#not that I was going to buy it anyway because who has £200 to spend on a jumper
gaytobymeres · 5 months
Whyyyyyyyyy do companies insist on making bedsheets that are cotton mixed with a plastic like polyester!!!! When I ask for cotton bedsheets I mean I want 100% cotton bedsheets not 52% polyester 48% cotton!! Like I get that cotton is not that environmentally friendly in terms of water use but at least once the bedsheets reach the end of their life they can be recycled easily or composted because it’s an organic material. Also I have cotton bedsheets that are genuinely decades old and they’re still going strong and they’ve been used and washed a lot! So I know that good quality bedsheets will last a very long time and they feel much nicer
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renecdote · 1 year
how about "this reminded me of you" if it sparks? <3
Hi Kate ily I hope you don't mind that I took some creative liberties with the dialogue here <3 It also got way longer than expected oops so enjoy 4.4k of these two being ridiculously in love.
Also for @starlingbite who requested the same prompt.
[Read on AO3]
The package shows up on the doorstep on Wednesday afternoon. Eddie is supposed to be at work—the last shift in the cycle before their four days off—but instead he kissed Buck goodbye at the door, made him promise not to do anything too dangerous, then stayed home to look after his sick kid. He’s expecting groceries when the doorbell rings just after five p.m., not the lumpy grey package left by a USPS driver who is already climbing into his truck and driving away.
Eddie skims the label as he shuts the door—sent to: Evan Buckley; description: boyfriend hoodie—curious because he doesn’t remember Buck mentioning anything he ordered recently. He doesn’t open it, but he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t tempted. He pulls out his phone instead and types boyfriend hoodie into the search bar, only hesitating a moment before he hits enter. A dozen links pop up, but none of them are all that enlightening. Eddie is left with no clearer idea of what a boyfriend hoodie is and a vague disgust at how expensive they are to buy. He’s pretty sure that if Buck ever put together a budgeting spreadsheet it would look something like:
Food $200
Data $150
Rent $800
Hoodies $3,600
Utility $150
And Eddie knows he’s so, so far gone for his boyfriend. He knows he has been for a long time. But damn he’s got it bad because he knows that if Buck put a budget like that in front of him, he’d never be able to talk him out of spending a fortune on all his cosy, tempting hoodies.
The doorbell rings again, cutting into his thoughts, and Eddie leaves the package on the dining table to collect his groceries. Milk and eggs and the deli bacon Buck likes go in the fridge, oranges in the fruit bowl, crackers and pedialyte left on the table, everything else in the pantry. He checks on Chris—sleeping, no warmer than he was an hour ago when Eddie brushes a hand over his forehead—and somewhere between folding laundry and ladling chicken soup into a cup, the mystery of the package slips to the back of his mind.
Buck tries to sneak in when he gets home, but Eddie is dozing on the couch, half awake in case Chris needs him, and he hears the rumble of the Jeep’s engine before the door is unlocked.
“Hey,” he greets sleepily, “you’re early.”
He’s not really: it’s twenty past eight. Eddie is just so used to calls taking them overtime, or lingering in the station at the end of a shift, or the hell beast that is LA traffic in the mornings. Their shifts end at eight, but he rarely sees the inside of his house any earlier than eight forty-five.
“Hey,” Buck echoes, yawning. “Sorry, did I wake you?”
Eddie shakes his head, swallowing back his own yawn. “Nah, I’ve been up for a while.” Sort of up, anyway. “How was work?”
“Busy,” Buck answers. “I missed you.”
He looks tired, which means he probably didn’t get much sleep in the bunks. Hard to tell whether that was because of the busy or the I missed you though.
“How’s Chris?” he asks before Eddie can question him further. “Is he feeling any better?”
It hits Eddie sometimes, in the moments he least expects it, that he’s been coparenting with his best friend for far longer than either of them realised. Buck letting himself into the house, asking how Chris is when he’s been sick—none of it feels new. They could have had this conversation just as easily three years ago as they are today. The only difference is that now, after Eddie has reassured his partner that Chris seems to be on the upswing, he can tip his head back against the couch and Buck will lean down and kiss him; first on the forehead, then, when Eddie pouts upside down at him, on the lips.
“Hi,” he murmurs, eyes crinkling with his smile, and Eddie can’t help smiling back at him.
“Hi,” he echoes. Thinks: I missed you too.
Buck starts to straighten up and—it’s fine, he’s not going to go far, but—a sound of protest catches in Eddie’s throat and he reaches up and snags his boyfriend by the hoodie string and—
Oh. The hoodie!
“You got mail,” he blurts, sitting up so fast he almost smacks Buck in the head.
“Mail…? Oh!” Buck’s eyes light up as he grabs the package. “I didn’t think this would be here until next week.”
“You bought another hoodie?” Eddie asks, trying to sound casual and probably failing. He hopes it’s a nice blue that will bring out Buck’s eyes. Or the kind of pink that makes his lips pop. Or that burnt orange he looks so good in. Or green, or white, or maroon, or purple. He’s pretty sure Buck doesn’t own a purple hoodie yet.
“Actually,” Buck is already ripping open the packaging, his grin bright and unrestrained, “this one is for you.”
Eddie frowns, confused. Why? he almost asks. We both know I’d just steal it from you anyway. And then Buck gets the hoodie out of its packaging inside the packaging (Eddie mourns the environment) and holds it up, the material unfolding to show a grey-blue hoodie that says I stole this from my boyfriend on the front. He blinks. Reads it again.
“Doesn’t it defeat the whole purpose if it’s for me? I mean, if you give it to me, I didn’t really steal it from my boyfriend, did I?”
Buck rolls his eyes, but his grin hasn’t faltered. “I can wear it a few times first, if that helps.”
“I think you should,” Eddie agrees, reaching out to run his fingers over the white letters. They’re embroidered, thread bumpy under his fingers, not the plastic feeling of writing that will flake off after a few too many washes, and when he dips his fingers under the hem, the inside is so soft and cosy he almost shivers just thinking about wearing it.
They both turn—and Eddie’s heart thumps, a pain that doesn’t really hurt, at the way Buck responds just as easily—to find Christopher making his way towards them.
“Hey, buddy,” Eddie says. “How are you feeling?”
Christopher shrugs, rubbing at his eyes. “I’m thirsty.”
Buck’s hand presses against Eddie’s shoulder just for a second—I’ve got it—and then he’s moving into the kitchen while Eddie fusses over Chris, checking his temperature and getting him settled on the couch and convincing him to try a piece of toast.
“Buck,” Christopher says between nibbling bites of toast, and Eddie watches Buck shake himself back to attention, the long shift starting to catch up with him. “Do you really need another hoodie?””
Buck blinks, slow and cat-like in his confusion, and then his face twists into such exaggerated affront that Eddie has to bite his cheek on a laugh. The packaging is still scattered on the dining table, the new hoodie hanging over the back of a chair, and Chris couldn’t have seen who it was addressed to, but he didn’t even question that it would be Buck.
“There’s no such thing as too many hoodies,” Buck tells Chris mock-seriously. Mostly mock, anyway; Eddie knows there’s a part of him that really believes there is no such thing as too many hoodies.
Christopher’s teeth poke out with his smile. “But we live in LA.”
“LA gets cold,” Buck insists, the same way he insists whenever anyone brings up his absurdly large jacket collection (“it’s not just me! why does no one ever talk about all Hen’s sweaters?”). He looks at Eddie for help, but Eddie just shrugs.
“Kid has a point,” he says, as if he doesn’t spend half his time stealing from his boyfriend’s side of the closet.
Buck grasps his chest in mock betrayal, but there’s a smile pushing at the corners of his mouth.
“Now I know you’re feeling better,” he says, tousling Christopher’s curls while Chris giggles and ducks away.
It’s overwhelming, sometimes, how much Eddie loves them both. His heart is doing that thing again, that hard thump that makes his breath catch, and when Buck glances at him—you okay?—he just shakes his head, smiling back: I love you, I’m okay.
Buck reaches out to take his hand, tangling their fingers together: I love you too. His eyes in the morning light are a pale, glittering blue and Eddie leans over and kisses him, just because he can.
Eddie has been expecting to be taken out by the germs from the moment Chris first pushed his food around his plate on Tuesday night and said he wasn’t hungry.
Somehow, it’s Buck who catches the bug next. He crashes for four hours while Eddie putters around doing housework, sleeps right through lunch, and when he wakes up in the afternoon, he’s achy and shivering.
“I’m okay,” he still tries to insist, slumped at the kitchen table while Eddie watches him warily, putting all the sandwich fillings that were offered and rejected back in the fridge. Christopher and Buck are more alike than they both know, their appetites always the first thing to go when something is wrong.
“You’re sick,” Eddie says, shaking his head. “I don’t know why you’re denying it, it was bound to happen.”
Buck grumbles. “I was fine earlier.”
Eddie thinks back, tries to remember if he missed any sign, but Buck really did seem fine earlier. It doesn’t really reassure him; Chris seemed fine when they picked him up from school on Tuesday as well. 
“Go lie down,” he suggests. “The sooner you give in, the sooner you’ll be able to kick this bug.”
More grumbling, but Buck goes to lie down on the couch. Eddie mentally files that under feeling worse than he’s willing to admit. He stands by the table for a moment, listening to Buck and Chris through the open doorway (a muted “hey buddy,” and, “sorry I got you sick, Buck”), the sound of a cartoon explosion on the TV, a funny line of dialogue that should get twin laughs from the couch but doesn’t.
