#nomi sparks
charlottan · 1 year
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Klaus Nomi similar artists map
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turuin · 1 day
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Fotodump così, tanto per fare. Sono stanco, questa è la verità. Di una stanchezza per la quale non c'è rimedio. Ho passato un paio d'ore a letto a sonnecchiare, nel tardo pomeriggio, quasi desiderando di averlo fatto per tutta la giornata.
Recentemente, ho acquistato tre giochi, quasi d'impulso.
Dread Delusion, su Steam. Praticamente vaporwave Morrowind. E' un gioco di ruolo retrò, in prima persona, ambientato in un mondo fluttuante conseguentemente a un evento catastrofico che ha reso la terra, sotto, inabitabile. In questo mondo, i popoli si sono ribellati agli dei viventi con cui avevano stretto patti millenari (spesso estremamente cruenti) uccidendoli, e domina un ordine apostatico che da la caccia a coloro che, in segreto, tramano per resuscitare queste divinità occulte.
Skald: Against The Black Priory, su GoG. Un gioco di ruolo estremamente retrò, pesantemente ispirato alla serie di Ultima e ai tempi d'oro del C64 e dell'Amiga500. Grafica retrò, meccaniche aggiornatissime, storia fin qui splendidamente lovecraftiana e ricca di spunti interessanti.
Wizardry: Proving Grounds of The Mad Overlord, sulla Switch. Un remake del primo, primissimo dungeon crawler della storia. Senza Wizardry non sarebbe esistito alcun gdr a turni in oriente o in occidente, Dragon Quest incluso. Un party di avventurieri pre-impostato o creato da zero deve sfidare un labirinto discendente che cambia sempre, pieni di segreti, mostri e trappole - morire spesso, altrettanto spesso essere rimpiazzati o resuscitati.
Perché questa riflessione sui miei acquisti compulsivi? Di me si sa che non resisto ai giochi di stampo retrò: sono sempre stato un fan dell'emulazione software e ho iniziato a videogiocare proprio a metà degli anni '80, per cui questo è esattamente il mio orticello. Ma al netto di ciò, e tornando piuttosto al mio stato di salute fisica e mentale:
Dread Delusion illustra bene il senso di smarrimento in un mondo alieno, le cui regole sono ormai campate per aria, e nel quale persino il rapporto tra umano e divino viene rimesso in discussione; le isole su cui è ambientato, le Oneiric Isles, già fin dal nome rendono omaggio alla sua qualità fluttuante ed evanescente, come un sogno. Dread Delusion, in pratica una illusione spaventosa; la paura, dread, non sconvolgente e orrorifica, ma sottile e insinuante, come camminare in un mondo in cui ogni passo è sospeso sul baratro di un abisso infinito. Una bella metafora per un mondo fatto di incertezze ad ogni svolta d'angolo.
Skald, con il suo mostrare la degenerazione mentale di una intera isola, in un mondo fantasy, ad opera di divinità cosmiche provenienti da ben oltre le più remote galassie, ricorda quel concetto tanto caro al solitario razzista di Providence: l'essere umano non è altro che una minuscola particella di polvere in confronto alla orribile, tremenda e implacabile vastità delle forze all'opera nell'universo. Eppure, queste particelle si agitano, combattono (a suon di willpower) e resistono alla loro sottomissione. Come piccole fiammelle in un buio che ingoia tutto, tranne loro. All the world's darkness can't swallow up a single spark, cantava Nick Cave, dopotutto. Una bella metafora per ricordarsi che quando l'orrore è estremo e sembra insuperabile, bisogna sempre fare un tiro salvezza su forza di volontà.
Wizardry, è un labirinto infinito. Non manca di momenti sciocchi (ed io ne sono più che lieto: vedeste i nomi che ho dato ai membri del party...) ma rimane una bella metafora del capriccio dei potenti nel quale (ancora una volta) rimangono invischiati i poveri avventurieri. Che, spesso soccombendo ma tornando sempre alla carica, mappando una casellina per volta, una stanza per volta, un segreto per volta, scendono di livello in livello. Perché, alla fine, ciò che ci salva non è il lignaggio, non sono le risorse economiche, non è l'amicizia coi potenti; ciò che ci salva è la perseveranza, perché chi ci domina, ricco e fiero, seduto sulla propria montagna di ricchezze ingiustamente accumulate, ha dimenticato cosa possa voler dire annaspare nel buio, torcia in una mano e spada nell'altra. Noi, no. E annaspiamo, si, ma una casella dopo l'altra facciamo ciò che per i nostri oppressori è ormai inaccessibile: ci superiamo, miglioriamo, ci evolviamo. E un giorno arriviamo alla fine del labirinto, e i suoi muri ci crollano intorno: non ci sono più segreti da scoprire, e i giochi sono fatti.
Sono stanco. Spesso indebolito, ancora più spesso molto demotivato. Ma sono un giocatore, fin dalla più tenera età. E, perdonatemi, ma ai miei tempi il ragequit non aveva ragione di essere. Si insisteva fino alla fine, e la fine non c'è finché non è finita.
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juliaswickcrs · 21 days
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BOOK COVER :: DUEL OF THE FATES ( tfa - tros )
Nomi Kestis was a nobody. A junkyard scrapper pulled off the planet of Bracca with little to her name except a droid who refuses to leave her alone, General Leia Organa takes her under her wing. The General waits patiently as she rises through the Resistance, hopeful that in time, Nomi will discover who...and what... she truly is. FN-2187 was a coward. A Stormtrooper who's never seen battle with a vague memory of a woman bathed in bright light, it is fear that keeps him in line. Fear that stops him in his tracks on Jakku. It is fear which sends him after the prisoners on the Finalizer, hoping one of them can help him run. Kylo Ren was searching. The disappearance of Luke Skywalker has sent hope through the galaxy, but there is something further away, something more powerful than even a Skywalker that is calling to him. Something which leads him to Jakku and face to face...with a girl. Rey was waiting. She'd always been waiting. But something deep inside her tells her to stay on that desert planet, to keep scavenging until her family comes back. Until her sister comes back. It only takes a spark to start a fire, and this one will set the galaxy ablaze, leaving behind a path of destruction no one could've foreseen...except perhaps a Jedi.
tag list: @bisexualterror​ @foxesandmagic @iron-parkr​ @jvstjewels@camiemendess@a-song-of-quill-and-feather @arrthurpendragon @villain-connoisseur​ @starcrossedjedis​ @drbobbimorse​ @noratilney​ @stanshollaand@kingsmakers @astarionbae​ @darth-caillic @mystic-scripture@aliverse @misshiraethsworld @asirensrage @eddiemunscns
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Since I haven’t seen anyone request anything about sukune I thought that I would be the first if that’s okay with you? What is he like? How would he treat you on a date and In bed ;)
FINALLY. In the wise words of SZA, “I need a big boy.”
Yandere Baki Head Canons
Sukune edition
Minors DNI
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Nomi no Sukune the 2nd
You two hit it off after his fight with Jack Hanma. You’re one of the nurses taking care of him in the hospital. You’re very kind to him and you make sure all of his needs are met. It’s your fascination with his fighting lifestyle that sparks his interest in you
Nomi asked you out once it’s his last day at the hospital. He wants to take you to get bubble tea and walk around together. He’s a great listener
Nomi’s very protective of you and he follows the side walk rule (walks closer to the road). He’s like a giant impenetrable tank that’s ready to spring into action if someone wished you harm
It wouldn’t take long for you two to be official. He knows exactly what he wants in a relationship and he thinks you are the perfect match. He likes that you’re good with words and you’re so caring. He is very sweet to you
If you’re cold, Nomi will give you his coat. If there’s puddle, he would carry you over it. If your feet hurt from your shoes, he will either carry you or go buy you some comfier shoes. He holds every door open for you and always sits you at a table. He’s a gentleman
He loves to carry you around on one of his arms. He also loves matching outfits and hats. He’ll do any activity to be close to you really
Loves to cuddle but Nomi prefers you laying in him so he doesn’t accidentally squish you. He’s a big guy and he’s super soft
Nomi smells like nutmeg, cedar, and earthy vetiver. It’s a very gentlemanly scent. It’s super comforting
Now Nomi could never have you under him because he would hurt you in accident so he prefers you being on top of him. He will guide your hips to a steady pace but he isn’t rough. He’s very mindful of the size difference
He loves to go down on you. He really enjoys it. More than any of the others
Would make you sit on his face a lot until you’re a crying, whining mess. He thanks you for the meal after
Loves to hold you after all sexual endeavors
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Nomi J. - writeblr intro
Hello everyone! My name is Nomi J. (any pronouns) and I am an adult fiction and 18+ erotica writer. My narratives center around queer characters and experiences and are typically magical realism or high fantasy. I'm always happy to chat with people about writing, so don't be shy about messaging me or sending asks if the mood strikes you. I'm a Tumblr veteran of at least eight years (so I've seen it all, no really.) I've been writing for many years, but have only recently had the courage to put my work out into the world. Romance is my whole jam, and it will be the primary focus of my blog.
