#my friend described him as being like a startled cat and I think that's v accurate
waitineedaname · 1 year
“So you are nervous.” Ritsu pressed that point instead of allowing himself to be distracted by the food theft. “Is something wrong? Is it Shige?” The gears were rapidly turning in his head, and he gripped the table as he came to the worst case scenario. “Oh god, are you breaking up with him?” “No!” Teru jolted upright, quick to reassure him. “No, not at all! The opposite, actually.” Ritsu relaxed minutely, but he still wasn’t following. Teru seemed to realize this because he glanced away, suddenly embarrassed. “I’m, uh… I’m actually thinking of proposing.” The spoon in Ritsu’s soup abruptly tied itself into a knot, sloshing miso everywhere. They both ignored it.
I had to write something ritsu-centric eventually <3 please enjoy ritsu trying to be a good little brother figure to mob and teru
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fruitcoops · 3 years
I think it would be really interesting for leo and sirius to talk ab how they both didn’t go to college and how they both joined the nhl at 18 but had v different upbringings
Ooo, I like this one! I’m always down for some Cap and Knutty bonding. SW credit goes to @lumosinlove!
TW for mentioned bad parenting
“Kinda weird, isn’t it?” Leo said, breaking the nighttime silence after many long minutes of just their breathing. Sirius hummed in question. “Starting all this so young.”
Sirius made a noncommittal noise and Leo shifted, never taking his eyes off the sky. There was too much light pollution to see the stars properly in Gryffindor, but the roof of the rink didn’t have a bad view; the planes flying overhead brought pinpricks of brightness to the indigo blur.
“Was it hard for you?”
He heard Sirius’ coat move. “Was what hard?”
“Starting the NHL at eighteen.”
There was a long beat of silence. “Sometimes.”
“I didn’t know if I would make it,” Leo confessed, still barely above a murmur. Nobody else was around, but it didn’t feel right to talk in normal voices. The whole world was muted, save for the noise of the city below them. “There was just so much to do.”
Sirius laughed softly. “I hate to break it to you, rookie, but that doesn’t change.”
“How do you deal with it?”
“Before, or now?”
Leo thought for a moment. “Both.”
“Before, I would go home and shoot pucks until I was too tired to stand up. Sometimes I would read.” It wasn’t a secret, but it still made Leo’s heart hurt to remember. Nobody as kind and hardworking as Sirius deserved that. “Now, I make myself some food, take a shower, and steal Re’s softest hoodie.”
Leo could hear his smile in the dark—it echoed his own. “Nothing better, huh?”
“Finn’s fit me best,” he mused. “But Lo’s smell better.”
“Ah, he finally discovered deodorant?”
“Shut up,” Leo teased, elbowing his ribs. Sirius laughed a little louder; in the light of the streetlamps and the absence of his granite-hard focus, it was easy to remember that he was only 26. Leo had worshipped him as a kid, but now he just saw Sirius for what he was. His captain, who guided him through the playoffs even when his personal life was crumbling apart. His older brother, though Sirius certainly wouldn’t think of him that way. His friend.
“Really, though, it’s important to have those connections,” Sirius said when they both calmed down. “Being alone is good, but only if you know you have people to talk to when you need them.”
“Was it easier when you weren’t living with someone?”
“No.” The answer was immediate.
“Sometimes I want the apartment to myself.” Leo lowered his voice unconsciously, then sighed. “It’s not because I don’t want them there. I just need to be alone. Wash the dishes. Clean my room. Call my mom.”
“You should tell them.”
He turned his head slightly; Sirius was still scanning the sky. “Is that what you did?”
“It took a couple hiccups, but yeah. If one of us needs some alone time, the other will go to the grocery store or take a walk, maybe hang out with friends. You just have to make sure your boys know that it’s not personal.”
“You’re freakishly good at sage advice.”
Sirius snorted. “Merci, rookie.”
“I’m not a rookie anymore.”
“Yeah, you are.” He raised his hands, as if outlining a marquee. “The Eternal Rookie, starring Leo Knut.”
Leo stuck his tongue out, feeling rather petulant about the whole thing. “Watch it, Cap, I’m gonna sic Dumo on you.”
“My own father?” Sirius gasped dramatically. “How could you?”
“Did you ever get homesick?”
The question was out of the blue—he didn’t blame Sirius for faltering. Honestly, Leo was kicking himself for asking in the first place, though he had been keeping it in for ages. Unspoken rule of the Lions #1: Don’t ask Cap about his childhood.
“I…” Sirius fell silent once more.
“I’m sorry,” Leo apologized, and he meant it. “That came out of nowhere.”
“I missed Regulus,” Sirius continued carefully without acknowledging him. “But no, I didn’t get homesick. I didn’t have time, or a real reason.”
Alone in a new city, finally out of a horrible living situation, but desperately missing the little brother he left behind… Leo couldn’t even begin to imagine going through it when the NHL by itself was already overwhelming to his teenage brain. He scooted an inch closer until their shoulders touched. “I get homesick every couple of months.”
“You have a kind family.”
“Have you even met them?”
“At the party.” Sirius’ smile was practically audible. “Your mother was very excited to see me.”
“Oh, god,” Leo groaned. “What happened?”
“She—“ He broke off with a laugh. “She was very nice, I promise, but I think I surprised her because she squeaked when I said ‘hello’.”
Leo shook his head. “Did you sneak up on her?”
“I’m six two, I can’t sneak up on anyone!”
“You walk like a fucking ghost, dude! It’s creepy!”
“Okay, rude.”
“I swear, you and Loops need to be belled like cats,” Leo huffed.
They lapsed back into comfortable quiet for a few more minutes as a train rattled past on one side and the metro busses rolled down Main Street on the other. It had taken Leo a long time to figure out Gryff’s layout, and even longer to get used to the sounds of the city.
“What does it feel like?”
Leo blinked, unsure if he had heard correctly. “What?”
“Being homesick.” Sirius shifted again and folded his hands over his stomach. “I didn’t notice much of a difference in practices when I started the NHL, and going back to my parents’ house wasn’t my exactly a highlight of my year.”
Curiosity overrode his tact and reasoning skills. “You never asked Logan?”
“Non. It was different, with him. He had already left to go to college before I knew him, and spent four years away from his family.”
“Right.” Leo forgot about that on occasion. That Finn and Logan might be five years older than him, but they had only been rookies a year or two prior. Not everyone went straight from their city select team to an official draft. “It’s hard to describe.”
Sirius made an understanding noise, but he couldn’t entirely mask his disappointment. Leo licked his lips and tried again.
“It’s like a piece of you isn’t where it’s supposed to be. And it keeps tugging on your chest, but you never know when it’s going to start and stop so you just… deal with it. You ignore it some days and you think about it other days.” He swallowed around the lump in his throat. “The hard days are when you remember you can’t go back to the way things were before. I don’t even call my mom sometimes, ‘cause I know it’ll make me sadder.”
“The way things were before?”
“Yeah, like—like all my classmates are in college, and I’m laying on a roof with one of the most famous hockey players in the history of forever.” That drew a light laugh from them both. “I’m gonna go back to my reunion in a couple years and have literally nothing in common with the people I used to be friends with.”
“Sometimes I wish I went to college,” Sirius said. “But I would have missed so much if I did. I don’t think I would have been happy there.”
“Finn and Logan get weird about college.” Maybe he shouldn’t be talking about it, but Leo had the feeling none of their conversation would leave the rooftop. “It was hard for them, with all their shit.”
“Re does, too.” He recognized the sad edge in Sirius’ voice; it was the same as his own. “For a different reason. It started good, and ended bad.”
“I’m glad I missed out on that,” Leo said, biting down the urge to scream at the universe for putting their significant others through so much hardship at an already-difficult time. None of them deserved the pain they went through. “Besides, it’s not like we need degrees to play hockey, and we’ll have plenty of money afterward.”
“I never thought about my life after hockey until my ankle.”
“My parents always pushed me to make sure I wanted to do the NHL instead of more school.”
“You’re lucky to have them.”
“I wish you did.”
The words hung suspended between them before Leo could swallow them back down, somehow dangerous and calming at the same time. It wasn’t like he had never thought about it before; he just hadn’t said it out loud. The first time he had seen Sirius’ parents across the rink had given him a case of the heebie-jeebies so strong he had to shower twice. All the times after that just made him angry.
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.” Sirius’ voice was quiet, but not upset. “You’re not the first person to say it. I’m glad you feel like you can be honest with me.”
Leo frowned. “Well, yeah. Obviously.”
“I try really hard to not be an asshole captain, so it actually does mean a lot.”
“I don’t think you could be an asshole if you tried.”
The barking laugh that split the night startled Leo so bad he nearly jumped out of his skin; Sirius clapped a hand over his mouth, though he was still snickering. “Sorry, sorry, I just—holy shit, I forgot you didn’t know me before. Mon dieu.”
“You weren’t that bad,” Leo protested. “Pots said you used to be grumpier, but that’s it.”
Sirius shook his head, wiping tears of mirth from his eyes. “I was such a dick. There’s not a single picture of the whole team where I’m smiling for about two years and I was such a stickler for the rules.”
Leo gaped at him. “You followed rules?”
“To the fucking letter. It was awful.”
“What happened?”
Sirius shrugged. “I got friends. Idiot friends who did things like showing me the easiest way onto the roof. Pots used to drag me up here every Friday.”
“Ouais.” Mischief flitted over his face. “He skipped date night with Lily once on accident, and she tracked us up here like a bloodhound. It was terrifying.”
“What did you do?” Lily was one of the nicest people Leo knew, but he knew better than to get on her bad side.
“Lied to her face while James hid behind that strobe light.”
“Did it work?”
“Are you kidding?” he snorted. “She called me a liar and suggested getting a better best friend. That was after she told James he’s better have something nice planned for their next date if he ever wanted to get in her pants again.”
“And yet you didn’t listen to her.” Leo tsked. “Of all the people on the team, you chose the hot mess.”
“Trust me, rookie, James had his whole life figured out compared to me.”
“Did you…” Leo trailed off and but his lip. He had pushed his luck a lot already; who knew if one more question would be the tipping point? “Did you ever think about coming out? Even just to Pots.”
Sirius didn’t hesitate. “After every single game.”
“For seven years?”
“Up until the day those pictures were leaked. Even more after Re and I were together.”
“How old were you when you knew?”
“13. You?”
Leo exhaled slowly. “I’m not sure. I think I had an idea of it as a kid, but didn’t really get it until I was in high school. My parents were even more worried about the NHL after I told them.”
“They worry a lot about you.”
“Only child, and I was going for a wildly unstable career path with no guarantee that I would ever see the ice.”
“They’re proud of you. More than you know.” Sirius’ watch beeped. “It’s ten o’clock. Are you supposed to be home?”
“I should probably make sure my boys haven’t burned down the apartment.” Neither of them made an attempt to move. “Can we do this again sometime?”
“Of course.”
You’re like a brother to me, he wanted to say. I don’t know who else I can talk to like this. “Thank you.”
“Any time. We don’t have to do extra practice beforehand, either.”
Leo nudged him gently. “You’re the best captain ever.”
“You’re the best rookie, rookie.”
“I’m not a rookie.”
“Yeah, you are.”
Yeah, I am, he thought as they laid side-by-side in silence once more with the past behind them and the future ahead. And if I end up like you, it means I did something right.
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wonwooze · 3 years
Something told me it was you.
characters: jeon wonwoo/reader au genre: light smut, fluff warnings: cussing, alcohol consumption word count: 5841
Jeon Wonwoo is your best friend for life. You two met just before the two of you were supposed to depart for college. The two of you declared that the term platonic was the exact terminology to describe your friendship. You two were each other’s wingman, sworn protectors, and so many more. So it became a wonder, a great mystery when the two of you starts to realise that the line between love, and being in love is a fine one. Wonwoo best friends! to lover inspired by Zayn’s Tightrope. 
i. We Should Thank Seungkwan
Seungkwan boo: hey loser. What are you doing today? Probably nothing I shouldn’t ask. I’m going to eat out with a couple of my friends tonight. You should come and stop being such a caveman. See  ya.
y/n: when? What should I wear? What friends?
Seungkwan boo: at 6, we’re going to a movie first at the mall. They’re my school friends. And they’re cool don’t worry. Be ready I’ll come get you.
y/n: ????? Ok
Seungkwan was a friend you, almost quite literally, found on craigslist. At the time you met Seungkwan, you were struggling with SAT and college application. Wanting to get into one of the top 5 universities didn’t help either. Equipped with wits, and endless resourcefulness, you found Seungkwan’s ad on craigslist. He was offering himself to be an SAT tutor, claiming that he almost graduated as valedictorian. After a quick search of his social media, Boo Seungkwan turned out to be enrolled in one of the top private schools in the country. You decided that he looked like a legit tutor that could help you ace your college application, and enlisted his help. As it turns out, Seungkwan was a better friend than he was a tutor. He was always hanging out with you at your house, or at his, telling the perfect jokes where he reiterates funny stories of his schoolmates—whom you never met—in great detail. You liked hanging out with Seungkwan, it would’ve been so much better if you have met him earlier, you thought.
That night was like no other. Seungkwan had never asked you to meet his schoolmates before. You’ve only seen their pictures on Seungkwan’s instagram posts, and have only heard of them from his anecdotes. All you know was that he had a large group of friends, and that they’re supposedly really fun. When Seungkwan showed up on your doorstep, he was eerily excited. He had a huge grin stamped on his face, and a Prius waiting behind him with the engines on. “I’m so excited for my friends to finally meet each other! You know y/n, I’ve been telling these fools that you would be a great addition to our friend group but they weren’t having it.” Seungkwan gestured to his friends inside the car. “Their loss, not mine.” You told him. “That’s the spirit!” He chimed.
When he finally shoved you into the backseat, and himself into riding shotgun, you finally had a look at the infamous Seungkwan’s friend group. There were a total of 5 people in that car, including yourself. You were stuck in the backseat, with two other guys you absolutely had never seen before. “Everyone, this is Y/N! She’ll be gracing us with her presence tonight.” That remark made you blush, and chummy in the gut, feeling the room temperature about to get awkward. You were always kind of anxious about meeting Seungkwan’s friends, fearing they decided they didn’t like you at the end of the day. “Hi.” You said awkwardly, waving your sweater paws lightly.
“You know, y/n. I always thought Seungkwan made you up just so he can ditch us lately. Nice to meet you though, I’m Soonyoung.” The boy sitting at the other side of the seat said by way of greeting. “Yeah, I always doubted you were real. I’m Vernon, nice to meet you.” The boy next to you said shyly. He was good looking, and had the faint smell of aftershave. “Yah! You guys are always on my neck it’s annoying.” Seungkwan chimed in from the front. And that’s how you met Wonwoo. Even if he didn’t made the introduction right then and there, you finally had a good look at him when the group finally arrived at the mall. He straightened his blazer before he reached out his hand to you, and with his baritone like deep voice announced that his name was Jeon Wonwoo.
“Wonwoo! Y/n is going to go to NYU this year! I was helping her with her application remember?” Seungkwan said in the middle of gulping down his cola. Your heart leapt when he mentioned NYU, still berated with the anxiety of college entrance procedures. “You are? Me too! What are the odds. Man I sure hope I get accepted though, it would suck if I didn’t.” “NYU is famous for its film school though, are you majoring in film?” This was the first chance you got of a private conversation with Wonwoo. “Nope. I’m majoring in English lit. Are you taking film?” “Yeah, I do actually.” You liked Wonwoo immediately. You remembered thinking his presence was so still, and calm, so calm that it softened your rough edges, and calmed your anxiety. “I hope I got accepted though. I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t” You told him. Wonwoo shrugged lightly, and nonchalantly adds, “You’ll get in. Trust me.” You’ve never trusted zodiacs, or tarot reading, or anything of the sorts. But the way Wonwoo said it, his deep set cat like eyes piercing into you, that day you decided you were going to trust Jeon Wonwoo and whatever he said.