Definitely feeling bad, Eddie thinks, and it’s not like it’s the first time germs have been shared around between the three of them—he’s lost count of how many times they’ve huddled on that couch and taken care of each other—but it still makes his heart squeeze.
When he checks in on them fifteen minutes later, Christopher is fast asleep at one end of the couch and Buck is huddled under a blanket at the other, eyes closed but not sleeping. His face is flushed with fever heat, but even under the blanket, he’s shivering.
“Are you cold?” Eddie frowns, checking Buck’s temperature with the back of his hand.
Buck shrugs, lethargic. His face is half hidden by the blanket, but there’s a tight little scrunch between his brows that means he probably has a headache as well.
“Okay,” Eddie says, quiet. “Hang on.”
He heads for their bedroom, but the dryer beeps so he backtracks to the laundry instead. He pulls out the clean clothes, dumping them all in a basket to be dealt with later, then fishes out the new hoodie that he threw in with the load earlier. It’s warm in his hands, feeling even softer and cosier than it did coming out of the packaging.
“Here,” he says, smiling as he drops it in Buck’s lap. “The sooner you wear it, the sooner I can steal it.”
“You might not want to steal it if I throw up on it,” Buck mumbles, but he puts the hoodie on, struggling for a moment with the left sleeve before his head emerges, curls sticking up in every direction. Eddie runs a hand through his hair, then kisses the top of his head.
“I’d prefer if you didn’t throw up on the hoodie,” he agrees, “but I’d still love you.”
“You always love me.”
Buck blinks up at him, pale and miserable, and even after all these years there’s a persistent thread of wonder in his voice, like he can’t quite believe how much he is loved. Like he can’t quite believe that they made it back here, together, after everything. Eddie can’t blame him because he still can’t believe it sometimes too. He doesn’t know what to do except kiss Buck again, holding him close and hoping that some of his warmth will soak through the layers between them. Buck sinks against him, boneless, and Eddie thinks they could stay like that forever, just holding each other, until Buck pulls away with a low groan.
They spend a while on the bathroom floor after that.
“You’re going to get sick,” Buck tries to protest, but it’s half-hearted; getting sick has pretty much been an inevitability since Christopher brought the note home from school a week ago warning parents that the stomach flu was going around. Once Buck was taken out, it became a certainty. It’s not like Eddie is going to move out of their bed until the germs are gone, after all.
“I’ll risk it,” he says, rubbing Buck’s back. He’d risk a hell of a lot more than a virus for his partner, but it doesn’t feel like the time to say it.
Buck shakes his head, but it’s not really a denial, just, “You don’t want this, Eds.”
Eddie kind of wants to shake him sometimes. To take him by the shoulders and say: I want you, remember? all of you? But he’s pretty sure it would be labouring the wrong point, right now, and it doesn’t really matter anyway because Buck is scrambling to get his head over the toilet again and Eddie can only grimace sympathetically and rub his back. Buck is right: he doesn’t want this bug. But he does want Buck and Chris, so. Germs are a pretty small price to pay.
He tosses and turns, sleeping fitfully, and by three a.m. they’re both sick and miserable together.
“Is this what they mean by ‘in sickness and in health’?” Buck asks the ceiling, and Eddie’s sluggish brain has to think through that for a long moment before he remembers:
“We aren’t married.”
“Oh. Yeah.” Buck’s voice sounds far away. “Should we get married?”
Eddie thinks about that for a long moment too.
“Probably,” he decides. And then his stomach twists again and it doesn’t really matter if they’re married or not because he’s too busy throwing up to think about anything except how awful he feels.
When Eddie does steal the hoodie, it’s mostly an accident. He wakes up freezing, desperately thirsty, and when he staggers up in search of water, he grabs the hoodie that has been tossed onto the end of the bed without thinking about it. It’s already over his head before he realises that it’s the one Buck was wearing when they crawled into bed.
The next time he wakes up, he’s too warm, Buck a long line of heat pressed up against his back, and he has to wriggle free to wrestle the hoodie off again. It’s damp with fever sweat and he tosses it on the floor in disgust. He just did laundry yesterday, but he’s already thinking about how they’ll need to do it again.
“Okay?” Buck asks, still half asleep.
The answer is yes but also no, I feel like crap, and I hate how never-ending housework is, which is all too much to explain. Eddie just groans and buries his face in his pillow. A sound catches in Buck’s throat, something vague and sympathetic, and he slips a hand under Eddie’s t-shirt to rub his back. Eddie shivers, pressing back into him.
“Your hands are cold,” he mumbles, but it doesn’t mean stop.
Buck shuffles a little closer and kisses the back of his neck: I’ve got you.
Eddie still feels awful, but he thinks he’ll feel a little less awful as long as he has Buck there rubbing his back. He knows this isn’t what either of them meant when they promised to have each other’s backs all those years ago, but it feels inevitable that they ended up here anyway. Buck’s hand moves over his skin, warm and solid and familiar, and Eddie wonders—lets himself wonder, the way he doesn’t usually dare—how it might feel with a ring on his finger. He’s pretty sure it would feel just like this; like home.
The hoodie spends two days waiting for someone in the house to have enough energy to do another wash cycle, then three more days at the bottom of the laundry basket waiting to be folded and put away. Buck is the one who finally puts it in the closet, his hands moving restlessly when they get home from a busy shift, jittery from too much caffeine and too little sleep.
“I love you,” Eddie says when he pulls oven cleaner out from under the sink next, “but if you’re going to deep clean our whole house, I’m going to nap without you.”
He’s exhausted, slumped at the kitchen table because even sitting up feels too hard right now, and Buck’s energy is starting to make him a little dizzy. He doesn’t think twenty-four hour shifts used to be this exhausting, maybe he should be more worried about getting old?
“Twenty minutes,” Buck bargains, already reaching for a cloth to scrub the oven with. “I just want to do this and then I’ll join you.”
Eddie considers insisting—he knows Buck is just as exhausted as he is and if he lies down for ten seconds he’ll probably crash—but compromise is the foundation of all good relationships, or so Bobby keeps telling him. It’s a foundation, Eddie is willing to concede, but he’s pretty sure the foundation of all good relationships is trust.
“Twenty minutes,” he agrees. “I better not wake up alone, Buckley.”
Buck smiles, like he can see right through the faux-stern Buckley to the heartfelt honey underneath, and ducks in to kiss Eddie on the cheek on his way to the oven.
“Twenty minutes,” he says. “I promise.”
Eddie is out as soon as his head hits the pillow, so he doesn’t know if it is twenty minutes, but when he wakes up and rolls over, he finds Buck sprawled on the bed beside him, dark green hoodie rucked up around his waist, one leg sticking out from under the covers, breath whistling faintly between snores. He smiles and closes his eyes. Chris is at school, the house smells vaguely like lemon disinfectant, he’s warm and comfortable and they have nowhere important to be. He can spare five more minutes before getting up, he thinks.
Half an hour later, they’re still in bed, wrapped up around each other, and Eddie has forgotten why he ever wanted to get up at all.
“Uh, isn’t that supposed to be the other way around?” Chimney asks, pointing between them.
Eddie glances at Buck, I stole this from my boyfriend embroidered right over his heart.
“Looks fine to me,” he answers, shrugging.
Buck grins. “You think I look fine?”
Eddie opens his mouth, a dozen answers to that on his tongue, half of them straying dangerously close to NSFW, but Hen beats him to it was a drawn out, “Oookay, save it for when we don’t have to stand here and listen to your foreplay, boys.”
Eddie can feel his cheeks turning pink, but Buck is as unrepentant and shameless as always.
“You could stand somewhere else,” he suggests, and he’s laughing when Hen smacks him in the arm.
The hoodie is traded for an LAFD one instead, relegated to Buck’s locker for the duration of their shift. Eddie isn’t fussy; he’s just as happy to watch the LAFD material stretch over Buck’s arms and chest and broad shoulders as he is any other kind of clothing.
Buck goes home with the hoodie tucked into his bag the next morning, but somewhere between walking in the front door and leaning against each other in the kitchen while the coffee maker works its magic, Eddie ends up wearing it. It’s like wearing a hug, he thinks, but that might be the way Buck’s arms are wrapped around his waist as well, a solid wall of heat at his back. Eddie doesn’t want to step away when the coffee machine beeps, but the lure of caffeine is strong enough to get him one step, two, three, cold as soon as his partner’s arms are no longer around him.
“Thanks,” Buck murmurs when Eddie hands him a mug.
Eddie kisses him, a quick peck on the lips, you’re welcome, and Buck catches him by one hoodie string to kiss him again when he starts to step away. The coffee mug in his hand dips and Eddie takes it from him, setting it aside without looking. The space the movement put between them is only there for a second before Buck hooks his hands in the hoodie pouch to pull Eddie closer, deepening the kiss.
“Have I told you lately,” he says between kisses, “that I love when you wear my clothes?”
Eddie hums, busy working his hands under the hem of Buck’s shirt so he can touch as much warm skin as possible. It takes him longer than it ordinarily would to string together the words to say, “I thought you bought this hoodie for me?”
“I bought it because it reminded me of you,” Buck agrees, his own hands under Eddie���s hem now, hot enough to brand everywhere he touches, “but you’re the one who said it doesn’t make sense unless it’s my hoodie.”
“And you said you’d just wear it a few times first,” Eddie reminds him, distracted enough now to frown, hands stilling on Buck’s waist. “Hang on, are you trying to steal my hoodie?”