A note: Please steer clear if you are under the age of 18. My work is for adults only. I will block minors. You have been warned.
A bit about me...
I am in my mid twenties and definitively queer/genderqueer. I have ADHD and I will occasionally post ADHD content that relates to writing. I do not engage in discourse of any kind, as I prefer to respectfully listen to the experiences of others.
My favorite book (of all time): The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov
I'm currently enjoying: Mo Dao Zu Shi (The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation) by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
Other interests/skills of mine include art, guitar, harp, video games (particularly The Elder Scrolls and Dragon Age), and anything that involves mermaids.
Current WIPs (as posted on my blog)
Lunar Lagoon (I update when I have time for writing.)
Lunar Lagoon is a series of lesbian vignettes that started as erotica and has moved towards long form erotic romance. The main characters are Lyria and Amelia, who are drawn to each other through the sparks of both pleasure and genuine romance. This is a fast paced, supernatural romance with mermaids, lgbt themes, and an ambiguous modern setting in the Mediterranean. The narrative deals with trust, control and freedom, and autonomy in love and relationships.
Lunar Lagoon Masterpost
Crossroads (Stays in my google docs until I publish it.)
Hazel Abernathy, a witch with financial struggles, gets stood up on Valentine's Day at the swankiest club in her city. She meets two demons, Lillian and Aleksander, who give her a night to remember and a promise to continue the fun. Days later, Hazel strikes gold with an anonymous client who is willing to pay mountains of cash for a secretive issue. When she meets the client for the first time, she finds that she knows the client far more intimately than she could have anticipated. This is a spicy supernatural romance set in modern America. The relationship is a m/f/f throuple and the narrative deals with themes of grief, loss, and unconditional love.
Short Stories
Wear a Coat (link here)
A horror short story set in the Appalachian mountains, where I come from. What happens when you don’t follow your mama’s advice and go looking for berries without a coat? Maybe you’ll just get cold or maybe you’ll attract unwanted attention from something dwelling deep within the forest…
I write because I am passionate about it. At the end of the day, my writing is for myself, and any enjoyment that others derive from it is a lovely bonus. I do not take unsolicited constructive criticism, especially on matters of taste. All original posts on this blog are my intellectual property, and I do not give permission to repupload or cross post on any other sites.
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sl-newsie · 3 months
Query: Q x 00 Agent- Ch. 17: Catching Up
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5 years later
Life is funny sometimes. One minute you’re carrying out an undercover mission in Nuremberg, Germany. Next thing you know being knocked into a marble wall sends you into a comma. I don’t remember much, only whispers of voices. Time passed so much slower, almost like living in a broken record. When I opened my eyes it felt that only a few days had passed. Turned out it was 4 years. Not something I was ecstatic to hear.
Not much had changed, thank goodness. Mallory was still running the show, Moneypenny still his secretary. The first bit of news that surprised me was that Bond had retired. Ever since the incident at Vesper’s grave he all but fell off the face of the Earth. I had no chance of seeing him again unless he wished to be seen. My mentor, my partner, my closest friend. Gone.
The next thing that shocked me was Q. When one is basically sleeping like the dead for 4 years no one is expected to hold on that long. I wouldn’t expect him to. But he did. He held onto me. Q was the first to visit me the instant he got the news I was awake. He sprinted in, still in his pajamas, and squeezed me so tight I thought I’d pass out again. After he’d calmed down I asked him why he’d stayed single. He simply said: “I don’t fall in love twice. I’m in love with you, dead or alive. And if you’re dead then I have no reason to carry on romantic intentions with someone else.”
After that something sparked. Our half-witted relationship grew stronger almost to the point of full-out dating. Granted our jobs don’t allow much free time but we still enjoy each other’s company after hours. For better or for worse. When I’m forced to kill more than I’d like to during a mission I go home and cling to Q the same as he did to me when I was asleep. 
Things won’t be the same as they were 5 years ago. Right now I keep my eyes and ears open and stay alive. That’s enough for Q and Mallory, so it’s good enough for me.
“Moneypenny, you need to get in here. Now.” M barks urgently from down the hall.
I look up from the forms I’m filling out to see Moneypenny rushing down the aisle. “Something important?”
“More than likely,” she says.
Deciding to follow her, I quickly get up and head towards M’s office-
“0011, this is classified,” the stern leader states clearly before shutting the heavy door.
Crumbs! Since when is something so important that it’s classified to 00s? In a final attempt I put my head to the door and listened to the muffled conversation.
“Sir. What’s the Heracles Project? This lab is not in the books.”
“... I’ll handle it.”
It’s a quick conversation because the door opens after a few seconds and Moneypenny reappears carrying some files.
“What was that about?” I start following her back to her desk.
“Something dangerous. I’m afraid I can’t tell you anything,” she replies nonchalantly as she logs into her computer.
“Then why are you-?”
“Don’t expect to find something in your email,” Moneypenny says without looking up.
Ah. I see how it is.
“I never do. See you later.” I nod stiffly and strut out of the office. Before I head to the break room I snatch my laptop and headphones. Once I’ve made sure the area is empty I click into my email. Sure enough a new message from Moneypenny pops up. The images show an invasion of a lab, one that I’m guessing is very important due to the biohazard signs posted everywhere. Why would Mallory need to keep this under wraps? Perhaps I should reach out to Bond. 
I haven’t told the others about keeping in touch with my old mentor. Bond doesn’t know either. After I woke up from my coma I did some digging and through a series of underground contacts I discovered that he is still alive. I don’t know where, but that’s unnecessary. All I need to know is that my old friend is alive. I also learned that Bond is no longer 007. When I got to meet Nomi, the new 007, I found her to be reasonable. She’s nice, but nothing like Bond.
No, I shouldn’t bother him. Bond’s earned his retirement. If he wants to spend it in isolation I can’t deny him that. So instead I’ll relay the info to Q. No surprise he’s holed up in the lab. Still the same man as he was 5 years ago; although Q’s definitely acquired a wiser appearance. Despite the age lines on his face there’s still the same youthful enthusiasm behind those brown eyes.
“Greetings, darling.” 
The man nods in response. “Same to you, 0011.”
He must be into something deep. When Q gets like he is now it’s as if he and the computer have bonded, creating a man with a computer for a brain. Some would push this off as rude and unattentive but I respect it. Whatever it takes for Q to perform his technological miracles is worth it.
“Q, has Moneypenny said anything-?”
“How’s it going, Q?” M walks up from behind and I cut myself short.
Q catches my drift and goes back to looking at his screen. “There have been many large files wiped from Obruchev’s hard drive. He seemed to be working on some pretty advanced algorithmic-”
“Can you retrieve the files?” M says hastily.
Q frowns. “Trying.”
“Get me everything you can and then destroy the drives.”
“Maybe if I knew more about what this was then I could-”
“Thank you, Q. That’s all.”
Interesting. I’ve never seen M so uptight about something. Especially with Q. Since our Quartermaster is the brains behind all operations I would at least expect him to be kept involved; yet M wants to keep this unknown matter as quiet as possible. Just now a phone starts ringing and I do my best to overhear the conversation.
“It’s 007.”
007? Why would Nomi-?
“Bond?” M’s tone changes.
Bond’s calling? Nice to know my contacts were right. Unfortunately M does not seem to share my enthusiasm for Bond's surprise call.
“I’m guessing Bond didn’t take it too well regarding his replacement,” I inquire dryly.
Mallory scowls at my fake interest. “007 is doing her job-”
“Nomi will never replace Bond. Everyone knows that, even you.”
M just sighs and walks out of the lab before the argument can spiral further. Once he’s gone Q grabs my hand and leads me to the back corner. Now Q’s acting suspicious too?
“Quartermaster, what’s going on? You know you can trust me, right?”
He nods. “M may not like it but you deserve to know. I did some research and found out that the security footage Moneypenny sent me shows Spectre agents extracting Valdo Obruchev in order to steal something called Project Heracles. I’m not too sure about what that is but I’ll find it eventually.”
An unknown project. Capital idea. Just another secret for M to keep.
“Can you gain access?” I ask with unease.
Q looks at me with an amused smile. “I hacked the Nine Eyes program. This should be a cinch.”
“So SPECTRE’s not completely dead. Brilliant. Is Mallory not telling us something? He’s been getting more and more anxious. It wouldn’t be the first time he screwed up.”
“You’re never going to let the whole SPECTRE incident blow over?” Q sighs as he goes back to his computer.
“Hell no.”
In a fit of stubbornness I storm over and pick up a spare tablet to access the footage again. What can be so incriminating to M’s image that he’d try to bury it? However my annoyance is eased off when I feel a warm hand grab mine.
