#naomi watches voy
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bro wtf that line one hit KO’d me
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horsechestnut · 5 months
God I love Naomi. I love how curious and insightful she is. I love her relationship with everyone, especially Seven. Best choice the show ever made was making her a full character.
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procrastinatorproject · 4 months
29, 39, and 40 for the Star Trek asks, please. ✨
Thank you so much for the questions!
29. Favourite and Least Favourite Episodes:
Ooooh, good question! Let's start with the negativity so we can end on a high note 😅
I... honestly would put most of Picard seasons 2 & 3 in the "least favourite" category 🙈 If I had to pinpoint some lowlights, it'd be "Fly Me to the Moon". It's not a bad episode in itself and in isolation, I might not mind it, but the two times I watched through season 2 in order, this was the episode where I found myself crying and/or shaking with rage and disappointment when it was over. Probably becuase it really drives home that they're serious about where they're going with this series I used to love and it's not somewhere I can follow.
Disregarding that... I have a terrible memory for this kind of thing 😅 And I guess it depends on what you mean by "least favourite".
I think one objective measure to use: I don't ever want to see the ENT mpreg episode again, where everyone acts like Trip Tucker having his bodily autonomy violated in a horrendous way is The Funniest Shit™. That has seared itself into my brain so much that when I was rewatching all of TNG, DS9, VOY, and ENT to take notes for the holo-tech database, it's actually the only episode I wanted to skip.
There are also some real bombs in season 1 of TNG, and some of the Ferengi episodes in DS9 are firmly on my "no thank you" list. But yeah, I think the involuntary mpreg takes the cake, honestly.
Now for the much funner part: There are SO MANY episodes I truly love! DS9's "Take Me Out to the Holosuite" and "Badda-Bing Badda Bang", PIC's "Broken Pieces", VOY's "Concerning Flight" (which is apparently controversial?), "Drive", "Bride of Chaotica!", also any VOY episode that has Naomi Wildmann in it...
There are also A Ton of Deep and Dramatic episodes I love, but from my instinctive answers I'm realizing that what draws me to an episode as a "favourite" is apparently "It's fun!" (and likely involves the holodeck? 🙈🤣) So yeah, if we're talking favourite, not best, it's probably something along these lines.
39. You have to relocate to a planet other than Earth, which do you choose?
Hm, that's a tough one. I feel like not that many planets readily spring to mind, so I'll have to really think about this.
It'd probably be near the centre of the Federation for that sweet, sweet post-capitalist utopia (and also because my family is presumably still on Earth and I want to be able to visit Very Frequently.
Vulcan is a big No, because my body does not function above 25° C🙈 I love snow and ice, though, so Andoria might be a real option (though not technically a planet, I guess 😋).
Beyond that, I'm honestly drawing a blank. I think I haven't seen enough TOS/TNG in a while, so I don't remember too many worlds they visited. But yeah, probably somewhere that's close to the Sol, close to the centre of the Federation, has good temperate-to-colder climate to live in... In the end, it would probably very much depend on why I'm relocating and whom with.
40. If you got a Trek inspired tattoo, what would it be?
Another tough one 😅 I don't have any tattoos and don't think I'll ever get any. For one, I'm way too scared of that kind of long-term commitment, but also my skin has Issues™ and I don't know how long a tattoo would look decent.
If I were to get one, though? Let's be honest, it would be some version of the Sirena logo. That little ship has shaped my life in ways more profound than I can even say. Sirena and her crew got me to write again after over a decade, gave me so, so, SO much joy, not to mention all the incredible, wonderful friends I foud along the way (that's you!)
I think for me, Sirena stands for found family, friendship, healing, creativity, allowing myself to feel joy in my nerdiness and head for new adventures. So yeah.
