croziers-compass · 6 months
New Sexuality: Doomed Arctic Explorers Gender Identity is now based on your positions aboard the ships.
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snakeskinass · 11 months
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stupid-space-alien · 1 year
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nanstar200 · 5 days
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Haiiii some spam doodles because I haven’t posted about him in a while!! I missed drawing my wife tbh
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jellyfshing · 6 months
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C3彡 clown id pack !!
☆~{ for anon }~☆
C3彡 names :
clown , yippie , polka(dot) , dottie , buttercup , daisie , ditzie , skittle , spark , button , bon , jester , patches , stitch , kipper , tetris , ruffle , sketch , kite , snicker , doodle , sprinkle , cirque , ribbon , carnival , parade , bonnie , espie , puzzle , kip , kizzy , poppy , raspberry , patches , tune , nifty , scout , piper , jestette , clownette , clownesse , harley , harlette , quinny , quin(n) , fool , trick(tryck) , trix(tryx) , jokesy , ace , joker , jesterette , jesteresse , jesterlita
C3彡 pronouns :
joke joker , jester jesters , clown clowns , harley harlequin , fool fools , trick tricks , trick trickster , joke jokes , joke jokester , prank pranks , prank prankster , perform performs , perform performer , co comical , pos posse , mim mime , an antic , honk honks , dot dots , pop pops , juggle juggles , party partys , colo(u)r colo(u)rs , fun funs , smile smiles , mis mischief , dot dots , pom poms , :3 :3s , :3c :3cs , :p :ps , boop boops , boing boings , bri bright , giggle giggles , splat splats , chi chime , yip yips , pip pips , bard bards , jingle jangle , 🤡 🤡s , 🎉 🎉s , 🥳 🥳s , 🎡 🎡 s , 🎠 🎠s , 🎪 🎪s , 🎢 🎢s , 🎊 🎊s , 🎈 🎈s , 🎂 🎂s , 🎁 🎁s , 🖍 🖍s , 🔔 🔔s , ❗ ❗s , 🗯 🗯s , 🧁 🧁s
C3彡 titles :
the trickster , [prn] who is known for [prns] (tricks / pranks / sillyness) , the one who preforms , [prn] who loves laughter , the bard of [anything here :3] , [prn] who jingles when [prn] walks , the funniest jester , [prn] who is laughed at by all
C3彡 genders :
pastelclowaesic , clowneocorian , trijezeic , carniqueer , jestercoric , jestercostumic , jestgender , jocugender , jestagender , jestmasquin , clownlolitagender , costumeclowngender , clowncomfic , circuscandyic
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anti-terf-posts · 8 months
if you're against neo pronouns or xenogenders, get the fuck off my blog 😊
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the-meme-monarch · 7 months
idk i just think shitting on lgbt identities bc you think theyre "counterintuitive" is fucking. stupid? get a hobby maybe? talk to real life queer people maybe
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spacelazarwolf · 9 months
(to your knowledge) are there any genuinely trans affirming versions of ra/di/cal feminism? I've seen a few people here and there on the internet saying Their version of it is trans inclusive but I haven't had the time to do any extensive research..
imo no. ra/di/cal feminism relies on the idea that there is a Victim Group and an Oppressor Group. for traditional ra/df/ems, those groups are based on agab. "females" are victims and "males" are oppressors, and these are immutable categories. if you are female, you are and will always be a victim and nothing you can ever do will change that. if you are a male, you are and always will be an oppressor and nothing you can ever do will change that.
for neo ra/df/ems (tirfs, whatever you want to call them), those immutable categories are "man" and "woman", or sometimes "man" and "nonman." if you are a woman or "nonman", you are and will always be a victim and nothing you can ever do will change that. if you are a man, you are and always will be an oppressor and nothing you can ever do will change that. this ideology appeals to a lot of groups like trans and queer people who were afab that don't align with manhood and also to trans women and trans femmes, because those are groups who understandably have a lot of resentment toward the patriarchy for the trauma it's caused them.
but when you look at the other side of the constructed binary, you have a lot of trans and intersex people (whether that's trans men, trans people who pursue masculinizing transition, trans people who align with manhood regardless of agab, intersex people who choose to align with manhood or are forcibly aligned with manhood because of their intersex traits that are perceived as "male", or trans people who were amab that are forcibly aligned with manhood because of the way they present) who simply do not hold any societal power and are in fact profoundly oppressed under the patriarchy who are now being labeled as oppressors simply because of the way they identify or they way they're forcibly aligned. this can be particularly traumatizing for trans people like me who have a lot of deep trauma from the several decades being perceived as and treated as a woman/"female", because our trauma is usually dismissed as "misdirected" or "not as bad." this incongruence between lived experiences of oppression and perceived status as oppressor further marginalizes these groups; they continue to experience oppression in general society because of their status as "other", but are also turned away from safe spaces because of their perceived status as oppressors, and this leads to high levels of isolation, depression and anxiety, violence, and suicide.