The next time you met him was when the two of you settled into orientation day at NYU. Wonwoo lived in a dorm at campus area, and you got your own place 5 minutes away from him. The two of you were so delighted when you met each other that day. Wonwoo remembered thinking it was like a match made in heaven. Being the quiet, shy, introvert that he is, Wonwoo relished the idea of having company when venturing into a brand new territory. He secretly wanted to held your hand the whole time but refrain from doing so. That day, Wonwoo took you to eat at a wings joint near campus, and the two of you laughed your asses off listening to Wonwoo’s anecdotes about Seungkwan. Lips smeared with barbecue sauce, Wonwoo ended his sermon about Seungkwan with a statement that you had etched into your memory until today. You and Wonwoo had fought about a number of things, which band was better, which movie was better, which tie he should buy. Sometimes he changed your mind, and sometime you changed his. But on this specific issue, you have never changed your opinion about because you had agreed completely. That night he said, “we should really thank Seungkwan though. If it wasn’t for him, we wouldn’t have met each other and I wouldn’t have a friend at campus. Who would’ve thought he would be a blessing?” The two of you have never stopped talking since then.
ii. The Tale of Two Roommates
“Won!” You banged at Wonwoo’s dorm room at exactly 7 pm. The two of you were supposed to hang out at the library, studying for finals. “Just a sec!” You heard Wonwoo called from inside the room, and couldn’t help but wonder what is taking him long enough. Contrary to what you expected, when the door finally swung open it wasn’t Jeon Wonwoo that was at the other side of the door. It was Wonwoo’s roommate, Kim Mingyu, if you had remembered correctly.  “Oop! Sorry to startle you. Wonwoo is going to take some time, you better come in.” He said sweetly, a smile was breaking on his lips. Mingyu was kind of cute, and you wondered why Wonwoo never mentioned that fact. “Thanks! Um, Mingyu is it?” “Correct! I suppose Wonwoo have mentioned me?” Mingyu had eyes like sugar and caramel, sweet. “Only in passing.” You shrugged lightly. Mingyu proceeded to sit on his bed and fiddled his laptop.
“I hope you don’t mind me blasting a song through my laptop? I lost my headphones a couple of days ago.”
“Yeah no problem! This is your room anyway.”
“Just between you and me,  I lent my headphones to Wonwoo and I could swear he had never given it back.” Mingyu said, not looking mad at all, instead his visage was decorated with a dubious grin. Implying that him and Wonwoo are close enough to make fun of each other. You continued to wonder why Wonwoo never properly introduced the two of you. The person in question was still in the bathroom, hell, only God knows what he’s doing in there.
You had thoughts that Wonwoo was going to be taking too long, and the library is going to be crowded by the time you two got there, but in all honesty he was unknowingly doing you a favour. As you sat on Wonwoo’s bed on the other side of the room, Mingyu was casually playing music by different artists. His tastes ranges from electric music, dance music, to popular songs you often hear on the radio. Your heart skipped a beat only when he glances at you from across the room, and replayed the song that was playing before. It was from Arctic Monkey’s 2013 album, a song you often play when you were in the mood to fall in love. The song, titled Knee Socks, was dripping through the speakers, and Mingyu caught your head bopping along with the beat. “You know this song?”
“Yeah, it was pretty popular when it came out didn’t it?” You added. This time you held Mingyu’s gaze. “It is actually! God, I feel so dumb playing this song now. It feels so outdated.” You chuckled at that. What does an attractive man like Mingyu had to fear? He began to talk to you about the songs he played after Arctic Monkey’s famous ballad was over. And you realised that Kim Mingyu, had held your attention completely. There was something about him that reminded you of chocolate covered caramel. When Wonwoo finally came out of the bathroom, he had looked unusually dashing. His face was completely bare, save for his round eyeglasses he never took off. He was wearing a v-neck t-shirt that shown his perfectly sculpted collarbone. And his wet hair was still slightly dripping. Not that you had noticed any of this, because that night you were completely smitten by Kim Mingyu.
Since then, you’ve found yourself making up a string of unusual reasons to come over to Wonwoo’s dorm. Either to borrow a charger, borrow Wonwoo’s laptop, anything, just so you have an excuse to see Kim Mingyu. It was between your 5th to 6th visits when Mingyu finally asked you out on a date. Wonwoo, being Wonwoo, always warned you against it. “Be careful! I hear he has a reputation.” It’s always be careful this, be careful that. You only started to wonder if Wonwoo was making some of those things up. As reality goes, Mingyu turned out to be one of the sweetest guy to exist. He was always walking you back to your place, even if that meant he had to take a 5 minute detour. He was always careful of your feelings. He never disregarded anything you said. The first few months, your relationship with Mingyu was perfect. You hung out with him in his room, which gave you the additional advantage of hanging out with Wonwoo too. You made Mingyu hot chocolate when he’s craving for one, and the list goes on.
But some stories are not only about you. When you first started dating Mingyu, Wonwoo was always skeptical about it. He was never quite sure about the odds of you two being together. But when it looked like it was going perfectly, Wonwoo’s frown began to cease. His doubts replaced with another feeling. Wonwoo couldn’t quite give the feeling a name, he just knew it when he felt it. 
The first time was when he walked into the two of you cuddling on Mingyu’s bed. It was not like Wonwoo was seeing red, but it almost seemed like he did. He felt the tiniest pinch inside his gut, but no words were registered to explain the phenomenon. After that, he only dreaded the thought of seeing the two of you together. It was not as if he didn’t like seeing you happy, he did. He completely, wholeheartedly did. He just preferred he didn’t have to see it.
iii. You Shouldn’t Build Houses Out Of People
It was nearing the end of your second year in college when you woke up in Wonwoo’s arms. You and Wonwoo stayed being the best friends that you always were. The year that has passed only made the bond stronger. There has been an additional list of activities that you and Wonwoo had shared without making it awkward because you two are almost closer than any friend. Going out late at night for McDonalds, hanging out at his dorm, catching a midnight movie premiere together. It was always Wonwoo this, Wonwoo that, if not Mingyu this, Mingyu that. Wonwoo had hugged you, braided your hair, picked you up and swung you around when your short movie won a college award. You had hugged Wonwoo, caressed the top of his head, squeezed his hand when you get nervous. Anything and everything. You had stayed together with Mingyu too, the whole time. You caught yourself repeatedly saying a prayer for Wonwoo and Mingyu’s presence in your life.
This is where the chapters started to get ugly. Love stories, they tend to get ugly before the main protagonist had any idea what they had been seeing. The same pattern you had found happening with your relationship with Mingyu. It was not as if you didn’t love Mingyu, you do. And he loved you too. But as time strengthen some relationships, yours only wore it down. Mingyu was constantly distracted by his college, his devotion to his music projects, his friend group that doesn’t include you and Wonwoo. This is when you start to realise that love was not a given. It was supposed to be a companion you were supposed to caress, feed and entertain. It was a guest, that came knocking into two people’s heart. And when the people in question started to be too busy to take care of it like they used to, love began to walk out the door. And so then, when Mingyu began to choose hanging out with his band, instead of you, or when you made little effort in making Tuesdays with Mingyu happen again, that was when love began to fade into the background.
The breakup was harsh. It was not as if you had been too numb to not feel broken up about ending a year long relationship with Mingyu. You had silently wept for falling out of love, you often question what you could’ve done to make it turn out the other way. You and Mingyu was sitting at the bench in the dorm lawn. It was almost midnight, so no one could’ve overheard the silent sobs. “It’s hurting me. That we are together, but I don’t feel for you anymore. I feel for the memories. I clung to it as if it’s the only thing I have. It pains me.” Mingyu’s words would not leave your head for years to come. And you had silently nodded in pain, because it was hurting you too. To look at Mingyu, and to wish loudly that things were as they were before. It hurt you to look at Mingyu and could only think of the past when the memories of present was what supposed to hook you onto reality.
He had went inside after that. That night, Mingyu didn’t walk you home and take his usual 5 minutes detour. But Wonwoo did. Like all best friends do, upon seeing Mingyu coming into the room looking completely distressed, something in Wonwoo snapped. He grabbed his coat, ran down the stairs and caught you silently crying on the bench. Wonwoo walked you home. Staying completely silent all the way there. Tucked you in to bed, and brew you coffee. He stayed with you the whole night, skipped class the next day, and moved out of his dorm the next day. “I just think it would be awkward seeing Mingyu after this.” He had said when you asked him why. You promised you would help him find a place.
Before you two had found one though, Wonwoo stayed at your place for a couple of days.  And then days turn to weeks. You had an extra spare bed you only used if your parents come to visit, and Wonwoo was welcomed to occupy it anytime he want. It was quite a comical set up, Wonwoo sleeping on the extra bed in front of the tv, and you on safely tucked in your bedroom. Wonwoo’s stuff splattered everywhere in his space, yours neatly stacked in your bedroom. You having to walk over Wonwoo sleeping body when you had to go to the bathroom at 3 in the morning. It was quite comical, but it was extra magical. Wonwoo was the best roommate anyone could ever ask for, he made dinner sometimes, do the dishes regularly, he’d watched shitty tv with you all the time, and he’s basically a kickass friend. You didn’t want to admit it but having Wonwoo living with you clearly made your days a whole lot better. You slept better knowing the safety of Wonwoo’s presence. You studied better, because Wonwoo always offered to study with you—knowing that someone willingly endured a form of torture with you, had given you an extra serotonin boost. You almost wished he would never found his own place.
The one night that you highlighted vividly in your memory about this chapter you shared with Wonwoo, was the night of your final exams. Exams had always tortured you. You always had this innate need to do everything perfectly, but also freaking out over the limited time that you have in studying. It was not a strange phenomenon that sometime you broke down crying before an exam, it was an accepted reality. Especially, when the days are extremely bad. You would cry harder, or break easier. There was nothing in between.
When Wonwoo noticed this, he calmed you down immensely. You were instantly reminded of how Wonwoo’s presence provided you this strange sense of calmness that softened all your edges. Wonwoo told you not to get too hung up over it, you’ll ace it anyway, you’ll be fine, in his deep baritone voice you secretly admired. The cherry on top of the sundae was when Wonwoo brought you to your room, tucked you in lightly so you would sleep. “It’s okay to sleep now. We’ve been studying since 5, we can continue again tomorrow morning. Besides your exams didn’t start until the day after tomorrow right?” The way he said it so calmly just forced rationality inside your head, you did nothing but nod. You caressed Wonwoo’s hand lightly as he sat by your bed to fiddle with his phone. Anyone who didn’t comprehend the bond you had with Wonwoo would think that what you were doing implied that you were his girlfriend. But anyone who shared the same bond probably knew better. But you weren’t so sure you knew better either.
“Won. Please don’t leave.”
“What? I’m not leaving. I’m right here.” He said, not peeling his eyes off the screen. “I mean just sleep here tonight. I have plenty of room.” At that Wonwoo directed his gaze at you. Undoubtedly surprise at your statement. This, was the one activity you had never done together. “Are you sure?” He asked. Wonwoo, the compassionate, quiet guy, who had helped you strengthen your grip on reality, time and time again. Sometimes you ask yourself if you even deserve him. “I’m serious. Just sleep!” You tugged at his hand and tapped at the empty space beside you. “Okay..” He agreed, and proceeded to take off his glasses, put down his phone and lay down beside you. Granted, with Wonwoo on the bed, the space seemed to shrink.
“Are you comfortable?” He asked innocently. “Ugh, don’t make this awkward Won. Just flop on the bed, lay in it, whatever. My bed is your bed, too.” You said as you stare at him. Head propped on the pillow. It was not long after that you started snoring. And so did Wonwoo. Secretly he liked sharing your bed. Your warmth provided him a strange sense of comfort he never experienced before. Wonwoo, only wondered, not out loud though, at the strange beat of his heart that night.
The nights after that wasn’t as bad as the first one. Sometimes you flop over his bed in front of the tv and slept with him. Sometimes he slept on your bed. It was a shared routine that you two never talked about. Not a single word said about the nature of this new activity.
A couple of nights after, you were casually scrolling through your instagram feed only to be greeted with a picture of Mingyu, and a girl you recognised was his classmate. You didn’t know what it meant. Had it meant Mingyu was completely over you? Did he do it just to piss you off? You realised you were living in bliss when you were with Wonwoo. Completely unaware of the world going on out there. Almost like a honeymoon, you thought, but then quickly dismissed the thought as if it were foul. But that picture of Mingyu had completely shattered the serenity that sheltered you and Wonwoo. You threw your phone across the room. Seemingly seething with anger.
“The hell? What is wrong with you?” He began to walk and pick up the phone. Mingyu’s smile was still plastered on the phone. The same exact page. “Oh.” He said when he realised what it was all about. “Yeah. Oh.” Your voice was dripping with venom. Only then did you realise how your anger at the breakup has never really subsided. It was as if anger comes in waves, and this was about to crash, loudly. Wonwoo calmly put the phone down to pull you into a tight hug. His hug felt calming. If your anger was like waves, Wonwoo’s hug was like a lighthouse.
You were sitting next to him on his bed, your head atop his shoulder, and his chin atop yours. “I’m sorry.” He said, softly. You made a mental note that you could recognise his voice, anywhere, anytime. You only shrugged in response. Did your relationship not mean anything to Mingyu? It hurts the most when it almost meant the world to you. You were cherishing the way Wonwoo’s arms curled on your shoulders was like a sign of protection. It in and of itself, meant you’re safe. You could only wonder how someone could be of such importance to another person.
“You know, you shouldn’t build houses out of people, y/n. Because they come and go. So easily. Almost like it’s nothing.” He finally pulled himself away from his initial position to stare at you right in the eyes. His eyes, you’ve always thought was like a cat’s. But now you realised the gaze, the fire flaming behind it, it looked more like a fox’s. Everything about Wonwoo in that moment, reminded you of safety, protection, familiarity and home. He was the only thing in New York that tied you to home. You both came from the same small town, you knew the same people, you’ve been his friend since college barely even started. Wonwoo was, in every sense of the word, home. And that night you’ve decided to come back.
You’d like to think you were never on your right mind when you’re sad. You were always making rash decisions you would later either regret, or forget. You never really know what was into you, to get you to pull him by the t-shirt, close the distance between you two that initially felt like 5 miles, but was now nothing but a shared breath. You kissed him, so hard that it felt like you were drowning. Later in life, when someone offered you to pick between chocolate covered caramel and peppermint candies, you made sure to pick the latter. Because that night, Wonwoo smelled like peppermint candies, and you couldn’t get it out of your mind. Almost as if it was driving you crazy.
You’d like to think you were pushed by all the pent up anger, the unsaid feelings about how you secretly liked Wonwoo’s touch, Wonwoo’s presence beside you on the bed, just Wonwoo. It could’ve been the way Wonwoo was literally sitting underneath the moonlight, basking in all of its glory. It could’ve been the way his fox like eyes stared at you like no one ever does before, like he understood you, through and through. It could’ve been anything. All you knew was if you didn’t kiss Wonwoo, you would’ve gone insane. “Kiss me, Won.” You murmured against his lips. And to your surprise, he did. He kissed you like he had never kissed anyone before.
He, on the other hand, liked to think, he was carried off. He didn’t know what has gotten into his right mind kissing you like that. Like he was hungry. Like he was in pain. He had pushed all other thoughts from his mind. That night there was only you. He looked into your eyes, and was reminded of the person you have always been to him. The only person who would listen to his nerdy ramblings about movies. The only person who remembered the names of all his cousins who always caused him trouble. The only person worth a damn in this whole world. It was not long before his hands found the buttons of your shirt, and your hands slid into his back, passionately lifting his t-shirt. When he pulled himself off of you to breathe, you recited him, “I shouldn’t build houses out of people, because they leave. But you, you’re my best friend Won. You would never leave.” You pulled him into a kiss one more time, and that night was the night the two of you came home.
iv. What We Talk About When We Talk About Love
“Jeon Wonwoo!”
Wonwoo, startled, immediately turned around to see who that was. The owner of the voice was Kwon Soonyoung, his childhood best friend. Wonwoo had his hand on your back, slowly ushering you to Soonyoung’s direction. Kwon Soonyoung was a handsome 20-something year old. He was tall, not taller than Wonwoo, you made a mental note to yourself. His figure was very lean, like the figure of a professional figure skaters, or that of a professional dancer. Wonwoo with a grin stamped all over his face went up to him and gave him the tightest hug.
It was a festive evening. To be precise, it was Wonwoo’s friend, Seungcheol’s wedding. “Crazy how he is only a year older than me, but he’s getting married. Meanwhile, I couldn’t even score a date?”