“Shouldn’t be near me, Q. I might break something.”
He doesn’t flinch. “Darling, you’d never hurt me. No matter how pissed you are.”
I roll my eyes. He’s right. I could be pushed to the breaking point and even in a rage of insanity Q will always pull me back, like he’s doing right now.
“Sorry. I know I’ve been a bit unstable the past few months-”
“Eleanor,” Q calmly interrupts and kneels down to face me directly. “You were in a coma. Time turns anyone into a different person. I’m not saying it’s made you weak, but your brain isn’t the same as it was 5 years ago. If you ever need to talk about anything, don't feel like you are a burden.” He gives me a pointed look. “I know you, dear. You need to understand that you can’t carry everything yourself.” Now Q looks at me with grateful eyes. “I’m just thrilled you still remember me.”
By now I’m speechless to his pep talk. How is it that Q, being as unemotional as he is, is the perfect therapist? I didn’t even know why I haven’t been thinking straight but he’s right. This whole time I’ve been trying to piece together a life that’s similar to what I had 5 years ago, trying to make up for lost time. But I don’t have to scramble to catch up. 
“I could never forget you, Q. No matter how many hits I take to the head. I- I don’t know how to thank you,” I whisper. “You have no idea how much I needed to hear that.”
Q just smiles and squeezes my hand. “No need to thank me, 0011. What I do need is for you to continue being the bad-ass that you are.”
I smirk and start to respond but then my phone goes off. I swear if Mallory’s trying to bury me with more paperwork-
“Levie, it’s Bond.”
The voice stimulates me to be on alert and I assume the worst. “What’s wrong?”
“I’m calling to warn you about M. There’s something going on and I’m on my way to find out what. I’ll make this brief: don’t trust anyone. Don’t try to find me, it will only cause more problems for you.” There’s a pause. “It- It’s good to know you’re still alive after all these years.”
“Likewise. Stay strong, Bond.” The line goes dead and I take a second to process what just happened. I was right. Is that a good or bad thing? It’s obviously serious enough for Bond to pull himself out of retirement.
Now I need to make another call. I punch in the familiar number and after a few rings my contact picks up. “Felix, it’s Levie. Has Bond been in contact with you?”
“It’s funny you say that. He’s headed to meet up with one of my contacts in Cuba as we speak.”
Perfect. For now I’ll follow Bond’s warning and stake it out here to do a little snooping. What M doesn’t know won’t kill him.
“Thanks, Felix. I owe you big time if we ever meet in person.”
On the other end the man chuckles. “Don’t mention it. Bond speaks quite proud of you and any pupil of his is a friend of mine. Keep in touch, Levie.”
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swampgallows · 5 months
as someone who loves maxing out professions in wow, timegated reagents make me fucking cuhraaayyzeeeeeee. like to skill up in bfa cooking you have to either wait for specific world quests to be up or you have to grind out reputation just to get "rank 2" of a recipe you already know but it uses fewer reagents or w/e and grants skill points again. or in legion even NOMI had a command table of sorts where he'd "research" and you'd HOPE youd get those recipe scraps til you could combine ten and get a new one. but as a tailor i know im gonna be haunted by all those appearances i can't unlock yet because they all require sparks, sometimes TWO!!, and i cant just churn em out. im still working on damn BFA!!! tailoring appearances because they require reagents from eternal palace and nyalotha—not even for the recipe itself but for a "loom" (abyssal focus) to craft it at.
like on one hand maybe they didn't want players to be able to craft themselves a "raid-grade " set—which like, why? BC and wrath you could easily craft yourself a raid-ready set; hell even in the vanilla felcloth and mooncloth sets were pretty useful. it was time-gated in its own way i guess (could only make cloth once a day at a specific location) but if someone REALLY wanted to they could get reagents on the AH. and at the same time i dont know why there aren't 'base' versions of the recipes, or why sparks themselves are tiered. it seems like with primal infusions and all the fixins they added you could just make the base item and then "socket" it when recrafting to be a higher ilevel. especially because it requires a matching spark to use it! like!!! why require a spark (cap 395) AND a matching infusion (cap 408) just for the smallest ilevel upgrade? this late in the xpac these items are useless. why wouldnt they just roll over/consolidate, or better yet be currency (e.g. crests)?
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so not only am i just dumping them into something i'll vendor (since i just want the appearance), i cant even do the whole crafting order roulette through my alts and get them upgrades out of it. it's two entire sparks to craft one of the inscription staves just to be able to skill up my inscription, which means i'm wasting sparks (a time gated resource) and also NOT getting a worthwhile item out of it because my scribe's skill points arent high enough to craft a higher quality item because he needs sparks to skill up aaaaaaaaaaaaaa
basically all im saying is that dragonflight profession gear/appearances are not gonna be very retroactive-friendly. since i missed a chunk of this xpac im already way behind in terms of gathering sparks and have no way to catch up just to complete content that's already irrelevant (save for collection/maxing/transmog).
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des2dream · 7 days
The Beast Who Denies His Beauty
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A group of fairies scurried into the night. Each of them batted their wings as fast as they could while making sure no one was left behind. Panic had formed in their chests. Fear was painted in their eyes. They fled as if something was chasing them. As if something was trying to get them. Or someone! When they knew that they gained enough distance from whatever was on their tail, they hid at the top of a bell tower.
"What are we going to do?! How will the kingdom be able to survive?!" one of the fairies cried.
"We will all seek help. We will spread the word. We will look for ways to find a cure. We will not let this tragedy take over!" said the eldest fairy in the group.
"I need all of you to return home and inform everyone about the situation. They all need to know! Even those BEYOND our lands need to know! We must come together to put a stop to this! I will remain here and start looking for any solutions. Don't leave anyone behind, keep yourselves hidden, and please stay safe. GO!!!"
The eldest fairy watched as the rest of the group fled into the night. She looked down from the bell tower and found that she was in the presence of a small village. Within that village, there was a gathering surrounding a small house. She went to investigate and found that everyone in the gathering was fawning over a newborn baby girl. She looked into the newborn's eyes and a sudden spark of magic exploded in her heart. The eldest fairy clenched her chest and stared up at the baby in astonishment and disbelief.
"What is this? A sign? This spark is telling me there is something about you....and I don't know if it's good or bad. Whatever it is, I should keep my eye on you. A spark like this is too strong to be ignored." she whispered.
Once Upon A Time,
There was a poor couple who lived in a small village. They didn't have much as they only got by being cleaners working in the homes of higher-ups. They were called, "scum", "dirt folk", "desperate souls", and "unworthy". Though, luck seemed to be on their side when the couple gave birth to a baby girl and her beauty was a gift to behold. Her hair was as black as the night sky. Her citrine-colored eyes shimmered like the Sun. Her skin compared to the softness of wool. Her looks gained attraction on the day of her birth and when news spread to the higher-ups that there was a beautiful baby in the village, their children wanted to see her. At first, they were disgusted at the idea of "scum" being able to birth such a glorious infant, but the children were amazed and indulged in the new baby. When asked what her name would be, the couple decided to name their child, Nomi. A name that meant beauty.
Everyone in her village will tell you that her complexion is a lovely sight, but not even looks could save her from the unfortunate circumstances that came with it. As she grew from a baby to a young girl, her parents took advantage of the attention Nomi received and started charging everyone a pretty penny to see her leaving them with enough money to buy clothes and accessories to make their daughter even more beautiful. It's because of this money-making scheme that allowed Nomi to receive gifts from other lands and was even given the privilege of getting invited to fancy parties hosted by famous Dukes and Duchesses.
One of the Dukes wanted his son, Lord Adrian to marry her as he insisted that his son deserved only the best and there was no denying that Nomi was the best in the public's eyes. Her parents were hesitant at first, but the idea of being related by law to such high nobility was an offer they could not refuse! It would solve all their problems! No longer would they have to scrub floors while being looked down upon in-between insults! No more having to search through trash looking for scraps to eat! They could finally live in LUXURY! It was then decided that Lord Adrian and Nomi were to be wed once Nomi had become of age.
Lord Adrian was a sight for sore eyes. A dashing smile, short but luscious dirt-blonde hair, gorgeous hazel eyes, and an outrageously expensive wardrobe. Most women would consider him to be a fantastic future husband, but he proved to be awful company as he and Nomi were made to spend lots of time together in the meantime. He was snobbish, conceited, had little to no consideration for the less fortunate, and would often brag to his friends. He'd continuously rant about how the gods have truly blessed him with all the good things in his life. Inherited riches, popularity, and a beautiful soon-to-be bride. "Truly, there is no one else who is greater than I!" he'd say almost all the time.
