gush from the wound. You can hear him cooing loudly at you over your screaming, but you couldn’t fully understand what was being said. If you were being honest with yourself, you really didn’t care.
“Aww now, hush!!~ It’s gonna be fine! You’re gonna die anyways!” Danny laughs like it’s the funniest joke ever. He swiftly pulls the knife from your back, listening closely to your whimpering and crying.
He flips you over and you can hear him breathing heavily as he grabs your arms and blood gushes from your shoulder blade. “Y’know what, you sweet little thing? I wanna play just a little…” He chuckles, muffled by the mask as well as the blood rushing through your ears. “Ju-Just a little, I promise! That blood is... it’s fuckin’ hot...” He swallows, his mask getting closer to your face the more he speaks.
“Unluckily for you, though-” He grunts as he lays you flat and hovers over you, suddenly grabbing your neck and squeezing.  “You won’t be seeing my handsome face... This time around anyway~” He jokes as you cough and kick hard; a feeble attempt to escape again. You can feel your own sticky blood pooling on the floor from your open wound, and it made your heart beat even faster and your adrenaline flow, your body practically moving on its own.
As you struggle, you hear him softly grunt, as if he didn’t wanna mention what was wrong in that moment. You finally realize, and it’s horrid. In his efforts to cage you in and trap you under him, he had put his knee in between your legs, causing your sudden movements to rub against him. Was he... turned on by this?! What a fucking pervert... You stop in your attempts to move after that realization, opting to try moving your legs up to kick him in any way. That only made it worse, his breathing getting labored as he just watched you eerily with that goddamned mask.
“Hey!!!” He shouted suddenly, slamming your body onto the cold floor and bringing you back up again, holding you close to him. “Who fuckin’ said you could stop?” He asked deeply, his voice deep and smooth but sinister at the same time. The rubber of the mask touched your nose as he stared you down, your body shaking under such a dangerous gaze. He sighs, grabbing your hips as he sits you right on his thigh. You felt even more like a mouse, but now you were in the cat’s jaws.
“Move your hips, baby...” You hear him order, his breath heavy with anticipation. You don’t comply for a moment, staring him down in defiance. “Don’t make me fuck that bloody hole in your back instead, you little bitch.” Danny growls as he reaches around you to poke a finger in your gushing wound to make you squeal, which you do.
This time, you comply, knowing that him getting angrier would lead to a worse fate than this. You slowly move your hips over his toned thigh, your warmth rubbing against the fabric of his bloodstained pants as well as your clothing. Your cheeks were hot, and you had to admit that the friction felt good. But with someone who planned to kill you? Maybe he wouldn’t if you gave him what he wanted...
“That’s it, sweetness... Mm, you’re so warm...” He huffs desperately, his hands gripping your hips hard as he helps you along, pushing you down as he moves his leg for a better angle. “Yeah, that’s it... Good ‘lil baby...” He praises again and again as you ride him, a gentle whimper from the building pleasure escaping your throat without permission. You can feel your body reacting harshly to everything that has happened, truly obvious from the stain that has appeared on The Ghost’s pants. It all happened so fast, your brain was fuzzy. His hips started to hump against you, begging for some kind of attention in the place he needed you most.
You could hear generators being completed and the lights getting brighter. The other survivors were probably wondering where you were, and your heart stung from the thought that they might just leave without you.
Danny watched as you tried to quickly get yourself off, smiling under the mask at how funny this situation was to him. He never thought you would be this obedient... But he liked it. The killer knew that he should have done this sooner if you were going to be this good of a fucktoy!~ Leather gloves grabbed at your cheeks, squishing them and making your moans muffle just a bit as he forced you to grind on him faster. His index finger forces itself into your mouth, rubbing your tongue with vigor as he continues to move you. A twinge of blood from your wound coats your taste buds, and your warmth throbs from how good it tasted. “L-Look, sweetcheeks- mmh- I’m okay with not cumming this time... Just this once, y’hear?? But- shit, you gotta move just a teensy bit faster if you wanna get off by the time this is over!” Ghostface cackles hoarsely, gripping your hips harder still. You moan in response, panic flooding your being with a sense of primal urgency to not only cum, but to get out alive.
You suddenly hear the door alarm; the others had finished with the gens, but still no one was coming for you. You can hear them opening the giant door to escape. Your sense of panic grows, making your hips twitch with both desire and fear. “D’aww.. they’re leavin’ without you, honeybun... so sad!~” Danny croons playfully, groaning softly still as you continue to move on top of him. Your brain freezes over, the fear skyrocketing and making everything more... pleasurable? You weren’t sure how that could happen, but you let out a louder moan as you look down to see the Ghostface’s built thigh under you, rubbing on your precious parts with lust. You moan again, unable to contain the fact that your brain is beginning to melt into nothing with pleasure, your hips finally moving on their own.
Your moans get louder and louder, the indication that you were getting close spurring Ghostface on to grip you tighter, his leg moving in sync with your body to help you along. “That’s it! Cum for me, darling~” The killer calls. Your breaths get heavy, cheeks warm as the feeling building in your tummy finally snaps at his command. Your back arches as you cry out, your broken screams accompanied by the laughter of a psychopath.
