#nolan x oc
starcrossedspirit · 1 month
WICKED & UNHOLY - A CoD Zombies AU Story
Dark Aether has spread, engulfing everything it touches. Monsters, zombies, and a Dark Aether mutation plunges the world into darkness leaving only chaos in it's wake. Towards the northern mountains of Verdansk Shadow Company looks for anything that may have been left behind from the reaches of the 80’s when Adler was there. Desperate to find anything to help sway the tides of battle with the plagued undead, Velikan finds hope in the form of a village witch, supposed to have inherited “magic” from the other world. Down in ground zero of Urzikstan Nolan has been tasked with forcing scientist to figure out how to close the gates of hell and in their possession is his daughter. If he does not cooperate, Nolan will kill them and fearing for their lives, the scientist works tirelessly day and night to preserve humanity. And finally Konni is not yet done trying to take over. With whatever semblance there is left to a natural world Makarov fights. Weary of her brother’s actions, his sister does his bidding but only with the idea to help stop him. It begins with contact between her and Task Force 141 during an unlikely meeting.
Pairings: fem!oc x Ghost / fem!oc x Velikan / fem!oc x Nolan Tags: Slow Burn / Supernatural Elements / AU- Zombies Tag Warnings: Major Character Death / Depictions of Violence / Eventual Smut Archive Link: Wicked and Unholy Tumblr Link: forward → Original Characters: Yelena Volkova / Karina Usyk / Briar Hawthorne Ratings: Mature
A/N: This story does not follow the regular storyline of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and instead borrows ideas and elements to make an AU of it's own. You do not need to know much about CoD, Zombies or even war stuff to follow, this is really just for fun. I just wanted to make romances for characters and to put them to a story. Thank you so much and enjoy!
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You're waiting for a train...(13)
Lies Are Weak Foundations
description - In the hunt to retrieve Robert, y/n will be shown much more truth than she ever could have expected.
word count - 2.9k
warnings - incepting an idea against someones will, suicide, allusions to child abuse
a/n - fun fact, in the original plan for the story it ended on 13 chapters so I added one extra because I believe in the unluckiness of that number. Butttt then the chapters became too long so I was breaking them up anyways so the story would have actually never been 13 chapters.
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“Do you trust me?”
A crushing wave layers over my throat and the chill seeps down over every inch of my skin. I gasped in search of breath, feeling my position was not helping my desire to not drown. The sun bled my eyes but I could not direct myself out until a pair of arms wrapped around me. They dragged me up and out as I spluttered everywhere. Dad collapsed onto the beach still holding me close to him. I pressed up and took in the world around me. Skyscrapers crumbing down to be forgotten. The majesty around screamed of futility. But their memories thrummed in the air. I curled my fingers through the damp sand in search of a foundation to stand up on. Tiredness gave way and the sand was not a strong enough footing. I fell down once more. Dad stretched out his hand to me. With slight hesitation, I grasped it and we used the others weight to pull ourselves up.
“You all right?” a nod was all I could offer.
“This is your world?” my words whispered out the unspoken agreement.
“It was.” His firm tone matched his serious face. I tried to show no fear but he was still my father. “This is where she’ll be.” Another wave crashed over, stinging my ankles, and I could only hope my shiver was from that. “Come on.” He gestured for me to follow him.
We began to walk and passed over to the expanse of industry. It looked uncommon from the beach we had been on moments ago. And the distinctness was felt by the clench in my chest. Where I once felt free now controlled me. The chains I felt inside me could be traced to my mother’s hands.
“You built all of this?” I asked my father who walked through with predetermined confidence whereas I dragged behind stunned into carelessness. It seems the further we walked the stronger the structures stood. Their thoughts were concrete and had not succumbed to time…yet. “This is incredible.” I breathed out through a laugh of disbelief.
“We built for years. Then we started in on the memories.” Dad responded.
My skin bristled and a thousand eyes were trained on our very movements.
Dad stopped.
I stopped.
James and Philippa played in the streets, supplanted into this created memory.
Tears burned at my lids and I wanted nothing more than to run over and clasp them in my arms. But my feet stood stock. They were not real. They were not real. They’re at home. We can go home.
“This was—”
“Our neighbourhood.” I finished his thought when the familiar image struck my heart.
“Places from our past.” He continued. He stopped me with a hand on my shoulder and drew my attention to a building to the left of us. The house looked out of place and it’s nostalgia did not match the ingenuity around us.
“Recognise?” He teased and squeezed my shoulder in comfort.
“The apartment.” I smiled through my words. I could feel every muscle relax and suddenly I was free of the links that had bound me for years. Behind the linen curtains, shadows danced around a thought. I was transported back and could feel the shadow of myself return and with it the innocence I had failed to keep.
“You reconstructed this all from memory?” I slurred out over the lump in my throat.
“We had lots of time.” His whisper was enough prompting I needed.
We entered a sleek apartment complex. The cleanliness seeped off it like a fume.
“We’d always wanted to live in a house but there was something about buildings like this.” I audibly agreed. “In the real world, we’d have to choose.”
We entered the elevator and Cobb’s hand pushed out for the right number. The doors slammed in front.
“How are we gonna get Robe—Fischer back?” I asked whilst fidgeting with my jacket sleeves.
“We’re gonna have to come up with some kind of kick.”
“I’m gonna improvise.” He readied his gun in his hand and I assessed his moves with fear. “listen, honey, there’s something you need to know about me.” I met his statement with confusion. I looked on to my father and struggled to think what he could have possibly kept from me when we had been each other’s all for the past years. And what was so horrifying that I didn’t know. “About inception.”
The doors opened and the warm light of our house bled into the steel of the elevator. Dad raised his gun to stalk forward, primed.
“An idea is like a virus. Resilient. Highly contagious.” We walked further into the hallway, with each step feeling like two, and the walk back even longer. “And the smallest seed of an idea can grow. It can grow to define…” Dad raised his gun as we finally made it to the largest room. “Or destroy you.”
The head of the table was occupied and the limited view did not stop me recognising my own mother. The closer I came to her, the less assured I became.
“The smallest idea such as ‘Your world is not real’.” Her voice sung the air and its tones were all too familiar to my ears. If my father hadn’t blocked me I could have crumbled right into her arms. “Simple little thought that changes everything.” She turned to face us and a smile tugged at my lips when I could see her beauty once again. “So certain of your world, of what’s real. Do you think he is?” she jutted her chin to my father but directed her question to me. “Or do you think he’s as lost as I was?” My eyes bore over his frame and my face fell at the question I had already asked.
“I know what’s real, Mal.” My dad spoke as if approaching a skittish horse. He pulled out the chair waiting for him and sat down so their eyes could meet.
“No creeping doubts? Not feeling persecuted, Dom?” She perched on her arms to lean towards him. “Chased around the globe, by anonymous corporations and police forces?” She then turned her eyes towards mine. “The way projections persecute the dreamers.” When our eyes met, they were filled with sympathy and I felt that this Mal had somehow seen my whole life. Through the eyes of my own father.
She grasped his head in her hands. “Admit it.” She persisted. “You don’t believe in one reality anymore. So choose. Choose to be here. Choose me.” Her words pierced me as believing in one reality meant forgetting another and her words of disbelief to my very existence were too near in my mind. And I flinched at every word in attack.
“You know what I have to do. I have to get back to the children. I have to take Y/n home.” Dad soothed Mal’s passionate heart. “Because you left us.”
“You’re wrong.”
“I’m not wrong.”
“You’re confused, our children are here.” Her eyes pierced the side of my head. “Our real children.” From behind I heard the giggles of the projections of James and Philippa. “You would like to see their faces again, wouldn’t you?”
“Yes. But I’m gonna see them up above, Mal.”
“Up above?” She laughed out at the apparent foolishness of the term. “Listen to yourself. These are your children. Watch.” She leaned back and announced to the room. “James! Philippa!”
Their faces twitched and both my father and I flinched away and hid our eyes, fearing that our truths could be confused.
“Mal, please don’t do this.” My father pleaded, knowing her game. “Those aren’t my children.”
“You keep telling yourself that. But you don’t believe it.”
“No, I know it!”
“And what if you’re wrong, and I’m what’s real.” Her desperation seeped through her words. “You keep telling yourself what you know.” She mocked his stubbornness. “But what do you believe?” She whispered out. “What do you feel?”
I snapped my gaze to my father. His word choice confusing me.
“I feel guilt, Mal. And no matter what I do. No matter how hopeless I am, no matter how confused, that guilt is always there, reminding me of the truth.”
Mal’s face stoned. “What truth?”
My breath stuck as I waited for either one to admit what hung in the air unsaid.
“That the idea that caused you to question your reality…came from me.”
I gasped. Blood froze in my veins. My bones seemed to melt.
“You planted the idea in my mind?” Mother questioned, her tone more hushed than when she had certainty.
“What is she talking about?” I spluttered out still holding out on the idea of another explanation.
I could not force my father to meet my gaze.
“The reason I knew inception was possible was because…I did it to her first. I did it to my own wife.”
I choked on my own sob which fought to break through.
“Why?” I gasped out.
“We were lost in here. I knew we needed to escape, but she wouldn’t accept it. She had locked something away, something deep inside. A truth that she had once known, but chose to forget. And she couldn’t break free. So I decided to search for it. I went deep into the recess of her mind and found that secret place. And I broke in… and I planted an idea. A simple little idea that would change everything. That her world wasn’t real.”