As days turned to weeks which turned into months that eventually became years, Nomi had grown from a young girl to a young woman. A young woman who had been fed up. Fed up with Lord Adrian. Fed up with her parents marrying her off for riches. Fed up with the attention she never asked for. Fed up with EVERYTHING! On the day of the wedding, she couldn't take it anymore. She never made it to the altar. All she could do was run. Where to? Anywhere as long as it wasn't back there! She ran far and far. So far that she led herself into The Dark Forest unaware that it had been rumored to be CURSED. Those who come in....never come out. The sun was blocked from all the blackened leaves in the trees. The atmosphere was eerie and cold. It wasn't a safe place to wander about, but Nomi couldn't stop running.
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It didn't take long for her to realize she was in unfamiliar territory and found that she got herself lost. Her wedding dress was torn, sticks and twigs were tangled in her hair, she was covered in dirt, and she was exhausted. She stopped at a nearby tree and rested her back against it while trying think of what to do. Unbeknownst to her, on the other side of the tree someone else laid their back against it practically cursing in their frustrations. Nomi looked to see who it was and found herself standing face-to-face with a seven-foot tall stranger. However, something was off about this stranger. Fangs, shaggy fur, a long tail, sharp claws, and jaded (but fierce) eyes. This was no stranger. It was....a BEAST! The two looked at each other for a brief moment before Nomi let out a terrified scream. She tripped on the roots of the tree and scrambled to get some distance between her and that monster, but for some reason the beast wasn't chasing her.
He kept his back against the tree staring off into the sky. Not even his tail moved an inch as it was slumped down against dead leaves and twigs. When his eyes shifted to Nomi again, he looked over at a bush and walked up to it.
"There isn't much to admire in a place such as this," he said as he picked up a wilted rose before slowly making his way towards Nomi.
"But, I hope this will suffice for a fair maiden who is lost on her way."
He slowly gave her the rose and slumped back against the tree staring back into the sky. Nomi was befuddled! Why hasn't this beast torn her to shreds by now? As a child, she recalled the stories that the children of the higher-ups would whisper among themselves saying how beasts were born without hearts making it easier for them to tear apart their victims bit by bit and drag them into their dens to feast on their remains. Those stories were enough for Nomi to lie awake at night. Yet, here she was completely unharmed. Still breathing. Still untouched. She rose up from the ground and took one step forward.
"Aren't you going t-to.....kill me?" she asked as she trembled.
"Why should I?" the beast asked her.
"What satisfaction would that give me? What have you done that would warrant me to take such action? Is....is that what you want?"
"If that's the case, then I cannot give that to you. Though, I have no doubt any other threats in this forest will be willing to fulfill that desire."
Nomi remained befuddled. This behavior was unbecoming of a beast....not like she ever did research on how beasts were meant to behave. All she ever heard were stories and rumors. If this creature wasn't going to harm her, she could at least make the best of her current situation and start a conversation. She made her way back to the tree and sat down just a few feet away from the beast. She took a deep breath before opening her mouth to speak.
"Thank you......for the rose.....and not tearing me to pieces! Usually, you hear tales of beasts doing unspeakable things to their victims. I'm sorry, I was intimidated by your appearance. One can only think of what would happen if they saw any sign of danger. Um....well....you aren't like any beast I've heard of before."
"That's because I wasn't always a beast. I used to be....something else. No. Someone else!" the beast replied softly.
"It's been so long.... I can't remember who I was supposed to be, but I know I wasn't meant to be this! You see....it's a long story. One that I can't fully put together and I...."
"I'll be willing to listen," said Nomi as she moved a little closer to the beast.
"Sit down with me, please. I'd like to know how you're feeling."
The beast was hesitant at first, but with nothing better to do he slumped down beside Nomi before placing two fingers atop his forehead.
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"I know I lived in a different forest. It wasn't dark or dreary. It was lively! There were birds singing, flowers blossoming, and the sun was shining. The leaves in the trees came in multiple colors as each season passed. There were lakes and waterfalls with the prettiest lily pads. I remember there were....people? Yes! The people who lived there were so happy! I was happy too....but, it was about something else. Someone told me something that made me so happy it made everyone start cheering." he said as a smile crept onto his face.
However, it only lasted for a brief moment. As he continued his story, the tone in his voice turned grim.
" Then, the people were scared. They kept yelling about intruders and I think they got me. One of them shouted something at me before I woke up here and I became....this! I can't remember what they said. I think they cursed me and I don't know how to fix this. I can't leave The Dark Forest no matter how many times I've tried. At this point, I've accepted my fate. I will remain here for the rest of my life...."
Nomi frowned. Despite knowing very little about this creature, she felt bad for him. How long had he been trapped here? Why would someone put a curse on him? What of his family? Or friends? Was anyone looking for him? Have they stopped looking? She gazed up at the beast's eyes and took pity on the emptiness she saw through them. She also took notice of his blank expression along with his tail that still laid there against the dead leaves. His face was just as pale as his white fur. Before Nomi could respond, the beast turned to her direction.
"You wanted to know how I'm feeling? I'm not sure. A part of me is angry that I'm cursed to be like this. Another part of me is frustrated that I can't remember everything that's happened to me! It's like as the years go by, I forget more and more. Then, there's another part of me that's saddened by all of this. Being alone for all these years puts a damper on your high spirits. How I'm feeling right now? Well, I'm puzzled. You were scared of me and now you're sitting next to me. How did you stumble into a place such as this? You don't look like you belong here. Your eyes.....they're full of innocence....and also sadness. What led you to come here?"
"My parents were about to sentence me to a cruel fate and used me to make themselves happy! I'm never going back! I can't!"
"So you decide that this is a much better fate?! To be trapped here with nothing but darkness and loneliness?"
"I'm not alone now....are you?"
The two remained to sit next to each other for the rest of the night enjoying each other's company. When morning came, Nomi offered to help the beast lift his curse much to his uncertainty. With very little memory of what happened to him, he had no idea what could cure him from this horrendous state. Nomi recalled that he had been taken by intruders so the logical option would be to find them. But how? Did they end up in The Dark Forest as well? Did they just leave the beast to stay in the forest before taking off somewhere else? Were they even still alive after all this time? Exactly how long had the beast been cursed for?
Suddenly, Nomi felt something explode in her heart! It almost felt like some sort of....spark! She clenched her chest and gasped for air while kneeling down. The beast quickly rushed to her side.
"Are you alright, Fair Maiden?" he asked worryingly.
Nomi replied with a nod, but she still held her hand over her chest.
"If you want to help lift the curse, then you must travel deep within the forest." a faint whisper traveled through Nomi's ears.
It came from the voice of someone who didn't sound like a threat, but a voice that resembles that of a mother guiding her children almost like how Nomi's mother would comfort her into attending those fancy parties as a way to "make friends". Nomi felt a wave of shock, but lowered her defenses once the voice spoke again.
"Do not be alarmed! I am here to help you. While I cannot be here physically, I can guide you through this endeavor you are undertaking. You want to find out who did this? You must travel deep within the forest. Have no fear! I will be with you the whole time!"
Nomi looked towards the endless darkness behind the dead trees. She could feel her body shaking and heart racing. It wasn't until the beast held her hand that she was able to calm down.
"You went silent for a moment. Are you sure you're alright?" he asked.
"Yes! I think I know what to do. We need to travel far into the darkness to find the people who cursed you!"
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As the next few weeks came and went, Nomi and the beast traveled into the farthest parts of The Dark Forest. Nomi had grown used to the voice guiding her now becoming dependent on that guidance to help her along the way. There were days when she thought about her parents. She wondered how they were dealing with the fact that their daughter left the altar and never came home. She wondered if they even cared about the fact that she was gone. They constantly used her as a way to appease Dukes and Duchesses. They knew about Lord Adrian's problematic behavior and yet they still wanted her to marry him no matter how unhappy it made her. They bought her dresses that were always itchy, shoes that were too tight, and jewelry that was too heavy to carry. The more she thought about it, the more she wondered if they even loved her at all.
The beast wasn't aware of the voice Nomi had been hearing, but he trusted every word she told him when it came to directions. Despite being in The Dark Forest for a long time, he didn't exactly have the courage to travel deeper with the knowledge that the forest contained dangerous creatures and he had already fought a few over the years. But, he would be willing for fight even more to protect the one person trying to help him. The beast was befuddled! Why would this stranger want to help him? Previous strangers he encountered in the forest would either run from him or try to kill him. He was a hideous creature! A monster! A BEAST!!! Why would this one person be willing to help him after one meeting?! Still, it wasn't like he didn't appreciate Nomi's help or her kindness! He was happy that he could vent about his struggles to an open ear. He was happy that someone was around to actually listen instead of running away without saying a word or running at him with a sword or pistol.