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If not that, probably some variation of IDIC, either the symbol or the saying in Vulcan script 🤔
This was fun! Thank you so much for the asks! And if anyone else wants to know more:
Send Me Star Trek Asks 💗
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thoughts on harry’s psychological state - and any potential plot to explore it - from that whole duplicate voy situation. i Think only he and naomi are originals? possibly? so like. how’s he doin with that, both long term and immediate aftermath
that's a good a question... it's been a while since I watched "Deadlock" and like that was such a crazy plot. I don't blame Voyager fans for wanting idk any recognition of the fact that it happened at all, which we didn't get but then again DS9 fans never really got any consequence about the fact that a changeling duplicate of Julian lived on the station for weeks so I suppose it's a general Trek deficiency (crazy plots with zero follow through!!)
idk I don't think about it too often to be perfectly honest—in my mind Harry is just as baffled by the duplicate Voyager as the audience is about the ship he's from—and in the end it was such a weird situation that he's like THAT happened I guess!! but there is no functional difference about the two Voyagers so I'm just going to roll with it since my friends are still pretty much my friends—it's not any different from having a really really weird dream and tbh after 7 years on Voyager IS it the weirdest thing that's happened to him?
idk this is probably not very interesting I'm sure any starfleet counselor would be horrified to hear Harry to be as matter-of-fact as I imagine him to be... then again you can imagine him discussing this stuff with Ezri Dax and her being, oh no yeah I totally get why you feel *shrug emoji* about it (people who died and came back different #understand)
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mirekat · 3 years
So last night Em and I were hanging out on the sofa doing internet parallel play, as you do, when suddenly she exclaimed ‘Wait, Naomi has an industrial metal band???’ At which I became very excited, because I was slightly drunk and thought we were talking about Naomi Nagata, and the idea of Dominique Tipper at the front of an industrial metal band is...well, exciting. But turns out she was talking Naomi Wildman from Voyager. Which is funny in its own way.
I mean, I’m never going to listen to it, because for the most part I avoid knowing things about the actors who play my faves, but from now on I’m going to imagine small earnest Naomi getting back to Earth, realizing that her childhood was objectively insane, and channeling all that alienation into a very successful metal career. 
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vulgarvulcan · 3 years
seven of nine/naomi is so not the bff dynamic i expected from voyager and yet i love it a great amount
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mrspockomakeitso · 3 years
How the Voy crew would react to the lizard babies if they’d stuck around:
Janeway: watches over them when she can, but mostly lets the rest of the crew raise them; she doesn’t feel very attached to them, since she was a lizard when it happened, and she tries not to think about who the father is.
Tom: goes all out dad to raise these lizard babies. Takes them to old-earth car races on the holodeck. Tries every food in the replicator with them to see what they like. Tries not to think about who the mother is.
Harry: the lizards’ godfather. He brings them to work sometimes, which only ends in ship-wide disaster twice. After the second time, the lizards are banned from engineering, but they can visit their mom on the bridge every now and then, where they say hi to uncle harry.
B’Elanna: pretends the lizards don’t exist. She is the one who bans the lizards from engineering after a near-warp core breach. But deep down, she has a soft spot for the little guys. She brings them to the holodeck now and then to teach them how to defend themselves. She is the lizard’s godmother, and very slowly adapts to that role.
The Doctor: initially keeps the lizards locked in sickbay to monitor them and check their dna to be sure that they are, truly, the children of paris and janeway. Once their identity is verified, he is happy to welcome them aboard. He plays music to see what genre they’re into, and kicks them out of sickbay when he realizes they enjoy rock and roll more than anything.
Seven: she finds the lizard babies a handful at first, and she avoids babysitting at all costs. But when they’re older, they prove themselves capable and intelligent creatures. They help her discover a new spatial anomaly in the astrometrics lab, and after that she enlists them to help with her more challenging problems.
Tuvok: is one of the best babysitters for the lizard children. He teaches them how to behave on voyager so they don’t get into trouble, and plays endless matches of Kal-Toh to develop their cognitive abilities. He would never admit this, but the day the lizard babies earn their ensign uniform, the sight almost brings a tear to his usually dry eyes. Almost.