“What a good baby!!~ You made me so proud!~” He coos, nuzzling his mask on your cheek as you come down from your high, your legs shaking and your hips twitching. He gushes over you, showing you the stain you left on his pants as well as yours, giving your cheeks a pinch with his leather gloves. You can barely feel anything as Ghostface picks you up, and you wonder if he’s just going to hang you on a hook and fuck you there until the Entity came to claim you. If you were being honest with yourself, you would rather that have happened.
Instead, he drops you right at the gate: wide open and welcoming you through to the other side. As a goodbye until your next trial, Ghostface jabs his finger into your wound, cruelly twisting as you writhe and scream on the ground. He cackles wildly, kicking you right in the gut to get you through the door.
“’Til next time~”
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din0lover · 3 months
Can I just say bbh recent stream is so unique and intriguing as we see a better glimpse of the eggs as well as seeing a bbh perspective take on the ghosties while they stick to the eggs dapper and pomme they collectively have shown curiosity of wandering off or shown distress collectively when a mention of the ghosties its fun seeing ccbbh rp as us ghosties :D
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gooperts-gunk · 2 months
i love how ever since the ghostie pov streams when q!bbh was dead, bbh has picked up the chat bit we had of "WHO'S HOLDING THAT?!", "WHO'S PILOTING US RIGHT NOW?!", and similar things. there's a sad song that keeps coming up on his playlist and he always says "which one of you put that in there?"
honorable mention: our "WE HELP" has leaked to him and sometimes he says "we/i help" (not to mention he was also saying "we help" with the easter egg ghost captions)
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wildpeachfarm · 2 months
I am fully on the side of George wasn’t being malicious and honestly I don’t believe he sexually assaulted her. But I feel like everyone has kinda stopped feeling any sympathy for Caiti. I think she actually really has trauma from this and was uncomfortable but didn’t know that she had her own body autonomy to move or tell him to take his hand off. She’s probably been getting so much shit in her comments and that’s why she privated everything. I don’t know why she hasn’t streamed maybe she was expecting everyone to be on her side and now that not everyone is she doesn’t know where to go or maybe she’s just idk planning what she wants to say.
I genuinely think some of yall have to give Caiti more grace with this
I understand that caiti might have deeper issues which is why she reacted like that, however she needs to understand that stealing SA language to paint a horrific and very inaccurate picture of george during that first stream genuinely made it so much worse. And lying by omission by not mentioning the cuddling AT ALL, and then ghostie contradicting her story, and then the mess with the text screenshot being fake/incorrect just really makes it worse which I think is what is making people upset at her.
at least for me, I always keep a reminder in the back of my head that she clearly was upset on that stream and this clearly affected her in some way, but she also made a ton of mistakes when dealing with this and I just want to see her even attempt to correct that y'know? I want her to heal and be done with this, but also not act like she didn't make her own mistakes as well
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charliecuntcicle · 8 days
i wanted to do my own (much smaller lmao) version of the love letter to qsmpblr that everyones been doing
i took a massive break from twitch for a while from 2022-late 2023 so i didn't join the qsmp at the beginning. the first streams i caught were from purgatory 1 and you can guess how confusing that was lol. soulfire was my introduction to the qsmp which i guess is kind of poetic because thats mostly who i stuck with to this day.
tubbo has been my favorite guy to post about for the past couple months and as a tubbling since 2021 ill be continuing to follow him wherever he goes. ive been following charlie even longer so you can be sure ill be sticking with him too <3
i didn't start posting about qsmp for a while because at the time i was a purely dc comics focused blog so my first ever post tagged qsmp comes from december 26th 2023. so i havent been here as long as a lot of others rehbdsk
BUT even though i havent been here too long, i still have so so many positive experiences and i wanna acknowledge some key people who have made it super fun for me here
@qtubbo literally would not be here if it wasnt for you. you were one of the first if not THE first qsmp blogs i followed and your tubbo liveblogging saved me so many times as a pst tubbo viewer
@terezicaptor and @keirawantstocry THE GUYS EVER. i think youre the ppl on qsmpblr i interact with the most. oakley *grips you by the shoulders* you get it. you get it soooo bad. #toxictubblingstogether. and your art is sooo *chef kiss* jay your writing is amazing and you are so easy to talk to. your tina and quackity love is the realest thing ever. you both made me feel v welcome here and youre two of my fav moots so tyy <3
@ultra-raging-ghost the ghostie of all time. you are EVERYWHERE. i think youre secretly 5 ppl running 1 blog. you are insane in the most /pos way possible. could not ask for a better chat to be married to
@thesmpisonfire we have barely interacted but youre literally THE FUCKING GOAT for organizing language day and it would feel wrong to make an appreciation post without including you
@starriknight its always so so fun to see your name pop up 10 million times in my notifs <3 and getting to meet you properly and talk with you in the qsmpblr discord the past couple days has been wonderful
SPEAKING OF THE QSMPBLR DISCORD @sarcastictissy ty for making it and ty for staying so positive all the time its always really nice to see a positive spin on things <3
@tubborucho your post was the one that inspired me to make my version so ty ejcbhwdj and its always super fun to see you in my notifs
@qsmpbutwithsignlanguage its so nice to see another asl user here as i dont really get to meet many on the internet since its a visual language and youre always so kind ty <3
@royalarchivist THE FUCKING GOAAAATTTT!!!!!! i do not think you sleep but thank you for your service as the clip collector of all time
and im sure theres so many people im forgetting to mention but ty ty ty to everyone on here and everyone else on qsmpblr <3
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artemfication · 2 years
“MC goes Buzzfeed Unsolved with the demon brothers while fucking with the entire human realm internet!” Part 1
CW: swearing. Lots of swearing, mentions of death/murder, all the typical stuff related to summoning entities, haunted places, live streaming, not proof read.
