#never change splatoon fandom
luminisvii · 10 months
with how the splat 3 fanbase is acting about splatfests, you'd think there's something real and tangible on the line and not like, superficial bragging rights and a few extra snails. idk why people are sitting here and getting angry at shiver as if she's a real person who has any actual will to do anything and not just pixels on a screen, especially when there are legitimate issues with how splatfests are designed and run in splat3, and that's the devs and nintendo's fault, not shiver. she's not real and she can't do anything to you. and i've seen way more complaining about the concept of "toxic shiver stans who always pick shiver and ruin it for everyone" than i have any actual evidence that these kind of people exist on a mass scale. it really feels like that kind of person is a guy that the fanbase made up to be mad at every time they lose. i agree that there are huge problems with splat 3 but the moment someone lays the blame on shiver they throw all credibility out the window. it's not shiver, there's no evil cult of shiver stans manipulating the splatfests, and don't get me started on how people are talking about the asian playerbase with these splatfests.
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atangledupmess · 1 year
okay, ngl, im actually kinda scared for the new dlc-
i mean, dont get me wrong im SUPER excited, but, and idk if its just my little autistic brain, but im abit scared, scared about the types of changes itll bring and idk if im ready for those changes yet ;w;
i mean, what if those changes will require to change the lore ive made for my ocs cuz i cant stand going too off script? or what if the fandom becomes an even MORE angst fest? IM NOT READY FOR THAT YET!!!!! -🍓
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Autism Rizz Tournament
Rizz: Originally short for "Charisma", Rizz (for this tournament, at least) refers to the appeal, charm or general "ability to pull" a character has, either romantically and/or sexually. (The character doesn't necessarily need to be attracted to anyone to have rizz. If they can make others fall for them, it counts)
How to vote
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Simon Petrikov (Adventure Time/ Adventure Time: Fionna and cake)
Bro gets super hyperfixated on his studies of magical artifacts , with a scene where he's infodumping about something he's reading about and paying zero attention to anything else in a fun lighthearted manner. There's also a scene in fionna and cake where he has a meltdown that looks to my autism ass like something of a sensory overload. He also is big into reading (did I mention that?) and goes on little autism walks alone to process stuff He's also got a crazy magic girlfriend chasing him because of his rizz, along with his literal doppelganger alt universe clone hitting on him. His fluffy hair, cute little glasses and snazzy sense of dress lead to even more rizz.
Marina (Splatoon)
While not canonically autistic, she does have a lot of autistic traits--she's rarely seen without her headphones (to the point where her ears aren't modeled in game), her tentacles constantly moving could be seen as stimming, and she has a very strong interest in machinery, to name a few. Marina also has a crush on her bandmate, Pearl. While it is never directly stated in-game, supplementary material basically confirms it. The Japanese version of the Splatoon database has described her as a "maiden in love," with the specific words used being in romantic contexts. Along with that, she has drawn a manga about Pearl, drawing flowers and hearts around her, and generally acts affectionate towards her in-game. It is unknown if Pearl reciprocates canonically, but she does have a very close relationship with Marina. She reciprocates Marina's hug at the end of Octo Expansion, and she is seen to be quite worried about her in the second trailer for Side Order. Pearl x Marina is a very popular ship in the fandom for these reasons.
she wears headphones near-constantly, is obsessed with heavy machinery, and is skilled in multiple forms of art (music, shoujo manga-style visual art, and stage design). she also notably chose team Order in the Chaos vs Order splatfest, and her dialogue in the announcement suggests she's resistant to change (though it could also just be interpreted as her being gay for her co-host)
this was a partly 'for fun'-type headcanon i quietly held for a while that i think was kinda niche at the time (though it is entirely possible i just wasn't in the right corners of the fandom) but then side order released and brought with it a ton of new reinforcement. to get the question of her rizz out of the way, people were so consistently horny for her while splatoon 2's splatfests were ongoing that it actually caused drama because her team typically had the popular vote and people chalked that up to participants voting based on their favorite hosts' opinion rather than their own. whether that's true or not is hard to prove, but the fact that it was plausible illustrates my point, and her popularity was even referenced in-game at one point. there's also MAJOR subtext that she and her bandmate pearl (who reads as adhd to me) are dating. now for the fun part, listed in no particular order but will probably trend towards sillier argumentation as it goes on. (includes some mild side order spoilers) the "final" splatfest of splatoon 2 was chaos versus order, and marina's reasoning for picking order implies a resistance to change. this is reinforced in side order, in which she has to reconcile her inner desire to live in a consistent world with the fact that she knows forcing other people to conform for the sake of that is immoral when a rogue ai hijacks her virtual-reality program. - she shows signs of having social anxiety in a lot of dialogue, and it even arguably extends into her visual design because of her consistently pouty eyebrows. - at one point a childhood friend of hers mentions a time she infodumped to nobody in particular about excavators for 2 hours straight, and then pearl says she regularly goes on for longer now. - she has skill in a ridiculous amount of art forms: music, stage design (for splatfest battles, not music performance), shoujo manga-style visual art, and even programming, game design, and 3d modeling. -the logo of the virtual-reality program she designed is an infinity symbol, which also shows up in a few other places throughout it. - always seen wearing headphones, outside of specific promo art and images from her military backstory.
