#my dad's still being annoying but oh well. a bit ok mostly annoying. shut up and enjoy ur movie old man
loverboy-ish · 1 year
90s scifi
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Julie and the Phantoms
Pairing: Luke Patterson x Reader
Word Count: 2.5k
A/N: Here’s my first JATP fic. This is loosely based on the “Edge of Great” ep. This ended up being much longer than I expected, but who’s complaining I guess. Please let me know what you think and if I should write more. I hope you all enjoy!
@im-a-writer-right​ YOUR TURN!!!
Ever since Julie’s mom had passed away you had been hanging around a lot since you knew what it was like to lose a parent. But ever since you found out that Julie had 3 ghost boys in her garage you found yourself hanging out at her house much more often. It was interesting and you really had nothing else better to do. And considering you’re the only other person that can see them without music playing Julie felt more comfortable having you watch over them if she thought they’d get into any trouble.
You had been hanging out in the garage waiting for Julie so you could watch her and the boys practice. You were writing lyrics in your journal when all of a sudden Luke popped in onto the couch next to you. 
“Whatcha writing?” He asks peeking over your shoulder.
“Nothing!” You say slamming your notebook shut.
“Shutting your notebook isn’t nothing. Come on, what is it?” Luke asks turning himself to you.
“Ok, how about. None of your business,” You respond. 
“Y/N when are you gonna tell me what’s in your notebook? You hug that thing like it’ll be the death of you if someone reads it,” Luke chuckles.
“It’s my personal journal when are you gonna get that?” You say and get up to put it in your bag. 
“When you let me see what’s inside?”Luke asks.
“You’re so damn nosy, Luke,” You chuckle as Julie walks in.
“What’s going on here?” Julie asks, clearly thinking something is going on between you and Luke.
“Luke is trying to get me to show him my notebook,” You say showing Julie. 
“Ah, your mu--” Julie starts before you run to cover her mouth.
“Wait she knows?” Luke asks.
“Well yeah. She’s my best friend,” You say with your hand still covering Julie’s mouth. Julie muffles something through your hand but it was incoherent, so you remove your hand.
“Where’s Reggie and Alex? We need to practice,” Julie says. 
“Oh! They were just out doing their own thing. They’ll be here,” Luke says. Just like on queue the two popped in. 
“Hey, guys, ready to rock?” Reggie says.
“Yeh, so we’re playing Edge of Great first. Let’s start on that,” Julie says. You sat and watched as the band practiced for the show Julie’s dad put on. 
“So what do you think?” Julie asked you.
“It was great. You all are gonna do amazing!” You say. After the boys were gone for a break before the show, you wanted to show Julie what you were working on.
“Hey, I was wondering if I could show you a song I was working on,” You say.
“Of course,” She says.
You go over to pick up one of the acoustic guitars and make sure it’s in tune. As soon as you were ready you started playing some chords. “One moment you’re here and the next you’re not. But I know you’re watching over me and you’re still with me,” You sing. You continue until you finish the chords you have set out. 
“I have all the lyrics but I’m still working on the tune. What do you think?” You ask Julie as you finish. 
“It’s great. Is it about your dad?” She asks.
“Yeah, it’s been in the works for months and I just finished the lyrics before Luke so rudely interrupted,” You respond.
“You know...” Julie starts with a look on her face.
“No. No. I know that look on your face. You’re gonna suggest something that I won’t like,” You say.
“Come on. Just hear me out?” She begs.
“Fine,” You say, and cross your arms.
“You should ask Luke to help you finish the tune and open for us at the show,” She suggests.
“Nope. Nope. No,” You quickly say.
“Come on. You write amazing music and have barely shared it in the last few years,” She says.
“You know that’s because a lot of my songs are super personal, especially this one,” You say.
“Ok, well do you have a song you’d be okay singing?” Julie.
“I have one, but I don’t have any tune for it,” You respond. 
“Ok, ask Luke to help. He’s amazing at creating tunes for lyrics,” Julie says.
“No,” You sternly say.
“Why are you so scared to let the boys know you sing and write music?” She asks.
“I don’t know. It’s not something I really like to publicly announce,” You respond.
“You don’t publicly announce it, but you’re one of the best artists in the school music program? Come on what’s the real reason?” Julie questions.
“I guess it’s just because it’s been a long time since I’ve performed solo and my songs have seriously been lacking. Plus there are only a few hours until your show, I’m not sure if I can pull a full song out before then,” You respond.
“Your songs have not been lacking. And if I can bounce back. Then you definitely can. Just ask Luke, I know he’d be more than happy to help and to find out what’s in your notebook. You have the rest of the afternoon. Plus,  I’ve seen you pull songs out 1 hour before you went on stage, you got this,” Julie says. 
“You really think I can pull this?” You ask.
“I know it. And you can find out if there really is anything going on between you two,” Julie smiles and pokes at your stomach.
“Stop. There’s nothing between Luke and me, he’s just a good friend,” You say.
“A friend that my best friend likes. The way you two look at each other and talk to eachother that can’t be nothing,” Julie says.
“So this is why you want Luke to help me?” You ask.
“Ehhhh. Also if you don’t play, I’ll hunt you down and make you,” She says as you two walk out of the garage. 
“Fine. Fine. I’d rather not die at your hand. But there is NOTHING between me and Luke,” You chuckle.
“I guess we’ll find out,” Julie says as you glare at her.
~An hour Later~
You walk into the garage hoping to find Luke or even one of the guys hanging out, but it was completely empty. After looking around for a bit you decided to leave and come back later. But just as you were about to leave you, hear two feet hit the ground.
“Hey, looking for Julie?” Luke says as your turn around.
“Uh, no, actually I was looking for you,” You say looking at your feet. 
“Oh uh, what’s up?” Luke asks.
“I don’t know if this is too much to ask but ummm, Julie was thinking that I could open up for your guys’ show in a few hours and I kinda need help finding a tune to some lyrics I wrote. Julie thought you could help,” You say.
“Wait you sing? Why didn’t you tell us?” Luke asks excitedly.
“Yeh, I don’t usually play outside of school or my room anymore,” You say.
“Well, it’s not much to ask and I’d be glad to help,” He says and sits down next to you on the couch.
“Thanks,” You say and pull out your notebook.
“So that’s your lyric book,” Luke says.
“Yes, and you promise not to peek at any other songs after showing you?” You ask and Luke nods. You flip to the page of the lyrics for the song you’re gonna play. “Here’s the song. I uh wrote this a while back when uhh, I was finally feeling like myself again after my dad passed. It’s called Sunflower,” You say hesitantly.
“I’m sorry,” Luke says as you can feel his eyes trained on you. He clears his throat, “So let’s see what you have,” Luke says and you pass your notebook to him. “This is great,” He says after finishing.
“Thanks, I play the guitar, mostly acoustic,” You say and pick up your guitar. 
Luke reads the first few lines of lyrics trying to figure out a good tune, “From dusk til dawn,” Luke mumbles reading through the first verse. He grabs the guitar from your hands and starts to strum some chords. “So here’s what I think,” Luke says and starts to play chords while singing your lyrics. 
“That’s great and what do you think if I stung this note out a bit,” You say taking back the guitar and playing the chords back while singing. 
“You have an amazing voice,” Luke says as you finish singing.
“Thanks,” You chuckle. The two of you sit for the next few hours creating a tune for your song.
“Ok, so this is what we have. Not like we can change it, the show is in 2 hours,” You say. You start to play the chords and sing. You expected to Luke join in like he normally would but he just sat there watching you sing. “So I guess that’s it,” You say after finishing the song. 
“It’s great! You’ll do amazing, I know it!” Luke smiles at you. You couldn’t help but think about what Julie said earlier, and Luke’s cute smile wasn’t helping. 
“What’s going on here?” Reggie asks. The two of you scoot away from eachother.
“I was just helping Y/N with a song, “ Luke says.
“Y/N sings?” Alex questions.
“Yeh I do, Julie wants me to open for you guys tonight. Luke was j-just helping me put a tune to my lyrics,” You say.
“Can we hear it?!” Alex asks excitedly. 
“I’m gonna leave that for the show,” You say.
“But guys, I promise it’s amazing! Y/N’s amazing,” Luke says as you chuckle. You feel chills move throughout your body at the comment Luke made. 
“Hey, guys! Ready to set up?” Julie asks walking in. She smiles seeing that you had actually asked Luke for help.
“Yeah,” The guys respond. You help Julie set up the equipment before heading inside to get ready for the show. 
“So, how was it with Luke,” Julie asks looking in her closet.
“It was good,” You respond.
“Just good? Come on, I need details girl,” Julie stops her task.
“Ok...fine. Luke is as good as you say in finding tunes. And he was very helpful,” You say.
“Really? I mean like did you feel something? Like a connection?” Julie asks.
“I’m serious. You didn’t hear from me but I know Luke likes you. He just doesn’t know how to say it,” 
“Wait really?”
“Ah Ha! So you do like him,” 
“Me questioning if he likes me does not prove that I like him,”
“If I know Y/N and I do. I know when she likes someone. And you like Luke. I promise I won’t say anything,”
“Fine will you get off my back if I tell you how I really feel about Luke?”
“Okay. He’s a great guy. And I can tell he’s really passionate about his music and that he loves playing. He’s also really sweet, cute...and stupidly annoying,” You chuckle.
“If I didn’t know better a certain someone likes Luke,” Julie smiles.
“Yes, your hunches were right,” You smile.
“Hey, you guys ready?” Luke says popping his head through Julie’s door.
“Uhh… yeah. We’ll be down in a bit,” You say.
“Cool. Y/N you’re gonna do amazing. And Julie we’re gonna kill it,” Luke says and leaves.
“I really hope he didn’t hear any of that,” You bury your face in your hands a few seconds after Luke leaves and Julie chuckles. You and Julie finish getting ready and head downstairs where Flynn was waiting. 
“You ready, Julie?” Flynn asks.
“Yes. But there’s a slight change of plans. Y/N is gonna open up for us so you’ll just have to introduce her first,” Julie explains.
“Yesss….I’ve been dying to hear you sing again,” Flynn squeals. The three of you make your way to the garage. You, Julie, and the boys prepare for the show. You find yourself shaking as soon as you hear Flynn speaking over the speakers. 
“Hey. Hey. You got this. Your song is amazing and you’re gonna kill it. If I could give you a big ‘good luck’ hug right now I would, but--” Luke says as his hand passes through yours. 
“It’s ok. Just...some jitters,” You say right before Flynn says your name. You make your way to the front of the garage. 
“Hi, I’m Y/N and I’ll be opening for Julie and the Phantoms,” You say and get ready to sing. You look up to find Luke standing in the front of the crowd and he gives a big smile, “You got this,” He says. 
You start off with the chords Luke played. As you continued to play and sing you felt like you were home again. Like you were meant to play in front of people and share your music. Once you finished, you headed out and let Flynn introduce Julie and the boys. You watched as they played “Edge of Great” and couldn’t be happier to watch them all do what they love most. After the party ended you found yourself staying the night at Julie’s. 
“Hey, can I talk with Y/N alone?” Luke asks as Julie is putting away a few things and the boys are hanging out.  They all nod and start to head out. As Julie leaves, you see her giving you a smirk like she knew what was gonna happen.
“What’s up?” You ask Luke as soon as everyone cleared out. 
“I just wanted to say you did amazing and that you should perform more,” Luke says giving a nervous chuckle after.
“Thanks, you guys did great too. I mean it was your show,” You say. A few moments of awkwardness passed. “Was that all?” You ask.
“N--No. I--I--” He hesitates.
“I know you like me,” You blurt out. After the fact, you realize what you had said. “I didn’t mean to say it like that, Uh,” You say nervously.
“Y/N, you’re an amazing songwriter and an even more amazing person. And yeh, you--you’re right I do like you. And I know we can’t exactly touch each other and I’ve been dead for 25 years, but that doesn’t change how I feel about you,” He says.
“Luke. I don’t really care that you’re a ghost. I feel the exact same way. And yeh it’s a little weird to say I like a ghost, but one day I feel like you’ll really be in front of me and I’ll really get to touch you,” You say.
“I umm wrote this song. It’s actually about you, “ Luke says and picks up his guitar. He starts to play the chords and sing. 
“I love it,” You say after he finishes. You hear a clap from outside the garage doors and you quickly shoot a look and see three heads quickly move down. 
You get off the couch and open the doors, “We’re you guys really eavesdropping?” You ask.
“How did it go?” Julie asks hesitantly.
“Does ‘alone’ really mean nothing to you guys?” You ask.
“If you guys really want you to know...it went great,” Luke says and smiles at you.
“Hey, you guys can’t blame us for wanting two of our friends to get together,” Reggie says putting his hands up in defense.
“You guys are seriously ridiculous,” You say and walk out of the garage.
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marchioness-caprina · 4 years
Mentor Day
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Note : In This AU, Hawks is adopted by the todoroki Family, enji is a good dad and dabi is not a villain. And Todoroki's Mom is a Hero.
Pairings : Jealous! Hawks x Reader
Writing style: 3rd Person
Warning : Cussing
Word count : 3623
3rd Person's POV
" I'm so excited for Today! I can't wait to meet your Mentors! " Kirishima yelled with enthusiasm punching the air.
Everyone was gathered around Ground Beta for the sole reason that the Head of Agencies they were currently interning in were coming over to discuss the growth of the students, also because they chose U.A as the meeting Venue knowing that it's one of the places in Japan that is Highly guarded and secured and the School was Near the City so if anything were to happen they could always get there in a jeepy. There was another Reason but it wasn't disclosed to any of the students and nobody questioned it.
" Shut Up shitty Hair! " Bakugou snarled smacking Kirishima who seemed to be unaffected by Bakugou's ' affection ' towards him.
" Hey aren't You and Tokoyami Under Hawks's? The number 2 Pro Hero!? " Mina pointed out and suddenly everyone's attention was now settled on Y/n and Tokoyami.
Tokoyami had an unreadable expression but his face mostly showed that he was awkward and uncomfortable with the Topic. Not because of His Mentor... It's because of His Mentor's Interest.
Y/n on the other hand looked annoyed pissed, it was very obvious that neither of the two wanted to talk about it because of the lack of answer and their current expressions.
" So... What's it Like to be Under Pro Hero Hawks? " Momo began to press deeper onto the subject and was oblivious to her two classmate's look of disapproval. And it seems like she wasn't the only curious one.
" Well? " Jiro raised a brow when they didn't hear an answer. The two were very hesitant until y/n finally spoke up.
" Tokoyami-kun would I be breaking the law if I talk shit about him? "
" Eeehhhh!? " Everyone was confused as to why the sudden change of their classmate's personality took shift at a questionable rate.
" Technically there's no law about that and since he's not here to hear it... It's fine " Tokoyami answered with a straight face and his response got everyone questioning their experience even more.
" What the hell happened to you two while you were there? " Denki asked staring at the two. Tokoyami was hesitant but y/n just looked pissed and angry .
She showed irritation that could match Bakugou's.
" That's not something you should be asking me... You should be asking y/n that... I just had the unfortunate privilege to witness... That.... And I know a very dark secret I wish to unlearn " Tokoyami muttered at Everyone was fidgeting with curiosity while staring at y/n who looked like she was about to explode any minute now.
" Well if you Must know. On the first week I had to endure a bunch of whiny one night stand's Drama and Rage while trying to get them to go fuck themselves and trust me... Persuading a bunch of love struck delusional hoes to go home and keep silent for the rest of their lives isn't a very charming job. I had to suck in every single cheesy pick up lines that'll have anyone gagging, I had to endure being dragged around through the wonderful 'skies' like a ragdoll in the most unfortunate hour and I had to deal with Birdman's constant fuckery every single day so yeah... It wasn't that bad.... It was terrible. " Y/n's tone was forcefully dragged out and polite but her hostile expression got everyone shuddering.
Yes, Hawks was a flirt and he'd flirt with her with every chance he got, much to y/n's dismay. But knowing Hawks's reputation she brushed it off like it was one of his most common habits and got used to ignoring him, he was nice though and she felt like a sheltered child. Hawks never let's her go out to patrol on her own unless it's with Him and only Him. He constantly brings her gifts and snacks to which she is thankful and greatly flattered but she didn't like hearing Rumors about her with the Pro Hero himself. Overall she was thankful that she was being treated well but she didn't appreciate the special treatment.
Tokoyami on the other hand knew of his Mentor's love and affection for his Classmate, if he knew any better he found out that Hawks had imprinted on y/n like a new born chick. The reason Tokoyami knew that was because of the gifts, the flirting, Hawks's constant need to be around y/n, His possessiveness and Don't even get Tokoyami started on How much Hawks talks about y/n during patrol. Hell, Even when Hawks is literally stepping on a Villain's Face he'd still talk about How ' Perfect she was ' . At most of all, his Classmate was very unaware of Hawks's actual feelings and he's afraid he couldn't blame her simply because of Hawks's reputation as a 'playboy'.
" Wow.... I didn't think it would be like that.... Hawks's still pretty cool though " Sero muttered and that left y/n gawking at him because the least they could do was sympathize with her!.
" No shit " She grumbled sarcastically and she felt two hands grab hold of her shoulder behind her and speaking of the Devil, Hawks was already here.
" Hey there chicken nugget, what are you kids talking about? " Hawks asked leaning down , resting his chin on y/n's shoulder while both of his hands clamped down on each side of her shoulder blades protectively.
" Nothing Hawks, we were Talking about Nothing " Y/n who was already immune to the Touchiness of the male behind her was nonchalant on her reply and she sounded bored but her expression clearly showed ' Oh No, Not this Shit Again ' .
" Oh really? Well ok then baby bird but I have to say You look Perfect little dove but that is to be expected by my Epitome of beauty " Hawks grinned rubbing his cheeks against y/n's own in a very affectionate manner.
" Yeah, Yeah. Get off me Birdman you're getting that irritating Chicken stench on me " Y/n grumbled pushing him away from her to which she was successful with.
" Aww~ But you felt so soft " Hawks whined in an almost childish way.
Everyone was witnessing the very thing Tokoyami dreaded and they were choking on their own spit after seeing the interaction between the two.
They and so many questions yet so little answer and they knew they couldn't just bombard y/n with questions, not when Hawks was around.
" Uhh... You two seem.. Close" Denki commented to where he earned a proud grin from Hawks.
" No we're Not. He's just being A flirt, you'll Get used to it " Y/n snickered rolling her eyes at Hawks who was trying to hug her.
" You should have heard How much He talks about her at Home... He's like a broken Radio. Y/n this and that " Todoroki snorted and his comment got everyone gaping.
It didn't look that way to everyone else, it was clear that the Pro Hero liked her if throwing himself around her wasn't enough, the look in his eyes definitely spoke otherwise.
" So this is the little Lassy Hawks have been talking about? " Fatgum along with the rest of the pro Heroes Were slowly gathering towards them.
" This is Her? She's adorable in person . Keigo Never stops talking about her at home" Another voice came from a woman with white hair, and is almost identical to Shoto.
" .... Hah! You should hear what he has to say when he's asleep " Dabi murmured with a laugh.
" .... You Talk about me? " Y/n asked staring at Hawks who was nodding his head, a smirk plastered on his face.
" Ewww, Stop that. It's annoying and creepy " Y/n sighed shoving Hawks away.