“That death was the only escape.” Mal finished, her eyes still downcast.
“You’re waiting for a train.” I began reciting what I had heard all of my life. “A train that’ll take you far away. You know where you hope this train will take you… but you can’t know for sure. Yet it doesn’t matter.”
“Because you’ll be together.” My father continued.
“And then you woke up.” I remembered watching over their lithe bodies resume life. I struggled to realise all that had proceeded. And all that would come to follow.
“But I never knew that that idea would grow in her mind like a cancer…that even after she woke…That even after you came back to reality… that you’d continue to believe your world wasn’t real. That death was the only escape.” I shuddered upon the memory and tried to scrub out the image of her lifeless frame on the table.
I couldn’t help but sigh in almost relief. The feeling felt wrong but I couldn’t help at relish at the answers for actions and words that had troubled me for years.
She broke into tears.
“You infected my mind.” She sobbed out.
“Mal, I was trying to save you.”
“You betrayed me.” She cried out. “But you can make amends. You can still keep your promise. We can still be together, right here, in the world we built together.”
The world rumbled in a mimic explosion but no flames could be seen. I jumped in realisation at Eames’ attempt to revive Robert. The lightning confirmed my fear.
“Dad, we need to get Robert.”
Mal whipped around to me and practically spat. “You can’t have him.”
“If I stay here, will you let him go?” Dad was still held in thought.
“DAD, NO!” I cried out at the thought of losing him too. “You can’t do that to me. Not me. Not again. I can’t do it again!”
“But you’d have Fischer.” He sincerely answered. I became confused through my screams. One look between us confirmed it. He’d seen it all. But he wasn’t mad, he seemed genuine.
“Fischer is on the porch.” Mal announced unable to hide the smile at her win.
“Go check he’s alive, Y/n.”
“No, Dad you can’t do this. Not for me.”
“Go check he’s alive. Do it.”
I hurtled outside, gun at the ready. The newly acquired wind whipped my body around and I struggled to stay straight in the face of the storm. I saw the barely conscious body of Robert. He was tied up and his mouth was gagged. I hurled his body up to lean against the balcony. I checked his body over for injuries and found nothing too concerning. His eyes met my own and the familiarity seemed to unleash his tears. I tried to soothe him but I felt ill-equipped in my own situation.
“He’s here and it’s time but you have to come now!” I shouted back.
“Take Fischer with you, all right.”
“You can’t stay here to be with her!” I screamed to permeate his stubbornness. Every part of my body was desperate to drag him back home with me and destroy whatever poison she had him under. “That’s not mum!”
“I’m not.” He stated. “Saito’s dead by now. That means he’s down here somewhere. That means I have to find him.” My heart loosened and I broke a smile. The thunder rumbled around us. “I can’t stay with her anymore because she doesn’t exist.”
“I’m the only thing you do believe in anymore.” She shot back.
“I wish.” He deeply exhaled in desperation to return to the time before. “I wish more than anything but I can’t imagine you with all your complexity, all your perfection, all your imperfection.”
I ripped down the gag from Robert.
“You all right?”
“Yeah.” We both had to shout to be heard over the thunder.
“Look at you.” My dad continued. “You’re just a shade. You’re just a shade of my real wife.”
I caught Mal’s thumb stroke over a knife I had seen before. My arm pained once I saw the offending weapon.
“And you were the best I could do?” Dad continued to push. “I’m sorry, you’re just not good enough.”
“DOES THIS FEEL REAL?” She jumped up and slammed the knife down into Cobb’s thigh with murderous passion. But before she could raise it again, I grasped my gun and shot her. One bullet.
My body froze, gun still cocked. I couldn’t move from the position I’d found myself in. Thoughts ran around and infected each part of my body. Spiralling down I struggled to pull myself back up until a gentle tap hit the back of my thigh. And I turned around to find Robert manoeuvring himself into an uncomfortable position to merely comfort me in whichever way he could. My resolve crumbled when our eyes met, and I dropped the gun and launched forward to embrace him. To feel him close, if not for anything else.
Dad reached over to cradle Mal in his arms as she died. He gratefully acknowledged the gun in my hand and I smiled in agreement. It had to be me.
“Y/n I need to know if you can ever forgive me.” He choked out. “For this and for everything else. This life should have never been yours.”
“It was my choice.”
“I shouldn’t have let you.”
“You think you could have stopped me?” I teased. “Don’t forget who I learned it from.” We both forced out a laugh.
“You know I think I finally understand you.” I announced, my voice rising over the thunder.
“The greatest mistake I ever made was letting you come with me that day.” My face fell. “And all the pain and suffering it has caused you.” I nodded in the most thanks or forgiveness I could force out.
“I would have done it again in a heartbeat.” I shouted. Dad looked up at me through his tears. I smiled through my next words. “Because I got to be with my dad, and that’s all that matters to me.” I searched to meet his eyes which had fallen once again so he felt my full meaning. “That we weren’t alone.”
I rose to stand and walked to stand on the precipice of the balcony.
“Mum couldn’t have been helped.” I stated. “But you came back to me.”
“I will always come back for you, darling.”
“But I won’t let you lose yourself, like mum did.” I pleaded with him through gritted teeth which held back my tears. At the next crack of lightning, I hurriedly lifted Robert up and braced him to be flung off the building, simulating a kick. But I stopped and turned back to the image of my father over my dying mother.
“I’m gonna stay.” I announce. “You need help to get Saito back.” He understood my fears and the possibility that he won’t come back but he merely smiled at my concern.
“No. I’ll be fine. You go with Robert. You need to be with him.” He lowered his voice and the sincerity in his words electrified the air between us. I softly smiled to match his own. Grasped Robert’s body in my arms. I leaned back and let gravity consume us.
A gasp awoke us both and the crack of the defibrillator drew my attention to Robert. I scrambled up and crawled over to his body. He jumped to life and his eyes shot open. They softened once they met my own and I could barely wait to embrace him again. Once we met in a hug, he weakly reciprocated and placed a soft kiss on my hairline. I leaned back and cupped his face, stroking his soft skin to commit it to memory.
“You need to go now. You need to see what’s in that vault.” My eyes flitted up towards the door and he stretched back to follow my gaze.
He clambered up and faced the door. His footsteps forward stalled. He turned back and faced where I merely watched.
“Will you come too?” He stuttered out as if afraid for my answer.
“Of course.” I confidently spoke despite my beating heart. I ran up to him and clasped his hand in my own. We looked at each other in newfound comfortability. We needn’t speak as we both knew that whatever was to come, neither one of us were facing it alone.
ahhhh we're getting so close to the end!!
taglist: @jonsncws @h-l-vlovesvintage @theethy @fashionki11a @felicity1994 @bearchermer @idkyoutellmesmh @mimimarvelingmarvel @butterfly-lies-chase-them-away @neotanpopper @deliriouslybi @folklorde24 @thefandomdiaries07 @viarosemcmissile @noirrose21-blog @thepoeticfirefly @xoxo-gothic-girl @skeletonwrite @jellyzelek @kaylamarie306-blog @bloodcanbehot @lazybot @raineeace @thearieunhinged @multifans-things @queenofterrasen418 @bey0ndne0 @justanotherkpopstanlol @iamliterallyspidergwen @frozenhuntress67
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toasttt11 · 1 month
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March 17, 2024
Jamie walked into the apartment seeing most of the lights all off and just a glow coming from the dinning room, “Nix?” Jamie called out as he knew Phoenix would be home as Jamie had the car. Jamie sniffed slightly and could smell something good cooking.
“In here.” Phoenix called back nervously wiping his hands on his pants as he waited for what felt like forever for Jamie to walk into the dinning room.
Jamie furrowed his brows in confusion but walked down the hallways and into the dinning room and gasped slightly seeing the dinning room.
There were lots candles around the whole room, the dining room table was decorated very fancy like a restaurant, there was sushi on the plates and Phoenix was holding a bouquet of orange tulips.
“What is all of this?” Jamie soflty asked as he looked all around and he noticed how the sushi was his favorite kind.
“Jamie, I would love if you would be my date for tonight.” Phoenix nervously asked as he stepped closer to Jamie holding the flowers in one hand.
Jamie smiled softly his cheeks flushing bright pink, “Just tonight?” Jamie teased slightly letting out a small chuckle.
“As long as you will have me.” Phoenix told Jamie and gently grabbing Jamie’s hand.
“Did you talk to Z?” Jamie titled his head curiously.
“I uh was telling him about my feelings and he may of told me that you felt the same for me.” Phoenix sheepishly explained he was glad Trevor told him that so he had enough confidence to ask Jamie out.
“And how do you feel?” Jamie soflty asked stepping closer and looking up at Phoenix.
Phoenix swallowed nervously with Jamie being so close, “I like you and i would really like for you to be my boyfriend.” Phoenix soflty spoke maintaining eye contact with Jamie.
“Yes. Yeah i would really like that.” Jamie beamed and nodded quickly.
Phoenix let out a laugh of relief, “Good.” He gently pressed a kiss to Jamie’s cheek before stepping back and pulling Jamie to the table, Phoenix pulled out the chair and Jamie sat down. Phoenix handed the flowers to Jamie before he walked around the table to sit across from Jamie.