MC goes ghost hunting in the human realm
“What’s up everyone, it’s…around five in the afternoon, I just arrived at this abandoned school, which is said to be haunted by the students who were murdered by the janitor if they stayed too late. I heard about it from some people who went here before and so, I decided to check for myself! I got my ghost communicator with me, my camera, extra batteries and my camping gear, so we’re going to spend the night and see what happens!” MC turns the camera to the view ahead of them as they approach the school and takes some nice shots from the building as a whole. They decided to make it a live video instead of an edited one so all the raw footage would be there for everyone to see. It’s quite misty already as it’s fall, dead leaves scattered across the ground and the enormous trees stand leafless on the side of the concrete school walls. Once MC reaches the door, they slowly push it open, triggering the creaking sound. The chat is going crazy with anticipation and are asking them to explore the school.
“You guys ready to set up camp to spend the night?”
Chat enthusiastically tells them they’re all ready, before MC starts putting all of their stuff behind the secretary desk next to the school’s entrance.
“”Why do you always go by yourself?” I don’t really have a reason for that to be honest. Perhaps it’s because I don’t get scared easily? Hmm…I’m not even so sure myself. But the thrill of doing all this alone it probably what makes it worth doing these kind of livestreams!”
“Oi MC, is there really no way ya can just spend the holidays in Devildom?”
“I would have loved to, but I got to make the content too y’know. Don’t worry I’ll be back before you know it! In the mean time, why don’t you study up on the place I’m camping at? You gotta make it all believable for the humans to get a good scare.”
“I gotta say, you’re videos are way better than the series “I died while saving a cat from an incoming train and now I’m the guardian angel of a ghost hunter, but he believes I am an actual ghost so now I have to do ghosty things”, I can’t wait to see how your next video is going to turn out.”
“MC, don’t forget the promise about the food…”
“No worries Beel, I got you! When I travel back, I’ll make sure to pick up some additional fast food on the way.”
Looking back on their time in Devildom, they smile as they remember how the seven brothers and the Purgatory crew always tried to stall them from leaving. Making many promises to ensure their return and trying to become their favorite.
“Hmm…does the building still have electricity?” They mumble in wonder and plug in the charger of one of the battery chargers. A faint buzz can be heard, but surprisingly the building does have electricity.
“Oh right, I heard that in one of the classrooms a student got killed, there was said to be a drawing of a pentagram of some sort. I’m not sure if it was done by students themselves, as this building has been visited by other people or if some mad ass cult tried to summon Caspar the friendly ghost. But hey, if we can make use of that, why not try it out?”
To the rest of the human world, MC might be the craziest person in existence. Why would you giggle and bat your lashes in front of a possible demon, while filming with some tiny 4K camera for a living?
Chat is losing it and trying to predict any possible outcomes, some saying it’s a hoax while others try not to claim any evil energy.
MC is casually looking around the empty hallways that echo their footsteps as they proceed deeper inside the enormous building which was once a boarding school.
A sudden bonk makes MC jump and they look around to find any movement or clue about the source of the sound. When there is nothing but silence, they start discussing with chat what it could’ve possibly been. Some suggest something breaking, like a part of the vent, or perhaps something that fell from the wall. Some say it could just be a window or door slamming shut.
“A-alright, how about we go back to camp, eat something and perhaps I could tell you a fun story about the underworld, hmm?” MC won’t lie and say that was an unexpectedly scary moment, even for them.
“Y’know how I filmed with this other ghostuber a while back? I recently spoke to him again and he told me he completely stopped with the ghosthunting videos. He was way too freaked out when he went with me, holding his holy watergun and saying prayers. I guess encountering an actual demon was a but too much for him…do you think it was because I challenged the demon to take my soul? Mmh…? “Didn’t you sell your soul to capitalism?” Fuck you’re right, my poor wallet and my back, why must I suffer like this while I’m still so young!? Let’s not talk about the fucking minimum wage and the damn prices of homes! I’m sorry god, I said damn, won’t happen again, oh wait fuck I just said it the second time, nevermind…” the sudden sound of a door closing makes MC jump a little and they fall silent instantly, turning off their light and looking over their shoulder as they try to catch another sound to identify the presence of another person. The bang echoes through the building.