" Isn't she lovely? " Rei mumbled a small chuckle escaping her lips as Dabi stared at her in bewilderment .
" So you're not gonna question their age gap?..... Really mom? " Dabi snorted and enji stood behind him, patting his back.
" You know how your mother is " Enji muttered staring down at his son.
" You have a point.... "
By now everyone was gathered around, some of them chatting with their mentors and some were meeting their classmate's other mentors.
Rei, Enji and Dabi were intently observing Keigo who looked so close to snapping, sure his face looked playful and relaxed but they knew him well enough to know that it was Keigo's facade.
On the other side was Y/n and Hawks talking to Fat gum, well it was only y/n showing enthusiasm about their conversation, Hawks had never left her side the whole time. Always trailing behind her like a lost puppy.
" That's really cool! I heard from Kirishima that you have two Forms? " Y/n's eyes gleamed with curiosity.
" Why yes little lady " Fat gum answered as he nervously glanced at Hawks. He could feel the raging intensity of Hawks's Jealousy radiating brighter than the sun's ray. To which y/n was oblivious of.
" Ya know buddy, you really have nothing to worry about when it's me " Fat gum stated his words directed towards Hawks who let out a sigh and gave him a genuine smile for once.
" Sorry, I couldn't help it when it comes to my little dove " Hawks chuckled slinging his arm around her shoulder and y/n immediately reacted by shoving his arm away without even glancing at him.
" Stop talking about me like I'm not here " Y/n muttered to which Hawks replied by doing it again and y/n shoved his arm again.
Fat gum was both entertained and a bit awkward with the situation until he spotted his side kick. Tamaki whom he had kindly asked to pick up something for him
" Anyways! That's enough you two, I'd like you to meet Tamaki Amajiki. He's my sidekick " Fat gum proudly introduced Tamaki who froze in his spot and began trembling nervously.
" Oh wow! I've heard so much about him! Our class was introduced to him before! But I never got to see his face clearly because he had his face on the wall the whole time! Let's start all over again. Hey I'm y/n l/n! Nice to meet you senpai... For the second time " Y/n grinned putting her hand out to shake his.
Tamaki who was nervous and flattered that someone remembered him shakily reached out his hand to shake hers but a look of pure shock flashed through his face when Another hand met his.
" Nice to meet you Buddy " Hawks grinned in an odd and threatening manner squeezing poor Tamaki's hand .
" U-u-uhh" Tamaki stuttered at y/n was annoyed at Hawks's actions.
" Hey! I was the-- you know what? Never mind. Anyway, senpai I heard stories about you from Kirishima-kun! And I think you're really cool! And you're cuter up close! " Y/n tried easing the nervous senior with compliments in order to atone the actions of Hawks. But Hawks took it in a different way.
Tamaki flushed red and Hawks let go of his hand with disdain, his eyes having a deadly glint and his smirk almost looked threatening and sadistic.
Fat gum who witnessed the scene knew he fucked up by calling Tamaki over, the Todoroki family were astonished to see how reactive Hawks could be when y/n was involved. At home he was really hard to read and when they thought they knew him Hawks suddenly surprises everyone by proving them wrong. But now his expression looks so raw and unmasked.
" Tsk, He doesn't Look much to Me " Hawks suddenly spat out in an irritated tone.
Y/n elbowed him after seeing Tamaki's expression.
" He doesn't mean that! He's just really insensitive... Aren't you Hawks? " Y/n glared at the man beside her and he scoffed looking away.
" You're actually really powerful Senpai! Trust me! Kirishima talks about you all the time it's adorable seeing him look up to someone who's equally as cute as Kirishima " Y/n tried covering the damage done by Hawks and Tamaki was conflicted. He didn't know who to believe anymore.
Another scoff was heard from Hawks and before he could make another comment y/n stepped on his feet making him wince.
" Ouch! " He grumbled looking down at y/n who was glaring at him threateningly.
Jealousy bubbled at the very core of Hawks, She called two men cute at the same time and she dared to do it in front of him! He praised men who aren't him. Sure they aren't official but isn't it clear that he was showing how much he could give her? He knows he's enough but it seems like his little dove was very dense. It's starting to irritate him. He didn't feel good inside and he really wanted to punch a bitch. Was she taunting him? Oh she definitely was. Just look at how she looks at them , it really makes him want to rip off someone's throat.
His wings began to bristle and rose intimidatingly the edges becoming sharp and ridged, jealousy was getting the best of him.
With a rough Tug, he dragged her away forcefully even with the harsh protest from the girl.
" Hey! Ok this is getting out of hand! " Y/n pulled her hand away and Hawks looked back at her with a gaze that could kill.
" Stop taunting me Y/n. I'm not handling it well " Hawks muttered but his voice was rough and demanding. Y/n shivered at how her name rolled out of his tongue. He never uses that tone or calls out her name like that unless she's in deep shit.
" Clearly, you're mad about shit I didn't do so go cool off or something " Y/n shot back her expression was out of sheer anger and Hawks responded by spreading his wings and he flew off without another word.
With a sigh y/n went back to her classmates, she was unaware if the stares that were thrown her way.
" A lovers quarrel? " Mt. Lady mumbled.
" Definitely a Lovers Quarrel " Fat gum confirmed.
" Is no one seriously questioning the fact about their age gap? " Dabi stated and Rei gave him a cold glare. Even shoto was seen glaring at him from his group.
" Ok fine jeez " Dabi shrugged shoving his hands into his pockets.
20 minutes had passes and Hawks was still gone, by that time everyone was gathered around, the class was seated on the ground as the Pros started giving out their opinions and deductions on hm their performance.
Rei began to feel worried about her adopted son that had raged out of the area. Enji tried reassuring her that Keigo was old enough to take care of himself.
And on cue Hawks had arrived holding a box in his hand, he looked calmer now and more relaxed.
" Keigo dear, are you ok? " Rei asked approaching the male.
" Yeah I'm fine... Just needed a little breather.... " He muttered, his eyes glued to y/n who was listening intently to the discussion. Rei noticed this and a smile graced her lips.
" Go get her dear " Rei encouraged the male and Hawks flashed her a grin.
" Oh I will. And I'm going to make sure you're going to have a daughter in law soon " Keigo smugly stated and Rei's eyes widened only to have the woman laugh.
Luckily the little lessons the Pro's were conducting had finished and everyone was free. As the students began to stand up. Y/n was pulled away immediately by Hawks. And once she was a few feet away a box was shoves towards her. She was caught off guard but managed to hold it in her hands as she lookes up at Hawks questioningly.
" What's this? " The girl asked suspiciously.
" You like that doughnut shop near our agency yeah? I was flying by and decided to buy some for you as a Sorry present.. I admit that I went overboard... " Hawks explained rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.
" What!? I can't accept thi---"
" Eat it or Throw it. I'm giving it to you and that's final so do what you want with it... Although it would be a waste if you throw it away... I did go out of my way to buy that for you with my own money even though I was still angry---"
" Ok fine you don't have to guilt trip me! I'll accept it ok?.... But you did say I could do what I want with it so... I'm sharing this with everyone " Y/n smiled and Hawks snapped his head towards her his eyebrows furrowed.
" What? No. I bought that For YOU not for them " Hawks grumbled and the girl gave him a playful smirk.
" You did say it was mine and I could do whatever I want with it " She replied slyly and Hawks turned away stomping his way towards Rei, Enji and Dabi.
" Ooo... You got it Bad. She's denser than a--"
" Don't finish that Touya I swear " Hawks glared at Dabi who only laughed at his protectiveness.
" Just be patient Keigo, she is young and she probably still doesn't have Love on her mind yet " Rei assured Keigo while rubbing his back.
" Tsk. You better not give up. You're a Todoroki after all , and I already acknowledge her as a daughter in law... No crazy woman would stomp their feet on the number 2 hero like that " Enji nodded and Hawks should be delighted but his eyes were glued to the girl.
She was sharing the doughnuts he bought for her and the last straw came when she had fed Kirishima with a doughnut.
His fathers on his wings bristled and the ends began to sharpen, his eyes darkened at the sight and his teeth were gritted.
The girl took notice of this and approached him. God he was losing it. One wrong move and he might forget the fact that she's still a minor and just go straight up to breeding her if he had to. Fuck everything she does is turning him on . He is smitten.
" Hey what's wrong? "
" You have the guts to ask me ' What's wrong?' Oh why don't ask that to all the other guys you fed doughnuts to? The ones I bought for you! You're so oblivious it's starting to piss me off little dove. Was I not subtle enough? I fucking Like---mphf--" Hawks was cut off when a Doughnut was shoved in his mouth by the girl in front of him.
" Shut your worm Hole You stupid Birdman, I like you too ok? But please stop being so annoying. I'm also protecting your reputation as a Hero here. I can't have you all over the tabloids stating that you like a high schooler. You'd be seen as a pedophile you dumbass " The girl finished and was about to pull her hand away from his mouth when he grabbed hold of her wrist, he kissed her finger gingerly before licking and sucking on that very finger she held the doughnut .
She froze, Dabi Froze, Everyone froze.
" What the fuck? " Katsuki was she first to speak up.
" I second that ' What the fuck ' " Y/n muttered and Hawks gave her a look that could have her melt into a puddle. A smug and triumphant grin plastered on his face as his arms wrapped around her waist possessively.
" Awww~ it warms my heart to know that you're protecting me that way. For a moment there I thought you don't care and all that shitty jealousy was so worth it because you told me you like me in the end.... " Hawks cooed his face nearing hers and she immediately distanced her face away from him.
" Hawks get off me! " She yelled her face was flushed and he had the sudden urge to kiss her right now.
" You'll have to pay for making me jealous though. It was not a very pretty feeling " Hawks grinned before his wings spread open and gave one strong flap and he was already flying her away from the scene.
" Holy shit.... Dude " Denki muttered staring up at the sky.
" Enji! Do you think we should renovate the house? " Rei asked enthusiastically.
" I think we just might have to " Enji replied.
" .... I ship it though " Mina stated and the girls gave an unspoken agreement to her statement.
" So... How many chicks do you think they'll have? " Dabi asked and Rei smacked him.
" Touya! " Rei scolded making Dabi chuckle.
" Nah it's too early... He won't knock her up just yet... Or will he? " Dabi grinned and this time Rei had frozen him in place.
" Touya! Stop that! " Rei fumed.
Dabi shut up immediately fearing Rei's wrath after seeing her angry expression.
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orange-waterfalls · 4 years
Reader w/ wings headcanons(Markiplier Alter Egos)
ty @fancybootm​ for the request!
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A/N: i just did all of them. every-all-everyone. Except Yandereplier, Silver Shepard, Ed Edgar... maybe others I’m not aware of at the moment... I tried to stick with a certain number of egos, but my hands just... they just kept moving. It is 11:00 pm when im writing this ya boy is TIRED. there are 1.6k words. It seems longer than it is bc bullet points. Bear with me. You can find the egos that you want easily. The reader is gender neutral. i am so sorry if this is not what you meant lol. on the bright side this is a good reference for all the egos i am open to writing for(also maybe others idk) so uh im keeping it enjoy. I’ll say... a T rating for cursing and also a bit of violence but literally like 20 words. mentions of injury. that’s it.
Requests are open!
Y/N(reader) with wings hcs
No one knows what the fuck you are, not even you
Ya got wings. That’s it.
Are you an angel? A faery? A phoenix? Who knows
You woke up one day in a forest remembering nothing
But you had wings
And then you got shot with an arrow
You ran away and hid in a cave
Darkiplier spends most of his time around you studying you
To see what you could possibly be
He still doesn’t know
He’s settled for calling you a “cryptid”
He’s slightly annoyed with the feathers you leave around the manor
He won’t tell you bc you can’t control that and it’d be rude
You read together in his study on occasion
You sit on the floor bc your wings get uncomfortable in chairs
In sympathy, he also sits on the floor
You think it’s sweet
You told him so and he sputtered out a “shut up and read your book”
He’s fairly fond of you
You’re good company to keep around
Wilford was the one who found you
He was walking through the forest, as one does, when he saw GIANT feathers
Naturally, he followed them
He found you in a cave with an arrow in your shoulder
He took you back to the manor and patched you up
He begged Dark to keep you there
He promised not to kill anybody for a month
He made it 15 days, which is a record
He’s very protective of you, not letting you out a lot since uh… hunters
You are his Sweet Little Songbird, light of his life, wind in his sails, 
if anything happens to you he will kill everyone in the manor and then himself
He helps you preen a lot
His hands are very gentle, surprisingly 
He spends the most time with you out of everyone
You play games, talk(well, he talks to you), and just hang out
He loves and adores you with his whole heart
Actor tolerates you, or so he says
He’s jealous of your wings
HE’S supposed to be the mysterious, sexy one!
But ok, yeah, you’re pretty interesting
He uses you in short films sometimes bc… well… wings
There are alot of things you can do with wings, surprisingly
He took you out into town one night
He shoved the wings under a thick jacket
You guys bought some clothes and food
He cut holes in the clothes for your wings, grumbling about a “waste of money” and “you never go out anyway” 
but he enjoyed spending a bit of time with you
Wilford nearly killed him(again) when he found out
He likes venting to you bc you just nod without really listening
As I said, you’re good company
Yancy thinks you’re nice
He felt a bit… threatened at first
Ya got WINGS, of course he’s cautious
But they are very pretty
And he likes to use you in choreography
People always comment on how realistic the wings are as Yancy leads you away
You don’t judge him for killing his parents, he likes that about you
You don’t know. You could’ve done something bad. You don’t remember
He likes cuddling bc you wrap your wings around him and he feels safe
He also helps you preen… sometimes… 
He’s… really bad at it...
You like listening to him sing
He sings you lullabies at night
You’re very close
Illinois is very fascinated with you
He’s convinced you’re a fairy
He’s seen quite a few of those
You tell him you don’t know, and he goes “a LiKeLy StOrY”
He likes drawing you
You’re very angelic
“Oh, maybe an angel then…” He says, like an idiot
He takes you with him on a few adventures to fly him over pits and stuff
He’d never admit it but he has a… THING about heights
It’s called a phobia, you egotistic maniac
You try to help him with it
You never get that far off the ground before he’s screaming to be put down
He appreciates the effort
He gives you things he finds on adventures that are pretty or remind him of you
He infodumps to you about curses, and archaeology, and adventuring, etc.
Magnum is uh… well, he’s Magnum
He figures you’d be useful out at sea
You can find nearby land, ships, or treasure by flying, of course
He didn’t take into account the fact that you don’t really… fly that often.
So it turned into you just stretching your wings instead of looking for loot
Once you fell overboard
Everyone was like “eh, they can fly, it’s fine”
Then they realized that you probably can’t since your wings might be wet
Magnum LEAPED into the fuckin water and THREW you back on
He doesn’t take you on the sea as much anymore
sometimes you talk about life, treasure, love, y'know the usual
He’s very Father Figure-ly
Bim isn’t sure how to feel about you
You are a person. With wings. What’s he supposed to do about that
He’s friends with Wil, so has to tolerate you at least.
He tries to make conversation, but it doesn’t always go as well as it could
You don’t have much to talk about, and some of his topics worry you
Mostly you two just kinda… exist in the same general area
Sometimes he’ll discuss what he should do on his show
You don’t have many ideas
But you’ve gotten an idea of what it is, and sometimes give a suggestion or two
He appreciates you for that
He tried to get you on the show once but Wilford refused
You kinda wanted to, but whatever
You’ll hang out sometimes too
He’s very entertaining, he has to be
Eric is kind of scared
Not that you’ll hurt him, that he’ll hurt you
That happens a lot to people he likes…
He eventually starts hanging out around you
You don’t ask bad questions, and you distract him from his dad
He talks about animals with you a lot, and how he wanted a farm
You bought a cowboy hat and gave it to him and he cried
You also gave him a stuffed cow one day
He hugged you for a long time
You two cuddle a lot bc the boy needs SAFETY and SECURITY
You wuv each other(platonically or otherwise)
Dr. Iplier doesn’t bother you, mostly
He appreciates that you keep to yourself
He has his work, that’s what he’s focused on
Sometimes he’ll see you when you try to find Wilford or get some food
He tries to get a good look at you without looking suspicious
It doesn’t work, he always falls over
He once gave you a “physical”
It was mostly to just figure out what you were
You seemed mostly human based on the results
But goddammit you had WINGS
They had their own function but were sort of like an add-on to your body
He was slightly disappointed you weren’t gonna… turn into a whole bird
You tolerate each other
Google fuckin’ hates you
He’s completely perplexed by you
Which he is never because he is the most intelligent being on the planet
So he assumed he could figure out what you were
Turns out google fucking sucks at figuring out things people don’t already know
So he hates you. Like a lot
He’s tried to kill you multiple times
But his objective is to destroy MANKIND
You are not included in that
Also Wilford almost killed him for it
So yeah he just kinda hates you
You’ve tried to get along with him but he just wouldn’t
He finally talked to you when Bing called him a little bitch
Still hates you, but can tolerate your existence now
Bing fuckin’ adores you
You are just wonderful to him
You can FLY??!! You have WINGS???!!!!!
You don’t really care that he is an artificial BEING????!!!!!!!!
You’re perfect
He does Sick Tricks™ to try to impress you
They never do
You appreciate the effort
You don’t see him a lot, but when you to it’s very entertaining
He taught you how to skateboard
You kinda sucked but he’s very supportive
He likes just hanging around you
It’s the only time he ever chills the fuck out
Everyone’s thankful to you for that
Your entire dynamic is “what if... i put... my minecraft bed... next to yours? haha just kidding... unless?”
The Host doesn’t really care about the wings??
I mean, he can’t see them, so… what’s the big deal
You appreciate that
He still does the uh… narration thing… with real people…
The stories end better now
You convinced him to make the stories end better
You sat with him to make SURE the stories end better
He also started writing novels recently
You help with plot and character development
He appreciates that
The Jims… don’t really care about you
I mean you’re interesting, of course
But they physically Cannot get a clear picture of you
Even if you agree to sit still, it just doesn’t happen
It is always, ALWAYS blurry
They eventually give up and leave you alone
They do spend a bit of time with you
You help them with demon episodes sometimes
You don’t do much, but they like the emotional support
King of the Squirrels is… well, he’s him
He doesn’t… he doesn’t do much
He hangs out with his squirrels. That’s pretty much it.
You just started hanging out with him one day
He didn’t mind
You two feed the squirrels while sitting by a tree
He lets you wear his crown sometimes
He draws his squirrels, and lets you see the pictures
He teaches you how to draw them
You two don’t talk, really
You just sit. And hang out.
He doesn’t really smile, but you can tell when he’s happy with you
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queenlua · 3 years
Ace Attorney case tier list
so, in the past year, i finished replaying games 1 through 5 for the first time in forever, and also played game 6 for the first time ever
so here’s where i ruthlessly rank each of the cases based on that most scientific metric of all, My Opinions:
S-tier: Turnabout Trump (4-1).  I already knew this case, and I still gasped with surprise when Phoenix showed up, and when Kristoph showed his true colors, and when Apollo realized OH SHIT OH FUCK I REALLY AM ACCUSING MY BOSS OF MURDER HUH... what a wonderful, splashy, shockingly concise case to open up the post-O.G. trilogy world.  Marvelous.