ra/di/cal feminism also holds the idea that misogyny is the one true/most important form of oppression. it asserts that all other forms of bigotry stem from misogyny, so the priority should be to overthrow the patriarchy. which sounds like a noble goal in theory, but in practice what it really looks like is a lot of white women wanting to flip patriarchy on its head so they're the ones in charge instead of white men. and historically white women have had an integral role in maintaining white supremacy, so it's understandable why a lot of people of color, including women of color, reject ra/di/cal feminism.
this presents itself in neo ra/di/cal feminism as well when discussions surrounding gender based oppression and transphobia fail to take race into account. trans men are perceived as transitioning into an Oppressor Group, therefore they must be transitioning into an easier and more privileged life. but black and brown trans men report experiencing more violence after they transition. white trans women's voices are prioritized over trans men of color because one is seen as the Victim and the other as the Oppressor, which results in white voices and narratives being prioritized in trans discussions, and does not take into account the way white women have historically used their whiteness as a weapon against black and brown men.
so in conclusion of this mini essay, i argue that there can never be a form of ra/di/cal feminism that is truly accepting of all trans people because the mandatory binary way of thinking is incompatible with queer and trans existence, and because it is not structured to take race and ethnicity into account which makes it inaccessible to racial and ethnic minorities. intersectional feminism that challenges binaries and targets the system instead of individuals or groups of people will always be more inclusive and successful.
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I honestly don’t get why people get so pressed at people having complex identities, or using loads of labels, or using neo pronouns. Especially other people in the lgbtq community
Like your all for people being themself and freedom from oppression until it’s that?? Come on, why does it matter? Just because you have a simple identity, use one label exactly, and use the pronouns that were made up a few centuries ago does not mean that you can shit on other people for not doing that. They’ve discovered themself, plain as you have. What you are doing is exactly what the queerphobes are doing, and there is frankly no place for you in the queer community.
Queerphobes are going to be queerphobic no matter if you use bunny/bunnyself pronouns, so shut up and stop contributing to the bigotry and oppression
And it’s not like people who use neo’s, lots of labels or have complex identities are trying to force them on you. If anything, you are trying to force your labels and identities on them. So yeah, we are within our rights to tell you to shut the hell up and grow a spine
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whumpfish · 4 months
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jorenilee · 5 days
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doodles of how I imagine the agents. get these creatures out of my house
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gender-envy-is · 19 days
Gender envy is Mettaton from Undertale
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anon you are so right
requested by anon
read this post before submitting a request
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neopronouns-list · 4 months
hey guys ykw have some mushroom/fungus pronouns!! mycology (fungus stuff) has so many cool sciency words, theyre so fun to say. but a lot of these are just parts of the mushroom. i am definitely gonna use a couple of these for myself...
anyways, enjoy the pronouns, anyone who wants mushroom/fungus pronouns!! change them any way you want, they are below the cut!! o7 \/
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arecaceae175 · 6 months
A Guide to Neopronouns
Questions, answers, usage, and helpful resources at the bottom! :D
What are neopronouns?
In simple terms, neopronouns are a category of pronouns used in the place of typical pronouns like he, she, or they.
Neopronouns allow trans people to find pronouns that fit their specific gender identity or expression if typical pronouns do not. Neopronouns can be an expression of someone's personality, gender identity, gender expression or lack thereof, and can be an act of rebellion against a binary and transphobic world.
Neopronouns (or neos) can mean different things to different people, and depending on the different pronouns. For example, I use xe/xem pronouns because I like the use of x instead of sh/h in she/he. I like the implication of the gender being completely removed from the word with an x put in its place. Also, I just like the way they look. They have good vibes.
Why are neopronouns important?
Using neopronouns correctly is just as important as using he, she, or they for someone. Using a person's correct pronouns is a sign of respect and support. Trans people use pronouns that reflect their gender identity and experience. Using the correct pronouns affirms the person's identity and helps them to them feel confident in their trans identity.
Using incorrect pronouns for someone is very hurtful. When people use the wrong pronouns for me, I feel dejected. It shows me that they do not understand, respect, or support me. It is very alienating. I feel upset, and if it goes on for a long time I start to shake and feel like I am going to cry.
