#needs at least one old style portrait
arcanewonder · 1 year
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calmcoldevening · 1 year
Pov: You loved vampire!slashers in your past life and now you met them again
TW: mention of blood, biting, vampire and e.t.c
Characters: Vincent Sinclair, Michael Myers, Hannibal Lecter
English is not my native language, so sorry about misspells. I hope you enjoy it ♡
Mieloji (Lithuanian) — Darling
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You have just moved to a new small town away from the hustle and bustle of megacities. Surprisingly, you quickly found a place to live and settled into a small house, beautiful and cozy. After unpacking all the things, you decided to explore a new city a little. After all, you've been living here for quite a while, haven't you?
And now you are standing in front of a large mansion, made in the likeness of a certain Gothic style. The massive building was made in dark colors. Large windows with a pleasant view of a surprisingly well-kept garden with bushes of blood-red roses; a dark pointed roof with neat tiles; dark gray walls of the mansion with peeling paint in some places. In front of your face were massive doors made of dark oak with a neat intricate engraving on them. Something like snakes.
You take a deep breath, gathering your courage, and slowly open the door. It does not give in immediately, the old hinges creak disgustingly. And here you are inside. You can see a huge corridor with a large staircase directly opposite the entrance. The interior is made in black and red tones, in some places you can see elements of silver or gold. Huge paintings in gold frames hang on both walls of the lobby. They depict some important people with menacing faces, but you can't make out the text on the captions to the portraits. It's a language you don't know. A huge chandelier with red candles burning on it hangs on the ceiling. Even the very flame on them seems scarlet. And although it's only early autumn outside, it's strangely cool in the mansion. Almost grave cold.
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Michael Myers
You notice that your kitten is behaving strangely. Perhaps you shouldn't have taken him to such a strange mansion. The black little animal begins to meow often and asks to get off your hands. You slowly put him on the floor, and he runs straight up the stairs to the second floor.
"Michael, be a good boy and come back!" You mumble in a voice a little louder than a whisper.
Your boy has never been so restless, on the contrary, he was usually even too calm. Even when you first found this baby, he was a quiet, albeit wayward cat. As if he understood you.
You hear the cat meowing from one of the distant rooms and sigh in defeat. Slowly climbing up the burgundy trunk to the stairs, you hold on to the smooth black railing with your hand. When you reach the back room, you notice Michael sitting on a large velvet bed with a satisfied smile. It was a huge double bed with a gray canopy over it and a carved headboard. A truly aristocratic bed. You come closer, holding out your hands to the kitten.
"Come on, be a good boy, we need to go. We don't want to meet the owner of this place, do we?"
Finally, the cat climbs into your arms and you turn around to leave, but abruptly bump into something. He was a huge man. You back away in fear, landing on the bedspread. You just crashed into his chest...
Your eyes go up, examining the man with horror. He was at least six feet tall, menacing and cold as a statue. His dark curly hair fell in careless curls over his pale face. The man's face was expressionless, and his large copper eyes were bloodshot.
You reflexively hug the cat to you, trying to protect him, and you close your eyes. The man raises his hand and...
His big cold palm with rough fingers gently touches your face, stroking your cheek. You slowly open your eyes, looking at the stranger in disbelief. But now his face wasn't so impassive. Behind all this cold facade there was a hint of... Happiness?
The man was standing there, stroking your face, as your kitten jumped to the floor, starting to rub against the man's leg. What a... He never recognized strangers, even hissed at them if someone got too close to you.
You look up at a man, and your eyes meet. Why is he silent?
"Y/ N..." he mutters faintly, and your heart starts beating wildly in your ears.
How does he know your name? A moment later, and the man gets on his knees, hugging you around the waist and putting his head on your lap. Even in this position, he was huge. He covers his red eyes, starting to slowly rub his face against your knees and emit a light purr. Just like a kitten...
"Missed you."
And again just one phrase. But it's enough to make your heart start to ache strangely in your chest. Your hands seem to move by themselves, burrowing into his unruly curls and massaging his tense skin. A strange feeling of deja vu appeared inside. As if it really was before...
Looking up, you don't find a kitten.
"Michael," you mutter softly, frowning, and notice that the man raised his head, looking at you with his puppy dog eyes. His name... Michael? Just like your kitten. You sigh softly and smile at him. The man... No, Michael, he smiles a little in response and you see little fangs peeking out from under his lips. A vampire... But it doesn't scare you. For the first time, nothing scares you. It's like you've finally come home.
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Vincent Sinclair
It was a huge picturesque mansion where you wanted to stay longer. All this mysterious interior in the mystical light of blood candles caused a strange excitement in your stomach.
You slowly climb up to the second floor, looking at the paintings and leading your hand along the different railings. A truly blood-stirring place.
Walking to the second floor, your feet lead you to the first room you come across. A spacious room with dark curtains on the windows, inside there were several tables littered with papers and paraffin candles standing on them. But what caught your eye were the drawings. Oh, Father, it was a whole picture gallery! All the walls of the room were hung with old, slightly yellowed and frayed paper. And on each sheet there were different faces, as if alive. You came closer to examine them and... Your face was here. It was almost perfect. The accuracy with which your facial features and your hair were transferred, although they were somewhat longer in the portraits... Your smile is so bright and colorful. Your eyes... It was really you. But you've never worn such strange dresses... And where did your image come from here?
There was a thump behind you, as if something heavy had fallen to the floor. You turn around and freeze in place.
It was a man. He was dressed in unusual clothes for modernity, rather resembling the costumes of the Victorian era. His long hair fell over his broad shoulders, and his face was covered with a snow-white mask. Several heavy volumes of books lay on the floor in front of him. So that's what it fell...
It seems the man is hesitating. His ringed hands are shaking a little as he gathers his thoughts. It was as if he had seen a ghost. Or a goddess.
The stranger is slowly moving towards you, his dark hair flowing over his strong shoulders like silk ribbons. He slowly knelt down, gently hugging you with trembling hands. You feel this cold touch on your hot skin, but it seems almost... comforting. You look down at him, your hands almost reflexively reaching for his hair, gently running through the soft strands. And he shudders. A dull, barely audible whimper fills the room. The man presses closer to your body and mutters something indistinctly.
A simple "Vincent" flashes through your head, and you don't notice how you say it out loud. The man shudders, looking up at you, and your heart freezes. His blood-filled eyes look at you with unprecedented love and tenderness. You're back, they say.
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Hannibal Lecter
"You're finally here, Mieloji."
It was a deep male voice that made your blood run cold in your veins. You slowly turned your head towards the stairs, noticing a tall man on it.
He was dressed in a dark suit with a starched white shirt peeking out from under his vest. His entire appearance radiated elegance and sophistication. Those carefully arranged hair on her head, shining in the bloody candlelight. This sweet, but at the same time dangerous, intoxicating snow-white smile with plump pink lips. And, oh, those blood-red eyes looking into the very depths of your trembling soul.
As he slowly descends towards you, you back away, pressing into the wall. The man reaches out to you with his pale hand with neatly sharpened nails, touching your cheek. Only now do you notice how much he towers over you. Like a predator over a prey.
"I had no hope of meeting you again, Mieloji," He whispers, leaning against your neck and looking at you with his burning eyes.
"S-Sorry... But I don't understand what you're talking about..." You mutter softly, feeling your knees slowly give way, "Maybe you're confusing me with someone..."
"Oh, no, dear. I recognize you from a thousand," He whispers with a predatory smile, baring a pair of sharp fangs, "I recognize you from a thousand, Y/N."