“This is my favorite sushi.” Jamie stated as Phoenix opened the bottle of wine that’s also Jamie’s favorite.
“I know.” Phoenix simply replied and smirked slightly at Jamie making him shake his head fondly.
Jamie and Phoenix ate their sushi talking about random things before Phoenix excused himself and walked out of the room.
Jamie gently brushed his fingers over his flowers and smiled softly, he’s never gotten flowers before.
Jamie looked up and saw Phoenix walking back in with a plate, with something that smelled really good.
Jamie perked up happily when Phoenix put a steak on his plate and he beamed. Steak is already Jamie’s favorite but when Phoenix’s makes it it’s even better.
“Thank you.” Jamie smiled softly and reached over the table gently grabbing Phoenix’s once they both finished their steaks, “No one has ever done something like this for me.” Jamie sadly added, he’s never been very lucky in relationships and a lot of people in LA just wanted to try to get with him for money and no one ever has treated as kindly as Phoenix does.
“Of course Jay.” Phoenix smiled softly squeezing Jamie’s hand, he was sad no one ever treated this sweet boy the way he should he, “I wanted to do something for you because i care for you.” Phoenix’s words made him smile brighter and blush more.
“Got room for dessert?” Phoenix playfully questioned and Jamie chuckled but nodded.
Phoenix lifted Jamie’s hand pressing a soft kiss to it before he gently set it back on the table and let go of it getting up.
Jamie flushed even brighter at Phoenix’s actions and watched him walk out of the room.
Jamie stared at the door until Phoenix walked in with a round tin in his hands. Phoenix set it down in front of Jamie and Jamie beamed as he realized it was his favorite dessert, cheesecake.
“Did you make this?” Jamie asked noticing how it was a reusable pan.
Phoenix sheepishly nodded and his cheeks turned pink, “If it’s not good then-“ He was cut off by Jamie leaning up and pressing his lips to his.
Phoenix stopped talking and cupped Jamie’s face bringing him closer as he desperately kissed him back.
“It’s going to be great.” Jamie whispered against Phoenix’s lips. Phoenix smiled softly back.
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equallyshaw · 8 months
king of my heart | colton dach.
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little blurb😌
Warnings: some angst ofc, some swearing.
Word count: 4.7k
Time skips/slow burning (:
'the first meeting'
angela pulled her shy and quiet cousin piper, from her room one evening, forcing her to participate in the group shenanigans. piper sighed, letting her cousin drag her from her room after putting up quite a fight. she argued that her midterm essay was more important than whatever was going on in the living room. which to be frank it was, but to angela she wanted piper to meet the somewhat flashy, arrogant and charismatic colton dach. best friend to her boyfriend, nolan allan. a golden retriever and black cat, match made in heaven angela and nolan believed.
nolan spotted her from the living room, as he looked to the kitchen which peaked in just a bit in his view. "ah my favorite ricci!" he said jumping up and going over to greet the girl. angela and piper were the closest of the cousins, practically sisters because of being the same age. therefore, once nolan came into the picture, he took her in as a sister. "ahh yes, one of the annoying canadian's." she huffed filling her water bottle. "hey now, you've got more in there that could fit that bill." he mused pulling her in for a bear hug. "watch the hair, dude." she gritted causing angela to laugh heartedly. "ok come on you two." she said pushing the two towards the 2008 mario kart competition that was happening between nolan, colton, bedard, reichel, vlasic, and korchinski. "she's hereee!" angela announced and piper rolled her eyes. "if it isn't the famous piper!" vlasic said causing piper to roll her eyes, "hi alex, nice to see you again." she said sitting down beside him on the couch. the other guys looked over to wave and introduce themselves. colton was the furthest from the girl, sitting on the ground, and waited his turn to say hi. as soon as the two locked eyes, he felt himself get incredibly nervous. his stomach filled with Butterflies. she gave him a small smile before snatching the controller from vlasic and taking over for him. "oh oh its on!" nolan announced, ready to or at least attempt to beat the skilled girl. "you have to realize at some point babe, that you are never going to beat her. not with her constantly playing by herself." angela said without filtering what she was going to say. "you say that if it's a bad thing, angie." alex said quickly defusing the situation and taking the blow just a bit. piper swallowed hard, focusing in on her character. she gave a small nod to alex, thanking him. colton watched from his spot on the floor, before turning back toward the screen. he was intrigued by that little comment.
'callin me babe'
it was a few weeks later when piper was by herself at the apartment finishing up some textbook reading when she heard a knock at her door. she looked at the time, and knew that angela was still in class so it couldn't be her. unless she forgot her keys ofcourse. piper hopped off the kitchen barstool and headed over towards the door, and she was surprised at who she found on the other side. "hey colton, right?" she asked and he nodded. a small blush appearing over his cheeks. "how can i help ya?" she asked, opening the door further for him to enter. "i left something here a few days ago, and nolan said i could come over and grab it. or well downstairs." he said chuckling just a bit. "oh, yeah for sure! you live upstairs?" she asked and he nodded, going to retrieve the item. "yeah, i just started a sublease for the time being." he said coming back into the kitchen where she was. "oh nice!" piper said from behind the counter. colton walked back in and stared at the girl for a few seconds, "i couldn't find it." he said and her eyebrows creased a bit. "nolan should be back from the store soon, do you wanna wait here until then?" she offered and he nodded. "you can watch tv or play the wii or do whatever. ill just be in here if you need anything." she said smiling softly and he nodded. "what are you working on?" he asked as she sat back down. "uhh just some light case reading." she joked, flipping the 3rd page of the 12 page case study. she unclasped her highlighter, and read the first line when colton spoke again. "angela said you're studying psychology right?" he asked and she nodded, continuing to read. "that's neat, she said you wanna do non profit work?" he questioned and she looked up from her packet and nodded at him. "yeah, how much other info has she given out about me?" she asked half serious. though, colton couldn't tell. "uhhh...." he stuttered and she giggled. "I'm kidding, i promise. its always nice keeping you hockey players on your toes." she hummed, sipping her water. "oh really?" he asked cocking an eyebrow, leaning across the counter in front of her. "ah huh. nolan is easy ofcourse, little shit. and then alex can catch it sometimes but he's still a dummy." she explained causing colton to laugh. "nolan is special, what can we say?" he played and she giggled. colton thought for a second, "you and alex?" he questioned and piper caught on. "oh god no! angela and i have known him since we were younglings. our two brothers used to play hockey with him. he's family." piper said shaking her head. colton nodded, "why do you ask?" piper questioned. colton thought for a few seconds before responding, "had to know if i had a chance with ya." he said confidently. piper looked down at her case study before looking at him, anxiety rising within her body. "is that so?" she quirked and he smiled. "ya know it babe." he mused, causing her to blush.
it had been a few weeks since then and spring break was now rolling around for the girl. the two still hadn't gone out with one another due to her cramming last-minute essays in and him away on the road. though they had hung out with the group a few times, over dinner after a game or a sunday brunch which was piper and angela's favorite thing to do. colton made his way down from upstairs with two cups of coffee this rainy and foggy, monday morning. he let himself in with a key nolan had given him and korchinski who was colton's roommate. "morning lovebirds." colton announced walking into the living room and angela flipped him off from under the blanket. nolan laughed softly, "long night, I'm sure piper is feeling the same." nolan explained and colton's eyebrows crinkled. "she drank?" he asked and nolan nodded. "i thought she didn't." he said and nolan shrugged, "she got a bad grade. she's upset about it." angela groaned, and colton nodded walking down the hall towards piper's room. he knocked softly, hearing the box fan on the other side and quickly slipped in. piper was awake but had her eyes shut, "hey babe." colton said softly, setting down the coffee on her bedside table. she turned over and smiled softly, "hi." she said opening one eye to look up at him. she looked lovely in his eyes, her brunette hair laid across the pillow, her green eyes lighting up in the sun that peeked through her blinds and the softness of her voice, laced it all together. "i was just thinking about this, thankyou." she hummed sitting up and pulling the cup to her chest. she looked back up at colton and padded the spot next to her. he nodded, walking over and hopping in. this was not the first time he'd ended up in her bed. the other three times were from becoming too tired or exhausted to go back upstairs to his own bed. that was it, nothing else. she sat against the headboard, shutting her eyes for a few seconds. it was instant, she felt his eyes on her. "can you not?" she teased, setting her coffee down and turning over on her side. colton set his down and turned on his side to face the girl, watching as he did so. "hi babe." she hummed, smiling. "whats your plan for the day?" she asked, and he looked up as if he had to think. but he wanted one thing, "whatever you're doing." and that made her smile. "well, if dancemoms is on your schedule than perfect, cause i have nothing else to do." she said cheekily. he laughed, "ofcourse! what else would i want to do on a rainy day." he responded filling her with butterflies. "good." she hummed. "good." he responded, "now that we have that settled, which season are we watching?" he questioned, and she smiled widely jumping up a bit. "season 2 the best one of all!" she said excitedly, turning on her tv.
