#not that its bad i'll just end up panicking & i would like to not do that
red-dyed-sarumane · 4 months
Adachi Rei?
my absolute fave is picdo's nigoru innocent. i absolutely love the feeling it has going on & i dont think any cover will hit the same way adachi rei does. idk what to say about it i just want to hold it up & make everyone listen to it.
i also like jkp's kochira adachiku kitasenjuu ekimae kansokujo jokyo has some pretty neat songs & this is no exception. enjoyable to listen to. highly recommend.
saikou no uta from the last mushoku toumeisai. i dont have the reveal sheet up to tell u who the producer is rn i will get back to u on that. anyway it has a kind of pretty spacious feel to it. definitely worth a listen to.
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alliovera · 6 months
Hellloo!! May I request a (platonic obvi) wukong x child monkey reader? Maybe she gets found hurt and wukong gets attached taking care of him,like he gets a kid! Cuz wukong as a dad would be silly!!:3 (I'll send a romantic ask after this,wukong is so cute)
THANK U SM FOR REQUESTING! I really hope you like this and sorry it took some time </3
gn!child reader
(Slight crack)
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He knew he probably shouldn’t have promised to take care of you, but he couldn’t resist- you were just so cute! Despite everyone telling him it was a bad idea, he stuck to his role as your new ‘dad’.
And he never regretted it … until your first tantrum.
The lady bone demon caused a lot of destruction in her pursuit, and your family just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. All things worked out eventually as you ended up being saved by the Monkey King and gang.
At first, you were wary of him. A random, loud Monkey trying to claim being your father? Weird! But over time he earned your trust by actually (surprisingly) not sucking at parenting.
You cried and kicked as Monkey king struggled to figure out what to do. You had never acted this way before! It was all his fault though. You wanted to go into Megapolis and play at a park, but he just wasn’t in the mood to fly alllll the way over there!
Honestly, he would’ve just gotten up and taken you if he knew it would end like this. He’s so stressed as never having been on the receiving end of a melt down (usually its him throwing the fit).
In desperation he dialed Mk’s number, letting it ring for a few seconds before his friend picked up, “Hey Monk-“
“-Kid! You gotta help me! They wont stop crying and screaming and.. and they won’t listen to me!” Wukong rushed out. Your screams in the background told MK all he needed to know.
He laughed, “What did you do?”
“Nothing! Why is it always something I did?!” He sighed and caved - explaining his laziness.
“If you don’t wanna take them, offer them something as compensation. Like a snack or something… i dunno?”
Wukong ducked as a doll wizzed by his head. “I tried that already! Didn’t work obviou- OW!” He shouted as a small monkey figurine hit target.
That was it! He quickly finished up his conversation with Mk and ended the call, going over to try and sooth you for the tenth time.By then your tears had dried and your sadness became little baby anger. You gave Wukong the meanest glare you could muster (it did nothing as it was too cute to be scary).
The two of you stood in an imaginary duel, no one wanting to make the first move. After a bit, Wukong surrendered and slowly approached you. He crouched down to where you were sitting on the floor, “Look, i’m really sorry but we can’t go..” He panicked when your face scrunched up again and tears started to form, “Butbutbut! We could always call up uncle Macaque and have him take you!”
That finally put you in a better mood as you jumped up and raced around to try and get ready. Wukong smiled slyly and patted himself on the back for another successful day of parenting. (You were happy and he got to inconvenience Macaque. A win win)
[Feedback and critique is appreciated!] :D
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cryptidcorners · 7 months
Hi! Could I request literally any kind of story with protective Mike (from the FNAF movie). It really doesn't matter in what sort of context it is, I just want some protectiveness. Thank you so much in advance!
~ Mike Schmidt x Reader ~
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= Title: Sheild
= Character: Mike Schmidt
= Media: Movie!Five Nights At Freddie's
= Prompt: N/A
= Description: During a coffee break, Mike notices you look more worried than normal. In reality, a former friend of yours is on the same floor as you, and the troubles you faced with them drive you away from Mike. It isn't until they finally approach and you see a different side of him.
= Request: "Hi! Could I request literally any kind of story with protective Mike (from the FNAF movie). It really doesn't matter in what sort of context it is, I just want some protectiveness. Thank you so much in advance!"
= Tags: Fluff ! Small Angst? Mall Setting, Protective Mike, Sweet Talk, Platonic (with Slight Romantic Implications? It's up for you to decide !), Affection, Cute Ending + Reader is !GN
= Warnings: Slight Stalking? (Reader has a Former Friend who approaches them (!GN)), Some Tension + Anxiety/Worry + No Spoilers, Really!
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"Is something wrong?" Mike's curious tone had fished you out of your softened paralysis. In a flash, your eyes flicked upwards. You had forgotten where you were due to your gaze being on someone else. "What? Oh, sorry." Your palms sunk around the design of your coffee cup, and with its heat bleeding around your fingertips, you promptly pulled away.
"Sorry," you echoed. "I dozed off."
Even the busy foreground of the mall couldn't hook your mind. You weren't trying to be rude, or ignore Mike on purpose, but you couldn't stop thinking about them. Your lips twisted into a frown.
"Everything okay?" His face softened with concern. Even with that, you still looked around as if you were dazed. That's when he connected the dogs and reluctantly spilled a: "Is somebody bothering you?" Mike's throat strengthened. He didn't even have a set response but his shoulders were already peaking.
"Maybe," you sighed. Your warm hand fell to your cheek. His face fell and you quickly brushed it off. "It's nothing, don't worry about it."
Mike was getting antsy in his seat. "You can tell me who they are. I'll tell them to go, I mean, I am a guard. It's what I do, you know?" As if to showcase his title, he sat up, expressing his "security" symbol running across his light uniform. That brought you some ease. Sort of.
Then you felt his hand on yours, grasping it protectively. "Please? Tell me who it is." Mike asked, "I don't want you to feel this way." Would it be wrong to tell him? The character orbiting in your mind had not hurt you per say, but you had history. It hurt too much to see them.
You sighed and gave him a reassuring grin. Your eyes were still on Mike, "It's okay, I know I'll be fine with you here."
Mike pulled away shyly. He could defend you easily, but he still had to make sure he knew. Before you could speak after a sorry sip of your coffee, a dreadful buzz crawled out of Mike's radio. Rapid, low-quality chatter. Mike looked like a lost animal, and hesitated to leave. But, he had a duty. "Damnit, I gotta go. I'll see you later?"
"Right, right. Bye," you awkwardly waved. You felt ridiculous. You were so focused on somebody you used to know while having a brief coffee date with your friend. It was hard to ever grab a seat with Michael, and you managed to mess it up.
Your disappointed expression rested on your face with a soft groan. Stupid.
"Hey there." A familiar voice made you feel like a fish out of water. Your attention flew upwards. You shuttered, "Hey?"
Internally, you were panicking. The same person you were shivering over was now looming over your shoulder. They must have waited until Mike had left. Damnit.
You were trying to pull away from their conversation. You both had left on bad terms, and it felt uncomfortable how sweet they were. There was nothing kind about them at all. And you knew it.
"I should really go," you finally declared. You attempted to pull out of your seat, but a sudden force stopped you. They grabbed your arm.
"But it's only been a few minutes, come on."
"I really want to stay, but I need to go." You said nervously. They didn't budge.
Anxiety began to grow, and your mouth was sewed shut. You completely drowned away everything they were saying until you heard a vicious: "Get off!" from Mike.
He gripped their shoulder and pulled them aside. Mike sucked his teeth and swore under his breath, "They want you to leave. So, fuck off."
"I don't think you understand, sir. We know each other." They protested.
Mike's gaze grew into something stormy, "Leave. Or I'm calling the rest of security." As soon as your follower squirmed out of his grip, Mike walked over and shielded you away. They apologized, making up a silly excuse as to why they were holding on to you. Mike didn't buy it and snapped again. You were left alone, drowning in relief.
"Are you okay? Look at me." Mike quickly discarded his hard expression, his eyes were already calm with longing. "They didn't hurt you right? I'll find them, I have good memory, I-" he was holding you. "I'm sorry I wasn't there."
"it's okay. It's okay. Mike, I'm fine." You answered. "You protected me, and that's all I can ask for."
He was still worried, so he felt the need to pull you aside, talking to another floor just in case. Mike released a heavy exhale, forbidding himself to let go of your hand. "I can give you a ride home,"
"You don't have to."
"I can pay for a ride,"
"You can stay near me too, I don't-"
"Michael." Your tone hardened. Mike's attention veered towards you once again. "You don't need to worry." Your were hands softly wrapped around his, "I'll be okay as long as you're here."
"Okay." Mike's demeanor relaxed at the sight of you. "Just . . . tell me when someone is wrong. I don't want you to get hurt."
"You got it." It felt strangely intimate. You had never been so close with him. You did have a habit of shielding away your hardships, but now, it felt wrong to hold it away. Especially from Mike. "It won't happen ever again."
"You promise?"
"I promise."
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poppy-metal · 7 months
thinkin abt you getting hurt super bad protecting jordan in a battle or smth like that and you're on the ground, just about to succumb to the overwhelming urge to close ur eyes, but then they're there--holding your face and cursing under their breath and pulling you so, so gingerly into their lap, trying to pretend there aren't tears running down their face.
they r trying to stop u from bleeding out n they're panicked beyond belief but they're still talkin to you all sweet, chastising you for getting hurt for them, mumbling "why would you do that, baby? you know i can't live without you." and "you're gonna be okay. shh, it's gonna be okay." through shaky breaths and when you look up at them n force out an "i love you" they can't bring themself to say it back--just feels too much like a goodbye.
lmao that's so much heavier than i thought it would be 😭 n the injury probably s no biggie they're just freakin out over a big cut or smth
i wanna cry not the "why would you do that, baby?" they're rocking you back and forth lips pressed to your forehead, trembling, feeling like the world is ending <//3
when you get healed up because thankfully it was nothing serious the switch is instantaneous. from big worried cow eyes, to dark as flint because they are angry as fuck. "what the fuck were you thinking." they snap, hands clenching and unclenching at their sides, "jumping in front of me like that. are you stupid? you could have fucking died."
the contrast from how tenderly they were holding you in their arms to the venom in their voice makes you lower lip tremble. "you were - you hadn't shifted and they. they were coming after you-"
they were only indestructible in their masc!form and you'd acted on instinct. jordan shakes their head like this fact is minimal. "it wouldn't have hit me as bad as it hit you."
"so i was supposed to just let you get hurt for me?"
"fucking yeah!" they yell, and you flinch. "jesus. baby, you're not - you're not as strong as me. you know that. i need to know you're fucking safe and behind me or I'll-" they run a hand through their hair in stress, making the hair stand up. "you can't fucking do that shit to me."
tears fill your eyes. you feel chastised n scorned. you look down at your hands in your lap.