A-tier: Turnabout Memories (3-1).  Seeing Mia Fey (finally!) in action is a long-awaited delight; seeing Phoenix being a total dumbass was an unexpected-yet-perfect and fitting delight.
B-tier: The First Turnabout (1-1).  Solid lil’ case with some conventional-but-well-executed humor.  I’ve got a soft spot for Larry Butz.
C-tier: The Lost Turnabout (2-1), The Foreign Turnabout (6-1).  The former’s fine but a little forgettable; the latter has some fun gags (Payne’s ridiculous new outfit, dude absolutely shredding on the mandolin, etc) but is marred by how uh... kinda silly the game’s core conceit is, lol
E-tier: Turnabout Countdown (5-1).  The context surrounding this introduction is just sloppy (badly handled in media res + let’s lowkey retcon game 4 isn’t a great setup), and also the case itself is just. irksome. ted tonate is just fundamentally irritating to look at
S-tier: Bridge to the Turnabout (3-5), Turnabout Goodbyes (1-4).  No explanation needed.  God they fuck so hard
A-tier: The Cosmic Turnabout + Turnabout for Tomorrow (5-4 + 5-5), Turnabout Succession (4-4).
The former two cases are what makes AA5 worth it, and they make for a tremendously fun ride.  It fumbles the execution in some notable ways (Apollo’s sudden j’accuse moment feels a little forced/awkward/inadequately foreshadowed, and damn it sure would’ve been nice to know Clay Terran at all before he died, and also The Phantom’s final meltdown could’ve used a bit more emotional heft)... but okay let’s be real, I’m here for Simon Blackquill, and this case gives me so much of him so who gives a shit.  (And Aura!  Condescending obnoxious engineering queen!  I love her!)  
As for Turnabout Succession... while I earnestly wish the game had explored more of Klavier’s feelings about this whole setup, and some more emotional beats for Apollo, the case still makes for such a satisfyingly twisty and fun investigation overall (the poison stamp! what a ridiculous murder method! I love it!) that it’s a more-than-worthy finale.
B-tier: Turnabout Revolution (6-5), Farewell, My Turnabout (2-4).
The former does some cool stuff—I particularly like the opening half, where Apollo’s being real snippy and coping with Frankly Bizarre Dad Feelings, and giving Apollo a chance to finally throw down against Phoenix is a blast.  The latter half of the case starts feeling a little... ridiculous? cramped? idk? like, they didn’t do nearly enough foreshadowing about Nahyuta’s whole deal for me to care about his drama, this justice system is so obviously silly and the manner in which the revolution is playing out strains my already-suspended-sky-high disbelief... fun, and flashy, but more noise than signal in the last part, I guess.
As for Farewell, My Turnabout: of course I love Edgeworth rolling back into court goin’ through SOME kind of bizarre emotional arc of Hey I’m Totally Healed Now and obnoxiously preaching about Truth TM.  And it’s cool that the game set up a case where you want to lose.  But the net result is a bit strange tonally—it’s trying set up some kind of message about It’s Not Just About Winning, It’s About Pursuing The Truth, but it feels really muddled when that’s combined with Okay But Maya’s Literally Being Held Hostage Like Right Now, Surely A Reasonable Justice System Has A Process For Dealing With This Obviously Complicated Situation, Right?
but also Franziska takes a fucking bullet (how did I forget about that) and then gets to roll in like Ms. Save The Day so, really, lots of good shit here
S-tier: Reunion, and Turnabout (2-2), Turnabout Beginnings (3-4).  Look, the first one gives me all the Fey family drama a girl could ask for, and the latter gives me young Edgeworth being a total shit in an obnoxiously shimmery outfit.  The whole enchilada is here
A+ tier: The Magical Turnabout (6-2).  DELIGHTFUL!  MAGICIAN!  SHENANIGANS!  Like you get to guess the trick behind a magic act as part of the case, how fucking fun is that, and also the Apollo & Athena duo’s chemistry is perfect, the villain is a FANTASTIC bastard, and even the bit characters you meet during the investigation are total delights... Probably the best “standalone” case in the series, in that it doesn’t rely on any emotional connections to previous cases (unlike 2-2 and 3-4) to still totally and completely rule.
A tier: Turnabout Samurai (1-3), Turnabout Reclaimed (5-DLC).
For Turnabout Samurai, I remembered before this replay how delightful the TV SHOW STUDIO investigation and actor-fandom stuff was; I had TOTALLY forgotten Vasquez calling in her mob connections to try and wreck you.  What a fantastic villain; what a fun case.
Turnabout Reclaimed is just good solid goofy nonsense.  Probably receives a boost for me in particular because, yeah, Simon Blackquill.  But then again who isn’t giving cases a boost on that account; they are MISSING OUT
B tier: The Stolen Turnabout (3-2).  Ron and Desirée are so great sighs into hands
C tier: Listing roughly in order of preference: Turnabout Academy (5-3), Turnabout Serenade (4-3), Turnabout Sisters (1-2), Recipe for a Turnabout (3-3), Rite of the Turnabout (6-3), Rise from the Ashes (1-5).
Four of these (5-3, 4-3, 1-2, 3-3) are perfectly solid cases; I just don’t love them quite as much as “thievery hijinks” or “Hollywood hijinks” or other such particularly delightful flavors.  Everyone has a favorite flavor of Jolly Rancher and all that.
Rite of the Turnabout is interesting and connected with the larger themes of the game in a cool way, and makes good use of the divination mechanic.  However, the last bit gets twisty enough to actually be kind of confusing, and said larger themes of the game are... kinda hard for me to take seriously... which, yeah, leads to it feeling a little stilted when it really should be singing.
Rise from the Ashes landed awkwardly for me.  I know it was added well after the first game’s release, and it does a good job of continuing some of the cool stuff from that game—it’s neat, in isolation, to see Phoenix and Edgeworth working together (while still sniping at each other!), and some of the DS-specific mechanics are neat.  However, I just didn’t feel like I learned quite enough about Ema and Lana to care about them like I should, and retconning “(almost certainly true) rumors that Edgeworth was involved in Shady Shit TM” into “actually Edgeworth was totally ignorant of Shady Shit TM, like at worst his crime was willful ignorance / incuriosity, he was just been manipulated by the Police Chief”... makes Edgeworth less interesting to me!  Like, it’s cool to see Edgeworth caught off-guard and under pressure, but I wish the circumstances had been different?  Also Gant’s theme song is annoying as shit, which is petty but hey this is my blog post so
D tier: Turnabout Storyteller (6-4), Turnabout Corner (4-2), Turnabout Big Top (2-3), The Monstrous Turnabout (5-2).
Turnabout Storyteller has some fun gags with My Dude Simon and also Taka, but was heavily marred by Everyone Talking Down To Athena The Entire Fucking Case Oh My God Can You All Just Shut Up.
Turnabout Corner has... lots of fun elements but... look the fucking stolen-panties setup just grates ok
I don’t think I hate Turnabout Big Top the way most people seem to, but I did find the final murder setup more annoying that I remembered this playthrough—bro you were really sure the dude was going to conveniently stand right there and the heavy statue was definitely going to strike a killing blow and not just give the guy a concussion?  ok lol
The Monstrous Turnabout suffers mostly from poor puzzle/investigation design, being too hand-hold-y, and also having a core gimmick/setting that just wasn’t really my thing.  Alas!
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ticklykitty216 · 3 years
Pssst- good dad Byron giving his edgy son (Edgar) cheer up tickles-
(After 3 thousand years I finally wrote this!!)
(Ok so this story ended up being way longer than I thought it was, so I went ahead and put a little “ ** “ for where the actual tickling starts happening if you just want to skip to that part in the story)
Byron and Colette entered their shared house, bruised and beaten. They’d been on a losing streak since the beginning of the week, and it was starting to get on their nerves.
“When did Penny get so good at aiming?” Byron grumbled to himself as he set his case down on the floor and sunk into a chair, “I heard Piper had helped her out! God, I wish Piper would help me with my aim!~” Colette sighed as she plunked down in a chair across from Byron. Byron looked around the room before turning his attention back to Colette, “Hey, have you seen Ed-”
The front door quickly opened and slammed shut, both Byron and Colette jumped and turned to see Edgar storm past the living room and up the stairs “Edgar don’t slam the-!” but it was too late, Byron heard Edgar slam the door to his bedroom and growled slightly, “Found him...” Colette said sarcastically. “Why’s he so pissed?” Byron turned to Colette and shrugged “He’s sick of losing.” Byron rolled his eyes “We all are, but you don’t see me slamming doors and yelling.” Byron retorted.
“You don’t get it,” Colette said and leaned forward “Ever since he joined he’d been winning every single battle he entered, I guess everyone’s learned all his tricks and now he can’t seem to win any match he’s in!” Colette said, slightly yelling the last part. Byron raised and eyebrow “So?” “SO?! Edgar’s been losing it over this, the other day he lost a 1v1 with Colt. He LOST, to COLT.” Colette said, leaning so far forward in her chair she almost fell out of it, “It doesn’t help that Colt’s been rubbing the loss in his face every time he sees him...” Colette said leaning back in the chair with her arms crossed.
Byron hummed, a little annoyed that Edgar would get so worked up over a few losses, but he guess he could understand the frustration, when he also first started brawling he was undefeated for a bit, but the then suddenly started losing. “Let me go talk to him.” Byron said getting up, “Good luck, knowing Edgar and the way he’s acting you’re going to need it...” Colette slumped down in the chair and rested her head on her hand, and started to doze off.
Byron trudged up the stairs and down the hall, passing both his and Colette’s room until he reached the end of the hallway and a door with multiple “Do Not Enter” and “Do Not Disturb” signs on it. “Edgar?” Byron knocked on the door and listened “GO. AWAY.” Edgar yelled through the door, his voice was slightly muffled. “Edgar, sitting around in your room sulking isn’t going to change anything!” Byron said and tested the door, he was slightly surprised to find that the door was unlocked. Byron stood there for a second, when he didn’t hear Edgar respond he sighed and tightened his grip on the doorknob, straighten himself and inhaled “I’m coming in Edgar.” Byron announced.
Byron entered the room and couldn’t help but look around, the curtains on his window were pulled shut, leaving the room relatively dark, which didn’t help much with the fact that mostly everything Edgar owned was either black or a dark shade of another color. He had multiple “Edgy” (God, Byron hated that word) bands on the walls and a few other memorabilia strewn across the walls and floors.
Byron’s eyes finally landed on Edgar, he was lying face down on his bed, shoes kicked off near the door, and his scarf was hung up on a hook next to his bed, Edgar’s scarf limply waved at Byron as he approached the bed, and Byron stiffly waved back. “Get out of my room!” Edgar yelled, before burying his face deeper into his pillow, Byron huffed through his nose and rolled his eyes, he managed to get this far and he wasn’t about to give up now. He sat at the end of Edgar bed and took another deep breathe before quietly saying, “Colette told me you’ve been sour because you keep losing matches?” Byron watched as Edgar stiffened on his bed before he quickly turned to glare at Byron, “Whatever that crazy stalker told you is all a bunch of lies!” Edgar snarled before he went back to burying his face in his pillow.
Byron smirked despite himself, he always thought it was funny when Edgar got mad about Colette, he shook his head and tried again, “Edgar, it’s fine to be upset about losing. We’ve all have our fair share of losing streaks, but like I said, sitting around and sulking isn’t going to help you win battles.” Byron said and Edgar let out a dry bark of laughter, “What do you know about losing? Do the other brawlers rub it in your face every time you mess up? Do they laugh when they kick your ass into the dirt?!” Edgar hissed before he turned on his side, his back now facing Byron and he curled up into a tight ball with his face still in the pillow.
Byron felt a little guilty for the teen. He hadn’t realized the others had been so rude to him, though deep down Byron knew it wasn’t entirely undeserved, Edgar had grown cocky from all his victories and would sometimes act like he could do anything. Byron looked down at the curled up boy before he, very hesitantly and awkwardly placed his right hand on the teens side. “I didn’t realize the others were antagonizing you.” Byron said and Edgar tried to move away from his touch “Oh really? Just the other day I saw you laughing along with Bull and Mortis when I failed my jump and got my ass kicked by Spike!” Edgar growled. “Or that time in Brawl Ball when I’d ran straight into Shelly with her super? You were practically sobbing with laughter at that!!” Edgar yelled, “You don’t feel bad, you’re just saying that so I’d stop being an inconvenience to you, just go away and laugh with the others at my expense.” Edgar said and tried again to move away Byron’s hand.
Byron was stunned. He hadn’t expected Edgar to talk to him like that, and he certainly didn’t like what he’d been implying with that last bit. Byron left his hand squeeze Edgar’s side, “Now listen here-” Byron felt the teen tense and twitch beneath him and heard this strange, half choked sound leave Edgar.
The older man blinked in confusion, and repeated the process. Edgar twitched and made another sound, before he turned his head slightly, he face was half buried in the pillow and he glared at Byron “Don’t.” he growled.
It took a moment for Byron to realize what Edgar had meant, but when he did, this time he really couldn’t help but smirk. Byron turned on the bed so he was facing Edgar more and looked down at him “Don’t what Edgar?” Byron asked trying to make himself sound innocent “D-Don’t touch me!” Edgar stuttered out and tried to move away, but Byron just tightened his grip ever so slightly and Edgar squeaked.
“Why not Edgar?” Byron asked and leaned over him “Does it tickle?” Byron almost bursted out laughing at the face Edgar pulled when he said that. Edgar layed there looking like a deer in headlights before he tried to fling himself off the bed.
** Byron hadn’t expected him to do that, Byron quickly grabbed the back of Edgar’s shirt with his left hand and pulled him back, his right hand shot to Edgar’s other side to pull him closer, this also subsequently rolled Edgar onto his back. “BYRON!!” Edgar screeched and started to hit him with the pillow in his arms, Byron grabbed the pillow from Edgar’s hands and threw it off the bed, and he moved so he was now kneeling over Edgar (he was still at the teens side).
Byron smirked and placed his hands on both of Edgar’s sides and squeezed roughly, a choked squeal came out of Edgar and his face heated up “Byrohohon dohohon’t you dahahare!!” Edgar giggled out and grabbed at Byron’s wrists and tried to push them away. “Don’t do what Edgar? I don’t understand, you won’t give me a straight answer!” Byron said and started to rapidly squeeze the boy’s sides.
Edgar’s eyes widened before he shut them tightly and tried to curl up, all the while trying desperately not to laugh, “D-Dohohohon’t tihihihickle me!” he hissed through gritted teeth, Byron hummed before a chuckle escaped him “Tickle you? Well, why didn’t you say so? I’d be more than happy too!~” Byron teased before he started to skitter his fingers up and down Edgar’s sides.
That was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Edgar gasped before a long squeal escaped him, and then the laughter broke through. Edgar started to kick at the bed and shook his head rapidly from side to side as he laughed and pushed at Byron’s wiggling fingers, “B-BYHIHIHIHIROHOHOHON NOHOHOHOHOHO, STOHOHOP!!” Edgar laughed out as he started to wiggle from side to side, anything to escape the older mans grip. Byron himself laughed at the display, he’d never seen the teen react like this, and he’d never realized Edgar was so ticklish!
“Stop? But Edgar, I’m just getting started!” Byron teased as he brought his left hand up to his ribs and his right went to Edgar’s stomach. “NOHOHOHO! NOHOHOHO!! I SWEAHAHAHAR TOHO GOHOHOD OLD M-M-MAHAHAHAN!” Edgar was really starting to thrash now, and Byron was starting to lose his grip. He quickly moved and was now straddling his hips, Edgar’s faced turned another shade of red “G-Gehehet off ohohohof mehehe!!” Edgar giggled as Byron adjusted himself.
“You were right about one thing Edgar,” Byron said as his hand returned to Edgar’s sides “I... I have been laughing a lot at you...” Byron said quietly and Edgar glared up at Byron while his finger ever so slightly scribbled into him “But, now I think it’s your turn to laugh Edgar, you deserve it, plus, laughing is good for your morale!” Byron said before quickly digging his fingers into the boys ribs.
Edgar squawked and gasped before a screechy laugh tore out of him “B-BYHIHIHIRON NOHOHO, HAHAHA, STOHOHOP!! N-NOHOHOT THERE!!!” Edgar screamed as he started to thrash from side to side “Not there? You mean here?” Byron asked as his fingers started to scratch at the little spaces between Edgar’s ribs “Why not? Does it tickle too much?” Byron sneered and laughed when he felt Edgar try and push his arms away “YEHEHEHEHESS!! IHIHIHIHIT’S TOHOHOHOHO MUHUHUHUCH!!” Edgar squealed out and started to slap at Byron’s arms. “Well, if that’s too much for you, then what about here?~” Byron said, seeing an opportunity and quickly shoved his hands up to Edgar’s armpits.
Edgar for a few seconds went silent, his face stuck in shock before a loud squeal, peeled out of him “ACK! EEEEEEHEHEHEHE- AHAHAHAHA! NO NO NO NOHOHOHOHO!! BYHIHIHIHIROHOHON PLEHEHEHEASE!” Edgar howled as he tossed his head back and arched his back, Byron himself started laughing along with him “Well! Aren’t you just a little bit ticklish, eh?” Byron snickered when Edgar started to shake his head “BYRON! PLEHEHEHEASE I-I! IHIHIHI CAHAHAN’T- *Snort*.” Edgar clamped his arms down on Byron’s hands, as his own hands shot to his mouth to cover them, and his face turned beet red.
Byron tossed his head back and started laughing like crazy “Did you just SNORT?!” Byron laughed as Edgar shut his eyes and wiggled like crazy “SHUHUHUHUT UHUHUHUP!!” Edgar said while laughing through his hands “Hoho! I want to hear you snort again!” Byron said clawing at Edgar’s armpits. “NOHOHO!! BY-HAHAHA-BYHIHIHIROHOHON I CAHAHAHAN’T TAHAHAKE IHIT ANY-HEHE-MOHOHORE!!” Edgar cackled while his hands left his mouth to squeeze Byron’s arms.
Byron sighed but still smiled, his hands started to travel back down to his ribs, and then back to his sides and they’d occasionally skitter over the top of Edgar’s belly, “You really can’t take it anymore?” Byron asked, he even tilted his head to the side for effect “Yehehehes! Plehehease stohohop!” Edgar giggled, his hands slid to Byron’s wrists and he weakly pushed against them. “Are you going to keep sulking and moping around in your room?” Byron asked and Edgar turned his head to the side, giggled a few times before he looked back, and slightly glared up at the older man “Nohohoho...” he finally responded. Edgar sucked in a quick breath before his gaze hardened on Byron “Ahahahare yohohou gohohonna kehehehep laughing ahahahat mehe when Ihihi mess up?” Edgar asked and Byron’s face fell and a guilty looked passed over him.
Byron stopped tickling Edgar and he put his hands on top of his thighs, “No Edgar, I’m sorry I laughed at you in the first place. I didn’t realize how much it got to you...” Byron said and with a huff he got off of Edgar. Edgar was still lying down and giggled every now and then, but he eventually sat up and he gave a wary look at Byron. Byron offered a small smile to him and a chuckle escaped him “Do you feel better from laughing?” he asked, Edgar’s eyes widened and his cheeks and ears turned pink “What?! N-No!” he yelled and wrapped his arms around his sides and looked away. Byron laughed at his reaction.