'king of my heart'
it was now thursday of that week, and the blackhawks had pulled out a huge win against the detroit red wings, with the team having the rest of the week off; the little group of younglings - well hooligans according to piper, were on their way back to their apartment after a long dinner. piper drove her and colton through the city streets, as she felt concerned about him driving in the city. she commented on his driving one day they went to get starbucks together with korchinski and she felt as if she was going to die as they were michigan avenue. she took her right hand off the wheel and laid it down on the middle console as the two were only a few blocks away from the apartment itself. colton took that opportunity to grab ahold of it, causing her to blush. they pulled into the parking garage, with colton not wanting to let go of the girl's hand. she took her time collecting her things from the console and making sure his seat was back in it's original spot, so he took that chance to walk over and open the door for her. "why, thankyou." she beamed, taking the hand outstretched for her. "ofcourse m'lady." and she laughed at the dorkiness. the two walked through the garage, holding eachother's hand seeing nolan and angela walking on the other side of it.
piper smiled at angela who was skipping around nolan, pretty thankful and happy they beat the wings. as they got closer, piper could hear the lyrics coming out excitedly from the 5'5 girl, causing her to laugh. as soon as the chorus came up, piper joined in, screaming at the top of their lungs; doing the little 'one goal' dance from the previous era. "oh god." vlasic said walking with korchinski, bedard and reichel. the cousins took each others hand and spun around in a circle, "i fear angela may have had too much to drink tonight." nolan said laughing, as they tried to move the two along. "how rude!" angela defended, causing the group to laugh. "none of yall are allowed to come over. not even you nol baby." she said leaning on her cousin, "nol baby that's a good one!" colton said laughing, with nolan rolling his eyes.
the group made it up to the apartment, music on swiftly and drinks given out. piper took a seltzer and headed over towards her room for a brief moment, to put her hawks jersey back in the closet. she heard a knock at the door, and she knew it was colton. she turned towards alex instead, and she had a perplexed look on her face. "hey bud." she said shutting her closet door. alex sat on the bed, well sprawled out on it. "whats up? girl troubles?" she teased, laying down from the opposite side. he chuckled, "you could say that." he said coolly. she rolled onto her side, putting her head in her hand. "well as much as i would love to talk about girl drama, we've got to celebrate." she said slapping his chest softly. "i feel so loved." he huffed, standing up and began to walk out. she pushed him out and saw colton coming down the hall. she leaned on the threshold and smirked as he got closer, "what can i do for ya?" she mused, kicking the door open wider for him to walk in. she shut the door behind them, and she sat down on her bed and he followed, now sprawling out himself. she looked down at him, crossing one leg underneath her. she quirked an eyebrow, as he sat up. he did not break eye contact, as he leaned in. his mouth so close to hers, she felt his breath on hers. he leaned in a few inches more, and connected the two's lips. oh how she'd been waiting for this, she thought. she wrapped her arms around his neck as his found her lower back. slowly pushing her into her pillows, they broke the kiss after a few more seconds. he pulled back just a bit to read her face, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. she would not make eye contact. "been waiting to do that for some time." he said blushing nervously, and she met his eye. "been waiting for ya to do that for a bit too." she hummed, pulling him back in. the taste of your lips, is my idea of luxury.
he was the one she had been waiting for some time, a best friend and lover in one. somebody to be the king of her heart.
the season was winding down now, just as her school year was finishing as well. the two falling for each other more and more, over the course of a month and a half. trying not to think about how he would be going back to canada and she'd be staying here in chicago with her parents, and older brother. the two had kept what was theirs a secret, not wanting to bring the group in just yet. though angela had a sneaky suspicion, based on how happy piper was. her black cat personality was opening just a bit more. the two spent countless nights together, colton sneaking in and out of the apartment late and night and early in the morning before anybody could spot him missing. or she would go up to his. the bedroom becoming their sacred place to talk about life, their biggest hopes and dreams, what makes them tick, their family and so much more. but they did so much more, together. colton would pick her up after class and the two would get coffee or food, maybe hit a museum or the navy pier. sometimes a matinee. she was showing him, her chicago, and what made her fall in love with the city at a young age. she was bespoken with the city and all the opportunities it possessed. he saw a different side of her when the two were in public, he saw how much of a free spirit she was. things were quickly becoming more serious between the two, and that win over detroit night cemented it.
that night he saw a different side of her, one that he had been slowly peeling back for some time. she was quiet and shy by nature but had a rambunctious side to her. angela watched as the two did a rendition of 'wonderwall' at the apartment, and the look that colton had in his eyes; she knew that the two were smitten with one another. and she knew that piper was completely and wonderfully comfortable with him, something she had never had with a guy up until that point. she had fallen for the canadian, him fully captivating her heart.
angle and piper were having their morning cups of coffee on a saturday morning, piper reading a book and angela finishing up her morning tiktok. "has..has colton said anything to colton about what he plans to do now since the season is over?" piper asked shyly. angela thought for a second, thinking how she wanted to break the information she pried out of nolan a few nights back. "uhh not too sure, i know he plans to go home and stuff. he said he had some people to see." angela said trying to end the conversation, by standing up and getting some more coffee. "oh, okay." piper said putting her bookmark in the spine and shutting it. maybe i was just a little fling? or not even on at all? "I'm gonna head over to my parents." piper said standing up and walking back to her room. angela sighed, pinching the crease of her nose. nolan walked through the door, and walked over towards the kitchen. "hey love." he said kissing her and moving towards the fridge for a water bottle. "has dach said anything about piper? she's currently freaking out." angela whispered yelled and nolan connected the dots. "oh, no he hasn't. but he did mention his ex reaching back out to him. as we were clearing out our lockers." nolan said feeling bad, and angela nodded. "if you'd like to go tear him a new one, by all means you have my support babe." he said and they heard a bag drop. piper dropped her overnight bag, hearing the full conversation. "ill see yall later." she said grabbing her water bottle from before and heading towards the front door. nolan looked up, cursing dach.
colton hadn't responded to her text three days ago, and now she figured out why. she understood, and she was glad that they hadn't done anything that would have made it harder for her to get over him. she threw her bag into the trunk and slammed it, and headed towards the drivers side. she put on some music, and pulled out rather quickly. not realizing the car coming from her left to be colton's and Kevin's. the two saw her pissed-off demeanor as she drove by, not acknowledging them. "ohh you fucked up." kevin said as they parked. colton sighed getting out. piper drove 20 minutes through traffic toward her family's lincoln park townhouse and parked down the street. she unlocked the door, and threw her bag down at the door heading towards the kitchen. "oh hi hun, how are you?" her mom asked as she and her dad came into view. she looked at her mom and began to sob. "oh hun." her mom said wrapping her arms around her daughter, and rubbed her back; her and her husband's heart breaking.
her mom massaged her back a little while later, as the two were now in her bedroom talking. "i really liked him ma, i really did. he hasn't responded to my messages and now i find out he's talking to his girlfriend again whos probably the first person he's seeing when he gets back home." she cried. this was the first time she heard about colton, her daughter being famously closed off from the family. not for any particular reason, but she was just quiet. the brunch that was supposed to be the meeting between her parents and colton never happened. a few days with food poisoning prevented him, and therefore she never brought him up. "what if i was just a fling? or what if i wasn't even that?" she sobbed, as her older brother opened the door. she turned her to see who it was, and she put her face in her comforter embarrassed. "what has my baby sis so upset?" he asked sitting up against the bed next to her. she sniffled, "is it boy problems?" he questioned and she nodded after a few seconds. "i'm sorry pipes." he said rubbing her back. "can i stay here for a few days?" she asked and her mom nodded quickly. "ofcourse hun, perfect timing with your semester ending too. eric can retrieve some things from the apartment if you'd like." she said volunteering her son who nodded. "can you get anna the bunny?" she questioned looking at her brother. anna the bunny was a build a bear bunny, that was the very last gift her grandfather gave to her as a kid shortly before he died. she cherished that stuffed animal more than anything. "ofcourse, ill call angela to let me in." he said smiling before kissing her temple. "ill be back." he said shutting the door behind him.
he was the king of her heart, but maybe she wasn't the queen to his.
she had made up her mind, she was better off alone.
he drove over to the apartment, quickly pulled into the guest parking spot and headed up the elevator. "please act civilized you two, we have a guest." angela threatened towards nolan and colton who were arguing with one another, about piper. "eric hey, good to see you too." she said hugging her cousin. "ill show you where everything is." she announced, pulling him through the living room. "nol." eric said fist bumping nolan who nodded at him, "her stuff is in here." angela said opening her door. "whos that?" colton whispered to nolan who chuckled. "that's her older brother, asshole." nolan said walking over towards the two in the other room. "whatcha doing?" he asked leaning against the threshold watching as eric and angela packed a bag. "I'm grabbing some stuff for pipes. she staying at home for a bit." eric explained and nolan nodded. "why?" he asked, and eric sighed. "cuz of some asshat who played her." eric said a bit angrily. "oh." nolan responded, before walking back out. "you are dead." he said sitting down on the couch in front of colton. "does she need anything else?" angela asked as the two walked out, eric clutching the bear in his right hand tightly. "uh i don't think so. if not, ill swing back around." he said. "sorry i didn't introduce myself, I'm eric - piper's older brother." he said holding out a hand for colton to shake. "colton." he said nervously as eric put two and two together. "you little shit!" he said angrily, and colton took a step back. "you know you hurt her right?" he threw out and colton nodded. "you do, do you? then why haven't you said anything to maybe clear things up huh? or are you too busy using her to get back with your ex?" eric asked heatedly. "nobody knows about us. your sister and i. nobody knew-" angela cut him off, "we suspected." "i never told anybody, nor did she. and i don't want to get back with my ex, she reached out to me, but i never responded. and the reason i haven't responded to your sister is because i've been busy preparing to go back home. but i wasn't going to not talk to her about us, ok? i planned to today but then she drove off and i realized i blew my chance. once i got back today, i was going to come up here to talk. i swear to you!" colton defended himself. eric thought for a moment before looking at nolan and angela, "you have to believe me." colton pleaded and eric sighed. "do you know who gave piper this bunny?" eric asked, knowing that if he knew then he cared for the girl and vice versa. nobody knew who gave the bunny because it meant so much to her. colton smiled softly "your grandfather when she was 9 before he died. her most prized possession." he said and eric sighed. "clearly you mean a lot to her, because she doesn't tell anybody that." angela explained. "hell, nolan doesn't even know and we've been dating for three years already." angela added. "i promise you i wasn't leading her on or anything, i care very much for your sister. i had planned to make things official and ask her to come to canada this summer." colton said hoping it would get through to eric. eric nodded, "i hope youre right." he paused before looking at angela, "angela will give you our address. I'm sure my little sis would like to see you and clear all this up." eric said before walking out.