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bigblueoctoling · 29 days
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It really irks me whenever I see people who call Side Order's story mediocre.
Like, as I've discussed, there are things I dislike about it, but I feel like on a character level it's so much deeper than anything we've gotten out of Splatoon so far, to the point where I can't help but think you're dense if you think the story of side order is just "you defeat the big evil robot and win the game".
I went down this road of thought because I was thinking about Marina as representation of an autistic person, and how shockingly well it was handled, and furthermore, how relevant it is to the story.
For one, the things that set her apart as an autistic person don't make her out as an outcast, they are celebrated, Pearl seems to actively cherish them, even when she's not able to fully match her level of intellect.
But on top of that, the game is very intimately about exploring Marina's psyche, and confronts her struggles with relating to others without making her out to be asocial because of it.
Most relevantly, the core focus of Side Order is about Marina's subconscious fear of change, something very relatable as an autistic person- that, despite how obvious it might seem to do in retrospect, it was a difficult leap to make, as someone born into a bad situation. It's such a nuanced moral and it says so much about Marina, an obviously autistic character, in such a positive and uplifting way...
Like, not only is Marina the best autistic representation Nintendo has done, I genuinely feel like Marina is the best written autistic character I've ever seen. I know people within the splatoon fandom never stop talking about Marina and Pearl but I feel like outside of the context of splatoon that fact isn't talked about enough.
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larkle00 · 4 months
i love you, splatoon fandom, for seeing an ambiguous sillhouette on a piece of promo artwork and going absolutely batshit crazy in only a way that people invested in a game series featuring gems such as "the sunglasses that turn you evil" and "the fax machine that tried to start a race war" can. never change.
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calimelontea · 1 year
the octotrio with an inkling!reader
❥❥am I splicing my current hyperfixation into a completely unrelated fandom bc the fresh season just recently dropped?? Yes. Is it going to be kinda awkward bc this is my very first fic on this page??? Also yes 👍But man is it gonna be fun to write, so I hope you guys will have just as much fun reading!
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❥ the reader falls into this twisted wonderland unannounced and unprepared, but much to the student body's surprise, this new transfer student was... A squid? A kid?? It was anyone's guess, but for now it was decided that you would reside in Octainvinelle, seeing as you were a cephalopod of some sort. How do you fair in the ranks of the fish mafia?
Category- Fluff ☀
Content- semi platonic, Azul Jade and Floyd, you are an inkling from Splatoon
Azul Ashengrotto
➼When you had first arrived at the dorm's doorstep, he couldn't deny his interest was piqued! Not only was he interested in seeing that squids had evolved their own little subspecies, but he also saw this as the perfect opportunity for profit!
➼A creature that can continuously produce different colored inks?? He's practically seeing dollar signs...
➼No doubt he'll probably ask for a little share of what's in your ink tank, and in return he'll provide you protection and some benefits in the lounge, (albeit some very miniscule ones. Can't lose too much profit, now can we?).
➼But nevertheless, it couldn't be denied that your presence in the lounge had certainly brightened the atmosphere. Now not only can one make shady business deals, but they also get to watch this strange little squid creature run around and obsess over anything it deems "fresh".
➼Eventually though he would begin to warm up to you and see you as a bit more than a walking money bag, especially after the overblot incident. You offered him a helping hand and a friendly smile, even when he was hardly deserving of forgiveness, and he will always be grateful for that (though he will never admit that a loud).
➼He's always sure to keep watch over you, whether it be him in person or the twins, and if someone dares to cause you any trouble... Whew boy, they better hope they can handle a good squeeze.
➼Anytime there's something you want to show him, you'd better believe he's dropping what he's doing to look (within reason ofc), and if you manage to bring him something of extra value, he's sure to praise you and treat you to something from the lounge's menu.
➼Most of your time together is just you dragging him along to look for something fun to do, and although a lot of times he would rather be back at the lounge counting up earnings or advertising new business opportunities, he just can't say no to that face...