“God if that was you, I deserved that.” MC whispers, mentally apologizing to Simeon and Luke for provoking their lord, while chat is kekeing in the comments. They absolutely love to see their favorite ghoststreamer suffer. MC once tripped over absolutely nothing and the day after, people had made memes of them falling, spreading them all over the internet. Even the demon brothers got ahold of them and frequently use them in their groupchat. Mammon tried capitalizing on the meme, but failed as they were already everywhere. Took MC a week to get him out of his sulky mood about lost Grimm. But some cuddles made it better.
“Okay so this is the point where we start whispering, y’know…because now that it’s dark, there’s a big chance entities will start becoming active through the soul of those murdered students…” MC gulps quietly as they silence themselves to catch any sound. It is deadly quiet for a few moments until MC hears the faint sound of footsteps. They continue for a while and they dare to guess it comes from the stairway.
“Fuck…I think those were actual footsteps…it might be the ghost of the janitor…looking for anyone who is still up past curfew…” quickly turning off the light, they sneak a peek around the corner of the frontdesk, but they are met by an empty hallway with lockers on the side as usual. The sound has faded and it is as quiet as it was before.
“Shit, shit, shit, okay…we need to find a way to not run into the janitor…if it is the actual ghost. I have no idea how we’re going to be able to identify him, but I do know that the janitor’s room is on the second floor….”
“Ah there you are!”
Part 2
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dance-like-an-idiot · 2 months
i don't even know what to say right now because im in such shock (i haven't cried yet and i cry at concerts)
i just need to say that i love the admins so fucking much. they mention not feeling respected very often and for whatever its worth i can say with confidence that i respect every single one, and every person who worked behind the scenes. you deserved that respect, and while i and everyone else is heartbroken to see you go, that we respect and understand your decision because you deserve the respect you weren't given at the studio.
in my little ghostie heart, i can say with confidence that the acting, lore, creativity, and every ounce of hard work put into the project paid off beautifully. the qsmp was what it was because of the eggs and their stories. thats how it became so popular, and even the admins that weren't eggs gave so much life into the server its insane. every night when i would be watching bad's streams, or someone elses, seeing the world with all the npcs built into it and being so important was beautiful. the world and characters were all so beautiful. the effort paid off but the admins weren't getting paid for the effort.
i can ramble about this forever, but i just want to say that i stand firmly with the admins and will continue to create my aus and headcanons for qsmp (maybe its time to write the dappleduo omori au)
everyone please take care of yourself, and make sure you find someone to give you a big hug because you deserve it.
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rhiaarrow · 3 months
With Bad joking about preparing to go live as a hermit if the eggs are gone for a long time it really got me thinking about how important the eggs and their eggy actors have been to him.
Not that they haven't been important to everyone, the eggs are such a huge part of the server but tonights ramble is about Bad.
To the shock of absolutely no one! I'm a Ghostie first and foremost, with a hyperfixation and a penchant for writing novel length rambles. This is just the usual atp :')
Before the Qsmp Bad was not a daily streamer, not even close, just check his vods channel. Hell, even when he joined the QSMP he didn't stream every day of the start of the server. He only streamed one or two days for a handful of hours...but then he got Dapper.
And with him being a single parent Bad had to log on every day to do Dapper's tasks.
(Yes, Q was also a single parent but he had ppl babysit Tilin, also she died within the first 2 weeks of her being around soooo yeah, different circumstance)
Then because Bad was on every single day he took up a position of babysitter for most of the eggs since their parents couldn't be on as frequently.
To begin with it was mostly just Tallulah, she could've been taken care of by Philza but her schedule didn't originally line up with Phil's so it was easier for her to wake up for Bad to do her tasks.
Then Ramon started joining them some nights so he could hang out with Dapper.
Then Bad became closer with the French and started to watch Pomme for them when they logged off for the night since Pomme was a night owl.
Then Vegetta stopped logging in as often and Leo kept barely missing Foolish so Bad started taking care of Leo's tasks when Foolish couldn't and she started spending time with him as well.
Then Richas started hanging out with Dapper and Pomme, so they formed the late night trio and hung out almost every night which eventually became Richas just hanging out with Bad whenever he felt like it.
Then Pepito arrived and since Roier wasn't on as often late last year Pepito would hang out with Bad and Foolish most days.
Then Em immediately decided that Bad was her favorite Uncle and would hang out with him when Bagi went to bed if she wanted to stay up.
When the eggs disappeared, rather than his usual 6-10 hour streams Bad was streaming 3-5 hours because his entire time on the server was usually spent hanging out with the eggs.
I've rambled before about how qBad and Tio Bad are two separate things because Tio Bad isn't rp, it's just ccBad atp but I feel like some people don't realize the extent to which ccBad spends time with the Eggy actors.
Every single stream, from 5-12 hours, he's only ever without an eggy companion for a couple of hours maximum.
