#mt kin
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Shitty Lake aesthetic: when i was a kid i used to really want to polish bald people’s heads with one of those machines where it’s like. a big fluffy circle and it spins super fast. and see if i could see myself in the reflection on their head. the way that i could not spend more than five minutes in lake’s presence without rightfully receiving the mother of all punches to the sternum...
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beast-feast · 2 years
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Talked with a bro and we fucking brain blasted like "haha what if they were some fucked up family system" so that's a thing now !
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labratboygirl · 7 months
having multiple main ((fiction))kins is like being in a car with a group of the most insufferable people on earth . like
frequently woobified guy with criminal record in passengers seat:: HAIIII bestieeee ^_^ could you maybe let me drive again bestiee :o)
edgy video game antagonist sitting behind woobified guy:: whats the point of driving ? our only purpose is to eat breed and rot
morally gray movie protagonist sitting next to edgy antagonist:: PLEAAAASEEEE LET ME DRIVE AGAIN i Hate sitting next to this guy
my General Self at the wheel:: i will crash this fucking car
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floralcavern · 9 months
Kinnie Bingos I made
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ashacidic · 2 years
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Dont tag as kin/me please !!!!!
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oberverkinstuff · 5 months
Dear Red,
it’s snowing again. I’m not as bothered as I was by it last year but it is still a sight to behold. I still think about the mountain. I still think about our teams, when we locked eye-sockets, when I heard the shrill cry of death. My eyes still unfocus when I hear the snow hit the ground, when I see it falling from the clouds, when I feel the cold on my skin. I hope you are well. I hope you are warm. I hope you are safe. I hope the snow never shakes you as much as it shook me. And I hope you know what happened that day does not make me hate you. In fact, I love you. This is why I even write to you. I love you and I wish you and your partners the best.
May you never falter to the hands of the frozen.
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lvminae · 10 months
If I become known someday and people kin my characters (they should) they are never allowed to fight doubles
I kin some of my ocs and if you try to fakeclaim people I Can Officially Denounce You
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cytokin · 1 year
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Victim (/Gold/Blake) : Easter Egg Snow On Mount Silver
Requested by ❄️Anon
Winter night candle // 20$
Scarf //  33.60$ ( + fragrance spray // 10$ )
Winter solstice candle // 25$
Typhlosion plush // 32.99$
Meganium plush // £29.99/37.10$
Feraligatr plush // 24.59$
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musashi · 1 year
(I don't have tumblr on my phone and I'm at work this is britt) Yeah! There's a lot going on in it but you'll definitely see more aziraphale and crowley than the other characters in Fandom spaces. He snake yeah (the one from Eden!) but he's also a demon who's really a big softie at heart (never meant to fall, just hung around with the wrong crowd) and will do quite literally anything for one specific angel he's known since the beginning of time (and has definitely loved since then)
Very romantic ;w;
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foone · 2 months
Gender with a blast radius
Gender you watch from a distant cliff and the city is destroyed
Gender that leaves you naught but a shadow etched into the brickwork
Gender that can't be taken into tunnels or across bridges because the emergency vehicles would never be able to get there in time
Gender that requires its own NFPA 704 hazard diamond.
Gender that's best viewed through a mirror from down a long hallway
Gender that can't be photographed because it spoils the film or glitches the CCD
Gender that causes nearby electronics to fail. TVs fade to static. Lights flicker. Bulbs burn out. Engines stall.
Gender that freaks out dogs. All their hair goes on end and they bark at you. Cats try to look big and then flee.
Gender that makes people quote the Bhagavad Gita at you.
Gender that gives people the look of Moses descending from Mt. Sinai. Beard turned white. Face flash tanned. Eyes cloudy.
Gender that changes people, forever. They have trouble sleeping afterwards. They can't get effective therapy for what they went through because no one else can understand what they went through.
Gender that's making your eventual burial arrangements difficult for your next of kin, because the EPA is worried it might leak into the watertable.
Gender that gets assigned an incident severity by the IAEA.
Gender that causes the writing of endless new papers. There's an international scientific organization trying to get grants to build a new supercollider in a salt mine in Brazil so they can recreate, study, and hopefully understand your gender.
Your gender inspires depressed poets.
Your gender has a New York Times best selling book about it. It's called one of the scariest non-fiction books ever written.
Your gender gets talked about on a podcast about disasters, and the hosts have trouble making any jokes between the exclamations of "Jesus christ!"
Your gender is mentioned in the book of revelation, in between the beast with seven heads and the star falling to earth and turning the seas to blood.
Your gender spoils milk and destroys crops. There's European folk legends about the rituals needed to cleanse a town after your gender has cursed it.
Your gender is talked about around campfires to scare children.
Your gender keeps horror writers up at night and inspires their next work.
Your gender is yours and is beautiful and terrific.
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fagbyatt · 2 years
gonna start they/theming renarin and disregarding canon thank you
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ace-with--a-mace · 2 years
um actualkt never twking a benadrl again my head hudts my bones hurt
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 1 month
Extra 1 - "Solitary Fallen Star & Foreign-Born Kin"
In which the Traveler and Paimon unknowingly come across a mysterious adeptus by the name of Sky Weaver while the two are exploring near the sparsely populated cliffsides of Mt. Mingyuan. Or; In which the long-forgotten tale of the adeptus Sky Weaver is uncovered by Aether from the lips of the various Adepti of the Nation of Liyue and the people who know them.