➼Overall he'll likely be your safest bet as long as you're willing to sacrifice some ink and maybe your free will 👍
Floyd Leech
➼When you first arrived, he just thought you were the silliest lil creature! It didn't matter to him if you were human or squid, he just wanted to squeeze you and play with you.
➼And squeeze you he will, you better be watching your back all times of the day bc this man can and will ambush you with the most bone-crushing hug in existence. You don't even have bones and yet you feel the structure of your very being squashed like a water balloon.
➼He takes a liking to you almost immediately out the gate, assigning you the nickname "squidling" since he already nicknamed someone else "squid", and you change colors way too often to assign a colored type of squid.
➼Instead of you dragging him around, now it's his turn to drag you. Will literally snatch you from wherever you are, whether it be your dorm room or even class, and run off to wherever sounds the most fun in the moment. (R.I.P Grim, you're on your own)
➼Literally has 0 idea what you're saying (inklings speak a special kind of language), but will absolutely pretend to know what you mean. Will have an entire full blown conversation with you even if, with context, the conversation doesn't make any sense whatsoever.
➼Likely will go out of his way to get something for you if he believes it's something you'd find "fresh". Mans is gonna come to your dorm with like 20 shiny rocks, some shirts and a thingamabob or two and you're keeping ALL of them.
➼Can and will try to make you swim somehow due to your squid features. It will not go well.
➼You're probably one of the very few people that can pull him out of his bad moods without bribery or blackmail. Legit just start talking to him about anything random and he'll give you one of those legit scary smiles and squeezes onto you like you've just given him the best news of his life.
➼He's a pretty alright option if you don't mind being a caprisun under a hydraulic press. Just... Stay alert.
Jade Leech
➼Mans is literally scary, why would you pick him???? /j Much like Azul, he's very curious about you when you first arrive in Octainvinelle, but instead of profiting purposes, he more or less wants to study you.
➼He's very curious about what it is that makes you tick. How did squids evolve to produce a specimen like you? Are there more of you? And if so, have your species formed an intricate society? Where does your language originate? Do you have a similar intestinal structure to humans or merfolk???
➼Bro has probably thought about dissecting you at least 40 times and counting, but because it's heavily frowned upon in a school setting, he's decided against poking around in a squid-kid cadaver. For now...
���Until then though, he ensures he's as hospitable as he possibly can be, while also leaving some room for learning about your unique culture.
➼This means he will likely be one of the very few students to start picking up on your language, as well as understanding your behaviors/mannerisms.
➼It was during these studies of his that you two developed a sort of trade system. You would bring him some wild mushrooms or any plants that look interesting, and in return he will buy you something "fresh" from Sam's shop, with a reasonable price tag ofc.
➼And due to this mutually beneficial system, it didn't take long for the two of you to become good friends. It wouldn't be very often you would see this tall eel man without his tiny squid companion, especially when it comes to his mushroom garden. Congrats, you have entry to the sporehouse 👍
➼This also means you two get to share your special interests with one another. You get to spend time with him creating mini terrariums and growing shrooms, and in return you can teach him how to play turf war (the second he gets the hang of it you will constantly get your ass beat).
➼He's a pretty sound option over time, but you should NEVER be alone with this man with lab equipment. Never trust a man who enjoys clam blitz.
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sh4tt3rg1rl · 4 months
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Hey, Scarlet Sparks from the Squid Research Lab here! I'm here to tell all you inkfish about "The Best-Worst Salmon Run Team"- also known as the Bar Team! These frantic fish are here to save the day from... drunk fish? Bar customers? Whatever it may be- they're here and they're going to make their names clear!
Mix is a nervous, overworked mixologist from back in Inkopolis Square... though he never seems to be able to get back home! On the clock and in uniform 24/7, this clammy, unconfident Octoling is always ready to fight! He might look unintimidating, but he packs a punch (if you're a salmon, that is), and works so much he might as well be C-Egg-O more than Mr. Grizz himself! Don't be fooled, though- this bartender might be a Salmon Run enthusiast, but he couldn't win a round of Anarchy to save his beak, and is still in C-. His favorite weapon: the Snipewriter, to make up for his shaky hands.
Drunkie is a drink enthusiast, and always has a Tacticooler on hand. Being Mix's best customer back home, he's picked up a few things about being an Eggsecutive. Currently swimming at a solid A- in Anarchy and a Profreshional +1 in Salmon Run, this silly cephalopod is a jack of all trades, master of none. His favorite weapon: the Tri-Slosher Nouveau, for its fizzy bombs and fizzy drinks!