"How do you know my name?" Your voice is shaking. It seems like it was too much for you. You were scared.
"Shh, Mieloji. I didn't mean to scare you," His gaze softens for a moment as he runs his thumb over your trembling lip, "I'm Hannibal."
He probably expected this name to give you some hint of what's going on, but you just nervously pursed your lips. What a strange man he is... Although it was worth this name to fly off his plump lips, as your heart skipped a light beat. But this is not enough to believe his words. You're just scared...
"It seems you've really forgotten me, Mieloji," Hannibal murmured with a slight bitterness, looking into your beautiful eyes. Oh, he was drowning in their alluring depths every time, "I shouldn't have let you go then... But I cherished you too much to deprive you of the joys of mortal life."
The man wrapped his free arm around your waist, pulling you into his cold embrace. Your smaller body looked so perfect in his hands... The pleasant aroma of his body hits you in the nose, mixed with a slight taste of copper and sandalwood. At this moment you feel so calm, here in his arms. It's as if the whole world around you has ceased to exist, just you and him.
His cold hand slowly looks at your tense back, lightly sliding his nails on the fabric of your clothes. Hannibal remembered it all too well: every curve of your body, the scent of your hair and your gentle voice. It was definitely you, his beloved, who returned to him after centuries. He knew it right away, as soon as he noticed you at the gate through the window of the second floor.
"Mieloji, I've missed you so much... I thought I wouldn't see you again," he muttered, a hint of relief in his voice.
Oh, how you wanted to believe him. It all seemed like a pleasant dream. You just moved out of your old town and entered a mansion you didn't know, but this was the first time you really felt at home. You were in the right place.
You almost reflexively squeeze the fabric of his vest between your fingers, and the man lets out a light laugh. He pulls away, still holding you by the waist and burying his free hand in your hair. Hannibal tilts your head slightly to the side.
"Let me show you my love again," he whispers, and you feel a painful burning sensation in your neck.
His sharp fangs cut into your flesh, and his pink lips begin to slowly suck your skin. It was painful. But gradually this feeling was replaced by something like... pleasure?
"Let me help you remember everything, Mieloji."
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dduane · 2 months
Meanwhile, on the digital art side...
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All the Middle Kingdoms maps for lo, these many years have been adaptations of one or another of the very old original landscape-oriented line art maps. (I'm still wondering why none of the editors ever asked for a portrait-format one, as better suited to the printed page. Except that by the time the series reached a major publisher, it was just finishing up the third volume of the main sequence, and they most likely thought ehh, nobody'll care... as maps were going out of vogue.)
Anyway, this version's a bit of a chimera—a compromise among several graphics styles and newer maps generated over the last few years. But at least it gives an accurate sense of the terrain, and of where things are in relation to one another, until I can get to grips with the World Creator software that'll let me rebuild the terrain, and its mapping, from the ground up. (So to speak.)
As a result, this map will for the time being be going out with the Ebooks Direct ebook editions of the MK books, when I have time to pull each one of them back into the machine to add it. (For the print versions, I have to consider whether to go greyscale on this one, or just back-engineer a line art version. Once I have a few minutes to rub together to start work on the reconstruction of this landscape in World Creator, I'll be better able to make a call on this.)
The map above also now appears in the just-refreshed version of Tales of the Five #1: The Levin-Gad. Tl:dr; I was recently rereading this work as research for something else and spotted a really obvious issue that needed to be fixed—a bit of character business. That discovery triggered a mini-edit of the novelette novella. (Why the hell can I not keep the relative lengths of "novelette" and "novella" straight? FFS.) Nothing major, but I wound up making revisions to a scene that needed adjustment so that things would wind up properly.
Anyway, if you've already purchased this particular work from Ebooks Direct, either on its own or as part of a bundle—such as the Whole Store Bundle or the 2023 Pride Package—and you'd like the revised edition of TOTF1, just drop a note to the store's support address and we'll send you a download link in a day or two.*
Thanks, all!
*Free, of course. It's not like we're funding a space program or anything. ;)
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desultory-novice · 3 months
hello! out of curiosity, do you have any headcanons/theories/etc. concerning how moonlight mansion’s secret laboratory area factors into the dmk connection? if you don’t mind my asking, i’d love to hear your thoughts if you have any :>
Not...yet. Not a full one, anyway. I will say that the secret lab was in the back of my mind as I was writing my initial post.
Was tempted to say it belongs to someone else. King Dedede is always portrayed to be a secret gear-head but the tubes...
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(Photos for those unaware of Moonlight Mansion's secret underground lab)
If... If Dark Meta Knight never had his own "Dark Halberd" and Moonlight Mansion was only his home base... Well, the Halberd is run on Wheelie technology (like the lab has Sparkies) and has similar trap/breakaway passages on it like the basement does...
Although if DMK didn't have his own Revenge of Meta Knight-style coup on Dream Land in the wings... what the HECK was he planning on doing with THIS stuff??! (All of a sudden, the idea of Susie and DMK bonding doesn't seem that strange after all...)
I've also thought a lot about DMK choosing Radish Ruins for the site of his second ambush. If it's a sign that he's got a barely concealed interest in ancient technology and old cultures as MK does...
(I was also thinking about how Moonlight Mansion is a hub to just two realms: Onion Ocean and Candy Constellation. Onion Ocean could relate to the sunken Halberd but I don't have anything relevant for Candy Constellation. It is one of the more tech-y of the realms so that could be where he got the equipment at least...)
If the Mirror enhances the negative, perhaps... MK's interest in the past was taken a bit too far in DMK? Perhaps he wasn't just content to observe it, he wanted to try and reproduce some of it?
...Then again, we're also talking about the guy who, when given a crayon and told he could draw whatever he wanted chose SWORD.
(I tease. Though him drawing a sword badly is still the funniest thing ever)
And, you know, perhaps he just needs a lab to keep the Halberd up and running? This baby is not gonna maintain itself!
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Although, hot damn, that test tube is full of GREEN liquid isn't it...?
:Dess begins shaking violently:
EDIT: Last minute thoughts!! If he's got portraits of the realm bosses up, maybe he was...running experiments to try and connect the realms?? Or power the cellphone batteries...??!?
(Who DOES make those batteries? Maybe it IS DMK?!)
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largecucumber · 2 months
19 and 20
19. Adam Zamoyski’s “Chopin: Prince of the Romantics” And I have the signed copy! 😚 I absolutely adore Chopin because I play the piano. The book is so well written, sometimes I forget that I’m reading about an actual real person. But some descriptions, the very gritty and depressing parts of his life, are so raw and emotionalllll gurlll I cried! 😭😭
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20. Uhmmmmmmm. I have sooo many. Prepare! 🤭💕
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The one and only, Johann Sebastian Bach! He’s incredibly talented like omggggg how does he even come up with all these amazing pieces of music?!? 😨😳 His genius is unmatched. There will never be another composer like Bach! I have dozens of portraits and stickers of him and even a t-shirt. Omggggg it’s so embarrassing 🙈
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Glenn Gould, the quirky autistic Canadian Bach wizard! He’s so handsome even well into his older years. And he’s soooo eccentric, like you should read about some of his quirks, it’s really out there💀👀 Also, did I mention how talented he is?! He gets criticised a lot for his weird playing style and humming (sometimes singing) during his performances. I love it tho 😘 it really adds something to the records
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Louis👏Nicolas👏Davout👏 How can you not like this absolute beast of a man?! Sure, he was a bit rough with his soldiers, but I like a leader who doesn’t fuck around! We need more men like him! I feel for him though. He really was the least liked out of all Napoleon’s marshals, I relate to that because my fam doesn’t like me even though I’m a girl boss 👹 Poor old Davout was just doing his best! Here’s a quote that he wrote to Berthier —
“I cannot help admitting to myself that often my exactingness and my severity alienate good officers from me even before they barely have time to assess my true intentions."
