#my oc irving
moonit3 · 3 months
Seeing request are open, may I suggest you yan! Actor/celebrity with darling who's life centred ab them but then realised what they're doing and decided to loosen their ties and have their own life and stuff going on?
Some elobration:
Yan's personality:
-elegant like, probably give off rich people vibe
-really strict in everything; work, clothing, diet. Not a moment where they're lacking.
-brings darling on every shooting and set.
-knows how to contain image and how to avoid/get rid of rumours
-their popularity is important, but so. Is darling.
Some backstory ig? :
-Yan! Actor/Celebrity have known darling since they're kids and darling had always been their biggest supporter.
-Yan! Actor/Celebrity was Darling's fav child actor and the fact that both of their parents know each other makes them close.
-Yan! Actor/Celebrity let darling comes to the set or shoot and makes sure they didn't have eyes on anyone else but them.
-Darling would drop anything for them, . As an example; Darling's classmate have a birthday party but they couldn't come because Yan! have a shooting. (it's mostly like, not because Yan wanted them to. Darling is just worried about the Yan! and Yan! never complained)
-Darling's behaviour goes on until they're almost finished high-school and they realised how they don't even have friends and have been following Yan! for as long as they remember and decided to change when they entered college.
-Darling started to come to the Yan! set and shoots less. Started to indulge in other hobbies and fine new friends. Since they entered college, they've been contacting Yan! less and less.
-Yan! who didn't mind it at first, thinking that it will just be for a week or two, they'll come back to them later. But it didn't happened.
-What worse is they have a recording for a film where they are the main character, but darling didn't even come even after it finished.
-But Yan is still fine, still cool. Maybe, darling is at their house waiting for them to come and celebrate like always.
-and unsurprisingly there's a surprise party, but darling isn't even there. They ask everyone and yet they don't know where daring is.
-they tried to contact them but no one answered the calls,or even reply their messages.
-and then one for the guest called them and show them with their phone that darling is at another party with their friends
-at that moment something inside yan! snaps.
Please feel free to follow my suggestions and change or add whatever you want too! Hope you have a good day!
an yandere actor? hell yeah, this is pure gold for me and let me tell you, i love writing yandere like this. always wearing that facade of good person that charms everyone, only to be the worst person to ever exist. also, i changed a few things to make things more interesting and easy to write, okay?
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➽ context warnings: yandere male, gn! reader, manipulation, isolation, implied past abuse (not towards reader), implied depression from yandere part, yandere touching the reader while they are asleep, implied future kidnapping at the end.
➽ word count: 2k
➽ synopsis: he never noticed that your presence was so important to him before you left him.
➽ yandere! actor x gn! reader
➽ a/n: a post for today Thursday.╰(*´︶`*)╯♡ and I can’t wait to you guys read it. today, I don’t have much thing to say as my week was pretty normal compared to the previous ones. enjoy this one, my dear readers!
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➽ the newspaper can’t stop talking about the child actor that has stolen everyone’s heart, becoming the youngest winner in the award ceremony and turning into a famous star from day to night. his name going to the people’s mouth everyday and every night, gaining fans all over the globe with that gentle smile of his. everyone knows him, everyone adores him and everybody wants to be Irving Orson.
➽ his famous smile enchanted anyone who comes around and you were no exception, being his most trusted confident. you are his sidekick since the very first time he knows you, his best friend and his best supporter. the man knows that he has control over your life and he abused it.
➽ initially meeting you during a fancy gala as a little boy, irving as forced by his mothers to become acquainted with theirs coworker’ child who couldn’t stop giggling about him. a missing teeth in the front roll, hair messed like a hurricane has gone through the hall and wearing the most ridiculous shoes with lights, that was you. and since that day, irving and you become inseparable even though that was against his wishes.
➽ however, it didn’t took much time to the man tolerate your presence. often using as an improvised coat rack when needed, making you come along with him to the work set and always being the main center of your attention. almost like if you have become his personal assistant by the time the two of you become teenagers, adorable to say the least and quite a scene to other admire how the two of you are so close. specially in an dangerous environment like this one.