In the weeks that Nomi and the beast spent together, it gave Nomi more time to see the beast as more of a person. He looks out for her whenever there was any sign of danger, searched for any herbs, berries, and water to keep her healthy during their travels, and allowed her to sleep next to him providing his warm fur to keep her from the cold. There were also times when they'd come across helpless animals that were either sick or harmed and without question the beast would rush to their aid. She specifically remembered the conversation they had when the beast carried an injured fawn onto his back.
"You must really love animals, don't you?" she asked.
"Yes," said the beast.
"When it comes to animals, I feel as if there's some kind of understanding I have towards them. Perhaps, it could be a connection! I'm not sure why, but it's there. I've been helping them for the longest time since I've been in here. I suppose it gives me a sense of purpose."
He searched through the many herbs he collected in hopes that one of them would help the fawn's injury. A sigh of relief escaped his lips when he picked up some calendula and asked Nomi to place the poor creature down in a pile of leaves before tending to it's wounds.
"None of them are like the dangerous creatures that roam in the forest. None of them deserve to be in here. I think just like you, they also got themselves lost. I can tell how they're feeling with all the sounds they make. It's a shame I can't talk to them the same way you talk to me. I can't hear their distinct voices. I can't hear their kind words. I can't hear their charming laughter."
"Distinct? Kind? Charming? My, my! Such an interesting choice of words." Nomi giggled.
"Interesting, no. True, yes." the beast smiled back at her.
Nomi felt a stroke of heat across her face every time she thought back to what the beast said. His eyes were so warm in that moment. So gentle. So caring. So sincere. Spending all this time with him made her more convinced that she had to break his curse. The thought of him being forced to stay in The Dark Forest any longer gave her the motivation to keep going. As the two reached the entrance of an unknown cave, Nomi heard the voice of her guide speak to her once more.
"The answers you seek are close! Stay close! I sense there may be danger ahead!"
"We have to go in there, okay?" Nomi said nervously.
"You can hold my hand if you like....so we don't lose track of each other."
The beast took no hesitation in holding Nomi's hand and she could've sworn she felt her heart skip a beat as he did. Hand in hand, they walked deep into the cave until the beast's ears perked up at something amiss.
"I hear something. Get behind me." he whispered.
As they crept deeper into the cave, they could see a bright light in a shade of orange. It had only taken several more steps to discover someone igniting a fire with just the palm of their hand! They were completely hidden underneath a dark cloak and shaking in the cold.
"You! Who are you?" the beast called out to them.
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The dark figure turned around in shock revealing to be a lonely man trying to keep warm with the fire burning from his hand. He looked old, withered, exhausted, and weak.
"What are you doing here?! Get out!" he charged towards the two.
"Find your own cave to wallow in! Can't you see I-"
He stopped once he got a closer look at the beast. He gasped before backing up a few steps. His face turned pale. His pupils shrank. His mouth fell agape.
"It-It can't be! No! How?.....Is that really you?"
"I don't know who you are, but what are you doing alone in this cave? Are there more of you? How can you do that with just your hand?" the beast asked while still holding Nomi's hand and tightening his grip.
Nomi stood there in confusion until her guide started yelling in her ears.
The withered old man took several steps closer to the beast as the flame in his hand grew larger and his eyes narrowed.
"Look out!" the beast cried before grabbing Nomi and dodging a large burst of fire in their direction. They both hit the ground in a thud! Nomi's arm was bleeding, but she was more focused on what the voice yelled at her.
"Lucius?" she repeated.
"I don't understand! Lucius?!"
"Maiden Nomi!" the beast cried when he noticed her arm.
The old man slowly walked up to the beast with another flame burning in his hand.
"After all this time, you can't find it in yourself to recognize me? I guess that's to be expected. What I didn't expect was for you to still be alive. Quite unfortunate if you ask me!"
He threw the fire again only for it to be repeatedly dodged by the beast. Nomi crawled in a different direction as she watched in horror. The word, Lucius still echoed in her mind. The beast looked at Nomi. Then, back at the old man. He stood up and made the bold choice to move closer to the attacker.
"So, you're saying you know me? Tell me! Did you do this to me? Have you taken me away from my home and turned me into this monster? Why?!"
The old man let out a chilling laugh. A wicked smile pierced his face.
"It really has been that long, huh? You have always posed as a threat and what better way to deal with threats than to....get rid of them? I wanted to have you killed, but the others didn't want any blood on their hands. The Dark Forest was a nice substitute and turning you into one of those horrid creatures was just the icing on the cake!"
The beast stood there in shock, but he still had questions.
"Then what are you doing in the forest?!" he demanded.
"Your beloved followers weren't exactly on board with you being taken so they retaliated. I fell down in here with you and no matter what comes in, never comes out. I hoped that the others would come for me.....wishful thinking....."
"Change me back! You clearly have the power!"
"HAHAHAHAHA!!! I have been wasting away in this damn forest for EIGHTEEN YEARS searching for escape routes! Do you seriously believe that I remember the cure let alone the actual curse itself?! What makes you think that we even took the time to see if there was a cure for you?! We wanted you GONE! If the curse is eating you up this much, then I will gladly put you out of your misery!"
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Laughing maniacally, the old man shot flame after flame at the beast. He was able to dodge all but the last flame and was shot out of the cave. Nomi screamed! The beast was down! Nomi turned around and shook in terror when the old man approached her!
"As for you, this is between me and the wretch! If you value your life, I suggest you leave." he said.
"Are you crazy?! Stop!" Nomi pleaded.
"If you can't save him then what of Lucius? Is that the name of someone who can? You must know! What is Lucius?! Who is Lucius?!"
"Idiot...I am Lucius! Holder of Excruciating Light! That wretch will stay a beast and he will die a beast! Now, get out of my way!"
The old man who had now been revealed as Lucius grabbed Nomi's bleeding arm and threw her to the side. Her cries echoed through the beast's ears and he managed to get up off the ground.
"Maiden Nomi!" he cried.
He charged at Lucius and pinned him down only for Lucius to burn his shoulder to break free. The beast used his sharp teeth to grab Lucius's cloak and sent him flying in a different direction. The old man landed on a large rock, but started laughing again. He melted the rock with both of his hands and molded the residue together to make a shield once it cooled down back into rock form. Nomi could only watch in horror as the two fought. Lucius was covered in scratches and the beast was covered in burns. Flames that were thrown and dodged countless times have made their way into the trees causing a forest fire. The animals who were nearby fled for their lives. Nomi couldn't bare it any longer! This needed to stop!
"Enough! Enough!" she yelled.
"This fight is pointless! Just leave us alone! We won't bother you anymore, I swear!"
Lucius turned his head in Nomi's direction with a cold but empty look in his eyes.
"I guess you don't value your life after all," he sighed.
"What a shame."
With just a flick of the wrist, he launched a massive fire ball directly at her! Nomi had been frozen in place unable to run or scream. Her life flashed before her eyes. Was this truly The End? She closed her eyes praying that the hit would be quick and painless. A loud scream erupted through the forest....A scream that didn't belong to Nomi. She opened her eyes and looked down to see the beast laying in front of her. He was unable to move and there was a massive burn on his chest. It didn't take long for Nomi to realize what had happened. He jumped in front of her! He took a hit for her! Tears filled Nomi's eyes and Lucius stood there in silence. He wanted to feel victorious, but there was a sudden emptiness inside. He looked down at his hands and then up to the sky.
"I've completed our mission, but it feels empty without you," he whispered.
"I don't feel the need to celebrate. I have no one to celebrate with. You never came back for me. Did you even try?! Did you even care?! I did my part, now you do the rest....."
Without a second thought, he ran into the flames leaving his cloak behind. Nomi hadn't noticed as she held onto the beast tightly than ever before. She could tell he was fading fast, but she wasn't going to let him go. The beast looked up at Nomi. Though he was in terrible pain, he chose to smile at her.
"Fair Maiden, I'm-I'm sorry you had to see me like that. In such a violent manner. But, I guess that's expected of a monster," he said in between coughs.
"I never really got to thank you for all that you've done for me. You stuck by me all this time when you could've left me by that tree when we first met. I-I'm sorry you had to go through all this trouble for me. I'm sorry I put you in danger. I'm sorry you got stuck here in the first place! S-Someone as good as you, doesn't deserve such a fate. You deserve to be surrounded by people who love you not surrounded by f-fire."
Nomi placed her hand to his chest trying to tend to his wounds, but the beast stopped her by taking her hand and instead placing it on her cheek along with his hand.
"Nomi.....There's something I need to tell you and I also apologize that it took me this long up until now to say it. The time I spent with you has been the most treasurable moments of my life. You made me feel as if loneliness wasn't possible. Like the word didn't exist! We were in constant darkness, yet you were my light and despite being covered in dirt, I think you're absolutely beautiful. Inside and out. I guess this is my way of saying....I love you."
"Stop! Stop please!" Nomi cried before tightly holding on to the beast again.