“Aaaaww! Does this mean you guys have all made up with each other?!” Both Byron and Edgar looked at the bedroom door to see Colette standing there “Colette?! H-How long have you been there?!” Edgar yelled at her, “Oh, I came up when I heard you start screaming the first time!” Colette said innocently and put her arms behind her back and rocked on the balls of her feet “Man, I knew you were loud Edgar, but I didn’t think you’d be THAT loud!” Colette said and smirked at him “I’m gonna document this in my scrapbook!” she said and tore down the hallway.
Edgar sputtered for a minute before he jumped off his bed and ran after Colette, “COLETTE! I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU WRITE ABOUT THIS IN YOUR CREEPY SCRAPBOOK I’LL BURN THE DAMN THING!!!” Edgar screamed at her, Byron laughed as he casually sauntered out of the emo teen’s room.
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teamsarawatshusband · 3 years
Word Of Honor - 1st watch insta thoughts - Episode 6
First of all, as I gained a lot of new followers, just an FYI: This is me watching Word of Honor for the first time and writing down my thoughts as I go. Mostly it's me being confused as hell and giving all the characters weird names, because I can't remember the real ones. If this is not your thing, feel free to skip these posts and maybe blacklist "smirklord"
If you do choose to read along, please know that these are the most important characters:
Zhou Zi Shu = Baby Zi Shu/ Zhou Xu lord guy/alcoholic tanned tragic hero lord guy Wen Ke Xing = Smirky Xing/Smirky fan guy Gu Xiang = Purple Girl/my Purple Love/my Purple Queen Smirklord is my personal ship name for Zhou Zi Shu and Wen Ke Xing.
Previous episodes are here.
To anybody who was here before: Sorry that it took me so long to continue this. I accidentally came across a spoiler about my purple queen and I was pretty bummed about it. So I stopped watching for a while. Also, the show is getting more complex and I'm having a harder time remembering who everybody is. But anyway, let's go!
Episode 6:
LOL, Smirky Xing called Baby Xu Mom and wants to be carried. He's so cute when hallucinating.
Anyway, I'm glad Smirky Xing saved Baby Xu. Now, what's the thing he captured?
Baby Xu is hurt, thankfully he's also like a travelling pharmacist.
Oh, Smirky Xing, can I just point out that I have never before seen anybody accuse another person of being a serial killer with such a lovestruck expression on their face. And why do you keep insisting that you’re a good guy when nobody accused you of anything?
Oh, so the zombies and mummies weren't dead, but... living people controlled by someone? What?
LOL, "Do you have a dagger?" and Smirky Xing instantly pulls one out of his sleeve like it's no big deal, and who knows what else he keeps in there.
Ewww, is Baby Xu going to go stabbing at his own wounds? Please no.
Ewww, ewww, ewww. Oh, he's sucking out the poison I guess.
Waaah, what is Smirky Xing going to. - Oh. OMGOMGOMGOMG, eww, but also YESSS, you go for that shoulder kiss, honey, YES!  (Sorry, I had to rewind that moment a couple times). Let's rename Smirky Xing to Kissy Xing.
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Oh, and this once and for all gave Baby Xu's diguise away. He didn't put make-up on his shoulder.
'Can you show me your real appearance' my ass. He wants to see you naked. And Baby Xu reminds him of consent. I mean, trust. But, really... consent.
OMG, "you can touch it." Yes! Touch it Baby Xu! Touch it!!!  Kissy Xing gave his permission!!!
Oooooh, they're dancing again!!!
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OMG, they're going to the lake. Is this gonna turn into the dirty dancing lifting figure scene? PLEASE?
I don't even care, this 100% counts as the lifting scene.
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Dude, what? Can you not swim? Baby Xu? You okay? He fell into the water, okay. But why doesn't he get back to the surface?????
Does he want to be saved? Please tell me he's not drowning. :O Kissy Xing looks so worried.
Whoa, where did his mask go? :O :O :O
Okay, okay, okay. Clothes on the drying rack, they're basically in their undies. And kissy Xing can't stop staring at Baby Xu's real face.
Real face baby Xu looks so much softer. Still pissy though, did he seriously just wipe the bottle neck? Come on, man. You had his lips suck on your skin already. I'm sure you can take his spit.
So kissy Xing's name is really Wen Ke Xing. And his face is really his face. I do wanna trust him so much. His voice is so soft all of a sudden. Wahhhh.
Oh, so the item they captured was from hanging ghost? But not the real one?
Kissy Xing, you killed the ghost guy while Baby Xu wanted to interrogate him. You say it was a mistake cause you were worried, but you could still very well be nuts guy and make sure nobody gives you away!
I feel a bit like Brad Pitt in Seven. WHAT'S IN THE BOX???!!!!
Zhou Zi Shu! Kissy Xing said the name. HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT!!! He recognized him!!!! He knows who he is. But he doesn't say so to his face. Why is everything so confusing???
Should I call Baby Xu Baby Zi Shu from now on?
Noo, don't cut away from smirklord, I wanna keep watching smirklord!
Meh, some stupid guitar guy doing a Jimmi Hendrix impression and lots of dead guys, who might not actually be dead standing in line for the concert tickets.
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Some tall hat guy. Who is he? He gets VIP acess.
Is it just me or do you also find it annoying when they're playing instruments and the music doesn't match the finger movements?
Ok, Hendrix guy is scorpion king. Is he related to the scorpion assassins? Anyway, he's got really cool hair. Total rockstar vibes.
Tall hat guy is trying to be charming and coming across like a record label manager.
Okay, so they both don't know what happened and who killed the other ghost guy. Oh, wait, is tall hat guy the one who stole the glazed armor from uncle Zhao? Is the item that Kissy Xing and Baby Zi Shu captured a piece of glazed armor??? :O
Ok, tall hat guy is changing ghost.
Back to Smirklord! YES!
Okay, Baby Zi Shu figured out the item box thing? Is the blue glass thing the glazed armor??? Tbh, it looks a bit like the plastic part of some kid's braces.
Yooo, Kissy Xing coming in hot with the rabbit dowry.
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Whoa, Baby Zi Shu just throws the glazed armor over to Kissy Xing, like it's no big deal. He really really doesn't want it. Nice return gift, though.
Okay, what is this flirting? Baby Zi Shu keeps stating that he's a bad guy you need to be terrified of, much like Kissy Xing kept saying he's a good guy. And now he's calling Kissy Xing a trouble.
LOL, Kissy Xing agrees on the gift idea. He wants to carry it on his body. Nice.
K, k, it's uncle Zhao's glazed armor. The kid must have his own armor somehow. And the ghost guys are trying to play all the other parties and make them doubt each other. I see.
Kissy Xing is so whipped, wow. He'll do anything, including gutting the rabbits.
LOL, they're trying to give the kid food. Like that EVER worked before at all. No, uncle Zhao, you dimwit, he does NOT have a good appetite, lol.
Why is everybody giving the kid a hard time about crying. His family got murdered, his two adopted dads left him all alone with the two weird uncles... Of course he's gonna cry. Duh.
Ah, geez, Uncle Shen, just shut up. You know nothing. (he's not smart enough to be called a-hole guy anymore, sorry)
Okay, so, three glazed armor pieces have been stolen from their owners. But Uncle Zhao still has his? Then whose piece was stolen the other night? What? And who is brother Lu? Was that the kid's dad?
Now there's two more older guys, who are they? Oh, one is Lord of Broken Sword Manor. Wait, wasn't that magenta guy? Or was that his son? Somebody PLEASE fill me in here.
The other one is brother Yu, whoever that is.
Seriously, every time pleated skirt soldier boss jerk uncle shen a-hole guy opens his mouth I wanna slap him.
Kissy Xing and Baby Zi Shu are wearing new clothes. When and where did they change? Were they together when they changed? Hehe, I need to know. For science.
They are returning to the bamboo woods and the bodies from the previous night are gone. Kissy Xing asks why Baby Zi Shu had the antidote to the hallucination drug. Actually, good question. Baby Zi Shu, why DID you have the antidote? Oh, it's a Window of Heaven thing?
WHATWHATWHAT? The illusion makes people see what they WANT THE MOST? And Baby Zi Shu drops this knowledge just like that while WE know that Kissy Xing called him by his real name, i.e. saw HIM, whilst under the illusion??? WHAT???
Nooo, Kissy Xing, why are you lying? Why won't you tell what you saw when you hallucinated? I wanna know too, gah!!!
Yo, Baby Zi Shu DEVELOPED the illusion drug? As a sleep remedy, lol. Nice.
K, who's the guy in the carriage at Sanbai Manor? Han Ying. Who is that? Have we seen him before?
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Did Baby Zi Shu just tell Kissy Xing the truth about himself killing people, setting them on fire etc.? That came out super smooth.
They're talking about this heroes conference that was mentioned before, but I have no idea what it is, and what it relates to. I'm so bad at remembering TV series plotlines... I'm assuming that this conference is where the uncles take the kid to.
Aww, Baby Zi Shu keeps close by and watches over the kid.
Kissy Xing wants 30 copies of the glazed armor piece. And he is freaking rich, man.
Waaaah, my purple queen! I've missed her so much. And she's kept the other girls around. And they're playing strip mahjong, apparently, lol. Yes, good for her! Also, Bechdel test passed! Nice.
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Where are they anyway? Which town is this? Was this mentioned, did I miss it?
K, so Kissy Xing wants to pay the two girls out so they'll leave (very obviously), but they don't want to. Is he going to make my queen kill them after all? And she gives him nuts in return. Hmm. I mean, seriously. He MUST be nuts guy. There were SO MANY hints.
Oh, he lets them stay and become My queen's servants.
What? What is this secret plan? What are they gonna do with the fake pieces of glazed armor?
Noooooo, don't end here!!!!!
Okay, what have I learned: Baby Zi Shu's real name! And that Kissy Xing knows him from somewhere. Also learned what glazed armor pieces look like. My queen loves playing strip mahjong. And people are meeting up for some heroes conference.
Goals for future episodes: Find out how Kissy Xing and Baby Zi Shu know each other. Finally finish that name chart thing and add all the new people, omg.
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ashyblondwaves · 3 years
HCs/ snippets for different scenarios in which Wanda can't get enough of Vision or Vision can't get enough of Wanda?
Is Vision ever just walking down the hall and Wanda opens the door to their bedroom/ any room to drag him inside and all you hear is a yelp before the door slams shut?
Is Wanda ever just folding laundry while Vision is cleaning the kitchen and suddenly she's on her back and Vision has phased them into an entirely different part of the house?
Do either of them have any outfits that the other says they can't wear in front of them or they'll never leave the house? Like instant boner type vibes?
Do they have a shower chair that they said they bought for Wanda during her pregnancy with the boys so she could sit and rest her feet etc but they use it to this day so Wanda can take the ride of her life on Vision's lap?
Or so Wanda's face is at perfect dick height when she's sitting? It probably does come in handy during both pregnancies when they need a comfortable position to bang in but fitting everyone (fetuses included) in the shower is a bit tough?
Do they ever get a little bit of reverse cowgirl action in? Just like on the couch (when the kids are asleep upstairs or not born yet) or in the bed while Vision sits against the headboard? Is there ever anything on the TV and they both try to watch it early on but the dick/ coochie is too good?
What are different ways that either one is possessive over the other? Either in public or private? How do they handle the paparazzi?
Weirdest thing that made Wanda cry during her pregnancies? Was it different for each pregnancy? (inspired by Angela from bones crying at the Shamwow commercial).
What are weird things that make Vision emotional? Does he cry at the animal commercials with Arms of an Angel playing in the background?
Do Wanda and Vision keep morning sex in the bedroom? Are more locations fair game so long as the kids are not home/ not within earshot/ asleep still? Something about Wanda and Vision banging one out on the kitchen counter while the coffee is brewing and they talk about who is picking people up from school later is just hilarious and also super sexy.
Does Vision get nervous/ overprotective when his wife or children have to go to the doctor for something? Is everybody else super calm? Does Wanda have to hold Vision's hand while SHE gets a shot or a physical?
Does Vision kiss Wanda's hands like in the movies?
Is the Maximoff household very affectionate? Do Wanda and Vision hug the kiddos and kiss their tiny foreheads every chance they get? Do the kids love to hug one another all the time? Do they have to adjust when they realize not everybody does this? Are they confused when they find out that not all of their friend's parents are disgustingly in love?
That was fun!
HCs/ snippets for different scenarios in which Wanda can't get enough of Vision or Vision can't get enough of Wanda? Absolutely when Wanda is pregnant and in her second trimester. She’s finally feeling good again, not sick. Isn’t so big she can’t move just yet (but getting there quick with two babies!) and those hormones are raging. Everything about Vision is a turn on. His voice his quirks, even any little annoying things he does. Vision is the same, seeing Wanda pregnant. There’s something about it for him. That second trimester had a lot of orgasms. 
Is Vision ever just walking down the hall and Wanda opens the door to their bedroom/ any room to drag him inside and all you hear is a yelp before the door slams shut? It has happened once or twice. Most of the time Wanda can reel it in and keep her composure, but there are weak days when she can’t resist her man. They’re forever in the honeymoon stage. 
Is Wanda ever just folding laundry while Vision is cleaning the kitchen and suddenly she's on her back and Vision has phased them into an entirely different part of the house? This is tough because I’m not sure Vision can phase another person. He wasn’t able to phase Wanda through the door in the first episode of WV, so I’m not entirely sure! We need more info, Marvel!
Do either of them have any outfits that the other says they can't wear in front of them or they'll never leave the house? Like instant boner type vibes? I mean, whatever that diddy was Vision wore in the 80′s episode. The suit and then he took off the coat and rolled up the sleeves. If they weren’t fighting in that episode, they would’ve been fucking. You can’t tell me Wanda wasn’t eyeballing Vision in that outfit. 
Do they have a shower chair that they said they bought for Wanda during her pregnancy with the boys so she could sit and rest her feet etc but they use it to this day so Wanda can take the ride of her life on Vision's lap? Oooh look at you reading my mind. I’ve actually got a scene in the works that involves a shower seat and that’s all I’m gonna say about that!
Or so Wanda's face is at perfect dick height when she's sitting? It probably does come in handy during both pregnancies when they need a comfortable position to bang in but fitting everyone (fetuses included) in the shower is a bit tough? I won’t say yet LOL
Do they ever get a little bit of reverse cowgirl action in? Just like on the couch (when the kids are asleep upstairs or not born yet) or in the bed while Vision sits against the headboard? Is there ever anything on the TV and they both try to watch it early on but the dick/ coochie is too good? Oh hell yeah. My headcanon is that Wanda loves being on top so reverse cowgirl would probably be a staple for them. Vision also likes to watch while he’s sitting back against the headboard, if you catch my drift. 
What are different ways that either one is possessive over the other? Either in public or private? How do they handle the paparazzi? They’re more clingy than possessive, if that makes sense. They just want to be together and around one another. It borders on possessive but doesn’t quite go that far. Thankfully there aren’t many paps in Westview New Jersey but when they go to the compound, that’s a different story. They just keep on and do what they have to do, ignoring the calls for comments on Wanda’s pregnancy or their relationship. 
Weirdest thing that made Wanda cry during her pregnancies? Was it different for each pregnancy? (inspired by Angela from bones crying at the Shamwow commercial). I’m projecting this one, because it happened to me when I was pregnant with my daughter. She cried watching a McDonald’s commercial. (It was very sweet, ok? I was touched). 
What are weird things that make Vision emotional? Does he cry at the animal commercials with Arms of an Angel playing in the background? OMG I hate those fucking commercials. Then at Christmas time they play Silent Night. How RUDE. Vision really spends more time trying to understand why a human would treat an animal that way, I think. He gets emotional over his family. Billy pooped on the potty? Vision is emotional. 
Do Wanda and Vision keep morning sex in the bedroom? Are more locations fair game so long as the kids are not home/ not within earshot/ asleep still? Something about Wanda and Vision banging one out on the kitchen counter while the coffee is brewing and they talk about who is picking people up from school later is just hilarious and also super sexy. Morning sex is free reign. It could happen first thing in bed, slow and hot or in the shower after they get up, or on the counter after they’ve already started their day. Once the kids come along though that happens less and less just because little eyes don’t need to see their parents railing each other. So once the boys were in big boy beds and could get out of bed and wander the morning sex mostly stayed in the bedroom unless they knew the boys would not be around. Sleepovers or that kind of thing. 
Does Vision get nervous/ overprotective when his wife or children have to go to the doctor for something? Is everybody else super calm? Does Wanda have to hold Vision's hand while SHE gets a shot or a physical? YES! Vision gets very nervous because let’s be real here, he’s almost a walking WebMD. His mind can go from whooping cough to lung cancer in an instant and he always seems to fear the worst, even during a routine checkup for the boys. 
Does Vision kiss Wanda's hands like in the movies? Yeeeeeeessss. Those hands get hella kissed. 
Is the Maximoff household very affectionate? Do Wanda and Vision hug the kiddos and kiss their tiny foreheads every chance they get? Do the kids love to hug one another all the time? Do they have to adjust when they realize not everybody does this? Are they confused when they find out that not all of their friend's parents are disgustingly in love? They’re extremely affectionate. The boys see their parents often embracing or kissing (chaste, of course cause little ones) and they get many hugs from mom and dad so they’re naturally affectionate as well as they get older and find partners of their own. 
That was fun! It was! Thanks for stopping by! <3
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billyhardgrove · 5 years
4 and 76 w/ billy ?
4: “I’m too sober for this.”
76: “Please put your penis away.”
Enjoy xx (Also thanks for over 1000 followers!!)
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It all started with the keg stand, then the beer pong, then the body shots, then the keg stand again, and again, and again. Billy was fucking drunk. No, scratch that. Billy was fucking smashed, hammered, well-and-truly-fucked. And just the thought of being the one responsible for him tonight almost led you to the half full tequila bottle tempting you to drink in order to make the process easier. But you couldn’t really afford both of you being wasted that night.
“Billy, c’mon, we’ve gotta go.” You tugged on his arm trying to get his attention. He was in the middle of sticking his tongue down some girl’s throat and you really didn’t want to interrupt, but you knew that if you didn’t interrupt now then that would lead Billy to take the girl upstairs and you wouldn’t be able to leave the party for another hour.
Pulling back from the girl, he glared at you and how you were cockblocking him. “Just gimme twenty more minutes.” He told you, smirking back to the girl suggestively before making the move of leaning in again, but you stopped him.
“No, Billy, let’s go now.” You insisted, pulling him away from the girl again. You were doing this for his sake anyway. “It’s late and you were supposed to be home over two hours ago. Your dad will have your neck if you’re late again-“
“Fuck my dad.” He slurred, partially rolling his eyes but you couldn’t be sure because he was so drunk. Once again returning his attention to the girl, you weren’t going to let him make this worse. So you did what you had to do.
Grabbing a hold of his ear as if he were a child, you tugged him away finally, leading him through the house and toward the front door.
“Ok, ok, ok.” Billy whined, stumbling as he tried to keep up with you. “I can walk on my fucking own.” He grunted as you released his ear and tried to hold him upright. “That really fucking hurt.” He added, rubbing childishly at his ear while giving you a death glare but you merely rolled your eyes at him.