Neelix: as expected, he’s a very enthusiastic babysitter to the little ones. He watches over them while taking care if naomi, and the four kids become very close friends. Sometimes it’s difficult to find activities for both salamanders and humanoid species, but neelix finds a way.
Chakotay: the lizard babies don’t exist to him. When they are on the bridge, he makes every excuse to leave the room. Once one of them looked at him, and he felt its eyes pierce his very soul. Why is no one else weirded out by this? Why didn’t he leave them on the planet?
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mylittleredgirl · 3 years
trekathon update!
marauders (ent) thanks to @jonathanarcher
this is the first time i’ve cracked open my enterprise blu-rays and the title menu is....... a lot to take in. i borrowed some screencaps from trekcore but i promise you, still images do not do this chaos justice.
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everyone is VERY attractive and dusty in this episode, thank you boost.
trip just leaves the enterprise schematics with a kid on a colony frequented by klingons. the nx-01 crew has no stranger danger whatsoever. they’re just toddling wide-eyed around the shallow end of the quadrant, walking up to white vans to ask if they have candy.
["gravity"; "bliss"; "bride of chaotica"; "night terrors" below the readmore]
gravity (voy) thanks to @jonathanarcher
passion punk teen tuvok is my life.
i love how this is a Tuvok Is Vulcan episode without Vulcans Are Secretly Murder Machines. the vulcan master is great, and it's all very respectful to the vulcan way -- showing both the burden and benefit of it.
in a situation where tom and tuvok are trapped together for eternity, which one do you feel worse for? the real question.
“we might need to use you as a battery” like...... i’m not one to wave a hologram rights sign in the town square, but come on dude
bliss (voy) thanks to the play all feature
so much about this episode gives me joy. space captain ahab. naomi and seven are friends. casual references to how much tuvok loves his family.
also the "the whole crew is brainwashed and turns on one crewmember" is terrifying as shit whenever it happens, and this is no exception.
this creature is intelligent enough to falsify sensor records and computer logs and forge letters from home in ASTONISHING detail, what more does an ancient alien intelligence have to do to warrant a hail or something?
i think we're meant to assume that the alien-generated letters from home actually exist (and aren't just hallucinations from the crew) since seven -- who's mostly unaffected -- receives one and the sensor logs seem to be real, and i think that's gonna be pretty weird for the crew to have their secret hopes and dreams written out in text form after realizing it's all a fake. "mark's engagement was broken off" when last we heard he was already married indicates that that the hopes and dreams might not be fully grounded in reality, which would make it even weirder.
bride of chaotica (voy) thanks to @al-the-grammar-geek
the single more disturbing reveal in this episode is that you can watch holoprograms from the outside
and i REALLY hope they were all watching on the bridge while janeway larped her heart out. they were busy trying doing Ship Things, but can we get a little picture in picture thing on the viewscreen?
i ADORE that the soundtrack is really playing on the holodeck. of course it is! why wouldn't holoprograms have soundtracks? we should assume that going forward for any episode scoring that happens during holodeck scenes.
seven’s “starfleet’s first encounter with planet x” joke is clear evidence that our girl does have a surprisingly well-researched sense of humor and the rest of the crew just aren't ready for it.
casting my vote for that briefing room scene as best voyager scene of all time
night terrors (tng) thanks to @bevfank​
the clarity of the enterprise in the tng blu-rays makes me FEEL THINGS
can we get the sound mixer on this an emmy because i get full-body chills EVERY time the “eyes in the dark... one moon... circles...” scenes. you know what i mean!!
i’m thinking about the o’briens, and how many fights of theirs are used to show that Something Is Wrong (plot-wise), but it's like... "they're newlyweds, so that should be enough for the audience to infer that they're full on in love whenever plot isn't happening" isn't enough! give me something!! i'm really committed to loving the o'briens but i feel like i'm doing all the work here.