colton knocked on the front door of piper's family house, and bit the inside of his cheek, plagued with nerves. the door opened to reveal a brunette women, piper's mom. "you must be colton." she said and he nodded nervously, "come in." she smiled opening the door for him. he saw an older man on the couch, look over and do a double take. "you must be pipers dad, im-" he cut him off, "yeah i know who you are." he huffed before looking back at the news program. "she's upstairs,first door on the left." her mom said placing a hand on his upper back. "its fine, you can go." she said when he looked back at her husband. he nodded, taking the steps two at a time. piper was on the other side, watching the office, hoping that michael scott would help her laugh but it wasn't working. her mind twisting and turning with thoughts, that would not shut up. she perked up a bit when she heard a knock at her door and she got up when nobody walked in. she opened it rubbing her eye, and stopped as she took in who was at her door. "colton?" she questioned before he placed his hands on her lips, taking a step into the room. she shut the door behind him, wrapping her hands around his wrists. their lips fitting together like before, one's that were addicting. she pulled back, resting her forehead on his head. she stared at his chest, before looking up. "what was that for?" she questioned, "had to take my chance, incase it was the last time you'd allow me to." he said and she frowned at how nervous his voice was. "colton." she softly whined, pulling him in for a hug. "i did not mean to hurt you pipe, not for one second. i promise." he began and she nodded, "and i never responded to my ex. she was the one to reach out and i deleted it. because-because i am deeply and madly entranced and quite frankly, besotted with a 5'2 brunette midwest gal who could watch the office at all hours, who adores coffee runs, a good detroit beating and most importantly, the girl who has captured my heart." he confessed. she pulled back with tears in her eyes, "colton, i-i- " she paused breathing in and out deeply through her nose. "why did you not respond to my messages? why did you leave me hanging?" she asked, and he shook his head. "no important or monumental reason, i just hadn't responded which is a dumb response but its true. kevin and i have been busy with the apartment, and finishing the end of media for the season and just my parents have been on me about coming home. don't for one second, think i was gonna leave you hanging for the whole summer. i was actually coming to talk to you when you drove past me like a mad man." he chuckled and she giggled. "i was coming to ask you to become my girlfriend officially, and was seeing if you wanted to come to canada with me." he said searching her eyes. she smiled widely, "well its a good thing you've become the king of my heart dacher. you are quite literally the one I've been waiting for, for so long." she paused as he smiled. "one problem though." she started up again and he quirked an eyebrow. "i need a passport." she confessed, and that made him laugh. "give me about a month and a half, and you can book me a flight." she grinned and he chuckled. "oh so I'm buying you a ticket now?" he grinned, "wouldn't have it any other way." he smiled pulling her in for a kiss.
all at once, this was enough. he had his american queen, and her canadian king. king and queen of each others heart, all was well.
told yall there was angst.... but i hope yall enjoyed !!! please like and reblog if you did (:
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jackiequick · 10 days
Blah Blah Blah [ Once Upon A Time Fanfic] ❄️
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Pairing: Snow White/Mary Margaret Blanchard x Prince Charming/David Nolan
Set during Season 4, Episode 11 - "Shattered Sight"
Characters: Cadence, Anna, Kristoff, Regina, and Baby Neal.
Summary: With the spell cast, tension runs high as Snow, David, and Cadence are trapped in the Storybrooke police station, bickering and revealing hidden grudges.
Note: I just wanted to have some fun, I didn't think much of it, it's some of my favorite scenes from season 4. Also I just wanted to make Cadie the annoying little bitchy sister in this fic haha
Click here to get to know Cadence Nolan
The spell was cast. People were pissed off. Outside in the town of Storybrooke, everyone was partially trying to kill each other. Inside the station that had just a few seconds ago been filled with smiles and laughs, now held eye rolls, yelling, and full-blown surges of anger.
Snow and David were seated, separated in cell blocks next to one another. Cadence was handcuffed to a front table, near Kristoff who sat on the other end of the table as she was trying to smack the crap out of him. Meanwhile, Anna, who wasn’t affected by the curse, paced back and forth, keeping watch, sort of stressed out.
The only one calm was baby Neal, who was peacefully napping, without a single care in the world.
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“Finally, I’m seeing you clearly,” Snow stated with a scoff.
“What do you see?” David replied with a half-smirk.
“A fraud. A shepherd who has no business being royalty.”
“Well, I see a spoiled little princess who ran away from her troubles. WHO ALWAYS RUNS AWAY.”
“I can’t believe I had a child with you.”
“Who knows? Maybe you didn’t? Could be Whales!”
“Oh, shut up! You’re one to talk, David. You ran away from the farm and the castle more than anyone,” Cadence yelled, standing up but being pulled back to the table.
“Whose side are you on?” David yelled.
“Neither! You fell for THAT little brat? Katherine was much better.”
“KATHERINE?! You never liked me,” Snow shouted, “You were jealous because I stole your brother from you and that your EX-boyfriend’s mother hated you.”
“Oh, please." She remarked, "You fell for the wrong TWIN BROTHER! You thought it was JAMES NOT DAVID for months, he lied. You lied back.”
“At least I didn’t shoot my man!”
David glanced at her, “Your man? Oh look, she cares!”
“Shut up, I wasn’t talking to you!” Snow yelled, turning back to his sister-in-law, “So?”
“You shot him with a bow and arrow. You’re an annoyed little princess who thinks she’s always right. NEWS FLASH NOW, you ain’t. If you were right, you wouldn’t have married him or met me,” Cadence yelled.
“YOU LITTLE—you never let anyone help you.”
“I should’ve left you to drown years ago in that lake.”
“I should’ve let you get caught by those wolves.”
Both girls kept arguing with David jumping in shouting at both his sister and wife.
Kristoff rolled his eyes, “If this is what marriage is like, I’m glad you keep postponing ours.”
“You were gonna marry him, Anna?” Cadence asked with a laugh.
“Oh, don’t you start.”
“He sucks.”
“He farts so bad, never shuts up about his reindeer and oh—“
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Anna sighed, “You know what? I’m gonna go find my sister. And you two stay here, where you can’t annoy anyone. Expect me with your words.”
“You ran away from me! Anna, he’s a cheater, you wanna marry that?” Cadie said, spilling the beans.
Anna gasped, “You cheated on a princess, Kristoff?”
“He moved to Arendelle the next day.”
“I’m so sorry. Kristoff never ran away from me…I think?”
“That’s because he always had a thing for redheads, sweetheart.”
Kristoff shouted, “HEY! That’s it! You are a spoiled little rat-”
“You’re the one who couldn’t settle on a career!” Cadence yelled back
“You were a child farmer.”
"And you chose to be around ice and snow. You know who can do your job better? January!"
“Ice work seemed better at the time! So I studied it!”
“The whole town is FROZEN! Why are you selling ice for?”
“Stable boy.”
David and Snow kept fighting, while Kristoff and Cadence kept bickering. Anna tried to handle The Charming couple, but Snow kept making remarks, saying she was a murderer, causing Cadence to snicker with David barking over her.
Anna said sheepishly, “But you’re in love right? That has to count for something.”
“Love?! Ha! The moment I met her, she hit me with a rock!” David shouted.
Snow sighed, rolling her eyes, “Someone slip me a poison apple and put me out of my misery.”
Kristoff yelled, begging, “Me! Pick me.”
“Oh, shut it, Iceman!” David barked.
Kristoff bit back, “Oh ‘Iceman’? Who are you calling ‘Iceman’, ‘Stableboy’?”
“You! AGAIN the whole place is frozen! What are you selling ice for?!”
“You left us like it was nothing!”
It went on for a while. Until a certain figure showed up. Running into the station dressed in a black gown, was Regina with a fierce growl and a smirk. Cadence scoffed, Snow and David looked annoyed, Kristoff was searching for something to knock himself out with, and Anna was plain out confused.
Cadence muttered, “This is gonna be interesting.”
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t my lucky day. I originally came here to kill Emma, but now I get to kill the two idiots who started it all! And their personal sidekick!” Regina yelled.