Kopi is a spunky, spiky cephalopod ready to fight and win! Frenemies with Mix and Drunkie, she's the one most often starting the fabled bar fights Mix has to stop. Not to mention, she's a mechanical scientist, and was able to find out a way to place two of her tentacles on her back... and somehow get past Turf-War security every time. A quick, mobile fighter, she stands at an X +1300 in Anarchy and an Overachiever in Salmon Run. Her favorite weapon: The good old, classic Hydra Splatling, to whir up and splat a whole team in the blink of an eye!
Kumo is a friendly fellow with a spring in his step and a welcoming air! Good friends with all three of the other team members, this defender is always ready to do anything for his team with his trusty roller, no matter the cost! He'll always take time to have a drink or two with the rest of them, and somehow hold the arguing group together with it. He's pretty good in Splat Zones and Turf War, and is a force to be reckoned with in Salmon Run! He swims at an A in Anarchy and a Profreshional +3 in Salmon Run. His favorite weapon: his perfect Splat Roller, for an easy change of playstyle no matter the way the game goes.
That's all for now! I'll be back soon with some more information on some further teams and idols spotted in these lands! Thanks for listening!
OHHH this took a long timeeee,, reblogs VERY appreciated!! /nf
These characters are owned by @mixology-expert (me), @drunk-an0n, @kopi-taocc, and @kumo-taoc and are originally from the fandom TAOCC. This marks the beginning of a new series of me putting the TAOCC cast in Splatoon! Fun, right?? :D
#splataocc is the tag for this!
And the splashtags were made using the splashtag generator!
YAY more is SOON to come!! For now, it's almost time for side order EEEEEE :D Cya!
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coexistentialism · 8 months
I've talked about these things a lot on this blog, so a lot of this might be repeated things I've talked about before, but I've always said that I've described my experiences as "identity hyperfixations", where I latch onto things, even just Words that I find myself really liking, and an "identity" is "created" based around that Thing.
For some examples from my personal experiences!:
A lot of the time, these "identity hyperfixations" involve me latching onto media, particularly whatever current media we may or may not be interested in in the moment.
There's a game called Stray Gods: the Roleplaying Musical (pls play it omg pls-nJFNDSK). We were very attached to that game for a while when it came out and we found out about it. We particularly grew attached to the character Calliope and for about maybe 2 weeks or so? I thought about using the name Calliope at times, and I painted my nails yellow to match the color of her nails in the game. I wanted to dress like her and overall you can see where this is all going lmfao
Or recently where we were very attached to Splatoon (it's our main special interest, but the way we feel, play, and interact with the game and fandom and such online differs per parts!!) and 'I' identified as an octoling and just thought of myself with the name Octo, mostly as a placeholder because I couldn't think of anything better, but I grew to like it lmfao. Ofc I am always interested in Splatoon, but recently I was just much more interested in it and particularly interested in specific aspects and such, even ended up creating another blog, a Splatoon-centered blog that also functions as a sort of vent/DID-related blog (it's @annaki-octo if anyone wants to check it out lol)
You can, again, see where this is going. Incoming long post. Because I can never make a short post lmfao
I should also mention that, in the past, I often wouldn't actually ever use a different name, and I still don't, but I've more recently been doing that for a bit now because we're starting to get used to it and be okay with it and honestly it's been beneficial. But yeah, most of my life, I usually didn't outright actually use any separate names outwardly with people, and didn't even really realize that I was choosing different names for myself in the first place because I thought that I was just creating characters. And if I DID end up outwardly using a different name, it was excused as me choosing a different name because I'm trans or making up a "fake online pseudonym" for "privacy" reasons. It has never been any different to me than creating a character. It's still not.
This is basically EXACTLY what my experience is like, day-to-day/week-to-week/month-to-month.
They never really last long, and a new "identity hyperfixation" quickly follows, while the other one dies out.
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And it usually goes like this, in the image above (it might be hard to read, sorry lol, but I'm describing it anyways so dw):
--- Concepts/ideas/etc. Pop Up Into My Brain:
May be thinking about the idea of using a different name
May be really invested in a new, or "re-new'd" interest (as in: something I liked in the past and I am now interested in it again after a long period of disinterest)
May prefer certain gendered terminology (or no, or different 'gendered' terminology), for example, boyfriend/girlfriend/partner (or something/anything else)
May prefer certain pronouns over others, and/or may struggle to know what kind of pronouns I like
May be thinking about changing our icon to something different than before (on Discord, Tumblr, etc.)