I mean there's the probability of each egg just showing up to hang out with Bad at any point in the day,
Obviously you've got these 3;
Dapper, Pomme, Richas - highest probability
Then these 3;
Empanada, Pepito,Tallulah, - high probability
Then these 5;
Ramon, Chunsik, Sunny - low probability
Chayanne, Leo - lowest probability
There is no egg that has never shown up randomly to hang out with their Tio Bad (and yes I am counting the Ghostie streams in this, it was still ccBad so yknow)
ccBad spends so much time with them.
Not counting all the stuff he's done on stream with all the eggs, he has;
built the snowman with Talluladmin and Pommin,
played battleship with Pommin and Ricardão,
worked on create farms with Dappmin,
worked on the signs with Pommin and Ricardão,
built decorations with Empanadmin and Pommin
Just to name a couple of the stuff we know, not even mentioning the nights they just spend together after stream doing nothing important
The server feels especially empty as a Ghostie because ccBad himself is just so used to hanging out with not just the eggs but the eggy actors as well.
His days are usually dictated by what one of the eggs wants to do, not even necessarily his kid.
If an egg wants to go on an adventure to find a particular thing but knows it's rare or could take a while, they know that the easiest thing to do (if they don't want to drag their parents to do it) is probably ask Tio Bad to take them to look for it. Em's done it, Tallulah's done it, Sunny's done it, Pepito's done it, Leo's done it, literally every egg except Chay and Chun.
His ass is always online and always willing to do anything for the eggs, unless it's ridiculously dangerous, then he draws the line.
If that man does go live as a hermit due to everything reminding him of the fact that the eggy actors are temporarily on break I will not be shocked.
ccBad spends so much of his time with them, not just their little eggy characters.
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dnfnoodles · 3 months
george mentioned that they let them know that they used to think bad about them right? Which just confuses me even more because why party with them at all? If she didn't like nor trust them why did she leave caiti there?? Im pretty sure ghostie mentioned in her stream that she felt like she could trust them to take care of caiti while she left to throw up right? But now we know that thats a lie so like???????? Huh????
I think he meant that they thought that before meeting them so either it must have changed during vidcon 1st day or the hotel party on 1st day and the whole situation happened on hotel party 2nd day? that’s how I understood it at least
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c-ronus · 16 days
ok I've seen alot of people give kind of there story of how they got into fable so to the best of my memory here's mine:
Tw: mentions of death and cancer
So i found fable around 3 strikes that was my first lore stream that I remember and I found fable in general when I was about to go into my first year in secondary school and I was alone I had no friends from my primary school with me and I was scared that I'd be bad at making new friends. (spoiler I was and am) I was scrolling on tiktok and I kept getting this videos of an smp called fable smp and there was this one cosolayer that I recognised from their technoblade cosplay (I used to watch cosplay compilations on YouTube before tiktok) so I followed them and didn't think much of it.
A little while later I was on twitch waiting for an mcc to start and I saw someone streaming and I recognised not only the cosplay that they were in but also the user name: sherbertquake56 so I decided to check them out and they where bloody awesome.(I started following them on November 28th 2021)
Then 3 strikes happened and I was hooked I joined the discord and was just chilling watching sherbert perspective, but then I got busy with school and was struggling to keep up but I tried my best, it didn't help that I could never watch them live but that didn't stop me. But over the next few months I did kind of stop watching it was coming up to Christmas and I had alot of exams but then in April I'm not sure exactly what dragged me back but it was heyhay, who again I recognised from the cosplay compilations I used to watch spicificly the dream XD cosplay as that was the first cosplayer that I saw that looked like me, so on April 8th 2022 I was dragged back into fable then later in June 6th 2022 I found ghosty, and those where my people and I was happy, it was summer and it was great.
But then around half way through my second year at school my best and only friend left and I was alone, again but again I found so much comfort in watching fable on days when I truly thought I had no one and it was like that for a while. I finished out my second year and I want alone anymore, although physically I was still quite lonely I had friends, Fable brought me first Bean and from there it cascaded into so many people I now consider family (rora and wonder to name two) and I was ok with that I knew I wasn't alone and that I had people and is still have them so much so that in a few days (4 days from when I'm writing this) me and bean will have been together for a year and that's unreal to me.
Like everything tho it wasn't ment to last, that summer my family found out that my granny had cancer it hit everyone like a pile.of bricks, it seemed like she was doing well, we had her so much longer than we thought we would, but in December we lost her and fable was there again but so we're my friends.
I'm now almost finished my third year at school and in 2 weeks I have my first set of state exams and although there won't be any new fable stories to watch I know that the streams I've come to love and find comfort in will be there and so will my friends. I'm still not great at makeing or keeping friends but I think slowly I'll find all of my people and it will be good.