Strange as it may seems, that one eventful night was the only time you slept with Wonwoo. You two woke up the other day, brushed each other’s hair, straightened your t-shirts and went on with life like nothing had happened. You had always thought it was one of two things; either it meant nothing, or it had meant everything and the weight of the thought had rendered your tongue useless. Either way, the two of you had never mentioned dating, or sex, or relationship in front of the other. As if it was a silent pact. The fact that this pact was never officially made just confirmed that Wonwoo and you practically operated on the same braincells.
“It’s because you have never made a move! Jeon Wonwoo, how are girls supposed to get to know you if you never made a move?” Unlike a normal person, Jeon Wonwoo never thought other girls exist besides you. It was always you, he thought of. You’re the only person he would call if he got into a fight with his mom. You’re the only person that should know his in depth feelings about his classmates. You’re the only person he thought of for a date to a friend’s wedding. After all, you’re his best friend.
“It feels like we haven’t seen each other in years!” Soonyoung exclaimed. The way he inserts himself into conversations strangely feels familiar. Soonyoung has a presence that made you immediately felt embraced, and at ease. He kind of reminded you of Wonwoo that way. “It’s because we truly haven’t, moron! How are you doing? I see you’re still getting 0 luck with girls.” Wonwoo teased him. The way the two interacted, made you think of brothers who have been separated for too long. Soonyoug playfully slapped Wonwoo’s back and gulped down his champagne. “Aish, don’t go flexing on me now that you got yourself a beautiful girlfriend!” He said, gesturing to you who were just standing there.
“Me? I’m not his girlfriend! I would never! No offense to you though, Won.” A smile emerged on Wonwoo’s face. It is a running joke that you would never date Wonwoo, and vice versa. You once told him, “At this point, we’re practically twins!”
“None taken, my lady.” Wonwoo said, still with the smile on his face. “Oh! Thank god. I was about to give you a whole essay on why you should rethink your decision.” Soonyoung teased, winking at you. At that the three of you laughed. You’ve never met Wonwoo’s childhood friends before. But he had always assured you, they’re like family to him, so they should be family to you too.
You, Soonyoung, and Wonwoo took up a table of five, joined by Seungkwan, and Seokmin who just happened to know Seungcheol too. You gave Boo Seungkwan a kiss on the cheek, reminding him how much you missed him. Seungkwan and Seokmin was such a comedic duo, you couldn’t help but burst with laughter every five minutes or so. It was one of those days where you really enjoyed yourself.
Weddings were not particularly your type of events. Strangely though, weddings were always graced with a type of magic that you could sense through the air. It might be because of how weddings itself was supposed to be the strongest union of two individuals who loved each other endlessly, and sacred enough that it could only be broken through death. It could be because a wedding is the happiest moments of a person’s life. It could be because for everyone else who was invited, it was a chance to reunite with old friends, and families.
And that night, the magic poured on your cheeks like raindrops. That night, as you sat by Wonwoo’s side. Feeling strangely nervous for finally meeting Wonwoo’s friends, he held your hands so tight, as if it was a secret message. And the message reads; don’t worry, you’re safe. What’s crazy is how he never let go of your hand the entire night. It was an unspoken gesture, but it was there. Even when you have finally loosen up, and laughed along with Seungkwan and Seokmin, he still wouldn’t let go.
When Seungcheol came up to the stage, serenaded with lovely romantic tunes, and began to start his speech, an homage to his wife. The night began to descend into something you are not entirely sure of.
“If I was supposed to describe my wife in three words, I’m going to be at a loss of words. Because how do you even try to describe someone so attentive, so caring, so beautiful, entirely intelligent, possesses the kindest heart, with just three words? 
My wife has given me everything I thought I didn’t deserve.”
During that pause, Wonwoo clutched your hand a little bit tighter.
“I was not the least bit stable when I first met her. That is even an understatement. I was just a mess. I was all over the place. I was late on bills, I was fired from my previous two jobs, and worse, I preferred to be drunk than having to face any of that senseless reality.”
This time you clutched his hand tighter. At one point, you could feel your own breath flowing in and out of your lungs.
“But, my wife? She was like a god sent. She came into my life like the angel Gabriel. Gave me a sense of direction. Helped me get sober. Helped me find a place to live that was not my mother’s basement.” Seungcheol earned quite a number of chuckles at that. But if you look clearly, his wife’s, as well as his friend’s eyes were starting to brim with tears. It must’ve been a dark chapter in his life.
“This woman practically saved my life.”
You turned your head, to get a look at Wonwoo. He was still staring directly at the stage, there were bits of tear on his clear, perfect eyes. As you look at him, you were only reminded of one thing. That night at your place, where Wonwoo was basking in the moonlight. Tonight, it was as if he was the moonlight. His grip on your hands felt like a comfort, security. The way he had always made you feel.
“So, when they asked me to write an homage to the angel who I’m now proud to call my wife, I thought, ‘man, how am I supposed to do that?’”
Wonwoo must’ve felt your stares, because now he was looking at you. There was such tenderness in his eyes, that couldn’t be compared. You’ve never seen Wonwoo this way before. Like a godsent. There was only one time that almost, briefly mimics this moment. It was the day you two went to the beach, for the first time together. Wonwoo was staring straight into the sunset, the wind whipping his hair, the glow of the sunset framing his visage. The scene was so dreamy, you almost thought it didn’t happen.
“Man, I suck at this. I hope my wife isn’t disappointed.”
Again, Seungcheol earned a number of laughter at that. And from the looks of it, his wife isn’t in any how disappointed. There were visible tears running down her cheeks, threatening to undo her makeup.
“So, let’s all raise our glass.”
Wonwoo’s stares was like daggers in your heart. Threatening to undo a secret long unraveled.
“To the most beautiful woman, I have ever met.”
As Wonwoo was fixing his stare at you, everything seems to finally made sense. There has always been a reason why you fit him more than his favourite sweater. To the most beautiful woman, I have ever met, a sentence fit only for you.
“To the love of my life.”
Claps erupted from all around the venue. And when you knew, you knew.
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gureishi · 3 years
prompt 2 with v tysm take care of you ^^
Thank you for this wonderful request, and apologies for taking my time writing it!
I thought a whole lot about this prompt and Jihyun and my mind said PINING and I wrote this long, sprawling thing. It’s a slightly different format from my other requests—I hope you don’t mind! Writing this made me feel all kinds of things. ♡♡
two: fall into yours arms again
JihyunxReader, G, words: 3620
97 days
It’s windy today.
You wake up late and throw open the window that you can reach from your bed. The sun’s already high in the sky and beating down through the thin, gauzy curtains. You need to buy new curtains.
The window sticks; you push; it opens. The cool breeze whips through your hair, in stark contrast to the sun—nauseatingly hot and dry. The wind cools your neck, wipes away the last remnants of what you suspect was a nightmare.
Though it’s June, the air still smells of spring. The azaleas in the community garden down the street have wilted, but some of their fragrance is in the air today, and it startles you, spins your head around.
He left in March and the chaos of April and May have been locked away in your memory, behind a wall that says think about this later. Now it’s undeniably summer, the days lengthening, your tendency to sleep through the morning worsening. Time has slowed: the afternoons feel languid and the nights unbearably long. You stretch, letting your shirt—his shirt—fall off your shoulder. It’s long lost its scent by now, grown softer as you’ve slept in it, worn it while cleaning up the little loft you once lived in by yourself. You lived here what feels like forever ago, before you made the misguided decision that led to your life turning upside down and now, somehow, righting itself in ways you still don’t understand.
“I miss you,” you mouth into the wind.
191 days
When you get home you’re shivering, underdressed and underprepared for the turn in the weather. You turn the key in the lock, shoulders hunched against the cruel chill that has abruptly permeated your quiet little neighborhood.
You slip inside and shut the door, the wind chimes jangling harshly. You toss your things haphazardly to the side—keys, bag, sunglasses, coffee cup. Everything you needed for the day except a stupid jacket.
The house is cool, too—the wood floors retain some of the warmth of summer but you haven’t turned the heat on yet out of some convoluted mixture of stubbornness and frugality. You shrug on your thickest, floppiest sweater and move through the house, closing the windows one at a time. You shouldn’t have left them open to begin with.
You survey the mess you’ve made: bag spilling out onto your multicolored shag rug, sunglasses hanging over the hand-painted lamp on the side table. You decide to leave them there.
As you so often do lately, you slip into the well-worn chair at your small desk in the corner, under the little window that faces north. You rub your hands together, gaze at the growing pile of paper, stacked precariously high. You know there’s work to be done, emails to be answered—instead, you pull a new sheet of paper toward you, begin a letter than can never be sent.
“How are you?” you write. “It’s getting cold here. I hope it’s warm where you are.” You pause, well-chewed pen cap in your mouth. Scrawl the words you know he won’t read on the paper you have no way to send to him. “I think about you,” you write. “Every single day.”
277 days
You laugh and wave and laugh again as you see the grey cloud your warm breath makes in the air.
You call out a last goodbye toward your friends’ receding backs and then wrap your scarf more tightly around your neck, feeling the cold more strongly now that you’re alone. You make your way back through your neighborhood, stopping only to pet the head of the tabby cat that your down-the-street neighbor lets roam free. The sun is setting—the midday chill is turning to a biting evening cold.
You approach your little loft: open the gate, half-run down the path. When, you think, will this feel like a home again? How long, you wonder, till this feels more real that those two weeks that are still illuminated in your memory, brighter even than the events of yesterday or last month or last summer?
Automatically, you check your mailbox. Automatically, you riffle through the bills you can just barely pay and the magazines subscribed to by the apartment’s former occupants. At the very bottom, there’s an envelope, one side covered completely in stamps. You climb the steps, peering at it curiously. You recognize the writing.
You trip.
You should get back up and go in the house and turn on the lights—open the letter where it’s warm and bright. But instead you stay right where you are, on the bottom step, jacket twisted up under you. You tear off one mitten, your hands shaking a little, and open the envelope.
“Dearest,” he’s written. “I don’t know if I’ve sent this the right way or how long it will take to reach you.”
There are already frozen tears on your eyelashes, blurring your vision. You wipe them away frantically with your other hand, still engulfed in your warm, chunky mitten.
“There’s no regular post office where I am so I had to improvise,” he goes on. His thin, messy scrawl is the same as you remember it. You can feet your heartbeat in your fingertips. “Still, that’s no excuse. I’ve written so many letters to you and thrown so many away. I never knew where to begin. I hope you can forgive me.”
The tears are falling hard and fast now, and you give up on wiping them, squinting to read the minuscule letters he’s crammed onto one single sheet of paper.
He describes where he’s staying in detail. It’s beautiful and evocative and you can tell that he’s stalling.
He asks after you—how your work has been going, how you’ve settled back into your own home, if you’ve been eating well. He asks after the RFA too, one at a time, by name. This answers a question that’s been lingering in the back of your mind—so it’s true, you think. He’s written to no one else.
The final paragraph is neater that the rest, as if he’s written and re-written it, practiced and copied it over.
“I am trying to live in the present moment and not worry over the future,” he says. “But every night I can’t help but imagine the life we could have together, when we are both ready. Do you imagine it too?” Your eyes are blurry with tears. “I miss you,” he writes, and you mouth the words as you read them, almost able to hear them in his sweet, gentle voice.
“If you don’t feel like writing me, I’ll understand,” he says. “But I’ll be at this address for some time, so please do write, if you like.” You think of all the letters, the ever-growing pile on and under your desk. You giggle through your tears, imagining how much it would cost to send them all. 
He signs the letter “Yours.” At the bottom he’s added cramped letters, so small you have to bend over, nose almost touching the paper, to read them. “By the way,” he writes. “Please call me Jihyun.” 
352 days
To you, March will always be him: the sudden rain showers in the midst of sunny days are his eyes and the scent of plum blossoms in the air is the indescribable warmth of his arms.
There’s a string of pictures now above your bed—you’ve hung each one that he’s sent, strung them up on a piece of bright green yarn. When you told him you’d started doing this, he began sending them with a hole already punched in the top—delicate, perfectly round, just the right size.
You sit on the floor, bare legs extended in front of you, a book propped on your lap.
“All the snow has melted except for the one, long icicle outside my window,” you write. “I think I’ve grown attached to it, and I’ll be sad when it’s gone.”
Your letters have grown longer over the months—his last was five whole pages, front and back. He sends photographs he’s taken of the beautiful landscape where he’s living and sketches he’s made, mostly of nature—and a few of you.
He includes vague references to his companion, and though he’s never mentioned him by name, it’s become clear to you who he’s with. It’s brought you immense comfort to know—if not in much detail—that he is alive and well.
“Tomorrow I’ll be seeing everyone,” you write. “I know you both still need more time, but not being able to give them any news is killing me. Not everyone is doing so well, you know.” You bite your lip, consider crossing off the last few lines. You don’t. He’s healing—and you’d give anything in the world to ensure that he has the space and time he needs. That they both do. But the time you spend with the other members has been dwindling and the evidence of their suffering—some of them more than others—is becoming abundantly clear.
“I think I want to have a party,” you write. “Not for months, maybe longer, but I want to start thinking about it. I think it might help.”
You sip from the glass of water you’ve set on the floor next to you, swirl it around a little to listen to the sound of the ice clinking.
“I miss you desperately,” you write. “And I love you, Jihyun.”
478 days
The song that plays through your headphones is soft and pretty, not nearly loud enough to drown out the shouting of the street vendors and the overall atmosphere of chaos. It’s Sunday, and you’ve ventured into the city to shop. You don’t love the crowds or the fast pace, but you do relish the savory scents drifting from food stalls and the feeling of your thin pants swooshing against your legs.
You hoist the two large fabric grocery bags up; they’re nearly slipping out of your sweat-slick hands again. The mid-afternoon July sun beats down on you. You slow your pace.
It’s been a few weeks since you’ve gotten a letter. This isn’t shocking—he’s staying somewhere new now, and it’s even more remote than before. He has to travel into town to mail his letters, so the gaps between them have grown longer. You’re used to it, but you still can’t help feeling like a cold hand is clenching around your heart whenever you check the mailbox and find it empty.
You reach the train station, grip both bags with one hand so you can tap your card. You go through the motions: standing in the station, boarding the train. As you have so many times, you repeat the words of his last letter in your mind. You know it by heart.
“I bought plane tickets last week,” he wrote. “He hasn’t been feeling well the last few days and we decided together to cancel them.”
This isn’t a first either—the tickets bought, the tickets cancelled. And you know that it isn’t just Jihyun’s “companion” who needs more time. They are both still healing—physically, mentally, emotionally.
“Please tell me when you decide on a date for the party,” he wrote. “I’m sorry to hear the plans aren’t going smoothly. And I’m sorrier that I can’t offer the other members some solace—particularly where it concerns him. I must respect his wish for privacy.”
The train is packed; you set your bags at your feet so you can hold on. The gentle rocking motion is familiar; the air conditioning is a relief.
“I saw a flower yesterday that I couldn’t identify. It was raining here, but the flower’s petals were open. I was afraid it would wilt from the force of the rain, but it didn’t. I watched it for a long time, and saw the raindrops collect inside it. I thought of you.”
The train rumbles to a stop. More people get on. You adjust. A new song plays in your headphones—it’s slow and a little melancholy.
“Every morning I imagine the things I will do with you in our bright and beautiful future,” he wrote.
The train picks up speed again. Sweaty people read newspapers and speak quietly to one another, underscored by the gentle music in your ears. You close your eyes.
555 days
You run to catch the bus, the leaves crunching delightfully under your feet. It’s pulling into your stop as you’re crossing the street and—why does this always happen?—you bow your head and sprint, waving frantically at the driver.
The driver sees you. Smiles. Waits.
“Thank you,” you pant, jumping the steps two at a time. 
“It’s okay. I remember you.”
You stumble to a seat and collapse into it. If you’re late for the bus often enough that the driver remembers you, you’ve really got to try and pull yourself together.
You comb a hand through your sweaty hair. It’s hard, as it turns out, planning an RFA party while keeping up with your old life—you’ve got one foot in the world of working and cleaning and paying bills and the other in the world of CEOs and mysterious guests and anonymous donors.
As you’re catching your breath, you pull the newest letter from your bag. It arrived just this morning—perhaps that was why you almost missed the bus again—and you’ve only read it once so far. You scan the page with eager eyes, searching as you so often do for clues and hints and promises hidden between the lopsided words.
“I made a painting today,” he tells you. “I won’t describe it to you, because I want to show it to you in person.”