May be thinking about creating a new Tumblr side blog (with or without a ""fake name attached to it, definitely not an alter :)"" spoiler alert: it's usually an alter lmfao)
May or may not think about what it would be like the have a particular physical attribute(?), not sure how to word this lol, like I'll think about how I wished my hair looked a certain way, or sometimes if it's possible, I might actually do something to change my physical appearance somehow, even if it's just wearing a specific clothing piece, but sometimes it can be like with my Calliope example where I paint my nails a particular color, or I actually dye or cut my hair, etc... The possibilities can be endless and can even be much bigger changes, such as alters making the decision to go on HRT.
--- An 'Identity' Begins to 'Solidify'
May have found a name, or a 'placeholder name' to use
May like using a specific icon (on Tumblr, on Discord, etc.) or icons, or may like using icons with a common theme/visual appearance/etc. (such as using icons that feature the color blue a lot, or using icons of a specific character, etc.)
May become much more self-aware and confident in their existence
May or may not have created a new side blog, with or without a particular name attached to that blog
--- An 'Identity' Diminishes; start from the beginning
May no longer care for, or like, the previous name(s) or placeholder(s) names that we may have chosen
May no longer care for, or like, the previous icon(s) we used, the Tumblr blog(s) we may or may not have made, etc.
For as long as I can remember, this has been my experience with DID - or at least, NOW I understand that it's been DID all along.
And the cycle continues.
Nothing really ever "comes back." It's just "new" "identity" after "new" "identity" after "new" "identity" for me, day in and day out, week-to-week, month-to-month.
Not sure how to close off this post, but yeah lmfao
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wooflyyuzen · 2 months
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Holy shit is that hazbin hotel (guys this is anything I swear)
Lil rant under :D
When I was trying to find a way to introduce this new hyper fixation of mine, The social anxiety kicked in, I was so scared to post this post cuz I usually make utdr content only and hazbin hotel never really had the best reviews since it was released, I saw a lot of video criticising the show but then the voices in my head hit me
"wait. This has already been a multi fandom blog from the start! My header is splatoon!"
"this is tumblr, not twitter"
"I'm a UTDR FANATIC! The same undertale with sans in it! The same undertale that made the internet as how it is!"
This honestly brings me back to when I first wanted to post my UTDR Au's and art. Since at that time, the only interaction I've ever had with undertale were the sans fangirls. The soso anxiety had me on choke hold that time lmao.
I was also scared of losing my mutuals But that was a silly thought.So now I'm back where I started actually, this was surprisingly nostalgic.
In the end, nothings really changed. I'll just continue to be a cringe lil guy making cringe stuff about cringe fandoms :3 (thx for readin the lil ramble :D)
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kyuummie · 3 months
(// mentions of wilbur soot , /neg rant )
probably not an awesome idea to rant publicly about it but. i saw moot talk about this and honestly i am really missing the community behind w*lbur/tnt/ccrime like that was where i thrived and i felt safe. which is so bad because i swear to GOD that was on purpose to lure in younger mentally unstable people into one place 😭😭😭 in no means am i saying i would like to go back to being oblivious though , ultimately im growing as a person as a result of this loss …..
to be completely frank ive always seperated c from cc but i think drawing him kind of icks me out a lot more than say, cdream or cschlatt, because i dont really care about either of those ccs. i did care a lot more about cw*lbur than the real one because i was more passionate about the C because. writing is a form of art and im passionate about the art of character development ! (yes i say that even when i had an album of all the pictures i had of him in my photo gallery which totaled to almost 2k until yeah. its bad i know 😭 yes im starting therapy soon) and ctntduo is a big factor because they are the most important out of all to me, i was very intrigued by them because of their dynamics, literally everything is ctnt to me……….. i guess it can become a cdiscduo situation?? but for now im disgusted by even thinking of c!w, i keep saying this but i can only give it time
im slowly moving closer to ctommy and cquackity and other fandoms like splatoon more now though and you will see a lot more of them, it’s embarrassing to dwell on something like this and i can acknowledge this isnt about me but at the same time i can understand why im having such a hard time with this shift in my mindset, and i am genuinely mourning and grieving for a part of me and my identity as an artist that is kind of tainted and basically gone. a lot of media and art is about to become/has become lost to time which is even sadder
all to say if i do eventually draw him again, which im not sure about, designs will be changed, just wont be using tags like “w*lbursootfanart”. dsmp has long been dead and the creators do not profit off of me drawing the characters (which frankly most of the time dont even look like the creators). 99% sure people outside the fandom will never go watch present day ccs because of their c!s and art of it. that’s qsmp’s job
anyways wilbur soot should jump and he WILL be facing karma for his actions 💗 i cant believe men like him have the guts to hurt the most kindhearted people without remorse
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skygummis · 8 months
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First four days of OC-tober! Brief rambling under the cut. I enjoy them lots 💖💞
🐙 Day 1: Tide (she/they) - Tide means a lot to me! They were originally created as a Splatoon OC, and I still use them as such in their Splatoon story!.. but I also really enjoy the human / original iteration of them, since I have freedom to work outside of a fandom scene, if that makes sense. They are happy go-lucky, always trying to see the best in people, even when things are tough. Even after all they've been through. Picking a favorite is never easy but they're currently the gummi OC, so it works. I treasure them, and I'm so glad so many people love them as much as I do.