"you think I'd be any better off if you were the one in my place..." you sniffle. you know they're just scared, when jordan gets scared they get mean. still, it hurts.
you feel the bed shift as they sit down on it - a hand comes up to cup your cheek, thumb wiping under your eye, swipe away the tears. "hey," they sound much gentler now. they turn your chin till you're looking at them, "I'm sorry for yelling I just-" they sigh, looking down at your lips. you see their eyes melt, "i thought i lost you for a second. and I can't fucking - i can't fucking deal, if you're gone."
the hand moves till its cupping the back of your neck.
"i need to be the one protecting you," jordans thumb is doing that thing where it rubs into your skin like you're a cat. has the same effect, makes you want to start purring. already you feel more relaxed. "I know its not healthy and toxic or whatever, i dont give a shit. i need you to be okay."
you want to argue, you want the same thing. but you know they wont hear it. know this means alot to them, being able to protect you, taking care of you. putting you first. so you just nod, looking up at them with big apologetic eyes and you see the moment you have them.
eyes softening they lean down to brush their lips to yours. two hands cup your face like you're made of glass as they coax your lips apart.
"c'mere," they murmur against your mouth, hands reaching down to your waist, gently maneuvering you until you're on their lap. wrapped in their arms. "my fucking hero." they allow, kissing down your cheek, your jaw, feathering kisses all over, "dont ever do that shit again or I'll beat your ass."
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t0rturedangel · 1 year
Can we PLSS get more of creek x child reader ?? I loved it smm it’s literally my life support 💕😭‼️
╭ ☆ ➛ Creek x child ! reader Ꞌꞌ : The little craig
━ warnings / notes ; this is kinda rushed since i had a very limited amount time to post this, pacing is bad too <33 also ngl south park did post covid craig so dirty 😭 maybe ooc
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" Honey ! " TWEEK mumbled as he called out for his husband, twitching slightly- something that has stayed with him even as he grew up. A head poked out from the kitchen and a voice spoke " Yes ? " " Uhm [ name's ] head teacher just called and- " " - and what ? " CRAIG asked, walking over- stretching and smiling when he heard the satisfying pops. The pair had been together since fourth grade, of courses with some in and out moments where they kept fighting of small petty things, breaking up then getting back together, it was a re-used cycle honestly, the last time they did repeat it was back in high school. Now the two of them are happily married with a little child they call their own.
" They want us to come to their office, [ name's ] in trouble " tweek sweat dropped, slightly concerned as to why their little angelic child got in trouble for the first time ever " Why do you think they are?- did they get into a fight??? did they- " " Baby- its okay, lets just go and we'll find out " Craig comforted his husband, ruffling tweek's hair and pressing a quick kiss to his cheek this did actually seem to calm tweek down letting him nod " Yeah- lets go "
Through out the ride Craig was making up excuses and apologies in his head- he knew exactly why you were in trouble and in hindsight he didn't want Tweek to why you were. It'd be the end of him if tweek did and while craig was mentally panicking- Tweek was physically panicking, all different scenarios running through his head- if you did get into a fight then you (and the child who fought you) would be in so much trouble he swore to god. Getting to the school didnt take long either, the pair rushed into the main office and were taken to the head master's office.
Entering, they saw you- who was giving the head master a little glare, your arms tucked together- and your headmaster who was staring at the two who came in, extremely serious " Mr and . . . Mr Tucker " They began " Please take the seat " Tweek sat down on the only spare chair next to you while craig stood behind you " What happened? " Tweek began " Your child- [ name ] had- " " - had what !? " Tweek's panic rose again only to be shushed by the headteacher, a glare was sent their way by you and craig " Your child has been- flipping children off for all of break time " .
" [ name ] ! " the head teacher's voice raised as you flipped them off for the umpteenth time " Stop flipping me off ! " " No! Fuck you ! I only flipped them off because they insulted me! " Craig was so dead. " [ name ] stop that. " Tweek spoke calmly, causing you to shut up instantly and craig to start inwardly crying. " Thank you for letting me know- i'll talk with them " Nodding at the head, the three of you left.
When the three of you were in the car, you and your dad waited for tweek to blow up- but fortunately or unfortunately- he didnt, only staring at the two of you, " [ name ]- honey, good job on standing up for yourself, but you're not getting your iPad for a week " an ashamed frown was quickly relpaced with a sweet smile , happy you got off without getting in too much trouble where as your other dad wasnt as lucky " Craig- i'll be talking with you at home about teaching our little kid to flip people off " " Tweek- babe- I just wanted [ name ] to be like a mini me- a mini craig ! " he tried to defend himself.
" Thats not going to save you " " hahahaha ! Daddy's going to get it now ! "
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qsmp-yaoi-island · 5 months
I'll say the admins' decision that purgatory 2 is as canon "as the ccs want it to be" is awful and going to cause so many problems.
I think it's perfectly fine to have CCs choose to be out of character for their own lore because then they don't have to commit to rp all the time, but you absolutely cannot do this with the MAIN plot of the story. One of the main reasons is that not everyone will pick and choose what's the same as canon.
A perfect example is just a few days ago, Phil was involved in a main story point of protecting Luffy who escaped. Luffy told Phil that he was looking for Tubbo/Bagi, and of course, because Phil was not informed of anything going on, he told them that they went back to purgatory. Even though Bagi and Tubbo said their purgatory isn't canon. So now imagine Phil is panicking about Luffy not finding the people he's looking for only for tubbo or bagi to show up randomly and confuse the plot even more.
I will say that I don't really care about how the story should be perfectly consistent because I know that's impossible, but it's more about how it's ruining the rp choices of others. Phil did such incredible rp stressing over how everyone left for purgatory again, but for them to show back up without a care or explanation? Undermines all of his emotions and effort into making it feel real.
Another point is how it's effecting the CCs efforts for consistency. Tubbo gets kidnapped IN FRONT OF HIS FRIENDS EYES, but logs in the next day and gets attacked by a code. So now you face the confusion of either believing he was taken and how that effected the characters rp around him, or believe that the code is back as a main story element. You can't believe both because they directly contradict eachother, so you end up wasting a good plot point for another. For example, Fit has canon separation anxiety and seeing tubbo go missing in front of him could have made for good character development.
Baghera was asked to stay off the server for the past few weeks because the admins had lore planned out for her. She expressed that she missed being on and seeing her friends but trusted in the admins that her return would be worth it to wait for. So some characters are allowed back and immediately cause inconsistenties but some people have to wait? It sucks for CCs like Baghera, Slime, and Pol who express how they want to get back on but are committed to their lore. But I also can't entirely blame the people who came back from purg2, even though I do think its a bad rp choice on their part, because the admins specifically told them they could.
Finally, the worst part is how it demeans the story being told. Imagine after purgatory 2 ends all the people coming back could talk about the hell they went through, the people they met, the fate of Cellbit and Baghera. But instead Bad's "1/4" came back and immediately told Pomme he saw Baghera. Isn't that lame? Doesn't that feel like a waste of good exposition? Hell even Foolish was there and just chose to ignore it because, hey, there's no canon reason he should know that!
That's the problem now is that no one knows what to tell eachother anymore, because it will only be inconsistent with what others are saying or doing. The stories is slowly losing its integrity because it's doesn't know what is important to take seriously anymore. Should you worry about the code attacks? I don't know, it happened to someone who wasn't even technically there. Hey I saw this missing person but I'm also supposed to be missing too, so should you even believe me?
It's confusing, it messy, and it will absolutely ruin story lines down the road.
I love the story of the QSMP. It's what drew me into the server and made me love it ever since, and to see it get pushed aside for a competitive event really sucks. With the way the server has been so rp and lore dependent for the last nine months, it just feels so strange for it to not be the focus anymore. Purgatory was fun, Purgatory 2 looks even better, but I would not trade them for the fandom toxicity, story inconsistency, or divided attention on gameplay it created.
I know with time the story will pick up again, people will return, and it'll be well throught out and planned again. I just think it's important to be critical of these decisions now so they don't get repeated in the future. If there ever is a Purgatory 3 or some other event, all I would hope for is that it has a clear and defined plot revelvancy so you don't have to scramble to tie up all the loose ends later.
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joesheistyy · 1 year
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thank you anon for this request! I think its so cute <3
For the past four days, you were in Cape Cod with your family. Joe unfortunately couldn't go because of football. This was a yearly trip for your family and it just didn't work with Joe's schedule this year. You were glad your requests off got approved from the hospital so you could have some family time.
You missed him dearly and the rest of your family wished he was there as well. Joe would always throw a football with your brother, play board games with your sister, and help your parents cook and clean.
You and Joe would text when you could. He loved to catch you up on his football practices and his activities when you weren't around. He mainly spent time at home alone, but what you didn't know was that he was shopping for an engagement ring for you while you were gone.
Your vacation continued and you enjoyed time with your family. Joe would FaceTime in occasionally when he wasn't busy or exhausted. Your family adored him.
As the week progressed, Joe continued with his practices and you continued to relax with your family. That is until you got a call you never wanted or expected.
"Hey y/n, it's Zac," your jaw dropped a little bit, knowing this couldn't be good.
"Hey Zac, what's going on?" you questioned.
"Well I've got some rough news. Joe suffered what we think is a tear in his rotator cuff and he's being taken to an orthopedic doctor. He doesn't have his phone on him so he wanted me to call you," Zac said through his end of the phone.
"Oh my god. Okay, will you let him know that I am gonna catch the next flight?" you panicked a little.
"Sure thing, he'll be happy to have you and your nurse-ly opinion. He's being taken to UC because he said you work with the best orthopedic doctor," Zac said, trying not to alarm you.
"Okay fantastic. Dr. Shran is who I work with, he's the best in the business. I'll page the hospital and tell them what's going on and make sure they take good care of him," you spoke before saying your goodbyes and thank yous to Zac for calling you.
Before beginning to pack up, you paged the hospital where you worked and let them know that Joe would be coming in. Dr. Shran was on board with what the most likely case was and he was instructed by you to take the best possible care of him.
You packed up your things that were scattered all over your vacation room, making sure to do a sweep of the room before leaving. You informed your family of what happened and they encouraged you to hurry to get home. Your dad offered to drive you to the airport and while in the passenger seat, you searched for the cheapest flight. You knew Joe would want you flying in first class and he would pay for the flight, but that is not what you cared about. You cared about getting home to Joe as quick as possible.
When pulling up to the airport, you said your goodbyes to your dad and unloaded your luggage as quick as you could. You successfully found a flight that left within the next hour and a half which gave you the perfect amount of time to do your TSA pre-check and get in the air.
The flight felt like the longest amount of time ever. You just wanted to get home to your injured quarterback.
