#my uncertainty about my feelings is not due to that actually
fellhellion · 8 months
Obsessed w the way Valmeia picks Astarion because she knows he’s a liar; she’s a liar! every scrap of power she ever accumulated was due to honey tongued lies. And there’s something safe about knowing Astarion being so very familiar in this respect.
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soaringwide · 13 days
PAC: What should I focus on to achieve success in my chosen field? - Career tarot reading
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Pile: 1 > 2 > 3
Today's reading is a career reading about "What should I focus on to achieve success in my chosen field?"
The reading is going to be kept open regardless of your chosen professional field to be applicable to various situations. I will focus on two aspects: 1) an analysis of your current situation so that you can asses and work on yourself; but also 2) the steps you can take in the world to better the situation.
It is important to have a chosen field in mind when picking the pile/picture as it is not meant to tell you what you should do, but rather help you move forward on your desired path, whether you're currently working in this field, or thinking of doing so in the future.
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Cards: Wheel of Fortune rx; Justice; Death rx; 9 of Wands + Queen of Wands; Page of Pentacles rx + The Moon rx + Page of Wands; Knight of Swords rx + 5 of Wands + 10 of Pentacles; the Chariot
Let's start with where you're currently in your career to see if it resonates with you and if you got the right pile. For some of you, it seems you've recently experienced a pretty harsh turn of events in your career that was sudden and unexpected. Perhaps you got laid of or something you were hoping would work didn't. For others, it could also be that you're still waiting for luck to turn in your favor, you may be looking for the job or opportunity of your dreams and feeling quite frustrated by the constant struggle. In both case things are not exactly going well so we'll see what you can do to turn things around.
If we're talking about success, we need to define what success is like for you in your chosen field. With Justice upright, being successful for you would mean a sense of authority in your field, as in, people come to you for advice and look up to the quality of your work but also your work ethic. They would see you as someone very knowledgeable and with a form of wisdom regarding their field. Someone who's able to take hard decision where others would fail to be up to the challenge and face the dilemma. They would respect you and your position.
For the strengths you can count on in order to achieve success, with Death reversed, I definitely think you're not someone to give up easily. Regardless of the setbacks you face, you're able to stay on track and keep your eyes on the price. There is an element of stubbornness but in this position it's actually quite positive since it's what's allowing you to keep pushing where others would have given up. This determination, even in the hardest moment where all hope seems lost, is key to your future success.
Now for what's hindering you, it's quite interesting because it seems to contradict your strengths but I think it's only here to show that these weaknesses have the potential to be turned into strengths, and also bring some nuance to the reading.
What I see is that despite not giving up as we previously saw, you're also prone to feel like the underdog, doomed to be alone against everyone having to constantly fight against people richer and stronger than you for what belongs to you. You have the potential to be a leader and be fully confident in your capacities, but right now it's appearing as a weakness, showing that you haven't embraced your leader-potential just yet. You might be hesitant to take risks due to the uncertainty and you're merely reacting to events rather than taking them as an opportunity to climb higher. You need to learn to take initiatives if you want to step into your power.
3 cards popped out for you mental or emotional blockages. I definitely think that you have this ingrained belief that you're not worth the qualities I described in the previous paragraph. You feel too young, too inexperienced and perhaps not strong or passionate enough to embrace them. But it's a mental blockage and not something rooted in truth. You also have some type of trauma regarding financial abundance, as in, part of you is stuck thinking you will always lack what you need to be at ease, or that you will always miss the opportunities that arise in front of you. I would definitely work on dismantling these beliefs because they are hindering your growth. Everything is learned either from childhood or from later in life, and there is no reason for history to repeat itself unless you let it dictate the way you think and act.
As for what steps to take in order to move forward towards success in your chosen field, you need to resist the temptation to rush and be hasty in your progress. With all the setbacks you're experiencing, it can seem like a good idea to go full force but it's not what's needed in your case. Rather, you should plan ahead and take deliberate steps and building your foundations with a directed focus instead of splashing around. You also need to be mindful of your words and how you come across and keep the idea of collaboration in mind, be it through working directly with people or through networking I'm getting. With that said, you still need to be your own spokesperson so be assertive and don't let competition trample you over. Perhaps your field is very competitive so you'll have to learn to find that stimulating and bloom in that instead of feeling crushed and diminished. There is also the idea that you will be able to achieve success through the help of people around you. It can either be family, friends or work connections you networked with. Perhaps you need to team up with someone and start to make your own path. Regardless, don't look at everyone like they are a potential threat but see the opportunities that can arise when you join forces.
Finally, you need to believe in your own success and abundance. Yes things aren't so great right now but it doesn't mean it will always be the case. You need to learn to believe you're the one in control of your life and lean into that power.
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Cards: Ace of Pentacles rx; Knight of Wands + Queen of Cups; 5 of Cups + 7 of Swords; 8 of Pentacles; 7 of Wands; King of Swords + Queen of Pentacles; the World
First of all, we need to start with where you're currently at in your journey to see if it resonates as the right pile for you. I definitely feel like you're quite early in your journey, perhaps even at the ''planting the seed'' phase. You got the Ace of Pentacles reversed in this position which to me means that the seed of your journey just hasn't landed in the soil yet. All this potential and energy is currently still in the realm of your mind.
It's underlined by the bottom of the deck being the world which signifies a world of opportunities waiting to happen in reality. You're definitely at a crossroad so we'll see what can be done about that.
I felt like it was a good idea to define what success looks like to you before looking at what to do to achieve it. So I think for you being successful entails being passionate about what you do, having the motivation to wake up every day without feeling like you're wasting your life. You want to feel in control of your life and that means spending most of your time doing something meaningful to you. I also feel like doing something that's emotionally fulfilling is important, and for some of you that might include something creative or artistic. In both cases, the financial abundance is important but it's a byproduct of doing what you feel fulfilled by.
As to what are your strengths, I think you're someone who's not afraid to take twisted path to achieve your goals. You might be ''street smart'' in the sense that you learn things on the go and in unusual ways and are able to see shortcuts where others only see the main road. I also get the sense that you're able to take a loss because you know that not everything is ever going to waste and that there's always something to learn from every defeat.
For your weakness, I definitely see a lack of experience and skills, which is good because it only take time and energy to remediate. However you need to be set on putting in the work in the long run in order to actually kick of your career otherwise it's remain nothing but a dream. I'm also getting that some of you might struggle with procrastination and feeling overwhelmed by tasks easily.
As for your blockages, and it is in line with my warning of the last paragraph, you might have a tendency to get discouraged easily and give up, where, again, success is all about being determined and working in the long run. Do not let setbacks or obstacles waver your motivation and ambition. It would be a good idea to reflect on what situation triggers such reactions and where it is rooted from.
Finally, for the steps to take toward your success, you definitely need to learn to be disciplined and structure your thoughts, and I'm getting, learning journey. Be clear with what you want to achieve, set down goals and work earnestly towards them. You also need to be practical about your goals and nurture yourself like you would a garden. You're not gonna shout at the plants because they don't grow fast enough. Instead, you research how to better care for them and you provide. Stay flexible in your mind and actions in order to react to events with grace, build onto your strengths to sharpen them, and stay focused on your goal. I'm getting drawn to the idea that the task you're trying to tackle requires many different elements of things to learn or acquire, so really focus all your attention toward one at a time, make it stable and fully integrated, and move onto the next stage of your progress.
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Cards: Ace of Swords; Ace of Pentacles; 10 of Swords + the Fool; 5 of Wands; 3 of Wands; 5 of Swords + Ace of Cups rx + Temperance + 4 of Wands rx + the Moon rx
Let's start with where you're currently right now, so that we can make sure it resonates and that it's the right pile for you.
Right now, with the Ace of Wands, you seem to be at the very start of this venture, whether it's a new career path or your very first idea. More precisely, you're in the planning stage, using your mind to figure out what's the best course of action to take in the future, weighting the pros and cons and drawing out a path for the future. I see you gathering information and knowledge about your chosen field so that you can make your entry in the best condition possible.
As to what success looks like to you, with the Ace of Pentacles, I think it's simply pointing at when you'll be able to make money from it. Not that you don't want to aim for something more, it's almost like a symbol of making your first coin, that will lead to many more. With the Ace there's always the idea of potential to come, so I definitely see that at the moment success for you will be to get your foot in the door so to speak, in order to build on it later on. It's also possible that this venture for you is a new chapter of you life and putting the gear into motion is what success is to you.
As for the strengths you can count on in order to achieve success, I definitely feel like you've been through a lot and that it's taken it's toll on you, but that it actually became a strength for you since it's paired with the Fool. I was trying to express this idea when I thought about a qhote from Nitzsche which I think expresses it perfectly:
"One returns regenerated from such abysses, from such a severe self-consumption of grave suspicion, having shed one's old skin, more ticklish, more wicked, with a finer taste for joy, with a more delicate tongue for all good things, with more joyful senses, with a second and more dangerous innocence in joy, at once more childlike and a hundred times more refined than ever before." - Nietzsche - the Gay Science
So yeah, I think you are now rejuvenated and you heart is strong and you're full of desire to take on life and make something glorious and beautiful out of it.
For your weaknesses regarding your career, I think you lack a competitive mindset and that you compare yourself too much to others, thinking you're somewhat lacking in various departments. You're overthinking what others think about what you do and you overheat yourself instead of directing this energy towards your goal. Definitely something you can work on if you find the roots of this lack of self-esteem.
For what mental or emotional blockage you hold, I think you're blocked in the thinking stage of you project and you fear taking the first step. It's like, you know it's not going to be easy so you navigating the waters because you feel safer on the shore even if nothing happen. Perhaps you just need more time but really nothing is ever going to happen if you don't take the plunge so be careful with that. Putting your project into action is not going to be easy, but it will be even harder if you never leave the harbor.
For advice on how to move forward, a whooping four cards came out.
You need to recollect your strengths and prepare for the next battle. Take stock at what you've learned in the past, what has been lost vs won, and how you can build on it in order to propel yourself forward and get out of your current situation.
There is also the need to feed your own emotional fulfillment and not think about money and practical aspects only, which might be a reaction to our current capitalistic world but is not going to feed your soul. Whatever you chose to do next, make sure it aligns with your heart's desire and not just what will bring you a quick buck.
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copper-16 · 2 months
We Can't Figure Out What It Means
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When Elena starts asking for something with a word that doesn't make any sense, Mapi and Ingrid enlist the help of their teammates to figure it out.
(a/n: I feel like so many of my stories are so angsty that getting to just sit here and write tooth ROTTING fluff is healing me a little inside. Anyways. Please enjoy :)
Ingrid and Mapi typically brought Elena to training one day a week with them. It wasn’t hard to have the baby at the training ground when everyone there wanted to hold her and say hello, but the two Barcelona players still worried that she would get in the way if she came too often. 
Nevermind the fact that everyone's faces lit up the minute that Elena came in through the door, or that there was genuinely always someone ready to hold the little girl. All of the Barcelona girls absolutely adored Mapi and Ingrid’s daughter, and she was admittedly making the baby fever run rampant throughout the team, though nobody else had acted on that urge just yet. 
Elena had missed the last few weeks at training due to various conflicts that had kept the little girl away, so when Mapi pulled her little Barcelona jersey that she always wore to the training ground out in the morning, the baby was immediately shrieking in excitement. Because as much as the Barcelona girls loved Elena, she loved them just as much. 
They managed to get everyone dressed, fed, and out the door in a surprisingly easy fashion. Elena was a relatively simple and easygoing baby, and when she knew they were headed to the training ground she was always on her best behavior, excited about what was to come. 
Ingrid turned the radio on a low setting as Mapi drove them toward the training center, with Elena babbling away in the back happily. 
“Oh yeah? How about that!” Mapi hummed as Elena continued to talk away, none of her words really making sense but remaining insistent nonetheless. She was at the age where she was starting to say some actual words, but for the most part she was still just getting out sounds and hums without much rhyme or reason to them. 
But Mapi encouraged it anyway, having read in a baby book that it was good for development either way. Ingrid looked back at their little girl with a soft smile, reaching back to brush some of her sandy blonde curls away from her face. 
Elena giggled happily at her as they pulled into the parking lot, both women getting out as Mapi went to grab their daughter while Ingrid got their stuff. 
The Spaniard had just hauled the little girl out of her car seat before Elena was twisting in her arms, gesturing to the ground. 
“Mami, walk?” Elena asked, her voice light and hopeful. Mapi smiled as she nodded, letting her down and holding out her hand for Elena to grasp. She started to toddle forward, gripping the brunette’s hand with iron clad strength as she ventured forward on unsteady little legs. 
Ingrid had two bags over her shoulders, one for her and her wife and one for Elena, but she watched the scene in front of her with thinly veiled horror. She knew that their daughter needed to learn to walk, knew that it was important for her to practice, but it still made her nervous. She didn’t want her to get hurt, or for something to happen to her. 
“Ingrid, she needs to walk,” Mapi reminded the Norwegian softly, having looked back to see the anxiety painted across her wifes features. Ingrid softens slightly, swallowing thickly and nodding with uncertainty, as though she was trying to convince herself of the brunette’s words. 
“Right, no I know, I just…I worry that something is going to happen to her,” Ingrid admits, watching as Elena stumbles slightly, but thanks to her connection with Mapi’s hand the Spaniard can keep her upright, looking back at her fellow defender with a look that reeked of ‘I told you so.’
“She is going to be fine, princesa, I promise. Plus, she is so close to the ground, how could she possibly hurt herself that badly!” The Spaniard argued, and Ingrid’s expression soured in the face of her wifes logic, and she held her hand up grumpily. 
“You’re close to the ground,” Ingrid argued, and Mapi rolled her eyes with a smile, preparing to say something back when Elena piped up from below them. 
“Le?” She asked, her eyes big and hopeful as she looked at her mothers. Both of them frowned, looking from the baby to one another. 
“Do you know what ‘le’ is?” The Norwegian asked in a hushed tone, and Mapi could do nothing but shrug slightly, shaking her head. 
“I have no idea what ‘le’ is,” she admitted, and upon hearing the word spoken again Elena said it a little louder this time, looking even more hopeful than before. Unable to find an answer, the three of them made their way into the facility anyways. With the chaos of everything, the center back was quick to pick her baby up, ignoring Elena’s protests that she could walk. 
The little girl’s upset was forgotten the minute they made their way into the locker room, replaced with pure excitement at seeing everyone. The whole team was there, with the exception of a few of the injured players who were in the gym already, working on their rehab. 
“Jay! Jay!” Elena half cheered-half shrieked as they approached Mapi’s locker, and the baby was promptly reaching for Jana as they arrived next to her. 
“Hi Elena” The younger defender cheered, plucking the little girl from her fellow defenders arms and wrapping her in a hug. “Oh I missed you!” 
Elena giggled into the defender's chest, making herself comfortable for a moment before she poked her head up, looking around at everyone. Most of the other girls were already changed, and Mapi and Ingrid were quick to do the same as everyone flocked to Jana to greet the little girl. They had missed seeing her the last few weeks, and she was equally thrilled to see everyone again. 
The sandy blonde girl allowed for herself to be passed around to everyone, letting all of them press gentle kisses to her cheeks as she babbled and giggled with excitement. 
It was when she ended up in Mariona’s arms that she looked around, a wrinkle appearing in her brow. When she doesn’t see the answer to her concern in the locker room, Elena turns to Mariona, her little eyebrows furrowed together. 
“Le?” Elena asks again, and Mariona feels a wave of confusion settling over her as she looks toward Mapi and Ingrid. The Norwegian and Spaniard looked at their daughter and then back to each other again. 
“What’s ‘le’?” The forward asked, and Mapi shook her head once more. 
“We can’t figure out what it means!” The brunette explained earnestly, more than a little lost on the meaning of what Elena kept asking for. 
“Le? Like Leah? Or Lia?” Keira suggested, turning toward Mariona for an answer. But the forward immediately shook her head, bouncing the baby as she answered.  
“She’s never met either of those people,” Mariona pointed out, and the midfielder deflated as she realized that the Spanish woman was right. 
“Maybe she means…Frido? Le, as in like Fridolina?” Aitana suggested, and all of them looked at each other in agreement, considering that it is a good idea. “I believe she is on the pitch already, if we want to go out!” 
The rest of the team made their way out toward the pitch for practice, with Ingrid carrying Elena as they walked. The baby played with her mothers thick, long ponytail as they walked, keeping herself as entertained as possible. 
“Frido!” Ingrid called out as they came closer, and Elena perked up at the mention of her godmother. 
“Fro-fro!” Elena clapped her hands together as Frido ran over, ignoring Ingrid entirely in favor of the baby in her arms. 