"Don't talk like that! We're going to get through this together! It can't end like this! You don't deserve this either! You are not a monster in any way, shape, or form! You've managed to keep going all these years and I won't give up until you're cured. I don't care if I never get out of here. I need you to be okay! I need you to live because I love you too!"
She leaned down and gave the beast a short but loving kiss as tears continued to flow from her eyes. She watched him smile back at her before his chest slowed down and his eyes shut. For a moment, there was silence. The flames were still burning, but the air felt cold. Not a single sound could be heard except Nomi's cries. Suddenly, the flames disappeared into the air leaving the trees restored. A large beam of light lit up from the beast's body and levitated off the ground. Though Nomi was taken by surprise from what was hapening, the voice that had been guiding her returned in a much happier tone this time.
"Fear not, dear! Everything is alright now."
Nomi looked up into the sky only to see a beautiful woman with long flowing hair, a silver dress, and massive wings on her back. This was a fairy!
"Who are you? What's happening? Where are you taking him?" Nomi asked only for the fairy to levitate her as well.
"Shhh! All in good time. Let's go somewhere more friendlier. I do not wish to explain things here." she said.
The fairy levitated everyone out of The Dark Forest and flew them to a lush green garden underneath a gorgeous tree covered in pink flowers and leaves. Nomi carefully placed the beast down in the shade before looking directly at the fairy's eyes.
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"Please, I don't know what's going on and I need answers! Are you the voice I've been hearing?" she pleaded.
"Yes," the fairy nodded.
"My name is Adelina and I am your bonded fairy."
"Bonded fairy?"
"Yes. Didn't you feel a spark within you while you were in that forest? I felt it the day you were born. Fairies rarely bond with humans so that's why I decided to keep my eye on you. When you and the prince met with each other, I took my chances and guided you believing that you could be the key to breaking the curse and you did, my dear!"
Nomi recalled the moment when she felt this explosion in her chest before the voice spoke to her. Was that the spark Adelina was talking about? Had she really known her since birth?! And what did she say about.....?
"Yes. The Prince of The Enchanted! After all these years, he can finally return to his throne."
"I....I don't understand."
"Watch and then you'll see, dear."
Adelina made Nomi watch as the beast's body lit up so brightly that they had to avert their eyes from blindness. Sparks of magic surrounded his body and healed all of his wounds including the hit on his chest. Most of his shaggy fur disappeared with only a few left on his knees, elbows, and the back of his hands while his messy hair resembled the paleness of his white coat. His claws resorted to nails as his fangs resorted to flat pearly whites. His beastly appearance now resembled that of a young man. Nomi was speechless! Adelina smiled at her with tears in her eyes.
"Most of us thought that this day would never come. We thought The Kingdom of The Enchanted couldn't survive without their ruler, but the fairies and I have been working endlessly to find a cure.....with no results. When I felt our bonded spark again, I flew to see where you were and I found that you ended up in The Dark Forest. Something within me felt that perhaps the prince didn't need to be cured by magic from wizards or even the ones responsible for their troubles. Turns out, it was the magic of a certain kind of spark that kept you and the prince together. The spark of love!"
The once frightening-looking beast now transformed into the enchanted prince slowly opened his eyes and looked around. He stared at the pink flowers on the tree and felt as if he's seen them before. Pictures flooded in his mind of a young boy who used to play underneath the tree in the cool shade. He would laugh as the birds sang and nearby animals would join in. The sun would shine down on all the flowers as they blossomed into the prettiest sight in the garden. That boy has been there many times before. That boy....was him!
"Hello?....What am I doing in my garden?" he asked.
His eyes traveled until they stopped at a girl with hair as black as the night sky and eyes that shimmered like the Sun.
He was taken by surprise when Nomi jumped him in a big hug. She held onto him even tighter than before and he happily did the same to her.
"Let us rejoice!" Adelina cheered.
"The Prince of The Enchanted has returned!"
When news broke of the prince's return, the citizens of the kingdom were thrilled. They all gathered not only for the coronation of him becoming king, but for the royal wedding with their brand new queen. The Kingdom of The Enchanted had now been at peace once again and the married couple could now live,
Happily Ever After
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🎶✨️ when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish, then send this to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) ✨🎶
@parts-of-me-unravelling tagged me on my sideblog (thank you very much!) and I decided to post it here as people here will know I listen to Sparks so I don't have to torture myself picking a very small amount of Sparks songs. (Still took me over an hour to pick 5 songs though.) I'm going to add youtube videos below the cut for who wants to hear the songs.
Georgy Sviridov - Snowstorm
Janelle Monáe - 57821 (ft. Deep Cotton)
Klaus Nomi - Falling In Love Again
Saori Yuki - Yoake No Scat
Yello - Who's Gone
Everyone I'd tag has already been tagged as far as I know but whoever wants to do this may consider themselves tagged by me :)
Georgy Sviridov - Snowstorm
2. Janelle Monáe - 57821 (ft. Deep Cotton) absolutely recommend all of her work, but especially The ArchAndroid because who doesn't love pop meets classical meets sci-fi
3. Klaus Nomi - Falling In Love Again another absolute superhero, if you look for more of his work: new wave sci-fi opera
4. Saori Yuki - Yoake No Scat learned about this song through the soundtrack for Utena (many songs in there actually feel rather Sparks-universe - not this one though)
5. Yello - Who's Gone
And a little bonus for those who have made it all the way here... >:)
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jumpinjohnnyjumble · 2 years
rook&nomie is pretty good imo, and I think Lauren Bousfield is good if you want electronic kinda sounds. I’m not too good with genre indicators so sorry if either of them are not really what you’re looking for lol. Big Black Delta and Cojum Dip are also pretty good - Big Black Delta has a mix of quite and more loud songs so you can pick and choose which one you prefer. Cojum Dip I think is just general good if you want something loud. OH and idk if you listen to Sparks but if you don’t, do. ‘The Existential Threat’ reminds me of Sam and Max, and Weird Al did an accordion cover of ‘This Town Ain’t Big Enough For Both Of Us’ for Edgar Wright’s documentary on the band. Dunno if that’s what you’re looking for, but everything else tend to be soundtrack and ambient tracks or like Oingo Boingo so I hope there’s something you’ll like among these picks.
i gave a listen to yearwounds by rook&nomie and i really really like it , it reminds me of my favorite bits of congratulations by mgmt (the album) ! i’ll have to check out more. also ive never actually given cojum dip a proper listen even though i really like joe hawley’s tally hall stuff and associated music and also the mind electric is one of my favorite songs ever and i know they played a huge role in writing it. i will check them out more !! thank u !!
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denimbex1986 · 4 months
'...Oscars 2024: ‘Best Casting’ contenders:
All of Us Strangers (Andrew Haigh) – Casting by Kathleen Crawford
Sadly, Andrew Haigh’s fantastic fantasy drama All of Us Strangers couldn’t get a look in at the Oscars despite receiving six nominations at the Baftas. A heart-wrenching love story that tells the story of a screenwriter who revisits his old family home for inspiration but who instead finds spectres of his long-deceased parents. At the same time, he sparks a relationship with the only other man in his desolate London apartment block.
Aside from the gorgeous screenplay, one of the film’s strongest aspects was its casting, with Andrew Scott thriving in the lead role alongside Paul Mescal, who plays his lover, and Claire Foy and Jamie Bell, who appear as the ghosts of his parents...'