Zac kept you updated as much as he could. You even paid for wifi on the plane to try to be in the know.
Upon your return to Cincinnati, you had an Uber take you started to UC. Nervous to see how bad this potential tear could be, you tried to calm yourself and remember that things like this happen and they’re almost routine to deal with in your life as a nurse. The Uber pulled up to the main entrance of the hospital, which was the opposite side of where you needed to be. You thanked your driver and gathered your belongings to head to go see Joe.
You held a brisk pace through the hospital hallways, feeling like the tiles grew longer and longer with each step. Within a few minutes, you were in the orthopedic section of the hospital. You found the board with the patient’s names and saw what room Joe had been assigned to. 37C was the number. You turned quickly from the board and down another hallway. As you approached the door, you heard some small talk coming from the room. Knocking, you went in to see your injured quarterback.
Zac was with Joe while he was waiting to be discharged, keeping him company until you arrived. Joe’s face lit up upon your entrance, ecstatic to see his smart orthopedic nurse girlfriend. Zac was happy to see you as well. He felt obligated to stay with Joe until you got back, which of course he didn’t mind, but he was ready to be home with his own family.
“Thanks Zac for keeping me filled in, you have no idea how much it helped ease me,” you said, leaning in to give Zac a side hug before he headed out.
After the door closed behind Zac, you approached the right side Joe’s bed. He expected that you would want to get your hands on his arm to see what was going on. Even though he saw your favorite doctor, he knew you wouldn’t be totally convinced unless you sussed it out yourself.
“Ow babe that hurts,” Joe whined as you slowly lifted up his right arm to check on it’s mobility.
“I’m sorry Joey, I know. I just wanna see for myself,” you said as you kept feeling around Joe’s shoulder and arm.
“I’m gonna go talk to Dr. Shran and let him know I’m gonna need the next few months off. I’m not letting you out of my sight, Burrow,” you pointed toward him as you walked out the door, heading to Dr. Shran’s office.
Your discussion with Dr. Shran was kind and from the heart, and he agreed to let you take as much time off as you needed. It helped that you were always one of his favorite employees. And, it also helped that your boyfriend was the starting quarterback of the Bengals football team.
As you arrived back at Joe’s room, you saw a nice sling waiting for him. While his injury wasn’t as bad as the other rotator cuff injuries you’ve seen, it was still super important to make sure he didn’t push his limits.
“Here babe, let’s get this thing on you so we can head out,” you said as you grabbed the sling, assisting Joe’s sore and painful arm into the device.
“So how bad is it? Did you get to talk to Dr. Shran?” Joe questioned.
“I did and I’ll be taking a lot of time off within the near future,” you said as you helped him get his shoes on to depart the hospital. Luckily, Zac had snagged Joe’s football bag before meeting him at the hospital, so Joe’s keys were in the bag. Zac was kind enough to drive Joe’s car over to the hospital parking garage.
After signing the discharge papers, you and Joe took what seemed to be a rather long walk to the car. He had a hard time letting you carry his bag, insisting on carrying it on his not hurt arm. You strongly disagreed, knowing you had to be harsh with him because of the nature of the injury. The same thing happened when he said he wanted to drive home.
“Absolutely not, Joe. You’re gonna be the passenger princess for once. There is no way in hell I will let you behind a steering wheel right now,” you scolded him as you found the car in the parking garage. You assisted him in the car, "oh how the turns table," Joe joked as you closed his door.
Upon your arrival home, you grabbed Joe's bag out of the back seat and led him inside. He continued to mope around the house at the fact that he can't do his favorite things for a while. Football, video games, you...
Joe finally sat down after pacing around the house for a little bit. You could tell he was frustrated. The good thing was that it was very early in the off season, only a few weeks after the super bowl.
"Y/nnnn," Joe whined from the couch while you were in the kitchen preparing a snack. You left the kitchen to tend to Joe.
"Yes Joey?" you questioned as you walked toward the living room.
"I'm bored. Can you entertain me?" He begged.
"Listen here, Burrow. We're gonna set some ground rules, okay?" you said, looking deeply into his eyes then sitting down next to him.
You grabbed his left hand, the arm that wasn't injured. "While I am taking time off to take care of you, that doesn't mean I'm gonna wait on you hand and foot, got it?" you looked at him as he nodded his head, "I'm always happy to take care of you, but I need you to be willing to communicate with me and let me know how your pain levels are and such. You can still do a handful of things yourself, you're not completely bed-bound. You know I love you and will do anything in my power to help you heal, but I just need you to cooperate with me," you said, leaving a kiss on Joe's head while trying to get up. He grabbed at your arm, pulling you back into the couch.
"Y/n, can you do anything about the pain? The meds are starting to wear off and being loopy is also kinda fun," Joe joked with you. Luckily, since you knew Joe so well, you could still give him pain meds even though he had joked about liking to be loopy.
"Sure baby, let me go get you the snack I was working on. I don't want you to take them on an empty stomach," you said, getting up from the couch to go grab the snack and bottle of water.
You brought back the goods and you and Joe began to snack while watching Spongebob, his comfort show. After he had eaten enough, he gulped down the pain meds you brought him. Out of precaution, you figured it was best to take Joe up to bed. It was late already and sometimes pain meds can make people sleepy.
With Joe being high maintenance, you figured you'd have to help him get ready for bed. After going through all of his nighttime routine, you were able to tuck him into bed. Joe took quickly to the pain meds and began to act a little silly, as he would say.
"Will you lay with me? I've missed you so much," Joe pleaded, missing your smell.
"Of course babe, let me put on some pjs and turn off the lights downstairs and then I'll get in bed," you said after pulling the blanket over his legs. You made your way downstairs, making sure the doors were locked, the lights were turned off, and everything was safe and sound for the night. You headed back up the stairs and grabbed your favorite pjs, heading to the bathroom to brush your teeth and do your own nighttime routine.
The lights were all turned out, but the soft glow of Spongebob on the TV was what was left to illuminate the room. Climbing in bed, you kissed Joe's forehead and cuddled into the blankets. Joe, still slightly awake, did what he could to pull you closer. You were still laying partially sat up, and Joe rested his head on your chest.
"Thank you in advance for taking care of me and taking time off work. I promise I'll make it up to you,"
“Don’t even worry about it Burrow, it’s kinda my job,” you soothed him, patting down his hair.
“I’m gonna marry you some day, y/n,” Joe slurred out, your cheeks grew hot, your heart fluttering at his loopy words.
“Well, then I can’t wait for that day. But for now, get some rest sleepy head,” you kissed the top of his head and made sure he fell asleep okay. Thoughts of engagement and marriage danced in your head, imagining the day your life would be officially complete.
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moonrisecoeur · 7 months
content warning for: gunplay and dubcon/noncon
no pronouns mentioned, no parts mentioned
it's tragic how easily manipulated leon was. too trusting, too naive, too.... easy.
the barrel of your gun pressed to the back of his head, and you spend a brief moment acknowledging how beautiful his hair is. soft, delicate, just like him. that's not to say he's overly fragile and can't take care of himself, but he's soft around the edges. years of experience and trauma has not hardened him yet.
he exhales, conscious of what is happening. he's not panicking, or at least trying not to. ever the contentious police rookie, he tries to deescalate, "you don't have to do anything rash... we can talk this over. i'm sure we can find a solution."
"are you?" you ask simply, wondering if he'll lay out all his cards for you. his head turns slightly, looking to the side of the room you were both in. it was supposed to be a safe room. he doesn't feel very safe.
"no, actually," he's biting his lip, you can tell. that's just how well you know him, "i guess it's hard to think of one when i don't know what the problem is. why you're threatening me... to be specific, i guess."
his voice bleeds with a sass you've come to love. he would be so much more boring if he pure good, pure kindness, pure niceness. or maybe your presence has tainted him without his knowledge, even before the betrayal.
betrayal. what an ugly word. this wasn't that, despite the shaking of leon's delicate hands has to say otherwise. you weren't betraying him.
okay. maybe you were betraying him.
"why i'm doing it isn't important," you smirk, and he thinks he knows you're lying, that there is a reason that you don't want to say, "who knows? if you listen to me, you might even make it out alive."
he's silent for a second, but when you touch the barrel to his head, and he remembers how powerless he is, he sighs, "what do you want from me?"
you smirk, satisfied by his obedience. he's smarter than you gave him credit for, "good. good boy."
he feels himself growing hostile. don't call me that. like its a curse, two bad words that will suck him in and contort him into whatever you want him to be.
he'll admit that he's grown to have feelings for you, well, before this happened. he's imagined asking you out to dinner after you both escape from this hellhole. he imagines a life with you that is falling apart by the second.
but this isn't okay. you aren't okay.
he bites his tongue to prevent himself from making a comment that will get him hurt, but then you drag the gun down his spine, starting from his neck, moving down to his hips. he trembles from a fear he's never understood before. he's frozen.
"please," he whispers hoarsely, "if you were going to kill me, you'd have done it by now."
"you don't know that, maybe i just like playing with my food first," you say back, tilting your head to get the smallest glimpse at his face. you see his eyelashes flutter as he closes his eyes, and you're tempted to turn him around, but you know the second you decide to look into his beautiful, delicate eyes, you'd need to consume every last piece of him until nothing was left to exist.
there's a mission here. somewhere. some end goal the higher ups gave to you to achieve. you're not quite sure where 'fuck the enemy' fits into the list of priorities, but he's right here, and you have plenty of time to waste. might as well waste it on him.
leon feels patronized. objectified. dehumanized. i'm not your fucking food.
"why won't you tell me what you want me to do?" he asks.
he scoffs, and you have half the mind to shoot him now for his fucking attitude, "you told me to do what i'm told and i'll survive. what do you want from me?"
"you sure you want to know? you don't want to enjoy these last few moments of blissful ignorance?" you ask, but when he goes silent, and you audibly hear him gulp, there's no more waiting. you need to take him. now, "your loss, leon."
his name has never felt so offensive, much less did he ever think it'd be a hostile remark coming from you.
"turn around, and get on your knees," you growl in his ear from behind him, and his body shivers fully, before he complies. as he gets on his knees, he looks up at you, finally making eye contact the first time during this whole exchange.
there's an unplaceable kind of determination inside them, something that is screaming at you i will make it out alive, and you'll pay for what you're doing. it makes you want to laugh.
you see fear inside them too. though he's trying his best to hide it, you see it rearing its ugly head in the cracks of his facade.
your gun aimed at his face is no less horrifying than it is at the back of his head. maybe its even scarier now because he can see it. he knows it's real. it's not just a feeling he's had to endure, but a real object that can blast his brains all over the yellow walls. he'd like it if that didn't happen.