Buck’s next kiss is more like a bite, teeth nipping under Eddie’s jaw; the promise of a mark that will sit just above where the hoodie might cover it.
“Right now,” he says, the same kind of promise in his voice, “I’m just trying to get you out of it.”
Eddie is more than happy to help with that. He lets Buck take him by the hand and pull him down the hall towards the bedroom, coffee forgotten on the counter, hoodie tugged off and quickly forgotten on the floor. Buck lips press against his skin right over this heart, right where the embroidered words would be, and Eddie feels like there is a mirror image of them etched into the beating muscle beneath his skin: my boyfriend stole this from me. He would have given it—has given it, a dozen times over—but every time he reached into his chest, he found Buck’s name already there.
I love you, Buck presses into his skin with his lips.
And Eddie holds him close and kisses it right back: I love you, I love you, I love you.
“Our hoodie.”
Buck pushes himself up on his elbow and Eddie blinks up at him, his brain still feeling a little melt-y.
“It can be our hoodie,” Buck says, idly tracing a pattern over Eddie’s ribs, just because he can.
“Like a timeshare?” Eddie asks, musing, the start of a smile breaking through. “You steal it this week and I’ll steal it next week?”
Buck flicks him and Eddie grins.
“I take it back,” Buck says, rolling away onto his back. “It’s my hoodie now.”
It’s Eddie’s turn to push himself up on an elbow, going far enough to lean over Buck and kiss him, cradling his face in one hand. It’s just supposed to be one kiss, but Buck kisses back readily, arms wrapping around Eddie’s back, and it’s easy to lose themselves in it after that, the thread of conversation unravelling as they make out.
“Okay,” Eddie says eventually, the word quiet and breathy in the space between them. “Our hoodie.”
It gives him a thrill, the same way it always does, whenever he refers to the two of them as an our. Our home, our family, our hoodie.
Buck’s smile is a brilliant thing. It burrows in through bone and blood and tissue to reach the heart underneath, making itself at home.
“I love you,” he says, so sincere Eddie feels it in his chest.
“I love you too,” he replies, punctuated with a kiss. “You know Hen and Chimney are going to give us so much shit about this hoodie for the rest of our lives, right?”
“Oh yeah,” Buck agrees. “Maddie too. Don’t tell Chris, but she thinks I already own too many hoodies as well.”
Eddie laughs. God, he’s so, so far gone for this man.
“She might have a point,” he says, but he’s pretty sure it just sounds like there’s no such thing as too many hoodies.
Buck rolls his eyes, still crinkled with his smile. “See if I ever buy you a hoodie again.”
It’s an empty threat. And it doesn’t really matter anyway because—
“That’s fine,” Eddie answers. “I’ll just steal yours.”
He can’t be sure, really, which happened first: that first stolen LAFD hoodie, or Buck stealing his heart. He tried once, wine drunk with Hen and Karen, to answer their question about when he knew he was in love, but the only answer that came to him was I’m pretty sure I loved Buck before I knew him.
“I don’t think it’s stealing if I let you,” Buck tells him.
“You’re going to let me, huh?”
“Yeah.” Buck nods. “I don’t know if you’re aware, but I kinda like it when you wear my clothes.”
Eddie grins. “I might have had some idea.”
The proof is on the bedroom floor, or whatever that saying is. He never did understand why it was always in the pudding. It’s on the bedroom floor, and in the way Buck is smiling at him, and in the laundry all mixed up in the basket. It’s the way Buck kisses him, soft and lingering, and the way Eddie’s heart thumps once, twice, a pain that doesn’t really hurt. It’s our home and our family and our hoodie. It’s I love you and I love you and I love you.
It's the fact that they’re here, together, despite everything. Because of everything.
It’s kissing Buck again, and again, and again. Just because he can.
(Eddie wonders—lets himself wonder, the way he doesn’t usually dare—how it might feel with a ring on his finger. He’s pretty sure it would feel just like this; like home.)
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the-raging-tempest · 14 days
Late WIP Wednesday
If you were ever curious Anton really adds a 'now we are the three stooges' vibe to every interaction. Below is just the dialogue from what I'm working on because with all the other stuff it's far too long for a tumblr post. I usually write dialogue first and any direction and then add the descriptions etc. I like to make sure the conversation flows (even if Anton says nonsense sometimes)
Lariel meeting Anton
A: This necklace. What does it cost? SC: That one's probably out of your price range. I mean no offense- A: How much? SC: 200 gold. A: I think I have that much. L: I-I apologize. I really need that necklace. If I- A: Oh is this not the one you want? L: Did you not wish to buy that for yourself? A: I don't even know what it is. L: Then why are you buying it? A: You thinking you might owe me one is more valuable than whatever I could spend this on. L: I'm not sure that I know what you mean. Do you wish for something in return? A: I don't know. But if you're gonna do something crazy with that I figure it's better that you like me than that you don't. L: Oh no! I wasn't going to do anything with it! It's- A: I'm sure you'll come up with something. L: W-what? No-no I assure you- A: I think it's ten of the gold that make one of these ones. The gold ones are more useful than these big ones anyway. Some gig got me these and I can't ever spend them normal places. L: I can't just take this. I-is there something I can give you? Repay you for this kindness? A: Oh sure. Remember my face and my name. Anton. L: Anton. I-I won't forget you but I don't believe that's enough. A: Well, do you have any gold on you? L: No I-I you see I was going to sell these pieces of jewelry. I-I have no gold on my person… A: If you want... you can give me a small cut of whatever you sell and I'll make sure no one takes it before it's all gone. L: Oh that's very kind of you. It seems like you're doing me more than I can repay. A: It's fine. Favors hold about as much weight as gold.
Zrise first encountering Anton
Z: Did I not tell you to remain in the carriage? Who is that? L: Zrise! Are you alright? Z: It's nothing. The deal didn't go as expected is all. You didn't answer my question. L: This is Anton. He was kind enough to buy me this and made sure I didn't run into any trouble. Z: If you had stayed in the carriage you wouldn't have needed to avoid trouble. A: You're gray and smell like piss. Z: … It's beer… A: Oh that's good news. (Lariel cast a spell to clean him up) Z: I don't know who you are but stop following my sister like a stray. A: She told you. I'm Anton. She has important business to attend to and I'm here to perform the required tasks. Z: You have no idea what is or is not required. Leave. A: She seemed pretty easy to kill or rob from behind. So I'm looking out for specifically that. Z: Is that a threat? A: No? L: Zrise! Z: You have no important business, Lariel. I don't know what you told this village idiot but if you had just listened to me- L: I-I went to find a way to protect us from divination magic. A: So she'll only need me for the afternoon. Z: I don't need you at all! A: That's okay. She does. Z: Where did you find this insufferable man?
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luvvixu · 1 year
dazai x reader (she/her)
🗒️🕊️ paper cranes
genre: heavy angst, modern au
synopsis: the same situation becomes the same destiny.
how far would you go to declare your love and commitment towards your significant other? for someone like dazai osamu, who grew up in a stinky and monstrous society, he would do anything even if it would literally change him as a whole human-being.
love got him crazy, so don't blame him.
warning: some parts of the scene are based in the true stories. idk but i think i suck at making heavy angst.
word count: 2.6k
a/n: sorry i would always went through writer's block that is why i rarely post things hahahahhs
song: where'd all the time go? by dr. dog
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not a single breath was wasted as soon as he heard about another way to make a wish if you're unlucky enough to wish upon the actual shooting star. he immediately went towards your place, unannounced, and started to make paper cranes.
10… for you, just for you.
he was bad at making origami. but he still tries to make it despite his hatred at unperfect lines he flatten on each side just to make a product out of paper. he endures every mistake and imperfections of his work.
50…for you, just for you.
he is willing to rewatch the tutorial on how to make paper cranes even though he's so sick of hearing the annoying voice over. and he doesn't even care anymore about all of the papers getting wasted around him. the papers on his notebook are getting thinner as each minute passes just by trying to make a perfect origami.
100…for you, just for you.
since then, he has spent day and night working. it seems like he forgot how to normally function as his mind only occupied making origami. he accepted this decision with passion, even though his hands were numb and tired.
200… for you, just for you.
as his hair swept on his bangs, he left no choice but to tie it up so that it would not bother his vision, for he's always looking down at the table. no wonder it feels like he couldn't feel his neck anymore because of the numbness and soreness he experienced. he compared the pain of looking down for too long on the rope he used to hang on his neck. there was no doubt the first option hurts more.
300… for you, just for you.
a tear slips on his eyes, you haven't been talking to him for too long. he misses the way your eyes would intertwine with his. the warmth of your small hands on him, feeling the total eccentric emotion as he dives in your galaxy. he would always get himself drunk and lost in your touch. but, anyway, he is getting good at origami.
400… for you, just for you.
it's been months. he now considers himself as professional at making origami, paper cranes to be specific. he can finally make it while both of his eyes are closed. there's also a spark on his hopeful chest when he realizes he's halfway through. those sleepless nights are totally worth it because he's able to look at your peaceful sleeping face while working on origami.
500… for you, just for you.
one day, a friend came to visit you. they were shocked to see more than dozens of paper cranes on the floor. but he doesn't care nor entertain them as he was keeping his attention on his now full time work. he's now halfway through and that gives him a beyond motivation. he could even fold a paper cranes under a minute, and he knew he was improving a lot.
600… for you, just for you.
there was a day where he would just lay down beside you and stare at your sleeping face. his lips would cackle on how adorable you were. he also never fails to mention all of his hardships on making origami. despite that, he took up this hobby like his life depended on it. he literally spends all of his time and money on crafting and buying papers for this.
