#murderer ocs
k1ll3r-k4rg0 · 1 year
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'You shine more when wet,' Quinn says.
Quinn grabs Vini's face in his hand and kisses him deeply. They're washed, clean, smelling good for the first time in a long time. They don't smell like each other anymore, but they still smell alive. Vini stares up at Quinn with a silly stupid smile on his face.
'If you washed yourself more, puppy, you'd be just as sexy as me,' Vini says.
'That's not for me to decide, is it?' Quinn smiles wide.
'Nah you're right coz half the time you look like a drowned rat,' Vini says and he smacks Quinn's ass hard, then pulls him in for another kiss, this one deeper, wetter, hungrier.
'You still need me though,' Quinn says.
'Mmmmm I think you're the one needing me,' Vini says.
'We'll see about that,' Quinn says, and he shoves Vini up against the bathroom sink and fucks him good and hard for it.
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forbidden-sunlight · 5 months
yandere!emperor with empress!reader scenario
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warnings: infidelity, obsessive behavior, blackmail, non-con, regicide.
There may be possible triggers in this story.
If you do not feel comfortable venturing any further, please hit the back button on your mobile device or computer and read something much more pleasant than a possible series of unfortunate events.
You are responsible for your own Internet consumption!
Hey guys, welcome to my first yandere fic! Before we dive in, I want to let you know a couple of things; firstly, this is not the prologue of a series and never will be one because I simply do not have the time right now. It is a scenario, a prompt, that was inspired by the Fallen Kingdom series created by @cassanderasblog. I will leave a link to their work here. I credit them for giving me inspiration and being honest in their feedback when I showed them the initial draft. Credit also goes to @faux-ecrivain for helping finish a difficult scene.
Finally, please do not comment on here if you wish to harass me in some shape or form. I do and will not tolerate bullying. As the saying goes, "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say it at all." If it does happen, however, I will have no choice but to remove this scenario as soon as possible.
So, with that being said, sit back, relax, and enjoy :)
Yandere!Emperor had despised you with his heart and soul. The only reason he had allowed the marriage to even happen was to solidify the alliance between his nation and yours. He did not love you. The woman who held his heart, the one whom he trusted above everyone else in the world is Tatiana Adreeva. His mistress. A beautiful flower that should never be polluted by the nobles who dare to not allow her to become the Empress simply because she lacked the status equal to his own prior to ascension. You did. 
Yandere!Emperor did not lay a hand on you after the vows had been exchanged in the temple. He did not seek out your company, preferring to seek comfort in Tati’s bed and her arms. He had his crown, his woman, and allocated more power through his marriage with you. It was nothing personal. He simply did what he had to do so that his Empire would continue to prosper. 
Yandere!Emperor would not tolerate any rudeness targeted toward his lover, even if you had not uttered a single word to her at all or raised your hand against her.
 To him, ignoring her when she greeted you was enough to earn a lengthy lecture from him. 
But you did not cling to him or beg for mercy, as he thought you would do, or any other self-respecting maiden who did not want to anger her husband. You coldly stared at him with that, silent as the grave until he dismissed you from his office. Out of spite, he had his aide add more documents to your desk for the next month even when the work was not part of the Empress’ official duties. 
To his joy, Tatiana became pregnant with his child, his heir. Being by her side was suddenly all that mattered to Yandere!Emperor. His overprotective streak and ill temperament increased over time. He would lash out at you for the smallest of incidents, even if it was not your fault. And like before, you did not react to his words and continued with your life. 
Like what happens to him or with his mistress is none of your concern unless it is associated with the Empire and the citizens. As it should be. He did not marry you out of love. 
When the child was born, a healthy baby boy christened Nikolov, Yandere!Emperor held a banquet and invited ambassadors from neighboring kingdoms to celebrate. But it was on this day….that he knew the truth. 
Once he had made the necessary greetings and made sure the captain of the guards would immediately report anything suspicious or if Tati and Nikolov were in any danger, Yandere!Emperor retreated to his office. He looked over the stack of documents on his desk, trying to lessen his workload in the morning so that he could spend time with his Tati and his son.