In online spaces, neopronouns are even more important. I do not use neopronouns in my day to day life because it is exhausting to explain the concept of neopronouns to everyone I meet. I never know if they will be supportive, or if they will have a negative reaction, or if telling someone my neopronouns will cost me something like a job opportunity or put me in danger. In online spaces, or with my close friends, I get to be my authentic self and use the pronouns that fit me the best and makes me feel good.
How do you use neopronouns?
This is the hard part. Some neopronouns follow a conjugation pattern, but for the most part each pronoun is unique. That is part of the appeal.
I made a google doc with conjugations of 30 common neopronouns. You can find it here! I tried to include all the neopronouns I know of in my typical fandom circles. If you have a neopronoun that is not on this list, please share it with me and I will add it!
There are infinite neopronouns, and sometimes people use different conjugations of pronouns that look similar. It is always a good option to ask neopronoun user. Most of us will not be offended by this question! In fact, I love when people ask about my pronouns. It is an opportunity to teach someone new about neopronouns!
Also, you can type the pronouns into google and usually it is easy to find resources on how to use the pronouns. This is a good way to show extra support to a friend who uses neopronouns. This way, you are putting in the time and effort it takes to use their pronouns correctly.
Practice is key! If you don't put in effort and practice, they will never stick. When I was learning how to use neopronouns, I kept a screenshot of a neopronoun chart saved on my phone for reference whenever I got confused.
What if you make a mistake?
That's okay! Everyone makes mistakes sometimes. Most people will not expect you to get their neopronouns right on the very first try. For me, as long as someone is putting in genuine effort to use my neopronouns correctly, I am happy.
If you catch your mistake, correct yourself quickly and move on. For example you could say, "Oh, sorry, I mean xe," and then let the conversation continue.
If you apologize over and over or derail the conversation, it can be uncomfortable for the person who you misgendered. If you still feel guilty after the conversation, you can reach out to them individually and apologize.
If someone else corrects you, apologize or thank them, correct yourself, and move on. Here are a few sample conversations.
"I was telling them-" "Xe uses xe/xem pronouns, actually." "Oh, I'm sorry. I was telling xem..."
"I am going to ce's house." "Actually, it would be 'cer house'." "Oh ok, thank you. I am going to cer house."
"I was telling them- oh, wait, I mean I was telling xem"
Please try not to be offended if someone corrects you. It can be hard, especially if you have a condition like rejection sensitive dysphoria. If someone corrects you about their pronouns, it means they feel safe enough or trust you enough to share that with you. Your reaction will dictate if they feel safe enough to be their authentic self in front of you.
Also, if you can, correct other people if they use the wrong pronouns. It can be hard for trans people to constantly correct others about our pronouns. If you correct someone else, you are showing us your support and demonstrating to other people that our pronouns are important.
Here are some more resources about neopronouns:
Understanding neopronouns
Extensive neopronoun list
Dey/dem for the black community
Gender neutral language around the world
Neopronouns in German
Neutral pronouns in Hebrew
Neutral pronouns in Spanish
Neutral pronouns in Swedish
Neutral pronouns in French
@neopronounfaq is a very helpful blog that describes neopronoun usage
If you have any questions about neopronouns or their usage, please feel free send me an ask (anon is on) or leave a comment on this post. I'm happy to answer any questions that are asked with good intentions! I will delete and block any transphobic asks :)
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jellyfshing · 5 months
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C3彡 final girl id pack !!
☆~{ for anon }~☆
C3彡 names :
fleur , slasher , amnesty , dove , colt , lamb , eros , nyx , lillith , seraph , bow , julie , scythe , beal , serene , athena , wendy , abyss , adelaide , allure , alluria , elisabeta , kateline , mors , crypt , cross , verity , cybre , pyper , evelien , talia , cynthia
C3彡 pronouns :
final finals , survive survives , slash slashers , horror horrors , dark darks , live lives , scythe scythes , weapon weapons , knife knifes , mallet mallets , med medicals , lash lashes , kill kills , murder murders , night nights , bone bones , corpse corpse , chain chains , blood bloods , bullet bullets , wound wounds , weep weeps , cry cries , gauze gauzes , gun guns , blade blades , steel steels
C3彡 titles :
[prn] who survived , the surviver , the final girl , the living girl , the one who lived , [prn] who ( hid / ran / fought back ) , [prn] whos grave lays empty , the weapon wielder , the resourceful
C3彡 genders :
finalgirldecorated , finalthing , finalrotgirl
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vqrkll · 1 month
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I have SpiceCream and Team RWBY Animal Crossing designs that I'd love to show too
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