So thank you fable smp, to the cast I can't wait to see what comes next from you in your next story or adventure! and to the community, over all I was very quiet with my presence in this community like I am with all of them but in my little corner I was so bloody loud about it and I can't ask for a better community for that!
wewo this was fun :3 (ok I'm done being sappy about fable I promise)
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writersplight · 6 months
Characters: Bruschetta (my Trigun sona), mentions of other trisonas (Penance + Ghost, from the disc server im in!) Summary: Bruschetta tags along on a mission and Content warning: getting shot (hoplophobia?), blood Word count: 483 There was a loud bang, followed by the retreating footsteps of the enemy yelling something. Bruschetta didn’t hear anything for a second, but they felt everything. As if to hide it, they slap a hand over it. Penance, Ghost, and two others check themselves. Even when it matters, they’re bad at remembering names. They’re clean. “We’re good,” one of them calls, before turning around to Bruschetta, “and you?”
Bruschetta don’t meet their eyes, tears already welling in their eyes. And their face always gives away if they’re lying. Instead, they laugh. Over how stupid getting shot first is. How they were prepared for anything but a blow to the gut. Over their racing thoughts that land on one person who isn’t here. Bruschetta slumps against a wall, trying so hard to hide it. Their laugh dies, and it feels like it’s bouncing off the walls and mocking them, but their sad smile stays. “Hah. . . Ah, ol’ Chetta’s gotta rest a bit. Y’all go on. I’ll be there in five.” They fall to the floor faster than they meant to, and Ghost is at their side in an instant. As always, Bruschetta can’t see their eyes, but his gaze feels sharp. They try to fight against the other from removing their hand from their wound, but it’s to no avail. Ghost pries their hand from their wound, and just. . . stares. There’s one more weak attempt to tug away, but he keeps their hand where it is. “Ghostie, let’s not overreact here. It just looks worse than it is,” Chetta lies with a big smile, “Go on now. Please.” He shakes his head no. It forces them to laugh, which makes them cough. They can’t hide the blood anymore. Not to mention how they’ve been fighting against the room slowly spinning. A little bit due to blood loss, mostly because of the smell of their own blood—the admission of their own mortality. “Heh. . . I guess you don’t know when to let go either, huh? Ah, dear Ghostie. . .” They finally turn their gaze and body towards Ghost. Bruschetta gives them their full attention, instead of watching the blood soak their shirt fabric. A beautiful purple soiled by a deep crimson. . . How stupid are they for wearing their favorite clothes on this mission. They weren’t even listening when it was briefly discussed what they were doing here. . . They just wanted to spend time with Ghost. Speaking of family. . . Chetta pushes up their glasses to make full eye contact. Through the hair, they’re sure they’re looking at Ghost’s eyes. They don’t care if they’re looking back or not. It doesn’t matter. They’re here—and also blind, from what they remember. Tears stream down their face, smile as wide as ever. Their voice wavers, thick with tears and blood and probably snot, but they press on. Not that it matters, they think bitterly, but regardless. . . “Please, don’t tell my sister.”
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iguessitsjustme · 2 years
Ghost Host, Ghost House Ep 3 Thoughts
-Surprise! I’m posting like this again! This is because I am crashing from the massive amount of caffeine I consumed earlier and this is the only way I’ll stay awake throughout the episode.
-I don’t know who has their car radio up so loud but do they mind?? I’m trying to watch my spooky show.
-I like that the comedy aspect of this show is built into the plot. It’s not shoved down our throats in a slapstick way. The comedy is that Kevin is a ghost hunter that struggles to find ghosts but he’s living with ghosts and doesn’t know. And in the comedy, there is inherent tragedy. Kevin’s family is dead. But they love him and worry about him so they’re unable to move on just yet. 
-I like the little logo for the show that sometimes appears on the screen. It makes me feel nostalgic for some reason. Also I like the fonts. 
-How is Kevin part of the ghost hunting community and doesn’t know that the house he’s currently living in is one of the places to look?
-Does he dress like a ghostbuster every time he goes looking for ghosts? Should I watch those movies?
-PLUEM! He’s scared of ghosts but he still went into the house to get Kevin? Or is this another trick that that ghost is pulling?
-TWO PLUEMS. The one that’s more scared is the real one. 
-What if neither of them are Pluem? Hmmm? What then? Also my guy, you went ghost hunting with the intention to live stream it and you didn’t charge your phone? My guy, you need to work on your preparation skills. 
-Kevin scaring Pluem to freak him out and know who the real one is, I love him. 
-Pluem, I love you. This is a precious scene. This is DARLING. 
-Oh, this pillow has been by my heater and it’s warm. Oh this is nice. 
-I LOVE A PINKY PROMISE. Aw I feel cheated. 
-This soundtrack makes me feel like I’m watching a Disney channel Halloween movie and I mean that in a good way. I love those movies. 
-Had to pause to rant for a second so I haven’t actually finished this scene but WHAT the FUCK does Kevin mean that his mother married a new guy and now he doesn’t get to eat as much Thai food anymore. EXCUSE ME? Who marries someone from another culture and doesn’t want to eat as much of that culture’s food as possible? Also imagine having someone that willingly cooks you authentic Thai meals and being like “actually no.” Also her Thai son doesn’t get to eat his favorite foods? That’s like taking away a whole chunk of his culture and I bet that man didn’t even try to learn any Thai or anything and don’t mind me I’m just livid. 