"you're so fucking pretty," you groan, visibly excited by his fear, which only terrifies him further, "you're... shaking? please, leon, it's like you're trying to turn me on."
he only now realizes what's happening. he thought you were just going to threaten him into giving you something you needed for a mission or a purpose. he supposes the last thing he expected was for you to be getting off on this.
"please," he says, trying his best to play the part, to say the right words, to be exactly what you want from him, "why are you-"
"c'mon, sweetheart, won't you give it a kiss?" you say, nodding your head towards the handgun.
leon gulps, dryly swallowing his spit, "what... what the fuck, why would i-?"
suddenly there's a blaring, ringing sound in his ears. it's loud, it's violent, it pierces the painful tension in the air. his eyes shut tightly, as he falls back, landing a few feet away from you. the terror on his face skyrockets.
obviously, the gunshot did not hit him. though it takes him a second to realize that he's, unfortunately, not dead.
"what the fuck?!" he cries out, horrified, "why the hell did you do that?"
"to prove to you that my gun is loaded. this isn't just a prop. not listening to me has real consequences," you snarl at him, "now, i'll play nice if you do. kiss it."
he blinks a couple times. half disgusted. maybe a quarter turned on.
still, he gets back up onto his knees, looking at the gun pointed down at him. he can't bear to make eye contact, but he hesitantly leans in closer to it. he presses his lip to the side of it, too nervous to touch them to the hot barrel. the gun is still hot, of course, but he still does as you ask.
he looks up at you, his stomach dropping at the look on your face. he's disgusted at how much you enjoy this. he's disgusted at how much he enjoys this.
"good boy," your voice, sweet like a thick honey that's stuck in his throat, choking him. you'd probably like that too. he tries to not imagine you choking him, smirking evilly at his suffering.
here we go again. those two words do not sit well in his stomach. he feels ill with every sweet praise, disgusted by your gentleness because he knows it's fake.
"are you seriously enjoying this?" he asks meekly. he meant to sound more confident, more collected, but his voice doesn't carry either.
"well, i could have just taken what i needed from you and killed you. it would have been easier, so... what do you think?"
he cringes, unable to make sense of how someone so evil could have fooled him this whole time. not only were you never on his side, but you were more than a bad guy. you were sadistic.
you press your gun against his jaw, digging the hot metal into his skin, "so how about you put that pretty mouth to good use? tell me, leon: you think you work better under pressure?"
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readerhead · 1 year
Invisible string
summary: what happens when you’re in love with your friend? Would something happen? Would there be a perfect occasion? What if you two were predestined?
pairing: Stiles Stilinski x reader (I wrote this thinking of a female reader but I think there isn't any word that imply it)
warnings: some drinking? It’s actually just fluff
word count: 2.7k
a/n: first of all, English isn’t my first language so sorry beforehand if there's any mistake. I obviously did this while I was procrastinating because I thought there are not many Stiles x reader fanfics that are not long series (I think I read all of the ao3 ones) so here I am to contribute and hopefully encourage people to do more because I need them to live. Hope you enjoy it <3
I remember very clearly the day all started, years ago. You were in Beacon Hills, your hometown, right after the accident. You were in the hospital waiting for news from your parents when you saw the lovely nurse you met before. She was kneeling, trying to calm a kid your age. You walked over there and tried to help.
"Oh, hi sweetheart! This is Stiles. He's having a hard moment, I'll go with you when I finish." the boy stopped crying and opened his eyes, he was met by your comforting smile. He sniffed a little while you introduced yourself.
"Why are you sad?"
"My m-mom, she's very sick."
"I'm sorry to hear that. My parents are here, too. Maybe we could cheer each other. I-If you like of course." your chubby little cheeks turning rosy.
"Sure. That'll be awesome." his eyes were a lot less watery than before.
You too spend all the evening talking and distracting each others from your cruel reality. You really wanted to stay here forever and not confront your life or emotions. But forever seemed like a joke for you after that afternoon and the sweet nurse was coming to you with your aunt. You were sure that meant no good so you took the scarce time with the boy to say goodbye.
"I think they are coming for me, so I've got to go."
"But we were having a great moment." he pouted a little and you couldn't help but smile at him.
"Here." you handed him your bracelet made of gemstones. "If you ever feel panicked again this would help you." The boy looked at the clear and black crystals confused. "The dark ones are obsidian and the other is quartz, my granny told me they would keep away bad energies and attract good ones."
"Thank you very much." He was genuinely happy because, even if it worked or not, he had something to remember you.
"I'll never forget you." as you said this your aunt touched your shoulder and told you that you're going with her. You heard him say something under his breath but you didn't understand it.
Less than an hour later your parents had passed away in the hospital due to the injuries of the car accident. You had to move to the big city with your aunt. Years passed and your aunt found a better job offer in Beacon Hills. That and the delicate health of your grandma made you move back there.
You found yourself being friends with the popular girls of the school which was really strange to you, but they were nice. You also befriend one of his exes, Scott. You didn't want to make them uncomfortable but after a couple of months and some weird shit happening, all of you ended up in the same friend group. You learned that the supernatural existed and you thought the craziest thing that would happen to you here was when you started having a crush on one of your friends.
You lived near Scott, so you went to his house before Stiles picked you two up to the costume party in Lydia's house. You were greeted by his mom, you haven't met her in the couple months knowing him because you only went there a couple of times and she was working.
"Hi, sweetheart! I'm Melissa, you must be Scott's friend." you were paralyzed.
"Y-You-u." your face lost all its color.
"Are you alright?" she asked, reaching for you in case you passed out. You gulped and recovered yourself. When she saw you better she let you in and went for a glass of water.
"I'm sorry. It’s just... You were the nurse that calmed me years ago, the day my parents died."
"Oh, I'm so sorry." she gave you an apologetical look, probably because of the trauma dumping and she not being able to remember you.
"Don't be. It doesn't affect me that much after all these years." she gave you an understanding smile. "I don't know if you remember but there was a boy there with me, his mother was sick. I always wondered what happened to him." In that exact moment Scott entered the kitchen, greeting you.
"Wow, your costume is really cool!"
"You don't know who I am, don't you?"
"Not a single idea, but it's still great."
"Thank you. I'm Padme by the way." you saw his confused look. "From Star Wars?" his face lightened up.
"No chance dude! Stiles is going as one character too!" you blushed, maybe it wasn't a couple one but you'll be matching costumes with the guy you liked.
"They're made for each other." Melissa said in a tone you barely heard because a honk overlapped it.
"That's him, we should get going." Scott made his way to the door while you turned to face his mother.
"I promise I'll tell you about the boy, now go and have fun!" you just met her again but it seemed as if you have known her a long time. You made your way out entering the jeep, not registering the boy at your side until he talked.
"W-Whoa. You're amazingly dressed as Padme." you frowned and turned to look at Stiles. First you notice his eyes wide and lips parted. Then you inspected his costume realizing.
"And you're going a-as Anakin." you surely looked like those cartoons with their eyes out because of the shock.
"What am I missing? Are you guys going like an accidental couple costume or something?" he said laughing but you both faced the windshield with your almost crimson cheeks not laughing at his joke too and he realized.
"No way! You are!" you made yourself little in your seat while you still heard Scott chuckling in the back. Stiles started the engine and his knuckles were white on the steering wheel.
The way was a little uncomfortable, but between their talking, your silence and the music, your desires of drowning stopped. Just when Stiles parked you undid your seatbelt and opened the door.
"See you guys, I'm going to look for Ally and Lyds!" you almost ran until you found them.
"Girls red code!" you said a little too loud when you found them.
"Werewolves?" Allyson asked.
"Oh. No, no. I clearly should've not used those words."
"What is it then?"
"Isn't obvious?" the redhead interfered grinning. "Is a boy red code."
"Did Stiles finally kissed you and you did something stupid like run to us?"
"What? No! He doesn't like me. And why do you think I would mess that up?" that offensive supposition made you almost forget about the matter.
"And I'm black haired. Now go on." she said, rolling her eyes.
"StilesandIareaccidentallydressedasacouplecostume." you took a deep breath after that.
"Oh that." Lydia nudged Allyson.
"What? You knew?"
"I don't know what you're talking about, but I know you've been here long enough to take a shot and there's not even a drop of alcohol in you." you knew they knew something, but you needed that shot.
"Okay, I'll go to the kitchen but we'll talk about it." you went there and took a couple of shots before pouring a drink.
"Hey." you almost poured the cup when you heard his voice.
"Hi." you stopped your actions and took the filled plastic cup in your hand.
"What a coincidence this outfit choice."
"Yeah." you looked over the responsibles of it, even if you didn't know how.
"I mean if you're uncomfortable I have another costume in my house. I can go and change." you saw him looking at the floor and your heart skipped a beat.
"No! I mean, I don't have any issue at all."
"Thank goodness." He looked back at you. "When you ran away from Roscoe I thought you didn't wanna see me all night."
"It was just... Unexpected, but it's kinda nice." you saw the dimple you love appearing in his cheek.
"You look really badass in the Geonosis battle's outfit" he took a step closer.
"You don't look bad yourself, Skywalker" you slightly tugged his dark robe as if you were stretching it. You two were inches apart, your cup long lost on the countertop. He smelled heavenly and his warmth made you lean closer. You could swear he was also inching closer.
"You know, we should do a Star Wars marathon." he pulled apart scratching his nape.
"Yeah, totally." you couldn't help the disappointment slipping between your lips while you gazed at your cup. "You know, this was a lovely chat but I think the girls are waiting for me."
You took your drink and surrounded him, making your way out. You searched for any of your friends until you found someone. Not exactly who you had thought of, but the only one who wasn't inside the house. You sat at Scott's side on the wicker couch near the pool.
"How's it going little pupdawan?"
"You know only Stiles gets those jokes, right?"
"Right. But I was worrying about my friend, so tell me why you're here all alone."
"Nothing, just music sometimes gets too loud when you have super hearing."
"That makes sense."
"And what are you doing here? I doubt you were looking for me."
"Well, I could be!" your mouth opened by the offense.
"Of course, but it's a party. You usually are too drunk to remember anyone." you smacked his shoulder.
"I guess today I'm sober enough." you looked at your drink between your hands and he followed your eyes.
"You don't look in the mood. Is this because of Stiles?" your gaze returned to him, now confused.
"I'm a werewolf, I have a pretty good hearing."
"You didn't have to eavesdrop!"
"I didn't want to, is like when you have the TV as noise but they say something that catches your attention." you nodded. "And I also can hear your heartbeat and smell some emotions."
"I guess it's difficult to have some secrets with supernatural friends. So I'm assuming Isaac also knows." It was his turn to nod. "So everyone in the pack knows." you put your head in your hand.
"Except him."
"Except him." your eyes went to the party inside.
"Maybe you should tell him."