Ommmgggg 😭😢
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Ahemmm…. As a student I kinda have a love-hate relationship with this guy. I’ve suffered so many sleepless nights because of him 👩‍💻📚📚📚 But without this guy we’d probably still have our children working 16 hours for absolutely nothing (we still do actually, it’s heartbreaking). His works literally had soooo much impact on history, it’s unbelievable.
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And of course, how can we forget our hero!?! I wanna be like him soooo much it aches 😫 My family genuinely don’t understand my obsession with this man, like how could they not?!! His image is literally on the wiki page for the “Great Man Theory” — that individuals with certain traits are able to affect the course of history rather than it being due to some larger force or something I dunno it’s an IR/history thing I’m studying 😢
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mrsdarkandyandere7 · 2 years
I don't mean to be mean or rude but there were these people in my class who were wearing like REALLY revealing clothes and I've gotten an idea: How would yanderes Peter Parker and poly yanderes Stucky (Steve and Bucky) react to the reader who's usually an introvert suddenly wearing really revealing clothing since she wants to be noticed and doesn't want to be viewed as an introvert anymore? Tbh, this is actually what I'm thinking rn... it's like if I want to be noticed in my college these days, that's the step I'll have to take but I don't feel comfortable wearing such revealing clothes
▶ This is a yandere/dark work and it may contain triggering content so please READ THE WARNINGS before. Do not read if minor.
AN: Hey there, first of i wanted to say that the way i portrait this request is how i believe the yanderes would react but its not me shaming you for wanting to wear revealing clothes. That's entirely your choice and i do hope that you find a compromise that will make you happy. Btw, i also don't wear that much revealing outfits but i definitely admire some girls that do so, to be confident enough to do so. Best of luck with this issue, honey :)
WARNINGS: Manipulation; Body-shaming; Controlling/Toxic Relationships.
AN: You’re in college + dating scenario.
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Yandere Peter Parker
Oh no!
Why would you ever change the way you dress? Because you want to become like all the rest? 
Peter is gonna completely freak out if you start wearing tiny skirts and tank tops, he simply can’t keep his calm
For one side because he’s too stunned with your gorgeous body and all that exposed skin makes him lose his attention even on small tasks
For the other side, why are you doing this? He absolutely loves the way you are and you don’t have to change yourself in order to grab the attention of others. His attention is not enough for you, is that it?
But since you wanted to act up, Peter has no choice but to prove you’re wrong, but he’ll still keep the caring boyfriend facade up. 
“Are you sure that’s not too short? I mean, you look a bit… I don’t know.” 
Dropping these double-meaning hints is painful, especially when you look at him with eyes full of sadness, but he has to.
“Are you sure that the top isn’t too revealing? I mean, it looks strange on you. Just strange, you know?” 
Slowly breaking your confidence is one way to go, but he has to admit that the new-found attention you get also helps. Creepy dudes persistently flirting with you makes you less and less inclined to keep wearing those provocative outfits.
All of this will eventually make you tired of this new style you wanted to try and Peter is more than happy when you announce to go back to your old clothes
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Yandere Stucky
Not a chance you’ll ever get to wear short and naughty clothes, not with them 
First of, you’re not allowed to go shopping alone, you always need supervision of, at least, one of the boys
They are the ones that decide what you can keep and what's out of line. No arguments, no discussions.
They decide and that’s final.
Your solution is to borrow clothes from a friend and change into those sexy outfits hidden in the college bathroom. Before the day is over, you go back and change once again to your old clothes, knowing either Steve or Bucky must be outside to pick you up from classes
Now imagine the surprise and the shock they get when one day they both decide to drop in the campus to have a small lunch date with you
Forget about your classes because you’re going straight home, practically dragged down
Steve is angry while Bucky is more disappointed. 
Seriously, what the hell were you thinking? Why are you acting like a slut? Are they not enough for you, are you that attention-hungry that you need to show off to all other people, not to mention all the lies you’ve been feeding them
After being yelled at for around 40 minutes straight, you’re up for some good old punishment. That’ll teach you some proper manners.
Afterwards, you’re up to some time off. Forget about college, forget about your friends.
That’s gonna be your life until they know that you won’t pull something like this again and that’s gonna take so much time cause once their trust is broken, it’s gonna take a long time to build that back. 
So, in conclusion, it would've been better if you hadn’t done any of that. 
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stagehunt · 27 days
get to know the author behind the blog! repost, don't reblog.
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NAME:        vos AGE:         23 PRONOUNS:         they/them YEARS OF WRITING:          that  definitely  depends  on  what  you  classify  as  writing  but  i  discovered  rp  as  a  concept  in  2010  which  was  probably  just  a  bit  after  i  got  into  writing  little  short  stories  and  things  as  a  kid.  i  was  writing  them  by  hand  in  a  little  notepad  that  somebody  in  my  family  handed  over  to  a  school  teacher,  extremely  mortifying  ordeal  to  me  at  the  time  lmfao       
WHY DID YOU PICK UP WRITING?           i’m  pretty  sure  i  first  started  by  writing  shitty  warrior  cats  fanfics  actually,   and  i  didn’t  know  that  fics  or  fandom  in  general  was  even  a  thing  at  the  time  so  u  could  say  i  was  destined  for  this  sort  of  brainrot   fgdjkh   little  nine  year  old  me  also  encountered  rp  for  the  first  time  by  searching  for  warrior  cats  flash  games   (i guess??  idk  what  i  actually  thought  i’d  find)   and  instead  wound  up  on  some  random  webpage  with  a  chatbox.  moved  on  from  there  to  writing  awful,  horrible   (but  very  fun)   naruto  oc’s  on  a  website  that  i  think  was  called  chatango  some  years  later,   dabbled  a  little  on  imvu,   and  started  writing  on  tumblr  around  2015  iirc
DO YOU HAVE ANY WRITING ROUTINES?          i  wouldn’t  say  so?  sometimes  i’ll  listen  to  like…  instrumental  interludes  from  certain  albums  or  smth  that  i  won’t  enjoy  too  much  because  i  find  music  very  distracting,   not  just  for  writing  but  in  general,   and  sitting  in  silence  is  a  weird  feeling  to  me  too.  when  it  comes  to  other  things  i  need  a  podcast  or  video  essay  or  something  similar  to  be  at  all  productive  but  it’s  hard  to  focus  on  writing  with  someone  yapping  in  your  ear.  i  used  to  save  writing  for  nights even  when  i  have  free  time  throughout  the  day,   because  i  tend  to  feel  bad  about  sitting  at  a  computer  screen  all  day,   but  with  my  activity  in  its  current  state  i  have  to  sit  down  and  get  it  out  the  moment  inspiration  and  energy  align  themselves  for  me.    
WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE PART ABOUT WRITING?         sorry  to  steal  your  answer  but  i  def  have  to  agree  with  what  layla  said  re  the  community  aspect  of  rp  actually.  it’s  so  nice  to  be  able  to  just  click  with  someone  over  a  shared   (sometimes  niche)   interest  and  love  for  certain  medias/characters/dynamics/genres  etc.  the  feeling  of  finding  someone  who  shares  your  vision.  and  also  stemming  from  the  same  thing,   i’ve  always  felt  that  my  favorite  and  most  “solid”  muses  are  the  ones  that  i’ve  gotten  the  chance  to  develop  alongside  another  through  plotting.  love  shared  canon,  love  affiliated  oc’s,  love  group  verses.  allllll  that  good  stuff.  
THREE THINGS YOU LIKE ABOUT YOUR WRITING.         gonna  break  the  format  we’re  following  here  because  i  have  to  ramble  and  idk  how  to  break  all  this  into  three  titles,     so  obviously  being  succinct  isn’t  one  of  the  answers  here   kfdjghd
i  always  try  to  capture  a  different  flow  and  style   (???)   of  prose  depending  on  who  i’m  writing,   and  i’m  never  sure  if  that  really  comes  through  for  others  or  if  i  just  seem  inconsistent,   but  whenever  i  look  back  at  old  blogs  i  can  see  it  for  myself  and  that  at  least  keeps  me  content   :)   i  want  to  read  my  writing  back  and  feel  that  it  has  character  outside  of  just  the  spoken  dialogue.
i  like  to  spend  a  lot  of  time  with  a  piece  of  writing,   which  realistically  is  not  to  my  benefit  in  terms  of  activity,   but  i  do  just  really  enjoy  drafting  and  redrafting,   rearranging,   nitpicking  at  everything  until  it’s  as  close  to  being  what  i  want  to  be  as  i  can  get  it.  so  that’s  more  about  the  writing  process  than  the  writing  itself,   but  i  think  it’s  still  important  to  allow  myself  to  have  fun  with  it  fkjghd
pulling  a  blank  on  a  third  thing  bc  this  is  actually  a  really  difficult  question  but  i’ll  come  back  and  edit  it  later  if  something  pops  into  my  head  kfjgdh
A question for the next person
HAVE YOU MADE ANY STRONG  CONNECTIONS  /  FRIENDS DURING YOUR TIME WRITING?          for  sure.  one  of  my  dearest  friends  in  this  world  is  not  a  writer  but  someone  who  i  met  as  a  mutual  friend  of  my  first  rp  partner.  i’m  not  really  in  touch  with  that  person  who  introduced  us  anymore  but  i  simply  couldn’t  live  without  my  bestie  and  i  consider  writing  the  only  reason  we  really  met and she gets to kinda "beta" some of the things i do write   dfkgjhd   i’ve  also  traveled  to  the  states  a  couple  of  times  in  my  teens  to  meet  a  rp  buddy  who  i’ve  known  since  i  was  around   ,,   twelve  or  so  i  believe.  
wouldn’t  be  right  not  to  shout  out  @ohchosen  here  either  because  i  was  very  close  to  leaving  tumblr   (and  also  probably  rp)   for  good  when  we  became  friends,   and  writing/plotting  tmkz  together  has  been  one  of  the  best  experiences  i’ve  ever  had  on  this  website,   where  friends  and  mutuals  tend  to  come  and  go.  you  never  did.  you’re  probs  the  funniest  person  i’ve  ever  spoken  to,   craft  the  most  beautifully  written  responses  imaginable,   you  put  a  world  of  effort  into  developing  your  muses  and  you  let  me  derail  every  single  one  of  conversations  to  talk  about  music  instead   gfjhdg   sorry  i’m  so  mean  to  you.  ily  a  lot.
there’s  also  a  handful  of  mutuals  who  i  don’t  necessarily  talk  or  interact  with  very  much  anymore  but  have  been  around  for  years  at  this  point  and  i  have  fond  memories  with  too.  always  so  so  so  glad  to  see  you  pop  up  on  the  dash,  it  makes  me  smile  every  time  so  i’ll  use  this  as  an  opportunity  to  wave  at  you, you know who you are    <3
NEW QUESTION: where  do  you  draw  the  most  inspiration  from  when  writing?  music,   other  medias,   ur  fave  author,  a  dream  you  once  had  etc.
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tagged by @oneireth tysm <3 tagging val take my love letter as ur tag, also hi @heliador @loetise @tiderider @yeonban @pearlcure @deathsmaidens @sungracd !!!!!
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First, I apologize to all renters, but mostly those in New York City. This is the story of a beautiful Bavarian fairytale town, the world’s oldest housing complex, where the rent is still less than a $1 yr.  Almost everything is the same as it was when it opened 500 years ago, including the annual rent. Welcome to “the Fuggerei.”
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Located in the city of Augsburg, Germany, residents of the Fuggerei pay next to nothing for a lovely home. So, what’s the catch?  In exchange for an annual rent of 88 cents, you must be an Augsburg resident for at least 2 years, be struggling to make ends meet, yet be debt-free, and prove your Catholic faith.
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Residents are also required to pray 3 times a day and do some part-time volunteer work in the community, such as gardening, to keep the place nice.
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The gates to this walled enclave close at 10pm every night, so if you want to step out after a hard day’s praying, no problem- just give the nightguard a small tip, and a swig of whatever you’re drinking.  
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The rules may seem old fashioned, but that’s because they’re so old.
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Compared to the paperwork, credit checks and hoops you have to jump through to get a landlord to accept your earnings in return for a dingy little apt. in some cities, this is a breeze.
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So what’s the story behind this 16th century subsidized housing community that lives on its own terms? For some context into it, let’s meet the Fuggers.
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Jakob Fugger, aka Jakob the Rich, a banker, opened his purse, to those in need.
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The Fugger family was a dynasty of German bankers, nobility and merchants, who controlled much of the European economy in the 16th century and owned   land in and around Augsburg.
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Devout Catholic Jakob the Rich had a social conscience. He founded and donated the Fuggerei to the city in 1521, on the condition that he would make the rules, and it would stay that way forever. By 1523, 52 houses had been built with a church, squares, fountains and more streets on the way.
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The Fugger empire crumbled over the next 150 years, but luckily for Augsburg’s needy, the legacy lives on.
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Even after WWII bombings heavily damaged Augsburg and the Fuggerei, it was rebuilt to its original style and even expanded to 67 houses with 147 apartments.
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The Fuggerei was a stress-free safe haven for many war widows and struggling tradespeople to set up home and even shop on the grounds.
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Today, all houses and apartments are occupied except one, that serves as a museum, reminding visitors of the importance of dignified and affordable social housing.
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All profit from the museum goes back into maintaining the community.
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The entrance fee is 6.50 €, which is over 7 times the yearly rent, and visitors have their own entry gate, for minimal disruption.
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Of course, it has a long waiting list, with enquiries from folks far and wide who want to get in on the free weekly communal breakfasts. You could end up waiting up to 7 years to make it through the gates of this German fairytale town. (Actually, you wait longer here, for some apts.)
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Except for a portrait of Jakob Fugger which hangs in all 147 apartments, the homes come unfurnished so residents can put their own stamp on the place.
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Each identical apartment has an elaborate doorbell, uniquely shaped so residents could feel their way and identify their door in the dark, before the installation of streetlights. I guess social housing doesn’t have to be a broken system. 
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shae-mermaid · 21 days
You Are A Queen, Part 3
Part 1! | Part 2!! | Part 4!!!! | Part 5!!!!! | Part 6 (FINALE)!!!!!!
A/N: I'M HAVING SO MUCH FUN WITH THIS!!! and I hope you all are too! There should be at least one more part to this, but we'll see. A lot of this is coming to me as I type, tbh. But I'm surprisingly liking how this story is evolving, for it being an impulse project.