“Elena!” The blonde cried as Ingrid rolled her eyes, her hands coming to rest on her hips. 
“I’m right here too, don’t you know?” Ingrid pointed out, but her Swedish friend simply shrugged, settling Elena on her hip. 
“I saw you yesterday. I haven’t seen my guddotter in weeks!” Frido exclaimed, bouncing Elena up and down as she tickled the little girl's belly. Elena doubled over in laughter, and everyone couldn’t help but look over, completely entranced with the happy little girl. 
When she had finally caught her breath, Elena looked up at Frido with an expectant expression. 
“Le?” She asked once more, and Ingrid dropped her head into her hands as everyone groaned. Frido looked around in confusion, asking what was going on. 
“We can’t figure out for the life of us what ‘le’ is!” Keira explained as understanding washed over the Swedish forward. She looked down at the little girl, who was looking around as though she was trying to find whatever ‘le’ happened to be. 
“She looks like she’s looking for something. Maybe whatever ‘le’ is, is out here?” Frido tries, and since nobody else can come up with a better answer, they decide to take that course of action. 
So while the entire team warms up, they decide that the best course of action is to just show Elena everything that they’re working with, in the hopes of getting to the bottom of what ‘le’ is. 
Patri shows her a medicine ball, and the little girl slaps her hands against it but is otherwise uninterested, allowing the midfielder to boop the top of her head before she leaves her alone. 
Esme picks her up as she and Salma walk the little girl over to a pole that is stuck into the ground. Salma shakes it slightly, while Esme points to it, trying to capture Elena’s attention. But the baby is entirely uninterested, instead reaching for Salma in lieu of engaging with the pole. The young forward is quick to make an exit, more than a little scared at the prospect of being left alone with the baby, or having to hold her. It was a running joke that Elena loved Salma, but the young forward consistently panicked whenever the little girl was around, having never really done anything with babies before in her life. 
Marta and Lucy tag team showing her first the big goal, and then the little ones they use in practice. Lucy sets her up with a ball and Marta holds both of her hands as Elena steps into the ball, trying to kick it and sending it rolling forward a coupon of centimeters into the goal. 
The English woman immediately snatches the baby up, holding her up and running around in celebration with excitement until she receives a telling off in the form of Ingrid shouting Lucy! Put my baby down!
Mapi quickly collects Elena, and with Irene’s help she shows her the foam rollers and step up blocks, but nothing appears to catch the little one’s attention. She asks each person she is with “Le?” and none of them have a good enough answer for her in her little mind. 
All of the girls have resigned themselves to the fact that they aren’t going to figure out what the baby is talking about, when they end up actually getting their answer. 
The girls have just broken from their water break, and Elena was grabbed by Keira and taken away from her blanket and toys to go hang out with the team instead. The baby was settled on the grass, patting it happily as Mapi sat with her, doing the same. Ingrid smiled down at the two of them, unable not to see the qualities of her wife inside of their daughter in times like this as they both greeted the grass together with big smiles. 
Mapi gets distracted looking back at Irene, who is asking her a question about something they’ve been doing, that she entirely misses the way that Elena’s face lights up as she gets to her feet, noticing something in the distance. 
She can’t really run yet, but that doesn’t stop Elena from taking off at a fast toddle away from the group, her shriek of joy getting everyone’s attention. 
“LE!” Elena exclaimed loudly, her feet moving fast in her quest as everyone turned to see what was going on. 
“Elena!” Alexia ran toward the little girl, ignoring the slight protest of her knee as she bent down and scooped the baby up, holding her tightly to her chest. Elena practically melted into the blonde, wrapping her arms around her godmother's neck. The captain had been in the gym all day doing rehab for her knee discomfort, but she had decided to come out on a break to say hello to Elena and everyone else. 
Everyone at the water cooler let out a collective ohhh as they all realized that Elena meant ‘le’ as in ‘Alexia.’ The Barcelona captain tilted her head to the side in confusion, still holding the little girl's body tightly to her own. 
“What is going on?” Alexia asked, not understanding what all of her teammates seemed to be talking about. 
“Elena has been asking for you all day, but all she’s been saying is ‘le,’ so none of us knew what she was talking about until you walked out here,” Mapi explained as Elena leaned back slightly, reaching up to gently poke at Alexia’s cheek. 
“Le!” She babbled, looking from the captain to her Mami with a pleased expression. Everyone around them looked at the two with wide smiles, as Elena pressed herself into Alexia with a big smile spread across her cheeks.
“Did you miss your Tia Alexia?” Mapi asks, reaching forward to poke the little girl's belly. Elena nodded as twisted away from her Mami and further into the Spanish captain, and Alexia simply turned her body away from the defender before she started jogging away. 
“Nope, nope, Elena is all mine!” Alexia yelled back at Mapi, Elena babbling away at her happily as Mapi chased after the two of them. The little girl clung tightly to the blonde, but she smiled back at the Spanish defender as she chased after the pair, calling out. 
“Hey, wait a minute! Bring back my baby!”
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violetbeauregut · 6 months
Violet's Big Misunderstanding
It's been a while but I was inspired to write another feedee fantasy ❤️❤️❤️
Violet was browsing the ice cream section at the grocery store with her feeder at her back, absentmindedly rubbing her belly, when she heard the question. 
“When are you due?” The middle aged woman asked, her cart skidding to a halt. She gestured to Violet’s big, swollen belly and gave her a hopeful smile. Violet could see the barest hint of uncertainty in that smile. This woman knew it was impolite to make such an assumption, but was making the gamble because Violet’s feeder was worshiping her gut in a way that was almost always reserved for pregnancy. 
She felt her feeder press closer to her. He used the hands on her belly to gently steer her to face the woman. He ran a hand along the curve of her belly and said, “She looks ready to pop, doesn’t she?”
The woman chuckled goodnaturedly. “Any day now, then?”
Violet could almost feel his mischievous grin. He patted the side of her belly lovingly. “I swear she’s getting bigger by the hour.” 
“Well that’s perfectly natural, dear,” the woman said to Violet, reassuringly. “I was as big as a house by the time I had my first.”
Violet blushed deeply. Because her feeder had so readily played along, she was too ashamed to admit that she was actually just obese and not on the verge of giving birth. It was moments like these where she wondered if she had let things go too far–if she had let her gluttony and lust take her past the point of no return. It certainly felt that way, as her embarrassment at being so fat she was mistaken for pregnant warred with her arousal. 
Her feeder peered down at her, assessing her red cheeks and quickened breath. He moved around to her side and put a hand over her shoulders before making a show of squeezing her against him and rubbing her thick upper arm. “Aww, honey. There’s no need to get embarrassed; you are eating for two.”
The older lady nodded enthusiastically, saying, “He’s right. You’re pregnant, sweetheart, not fat. You just focus on growing that baby and you can always lose the weight later.” She turned her attention to Violet’s feeder. “Now you get that beautiful girl home and get her whatever she wants to eat. Make sure she stays off her feet too. Carrying around that belly is hard work.” 
Once the woman had given her fill of advice and walked away, Violet turned to him. “I can’t believe that just happened.”
He laughed again, reaching down and giving her gut a quick slap. “With how good you’ve been lately, piggy, I’m surprised it didn’t happen sooner.” 
She blushed again, looking down at her distended belly. It was hanging heavily between her hips– a testament to how much fatter she had gotten recently. “I feel bad about lying to that woman though.” 
He pinched her chin and tipped her face back up to look at him. “Nothing we said was a lie. You are eating for two– for you and me. She made the assumption. And don’t tell me you didn’t enjoy that. I know how wet you must be right now.” When she didn’t respond, he continued, “In fact, I know you enjoyed it so much that we are going to keep going. Okay, piggy?”
She nodded. She couldn’t help herself. If he gave her a choice, she would always surrender to him like the obedient sow she was. 
Violet waddled around the store holding an open bag of mini powdered donuts. The white sugar dusted her lips, fingers, and shirt (which had gotten so tight that it was riding up, exposing a strip of belly). The shopping cart was always in reach and trailing beside her. In addition to the fattening foods that were a regular part of their grocery runs, open wrappers and containers were littered inside. She had already eaten what would be a week’s worth of snacks for most people. 
It was frowned upon to eat in the store and then pay for the items during check out, but anytime an employee looked at her disapprovingly, her feeder would shrug dramatically and say, “cravings,” in an apologetic tone. She was left to gorge in peace after that. 
Violet was getting increasingly out of breath. Not only was she stuffed so full that her stomach was compressing her lungs, her walk through the aisles was more exercise than she was now used to. Not to mention that her heart rate would pick up everytime her feeder would make loud, teasing comments down the busiest aisles like, “pick up two, baby, I know that you’re going to gobble one up on the car ride home,” “let’s get the one with less sugar, the doctor said a forty pound gain was average, but you’re getting close to seventy,” and “careful, I know you feel like you have free reign to eat as much as you want right now, but remember that the weight has to come off eventually.” 
“I need to sit soon,” she panted. 
“Poor baby, I know that big belly is getting hard for you to carry,” he said. “Let me help you.”
He stepped behind her and let his hands trail over her wide hips until they snaked underneath her gut. He lifted her belly up with a quiet grunt that made Violet smile. 
Before she could even let him know what a relief it was to have him take some of the heft off of her lower back, a young woman popped up in front of her, excitedly holding her own swollen belly. Her’s, Violet could tell, really was a baby bump–and Violet could also tell by the way that only her belly was round while everything else looked tight and toned, that this woman was naturally thin and fit. She looked down at her stuffed, barely clothed pork belly that was covered in crumbs and sugar. She was immediately flooded with embarrassment. 
“Oh my gosh, we’re like twins!” The woman exclaimed. “I'm thirty-four weeks, but you look so much bigger than me! How far along are you?” 
“Any day now,” Violet mumbled, unwilling to lie so blatantly. 
“Oh how exciting! I’m sure you are both so ready. I know I can’t wait for my due date. I’m so sick of being this big and waddling around everywhere.” 
Her feeder laughed softly. “I bet! I’m sure you aren’t used to having to carry all that extra weight in your belly. You’re lucky though,” Violet’s feeder said, moving his hands to the side of her belly. “You’re all baby, but my Violet is swelling up everywhere.” 
After a few more pleasantries and the other woman’s sympathies that poor Violet’s fat distribution might mistakenly be seen as obesity rather than pregnancy, they finally got to the checkout line. 
“Have you finally gotten enough to eat, piggy?” He whispered in her ear. She nodded, rubbing the top of her tight belly. 
“I don’t think so,” He said with a smirk. He pointed to the rows of candy bars lining the top of the conveyor belt. He grabbed a handful of her lardy lower belly and gave it a little shake. “Go grab about six of them. You are eating for two after all.” 
She shuffled around to the front of their car and grabbed handfuls of chocolate, realizing too late that lifting her arms to reach the candy left her belly largely exposed and her deep red stretch marks on full display. She quickly scanned the faces of the shoppers around her as she desperately tugged her top down, but no one was staring at her or giving her the usual disapproving looks. Just when she thought she was in the clear, a hand that did not belong to her feeder landed squarely on the most round part of her belly. 
A large, strange man was now groping her stuffed gut. He rubbed hard circles into her belly and turned his head to speak to Violet’s feeder as if she were not even there. She was furious– were pregnant people really supposed to be okay with being touched without permission? Her feeder eyed her without responding to the man, ready to jump in at the first sign of her distress, but she gave him a look that kept him in his place. Violet let out a tremendous burp and giggled. 
“I’m sorry,” she said. “I guess I ate too much.” 
“Oh, it’s alright,” he said, patting her belly again gently. “That’s to be expected with mothers-to-be.”
She feigned a look of surprise. “What? I’m not pregnant.”
The man looked at her and then back at her feeder as if waiting for him to contradict her. Her feeder just shook his head and Violet could tell he was trying to hold back a laugh. 
“No baby, I’m afraid,” he said to the horrified stranger. “Just a lardy pig belly.” 
The man released her and stumbled back, offering apologies as he fled. Her feeder hugged her from behind, his hands wrapped around her middle. He smiled into her hair and gently squeezed her fat, testing the softness with his large hands. “You sure are proud of this huge blubbery gut, aren’t you?”
“Aren’t you?” She challenged. 
“Oh yes, greedy girl,” he said, rubbing the swollen curve of her belly that had started their little rouse in the first place. “Now open that box of snack cakes and make it bigger for me. Next time I want someone to ask if you’re carrying twins.”
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daydream-with-twist · 3 months
𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐉𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫!
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You can't believe it.. you really can't. You are pregnant, and the baby's father is your boyfriend, Jason Todd. You just found out about this, and you don't know what to feel right now. You feel a mix of fear and anxiety, as you never did see yourself being a mom due to your own bad experience with your parents. Now, you are going to be one, and it’s giving you a lot of anxiety.
You hadn't told your boyfriend, Jason, about this yet. you didn't know how to tell him that you were pregnant. You were so scared about how he would react to you being pregnant. Would he hate you? Oh no, he wouldn't, or would he? A lot of negative thoughts ran through your mind. You realized you wouldn’t be able to hide anything as serious as this from him, and you knew that you'd need to tell him soon.
It's 4 AM, and Jason just came back from doing his night patrol. He looks like a mess, like he had just came back fighting 100 people all at once. He looks so exhausted, but when he sees you, he smiles softly. He quickly closes the door and sprints towards you, running to hug you and hold you close to him.
"My love... I missed you so much...." he said in a gentle tone, looking down at you lovingly as he brushed your hair with the back of his hand.
"It's only been a few hours since you last saw me..." you reply with a tiny smile.
"I know, but I really really! Missed you so much already..." he says as he kisses your forehead lovingly and holds you in a tight embrace. "Come on, let's go to bed soon. It's very late, you shouldn't be up this late."
"Actually Jason, I have something to...tell you first. Can you sit down?" you said, looking up at him.
"Oh...Okay, what is it? Is it something important?" he says with uncertainty in his voice.
You take a deep breath, not sure of where to start. "It's just...I feel a bit nervous on what I'm about to tell you," you say quietly as you look away to avoid eye contact.
Jason's heart beat a bit faster, and he felt nervous and uncomfortable by the minute thinking about the worst possible thing that can happen. 
"Is it about me...?" he said quietly, giving you puppy eyes. You could see that he was feeling scared about the situation, expecting the worst to be said from you.
"Yeah, it is...I just wanted to say-..." you tried to say when you were cut off by Jason unexpectedly hugging you. He buries his face in your shoulders, saying in a quiet, sad tone. "Please don't say you are going to leave me.."
You were very surprised by the sudden embrace. You didn't expect him to react like this, and your heart felt crushed upon hearing him say that he thought you were going to leave him.
"Please don't leave me, I know I can be overbearing, but I love you...please don't leave me..." he said in a quiet hurt tone, as he hugged you tightly in his arms so you couldn't escape. You could feel the desperation in his voice, and you could also feel that he didn't want to let you go. He hugged you even tighter, as he refused to let you slip away from his grips.
You blushed at his words, as you didn’t expect this reaction at all. You didn’t get to say what you wanted to say, right now, and he was already acting overwhelmed, as he thought that you were going to leave him very soon. You hugged him back and said “That’s not what I was going to say…” 
Jason looks directly at you surprised, “Then, what is it?” He says, waiting anxiously for you to share your news with him.
“Will...see...um...Jason…” you say, blushing hard as you tried to find the perfect words for the situation at hand.
“Come on, baby! What is it? I’m going to die here without not knowing what’s wrong!” Jason says frantically, looking at you dead in the eyes with affection. Holding your wrists tightly, he said “Tell me what’s wrong! Please, I can't go on like this…”
“I’m pregnant!" you say nervously, looking away from Jason as you reveal the big news.
You finally said it. This was the most uncomfortable and nervousness you ever felt. Your face turned red from the awkward atmosphere that surrounded you both. You looked back at him, surprised to see him being as shocked as you. His face was as red as yours, and he looked down, embarrassed and speechless. A slight smirk was forming on his face, and you guessed that he felt relief for some reason. It seems like he was glad that this situation was not what he expected, and you were not leaving him.
"Pregnant, you say?" he says, still feeling embarrassed but smirking at you with affection. "Come here..." he pulls you towards him, and he gave you a lovely kiss on the lips, making you blush softly.
You were surprised that he wasn't angry with you. But You kissed him back and said "You aren't mad..?"
He looked at you, and he shook his head. "No, never! Why would I ever be mad at you for carrying my child?" he said as he held your face with both of his hands. That made you blush harder, and he looked at you lovingly. "Honestly, you are making me fall in love with you even more," he said, chuckling softly as he looks at you so obsessively and lovingly. 
"This makes you stuck with me forever, my little lovely pregnant princess," he said in a cheesy tone, which made you blush harder than before.