But when? you want to ask. You can’t help the frustration that’s creeping under your skin. The bus rocks; you lean your head against the window.
“I’ve realized something,” he writes. “I wonder what you think about it. I feel closer to you than I’ve felt to anyone before. And yet every day I find things I still don’t know about you, because of our circumstances. What are your favorite things to eat? What smells make you reminisce about the past? What music makes you sleepy?”
You sigh, fold up the letter. It’s true, you think. You love him with a warmth that encompasses your whole being—a feeling you’d never even dared to imagine. But how does his face look in the morning when he sleeps through his alarm? Which groceries does he always forget to buy?
You don’t write these questions down. Instead you turn over the letter, scribble on the back. 
“The party will be March 24th.”
641 days
It hardly snows this winter, but it rains. The sound of the rain fills your dreams: it pounds on the roof of your little apartment, and you wake up and run to the kitchen to check that the window is closed. It fills your waking hours, thrumming on your giant umbrella as you navigate the narrow streets of the city. When it lets up, you still hear it, humming in your eardrums, reverberating inside your chest.
You sit at your desk again. No longer is it covered in stacks of paper, records of yearning—those letters have been long sent or put away in pretty boxes with colored lids. Your laptop buzzes, hopelessly trying to cool itself down. You press send and cut the frightening number of messages in your inbox down by just one more.
You lean back in your chair. The rain goes tap tap tap on the roof and you rub your sore neck. It’s a Friday night and even in this weather, you can hear the distant sounds of people gathering at the bar on the corner. You open another email.
“I’m working hard,” you wrote in your last letter to him. “Sometimes I feel that I can barely keep up with it all. Other times I’m sure I’m burying myself in all of this work on purpose, making myself busy so I don’t have to feel lonely.”
You scan the email with expert eyes, dash off a quick reply. Both are true, you suppose—planning a proper party, not one hastily thrown together in a few weeks under extreme circumstances, is a full-time job all on its own. But you are lonely, you think, taking a break to stretch your arms over your head. There are people around you all the time, but your chest feels hollow. “I’m taking good care of myself,” you wrote to him last week. “I do feel fulfilled. But…”
But you can no longer re-create in your mind the exact way that he smells, the sweet freshness of nuzzling your face into his shoulder. You can’t always hear his voice clearly in your mind when you read the sweet, beautiful words he writes to you. “I love you like the way the ocean crashes into the rocks and then spills peacefully over the sand,” he writes. “Does that make sense?”
It does.
You shake your head to clear it, type a few brief, carefully-worded lines.
“I’m ready,” you say out loud, and the words echo in your apartment: warm and cluttered and bright and full to the brim with thoughts of him. “I’m ready when you are.”
702 days
For the first time, you wait to read his letter.
You find it in the mailbox as you’re leaving in the morning and you whisper “patience” to yourself as you walk to the bus. You wait at the light, you cross the street. You sit at the bus stop for two whole minutes before the bus arrives and the driver raises his eyebrows at you in surprise.
“Patience,” you whisper to yourself again as you exit the bus, breathing in the fresh, early-spring air. And “patience,” you think, as you greet the venue manager and listen to her running through the event checklist for what feels like the eight hundredth time.
“Almost,” you tell yourself as you leave, taking a picture on your phone of the orange and purple sky. You board the bus again, watch the sunset fade into star-speckled navy through the smudged window.
“Now,” you say out loud as you unlock the door to your flat, hanging your light jacket and keys on the hooks you’ve recently mounted by the door. “Now.”
You tear into the letter as you make your way to the bedroom, turning on lamps as you go, bathing the room in amber light.
You pull out the paper and your hands, steady all day, start to shake. You hold it up to the light. It’s shorter than usual. He’s written your name at the top and he’s answered your questions, described a walk he took on the waterfront yesterday, offered updates on the plants growing beside the house where he’s staying.
And at the bottom, he’s sketched a picture in light blue ink. His lines are soft and wavy, but the details are clear: it’s two plane tickets. They’re dated.
You inhale sharply.
Thirty-two more days.
734 days
It’s warm, but not too warm. The lights are dim, but not too dim. The air is lightly scented like spring flowers and rain, but it’s not overwhelming, and the chatter of the crowd is enthusiastic and warm.
In other words, you’ve done a very good job.
You step onto the balcony for a moment, patting your red cheeks with both hands. You’ve been receiving compliments all night and it’s made you feel like you’re floating several centimeters off the ground. You’re proud of yourself—you worked hard for this.
But as the night’s worn on, your anticipation has built to a fever pitch, and you have to keep reminding yourself to breathe. If he were arriving on any other day, you’d be meeting him in private— and would you feel more or less nervous, then? You can’t decide.
But of course it’s today, because the most important events of your life always seem to coalesce around each other. There’s a beautiful garden surrounding the party venue and you take comfort in the ivy wrapped around the wrought-iron trellis; it reaches almost as high as your eye level and its balance of sturdiness and delicacy gives you strength.
You slip back inside, take in the groups of expensively-dressed people clustered around tall, elegant tables. There’s a string quartet in one corner and a mouth-watering array of hors d’oeuvres arranged toward the back wall.You straighten out your clothes surreptitiously, sneak a peak at the clock, flash a bright smile at the nearest group of guests .
And then, for a reason you’ll never be able to explain, you know what’s about to happen. Your eyes fly to the door. You gravitate toward it like a moth to a lamp and you know no one else has noticed but somehow you feel that the room has quieted for you.
The door opens. Your hands fly to your mouth.
“Hi,” he says.
He’s always been spring to you but it’s as if he’s brought summer with him. He’s taller than you remember and his collared shirt is open and he’s got the warmest smile you’ve seen in your whole life. Your thrill and worry and hope are reflected in his bright eyes. 
He holds out a hand—cautiously, as if afraid you’ll float away. You take it and his fingers are soft and cool, like the petals of a flower.
“Welcome home,” you say. “Jihyun.”
Let me know if you’d like to be tagged in my future mysme writings <3
@currentlyprocrastinating @thesirenwashere  @ultrasupernini​ @cro0kedme​ @otomefoxystar​ @dawn-skies06 @nad-zeta
103 notes · View notes
phoenixsavant · 5 years
Jumin’s Route: Day 2
Added a cut because I was apparently without brain when I first posted this.  Also...
1. Prologue AO3 and Tumblr
2. Day 1 AO3 and Tumblr
Jumin turned his phone over. He’d already switched it to silent mode for the night, but the blinking light alerted him to an incoming phone call. His eyebrow lifted when he saw that it was MC calling.  Without hesitating further, he answered the call. 
“What are you doing at this hour?” the familiar voice asked without introduction.
“Same could be said of you. I hope it’s not because something bad has happened.  Now that my work is over, I was just taking a break.  I plan to go to bed soon.”  He rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand.  Today had lasted a few more hours than he had intended, and his eyes itched.
“What do you think about before going to sleep?” she asked.
“Hmm, is she having trouble sleeping?  Is that why she calls so late?”  He decided to try to give her a helpful response.  With the suggestion that thinking about nothing was best, he admitted that his mind wandered over his day when he first tried to rest.  Before he could stop himself, he mentioned missing someone.
“The event of MC arriving in the chat seems to have dredged up so many memories of Rika.”  A twinge of loneliness plucked at his heart.  
“Yes, I have someone I miss. I rarely form relations, but when I do, I cherish them greatly,” he admitted.  Startled to find himself becoming so nostalgic with a relative stranger, Jumin redirected the conversation.  “When do you plan to go to bed?”
He didn’t wait for an answer before explaining that the next morning would arrive all too soon.  With a brief apology for cutting the conversation short, he ended the call.
Jumin pressed his lips together in a frown.  Rika had been an unexpected friend.  She always seemed to understand him so well when they spoke.  Since her death, V had often been absent.  It was as if he’d lost both of his friends that day.  Being alone had never been a struggle for Jumin, but being lonely and missing someone were still new, uncomfortable emotions. He pulled his frown into a smile as he looked over at Elizabeth the 3rd, sleeping comfortably in a nearby chair. What a wondrous gift she’d been to his life, easing the loneliness he could never entirely defeat.
A scant two hours later, he sat up in bed and scratched the back of his neck.  What had brought him out of his sleep?  Ah, yes, his alarm had been set.  He tapped the screen, silencing the plaintive beeping.  As if of their own accord, his fingertip moved to the RFA app.  The only person online was MC.  Had she ever gone to sleep?  
“You’re still awake?” he asked.
“Hello, Jumin,” she replied.
“Well, that seems calm enough.  Whatever is keeping her up isn’t anything dangerous,” he thought with a sense of relief.  
Having been greeted, he felt he should find some topic of conversation.  The possibility of a party was an acceptable option.  He chatted with her until Elizabeth rolled over onto her back with a sleepy chirp.  
“Do you like cats?” he asked.  As soon as MC confessed that she did, he shared a picture of Elizabeth, stretched beside him, looking as beautiful as ever.  
“You must really cherish her.  Is there a particular reason?”
Jumin cocked his head to the side.  There was, indeed, a reason; one tied to the feelings of loneliness.  In fact, it seemed to him that the reason he cherished Elizabeth the 3rd so much was tied to her ability to ease the loneliness that had intruded into his thoughts earlier.  Still, he’d only begun speaking with MC and the importance of his companion in his life was too personal to discuss with such a brief acquaintance.
He sidestepped the question and instead discussed what a relief it was to be able to leave her with Assistant Kang when he had to take a business trip.  When he described his hope of being able to start a business that would allow him to have Elizabeth the 3rd at the office, he was pleased to see MC respond favorably.  Few people understood that it was less about being obsessed with cat-related businesses, and more about not having to leave her alone anymore.  
Discussing Elizabeth reminded him of a group he wanted to invite to the party.  First, he checked that MC had already been made aware of her role in that regard.  With her confirmation, he suggested an organization he knew of which worked to aid and protect feral cats.  
“That’s a good idea!” MC responded, bringing a smile and twitch of excitement to Jumin.
He sighed wistfully at Elizabeth’s sleeping form.  
“I must get ready for work,” he typed.  The sense of regret at being forced to part from Elizabeth again swept through his thoughts.  
“I’m sure it must be tough to say goodbye to Elizabeth the 3rd.  Cheer up ^^” MC encouraged.  
After he ended his chat with MC, Jumin placed his phone back on the nightstand.  How long had it been since someone had offered such a simple, yet complete understanding of his emotions?  Had anyone ever truly done so, other than Elizabeth?  
He showered, musing the potential outcomes of meeting someone who could understand his affection for Elizabeth the 3rd.  He dressed for work, and as if she knew he was about to leave, Elizabeth began rubbing on his legs.
“Now, now, dear, I know. It’s unpleasant to have to say goodbye, but I must.”  
She chirped at him and made another pass around his ankles, rubbing the side of her head against him.
“You’ll make me late for work again, you know.  No one understands why, and I’m sure they all think me unbalanced because of it, but you’re making it impossible for me to leave,” he explained with affection.  On impulse, he sent a message to MC.
“Elizabeth the 3rd must not want to part with me.  She’s rubbing her body all over my leg.”
“I want to meet Elizabeth the 3rd too.” MC replied.  
Jumin smiled happily. “I do think we shall have to arrange a meeting for you and MC,” he said to the purring feline at his feet.  He sent a response, letting MC know he appreciated her enthusiasm.  Though he couldn’t eliminate the smile she’d brought to his face, he still knew there was sadness in it when he bid Elizabeth the 3rd farewell and headed out to begin his day.  
Jumin tapped his fingertip against his desk, lost in thought.  When his phone rang and he saw it was MC calling again, he answered happily, glad to speak again with this fellow lover of cats.  
“Perfect timing.  I was just thinking about something.”  He explained that he’d left his office and when he returned, his notepad had changed location.  Obviously, someone must have moved it, but who?  Assistant Kang wouldn’t have, she knew better. Rambling on, he remembered a new assistant had been introduced that morning.  Also, there was too much water in the vase on his desk.  It seemed others couldn’t tell the measurements of things without a tool to do so, but he could tell at a glance.  Too much water in the plant would cause it to rot, also; something he did not want to see in his office.  
“Do things get worked out once you tell Jaehee?” MC asked.
“They do.  I have more than one assistant, but Assistant Kang is the only one I speak to.  She’s in charge of the others.”  Jumin’s gaze refused to release the offending vase.  “I tend to take care of things as soon as I think of them,” he explained before bidding MC farewell.  
He pressed a button and summoned Assistant Kang, quickly explaining about the vase and the moved notebook.  It was a relief to have someone in the office who understood that his insistence on certain things had reasons.  Assistant Kang did not like Elizabeth, but he had to admit, he’d have nothing but trouble in the office without her.  
A few hours later, Jumin took advantage of a pause in his schedule to check what was happening in the chat room.  He had only been online for 1.6 minutes when MC arrived, greeting him quickly.
Yoosung shared a picture of his lunch that made Jumin happy he’d eaten already.  It might have ruined his appetite otherwise.  
“So that’s what commoners in college eat for lunch?” he asked with a wry chuckle.  It amused him to call the others “commoners,” when they made such a point of teasing him about his wealth and status.  
“Yes, Mr. CEO.”
“I can see your tremendous will to put as many side dishes as you can on that one steel plate,” he remarked, continuing his playful responses.
The banter continued until Yoosung brought up Luciel’s expensive cars.  The instant Jumin estimated the cost of insurance for them, Jaehee changed the subject.  Had he gone too far?  Hmm, perhaps so.  Some people did not appreciate their wages being discussed openly.  
He read back through the messages, glad to see that the newcomer who had been so appreciative of Elizabeth the 3rd was declared to be above suspicion by Luciel’s research.  She still seemed uneasy, but this was to be expected.  Having been thrust into their midst had surely been unsettling.  
Jumin tried to assuage MC’s uncertainty by expressing how deeply he trusted V.  When the conversation turned to the possibility of Luciel working in unsavory, bug-infested conditions, Jumin smirked to himself.  
“Why don’t you send some exterminators for pest control?” he suggested to his assistant.  
“I do not have time,” she answered quickly, failing to catch his humor.  
He rolled his eyes though when Yoosung announced having found a roach in his apartment.  “That young man needs to turn off the computer and take better care of himself and his surroundings,” Jumin muttered to his empty office.  
Apparently, Jaehee had reached the end of her patience with the topic as well and brought up again that she felt there was a gap between herself and “a corporate CEO.”  
Jumin huffed to see her weak attempt at not naming him directly, but when Yoosung told her to cheer up, he asked, “Cheer up for what?”
“I wasn’t saying much.  I was only saying that I get many thoughts watching your life as a completely normal person whose only option is to save money.”
“Don’t belittle yourself just because you are normal. Father always emphasized that saving and the right investment is the foundation for profit.”  He wondered if the others thought he had no need to save money.  He had wealth, thanks to the efforts of his father, but if he simply spent without saving or investing, he’d be left with nothing; just as everyone would be.  
“I guess businessmen really do think differently.”
“How nice of you to understand,” he answered.  MC continued to improve his estimation of her. First, she appreciated cats, then understood his fondness for Elizabeth the 3rd, and now she grasped that he had simply been taught to think differently.  
Jaehee suggested a guest for the party, a man known for his skills in savings strategies.  MC agreed quickly, but Jumin felt his eyes narrow as Jaehee took one final dig at him for being wealthy stating that the proposed guest would be helpful for all but himself.  Sometimes he didn’t pay any attention to her veiled resentment, but today it irked him somehow.  He couldn’t rebuke her for her comments though.  Truth be told, he preferred her honesty.  Time must have passed quickly once again, as it seemed to when he was speaking with MC.  It was time to leave the chat and go to a meeting.  
“Good luck, Jumin!”
He tilted his head to the side in surprise.  “This is nothing out of the ordinary, so I don’t really need the luck, but thanks.”  
“We must hurry,” Jaehee urged.
Thinking his last comment perhaps too dismissive, Jumin lingered just long enough to wish MC a good day and say goodbye properly.  He stood, gathering his papers and headed off to the afternoon meeting.
Throughout the meetings, Jumin’s mind continued to wander back to MC.  He wondered if she were safe, eating well, and taking care of herself. When a break presented the opportunity, he called her.  The moment he heard her voice, he felt quite foolish.  “I called just to see how you are doing.  You sound fine so I guess I can hang up,” he commented, wishing he hadn’t called.  
“Did you eat?” MC asked.