Now, as our Beloved Devil likes to say:
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Before you knew it, it was a couple days later. Your (after)life was really starting to shape up. You and practically all the hotel staff & patrons became pretty fast friends. You loved hanging out in Angel’s room the best though. He was so much fun to talk to! Plus, an added bonus of getting to hang with his little piglet, Fat Nuggets. You loved that little dude.
Since you were rescued so quickly after getting here, you didn’t really have anything except the clothes on your back. So Charlie, being as kind and thoughtful as she is, thought you could do something with her old clothing. 
She had given you the dress from the infamous “Goth-y phase” portrait Lucifer had shown you. You couldn’t help but smirk a little, trying not to giggle in front of her.
“I know it wouldn’t exactly fit like a glove, but I thought I could try to help with some modifications,” Charlie kindly offered, snapping her fingers to reveal more black fabric, trim, and other sewing supplies, including a sewing machine on your dresser. “These are all left from my…teenage years,” she says, trying yet failing to disguise her cringing face as her normal, happy self. “I realize not everyone knows how to sew…”
“Oh, that’s ok! I know how,” you replied, excited. “I actually love creating new clothing like this. It was one of my hobbies back on Earth.”
“Ooh, really? That’s cool! I hope this dress isn’t too…depressing,” Charlie said hesitantly.
“I actually love it! I loved wearing darker styles like this sometimes. It’s a perfect blank base to add my own ‘flair’,” you said in a playful manner. 
Charlie giggled. “Well, I’m excited to see what you make of it! You sure you won’t need my help?”
“I shouldn’t, but I’ll let you know if I do,” you replied.
“Ok! Well, have fun!” she said, as she practically skipped out of your room. You finally let yourself giggle out loud a bit, before laying it flat on your bed to get some inspiration. 
Fast forward to the next day, you basically finished the sewing part. But you wanted to add some more visual interest, and decided on using fabric paint. You catch Charlie in the lobby, asking if she happens to have some.
“No, but I think my dad just might,” she said, with a slight pondering expression.
You instantly hunch your shoulders and look to the floor, unable to stop thinking about their interaction on your first night, and how you may have overstepped with him. “Are you sure? Wouldn’t he be busy?”
“He told me he cleared his schedule today, so that he could help me with lessons later.”
That’s sweet of him, you thought. You sigh in an attempt to calm your nerves. “Ok, if you’re sure he’s not busy…”
Charlie nods and grabs your wrist, running you both up the stairs, which honestly leaves you out of breath a little. That girl must’ve been on the track team in high school or something. Jeez. 
You started to feel your heart beating a little harder, and not just because of the stairs, as you both got closer to Lucifer’s door. 
“Dad?” Charlie called out, while knocking on said door. 
After about thirty agonizing seconds (might as well have been a century), you both finally hear a faint “Come in, sweetie!” from the other side of the door.
“He must be in his workshop. Come on in,” she said to you, opening the door to her dad’s personal suite.
You had seen his apple-shaped tower from the outside the other day, and thought it looked big enough to tilt the whole building. But it pales in comparison to how huge it looked on the inside. The power of Angelic magic, you thought.
You couldn’t help but stare in wonder, looking all around the suite and seeing all manner of circus motifs, mixed with old,  Victorian style furniture and chandeliers. And of course, many portraits of Charlie. A few had him and another woman in them with Charlie. You can only assume it to be…her mom.
Turning steely-eyed, you turn back towards Charlie, who was watching you, covering her mouth a little as she giggled. “Sorry. Your expressions are just adorable,” she says admittedly, which made you blush a tiny bit from embarrassment. 
Charlie starts pulling you along to the farthest door on the right, that was even more ornate than the rest of this space. A golden door, with a carving of a pond, with little ducks swimming in it. You love his over-the-top style. He surely must have what you’re looking for, and more.
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“Dad! Can we come in?”
“Uhh,” Lucifer hesitates, only because he’s working on a present for his daughter. “I’ll meet you out there in a sec!” We? He wondered. Charlie’s normally the only person that visits him in his suite. After frantically putting his little surprise away, he practically runs toward the door. He shouldn’t have been so shocked to see someone with Charlie, well, perhaps, if it wasn’t you.
“Uh..Hi, sweetie,” Lucifer says, giving his daughter a side-hug while eyeing you. “Hey, Y/n”. He suddenly realizes he’s staring and trying to look away, acting cool and aloof. “What’s up?”
You shyly fold your arms together, looking more self conscious than even normally, which is saying something, for you.
“..We were just wondering if you happened to have some fabric paint for Y/n to borrow,” Charlie spoke for you. 
Lucifer spies you looking at Charlie, mouthing out what he assumed was a ‘thank you’ to her, to which she responded with a reassuring smile back. 
“Um, I should have some somewhere…” he says, while thinking out loud and turning back to his workshop to look. “Just one sec.” He walks back to his desk, scanning through his (lack of an) organizing system, with paint brushes spread everywhere, but somehow, no paint. Finally, he remembers the box he keeps them in, opening up a miniature version of his wings to lift himself up towards the ceiling, grabbing the box on the highest shelf.
He walks out of the room, and gives the box to you, which you struggle to hold, it’s so full of heavy paint bottles. “Oh! Sorry!” He says to you, levitating the box with his magic. “I’ll just make a portal for you,” he snapped his fingers to reveal a portal in the middle of the room. Another snap, and without even looking, Lucifer levitated the box to the floor, right beside your bed, and closed the portal.
“Uh, dad…she could’ve just used that portal to get back to her room,” Charlie chimed in.
Lucifer smacked his forehead with a frustrated sigh. “Sorry, Char-Char,” he replied, opening the portal back up again. “My mind’s been a bit scrambled all day,” he says with his pointer finger making a circular motion around his ear. 
You grin and let out a quiet hum. “I feel the same all the time”. You said something! Woo!
Lucifer and Charlie responded with a slight chuckle. Lucifer was curious, though. “If I may ask…why do you need the paint?”
“Oh, um, I’m actually, uh...painting. On some old clothing that Charlie gave me.” you say sheepishly. 
Lucifer’s eyes lit up a little bit. “Oh! You craft, too?” he asked. A crafting buddy! He was excited at the prospect.
“She said she would ‘add her own flair’ to the old clothes I gave her,” Charlie added, seeming a little more excited than she should’ve been, at least to you.
“Oh! Nice, nice,” Lucifer said, while his thoughts drift off into realms even he didn’t know, for a split second. “Well, have fun, Y/n! I’ll be waiting to see what you come up with. Maybe you could help me out with one of my projects sometime?” He lays the question out in the open, nervous for your response.
Your eyes light up now, looking at Lucifer with those gorgeously vivid eyes you have. “Sure! That would be cool,” you say, trying to act relaxed about it. “Just ask me whenever.”
Charlie has been eyeing you both this whole time, and it was obvious to her that there was something going on between you and her father. She was suspicious, or more accurately, curious. But she, as always, tried to assume this situation was a positive one.
You and Charlie finally give her father one last wave, before stepping over the threshold of the portal, with it dissipating a second afterwards.
“See? My dad’s not so bad,” Charlie says, with a playful flick of her wrist. 
You chuckle. “I know. We’ve talked a little before. I’m just surprised to know that he likes crafting too. But then again, I shouldn’t be surprised, judging by how AMAZING his suite is!” you say, dramatically opening up your arms before flinging yourself backwards on your bed, to which Charlie responded by laughing wholeheartedly. 