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dr-nero-is-god · 3 years
okay i’m doing the raven & seven of nine post now because the response was very positive and i have finally found fifteen minutes to myself
to start i will get the basics out of the way. here we have two ladies with short hair and tight bodysuits who have risen from abusive, controlling collectives that raised them from childhood. their parents are presumed dead (it’s complicated) and in their place they have a number of mentors who have decided to teach them to be human (nero, janeway, the doctor) in such a way that they are able to reproduce the kindness shown to them to their own students (core four and naomi wildman). they are terse but capable of deep love and though they are cruel they are also kind, which is to say that the kinship and loyalty they demonstrate gives those they consider family a measure of safety in their company. their bodies have been permanently scarred by their upbringing—raven jointly scarred by tolya and nero and seven wearing borg implants she is unable to survive without. they have vacillating aro and lesbian vibes, though only star trek seems to feel the particular need to demand heterosexuality of its heroine. they both have a deep loyalty to their collective (in both cases there is a hive mind involved) and their attitude toward children is, at best, accepting. raven and seven are dangerous at the same time that they are broken and they are beloved at moments when they feel alone. they are prepared and i love them.
also when i found out that seven’s parents traveled on a ship called the USS Raven i sure did freak out. yep. that happened
anyways i wanted to bring this up specifically because what really stands out to me is the role of mentorship in their lives, particularly alongside their respective doctors. i think the essential trait both raven and seven share is that they are unforgivable traitors who have done terrible things under the abusive control of a stronger power (killing friends, assimilating societies, re-assimilating drones who escaped the borg) and they are responsible for those atrocities, and yet they befriend a doctor whose love does not require perfection or even forgiveness to find a new life. in both cases there is really not a focus on atonement, really: when raven is saved, her story turns toward revenge, and seven’s saved-ness comes from rediscovering her individuality and finding satisfaction in a collective of individuals. 
in VOY: “Someone to Watch Over Me,” seven and the doctor sing “you are my sunshine,” which is one of seven’s first times participating in artistic expression, and i have already spoken to what, exactly, is so special about nero reading raven a tale of two cities when he is turning her from furan’s indoctrination. but to return to a theme i addressed in that attc post, one of the main reasons that reading to raven is so important is that it demonstrates that there is room for family and for evil to occupy the same space in the world, and i think that, too, is something that VOY wrestles with throughout its exploration of the borg. but, even more important, even if seven can never be fully held accountable for the various atrocities she has participated in, that does not mean she cannot belong to a family. because guess what! she does! and so does raven!
and so while they are not the same (ultimately hive is very pro-murder and star trek is very not) seven and raven both kind of go out of their way to say that there is a place for weird evil girls who don’t fit in in this world and boy howdy i could drink that for breakfast
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rovttenchild · 4 years
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hola, por acá sheik ( o emma porque la verdad no sé por qué reservé con seudónimo ). les traigo a mis dos basuritas: toby y thadeo. les voy a dejar información de ellos que es vital leer antes de darle like para que así sea más fácil armar algo. también dejo sus listas de conexiones y tableros por si sirven de algo. en fin, si mis crías encajan en algo con las suyas, pueden colorear el corazón para que me acerque, o pueden directamente escribirme por telegram ( @ weekvndz ) que ahí soy menos colgada jeje. @thefoxesconex​ 
* 𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐬. ( skeleton b )
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𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐨 / 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚 𝐝𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬 / 𝐛𝐢𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐟𝐢́𝐚
se llama october pero la mayoría la conoce como toby. tiene veintidós y es inglesa, así que imagínenla con el acentito y usando ese slang horrible avd. también es de kappa delta gamma. está altamente basada en cook de skins, pero cooler.
estudia música, ( tiene una banda donde es la voz líder y guitarrista. es muy como... rock alternativo, medio cositas experimentales y así ). toca otros instrumentos: teclado y batería. también juega como delantera en el equipo de soccer femenino.