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multitudecontainer420 · 4 months
discovery - daft punk, random access memories - daft punk, cross - justice, the velvet underground & nico - the velvet underground, bjork, strawberry switchblade - s/t, klaus nomi - s/t, joanna newsom, spring session m - missing persons, the buggles - the age of plastic, visions - grimes, Geidi Primes - Grimes, hawkwind - s/t, boston - boston, don't look back - boston, out of the blue - electric light orchestra, time - electric light orchestra, halmens, radio fantasy - ippu-do, tadaima - akiko yano, take me home - cher, freedom of choice - devo, milk man - deerhoof, apple o - deerhoof, tomoko aran, Cymbals, fleet foxes - s/t, when the red king comes - elf power, mind how you go - the advisory circle, Fiona apple, stereolab, the 5000 spirits or the layers of the onion - the incredible string band, janelle monae, emotion - carly rae jepsen, kala - m.i.a., talking heads, palm grease - herbie hancock, nothing to fear - oingo boingo, dead man's party - oingo boingo, river of dreams - billy joel, tropico - pat Benatar, pamyu pamyu revolution - kyary pamyu pamyu, halcali bacon - halcali, a flock of seagulls - s/t, asia - s/t, Astra - asia, melodies memories - dorian, abraxas - santana, supernatural - santana, the low spark of high heeled boys - traffic, daniel johnston, jad fair, half japanese, whatever- aimee mann, I'm with stupid - aimee mann, hot sauce committee pt 2 - beastie boys, the charm of the highway strip - the magnetic fields, a few small repairs - shawn colvin, loveless - my bloody valentine, screamadelica - primal scream, the low end theory - a tribe called quest, are you experienced - the jimi hendrix experience, 3 feet high & rising - de la soul, flower boy - tyler the creator, call me if you get lost the estate sale - tyler the creator, lush - snail mail, return to the 36 chambers the dirty version - ol dirty bastard, tender trap- s/t, pink hearts yellow moons - dressy bessy, remission - mastodon, leviathan - mastodon, once more round the sun - mastodon, astro lounge - smash mouth, odelay - beck, three imaginary boys - the cure, wish - the cure, fantasma - Cornelius, sensuous - Cornelius, cibo matto, takako minekawa, pram, rid of me- pj harvey, to bring you my love - pj harvey, horses - patti smith, i love rock n roll - joan jett & the blackhearts, up your alley - joan jett & the blackhearts, swamp Ophelia - indigo girls, the go-go's, tragic Kingdom - no doubt, garbage - s/t, world Clique - deee-lite, towa tei, meet the supremes - the supremes, supremes a go go - the supremes, leader of the pack - the Shangri-las, midnite vultures - beck, another green world - brian eno, finding shore - brian eno & tom Rogerson, Tudo Foi Feito Pelo Sol - Os Mutantes, Gal Costa - Gal Costa, Wave - Antonio Carlos Jobim, tmbg, Psychic Chasms - Neon Indian, Bouncing off the Satellites - the B-52's, Radio - L. L. Cool J, Ghost In The Machine - the Police, Making Movies - Dire Straits, Delicate Sound of Thunder - Pink Floyd, Tracy Chapman - s/t, hyperspace - beck, schmilco - wilco, Technique - New Order, bloom - beach house, AM - Arctic monkeys, The Colour and the Shape - Foo Fighters, The Who Sell Out - The Who, Burning for You - The Strawbs, Full Circle - The Doors, i want more - can, the raincoats s/t, shonen knife - candy rock, shonen knife - genki shock, touch - Eurythmics, i will catch u - nokko, secrets of the beehive - david sylvian, japan - gentleman take polaroids, sweet revenge - ryuichi sakamoto, Hidari Ude No Yume - ryuichi sakamoto, philharmony - haruomi hosono, paraiso - haruomi hosono, s-f-x haruomi hosono, The Man In The Dark Sedan - Snakefinger, Manual of Errors - Snakefinger, Stairway To Hell / Sex Is No Emergency - Monte Cazazza, Ignobles Limaces - Ptôse, Memorial Hits - The Residents, What's That Noise? - Coldcut, People Hold On - Coldcut, Weird Feelings - The Weird Weeds, Arrest - Powerdove, To Be Free - Gary Hassay + Paul Rogers, Broods - Fat Worm Of Error, The Tunes of Two Cities - The Residents,
tango in the night - Fleetwood mac, then play on - Fleetwood mac, welcome plastics - plastics, juicy fruits, jill sobule - s/t, Beauty and the Beat - Edan, The Ecstatic - Mos Def, Fear of the Unknown - Martin Briley, Pandemonium Shadow Show - Harry Nilsson, Aerial Ballet - Harry Nilsson, ai no poltergeist - mayumi kojima, there is no other - isobel Campbell, amorino - isobel Campbell, Elephant Mountain - The Youngbloods, Their Satanic Majesties Request - the Rolling Stones, yesterday and today - the beatles, after you left - mirah, Schizophrenia - Wayne Shorter, wataru takada, Gilberto Gil - Gilbert Gil (1968), Caetano Veloso - Caetano Veloso (1967), Caetano Veloso - Estrangeiro, Os Mutantes - Os Mutantes, geek the girl - Lisa Germano, It's After the End of the World - Sun Ra, Solo Piano Venice 1977 - Sun Ra, Song of Innocence - David Axelrod, Recurring - Spacemen 3, Domine Libera Nos - The Space Lady, A Monastic Trio - Alice Coltrane, Getz/Gilberto, Very - Pet Shop Boys, Breaking Atoms - Main Source, Me Me Me - Air Miami,, Miracle - Amii Ozaki, Make More Noise! Women in Independent Music UK 1977-1987, Thanks for the Music - Citrobal, Steppin - the Pointer Sisters, Illuminations - Buffy Sainte-Marie, Sharp - Angela Winbush, wave - anri, Belinda - Belinda Carlisle, single life - cameo, kissing to be clever - culture club, robyn - honey, klymaxx, Marshall Crenshaw - s/t, Computer Games - George Clinton, the key - joan armatrading, Dirty Work - The Rolling Stones, Quatermass s/t, I Robot - The Alan Parsons Project, the cars - complete greatest hits, Hard Nose the Highway - Van Morrison, A Night at the Opera - Queen, Don't Look Back - Boston, shiina Ringo, jun togawa guernica, go-bang's, radiator music - mark beyer, tokyo reggae clash - v.a., reggae christmas - v.a., drive to heaven - v.a., ABQ =/= LAX - v.a., Rodan - Sato Michihiro, i feel for you - chaka khan, stronger than pride - sade, i just can't stop it - the english beat, top gear - television personalities, don't cry baby.... it's only a movie - television personalities, the orange juice - orange juice, volume contrast brilliance - the monochrome set, what a whopper - the monochrome set, mark Robinson teen beat records, k records, nick cave, lene lovich, sopor aeternus, karia nomoto, kyoko Koizumi, akiko wada, meiko kaji, blancmage - happy families
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personal-reporter · 7 months
Lucca Comics and Games 2023
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Il Lucca Comics & Games torna, dall'1 al 5 novembre, come tema dominante dalla nuova edizione Together, l'importanza dello stare insieme nella capitale mondiale della cultura pop, con oltre 45.000 mq di area espositiva per migliorare sempre di più l’esperienza della community. Quest’anno tutti i linguaggi della Nona Arte saranno declinati da oltre 300 artisti e artiste, tra cui 45 ospiti internazionali provenienti da Stati Uniti, Giappone, Spagna, Francia, Corea del Sud, Cina, Canada, Inghilterra, Argentina, Israele, Turchia, Croazia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Belgio in cui i lettori e le lettrici di fumetti di ogni età potranno godere dal vivo di incontri, firmacopie, anteprime, variant cover ed eventi esclusivi. Oltre a nomi come Naoki Urasawa, Hiro Mashima, Mingwa, Masaaki Ninomiya, Usamaru Furuya sarà ospite di Lucca Comics & Games con incontri e firmacopie e sarà anche uno dei protagonisti delle esposizioni allestite a Palazzo Ducale con la sua mostra, dal titolo This Time is Different; Kan Takahama sarà protagonista della mostra off Kan Takahama: le storie nascoste e incontrerà il pubblico in sessioni di firme ed eventi, Keigo Shinzo sarò presente grazie alla collaborazione con Dynit Manga; Shintaro Kago presenta la sua prima serie a fumetti,  Eldo Yoshimizu, artista a tutto tondo, scultore e mangaka indipendente, incontrerà lettori e lettrici italiani grazie a Bao Publishing e  Satsuki Yoshino, autrice di Barakamon, è pronta a conquistare il pubblico italiano grazie alla collaborazione con GOEN - RW Edizioni. Dal panorama internazionale, anglosassone ed europeo, arriveranno Garth Ennis, Jim Lee, Don Rosa, Amélie Fléchais, Craig Thompson, Howard Chaykin, Tony Valente, oltre a Bryan Talbot, Declan Shalvey, Jesse Jacobs e il duo Joe Kelly e Ken Niimura, che presentano Sergente Immortale per Bao. Il panorama franco/belga ed europeo sarà esplorato da autori come Jordi Lafebre, David Rubin, Goran Sudzuka,Martin Panchaud, Elizabeth Pich e il duo Bastien Vivès e Martin Quenehen con la nuova avventura di Corto Maltese, La regina di Babilonia. Non mancheranno naturalmente gli ospiti italiani,con le figure della produzione contemporanea tra cui Gipi, Milo Manara, Leo Ortolani, Zerocalcare, Sio (e tutto il gruppo di Gigaciao), Pera Toons, Silvia Ziche, Paolo Bacilieri, Igort, Fumettibrutti, Werther Dell’Edera, Barbara Baraldi, Simone Bianchi e tantissimi altri. Ma il fumetto italiano è protagonista anche con due antologiche, dedicate a due maestri nostrani e diversissimi tra loro infatti, oltre alla mostra di Dino Battaglia nel quarantennale della morte, a Palazzo Ducale sarà possibile fare un viaggio nella multisfaccettata opera di AkaB, al secolo Gabriele Di Benedetto, scomparso nel 2019 ed eletto Maestro del Fumetto postumo nel 2020 a Lucca Comics & Games. Nel 2023 anche Magic: The Gathering, il gioco community-based per eccellenza, che rappresentò ai tempi del suo esordio un vera e propria rivoluzione per il settore ludico, compie trent’anni r Lucca Comics & Games fa un omaggio al primo trading card game della storia e alla sua community dedicandole una mostra in Palazzo Arnolfini e una Magic Alley a Lucca Games, che ospiterà ben 18 artisti di fama internazionale fra i quali Adam Paquette, Andrea Piparo, Jeff Laubenstein, Jesper Ejsing, Johan Grenier, Justine Jones, Marta Nael,Michele Giorgi, Mark Zug, Mila Pesic, Randy Vargas, Richard Kane-Ferguson, RK Post, Seb McKinnon, Svetlin Velinov,e Tony DiTerlizzi. È prevista l'anteprima italiana del documentario su Magic: The Gathering “Igniting the Spark”, che verrà proiettato per la prima volta proprio a Lucca alla presenza di regista, showrunner e produttori. I percorsi espositivi dedicati al gioco e al fantastico quest’anno vedranno ben 6 mostre, fra le quali un'esposizione all’interno del padiglione Carducci di stampe di altissima qualità e miniature del maestro indiscusso dell’illustrazione fantasy, Frank Frazetta, realizzato in collaborazione con Corner4Art e Mindworks, oltre alla presenza in fiera di un’ospite d’eccezione: Sara Frazetta, la nipote di Frank, che ha dato vita 10 anni fa al portale Frazetta Girls raccogliendo l'eredità del nonno per condividerla con i fan. Read the full article
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djs-party-edm-italia · 8 months
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28/10 Halloween Event - Metempsicosi No Filter Tour fa ballare Bolgia - Bergamo
Sabato 28 ottobre 2023 al Bolgia di Bergamo arriva lo staff al completo di Metempsicosi con il suo No Filter Tour. Si tratta di un altro appuntamento imperdibile della stagione autunno - inverno - primavera 2023/4 per il top club sull'A4. 