“That’s just how he is. And hey, when one has the power he has-” Charlie snapped her fingers to reveal a dress form, with your dress already on it, and some black strappy kitten-heel sandals to go with it. “-You make your space however you want it.”
You stare wide-eyed at Charlie, jumping up from your bed and giving her a bear hug. “THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU~” you shout, as Charlie hugs you back. “You didn’t have to do that for me!” 
“It’s nothing, Y/n,” Charlie started. “I just thought you’d want something to go with it, as a…nicer option for certain events~” Charlie tried (badly) to hint at something that you were refusing to realize could even be a possibility.
You scoff, playfully.”Well, I highly doubt that, but I thank you nonetheless,” you respond with a subtly accepting tone, you resigned to the idea of anyone ever being interested in you, romantically or otherwise, long ago. 
“Oh, don’t sell yourself short! Besides, we’re having a little get together on the grounds in a few days. Dad’s creating a pool for the hotel!” Charlie jumped in place in excitement. She thought that would draw more people in. And it was a good idea.
This is gonna be interesting, you thought.
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A/N: Slow burn, but I promise you, all the good fluff is coming soon!!!
If you like it, please tell me in the comments, or through my ask! I love hearing what people think!
~Shae <3
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localcuttlefish · 1 year
You have an INSCRIPTION OC?!?!?!?!? I need more details, I beg at this point.
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I do indeed have an Inscryption OC! Their name is Amos Silvano Toomes, or as they’re more well known, The Painter!
They’re a resident of Leshy’s forest ever since they abandoned their role as a student of Magnificus, and they assist in the carving and decoration of the masks Leshy uses during cardplay. Or at least, that’s what they remember!
Their play style is an aggressive combination of magic and beasts, and heavily relies on flying creatures to attack the opponent directly. However, The Painter starts each game with at least two trees on their board spaces, which does block some attacks from the opponent, but hinders The Painter from loading the board with flying creatures.
The Painter is skittish, aloof, socially awkward, and nervous, but generally a good sport and a fine friend if you manage to keep their memory from resetting long enough for them to remember you. They tend to repeat their words, laugh anxiously as filler dialogue, and let their sentences trail off as if they’ve forgotten what they were going to say. Their memory is foggy, but they have frequent spells of déjà vu. That being said, they aren’t frustrated by their bad memory. They seem to just accept it.
Bonus content and backstory under the cut!
The Painter was actually an independent artist, a few months away from being a graduate from the Cooper Union, who was contracted to make designs for Inscryption cards. Eventually, Amos was brought on board for the Inscryption computer game, but this was all a ruse to utilize Amos as one of the first test subjects of bringing sentient life into the game. The experiment failed, and Amos lost most of their sentience, becoming “NPC-esque”. That being said, every now and then, they get strange flashes of their old life, which manifests as déjà vu. Unfortunately, their memory resets frequently, leaving them forgetful and unable to carry most knowledge of the player past one or two resets. However, showing them their old artworks jogs their memory a little bit. If you take cards you know The Painter designed, and give them to The Painter during any phase of the game, they start to “wake up”.
“Waking up” The Painter results in Amos falling into a nervous depression because of the awareness of their entrapped state. Their name in the game would change to “Toomes” instead of “The Painter”, and their area of the forest would quickly be loaded with new paintings and sketches, since they would then also become aware of the passage of time and get really bored really quickly when left alone.
In the game, they’re completely made of wood, and able to disassemble and reassemble themself like a ball-jointed doll. This feature also gives them inhuman flexibility and degrees of rotation in their joints. They’re scared of the dark, and tend to carry a lantern with them at all times (which is a little dangerous being that they’re made of wood, but hey, they’ve made it this far). Their favorite color is goldenrod, they like American pop-rock music, and their favorite subject to paint is portraits. They tend to hang out in the trees, and they definitely have a jumpscare animation if you get too close to them while they’re hidden in phase 2 of the game.
Freako owl person my beloved
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blouisparadise · 1 year
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There are so many amazing bottom Louis fics that were posted or completed during the month of December. We’re entering a new year feeling incredibly grateful for the amazing fics we got in 2022, and excited for the many we’ll get in 2023! Happy reading!
1) Far From Reality | Explicit | 1138 words
Note: The main pairing is Louis/Henry Cavill.
Henry and Melissa looked like the perfect couple. Nothing could be further from the truth.
2) Honeymooning In Italy  | Not Rated | 2386 words
Honeymoon sex.
3) Poisonous Ivy | Explicit | 3241 words
Louis is a starving man.
He craves many things in his life. Mainly of those things that he is hungry for are things that had been deprived off of him.
4) Flame Colored Paradise | Explicit | 3282 words
Note: The main pairing is Louis/Mads Mikkelsen.
A side smirk widened Mads’ lips. He looked like a sight straight from heaven in his dark three-piece suit, hair in perfect place, a relaxed look on his face, as if he hasn’t had a hard-on for the last half an hour. Louis loved how Mads was always perfectly composed, never a single strand of hair out of place. He could have his whole cock buried in Louis, with the boy falling to pieces in front of him, but not a single drop of sweat would dampen his face.
5) Alpha Heater For Sale | Ten & Up | 3626 words
He passed by the bulletin board in the hallway, as usual, flyers about open mics, dorm events, and the like. This time though, he stopped when a flyer caught his eye. The words “alpha” and “heat” calling out to him.
Louis tilted his head at the flyer curiously.
It read: Alpha heater for sale! Winter weather got you down? Call Harry for your warm, furnace-like needs!
6) Unspoken | Explicit | 5175 words
Harry and Louis broke up when they were nineteen. They see each other after six years.
7) You're The (Devil In Disguise) | Explicit | 5179 words
Louis is, in appearances, the perfect omega. Small, graceful, docile, polite and very sweet. At least, until the rebellious side of him comes out, which sends alphas running away.
8) Little Minx | Mature | 5514 words
Harry’s new flatmate Louis seems to have a growing problem…literally.
9) Down Comes The Night | Explicit | 5974 words
Note: The main pairing is Louis/Pedro Pascal.
A love story set in the 18th century. Pedro is a painter, commissioned to create a wedding portrait of Louis, a young man who has just left the convent. Louis is a reluctant spouse to be and Pedro must paint him without his knowledge.
10) Our Stained Skin | Explicit | 6019 words
When Louis' 8-year-old daughter shows up with a tattoo on her arm Louis needs to get to the bottom of it. That may or may not involve him tailing someone. But at least he has a good reason for it. Sort of.
11)  Forever Is Composed Of Nows  | Not Rated | 6598 words
There was one time of the year that Louis loved more than any other. It came on the heels of autumn, slowly at first in frosted blades of grass and misty mornings and then swept over the countryside in sheets of freshly fallen snow glinting in the sunlight. With its arrival came the glow of multi-colored strings of lights strung from the eaves of every home and a magic in the air that filled the lungs of awe-inspired pups craning their necks to take in the festive displays.
Harry and Louis spend Christmas Day together.
12) Can We Please Get Back to Fucking? | Explicit | 8370 words
Harry and Louis have had a toxic back-and-forth relationship since they hate fucked at freshman orientation. Now in their senior year, they’ve lost count of how many times they’ve broken up and gotten back together. This is a smutty one-shot from when Louis makes Harry jealous at a club. Harry takes back what is his, and they fuck in the bathroom.