The pair of you walked over to where his Camaro was parked, Billy tripping over air a couple of times in that distance, before you opened the passenger side for him. He just stared at you as if you had two heads.
“Gimme your keys.” You told him, holding your hand out for them.
“What?” He snorted in disbelief. “I’m not giving you my fucking keys, I can drive myself.”
“Billy, you can’t even see how many fingers I’m holding up right now never mind drive.” You scolded him, while lifting up your middle finger to him as he squinted at your hand.
“Yes, I can. Uh, twenty-seven?” He asked before clocking on to what he said and giggling giddily at his own words.
You couldn’t fight the smile on your lips as he grinned to the ground at himself. You couldn’t lie, drunk Billy – especially this drunk Billy – was your favourite to be around. All child-like and happy, you didn’t mind it. It was when he decided to be an aggressive, violent drunk that he was a pain to handle, especially when he decided to start a fight with anyone that walked in front of him.
Here was the thing; Billy and you were friends, just friends. You never dated, never kissed, never slept together, much to the whole school’s surprise. Everyone was certain you guys just fucked when you hung out when really you did everything but. Your relationship just wasn’t like that (no matter how much you perhaps wanted it to be different). Billy enjoyed making his way through the girls of Hawkins and you just watched idly from the side lines at how every girl acted the exact same way around him; giggly, desperate and overly-seductive. And each one always grew angry when Billy would end it after they fucked because they truly thought they were the one to ‘change’ bad-boy Billy. You couldn’t lie, you did feel bad for most of them but sometimes it was satisfying to see some of the bitchiest and nastiest girls grow annoyed at him for treating them the same as every other girl. But never were you treated like that. No, you were the only exception.
Walking towards the boy, you hoked around in his jeans pockets trying to retrieve his car keys.
“Oh, y/n, I didn’t think you felt that way about me.” He taunted, poking fun at how close your hands were to his junk even though you were just reaching into his pocket.
“Oh, good God – I’m too sober for this.” You groaned, finally finding the goddamn keys before helping Billy into the passenger seat. Aiding him in putting on his seat belt, you quickly made your way to the driver’s side, trying to make this trip back to Billy’s as quick and easy as possible.
“Don’t you dare fucking crash my car.” Billy slurred, drunkenly pointing his finger to you.
“I wouldn’t dare.”
The drive back was bearable. Billy mostly stayed in his seat, sometimes air-guitaring to a song that wasn’t even playing and sometimes just drumming his hands on the dashboard. You would have to say it was probably one of the fewer tolerable rides you’d had with the drunk boy.
Finally pulling into his driveway, you switched off the car engine before glancing to the house where it didn’t appear to have any lights on. You took that as a good sign at least for that would mean you wouldn’t have to encounter a furious Neil. You couldn’t begin to imagine what he would be like to Billy if he caught him stumbling through the house way later than they had agreed and fucked up beyond all repair. You would’ve hoped that you being there would’ve tamed the man, but part of you wouldn’t put it past Neil Hargrove to let all fury rip at Billy, even with an audience. But thank God, it looked like you wouldn’t have to worry about that tonight.
Helping Billy out of the car, you practically carried the guy through the front door as quietly as possible. Dragging him through the hallway, you made it to his bedroom, closing the door ever so gently after you. Finally, you were in the clear.
Dropping the him face first onto his bed, Billy groaned at you. “M’ jerms.”
“Huh?” You questioned, not understanding as his words were muffled against his mattress.
Lifting his head ever so slightly, he repeated. “My jeans.”
“Are you serious?” You asked. Was he really too drunk to pull off his own jeans?
“My jeans.” He repeated once more.
Sighing at him, you groaned. “Fine.”
You tugged the boy to sit upright to make it easier for you before finally you helped Billy remove his jeans as well as his t shirt. Lord knew they would be uncomfortable to sleep in, especially since his jeans were so tight.
But it was just as your back was to the boy as you folded up his jeans and placed them on his desk that he had a surprise waiting for you when you turned back around.
“Oh Jesus, Billy. Please put your penis away.” You gasped, holding your hands up in front of you face to block the sight you weren’t prepared for.
“But I sleep naked.” He whined, his boxer briefs stopped at his knees and you half expected him to stomp his foot in defiance.
“Well, I think just for tonight you can make an exception.” You told him before he finally decided to pull his underwear back up. Turning to climb back into his bed, you told him you would be back in a second before wandering to the kitchen and grabbing a glass of water and some aspirin. You hoped he had the worst hangover in the morning, especially after putting you through all this.
Walking back into his bedroom, you left the glass and tablets on his bedside cabinet before sitting yourself on the edge of his bed. Billy’s eyes were closed, his hair was in disarray upon his head and his mouth was slightly parted as he breathed deeply.
Reaching to brush a bit of his hair out of his face, you couldn’t help but smile at how peaceful he looked. Nine times out of ten, Billy’s face held a stiff frown or a knowing smirk, but right now he looked perfectly at peace. It was refreshing to see.
Pulling back your hand, you made the motion to get up from your bed, about to leave when Billy grumbled. “’ love you, y/n.”
You weren’t sure if he was awake, if he knew what he was saying, if he meant what he was saying, if it was meant in a platonic way, and perhaps that’s why you thought your heart had stopped altogether. You and Billy never told each other that you loved each other. It just wasn’t something you did.
“I mean it.” Billy then spoke again, one of his eyes peeking open to look at you. “I really just think that you’re the best girl in the world and that you’re too good to be my friend but I’m grateful that you are and I honestly think I’m going to marry you someday because you’re the only person that tolerates my bullshit and actually cares about me and I care about you a lot and you make living in this place ok and I just don’t want to ever lose you.” He rambled drunkenly and it was very clear that he wasn’t really paying attention to what he was saying.
“Alright Billy.” You grinned down at him, giggling softly at how much word vomit just came out of his mouth there. You gently rubbed your hand up and down his arm, taking his words with a pinch of salt.
“You’re laughing but I really think I am going to marry you.” He spoke, and there seemed to be an annoyed tone to his words and how you didn’t take him seriously, even though you could hardly take it as truth. “Will you marry me, y/n?” He asked innocently, his eyes now closed again as he rested but you could tell he was still awaiting your response.
“I uh…” You stared at the boy, a little baffled at the whole ridiculous conversation you were having. “Sure, Billy. I’ll marry you someday.” You told him, mainly just to shut him up and keep him satisfied more than anything, but maybe a part of you grew excited at the thought of you and Billy being something more than friends. But the realistic part of you knew that this was all just the alcohol spitting nonsense and that the blonde boy wouldn’t remember this in the morning.
And sure enough, when you teasingly brought it up to him the next day, prepared to mock him about it until the new year, he said he didn’t remember it. “I just remember that brunette at the party that you stopped me from fucking, anything after that is just a blur.” He had said. You couldn’t lie, you were a little disappointed but you surely expected it. It was silly to think he’d remember, especially with the amount he had to drink.
But little did you know, Billy was lying; he remembered everything from that night, and he still – even sober – thought it to be true.
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This is something i thought of a few days ago, but fo4 companions reacting to the sole survivor taking off their prosthetic leg/arm and hitting someone ( maybe one of the othet companions lol) with it after being annoying.
I wrote a few of these! Feel free to message me if you’d like other companions!
“All I’m saying is that if Aliens exist- then why is it so hard to believe there are microscopic robots in all of our food?”
“Ok- Tom- that’s a lot to unpack,” Tinker Tom was in one of his rants again that he would go into while everyone was trying to sleep. However, his ramblings normally got everyone up and talking. Sole always tried to argue with him, which was hilarious to Deacon. “First of all, Aliens aren’t real.”
“Hey now- that ain’t true!” Tom interrupted them, “I saw that UFO the other day!”
“And we’re supposed to believe in everything you see?” Glory takes Sole’s side, lifting her brow at Tom.
“Hey, if the man says he saw a UFO- then who are we to say he didn’t! I believe ya, Tinker.” Deacon scooted from his mattress to Tom’s, patting his back. He loved to side with Tom in these fights- mostly because he reveled in the chance to tease Sole.
“Thanks, Deeks, at least you know the truth.” Tom puts his arm around Deacon, glaring at the other, less believing crew. 
“Whatever, ok, Second of all, how did you go from Aliens to microscopic robots?” Sole ignores the idiots arm-in-arm in front of them and brings up their second point.
“That’s obvious! The Aliens make the tiny robots!” Deacon declares in a dramatic voice, and Tom gasps.
“Do you think so? Maybe that’s why they’re flying over the earth- they’ve been experimenting on us!” Tom sounded like he was on the cusp of revelation- and Glory groaned.
“Come on, Tom, you can’t be serious.”
“I’m sorry that you can’t open your mind to the possibilities, Glory. I’m just trying to be safe!” Tom takes a condescending tone, and Deacon anticipates a shitshow.
“Oh, and being safe means being an idiot?” Glory snaps, and Deacon ‘ooh’s.
“Being safe means suspecting everything! And you don’t suspect enough!” Tom spits back.
“I don’t, do I? Well, Tom, I ‘suspect’ you’re about to get your ass whooped-” Glory starts getting up, and Sole grabs her arm.
“Wait, beat him with this-” Sole grabs at their hip, feeling for something.
“You’re not actually gonna beat me up, Glory-” Tom begins to nervously ask, Deacon recoiling from his friend to prevent suffering the same fate. He’s interrupted by a loud POP.
“WhAT THE FUCK-” Glory yells, jumping back from Sole. Sole then lifts their whole leg into the air.
“Get ‘em with this!” Sole offers the leg over to Glory, and she backs up.
“Woah, Woah- hold on, you can’t just hand your leg over to someone!”
“Yeah, you need to take them to dinner first- at least.” Deacon quips, making Sole laugh. He’s known about Sole’s prosthetic leg for some time and especially knows their tendency to use it as a disciplinary weapon. He’s just glad he’s not the one to receive their calf of wrath at the moment.
“What, do you not know about my leg, Glory?” Sole gestures with the leg while talking, “Damn, I knew I forgot to tell someone. Well, you can still use it to beat up Tom. Here.” They continue to hold the leg to Glory.
Glory thinks for a moment, still trying to take in what had happened. Then she nods. “Ah, fuck it, gimme the leg.” She takes the leg from Sole and turns with a vicious look towards Tom. “I’ll show you just how safe you are-”
Deacon learned a lesson that night. Don’t give a prosthetic limb to Glory when she’s angry. Also, don’t wake Desdemona up in the middle of the night. Both things produce terrible, terrible consequences.
Nick Valentine-
It ended up being a late night in the office and Nick said he’d make up for it by buying drinks for Ellie and Sole. The trio went to the Dugout inn, preceding to the bar.
“Hello, Detectives! What will I be getting for you?” Vadim greeted them in the same, loud way he always did. Nick began to fish the money out of his trench coat pocket.
“Hi, Vadim. It’s gonna be a round for these two. My treat.” Nick pulled out his caps, sliding them across the bar to Vadim.
“Oh, I see…cruising, huh, Valentine?” Vadim graciously took the money, chuckling to himself.
“Excuse me?” What is that supposed to mean? Nick sure didn’t know, but based on the way they scoffed- Sole did. Ellie started giggling as well.
“Oh, come on, Nick…I always knew you were a smooth operator. But shouldn’t you be keeping it professional with these two?” Vadim laughed, turning to grab their beers. Nick thinks he was starting to understand.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Bobrov.” Nick’s internal fans were working in overdrive to keep him cool, and Ellie kept laughing at his sake.
“Oh-hoh, that’s how it is! Well, good luck in your-” Vadim hoots, turning to put the beers on the counter. His remark is cut off by Sole.
“Alright, that’s enough of that.” Sole suddenly tears their right arm off, whacking Vadim on the back of the head.
Wait. They what.
Ellie squeals, jumping and standing back from the now armless Sole. It takes her and Nick one more second to register the straps and cords coming out of the detached arm.
“You have a fake arm??” Ellie declares, more in relief than anything else.
“You didn’t know?” Sole seems surprised just the same as they were.
“How would we have found out?” Nick defends, staring at them in confusion. He still wasn’t quite sure what had happened, 
“That’s one way to shut him up.” Yedim chimes up, interrupting their bickering, and making Vadim laugh.
“Yes, yes, sorry for teasing you guys! Enjoy your drinks!” Vadim apologizes and pushing the beers over to the three. Sole puts their arm back on, and they and Ellie grab the drinks.
“Thank you, Vadim. And sorry about the arm.” Sole apologizes, and they walk to find their seats.
“Well, kid, good to know you’re armed at all times.” Nick quips, watching the anguish wash over Sole and Ellie’s faces.
“Oh god- was that a pun? I thought you were better than that, Nick.” Sole cringes and Nick grins victoriously.
“Okay, now you have to tell us what happened…” Ellie nudges Sole, ignoring Nick’s dad jokes.
“Fine, I lost it when…”
Paladin Danse- 
“No wayyy!” Haylen shoves sole on the shoulder with her bottle hand, nudging them gently as they put their hands up in defense.
“I swear! I was out of the vault for like, less than an hour and already killing deathclaws!” Sole tries to convince their crowd, shrugging with their beer.
Sole and few other brotherhood members were drinking together on the lower levels of the prydwen, something Danse was completely unaccustomed to. He wasn’t one to do anything out of protocol and wasn’t interested in activities that could lead to said behavior. But Sole, the ever-inviting harpy they could be, convinced him the initiates would benefit from seeing a Paladin more relaxed. “Show them you’re a person like the rest of us,” they said. Sure.
“That would explain your pre-existing combat prowess, charging into that ghoul onslaught when we met.” Danse joins the conversation, taking a sip of his Gwinnett Ale. Everyone looks to him quickly, surprise in the initiate’s eyes. True, he hasn’t spoken at all yet, but they don’t need to treat it like a big deal. Danse tucked his head down a bit.
“Would you call that ‘prowess’ or ‘reckless abandon’?” Rhys, charming as always, chimes up before Sole could accept the compliment. He was always thorny towards newcomers, but he seemed especially so to this pre-war Vault dweller. Danse has handled in-team conflicts before, but when they involved Rhys, it was always more complicated.
“I would call it bravery.” Haylen says, glaring a moment at Rhys and then smiling back at Sole. She was always the compassionate one.
“What’s so brave about almost killing yourself?” Rhys continues to bicker, waving his beer in the air.
“Killing myself? I think I was doing most of the killing there!” Sole teases, always loving to mess with Rhys. Danse wishes they wouldn’t.
“Oh really? I think you ought to remember your place here.” Rhys frowned.
“Should I? Who got the instant promotion? Who’s working directly with the Elder to defeat the institute?” Sole continues to poke his buttons, making the initiates watching “ooh”.
“That’s it-” Rhys gets to his feet, and then does Sole.
“Wait a minute, Soldiers,” Danse quickly hops to his feet to stop the fight, but is interrupted by Sole swiftly yanking their arm off and wielding it like a weapon.
Haylen doesn’t hesitate to scream at the sight, and even Rhys seems spooked.
“What?? Y’all didn’t know I have a fake arm?” Sole reacts with just as much surprise, waving the arm around like it was nothing.
“We had no idea, Soldier, I-I-” Danse awkwardly stares.
“Well, I can tell you how I lost it if Rhys will just shut his mouth.” Sole glares and Rhys does the same.
“Settle down you two.” Danse crosses his arms and gets them to back down, going back to their seated positions. “So, tell us about the arm.”
“Okay, so way back before the war….”
X6 would probably walk in on Sole knocking one of the institute directors on the head with their prosthetic arm and instantly become over-interested. He’d start inquiring about the technical abilities of their prosthetic, what weapons it was equipped with, how it could be improved.
“It doesn’t really have any abilities, other than functioning as an arm,” Sole sheepishly responded to the questions, embarrassed by the sudden attention.
“That doesn’t do at all, Sir/M’am. You should see the Robotics branch to get an upgrade. The face of the Institute deserves the best limb enhancers.” And so, through X6’s urging, Sole would end up with a wicked arm. Robotics would hook them up with like…inspector gadget style tricks all in the prosthetic. They’d honestly look part synth, which shortly became Sole’s new favorite thing to trick wastelanders into thinking. Thanks, X6!
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what-a-messsss · 4 years
1x8 rewatch
Oh nooooo, it’s the sex cult one, and I feel so bad about the gas station guy.  It’s one of the few times that Ruby actually gets a bit of screen time, which is grand because Ruby is the actual best, but she’s so sad.  
Kudos for the continuity of his truck still being a slammed up wreck.  I hope I notice when he gets it more or less fixed, just to see how long it took in the end.
I still have thoughts and feelings about Walt’s bear paw print buckle.  Why can’t he be the kind of friend that Henry deservessssssS?
Oh honey, Ruby.  Breakin’ my heart, here.  I have a sort of headcanon that in addition to just generally knowing everybody because she’s Ruby, that she would get to know the folx who run the places that would likely tend to end up calling in a bit more often (gas station owners, bartenders, DV advocates, shelter workers) a bit better.  But he was also her contemporary, so hell, they might have gone to high school together, or gone to the same dances as teens.  Basically I have lots of feelings about Ruby, and I dearly wish that she had had more screen time and character development.
Looool, Branch actually doing some decent police work.  
I am unreasonably fond of Ellis just because of the jackalope with the camera. 
GLASSES.  And these are Henry’s early glasses, excellent.  I am choosing not to ruminate on the fact that I have mentally ranked the glasses that he has throughout the series.  That mess of the cable is making me twitch, though.  I may not deal all that much with the sound equipment, but yeeeesh, that is not great for the cable.  He’s so pretty, though.
Again with the Ruby feels, with her working on the eulogy!  She’s so wonderful.
Early seasons Ferg falls into the trap of making the chubby guy clueless and ridiculous, but I mostly forgive the writers for that because he does get some character growth.  And he is practically a kid these early days.  He’s what, mid 20s or something?  ...whaaaaaat.  Whaaaaat??  I just googled, and the actor was 33 in S1.  Oof.  Well.  Then the character just had some, uh, room for personal growth.  >.>
Ooooooope, first introduction of Newett!  Supervisor simultaneously managing to be a tool, and to call out Walt and Vic on their little blackmail threat.  
Aaaaand then this is also why I forgive the writers about Ferg: he’s not a complete lump.  They give him his own quirks, but then those quirks do prove useful.  Nerd powers activate!  You go get your geology thang on, buddy.  BLESS HIM.  And then once Henry does realize that he’s onto something, he doesn’t belittle him, just rolls with the new information.
“The DMV again.  What, am I being punished for something?”  No Vic, it’s called being one of 3 deputies, so it’s your frickin’ job.  If you’re too high and lofty to do the job, why did you take it?  (I wanted to like her character, I swear I did.)