“How odd, we discussed that I had when we were in the chat room. Perhaps she’s merely being polite.” Jumin felt a smile tug at his lips. Well, if she wanted to stay on the phone, he still had a few minutes.  He described how he’d learned about the benefits of vitamin D, but that it required exposure to the sun to create it.  MC stopped responding.  “Of course she isn’t responding.  What a dull thing to bring up.”  
Changing topics, he mentioned a sci-fi movie he’d seen but didn’t like it much.  A man who burned in the sunlight was the main character, and the entire premise was poorly depicted.  Luciel though, had been obsessed with it.  Jumin chuckled as he described the ludicrous plot to develop a sunscreen that would bestow superhuman powers on its users.  
Before he knew it, Jaehee signaled him to return to the meeting.  He bid a regretful farewell to MC and returned to his daily routine, his mood much improved.
The rest of the day devolved into a series of phone calls and contract reviews.  Jumin appreciated this sort of work.  The focus it required, the attention to detail, and the precision of the language satisfied something deep within himself.  He sat up and stretched, correcting his posture after poring over a particularly lengthy set of documents.  
“I wonder what MC is up to.”  He stacked the papers neatly and took out his phone.  A brief pause in work would refresh him.  
Zen immediately began his usual, distasteful behavior.  Jumin couldn’t understand why Zen insisted on being like this, always antagonistic toward him.  The worst Jumin did was tease the actor with photos of cats.  That surely didn’t warrant such hostilities.  
Noting something, he remarked, “Why do I feel like Assistant Kang is here every time I come?”
“It’s only a coincidence,” she assured him before revealing that there was a way to see who was in the chat before logging in. Zen promptly laughed at Jumin for not seeing it.  
“It took me a while to find it too.”  MC’s commiseration defused his irritation with Zen.  
Still, after checking the missed feature, he found himself wishing his assistant weren’t in the chat. He wanted to be free to talk to MC, without his assistant noting his every word and without feeling he should be working instead.  
“Anyway, I guess you don’t really like me being here,” she remarked.  
“No, I don’t.”  He hoped MC wouldn’t think him rude for admitting the fact.  Clarifying, he explained that her presence only served as a reminder of the work he was trying to escape.  
MC came to the rescue again, injecting calm into the building tension.  “If everyone just respects each other’s privacy, I don’t think there will be any problem.”
Curious, he asked Jaehee about whether she liked him being in the chat, she fled the room, making up an excuse.  This, of course, triggered more antagonism from Zen.  “When will I be able to simply have a moment to relax without this kind of treatment?  If he keeps up, MC will think me a horrible person.”  The bickering escalated, continuing until MC chimed in and suggested a truce between the two men.  Despite her attempt to bring peace, Zen was clearly not ready to stop being insulting.  Irritated to the point of no longer wishing to be present, Jumin logged out.  
He flipped a pen between his fingers, his eyes narrowed beneath his dark brows.  Zen had never been a particular friend, but some days he really knew how to push Jumin’s buttons.  Today was one of those, though it was hard to say why he’d been so successful at it this time.  
He opened the RFA app again and sent a message to MC.  “It’s becoming annoying how Zen picks at everything I do.  Don’t you have any good ideas?”
“Just imagine you’re looking at a pretty cat when you talk to him!”
Jumin laughed.  Just like that, she’d turned his mood from irritation to amusement.  MC was clearly someone with a unique talent.  He typed up a humorous response and returned to his work, still chuckling under his breath at the images MC’s comment elicited.  The rest of his day passed quickly after that.
With the workday behind him, Jumin returned home and opened the chat again.  He checked, relieved that neither his assistant nor Zen were present.
“Hello.  Today’s finally over,” he said in greeting.
Luciel instantly asked a question.  Looking for a clue to what might be asked, he scrolled back to see the younger man commenting that he wanted to mess with someone.  “Oh, no, not tonight,” he chuckled before calling attention to the fact. He started to laugh again as Luciel tried to blame MC, but the sound died on his lips when he saw the question.
“Jumin, do you like girls? Or not?”
How many tabloids had speculated about his sexual preferences?  How many people had been rude enough to ask?  Just because he didn’t date a string of women like his father, it had to mean something other than the fact that he was not interested in meaningless relationships?  The humor fell before the rising tide of anger.
He more than appreciated MC standing up for him and telling Luciel he was being rude, but there was nothing for it now.  He was angry and wanted nothing so much as to be away from the invasive behavior targeted at him.  He left the chat and went to find Elizabeth.  
“This is what I get for not greeting you immediately when I return home, my dear,” he complained, stroking her fur.  “You would never be so rude or inconsiderate, would you?”  He pressed his face into her ruff and breathed into the softness of it.
He led Elizabeth the 3rd to the kitchen and set her food down.  While he watched her eating, his phone rang.  MC was calling.  It was to be expected, he’d left the room rather abruptly.  
He admitted that MC may not have realized just how sensitive the topic was, but it didn’t help his frame of mind when she asked if it was her or Jaehee.  Rather than continue that vein of thought, he asked her, “Do you think you can own another person?”  
The moment the words came out he wondered at himself.  It wasn’t that he hadn’t thought about how nice it might be if Elizabeth the 3rd could be a human, and still his pet, to ensure she’d never leave, but to ask so boldly and without any subject leading the topic to the surface was unlike him.  
Thankfully, MC didn’t take offense.  She only said that rather than owning, she preferred the idea of sharing time.  It was an interesting concept, and one he’d heard of before.  Recognizing that he was still too annoyed to delve further, he asked MC to forget about Luciel’s absurd questioning and not bring it up again before excusing himself to rest.  
He made his way to the gym, taking out his frustrations at the day on the treadmill and punching bags there.  It was bad enough to be viewed so crudely, but did everyone have to be so aggressive about their dislike of him?  If not dislike, blatant disrespect from Luciel was as bad.  He’d endured how much time being the butt of their jokes and disdain? And why?  He’d never done anything to harm any of them.  
Showering after pushing his body to exhaustion, Jumin reminded himself that MC seemed to at least possess courtesy, and possibly actual appreciation for him.  With V absent and Rika gone, he’d been alone against the others until now.  True, he’d only been speaking to her for two days, but she had a way of relieving the irritating emotions the others clearly enjoyed inflicting upon him.  
He gave up worrying, gathering Elizabeth the 3rd before putting on a movie to watch.  Just as he turned off the TV, his phone rang.  It was late, yet again, and here was MC calling him.  “I don’t think this young lady understands time,” he said to Elizabeth’s sleeping face in his lap.  He answered the call, chatting briefly about electronic gift cards before his furry mistress lifted her head and mewed a complaint.
“We’re disrupting Elizabeth’s rest.  I should go,” he explained before bidding her goodnight.  
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I Need Fire (Part 1)
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Gif by @classic-rock-roller
The Dirt!Tommy Lee x Original Female Character
Summary:  Rayne moved to LA a few years ago and has never really fit in.  While most of the Sunset Strip girls were movie star beautiful, with thin builds and blonde, Rayne stood at 5′10 in flats, had curves that no diet would make disappear and had big red curly hair.  The only person that ever made her feel normal was her best friend and room mate Jo.  One night Jo talks Rayne into going to a house party on the strip that promises to be a circus.  Rayne never expected to catch the eye of the ringleader himself.
Authors Note:  Hello everyone!  I’ve been so inspired reading so many of the amazing works people have written since The Dirt came out.  I’ve had this story in my head for a little bit and finally got the courage to put it to text and post it.  I’d love to hear any and all feedback anyone has, my asks and inbox will always be open!  It is my first time ever posting a fic, so if I do anything wrong or against the rules please let me know.  I think the community of people writing and reading these Dirt fics are amazing and supportive and I hope you all find some enjoyment in my story!  
I am also extremely inspired by music when I write so I’d be happy to post any and all songs that inspired chapters, or that I use in chapters.  Our first chapter is absolutely inspired by Stranglehold by Ted Nugent.  
On with the god damn show….
Word Count: 1,800
Chapter 1
Rayne looked herself in the mirror one final time before spraying a few more pumps of Flexnet into her voluminous red curly hair that fell down to the small of her back.  Rayne took the teasing comb to her roots one last time before using her hands to fluff her hair into place.  Her eye lids rimmed in black eyeliner smoked out with blacks and browns.  Her makeup was absolutely fitting of the place she was going tonight.  
Her best friend Jo had talked her into going over to a house party on the sunset strip.  Jo had gone to the Whiskey earlier this week to see a band and when she laid eyes on the singer she knew she wanted to fuck him.  Rayne had to give it to her friend, when she had a goal she achieved it no matter what.  As a matter of fact Rayne wasn’t even completely sure they were exactly invited to the party, but that wouldn’t stop Jo from getting what she wanted.  
“Ray!  Are you about ready I want to get over there!” Jo banged on the bedroom door.
Rayne looked over herself one final time in the mirror pulling her leather jacket on.  Rayne didn’t hate her body but she looked very different from most of the women she saw on a regular basis out on the Sunset Strip.  Rayne had curves, major curves, despite going to the gym on an almost daily basis.  She had large hips, a big ass, smaller waist and her boobs we’re much more than a handful.  Rayne also physically stood out on the Strip, standing at 5'10.  Most of the women on the Strip were stick thin, athletic, and flat as pancakes (except the strippers who loved their fake tits).  
Rayne knew she would get stares tonight and probably a few comments.  Tonight she chose leather pants that laced up at the crotch, they didn’t really fit her properly but she masked that with a loose fitted off the shoulder mesh top.  Around her neck was a leather collar with a D ring and her boots also had chains on them and jingled as she walked.
“Ray!  Come on!” Jo shouted once more hitting the door louder.
“Coming!” Rayne huffed opening the door sarcastically asking,  "Well, are you ready to go?“
“Oh Ray!” Jo whistled opening the front door.  "You trying to snatch up a dirty rocker boy tonight too?“
“Last thing I want.” Rayne laughed walking through the door locking it behind her.  "I’m going as moral support and hopefully some decent alcohol.  If they’re in a band they better have some decent booze.“
"Sure, sure.” Jo fiendishly smiled.  “Booze is good for you, it makes you more flirty.  Remember that time you got up on the ba…”
“Yes!”  Rayne raised her voice hushing her friend, “I remember it, although I wish every day that I could forget it.”
It didn’t take them long to walk to the apartment where the party was happening.  They were cat called multiple times on the way there, mostly aimed towards Jo, which she loved. Sometimes Rayne wish she looked like Jo, she was an average height, platinum blonde and a body to kill.  Jo could’ve been a Playboy bunny if she wanted to, but instead was in school to be a dental assistant.  Jo was also so confident, it was like she walked on air.  Where Rayne used her wit and sarcasm to deflect people, Jo used flirtation and charm to draw them in, together the two were ying and yang and had been friends since Rayne moved out to LA three years ago.
“I can hear the music from here, we’re getting close.”  Jo turned toward Rayne.  "We have to use the window, the door is apparently nailed shut from the cops.“
"Oh yeah I’m sure this is a good idea.” Rayne shook her head laughing to herself.
As they approached the apartment was crawling with people around their age.  It was a good mix but definitely leaned towards female.  Not a shock, especially if the rest of the band were as good looking as Jo described the singer to be.
“At least the music is good.”  Rayne complimented while they climbed the stairs and through the window.  Stranglehold by Ted Nugent had just started playing.  Rayne always thought it was a sexy song.  The apartment was small and packed with people, couples making out on the couch, guys puking in trash cans and girls leading men through various doors.
“I’m gonna go find Vince.” Jo purred into my ear, a devilish smile on her face.
“Alright I’ll be around.” Rayne said heading towards what she believed to be the living room.  To say it was sensory overload was an understatement as she looked around trying to take everything in.  Rayne saw one guy lighting himself on fire, and a group of guys doing lines off a plate before her eyes landed on a girl pulling on the arm of a brunette sitting at the table in the center.
“Check this out dude, you’re gonna fuckin freak.” The guy said before dropping to his knees going down on the girl in front of everyone.
Jesus Christ.  Rayne thought to herself before her eyes landed on a counter lined with alcohol bottles.  She took a step towards the counter, basically stepping over the two putting on a show for everyone.
There were plenty of bottles of Jack Daniels, which Rayne always thought tasted like piss.  But at the end of the line was a bottle of Jameson, still not her favorite whiskey, but she would have to make due with it.
The room was now filled with loud moans as everyone’s attention was on the act happening in the middle of the room.  Rayne unscrewed the lid and took a swig from the bottle.  Ah fuck it.  She heard the guy say people were gonna freak so she might as well stay and watch what was going to happen.
“Alright dudes, here it goes!”. The brunette said happily before standing up, looking over the room with pride before his eyes locked on the redhead across the room, the smile dropping slightly from his face.  His hand quickly went up to wipe his mouth of any remnants of cum from the girl.  The woman’s hand went straight to where his mouth had just left continuing to work herself until she screamed and a stream of liquid shot out of her.  Rayne stood there eyes wide she had never seen that outside a porno, and in all honesty didn’t even think it was actually possible.  The blonde woman kept her legs spread sounds of pleasure still coming from her as she came down from her high.
Deciding that she had seen enough, Rayne took the bottle of Jameson and grabbed for her pack of cigarettes.  As she turned to walk towards an outside balcony she saw she noticed the brunette man staring at her from across the room.  Or maybe not her.  Rayne didn’t know why he’d be staring at her when he obviously had a girlfriend.  She put a cigarette between her lips and made her way toward the balcony.  As she got outside Rayne lit her cigarette taking a long drag from it, blowing a steady ream of smoke from her lips.  She placed the bottle of Jameson on the ledge of the balcony and leaned over on her arms bobbing her head and hips to the music.
“Wow.” She heard from behind her, causing her to turn around startled.  Standing behind her was the brunette man from before, she didn’t realize how tall he was.  He towered over her, almost unbelievably so, she was used to standing taller than most men.  He was in a leather jacket and a black and red shirt with leather pants.
Taking another drag from her cigarette Rayne looked questioningly at the man in front of her.
“I haven’t seen you here before.” The man said.  
“Yeah well,” Rayne exhaled smoke.  "My friend is here to fuck your singer.“
The man chuckled, "She’ll have to get in line.”
It was Rayne’s turn to let out a healthy laugh this time, “You’ve never met my friend.”
“What’s your name?” He took a step closer to Rayne.
Rayne smiled up at him leaning in closer to him.  "Shouldn’t you be getting back to your girlfriend?“
"She’s not my…”
“TOMMY!  WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?” A shrill voice shouted for him.  Rayne watched as he closed his eyes and sighed.
Taking a final drag from the cigarette and stubbing it out Rayne said again a smug smile on her face, “You should get back to her, Tommy.”
As she went to step around him to go back into the apartment she felt him gently grab her hand to stop her. “Tell me your name, give me that at least.”
Hm, so this is what Jo must feel like.  "I’ll see you around.“ Rayne said simply before walking back inside the apartment being immediately grabbed by Jo when she got back to the kitchen, Rayne was glad to see her friend it made her forget about the tingling sensation in her hand from Tommy’s touch.
"Oh my god Ray, I haven’t been fucked like that in my entire life.  You ready to go?  I accomplished my mission.” Jo smiled big, hair more messy than before and lipstick smeared.
“Yeah, let’s roll.  I want details.”  Rayne smiled at her best friend.
“Oh and you’ll get them.  Copious details.” Jo giggled happily wrapping her arm around Rayne’s waist.  "Anything of interest happen while I was getting off?“
Rayne looked around the apartment, eyes landing on the man she now knew was named Tommy who had just come in from outside.  His eyes were still locked on Rayne.  "Nope, nothing to report.”
“It’ll happen for you one day Ray.  I know it.” This is why Rayne loved Jo, she had a heart of gold when it came to her friends.  Rayne was a bit of a romantic but had sort of given up on the idea of romance since moving to LA.
“We shall see.”  Rayne looked down smiling softly.  "Come on let’s go home.  I’ll pour us both glasses of actual good whisky.“
Tommy watched the two girls as they exited through the window until they were out of sight.  "Tommy!  My man!  You know I can’t stand Bullwinkle but I’ll never tire of watching her squirt.”
“Nikki, I think I’m in love.”
“What with Bullwinkle?  No you’re in love with her pussy.” Nikki smacked Tommy on his back.
“No not with her.  Someone else.”  Tommy spoke as if in a daze.