13) Singer And Photographer | Not Rated | 15361 words
Harry Styles: singer, songwriter, alpha
Louis Tomlinson: photographer, omega
What if you get invited by one of your best friends to join him and his band on tour?
What if you are photographing the tour?
What if you're slowly falling in love with a special alpha?
14) Here Where You Should Be | General Audiances  | 19497 words
When Harry, an anxious alpha, found himself panicking over last minute Christmas shopping, he found comfort in the kind omega shop assistant, Louis. He wasn't meant to invite the omega home for Christmas when he found out that he's spending Christmas alone. He wasn't meant to catch feelings. Hell, he wasn't even meant to be able to go home for the holiday. It was shaping up to be a Christmas full of surprises.
15) Under The Rain Or Under The Snow | Explicit | 20667 words
“I don’t think I understood.” He shakes his head and closes his eyes, as if distancing himself from the situation. “Harry? What the fuck are you doing here?”
“Your mum invited me, also, how could I say no to her superb roast potatoes?”
16) 12 Days of Courting | Explicit | 22709 words
They're friends with benefits and Louis' heat is scheduled for Christmas.
17) The Evenness I Fake | Explicit | 26385 words
Harry doesn’t do relationships. He has a perfectly enjoyable friends-with-benefits agreement with a perfectly lovely omega, and he doesn’t see the need to change that anytime soon. The small fact that Louis giving his attention to another alpha makes Harry want to put his head through a wall isn’t nearly as much of an issue as everyone’s making it out to be.
18) Something Along The Lines Of ‘An Office Love Story At Christmas’ | Explicit | 43148 words
Harry hadn't planned on seeing Louis again, not after that night. When he finds out his only competition for a very desired promotion is Louis, he spirals into a mess of trying to be a better coworker and person right before Christmas in hopes that he can outdo Louis' effortless effect on his office. If he manages to get his head out of his ass along the way, it’ll be a holiday miracle.
19) All I want For Christmas Is You | Not Rated | 43253 words
Christmas AU in which a soft alpha with gorgeous green eyes and an even prettier smile moves into Louis' apartment complex and turns the omega's world upside down during his most favourite time of the year - featuring christmas decorating, christmas markets, cookies in the making, and copious amounts of mulled wine (and kisses).
20) Your Gift is Wasted On Me | Not Rated | 54472 words
“He had a partner for a long time, and he says that he was too dependent. He doesn’t want an alpha, at least not right now. But he’s got a pretty severe case of touch deprivation. So it’s … not great.”
“Is there anything …”
“He doesn’t like to be touched. There was an incident a few weeks ago and he just … he can’t bear human touch.”
21) Now I'm Begging for Footnotes In The Story of Your Life | Explicit | 80742 words
Harry and Louis are engaged, but a few months before the wedding Louis realises that they don't like each other, so instead of ending the engagement two of them go head-to-head in an all out prank war.
In the battle of who will end the engagement first.
22) You Sunshine, You Temptress | Explicit | 88148 words
A story about a forbidden love 
& secrets that come to light.
Eyes as green as the forest And eyes as blue as the lake When they met a love began
Stronger than the tide And wilder than a river Fearless Despite the ban
Fairy and wolf Together one
23) My Kind Of Love | Explicit | 108178 words
Harry marries Louis for one year. Louis has no choice other than marry Harry fucking styles. There is a reason behind Harry’s sudden marriage with Louis and Louis has no idea about that. Maybe Harry married Louis for revenge.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
You can find other monthly roundup fic rec lists here.
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Is SH at home in Glasgow? 🤔 or in New York?
SH is with Andy Gotts MBE. Based in London and New York, is one of the most prominent portrait photographers working today.
I wonder how much SH’s PR paid to hire Andy Gotts to photograph him. Well, SH thinks it's important because He likes to think it is. This didn't come cheap. At least we are going to see SH at nearly 44 years old without retouching 😂
Andy Gotts has a unique style he captures very private moments in time. His method is highly unusual in that he travels to photograph his subjects in their own home where they are most relaxed. He shoots completely alone with no assistants present allowing him to create the privacy and intimacy required to capture his subject in ways that are truly unseen.
To satisfy his desire to be true to his art form and document accurately what is in front of the lens none of his subjects are ever retouched after the shutter release has been activated, which is totally unique in the world of photography.
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Andy's selection of celebrities is for him, these people have provided him with entertainment and joy, Spend time with them in a photo shoot. There is no need to embellish SH's existence with a few minutes photo. This has nothing to do with any SH project.
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evil-ontheinside · 1 year
S5 speculation byler fic recs!
stars by the pocketful by @thesapphicbard
Whatever it is, it’s okay, he tells himself. It’s just Will. It’s just Will, and it’s just them, laying down in Mike’s childhood bed, face-to-face, and Will knows him better than anyone, Will loves him–
He’s safe, here. Even with the storm brewing outside and the very obvious end-of-days knocking on their proverbial doorstep, he’s safe.
It’s just one innocent, small touch.
So why does it feel like leaping off of a waterfall?
In which Mike is cringe, per usual, and Will could care less.
moth to a flame (or a lightbulb) by @apatheticlexicographer
It was a memory, Mike realized, his fingers smoothing over the arm of his basement couch. Probably a pretty old one, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on which. Was it before that November, or after? His eyes were heavy, the room around him fogged up like an unfocused camera lens and washed to sepia. He couldn’t make out enough detail to date it past the nebulous timestamp of sometime, ages ago. It felt like home regardless.
“Will?” a voice whispered into the umber gloom.
Or; Mike has a dream.
The Hospital, Nancy and My Mom's Cardigan: All That's Left of My Family by @dinitride-art
They don’t tell you what to do when someone you love might lose someone. They don’t tell you about the distant look in their eyes, and the broken voice that you’ve never heard before. About how you had to help carry his sister's body and drag him to the car. A car you barely know how to drive. But you have to get her to a hospital.
Even though they left someone behind. And he’s crying, breaths coming out like they’re cutting out his throat.
But Will has to fucking drive.
To Hell and Back Again by @perexcri
After Mike unwittingly stumbles into a series of interpersonal bombshells, he immediately sets out to find Will so he can find out what, exactly, that painting meant, and why Will lied about it. Unfortunately, Mike is obsessively obstinate and relentless to a fault, and he'll go to the literal ends of the earth to get the answers he needs.
Or: Mike and Will's Apocalypse Romcom Spectacular
outlined in guilt, my portrait stares (in a gallery where the walls lie bare) by @catboy-cabin
Though Mike hasn't seen many of Will's paintings – not recent ones, at least, and especially nothing like this – there isn't a doubt in his mind that this is one of them. It has all the hallmarks of Will’s style, in the depth of emotion displayed by the eyes alone; in the way Mike's freckles are much more visible than they have any business being; in the dark lighting and drab colors that Will always uses to depict the landscape of his trauma, when he just needs to get all the horrific images immortalized by his brain out.
(It hurts, to find himself rendered like some monstrous thing straight out of the Upside Down.
Mike probably deserves it.)
or: vecna has a tempting offer for mike.
Meet Me At the End of The World by @likegoldintheair
Will reaches out, places his left hand on Mike’s neck and says, here, breathe with me. His right hand gently pries one of Mike’s hands open from the grip he has on Will’s arm, and he laces their fingers together, placing both of their hands on his own chest.
Breathe with me.
So, Mike does. He closes his eyes as he feels Will’s chest move beneath his palm, feels him breathe in and out; the soft flow of it, the calmness, the familiarity of it all. He tries to match it, tries to slow down, tries to let the air stay in his lungs a little bit longer. Tries to breathe out.