🐱 Day 2: Sun'sae (he/they) - I recently picked up FFXIV to give it a try, since I do enjoy going through MMO kicks from time to time. I instantly got attached. I enjoy my he/they catguy and he keeps running through my head while I craft his story. Still not hugely developed, but I hope to figure out more!
🎵 Day 3: Piper (they/them) - I have plenty of OCs that are much older (including the OC I drew for day 4), but when I think of old OCs of mine, Piper is just so... iconic. My D&D player character for a good couple years until things fizzled out, their story is... just so wild and fun to me still. A rogue/bard multi-class who casts magic through dance, reckless and started out as that classic "brooding and edgy" character who gradually got softer and softer until traumatic things happened and they started to fall off the deep end. Just a little.
🐇 Day 4: Kaires (she/her) - One of my oldest characters ever, and probably the oldest OC I have that I still think about a lot. As mentioned, she could have gone into the previous category. She's been redesigned a LOT over the past 12 years though-- more than any other OC I've had-- that I felt it was more apt to put her here. She went from being a fandom OC to human, to differently-designed human, to rabbit hybrid, to a wererabbit, design always changing a lot as I went. I really enjoy where her design has landed, and I think this is where she'll be staying.
Questions are welcome if anyone feels inclined! I always love talking about them
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dogtoling · 1 year
Wait so can inklings and octolings canonically change their skin/eye colors at will like real ones? I've seen the community say that a lot but I don't know if it's actually canon or not
This is like a conflicted topic; considering the nature of them being squids it would make sense for them to be able to, but because they're so humanoid it would be REALLY weird. To my knowledge this has never been canonically either confirmed or denied by devs. The reason the fandom is saying it is, is likely because of a passage from one of the very first Splatoon trailers, an overview of the game's mechanics, which pinpoints skin- and eye color customization options and refers that to Inklings being able to change their skin and eye color at will. But considering that we've never seen Inklings change their skin- or eye color in the game or in official art and it hasn't been mentioned or acknowledged at all really, I would say that they CAN'T and that passage was added in to tie in game mechanics to real squid biology and doesn't actually mean it's a thing they can do.
(That being said though, we now have canon Inklings characters with both blue- and grey skin, which are not natural human skin colors. Headcanons aside, it could mean Inklings CAN pick their skin colors freely from literally anything, or it could just more logically mean that their natural range of possible skin colors is way wider than that of humans but it's still something that doesn't change, which makes more sense to me.)
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Marina (Splatoon) - Autism Rizz Tournament Preliminaries
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If you vote yes you must firmly believe in this character's autism AND in the rizz their autism gets them. If you don't want the character in the tournament just vote no
While not canonically autistic, she does have a lot of autistic traits--she's rarely seen without her headphones (to the point where her ears aren't modeled in game), her tentacles constantly moving could be seen as stimming, and she has a very strong interest in machinery, to name a few. Marina also has a crush on her bandmate, Pearl. While it is never directly stated in-game, supplementary material basically confirms it. The Japanese version of the Splatoon database has described her as a "maiden in love," with the specific words used being in romantic contexts. Along with that, she has drawn a manga about Pearl, drawing flowers and hearts around her, and generally acts affectionate towards her in-game. It is unknown if Pearl reciprocates canonically, but she does have a very close relationship with Marina. She reciprocates Marina's hug at the end of Octo Expansion, and she is seen to be quite worried about her in the second trailer for Side Order. Pearl x Marina is a very popular ship in the fandom for these reasons.