"Scott, you're his best friend, you should know that's not gonna work. He's in love with Lydia. He sees me as a friend. That's just giving me false hopes. Like before, I was in the kitchen and he came and I thought he was going to kiss me but he backed out. He probably-"
"He almost kissed you?" he cut off your rambling.
"That's what I'm trying to tell you! He didn't want to kiss me. If he wanted he would have."
"You know what? Wait here." you were confused as you saw him enter the party.
Scott was taking his time so you rested your head on the back of the couch, staring at the stars. You heard the noise of the door closing and supposed it was him until you heard a tapping in the glass. You looked over and saw Scott at the other side of the glass and a very familiar back, knocking the pane.
"Stiles?" he turned around to face you.
"What are you doing here? Why isn't Scott coming?"
"He might have locked us out."
"Why-?" you cut yourself when you realized his not so subtle plan. "Oh my gosh. I'm sorry, this is my fault. I'm going to kill him."
"How could this be your fault? In any case it is mine."
"What? No, I was talking to him about an issue and he decided to handle it on his own."
"Am I the issue? I thought you were cool with the costumes."
"It's not that, it's just... Wait, why do you think this is your fault?"
"I... Uh... He wants me to confront a situation."
"Since we're stuck outside I guess I'm the one you have to confront."
"Kind of."
"So how do you feel, Sti?"
"What do you mean how do I feel?" he looked really nervous.
"I mean that if you have to confront someone is because you're feeling somehow about them, perhaps you're mad at me?"
"What? No, I don't think I could ever get mad at you."
"Then what is it? Did I make something that bothered you?"
"You don't like something about me? Do I breathe too loudly? I chew too noisily? I laugh too hard?"
"No. No. No. Please stop!" he took your shoulders.
"Is it my rambli-" you were cut again, but this time you didn't mind interruption because he was kissing you.
Stiles was kissing you. After the initial shock you relaxed and let both of your lips melt as if they were one. You thought them fusing would be the sweetest sentence. His hands gently took your face, deepening the kiss, and yours found their perfect spot in his chest. Then both of you slowly pulled away.
"So you had to discuss with me about kisses?"  you had the biggest smile which brightened more when you saw his upside-down one.
"I actually wanted to discuss which day you can come over for that marathon. As a date, of course." you touched your lip as if you were thinking while your heart felt like it was on a race.
"How about tomorrow?"
"Tomorrow sounds perfect." and he pecked you.
You were thrilled when you woke up that morning, you were going to have your first date with Stiles. He told you he would go to pick you up, but he needed to pass over Scott's for something his mom made, so you decided to meet there.
"Hey Melissa! Is Stiles here already?"
"Yes, Scott is with him in the kitchen helping him to put the tupperwares in a bag." when you both went there, she called your name.
"Do you want to know what happened to that boy?"
"Oh, yeah. I always worried about how he would be."
"Why don't you ask him?"
"Do you have his number or address or something?"
"What are you talking about?" Stiles' curiosity intervened in your conversation.
"A boy I met when I used to live here. Right when my parents had the accident, he was in the hospital because of his mother's illness and I like to think we bonded. Melissa knows him so I asked about him."
"Wait, you gave him a bracelet?" you were beyond confused.
"Yes, it was made of quartz and-"
"Obsidian." he finished for you.
"How do you-" that's when it clicked to you. "It was you?"
"Yes, he was." Melissa interrupted this time.
"That explains why your name was so familiar!" you always thought you had heard his name before even being so rare, you just couldn't pinpoint where. You two headed out to the jeep to enjoy your date
"So you still got it?" he looked sad when you asked him.
"I wish. It broke the night we went to the forest and Scott was bitten. When we went the day after that I only found some of the crystals."
"I'm sorry, maybe we could do another one. I'm guessing it protected you since all of the supernatural started after." you smiled at him.
"Are you sure you didn't give me something made of rose quartz?"
"It was clear quartz. Do you even know what giving rose quartz means?" you were going to chuckle when he replied.
"Yes, that's why I'm asking." you really were shocked, that was the crystal for love and attraction, he was openly admitting his feelings to you. "That day after I met you, I did some research on crystals." he confessed a little awkwardly, clearly a little embarrassed.
"Wow. That's really sweet, Sti." you kissed his cheek. "So I guess there's nothing I can show you, little padawan."
You two made the way to his home talking about random things and the day before, you even told him the part where you met Scott outside, he laughed at your joke and your heart tightened at the sound.
I love my job, being able to bring two soulmates together, as you two. Making the opportunities happen, like the fact that you two went to the same hospital, you going back to Beacon Hills or even you two choosing the matching costumes. Maybe putting Lydia and Scott in his first full moon was a little far-fetched, but it was worth it. Some people call me Destiny or shorten it to Fate, others say I'm a red thread or even a golden invisible string, but it doesn't matter who I am, the only important thing is you two finally being with each other.
a/n: I almost forgot to mention that this was inspired Taylor Swift’s song ‘Invisible string’ :)
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in1-nutshell · 2 months
This is something that suddenly struck me in the head AND I CANNOT SHUT IT UP!!
How do you think Maxima reacted to the time Optimus got Cybonic plague? Or when he got turned back to Orion?
And how might Lithia react to Ratchet of Sync Energon? Think she might do it with him or knew something is not right about this energon before he did?
(I know there are probably more moments with Umtra Magnus as well, but I havent watched TFP in a long while so I’m still catching up in Season 2 before Ultra Magnus joined. But I know about the hand incident) how did Maxima react to Ultra Magnus and his new hand? And maybe other moments that you can think of? I don’t mind spoilers at all.
*Inhales deeply* I LOVE THESE CONCEPTS!!!
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These would each have to be in separate requests to give them proper justice.
So... I'll give a short response!
A nutshell summary, if you will.
Maxima reaction to Optimus getting infected
She is scared.
Point blank, just scared.
Would most likely end up being confide to the base trying to help Ratchet with anything instead of going out, not wanting the emotions get in the way.
She is constantly checking over her father's condition trying to keep calm.
Ratchet's the only one who notices her servos shaking.
When Optimus does get better, Maxima is watching her father's every move and insisting on doing many manual things for him for a couple of weeks before toning it down after a talk.
Maxima reacting to Orion Pax
Maxima doesn't meet Orion Pax when Optimus looses his memories.
She is confided to the base thanks to a pede injury caused by the explosion.
Maxima does hear about Orion making an appearance through Ratchet.
She feels selfish... but she really wanted to meet her dad one more time.
Maxima doesn't talk to anyone about this wish and no one will know.
Lithia reaction to Ratchet on Synth-En
Now, Lithia knows well that her father is not fueling properly. She does try and get him to fuel more but he is stubborn.
Too bad, because she is stubborn too and 'fasts' with him.
Ratchet makes sure that Lithia is out of sight when he does do the injection.
She is panicking when she hears Raf yell that Ratchet fell.
Does not approve at all of her father taking the untested substitute. She doesn't care for its 'benefits', she cares about what side effects and complications are going to come with this.
When Ratchet goes rogue on that one Decepticon miner, she is trying to get him to see reason with Optimus.
Does not tolerate him bringing up Elita-One in front of Optimus.
But things change when he goes after her.
By now, most of the team wants to put this smug Ratchet in his place after what he said to Lithia and Optimus.
Arcee is so close on doing it, but Lithia tells her not to.
(Can't spoil everything can I?)
Maxima reaction to Ultra Magnus's new servo
To put it simple...
Pure and utter RAGE.
Its not often to see Maxima snap and this is definitely one of those times.
Her rage can go from a full out screaming battle cry to silence.
The screaming ones are hard to get her to calm down. Its a team effort to get her to take things down a couple of notches.
But everyone knows sort of how to spot those signs.
The silent ones are a different story.
Its the silent ones that are the scariest ones because Maxima will be planning several plans on how to get revenge and several back up plans in case they don't work out.
And NO ONE knows when to spot those signs. To them, they will happen and they won't know until there is a slip up. Spoiler: They rarely happen.
That's all I can say without giving too many details and/or spoilers for anything in the future.
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nhasablogg · 8 months
Icarian (allow the ground to find its brutal way to me)
Fandom: Stranger Things
Summary: Steve is running through the forest. He can feel his hunter closing in.
A/N: Thiiiiiis is some sort of attempt at writing something... Halloweeny? Spooky? Suspenseful? Idk. I was thinking I would try to write some Halloween esque fics throughout the month, but we'll see if I'll write more than this heh. Hope you like it!
Words: 1.3k
Steve was doing his best to not trip over tree roots that had infested the ground of the forest. Seriously, he couldn’t remember it ever being this bad. Only when he was running, which he currently was, when the roots were death traps more than nuisances. Of course that was when they decided to appear. Just his luck.
Heart in his throat, Steve jumped over a fallen tree branch, wondering if the forest was out to get him as much as his hunter was. It was strange that it was just during moments of complete panic that his mind managed to produce coherent thoughts in between all his absolutely jumbled ones. It was nearly funny, hearing the logical ones amidst the screaming and cursing, because that was all that he managed to really think as he ran through the semi-darkness. That and the occasional hunch that told him in what direction to run in, as if that would help. As if he wouldn’t get completely obliterated before managing to get out of this godforsaken forest.
Yet all the time spent among these trees, dates and mischief and the occasional need to just get away, led his feet in what he knew was the most suitable direction. Even though his mind and body were freaking out entirely, one part of him was doing its utmost to get him through this with as few scratches as possible. He could hear his hunter closing in and took a left, going deeper into the forest toward thicker trees, hoping to lose him enough that the noise and movement of the bushes wouldn’t matter. That his panicked gasps for air wouldn’t be audible.
He wasn’t sure how the hell he’d ended up here anyway. A day as any other, foggy and muggy, not at all the fall weather they were used to. Maybe the fog was what had resulted in this chase, was what had given Steve time to flee in the first place and get this far without being caught. But the fog was also making him uncertain, feeling as if he would trip over stones at any turn. Slowing him down, or so he assumed. His form wasn’t what it had been in high school, but he’d run away from enough monsters to know what adrenaline could do.
The mugginess was making his shirt cling to his chest, a piece of hair stuck to his forehead. “It’ll be fine,” Dusting had said, shoving a tree branch out of the way and letting it go before Steve had been able to get past it.
“You’re an asshole,” he’d replied, just narrowing missed having his fucking face whipped. “This will end badly, I’m telling you.”
“Since when were you a pu-”
“Shit, fuck!” The memory was interrupted by his ankle slamming into something and he fell headfirst toward the ground, finding himself lucky to land on something soft. He could imagine how easily he would come out of this with a stick through his eyeball, blood everywhere, excruciating pain turning him into nothing but wailing. But all he got was a scrape over his wrist where he tried and failed to catch himself against mossy bark. He lay there, for a moment, allowing himself to whimper through his heavy breathing once before falling silent. Listening. Knowing damn well no one could’ve missed that fall. Or?