-The FLIRTING. These two are cute. Two cuties surrounded by ghosties. 
-Off to become another one of these little ghosts in this show since these two are so cute they’re gonna kill me.
-Car radio, hush, I’m trying to enjoy my boys.
-STOP ENDING THE HAND HOLDING. Let it continue forever please and thank. 
-PLUEMJAI LMAOOOOO. I love these boys. 
-“I don’t want to be just friends.” “I don’t either.” IN FRONT OF A LIVE AUDIENCE. Am I dead? Am I dying? How is it possible that these boys got this cute this quickly?
-Have I ever mentioned anywhere how much I love it when someone’s texting/messaging their crush and they’re rolling around in their bed all giddy and happy about it? Absolutely love that. 
-HOW are there still people at the bar behind my apartment when it’s this cold outside? Don’t live in a city, people, the noise will never stop. (I actually love it, I just hate the bar. Them and their damn bocce ball courts). Stop interrupting my BL watching! Please and thank.
-I want a pairing with See-foon and this ghost staff man. 
-Is if Kawin or Kevin? I feel like they said in the first episode but I don’t remember and MDL says Kawin but I keep thinking it’s Kevin. Am I losing my mind? Probably. I think the caffeine got me. 
-Wait but being reborn as a cat sounds good actually. That should be top tier. 
-Oh how sad talking about these paintings. And how he’s giving them all to Kevin. Because his children won’t grow up and Kevin is the only person he can leave them to. And Kevin will appreciate them. Oh I’m having very big emotions about this scene. I didn’t think this show would get to me like this but it is. I’m gonna need a moment. 
-Okay moment had. This show, in this seemingly innocuous scene has managed to actually make me cry. I can count on one hand the number of shows/movies that have made me cry. This is damn impressive. Like actual tears. What the fuck. 
-Did Pluem just experience a loss? A whole trauma? And he’s still just a kind, thoughtful, caring young man. Whoever put him through this, let me at ‘em. I’ll kill them. Look at that precious, darling boy. If he doesn’t get a hug IMMEDIATELY, I will explode. 
-See-foon just casually used telekinesis in front of Kevin literally one foot away and Kevin noticed NOTHING. 
-Is every episode going to end with people just…entering this house?
-Why did you wait until breaking into the house to show your partner in crime what you’re there for?
-These robbers are not very good at their not-a-job
-The family going all horror movie on the robbers is so funny. THIS is how you do comedy. 
-Also does Kevin not hear their screams? Isn’t he live-streaming?
-It seems like the ghosts can manipulate their appearance but I’m not sure if See-foon has worn any other shirt? Or it might be a different shirt but it’s the same yellow color. He is constantly set apart from his family by that spot of bright color and I’m not sure why that is. The ghosts are already “other” and he’s being set even further apart.
-Oh so Kevin didn’t hear the robbers because he’s not there? Or maybe he heard them and fled. What’s happening here?
-Does Kevin KNOW? Did he see their horror movie show? Cause honestly, once he gets over the shock of their death, I think he’d appreciate their approach.
-First of all, that preview, they’re so cute. Second of all, Kevin KNOWS. But when did he find out is the question. 
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The First Two Weeks of Dream SMP Season 2: In Review
So two weeks of Dream SMP Season 2 have passed, and so far it’s been unlike any post-war period before. Far from being a peaceful lull, Season 2 has been perhaps the most chaotic, tension-filled, dramatic “peacetime” the SMP has ever had.
Let’s summarize!
Overall, the tone of Season 2 has been both similar to Season 1 while taking on some new changes. For one thing, there’s a far greater emphasis placed on lore, backstories and family dynamics. 
Questions from the ridiculousness of Season 1 are being answered in Season 2, sometimes with some strange or cursed-sounding results. For example, the circumstances of Fundy’s birth were mostly a joke in Season 1 (I’m pretty sure they went literal months without even mentioning Sally’s name once), but now that there’s effort being made to explain it, as well as the birth of certain other Sleepy Bois, we’ve gained some...interesting...developments...*cough* Phridge *cough*
Since Season 1, Tommy’s become a Sleepy Boi and is therefore incorporated into the SBI family dynamic, especially now that Philza’s joined the server. Ranboo may or may not be Niki’s brother? Fundy and Dream are getting married soon, and Puffy and Niki have a romance as well.
New Members:
In one of the largest waves of new members in SMP history, several new people have been added to the server in a very short amount of time. 
Captain Puffy
Schlatt’s Funeral
Schlatt’s funeral, overseen by Badboyhalo, was held at the edge of New L’manberg. His organs were looted by the citizens. Everyone keeps hinting at possibly reviving Schlatt somehow. Currently, Schlatt’s remaining organs are kept on sale in Puffy’s L’Targay, a new structure on the server replacing Purpled’s Walmart.