“I don’t know.” Tommy stood up straighter, “but I’m gonna find out dude.”
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bloojayoolie · 5 years
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Being Alone, Apparently, and Bad: Rambo Some, social, affectionate, housetrained, kid and cat friendly Neutered & Ready to start life anew With U! 58733 years old 50 bs Egg-specially Cute At ACC hoping Brookyn For a Second Chance **** TO BE KILLED - 4/6/2019 **** DOGS HAVE THAT INNATE SIXTH SENSE AND THEY KNOW WHEN SOMETHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN. Especially something bad. Like Sunday, March 31st... Rambo had a bad feeling and he jumped up on his owner and pawed at his wrist to let his owner know as they entered the lobby of the local shelter. It didn't work though. His owner signed him over to the shelter staff, told them they had no time for a pet and said Rambo is "kid and cat friendly, affectionate and housetrained" and exited the building, leaving his loyal companion behind forever. Fast forward four days and this young man has been added to the euth list, scheduled to die in 18 hours if he doesn't have a new home to go to. Rambo certainly doesn't deserve to die because his former owner no longer had time for him. He's just a year old, just starting life, and young enough to still be shaped and molded into your idea family pet with lots of love, reassurance and proper training. We know there has to be someone/a family out there with room in their heart and home for a handsome, young dude like Rambo. Please help us share him to the moon and back to catch the eye of that special person. DON'T MISS OUT ON SOMETHING THAT COULD BE GREAT! <3 RAMBO@BROOKLYN ACC Hello, my name is Rambo My animal id is #58733 I am a desexed male bronze dog at the Brooklyn Animal Care Center The shelter thinks I am about 1 years old, 50 lbs Came into shelter as owner surrender Mar. 31, 2019 Reason Stated: NO TIME FOR ANIMAL Rambo is rescue only Rambo was placed at risk due to behavioral concerns; Due to Rambo's high level of fearfulness, the staff's inability to safely handle him without extreme caution, and his reported resource guarding in a previous home environment, it is recommended that Rambo would be best set up to succeed if placed with an experienced New Hope Partner to help manage this behavior. Rambo should be allowed to acclimate and decompress at his own pace in a more stable environment prior to permanent placement in an adult only home. Rambo is otherwise healthy. RAMBO coming out of his shell :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJu2szyOgqQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDGWtz7F8Bo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgr4PMm9_AU My medical notes are... Weight: 50 lbs Vet Notes 31/03/2019 DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: Reported 1 year Microchip noted on Intake? Positive - 991001001319728 History : Owner surrender Subjective: Soft muzzle in place when entered medical. Very vocal, hyperactive, and resisting any kind of restraint. Unable to keep still, flailing body away from neck lead, jumping up on door. Sedated for exam. Evidence of Cruelty seen - none Evidence of Trauma seen - none Objective P = wnl R = wnl BCS = 5/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears mild discharge AU, no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: Limited - incisors clean, adult PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, Lungs clear, eupnic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: MN MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: Externally normal Assessment: Apparently healthy Prognosis: Good Plan: Start trazodone 8 mg/kg PO BID indefinitely for shelter anxiety Behavioral assessment Details on my behavior are... Behavior Condition: 4. Orange Behavior History Behavior Assessment During intake Rambo was anxious and pacing back and forth. He was jumping on his owner and did not allow the counselor to collar him. He the allowed the counselor to take his picture with no problems. When the ACS staff came in to the Office he stated to hard bark growl an lunge. Spay/Neuter Status: Neutered Basic Information:: Rambo is a 1 year old brown and white neutered dog that was surrendered by his owner due to personal problems. The owner stated that he got from a friend when he was 8 weeks old. Previously lived with:: Owner 3 adults 1 child 2 cats How is this dog around strangers?: Owner stated that When around strangers Rambo is fearful and he will growl and bark. when playing with adults he is exuberant. How is this dog around children?: Rambo has spent time i the home with a 17 year old child and he was relaxed and playful. when playing with the child in the home he was exuberant. How is this dog around other dogs?: Rambo has not spent time in the home with other dogs so it is unknown how he will react. How is this dog around cats?: Rambo has spent time in the home with cats and he was relaxed and playful. Resource guarding:: Rambo will growl if someone was to touch his food or treats. He is friendly if someone was to his toys. If someone unfamiliar approaches his house or family member he will bark and growl. Bite history:: Rambo does not have a bite history. Housetrained:: Yes Energy level/descriptors:: Very high Other Notes:: Owner stated that in the home Rambo behaves well. During loud noises and fireworks he is not bothered. he also isn't bothered if he is restrained pushed off the couch or disturbed while he sleeps. Rambo will tolerate being bathed brushed and having his nails trimmed. Has this dog ever had any medical issues?: No Medical Notes: No reported medical concerns. For a New Family to Know: Owner described Rambo as affectionate and excitable. Rambo loves to spend time with the family in the living room and he will follow his owner around. he likes to play with balls and has been kept mostly indoors. Rambo eats dry food and when using the bathroom he will go outside on the grass or cement. When left alone in the home he will bark and whine. He has never been crated nor left in the yard so it is unknown how he will react. Rambo knows hoe to sit lay down ans give paw. He is used to brisk walks on the leash and playing in the yard. When on the leash he pulls hared. when off the leash he runs away. Date of intake:: 3/31/2019 Spay/Neuter status:: Yes Means of surrender (length of time in previous home):: Owner surrender Previously lived with:: 3 Adults, 1 Child (17), 2 Cats Behavior toward strangers:: Fearful, growls and barks; Exuberantly plays with adults after warms up Behavior toward children:: Relaxed and playful, exuberant in play (w/resident child) Behavior toward dogs:: Unknown Behavior toward cats:: Relaxed and playful (w/resident cats) Resource guarding:: Previous owner has reported Rambo to growl if his food or treats are approached. This behavior is not observed with his toys. Bite history:: None reported. Housetrained:: Yes Energy level/descriptors:: Rambo is described as affectionate and excitable with a very high level of energy. Summary:: Since Rambo's admission to the care center on 3/31/19, his behavior has remained highly fearful and he is wary of all handling. Upon attempts to rope him and bring him outside of his kennel for walks and interactions, Rambo attempts to flee, runs to the back of his kennel and urinates. During his walks, he is overly alert and pulls on the leash in an attempt to flee when he hears any loud noises. Collaring Rambo took several attempts, as he continuously avoided the collar and would not settle. During an interaction with caretakers, handlers and staff, Rambo was brought into the assessment room and was unable to settle or relax, but was easily startled by any noises and sudden movements. These observations are indicative of a very high level of fearfulness and stress. To eliminate the risk of increasing Rambo's stress level any further, along with the risk of redirecting the stress onto a handler or another animal in our care, we will not be conducting a handling assessment for Rambo at this time. Summary:: According to Rambo's previous owner, Rambo did not socialize with other dogs while in their care. Here at the Care Centers, Rambo has shown fearful behavior and avoidance. He briefly has shown interest in greeting but quickly fled when the other barked at him. The 4/2: We were unable to safely collar Rambo today. He was giving us clear distance increasing signs that he was very uncomfortable- whale eye, head flipping, attempting to flee. He did greet a novel male through the gate and moved away as quickly as possible. 4/3: After successfully collaring Rambo, he was introduced to a novel female dog. He tucked his tail and body when she greeted him but was tolerant. Rambo avoided the greeter for the rest of the session. 4/4: Rambo initially was moving towards greeting the novel female dog, but she barked he fled and kept his distance. Summary (1):: Rambo engages in play with tennis balls. Summary (2):: In Shelter Observations (Continued): 4/4/19: Upon approaching Rambo's kennel, he stood up and displayed a low wagging tail while walking forward toward the kennel door. His head was low, but he allowed the handler to place the rope around his neck with minimal flinching. The handler was able to walk him outside of the room and into the play pens for his interaction. Although Rambo displayed some wariness and was easily startled by loud noises, he engaged in play within moments of entering the pens, retrieving tennis balls, exploring and checking in with the handler. He had moments where he was able to settle and display an entirely loose and wiggly body while chasing the tennis balls, but would quickly revert to a tense posture, forward ears and high tail with loud noises. Rambo was also observed to solicit attention and seek contact, while leaning into the handler. At the end of his interaction, he was roped with ease and without flinching. The handler was able to walk him back into the care center and into his kennel without any pulling Date of intake:: 3/31/2019 Summary:: Anxious, pacing, jumps up, no handling performed, hard bark and growl at entering staff Date of initial:: 3/31/2019 Summary:: Muzzled, vocal, hyperactive, attempting to flee, resists handling, jumping up toward exit ENERGY LEVEL:: We are unable to accurately determine Rambo's energy level due to his high level of fearfulness observed in the care center. IN SHELTER OBSERVATIONS:: 4/2/19: Rambo was laying in the front of his kennel when the handler approached. Upon opening the kennel door, Rambo stood up and showed fearful body language (low head, tucked tail, whale eye) and attempted to move toward the back of his kennel. The handler was able to introduce the rope and place it over Ramob's head, but he did flinch once the rope made contact. Rambo walked out of his kennel and room without issue and very minimal pulling. The handler took Rambo outside for his relief walk and Rambo was easily startled by cars driving by and any other loud noises. During the walk, Rambo encountered a staff member outside of the facility and approached readily with a loose, wiggly body and wagging tail. He jumped up onto the staff member and licked her hand. After his walk, Rambo was brought into a room for an interaction. During his interaction, Rambo was able to slowly acclimate and accepted some contact. After a few more minutes, his tail was untucked and he engaged in play with some tennis balls. Staff members knocked and entered the room, at which point Rambo reverted back to displaying fearful behavior, but was able to recover very slowly. He readily accepted treats with a very soft mouth. Handler was able to rope Rambo and bring him back to his kennel without any issue. 4/3/19: Rambo was laying down in his kennel upon approach and displayed low body posture when opening the kennel door. The handler was able to introduce the rope slowly, which Rambo initially avoided and flinched when it made contact with his neck. Rambo slowly exited his kennel and began to hard pull once outside of his room, moving toward the nearest exit. After his relief walk, wherein he was startled by loud noises and passing cars, he was brought back in the room for an interaction. Rambo was able to acclimate in less time overall and began to engage in play with the handler. He was also observed to understand the cue for "sit" and "give paw". After a few more minutes, Rambo was loose and wiggly and would play bow with handler. Another staff member entered the room and Rambo quickly reverted back to fearful behavior and became wary of interacting. It took about 7-8 minutes before Rambo was able to decompress and become comfortable with the staff member in the room before engaging in play once more. At the end of his interaction, the handler was able to rope him and walk him to his kennel with Rambo pulling moderately. BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION:: New Hope Only Behavior Asilomar: TM - Treatable-Manageable Recommendations:: No children (under 13),Place with a New Hope partner Recommendations comments:: No children (under 13): Due to Rambo's overall level of fearfulness and potential for defensive aggression, we feel he would be best set up to succeed in an adult only home at this time. Place with a New Hope partner: Due to Rambo's high level of fearfulness, the staff's inability to safely handle him without extreme caution, and his reported resource guarding in a previous home environment, it is recommended that Rambo would be best set up to succeed if placed with an experienced New Hope Partner to help manage this behavior. Rambo should be allowed to acclimate and decompress at his own pace in a more stable environment prior to permanent placement in an adult only home. We advise safe and appropriate management when handling Rambo, as well as utilizing guidance from a qualified, professional trainer/behaviorist. Force-free, reward based training only is advised when introducing or exposing Rambo to new and unfamiliar situations. Potential challenges: : Handling/touch sensitivity,Fearful/potential for defensive aggression Potential challenges comments:: Handling/touch sensitivity: Rambo has exhibited handling sensitivity during his interactions in the care center. Although Rambo has shown some improvement and allows some staff members to handle him with extreme caution, he has not been observed to completely settle during his interactions and flinches with initial contact. Rambo was observed to move away from handlers, avoid eye contact and was easily startled by sudden movements. Please refer to the handout on Handling/touch sensitivity. Fearful/potential for defensive aggression: Rambo has exhibited a very high level fearfulness overall during her interactions in the care center. He was observed to escalate to growling and lunging at staff members. Although Rambo has shown some improvement and allows some staff members to handle him with extreme caution, he has not been observed to completely settle during his interactions and flinches with initial contact. Rambo has also been observed to display wariness and is easily startled by loud noises or sudden movements. Please refer to the handout on Fearful/potential for defensive aggression. RAMBO IS RESCUE ONLY…..TO SAVE THIS PUP YOU MUST FILL OUT APPLICATIONS WITH AT LEAST 3 NEW HOPE RESCUES. PLEASE HURRY!!! IF YOU CAN FOSTER OR ADOPT THIS PUP, PLEASE PM OUR PAGE FOR ASSISTANCE. WE CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH LINKS TO APPLICATIONS WITH NEW HOPE RESCUES WHO ARE CURRENTLY PULLING FROM THE NYC ACC. PLEASE SHARE THIS DOG FOR A HOME TO SAVE HIS LIFE.
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yoosungiib · 6 years
Birthday Surprise - Jumin Han x Reader(MC) x V
Your husband Jihyun, V, asks an odd request from you to help celebrate Jumin’s birthday, and it is one that you certainly cannot deny.
Warning: NSFW!
f/n: your first name
h/c: your hair colour
e/c: your eye colour
When the words left my loving husbands mouth, I practically spat out my tea all over the ground. V let out an awkward laugh, bending down to help clean up the mess. “You want to do what?” I clarify.
V’s lips turn into a tight frown, contemplating inside his head whether he should make the request again, I can only presume. He lets out a small sigh before saying, “If you are comfortable… I’d like for us to have a threesome with Jumin.” It’s almost cute how shy and meek V gets saying such a word as ‘threesome’. Even with him being much more experienced than I am, he gets flustered with words suggesting intimacy.
I laugh a little, taking V’s hand in mine as he sits next to me on the couch, cuddling besides me. He nestles his cheek against my (h/c) hair, his blue hair having grown out again falling a bit into my eyes. “I never thought I would hear such a request from you.”
“Jumin… I’ve been his friend for so long. He says he doesn’t care about love or relationships, but he has needs like any other man. I think there is no better day but his birthday to finally let him give into those needs. It is also… something I am really keen on doing.”
“You’ve thought this out, haven’t you?” I inquire, smirking just a tad. V, himself, smiles, wrapping his arm fully around my shoulder and pulling me against his chest. He gently takes a hold of my chin, brushing his lips against mine. “I will do it.”
He pulls back, a soft smile on his face. “Are you sure? You don’t have to.”
“I will do it, besides,” I situate myself onto V’s lap, running my hands through his silky hair and pressing a couple kisses to his face, “I think it might be fun.”
The day of Jumin’s birthday, me and V have put a plan in hands. After the grand celebration organized by his father, at his pent house after a couple glasses of wine, will I dress into some lingerie and start the surprise. On his leather couches, sipping on the red wine, I watch as Jumin listens to us carefully talk about how our marriage has been. Jumin, a good friend as ever, is always interested in our life. V is always willing and eager to share the adventures of our day and the new things we have discovered about ourselves, and Jumin is always eager to listen, and to make his own inputs.
When his white persian Elizabeth the 3rd jumps on his lap, V turns to look at me, patting my thigh indicating for me to go get change. I excuse myself, carrying my bag into the bathroom which holds the black lingerie bought especially for today. I put on moisturizer before dressing into the outfit.
The black lace fits over my body perfectly, outlining every curve and revealing as much skin that can be possible without being completely nude. V had wanted me to war cat ears but I thought it would look a bit too tacky. My hand hovers over the doorknob of the bathroom as a rush of uneasiness overwhelms me. What if I mess this up, causing permanent damage to Jumin and I’s friendship, or Jumin and V’s friendship. What if Jumin isn’t interested and disgusted by my actions and appearances? What if I can not please him, and instead make a fool of myself. V always assures me, when in bed, that I am “a goddess gifted with sultury words and gentle actions,” but surely someone as rigid and stern as Jumin would not want something… gentle, right? So I have to step out of my comfort zone and be a little more assertive and rough. This is already a huge jump for me, agreeing to a threesome with my husbands best friend, though I may have seemed relaxed and cool when agreeing to it. I am doing this for V, Jumin… and for myself.