“You know who you are!”
“I served your ass for years.”
“But you went running back to them.”
David scoffed, “Well, in our defense, we didn’t tell Cora about your secret boyfriend.”
“Yeah, it was her!” Cadence agreed, pointing to her sister-in-law.
Snow furrowed her brows and remarked, “ARE YOU SELLING ME OUT?!”
“SHUDDAP! You all deserve to die, not just for what you did, but for your whining!” Regina shouted over them, pointing around to the trio, “But your punishment should fit your crime. You took my first true love from me, and now I’m gonna return the favor. By taking your baby.”
The trio yelled and shouted over one another for Regina to stop, as she poofed Kristoff and Anna away, throwing Snow’s door open and tossing Cadence into the same cell as her brother.
Snow and Regina squared off, with swords. The fighting soon commenced, dueling out in front of the shared cells. Soon enough, Regina towered over Snow nearby the desk. Across the desk stood the stroller.
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“CAREFUL! The stroller's not under warranty anymore.” David called.
Snow strained, “You said you bought it new!”
“It was slightly used!”
Cadence recounted, “It was gently used!”
Snow grunted, kicking Regina off her, swaying the sword towards her midriff as she pushed back.
Regina glared, “Tell me when you’re tired of missing, Mary Margaret.”
Snow half-smirked, “I only have to hit you once.”
She swung and missed, Regina pushed her away, and both slipped on the flooring of the station. They used everything around them to fight: stacked papers, clothes, and small figurines. One of them was a tiny dog and a deep blue sweater.
“Hey!” Cadence called out.
Snow looked over her shoulder, “Is that my sweater?!”
“You never used it.”
“I was saving it for an occasion.”
“Like when?!”
Regina looked around to see if Cadence stole anything from her as well. However, as she was distracted, Snow took the upper hand, wrapping her arms around the woman and slamming them both against the cell block.
David and Cadence tried to take the upper hand, helping Snow as Regina pushed herself away from the trio.
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The fight kept going back and forth, with David and Cadence watching like two school kids. They tried breaking out of the cell, but it was no use.
They screamed and shouted the whole time, even making remarks to Snow and Regina.
“Uppercut! Lock her onto the table,” Cadence yelled toward Snow. “Seriously?!” David looked at his sister.
“I’m helping!”
“At least tell her to swing the sword upwards to cut her cheek or something!”
“Oh, good idea! Snow, do that!”
Suddenly, a burst of magic flew across Storybrooke, hitting the Police Station, causing everyone to feel like they were slapped across the face and pushed forward like they were asleep. Breaking the short spell.
They all looked around, oddly confused, seeing swords in hands, papers on the floor, small figurines, and the front desk being pushed backwards.
Regina looked down at herself, seeing herself in her Evil Queen dress with her hair all messed up and dropped her sword. Cadence saw herself snickering as it turned into a set of giggles and laughter.
Regina looked ridiculous, honestly.
“What am I wearing?” Regina asked.
Snow looked at her, breaking into a small fit of chuckles that turned into laughter, followed by Regina laughing alongside her.
David was leaning against the bars of the cell, snorting and laughing so hard, he rolled onto the floor.
That's all folks! Let me know what you guys think Remember to like, comment and share
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff Paul @gcthvile @missstrawbs2001 @djs8891 @starkleila @cherrysft @mandylove1000 @yetanotherwells @topgun-imagines @hardballoonlove @buckysteveloki-me @sherloquestea @nakiaswg @carellmcu @ximehs @sofia-falcone @rooster-84 and etc
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whoistatamx · 27 days
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Ƨσʋℓмαтɛ ❤️‍🩹
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spotinthespiral · 7 months
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Shout-out to Marcus, one of my many ocs with horrible tastes in men 👍
Quick cut just to lore-dump a bit (skip this if ya want).
Marcus got to Ravenwood, calamity happened, Blueflower ran off to solve it. Marcus met Nolan while exploring Cyclops Lane and immediately clocked him as a pirate (cuz his bestie Griffin was a pirate) but said nothing.
Marcus stuck around and managed to befriend Nolan after a *lot* of struggle, but they got super close. Nolan was cocky and rarely did any actual work, but Marcus was willing to help him improve one step at a time, which worked to make them all the more connected. Nolan associated his forward progress with Marcus, and therefore Marcus was a valuable pawn.
Then Marcus suddenly wasn't a pawn, and in the most neurodivergent way possible, Nolan confessed a crush to Marcus. Marcus (who'd had a crush 0.2 seconds into hearing Nolan be obnoxious) returned the sentiment, and in my headcanon lil universe they're a pair.
Marcus is a beloved little pastel goth, and Nolan is still the most hated student on campus, but they're working on their shortcomings together.
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noodleswithsoba-blog · 2 months
My Invincible OC: Jason Blake.
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So... my Viltrumite Swap AU, or Thragg n' Nolan switch roles and the butterfly effect causes massive changes, namely... just who is Jason Blake, otherwise known as Invincible?
Quick Facts.
Name: Jason Cassius Blake.
Birthday: 11/2.
Favorite color: Blue.
Named after the Greek Hero, Jason.
"So wait... you're an alien, which means I'M an alien?"
"Is that concerning to you, son?"
"No! It's cool!"- Jason's reaction to being told the Viltrumite story.
Jason was born a while after Thragg arrived to Earth and took the name Thomas Blake. His wife, Reyna, was already a heroine and impressed him with her strength. Reyna's looks prevailed over Thragg's in Jason's case, giving him golden eyes and golden hair.
The circumstances of Jason's birth actually made Thragg a little nervous, unsure if his wife's great strength would allow for their continued survival.
Little did Thragg know that his choice of wife combined with his already buffed Viltrumite strength would give Jason an edge over most enemies.
Throughout Jason's early days, Reyna and Thragg would swap taking care of him. Reyna saw it as bonding between father and son. She was right, of course...
Unfortunately, like the mainline universe, Life has a way of making tragedy happen to the main character no matter what. Turns out Reyna's mutation was rebelling against her body, with symptoms reminding Thragg of the Scourge Virus.
She made him swear to raise Jason to be kind, to fight for his home, because the baton is passed to him now.
Having also become a Guardian of the Globe, Jason grew up with the other guardians being a sort of fictive aunts and uncles. So he wasn't without love or care, just that Thragg tried his best to put walls between him and his son so he couldn't feel too much.
But Thragg had to become both Mother and Father to his son, and this is where he begins to change.
So, Jason was raised by Thragg, which made him put aside a lot of his feelings to accomplish his goals. He also inherited his mother's hotbloodedness and some optimism from her too. It borders on being naive, which is what kills Thragg the most.
Jason's also kind of a fighter, having a scrappy style that's dirtier than most. He tends to get snappy with Rex and butts heads with Robot because he hates how logical he is.
He may be the smartest thing in the room, but Jason doesn't like the ideas Robot has. While they're right, he leans more towards his father's stories of conquerors and how they ended horribly.
He was encouraged to be part of the Teen Team as a way to get friends 'like him' that way he wouldn't feel alone... but he's oil and water with the guys.
Eventually, Rex and him get along.
But he's nice to Eve and Kate (and Amanda eventually.). Even with the Teen Team and going to school, Jason's still pretty lonely. His first power was super strength, then flight, then durability.
He's a very solemn kid sometimes. Even though the Guardians and his Dad are around, he feels like he's out of place. Unanchored, like any minute he's going to drift away.
Thragg did his best to raise his son as humanly as possible, but there's always this secretiveness between them. But he always seems to know if his son's in trouble.
Also imagine Thragg being involved in the parent's side of things when Jason was in Elementary School. Gossiping with the moms and chatting with the dads, because he sees it as coming across as more human.
Jason does okay in school, his father tried to push him to be in more programs and expand his horizons. Jason's pretty good at writing stories and really wanted to become a comic book writer so his dad's stories could somehow be kept up with.
In most encounters, Jason covers up his fear with confidence and is a little quippy. Until the absolute SLAUGHTER that is his father's 'education'.
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Jason gets traumatized, Thragg flies away, after saying... "When you get stronger, come find me, son."
Not even an apology, not even a sort of way to put a bandaid on a bullet wound, just another goal. (Thragg's breaking too, which is why he leaves. he loves his son, and would do anything to not give him the same fate as his brethren, but here it is.)
Needless to say after the beatdown, Jason's angry. His anger is turned on any villains he encounters. Cecil's trying to rein him in but how can you calm a kid who lost the only parent he has?
The fact that Immortal lashes out at him is even tougher. He has no one, but he still helps. Why?
Because it makes him happy to see people live their lives, to just be. So Cecil uses that for structure, gives the kid some kind of peace. All he has to do is work for him.
Surprisingly, Allen and Jason get along famously. Two sorta himbos who just wanna life their lives and well, make silly mistakes sometimes get along.
He's extremely self-sacrificial, and refuses to be selfish, it doesn't contribute to his own code of survival. Sends him clashing against Viltrumite Prince Mark.
The Suit.
Art made Jason a suit, and instead of being similar to his father's, Jason got a cool yellow and blue suit with a bright blue cape and boots, but no pads. So it's similar to Mark's Blue and Black suit. Jason doesn't have the goggles because they'd break anyway.
Later on, the cape goes away and becomes the kilt-like form that Thragg has. This comes in Post Season-2, when Jason's more alone than ever and it's more of a comfort move for him.