➽ with his popularity only growing and irving becoming of age, a new side of the industry was introduced to him. people of high power that he once thought to be the best turned out to be cruel creatures ready to attack at any moment, those who he believed to be gentle and kind reveal themselves as monster to him. it made him feel disgusted, it made him feel dirty by hearing words that wasn’t supposed to be louder than a whisper and he distanced himself from it.
➽ once known for his bubbly and funny demeanor during his time as a young boy, irving turned into a mature man who prefers to keep to himself. his stare is a keen as a sword, ready to cut anyone who comes closer to him with ill intentions and always wearing his gentleman persona when public. everyone fall for it, everyone become addictive to the most popular actor in the world and he couldn’t help himself, but thinking that no one really knows him.
➽ well almost everyone. there is you, a shadow that grown attached to him since that gala and it seems that you can’t leave nor have the intention to do so. it’s refreshing to have a familiar face at work that helps him (not that he would ever admit it), someone that he can be himself and not be judged. people would find themselves in denial if seeing him the so called gentleman acting like a fool when refusing to eat the vegetables from his meal.
➽ and he can’t help admire that you still with him, always so bright and sweet to him regardless of his coldness and tiredness after exhausted hours of work. irving loves that you take care of him, giving him the best hugs when congratulating him after another successful movie or just the free days the two of you spend in completely laziness at his mansion. those type of days are his favorite, because he finally got to be himself with only you around.
➽ a smile is on his face when you talk about your favorite part of today’s filming, redness growing at your cheeks when explaining how his character is probably going to give him another win at the awards session and that you can’t wait to tell your parents about it. the lines of his lips dropped, he forget that you working as an unofficial assistant for him means that you don’t interact much with your family nor other friends. he understands that he is time consuming and that you don’t really talk with your family because of him, yet he doesn’t feel guilty of it.
➽ irving knows that he is the only worth of your time, so he sees no problem in monopolizing it. giving your harsh tasks that will take hours to be done such doing his laundry, preparing him homemade meals with and even making you attend his most recent movie release as his partner. the last one if more appealing, seeing you wearing the expensive (and sometimes short) outfit that coincidentally match yours. “it was totally random, don’t think so much of it, [name].” he speaks, but mentally thanking his personal stylist for it.
➽ after the movie ended, irving opted to go home to rest and made you stay at his place as a small reward for being a good friend, a tiny smile appears when he said that. and you couldn’t refuse it, tiredness took over your body when stepping inside and he took the opportunity to place you at his bed, and he didn’t lose the chance to lay next to you.
➽ your chest going up and down and mouth makes him feel things, it’s weird that even recording so many intimate scenes with other actors, irving feels embarrassed by having you so closer to him. it’s almost like he is a child again, scared to speak out when his mothers called him out or to have kids another child actor back then. he removed a lock of hair away from your face, taking a better look at the soft expression and admiring how peaceful you look, if anyone else was here, they won’t hesitate to hurt you. but not him, irving is your protector and he will be there for you forever regardless of your opinion.
➽ or he thought so. the man failed to see the signs about your sadness growing, too busy deluding himself that everything was fine between the two of you to realize that you aren’t happy like this. the dark circles growing under your eyes went unnoticed by hiding it behind makeup and a fake smile to pretend that you were fine to his eyes, one that you wished that irving would see and give you a day off from work. however, that never happened and he only made you work more than before, making you not only exhausted, but also feeling that you don’t have any value to him.
➽ one day, you just left him without saying goodbye and peace has come to your life again. no need to wake up before the sun rising, no more dark circles and finally some time to see mother and father without worrying about work. it’s feel nice to finally be happy again, to have time for yourself to just relax and do nothing. this is so much better than overworking for irving and not be valued by him.
➽ and speaking of him, irving is panicking when he couldn’t find you anywhere. all of your stuff gone from the bedroom you used at his mansion and no one of his employees knows where you are, almost like you vanished in thin air. calls, messages and emails from him are ignored, leaving without options to contact you other than visiting your parents’ home and even that leave him without much. none of them know where you are despite the frequent visits and they didn’t bother asking, believing that you only took a few days off from working.