You felt a sense of relief when he wasn't mad at you for being pregnant. You were feeling so relaxed right now. With your right hand, you touched your stomach, saying, "Jason... I'm scared of being a parent..."
He leaned in and kissed your cheek. "I know, I bit it is. But you have me! I'm new to this too... But I know that we can do it..." He said lovingly, giving you those adorable puppy eyes some more.
"You're going to be the best mom I know you'll be," he said, before he adds "and I'm the best dad to the little version of us.” He gave you a smirk, and he held your hand.
The lovable words melted your heart, and the softness he expressed made you blush even more. You couldn't help but smile softly at him, feeling so much better about this all around situation. "Yeah...everything will be alright if I have you. Nothing can stop us... We're going to raise this baby together, right?"
"That's right!" he said happily as he picked you up unexpectedly in bridal style and kissed your forehead. He then carried you to the bed, placing you down softly.
You smiled and nodded, There would be plenty of time to talk later and figure out everything that involved the baby, so for now, resting was most important for both of you.
I hope this isn’t that bad lol hope you enjoyed here is a little fan art of Jason
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nights-at-crystarium · 9 months
As a twitter/tumblr user since 2010-2011, I believe I have sufficient grounds to say that currently we as a community are living through the scariest, shittiest time yet. This post isn’t trying to fearmonger, no I’m not leaving tumblr until it literally keels over, but I suggest that we don’t put all our eggs in one basket.
If twitter/tumblr stay usable, great! In the worse scenario, you’d have kept posting on a new platform and stayed ahead of the curve.
This post shares my personal experience with three potential “new”* fandom places, and is aimed to help fellow content creators. I’m an artist fully depending on internet to survive, my reasoning may not apply to you if you’re a hobbyist. Do your own research, it’s always healthy. * Pillowfort and mastodon have been around for 5+ years, bluesky is ~2 years old.
Discovering new people to follow kinda sucks on all three platforms, twitter and tumblr are eons ahead, but, given the recent chaos and uncertainty, I’m willing to be patient, keep posting on those, and feel safer than I would’ve otherwise been. More baskets good, one basket bad.
All three have poor visual customization, don’t expect custom tumblr themes.
This list starts with the least popular, but most human and easy to join, and what I personally trust the most. All three allow nsfw if labeled properly.
✦ Pillowfort is a barebones tumblr. Intuitive, cozy, but currently very, very small. Be patient with its clunkiness or lack of some features, it’s made by an AO3-like team. I’d personally love if the fandom crowd managed to redirect its attention to it instead of the sus bluesky.
Joining: is free, invite-only, but the waitlist is nearly instant.
Lurk around on their official tumblr: @/pillowfort-social
✦ Mastodon, for me personally, is impossible to explain directly. I’ll use several comparisons.
- Discord but all servers can interact. You’re still on a server curated by some human(s) that might tell you what you can and can’t post, BUT, if you don’t like that server’s policy, you can move to a new one while keeping your followers. - Email, users A and B may be registered on different domains, still they can talk. It’s a weird comparison, but fediverse (please I’m not explaining THAT but it’s a good thing) in general looks like another email story: unlike big sites that come and go, it might stand the test of time. - Someone compared mastodon’s structure to xiv’s dc and servers, if you look at its domain names that way, it might be easier to understand.
Depending on user, mastodon may feel gatekeepy/snowflakey. I haven’t spent enough time on there to form a proper opinion yet, but a warning’s due.
An actually good and hopeful thing about mastodon AND tumblr: the two might start interacting in future. Ever lamented that your fav asian artists don’t use tumblr? If they use misskey, or any other place on the fediverse, it might be possible to follow them directly from tumblr in future, and vice versa.
Joining: is free, however some servers close for new members sometimes, and have human moderators reviewing your request.
✦ Bluesky is a twitter without Musk: today’s average internet user reads this, drops everything and already looks to register there. It’s still sus, but people flock to it like crazy. Most likely to become the next big fandom place in my eyes, even if I’m not happy about that.
I personally have no good feelings about bluesky. Same as twitter, which I hated even before the 2018 tumblr exodus, yet the crowd decided to make it The New Fandom Place, and, grudgingly, I had to give up and also join them in 2022. During the year I haven’t stopped despising twitter, yet, I can’t deny that it helped me survive. I estimate half of my patrons, and, hell, even tumblr audience, comes from twitter. So, if bluesky ends up being the next hot shit, I’ll have to keep up because internet pays for my living.
Joining: is free but hell, invite-only, the waitlist is a lie, your best chance to join is a direct invite.
This’s all I’ve got to say for now. If you have a correction or an addition, replies/reblogs are welcome!
Screenshots of the current interfaces under the cut, you may spy on my profiles o/
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lauraneedstochill · 1 year
I won’t fall for someone who can’t misbehave
summary: Aemond is betrothed to the sweetest girl in the Seven Kingdoms. She's smiley, soft and kind-hearted. Until she isn't. (or, alternatively: "No one took your side when you were a kid. But I'm doing it now.")
pairing: Aemond Targaryen and F!Reader (her House is not specified) words: 9000 +
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warnings: slow (!) burn, attempted harassment, Aemond is in pain 70% of the time (headache and all that) and has no clue how to act around someone he's clearly in love with.
author's note: I'm working on 3 fics at the moment, and it's taking forever to finish (yay for my poor time management skills!), so I whipped up something short(er) for starters. I'm a bit more comfortable with sharing this one because I feel like it's actually more of my style (wow, that sounds kinda pretentious). Rhaenyra is the queen here but I barely mention the blacks (not out of spite, I just thought it wouldn't add anything to the story). also, I don't think women would be allowed to misbehave like that... I don't care ;)
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Aemond knew of the preplanned betrothal even though everyone around him was ridiculously mysterious about the subject matter. He's been made aware of the upcoming visit of some noble family, and the preparations were quite extensive. Then he overheard Baela telling Jace that the expected guests will bring their daughter. The middle one. It wasn't very hard for Aemond to put two and two together. His wedding was long overdue, and Alicent was eager for him to make his choice. But he dreaded the mere thought of it.
Aemond's never been very good at courting women, but mostly due to the lack of trying. He's used to them looking at him with fear and suspicion as if he's some kind of wild animal ready to attack at any minute. Getting sidelong glances did hurt him growing up, but with time Aemond learned to benefit from it, using his fearsome image as a shield. No one ever dared to try and break it to see what was underneath. But now he is faced with the inevitable change that's approaching his life at the speed of a storm wave. To him, taking off the eyepatch won't be nearly as excruciating as giving into the vulnerability of letting someone in, opening up to someone. He's never been afraid of much but that? That was terrifying.
The anticipation made Aemond nervous. He knew he should probably ask around and try to gain any information about his soon-to-be wife, but it felt wrong. Not knowing felt even worse. No matter how good of a fighter he was, fighting the uncertainty seemed like a challenge. Aemond spent his nights tossing and turning, wrapped up in blankets as insomnia was clinging to his body. He tried to busy himself with training, but his usual easy victories brought him no satisfaction. He's been winning for so long maybe it was time for him to lose. Except not to his training partners but to a stranger, who in time will get a permanent place in his life.
His rides with Vhagar, which usually brought him peace, now had the opposite effect. The old dragon acted annoyed and disgruntled for no reason, huffing and grumbling at every turn as if she could sense his own frustration. You can’t tame your emotions yet I’m supposed to listen to your commands? Silly boy. If Vhagar could speak, she would probably tell him that, Aemond thought. And he blamed himself even more.
Somewhere in the midst of it all, the headache came back. As usual, it started with a feeling of pounding heaviness in the back of his head, which then spread further: into his temples, forehead and down the hateful scar. Within a couple of days, the pain gets so bad, he has to grit his teeth to keep a straight face, and he's barely able to shove a few bits of food down his throat. But it's a topic he never brings up, it's a humiliating secret that's just between him and his mother. When he lost his eye, for the first month the pain was close to unbearable. The maester kept telling him that it was caused by the healing of skin tissues and assured that the intolerable feeling would go away. It never did. His scar was something he learned to cover up, and the bright red stripe faded slightly with time, but the pain lingered. Aemond opted to think that it only contributed to him becoming more resilient, yet that argument didn't withstand the test of time. The pain receded for some short periods, but then it'd always come back, and he could never get used to that, no matter how hard he tried.
He can only hope it will get better by the time the guests arrive. But the gods seem deaf to his prayers, and the night before the event he doesn't get a wink of sleep. He goes through his day in a daze, skipping the training session to hide in the library instead, although he can't bring himself to focus and read more than a single page. When the time comes for him to walk into the dining hall, it's the last thing he wants to do but he forces himself to go. Festive ornaments, tables laden with the finest dishes, bright-colored clothing of everyone around him blend and blur into each other. He takes deep breaths and counts his steps, gathering all his strength to sit down and not wince at the movement.
All it takes is one look at him for Alicent to understand what's going on.
"Aemond," she approaches him, whispering. "What's wrong? Is it the headache again?"
Aemond doesn't want to admit it, but he lacks the energy to deny it either so he just nods. She gives him a regretful look, gently squeezing his shoulder.
"Should I call for the maester? Maybe he will be able to come up with something to ease the pain."
"I don't think we have time to fuss over me," he declines with a pain-stained voice. "I was under the impression that we're expecting someone to join us today."
Alicent sighs. She knows better than to fight his stubbornness, but she hates how helpless it makes her feel. Aemond hates that feeling, too.
"Please don't tell me you require motivation," Aegon's voice is loud as it is but right now it sounds deafening, and Aemond sharply exhales. His brother flops on a nearby chair, bringing his ignorant attitude with him.
"Undoubtedly you've interacted with women before," he chuckles, completely unaware of Aemond's suffering. "Try not to scare her with your creepy stare, and maybe she won't run away."
Alicent briefly closes her eyes in annoyance. She glances around, making sure not to attract any attention, and then grabs Aegon by the chin, forcing him to look at her.
"Enough with pestering, I need you to behave yourself," her voice is tinged with irritation. "Just for one evening. Can you do that?"
Aegon's body stiffens up, the smug look disappearing from his face.
"As you wish, mother," he mutters, and she lets go of him. Alicent shoots another glance at Aemond before leaving. Aegon gives his brother a side-eye but says nothing.
Aemond is exhausted, anxiety's bubbling in his chest, and he thinks he has a few more minutes to compose himself yet that time passes in the blink of an eye. Before he knows it, the guards at the door make the announcement, and he sees a group of unfamiliar faces. None of them are of his age, though, and for a moment that realization brings him some comfort. But then he notices a female figure in the distance as she's approaching the entrance.
When she walks in, the music goes quiet, and Aemond hears people gasping. It seems like every man in the room has his gaze on her. And she certainly is a sight for sore eyes. She moves with a gracious pace, the silky fabric of her dress flowing downward with every step. It's not too revealing, but it hugs her body in all the right places. Her hair is up, and he can see the waves of her collarbones peaking through. A half-smile is plastered on her face, but she doesn't seem to be nervous. If he was to take a guess, he would've said she was tired. But she won't let it show, keeping her head high and being seemingly unaware of the attention she got. Maybe she's used to it just like he is, Aemond thinks. Although people usually glare at him for a completely different reason.
"Someone is about to get a piece of cake," Aegon elbows him lightly, his voice low.
"Someone needs to shut up," Aemond snarls, earning a laugh from his brother. That catches her attention, and her gaze lands on Aemond. When their eyes meet, her face softens, smile growing wider. He tries his best to force a wan smile in return, but his stomach turns in discomfort. He can already imagine how people will react: a stunning woman like her with a man like him, what a tragedy. That thought stings, his anxiety growing stronger. The headache gets worse, and he tightens his grip on a cup of wine that he hasn't even tasted yet. Aemond can't help but wonder if she knew she would have to marry him. If it does bother her as much as it bothers him.
The members of her family are greeted as guests, with no mention of a possible betrothal. Her name is the only one he catches — and then silently repeats it a few times. Y/N, Y/N, Y/N, the sound of it breaking through his clouded mind. She's seated next to him, as expected, and he notes that her dress compliments her eye color. Aemond is thinking of a way to start a conversation, but she beats him to it:
"You gave us such a warm welcome, but I must admit, I'm surprised by the scale of it. I hope it wasn't too much of an inconvenience?"
When her words reach his ears, the buzzing in his head stops, and Aemond turns to Y/N, astonished by his own reaction. It's not the naivety of her question, nor the friendly tone of it. It's just her voice. Melodic and mellow, it feels soothing among the loud noises they're surrounded with.
"I assure you, your family was simply welcomed with the respect you deserve," he answers pensively. His throat is sore, but he can't steel himself to take a sip of wine, afraid that it will make him sick. He wants her to speak again.
Aemond asks about her family, letting Y/N lead the conversation. She's easy to talk to and she gives just the right amount of information before jumping to another topic. At any other time, he would've really enjoyed the flow of it, yet now he is growing weary. The headache is still there, but her voice does bring him some relief. That's until she abruptly stops.
"Are you feeling alright?" she sounds worried, and the same emotion is written on her face. Aemond tries to blink away his exhaustion. 
"I apologize if I'm not exactly the best at keeping you company. It's been a long day," he knows he should've come up with a better excuse. He feels like he can hardly function at this point.
She keeps her attention on him for a few more seconds. Then Y/N moves her eyes to the other end of the table, where her family is seated. She makes eye contact with her father and gives him a big yawn. It's obviously and comically fake but it works: her family finds an excuse to leave earlier. Aemond knows that now he also got a chance to escape soon after. He feels a pang of guilt knowing that he's the reason their conversation was cut short, but Y/N doesn't make a big deal out of it.
"We shall continue on the morrow when we are both well rested," she smiles reassuringly at him before leaving.
Aemond seriously doubts that he'll get any rest as his head feels like it's gripped in an iron vise again.
The next morning he drags himself out of bed later than usual, the pain now dull but present nonetheless. He sits with his face in his hands, breathing in and out, until he's almost numb. The almost leaves a sour feeling in his mouth — or maybe it's the nausea, he doesn't know nor does he care. He's been handling this for years, he can survive another day.
Aemond decides that since he is to be wed, he should make an effort for it to work. He thinks about his duty, his mother, about Y/N, who traveled all the way to the King's Landing for a man she's never met before. Aemond thinks of everyone but himself because there's only so much he can do without draining himself completely.
He missed the breakfast already but hopes to find Y/N within the perimeter of the castle and rushes out of the bedroom. He's passing by Helaena's chambers when he hears someone laughing. And it's not his sister. Aemond debates if he can deal with kids right now, but chooses to give it a chance and quietly walks in. Helaena has embroidery in her hands but seems more focused on a sight in front of her, and he follows her gaze. Y/N is sitting on the floor with her back to the door, Jaehaerys and Jaehaera are on either side of her, their cheeks plump and pink, tiny fingers grabbing her dress. She's reading to them, and it's a tale they've heard many times before, yet the kids are listening attentively, occasionally making noises of excitement. Aemond doesn't need to speak gibberish to know that they are fascinated by the melody of her voice and the playful tone she uses to make the story more engaging. He leans on the door frame, his body relaxing at the sound. Jaehaera puts her head on Y/N's shoulder and eagerly turns the page, making her laugh again.
"You are an impatient little thing," Y/N giggles.
"That she is," Helaena agrees, and when Y/N turns to her, she is surprised to see that Aemond joined them.
"Pardon me, I didn't hear you coming in," she stands up in a hurry, both kids are instantly glued to her. "Your sister was kind enough to keep me company."
"I asked her to come by after breakfast, and they haven't left her side ever since," Helaena explains, sounding very pleased.
"Would you mind if I steal this new friend of yours?" Aemond asks while keeping his eye on Y/N, waiting for her reaction. Her face flushes but he sees no indication of discontent. Aemond grudgingly admits to himself that it brings him something akin to joy. But it fades, absorbed by his numbness.
"Make sure to be on time for dinner," his sister nods, calling for the nanny to take the kids.
It takes a little bit of persuasion but eventually Jaehaerys and Jaehaera let Y/N go, and she follows Aemond out of the room. Y/N mentions that Helaena wanted to show her the library, and Aemond agrees to take her there. Along the way, he strikes up a conversation in attempt to compensate for their last one. As she's telling him about her morning, her voice seeps into his mind like honey, and Aemond tries to concentrate to take the right turns and not trip on the stairs.
When they walk into the library, Y/N pauses, looking around in awe. This woman makes men turn around after her, yet she is so easily impressed by the simplest things, Aemond thinks. The prince wonders if she'll ever be impressed by him.
"This is where you study?" she's admiring endless rows of shelves, and Aemond gives her an affirmative "hmm".