I take a deep breath before finally opening the door. I have a few seconds to compose myself since the bathroom is not connected to the living room, where Jumin and V still converse. I can only wonder what part V will have in all this. I have never partaken in a such an intimate scenario. I can only imagine what he may do for my pleasure and Jumin’s.
Standing behind the corner, I gently knock on the wall and the two men stop. I hear V rise from his couch and say, “Jumin, we have a special present for you. Something we have put a lot of thought in, and something we want to share with you.” I hear Jumin chuckle light heartedly from his chair across the room. “What is it?”
“(f/n).” I take a final breath and turn around the corner, now out in the open for the two in my seductive bra and panties, my (h/c) hair curled slightly, and my skin glistening with lotion. Jumin Han’s grey eyes widen as he sees me at the end of the room, walking slowly towards him and stopping in front of him. His breath hitches and his whole body tenses. The look in his eyes is one of confliction since he can not take his eyes off me, but I am his best friend’s wife. He straightens in his chair, his brows knitting together in irritation for a split second.
“W-what the hell is this,” he snaps, sounding angry but with the tent growing in his pants, it is evident he is enjoying the sight in front of him. “What are you doing?”
Slowly, I crouch down in front of him, carefully moving apart his legs not to rattle him. Jumin stutters but doesn’t stop me from opening him. V walks behind Jumin, startling the poor businessman by putting his hands on his shoulders. “Please, don’t be taken a back, and don’t hold back. Take what you need and want. This is our gift to you.”
“What are you talking about, what do you mean-” he stops when my hands move to his zipper. I make sure to look into his eyes, not shifting my gaze for a second as I pull down the zipper.
“I want to please you, Jumin. We want to please you.”
My nimble fingers grip the waistline of his pants and boxers, pulling them down carefully not to scratch him. The moment he is released from the confinements of his trousers, his cock springs free, throbbing and bouncing in the air between his legs. I feel my cheeks heat up, turning a bright pink. I never knew that something so big was hidden in Jumin’s pants. In width, he is much bigger than V, but his length is a little shorter, and the girth is thick.
I give him a small smile as I wrap my hand around the base of his cock, pumping it up and down. His head falls against the back of the chair and a deep groan is released from Jumin. He growls as I move my hand up, rubbing the head with my thumb. “Do you like this?” I ask him. He doesn’t speak, but nods rather curtly with his eyes held shut. “Would you like me to suck you off?” Jumin’s eyes fly open as he starts muttering some nonsense. “You’re Jihyun’s-”
V surprises me a little by shutting Jumin up by kissing him. I watch as V kisses Jumin as if he would kiss me, moving his lips gently along his, tugging every few seconds, and to give extra affection, caressing his cheeks. “Let us please you, friend,” V says, pulling back. At that, with a smirk, I bend back down and wrap my lips around the head.
Jumin growls once again, but this time his hand goes to grip my hair, pushing me down more onto his cock. I start sucking rather furiously at the head before working to take more in. Jumin assists by guiding me with his hand and thrusting a little into my mouth. I fondle his balls while I swirl my tounge around the girth and underneath a profound vein.
Whilst suckling on him, I look up to see V laying gentle kisses down Jumin's neck. Jumin seems to be enjoying both of our ministrations. A lot. I smile around his cock before realising it with a final pop. Jumin looks down at me intensely, his eyes questioning why I’ve stopped. I only smile, climbing onto his lap, his cock resting against my stomach.
I notice V moves behind me, but he doesn’t do anything, just stands there. I pump him again while I move my panties aside before carefully situating myself onto him, his hands on my hips to help and steady me. I moan at the feeling of his thick appendage entering me. It’s a new sensation and one I enjoy. He doesn’t give me much time to adjust to him however, since he starts thrusting up into me immediately. I take the lead by placing my hands on his chest -- unbuttoning a few of the buttons so I can feel his soft, warm skin -- and start to ride him.
The feeling of his cock moving inside of me is something I can not describe. It is different and touches places that seemingly haven’t been touched before. “So tight~” Jumin mumbles. His large hands moves up my body to my breasts, groping them harshly and plucking at the nipples greedily. He has no resistance.
I start to bounce a little on him so I can meet his thrusts and give him a better view of my breasts. I’m a little surprised that he moves his hands back to my waist, but it all becomes clear when I’m bent backwards, Jumin still inside of me and my legs wrapped around his. There stands V, his hard member freed from his pants and ready to be given the same love Jumin’s is given.
I open my mouth, welcoming it into the warm cavern. V holds onto my chin as he glides his cock into my mouth, no hesitation in pushing down my throat. I gag a little but nevertheless enjoy the feeling of it lodged down there. V smirks, whispering quietly, “Come on. Suck it, my love.” He doesn’t need to ask my twice; I greedily begin to suck while Jumin continues to pound into me. Before I know it, I feel the familiar coil in my stomach and heat between my legs. I groan against V’s cock as cum against Jumin’s. V smiles, face-fucking me a little while he watches Jumin scoop a little of my cum with his finger before licking it.
I gasp when V suddenly pulls out of me and cums onto my face. I hear Jumin’s deep chuckle and I look up to see his hooded and lustful eyes, begging for more. “Oh, how I’d love to see what you’d look like covered in my cum.” I let out a shaky breath before saying, “Please. Use me anyway you want.”
V pulls me off of Jumin, a squishing sound being made by the cock having been pulled out. V yanks my pants and bra off leaving me naked and bare for the two men. But V lays down on the ground and sits me on his face. I look down to see him smirking. “Don’t get too distracted by me, love. You have a task at hand.”
Pleasure rushes through me as V’s talented tongue starts liking up my folds, miraculously getting every spot. At the same time, my head is jolted up my Jumin’s grip on my face. His grip strong enough that puckers my lips together. My head rolls back a little when V hits a particular spot. “Dirty girl,” I hear Jumin say before popping my mouth open and shoving himself into my mouth. I promptly start sucking on him in quick motions. It almost seems like he doesn’t seem infatuated by any of this since he just stands perfectly still without making a sound, just smiling at me. I can see that this time he is letting me do all the work, and he doesn’t want to be disappointed.
As V’s tongue delves inside of me, I take the whole of Jumin inside of my mouth and gurgle a little on him. I’ve done something right since Jumin enlarges in my mouth. He grabs a fistfull of my hair to pull me back, my teeth scraping the sides a little. I squeak as Jumins seed, like V’s, spurts onto my face, coating everybit in white. At the same time, I cum onto V’s face, and V like an obedient husband licks it all up like a dog lapping at its water.
Fatigueness hits me like a truck and fall backwards, painting rather heavily. V moves out from under me and lifts me up, carrying me and following Jumin to his bedroom. Are we going for another round.
No. We’re done I can tell. We lay on the bed together, all three of us, snuggling and relishing in each others warmth. Jumin pushes a (h/c) locke behind my ear before whispering a soft ‘Thank you’. No sooner, we all seem to be out like a light, and we wake up in the morning limbs entangled and hair askew.
Driver Kim takes me and V home, and we hold each other the whole ride. When we get back to our small and cozy home, me and V instantly cuddle on the couch, flipping the tv on to one of Zen’s movies. V seems rather subdue, so I turn in his arms to ask him, “Are you ok, my love?”
V smiles down at me, gently stroking my cheek and petting my hair. “Yes. I just want to ask you… did you last night. I mean, did you enjoy him more than me.” I laugh a little when his face turns a bright pink and I lean up to kiss him. “It was fun and definitely a night to remember. And I did enjoy it. But you are my husband, and I love you more than I love Jumin, and I enjoy you more too.” I rest back on the couch, pulling him atop of me. V grins as he bends down to kiss up my neck and jaw. “Tonight, I just want you Jihyun.”
Fanfic can also be found on my wattpad!
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beepy-sheep · 7 years
Voltron High School AU
Partially based off experiences from a Texas school system I've been working on this for while, but I'd like people's input, and questions might give me more ideas. Let me know what you think! Keith -sophomore -southern gay -in FFA -raises a goat named Mothman -favorite subjects are English and Science -accent gets more pronounced when he's angry or yelling -Looks skinny and weak but can carry a 50 pound bag of feed no problem -Seriously where is this strength coming from, he's like 115 pounds -Has glasses but refuses to wear them -Always sits at the front because he can't fucking see -draws in his free time -lots of goats and cryptids -likes to read Isaac Asimov and the novel versions of Doctor Who -has accidentally brought his knife to school multiple times -At this point the principal just calls in Shiro as his guardian because they don't want to bother Ms. Shirogane again -fixed up and drives a red 1997 honda rebel 250 -the rumor mill has huge debates over the mysterious Keith Kogane and whether he is the leather-clad bad boy or the awkward dork -he is in fact, both -“I swear to God Rebecca, I saw him wear glasses, total nerd frames too.” “I won't believe it until I get evidence Jackie.” Lance -sophomore -flaming bisexual -in band -plays saxophone -plays guitar in jazz band -favorite subject is Math -ADHD, hates English -calls Pidge anything that starts with a P other than Pidge -”Hey Parsnip” “What's up Panic! At The Computer Lab” “Sweet little Pineapple you gentle soul.” -”I got this guys I watched a tutorial on YouTube” -He does not got this -has a blue sphynx cat named Blue -loves pampering his baby -knits her sweaters Shiro -senior -pan with a plan -loves his small boyfriend and his memes -in ROTC -ROTC program is based off the Air Force -also in band -saxophone DI -Would probably be a drum major if he wasn't in ROTC -Saxophone Dad™ -”Lance please stop playing Careless Whisper… that's my song” -Only knows Japanese because he's a weeb -his mom can speak Japanese but he never bothered to learn until he realized he could watch anime without subs -A real overachiever, but once his work is done he's the laziest bitch ever -”Keith… Keith can you pick up my bag of chips I dropped them.” “On the floor right next to you, get ‘em yourself.” -AP and Tired™ -cries over Neon Genesis Evangelion Pidge -freshman -ace that likes space -taking some sophomore classes -skipped a grade -in Comp Sci club -”Guys look I made an app that shows you what you'd look like as a cat” -always brings coffee to school -wears a very oversized green hoodie with an alien on it Hunk -junior -in robotics club -in band -plays the trombone -terrified of doing trombone suicides -the rest of the section spoils him because they feel bad that the ray of sunshine has to deal with them. -you know how trombones are -loves the lunch ladies but despises the food Allura -senior -on the varsity football team -extremely popular, but very nice -can lift both Holt siblings above her head -friends with Shiro since 6th grade Matt -senior -really gay -loves his large strong boyfriend -library aide -the entire science department claims him as their son -ping pong enthusiast -Goes to all of Shiro’s marching competitions and screams “THAT'S MY BOYFRIEND” from the stands every time Coran -Allura’s godfather -sponsor for the Trivia Club -biology teacher Shay -junior -trans girl -friends with Keith through FFA -basically the frowny quiet and the smiley quiet being quiet together -raises rabbits -they always have matching names -Inky, Pinky, Blinky, Clyde, and Pac -Erie, Huron, Michigan, Ontario, and Superior -hardcore believer of the circle of life Sam Holt -works in research and development at the Garrison -recommended Shiro to be a test subject for neurally linked prosthetics -He goes in once a month for a checkup -The scientists are ecstatic that Shiro plays sax, it’s wonderful for mobility testing -They all came to know each other through Trivia Club -Pidge and Keith met in the library -Keith saw the alien on their hoodie and they struck up a conversation K“Nice jacket.” P“Thanks.” K“...” P“...” K”So.. did you see the commercial for that new documentary?” P*slams hands on table* “Thank God you're not a fucking normie, and you bet your ass I did. Hit me with your opinions weirdo, I've been lacking fresh material.” K”One word, Atlantis.” P”...Go on.” -Flashforward to a week later and they commandeer the projector in the library and violently play one v one Kahoot trivia quizzes -”You think you know more useless facts than me?” “I know I know more useless facts than you.” “Bring it on bitch.” -Kahoot nicknames: Rat Sandwich and What In Gay Asian (they're a work in progress) -”Our friendship is like sharknado, it looks crazy, and makes no sense.” -Hunk and Pidge met through the tech clubs -The Robotics and Comp Sci clubs are small so they meet in the same room and help each other out -Pidge mentioned the trivia battles and Hunk thought it sounded fun -So Keith and Pidge formed the club -Coran felt honored the be considered for sponsorship -Hunk and Lance are childhood friends -Lance was dragged by Hunk to the first meeting -”You want me to stay after school, on a Friday, for trivia?” “Yes, Pidge is cool, it'll be fun.” “Fiiiiiiine” -Shiro wanted to support his brother and Matt is a dork -Allura wanted try something new -Keith invited Shay, who was excited to meet Keith's friends -”You are nice, so they must be nice too!” “Well I don't know 3 of them, but Pidge says they're cool.” H ”Oh hey Shiro I didn't know you heard about the club.” S “Well-” L “SAX DADDY” S “Hey Lance, I see you don't have your case with you.” L “I don't need to practice.” S “Sure buddy.” M “Sax Daddy?” S “Don't worry about it.” L”Oh my god, you're Matt! Shiro talks about you all the time.” M “Only good things I hope.” L “I've never heard someone describe the destruction of a science room so lovingly. So much destruction from such a small body.” M “You should meet my sister.” P*pops out from under a desk* “You accidentally make a bomb one time and they never let it go.” H “Hi Pidge!” L *startled by the floor gremlin * “Holy Crap!” --------- K “Shiro I'm going home with Pidge, we're having a movie night.” S “Are you spending the night?” K “Eh, probably.” M “Now that the kids are out of one of the houses I can make sweet, steamy love to my boyfriend.” S “Matt oh my god.” P “At least drop us off first.” M “It was a joke, kids these days… obviously we're going to 50 Shades and chill.” S “Just the chill part, I beg you, the literal definition.” M “if you insist.” -A rumor starts spreading that the Trivia Club is just a cover for a GSA because of how many queer people are in it -lots of out of context mentions of Mothman (the goat) for shits and giggles -”Hey Keith, how's Mothman?” -Pidge and Matt switched places the whole day for April Fools -Matt forgot there was a test that day and Pidge aced it for him -Keith and Shiro are half-brothers -Keith’s still an orphan, but he lives with Shiro and Shiro’s mom -Lance ripped his pants in middle school and Hunk made a pact to never forget about it, and mention it at graduation and Lance’s wedding. -”Hey guys remember the time Lance ripped his pants.” “Good times.”
