#nor liberal
skeletalroses · 2 years
This was originally a comment I made on this post but fuck it, it’s getting its own post because this site’s teeming with shit idiot brain fungus.
I’m the sex-repulsed asexual (and romance-repulsed aromantic) people claim to be protecting when they say Pride shouldn’t be kinky or racy and should instead be Family-Friendly™ and “safe for aces and sex-repulsed people.” I’m not the kinky asexual, of which there are many thousands, or the sex-favorable asexual, of which there are also many thousands. I’m the stereotypical libidoless, “genitals are icky,” frantically-click-way-from-porn asexual who’s never so much as masturbated (or kissed!).
I want kinky, sexy, degenerate Pride. I want to get out there with my fellow queers and make respectable cishet society mad. I don’t want to win over conservatives; I want to scare them. I feel more kinship and would always rather hang with a bunch of kinksters in the sluttiest of kink gear than with any of you dumbshit assimilationist Pride police.
Where do y’all draw the line, anyway? Is my Turbo Virgin™ goth ass gonna get caught up in your sanitization sweeps because my leather, corsets, chains, stripper boots, and huge ornamental vinyl chokers I bought from a guy who makes bondage jewelry are too suggestive? I also love having my tits out. I’ve thought of getting nipple jewelry. Is that gonna be a problem? Am I too sexy in my sexlessness?
If you’re serious about competing needs, organize kiddie Pride events. Do things expressly geared toward minors or people who really can’t abide seeing sexual stuff. These are good things to do. But Pride is a protest. No one gets to demand that queers tone it down and make our show of force palatable to the straights. You sure as fuck don’t get to pretend you’re doing it to protect asexuals, as if we’re pure, fainting flowers who can’t handle seeing a harness or a dildo.
But then, we all know it’s not really about protecting asexuals, sex-repulsed or otherwise. Most of the people pushing to defang Pride aren’t asexuals. Lots of you are exclusionists, who maybe just got quieter about it since 2015 when “proud aphobe” was the cool thing to be. Pridecops are just throwing asexuals under the bus again as justification for their pathetic need to please the cishets and control other people’s expression. (To both lick boots and Dominate, if you will.) Aces (and aros!) who jump on the bandwagon of this time-honored aphobic tactic should be doubly ashamed of themselves.
“Clean” Pride crowd, there’s no difference between you and all the conservative adults who hounded me my whole life about not dressing and acting ~modestly~ enough. Who used to steer me away and cover my eyes whenever they saw someone that looked queer or “slutty.” You’re not queer and you’re not fighting for queers. You’re watery legbutt liberals fighting for marketability. Knock off your shit or get away from our freak club. Tell me or anyone else to cover up and I’ll fucking kill you.
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banamine-bananime · 2 months
my concept of donut is like, he should be on a 1960s white america boyscouts poster but like, goofy about it. do you get what i mean.
like to me donut was basically cooked up in a lab to be a parody of the Good Ol’ Boy Back When Boys Were Real Boys who played outside all day with friends smacking each other with sticks playing space cowboys and aliens, rubbing dirt in all his cuts and knowing big boys repress all their emotions except Boisterousness, always says his yes maams and yes sirs and never questions authority (but also, y’know, boys will be boys so of course they’re up to Mischief when unsupervised, a bit of chaotic and violent rule-breaking fun is all fine and good as long as they’re respectful to authority and just accept their punishment with an “awwww, man! Shucks!” in the end).
a parody because it plays up how someone genuinely like that probably must be pretty stupid/oblivious/gullible to be so pliable to authority and follow dumb norms of “what is a nice polite young man supposed to act like” without any thought into “wait, what makes this something it’s important or nice to do? are there perhaps other things i could focus on doing that would actually be more important or nice to do? do i actually get or care what being nice and doing good is, or do i just like doing whatever i want without having to think about Ethics and then having a very easy set of rules of How To Be Nice to follow”.