she wears headphones near-constantly, is obsessed with heavy machinery, and is skilled in multiple forms of art (music, shoujo manga-style visual art, and stage design). she also notably chose team Order in the Chaos vs Order splatfest, and her dialogue in the announcement suggests she's resistant to change (though it could also just be interpreted as her being gay for her co-host)
this was a partly 'for fun'-type headcanon i quietly held for a while that i think was kinda niche at the time (though it is entirely possible i just wasn't in the right corners of the fandom) but then side order released and brought with it a ton of new reinforcement. to get the question of her rizz out of the way, people were so consistently horny for her while splatoon 2's splatfests were ongoing that it actually caused drama because her team typically had the popular vote and people chalked that up to participants voting based on their favorite hosts' opinion rather than their own. whether that's true or not is hard to prove, but the fact that it was plausible illustrates my point, and her popularity was even referenced in-game at one point. there's also MAJOR subtext that she and her bandmate pearl (who reads as adhd to me) are dating. now for the fun part, listed in no particular order but will probably trend towards sillier argumentation as it goes on. (includes some mild side order spoilers) - the "final" splatfest of splatoon 2 was chaos versus order, and marina's reasoning for picking order implies a resistance to change. this is reinforced in side order, in which she has to reconcile her inner desire to live in a consistent world with the fact that she knows forcing other people to conform for the sake of that is immoral when a rogue ai hijacks her virtual-reality program. - she shows signs of having social anxiety in a lot of dialogue, and it even arguably extends into her visual design because of her consistently pouty eyebrows. - at one point a childhood friend of hers mentions a time she infodumped to nobody in particular about excavators for 2 hours straight, and then pearl says she regularly goes on for longer now. - she has skill in a ridiculous amount of art forms: music, stage design (for splatfest battles, not music performance), shoujo manga-style visual art, and even programming, game design, and 3d modeling. - the logo of the virtual-reality program she designed is an infinity symbol, which also shows up in a few other places throughout it. - always seen wearing headphones, outside of specific promo art and images from her military backstory.
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aquachoni · 4 months
Hey I'm Ikkanic. This is kind of important btw
I changed my username bc shit happened and i never liked that name tbh
Also, i havent been posting much bc ive been with artblock + im taking a break from posting splatoon related art (im still in the fandom but i need a break)
I wasnt expecting to post more than like 2 drawings here so i didn't make like an actual blog, but i want to post again Splatoon art soon but also other fandoms art... can you guys help me with this?
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snickerzanddoodlez · 7 months
Finally Doing one of These!
NAME: SnickerDoodlez / SnickerzandDoodlez / Snickernova Doodlez
Nickname: Any variation of this! Snicky, Snicker, Doodlez, Snickerz, SnickyD…
Main Social: https://youtube.com/@snickerdoodlez9210?si=ZXtyZJl8kPCLS8iB
And as for Tumblr, you’ll see me more on @crown-of-roses-thsc !
She/Her; Straight; Minor
Hobbies/Skills: Drawing, Animating, Coding (learning), Writing
Language: English, American Sign Language (learning)
Neurodivergencies: OCD, ADHD, Major Depressive Disorder, maybe Autistic
Random Facts:
-I’m a theatre kid!
-I love horror / disturbing things, maybe a little too much
-I grew up on the Warriors fandom, and that’s an angsty angsty burden I’ll carry into every fandom I join
-I’m the director of Wordgirl Rewired!
-I’m a Christian, but don’t let that scare you off- I’m just here to have fun & spread positive vibes! *sticks a golden star sticker to your forehead* And I’m a huge horror fan…and fantasy fan….and I draw a lot of gore….Christians stop gatekeeping creativity (impossible? Not clickbait? Don’t try at 3:AM???)