Mario Più, Ricky Le Roy, Joy Kitikonti, 00Zicky, Franchino e Luca Pechino. Il solo elenco di questi nomi è sufficiente nell'evocare nella mente di chi legge un'immagine precisa: quella della storia della musica techno elettronica in Italia. Un gruppo di artisti che ha fatto sognare e ballare più generazioni, la cui fama, sin dagli anni '90, è mondiale, tra dischi di successo (molti pubblicati dalla storica label BXR / Media Records), e serate che hanno lasciato un indelebile segno. No Filter Tour, lo si evince guardando il flyer con i citati dj che posano senza indumenti, è un modo di mostrarsi al pubblico che li ama senza filtri. La collaborazione tra Bolgia e Metempsicosi è una delle più durature del clubbing italiano e non solo, ma ogni party è unico, irripetibile. La musica e l'energia di questo collettivo riesce sempre a regalare emozioni. 
L'Halloween Event targato Bolgia non è solo nella Club Room, della quale prende possesso, per intero, lo staff di Metempsicosi. Nel tempio elettronico sull'A4, durante la stessa notte, si balla pure nella Lab Room con Halloween United Music. La musica del futuro la mixano, tra zucche e streghe, Jimmy The Sound, Juri Carera, Los Presidentes vs Hardstyle Brothers, Paola Nyx, Bass Buch, Alby Energi, We Made It, Dj Dino. Il Bolgia apre alle 23.30 e si balla fino alle 6 del mattino. 
L'appuntamento di sabato 28 ottobre 2023 al Bolgia con il team di Metempsicosi è solo l'ennesimo appuntamento importante nel top club sull'A4. Tra gli altri, sul palco del Bolgia, si sono esibiti di recente top dj come Tita Lau, Luca Agnelli, Chris Liebing, Len Fake e molti altri artisti attivi in tutto il mondo, tra cui Sam Paganini, Indira Paganotto, Cassie Raptor, I HATE MODELS, 999999999, KLANGKUENSTLER, Nastia, Ilario Alicante, Alignment, RBX, Marika Rossail e Charlie Sparks e TRYM.
28/10 Halloween - Metempsicosi No Filter Tour @ Bolgia - Bergamo
Bolgia - Bergamo 
via Vaccarezza 9, Osio Sopra (Bergamo) A4: Dalmine
info: 338 3624803, dalle 23.30 alle 6 del mattino
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sounds-right · 8 months
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28/10 Halloween Event - Metempsicosi No Filter Tour fa ballare Bolgia - Bergamo
Sabato 28 ottobre 2023 al Bolgia di Bergamo arriva lo staff al completo di Metempsicosi con il suo No Filter Tour. Si tratta di un altro appuntamento imperdibile della stagione autunno - inverno - primavera 2023/4 per il top club sull'A4. 
Mario Più, Ricky Le Roy, Joy Kitikonti, 00Zicky, Franchino e Luca Pechino. Il solo elenco di questi nomi è sufficiente nell'evocare nella mente di chi legge un'immagine precisa: quella della storia della musica techno elettronica in Italia. Un gruppo di artisti che ha fatto sognare e ballare più generazioni, la cui fama, sin dagli anni '90, è mondiale, tra dischi di successo (molti pubblicati dalla storica label BXR / Media Records), e serate che hanno lasciato un indelebile segno. No Filter Tour, lo si evince guardando il flyer con i citati dj che posano senza indumenti, è un modo di mostrarsi al pubblico che li ama senza filtri. La collaborazione tra Bolgia e Metempsicosi è una delle più durature del clubbing italiano e non solo, ma ogni party è unico, irripetibile. La musica e l'energia di questo collettivo riesce sempre a regalare emozioni. 
L'Halloween Event targato Bolgia non è solo nella Club Room, della quale prende possesso, per intero, lo staff di Metempsicosi. Nel tempio elettronico sull'A4, durante la stessa notte, si balla pure nella Lab Room con Halloween United Music. La musica del futuro la mixano, tra zucche e streghe, Jimmy The Sound, Juri Carera, Los Presidentes vs Hardstyle Brothers, Paola Nyx, Bass Buch, Alby Energi, We Made It, Dj Dino. Il Bolgia apre alle 23.30 e si balla fino alle 6 del mattino. 
L'appuntamento di sabato 28 ottobre 2023 al Bolgia con il team di Metempsicosi è solo l'ennesimo appuntamento importante nel top club sull'A4. Tra gli altri, sul palco del Bolgia, si sono esibiti di recente top dj come Tita Lau, Luca Agnelli, Chris Liebing, Len Fake e molti altri artisti attivi in tutto il mondo, tra cui Sam Paganini, Indira Paganotto, Cassie Raptor, I HATE MODELS, 999999999, KLANGKUENSTLER, Nastia, Ilario Alicante, Alignment, RBX, Marika Rossail e Charlie Sparks e TRYM.
28/10 Halloween - Metempsicosi No Filter Tour @ Bolgia - Bergamo
Bolgia - Bergamo 
via Vaccarezza 9, Osio Sopra (Bergamo) A4: Dalmine
info: 338 3624803, dalle 23.30 alle 6 del mattino
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svyat0s · 11 months
The creative challenge of the day
La krea tasko de la tago por la ludo #Mi_estas_ĉi_tie_eterneco. Vi havas la liberecon aliĝi al la ludo (kaj forlasi ĝin) kiam ajn vi volas. Sekvu vian scivolemon kaj faru la taskojn, kiuj vekas vian intereson. Kaj tiujn, kiujn vi ne ŝatas - ignoru ilin. La rekompenco de la ludo (kun konstanta kaj diligenta peno (kaj praktiko) de taskoj) - pli riĉa kaj feliĉa vivo.
411. Kiuj vortoj ŝajnas al vi terure amuzaj? Memoru ĉi tiujn 5, donu al ili viajn proprajn difinojn, kiel vi opinias, ke oni povas nomi tiel amuza vorto? #Mi_estas_ĉi_tie_eterneco
The creative challenge of the day for the game #I_am_here_eternity. You have the freedom to join the game (and quit it) whenever you want. Follow your curiosity and do the tasks that spark your interest. And those that you don't like - ignore them. The reward of the game (with consistent and diligent effort (and practice) of tasks) - a richer and happier life.
411. What words seem terribly funny to you? Remember these 5, give them your own definitions, what do you think can be called such a funny word? #I_am_here_eternity
Творческое задание дня игры #Я_здесь_вечность. Присоединиться к игре (как и выйти из нее) можно в любой момент. Выполняйте те задания, которые вам интересны. А которые не хотите - не выполняйте. Приз игры (при прилежном и систематическом выполнении (и повторении) заданий) - качественно лучшая жизнь.
411. Какие слова вам кажутся ужасно смешными? Вспомните таких 5, дайте им свои определения, как вам кажется, что можно назвать таким смешным словом? #Я_здесь_вечность 
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