#gender and sexuality
nerdygaymormon · 4 months
It’s not a change in reality, it’s a change to our understanding of reality
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malorydaily · 7 months
For those interested in more about general conceptions of masculinity and knighthood (as there will be many more descriptions of tournaments in coming chapters of the book), From Boys to Men: Formations of Masculinity in Late Medieval Europe by Ruth Mazo Karras is a wonderful resource.
Despite being written just over 20 years ago, it introduces a lot of ideas that are widely agreed upon in the work of critics today – no excerpts from me for this as I don't have a great copy to work from, but highly recommended nonetheless.
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superhumanfoods · 6 months
you can really tell when someone hasn't been on tumblr
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and when someone has
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anyway allow me to introduce you to some hypothetical cyberpunk future genders and sexualities (and their explanations) i made up as a result, because what else was i going to do with my time
the full list of what is included in LGBTQWEY$%#¥£€+
lesbian gay bisexual transgender queer wirehead ethereal yestergiven $T@RL!G#T3D %ilated #digitalself ¥ANKEE £ r o s s €chomind + and more!
wirehead: someone whose experience of gender is specifically tied into being cybernetically augmented
ethereal: someone who has transcended physical form and whose experience of gender and sexuality can no longer be defined according to physiological metrics
yestergiven: someone whose experience of gender is always defined by how they remember experiencing gender the day before; an infinitely mutating evolution of self-image created by the imperfect nature of human memory
$T@RL!G#T3D: this started out as a joke- people claimed their genders were crypto-currency based to piss off crypto bros, but then some people realized the ephemerality and absurdity of it all really did resonate with them and now it's a thing
%ilated: ('pixelated' or 'percentilated'. it's a bit inscrutable) a sexuality that requires you to be either unable to see your partner OR unable to see them clearly in order to experience sexual desire
#digitalself: ('digiself' or 'digiselves' if someone experiences this as a plurality) a gender in which the experience of gender as a physical person is separate from the experience of gender online; for example, someone may identify as a woman in digital spaces but not experience that in their day-to-day life, and thus have no interest in transition
¥ANKEE: a very niche orientation that constantly gets appropriated by white people who do not understand how it works at all because of how deeply rooted in japanese culture it is. kind of straddling the line between sexuality and kink. the subject of a lot of arguments
£ r o s s: ('dross' or 'pross') a british politician fumble. latched onto by british furries who decided their gender WAS being worthless layabout fursuiters, thank you very much. especially popular with "pest" animal furries like rats and pigeons
€chomind: the collective.
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What do you think gay men are attracted to in men that they can’t be attracted to in women?
It can’t be anything about femininity or masculinity obviously. That’s both sexist, and cultural so can’t be what drives men-only attraction.
It can’t be anything about stated identity because someone could lie just as easily as they could tell the truth in such a statement, and it makes no sense because homosexuality and heterosexuality exists in other species with no stated identities. It’s not like other animals without gender are all pan.
Saying idk it’s the vibes or some indescribable trait men have that women can’t but “I can’t explain” is a nonanswer.
Soooooooo what is it? Or do you think any sexuality but bi/pan is just cultural performance or an identity rather than an inborn orientation?
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I've let this ask sit in my inbox for a while, but I think it's time I answered it, though the answer will most certainly not be to your satisfaction, anon, I'm afraid.
First off, I'm a bisexual man, and so I definitely don't have any first hand experience of experiencing attraction to only one gender. And in these things, first hand experience is all that matters.
Secondly, as for other species, I have insufficient information about zoological studies in this field, but I don't think it's as simple as you make it sound (this isn't intended to be hostile, I'm just wondering)?
As for the last part, I certainly don't presume to define sexualities as fitting strictly into one of the boxes of culture, identity or inborn orientation. I'm sure that there are more perspectives on this than I can imagine, and I'm equally sure that the experiences of these queer people are valid.
Mainly, the reason I decided to answer this despite it being a non-answer, as you said, is because I do have something to say.
I'm not in the habit of forming opinions of subjects that I have insufficient information about. I know that being seen as neutral is often vilified. I've been in that position, being angry about people's neutrality regarding topics that to me seem obvious. I no longer agree with past-me on that stance.
I would rather not, in my ignorance, cause damage. I think that people with very strong uneducated opinions cause a good deal more harm than those who stay silent in a conflict they know nothing about. Of course this won't be true in all cases.
But personally, I prefer handing the mic over, as it were, to people with more experience, knowledge, sensitivity and perspective about the issue than I.