Ongoing/New Building Projects
Some important ongoing building projects / new builds include: Karl’s Party Park, HBomb’s L’Cast, Vikkstar and Lazarbeam’s Boomerville, the Prime Path Shops, Purpled’s Skull Base, Awesamdude’s Place of Business, Punz’s house and Eret’s Museum
Important Plotlines/Character Updates: 
Tommy’s done his best to make everyone on the server angry with him, which has currently led to the border skirmish plotline going on right now. He’s destroyed Puffy’s house, George’s house, griefed Fundy’s house and moved Ponk’s tower, leading to some animosity with all of them. His griefing of George’s house especially has  led to Tommy being on probation. Will Tommy be exiled? Or will this lead to another war? L’manburg is looking awfully flammable right now.
One of the other main plotlines that’s been going on has been Fundy’s character arc with Wilbur. Now that Philza’s on the server, and Wilbur’s perma-dead and ghosty, Fundy’s family drama can finally come to a head and break some hearts. Fundy reprises his role as the “main character” of the story for this particular plot, something that hasn’t really happened since the Pet War. This arc started at the very beginning of Season 2 when everyone was rebuilding L’manburg.
Related is the arc of Ghostbur in particular. Wilbur’s stuck around after death, seemingly for some “unfinished business.” He doesn’t remember any negative memories, and continually forgets them whenever somebody tries to hold him accountable for his past crimes. Will Ghostbur ever settle his issues and gain a peaceful rest?
There’s been some talk of the Disc War Continuation in the future, especially concerning the Badlands. Skeppy still has one of Tommy’s discs, but who knows when that drama will sort itself out. Dream brought up the discs when talking with Tubbo about exiling Tommy. While Skeppy has one of the discs, Dream wants to put Tubbo in a tough enough position that Tubbo has to give Dream the other disc, which would put both discs functionally in his hands.
The Dream Team has been a lot more active on the SMP recently, which is interesting. George, the new king, is actually on the server! So far he’s mainly participated in multiple dress-up roleplay sessions, cosplaying Simpsons characters, Professor Snape, and Dream himself. Sapnap has streamed recently as well, continuing his ongoing relationship drama with fiancés Karl and Quackity. Dream has gotten himself into some shenanigans, including vandalism and muggings, and is currently reprising his role as the main Big Bad of the server. It’s almost strange seeing them so active on the server again, but a welcome change! Even Callahan’s dropped by to join in - the SMP’s funniest reindeer, everyone!
Quackity may or may not be possessed? Puffy’s mentioned that Quackity wants to bring back Schlatt, but Puffy is currently in possession of all of Schlatt’s body parts. She’s also mentioned that Connor is looking to revive Schlatt as well. Connor hasn’t gotten super involved in the storyline yet, mostly just vibing on his own, but perhaps he will eventually. Quackity has also taken the role of honorary vice president in Tommy’s absence. 
Tubbo’s been acting a little strangely as well too, recently. While he’s been the most responsible president of L’manberg by far, he’s shown that he’s not immune to corruption, to the point where even Philza’s started questioning loyalties to L’manberg. Tubbo’s handling of the situation with Tommy shows maturity, but when he’s put between a rock and a hard place, what will come first? Tommy or L’manburg? And is Tubbo prone to the same corruption that Wilbur and Schlatt went through?
Meanwhile, Techno’s almost nowhere to be seen. He terrorized Fundy a bit at the beginning, and he’s logged on to say his own name of course, but besides that the Blade has been remaining as mysterious as ever. Wanted posters bearing his image have sprouted up all over New L’manburg.
One side effect of Fundy’s adoption plot is the plotline’s relation to Eret, who has been dethroned. Will Eret try to take power back from Dream? What will their relationship be as father-in-law and son-in-law, if the adoption goes through? 
The newest members - Phil, Puffy, Connor, Vikk, Lazar and Ranboo, have all gotten started settling into the server. Who knows what their relations will be to the plots? Will they get involved, or stick to the sidelines where there’s peace? 
So far, besides Phil of course, Puffy and Ranboo have been the most involved in the main plot. Dream seems to like getting into chaos on Puffy’s streams in particular, having her as a “witness” to his actions. Puffy is an agent of chaos herself and has unofficially “adopted” Dream as a sort of pet, driving her loyalties towards the Dream Team. Despite this, she has also been on a date and promised herself to Niki, who is of course loyal to L’manburg. If Puffy ends up siding with Dream, will Niki be able to keep her loyalty to L’manburg, or will she switch sides to be with Puffy?
Meanwhile, Ranboo has been suggested to be Niki’s brother and was an accomplice to Tommy’s crimes against George. Tommy defended Ranboo from consequence, but considering how short of a time it took Ranboo to get wrapped up in the plot, who knows what will happen in the future?
Vikkstar and Lazarbeam have also joined the SMP as a pair, and similar to Connor, they’re currently just vibing doing their own thing in a new town called Boomerville.
The Elytra Challenge should be happening soon? Maybe? Whoever gets the elytra will have a huge bargaining chip on the server, an item as valuable as the discs or Spirit’s leather. What that also means is, there’s the possibility of them also having a target on their back...
In Summary: 
We really need that beach episode.
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