and also a parody because he also is like, extremely gay, and he literally just does what he wants and acts how he wants and it’s simultaneously ^that whole Good Ol’ Boy thing and the most flamboyant stereotypically gay mannerisms and hobbies you’ve seen in your life. and he just fully lacks the interest in doing any reflection that would lead him to conclude anyone might see these as rather contradictory or subverting expectations. he’s exposed both to norms of good behaviour coming from conservative places and from progressive places and doesn’t really think about these perhaps being conflicting ethos, he just grabs this random patchwork of “hey this is something someone told me yayyyy :)”. he can enthusiastically follow the letter of many laws rooted in heteronormativity and toxic masculinity and also the letter of laws coming from Progressive Ideals but he fully does not give a shit to consider whether there might be a bigger spirit to any of those laws. dumbitchitis got him immune to internalized homophobia (no he isn’t actually. but he is quite certain that just Not Thinking About It means any negative emotions don’t exist. this is a foundational truth to donut’s understanding of the universe)
what i’m saying is donut should simultaneously give the impression of walking straight off a cheery WWI Join The Troops poster or 1960s boy scouts ad, but also of being absolutely A Pansy of the same era, but also of being the kind of modern queer who says “be gay do crime” not because they’ve given two seconds of thought to prison abolition but because they find doing crime really fun
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greenlaut · 3 months
fuck it,
credentials: (1) incense is a big thing in my country both for daily and religious uses; (2) i have a shit ton of incenses bc i use them regularly
ALTAÏR IBN LA'AHAD — his most familiar scent is frankincense bcs either umar or rashid lit up a lot of frankincense (haha old man incense). BUT his favorite scent is jasmine because it's sweet and calming it's like a soothing balm to his running thoughts and worries. also the scent of jasmine here has supernatural connotations, so i think it's fitting for altaïr as the master assassin herald of death etc etc
MALIK AL SAYF — oud. definitely oud. very charismatic and heavy. definitely suits him bcs as soon u enter his space u will think he's someone not to be trifled with. it also has a family/brotherly connotation to it which suits malik. if u want combination; oud + sandalwood
KADAR AL SAYF — champaca. it's sweet and bright. reminds u of a singing bird maybe? if u catch a whiff of it in the wind it feels like napping in a hazy afternoon.
MARIA THORPE — jasmine with tuberose. almost woody? floral. probably reminds you of moonlit night with silk curtains blowing in the wind
EZIO AUDITORE DA FIRENZE — sandalwood. a classic. with frankincense and myrhh. this scent reminds me of church (our churches usually light these scented incenses). it's heady and heavy. if you smell it too much it can overwhelm you.
LEONARDO DA VINCI — citrus and agarwood. very playful and has creative vibes to it. it also smells very unique and reminds me of a warm person
CONNOR KENWAY — majegau. this one is very specific. majegau is a type of tree sacred to people in bali region (i'm from java so i dont know much). but the scent is very mountainous. it reminds me slightly of sandalwood but much lighter, and gives off a more foresty vibes. it has a very respectful but down-to-earth air to it that suits connor's person
AVELINE DE GRANPRE — citrus and vanilla. i'll be honest i never had this one, but i'm trusting what people said. it's apparently very unique and refreshing scent when burnt. kind of woody surprisingly with just a hint of sweetness to it. i also think aveline would like clove incense. it's sweet and has something underneath that feels like it's ready to strike
ADÉWALÉ — also an oud enjoyer methinks. maaybe oud + frankincense. i think smelling the incense will help settle down his thoughts and pain, bcs it's a very meditative and heady scent. charismatic vibes
EDWARD KENWAY — tobacco, clove, and cinnamon. it's smoky and heady. kind of pirate vibes. it's a very overwhelming scent to some people bcs of the tobacco
HAYTHAM KENWAY — i feel like he has a very old man taste so i'm chucking lotus OR frankincense. i think he'd like both bcs they're the most "classic" incense scents. definitely charismatic tbh
SHAY CORMAC — tobacco. smoky. just a classic "smokes and mirrors". it's kinda sad? it's a very lonely scent i think
ARNO VICTOR DORIAN — vanilla with sandalwood. it's heady and sweet with woody undertone to it. it has a european vibes to it that i personally dont like to light (vanilla doesnt smell good in humid weather to me), but definitely suits arno. it's sensitive yet strong, kind of tragic
ÉLISE DE LA SERRE — rose. definitely rose. cloying, floral, and sweet. has mixed receptions; it's a classic scent but i personally dont like it. i think it suits élise for her complicated nature. flitting and impossible to mistake
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icarusxxrising · 4 months
Leftists aren't asking you to burn down walmarts or whatever shadow you're boxing we literally just want you to help us organize community support and mutual aid the other 364 days of the year you aren't fucking voting
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oddberryshortcake · 1 year
I’d say I want everyone to wake up and get rescued, but let’s be real, this is the best sleep Jamil is ever gonna have in his life. He can keep dreaming if he wants to.
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metamatar · 9 months
a lot of people come at so much politics in the realm of pure idealism, like they will conclude reasonable things like say nation states or gender are constructed and the construction of them excludes and oppresses and are perhaps worth 'abolishing'. except then they will take this to absolutely dumbshit ends.
this looks like a critique of anti colonial nationalism or trans liberation thats ends at saying that these movements (which are critiques of hegemonic notions of nation states and gender) are stupid bc they're still contaminated with bad ideas. we need to zap ideas with complex impacts on material reality out of existence somehow. when this position ends of upholding the status quo these people act really surprised.