Oh, and Friendly reminder to my fellow Christians that if you’re cursing someone out for doing or believing or BEING something you don’t agree with, you’re literally doing the opposite of what Jesus did….and I think you’ve got a might big plank in your eye that ya need to take out ;)
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The Henry Stickmin Collection
Don’t Starve / Don’t Starve Together
Wings of Fire
Warrior Cats
A Hat in Time
Wild Kratts
UnderTale / UnderTale Yellow
Favorite Movies:
Fantastic Mr. Fox
Live-Action Beauty and the Beast
Princess and The Frog
Secondhand Lions
Lilo and Stitch
Stranger Than Fiction
Into The Woods
Isle of Dogs
The Greatest Showman
Les Miserablés
The Rise of Miss Power
School of Rock
Favorite Musicals:
Phantom of the Opera
Into The Woods
Les Miserablés
Guys and Dolls
Favorite Color:
Favorite Show:
Spy x Family
Gravity Falls
DuckTales 2017
Camp Camp
Bojack Horseman
Parks and Recreation
Favorite Song:
House of Memories (Panic! At the Disco)
As the World Caves In (Matt Maltese)
Please Never Fall in Love Again (Ollie MN)
Karma (AJR)
Red Flags (Tom Cardy)
Lost One’s Weeping (Neru)
Cupid (Jack Stauber)
Goodbye to a World (Porter Robinson)
Sweet Rosalie (American Murder Songs)
No Children (The Mountain Goats)
The Haunted Phonograph (ThouShaltNot)
Puff The Magic Dragon (Peter, Paul & Mary)
The Ballad of Billy The Kid (Billy Joel)
Stranded Lullaby (Miracle Musical)
Business Man (Tom Cardy)
Favorite Song Artist:
The Stupendium
They Might Be Giants
The Mountain Goats
Jack Stauber
Lemon Demon
Evelyn Evelyn
Tally Hall
American Murder Songs
Mother Mother
Kaden McKay
Favorite Book:
Crookedstar’s Promise
School for Good and Evil
Warrior Cats (Arc 1)
The Bunker Diaries
Prisoner of Azkaban
Survivor Dogs
Favorite Food:
French Fries
Favorite Game:
A Hat in Time
The Henry Stickmin Collection
Wolf Quest: Anniversary Addition
Don’t Starve Together
King’s Quest
The Witch’s House
Super Paper Mario
Favorite Animal:
Tasmanian Devils
Kangaroos / Wallabies
Komodo Dragons
(Note: I am not defending any of these characters, and these are not fictional crushes. I just like skrunkly little fictional simps and gravitate towards the characters everyone hates)
Felix White (Henry Stickmin)
Tobey (Wordgirl)
Nuka (The Lion King 2)
Whisper (Survivors)
Spike (My Little Pony)
Spike (Friendship Is Witchcraft)
Minetta (My Hero Acedamia)
Hort (School For Good and Evil)
Sheldon (Splatoon)
Lefou (Beauty and The Beast)
Tammy (Tammy)
Plankton (Spongebob)
Zach (Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt)
One-Eyed Wally (Amphibia)
Emmet (Legally Blonde)
Dr. Hare (Poptropica)
Todd (Bojack Horseman)
Muck (Bob the Builder)
Octavio (Splatoon)
Pokétwo (Discord)
Tom (Parks and Recreation)
Rumplestiltskin (Shrek 4)
Squid (Wings of Fire)
Darkheart (Care Bears II: The Next Generation)
Zach Varmitech (Wild Kratts)
Garry (Ib)
Bartok (Anastasia)
David (Camp Camp)
Varian (Tangled the Series)
Frankie (Spy x Family)
Mayor Humdinger (Paw Patrol: Movies)
Mortimer Freeze (Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course)
Wally Warbles (Cuphead)
The Peas (VeggieTales)
Chameleon (Wings of Fire)
Jax (The Amazing Digital Circus)
Wilson (Don’t Starve)
Mad Dummy (Undertale)
Napstablook (UnderTale)
Toad (Mario)
Flick (Animal Crossing: New Horizons)
Ares (Percy Jackson)
Louie (DuckTales)
Gyro Gearloose (DuckTales)
Sirius Black (Harry Potter)
Hawt Sauce (Chikn Nuggit)
Swiftpaw (Warrior Cats)
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tomiokanotgiyuu · 4 days
hiiiii (´• ω •`)ノ
im gonma try and keep this short
im tomiokanotgiyuu, yes i got the name from him, no im not him or pretending to be him, he just inspired the name (;⌣̀_⌣́)
you can refer to me as tomioka or tomi, my old name used to be pinky but ive never used it on here (//▽//)
if you know me by pinky from somewhere else, and youre having trouble getting used to the change of alias, you can refer to ne as pinky still, its not like a deadname or anything ╮( ̄ω ̄;)╭
but if you dont know me as pinky, id appreciate the use of tomioka or tomi, as im going for a more "adult" appearance and i made pinky in middle school, its like an old edgy handle you used to have
now, enough about my name. what can you expect from my account? (・・ ) ?
uh (¬ ¬ )
dont get your hopes up, probably nothing
occasional art maybe, rambling posts about things i like
oh, i should probably talk about my interests too, uhh
i dont ever really leave fandoms, so theres a whole lot __φ(..;)
MHA, AoT, Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss, Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail, MLP, Splatoon, Terraria, Minecraft, Spy x Family, Pokemon, Demon Slayer
thats a lot of them anyway, if you have like a level 10 nuclear take about anything i like, can you not try and make me mad about it? youre playing a losing game, i really dont get angry
or care¯\_(ツ)_/¯
im also super very normal about most of these things, any critique i wont fight you on, even if i can get obsessive thats just my (probably) adhd (@_@)
unless its splatoon, its perfect and i will not let you tarnish it with your foul words
i think thats it, also that was NOT short so sorry (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
buh bye ─=≡Σ((( つ><)つ
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