I honestly have no idea. I like him and Eve, but at the same time it'd take a little longer than Mark and Eve in canon, mostly because our boy is a little more closed off than Mark is. So yeah, if I ever get a solid way of putting them together, I will. Same counts for anybody else.
If any of you have ideas, please feel free to share them!
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larathefox · 6 months
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I love red x blue ships
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starcrossedspirit · 1 month
Tagged by: @cloudofbutterflies92 ! Thank you so much once again for tagging me!! Today I share some Nolan and Briar, because I am feeling entirely too sappy today.
With a soft intake of air Nolan caught chestnut hair between his fingers, the smell of roses filling his lungs as he closed his eyes to savor her closeness in the depth of one final hug. He hated it, hated every second of it, but he knew it would have come to this in the end. Fingers floated upward and touched his cheek. They were soft, tender even, against the roughness of his skin and with his own hand he kept the feeling there. Off in the distance the Aether rift glimmered like a sick putrid thing, high above them hanging like death. But if he had closed his eyes to the darkness around them it might almost have felt like heaven. “You’ll be fine,” he muttered, his tone tough but reassuring as he bit back at his own fear of letting her go. “Just get on the helicopter and get out of here.” Honey brown eyes glittered with tears as they flitted up towards his blue ones. Pink lips parted for words that didn’t come out, instead only a soft shake of her head replaced the silence as she couldn’t bear to say any words. She refused to accept this as her final time with him, this couldn’t be the last time. Instead the sound of men shouting from above urging for the two to hurry filled the air. They had little time, you see, as the mansion was starting to crumble from the final attack, all that had remained was the landing pad. “You’ll be fine, Briar, I promise. Now go, before it’s too late.” He said then as he urged her closer to the rope, the carbine fastened to her waist in the matter of seconds. “It’s not me that I’m worried about, it never has been.” she said with a cry, cheeks streaked with warm tears. She was tender for a world that lacked it, perhaps even too soft, but that’s what he loved about her. There was no other words to be had and instead he lent down and placed his lips to hers, Briar kissing back just as fervently as they met. He moved her hand to his chest and held it tightly as he kissed her with a certain unwavering love. In the matter of seconds it was over, it only left more longing for more time. “Don’t worry about me, I will find you. Now go, you have to, for me.” Tugging the rope at his hand she was pulled upward onto the awaiting helicopter. Within seconds it was cleared to go and far below Nolan watched as it disappeared into the great gray sky, the sound of the wind settling around him. He was left with his thoughts and a gun, it was time to finish what had been started. But still his eyes watched the sky, perhaps a moment of want to see her return to him. And just like that she was gone and all Nolan could do was watch the helicopter go, his heart going with it.
Tagging: @silk-ears, and whoever else wants to be tagged!! dm/message me if it’s ok to do that in the future as i am just starting out a list !! :3
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countrymusiclover · 2 years
His Golden Princess
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Astrid is the sister of Emma Swan making them both the daughters of Snow White and Prince Charming. The sisters entered Storybooke on separate paths. Emma towards the Light and Astrid to Darkness. Astrid let's her mind wander down the path of confusing visions leading her to meet Mr. Gold/Rumplestiltskin. Piecing together what her nephew Henry says may all be true. But will she be able to resist the darkness drawing her feelings to the pawnshop owner.
1 - Dreaming like a Child
2 - Gut Feeling About Him
3 - Knows How to Win
4 - Henry's Theory About Fate
5 - Dagger Quest
6 - Apple's are Code Red
7 - Magic is Real
8 - Finally Have Parents
9 - ‘Emotion’ Magic Lesson One
10 - Nightmares of Burns
11 - Sleeping Curse Club
12 - Swan VS Pirate
13 - We're Discovered
14 - You're in My Realm
15 - Son of Rumplestiltskin/Henry's Father
16 - Hook to the Heart
17 - Near Dying Love
18 - Prince's Permission
19 - A Dangerous Dimond
20 - I'm Peter, Peter Pan
21 - Not You're Darling Pan
22 - Arrow Prophecy
23 - Beliefs Heart
24 - A Child's Curse
25 - Storybrooke Isn’t HIs Kingdom
26 - Princess Astrid Charming
27 - He's Not Dead
28 - Fight The Green Witch
29 - He's My Life
30 - Time Traveling Heart
31 - You’ve Earned Her Hand
32 - A Fairytale Come True
33 - Mr and Mrs. Gold
34 - An Ice Wall
35 - Past Comes Calling
36 - Am I Going Crazy Again
37 - Mirror of Darkness
38 - The Worst Versions of Ourselves
39 - To Saving My Husband
40 - Dark Princess
41 - You're the Dark One
42 - What to Fight for
43 - The Price of a Yellow Flower
44 - Love is the most powerful magic of all
Tag list - just ask to be added
@fanficismydrug @misskitty1912-blog @alanaangie24 @lover-of-books-and-tea
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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ellie-andthemachine · 9 months
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The Rookie: Echoes of the Past - Chapter Three
Synopsis: From oldest rookie to T.O., John Nolan takes on training the newest rookie, Officer Ellie Moore. In her first 6 months on the force, an unresolved case catches up to her, putting her survival to the ultimate test. A tale of mentorship, resilience, and facing one's demons head-on.
Read Chapter One & Chapter Two! Check out the Spotify Playlist - The Rookie: Echoes of the Past.
         “I want answers and I want them now.”
Ellie's gaze remained fixed on the passing scenery beyond the passenger window, her demeanor revealing no sign that she had registered Nolan's words.
"Officer Moore," John began, his voice cutting through the uneasy silence.
"I heard you the first time," she responded, her tone hushed but firm. "I'm in shock, not comatose."
"May I remind you of the gravity of what just unfolded in front of our fellow officers, including Bailey and myself."
"Yes, and I'll provide you with the answers you're seeking. Just... give me a moment," Ellie's voice quavered, her struggle to contain her emotions evident.
Nolan picked up on the tremor in her voice, his mind recalling Bailey's earlier caution. "I'm sorry. Take all the time you need."
A heavy sigh escaped Ellie's lips. "I've spent so many years burying this. How much have you looked into my personnel file?"
"It seems not nearly deep enough."
"Those children—Laura and Patrick's kids—they will never experience a normal life again. Destined to be placed with another family member, probably an aunt. Laura, if she avoids arrest, will secure her settlement. What she sees as her blood money," Ellie paused, struggling to rein in her anger. "And my younger brother and I? We were those children."
She turned to face Nolan, tears tracing a path down her cheeks. "At the age of thirteen, I witnessed my father's suicide. My parents' marriage was a constant battleground, marred by infidelity on my father's part. My stepmother harbored a deep resentment toward him, a desire for his demise without incurring the consequences of a murder charge. She believed that regardless of how he died, she'd receive the life insurance payout. It turned out that no one had clarified to her that suicide nullifies such claims," a tearful, ironic chuckle escaped her.
"I'm so sorry," Nolan murmured, his voice subdued, his own shock palpable.
"My stepmother harbored an intense hatred for us. I did my best to shield my brother from the worst of it – endured the beatings, absorbed the verbal onslaught. I arranged for my brother to live with our father's sister, all in the hope that he might escape that toxic environment. And yet, despite my efforts, he spiraled into a life of drug dealing and addiction. He's currently incarcerated in an Ohio prison, convicted of possession and murder."
"Ellie, you cannot bear the weight of his choices. You understand this, don't you?"
"Do I, though? Could I have altered the course he took by continuing to shield him? I stayed behind, and look where I am now. I sent him away, and it feels like I've shattered his life," Ellie wiped her tear-streaked face. "I have to accept that."
"No, you don't. It never was and never will be your responsibility," John's voice was resolute. "Where is your stepmother these days?"
"I'm not sure. Maybe still in Ohio? Hopefully rotting in hell. I left when I graduated."
A brief silence enveloped them.
"I ended up being the confidential informant in my brother's case," Ellie revealed, her words weighed down by a mix of emotions. "I, uh, was approached by a narcotics team back in Ohio. They connected me to my brother and sought my assistance in taking him down. It wasn't a path I wanted to tread, but considering the decision I'd made to become a police officer, well, I felt compelled. So, I met up with my brother. To my astonishment, he had become a leader of a gang. They were involved in drug trafficking and even carried out contract killings.”
"Let me take a guess – things didn't exactly unfold as planned?"
"You've got it. I was wired up, and everything seemed to proceed without a hitch. Turns out, I miscalculated, and they saw right through my cover. Their contracted victim was neutralized, and I took a hit myself – though the bulletproof vest came through, but not without a few broken ribs and nose, courtesy of the other members," she shrugged nonchalantly, a wistful irony in her tone. "In the end, I turned on my own brother and his crew. They were apprehended. Some have served their time and been released, while the rest remain behind bars."
"So, that's the sum of my fucked up history. If only I could have buried it all deep down, maybe Patrick wouldn't be dead. He might never have had the chance to pull that trigger."
"What transpired in that house is not your weight to bear, Ellie. I assure you, if it hadn't been today, it would have happened another. Laura was driven by a purpose, and she executed it. Now, our focus is to ensure Patrick faces the justice he deserves," Nolan affirmed, his arm resting comfortingly on Ellie's shoulder.