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roobylavender · 3 months
This whole thread is so....
It's pissing me off actually and I search the word hijab on their account and in one of their tweets they said "I think hijab is a bad thing" ??? I need non-muslims who speak on Islam without any knowledge to stfu
i'm going to apologize beforehand if this is upsetting in any way bc i'm sure you were expecting a different response but while i feel like op's wording could have been better in this thread specifically—i like their wording in this thread more—i do generally agree with them. i definitely understand there's a gut reaction to any critique of islamic practices esp in the context of modern orientalism and islamophobic sentiment, but i also think that muslims (and people of any religious faith, really) can simultaneously acknowledge that some criticisms of faith, while driven by racism and/or xenophobia, are also validly driven by a worthwhile contention with women's material circumstances over the course of history. in the other thread i linked above i think op is very much correct in that it's not constructive nor useful to criticize individual people. many individuals do choose to dress more modestly of their own volition and are privileged enough to have that available to them as a choice and nothing more bc of the environment they grow up in and the familial interpretation of religious tenets they're taught. but i don't think people are wrong when they acknowledge the larger context within which women are advised to dress modestly and how those standards of modest dress compare with those imposed on men in comparison. there's an undeniable dichotomy there and at least in my islamic upbringing i've been taught that the way some of these things diverge along the lines of gender is preordained and not meant to be perceived as inherently oppressive towards one gender or the other. a thing is simply bc it is. but religion isn't really something you can view within a vacuum much as that would be ideal. it is connected to the material circumstances of women in the real world and i do allow myself to sit with that reality even if it's weird to process at times bc i still consider myself a muslim and have no plans on ex-communicating myself
personally i like to dress modestly in the sense that i don't wear very exposing clothing. i've grown up wearing pants for my entire life. my parents are lax enough that i'm allowed to wear t-shirts but i can't wear anything where my armpits are directly exposed so that means no sleeveless tops. i can't wear anything with a deep neckline either unless i have a higher positioned undershirt on underneath. and again, i'm not particularly bothered by any of that. i do toe the line on a few occasions but generally i'm ok with how i dress bc by now i'm used to it. that being said, i know the reason i've come to be okay with dressing this way is bc it's how i was taught to dress, and towards the specific end of maintaining modesty and emphasizing on the shape of my figure as minimally as is possible without having to outright wear a bag lol. that is at large a structural reality of muslim practice towards women, regardless of what individual women choose to do in their own homes where they have the liberty to choose. and as i mentioned above, i do think we have to sit with that reality even if we acknowledge it opens us up to abuse by other people who may not have the best intentions. this is why, for example, i've really come to frown upon the way ex-muslims (esp when they're women) are almost mocked by the extant muslim community for logically reacting to patriarchal oppression under the guise of religion. bc at the outset, materially, there is no choice presented to these people. and even if there is ideologically a choice within the tenets of the religion itself, with respect to women in particular, there is still a defined gender dichotomy and hierarchy that cannot be denied and that is quite regularly used to perpetuate the oppression that many of them try to escape
what's hard to do and what requires a knowledgeable, concerted effort on our part as muslims is trying to balance the nuance of the oppression we are accessory to against the nuance of our own oppression for who we are. it's certainly cruel that we have to do so much to parse all of this because racist, xenophobic imperialists are incorrigible people who will co-opt anything if it's beneficial to them. but all the same, we do have that responsibility at minimum. we have to learn to sit in the uncomfortable reality that while many of us as individuals may choose to practice the way we do, that choice may yet be colored by how we grew up within organized religion, and it obscures our ability to recognize that while we think it's a choice for us as individuals, it's certainly not a choice on a structural level, and that's something we should vehemently argue against maintaining the status quo of
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athena5898 · 4 months
I swear to god, I understand now why various political ideologies get sick and tired of "leftist" now.
If I see one more person call neo liberalism "leftist" I'm going to scream.
I beg of some of you to please do some research, especially on intersectionality!
I'm happy that a lot of you want better policies but "minimum wage should increase and healthcare should be free" is some pretty milquetoast shit tbh. Yall are going to keep getting taken advantage of, including people "on the left" if you don't figure some shit out, kill the cop/oppressor in your head, and disentangle yourself from empires.
Let these events radicalize you, but don't let yourself become ignorant.
Just please at least look into intersectionality and kyriarchy.
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essektheylyss · 1 year
if you must live, darling one — chapter 1
Chapters: 1/11
Word Count: 2,099
Relationships: Essek Thelyss/Caleb Widogast (Developing); Essek Thelyss/Original Character(s) (Past)
For the last week of their excursion into Aeor, Caleb's companion has largely withdrawn, just when they'd begun to grow closer physically, even while they have avoided discussing what is between them.