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medi-melancholy · 5 months
assorted (and feasible) cosplay plans and/or ideas for the future:
hisami from touhou (it's been 10 years god i need another 2hu cosplay already, can match with my gf as zanmu, she's just like me fr, unsure if wanna make it all myself or wait till th19 is old enough that stuff starts getting sold one place or another)
a fate gal like secretary koyanskaya, normal or nurse bb, nightingale, idk maybe medusa (whyyyyy don't i do anyone from fate yet, i'm so overdue,,, ideal would be alice or nursery but i'd look Bad, dream would be oryou-san with someone as my ryouma but Whomst the Fuck)
fox from p5 (but fem cuz i've got an absolutely fuckin perfect long pretty wig already and also i Cannot hide booba in that outfit lmao)
someone from jojo, most considering (and recommended to be) yukako or rohan... hmmm....
some kind of pokemon gijinka look or kigu or lolita coord or idkkkkk i just wanna be banette and hang out with my gf!!!!
The Dreams™:
plain doll from bloodborne (i need.)
arianna from eo (i'm so sorry i never finished you bby i was not skilled enough at age 14-15) or just anyone else from eo tbfh. would love to do one of the class portraits i like, or one that's easy to recognize
sandrone from genshin whenever her actual in-game design is revealed, but also lyney because i require those clothes to be on my body asap
someone from arknights idk man (i had wanted to try passenger but i can find like Nothing i need for him online and i don't wanna make it all myself)
someone from p2 but my 2.7+ ft of hair that i have to wrestle to cram into tiny wig caps is not likely to agree with all these short-haired bitches. half tempted to just fuckin buy one of the school uniforms to wear casually to at least rep the game somehow. maybe i'll make a dialogue sign and be the horror-loving girl. bleheheh. if i really wanted to work around that i could say fuckit and be baofu LMAO. midatlantic folk if you wanna start a p1-p2 cosplay group... just sayin......
to do/to fix:
redo barriss (i wanna get full rebel legion approved babeyyyy but that fabric is pricey as hell)
fix up frederica (if possible, may not fix at all anymore, who knows)
maybe new medicine??? (or get an alt style dress?)
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bunnybananasims · 6 months
Get to Know You: Sims Style
Thank you so much for the tag @polygonbeach!!! This is a very long one, so I'm gonna cut this text post. Just sit back, relax, and happy reading!
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What’s your favorite Sims death?
Probably Old Age because I love it when my Sims have fully lived their lives before passing away :) The other one I like is Electrocution because the Sims look so funny 😂
Alpha CC or Maxis Match?
Maxis Match all the way.
Do you cheat your Sims' weight?
I don't. I only make them work out if they roll a want to work out or increase their athletic skill, and/or if they receive an athletic-related opportunity.
Do you move objects?
Yes, sometimes.
Favorite Mod?
I have many faves, it's hard to choose 😅 probably the More Entry Points, Business as Unusual Bistro by Ani and almost all mods from @simsi45. I also love the custom weather presets from @pudding-parade and lighting mods from @brntwaffles
First Expansion/Game Pack/Stuff Pack?
The Sims 3: World Adventures
Do you pronounce live mode like aLIVE or LIVing?
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
Juliet Capulet (yes I know, very original name haha but not really based on the famous character. I was in my huge R&J phase when I created her & her parents)
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Have you made a Simself?
Just once, because I'm not good with CAS and it's my least favorite play style haha
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Which is your favorite EA hair color?
Black, Brunette, Ginger, Blonde
Favorite EA hair?
The one Juliet has, from The Sims 3: Supernatural and the female hairs from Roaring Heights
Favorite life stage?
Young Adults / Adults
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
Gameplay, but I also build sometimes if my save needs it 😂
Are you a CC creator?
Do you have any Simblr friends or a Sim Squad?
Yes, and they're all amazing and so creative
Do you have any Sims merch?
Official? None. I have a mug that I won from a Twitter giveaway, though 😁
Do you have a YouTube for Sims?
How has your “Sims style” changed throughout your years of playing?
Sims style, meaning CAS style, the Sims themselves? I'm not really sure what to say 🤣🤣🤣 My style has always been a mixture of retro and modern, and largely based on the Sims' personalities themselves. If they're premades, I have always based their outfits/makeovers on their original look, just enhance it and put my twist on them, still considering their personalities. I also look for real-life inspiration online. I guess what I can say has really changed is that I became more adventurous with using colors and patterns on their outfits, and doing more mix-and-matching. In terms of portrait presentation, it has changed, from a minimalist wall to a more appropriate, lively, colorful background.
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Who’s your favorite CC creator?
I have a lot of faves (see my resources page 😂) Just on top of my head:
How long have you had Simblr?
Since December 2019
How do you edit your pictures?
In Photoshop, I increase brightness and vibrance of my photos, then use Topaz Clean to smoothen the edges 😁
What expansion / game pack is your favorite?
This is a hard one. I love almost all of TS3 EPs. For the first place, it's a tie between Ambitions, Late Night and University Life for me.
I tag @fishcemetery, @arielovessims, @treason-and-plot, @getboolpropped, @nonrevsims, @plumbob95, @tsims, @nectar-cellar, @happy-lemon, @mystic-hysteria, @mystery-pixels, @madraynesims and anyone who wants to do this!
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daveyfvckingjacobs · 11 months
ok erm i didn’t finish my writing yet but here’s some hcs while u wait
on the rooftop, crutchie and jack are happy to let any of the newsies stay overnight. often they hang out and share stories
jack has drawn every single couple together at least once. like getting a portrait done. most of the newsies actually hate getting this done because it’s a long and tedious process and they have to sit still for a really long time lol
jack is trans. end of story LMFAO
racetrack higgins is also trans. END OF STORY.
crutchie is a very good listener, and that’s why he knows so much random shit that jack tells him about Santa Fe, 90% of which probably isn’t true
jack has most definitely ( but kept secret ) drawn crutchie riding a palomino, ridin in style.
race chose his name *very* wisely. he had a selection at hand and he chose racetrack bc let’s be honest if u could choose a badass newsie name you would want RACETRACK. i know i would
ok bye enjoy my writing is actually based on some of these hcs so you’re welcome
take your time!! I am chill waiting
oh :((( when one of them has a nightmare or is reminded too much about their past, has a bad selling day or is just generally feeling low they get to spend the night without needing to ask. sometimes they just sleep with the quiet, less chaotic comfort of the pair or they’ll chat. whatever the newsie needs
jack drawing all the newsies is one of my fav simpler hcs for him but honestly I’ve never thought about him sitting down the couples that’s so cute I cannot. most of them are horrible fidgets and sometimes he has to resort to memory or drawing while they’re curled up asleep, racing to get it done before they wake up and ruin the pose or get embarrassed
TRANSRACETRANSRACETRANSRACE. I’m always down for all trans hcs, race is my personal fav along with some other gender fuckery of handful of others I love but jack is one I’ve never put any thought into. I am intrigued tell me more I’ll swap you for mine
jack has no idea how to draw someone on a horse. he loves the drawing anyway, even if it’s a little wonky. it’s in his pillowcase so crutchie won’t ever come across it accidentally and it makes the lines a little smudged and blended but he likes the effect. it makes it look old, like some prophecy or foretelling of their dream
the idea of race sitting down and choosing racetrack instead of being dubbed it is so funny for the thought he would put but also sad for the connotations. choosing a new name to fit it? forget his old one? endless possibilities
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