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brookesayshai · 7 years
Tag for @mineking2435
tcorny1: Do you sleep on a blanket over your mattress with another blanket on top, or with just one blanket on top of you? Lots a blankets 2: Personally, what do you believe happens when a person dies? ghosts r cool 3: If faced with the opportunity, would you ever kill a criminal whom you don’t know if it meant you could get anything you want in return? (Keep in mind you do not/can not know what said criminal has done to become a criminal until after you’ve made your decision) nope 4: The funniest nickname you can come up with for __Batman Jesus The Rapist_________ ? (throwback) 5: What type of art could you always appreciate but never see yourself actually doing?  realism 6: You’ve been given the option to choose how the human race reproduces. How would we reproduce, which sex would bare children, and how would we bare them? (Eggs, litters, etc) same as it is bc fuck change 7: What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever experienced, may it be just reading about it or experiencing it in the flesh? uh, discovering this site 8: You can choose any world to go to from any book, movie, video, fanficion, etc, and the option to become the main character. Where would you go, and would you be involved in the main story, or just watching on the sidelines? fallout and both bc i can 9: What is one thing in this world you would get rid of if you knew it’d be erased from the entire history of the human race? the emoji movie 10: Describe ____life_______ in your own words. 69 69 11: You’re in hell! One song is playing on repeat for eternity. What song it it? Oh Ms Beleiver
12: You get to create a entirely new species. Describe the name of them and what they look like. purple firaffe w/ monkey head
13: You’re now allergic to EVERY animal except for one. Which animal is it? Rat 14: What’s on your mind right now? him 15: Try and describe your closest friend in the silliest way possible. corny 16: You can stop doing one of the following– Eating, Using the restroom, Sleeping– without any consequences. What do you choose? using rr 17: You have to live on a world famous landmark for the rest of your life. Which landmark would you live on/in? idk 18: You can babysit 6 extremely poilte and kind kids for not very much money or one extremely rude and disrespectful child for a high amount of money for a week. Which do you choose? either or 19: You have to use one word in every sentence for the rest of your life. What word is it? fuck 20: Go on a vacation forever or never leave your home town? im fine w/ hometown 21: What would your character be described as in an upcoming anime? cynical beeotch 22: You get to redesign the whitehouse. Describe how your fabulous revisions would make it look? a maze garden 23: You’re now inhabiting the body of the last person you talked to. Who is it, how how weirder out are you? @mineking2435 24: Add a letter to the alphabet! What’s its name and what does it look like? bers (idfk) 25: Weirdest fetish you’ve ever found out about and how? Foot i think 26: Every mosquito drops dead and they are never found again or every wasp? waspsss 27: Fear you had when you were little that you grew out of? dark 28: The ability to make everyone listen to you when you want to say something or have no one notice you when you don’t want them to? 2 29: What’s your favorite meme? the dank ones 30: Best surprise you’ve ever gotten? him :))) 31: Do you no longer listen to a song because it reminds you of someone you don’t talk to anymore? kinda, yeah 32: Write a full paragraph about yourself without being negative (or just a sentence if you don’t want to write a full paragraph!) I would say something and than, but it doesnt matter or its not important or not that i care 33: Describe the most attractive person you’ve ever seen without mentioning their name. Himmmmm mmmm damn 34: Upload your all time favorite picture! cant pic, we’re just too cute together 35: You wake up tomorrow and end up having NO responsibilities to do, including work, school, cleaning, projects– Nothing!– As well as full access to an endless supply of money for an entire week. How do you spend it? being lazy as usaual 36: Write a plot for a TV show that you would most definitely watch. Drama, romance, action, comedy XD 37: If you had to choose between only wearing shorts and long sleeves or pants and a tank top for all of winter, what would you choose? (No coats allowed or other garments under or over the shorts or pants!) What about my bra? 38: One thing you’d love to wake up to? him every morning  39: You can choose to learn one talent to master or choose many talents that you’re somewhat okay at. Which do you choose? many ok talents 40: Favorite quote/saying? “Goodnight, sleeptight, don’t let the bedbugs crawl into your ear and whisper threatening things that make you question yourself” - Tyler Joeseph 41: You say one sentence to go down in history and be remembered years after you pass, even centuries into the future. What’s the sentence? Im a god damn mother fucking fishstick, you got dat or naw 42: Favorite video you’ve ever watched? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAvxLESWJG8 (bc of the one phrase) 43: Type/act like you did when you were 13 and describe your plans for tonight. I will, uh cry myself to sleep (emo phase so yeah) 44: You’re a baby with a very deep voice. What would you say to startle everyone in the room with your very deep baby voice? CHEESY FRIES MOTHER FUCKER 45: Funniest joke you’ve ever heard? my life 46: Ever pulled a prank, and if you did– What was it? I told my sister when she got her first period, if she farts blood will go everywhere and her friends joined in on it 47: You can be a human with fur or a dog with hair. Which do you choose? human with fur  48: In your own opinion, the weirdest advertisement you’ve seen? old spice i guess bc its too wak 49: Did you answer honestly to these questions? yes 50: Your hair can be any color you want, but its permanently there. For an example, you can dye your hair another color after, but the color you originally choose will always grow back in eventually. What color do you choose?
tyedye idfk
Heres some more @mineking2435
When you are old, what do you think children will ask you to tell stories about?
If you could switch two movie characters, what switch would lead to the most inappropriate movies?
What animal would be cutest if scaled down to the size of a cat?
What inanimate object would be the most annoying if it played loud upbeat music while being used?
When did something start out badly for you but in the end, it was great?
What weird food combinations do you really enjoy?
How would your country change if everyone, regardless of age, could vote?
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bloojayoolie · 5 years
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Being Alone, Apparently, and Bad: Rambo Some, social, affectionate, housetrained, kid and cat friendly Neutered & Ready to start life anew With U! 58733 years old 50 bs Egg-specially Cute At ACC hoping Brookyn For a Second Chance **** TO BE KILLED - 4/6/2019 **** DOGS HAVE THAT INNATE SIXTH SENSE AND THEY KNOW WHEN SOMETHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN. Especially something bad. Like Sunday, March 31st... Rambo had a bad feeling and he jumped up on his owner and pawed at his wrist to let his owner know as they entered the lobby of the local shelter. It didn't work though. His owner signed him over to the shelter staff, told them they had no time for a pet and said Rambo is "kid and cat friendly, affectionate and housetrained" and exited the building, leaving his loyal companion behind forever. Fast forward four days and this young man has been added to the euth list, scheduled to die in 18 hours if he doesn't have a new home to go to. Rambo certainly doesn't deserve to die because his former owner no longer had time for him. He's just a year old, just starting life, and young enough to still be shaped and molded into your idea family pet with lots of love, reassurance and proper training. We know there has to be someone/a family out there with room in their heart and home for a handsome, young dude like Rambo. Please help us share him to the moon and back to catch the eye of that special person. DON'T MISS OUT ON SOMETHING THAT COULD BE GREAT! <3 RAMBO@BROOKLYN ACC Hello, my name is Rambo My animal id is #58733 I am a desexed male bronze dog at the Brooklyn Animal Care Center The shelter thinks I am about 1 years old, 50 lbs Came into shelter as owner surrender Mar. 31, 2019 Reason Stated: NO TIME FOR ANIMAL Rambo is rescue only Rambo was placed at risk due to behavioral concerns; Due to Rambo's high level of fearfulness, the staff's inability to safely handle him without extreme caution, and his reported resource guarding in a previous home environment, it is recommended that Rambo would be best set up to succeed if placed with an experienced New Hope Partner to help manage this behavior. Rambo should be allowed to acclimate and decompress at his own pace in a more stable environment prior to permanent placement in an adult only home. Rambo is otherwise healthy. RAMBO coming out of his shell :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJu2szyOgqQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDGWtz7F8Bo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgr4PMm9_AU My medical notes are... Weight: 50 lbs Vet Notes 31/03/2019 DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: Reported 1 year Microchip noted on Intake? Positive - 991001001319728 History : Owner surrender Subjective: Soft muzzle in place when entered medical. Very vocal, hyperactive, and resisting any kind of restraint. Unable to keep still, flailing body away from neck lead, jumping up on door. Sedated for exam. Evidence of Cruelty seen - none Evidence of Trauma seen - none Objective P = wnl R = wnl BCS = 5/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears mild discharge AU, no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: Limited - incisors clean, adult PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, Lungs clear, eupnic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: MN MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: Externally normal Assessment: Apparently healthy Prognosis: Good Plan: Start trazodone 8 mg/kg PO BID indefinitely for shelter anxiety Behavioral assessment Details on my behavior are... Behavior Condition: 4. Orange Behavior History Behavior Assessment During intake Rambo was anxious and pacing back and forth. He was jumping on his owner and did not allow the counselor to collar him. He the allowed the counselor to take his picture with no problems. When the ACS staff came in to the Office he stated to hard bark growl an lunge. Spay/Neuter Status: Neutered Basic Information:: Rambo is a 1 year old brown and white neutered dog that was surrendered by his owner due to personal problems. The owner stated that he got from a friend when he was 8 weeks old. Previously lived with:: Owner 3 adults 1 child 2 cats How is this dog around strangers?: Owner stated that When around strangers Rambo is fearful and he will growl and bark. when playing with adults he is exuberant. How is this dog around children?: Rambo has spent time i the home with a 17 year old child and he was relaxed and playful. when playing with the child in the home he was exuberant. How is this dog around other dogs?: Rambo has not spent time in the home with other dogs so it is unknown how he will react. How is this dog around cats?: Rambo has spent time in the home with cats and he was relaxed and playful. Resource guarding:: Rambo will growl if someone was to touch his food or treats. He is friendly if someone was to his toys. If someone unfamiliar approaches his house or family member he will bark and growl. Bite history:: Rambo does not have a bite history. Housetrained:: Yes Energy level/descriptors:: Very high Other Notes:: Owner stated that in the home Rambo behaves well. During loud noises and fireworks he is not bothered. he also isn't bothered if he is restrained pushed off the couch or disturbed while he sleeps. Rambo will tolerate being bathed brushed and having his nails trimmed. Has this dog ever had any medical issues?: No Medical Notes: No reported medical concerns. For a New Family to Know: Owner described Rambo as affectionate and excitable. Rambo loves to spend time with the family in the living room and he will follow his owner around. he likes to play with balls and has been kept mostly indoors. Rambo eats dry food and when using the bathroom he will go outside on the grass or cement. When left alone in the home he will bark and whine. He has never been crated nor left in the yard so it is unknown how he will react. Rambo knows hoe to sit lay down ans give paw. He is used to brisk walks on the leash and playing in the yard. When on the leash he pulls hared. when off the leash he runs away. Date of intake:: 3/31/2019 Spay/Neuter status:: Yes Means of surrender (length of time in previous home):: Owner surrender Previously lived with:: 3 Adults, 1 Child (17), 2 Cats Behavior toward strangers:: Fearful, growls and barks; Exuberantly plays with adults after warms up Behavior toward children:: Relaxed and playful, exuberant in play (w/resident child) Behavior toward dogs:: Unknown Behavior toward cats:: Relaxed and playful (w/resident cats) Resource guarding:: Previous owner has reported Rambo to growl if his food or treats are approached. This behavior is not observed with his toys. Bite history:: None reported. Housetrained:: Yes Energy level/descriptors:: Rambo is described as affectionate and excitable with a very high level of energy. Summary:: Since Rambo's admission to the care center on 3/31/19, his behavior has remained highly fearful and he is wary of all handling. Upon attempts to rope him and bring him outside of his kennel for walks and interactions, Rambo attempts to flee, runs to the back of his kennel and urinates. During his walks, he is overly alert and pulls on the leash in an attempt to flee when he hears any loud noises. Collaring Rambo took several attempts, as he continuously avoided the collar and would not settle. During an interaction with caretakers, handlers and staff, Rambo was brought into the assessment room and was unable to settle or relax, but was easily startled by any noises and sudden movements. These observations are indicative of a very high level of fearfulness and stress. To eliminate the risk of increasing Rambo's stress level any further, along with the risk of redirecting the stress onto a handler or another animal in our care, we will not be conducting a handling assessment for Rambo at this time. Summary:: According to Rambo's previous owner, Rambo did not socialize with other dogs while in their care. Here at the Care Centers, Rambo has shown fearful behavior and avoidance. He briefly has shown interest in greeting but quickly fled when the other barked at him. The 4/2: We were unable to safely collar Rambo today. He was giving us clear distance increasing signs that he was very uncomfortable- whale eye, head flipping, attempting to flee. He did greet a novel male through the gate and moved away as quickly as possible. 4/3: After successfully collaring Rambo, he was introduced to a novel female dog. He tucked his tail and body when she greeted him but was tolerant. Rambo avoided the greeter for the rest of the session. 4/4: Rambo initially was moving towards greeting the novel female dog, but she barked he fled and kept his distance. Summary (1):: Rambo engages in play with tennis balls. Summary (2):: In Shelter Observations (Continued): 4/4/19: Upon approaching Rambo's kennel, he stood up and displayed a low wagging tail while walking forward toward the kennel door. His head was low, but he allowed the handler to place the rope around his neck with minimal flinching. The handler was able to walk him outside of the room and into the play pens for his interaction. Although Rambo displayed some wariness and was easily startled by loud noises, he engaged in play within moments of entering the pens, retrieving tennis balls, exploring and checking in with the handler. He had moments where he was able to settle and display an entirely loose and wiggly body while chasing the tennis balls, but would quickly revert to a tense posture, forward ears and high tail with loud noises. Rambo was also observed to solicit attention and seek contact, while leaning into the handler. At the end of his interaction, he was roped with ease and without flinching. The handler was able to walk him back into the care center and into his kennel without any pulling Date of intake:: 3/31/2019 Summary:: Anxious, pacing, jumps up, no handling performed, hard bark and growl at entering staff Date of initial:: 3/31/2019 Summary:: Muzzled, vocal, hyperactive, attempting to flee, resists handling, jumping up toward exit ENERGY LEVEL:: We are unable to accurately determine Rambo's energy level due to his high level of fearfulness observed in the care center. IN SHELTER OBSERVATIONS:: 4/2/19: Rambo was laying in the front of his kennel when the handler approached. Upon opening the kennel door, Rambo stood up and showed fearful body language (low head, tucked tail, whale eye) and attempted to move toward the back of his kennel. The handler was able to introduce the rope and place it over Ramob's head, but he did flinch once the rope made contact. Rambo walked out of his kennel and room without issue and very minimal pulling. The handler took Rambo outside for his relief walk and Rambo was easily startled by cars driving by and any other loud noises. During the walk, Rambo encountered a staff member outside of the facility and approached readily with a loose, wiggly body and wagging tail. He jumped up onto the staff member and licked her hand. After his walk, Rambo was brought into a room for an interaction. During his interaction, Rambo was able to slowly acclimate and accepted some contact. After a few more minutes, his tail was untucked and he engaged in play with some tennis balls. Staff members knocked and entered the room, at which point Rambo reverted back to displaying fearful behavior, but was able to recover very slowly. He readily accepted treats with a very soft mouth. Handler was able to rope Rambo and bring him back to his kennel without any issue. 4/3/19: Rambo was laying down in his kennel upon approach and displayed low body posture when opening the kennel door. The handler was able to introduce the rope slowly, which Rambo initially avoided and flinched when it made contact with his neck. Rambo slowly exited his kennel and began to hard pull once outside of his room, moving toward the nearest exit. After his relief walk, wherein he was startled by loud noises and passing cars, he was brought back in the room for an interaction. Rambo was able to acclimate in less time overall and began to engage in play with the handler. He was also observed to understand the cue for "sit" and "give paw". After a few more minutes, Rambo was loose and wiggly and would play bow with handler. Another staff member entered the room and Rambo quickly reverted back to fearful behavior and became wary of interacting. It took about 7-8 minutes before Rambo was able to decompress and become comfortable with the staff member in the room before engaging in play once more. At the end of his interaction, the handler was able to rope him and walk him to his kennel with Rambo pulling moderately. BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION:: New Hope Only Behavior Asilomar: TM - Treatable-Manageable Recommendations:: No children (under 13),Place with a New Hope partner Recommendations comments:: No children (under 13): Due to Rambo's overall level of fearfulness and potential for defensive aggression, we feel he would be best set up to succeed in an adult only home at this time. Place with a New Hope partner: Due to Rambo's high level of fearfulness, the staff's inability to safely handle him without extreme caution, and his reported resource guarding in a previous home environment, it is recommended that Rambo would be best set up to succeed if placed with an experienced New Hope Partner to help manage this behavior. Rambo should be allowed to acclimate and decompress at his own pace in a more stable environment prior to permanent placement in an adult only home. We advise safe and appropriate management when handling Rambo, as well as utilizing guidance from a qualified, professional trainer/behaviorist. Force-free, reward based training only is advised when introducing or exposing Rambo to new and unfamiliar situations. Potential challenges: : Handling/touch sensitivity,Fearful/potential for defensive aggression Potential challenges comments:: Handling/touch sensitivity: Rambo has exhibited handling sensitivity during his interactions in the care center. Although Rambo has shown some improvement and allows some staff members to handle him with extreme caution, he has not been observed to completely settle during his interactions and flinches with initial contact. Rambo was observed to move away from handlers, avoid eye contact and was easily startled by sudden movements. Please refer to the handout on Handling/touch sensitivity. Fearful/potential for defensive aggression: Rambo has exhibited a very high level fearfulness overall during her interactions in the care center. He was observed to escalate to growling and lunging at staff members. Although Rambo has shown some improvement and allows some staff members to handle him with extreme caution, he has not been observed to completely settle during his interactions and flinches with initial contact. Rambo has also been observed to display wariness and is easily startled by loud noises or sudden movements. Please refer to the handout on Fearful/potential for defensive aggression. RAMBO IS RESCUE ONLY…..TO SAVE THIS PUP YOU MUST FILL OUT APPLICATIONS WITH AT LEAST 3 NEW HOPE RESCUES. PLEASE HURRY!!! IF YOU CAN FOSTER OR ADOPT THIS PUP, PLEASE PM OUR PAGE FOR ASSISTANCE. WE CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH LINKS TO APPLICATIONS WITH NEW HOPE RESCUES WHO ARE CURRENTLY PULLING FROM THE NYC ACC. PLEASE SHARE THIS DOG FOR A HOME TO SAVE HIS LIFE.
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