700… for you, just for you.
he was almost near the end. the paper cranes double up on each weave on his hands. your room is filled with hundreds of paper cranes, each color evident on the ground. he looked at you as you breathed peacefully in your sleep. a smile broke on his lips as he reached out for your hand. whispers his love and declaration towards you, non-stop.
800… for you, just for you.
craft, eat, sleep, wake up, and repeat. these are his routine for the last months and he is consistent with his new schedule. if that would only make him see you shine once again, it will be all worth it. if that would only make you get out of the bed, it will be all worth it. he just loves you so much that it changed him, and he's not complaining about that.
900…for you, just for you.
how did you two end up here? why is he making such a big number of paper cranes? why is he so obsessed with making his wish be heard?
it all started when you almost lost your life in a tragic accident, an attempt suicide. you are saved, but got stuck in a coma. dazai was beyond devastated when the doctors stated that there's a low chance of surviving—but he's in denial. he is still hoping that those beautiful orbs of yours would eventually be seen by him once more.
money isn't a problem to him. he literally threatens the doctors just for you to have a stable supply of life support to help you live. he pours his power to make your life be comfortable, even if you're technically sleeping. so that when you wake up, you won't feel any eerie sensation.
one day, while he's out to get something to eat, there was a stranger telling a story to some stray children in the street. while waiting for the pedestrian light to signal a green light, he couldn't help but to eavesdrop at the story.
it was the story of a girl and thousands of paper cranes.
the girl was diagnosed with a disease. her father told her that if she made thousands of paper cranes, her wish would come true. so, she crafted thousands of paper cranes, hoping that her disease would go away.
after hearing the story, there was a spark in his chest. he admits, it sounds so childish and ridiculous. but he's in love and literally willing to do anything just to keep you alive. that is why he came to your place, unannounced. and he also started to learn how to make paper cranes until he finally reached the end.
999…for you, just for you.
look at him now, he was on the last paper crane. dazai couldn't help but to shed a tear, because after three months, he was able to craft the said number of origami. all of the bloodshed fatigue and sleepless night, with his hands working nonstop, he is near.
"y/n, my darling…" he grabs your thin and pale hand just for him to offer it a soft kiss on the back of your hand.
he stared at your emotionless sleeping face. even though half of your face is covered with a breathing mask, you are still beautiful. he treasures every beauty and flaws of yours. no matter how much you hate the insecurities launched in your body, he loves every single one of it as much as you despise it.
dazai continues to talk to you about his day just like he always does while folding the paper that will serve as his last resort for his wish.
fold and fold…and another fold, until the truth will finally be told.
the male collects all of the paper cranes in your bed, covering your whole unresponsive body with papers. it was so much that some of the cranes fell on the bed. finally, he placed the last crane that completed the mission.
"1000…for you, just for you." he mumbles.
dazai never believed in god, but he prays. now that he completed the thousand paper cranes, he reached out for all of the gods who might hear him please. a miracle should arrive at any moment, all he has to do is to place some faith in you and him.
on the first day, nothing happened to his dismay. but he remained patient. he prayed even harder on the following day but still no outcome. dazai unlocked another routine, praying for a miracle. everyday he would pray for you even if he is an atheist and doesn't believe in the concept of religion.
yet, he still prays, prays, and prayed…until he reached the same length of months while he was crafting the paper cranes. the patience of waiting for you has molded him into another persona, just like a lost man trekking into the unknown.
still no avail, you are not waking up—but he's in denial that he's starting to lose hope on this madness. he is mad, but not at you, he is mad over nothing. dazai was searching for someone to blame on his unsuccessful attempt of waking you up and bringing you back into his arms.
a year had passed, dazai grew thin in malnourishment, but not frail as you. he was walking solemnly towards your room with a balloon in his hand. there's also a piece of paper—paper crane to be specific. before the paper was crafted, it was filled with messy handwriting, a message that only contained three words and eight letters.
"i love you…"
those same three words and eight letters that he failed to declare to you when you're still awake, or should i say, alive. anyway, he rubbed his tired eyes that are now being homed with dark circles under his eyes.
supposedly, he meant to hide the fatigue that's evident on his face. but he realized, he shouldn't cover himself when it comes to you. no secrets and insincere should be tolerated in your vicinity. so, he visits you with his usual self, for today is important.
that's right, today is the day where you are born into this cruel world, your birthday. the same day you got admitted into this damned place, the hospital. and the same day you will be finally set free, forever.
after years of pain, suffering, melancholy, reminiscing, and thinking, dazai finally learned to let you go.
"happy birthday, belladonna." dazai tied the balloon on your wrist. he knew you really liked having a balloon tied on your wrist. you loved the way it sways along the wind.
"i miss you, i hope you are aware." dazai paused with a chuckle. "and i also hope you are aware that you have already missed three years of your life. everything comes so fast, doesn't it?" he continues as he lets his hand intertwine with yours.
"did you like the balloon? i specifically picked the color you like. i also made you a letter—a bunch of them, by the way. i just wished you would wake up and read every single one of them."
dazai let out a sigh, leaning his back on the chair beside you. his eyes trailed on the balloon floating in the air. "i always wonder if you could hear me grumble over some random things. if you do, you would probably laugh at my silliness. of course! i just made a thousand counts of paper cranes."
"on the contrary, i learned so many things that not once in my life, would do it for someone. i learned how to be patient, believe in a story i overheard while walking, pray to the gods that i don't even believe, and craft a paper crane. and most importantly, i learned how to love and do everything for them."
are you hurt? are you in pain? are you lost?
these hidden words are lingering in his fragile mind. dazai wants to mend your wounds. dazai wants to take your pain. dazai wants to make you to be each other's solace. oh, how delusional he is.
sadly, all of the sudden, his plan for both of you fell like a house of card when the clock strikes at six in the evening. the designated icu doctor for you suddenly approaches him without a noticed.
dazai tried not to get distracted by the look in his face, pained and agonized. he flashes a cheerful demure to take his negativities away—yet he failed to do so.
"the doctors told me yesterday…" dazai bites his lips to stop it from trembling. his grip on your unresponsive hand tightens, like he doesn't want to lose you.
"they told me that you are brain dead."
your body system collapses out of nowhere. the doctors were notified about your condition and were extremely hesitant to tell him, but it was no good to keep you in this hell place for any longer. all they had to do was to accept, and all dazai had to do is to also accept.
swallow the hard truth that you will no longer see the world just like how he sees it. digest the hard truth that you are officially gone and will not come back anymore.
in short, you are dead.
"i should've read the signs, you are tired. i'm so sorry, darling. i became so selfish that i let you continue without your consent. i let you suffer for my own desires just because i want you to be with me forever." a tear, followed by another, until he finally broke down right in front of you.
if you're probably still here, dazai knew you would wipe his tears and embrace him like he deserves the whole world. the image of you whispering sweet nothing in his ears is enough to make him feel weak. he literally loves the delusion of it.
"i love you so damn much that i gotta let you go because i have hurt a lot. i am getting an image of yourself saying "is it worth it?" but i am dumb and stupid because i kept on saying "yes". i'm so sorry!" his wails became louder and louder any second was passing. it was like all of his pent up emotions over the last three years had finally come to burst.
he lost his final resort because the next thing he knew, he was standing on the same street where he had heard about the story of the girl and thousands of paper cranes.
dazai was frantic and a mess, his mind was kept in shut. he does not remember a single thing of what happened after his big mental breakdown. but he was sure, a doctor came inside the room and he took him out.
a faint voice reached his ears during that moment. "i'm so sorry, mr. dazai. but just like we have talked to, let's put ms. y/n to rest." the doctor said and dazai was too lost to respond and digest the things he's said.
at that moment, he was somehow aware that they finally shut the machine down that only keeps you from being technically alive. his cold and empty eyes trailed on the balloon in your wrist and then to the clock above your head.
time of death, 11:59 PM…
today is your birthday.
today is your accident anniversary.
today is your deathday.
dazai was staring into the void of darkness as the midnight stars failed to appear in the doom sky. right on his spot, he declares that this place no longer feels like home.
"my y/n, my darling, my belladonna. i seem to have done everything, but why does this still happen?"
little did he know, he failed to hear the ending. the young girl still died even if she crafted thousands of paper cranes and prayed for the gods to let her survive.
he did the same process as the girl from the story and got the same ending—he finished making thousands of paper cranes, yet, you still died.
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banners made by reveriesources
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yuwumeniji · 2 years
Hello! I was wondering if u could do how it's like living with luxiem as their s/o? Ty, also have a nice day
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Life with Luxiem
WARNING: Please remember that I am writing about Luxiem based on their characters online and not of the people behind their vtuber avatars, thank you!