Tooooooooom Wopat.  Heh.  Wilkins is such an ass.  And it’s so very amusing to see him in that role, because, of course, the first role I saw him in was as Bo Duke in Dukes of Hazzard.  ...Bo would have grown up to be a better sheriff than Wilkins is, though, oil company shill that he is.  The mustache works for him, though.  Wilkins starts off as reasonable.  He’s up front about the campaign checks from Newett, and has a valid point about Walt stomping around wherever he damn well feels like it without so much as a radio call ahead.  “Didn’t have time,” my big toe.  Absaroka is supposed to be big, which means that it would take time to even get to the county line.  More than enough time for Vic to call in to the station on her phone, or for them to radio ahead.  He just doesn’t like not being able to do exactly what he wants exactly when he wants wherever the hell he wants, with no acknowledgement of other people’s boundaries or responsibilities.  (I’m more cheesed off on Mathias’ behalf than Wilkins here, but the point is largely the same.)
And then he promises that he’ll check in before any future visits, which is as much use as a fart.  All it does is clear the room, with no lasting impression.  UGH.
Early Branch still does want Walt’s approval.  He bucks the down-talking that Walt constantly gives him, and does think that he has better ideas a lot of the time...  ...but his reaction when Walt says that he thinks he’s right (given the circumstances) is a tiny bit heartbreaking.  With a dad like Barlow, it’s no wonder that he’d be absolutely aching for support and approval from a father figure and the few moments where Walt gives him any sort of nod clearly land deep.  
I adore Ferg and Henry’s extremely different reactions to the rando baby.  Henry is like >:( BABY DOES NOT BELONG HERE; WHO LEFT BABY HERE ANGY HENRY, but Ferg is just instantly a worried pile of sparkles and cotton fluff going Baaaaabyyyyy!
Cady!  Speaking of schmoopy people in the face of a baby, she’s adorable.  And competent.  I love her.  That’s a great top on her, too.  Shut up, I’m not just saying that because it’s yellow.
Ferg is such an optimist.  And I want to believe that he just carries that map around with him any time he’s on duty, not just for this case.  It seems like a very Ferg, just in case, thing to do.
[Aaaand sidetracked for a 45 minutes by the expanding Cobbler verse in the form of spinning more ideas about Ruby’s daughter and family.  I love them so much.]
Ok, I might have a little bit of a double standard.  Walt not playing by the rules annoys me, but Henry seeing the ‘No Trespassing’ sign and basically just shrugging and doing how he do is amusing to me.  Wow, Henry; you make it a whole 20 feet inside the fence before the rentacops roll up.  Womp womp.  Ew, and the racism.  Which he handles with grace and humor, but bleeegh.  And the unspoken, but so very clear, ‘bitch’ following his “How.”  Hearteyes forever.
I swear, Henry gets pulled into so much of Walt’s bs without even really asking that much.
OPE.  I have caught a booboo.  First of all, it’s kind of hilarious that Fiona Hines, aka “October” in the creepy sex cult has a DOB on her license of 04/15/1954.  She looks pretty good for a 58 year old.  But her address is listed as 6 Meadow Dr. RT 10, Durant Wyoming, aaaaand then Vic has her, “Guess where the address is--” and they cut to apparently Cumberland County, because there’s Sheriff Wilkins being all unhelpful.  I’m such a pedantic little asshole.  
The oncoming train is certainly an effective method of ratchetting up tension.  The teacup on the track is a neat visual, but makes no sense, because the vibrations of a train going by, much less one slamming on the breaks like that would have either knocked it off or shattered it.  ...I’m why we can’t have nice things, aren’t I.
And then Ruby coming through with tying off the emotional thread of the episode.  She’s a gem, and I wish we’d had more of her.
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blisslilywrites · 4 years
Can I request a part two to the fake dating au with kiribaku? I'm obsessedddddd thanks loves~
A/N: Arghh there’s a lot of things I don’t really like about this but I felt bad cuz it’s been taking a bit long to finish requests so yeah,,welp hope you guys like it? ~Lily
WARNING: mild cursing
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It's been a few weeks since New Years. Since that party. Since that ki—
“Bakugo,”  a voice at the door called, interrupting his thoughts. It was a voice so familiar he didn't have to look up to recognize.
“I dropped by the supermarket and got a few groceries,” Kirishima said walking past him and into their kitchen where he dropped a few plastic bags on the counter.
Before, Bakugo would've made a comment on the usage of plastic bags. He wanted to but, ever since that night, they've been in an awkward place. This awkwardness included the unspoken rule of no communication unless absolutely necessary.
If he's being honest, the whole not talking part upset him quite a bit. The fact that it was mostly his fault upset him even more.
He'd probably die before admitting it but, Kirishima was still one of the best and closest friends he's ever had. It was the only reason he agreed to go to those stupid parties anyway. 
That's right. It was the only reason…
Bakugo shook his head and grabbed his phone. He opened it and saw one miss call and a couple of messages from his mom. 
He sighed and was about to put his phone down when it started ringing. 
It was his mom.
Groaning, he picked up and braced himself for the inevitable shouting and scolding. What came next surprised him quite a bit.
His mom politely greeted him and asked him how he was doing before quickly getting to the point.
“So...I heard you and the little redhead got together."
"...Where did you hear that from?" Bakugo replied cautiously.
"Apparently his mother met your father at the firm the other day and started talking about you two."
"Oh." Was what he said. "Oh..shit" was what he meant.
"Why didn't you tell us?" 
Fuck. she actually sounded hurt.
"Uhh." His mind scrambled to come up with a good excuse. "We were still figuring things out… Sorry..." he said trying his best to sound apologetic.
"That's OK Katsuki, you two are good now right?"
"Umm...yeah." He immediately regretted saying it.
"Great" she replied eagerly.
His fears were confirmed just a moment later when his mother suggested that he invite Kirishima over for dinner at the Bakugo house.
At this point, there was no more saying no. He agreed with a groan and hung up. Now all he had to do was break the perfect awkwardness between him and his roommate and they were good to go.
That night, Bakugo and Kirishima ate their dinner in silence as usual. Throughout the meal, Bakugo’s mind focused only on one thing - the dinner invitation.
Once they were finished, they put their plates in the sink.
“I’ll wash them tonight,” Kirishima suddenly said.
Bakugo grunted in reply and was about to leave. He took a few steps before turning around.
"Oi shitty hair”
Kirishima looked up, perplexion on his face.
“Your mom somehow met my dad and asked him about us. Long story short, my parents think we’re dating so all of us are going to have dinner at their place tomorrow night.”
They stared at each other and both fell into another awkward silence. 
“Ok...what do I have to wear?” Kirishima finally said softly.
“Anything you want doesn’t matter.”
“Ok then”
The sun had just begun to set. The two young men had left home a little early and were now standing in front of the Bakugo house. Despite having come over a few times before, Kirishima was still really nervous. Bakugo had somehow sensed this and gave him a small scowl.
“Relax, you’re supposed to be happy you’re my boyfriend.”
Kirishima let out a soft chuckle and, at that moment, everything was normal again.
They made their way up the front steps and rang the doorbell. Bakugo’s mother answered the door and greeted both of them with hugs and smiles. Bakugo’s father emerged from the kitchen a second later. He greeted Kirishima with a firm handshake and a pat on the back.
Once the pleasantries were out of the way, they made their way into the living room where Mitsuki told them to make themselves at home and Masaru excused himself to go check on the food. 
They took their seats on the couches in the living room and Mitsuki started off the evening by asking them about studies and the like. She seemed extra curious as to how Kirishima was and talked to him more than usual. This seemed to annoy Bakugo a little.
The longer she and Kirishima chatted the more Bakugo got agitated. Eventually, Masaru came back to tell them dinner was ready and they moved their conversation to the dining room. 
Dinner began without much of a hitch. Slowly though, things grew a little tenser and awkward. Both Bakugo’s parents had tried to bring up the topic of their son dating Kirishima. However, every time they did this, Bakugo would either brush it off or quickly change the topic. 
Mitsuki was a determined woman though, and so she switched to asking Kirishima questions. This wasn’t successful either as Bakugo just kept cutting in before Kirishima could speak. 
At one point, Kirishima accidentally knocked over and spilled his drink on the table. He quickly stood up and apologized before trying to clean up. Masaru went to get a cloth in the kitchen while mother and son continued to glare each other down from their seats across the table. 
The spill was cleaned and dinner resumed with an ever-growing tension. Kirishima and Masaru tried to lighten the mood by making jokes about politics and sharing childhood memories. This, however, did nothing to alleviate the intense, silent battle between the two hot-headed blondes.
Once everyone was finished with dinner, Masaru started cleaning up. Kirishima was quick to offer his help which Masaru accepted gratefully.
“Thank you, Kirishima. I can’t expect those two to be of much help at the moment.”
“No problem Bakugo-san,” Kirishima replied with a small laugh. 
The two had just arrived in the kitchen when the shouting started. They hurried back out to find Katsuki storming out of the room and Mitsuki scowling in his direction. 
“Umm, I should probably follow him,” Kirishima said a little nervously.
“Yeah,” Masaru replied. “Just be careful,” he added before walking towards his wife.
Kirishima quickly left the room and heard stomping coming from upstairs. He took the stairs two at a time and, from memory, guided himself to the one place Bakugo might be - his old room.
The door was closed but Kirishima could see light shining from the gaps in the doorway. He knocked on the door three times.
“Bakugo, it’s me”
“Can I come in?”
Kirishima was about to give up and leave when the door opened revealing a slightly calmer-looking Bakugo.
“What do you want?” Bakugo asked in a still voice.
“An explanation maybe? You told me not to act all weird but you ended up fighting with your mother. I know you guys fight a lot but anyone can tell that this was like a real fight.”
He paused to look at Bakugo in the eye.
“Seriously man, what’s wrong?”
Bakugo stared at him for a second before quickly shutting the door.
Kirishima groaned.
“Look, you’ve been acting...You haven’t been acting normal. You’ve been all over the place for a while now. Ever since that--”
Bakugo heard the hesitant tone Kirishima had used.
Of course. All of this. Because of that. stupid. fucking. night.
Bakugo slowly opened the door and was pushed back, hitting the floor with a thud.
“I open the door and you just had to fall on me?” he scolded lightly.
“More like for you,” Kirishima mumbled softly.
It took a second for both of them to register that comment.
They caught each other’s gaze and quickly turned away, blushing.
“W-were you serious...when you said that,” Bakugo finally said, breaking the silence.
“Ummm..maybe...yeah” Kirishima replied nervously.
“Oh..ok, cuz umm maybe--” Bakugo said trailing off. 
“Maybe what?”
Bakugo’s cheeks turned even redder.
“Maybe I did too…” he said softly, so softly Kirishima thought he was imagining it.
“JUST SHUT UP SHITTY HAIR” Bakugo yelled blushing furiously.
Kirishima let out a small, nervous laugh. 
“So uhh”
On the way home, the two walked side by side. Kirishima grinning like an idiot and Bakugo only letting out a smile whenever he was sure Kirishima wouldn’t see.
“So I know you and your mom made up and all but why’d you get so upset with her in the first place?” Kirishima asked.
Bakugo sighed. “I wasn’t upset with her or anything.”
He stopped walking.
“It’s just that I sorta realized my parents really liked you and you fit in well with them. Then I remembered we weren’t actually...you know and so I got all worked up” 
Kirishima was stunned.
“Wow, you must care a lot about me if you’re being this honest.”
Bakugo blushed for a split second before shouting and yelling threats at a laughing Kirishima. 
They ran the rest of the way home, Bakugo chasing Kirishima. Adrenaline in their veins and warmth in their hearts. 
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thank you! i think you're genuinely the only person that has ever said they actually like the fact that my bathrobe is obnoxiously pink. and you're absolutely right, one of the things i like most about it is that it hurts people's eyes. i love it actually. if you ever celebrate halloween you should absolutely add your bathrobe to your costume. an amazing idea. since it has a mouse face on the hood it could be two costumes rolled into one - both a vampire and a mouse (if in the middle of the evening you get bored of one), which i think would be awesome. and you probably wouldn't get cold (is it cold in nz during halloween? because here it almost always is). we don't celebrate halloween in lithuania either though. which i'm a bit bummed about, because halloween sounds super fun. mostly because of the dressing up! but i did celebrate it once, when i was 11 or 12 maybe? me and a couple of friends decided it would be fun even if it's not really celebrated here. so we dressed up, even went trick ir treating (half the houses had no idea what was happening and also i pretty much froze to death because i was dressed as a dead bride and refused to put a coat on because then you couldn't see my dress) and also watched horror movies. 12 (or 11) year old me thought it was amazing.
oh yeah! i've broken a knife on 2 separate occasions i think. once i tried to get something out of between the blender's blades, used a knife and then accidentally turned the blender on (i'm so fucking glad it was a knife and not my fingers). so the tip of the knife broke off (the blender was ok tho). and the second time i have no idea how it happened. i was cutting up broccoli and the knife just fell apart??? i was so confused, because one second i'm holding a knife and the next it's just two pieces of a handle and the metal part, all separate. had fun explaining that to my dad. you sound pretty unlucky too! i mean, a cut every time you use a knife, but you don't even notice it at the time? i think it's just that knives are out to get us (it's my newest conspiracy theory). i actually get double vision too sometimes! mostly when i'm tired, but i just figured that it was because i have really bad eyesight
they definitely SHOULD teach about gender and sexuality in school. it's a really big problem that in a lot of places it's either not compulsory or not even in the curriculum. honestly, everything i know about sex ed or lgbtq+ i had to learn myself on the internet, because we only had one class when we were like 13 years old with a guest speaker and it was mostly biology and then a little bit about menstruation and pads for girls (i have no idea what they told boys because we were also separated). so sex ed definitely sucks a lot in my country and i bet it's the same in a lot of others, which makes me really mad
exactly!! it's so hard to tell whether i'm feeling romantic or platonic love sometimes! it's confusing. also i remember one time me and a couple of friends had a sleepover and the friend's, who was hosting, parents weren't home so we watched romance movies (scandalous i know). again we were maybe 12. and they kept going "oh he's so hot" and intensely watching the sex scenes. while i was looking away from the tv whenever sexy times were going on and commenting on how much i loved the house design and the garden. gee i wonder what that means. (still can't believe it took me this long to figure out i was ace)
the breakfast went very well though! it's so interesting how different traditions are everywhere. i hope your lunch and the rest of christmas day went well too! (also i forgot to ask last time, but what is boxing day? google says it's mostly a shopping holiday, is it that? we just call it the second day of christmas and it's pretty much the same as christmas day but there's no presents!) but yeah i hope you had fun with your extended family on boxing day!
having acid reflux sounds like it sucks. i love breakfast, it's my favourite meal of the day (when i don't have to rush that is) and i skip lunch a lot because i usually have no time for it (my schedule kinda sucks), so i usually try to have a bigger breakfast. but hey, peanut butter is good! so at least you can have something that tastes good for breakfast!
aaand i feel like this ask got away from me. sorry it's so long!
it’s because i have t a s t e. it may not be GOOD taste but it sure is...taste...and i am proud of it. and yes, i love the idea of adding my dressing gown to my costume specifically because it means i’m basically in my PJ’s. minimal effort. comfort to the max. living the dream. halfway through the night i’m tired of being the vampire no one invites in so i drop to my knees and start the mouse act. mice are good at getting in houses and getting to chocolate and such. the dream. also i absolutely would get bored of one costume within the space of a few hours knowing me, so that’s a plus. uhhhh halloween is october which is. mid-late spring so it really depends on the day. it might be a little cold, might be shorts weather. I rarely leave my house at night so I’m not an expert on nighttime temperatures sdflsdfjsd. 
I used to wish we did Halloween here but that was mostly because I wanted lollies. Although I also liked playing dress up as a young kid so maybe very young me would’ve vibed with the costume aspect. I know there’s a photo of me when I was like, 5 and my best friend of the time dressed up as witches at some point, maybe we had our own little halloween. I also possibly had a halloween themed birthday party once as a kid? I remember the little gift bags having spooky things in them and also possibly a bat cake but my memory is too bad to remember for sure. aha that’s the problem here too, no one locally would ever think to buy lollies to give out so it’d just be like um. you can have an apple I guess? at least you had fun though! i respect the commitment to the costume despite the cold. 
that is such a stressful story to read, i fear for your life. although i understand the knife breaking in that first scenario. that would be terrifying though. what if the blender launched it,,, nOPE. i’m very glad it wasn’t your fingers, that’s some horror movie shit. the second time is just,, it be like that sometimes. it was probably just waiting to happen. my parents have a cheese grater with a loose handle and it. falls off. every time. i dry it. with the dishes. and every time i fear for my life as the grating bit drops off towards my feet as i’m left holding the handle. i should expect it by now but i never do. I get scared every time it happens. knives are definitely out to get us, i fully support this conspiracy theory. oh yeah, tiredness doesn’t help with double vision. i kind of need bifocal glasses by now but I also don’t want bifocal glasses so i just suffer but I suspect having them would reduce the double vision. maybe. maybe not.
yup! i remember someone handing out tampons and pads at primary school, i assume after giving a talk about periods, idk. i do also remember a teacher pulling the girls aside and being like yo, this is what a period is, here’s a horror story about my daughter and a tampon, enjoy the trauma, go back to class. good times. we did actually get really comprehensive sex ed concerning most things at my high school but that is faaaarrr from the norm around here, clearly. although teenage boys are good at filling in gaps, in my experience. they’re like little sex encyclopedias that offer up information without you asking. i didn’t ACTUALLY want to know that but i do now, i guess, thanks michael. 
dude. the ‘oh he’s so hot’ comments are so confusing. ‘hot’ is like a category of attractiveness that I’ve never understood. ‘isn’t he hot?’ what does that MEAN rebecca. i think i asked once if it meant like, attractive or good looking. and the person i asked was like, you know, hot. you just look at them and, you know- no i don’t know. what is this. i don’t think i’ve ever watched a sex scene with people my age though, generally i just zone out for them sdkfhskdfh. i feel like there’s definitely all these indicators when you look back like oh yeah, should’ve realised i was ace then, but it’s just. such a hard sexuality to figure out. not that other sexualities aren’t but you’ve got to figure out an absence of something when you don’t even know what the something feels like- it’s a challenge.
I’m glad it did! It is interesting, for sure. I’ve always been interested in how winter Christmas’s work. As a young kid I didn’t understand hemispheres...obviously...i was like 5...and i’d go out on Christmas morning to see if there was snow. and sometimes it’d be a bit chilly in the morning and I’d be like damn. we almost had some this year. it’s a shame our climate tends to be too hot for snow on christmas :// like no you tiny dumbass it’s summer you little idiot there will be no snow no matter what. everything ended up going super well here :). boxing day is basically just a shopping holiday, i don’t know if it has any significance in any other way, i’m sure it did at one point, but i know there’s always boxing day sales everywhere. I think it’s also a public holiday (?) to give people another day off work and that, but I could be wrong there. I know I also used to regularly go to the races (horse races) nearby that were always held on boxing day, it was like a 150 year old tradition or something until people in attendance started dropping and I think they finally shut it down a couple years back. I didn’t care all that much about the horses but they also had food and carnival-type rides and such for the kids which is why I loved it. also we tended to meet extended family there for a picnic lunch.
acid reflux is like the least of my problems sdfkjshdkf. it’s annoying but it’s pretty managed with medication, I have to watch certain foods and drinks but I’m used to it by now. I think it’s also what causes me to not be able to eat large amounts normally so I survive a lot on snacks and a reasonable sized dinner. works for me. but peanut butter is good! i’m glad i can have that! I used to also have vegemite but that’s a bit more of a push, it’s easier to stick with peanut butter.
also it’s fine!! my responses are always very long too sdfjhskdf.