como diría mi reina naomi campbell: “she’s living a bit harder than the rest of us.”— toby es básicamente la decepción de su familia: problemática, auto-destructiva, viciosa, mujeriega, entre otras cosas. además es muy malcriada. también es de las que se mete en peleas y a cada rato trae moretones o cositas así ( watch out, que toby es la que mató a nathan, oops )
igual les recomendaría que lean su biografía para saber más de ella, porque me cuesta resumirla jeje. otras cosas que podría decir de ella es que tiene un montón de tatuajes y piercings ( pueden ver sobre eso en su tablero ), parece que no le importa nada y siempre está buscando cómo divertirse. es muy buena amiga, pero solo cuando se encariña.
la tomboy / fuckboy favorita de todos— espero.
oh, genderfluid !!
dato importante para las kappa: TOBY METIÓ UN PERRITO CALLEJERO A LA CASA. se llama ozzy pawsbourne.
cositas que buscamos: amistades, ex amistades, relaciones casuales y dramitas en base a su miedo al compromiso— enemigos !! alguien con quien se haya agarrado a madrazos porque sip, maybe bandmates. 
* 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐨 𝐦𝐲𝐞𝐫𝐬.
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𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐨 / 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚 𝐝𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬 / 𝐛𝐢𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐟𝐢́𝐚
your local good boy™. es literal ese gif que puse. 
se llama michael thadeo myers, pero todos lo conocen como thadeo por obvias razones. tiene veintitrés. estudia diseño de modas ( es ese chico de tiktok que hace prendas para su novia. solo que thadeo no tiene novia rip ) y es parte del periódico estudiantil. también es miembro de sigma phi.
es mi único personaje que no tiene problemas familiares *aplausos*
es súper revoltoso y medio que se mete en problemas pero nada grave— algo así como el payaso de la clase, solo que lo es en clase, en casa, en las fiestas y en todos lados. le gusta hacer reír a los demás, pues.
siempre está rodeado de chicas, pero no precisamente por womanizer, sino porque es muy amistoso y charming, y su mami lo crió como un caballero. o sea, tiene muchas amigas. también recomiendo que lean su biografía para saber más de él.
se le da de maravilla cocinar, porque ayudaba a su mamá desde más chico. y ella le enseñó de costura. medio que lo molestaban porque parece un niño enclenque, estudia modas y está rodeado de chicas pero nadie le conoce rollos de una noche o así. ya se imaginarán lo que piensan los machitos de fraternidad: “ha! gay!”. well, he’s not.
eso sí, ha tenido novias, ha tenido sus... cosas, if you know what i mean 🤪 pero es virgen. es secreto, obvio, lo disimula bien porque al fin y al cabo tiene suerte con las mujeres porque está bonito, nomás que... ajá.
boyfriend !! material !! over !! here !! es el que te saca fotos lindas para instagram, te hace ropita y te cocina tu comida favorita. also meme king.
es asmático.
cositas que buscamos: la verdad cualquier dramita que se les ocurra. exes, enemigos, algún chico que le haya robado a la novia por lento :/, y no sé, cosas bonitas grax.
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you heard it here first folks, cardassians are whiny bitches
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blue-mint-winter · 3 years
ST Voy s06e06 - Riddles
In this ep, Tuvok is attacked by some secretive species’ spy and gets brain damage. Neelix helps to rehabilitate him while the others work to find the attacker and restore Tuvok back to normal.
As usual, I enjoy the relationship between Neelix and Tuvok and this episode is quite a study into the Neelix end of it. It all starts with the titular riddle, which is just Neelix’s way to be annoying to Tuvok and get a reaction out of him. It’s quite telling that Neelix is at his most annoying around Tuvok, no one else, he so does it on purpose, testing the limits of the Vulcan’s patience.