➽ his mind began playing tricks on him, making irving had your voice in very corner of the mansion and try to chase you down, only to be met with nothing. the actors and crew that he have been working with can tell there is something off about him, advising him to take a few weeks off from working to focus on his mental health. and of course, he accepts it, knowing that he can’t do much other than rest and try to keep himself calm after searching you for hours.
➽ i will find you, [name]. you can’t leave his mind despite trying to much to forget you and his mind doesn’t playing him like the fool he is. irving began dreaming about you every night, sometimes it’s silly as a picnic date that went wrong, others is about you cuddling him and he also dream about you having children with him. it sound like a perfect scenario, marrying you and then create a family to call his, irving desires that and he will make it become real.
➽ hiring someone to do the shady work wasn’t difficult, he just need the help of his friends to find someone willing to find your whereabouts without giving him away. he knew that you won’t forgive him, but does that really matter? as long he has you by his side, hating him won’t change his feelings nor plans for the future.
➽ it took only two days to irving learn your new address, a house in the edge of the city where the nature takes over the old buildings, remembering him of those apocalyptic movies he acted in. why would you give up of the richness and luxuries to live in a place like this? the only reason he can thinks of it is the rent being cheaper since you’ve stopped working for a quite while. yet, the walls with fresh colors and the smell of sweet inside your new home makes him wonder if you truly left him
➽ in his hands reached the doorknob before he could think and for his lucky, it was open. slowly and carefully, irving made his way towards the door that appears to be your bedroom, the guilty and shame of entering your house like this is eating him, but he can’t give up now. specially when he is so close to get you back.
➽ your sleeping body don’t move when he make his way inside, only continue to mutter in your sleep. irving took a deep breath when coming close to your bed, laying down close to your sleeping form and letting one of his hand closer to your thighs, caressing it without remorse.
➽ “my love, my muse…” his cheeks warmed with a red tinge as you move around the bed, maybe you are reacting to his touch or are you having a dream? irving got even closer to you, wrapping one of his arms around your body, putting you into his embrace as he kisses your neck. “no one will take you away from me, you are mine only.”
➽ irving spend more than time touching your body than he wants to admit, his piercing eyes roam over your body more than he wished and his heart beat faster when thinking of the possibility of you waking up to catch him at the act. he knows you wouldn’t react in a positive way, not when he broken into your house and is caressing your body without you permission.
➽ a part of himself tells him to stop, his mind telling how wrong he is for invading your privacy and overstepping your boundaries like this. and another part of himself, his heart, tells him that he deserves it after years of hard working at the entertainment industry. you are his reward after so many days and nights of wearing that mask to the public, none one aside from you knows his true colors and irving wants to keep it that way.
➽ irving notices that you began moving, probably going to wake soon as the sun shines outside and he couldn’t afford to lose his chance to make you his. his hands went straight to your neck, immediately pressing force into your throat and suddenly waking you up. his lips curves into a smile as he watches your ineffective attempt to remove his hands away, slowly you give up and fall into unconscious again.
➽ with you finally in his arms, ready to be taken away from the harsh reality, irving will show you a better and improved version of his mansion. there, no one will ever come closer to hurt you nor spread lies and manipulate you into leave him again, there no will ever come to take you away from him ever again.
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@moonit3 writings
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Finally, after long last, I'm done! A character lineup for @the-dye-stained-socialite's fic Take a Bow, written during the Fallen London Fic Swap! I got very inspired by all the descriptions of characters and costumes and went uh. A little nuts. Can't say they're all accurate as historical stage costumes go, but I think they look cool as hell, so!
Characters and who they belong to under the cut! Because there's quite a few of them.