The forest was quiet, sans the occasional rattling of leaves high above, and Steve tried to press his body as flatly against the forest floor as he could. All he could smell were leaves and dirt, all he could feel was the thudding of his ankle and the hammering of his heart.
“You’re not scared, are you?” That voice, only heard in his head, was inevitably Dustin’s, although the tone was different. The tone was playful in a way Dustin never was. Not accusing enough to be Robin’s, although she would probably have told him to stop being a wimp, too. Although he had Eddie’s voice entirely memorized he was grateful it wasn’t his, even though the words so obviously were. Steve’s heart was already frantic enough from the chase.
This was ridiculous. He was never speaking to Dustin again once he got out of here.
The sound of a twig breaking was what made him scramble to his feet again, realizing that if he was to be stagnant he couldn’t do it there, on semi-open ground, and so he started lugging his body through the trees again, his ankle protesting slightly but otherwise seeming uninjured. The fog seemed to have cleared up slightly, or maybe he had simply gotten used to it. It felt as if he’d been running for hours, but he knew it had barely been ten minutes. He couldn’t even have gotten very far. Was running in circles for all he knew.
“It will be fun,” Dustin had said, dumping his bag on the ground as the group gathered around him. “A trial of endurance. Of speed. Of survival skills.”
“Now you’re overdoing it,” Lucas had said and Steve had been glad someone else was voicing their disapproval. But Eddie had seemed excited, and so Steve hadn’t protested again. He was kind of regretting it now.
“You nervous?” Eddie had asked him quietly, breath against Steve’s cheek. Steve had shaken his head, had acted tough about it. But of course he’d been nervous, and now he regretted not being honest. It made him feel pathetic, tripping through the forest, hunted for fucking sport. How he’d survived literal monsters in the past he couldn’t explain.
He stopped in his tracks just before falling over a fallen tree, cursing under his breath as he tried to climb over it quickly. Too many obstacles in too little time. He felt as if his hunter was breathing down his neck now, and he turned around only to prove to himself that it wasn’t the case, and ended up with a hand around his arm dragging him back over the stem.
He screamed in surprise, then in slight terror, and then, finally, in panic as fingers dug into his abdomen, making his whole body twitch against Eddie’s. When Steve got a glimpse of him through his ticklish laughter, he saw that he was just as flushed as him.
“Fifteen minutes,” Eddie said, stilling his fingers and leaning down to press his lips to Steve’s temple. “You might survive.”
“I’ve survived before,” Steve said, feeling grumpy. “That’s why I don’t get this exercise.”
“Eh, it’s good to hone your skills.”
“And entertain the kids.”
“That too.” Eddie curled his fingers over his belly again and Steve tried to shove him away, but the way they’d landed had Eddie hovering over him and it made it harder to get away. “But now you’re at the mercy of the tickle monster.”
“You’re so annoying.” It might’ve sounded serious had Steve not been giggling, exhausted, ticklish, glad this stupid experience was over. “Not there-”
“Oh here?”
Eddie laughed, but left his belly alone. Unfortunately it only meant he moved upward, to the sides of his ribs, making Steve squirm into the earth beneath him, feet kicking, profanities flying. But it was all nearly - nearly - worth it when Eddie kissed him, the two of them entangled for as long as they felt they could get away with it.
“Did you fall before?” Eddie asked once he’d helped him up, brushing leaves off of him. “I thought I saw your tumble out of sight.”
Steve sighed. “I did. It fuckin’ hurt.” Not that much, but he felt he needed some sort of sympathy after being dragged into this. “I thought you’d catch up.”
“I got confused and stopped, but heard you once you got up again.”
Steve hummed. He felt as if Eddie had paused on purpose to let him catch his breath, but didn’t call him out on it. “You be the prey next time. See how you like it.”
“Sweetheart.” A hand around Steve’s waist. “There’s nothing I’d like more than to be chased by you.”
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valiantstarlights · 9 months
Oh nooo I’m thinking about personal trainer dream again…
Specifically, helping Hob do some yoga or stretches to loosen up? Helping guide him into downward facing dog from behind and resisting the urge to press up against him and grind. Helping him stretch his hamstrings, laying him out on his back and pressing his legs back against his chest while Hob is blushing and stammering and Dream is about five seconds from losing it…
The way I panicked and rushed to my page to check if I had accidentally posted the (still unfinished) draft of Chapter 3 in my sleep 😂
But yes, anon. 😊 There's definitely going to be a borderline spicy yoga session in Chapter 3, and Dream and Hob are going to be insane about each other as usual.
As a treat (and because I feel bad taking forever with the update 😭), here's a little something that may or may not end up getting cut, so I'll just post it here. 😊
CW: Suspicious noises at the gym, Matthew suffering and needing a raise
Matthew jumps at the sound and wields his mop like a bo staff, turning this way and that, eyes seeking out the shadowy corners of the corridor he's in. He heard from Lucienne that the building is as new and modern as its architecture, but in his opinion, that doesn't guarantee that there would be no ghosts around.
(And while he knows he can't fight ghosts, physically or exorcist-ically, he can still flip them off and scare them with his unhinged mop skills that frightened even Boss Destiny.)
He tiptoes slowly towards the source of the sound, near the private session rooms, still holding his mop like a weapon, ears pricked up for more strange noises.
"Please, I don't think I can anymore..."
Matthew's heart starts to beat in double-time. That sounded like Professor Gadling! Is he being murdered? Should he go and get Boss Dream? But what if he can't find him in time?!
There was another, slightly pained groan, and Matthew rushes forward. He is just about to kick the door open and slap Professor Gadling's murderer with a wet mop to the face when he hears something else that made the blood freeze in his veins.
"You can do it, Professor Gadling," a much lower voice--Boss Dream's voice--croons. "Just a little more. You're doing so well. Just a little more for me..."
Professor Gadling whines, high and needy, and moans something that sounds like, "M-Mr. Endless, please..." and it snaps Matthew out of his daze.
Are they...
Are they--???
Matthew swallows down his scream and runs away, now clutching the mop against his body like a comfort plushie.
happy spooky season, matthew! 😂
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celiciaa · 9 months
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expect A LOT of mistakes, i had a hard time translating this, so please bear with me.
trigger warning: smut, just gilbert being overly obsessive
minors and ageless blogs dni.
The time when the curtain of night falls and the candlelight flickers dimly——
Gilbert: You are very quiet today. What's wrong?
He bites my ear lightly and whispers, a mixture of tension and pleasure creeps up my back.
Emma: I had a rough day yesterday…..
Gilbert: You've learned a lot. Great job.
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I was laid on a black sheet and a kiss was dropped on my neck and chest.
Lord Gilbert smiled with satisfaction as the number of kiss marks on my chest increased.
(I really thought I was going to lose my mind last night…..)
Last night, Lord Gilbert was in a very bad mood, even in bed.
He happened to see me playing with the military dogs that was kept at the castle,
He wasn’t happy at that sight.
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I tried to escape from the bed once, but the violent pleasure became too much to bear,
This seemed to agitate Lord Gilbert even more, and he loved me so intensely that I felt like I was going crazy.
(I love you, Lord Gilbert, but.…)
(If you did that to me two days in a row, I would break.)
Gilbert: You're cute like a doll, but...
Emma: Nngh….
His lightly clawed fingers run from my chest to the navel, then down to the hot, moist area.
He stroked my sensitive area, spreading my wetness in process, as a cry escaped from my lips.
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Gilbert: I prefer rebellious girls to submissive ones.
His fingers slid deeper inside me where last night's heat remains, stroking me from within mercilessly.
Even though I bit my lip to muffle my voice and gripped the sheets tightly, my body jumped as pleasure poured out of me.
Gilbert: It's no fun if I'm always putting you down. // It's no fun to be constantly assembling you.
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Gilbert: How about you try to pin me down once in a while? That is, of course, if you have the guts.
(You laugh at me every night….when I was trying to do that.)
Emma: Nn…aahh…!
My weak spots were relentlessly assaulted, and sweet numbness spread from between my legs to my toes.
Gilbert: Ahaha, you can’t, can you?
Gilbert: Yesterday, just by bullying you a little, you quickly stopped resisting, didn't you?
He pulled his fingers out, and then, sweet, gentle kisses fell on my body as I lay there limp.
(I don't know if Lord Gilbert wants me to resist or to trample me down….)
(However, Lord Gilbert's words are always true,)
(I'm also just frustrated that you’re doing whatever you want….!)
As I wriggled out from Lord Gilbert grasp, I raised my upper body and pushed him down onto the black sheet——
I should have been able to do my way, but my legs were not strong enough that I ended up on Lord Gilbert’s lap.
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Gilbert: That surprised me.
Gilbert: I wasn’t expecting you'd actually be on top of me.
When I realized that I was pressing my breasts against Lord Gilbert's face, heat rose up to my face.
Emma: I—I’m sorry…!
I panicked and tried to retreat from Lord Gilbert, but he grabbed me by the arm and pulled me back.
Not allowing me to leave, he kept a firm grip on my arm.
Then Lord Gilbert placed his ear to my chest and remained silent.
Emma: Lord Gilbert…?
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Gilbert: I like the sound of your heartbeat.
Gilbert: I can tell you love me very much.
(Lord Gilbert…you sound so calm….)
In the past, my heart used to pound with fear every time I saw Lord Gilbert.
But ever since I decided to live with him, I've been too much in love with him.
(My heart throbs in a different way when his face is buried in my chest…)
Gilbert: Your heart and the sound of its beating will forever belong to me.
Gilbert: Until the time comes when your heartbeat stops….no, even after it stops, I'll still love you.
(….I’m so happy.)
(Until my heartbeat stops, he says.)
(It means that Lord Gilbert will be with me for as long as I live….)
I gently raised myself up and let Lord’s Gilbert’s hand pressed against my chest.
Emma: I'll give you my heart as much as you want…and I won't forgive you if you're lying.
Emma: You will love me until my heartbeat stops, understood?
Gilbert: Hehe…I know.
Lord Gilbert smiled with satisfaction and lifted me up on his lap.
Gilbert: Hehe, what now?
Gilbert: You have to take responsibility for attacking me earlier. // You'll have to finish what you started, you know.
Emma: But you were the one who——
Gilbert: You're the one who's attacking me right now.
Emma: Then, what do you want me to do?
Gilbert: I wish you'd kiss me once in a while.
He looked at me with a piercingly hot gaze,
My head feels dizzy, like when I'm intoxicated by the smell of flowers.
After lightly biting Lord Gilbert’s lips, we drown ourselves in a deep kiss.
Emma: Mm…
(I can't help but want more of Lord Gilbert today….)