"How many of these have you read?"
"Quiet a few," he is modest as ever, and she shoots him a curious look.
"I wonder what are your preferred subjects."
"History and philosophy," he doesn't mean to sound so terse, but whatever interactions with women he's had before, that experience obviously didn't turn him into a lady's man.
"Would you be so kind to share your favorite books with me?" when Y/N glances at him, there's a sparkle in her eyes. It looks like she's actually interested to know more, as if she does want to know him. His immediate response, however, is to distance himself, and he takes a step back.
"I'm afraid there are not enough hours in the day to name them all," Aemond opposes, hands clasped behind his back.
"Please, take pity on me, I need something to help me pass the time," she presses the matter further but does so very gently. "Name just a couple."
He gives into her pleading tone and reluctantly agrees but they don't stop at just a couple. They end up spending the day roaming in the library, lost in the labyrinth of shelves and books. She's never too pushy with her questions, she's making small jokes, she doesn't take offense at his cold demeanor. Behind his mask of feigned indifference, Aemond feels like someone is hammering at his left temple, and the pain echoes through his whole body. But he doesn't dare to leave Y/N hanging for the second day in a row.
The prince is too preoccupied with his internal struggle to notice that she's growing worried about him again, and by the time they come back for dinner, her face expresses an alarming concern.
"I must apologize if I tired you out with my relentless chatting," she says, almost whispering, when they're seated.
"You did not, no need to fret," Aemond states. I must apologize that you are to marry a man who can't curb the pain that's spilling out of him, he thinks.
Food is tasteless in his mouth. Y/N is sitting on his right, and Aemond's body can't adjust to the foreign feeling of someone being in his close proximity. He's so accustomed to being on his own, he doesn't know how to unlearn that.
Throughout the whole dinner, Aemond can feel his mother's gaze on him. Later that evening, when a maid brings him a cup filled with the milk of the poppy, he decides against taking it.
He regrets it the very next day.
When Aemond tries to lift his head off the pillow, he feels like his skull is full of rocks. They're rolling from side to side as the pain rumbles, and for a few minutes he can't hear anything else around him. That's why, when Aemond opens his eye, he's startled at the sight of his mother standing in the doorway.
"I did knock but got no response," she gives him a look that's a mix of concern and suspicion. She suspects that he's unwell again and it concerns her. He wishes she never knew of that burden of his.
Aemond moves up in his bed, clenching his jaw. He knows his mother well enough to realize she must've had a reason for this early visit. Alicent proves him right when she speaks:
"The queen went into labor a couple of hours ago."
He absentmindedly hums, not knowing how to react. His mother continues, with a hint of hesitance:
"There will be a feast when the baby is born. We thought... Rhaenyra and I, we thought it would also make for an occasion to do the announcement. About your betrothal."
Her words come as no surprise to Aemond. It is what's expected of him, it's about his duty and his responsibilities, but this time he doesn't want to think of that. He wants to be left alone, to drown in the layers of blankets, to go back to his short-lived slumber.
"The day Y/N arrived, I asked the queen to postpone the announcement. To give you some time to get to know each other," Alicent takes a few steps towards his bed. "It seems like you're getting along quite well?"
"I could think of no better woman than Y/N," Aemond admits and it is true. What he doesn't say is that he can also think of a dozen other men who would be more deserving of her, more than he is.
Alicent catches the discreet sadness in his words but doesn't know what caused it. She eyes her son with undisguised empathy.
"Her father implied that she is content with the betrothal, too. I thought you'd be happy to know," Alicent gives him a lax smile. "I shall let you go back to sleep," she adds and leaves.
Aemond knows he'll get no sleep now. He repeats the well-known routine of deep breaths with the minimum movements, scraping up the remains of his strength before leaving the room. He goes straight to Y/N's chambers, wondering if his mother visited her, too, and how that visit went.
To his surprise, Y/N is nowhere to be found. A maid informs him that she left the room a few hours ago. He can't find her in the library and she isn't in Helaena's chambers, either. He searches for her in the courtyard and then goes back to roam through the corridors, peering into every room on his way. He's lost in his thoughts until he hears Y/N calling his name. Aemond turns around — and there she is, at the other end of the hall.
"I've been looking for you," she skips towards the prince, beaming. He could never imagine anyone being this happy at the sight of him. She stops when they're only a couple of meters apart, her smile glowing.
"We must've passed each other, because I've been looking for you, too," he confesses. Y/N seems very pleased with herself though he isn't sure why.
"I think the weather calls for a walk," she blithely suggests. "Would you like to accompany me?" — as the words leave her mouth, she reaches out a hand to him. For a moment Aemond's looking at her baffled, and then hesitantly takes Y/N's hand. Her skin is soft, fingers warm, and she intertwines them with his own. That gesture comes so naturally as if they've done it before, yet Aemond clearly hasn't. The feeling of holding someone's hand is unusual to him. But it seems enjoyable.
By the time they get to the garden, Aemond finds that her hand fits perfectly in his. He's blushing profusely. He also notices that his headache receded a little and he can't help but think that Y/N was the reason for that.
"Your mother came to me this morning," she informs him as they are walking hand in hand. "I assume she talked to you, too?"
"She did," Aemond confirms. "Am I right to guess we had the same conversation?"
"Well, mine was about uniting two great Houses," Y/N mimics a man's voice, and Aemond grasps that Otto was there, too. "Your grandfather gave a very convincing speech".
"He had a lot of practice while being the Hand of the King. Maybe he misses having an audience," the prince chuckles and she laughs. Aemond holds a pause and then adds:
"Forgive me if I'm being too blunt but I wonder if the conversation was of unpleasant nature to you."
"It was not," she slows her steps. "I know what's expected of me and I will perform my duty. But if I'm being honest...," she turns to him, and the tenderness of her gaze tugs at his heart. "I am glad that it's you," Aemond feels a flare of an unknown emotion deep in his chest. "We'll make a pretty good team. Wouldn't you agree?"
Aemond lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding. He looks down at their hands and then back at Y/N.
"It seems so," he tells her, a slight smile in the corner of his lips. There's a moment of comfortable silence as they make a short stop in the shade of the trees.
"But I shall give you a warning," Y/N says with a mischievous grin. "My siblings take any celebration very seriously. Every single relative of ours will come to the wedding, and most of them won't shy away from enjoying a cup of wine... Or two".
"Can any of them outdrink Aegon?" he jokes, and Y/N bursts into laughter.
Aemond gets carried away by their conversation once again, losing track of time. While she's listing her relatives, adding innocuous remarks about each of them, the prince is enthralled by the warmth that radiates off her. Her presence alone calms the storm of his insecurities, lulling his fears to sleep. She does that so effortlessly, it's almost intimidating. But there's a certain thrill to it, too — the thrill of being close to her, sharing laughs and stories, and Aemond clings to that feeling.
He enjoys the moment while it lasts; until his headache predictably creeps up on him a few hours later. He can't tell if Y/N senses that something is wrong but she's the one to suggest returning to the castle. Aemond gladly accepts it.
On the way back they're greeted by one of the guards who notifies them that the queen gave birth to a girl. Y/N lightly squeezes Aemond's hand.
"Tomorrow is a big day then," — and the prince knows exactly what she means. The fragile bond that they only started to get the hang of will soon become public knowledge. It won't be their secret anymore but rather an over-discussed gossip.
"There is still time for you to plan an escape," Aemond jests half-heartedly.
Y/N looks puzzled for a second, but then shakes her head:
"Only if you're planning one. We are in this together, remember?" her thumb brushes over his. "It's all about teamwork."
Aemond savors the last fleeting minutes of their day. He barely touches the food at dinner, the pain in his head intensifying but he pushes through. When the time comes for them to part, he doesn't want to. That feeling is alien to him and the prince is clueless about its nature. But he knows that with her any misery will be bearable.
When Aemond walks into his chambers, he notices a little jar on the bed table. It's the one that the maester used to bring him the ointments in, and the prince sighs. The maester doesn't grasp the extent of the problem but occasionally would suggest a thing or two to help with the pain. They've tried using cold packs, then the warm ones, tried massaging his temples, then drinking cinnamon tea, then adding some ginger that's known as a remedy for reducing inflammation... Nothing has worked so far.
But he should make an effort.
Aemond barely glances inside the jar and tosses away a piece of paper with the instructions scribbled on it. The prince already knows it all too well: he applies a thick layer of whatever that concoction is on his scar, involuntarily wincing at the cooling sensation. It smells of herbs and feels oily but absorbs into the skin pretty fast.
For some reason, his mind goes back to his mother's words — "I thought you'd be happy to know". Aemond is unsure what happiness means. The happiest day of his life is forever chained with the worst one, smeared with blood and pain that he's been carrying through the years.
But now that he met Y/N, he questions if there's more to life than what he's been through so far.
While he is laying in bed, Aemond wonders if can consider Y/N his friend. If she will ever be more than just a friend to him.
And then, before he knows it, the prince is fast asleep.
He wakes up feeling like a new man. At first, he mistakes that feeling for the remnants of his dreams that he was enveloped with at night. He shakes off his drowsiness and looks at the ceiling, catching a glint of sunlight that seeped through the curtains. That's when Aemond realizes that the pain is gone.
He sits up, bewildered, waiting for any sign of discomfort yet nothing happens. He waits for a couple of minutes — and then for up to thirty, but his head is clear and doesn't ache at all. His eye shifts to the jar on the bed table, and Aemond makes a note to extend his gratitude to the maester later. Suddenly the upcoming festivities don't seem so torturous anymore.
He doesn't get a chance to see Y/N throughout the day as everyone is preparing for the feast. When Aemond walks into the hall of the Iron Throne, he takes in the decorated surroundings. Unlike the last time he was here, now he wants to remember every detail, knowing that this evening would be of great importance.
The room fills with people, but Aemond patiently waits for her alone. He spots Y/N the second she steps in. Her dress is violet, the material bright and luminous, and it puts her into the spotlight yet again since she's the only one wearing that color. As soon as she takes her place at the table next to Aemond, her hand finds his. He's getting used to that way too fast. It's hard not to.
The first round of toasts goes to honor Visenya, the newborn daughter of the Queen. Rhaenyra willingly tolerates the sweet talk, generous with her smiles and appreciation. At some point, when the timing seems right or maybe when her cheeks are already aching, she gives a nod to Alicent, and Aemond knows what it means. As she starts her speech, he ruefully releases Y/N's hand.
But right when they're standing up, with everyone around cheering and staring, Y/N lightly presses her body against his, and Aemond feels how tense her back is. That's when it dawns on him that she's well aware of the attention but she doesn't really like it. Instinctively, he puts his fingers on her waist, his touch respectful and delicate. She breathes out and briefly rests the back of her head against his shoulder. For a moment it feels like it's just the two of them.
That feeling doesn't go away.
Usually, he's not the one to take part in dancing, but he does so for her. Aemond feels out of practice and he can't tell if that's what makes his head spin or if he's getting tipsy from the intimacy of their dance. Her moves are elegant, well-rehearsed, her body follows the rhythm of the music with ease. He doesn't remember when was the last time that silly activity brought him so much elation. Did it ever?
Time flows by in a blur, and they eventually take a pause after going into a fit of giggles at the sight of Lord Velaryon trying to improvise a move and failing, only to amuse his loving wife. Y/N suggests going out for a while and Aemond is keen on following her but then his mother catches up to them, her hand and her gaze are on him in an instant, pulling him away.
"Aemond, you've been dancing," she can't hide her bewilderment, a timid smile on her face.
"Should I not? Seems like a suitable occasion," Aemond chaffs with a tilt of his head.
"It is, indeed," she doesn't let him go just yet, and he discerns the hidden meaning of her words, the apprehension she fails to conceal. Aemond wants to grant her some respite, at least for the rest of the day, so he tells her with plain-spoken sincerity:
"I can assure you, this isn't a cause for your distress."
But then he quickly finds a cause for his when he doesn't see Y/N around. He goes searching for her in the crowd, then leaves the room altogether, coming out into the hallway.
Aemond hears her before he sees her — and she isn't alone. It takes no effort to recognize the second voice, which belongs to no other than Jason Lannister. As the prince rounds the corner, they come into sight, and Aemond has a very bad feeling.
He missed the start of their dialogue, and the look on Y/N's face is unreadable. She's oblivious to Aemond's presence and he decides to watch them. He tells himself that he'll never allow her to get into trouble. There is something very tempting in having a chance to save her from anything; as if he feels the need to prove himself to her. He tries not to entertain that thought.
"... It's not too late to change that, don't you think," Ser Lannister purrs, his tone sickly sweet but arrogant.
"It is. Which I have no regrets about, ser", when Y/N talks to him there's not a hint of friendliness in her voice.
"Your approach may be short-sighted. The proposition of mine wasn't of a frivolous kind," he's circling her, the manner of his movement is borderline predatory.
"I believe you will soon find a lady to welcome your advances but I would very much prefer to drop this conversation," she recapitulates.
Aemond tenses up, feeling like this is the moment for him to step in. Then he looks at Y/N and realizes that something is off. Her face expression changes — but it's not a look of fear. By the rising of her chest, he detects that her breathing sped up, eyes are shooting daggers at the man in front of her. She's looking, for the lack of a better word, positively furious.
But Ser Lannister, apparently, is not very good at reading signs as he comes improperly close to her.
"I can be very persuasive," his fingers fall on her back — and then go lower. "I think you should appreciate the attention while I'm this generous and..."
He doesn't finish his sentence. In about two seconds his face is suddenly slammed into the nearby wall, the hand he put on her is now twisted behind his back. Y/N uses her free hand to push right between his shoulder blades, pressing him into the stony surface.
To say that Aemond is shocked would be an understatement.
Right at this moment, she looks like a different person. This side of her he's not acquainted with but it only adds to her appeal. The change is barely perceptible: she's still maintaining her posture, keeping up the face of a woman who knows her worth. But Aemond catches a flaming spark of defiance that threatens to shutter her restraint. He can sense her anger from far away despite her doing her best to contain it.
"I do not know what kind of attention you are used to, but you're forgetting your manners. Next time you dare lay your hand on me, I will not hesitate to break it," her voice doesn't lose its usual softness, but now has an added layer to it. It sounds sharper, bolder. It sounds like she's not afraid of anything.
Y/N lets Ser Lannister go, taking a few steps back and smoothing her dress. He's frozen at first, but then slowly turns to her.
"You didn't... You did not just do that," there's a visible red mark on his cheek that will undoubtedly turn into a bruise.
"Did what, ser?" her tone is laced with coldness.
The man looks at her in disbelief, his face is a parade of emotions — from shock to annoyance to anger.
"You will not get away with this," he scowls, nettled.
"You're telling me that you're considering letting everyone know you were overpowered by a woman? Sounds hard to believe," Y/N seems unfazed.
His mouth opens and closes a few times before he roars:
"You, insidious wre...!"
This time Aemond is the one to interrupt the man:
"I suggest you watch your tone when speaking to my betrothed," Y/N flinches at his voice, turning to face him, and Aemond slackens his pace a little.
"Shouldn't she watch hers? She's talking to a lord," Ser Lannister exclaims lamely, his arrogance instantly toned down a notch.
"And I see no wrongdoing on her part. Care to explain what got you into this situation?"
"It was a... a simple misunderstanding," his excuse is so pathetic that it makes the prince sneer.
"And what was the matter in question?" Aemond comes closer to the man which makes ser Lannister evidently uncomfortable. He carefully contemplates his next move.
"I only wanted to extend my congratulations on her betrothal," the man fakes a smile. "Mayhaps I expressed myself poorly".
"You should opt to choose your words more wisely next time," Aemond looks down on him. "Perhaps you are needed somewhere else?"
"I shall rejoin the celebration then," ser Lannister eagerly agrees and bows out way too quickly.
Aemond can barely wait for the man to get out of sight before turning to Y/N. Even though the prince witnessed the whole thing, he can't stop himself from asking:
"Did he harm you?"
"He didn't get a chance," she mumbles, avoiding his gaze. She looks so embarrassed, he wants to offer her some comfort but isn't sure how.
"Dare I say we've got enough interactions for one evening?" Aemond tries to lighten the mood yet she only offers him a half-hearted smile.
"I'll escort you to your chambers," the prince suggests, and before she can argue he adds: "I know you can stand up for yourself if needed. But I insist."
Y/N doesn't move an inch.
"...You are not mad at me?" she's looking at him with doe-eyed sincerity, clearly upset. Aemond is mad at himself.
"I'm thinking about cutting his arm off," he says under his breath, but she catches it.
"Aemond, there's no need!" Y/N gasps and he sees a glimpse of a smile on her lips.