In this episode, Neelix basically gets what he wished for all this time - Tuvok who is emotional and more approachable. And they become close friends. Neelix becomes important to Tuvok, just like he wanted. However, the episode fails to acknowledge that it all feels wrong. Tuvok acting emotional seems like entirely different person. There’s a price for Neelix’s wish. But it really didn’t look like Neelix actually wanted to bring old Tuvok back or realized the wrongness of the situation - that the new Tuvok isn’t the same person as the old Tuvok that Neelix wanted to get close to in the first place. Hm. Seven’s comment about her own similarity to Tuvok’s situation and how she adapted after losing her Borg connection and abilities further muddles the message. The whole issue of Tuvok’s identity is lost among everything else. All in all, Tuvok had no real agency in this ep and that’s a shame.
Btw, I disagree with the ending. Puns and word games have their own kind of logic.
s06e07 - Dragon’s Teeth
Voyager runs afoul a species that jealously guards the secrets of superfast travel in subspace corridors. They hide on a planet and find hibernating survivors of Vaadwaur species that first found those corridors. They decide to help each other, but Vaadwaur aren’t as peaceful as they seem.
I like how Janeway dealt with them. Janeway negotiating anything is always great to watch, she’s so firm but compassionate. Seven’s excitement about helping to rebuild an extinct species, and then disappointment when things turned differently, was bittersweet. I liked the whole idea about Neelix finding information about Vaadwaur in ancient Talaxian tales. Another detail that was great was Naomi refusing to play with Vaawaur children because they mocked Neelix. That’s just very relatable that she’s sticking up for her friend (and a good way to show something’s wrong with their culture).
The main Vaawaur guy reminded me too much of Gul Dukat, especially when he talked with Seven. He gave off that off putting vibe of a silver-tongued liar.
The most surprising thing about this ep was that it implied the Borg never assimilated any species that knew about those subspace corridors. Or did they?
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discotreque · 4 years
Picard 1.05: Stardust City Rag
I've heard Jeri Ryan say in interviews that it was hard for her to get a handle on the voice of this older, "more human" Seven. She happens to be real-life friends with Jonathan del Arco (Borg buddies!), and apparently he suggested that Seven hadn't changed that much on the inside, but she had begun deliberately speaking in a more casual manner to put people at ease. And it turns out you can see it in this episode: when Seven gets emotional, she starts slipping back into the stilted way she used to talk on Voyager. The less distracted she is, the less robotic she is.
As though I couldn't relate to this character more. I'm autistic; conversational speech is not something that comes naturally to me. The first word that rises to mind in most situations is the longest, most precise one, no matter how awkward or confusing it might sound in context, and if I'm not careful I have the tendency to speak in, like, complete paragraphs. I've learned to be a better communicator over the years, but it's very much a learned skill, and it slips away from me sometimes. Arguing with me can be like arguing with a computer that won't stop crying.
Seven of Nine already meant so much to me, for reasons too weighty to get into here. Watching her process her trauma and grow on Voyager was a touchstone for me in a lot of ways, in the 90's and now. I like having one more thing in common with her.
RSVP Icheb. I see they recast him. Not that I ever want that creep to get another paycheque, but it would have been nice to see Manu get his eyeball ripped out of his fucking skull, wouldn't it?
SO WHERE'S NAOMI WILDMAN??? Safely adventuring around on the Endeavor, I hope.
Speaking of recasting, meet the new Bruce Maddox. I hope they at least offered the part to Brian Brophy first. Maybe he didn't want to grow a beard. Maybe he didn't want to come back just to get beat up and die. Who can say!
The, uh, extremely legal copy of this episode that I watched didn't have a subtitle track, so I did not catch the name of the evil MILF on Freecloud (turns out it's Bjayzl, which is a great name), but I really liked her outfits.
My theory that Agnes is another flesh-and-blood synth—Dahj and Soji's older sister or cousin or whatever—would now mean that Maddox created a robot for himself to smooch on and mansplain baking to. Which isn't a great look for him. (Neither is dating your fully human subordinate who's 30 years younger than you, come to think of it...)