Upon hearing a knock at the door, he did not look up from the outline of a treaty as he allowed the third person to enter his office without cutting off their fingers. His mistress, the head butler, and his advisor. Tati’s older brother, Marquis Aizel Adreeva. Yandere!Emperor had bought the highest status that he could give to his mistress’ family after receiving positive confirmation that Tati was truly pregnant and not a misdiagnosis.
Aizel smiled, closing the door behind him with his foot as he set down a tray, placing two silver goblets and a bottle of wine on the corner of his desk. He spoke softly, congratulating Yandere!Emperor on finally having an heir and making his sister the happiest woman in the world. He poured the wine into the goblets. He held one in his hand, and extended his other hand to the Glorious Son, Blessed by the Five Gods.
Yandere!Emperor smiled, taking the offered drink. They raised their goblets high in the air, and drank. Yet when Yandere!Emperor looked at Aizel…his merry smile was not right. Not the kind of joy that a new uncle would express at a nationwide celebration. It was tighter, almost anticipating something…to happen.
That was when he realized the wine tasted bitter. That was when the room began to spin, and it felt like his skull being split in half. Poison. He had been betrayed. Yandere!Emperor grunted, trying to steady himself against the desk when Aizel walked around the wooden structure and had the audacity to push him back into the leather chair.
“Ah, ah, ah, I wouldn’t do that if I were you, Emperor.” Aizel chastised, his amber orbs glowing with delight. “Not going to lie, I did not think the wine would accelerate the poison as quickly I had thought, but that works for me!”
Yandere!Emperor felt a rock plummet into the pit of his stomach at Aizel’s words. “You…did this?” He gurgled. “I thought…the Empress -”
“And deny me the opportunity to see the look on your face, choking on your blood? Absolutely not. Dear, sweet [First Name] would never have done this to you. You might not have loved her, but she did respect you.” Aizel shrugged. "If Tati were in her shoes, I reckon things would not have gone as smoothly as they have." He said casually, as if he were talking about the weather and not informally speaking to the most powerful man in the Empire. 
“I only have ten minutes before I must return to the party, so I will do the honor of answering your unspoken questions. Now, where should I start? Oh, right. Why? Why did I do this when I love you like a brother? When have you treated my sister and I with nothing but kindness and respect, providing support whenever we are troubled, mentally, physically, and finanically? Well, the answer is really, really simple: I don’t. I tolerated you. I respected you. But never once did I feel any affection towards you.” His smile widened. “The one who deserves to stand by Tati's side is the Rapid Dog of The Northern Border, my brother-in-arms. Remember him? He was engaged to Tati. The man she should have married, should have been the father of my nephew. But you had the engagement annulled because she had said a few nice words to you. You threatened to seize my family’s home unless she came to the palace as your mistress? Do you remember? Why do I even bother asking? You’re going to die anyway, and we will finally be free from this gilded cage. Seven years. Seven long, agonizing years of watching my sister playing the gentle, loving role of a besotted mistress when all she really wanted to do was slit your throat. I thought about that every day too, you know? Well, almost. I actually felt sorry for the Empress, you know. She didn’t deserve to have a husband who neglected his duties and blamed everything on the one person who kept the gears in this Empire going, until now.”
“E-Empress -”
“Had an assassin give her a clean, painless death. Made it look like an accident, and he delivered! That’s very impressive for an underground guild, you know. Investment was worth it.” Aizel giggled.
“Now, it’s time to let everyone know their beloved Emperor has retired for the evening and call it a night. Big changes are coming. Pity you won’t see it. Don’t worry though, I won’t kill Nikki. I do love him…and he will never know that his true father is a tyrannical piece of shit who died in his own pool of blood because he allowed love to muddle his mind when he should have put the country’s well being above all else. Farewell, Emperor Aleksander of the Moldova Empire. From the ashes of corruption, a new country shall be born. And my nephew will rule over it in his father’s stead once he is ready. The father he should have had and not the one who brought him into this world, Duke Matthias Starkov.” 