So, yes, I'll have to go with a very unambiguous lack of an answer here. I simply do not know enough about this, anon. Non-answers, I'm afraid, are going to be inevitable in deeply personal discussions such as these. These non-answers are invariably better than the divisive discourse, invalidation and gatekeeping that occurs a lot.
Let's all be a bit more okay with saying I don't know. I'm trying to be more okay with it every day. I cannot educate myself perfectly about every single relevant topic. I think that's alright. I hope it is.
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Me talking about sexuality in ancient Rome with normal people: "Both language and gender roles evolve over time, so it may be more useful to discuss normative vs. non-normative sexuality rather than projecting modern labels onto..." [etc]
Me talking about sexuality in ancient Rome with homophobes: Augustus was a twink, Antony was bisexual, Scipio Africanus was gender nonconforming and there's nothing you can do about it
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lvvender-fields · 4 months
Hi Tumblr! Do you like queer theory? Do you like statistics? Do you like answering questions about your gender and sexuality for the express purpose of gathering and analyzing data?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, please consider taking my survey! It's not super long (about 15 questions: 10 mandatory) and any responses will be super helpful!
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wbqotd · 11 months
How common is sex work in your setting? Are there any populations where it’s more or less popular?
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hekateinhell · 1 year
Continuing on this, AR on gender and sexuality in TVC:
Anne's vampires exhibited androgynous freedom. The androgyne is a being who reconciles opposites and channels duality into greater power. The vampires achieved this on several levels.
"I've always loved the images of androgyny," Anne said. "They always have an intense emotional impact on me, whether it's a beautiful woman in the opera dressed as a man or rock stars changing and shifting it just gives me chills. I see the androgynous figure as the ideal figure." The relationship between Lestat and Louis, then between Louis and another vampire, Armand, has homoerotic overtones as male and female distinctions become insignificant, since vampires do not engage in genital sex. The new vampire is brought over into a dramatically changed existence with a gender-free perspective.
Anne wanted to write about a romantic relationship that would avoid the cliches attached to heterosexual couplings, and she was also enamored of the image of lovers as equals. "For me," she said, "the most erotic scenes in any book are those that take place between totally equally franchised human beings, so I always find a scene between two men much more erotic to write about or read about than a scene between a man and a woman." Having already written about homosexual attractions, the relationships between her vampires came easily and naturally. Gay populations were "coming out" and becoming a political force, giving Anne momentum.
Readers were invited to experience the blurred distinctions, raised to mythical heights. Becoming a vampire involved a merging of like minds in a way prohibited to people with fundamentally different perspectives.
Female readers strongly identified with Louis, and later with Lestat, because Anne provided for them a means to experience male qualities that society prizes so highly without a loss of the female-oriented perspective.
Anne was fully aware that women were being encouraged by the burgeoning feminist movement to value their own experience, independent from men, but she told one journalist, "I think I have a gender screw-up to the point that I don't know most of the time what gender I am, in terms of anybody else's thinking." As a result, the vampire imagery that she developed appealed as a sexual fantasy from various perspectives, from a heterosexual exploring a secret but socially forbidden allure in the perspective of another gender to a homosexual finding affirmation. Anne's erotic style gave these metaphors an added touch.
Like, Anne got it. She knew exactly what made her characters so enticing and evocative. TVC has always been such a safe escape for me and for so many others, and I don't know... it's just a comfort knowing that Anne not only supported us, but actually intended for us to blur the lines of gender in her work and play with the fantasy of it all.
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moonlightsapphic · 7 months
Fun little ways I relate bisexuality to T Swift songs!*
*not claiming she’s bi for sure or anything! I just love her music and I’m bi so I like connecting to the lyrics by relating it to my personal experiences!
‘tis the damn season and dorothea are really queer to me. I love to think of the pairing as sapphic, but reading your post made me think of a bi4bi woman and man and that’s just incredible sweet haha. cowboy like me always reminded me of Puss in Boots x Kitty Softpaws (it’s comical I know), and that’s the most bi4bi straight-passing pairing ever.
willow is explicitly about a man but damn. Not sure if it’s the folk-y genre but the queer vibes are immaculate. Dress is my demisexuality anthem, I always fall for people who I initially met as friends and the attraction gets so INTENSE. mirrorball, Labyrinth, Sweet Nothing, peace, right where you left me and the lakes also give me anxious queer girl vibes. Glitch, to me, definitely has bi girl in an situationship with a straight man that she’s actually falling in love with kind of atmosphere.
The Very First Night, Gasoline, I Can See You and Maroon gives sapphic bisexuals to me, though I do believe they are in part (if not entirely) about men. And I just think that’s neat, that the narrator in the songs has such a queer approach to her relationship regardless to the gender of the muse. Not even all songs without pronouns can pull that off so well.