EXTRA NOTES: you ask, and i shall provide! thank you sm for the ask ^^
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established relationships lmao
overall fluff - at least what i hope having a roomie is like aha
is this what chaos is??
midway through the draft i realized you asked about a romantic relationship LMAO but then i decided 'fuck it, we're roomies that give each other a lil smooch sometimes' so i hope that's ok
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this is that meme where a guy takes a photo with his girlfriend hugging a huge $200 teddy bear instead of snuggling together in bed except it's you on the isolated side of the bed and ike snuggling with a $799.99 jumbo hatsune miku plush (i even googled the price because i also wanted one too)
he spends a lot of time cooped up in his room too - from personal projects to novel manuscripts, sometimes you just peak inside and clean if he isn't paying attention to what's around him (he's the type to keep everywhere else in the house clean except his own room, but doesn't think much of it since he's usually the only one inside anyways)
despite that, he does his chores and he expects you to do yours as well - he's a very fair novelist. even if he's busy with different manuscripts or worshipping miku, he would do it all without missing a day
he's relatively good at cooking - not restaurant quality but certainly not burn water somehow, even though he thinks the peak of his culinary career is microwaving a 2-day old burger (it's really not that bad)
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he's just really clean ??? like there's literally no issue with being his roomie except maybe the rare intruder cases or the odd packages he buys (he once bought a cardboard cutout of a political politician for a meme and you guys had to eat with it for at least 2 weeks before he begrudgingly throws it out)
at the end of the day, luca's still the big boss for a mafia family, so it really isn't a surprise to be carrying at least some kind of weapon around the house
lots of large dinners with friends, mafia members, etc. but dinners with just you and luca are both calming and entertaining - he's the kind to just spill everything that has happened in the day if he stepped out of your shared home
outside of cleaning (he insists on doing the cleaning and even does so without telling you - sometimes you would wake up and the house would be sparkling), you guys would always play something like rock-paper-scissors to decide who does what set of chores; in a sense, one of the fairest people to split household duties with
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Rooming with Mysta - thoughts? and prayers bestie (skull emoji)
he actually does try to do all the chores - partly because he wants to get better at it and partly so that he could prove to everyone he's capable of taking care of another living being (aka you) ; on multiple occasions when you said you were cleaning, he's like 'DON'T WORRY BABE I GOT THIS'
he's managed to turn the place into a bubble bath once when doing the laundry - you had soap everywhere for at least a week
the kind to randomly invite you to watch something with him - i'd like to think he watches whatever is on and uses it as an excuse to fall asleep on you and use you as a pillow (but he's warm, so it's like having a blanket for you too)
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the best out of all of the members because he's clean, efficent and requires the least amount of care (as far as chores and other daily things go)
why am i talking about him like he's some sort of housepet - idk???? but he's really independent, you don't really have to worry too much about household stuff
he's still very loving and affectionate - the kind to split chores but would still do yours if asked (reasonably at least)
ok the one downside to rooming with shu is that sometimes he would make very practical but impulsive purchases - sometimes, you would wonder if you were the one who impulsively bought something like a toilet seat warmer (for my winter toilet seat dislikers LMAO), but then you would see the package reciever's name
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you guys definitely split cooking duties ; even if you are a kitchen disaster, vox would love to eat any and all of your creations
despite being culinary geniuses, vox orders a LOT of take out to the point it became a tradition between you guys to find a new restaurant/take-out place at 3 am to order from
he's pretty solid with the advice too; if you're having a bad day with school/work/whatever or you had an argument with someone you're close to, he's the kind of roomie that would immediately help you cheer up in some way or another
the only issue you would have with vox is maybe he'll get the occasional fanmail in your letter box or gift standing at your door and you would always wonder - where do these come from and why are they addressed to him? he's a mysterious guy after all and he doesn't share too much about himself and often teases you when you ask about him (unless he's like... drunk or something, they do say drunkards say the truth after all)
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gloombeauty · 25 days
I discovered something about Lana's show in Fenway Park in Boston. It's not sold out at all. You can Google it and check other sites but here are the tickets for Lana's show for sale at Stubhub. Some are descent prices like $200 and some tickets are almost 3k. But tickets are there to buy and some are being sold by bots. Her fans were complaining on her managers page. His name is Ben. He deleted all the comments but one stan confronted him and I found the screenshot on X. I don't understand why lanaboards and Ben shamelessly lied about the show being sold out. Lana has stayed silent so far. 🤷‍♀️
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Let me swallow all this in.
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So, the official tickets from Ticket Master are 100% sold out.
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However, the tickets are being sold at these sites:
1 - Vividseats
2 - Ticketboxofficesales
3- Seat Geek
The prices are ranging from $200 to $5,000.
So technically, it's sold out but not really sold out because ticket scalpers are now re-selling them.
I solely blame this on Lana Del Rey.
If The Cure, Tom Petty, Foo Fighters, Yungblud, Greta Van Fleet, Bruce Springsteen, Nine Inch Nails, Metallica, AC/DC, Radiohead, Pearl Jam and many more artists can stop ticket scalpers, why can't Lana do it too?
All Lana has to do is click on a button online that says "do not allow re-sale of tickets" and that's it. Taylor Swift could have done it as well, but she let that slide through because what does she care? She made her coins. She couldn't care less that some poor dad working 60 hours a week has to pay over 10k to get his 3 daughters Taylor Swift Era's tickets. Taylor is a multi millionairess as is Lana. These people couldn't care less for the common man or how expensive concert tickets are. That's just how rich people are. It's rare when they do care, like Pearl Jam and the other artists I mentioned above.
Lana's manager Ed is an asshole. Always has been. He deletes comments all the time for the stupidest reasons. Of course these are gone. All this just makes Lana look bad because she is basically sitting back and watching her fans spend thousands of dollars on re-sold concert tickets.
Lanaboards - don't even get me started on that dumpster fire cesspool trash site. The chick who runs that page literally looks like a blowup doll.
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Anyway, all this drama just to watch a 38 year old woman sing the same exact tired setlist. Adding the fact that she only whisper-sings nowadays and points the mic at the audience so they can sing her songs. She doesn't even do the whole song. She whispers-sings a little, does a little half-ass shimmy move and cuts the song onto the next one. All this while a back track vocal recording is playing in the background with 15 tacky dancers.
People actually are willing to pay for this?
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It's one thing to buy the albums and watch the videos, which is all I do - but what else is there to do? I'm not putting any of my hard earned money to see this boring mess. That is where I draw the line.
I won't even buy any of Lana's official merch tees because the designs are so hideous. Overpriced hideousness. No thanks.
Lana is a great singer (in the studio - not in concert) and songwriter. Nobody can take that away from her. In a live setting? Boring as hell and not worth all the money fans are paying to see her whisper and half ass shuffle on stage.
This is the Lana worth every penny to go to:
This Lana Del Rey is gone. Has been gone for 6 years.
The last time Lana sang with heart and soul was in 2018 for this concert in Brazil:
That's all I really have to say on this sad subject. I miss the old Lana Del Rey. The Lana who use to sing and made an effort on stage.
Lana was at her best on stage during the years 2011-2016, although that 2018 Brazilian show wasn't bad. It just wasn't her best. It was the last time she actually opened her mouth and sang which is why I added it here.
There is an interesting thread on Reddit about artists preventing this re-selling crap from happening. It's a good read.
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alaffy · 4 months
The Righteous Gemstones, Ep. 3x01 – For I Know the Plans I Have for You
My Lord in Heaven, just how many people has this family pissed off? 
In all honesty, I didn’t realize until just recently that the third season had come out.  Which is too bad because I really do like this show.  That being said, I don’t know how much longer this show can last.  While I did enjoy the first episode, the shtick of the three siblings is starting to wear thin.  I think we need to see some growth in them.  Not a whole personality change, but something to indicate that they can be better.  Still, I haven’t watched the whole season so we’ll see.
The episode starts back in the year 2000.  Young Jesse is giving his first “sermon” while a Monster Truck is driving around.  This seems to be at the family theme park.  Amiee-Leigh clearly isn’t liking where this is all going, it’s becoming too much about the money and not about the message.  Later, Amiee-Leigh is by herself when she’s attacked by a woman called May-May Montgomery.  May-May is clearly trying to kill Amiee-Leigh.  Amiee-Leigh runs away and ends up being saved when a car accidentally hits May-May.
Cut to the present and we find that Eli is semi-retired.  He’s stepped away from running the church, but he’s still writing books and giving guest lectures.  Also, he’s a member of the Religious order the Cape and Pistol, which does seem like it is a made up society (I mean, would it really surprise you if it was real?).  He’s also worried that his children aren’t up for the task of running the church.  Given their bickering on stage, he’s probably right.  Also, given how successful BJ is as head of the welcoming committee and Amber’s marriage program seeming to be a hit, one could argue that they would be better at running the place.
But, before we continue, let’s have a quick recap of where the children are at.  Kelvin has started a war on Sex Shops…by buying all their products.  Also, are those teens he has helping him?!  Anyway, someone points out that this seems not to be the wisest plan and Kelvin agrees.
Jesse feels like he’s running the day-to-day operations of the church by himself (he probably has).  Gideon, his eldest, has been injured in probably a stunt driving accident.  And Pontius has facial tattoos and is vaping.  Jesse, obviously upset that life is spinning out of control and that Amber seems to be successful, thinks that Amber should spend more time at home.  Amber is having none of that.
Judy has been on tour for five months.  And she totally didn’t do anything improper that could risk her marriage or that maybe her feelings toward BJ has changed.  Nope, not at all.
 Anyway, we find out that the church is losing worshipers and money.  Now, this was to be expected as these things happen during times of change.  But they didn’t expect to lose quite as much as they have, nor did they expect one of their biggest donors to decide to leave.  Dusty Danials, a stock car racer, was planning on leaving his name and entire estate to the church when he died.  That would be 200 million for the estate and 30 million for licensing fees of his name.  Well, the siblings realize they can’t lose that, so they try to change his mind.  But there’s competition, the Simkins family.  They have a rival church and a tragic backstory that they use to get people into their congregation.  Dusty decides that the churches should race for his membership.  Vance, the head of the Simkins family, and Jesse get into stock cars.  Turns out Vance knows something about racing, Jesse does not.  Jesse loses.