When he awakened, Yandere!Emperor realized he was no longer on the floor. He could breathe and he could see in the mirror that hung across the room that he looked younger again. He asked, no, demanded, a quivering servant  to tell him what the year and date were, now. It was The Year of the Moon, ----.  As the crown prince of the Moldova Empire, it is his duty to select a candidate to become his crown princess, his future Empress who would rule beside him when he ascended as the Emperor. His father, the current Emperor, is growing impatient with his sixteen-year-old son and annoyed that he is still fawning over the marquis’ daughter, Tatiana Adreeva, a woman who was already engaged to a duke. 
“Bring me the list, no, tell Josef to bring it to my office immediately. I will be there shortly.” Yandere!Emperor had never pushed the servants to dress him quickly as he did at this moment. He did not know how or why, but he had returned to the past, right when he had seen Tatiana for the first time. Seven years into the past, before Aizel had poisoned him and killed his Empress. 
Sure enough, he saw his Empress’ name on the list, five down from the most qualified and right in the middle of the lengthy parchment.  [First Name] [Last Name], born to the Republic of Greiran, the Prime Minister’s only daughter.
They are Moldova’s closest neighbor and primary source of spices and various crops that are able to thrive in the harshest of weather conditions. Rumor had it that the Prime Minister himself was the one who had collaborated with the magician’s tower on this project, saving thousands of lives from suffering another winter and no harvest after the king had collapsed from a broken heart, having lost his queen after she had given birth to the crown prince.
 That connection to the magician’s tower was the only reason Yandere!Emperor had married his Empress. Access to more magical resources than the ones in the Moldova Empire, enabling the creation of magical weapons and protecting the borders around enemy nations. And yet he still died like a damned dog, blind to the respect and admiration his Empress held for him in favor of  receiving love from his murderer. But not this time. This time….he will set things right. 
He will not get involved with Tatiana Adreeva. 
He will ascend to the throne as he is supposed to.
He will be devoted only to [First Name], never taking a mistress even if the aristocracy begged him. Even if their marriage is only on paper, and she never looks at him as a man and only as an Emperor. 
He will learn everything there is to know about his future Empress, and he will never let her go. 
©️do not repost or use any of the characters depicted here without the author’s permission. forbidden-sunlight, 2023
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solroskajan · 13 days
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heartfullofleeches · 4 months
Mime Darling as a stripper tho- Maybe the murder clown gang is planning a big heist at a popular club/casino and they decide to play it safe for once with eyes on the inside. Imagine the tricks they could get up to with their powers-
Murder Clown: Damn- You look good, Mimey. Still short tho-
[Mime Darling rolls their eyes - pushing the clown backwards into an invisible chair. They mount their teammate, throwing an leg over the clown's shoulder with a tilt of their head that reads "You were saying?~"]
Mime Darling: :)?
Murder Clown: ....I stand corrected
Customer: That a fucking mime? Sheesh, they'll let anyone on stage.
[Mime Darling winks at them, blowing a kiss]
Customer: Y'know...on second thought....
Murder Clown sitting behind them - kissstick stain on their cheek: That wasn't meant for you, buddy.
Murder Clown: Alright, Mimey - got your protection incase anything goes wrong tonight?
[Mime Darling nods their head - rolling up their skirt and showing off their bare thigh]
Murder Clown: I don't see anything
[Mime Darling rolls their eyes again - grabbing the clown's hand and resting it on their thigh where they feel the outline of a gun. The clown's blush shows through their many layers of makeup.]
Murder Clown: Whelp - I'm even more aroused than I was ten seconds ago. We still got like an hour before everyone else is ready. Wanna pass the time in that closet over there?
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clanborn · 2 months
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some residents of murderclan
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xiketico · 2 years
Hey y’all, welcome to hell
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Hi my name is V 😎. I am 19 years young and I go by she/her (I think). Being born on June 6th means I’m a Gemini but please don’t hate me, I promise my personality changes only once a week 🖤🖤🔪
You can find me as XIKETICO on: INSTAGRAM (most active there) TWITTER, PINTEREST, SPOTIFY, AND TIK TOK. Discord is Xiv#4356
This is my main blog!! Here I post art and my Ocs. There are some gore and nsfw topics here, so I advise that everyone who follows is over the age of 18. I also talk about the scaries and other interests of mine from time to time (meaning.. there will be the occasional fanarts) so be aware of my multifandom shenanigans!