"I will have to disagree," he starts but then she grasps his elbow and Aemond's hand — finally — clings to her again.
"I don't want you to get in trouble because of me," Y/N confesses. 
"And I don't want you to get hurt," his fingers caress her arm through the lace material. Y/N's cheeks heat up and Aemond finds it adorable.
"I think I... I was the one who did some damage," she complains.
"You must imagine my surprise," Aemond drawls, teasing.
"Oh, Gods," a quiet groan leaves her mouth. "That was not very ladylike of me."
Y/N covers her face with the other hand, her grip on his arm loosening. Aemond dithers before gently brushing her palm away from her face.
"You did the right thing and you have nothing to be ashamed of," he enunciates each word. "He only sets an example of unseemly behavior."
"I'm afraid I wasn't too far off," Y/N remarks, her voice relenting.
"Hmm, you're certainly not to be truffled with," he retorts, earning a faint laugh from her as they start walking, arm in arm.
"May I inquire how did you... master that very handy skill?" Aemond ventures to ask. That image of her — brave and unapologetic in her anger — will be forever engraved in his memory. Aemond is apprehensive about voicing his curiosity, uncertain of her reaction but when she answers:
"My father taught me that," her tone is surprisingly impish.
"And how did you manage to talk him into it?"
"Talking didn't help much, actually," Y/N grins. "And then I broke my brother's nose and my father decided he should find a way to guide my enthusiasm."
"How old were you?"
"Nine," she looks so satisfied with herself, Aemond can't hold back the laugh.
Y/N joins him and they fall into the comfort of each other's company. But then her smile wilts.
"There was a time when I was the youngest child and my siblings... They weren't very nice back then," she blurts out. Aemond feels his heart sinking.
"What did they do?"
"Oh, it wasn't that bad, honestly, they were only teasing. It's just um," she's looking for the right words or maybe for an acceptable explanation, but there isn't any. "It was very tiresome mostly. I could never understand the reason for them being mean."
Aemond is yet to tell her the story of him losing his eye, and the memory pops back into his head in a flash. He knows exactly what she feels, his own sense of helplessness fresh in his memory. And it still stings the same, and Aemond loathes that.
While he revisits the past, unwillingly slowing his pace, Y/N spots the change in his demeanor within seconds. She sees his facial features congealing, his fingers clenching, and she comes to the only conclusion she can make.
"Is it the headache?" her voice is suddenly quiet, and Aemond comes to an abrupt stop. The question catches him off guard, words stuck in his throat and his mouth agape. He doesn't know how to react nor does he understand how could she possibly know that. Y/N is quick to clear up his confusion:
"I noticed not long after we met and then your mother confirmed my suspicions. I am sorry that I didn't ask you directly, I thought... I didn't want to sound intrusive," she explains coyly.
"By asking about my health?" he finds his voice again. "I am to become your husband, you are free to ask such questions."
"We've only known each other for about a day back then. Surely, you're allowed to take more time than that to open up to someone," she kindly points out.
A day. Up until now the only person who's known about his pain was his mother, and for years no one else ever questioned his well-being. And it took her a day to notice that something was wrong.
"Did the ointment help?" she asks hopefully. For a second he thinks he heard her wrong but the shadow of concern on Y/N's face tells him otherwise.
"That was your doing?" he can't hide his amazement, and it elicits a laugh from her, sonorous and dulcet. Aemond likes the sound of it, he really does.
"I've been fortunate to obtain the knowledge required," she informs him.
"And what kind of witchcraft is it?"
"It is not," she playfully elbows him. "It was something my grandfather taught me. He used to have an ache of a similar nature. No one could understand the cause of it, and it only got worse with age. But my grandmother refused to sit idly by and one day she found a way to ease his pain," Y/N has a dreamy expression on her face but it melts into a wistful one. He guesses that both of her grandparents passed away.
"After her death, he wouldn't let anyone help him. It took me months to persuade him and eventually he let me on her secret," her smile is bittersweet. "Then he died, and I never thought the recipe would come in handy ever again."
Aemond hates seeing her wallow in sadness. He puts his palm on top of her hand in an attempt to offer some consolation. If there was a way to free her of that grief, to take at least some of it upon himself, he would've done it in a heartbeat. But his touch is enough to bring back the cheerfulness in her voice.
"I should mention that your maester did help, too, although he was reluctant at first," Y/N reveals.
"And I presume that it also took some convincing?" Aemond thinks of the maester's face that always looks like he is surrounded by imbeciles.
"I shamelessly boosted his ego," she wrinkles her nose. "Told him there was no way anyone would ever be as skilled as he is, and that my attempt was merely a gesture of goodwill."
"But I wasn't just that," Aemond cordially protests.
They already reached her chambers but he doesn't want to let go of her hand. He wants to tell her that meeting her was like taking a breath of fresh air after being held underwater, like finding a source of light in the pitch darkness of the night or feeling the warmth in the dead of winter. Aemond wants her to know that she's been a saving grace for him, but he's somehow at a loss for words, his thoughts jumbling together.
"It was way more than that and I...," never in his life had he gotten this tongue-tied and flustered. Yet she treats him with the same kindness and with no sign of prejudice, listening closely and keeping her eyes on him. Her gaze is disarming enough to make him say the first thing that comes to mind.
"I must admit, you exceeded my expectations," Aemond breathes out.
It immediately feels like the worst, the dullest choice of words possible, and he wants to sink into the ground right this second. But then he sees her natural smile, genuine and bright, blossoming on her face again.
"I am glad to be of service, my prince," she murmurs the last part, and his heart skips a bit.
He didn't register the moment Y/N came a bit closer, but she isn't shying away from shortening the distance. There's something enamoring about her trusting nature but that's not what draws him in. For the first time, he experiences an unfamiliar feeling that tightens his chest, makes his breathing rapid. His gaze slips over her face, down from her radiant eyes to her smile, framed by the lips that look as soft as freshly bloomed flowers. The feeling melts into an urge — he only needs to take a step, to lean his head forward just a bit and...
Aemond inhales deeply. He thinks they are in no rush, he thinks it would've been disrespectful and naive. He's mostly afraid to misread the situation, to scare her away.
But he wants to make his intentions clear. Aemond runs his thumb over her knuckles, brushing them one by one. And then he takes her hand to his lips, planting a kiss on it. He allows himself just this flicker of bravery before straightening up and releasing her hand. When he looks at Y/N, her gaze is directed at him already. It feels like a particular question is hanging in the air; they let it dissolve for now.
"I shall bid you goodnight," her eyes linger on him for a second before she turns away.
As Aemond watches her go, he is certain he wants them to be more than just friends.
Lucerys's name day comes in a about month, and by that time Aemond's routine has changed drastically. It might look the same: he wakes up with the sun, flies with Vhagar, he trains regularly, he spends his free time reading — except now Y/N is a part of his every activity.
She's never nosy or clingy; he's the one seeking her company at all times. She's an early riser, too, and they're always the first ones at the breakfast table: he asks her about her dreams, they make plans, they poke fun at Aegon, who is perpetually sleepy, and Y/N can effortlessly hold any other conversation with his family which only makes him ever so pleased.
She watches him train with genuine curiosity, she never looks away nor flinches, even when he gets too competitive and rough. Her attention is flattering — and it's all on him, and it feels unusual at first, but becomes empowering and he bathes in it.
When he takes her to meet Vhagar, she's terribly nervous. Aemond jokes that meeting his old dragon will pose no challenge after she handled Ser Lannister. It gives Y/N enough confidence to pat Vhagar's snout as the beast observes her calmly. Aemond assures her that the dragon will never go against his wishes. What he wants to say is that Vhagar senses how he feels about her.
They spend evenings in the library, both absorbed in reading but always sitting close by, their arms and shoulders coming into contact more often than not. He sometimes can't help but get distracted which leads to him forgetting about his book, instead secretly watching her, his glance full of adoration.
For a while, he's oblivious to how inseparable they've become until Helaena tells him one day, while Y/N is playing with Jaehaerys and Jaehaera in his sister's chambers. When Helaena mentions it ever so nonchalantly — "You two seem joined at the hip!", it startles him. But that moment doesn't turn into an awkward one — instead, Aemond realizes that he's not scared anymore.
"I will steal her away from time to time," Helaena says, as cheery as ever.
"Bold of you to assume I will let you," he chuckles, his gaze not leaving Y/N.
"I think she’ll have the last word," his sister retorts with a cunning smile.
Aemond doesn't think twice before admitting:
"She will never say no."
"My point exactly."
The Queen plans a great hunt to celebrate her secondborn son, and a feast is being held in no time. Aemond detests those pompous events yet Y/N seems too enthusiastic about the idea, and he begrudgingly agrees to participate. He doesn't want to burden her with his weighted resentment toward Luke but, as usual, she sees right through him. Y/N asks him if he has any reservations about the upcoming celebration, and that's when he decides to tell her. Aemond doesn't want her to pity him nor does he want to upset her so he keeps the story brief: he claimed the dragon, his siblings didn't like it, things escalated way too quickly and they haven't been on good terms ever since. 
She heeds his every word, then bluntly asks:
"Must you really go?"
He ponders before answering with a sigh:
"It would be rude not to. I should pay my respect."
"I wish he had the courtesy to do the same for you," she frowns.
"It would be a little too late for an apology," Aemond shrugs even though her caring tone moves him deeply.
"I still think you deserve one," she says like it's the most obvious, logical thing in the world. He wonders how obvious the reddening of his cheeks is.
"I do not wish to dwell in the past when so many great things lay ahead of me," and he only means her. Having a future with her is his greatest blessing.
She bestows him with her softest smile:
"I guess we should make the best out of the situation we are in. Maybe you will have some fun hunting."
Aemond doesn't know what was her definition of fun, but his definitely doesn't involve babysitting Aegon. Yet that's what he ends up doing as they get separated from the group of hunters and his brother gets so drunk, he can barely stay in the saddle. He babbles and whines and Aemond is on the verge of praying for a miracle when the two of them finally stumble upon a boar. The younger prince catches the animal without a struggle.
"Oh, must be good to be a boar. Wild and free!" Aegon grumbles on their way back to the camp.
"I just slit his throat. I doubt you would want to switch places with him."
"I didn't say I want to switch places," he shakes his head so vigorously, he almost falls down. Aemond moves his horse closer, grabbing Aegon by the shoulder to steady him.
"Although switching places with you sounds tempting," he sneers.
"And why would you ever want that?" Aemond raised his brow questioningly.
"You've got yourself a pretty wife-to-be," Aegon chants and whistles.
"Are you asking for me to tie you to that boar? That can be arranged," Aemond deadpans.
" 'tis won't be necessary," Aegon's quick to object. "Whatever she sees in you, those qualities are not in my possession," his frown turns into a grin and he winks at his brother.
Aemond lightly chuckles:
"You'll get no argument from me."
Leaving Y/N is not an easy task for Aemond but coming back to her might be the second-best thing in the entire world. And the first one, obviously, is being with her.
When they return to the camp, he helps Aegon down, impatiently looking around, and as his eye lands on her, his breathing hitches.
She's standing next to the hunting tent, surrounded by a group of ladies, Helaena by her side and they're both laughing as his sister unsuccessfully tries to finish her sentence. Y/N has a violet in her hair, strands of it falling down her shoulders, her smile bright against the fading evening sun. She helps Helaena to articulate whatever she's talking about, the ladies around them cackling.
Aemond admires his betrothed from afar, savoring the moment.
It amuses him that her softness is a choice, that she chooses to be open-minded and kind, even though the world around her is armed to the teeth, and she does know how to fight back. And yet, that's not what motivates her. Instead, she's an image of benevolence and generosity, always understanding and forgiving, hence why people are so naturally drawn to her. And he is no exception.
Aemond gets distracted when a couple of servants approach him and he instructs them to take the boar's carcass away.
"You had a successful hunt, dear prince," when Aemond hears the question, he rolls his eye. Turning around, he sees Tyland Lannister with a smile so forged his face might crack in half.
"As usual," Aemond answers indifferently. "Never took you for a hunter."
"I cannot appreciate cruelty," Lannister forces out. "And I am afraid I will not be able to negotiate my way out of a bear's grip. So I am here merely to control my brother's primal impulses."
The mentioning of Jason makes Aemond cautious.
"Developing some self-control may be beneficial for him," the prince mutters.
Tyland goes blanch white, taking the hint.
"I was wondering if I should address the delicate issue of my brother's sympathy toward your..."
"You should not," Aemond cuts him off. "Would be better to address his manners but it's the thing you must sort out amongst yourselves," with that, he turns away to find Y/N again.
Except she isn't there.
The ladies moved closer to the tent but she and Helaena are the only ones missing. It takes him a second to realize that the women look alarmed, glancing at the tent. Or rather inside of it.
Aemond all but runs there, going over the worst scenarios in his head. When he gets in and sees Y/N in the company of Ser Lannister, he thinks he's never been angrier in his life. If Aemond was a dragon, the lord would've been burned to a pulp as of right now.
Jason keeps his distance and his face expresses nothing but regret yet it looks like it's already too late as Y/N is glaring at him with a sharp glint in her eyes. And in the next moment, she loses her temper.
"...What am I missing exactly?" she asks Jason, her voice unexpectedly loud, and it draws the attention of some nearby men. She doesn't care.
"You've been eager to win me over, but I am yet to find a single reason why would any woman find your company endearing," she takes a step toward the lord and he shrivels under the weight of her words.
"Is it the winery that your servants built for you? Is it your herd of fine horses? You talk so much about your stable, one may think your betrothed is to marry a stallion," her smile is mirthless. Aemond hears a faint groan behind his back and recognizes Tyland's scared tone.
"But what are your accomplishments?" the tent gets deadly quiet as she continues. "Do you consider your persevering courtship to be one of them? Or your harassing of my parents, my relatives and even my maids with your never-ending propositions, no matter how many times were they all rejected? Or mayhaps ambushing me in the hallway counts as an achievement for you?"
Out of the corner of his eye, Aemond sees Helaena and Aegon, both looking stunned. Pretty much everyone around him has the same expression at the sight of Y/N. He, on the other hand, has never been more proud of anyone.
Y/N looks at Jason as if she wants to bore a hole in him, her voice getting lower but harsher.
"You want to know what prince Aemond did? None of the above," Aemond feels his heart freeze at the mention of his name. She is yet to see him but when she speaks, it feels like she's seen enough.
"The man I am about to marry has been nothing but kind, respectful and loving, fulfilling my every wish, granting me the comfort of his company and his loyalty. The man with the sharpest mind and the kindest heart — both of which you're clearly lacking," Y/N casts Jason a disdainful glance. "So from where I am standing, it looks like I'm the luckiest woman in the Seven Kingdoms."
When she feels a hand on her waist, she isn't surprised and welcomes the touch with no hesitation, knowing full well who is standing beside her. She swiftly turns to Aemond, their eyes locking.
"I would like it if we left earlier, my prince."
"As you wish," Aemond wishes he could marry her right now.
Disregarding everyone's attention, he leads her out and asks the coachman to fetch their carriage. When they are away from prying eyes, her confidence wavers a little. It only fuels Aemond's ire.
"Give me just a second," he can't help himself.
Aemond goes back to the tent — and right to the Lannisters, one of them is already scolding the other. Tyland stops his lecturing when he notices Aemond, but the prince doesn't let him make a sound.
"That was the second time your brother couldn't hold his tongue," Aemond ignores Jason and walks up close to the other man. "If you care about his well-being in the slightest, make sure there will be no third time."
"Aemond, let us not make another scene. You must think how that will look like..."
Aemond stares Tyland dead in the eyes and promises:
"I will gut him like a boar. Imagine how that will look like."
Without saying another word, the prince storms off.
Y/N already got into the carriage, fidgeting with the hem of the dress as she falls deep into her thoughts.
"Ser Lannister will not bother you anymore," Aemond says, sitting next to her.
"I sure hope so," she mumbles, looking down at the wrinkled fabric.
"Y/N, whatever he said, you should not let it get to you. I do appreciate the gesture," way more than he cares to admit, "but there's no need to go through the trouble of standing up for me," Aemond barely finishes the sentence when she retorts:
"I will."
She looks at him, her eyes burning with blazing certainty.
"No one took your side when you were a kid. But I'm doing it now," she states as her palm covers his, the touch is as warming as her glance.
Aemond thinks he is the luckiest man in the Seven Kingdoms.
He runs out of luck so fast, he must've jinxed it. They are nearing the castle when the pain on the back of his head stings so unexpectedly, he winces, his eyebrows furrowing. Y/N notices it immediately and insists he should take a rest when they arrive.
"Mayhaps you have some of the ointment left?" she wonders, leading him to his chambers. Aemond rarely allows people to coddle him but he accepts her care freely. He is also aware that the near-miraculous balm that she makes is long gone because he hasn't had a headache in a while.