Meanwhile, Eli’s at a book signing and who should show up but May-May.  Eli reminds her that he has a restraining order against her, but she begs him to help her get her sons back.  As she’s dragged away, she tells him Aimee-Leigh would have helped.  This gets to Eli’s conscious, and he agrees to meet May-May at an abandoned church.  We find out that May-May is Eli’s younger sister.  Years ago, her husband Peter was sent to jail (we don’t know why) and now he’s been released.  It turns out her sons have gone with their father and she’s afraid what kind of life he’s lead them into.  She needs Eli’s help to get them back, as she won’t survive without them.  Now given the age of these characters, we all know the sons are adults right?
Jesse, meanwhile, realizes that to lead the church he needs to make peace with his siblings.  At the very least, they got to be a little more professional in front of the congregation.  He makes up with Kelvin and they go to see Judy, who they find making out with the guitarist from her band.  Turns out that she and the guitarist have done some things on the tour.  They haven’t had sex, but they are being unfaithful to their spouses.  The brothers fire the guitarist from the church.  They’re also upset with Judy as they know that if this were ever to get out, it would cause a scandal that they don’t need right now.  Still, it’s clear they won’t tell anyone what they saw and the three make a pact to be better or some shit.
Then, at the end of the episode, we see that Judy is trying to reconnect with BJ; but it doesn’t seem like she wants to.  Kelvin decides to protest against the sex shop, but does it inside the store.  Jesse and his goons beat up Vance Simkins. 
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coffeewithcalypso · 1 year
I really don't mean to complain because all of this is couched in the fact that I have a great safety net and I did not personally have to spend a couple hundred dollars. But…
I think I mentioned before how my clothes washer was semi broken (since November) and then some time in early January my dryer also broke.
I mentioned that they were broken and I'd find another set but I'd need dad to help me move them. I actually had a washer replacement I was going to buy from my sister and brother in law who would bring it and connect it, and had just arranged that when the dryer went out. Well my dad decided, instead of just helping with the move, to find a set for me, he paid for it even though I said I would and then proceeded to forget about the moving part of it for about another three weeks.
I mentioned it yesterday and he remembered and realized his friend was going to kill him because he also was helping his friend by getting rid of the appliances. So today he's picking them up and calls me to ask if my dryer is gas. It, my friends, was not. I told him it was not. He never even asked his friend what the one he was buying was. But! good news, I had a gas hook up. So he brings them over anyway. Turns out the hook up is disconnected. He devised an elaborate plan to run a line from my hot water tank to the laundry closet but in the end just called a plumber. (Which is fair, I too do not want to crawl under my house.) That's going to be another $300 or so which he is going to pay for.
I recognize my good fortunate that none of this cost falls on me. But now he's going to be out around $600 (half of that by his own doing) when I would have happily found something for $200 or so and paid myself BECAUSE I HAVEN'T DONE LAUNDRY IN A MONTH and I still can't! I just needed a truck 😭
I did find someone in town to take old broken ones for free and so that they weren't also my dad's problem, so that's nice. And fortunately most of my clothes are not the kind you have to wash every time. But I've run through both my sets of sheets at this point. I can't even wash and air dry now because even the washer isn't hooked up because it has to be moved for the gas situation to be solved. I'm going to have to go buy new clothes at the rate we're going.
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corvidcall · 2 years
Did you ever tell the story of why ******* kicked you out because she forgot to pick you up from work on here? I remember it happening in real time and it was not funny but in retrospect, it's 200 upvotes on reddit material lol
LMAO its so funny you censored her name. like shes gonna be here or something. cant let her know i still think shes a bitch!!!!!
anyway heres fun little anecdote about that time i was forced to move out, in the style of an aita post, fake names and all
AITA for being mad at my roommate for not driving my somewhere?
I (22nb) live with two roommates, Makenzie (22f) and Justin (19 trans m). We all met because we worked at the same place, and we've been living together for almost a year. Of the three of us, I'm the only one who has lived with roommates before, but I can't tell if I'm being TA here?
Makenzie is the only one of us who can drive, and she agreed when we moved in together that, if we gave her some money to buy her mom's car, then she would drive us places whenever she was able. I work a little over a mile away from our apartment, so I CAN walk, but since I get off work at around 9pm, and the sidewalks aren't really well-maintained (it's a really industrial part of town, so it's not GREAT for walking), she agreed that she would pick me up after work every day.
Last week, I got off work, and waited for her to show up, and she never came. I texted her a few times, and when she didn't respond after I'd been waiting for almost an hour, I texted that I would be walking home. Apparently, she'd fallen asleep, and midway through my walk home, she woke up, got in her car, and tried to come find me to drive me home. She couldn't find me (the sidewalk is really hard to see from the road, and it's extremely dark, so I'm not surprised), and then frantically tried to get a hold of me to make sure I wasn't dead. I didn't see her texts because I was 1. walking and 2. on the phone with my partner. When I got home, she was pissed that I made her worry. She thinks I did it on purpose to get revenge? I told her I was just busy, and she seemed to accept that, but today she and our other roommate sat me down and told me that I needed to find a new place to live, because "this wasn't working out."
According to her, I'm not entitled to a ride anywhere, so I had no right to be mad at her for not giving me a ride, and I certainly didn't have a right to make her think I was dead (I literally told her I was walking home??). She also brought up that I never do my chores on the chore wheel (she made the chore wheel without asking. She just announced that she'd made a chore wheel and I had to clean the living room, which I'm almost never in anyway) and that I owe her $200 (from when we adopted our cat, which I think is weird to bring up when you're trying to kick me out?? it's not like I'm gonna get to keep the cat). She's saying I'm entitled and inconsiderate, but I feel like she's punishing me for the fact that she flaked. AITA?
Edit: If it helps, she's flaked on rides before. A few months ago, she agreed to take me to the doctor, and then the day before my appointment, she told me she couldn't give me a ride. The reason she flaked was because she wanted to go to the weed dispensary instead :/ she said it was fine, because "your mom will just get you an uber anyway". My mom agreed to pay all my necessary expenses while I'm in school (I'm a full time student; she pays my rent and I use the money from my part time job to pay for my food) but she's not like. Rich. I don't feel good about just spending her money on stuff I don't have to.
UPDATE: Makenzie made a post on Facebook about how "it's so sad when someone would rather lose a friendship than admit they were wrong." I shouldn't have commented, but I did, asking her if she forgot we were facebook friends, and then I blocked her. In retrospect, I should have just blocked her without commenting, but I'm only human.
UPDATE 2: Well, I'm moving out. Justin started harassing me, accusing me of stealing his shampoo and letting the cat loose on purpose, neither of which I did. I have my own nicer shampoo, and I love cats (I just was asleep when he told me the cat was missing, because it was midnight and I wake up at 6 am to go to school. I guess the fact that I didn't immediately leap to my feet to find our cat means I wanted him dead???) Makenzie is refusing to give back my deposit, because she says she needs to have the carpets in my room professionally cleaned before a new roommate can move in. Why? Your guess is as good as mine. But I guess I'm willing to pay a couple hundred dollars to not deal with this anymore. Still, sucks. :/
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hallohartje · 9 months
ebook access has really influenced people's understanding that a book needs proper compensation for the worse. if a book can be downloaded 200 times and paid for once, that is going to actually hurt people who spend time writing* and archiving and digitizing and publlishing and distributing and selling and marketing the book but i guess the desire for things that are cheap / free / easily available to me at no cost** can be quite compelling
*people do in fact, write books and once they die yes the book will end up in the public domain after X years past the author's death. but again, someone's got to be the one updating the book, scannning the book, restoring the book, making sure the book is up to the latest accessibility standards, updated to the latest formats so that you can view it on your computer, preserved and the storage costs paid for, so on and on it goes... the writer is not the only person who publishes their book because a whole industry of people have devoted their passion and time to work on the job of preserving books, bringing it to the market, and finding people to buy them because otherwise no one will do it!!
**access to books is important and vital and the system really does need to work better for people beyond the global north! it's absolutely true that a lack of access drives people to alternatives such as pirating. but people wringing hands about poor academics not getting paid for their books is often a straw man. authors don't get well paid for their publications because compensation is not the main goal -- prestige and credit is. that's why they will happily give away their research to anyone who asks nicely once the journal/publisher has released the book. anyway what i'm saying is that the assumption that everything should be Free and Accessible is a statement that should be deeply scrutnized, whether it be the trade or literary or academic sphere.
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We are entering a period of feudalism similar to the Dark Ages!!
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Ya know,.... when ya think about it, and know your world history,.... Democracy is just repackaged feudalism that use to be the reality, and then they started to call it Democracy with more human rights so people would think they had a say in things, but it's still basically still feudalism capitalism.
It's when "Have-it-alls" and "Well-to-doers" don’t want to share any of it,...... feudalism!
Ya see, and don’t we see what is going on around us?
The 'have-it-alls' and the 'well-to-doers' don’t give a damn what is happening in society…This is the way they want things now. It could be the end of the world for human and civil rights of the individual, but to the likes of them, they aren’t bothered by any of that, because they got theirs and they want to keep it, so they are making sure you don't get yours is what's going on.
Anyway that's the way I see things unfolding.
The world "we all made" is being gentrified by billionaires so they have the upper hand while we the people pay Homage to these feudal lords of power and wealth,... I mean look around, everything keeps going up, costing more, and our wages are kept at a minimum so we can just barely get by and remain literal slaves of finance so we can just pay our bills and little more.