SEND ASKS! To me or my Ocs!! I LOVE IT and if the asks are for my Ocs I’ll reply In Character! To know more about my Ocs, here are some helpful tags!:
Again due to certain topics I AM BEGGING to follow ONLY IF YOURE 18 and OVER!! If not i will… 😡😡…
No but seriously. Be an adult.
Also!! DNI if you’re a:
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Thank u for reading bozos 😎 also consider commissioning me if u wanna!!
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yandere-writer-momo · 13 days
Yandere Short Stories: Not the Same
Yandere Surgeon x Ex-Fiancée Fem Reader
TW: medical malpractice, horror, obsession, yanderre themes, unhealthy behaviors, blood, gore, murder, etc.
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A loud, frustrated scream ripped through Darius’s throat before various surgical instruments clattered to the floor. This experiment had been yet another failure…
“You’re supposed to sweetly ask me how my day is!” Darius screamed at his patient who held their arms over their head in a fetal position.
“I-I didn’t know-“ The patient screamed when Darius stomped his foot into their back side over the fresh incisions. Loud, pained wails left the patient’s throat as they crumbled to the floor. Apologies bubbled through their throat.
“She would have never made such a mistake…” Darius sighed as he turned to his scalpel. That’s right, his darling fiancée would have gave him a big smile and rushed into his arms… she’d never be so uncouth.
Darius grasped a scalpel from off the floor, his gray eyes reflected off the shiny surface. There was only one way to fix such a grave mistake he’s made…
Darius swung his fist into the patient, the scalpel now deeply imbedded into their eye socket. One last, pathetic wail left their lips before they laid in a pool of their own blood on the once pristine floor in a grotesque halo.
Darius rubbed the small bit of blood that splattered on his face with disgust. This wasn’t the same… it wasn’t her. This failure of an experiment could never compare to his perfect fiancée… his (your name).
“I wonder when you’ll come back to me…” Darius softly whispered to himself, his eyes studied the pool of blood in disinterest. “How many more of your little dates do I have to mutilate and dispose of until you become mine again?”
Darius thought for a moment before he studied the corpse’s ears in interest. Maybe he should send his beloved a little present? That should get the ball rolling.
Darius yanked the scalpel out of the patient’s eye before he sucked in a breath. This was all for her own good… he’d make her see that he was the best choice. By force.
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shadale-s-safe-space · 2 months
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jazzstarrlight · 13 days
Nuzi- The Proposal
A wholesome HFT* moment well deserved! (Meanwhile, it's past Lexi's bedtime.) Hope this makes you guys happy.
(*Happy Family Timeline)
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k1ll3r-k4rg0 · 1 year
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but this time, i mean it
i'll let you know just how much you mean to me
as snow falls on desert sky
until the end of everything
Christmas gift for @kittyteefies !!!!!! Love these guys n u!! Struggled with this but I think it actually turned out really cool
They're just SO.....
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wombywoo · 18 days
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ID 🪪
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rottengurlz · 1 month
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leona and her soon to be dead husband
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megbanned · 2 months
I love axolotls, so I made an axolotl worker drone x'D
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Meet Ajito!
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julia-jck · 1 month
Forest's first time seeing a glimpse into the multiverse
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Forest: What was in that tea?????
I like Dust and Horror just walking cause in my headcanon, Horror is a bit slower cause of his injury and Dust is just tired.
(Thinking about calling Forest's AU UnderGarden, cause GardenTale already exists)
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heartfullofleeches · 3 months
Murder Clown: So this is the asshole who called you creepy?
Mime Darling: :'( [nods sadly]
Murder Clown: Aw, it's okay - just remember in times like this you gotta kill 'em with kindness!
Mime Darling: ..…? [Holds up an invisible rose] :)?
Murder Clown: Cute, but that's not what I meant. I was talking about this.
[Mime Darling goes pale as the clown hands them a sledgehammer with the word "kindness" written on its handle]
Mime Darling: O_O
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electrozeistyking · 2 months
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The Closest Thing to Flying
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