Fearing he's overstepped, he follows Essek to the top floor of the Tower to ask, and finds him caught up in the fear of gaining a partner but losing a friend.
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skeletalroses · 11 months
Unpopular opinion/full offense but normies and libs need to quit throwing around the word “punk” as if anything and everything that would hypothetically make a landlord or a Republican politician do a frowny face is countercultural
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menalez · 7 months
I'm sorry but if you're a colonizer while millions of people are oppressed and suffer just so you can enjoy their land... you literally have violence by the colonized coming and it is winning.Yes, that goes for Israeli women and children who are raped and killed, My Spanish ancestors that decided to colonize south America were also targeted when the colonized decided to fight back and started killing them.. And the colonized people were still 100% in the right to fight for their freedom. As I said, if you want peace gtfo colonized land. It's happened over and over in history. For example nobody felt bad for all the French people that got massacred in Algeria while they were tying to get their independence back bc wtf were they doing in Algeria to begin with. It is what it is. Get out of colonized land if you want peace.
how the hell is raping women and killing children fighting against colonisation tho bc that is straight up what ur arguing up here. and how do u suggest little children "gtfo colonized land" in order not to face violence?
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padfootastic · 11 months
the worst thing is when like. someone on the internet hasn’t done anything wrong, is a perfectly pleasant person, but their vibes are utterly rancid to u. can’t escape them bc theyre on ur feed 84372 times a day and u feel very very weird blocking someone who’s literally not even looked in ur direction lmao
#like i *get* it block liberally etc etc and i DO#but sometimes it’s like. why. what is it *about* this person that bothers me#it’s just such tiny tiny things#and i really can’t escape it half the time#tumbles block system is great when ur the one blocked but now when ur doing the blocking#(which. wtf tumblr)#i’m still seeing people in reblogs#and like. again. they’re a nice person. not done anything technically wrong#but i have the most feral urge to growl at them thru the screen#like ??? wtf brain??#since when do we care about vibes so much#it’s like that thing where if a person u don’t like makes a good point#but u can’t take anything they say in good faith lol#some of the stupidest things that’s made me feel like this is say. someone w a weird headcanon#or people who use <3 in that. tiktok girlie suibaiting way#passive aggressiveness#if someone’s *too* sensitive on the internet#idk the list goes on and i don’t wanna keep blocking people but i need to know another ways to manage this lol#i think one time i blocked someone for posting about how sirius is obsessed with remus lmao#i didn’t like the…tone…nor the words….#there is literally no point to this i just saw something on my feed and got super annoyed s’all#something so irrelevant i’m gonna forget about it in 7 hours#i’m gonna compare it to a lactose intolerance#milk is wonderful and everyone around u loves it but it gives u gas so u stay away and give it a stink eye everytime#no one’s at fault but u feel like an over sensitive bitch lmao#(not me tho. love me my dairy)#so. ykno.#a lil rant. if u will.#pen’s whining
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whamss · 1 month
Thinking every now and then that I should put down a pinned or smth but what do I even put there that isn't in my bio? My classpect? List of traffic violations? Every Homestuck fanfic I like? Such a wonder
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mishkakagehishka · 6 months
You had valid argument about Westerners speaking over people from other countries, until it turned out that it was about Russians. If there’s one group of people that lost ability to be respected it’s them after they decided once again to try and kill all of us. Like they always fucking do. And yet that hey still always whine about themselves. And don’t do shit to change anything. Truly Russian soul is so mysterious. Yet to see another nation only capable of destroying and brining death and not able to show a once of sympathy to people that murder.
And you look at fucking comments and it’s only support, because fucking of course
I absolutely understand where you're coming from, but that's not what I was talking about. Seeing the comments on that post (bc that was what I was tagged in) was what inspired me to talk about this again, but it's a topic I've talked about whenever anything happened in peripheral and semi-peripheral countries that had Americans be annoying in the replies. That's why I said "countries" in my posts instead of pointing to one in particular (i think in the past few years, I've seen that sort of American response under news from everywhere from Brazil to France to the Philippines)
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hussyknee · 2 months
I feel like I spend all my life screaming about genocide-abetters and fascist collaborators that nobody takes seriously until the genocide and fascism actually happens. The exclusionists, the antis, the radfems, the Zionists, the liberals and the Tankies— years and years of trying to make people understand that these people are equally dangerous and complicit in violence.
I'm so fucking tired of people not listening, not even my friends. Sometimes I think my falling out with them was a result of my current mental health being critically low, but other times I think cutting them all loose was the rational endpoint of an untenable situation. If you won't listen then I want nothing to do with you because not taking these fuckwits seriously has a body count.
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suburbanlegnd · 1 year
*slowly backing away bc i've read marxist literature once or twice* 😔
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