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victorianwestpiano · 4 years
What would it be like if Colette and Holt lived in 2020 (without the virus!) but there was no Dreamland? What jobs might they have? How would they meet? How did Holt lose his arm (war? accident?). Is Colette famous? If so, for what?
Oh so many ideas, but here’s the one I’ll respond this ask ;)
Kentucky, June 2020
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Holt Farrier, ex horse showman, was reading the newspaper in the morning like he always does every day. Although today, it was for him to concentrate because of his son Joe, who was playing with his new Xbox he got last Christmas.
It annoyed a bit the cowboy that Joe was so addicted with this technology with high volume and at this early hours. His daughter Milly was not different, when she was younger once in a while sat on her father’s lap and read the paper together alongside with his wife Annie. But now she prefered watching the news on her cellphone, searching science updates in the world. The worst part was the uncountable TikToks they do with their friends, now that summer began, TikTok was their only way to communicate apparently.
But in some way it didn’t surprised Holt at all that his kids were so submerged in their gadgets. Since their mother died of an illness almost an year ago, his children coped with their loss in the best way they could. In some parts, Joe dealt with Annie’s death better than Milly but it was still hurtful for both of them.
However, Holt felt he was suffering the loss the worst, he lost the love of his life while he was away on a excursion on the mountains with his friends Arav, Puck and Rongo. He felt guilty for not being there for her and for his kids. And if it was not enough, some days before Holt received the news of the death of his spouse, he had a terrible accident while he was climbing on the rock mountains. According to his friends, Holt was barely on the top, trying to reach one of the picks, but out of nowhere he slipped and fell many feet in the air. His body crashed somewhere in the rocks and woods. The last thing the cowboy remember is that he waked up in a hospital...without an arm. His left arm was gone and some days after his wife was gone too.
Holt and Annie were horse showman and woman, touring around USA doing  tricks with their stallions since that was the thing they loved to do the most. Their connection with horses was one of the things that united them even more. They loved the aesthetic of old-school circuses, but nowdays people are not longer interested on circuses anymore which brought Holt many economic problems.
Now without the love of his life, without an arm and without a job, Holt’s world was no longer the world he adored, so he decided to move with his daughter and son to his childhood town and buy a small house with the few savings he had kept. It wasn’t much but it was something, they had at least a roof upon their heads, electricity, hot water and of course wifi which is very expensive. Not living in tour anymore felt weird; static like a rock and being in just one place, it was practically boring.
Holt’s friends, who came from different parts of the country and the world, tried to convince him and lend him money until he find a job, however, Holt was so proud to accept money from his friends. If he wanted money, he had to earn it and he did not want to be in debt with the people he cared.
Just in very rare ocassions he accepted his friend’s monetary help and became stubborn promising a lot of times he’ll return what he owes, even though his pals said to him is not a big deal, that he’ll pay when he can.
That’s why Holt was reading the newspaper, so he could find a decent job, although, what job would accept a handicapped guy?. The rider from Kentucky was desperated, mostly for his children.
Suddenly, a knock of the door was heard, Holt reacted to the sound and quickly lifted his head up. The cowboy looked at his son sitting on the couch, which was nearer to the door, playing with his Xbox, super concentrated.
“Joe would you get the door?” Holt asked the boy.
“I’m busy dad, I’m in the middle of a mission right now.” the kid responded.
Holt rolled his eyes and spoked again, “Joe, c’mon, or I’ll plug off that damn thing this instant” he warned out loud.
Joe turned his head to see his father and reluctantly the kid obeyed him. He paused his game and circled the couch to get to the entrance.
“It was an important mission you know?” Joe protested.
“Yeah you said that yesterday 12 o’clock PM, you’ve been playing all week boy”
Joe’s eyes widened and then he nodded embarassed, “Non taken.”
The boy headed to the door and opened it, only to find a short man, he was the same height as Joe. He was around his sixties, had white curly hair, a pair of shades on his eyes, brown shorts, black flip flops and a radiant colorful hawaiian shirt.
“Hey Max!” Joe exclaimed in surprise seeing their family friend.
“What’s up little buddy!” Max responded in glee, “Tell me, is your dad here? I have excelent news for him.” the short man said excited.
“Max!” Holt waved him from the kitchen, “Come on in and sit.”
Max Medici, a not very succesfull sales man, was best friends with Holt’s dad and him when the rider was just a lad. Holt enjoyed his company, his optimism was very contagious even when his plans not always go as he wanted. Anyway, Medici’s smile made everyone smile too, that was one of his gifts.
“What is it Gustavo? Please sit” Holt invited his friend to sit with him at the kitchen table.
Max sighed at the mention of his real name, “Please Holt, just call me Max, ok? You’ll ruin my reputation here.” he took off his sun glasses and cliped them into the collar of his shirt.
“Ok sorry,” Holt chuckled, “What are this incredible news you have for me? Oh, please don’t tell me you had another fail in your bussiness and you need cash.” Holt sat slowly, expecting the news to be bad, since, now he’s used to them “Don’t ask me money pal, I still owing you those $100 bucks from last month---”
“Can you please shut up cowboy” Max interrupted him. “Jeez, I didn’t came here to bother you, on the contrary, I came here to cheer you up, bud.” he said with a huge smile.
Holt rose an eyebrow and listened. “So, what is it?”
“Look, a friend of a friend, of a friend, of a friend of mine, said that a famous actress has a ranch here in Kentucky, and she needs a foreman to take special care of it, mostly the horses.” Max said with a trusting glance.
“Wait, wait, wait a minute. Work for a famous actress? Who?” Holt was curious and wary of proposal.
“Colette Marchant the french actress of course!” the old man made a happy gesture with his hands to encourage his friend.
The name of the woman ranged on Holt and Joe’s ears, so much so that the boy left his game and turned around to face the adults.
“You’ll work for Colette Marchant dad!?” Joe asked happily, “I love her movies, and she’s so pretty. You will work with her dad?”
“What happened? Why is Joe so excited?” Milly enetered to the living room with cellphone in hand and her curly hair combed into a bun.
“Dad is going to work for Colette Marchant, the actress!!” Joe was very happy about the news.
“Wow, really?” Milly looked curious at her father.
“Kids uhhmm, I haven’t decided this  yet, I just found out. Go to your rooms and I’ll tell you later, or go outside.” Holt said to his children who obeyed him after a few minutes.
After that, Holt continued, “You want me to work as a foreman for a celebrity?” This didn’t conviced the cowboy very much,”Remember Max, I used to be a celebrity as well, I was like a superhero on top of my horses, if my friends find out that now I work as a foreman... they’ll think I fell so low.”
“Yes I know, but now things changed lad, this is a great job and the pay is very good. Look, this woman will stay in America all summer, from June to September 3rd. The rumor says she wanted to leave her home France for a couple of months and be alone, or somethng like that. She says she loves horses and needs somone efficient for the job. And don’t worry, she does speak english.”
Holt started to think massaging his chin, “And how is she, I mean, she’s bossy or calm?”
Max inhaled through his nose, “I heard she’s quite, well, spoiled but nothing that you can’t handle.”
“And where’s her ranch?”
“In Louisville, right in the north.” Max answered.
Holt’s eyes opened wide, “Louisville? But that’s too far! Mhmmm, I don’t know Max, I’ll have to think about it...” Holt was trying to considerate the offer.
“Well,” Max said a bit nervous, “in your place I won’t think it that much because... I’ve already talked about you and maybe I’ve send you refferences as well.”
Holt looked at his friend in shock, “You did what!!? How can you do that without telling me!? Are you insane!?.”
“I did it because I knew you were going to doubt and think this kind of job is below you.” Max stated strictly. “Here,” the older man took from his pocket a card with a number, “this is the phone number of her butler, if I were you I’ll call him now and accept the job.”
Holt gave a glare at Max, he couldn’t believe that his friend did all this behind his back.
“Holt c’mon, is a good payed job, surrounded by nature, taking care of horses and have your kids taking fresh air, isn’t that what you wanted?” Max stood up and left the card on the table. “Do it pal is a great opportunity.” the short man put his shades back on his face, approached the door and left.
Holt passed his only hand through his hair and looked at the card, this was all new to him he didn’t know what to do. But at the same time, working for a celebrity could be very interesting not to mention to payment, it could be higher than he can imagine. Also, the most important thing for Holt now are his children, he needed to give them a secured and stable life.
The cowboy reached for his laptop and searched about Colette Marchant, some pictures were showed on Instagram and the most recent one was a photo of her black and white, already in Kentucky sunbathing, in the backround there was her big house of her ranch.
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Then Joe’s words about her resonated on Holt’s mind, She looks...pretty... I’ll give her that, he thought. He had never seen any of her movies but now he knows why a lot of people admires her or talks about her as soon as he read the reviews of her films. Then he searched for more pictures of the place, including her horses, which looked very healthy and beautiful. Holt went to the kitchen table and stared at the card with the number one more time. He made a long sigh and took it.
“I must be very crazy right now.” he said trying to grab his phone too.
A couple of days later and some other calls made, Holt and his kids finally flew all the way from the south of Kentucky to the north in Louisville to get the foreman cadre. In the airpor they were greeted by Sotheby, Miss Marchant’s english butler.
He gently guided them to the car, which he personally drove, and headed to Marchant’s ranch.
After 30 minutes travelling by car, they finally arrived and admired the big splenderous house. The vehicle parked in front of the property.
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“Wow!” Milly and Joe said at the same time in awe looking the place through the window. “ Look at this place! I want to get in now!” the Farrier boy exclaimed opening the car door.
“Now, now lads,” Holt stoped Joe making a sign with his hand, “This is gonna be my working place, let’s go with calm.” Holt exited himself from the car and then his children followed him. He was wearing a dark blue short sleeved t-shirt, blue jeans, snikers and his lucky white cowboy hat. As soon as they were getting closer to the house, Milly took a couple of pictures of it and post them on Twitter.
Once they were on the porch, Sotheby told them to stay there, “Just wait here, Miss Marchant will talk to you in a couple of minutes, please sit.” the english butler politely offered to the Farriers.
Three minutes passed and Holt was already getting nervous, so he decided to talk to the children.
“So, how do you imagine Colette Marchant is behind the cameras?” Holt asked.
“I don’t know,” Milly answered “I heard she’s a diva, I watched her latest film Femme Fatale with my friend some months ago, she was very good in it, but...the plot sucked.”
“I see...” Holt rised his eyebrows. He remembered when he read Colette’s film reviews, some the critics said practically the same, Colette was stunning, but the direction and script by the known famous director VA Vandevere, where just ok or not very good.
Suddenly Sotheby appeared again, the Farriers rose up from porch couch and waited for the butler to speak.
All of the sudden, coming out from the door, there was a woman on her mid thirties, with almost wavy black hair, black dress, make up on her eyelids and intense blue eyes. It was her.
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“Mademoiselle Marchant, this is Holt Farrier and his children, he came here for the foreman job.” Sotheby intoduced the cowboy and the actress.
Joe and Milly where in awe by looking at the elegant actress, Joe tried his best to not squeal, while Milly couldn’t contain her big grin.
Holt put his head steady and took a deep breath. “Hi, is a pleasusre to meet you,” the rider offered his hand to shake with hers.
But when Colette turned around to see clearer the man, her face showed a shocked expression. Then she started to talk.
“Uhhhmm, excuse moi but, what is this?” the french lady questioned staring at the cowboy.
Holt’s eyebrows frowned in confusion, “I’m sorry? I came here for the job Miss. that’s why I’m here.” he retreated his hand took off his white hat.
Colette’s eyes were fixed on on the man’s left side.
The cowboy noticed that and looked at where his left arm once was. Holt exhaed a quiet laugh and spoke up again. “Yeah, I know what you’re thinkin’ but don’t worry, it didn’t hurt that much.” he said trying to erase the uncomfortable topic, “and it doesn’t hurt now---”
“You don’t have...an arm monsieur.” the french celebrity was obviously dissapointed.
Milly and Joe glanced with concern at their father. They knew how hard it was for him to deal with a missing limb, it was something that made him more insecure with time. But they also knew that their dad tried to ignore it and move on, he hated when others feel pity for him.
“Well, yes Miss,” Holt started to get even more puzzled, “I mean....you didn’t know?” he looked at Sotheby who was just as confused as him.
Colette sighed impatiently “Do you think I would’ve hire a handicapped man as my foreman if I knew he was handicapped?”
“But, with all respect, I thought they had send you my refferences. My friend send them to you.” Holt explained.
“I have recived them and nothing in there mentioned a missing arm.” Miss Marchant said bluntly.
Holt started to breathe through his teeth with impotence, “Max you idiot!” he quietly muttered a bit enraged. First Max send his refferences without asking him first and he didn’t even mention the thing about his arm? The rider wanted to kill his friend at that moment.
The european lady sensed Holt’s discomfort and clasped her hands, “I’m sorry, but I cannot hire someone who is not capable.”
Holt turned his head to face the woman, breathing deeply and swallowing , “I am capable, please Miss, give me a chance.”
“You are not up to my standards, ma cherie.I cannot force a cripple to do this kind of work, because they can’t---”
That word hit Holt right in the chest, like bullet to his heart. That single word made his blood boil and encreased his anger, “I’m not... a cripple.” he said low and serious.
Colette’s eyes opened wide giving him a sarcastic shocked reaction, “Then I am not french!” she stated joking with irony, “Oh, my parents will be glad to hear it!”.
“Very funny.” Holt gave her an unamused sideway smile, “Look, if I’m going to stay in this place to be insulted, I’ll get the hell out of here. Let’s go lads.” Holt put his hat on, taking his children with him while walking away from the woman and her butler.
Colette crossed her arms, exhaled an unimpressed sigh, denying her head. She looked how the Kentucky rider was leaving the porch walking by her loan, until she spoke again.
“With that attitude of yours you are not going to get anywhere. You are too proud, cherie.”
The Farriers stoped as soon as Holt stoped, the rider bit his lip and slowly turned around. He wasn’t going to let this woman to have the last word.
“And you, princess,” the cowboy challenged, “you’re too spoiled”. His kids looked at eachother in surprise for what his father had just said.
Colette’s mouth fell open at Holt’s statement, “What an attitude.”
“What an ego.” Holt interjected again teasing her, imitating her tone and with a rised eyebrow.
“You have a problem?” Colette’s voice became demanding. She started to walk towards him.
“You’re my problem. Princess.” Holt smiled like a child.
“Do not take that tone with me. Do not disrespect me!” Colette approached the cowboy until she was just one meter from him. “And please, do not call me a ‘princess’.”
“You called me a cripple, and I call you princess. I think is pretty fair.” Holt rested his hand on his hip. “It is what you’re. You’re spoiled, believing you’re better than me, also, you like to whine when people tells you the truth. Oh, I’m sorry, did her majesty got her feelings hurt.” he teased her with a exagerated pout.
“How dare you---!” before Colette would say or do something else, the cat and dog fight was interrupted by Sotheby who ran towards the two of them.
“Miss Marchant, if I may please!” Sotheby calmed his boss, “Try to considerate this man, we have read his file, he may not have an arm, but his expirience is very good. Better than the other ones, and Miss, if I you give me your permission to say this, yesterday you said you liked his profile, that it was what you needed.”
“Don’t worry mister.” Holt stated directly to the butler. “Is not necessary to defend me, we’re going now, have a nice day. C’mon children.”
But Milly did not move, “No dad wait.” she exclaimed and turned to face Colette.
Holt and Joe stayed where they stood when Milly spoke. Her dad whispered to her, “Milly, what you doin’?”.
Milly walked towards the actress with her chin held high and honesty in her eyes, “Miss Marchant please forgive my dad, I know he can be a bit, well, stuborn.”
“I saw that.” Colette gave a glare at Milly’s father for a second. Holt rolled his eyes.
“But... he tried for months to get a job that we don’t know if he’ll ever get another opportunity like this one anytime soon. Please, give him another chance.”
The girl’s pleading moved a little the french woman, she amired how determinated she was, it reminded of herself when she was Milly’s age.
“Please Miss,” the Farrier girl’s voice suddenly became melancholic, “since...my mom died, life has been hard on us.” she turned to see her family, “It was very hard for my dad too, he lost his arm in an accident, but he’s still strong, he always was.” the girl smiled at her dad.
Holt felt overwhelmed by his daughter’s words and smiled back at her. Then he faced once more at the actress who was just moved as him. Sotheby also felt the emotions of the girl.
Miss Marchant placed a hand on her heart and showed a genuine worried expression, “Your mother died, petit? I’m so sorry...I didn’t knew.”
“It’s ok.” Milly answered.
“What was her name?” Colette asked.
“Annie.” Holt responded for his daughter, “Her name was Annie. She left us an year ago.”
“I see, and what is your name petit?” Colette asked to the girl.
“And yours monsieur?” the actress looked at the boy at Holt’s side.
Joe froze as the famous celebrity talked to him, “I-I’m Joe, a-a-and I’m your biggest fan.” Joe said nervous.
Colette laughed a bit at the boy’s presentation, she thought it was kind of cute. She glanced over Holt again and approached him litte by little, making him suspect on what this woman is going to do now.
“How much do you need this job?” she sternly asked at the rider, not breaking eye contact.
Holt blinked and inhaled deeply, “Honestly....very much.”
“Tres bién, I’ll give one more chance, I’m not giving it just because you are capable, we will see about that with the time. But also because this will be good to your children as well, do it for them, not just for you.”
“I am”. Holt answered firmly looking at the woman’s sapphire eyes.”My kids... are the most sacred thing I have left in this world.”
She gave him a trusting grin, “That’s the attitude I wanted. You are hired ma cherie.” she gave him her hand.
Holt looked at her elegant and white hand and gently, he took it and shaked it, sealing the deal. He glanced again at her face forming a tiny smile and feeling the softness of the lady’s hand.
“And I’m sorry if I insulted you, is just you can really push a person’s buttoms, monsieur.” Colette said not letting go the gentleman’s hand.
“I can say the same thing about you, but I’m sorry too. Thank you for givin’ me this chance, I hate to admit it but I’m forever in your debt.” Holt’s voice became quickly smooth with real remorse on his apologizing words. Then, he winked at her to give her trust.
All of the sudden, Colette’s cheeks turned pink, she was blushing. She didn’t know if the cowboy noticed, they were in summer so he could see her cheeks became hot for the heat. But Holt would never guess what was happening inside Colette’s body, because Holt’s commentary and the soft look in his eyes made her heart skip a beat.
The woman coughed and gently released her hand, she still could felt the roughness of the rider’s hand on her palm and fingers. But... somehow....she liked it.
“Tres bién! Let’s go inside, shall we?” Colette guided the Farriers to her house. Milly and Joe rushed inside the mansion, leaving Holt and Colette behind. The two giggled at the kids’ enthusiasm.
“They are very charming, monsieur.” Colette said walking alongside Holt, Sotheby was heading to the house a few meters away from them.
“Yes, they are. I’d give my life for them.” Holt turned to see the actress.
“I know they will enjoy being here, you will have good rooms to stay and later I will show my horses.”
“That sounds nice.... princess.” Holt teased her, containing his laughter.