When Y/N finds out, she looks devastated.
"It must steep for a few hours, I can't make it right away," her enthusiasm brittles. She glances at him in a dither, mulling over something, while he lights the fireplace.
"There is another way that I know of," she slowly suggests. "But you will need to lie down."
"Quite a vulnerable position you want to put me in," Aemond lightheartedly jests but brings himself at her disposal with no second thoughts.
She sits on his bed right next to him, the bend of her hips an inch away from his arm.
"Close your eye," she asks calmly and he obliges.
Aemond senses that Y/N leans over him and he struggles not to hold his breath at the realization of how close she is. Then he feels the tips of her fingers on his face, the touch is so light and gentle, it makes him shiver. The pattern of her movements first contours his face, then goes up to his forehead, then slowly glides onto his temples. She massages them delicately in a circular motion.
"It was probably all the noise that caused this," she presumes.
"Or maybe the fact that the man makes my blood boil," Aemond says, although his anger is completely gone by now.
"He is pissed I didn't choose him," she laughs quietly.
"Choose him?" her words peak his interest. "You had a choice in the matter?"
"My father said he would hate it if I marry someone I didn't like," her thumbs are following the lines of his cheekbones, then run under his chin, then all the way up to his hairline, right next to his ears.
"May I ask what was your decision process?" Aemond selects his words very carefully. What he really wants to ask is why would anyone pick him, out of all people.
"I've heard you claimed the biggest dragon in the world at the age of ten," he can't see her smile but he can hear it. "That was impressive enough."
Aemond takes a peek at her through his lashes:
"That can't be the only thing you've heard."
"I can distinguish valuable information from pointless rumors," she notes imperturbably.
"I bet those rumors included the stories of me being the scariest man in the realm..."
Her fingers cover his mouth and he stumbles.
"I decided I would be the judge of that," Y/N says firmly.
"And what is your verdict?" he can't stop himself from asking, his pulse speeding up.
She doesn't think for a second:
"All the people who were spreading those vile tales clearly have never met you. There isn't a single bad thing I can think of when it comes to you."
Aemond shouldn't take it to heart but that's precisely where it hits, her voice cracking his shield, her eyes telling him she will never regret knowing him, caring for him. He thinks this is what true happiness is — being with someone who will choose you every time.
Her fingers graze over the strip of his eyepatch and she pauses her movement. She isn't breaking eye contact, waiting for his reaction, for his permission or refusal. Aemond gulps, helpless under her gaze, and doesn't stop her.
She picks up the leather strip slowly, as if she wants to give him a chance to change his mind. Aemond watches her, his body still, heart rate booming in his ears. Y/N removes the eyepatch and looks straight at the sapphire that gleams brightly in the warm lighting. And then she smiles.
"What do you see?" he exhales.
"Nothing scary, that's for sure," Y/N's gaze doesn't leave his face, her index finger tracing the scar, barely touching his skin.
"Nothing I don't admire," her voice is a little above a whisper.
"Nothing I wouldn't love."
His heart is beating so fast, it feels caged and ready to jump out at any second. Aemond forgets about the headache as if it never existed. In this state of bliss, he contemplates making a very emotional decision. But she makes one instead.
Y/N lowers her face closer to his and all of a sudden he feels a touch so light, it's almost like a petal brushes over his skin. It's her lips. She kisses his face — his scar — moving tenderly from the high point of his cheek to the area under the sapphire and then right above what's left of his eyelid.
When their eyes meet again, Aemond can only think of one thing.
He surges upward, his lips colliding with hers — she responds in an instant. His chest feels like it's on fire as kissing her is the most overwhelming feeling in the world, but he doesn't want to stop, ever. Her fingers gently slide down to his neck and Aemond uses his arm for support as he sits up without breaking the kiss. He then pulls her closer, one of his hands on her lower back and the other nestled under her jaw.
She softly sighs into his mouth — and it might be his new favorite sound. She tastes like berries, her lips getting more eager, fiery, addictive, and he is dizzy with joy and longing, trying to memorize each second. The pacing of the kiss grows heated and intoxicating as they melt into each other perfectly. They only part when both are out of air, their lips tingling, swollen and craving to continue.
"I must admit," she tries to catch her breath, she can't stop smiling, her hands caressing his face, "you exceeded my expectations."
Aemond laughs, cheerful and carefree, his nose bumping into hers.
"It's all about teamwork, as I've heard," he plants a quick peck on the corner of her mouth — and on the other one. And then they're kissing again, desperately drawn to each other. He's lost in the sound of her voice, in the feeling of her lips on his.
His love for her is all-consuming. Her love for him is healing.
Turns out, letting her in doesn't make him lose. With her by his side, he always feels like a winner.
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English is not my first language, so feel free to message me if you spot any major mistakes!
> the title is a quote from Hozier's song
>> I originally took inspiration from this post that lists the possible consequences of losing an eye. I also can't help but mention the extensive research that @ adderess did, which only adds to that heartbreaking yet very realistic concept.
>>> I have a playlist for Aemond 🎵 I didn't add any music in this fic BUT I've listened to "Mr Sandman" a lot, especially the instrumental version (I didn't mention it earlier in case you don't like listening to music while reading). 💕 my masterlist
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synnamonroll666 · 7 months
Goddess Of Innocence
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Prompt 1: Worship & Virginity Pairing: Syzoth X Fem!Reader Description: After finding out that you are a virgin, Syzoth decides to show you the appreciation he feels you deserve... Warnings: Body Worship, Dirty Talk, Shy Reader, Teasing, Implied Oral, Implied Sex... Word Count: 1k A/N: Surprisingly, this is the first virgin!reader fic I have ever done! I've always wanted to do one, and I'm honestly surprised that Syzoth is the first character I've used for it. But I'm not complaining. 🤭 I hope you all enjoy the fic! 💚 Main MasterList: 🖤 Kinktober MasterList: 🖤 Synny's Angels: @lorebite, @mornandil, @queenkhepri.
"So, so pretty." Syzoth whispered in a deep and sultry tone while his eyes roamed my figure from where he sat kneeling on the floor.
It wasn't necessarily my intention to end up in such a situation tonight. But when his eyes lingered on my form a few minutes after saying goodnight when he escorted me to my room, we could no longer deny the connection we felt.
It started out with a few tender kisses, but now I'm here, sitting on the edge of my bed—in my bra and panties—while his bright green reptilian eyes drank me in.
His eyes dart back up to my face due to my lack of response, and he may have noticed the uncertainty in my features. He reached a hand up to caress my cheek, bringing my eyes back down to meet his.
"What's wrong, princess? Don't you want this?"
At first, I thought he was teasing me, but the sudden soft look in his eyes told me something different. Breaking my face away from his hand, I turned my head to the side to avert my gaze from his.
"I do. I'm just..." I let out a deep sigh as I prepared myself to admit something that embarrassed me more than it should have. "I'm shy..."
To my surprise, he merely scoffed at my answer.
"Shy? What is there to be shy about, princess?" He asked as his tone dipped, becoming softer and more calming. "You are a goddess—a goddess who must be worshipped." 
The stinging warmth filling my cheeks told me that I was painfully red, and I wanted to curl up in a ball and hide from my new lover. But then Syzoth moved his hand to the side of my face one more time and brought my attention back to his striking green eyes.
Without him even having to speak words, I knew what he wanted from me. I crawled backwards onto my soft mattress and laid flat, while Syzoth stood from the floor and rounded the bed to meet my side. I swallowed thickly as I awaited his longing touch, and soon I was given what I had anticipated for so long. 
Fully clothed—unlike myself—it felt as if Syzoth held all the power in his large hands. It was something I didn't mind, since I was too nervous to actually function properly. He placed a finger delicately upon my throat and dragged it downward, allowing it to brush along my skin and send heat to each place it touched. He moved it down until it reached my bra, and that's when a smirk grew on his soft lips that I craved to kiss again.
"You look so pretty in this lingerie." He commented as a sultry tone filled his voice. "But I think you would look even better without it."
Without another second passing, Syzoth's hand transformed into its natural, scaley form. With one swift swipe of his claw, he cut my bra right down the center, earning a sharp gasp to escape my throat. He released a raspy chuckle at my reaction as his hand turned back to human form. Shortly after, his hands found purchase upon my breasts.
"So cute," he whispered as he kneaded the soft tissue, forcing shameful whimpers from my lips as his gloved palms toyed with my sensitive nipples.
After being thoroughly satisfied by my pleasurable squeaks and whimpers, his hands moved down to my sides before he leaned down to allow his lips to claim my skin. Soft gasps parted my lips as he pressed gentle kisses to my breasts, which grew more firm and intense as time went on. 
Eventually, Syzoth's tongue began lapping up my flesh with each passionate kiss, making me writhe and keen below him. Again, he chuckled darkly at my reactions and lifted his head to speak once more.
"Such a sensitive little girl." He said as a cocky smirk that broadened as time went on. "Tell me: Will you be able to even handle a Zaterran?"
"I-I guess time will tell." I spoke between heavy breaths as the arousal burning deep within me grew too intense to care whether a virgin like me could handle such a beast of a man.
"Indeed, it will, princess." He chuckled again before moving lower to press soft kisses to my abdomen.
As time went on, the title "princess" seemed less like my born title of impowerment and more like a way to make me feel weak and innocent when spoken from his lips. It was as if he held all the power in his hands and would use it to bend me at his will. And I was more than okay with that.
Finally, his lips reached the waistband of my panties and he took his sweet time to press soft kisses along each inch of the front of them. Then, when he lowered his gaze to see the wet spot forming on the silky cloth, his smirk grew devilish.
"You need this—don't you, princess?" His eyes rose to meet mine, and I could feel my blush deepen under the heat of his gaze. Shamefully, I nodded my head and I knew from that moment that I had given him all the power I once held.
He kissed my thighs a few more times, taking a few minutes to savor my taste on his forked tongue. When it came time to remove the final layer of clothing that protected my most sensitive spot from the beast before me, he froze and took another moment to let his eyes roam over my form.
"Such beauty—such elegance. I am truly honored to be the first—and hopefully last lover of Outworld's finest princess." He murmured sweetly as he peered up at me from between my now quivering thighs. "Your (H/C) hair, your (E/C) eyes, your stunning figure, your soft skin, and your soft lips—you truly are a goddess, princess. And I greatly intend to make you feel like the one you are."
Tears filled my eyes as he spoke his words. From happiness? Were my insecurities finally being put to rest? I was unsure. With one final kiss to my cloth-covered mound, he slowly pulled down my panties to reveal just how soaked I was for him—how I throbbed for him to enter me and sooth the burning desire I felt for him for just a little bit longer.
If almost on instinct, my trembling hand rose from where it clutched the bedsheets and sank beneath his hood to tangle into his dark, soft hair. And then, he lowered his head—lowered it to worship me in ways that would have me seeing stars.
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vodika-vibes · 30 days
hello!!! i would like to request something for the follower event please! i would like to request aquamarine with wrecker in fall please! i also want wrecker to be emotionally intelligent please! i feel like it’s something that’s very underrated abt him.
i was thinking about something where the reader is the medic to the bad batch, who has been recently heartbroken so horribly by an ex that she’s given up on love entirely. then wrecker comes along being his lovable, caring, and joyous self and the reader can feel herself falling for him. but because of her history with love, she tries to close herself off from him.
wrecker, who has been falling in love with the reader, can see that something is wrong, and tries to help but receives a cold shoulder. eventually wrecker confesses his feelings for the reader, and the reader tells wrecker that she feels the same but is scared about getting hurt again. wrecker reassures her that he is not going to break her heart, and tells her that love is about taking a leap of faith.
so the reader takes that leap of faith and it ends with the reader and wrecker having their first kiss!
absolutely no rush to get this finished btw! thank you so much, and i hope you have a wonderful day/night!!
I Can Fix That
Summary: Wrecker knows that the pretty Doctor has sworn off love. She’s never been shy about that, or about how awfully her ex treated her. But, he’s pretty sure that he can fix this.
Pairing: TBB Wrecker x F!Reader
Word Count: 652
Prompts: Aquamarine - Healing Love
Warnings: Implications of a previous abusive relationship, though there's no details
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: Sorry that this took so long! I needed to come up with a good idea, and I think I finally found one. Also, I couldn't add in all of the details, due to my self-imposed word limit, but the implications are there.
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“You need some help, Doc?” Wrecker asks with a grin as he knocks on the door to the medbay on the Marauder, “I’ve got nothing to do and Hunter told me to make myself useful.”
She frowns at him, though Wrecker can tell it’s not because she’s annoyed with him, so much as the situation, “I’m actually all set here, Wrecker. So long as no one gets hurt, it’ll stay that way.”
“Well, you know what Tech is like.”
She pauses, and then makes a face and turns to pull some bandages out from over the sink, “Honestly, for such a smart man you’d think that he’d be able to pay more attention.”
Wrecker grins, “He does pay attention. To his project.”
“You’re not helping.”
He laughs, “Sorry, sorry.” He settles on one of the chairs and stretches his legs out, “In any event, as soon as Tech finishes the repairs we can get out of here. I’m not a huge fan of how humid it is.”
She shoots him an odd look, “I mean, I don’t like it either. But why do you dislike it so much?”
Wrecker’s grin widens and he smooths his hand over his head, “It’ll ruin my hair.”
A startled laugh falls from her pretty lips, and Wrecker’s wide grin softens. He’s glad that she’s not giving him the cold shoulder anymore, it makes flirting with her so much easier.
Her laughter subsides after a few moments, but a few giggles still escape her lips, “You’re such a goof, Wrecker.”
“Well, someone on this ship has to be funny, it might as well be me.” He folds his arms over his chest, “You know,” Wrecker says slowly after a moment, “We’re going back to Ord Mantell after this.”
“Yeah, I remember.”
“Well, there’s this nice little food stall, they sell these little pancake things with desserts in the middle-?”
“You mean crepes?” She asks.
“Yeah, I think that’s what they’re called.” He watches her closely, “You want to get some with me?”
She pauses, and there’s a flash of uncertainty on her face.
“No judgment if you don’t, Firefly.” Wrecker adds, his voice gentle, “I know that your ex and his actions make dating hard, make trusting people hard-”
“I don’t want to talk about it, Wrecker-”
He holds up a hand, “Let me talk, please?”
She settles, though the look of uncertainty lingers on her face.
“Thank you.” Wrecker pauses to collect his thoughts, “I love you. You’re…amazing. You’re smart and kind and funny and good. And you’re so afraid of being hurt that you refuse to even consider a relationship.”
She ducks her head, her hands clutching the hem of her jacket.
“And that’s fine. I have no idea of the kind of stuff your ex put you through, but I can guess.” Wrecker leans in, “This is me making sure that you know that I’m interested. And me letting you know that I’m a patient man and I can wait until you’re ready for a relationship.”
She blinks at him, startled.
“So, what do you say? Want to get crepes with me? Just as friends, no more.”
She’s quiet for a long time, long enough that Wrecker starts to think that she’s going to turn him down, but then her grip loosens on the hem of her jacket, “Do you remember if they had fruit crepes?”
And Wrecker grins, “You know, I think they do.”
“Well, in that case…” She won’t meet his gaze, “I do like crepes. And I like spending time with you.”
“Then it’s a date.” Her gaze snaps up, and he grins, “A friend date, but a date all the same.” Wrecker pushes to his feet, “Now, I have to go. I was supposed to be helping Tech.”
She blinks, and then laughs, “Wrecker!”
“What? You’re so much better to look at than my own brother. See you later, Doc!”
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vampireimiko · 7 months
For MK1 Mileena ( and if it's okay to add in Baraka? ) after everything that have happened, what if one of the earthrealmer fighters ( gn!reader ) decided to stay in outworld as they are very skilled medical doctor and military medical officer who research about virus and disease
And let's say after many months doing ethical decisions and experiments the found a cure for the tarkat that stabilize not also the animalistic of the agresstion but also keep the individual actual stable mentally and not have intense hunger, like they are back to normal in some ways, but they can't fix the physical aspect due to them theories that it have some magic involved
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warnings, none ^_^
note, i don't know if the request was insinuating mileena x reader or not, so if it was my apologies 😭‼️
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"How are you feeling Mileena?" You asked carefully as she was just waking up from being sedated.
Mileena's eyes slowly fluttered open, adjusting to the light. She blinked a few times before focusing on you. The remnants of the sedation still lingered, giving her a dazed expression.
You repeated your question, concern evident in your voice. "How are you feeling, Mileena?"
She groggily attempted to sit up, wincing slightly. "I feel like I got hit by a carriage.. but other than that I'm fine," she muttered, her voice raspy.