Gilbert: Unlike yesterday, you are much more aggressive today. Did you get excited when I heard your heartbeat?
Lord Gilbert pulled up my hand and pressed it against his neck.
For some reason, the quiet pulse that runs through my palm seems to me to be extremely immoral.
Gilbert: You can feel the pulse, can't you? The neck is a vital part of the body. So normally, no one can touch it.
Gilbert: You're the only one I'd allow to do this to me, okay?
Emma: Gil…hng…!
He played and tweaked my nipples, and a sweet numbness crawled up my spine.
Until Lord Gilbert’s heat pressed on my hips, which had fallen without any strength in my legs.
Gilbert: Don't let go of my hand. Keep feeling like this.
Every time I lose strength from my legs, he slides his length into my sensitive area.
(I can't…..find any strength….)
Emma: Aahh…!
I was penetrated to the deepest point, and I let out a pleasurable cry as the numbness ran through my brain.
He was pleasuring me from below, and I muffled my voice in my hand.
Gilbert: I'll make sure you're mine, over and over again. // I'll engrave myself in your body over and over just to make sure you’re mine.
(You didn't have to do that, I already belonged to you, Lord Gilbert….)
He was staring at me with an obsessive gaze, and a feeling of ecstasy was crawling up my spine.
The way he gripped my waist, never allowing me to escape from pleasure.
The next night, our hearts were melting together in a fiery love making that I willingly drowned myself in——
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jvngw0nlvr · 10 months
When you entered their private studio/dance practice room when they're on live.
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Warnings - mention on hateful words, death threats, rumors, hate train, toxic engenes🤢 I think that's it
Gn!reader!x enhypen
If any grammer is bad please tell me it's my first time posting anything on Tumblr🙏🏼😛
Fluff! Sorta angst!
Heeseung 🎤🦌 - Before he had started the live he texted you to come to his private studio and you took to long cause you were getting your hair done for you comeback, so he forgot that he ever texted you and started a weverse live, and when you walked in you said "Hii bae" he got so surprised and when he saw your face of horror he just laughed and then it hit him he was on live and you just had called him bae he ended the live right then and there. So many engenes supported you guys buy some refused to believe it and said that maybe they're just really close friends and just call each other bae, on the other hand toxic engenes sent hate to your group and you and dragged your talent which was very rude of them cause your very talented 💅🏼.
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Jay 🎸🐈‍⬛- He was in the private studio playing his guitar on weverse live and before he had called you to see if you could stop by and you said "uhh I don't think I can I'm really busy with my schedule" and he was kinda disappointed but he understood you cause you guys were idols it's not all the time that you guys have free time to actually relax so he understood pretty quickly but also he was still a bit sad he couldn't see you. So he went on and he got a little bored so he decided to go on live and then about 40 minutes go by and your practice ended early so you went to his studio and knock on the door he hears you knock on the door and he has the camera positioned where you can see the door so he tries to figure out who it is by the silhouette cause the doors and kinda blurred but then he looks closer and he sees its you he internally panicked and immediately texted you " I'm on live rn" so you left, but yall saw each other later so it was fine.
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Jake 🍜🐶 -He was doing a live in his private studio and was doing a live where he would have fans request songs so that he would play them and he was playing "Zz' city by So!Yoon" (a very good song btw I do recommend it) and you had passed by his private studio but you saw his silhouette through the blurred glass and knew it was him by the brown cardigan, and the hair. You took a pause and went back and you didn't knock cause it's your bf why would you and then you see that he's on live and your heart sinks and you start thinking about the rumors, death threats, the hate, everything. Then you hear jake say "We have a special guest my very very close friend yn " but he sounded kinda awkward saying it cause you were so used to him calling you his s/o but it was a good cover up, but the way you froze up was suspicious so fans speculated something but also trusted jakes word and said that it was fine for him to be friends with the other gender.
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Sunghoon ❄️⛸️ -He was doing a live in the private studio with Jake and he had texted you saying he wanted to see you today so you thought "why not surprise him?".But the thing was you didn't know that he would be on live when you would surprise him so you were on your way and you don't even knock with how excited you were you even bought tiramisu his favorite, Ferrero Rochare also his fav, a new hoodie for him, and balloons just to be extra. You walked in and they both turned back to be met with you and all the things you got jake was like " ahh you scared me" and sunghoon started to panick and to cope with it he started to awkwardly laugh really loudly and made the situation worse, you just left the stuff and dipped you were so embarrassed.
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Sunoo 🍡⛅️ -He was in the private studio by himself cause he just wanted to talk and catch up with engenes and he suddenly heard a knock and he said "I'll be right back engenes" and he was sorta surprised when he saw you standing there but he wasn't awkward about it he actually even invited you to join the live to say hi and fans just thought you guys were friends others shipped you guys and since you guys just really wanted to be with eachother you ended up staying and fully joining the live.
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Jungwon 🌵🌺- He was in the dance practice room by himself just dancing on live and vibing to newly released songs and talking to engenes here and there. And you being you wanted to see your bf and he had texted you saying he was going to dance a bit and meet up with you after but you got a little to excited and went to the dance practice room to see him and when you went in you ran to him, and hugged him, and since the room is pretty big you couldn't see the staff and the camera so when you ran to him you were met with the sight of a camera and two staff one on each side of the camera and as soon as he sees you he freaks out and looks at the staff and him being the leader and also the staff being there he knew how to handle the situation and even though he didn't want to he knew he had to say "engenes this is my close friend yn everyone say hii" and you followed along and said hi to them you left so quick you knew your manager was gonna text you about it and soompi and dispatch would post it and fans would freak and send a big hate train towards both of you...
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Riki 🎧📸 - He was in the dance practice room showing engenes the bite me choreo and giving a tutorial on the part he made and you knew he would be there so you went in and who knew that he would be live not you cause you didn't check beforehand you were met with the sight of him in front of a camera saying " 1, 2, 3, 4 come here and get some" and he heard the door shut when you closed it but when he looked back he was REALLY SURPRISED to see you there his eyes literally went hugee and fans thought it was weird that he acted that way and he even laughed when he realized the whole situation so it really didn't make it any better he said "come here don't be scared they don't bite" and fans literally freaked outt you went into the frame and people were like omgg they know each other since a bunch of fans ship you and you said "hii everyone" and you got shy so you went out of frame and riki said "they're super shy guys" and started doing the super shy choreo. A bunch of fans freaked out and called him rizzki rizzmura cause of this and some toxic engenes came after you and when your group went to the airport they called you hateful names🙁.
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suckerforcate · 1 year
Larissa with really powerful witch s/o who protected her from dying but in the process the s/o gets injured rlly bad and they healed well ,took a little long but Larissa is like, extremely guilty about it so s/o reassures her and it ends with just pure fluff with angst in the first part please? Btw awesome writing and pls do tell me if you can't and I totally understand<3
You are worth it
Pairing: Larissa Weems x Reader
Word Count: 979
Warning: near death, wounds, blood
A/n: Really liked this, Angst with a fluffy ending is just superior!! <3
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You were determined to protect Larissa. It didn't matter what happened to you, she was the only important thing right now.
You stormed out of the door, running faster than ever, directly to Larissa. She was frozen in shock, looking at the Hyde in front of her with widened eyes. You jumped in front of her, shielding her with opened arms.
"Leave, Larissa!" She didn't move, not one bit. You shot a shock wave to the hide, throwing it back a little. Fast you turned to Larissa and grabbed her shoulders, staring in her eyes sternly.
"You have to leave, Larissa. I'll work this out." You shook her lightly until she fell out of her trance and moved her eyes panicking.
"(Y/n), what are you doing?" You turned around, feeling the Hyde approached again, having your arms around Larissa the whole time.
"I'm protecting you." With that you gave her a gentle but firm push away from the chaos.
The Hyde took a jump forward, reaching out for you with its claws. With a step backwards you shot a spell to it, letting it fly back in agony. Giving you some time to collect yourself and decide your next move.
After that it all went downhill, you had just turned around for a split second to look at Larissa. Seeing her eyes shoot open in panic, showed you that something bad was about to happen. And that's when you felt it, a claw ripping open your back. In mere seconds you had fallen to the ground, having had just enough time to shoot another shockwave towards the Hyde. Crying out in pain you fell onto the hurt back, trying to stand up again you fell onto all fours.
"(Y/n)!" Larissa screamed your name, filled with panic and muffled by tears.
Slowly you stood up again, seeing the Hyde ready to attack again. You concentrated exactly on the spot the Hyde would land, as it jumped you snapped your fingers, causing a big purple flame to shoot out of the ground. Avoiding being burned you jumped to the side just in the last second. Still the Hyde ripped your shoulder open, blood streaming out of it, before it fell into the flames, burning and screaming out. With the last bit of strength in you, you stumbled towards Larissa. Caving in right in front of her.
Larissa fell to her knees, pulling you into her lap. Looking at her hands, all she saw was blood. She cried out, panic flooding her senses.
"(Y/n), stay strong, you won't die in my arms. I forbid it." You chuckled, nodding ad to show her you would try to obey. A second later, you felt your mind slip away. Slowly closing your eyes, the last thing you heard was Larissa's scream.
Larissa couldn't stop sobbing, her makeup smudged completely, the mascara running down her cheeks. She was scared, more than she had ever been in her life.
She sat next to you, holding your hand. A nurse had stitches you up and cleaned your wounds. She said you were healing well, still you had been out for nearly three days. The fight had sucked all the strength out of you.
Three days you had been out, and three days Larissa had been crying. She just couldn't stop herself, the tears kept coming and coming.
The first thing you heard when you woke up, were sobs. You felt a hand in yours and tears on your arm. Slowly you opened your eyes, the sight broke your heart. Larissa sat at your side, puffy eyes, chaotic hair and wet cheeks.
You hissed, suddenly feeling pain in your back. At that Larissa's eyes shot up.
"(Y/n)" Larissa's voice was thin, nothing like usual. You slightly squeezed her hand.
"I'm fine, it's alright Larissa." She let out a sob, and put her head onto your stomach, clinging to the shirt you were wearing. She soaked it wet with her tears. Gently you stroked over her hair, trying to calm her.
Suddenly she shot up, looking at you sternly.
"How could you do that, (Y/n). You could have died, I was worried sick." You cupped her cheek with your hand, brushing away a few tears.
"Yeah, but I didn't, did I? I'm still alive, here by your side." She put her hand onto yours, intertwining your fingers.
"But you could have died, the risk was too high! And what for? For me, and I'm not worth risking your life." Your expression became serious, taking her hand into yours.
"Look at me, Larissa. Never say that again. I didn't die, but I wouldn't have minded dying, if that meant saving you. I'd die for you. Don't you understand that?" Larissa's breath hitched, letting out an uncontrolled sob.
"But why?"