Colette, as soon as she reached the entrance door, she turned again back to him with a warning stare, “Do not play smart with me Holt, I mean it.”
“Sorry...” he took off his hat and put it behind his back, he was smiling in a very naughty way.
“Non, you are not.” Colette crossed her arms, smiling in the same way as him.
“True.” with that Holt entered in the house. Leaving the french lady denying with her head, rolling her eyes and laughing to herself.
“Oh mon dieu, this man!” she entered to her house and closed the door behind her.
@vavandeveresfan​ This was fun, not my best work but still fun, I hope you liked it ;)
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kinkymagnus · 4 years
thoughts on alec? since this is mainly a magnus blog i guess i'm curious.
kfjlkfgjd thanks for resending sorry tumblr’s a bitch ily
eh i feel like generally i talk mostly about magnus bc Every Other Blog (not literally obviously but like, in general) talks about Only Alec just like…..24/7
so while i like him fine, he’s like, mostly Magnus’s Love Interest on my blog lghjflgkhjfgh but honestly just generally while i do like him i honestly don’t find him that….interesting, individually, i guess? i mean he’s not quite boring, but he’s not a character i really relate to
so the reason i don’t really write alec-centric stuff is like. 1. i just don’t find him as interesting (although i’ve had a few ideas, they’ll likely never be published thanks to…) 2. Spite
aka the alec stans suck. the Alec Stans™ to be clear, the ones who suck, not everyone who likes alec. but like, yeah
anyway let’s not just talk salt and me being petty, despite alec being not my fave i can afford to answer one (1) ask without my entire blog crumbling down and revealing i’ve been an alec stan this whole time without me even knowing it
ok so alec headcanons i guess
1. alec was a chatty kid. not what you’d think, right? but then like, he was taking care of izzy, bc she’s his baby sister and Protective, and jace wasn’t really the type to listen to him. like, ever. alec would suddenly realize jace hadn’t been listening the whole time pretty much every time he tried to have a conversation with him or talk about things he was interested in, even when he listened when jace talked about his latest crush or whatever he was interested in. alec started abruptly going quiet before his sentence was finished, and jace didn’t seem to notice or was just like oh good you’re finally done talking, here’s what i was gonna say. eventually alec gives up. he still talks to izzy but she’s so little it’s a lot slower paced and he usually pays more attention to her than what he wants to say bc Baby Sister. by the time izzy’s old enough to like, properly, hold a conversation (she is also pretty chatty) alec’s already gone a lot quieter. by the time we see him, he basically doesn’t initiate conversation on things he’s interested in that aren’t work-related. he does still sometimes talk to izzy, but it’s hard to get the words out and get everything sounding right, so he gets annoyed with himself. it doesn’t come as easy anymore.
and not to show my magnus stan roots but magnus is kind of similar, albeit way less clear cut, he tends to ramble and talk a lot about his special interests only to shut himself up when he realizes he’s definitely boring whoever he’s talking to (he isn’t, necessarily, but after enough times being told to shut up when you get excited you believe everyone wants you to shut up.) and then he was trying to keep up the whole classy unaffected stylish “def not an adorkable disaster bi nerd, i am dangerous deadly unaffected lothario man who has never even heard of star trek or whatever” facade, and rambling about whatever interested him didn’t really fit that. so he retreated more into himself, too. he did have his friends to talk to, but catarina is so busy and he doesn’t want to bother her and raphael doesn’t want to hear his foolish old dad ramble on, does he, and ragnor–he’d always put up with magnus’s babble, and listened, but magnus felt like he was boring him and then ragnor was–well.
anyway so to united these, then, they met each other. and it takes a while, but they get comfortable with each other. magnus goes on a long ramble about a potion he’s been trying to get just right and then cuts himself off, embarrassed, and apologizes for probably boring alec, and alec’s like what? no, that was really interesting, i was listening, can you explain the thing with the mandrake root? and magnus is like…oh.. (also side note: magnus is incredibly cute when rambling about things he’s interested in, he waves his hands a lot and his eyes are all excited and warm and he’s so lively, and clearly passionate, that it’s engaging and pulls you in. like a really good professor. and sometimes he starts talking about something way above most people’s heads without realizing how Smart he is, but if you ask him to clarify he’s like, totally non-condescending and explains it in creative and understandable way????? sorry im in love with adhd magnus thanks to someone anyway)
and then vice versa, alec slowly feels more comfortable talking about things that interest him, like a book he’s been reading and how it’s so fucking stupid the heroine went for the “blonde bad boy” when he’s such a dick to her, or whatever, like it starts as an angry rant about something but before he can cut himself off he realizes magnus is listening. like, actually listening. and like, if it’s appropriate, magnus will ask questions, engage in what alec’s talking about, and alec finds himself getting better at putting to words what he means and magnus is never mean about it, always patient and understanding
2. as a kid alec read romance novels. cheesy shitty fun romance novels. especially the ones that are like, written by women (or better, queer people, but that’s later) and aren’t weird? you know what i mean? and he loved them. romance was something young alec dreamed of a lot, even if he tried to ignore how he preferred tall, dark, and handsome to the main character, or the kind man the heroine fell in love with to the heroine herself. he hid trashy romance novels like most teen boys his age (including jace) hid porn magazines or whatever. he eventually maybe found some queer lit, but he didn’t dare to bring those back to the institute, instead choosing to go to the library the few times he had free time to sneak out (aka when he wasn’t working, sleeping, training, or watching izzy and jaces’ backs when they snuck out to clubs and shit.
also: 3. also i stand by the fact that alec wasn’t in denial about being gay. he wasn’t repressed, he knew exactly what he wanted and who he was, he just didn’t think it was possible for him to be with a man and be happy. 
4. alec isn’t a sweet innocent baby boy!!!! he’s seen porn, he knows how sex works, he’s masturbated, and honestly i know the show said otherwise but i find it hard to believe he never once fooled around even a little bit. just a little bit. no actual dating? not hard to believe at all. even being a “virgin” despite how outdated and terrible the concept is, not unbelievable. plenty of “normal” people reach college-age without ever having had sex, let alone shadowhunters raised to be demon-fighting soldiers. but like. look. he has the Energy. alec….Alec Fucks. also just something about the whole like, his siblings are always sneaking off to clubs and he follows them to watch their backs (is this canon or just common fanon? i honestly don’t remember) just screams to me hey, he may or may not have made out with an adventurous seelie or a mundane with eyes. or maybe a blowjob or a handjob, who knows. i’m JUST SAYING. i know this isn’t canon but i don’t care. alec lightwood has seen a dick
5. alec is ridiculously protective of people he loves. especially family (both in the sense of literal family like izzy, and family in the sense of “making your own family” like magnus) like he’d kill for them, he’d die for them, he’d live forever for them,
6. alec can and will become immortal for magnus. and not just literally only for magnus, for himself as well–like he doesn’t have to spend the rest of his life being a tool for the clave, he can work for better relations between downworlders and shadowhunters, and like accords that aren’t shitty, and he can be more than just another soldier or even head of the institute, he can be more and have time to actually spend time on himself, like it doesn’t have to be training-work-protect his siblings-sleep-training, and then one day he gets married and has kids and dies. he can actually experience the world, do things he enjoys, spend time with his husband, and most of all, he can spend the rest of his life with magnus bane, the love of his life, his husband, someone he loves so much. he can make sure magnus’s heart doesn’t get broken again by falling in love only to lose him. they get their happy ending, you know???? we stan
7. alec would be a great dad i dont know what to tell you he just would be 
8. one of the first kinks alec realized he really had like. with magnus. was office sex. yes im a slut what about it
this is bc he was minding his own business, doing paperwork at his desk, and magnus maybe sent a flirty text and alec was like mm i want to fuck him right now. and then he was staring at his desk thinking mm i want to bend him over this desk, sweep all this paper off the desk and rip off his clothes, take off his panties last and then lick his pussy until he’s begging for me to fuck him then press his chest down against the desk and fuck him until he screams. maybe i could tie his wrists behind his back with a tie. like i’m his boss? oh my god magnus in a secretary outfit. shit. he gets no work done that day. it’s just a rabbit hole of one thought to another until he’s like. sitting there hard and unable to focus on his work bc the mental image of magnus bent over in a skirt over his desk keeps playing his mind and he doesn’t want to do this paperwork he’d much rather be doing his husband.
9. alec loves making out with magnus on the couch like they’re just chilling and watching a movie and cuddling and alec loves to pull magnus into his arms and just make out. like literally not even “this ends in sex and gets hot and heavy” literally just magnus in his arms. and they kiss a lot. it’s soft and warm and relaxing tbh
10. magnus!!! and alec!!! cuddling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they both love it!!!!!! they’re both lowkey touch-starved!!!!!!
11. alec’s a dom top and that’s that my dudes
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The Nuptial Necessity - Chapter 5
A 12xRose Human AU
Despite an unglamorous job description, Rose loves the work she does with The Thistle Foundation, a charity founded by her best friend’s great-uncle.  It doesn’t hurt that her boss, her friend’s father, is easy on the eyes.  With a great job, wonderful friends and a loving family, life couldn’t be better – except for having someone to share it with.
All of that is threatened, though, when the great-uncle dies – and sets a strange condition for his nephew to inherit, jeopardizing the Foundation and Rose’s future, sparking a chain of events that might just get her everything she dreamed of and more.
Chapters will be posted on Saturdays and Tuesdays.  Many thanks to my beta, @stupidsatsuma
Rated: Explicit, for eventual smut
AO3  |  Masterlist
Rose stretched out on her sofa, closing her eyes and trying to relax.  Tony was sprawled out on the carpet in front of her, glued to the telly and his favorite movie – today, Toy Story.
As the movie played in the background she tried to organize her thoughts about Wallace’s will, tried to determine when or how the old man had gotten the idea for her and Malcolm to marry.  She couldn’t even remember if the three had ever been in the same room together prior to the funeral; usually she would go visit him if Malcolm was away or otherwise unable to make his thrice-weekly visit, and even that had only been a dozen or so times over the last few years since Wallace had moved to the assisted living facility.
Was he starting to lose his mental facilities?  For his age the man had been sharp, hampered only by his body beginning to fail to the point where he could no longer stay at home.  She knew Malcolm and Clara had lived with him after leaving Scotland, staying in the family townhouse ever since, had done everything possible to keep him there.  Did he misunderstand my position in Malcolm’s life?  Did he think somehow we were more than that?
The very thought of more with Malcolm made her breath catch, desire and longing and fear fighting for top billing in her heart.  If only he wasn’t Clara’s dad, she lamented once again, as she had so often since realizing she was-
A knock on the door broke her concentration, and with a sigh, she swung her legs off the couch and stood up.
“Stay here, I’ll be right back,” she spoke to her brother’s back, rolling her eyes when he ignored her, totally engrossed in Buzz and Woody’s first meeting.
There’s a dirty joke in there, somewhere, she mused, checking the peephole out of habit before freezing.  Shit.  Shit shit shit.  Should I pretend I’m not-
“I know you’re home,” Malcolm said dryly from the other side of the door, “let me in, would you?  Your neighbor’s giving me an evil eye.”
Undoing the lock, Rose swung the door open to reveal her boss.  “You probably deserve it.”  But she smirked as she said it, and after a moment, he shook his head.
“I stop by to check on you after you leave work early ‘feeling sick’ – for the first time in eight years, I’ll add – and this is the thanks I get?”
“That was literally twenty-four hours ago.  I appreciate your promptness.” Stepping aside she let him in, locking the door as he waited in the entryway.  “Seriously, what’re you doing here?”  She couldn’t remember a single time he’d shown up unannounced; the minor tweaks to their routine in the past few days had her more rattled than she’d care to admit, this being just another one on the growing list.
Malcolm shrugged, sticking his hands in his pockets and glancing towards the living room.  “Hot date?”
“Love of my life,” she said truthfully enough, lips quirking.  “Is this a conversation better had in private?”
Rose nodded, not waiting for him to follow as she made her way through the joint living/dining area, saying, “Tony, my boss is here.  We’re going to talk in my bedroom, ok?  Just give me a shout if you need anything.”
Once inside she shut the door and turned, realizing a beat too late that she had just led her boss into her bedroom.  And the bad decisions just keep on coming.
To his credit Malcolm had stopped awkwardly in the middle of the room, glancing around with clear interest.  “So…”
“So.”  She gestured to the bench at the foot of her bed for him to sit, pulling her vanity chair over to face him.  “What’s up?”
He let out a deep breath, staring down at his hands and examining them as if he’d never seen them before.  “First, I want to apologize.  The… terms of Wallace’s will were as much a surprise to me as they were to you.  Had I known, I certainly would have- well, I don’t honestly know what his intentions were, but I sure as fuck would’ve asked.  I did speak to his solicitor, but they have clear documentation that he was in his right mind, so there’s no chance of invalidating it in favor of a previous version which included no strings, unfortunately.”
Pausing, he peered up at her, but all she could offer him was a shrug.
“Erm, right.  So.  That leaves us with three options.  Number one, do nothing.  Always appealing, but in this case, that’s the end of the Foundation and everything we- I have.  Two – fight the will in court, try to get the condition stricken from it, but I expect that would be a long and ultimately fruitless and expensive battle.  And three… to- well- capitulate.”
Rose nodded, having already determined that for herself.  “And what are you thinking?”
“That I don’t want things to change,” he said honestly, offering her a wry smile.  “I love the work that we do, the way that we do it.  I believe in everything the Foundation does.  To lose it – and everything else I have – is a terrifying thought.  But I have no right to ask that much of you.”
“No, you don’t,” she agreed, before sighing.  “But that doesn’t mean I can’t offer.”
“What?”  Malcolm’s head snapped up, eyes going comically wide as he stared at her.  “I don’t- what?”
“I’m not giving you an answer,” Rose maintained, shrugging, “but… that also means I’m not saying no.  I feel the same way about the Foundation, and I hate to think of all of that disappearing.  But it’s a lot.  I just… I don’t know.”
To her relief he didn’t look mad, not that she had genuinely expected him to.  “Right.  What next, then?  Do you want to discuss it all?  Shall I leave you alone?”
“No!” Rose blurted when he tried to stand.  “I mean, yes, let’s talk. If- if- I said… yes, what would that involve?  What would it mean?  To you, for us- everything, I mean.  Just… what?” Pressing her lips together tightly she cursed her own inarticulation, annoyed with herself.  She had worked hard to build her reputation as being unflappable, of professionalism and efficiency, and this whole situation was throwing that all out of the window.
Damn you, Wallace.
Blinking, Malcolm sat back down, running his fingers through his hair.  “Well- I mean- in many ways, nothing would have to change.  I suppose.”
She arched an eyebrow when he paused.
“What?  Right.  Erm, I would never expect- that is to say- I wouldn’t… nothing would change personally.  Legally, we’d- well.  And you would- could- move into the townhouse, and you know perfectly well that there are plenty of guest rooms.”  He swallowed, eyes skittering around the room before returning to her.  “There’s something you should know, that Clara doesn’t.  Or at least, we’ve never discussed – I suppose her mother could have told her. Or she found out on her own.”
“And that is…” Rose prompted.
Malcolm’s lips twisted.  “The ‘estate’ is an actual estate.  And… a title.”
She was glad to be sitting, as for just a moment the world went sideways.  “What?  A title?  Since when!”
“Since always.  Centuries.  It’s fairly minor, just a Viscount, but it does exist and goes with the estate.  Well, it is the estate, technically.”
“So Wallace had a title as well?  What is it, anyway?”
“Yes, he never wanted to use it, but it was always there.  Viscount Gallifrey is the title itself.”
Rose closed her eyes briefly, concentrating on her breathing to keep from getting dizzy.  “Sorry, so if we- if I-”
His lips twitched.  “Yeah, woah.  I mention it because if we- well, you would…”
Viscountess.  Me?
Despite the seriousness of the conversation, Malcolm had to fight back a smile as he watched the cogs turn in Rose’s mind.  He knew she wasn’t motivated by the thought of money or a title, but to see his usually-unflappable assistant so rattled was more than a bit amusing.
She’d run a house like clockwork.
The thought was wistful, and it hurt his heart.  If she’d been just anyone, a random woman off the street, he would’ve asked her out years ago.  But, no- she just had to be his daughter’s best friend, and though he could overlook that, she was also the daughter of a business partner – and he never did anything that could risk the Foundation.  He’d been working with Pete Tyler for close to fifteen years, the man and Vitex combined roughly fifteen percent of the Foundation’s non-Gallifrey funding.
I can’t do that to him.
“So, would there be anything to do with that?  Any responsibilities, for me, I mean?”  Rose’s voice pulled him out of his own head, and for a moment, he just blinked at her.
“Oh!  Yes.  I mean, not what it would’ve been a century or two ago, but still yes.  Nothing too different from your current duties, mostly overseeing things.  We have a full staff at the estate itself, who manage everything for us.  Mrs. Cooper would report to you, as she currently does to me.  It shouldn’t add to your workload too much.”
She nodded, still looking lost in thought, and he tried to think of anything else she would have to know, uncertain of what he wanted her answer to be; his heart wanted her to say yes, but his head knew she would have to say no.  I can’t lose her.  “Erm, just a note- there aren’t any official engagements or duties or anything.  Not that I would attend or deal with, at least; no invitations to court, no hobnobbing with the aristocracy.  You’re not- you wouldn’t be joining the royal family, or anything.  So you know.”
“That’s a relief,” Rose grinned wryly.  “I’ve never been a fan of playing nice with the uppity-ups.”
Malcolm scoffed, shaking his head in favor of replying.  She was easily the most charming person he knew, able to win over everyone she’d ever met with very few exceptions.  He suspected, deep in the cavern of her chest where a heart would normally reside, even Missy liked her – and his ex-wife didn’t like anyone.  Often including their daughter.  You’re in too deep.
“I should go,” he decided on the fly, standing abruptly without consciously deciding to.  “Let you enjoy your weekend.  Listen, whatever you decide, obviously I understand and support you.  But, please- don’t feel obligated.  I want you to be happy.”
“Oh… okay.”  Rose’s face flushed.  “I just… I just don’t know.”
He nodded.  “I understand.  Take some time.  And if you have any conditions or… compensation in mind, draw up a list and we can talk when you’re ready.  You know I’m reasonable.”  That wasn’t strictly true, but when it came to Rose, he found himself hard-pressed to say no to anything she suggested; it was why he ate salads for lunch twice a week after all, despite his detest for leafy greens.
Way, way too deep.
“Well, thanks for stopping by,” Rose said, as they made their way back through the flat to the front door.  “I’ll think about it.”
“Let me know if you need to talk.”
With another smile and a soft bye she closed the door, and he waited until he heard the deadbolt slide into place to turn and head for the lift, avoiding her neighbor’s glare peering from a crack in the door.
Stepping out onto the sidewalk and turning up his coat collar against the wind, he debated where to go.  On a Saturday he had few options for company; since moving to London he’d always spent the day with Wallace (and Clara, in her younger years), and he once again felt the loss of his uncle keenly.  It’s only been a month, but feels like years.  Since his passing he’d been left adrift, with Clara busy with her boyfriend and Rose with Tony, nevermind the awkwardness of the will hanging over them.
With a sad sigh he headed down the block towards where Graham was parked, deciding to head into the office.
Might as well work while I still can.
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