Billionaires are keeping that scenario going so they remain in power.
I mean,.....the feudal system of government came about in France in the 8th Century when a number of weak kings had to buy loyalty from nobles. They bought loyalty with land they just took from whomever they had to kill to get it. When the Duke of Normandy conquered England in 1066 he confiscated all lands and then distributed them to about 200 elite barons and nobles who had supported his invasion.
Each elite kept between 200 to 350 knights to defend his land and possessions, along with the help of about 10,000 peasants living as “sharecroppers” and renters on their land. Peasants could not freely move from one elite owner to another. Knights were often given land and supervision of peasants to maintain their loyalty. Huge castles and Downton Abbey-like homes were the courthouses of the “counties” owned by the elites of the century.
That system lasted until revolutions in England, Europe, and America destroyed the remnants of feudalism and brought some aspects of democracy to government. The absolute authority of kings was finally challenged and defeated by the New Americans, who killed off and enslaved the native indians to get their own nation,.... just like the kings of Europe did.
Now FAST FORWARD, The United States, because of income inequality, is entering a period of feudalism similar to the Dark Ages. The bottom 80% can no longer afford to live in or close to many cities decently. The top 20% have to spend more for security as desperate people succumb to drug addiction and theft to support a habit and themselves in a feudalism created society.
And most just try to ignore it, hoping it will go away on it's own, ......... and it won't, it isn't!
Sooooo,... Just who are the kings, barons, knights, and peasants now?
The Best Congress Money Can Buy has been bought since a Republican Supreme Court decided in the Citizens United case that money equals “free” speech, thus unleashing a tsunami of political campaign money.
My rent and cost to live goes up every year, and yet the government tells me the economy is doing so well my Social Security cost of living increase will be LOW this year?!?!
In essence,....The king telling the peasant to be thankful that he's not punished for his insolence towards the governing barons..........Lol
I can only guess that the rest of you are doing just great financially, because you keep voting to keep this Democratic repackaged feudalism to continue by continuing to vote for the two party corruption, which is Democratic and Republican Barons.
That's the gist of my conjecture anyway, and with it and $6 dollars you can buy a cup of coffee!
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your-dietician · 2 years
Dunkin’ drinkers in uproar after coffee giant alters rewards program
New Post has been published on https://medianwire.com/dunkin-drinkers-in-uproar-after-coffee-giant-alters-rewards-program/
Dunkin’ drinkers in uproar after coffee giant alters rewards program
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Dunkin’ Donuts fans are in uproar Monday after the coffee giant altered its rewards program to devalue points and remove free birthday drinks.
Dunkin’ rolled out its new rewards program nationwide last week, claiming in a press release that users would get “more food and beverage rewards.” Users on the company’s subreddit say the new program does exactly the opposite, requiring them to spend far more money to get the same rewards bonuses. The new program nixes free drinks for birthdays, instead granting users a 3x boost to their points on the special day.
While Dunkin’ states that they increased the rate at which customers earn rewards points from 5 per $1 spent to 10 per $1 spent, users are saying the company drastically raised the reward prices.
“As someone who almost exclusively orders cold brew at Dunkin, I find that my free drink goes from 200 points to 700 points,” one user wrote. “Of course, we all know this new rewards program was done to cut costs. So, a big thank you to Dunkin – I’ll now save $300/month not buying your coffee anymore! Cost cutting successful!”
Another user complained that they would be receiving fewer points relative to the new costs even when in the system’s “boost mode.”
there is drama in the Dunkin world right now… daily Dunkin drinkers are boycotting because they revamped their app rewards program and devalued points. the Dunkin subreddit is fuming! I fear the brand is no longer the people’s coffee. pic.twitter.com/CCWhpiX4e8
— Magdalene J. Taylor (@magdajtaylor) October 10, 2022
“This pissed me off. What idiot do you think I am, Dunkin? I did that [sic] math. Even while ‘boosted’ I’m earning 30% less points compared to the old system. I’m making less points and unlocking less rewards thanks to this new stingy system,” another user wrote, followed by a middle-finger emoji.
“I no longer run on Dunkin,” declared a third user. “I officially uninstall the app after 6 years of consistent use. I knew I needed to cut down on how much I was spending on coffee, considering I have  a great coffee machine at home, but the new rewards system was the final nail in the coffin. My go-to was always an iced latte, the signature ones when I was feeling extra, and spending $90 to get a free on is an absolute NOPE from me.”
“And no more birthday drinks?!? Good thing I live 5 min from a [Starbucks],” the post continued.
A fourth user got sick of reading all the negative posts about Dunkin’s new program, despite agreeing with the criticism.
“Please, do we really need 10000 posts saying how you’re going to boycott Dunkin? Do you really think a greedy corporation like Dunkin who pays their employees like dog s**t would keep a reward system like that forever? They want ALL their moneyzzzz. Every. Single. Last. Penny. Whether it’s paying their employees like crap or a downgrading the reward system. They have to find a way to save some more of those precious moneyzzz, duh,” the user wrote.
“Plus most of you will be back anyways lmao,” the post concluded.
Read full article here
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meandmyechoes · 2 years
A list of Ahsoka collectibles: (ramble)
Representation of each era in my collection now:
S1: plush, mcdonald toy
S3: Forces of Destiny, TVC
S7: Hot Toys, TBS, TVC, Galaxy of Adventures, plush
Rebels: None!
1. loungefly backpack!!
i’m not a person who spends 700 dollars on a bag they don’t have an occassion for. I don’t think I’ve ever spent that much a single article of clothing. and I regret so much passing on it because i really like that it looks well-made and attentive to details.
2. eFx replica
i think this will always stay number one but an illusive one because i don’t have funds for it. also i’m no longer bff with dave fiboni.
3. the plushes! esp. 2018 Funko
i’d looove to own all the plushes. they came out when I was away from the fandom and you can’t find them anywhere now. The modern non-exclusives are just not as cute. right now at 7, it’s still reasonable to attain a full collection. grateful my friend was into crane machine and got me the OG 2008 one. i’m willing pay $200 at most for a plush but it’s impossible unless you triple that, plus just there’s not much channels to source them. The newer one under Mando branding and Celebration is such a drop in quality their faces are just printed on so glad I found a prototype of it with an embroidered face instead. Was it trying to pay homage to the orginal? lmao
4. FoD Ahsoka
I want at least two more. one mint in box and one to repaint in clone wars style + rebody. But likewise where do you find them lol
5. koto artfx
i’ve been tallking about them for what feels like two years, anyway ever since it was first announced and now six months after its release. i’m super duper tempted everyday even just to get the Ahsoka half. I’d say half-meaningly ‘oh I will stumble upon them when we go to japan’ and i know what the chances of that are. still, not actively chasing them (actually not any on this list in ways I should) so may en find its way
6. Ahsoka transformer
XD this is a weird trinket i simply want because Ashley also has it XD
7. Rebels ahsoka hot wheels
such a cool little togrutan car~ really like the design
8. Anakin and Ahsoka van
part of hot wheels ‘greatest duo’ kind of line. saw it a long time ago on clearance at the mall regreted not getting it.
9. Rubies’ costume saber!
yeah, technically the first lightsaber toy of Ahsoka’s and just something I’ve watched on amazon from way before i’m old enough to get a credit card
10. Funko pops
attainable (except the rebels one) but more because i think it’s funny to look at how a lineup of Ahsokas all have a different shade of blue or orange. waiting forever for the Jumpsuit one to go on sale, because we don’t get any merch with her :(
11. LEGO
I’m satisfied enough with KO figures. Will buy them eventually. Recently saw on IG you can make pixel art with the Batman set and i’m tempted! Officially the Maul throne room set is worth considering too and I love the Brickhead box art
12. Her Universe
oooh i have so many HU grails but i don’t feel as compelled by the new clothes. I’d loooove the Ahsoka Leaves shirt, and other collabs with Fiboni like Plo and Ahsoka and Ahsoka on Malachor. The original Padawan hoodie is a nostalgia goal for me too. But I wouldn’t have my hopes about getting one because it’s been more than ten years. I can hope TCW’s 15th Anniversay would have something for me?
13. Little Golden Book
most likely to initiate because i have a coupon. The art is okay with plot holes but i want to support Ashley.
14. Sixth-scale figures
so Sideshow’s is a firm NO. Otherwise, I’m enthralled by customizing a concept art’ka with large head and alien eyes. should get another 2005 Shaak Ti to turn into Adult ahsoka as she should be.
15. tsum tsum
i'm not enthralled by them but honestly its a crime there's no ahsoka tsum tsum
16. MUG
remember that ugly giant-head coca mug of S7'ka under Mando branding? lol I found a factory listing for it so it's totally possible. I have a soft spot for "ugly Ahsoka" merch and would love to get it with official packaging if possible.
17. Disney Toybox
mm… they just don't speak to me, and i have many S7'ka figures already
18. Comics
ywah there was a Lucasfilm 50th cover with her and Anakin and a coming Choose Your Destiny one. Probably should get them
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marysunshine23 · 2 years
What I would do if I had Stupid Money
So, I’ve been thinking about the 0.1%; the guys with stupid money. And while I kinda understand not wanting to be taxed (despite the fact that it goes against the whole “no taxation without representation” thing and thus should be kept silent), but I feel like you can do so much more with that amount of money. Forget building dick rockets or another corporate tower, let’s see what an autistic 30-year-old woman would do with stupid money.