"Please, don't let this revelation alter your perception of me. I've kept this locked away, and I mean absolutely no one knows. Usually, it doesn't weigh on me this heavily, but lately, with the sleepless nights and the anniversary of it all... I couldn't take time off to cope, given my rookie status. I apologize for being preoccupied and for not..."
Ellie paused, collecting her thoughts. "I promise it won't become a recurring issue. You won't be let down, I swear."
"I understand. Ellie, it's alright. Thank you for sharing this with me."
A nod from Ellie, and she suggested, "Maybe we should return to the station and get our reports in order for this case."
John agreed, his tone steady. "7-Adam-15, show us returning to the station.”
“7-Adam-15 copy.”
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Aaron and Lucy had returned to the station, immersing themselves in the files pertaining to Victor Martin and Anton Yelkavich, looking for any clues that might help their case.
"Sureno 13, renowned for drug cartel involvements and murder-for-hire operations. Though it seems the emphasis has been more on narcotics than actual killings," Aaron commented as he perused the documents before him.
“Not now, anyways. It's turned into a bit of a free-for-all since Yelkavich's demise," Lucy chimed in, her eyes focused on Anton's profile. "According to this, Ellie made the arrest. Pulled him over for speeding, then discovered drugs in the backseat, somewhat concealed. Once he realized she had seen the stash, he brandished a gun at her and Nolan."
"...and let me guess, once he realized he was caught, he tried to strike a deal. Offering up the ringleader and other gang members in exchange for his own freedom."
"Bingo. It would be wise to touch base with Moore and Nolan on this. They might be able to provide insights that the file doesn't have."
"I'm on board with that," Aaron nodded in agreement. "I'll give Ellie a call and see if they're available for a chat."
"No need for that," Lopez interjected as he entered the bullpen. "By the way, any clue about who's in with Grey?"
"Officer Hernandez. She mentioned having some bodycam footage to discuss with him," Aaron replied with a casual shrug.
"Hey, everyone," Nolan greeted, walking in alongside Ellie. "Ah, I see Officer Hernandez is already here. I'll head to Grey's office," he glanced at Ellie, a hint of concern in his eyes. "You should dive into the report. Time is of the essence, especially if Laura follows through on her threat."
Ellie nodded, watching Nolan's departure toward Grey's office.
"Hey, are you alright? What happened?" Lucy inquired, her tone laced with genuine worry for her friend.
"I, uh, had a confrontation with the victim's wife. Apparently, she's got connections in high places, and I just earned a spot on her hit list. Officer Hernandez kindly offered her bodycam footage as potential evidence for my defense, just in case things escalate," Ellie explained, taking a seat with a file before her and commencing her report.
"What the heck happened? What was the altercation about?"
“Murder by suicide. The couple had a prenuptial agreement that stipulated she'd receive nothing in the event of a divorce. But here's the kicker: there's a clause that grants her everything if he were to pass away. Money, assets, the whole deal. She managed to deceive him into believing she was not only seeking a divorce but also sole custody of their two children. And with her influential connections, he felt trapped, convinced he had no way out. The thought of losing his kids drove him to the point where he took his own life," Ellie explained, her voice holding a mix of sadness and frustration. "It was instant. Laura, his wife, or now, widower, approached me while I was outside their residence, alone. She started confessing, revealing all the details. I thought my bodycam was recording, but it seems it somehow got turned off in the midst of trying to de-escalate the situation. So, I'm facing two major strikes against me now. At this juncture, Nolan might decide to blue-page me and suspend me."
"Nolan won't make that call. If he was planning to, you'd be gathering your things already," Lopez assured her, radiating confidence.
"She's got a point," Aaron chimed in, his agreement unwavering.
"Thank you both, but even if Nolan doesn't, I can already see Grey considering it. We'll have to wait and see," Ellie concluded, her tone tinged with uncertainty.
While Ellie diligently composed her report, the remaining trio exchanged uncertain glances, unsure of how to proceed. They recognized the urgency of discussing the case with both Ellie and Nolan, yet they realized Ellie had to complete her report before they could delve into the matter.
Out of the corner of her eye, Lucy observed John emerging from Sergeant Grey's office. Swiftly, she exited the room and approached him.
“Please tell me you guys aren't planning to cut Ellie from the program."
"Ellie is not being cut," Nolan assured, his attention fixed on his rookie stationed in the bullpen. "I'm guessing she confided in you about what transpired?"
"Yeah, she seems to think either you or Grey might decide to pull her."
"Rest assured, we're not doing that. It could've gone worse, and Grey will definitely have a talk with her, but she's staying put."
“Good. On another note, I need to discuss something with you."
Nolan cringed. "Why does that sound bad?"
"It's regarding the case we got earlier today. It has connections to both you and Ellie."
"How so?"
"Ellie's name is on the arrest record. Does the name Anton Yelkavich ring any bells?"
Nolan took a moment to ponder. "He was pulled over for speeding, had drugs in the car, pulled a gun on us, and then offered to cooperate by giving up his gang's leader and other members, right?"
"That's the one," Lucy confirmed.
"Anton Yelkavich was murdered. Our alarm call turned into a homicide. We need to sit down with you and Ellie to discuss the details of the arrest and everything that followed."
"Of course. Can we do this after Ellie finishes her report? I just need to get everything squared away with Grey before Laura carries out her threats."
"Absolutely. In fact, let's sit down and chat while Ellie wraps up. I'll inform the rest of the team. Meet me at Lopez's desk," Lucy suggested, leading the way toward the bullpen.
Nolan gave a nod and made his way to the detective's area, positioning himself to await Lucy's arrival.
"Hey everyone, I'm going to have a chat with Nolan about the case while Ellie wraps up her report."
"I'll come with you," Angela promptly responded, turning to Aaron. "You good to hold the fort here?"
"We'll manage just fine, go ahead."
"Ellie, give us a shout when you're done with the report. No pressure, take your time," Angela assured.
"Thanks, Angela."
"No worries."
Angela and Lucy approached her desk, where they found Nolan engaged in studying a picture of Jack.
"He's growing so fast."
"You can say that again," Angela replied with an affectionate smile. "Lucy told you about the case?"
"Just that you guys had some questions," Nolan answered, his attention shifting between the two. "How can we assist?"
"Could you share if anything unusual occurred during your traffic stop and subsequent arrest of Yelkavich?"
"Not much beyond him pulling a gun on us. Ellie managed to disarm and cuff him quickly," Nolan replied, pondering if there was anything noteworthy he might be overlooking. "By the time we got back to the station for booking, he was already offering intel on his gang."
"That brings us to Sureno 13. The gang's leader is Victor Martin," Lopez chimed in, projecting Martin's mugshot onto the screen. "He had previous convictions, drug-related offenses. Served time in Ohio for a deal before possibly moving here."
Nolan felt the blood drain from his face.
"Hey, are you alright?" Lucy inquired, her hand gently resting on Nolan's shoulder. "You look like you've seen a ghost."
Nolan turned his gaze to the bullpen, where Ellie was immersed in her report detailing their recent encounter.
He looked back at Lucy. "I think our case just got a lot more personal. Which facility was Martin incarcerated in?"
"Uh, it says London Correctional. What's going on?" Angela inquired, her concern evident. "Fill me in."
Nolan sighed, grappling with his thoughts. "This isn't my story to share. Excuse me for a moment, I need to talk to my rookie," he declared, rising from Lopez's chair and making his way toward the bustling bullpen.
"Moore," his voice carried a firm urgency as he called out. "We need to talk."
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Alright, lemme hear your thoughts! I LOVE feedback!
I'm going to try and finish/upload chapter four this evening!
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toasttt11 · 2 months
phoenix nicholas zegras
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summary: the oldest zegras sibling, a defenseman for the flyers and trying not to fall in love with his little brothers best friend
phoenix zegras
introducing phoenix
phoenix x jamie
favorites and facts
phoenix’s style
tell me
new roommate
jamie’s boyfriend
best friend
road trips
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unclekaz · 6 months
i genuinely love writing nolan x springtrap because it's all from nolan's pov which means he can literally be sitting here like The tasteful thickness of the atmosphere grazed your lips. You couldn't bear another moment of this. How could you manage to keep composure during a fight yet pillow talk wears you out worse than torture? The implications made you nauseous to consider. and then we immediately cut from nolan's dialogue and inner dialogue to springtrap looking at nolan like
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elejahfanfic · 1 year
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amelia x oliver_
ft. Nolan
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snowbellsquiver · 1 year
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Modern non curse AU: Emma Ruth Nolan & Eva Margaret Blanchard are identical twins who were strangers to one another until happenstance unites them at very same summer camp in which their divorced parents met at years earlier. The preteen girls' parents, David and Mary each took one child when they separated. Neither have spoken sense.
Uncovering the truth of their lineage is only the beginning. Over the course of the summer they discover just how thier parents fell in love when they unearth a secret treasure trove hang out in the woods that seemingly belonged to their mother. Amongst the treasured remains, notably a bow quiver and fencing sword, they find a crafted story book titled Once Upon A Time. Convinced their parents are each others true loves the girls engineer an identity swap, giving both the chance to spend time with the parent they've missed while they work on uncovering just why their parents who were seemingly perfect for one another split and chose to separate them.
If the scheme works, it might just make the family whole again.
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