You nodded, noting her discomfort. "That's expected after the procedure. You'll need some time to recover. We managed to stabilize the aggression and hunger aspects of your condition. How's your mental state?"
Mileena frowned, contemplating. "Clearer, less chaotic. It's strange, but not bad."
You smiled at her, happy that signs of your treatment working showed in her. "That is wonderful Mileena. If you have anymore concerns, you can always contact me. Now, if you'll excuse me, I had to check on Baraka."
Mileena nodded, acknowledging your words. "Thank you," she replied, her tone a mix of gratitude and curiosity. The transformation she experienced, was a journey that held promise and uncertainty.
"Also, before I go, I do believe Tanya is still outside." You said with a subtle smirk on your face.
Mileena's eyes widened with a mix of surprise and realization. A mischievous grin spread across her face as she caught your subtle hint. "Is she? Well, I should go greet her properly. Maybe flaunt my newfound stability," she said, chuckling lightly.
As you walk towards the room Baraka is currently occupating, you start to feel a bit guilty. Baraka had always talked about the struggles of Tarkat and how it basically ruined his life. You knew you hadn't fully cured Tarkat but hopefully the suppresser you made would soon lead into a full blown cure for those inflicted with Tarkat.
Entering Baraka's room, you found him in a state of post-procedure recovery. His characteristic blades were momentarily retracted, and the aggressive stance had softened. Baraka glanced at you, a hint of gratitude in his gaze.
"How are you feeling, Baraka?" you inquired, your tone carrying genuine concern.
The Tarkatan warrior grunted, a gesture that could be interpreted as a positive response.
"I feel normal again. The hunger I once felt is no longer there."
You took a moment to examine his vital signs and overall condition, ensuring that the stabilization process was proceeding as intended.
"That's encouraging, Baraka. The suppression of the aggressive tendencies and hunger is a significant step forward," you explained, your voice reflecting a cautious optimism. "However, it's essential to monitor your condition closely as we work towards a more comprehensive solution."
Baraka nodded, a rare expression of gratitude crossing his usually fierce features. "I appreciate what you've done. It's a change I never thought possible."
As you continued your examination, the weight of responsibility for finding a permanent cure for the Tarkatan condition weighed on you. The progress made with Mileena and Baraka was promising, but the complexity of their physiology posed unique challenges.
"We're not done yet, Baraka. I'm committed to finding a complete cure. In the meantime, rest and let the stabilization take its course. If you experience any changes or discomfort, don't hesitate to inform me," you assured him.
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𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞; 𝐢 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐛𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐤𝐚 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐒𝐎 𝐛𝐚𝐝𝐥𝐲 ☹️ 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐬, 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤, 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐬𝐦 (𝐢𝐟 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐟𝐮𝐥) 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 !!
𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧
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What if the reader ACTUALLY ended up getting pregnant by soundwave? 👀 How would the cassettes react to the fact that they're going to have a baby sibling soon? Feel free to write this 〜⁠(⁠꒪⁠꒳⁠꒪⁠)⁠〜
Wwwwwwweeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllllll I might just have to give this a try anon, I definitely haven't been thinking about it since that last ask... (Or applying the same thought to other bots that you can totally ask me about at any time if any of you are so inclined)
I hope you all enjoy, and if you like my writing style you can always commission me!
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All three of the minis still had their own unique expression of frozen shock when Frenzy finally went silent, leaving you to sit awkwardly across from them at the breakfast table. Soundwave knelt at your side, his demeanour tense but supportive as the quiet continued for several agonizing moments. It was Laserbeak that found his voice first, shaking his helm as if he was trying to process the information but simply couldn't. "How's that even possible?!"
Even without utilizing her sonic scream, Frenzy had the walls shaking for the entirety of her outburst, though such a reaction was more or less what you'd expected given the news you and Soundwave had just dropped.
"From the look of it, I'm due in seven months." you answered simply, unwilling to admit that was a guess at best. Based on your symptom you could reasonably estimate you were about two months in, but there was no way to know if this was going to proceed like a normal pregnancy, and it wasn't like you could swing by a doctor's office for answers. Soundwave settled his claws on your shoulder in a gesture of support.
"Known phenomenon. Scattered historical records." Soundwave answered for you, his explanation only somewhat shorter now than what he'd given you when everything had come to light. He'd also been able to translate and show you some of the texts describing the process, which included an explanation as to how Cybertronian gametes could "read" the genetic information of other species and interpret it to match their own anatomy, allowing for reproduction between vastly different beings. The little one within you now would be fully Cybertronian, but still related to you thanks to the wonders of alien biology. You wondered briefly what features of your own might be recognizable; your smile, the shape of your eyes, the proportions of your limbs...
"Well... When's the little one gonna get here?" Laserbeak continued as the others remained silent. Ravage was tense in his chair, optics narrow and audials pinned back in deep thought whilst Frenzy still found herself incapable of getting her jaw off the floor.
Giving the minis a date seemed to make the news that much more real, and the three exchanged looks, silently discussing their feelings on the matter with expressions alone. Too many emotions passed between them for you to identify even a fraction, but you caught a considerable amount of uncertainty from all three, which we to be expected. Frenzy finally spoke for the group, crossing her arms as if she was seated at a negotiating table as she tilted her helm for a pointed question. "Are we gonna have to share a room with them? It's already pretty crowded with the three of us."
"Search for more spacious dwelling; initiated." Soundwave replied quickly. The question was one the two of you had asked yourselves, and though searching presented its own dangers, you had concluded it would be far from ideal to have a growing family in this crowded bunker. In a mere month your mate had crossed hundreds of miles in his search, and the list of new potential homes grew each time he returned. Said information was relayed to the minis in a succinct summation of his activities. "Several possible locations located. Scouting to continue."
Hearing of a new home caught the interest of all three, an understandable reaction considering their limited space at present, and also seemed to turn some of their surprise to anticipation.
"Well, if we can get somewhere with a little more elbow room... I'm on board." Frenzy said as she returned to her more casual sitting posture, looking more open to the idea now that she had some time to process and could imagine the fun that might come if it. Seeing a smile pull on her lips gave you a great deal of comfort, and you felt your shoulder relax in Soundwave's grasp. The music loving femme tapped her chin as she pondered the possibilities. "Something beachside would be pretty tight."
Matching her energy, Laserbeak added his own two cents, equally excited at the prospect of moving from their cramped abode. "I could go for something up in the mountains, nice to have open air under the wings."
You prepared to reply with a list of the places Soundwave had scouted, but Frenzy scoffed at Laserbeak's suggestion before you could speak, returning to her old self with impressive speed. "Boring! How are we gonna have fun in the middle of the woods?"
"If the bitlet ends up flying, where else am I gonna show them the ropes?" he replied, holding up his wings like hands in his exasperation.
The comment took you pleasantly by surprise. Moments ago they'd been so shocked you couldn't really tell if they were at all on board with the new family member, but Laserbeak was already planning for including the little one, and Frenzy made it clear she was doing the same with her retort.
"How can I take them to rock concerts if there aren't any?" she asked in equal exasperation, making you smile at how she was also planning for their future sibling. You were confident now their initial reaction had been purely one of shock, and now that it had faded they were all proving more than amenable to the idea of a little brother or sister.
"They can fly there!" Laserbeak replied as the silly argument intensified, the two minis squabbling over the best places to live for the sake of their interests as well as their future sibling. Ravage remained removed from the entire discussion, but you found his posture far more relaxed, and when his gaze met your own for a second time he was far from displeased. The Felicon looked to you for a moment of consideration before giving a nod, his way of indicating that he too was fine with this most unexpected turn of events. You nodded back in appreciation. This little one may have been unplanned, but they would be anything but unloved.
"Arguments unhelpful." Soundwave sighed as the petty squabble grew lightly physical, juvenile slaps being traded by Frenzy and Laserbeak as they debated whose idea for a new location was "obviously" superior to the others. You chuckled lightly and gave his servo a pat, certain this chaos would hardly compare to what your little family would be dealing with in just a few short months.
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dmercer91 · 7 months
hi love, congrats on your celly! i’d love to request some smut for opposites attract au, i love how luca is so soft is on black cat reader and i feel like that would for sure translate into anything intimate, esp if black cat reader was inexperienced or insecure 🥹 i love this au so much 🩷🩷🩷
i’ve wanted to talk abt this for so long and kept getting distracted with other plot points but landen is bi!!
and has only ever been with girls
deep in my soul i believe that she was nervous about receiving anything and so she was strictly a pleasure dom
so since she’d never really had anything inside, due to the girls she was dating don’t come with that setting, she was almost scared about intimacy with luca
she was afraid it’d hurt and that if she told him it was hurting he would feel bad and she didn’t want that for him or herself
so they take it very slow- starting w this blurb ↓
enjoy :)
tidal waves | opposites attract, lf63
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there was only so long landen could go without any stimulation. she tried her best to push it off as long as she could- a little insecure, a little scared
but now she’d been ovulating for the second time since she’d starting seeing luca, and it felt like she’d die if she didn’t jump on him within the hour
they were sat on her couch, her knees brought up to her chest as he watched a movie and she watched him.
she eventually made her way closer to him, draping her legs over his lap and resting her head on his shoulder, her body on fire and his skin doing nothing to cool her. somehow, she still felt better
her eyes were hazy and when luca had looked down at her, he assumed she was just tired.
“tired, pretty?” he kissed her forehead and felt her nestle closer, silently begging for him to keep giving her his attention
“mh. sleepy,” she mumbled, fighting the urge to fiddle with his chain
he kissed her again, gently moving his hand to her thigh and feeling it twitch under the contact. he smiled to himself, immediately clocking what was actually going on
“d’you wanna go to sleep then?” she was quick to shake her head, racking her brain for an excuse that wouldn’t sell her out
she fell short, just looking up at him from the crook of his neck to see him with a soft smile. he already knew.
landen was suddenly very interested in the movie playing on the screen, avoiding his sweet gaze like it was the plague.
“lan. i wanna make you feel good. it’s okay,” he murmured, turning her head back over to face him. her face went hot against his hand and she just gave him a look of uncertainty
“never had anyone else get me there before. wouldn’t let ‘em” she stated, looking right at him to see if his face faltered, and it didn’t.
“i’m usually the one giving,” she clarified, letting him know that she wasn’t completely inexperienced. the opposite, actually- but she just always took care of herself
“that’s okay, pretty. only if you want. but i’d go slow, and you know you can tell me to stop. not to mention- you’re acting like you’re in heat,” she blushed, picking at her fingers while she contemplated
she eventually settled- kissing him and grabbing his hand in hers, moving it up her thigh a little.
he smiled into the kiss, deepening it and squeezing the top of her thigh, tugging at the leg of her shorts so she could confirm for him
she nodded, cupping his face to keep his kisses going while he worked off her shorts and threw them to the side.
the second his fingers grazed the wet patch on her panties, she shuddered, halting their kisses for just a second before moving back in, tugging at his hair a little
he smiled against her and slipped his hand into her panties, starting with slow circles on her clit. her stomach twisted in pleasure, and she sighed against his lips, already starting to get comfortable
luca focused his fingers there for a moment, soon switching to his thumb and sliding his fingers through her folds, the wetness allowing for him to slip just one inside
she pulled away from his kisses, lips swollen and eyes fluttering shut as she got used to the feeling
“that okay, pretty?” luca murmured, moving his kisses down to her neck and eliciting a soft moan, whisper quiet.
“yeah, lu,” she mumbled, the dull ache in her stomach slowly becoming less and less prominent, being replaced with a fluttering feeling of pleasure
it felt like her whole body was jolting with electricity, the waves rushing through her one by one to build up to shock
“luca,” she gasped, squeezing his shoulder as he nipped at the skin of her collarbone and slipped another finger inside
the waves in the pit of her stomach only got stronger, almost unbearable until luca sped up his thumb, keeping his fingers at the same pace
then, the feeling truly took over, her skin getting hotter than it’d been all night and her quiet, uncontrollable moans spilling all out
luca pulled away from her collarbone for a moment, watching with glossed eyes and a concentrated bite of his lip while she tumbled over the edge.
his name fell from her lips over and over, some half whispers and some desperately stuttered out as her body fell into the beginnings of sensory overload
she squeezed around his fingers, fluttering uncontrollably while her stomach did somersaults and her heart beat out of her chest
she pulled at his wrist and he shushed her gently, slowing and then stopping his movements and pulling out of her carefully, as to not make her more sensitive
“how was that, pretty?” he looked down at her, placing a few chaste kisses on her temple and cheekbone
“oh my god,” is all she whispered, head falling onto luca’s shoulder as she recovered
he chuckled, adjusting her in his lap so he could carry her to the bathroom, setting her on the toilet lid
“never feels that strong when i’m taking care of myself,” she mumbled admittedly, looking up at him as he got a cool cloth and handed it to her for the back of her neck
“i’m glad, pretty. did i hurt you? when i started using my fingers,” he asked, gently combing her hair into his hands and putting it into his sweet attempt at a bun.
she shook her head, pointing at her face cleanser at the sight of him looking around, lost
“it was all so good,” she murmured, closing her eyes tiredly as he wiped off her makeup
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queenshelby · 3 months
Yes! Mr Murphy (Rewritten)
PART 50: Photograph
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Warning: Lots of Angst, Age Gap, Miscarriage
Over the next view days, Max returned to Cork after Danielle put him into place and just before Cillian was due to arrive back home, your thoughts spiraled downward, drowning in self-loathing and despair. You blamed yourself for the miscarriage, convinced that it was somehow your fault.
The thought of telling Cillian weighed heavily on your shoulders, the guilt consuming you and when, on a Friday afternoon, he came bustling through the front door, eager to wrap his arms around you, you cringed inwardly, dreading the conversation that awaited you.
"Hey," he greeted you softly, his eyes lighting up at the sight of you, his heart swelling with love for you.
"Hey," you replied weakly, forcing a smile on your lips. "Welcome home," you cooed, stepping into his open arms.
His scent enveloped you, bringing comfort as he held you tightly, pressing his cheek against yours.
"I missed you," he murmured into your hair, inhaling deeply. "You smell amazing," he added playfully, smiling at you.
"I missed you too," you replied, nestling deeper into his embrace. "How was the premiere?" you asked, genuinely curious about his experience.
"It was insane," he chuckled, releasing you and guiding you both to collapse onto the couch. "Cameras everywhere," he groaned dramatically, rolling his eyes. "I hated it," he then chuckled, grabbing your hand, intertwining your fingers with his. "But I wouldn't trade it for the world since it means I am actually doing something right—right?" He looked at you questioningly, a hint of uncertainty lingering in his eyes.
"Definitely," you agreed, nodding earnestly. "It's a testament to your talent," you continued, squeezing his hand affectionately before pulling him close for a kiss and, immediately, the tension between you eased as the familiarity of your relationship kicked in.
"Thank you," he murmured, cupping your chin, tilting your face upward for another passionate kiss. His eyes sparkled with happiness as he pulled your body closer. "I'm glad I'm home," he whispered, his voice low and husky.
You smiled softly, feeling the familiar warmth spread through your veins. "Me too," you replied, tracing the lines of his palm with your thumb before, suddenly, breaking out in tears. 
"Hey, what's wrong?" Cillian asked, looking concerned. "Is everything okay?" he asked, panicking as you fell into his arms once more. 
"No," you choked out, trying to regain control of your emotions. "I...," you stammered. "The baby," you began, swallowing hard as your tears cascaded down your cheeks. "I lost the baby," you whispered, your voice cracking with sorrow.
Cillian's eyes widened in disbelief, his grip tightening around your hand.
"You had a miscarriage?" Cillian asked, his voice strained, his face pale.
"Yes," you replied, wiping away fresh tears. "It happened a week ago. I was too afraid to tell you because I didn't want you to worry about me during the premieres. I am so sorry," you sobbed, your chest heaving with deep sobs.
Cillian's eyes grew wide with shock, but he quickly wrapped his arms around you, holding you close. "Shhh, it's okay," he whispered softly, brushing the tears from your cheeks. "I'm here now, and I promise we'll get through this together."
"But I've gone through this twice now," you whimpered, burying your face in his shirt. "I am a fucking failure," you sobbed, your words muffled by his clothing.
Cillian rocked you gently, holding you close, whispering sweet words of reassurance into your ear. "Shh, none of this is your fault," he murmured, his voice thick with emotion. "And I know that the pregnancy wasn't planned, but we can try again if you like," he promised, his tone filled with conviction. "When the time is right, we will have a family together if this is what you want," he added, his eyes glistening with unshed tears.