Jamie Awnings, @thedeafprophet
Elias Leroux, @the-dye-stained-socialite
Rook, @moonstruck-stormy
Irving Merritt and Harper Faraday, (me)
Jules, @thedandy-detective
Orsinio Elderwood, @house-of-mirrors
And finally,
The Ex-Disgraced Academic, @alexis-royce :-)
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detectivebambam · 5 months
Big John Irving
first off, he's a gentle giant. absolutely wonderful with kids
andrew was scared of him at first, since this is a man who could crush his scull by breathing on him too hard. this guy is bigger than Gorilla
has a crazy deep voice which invokes fear into any and all living creatures
he has tea parties with Sadie. wears a tiara and everything
he has never been red carded his entire career, and he's only been yellow carded for defending his teammates
has a healthy(?) fear of Neil Josten
throws exy balls at Andrew's head when he deems him "too feisty"
has to order custom fit shoes online, as no store in the United States carries his shoe size. lined up at the bottom of the sole, Andrew's shoes reach the middle of John's (in fact you could probably stack Andrew's shoes on top of each other to get the full length
he is very handsome 🥰 i have a pinterest FC for him that is almost entirely how he looks in my head. might make a seperate FC post for the team? we'll see. ANYWAY HE'S HOT THAT'S WHAT'S IMPORTANT
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left - big john, tallest on the team
middle - average player size
right - andrew, shortest on the team
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theandrosaur · 10 months
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He's here for Isiah.
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bandtrees · 2 months
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more oc doodles ^.^
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punkkrat · 1 year
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necroneos · 2 months
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"If my happiness is what must be sacrificed for the happiness of man, I will do it. There are so many people hurting out there that need my help! Can't you understand, Viola? I don't want you hurting anymore either. Please, let me make it better..."
"Don't say those things," Viola shouted, "no one person's happiness is more important or less important than another's! Your happiness matters just as much!"
Maruki's brow knitted. "Viola, please..."
"My happiness is you, don't you get it!?"
He sighed, a sad frown gracing his features. "All I'm doing is hurting you. Let me make it better. You deserve a man better than myself and a life where you don't have to struggle with your past or the unfair hurdles this society has thrown at you. I can take that all away!"
"Don't decide what makes me happy!"
She swallowed. "I want your happiness, doctor. Isn't there anything YOU want?"
"There is, but I can't have it." He replied with a tight-lipped smile.
She winced;she knew what he meant.
"It's...Rumi, isn't it?"
"No, Viola, it's you." He whispered.
Viola's eyes widened. Maruki took slow steps forward until he stood in front of her, expression now solemn. He reached up and cupped one of her cheeks. He began to lean down and in an instant her will wavered, her thief attire dissolving into nothing. When his lips touched hers in a gentle kiss, she didn't think to question it, instead melting into his touch.
"I'm sorry..." He murmured against her lips.
As soon as the words left him, she could sense something was happening to her head as it started to grow foggy. Instantly she shoved him back.
"You tried to..."
He knew she'd be emotionally off guard!
"Please," He begged desperately, "as much as I don't want to do this, I'm adding to your pain. Just let me make you better..."
Art by @lehguru , whom i commissioned for this ❤️
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salsedinepicta · 11 months
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#Worst in Thedas 🌿
Ah yes, a very safe and nice topic to discuss at (over?) the dinner table. 10/10 choice, Malva.
Or: @ndostairlyrium created this (hilarious) meme in which "Inquisitors / Hawke / HoF are sitting at an hypotetical dining table having the best time explaining their quirky interests <<" cit. and I couldn't resist. Sorry? ✨
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sammydem0n64 · 2 months
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My share of the Aggie from yesterday....... smth bad happened at the end.
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madxmellon · 9 months
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I've never written stories before, but something came over me and since the start of August I'm now 27,000 words deep in a story about... this guy. His name's Cotah.
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kyoobot · 11 months
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Samson memes and some au stuff
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helldenizen · 1 month
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Really wanted to draw Irving with some retro camera.
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chichiricatsan · 4 months
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Cerys "Baby Carrot" Surana
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gaunt-and-hungry · 7 months
The full chapter is out!
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theandrosaur · 10 months
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May I interest you in some lamp people I have made with @alphonse-campbell ?
Imagine a harem of the prettiest lamps for the Empress, and a whole milice to protect them. That's it. That's the lore.
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vonlipvig · 3 months
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don't have the brainpower to draw anything more complicated than a passport photo, apparently, so fuck it, digital collage it is!
still kinda obsessed with the ocs from my dream, btw. they're buddy spies. secret agent partners. because of course they are.
the portraits by themselves, just for me.
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