"Because I love you." Larissa's eyes widened in shock. She didn't know what to say.
"I love you Larissa and I could never forgive myself if you had died. You're like the sun in my life, warming me from the inside, letting my heart blossom in joy. The light at the end of the tunnel. I've never felt like this before, and I never want to leave your side. Your worth every pain and death there is. You're worth so much more." Larissa couldn't believe her ears, never had anyone said something like that. Never did she know anyone who would've died for her.
Slowly, careful not to hurt you, she leaned forward and cupped your face. The kiss that followed was sloppy, wet and salty from all the cried tears. But that didn't change, that it was exactly the right thing. Breaking apart, Larissa pulled you into a hug.
"Still, I'd appreciate it, if you wouldn't try to die in the future." You laughed into the hug, pulling her even closer to you.
"I can't promise anything. But I'll try."
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fangirlstorycreator · 6 months
Hey lovely can you write something about we are Terry's wife and we are pregnant and for the past few days we have been having contractions and just him comforting us and one night when we are lying In bed we have a really bad one and he just helps us through it like rubbing are back or stomach and holding are hand something just really fluff please and I'd you can could it be kk3 and ck terry
Absolutely I can do that for you anon, it's always a pleasure writing about Terry 😊💚 I apologise for the delay, I've only just been able to get internet back on my phone 💚
KK3 Terry:
This was your first pregnancy, and you had heard many stories from your friends or other women about their own experiences throughout pregnancy. Many said the labour was the worst part, others say the stretch marks and back pain, in my experience those pains were something you could cope with, but when it came to braxton hicks! That was another story. You were one week away from your due date, and you were starting to experience braxton hicks, they were terrible to go through. At first it wasn't so bad, but the pains gradually got stronger and stronger, and you thought you were going to possible go into labour. Of course you told your husband Terry, but he reacted in the way you knew he would, he panicked. He looked worried yet energetic, it was like he was a tight ball of nervousness. This was his wife and baby's health hear, and throughout the entire pregnancy, Terry had done anything and everything for you both. So when you told him you were feeling what you thought were labour pains, Terry went into over drive. He got you in the car, along with the hospital bag and all the essentials you needed for the birth within minutes. But when you arrived and got checked out, it was only braxton hicks. So you were sent home and told what the signs would be if it was labour, and to watch out for that before coming back, unless there was an emergency. So this went on for what felt like a very long time, and they were little intervals of hicks, uncomfortable and stoped you from doing anything, so there wasn't much you could do.
Towards the end of the second day, it was night time when you have had enough. The doctor recommended walking to ease the pains, but it wasn't working anymore, and you were lead down in bed feeling stuck. Terry walked in from his kang su do work out, and he looked heartbroken for you, he hated not knowing how to help you. He walked up to the bed and knelt down beside you, he held your hand and looked into your eyes with such worry and concern. "Can I do anything for you baby girl?" "I don't think so Terry" "Oh Y/N, I hate to see you like this. You don't deserve to go through this, your putting your body through the works to carry our baby" "It's one of the many things I knew I was getting into when we decided to be parents babe" "If I could trade places with you, I would in a blink of an eye. You look like your falling apart, I'm so sorry"
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"Its all going to be worth it in the end Terry, when our little baby is finaly hear, he or she will just smile, and all of this pain will feel like a distant memory" "That's just one of the many things I love about you baby girl, your positivity in situations" "It's all I can do, because f#ck knows what else I'm going to do about it" You both share a giggle, just before you hold your lower belly and feel yet another hick. "Hhhsss!" "Another one?" "Yep...yet again" Terry rested his hand against your cheek and gave you a sweet kiss on your forehead. "Did you tell me to go and work out earlier because you didn't want me to see you like this?" ".....Partially....I just thought you might want a little time where your not worrying about me" "I worry about you no matter where I am or what I'm doing Y/N. Your carrying our baby, and your body is working over time. I just wish-wait! I have an idea! I'll back in a few moments baby, I promise" He smiles with his boyish charm and gives you a cheeky kiss before he jumps up and runs to the bathroom. You secretly think in your head "I wish I could jump up and run with that speed" Terry returned about 20 minutes later, looking like an excited boy who'd just been given a new toy.
"I have a suprise for you baby, let me help you up and I can show you" "Oh Terry, your not going to try and distract me with your ideas for multiply cobra kai dojo's again are you?" "No no baby, don't worry. I wouldn't put you through that again. I promise you'll enjoy it, come on" He helps you stand up nice and gently and holds your hand and his other arm supports your back as he leads you through to the bathroom. He has only gone and made a relaxing bubble bath for you with vanilla bath oils. He had lit coconuts scented candles, and sprinkled rose pettles in the bubbly warm water of the very large circular bath. He even put on some lovely background music, it was so inviting. After Terry helped you undress, he carried you into the bath and gently set you into the water so you were nice and comfortable. "This is wonderful babe, thank you" "I thought this would be nice for you baby girl, I'll be in with you, just a second..." Terry started undressing to get into the bath with you, but you couldn't help but watch. "Oh....you like what you see?" "Absolutely...why don't you undress a little slower for me?" He smirked as he did what he was asked, he pulled his white GI away from his chest, slowly revealing more and more of his muscular body. His broad chest, his strong biceps, and those muscles towards his groin.....it was definitely a great distraction.
Once he climbed in, he sat infront of you at first, giving you time to adjust to the temperature with out his body heat against you. "How are you feeling Y/N?" "The water is definitely helping, this was a great idea Terry. Thank you" "Anything for you baby girl"
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His beautiful smile after he said that melted your heart, he always knew how to make you feel warm. Inside and out. "Now, let's get us both more comfortable shall we?" He slid over to you and maneuvered himself behind you, so your back was pressed against his chest. He held you in his arms as you feel so relaxed and pain free. His hands both move under the water and he gently strokes the area underneath your belly where the pains are coming from, it's like he is giving you a miniature massage in just that area. Your eyes flutter shut, and you rest your head against his chest and neck. You can feel his chuckle vibrate through you from where your lead on him. "Is that nice?" "Oooh you have no idea babe" He kisses your neck as he continues his little massage. "I have all the time in the world to make you feel better baby girl, and I will do this as much as you need until the big day when our little baby silver is finaly hear. I promise you that. I love you baby" "I love you too Terry"
CK Terry:
Regardless of weather you had tired feet, a headache or just simply didn't want to do something during your pregnancy, your husband Terry was always there to support and help you. Yes, Terry was older than you, and this was your first child for both of you. And Terry has wanted nothing more than his own family. He had married his bestfriend, and he loved you with all his heart. And now, with the baby on the way, everything was going to be perfect for both of you. Terry couldn't be more excited. The pregnancy had been quite normal, there weren't many issues apart from the morning sickness at the start. But once you started getting bigger, it was harder for you to do things. Terry would notice you struggling and he would instinctively take over to help you out. And once you were in the last 2 months, Terry wouldn't let you lift a finger. And to be honest, you were secretly glad. Just getting up off the sofa felt like hurdle. In your last month, you thought you were in the beginnings of labour when these uncomfortable pains started occurring, and Terry called in his doctor to the house straight away. He was a man who had connections pretty much everywhere, and he did of course have his own personal doctor and midwife waiting for when any issues were to occur.
So when he called the doctor, she came to the house and checked you, only to tell you that you weren't in labour, but were experiencing what felt like labour, and that was braxton hicks. She gave you tips on how to go through them, but you weren't in labour yet. That evening, Terry had of course made dinner, washed up, tidied the house and helped you with any issues you had. Including helping you take your shoes on and off, but to be honest, it was just slippers you could use now as they were much more comfortable. As you were sat up in bed reading your antenatal book, the uncomfortable pains kick in again, causing you to wince and squeeze your eyes shut. Terry walked in from having his shower, seeing you in discomfort. "Is it happening again sweetheart?" "Unfortunately yes....I've had enough of these pains Terry. I think I'd just prefer to go straight into labour. At least that's something that will lead somewhere, these braxton hicks are just annoying and uncomfortable" Terry removes his towel and changes into just a pair or pyjama trousers, leaving him shirtless with his towel over his shoulders.
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He has sympathy in his eyes as he comes to sit next to you on the side of the bed, holding your hand in his.
"Would you like me to do something to help you sweetheart?" "To be honest, I don't know what you could do to help me with these" He gives you one of his warm smiles and strokes your hand with his thumb. "I have an idea, you stay there and I'll be right back" he says before leaning in and giving you a warm and sweet kiss. He leaves the bedroom and heads downstairs, you don't know what he's planning, but your praying that whatever he thinks might work, does work. These braxton hicks are really p#ssing you off now. When Terry comes back in, he has brought an array of things with him. A safe temperature hot water bottle, a mug of your favourite mint flavoured hot chocolate, some ibuprofen, some chocolate chip cookies and strangely, a bottle of massage oil? "Hear you go sweetheart, this medicine will help with the pains, and the hot water bottle is hear for you to put under your belly on the tender areas" "Terry you are the absolute best husband I could ask for" "Well, yes" This makes him chuckle, and he places the hot chocolate and cookies down beside you as you place the water bottle under your belly. "So Terry, I do have a question" "Yes?" "I understand the things you've brought to me, but not that massage oil. You know being intimate at this stage of pregnancy is difficult for me"
"Oh yes, I know I sometimes bring this into the bedroom before s#x, but that's not why I have it. I was going to give you a massage to help relax you instead. You've been so tense and pent up with these braxton hicks, I wanted to help you unwind" You don't answer, you just smile before pulling him in gently and kissing him to show him what all this means to you. "I love you Terry" "I love you too sweetheart" You repositioned in the bed as Terry puts his hair up in his classic pony tail and puts on his silk dressing gown.
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You were now leaning against Terry's back when he sat down behind you and he was propped up against the bed with a pillow. Once you removed just your shirt, leaving your bra on, you took a sip of your hot chocolate as he rubbed the oil into his hands, warming it up. And once his big, strong and muscular hands touched your shoulders, he applied just the right amount of pressure to make you feel like you were melting in his hands. You let out a little moan of release and pleasure as he works on your shoulders and back, and he loves hearing that. "Is my beautiful queen enjoying that?" "Ohh you have no idea Terry" Once again he chuckles, and you could feel it as it vibrates through his chest into your back.
This whole moment was pure bliss, and the pains had stopped too, thanks to the bottle and medicine. After about half an hour, you were practically lifeless in his arms as your body was that relaxed, Terry just smiles and plants a kiss on your cheek as you rest against him and holds you in his arms. "You have magic hands Terry....of course I've always known that, but this is next level" "I can always see what you and your body need sweetheart, and yes....my hand have always known that too....maybe some time after the baby's born, I can take you out for a date night. And I can bring this oil with us....." "Now that, sounds like an offer I simply can't refuse"
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