Vigilante Shit is incredible to me because it’s like she’s stealing someone’s ex-wife. (Also “I don’t dress for women, I don’t dress for men …”) It has hardcore badass bisexual written all over it. And every time Taylor sings “To tell you the truth, sometimes I wish I was her,” in When Emma Falls in Love, I can swear what the song is actually, unbeknownst to herself pining for is to date Emma herself. It feels like Taylor’s own subtly homoerotic version of Lacy by Olivia Rodrigo, or Heather by Conan Gray. There’s this playful genderbending thing Taylor does when singing the chorus of Question…? which also reads as very much a bisexual gaze to me.
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croziers-compass · 6 months
New Sexuality: Doomed Arctic Explorers Gender Identity is now based on your positions aboard the ships.
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stranger-rants · 1 year
I personally view Billy as queer not only in sexuality, but in gender too.
In my mind, Billy 100% knows he is queer. I don't personally think he's attracted to one gender, but I do think some of his attraction to women is trauma related. I don't think his internalized homophobia is as intense as perhaps gender dysphoria. That is that I don't think he's in denial over his attraction to men, and I don't think he's outwardly homophobic. BUT. I do think Neil has policed his gender expression his entire life and while he does transgress the gender binary, he struggles to do so without shame.
I think it's harder when surrounded by gender conforming men and I do think the excessive working out could relate to some body dysmorphia issues. I could see Billy having an eating disorder, and exercising more than necessary to fit an ideal that perhaps is not natural for him. He was such a soft and "pretty" child who wore flowers on his clothes. As an older teen, he has kept up some of the feminine qualities, but that results in his dad mistreating him. So, it's easier to be masculine but he still does masculinity his own way (a way that Neil doesn't approve of).
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malorydaily · 6 months
An examination of medieval dowry practice heightens these public political concerns. Feminist scholars – among them Felicity Riddy, Dorsey Armstrong, and Elizabeth Edwards – have called attention to the obvious but important fact that the Round Table is literally Guenevere’s dowry. This gift actually restores an interrupted male line of transmission, from Uther to Arthur through Lodegreaunce’s daughter, Guenevere. When she comes to court as Arthur’s bride, the new queen brings a powerful marriage portion: the Round Table and its hundred knights. The queen’s dowry thus brings to court men who will serve their new liege lord Arthur, but whose very presence owes everything to the transfer of the queen’s body from her father to her husband.
– Karen Cheretawuk, Marriage, Adultery and Inheritance in Malory's Morte Darthur
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stachekeery · 1 month
marmalade has infected my brain like a fucking illness its so bad out here
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needy-seraphim · 4 months
I want to be treated like a human who has the freedom to decide what wants to be or do without my gender being invalidated
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AHHHHHH IM SO HONORED AND EXCITED!!! I’m presenting a panel on one of my favorite topics in the whole world! Please stop by if you’re in the neighborhood, it’ll be fun 💖 and inspiring I hope!
If it’s recorded I’ll post a link :)
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circular-jerkular · 5 months
You know what I find some bullshit right now?
I had a thought tonight. I wanted to reach out in servers I’m in about it, because I want to ask those with a little more experience if they have advice. I didn’t.
The topic? “Hey, I’m a female part but I’ve found myself enjoying wearing a packer a lot more than I thought I would. Any ideas if this is my own desire, or is this the desire of other parts rubbing off on me? How can I determine this? Can I still be a female part, or is my gender always going to have to be undetermined due to having 14 different parts who view themselves in different ways?”
And I didn’t ask any of that there. Because the servers I’m in, for the most part, do not allow NSFW.
I get so freaked out in servers like that. And I get it — those servers have minors and so no NSFW is a smart move.
So… where uh. Where else do I go?
“Circ there’s adult aged servers—“ yeah. Almost all of which don’t let my littles talk. Which is troublesome given that one of those littles writes smut and the other has been experimenting with masturbation. Like. Dude. They’re adults. Let them speak.
I either have to silence part of my system, or figure it out on my own.
But that’s bullshit? Especially since this isn’t an NSFW topic! It’s gender. But because it mentions genitals, and I want to talk about it like a mature adult, and I want to discuss the impacts it has on my sexual drive and nature — it’s too concerning. I would be watching every word I say, stressed that a mod will pop in to tell me to stop — or, more accurately, paranoid it will be used against me to call me some sort of pedophile. Cause I’m kinda used to harassment.
I’m glad I have this blog. But I have to wonder how many minors are having these same thoughts and questions, and how many adults silence themselves about it out of similar fears.
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