I don't think it comes up often enough to be a "trope," but the "thing" where two characters who are new to us (like Raffi and Rios) gossip about characters we already know intimately, much better than they do even (like Seven and Picard)—it's quite funny and I enjoy it.
Rios gets a holographic pop-up ad for a mechanic shop; Picard gets one for high tea; Jurati gets a hilariously aggressive job offer from a robotics company; Raffi gets one for a snakeleaf den; and Elnor has been living off the grid and doesn't get one, poor bb.
MR. MOT'S HAIR EMPORIUM????? I guess he really was the best barber in the fleet.
And, of course, Quark! Sounds like he's back on Ferenginar and Quark's Bar is now a franchise. Amazing.
I want holographic angel wings dammit
Elnor is so cute omfg
Oh... oh Raffi no...
That was hard to watch. Michelle Hurd is amazing. Jonathan Frakes is amazing. This show is, periodically, amazing.
My headcanon, btw, is that the waitresses aren't real and Elnor is holding a gun on a couple of holograms.
Seven killing Bjayzl (with a phaser set to "campfire") had me like good_for_her.jpg. I hope that's not all we see of Jeri Ryan this season, but if it is, what a way to go out.
Okay so maybe Agnes isn't a synth after all. Piling that on top of, uh, all of this would be a lot.
I can't believe it took this show five episodes to mention Soong.
That conversation between Seven and Picard about their humanity was something I had been waiting for since they introduced her on VOY. Now get them in a room with Hugh!
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suckaysuamigos200 · 5 years
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bueno aquí empezaré una serie de dibujos de Midnight Horror School con otros personajes pero en estos dibujos me basare en el doblaje al español de la serie (bueno solo los que vieron ese doblaje entenderan la referencia pero bueno tambien les voy a explicar algo) empezemos con genie y fu dog de Jake Long: El dragón occidental ya que ambos personajes en español latino los interpreto Carlos Carvajal y ademas los dos son algo inteligentes. Well here I will start a series of Midnight Horror School drawings with other characters but in these drawings I will be based on the Spanish dubbing of the series (well only those who saw that dubbing will understand the reference but well I will also explain something) let's start with Jake Long's genie and fu dog American Dragon: Jake Long since both characters in Latin Spanish are played by Carlos Carvajal and the two are also somewhat intelligent. Speedpaint:www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDWtVz…   genie,Midnight Horror School-Naomi Iwata fu dog-American Dragon: Jake Long
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mrspockomakeitso · 3 years
yo the voy crew grew so. dang. much. Especially? Oddly enough? Neelix?
I just watched Elogium and this dude 1. Didn’t want kids at all and especially didn’t want a daughter (ok he changed his mind by the end of the episode, but overall he did Not want that) and 2. Treated the doctor like shit (referring to him as ‘the hologram’ and saying he shouldnt have the authority to speak to a ‘flesh and blood’ person as an equal) and 3. Was super jealous and gross to tom and kes.
But by the end of the show? He basically adopts every kid who comes onboard, especially naomi, and he and kes decide to be friends (and, surprisingly, he and Tom become friends too). And though he doesnt become the doc’s best friend, he does learn to respect him as an equal and i think helps advocate for his rights to starfleet in ‘author, author’.
Tldr; surprisingly, neelix has some of the best character growth on voyager.
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the-resident-gay · 3 years
Favorite Star Trek character??? 🥺💯👌
Overall? Probably Tilly, Burnham, Naomi Wildman, Seven, or Uhura. 
Per series that I’ve watched:
TOS: Uhura, obvi
TNG: Q, don’t @ me
Lower Decks: Mariner
VOY: Naomi Wildman and Seven
DISCO: Tilly, Burnham, Georgiou, Stamets, and Dr. Culber (honestly I love every character in that show)
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