"But my body is broken, Cillian. It clearly is," you said, pulling away from his warm embrace. "It keeps failing me and, honestly, I am terrified of getting pregnant again. I mean, what if I lose another pregnancy? That would kill me," you confessed, biting your lip nervously.
Cillian's eyes welled up with tears as he watched you struggle, his heart aching for you. "Hey, stop talking like that," he scolded softly, cupping your face in his hands. "None of this is your fault. And, whatever happens, we'll face it together. There are alternative options these days. IVF, surrogacy, adoption," Cillian said, lifting your chin with his finger. "Whatever you decide, we will make it work."
"But you even said that you didn't want any children," you reminded him, still reeling from the sudden change in direction.
"Yet, I also said that I loved you, and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to be with you," Cillian declared passionately, his eyes locked on yours. "And if you want to become a mother then we will make it happen together. I'm not going anywhere," he swore, gripping your hands tightly, but you knew that you were not ready to face the possibility of losing another pregnancy.
"I appreciate your willingness to go through all that," you whispered, snuggling closer to him. "But I just need some time to think. Like you said, the pregnancy wasn't even planned and, still, I became excited about the prospect of having a child with you," you explained while Cillian ran his fingers through your hair.
"Take all the time you need," Cillian assured you, running his fingers through your hair. "I love you," he murmured, pulling you closer, embracing you tightly. "More than anything," he said. 
"I love you too," you murmured, nestling your head into his shoulder, clinging onto him like a lifeline until, eventually, you calmed down.
As you regained your composure, Cillian's grip on you loosened, replaced by a soothing caress.
"You know there is something that might cheer you up a little," he suggested, his voice soft and hopeful.
"What's that?" you asked warily, wiping your tears away with an apprehensive glance.
"Well, let me get my bag and I show you," Cillian replied before reaching for his messenger bag that was slung over the armrest. 
He then pulled out an envelope and handed it to you and, when you took it from him and opened it, you noticed a familiar photograph tucked neatly inside.
It was of you, your mother and two siblings before you crossed the border to America and, although it was crumpled and faded from years of storage, it instantly transported you back to that time.
"Where did you get this?" you gasped, holding the photo carefully in your hands. 
"Your mother gave it to me," Cillian explained and, immediately, your chin dropped. You had not seen your mother since you were a young child as, when you came to America, she gave you and your siblings up for adoption. Whether intentional or whether she was forced to do so, you did not know and life for you since had been a living nightmare. You grew up in terrible Forster homes until the age of 16, and then you moved to a group home where you stayed until you turned 18. In those years, you developed a tough shell to survive and a sharp tongue to cut down anyone who dared to hurt you. Still, even with your bravado, you were scarred by your past and haunted by memories which constantly plagued you.
"How?" you teared up again, tears filling the corners of your eyes. "Where did you meet her?" you asked anxiously, tracing the creases in the photo with your index finger.
"She came to one of the premiers, hoping that you would be there with me after seeing us in one of those ridiculous gossip magazines," Cillian revealed, his eyes meeting yours tenderly. "Apparently, she's been searching for you for years and has even tried to contact my agent who brushed it off as a hoax," he explained, handing you a folded piece of paper from within the envelope.
"That's a travel itinerary," you said, your voice trembling slightly. 
"Yes," Cillian confirmed, his eyes meeting yours with a mix of curiosity and concern. "I booked her flight for next week. Hopefully she has passport sorted by then," Cillian explained, seeing that she had never been on a plane before. 
"Oh my god," you exclaimed, tears streaming down your face. "I'm going to see her again," you cried, clutching the itinerary tightly in your hands. Despite the emotional turmoil of the past few weeks, you couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with joy at the idea of reuniting with your mother.
"What is if it is a hoax?" you questioned, unable to contain your fear. "I mean, are you sure it is her? The woman on the photograph?" you whispered, your voice quivering slightly.
"Yes," Cillian answered, his eyes meeting yours with a mix of curiosity and concern. "She knows your middle name and she told me about your birth mark. I am certain that it is her," Cillian affirmed, his voice steady and confident, causing you to sigh with relief. 
"What does she look like now?" you asked, suddenly becoming  more and more intrigued. "Does she look old?" you wanted to know, causing Cillian to chuckle.
"Well, she is about my age I would say, so I wouldn't call that old," Cillian said, raising his eyebrow at you and, for the first time that day, you genuinely laughed. 
"Well, you do look particularly young for your age though, Mr Murphy," you retorted, grinning mischievously at him.
"I know. I get told all the time," Cillian joked, causing you to laugh harder. You hadn't felt this lighthearted in weeks and you relished the feeling that enveloped you.
"Why do you do that?" you asked abruptly, interrupting your laughter. "Why do you take care of me so much?" you questioned, suddenly remembering your earlier fears and doubts.
"Because I love you, Y/N," Cillian declared boldly, his eyes shining with confidence. "I love you so fucking much!" Cillian exclaimed, his voice breaking slightly.
"I love you too, Cillian," you replied, the words coming naturally to you and, with that, you felt as though, perhaps, at least some things were slowly falling into place. 
@sunbeamseas @saint-ackerman @oatmealisweird @naxxsstuff @amanda08319 @r-m-cidnah @elysiannook @cillshot @infireddabdab @tastycakee @harrysbestiee @lilybabe22 @adalynlowell @henrywintersdearestgirl @ietss @thatgirlthatreadswattpad @ryiamarie @axionn
@heidimoreton @nela-cutie @futurecorps3 @delishen @nosebleeds-247 @thirteenis-myluckynumber @gills-lounge @hjmalmed @lost-fantasy @tiredkitten @sidechrisporn @smallsoulunknown @charqing-qing @hopefulinlove @aporiasposts @shycrybaby @me-and-your-husband @hjmalmed @lacontroller1991 @galxydefender @aporiasposts
@galxydefender @hunnibearrr @saint-ackerman @lunyyx @gentlemonsterjennie1 @ihavealotoffandomssorry @nadloves @lost-fantasy @nolucesn@mcavoy-girl @hjmalmed @bloodybagels @obeyme4life @richiesgroupie @blushykiss @tatumrileyslover @teawithsatanx @orijanko @rhaenyra4ever @xcinnamonmalfoyx @budugu @nadloves @kmc1989 @bloodybagels @obeyme4life @richiesgroupie @forgottenpeakywriter
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May I request college and hangman.
I’ve been trapped in my dorm for two days due to weather. My brain is melting.
Oh no!! I hope you're able to escape before cabin fever sets in!
So, I don't know what happened here but this mini drabble kinda got away from me hehe Back when I was in college, I, for some reason, romanticized long distance relationships because of all the angst and feelings involved. Then I got into a long distance relationship and it was HARD seeing all the happy couples and wishing my SO was around to cuddle with. The reunions were intense which was great and it worked out in the end but, overall, do not recommend lol Anyway..enjoy! Also, I figure this drabble is long enough to warrant a gif.
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3k Celebration Mini Drabbles
He just shows up. Out of the blue, unannounced, wearing a suede jacket and faded blue jeans and a patronizing expression on his face. His dog tags catch the light filtering through the dome of the rotunda.
“I don’t know what you’re doing here,” you say without so much as stopping as you pass him. “But this is a bad idea.”
“You weren’t returning my calls,” he says, falling into step with you as you rush across campus to get to your next class.
“I’m in college,” you respond curtly. “I’m busy.”
He steps into your path. “I’m in the Navy,” he says, as if you need the reminder. “I’m busy too. But I came all the way out here, so the least you could do is talk to me.”
“You’re going to make me late.” You try to walk around him, but he holds out a hand, pressing it gently into your abdomen. You sigh, trying to ignore the way your stomach lurches at his touch.
“I miss you,” he whispers, his fingers contracting on your waist, scrunching the material of your shirt.
The words bring up a whole slew of emotions you’ve been actively repressing for months. “We had a deal,” you remind him, suddenly breathless. “No strings.”
He nods, but his hand is pulling you closer.
“You’re stationed three thousand miles away,” you reason as he tugs you toward him, as he rests his other hand on your hip. “And I won’t be back in San Diego till next summer,” you continue in this vein although you’re not even buying your own bullshit. The actual source of your resentment stems from something entirely unrelated to geography.
“I can wait.”
“Right,” you scoff, shaking your head. “Like you waited two whole days after I left before hooking up with half of the new recruits?”
“What are you talking about?”
“I saw the photos,” you say, pushing his hands away from your body.
“Nobody hooked up with anybody,” he says tersely. “That’s what this is about?”
“This is about me needing to bust my ass this year so that I can get into grad school and you not distracting me in the process.”
“Y/N,” he says. “I promise you, I didn’t hook up with anybody.”
“Must’ve been tough for you.”
He gives you a hard look. “Not really.”
You exhale sharply, doing your best to avoid his gaze. Wooing women is second nature for Jake, so you’re not really falling for his act. “I’ve got class, Jake,” you say, brushing past him. You’re halfway to the door when he speaks again.
“I’m being deployed.”
The words hit you like a ton of bricks and you freeze, glancing back at him in alarm. “Where?”
Several passing students eye the two of you curiously as you speak to one another across the hall. “I can’t say,” he responds, sliding his hands into the pockets of his jeans.
You bring a hand up to your mouth as your eyes fill with tears. “For how long?”
“Six months.”
You close your eyes, mentally preparing yourself for spending the next six months worrying about never seeing Jake Seresin again. Perhaps not even the following summer when you return to San Diego to visit your aunt.
“I’m going to come back, Y/N,” he says, although you detect a hint of uncertainty in his tone. “I want to come back to you.”
You blink at him through your tears, swallowing anxiously before walking right back to him and throwing your arms around his neck. “You better fucking come back to me, Jake Seresin.”
He brings his arms around you, holding you tightly against his chest. He sighs and chuckles into your hair. “You got it, sweetheart.”
3k celebration
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xleepyzs · 3 months
About your most recent headcanons about Yandere yuji and sukuna sharing The reader, how do you think they’d react if one of them accidentally killed the reader during a punishment?
If you don’t want to answer this that’s fine, I don’t know what your rules are on this kind of thing. Have a good day/night and don’t forget to drink some water!
𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐘𝐮𝐮𝐣𝐢, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐒𝐮𝐤𝐮𝐧𝐚 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐢𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐩𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭?
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⌗ 𝐀/𝐍 :: Thank you, if you're wondering what I don't do, I don't do smut or angst (because i'm bad at it ☠️), also my works are mostly headcanons, so consider requesting me to do headcanons, the max limit is two characters. Btw, reader is gender neutral in here
⌗ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 :: Ryomen, Sukuna, and Itadori, Yuuji
⌗ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞 :: Dark content/Yandere
⌗ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Yandere stuff, violence mentioned
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⌗ 𝐘𝐮𝐮𝐣𝐢 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝐒𝐮𝐤𝐮𝐧𝐚 𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐭
Yuuji would stay silent to hear if your heart beat but if not. He'll PANIC!!! He shakes your thin and frail body due to the fact Yuuji starves you to the brink of death as a punishment.
Sukuna on the other hand, would be silence, letting his host (Yuuji) try to wake you up. But if you aren't waking up at all. Sukuna would put the blame on Yuuji, and then Yuuji would blame on Sukuna. Basically, they'd argue and point fingers on who kill you. (News flash, both of them but mostly Sukuna due how brutal and unusual punishments he inflicted on you.)
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— (𝐒𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨 𝟏) 𝐒𝐮𝐤𝐮𝐧𝐚 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐘𝐮𝐮𝐣𝐢'𝐬 𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐲
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— It was awfully quiet, Sukuna looks down on your thin body that's on the cold concrete floor. He gently kicks your body to wake you up.
"Wake up." Sukuna's demanding voice echoes through the empty room that Yuuji and Sukuna puts you in when you're disobedient and rebelling. All he got was silence, then Sukuna shakes your body but you didn't respond to it.
Then once he grabs your chin to see if you're awake. But you weren't, Sukuna never felt many emotions before, he can identify one emotion that seems to be bugging him, gulit? He doesn't understand, he never find himself attached to you, so why he's feeling guilty now?
Yuuji then spoke up in his mind,
"Sukuna, I told you not to go harsh on them! See, now look what you did!" Yuuji exclaims inside his head,
"S-shut up." Sukuna stutters, but NEVER thought he will ever stutter in his entire life. Because stutter means that he's nervous or scared. He is powerful, but what does he have to fear for? But deep inside, he's actually scared that he might've kill you during the punishment. Now Sukuna is awfully silent while trying to shake your body to wake you up because this is unacceptable for HIM, and Yuuji...
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— (𝐒𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨 𝟐) 𝐘𝐮𝐮𝐣𝐢 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐲
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— Yuuji walks in the room that you were tied to the chain with, checking you up if you're okay. Once he walked in, he could see your frail and skinny body laying down on the cold concrete floor, no signs of moving at all. Out of worry, he walks towards you and turns your body to face him.
"Hey, Y/n, are you okay?" Yuuji asked, now worried if he starved you to almost the brink of death as a punishment to the point you actually died of starvation. But you never responded which increases his worry for you, he doesn't want to acknowledge the fact you might be dead, no. Just no.
"You starved them to death, what the fuck?!" Sukuna exclaims out loud inside Yuuji's head which made Yuuji's anxiety increased.
"They're not dead, Sukuna. Perhaps they're tired and needed lots of sleep!" Yuuji responded to Sukuna's question with uncertainty, that uncertain tone of voice made Sukuna now more mad.
"And I thought you'd never kill anyone. What happened to that?" Sukuna sarcastically says inside Yuuji's head, despite the sarcasm, Sukuna is actually pissed off now because Yuuji accidentally starved you to death which his original plan is to starve you TO ALMOST the brink of death.
Yuuji doesn't give up, he continues to shake your body and hope that you wake up which you never do.
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⌗ 𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐡
Realizing that they both killed you, they would DESPISE each other, and I mean despise each other to the point they would try killing each other as a form of revenge.
I don't think neither of them would never take the blame the fact they killed you on accident. Perhaps they're delusional or just hella prideful.
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seapiglet · 9 months
I've seen a LOT of shaming going round at the moment, both here and on twitter, of people who are seeking out good omens spoilers, mostly by those who have watched the new episodes in advance. despite what neil and david and michael may have said on the subject, it's rubbing me the wrong way! so I feel the need to make a potentially unpopular post about
(and accessibility) 🤚🏼
now I cannot speak for everybody here but as an autistic person with ocd I actually !prefer! being spoiled ahead of time and will frequently read the entire wiki article for a show I'm about to watch (though weirdly CANNOT skip ahead with books?) in order to alleviate anxiety around the unexpected. trust me when I say that knowing what will happen in advance *enhances* the experience for me and I have yet to regret being deliberately spoiled, even when it comes to my absolute favourite things on earth, things I may have been waiting months and months (or in this case years) for. in fact, the longer I've had to wait, the more the feeling of gut-twisting anxiety and uncertainty beds down in my system and makes itself a very unwelcome house guest.
it's all very well insisting that everybody just be patient and ~wait and see~ but for a lot of neurodiverse folks this can be a very unsettling prospect. personally, I don't like surprises! I don't crave the sensation of being shocked by an unforeseen twist! it makes me do a panic! even the thought of it makes me feel deeply uncomfortable.
we're not simply throwing our toys out the pram because we WANT something and we WANT IT NOW (shout out to verruca salt). there is a soothing comfort and stability to predictability that is difficult to explain to somebody who doesn't experience this.
at this point I should mention that OBVIOUSLY not all neurodiverse/autistic/diagnosed-ocd people feel this way but that doesn't negate the fact that a lot of us do and there's not much we can do about it.
I'm aware that everybody's currently moralising about the rightness/wrongness of illicitly distributing and trading nuggets of forbidden information like crack-laced pokemon cards* (surely in this fandom everything should exist in a grey area?) but please don't jump on this as an opportunity to prove who's the most terribly righteous and which of us gets to wear the Super Duper Bestest Fan Neil's Favourite prefect badge for the day. devolving into needless factions and one-upmanship so near to the official airdate does nobody any good.
on another personal note (this is the 👂🏼♿accessibility♿👂🏼bit) I was due to attend one of the screenings and now can't due to the apparent lack of subtitles. pleeeeeaase think of accessibility, amazon. please? some of us have severely messed up ears and/or auditory processing disorders - it's not hurting anybody to have the words up on the screen but it excludes many of us if you don't.
again, if you think it's terrible and wrong to want to be spoiled or to share spoilers you are well within your rights to think that, and of course I encourage anybody who is participating in a bit of blackmarket spoiler dealing to utilise ALL the tags you can think of to keep it secret (keep it safe), or simply leave it to the DMs, but I really don't see the good in shaming others who feel differently.
uhh thank you and good day 🎩
(*hopefully that still scans - my references are as ancient and ephemeral as my knee cartilage)
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