First and foremost, I’d buy Disney. Not just, like, a Disney Store or even Disneyland. I mean Disney as a corporation. Why? Well, if I have stupid money I’d want to take over the world, so what better way than to buy out one of the big corporations of the world that have one of the biggest influences on media and family social structures as a whole? My first action of CEO/Owner of Disney is to make sure everyone in the business has at least thriving wages, from the people working on the movies to the Cast Members at the Disney Parks, right down to the new teenager who just got hired at the Disney store. Everyone gets health and life insurance as well as a good chunk of money going into their Social Security Fund where it fucking belongs.
Next point of action, every state and every country gets a Disney park. That’s right! We’re not gonna limit the world to picking one of five Disney parks that are over capacity by design (which is not good when COVID is still a thing despite the fact that pandemic procedures have stopped); no now you don’t have to pay an arm and a leg just to get to the park because there’s gonna be one in your backyard. Some of the bigger states like California, Texas and Alaska will have two or three because when you have a state bigger than some countries it just makes sense. Same logic with other countries and providences (or whatever your countries equivalent is to a state).
While we’re at it, there is absolutely no reason for Disneyland to be charging $200 to get into one park. Day tickets will be $50 for adults and $25 for children, the elderly, the disabled and the military (with proper ID). Most of the profits from the parks come from merch anyway, and if the entrance fee is small then you’re more likely to spend more money on said merch. Annual Pass Holders are charged a $200 flat rate for entrance to their state parks, but are charged $25 if they want go out of state and $50 out of country. Again, this is a flat rate and will not vary. So if you go to the park four to five times out of the year you’ve basically paid for your annual pass.
Since I’m already blowing my cash on just making sure everyone can get into the parks and be happy, let’s make sure everyone is happy! Instead of revamping shit that honestly shouldn’t be touched, we’re going to revamp movies that actually deserve it, like Treasure Planet, Atlantis, and other Disney Movies of that era. All “live action” animals will take on a similar appearance to their animated counter part and look more like a live action caricature. Also, we’re going back to making movies about fairy tales. We’re busting out Princess and the Pea, Hansel and Grettle, Jack and the Beanstalk, and maybe some other stuff from creators like the Brothers Grimm and Edger Allen Poe for Halloween.
We’re also bringing back the 2D/Computer Animation hybrids. Some of the movies will be full Computer Animation, some will be 2D animated, some will be both, others will be live action. If Disney actually wants to claim to be the pack leader of animation, it needs to utilize what is out there. And while we’re breaking ground, let’s have actual LGBTQ+ representation that is honest and not a backstory having nothing to do with the plot and/or character development. Since I’m using this company to redefine family structure, let’s absolutely destroy it and rebuild it.
At this point I will have pissed off a lot of the old conservative fans along with some politicians, but since I have stupid money I can shut them up with a couple hundred grand. At this point while I might have lost my status of a trillionaire, but I heavily doubt it, I’m making enough money from over 200 parks and the flood of support from those who are actually happy with my changes. Once I’ve set up everything so that I can focus on other tasks and periodically check in to make sure the world isn’t burning down, it’s time to attack Amazon.
Hey, I said I wanted to take over the world, didn’t I?
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buttercheck43 · 2 years
Get To Understand More About Online Poker
Double Joker - Having 54 cards on the deck, this version of video poker is also one with the best and popular in real and online casino gaming world. In this particular game, these items play against the computer. To be able to win, you should make an enhanced hand in comparison to machine includes. You will be in order to use different techniques or ways of beat home. Just remember to hit with no jokers taking place. You additionally be have fun decorating with poker or Las Vegas themed mirrors, lights, signs, pictures, posters, and other memorabilia. Might add a slot machine, card shufflers, dealer shoes, a dealer timer a further casino items to give it that real feel. Most beginner poker players are unacquainted with what proper bankroll management really is actually. They will deposit $50 to their poker account and dive right into the $1/$2 limits with one fourth of a buy-in. While poker happens to be a game of skill associated with long-term, a genuine effort . still large luck component in the short-term. This means that no matter how good of an online poker player you are, a straightforward very reasonable possibility you go on losing in poker for some consecutive weeks (sometimes months). This is an entirely statistical thing -- even the best hands can lose often times in a row. Whenever a poker player faces a losing streak as this one, method . a downswing.When a player is on a downswing, his skills can only help him to minimize his debts. You also must know and understand that a fantastic of people play poker but only few people become successful. 제왕카지��사고 play just for fun, other want help to make more money through poker but anyway you have chances only if you tough. It's super easy to start playing even so, not easy perform well. I have many friends who play online poker online and win salary. They are not lazy that spend time studying new information. Poker is like driving a car: may not have the to end up being the best driver after your first attempt. You ought to to practice a lot. Learning how you can discriminate the cards, learning as to which ones to hold and which to discard, needs a lot of practice. It's not always a clear choice. Though this game isn't often found at many online poker sites, it can be perhaps happen more regarding future, as players require new to help challenge their poker skills and develop their talents for various poker programs. Moreover, an individual currently have a big enough bankroll? You must even more buy-ins once your main associated with income is poker. Get involved in it safe and go for 50 buy-ins for cash games and 200 buy-ins for events. There are more variance in poker than a lot think. Video poker is quite similar, except players do not compete opposed to the dealer. Considerable dealt five cards they can insurance firm ? discard quite a few them as a way to improve their hand. The discarded cards are replaced, and the resultant hand determines the amount the player wins. Deuces and Wild - Known 1 of belly variations of video poker, the thing that makes this game special proven fact that it has 4 wild card at the deck. Players have several or ways to try whilst in the middle of the game, they will experiment arrive up using own hands per hour to get hold of. If you know how to have fun playing the real poker game, these surely have a big advantage because if at all possible be qualified to make winning hands merely dominate recreation.
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honeydazai · 3 years
oh to be chuuyas trophy wife who’s only duties are to cook him dinner and be his cocksleeve
being Chūya's trophy wife...
Chūya, who spoils you rotten with gifts, whether it's pretty dresses and skirts, expensive designer heels or jewellery that catches the light perfectly from every angle,
and who loves just how excited you look every time he buys you something you have wanted for some time; the way you thank him with bright eyes and a beaming smile and willingly drop to your knees to show him just how grateful you are,
Chūya, who honestly doesn't care if you spend $20 or $200 to get your nails done since he can afford it anyway; the mafia does pay incredibly well and whatever you wish for isn't enough to create even a dent in his black card,
and Chūya, who takes you out to important events as his arm candy and relishes in the way people stare at your dolled up form, dressed in only the prettiest and most expensive fabrics and with gorgeous jewellery draped over your whole body,
and who has you sit on his lap all prettily with a hand positioned on your hip at all times, the gesture almost possessive as he, occasionally, moves it down to your upper thigh to rub circles into the soft skin,
the way you try and sit still despite the urge to squirm whenever his touch gets a little too close to your panties, and, god, you're honestly trying your best to keep your tiny whimpers in as his fingers rub your folds through the fabric,
“You're all getting all worked up, doll, that's adorable. Still, we're in public, remember? So stay still and be good for me if you don't want to draw too much attention to us. Or is it that you want to put on a show for all these guys here, hm?”
Chūya, who bends you over in all those pretty clothes he bought for you and who carelessly rips fine fabric apart only to hear you gasp in disdain, and who fucks you roughly until you're whining and moaning,
Chūya, who relaxes after a long day of work through watching you show him all those gorgeous outfits you've bought using his money, because having you put on a private fashion show only for him is honestly kind of fun,
even though he usually prefers to go shopping with you; just because he's the providing husband doesn't mean he can't enjoy fashion as a hobby, and if he can get you two colour coordinated outfits - all the better,
Chūya, who loves coming home to a warm meal waiting for him and to your open arms, because there's nothing better than to relax in your loving embrace after exhausting hours of working in the mafia,
and what better way to unwind is there than to position himself between your willingly spread legs and fuck you slowly and sensually, his lips on your throat and neck as he moans against your skin,
“Fuck, you're so good for me, princess. You always take such good care of me, hm? Cooking for me, looking all pretty - god, I love you.”
but also Chūya, who's quite rough with you whenever he's stressed; the head of his cock hitting the back of your throat as he yanks you closer by your hair, keeping a firm grip on the strands until the tip of your nose is touching his lower abdomen,
and he probably should feel guilty when you whimper and whine as he abuses your throat, but how you gag and sputter around the girth of his dick is simply so pretty that he can barely control himself,
and the way your expensive mascara runs down your flushed cheeks and your lip stick - the one you had begged him to buy you for weeks - sticks to his cock and is all smudged on your lips now has him thrusting into your mouth even faster, harder,
“You're so gorgeous with my dick between your lips, doll, so pretty. And you love being on your knees for me, hm? Bet you'd never leave your place between my legs again if I ordered you to stay. Fuck, god, 'm close, babe.”
and, well, it's not like he doesn't feel guilty after his orgasm when his head clears again, so he does his best to make the rough treatment up to you by eating you out until you're writhing and cumming with his name on your lips,
“You're so good, babe, so fucking pretty for me. Come on, I'm sure you can cum once more, hm? Don't hold back now, this is about you and your pleasure. Look at you, grinding against my fingers like a common whore - though you've got expensive taste for being such a slut.”
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notes: yes yes yes!! this was so hot 🤧🤧 i want to be his pretty trophy wife.....
if you liked this, consider tipping me on ko-fi! it'd mean a lot!
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