Prologue | Part 1 | (1.5) | Part 2 | (2.5) | Part 3 | (3.5) | Part 4 | (4.5) | Part 5 | (5.5) | Part 6 | (6.5) | Epilog | Extra 1 | Extra 2
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"Hey Traveler..."
Paimon mumbles as she closes her little fist onto the fabric of her pillowcase; drooping eyes fighting to stay open.
The golden blonde turns his head from the book in his hands to face her; his long unbraided hair swaying with the movement of his head. He marks his page half-mindedly and sets his reading material aside, providing the small girl with his full attention.
"Yes Paimon?" 
Aether answers her softly, eyes patient and curious.
"When you find your sister..."  
The small girl whispers as she fidgets and plays with her fingers; a nervous habit that she developed through their time together.
"When you find her... you're going to leave right?"  
Aether pauses; he hadn't really thought of that. What will he do after Lumine finally stops running from him? After she finally decides that he's ready to be with her... 
Actually, now that he thought about it, this wasn't fair. Why is he forced to go and look for her while she knows where he is at any given time? Why doesn't she just tell him what she's doing? Who she's fighting for? What are her plans? As her brother, he would follow her to the ends of the earth... so why is she doing this? Doesn't she understand how painful this is for him?
The golden blonde stares down at his lap in thought; does he... really need to find his sister? Is he doing this because he wants to or out of the moral obligation of being her brother?
Lumine... Aether loves Lumine... but...
"To... to answer your question, Paimon, it's very likely."  
Aether spoke absentmindedly, his mind still preoccupied with his racing thoughts.
The fairy-like girl watches as her friend stares into space. She figures that he's just now thinking about the circumstances that he's been forced into. Her white hair bounces as she sits up; eyes filled with sympathy.
"Hey Trav—... Hey Aether?"  
Paimon calls to him softly, her little hand reaching out and tugging at his borrowed night clothes.
The boy looks up at her, listening but still dazed with thoughts. He only mutters a quiet 'Yeah?' as he absentmindedly plays with a lock of his kinky golden blonde hair.
"When you guys go... c‐can you please– can you please take Paimon with you? P‐paimon doesn't want you to leave her behind..."  
Paimon whimpers with wobbly lip; tears beginning to gather and bead up on her thick lashes.
Aether blinks; the small girl's teary eyes snapping back to reality and prompting him to wipe away her tears with the pads of his thumb. He smiles softly, the upward curve of his lips filled with love and gentleness.
"Paimon... I don't know if I ever told you this, but for a while now, I've considered you my little sister. Family never leaves each other behind."  
The golden blonde answers sincerely, raising a hand to carefully ran his fingers through her soft white hair.
'—or at least, they aren't supposed to.' He finishes in his thoughts.
Even if Lumine continues to shy away from him, at least he has Paimon here with him to keep him company.
"You know... you've cried an awful lot these past few days, I'm surprised you even have any tears left in you. Maybe that's why you eat so much.~"  
Aether coos as he teasingly, but lightly, pushes her head down and ruffles her hair.
Paimon squeals at the weight on her and her friends playful jab, smack her little fists into his thigh in defiance.
"HEY! Paimon thought that we were having a moment! Quite being mean or Paimon will definitely hide all your Mora!"  
The small girl growls at him, her cheeks puffed up in irritation.
Yeah... maybe– maybe Aether can put off finding Lumine for the time being. He loves her... but maybe it's time for him to be selfish. Just for a little while...
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genericnam · 7 months
Asgore in Undertale gets way too much flak for being a child murderer, and I'm tired of him being forgotten by the fandom. The people who don't hate on him just forget about my poor big Mr Dad Guy!
I think that while Asgore wasn't in the right about the killings, he was reasonably justified. Like, listen to this:
Asgore's entire species was nearly wiped out in a one sided war over a POSSIBILITY, not even ONE monster had ever absorbed a soul, and yet they were still sealed away.
For anywhere from decades to CENTURIES passed and Asgore still wanted peace with humans. Then, Chara fell. Chara, the first human to interact with monsters in who knows how long, hated humanity. They fell down Mt. Ebott for "not good reasons", and Asgore took that child in. Asgore raised a human abandoned by their own kin, the same species that slaughtered his kingdom. And he still wanted peace.
It was only when Chara killed themselves to help Asgore achieve his dream, and Asriel was mercilessly slaughtered, that Asgore lost his cool. Asgore had to watch as both of his children died by the hands of humans.
Now, remember, a Boss Monster cannot age without a child, so when Asriel died, it doomed Asgore to spend the rest of eternity trapped in a mountain watching his species die out. Because also remember that when monsters lose hope, they fucking DIE. They Fall Down and enter a coma until they turn into dust.
Asgore, after watching hundreds, if not thousands of his people die and lose hope, including his own children, he finally snapped and declared war. Asgore needed seven humans to die, and then he'd be able to allow his kingdom to even just see the SUN for the first time.
Asgore came to his senses almost immediately, but it was too late, there was no turning back. The promise of seven souls gave monsters hope again! And if he stopped, a more bloodthirsty monster would try taking his seat and using it to declare a bloodier war (exactly what Undyne does to Toriel in certain Neutral Runs).
Asgore had to kill seven people to save his entire species from extinction, and even that was too much for his soft heart. He would rather die and let you go home, but he knows that isn't a real option, when it comes down to Him versus the 7th Soul, Asgore knows someone will have to die, for the sake of his people, his friends, and his family.
Asgore lost EVERYTHING, and he still wanted peace, it just... wasn't an option anymore.
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Where did water come from?
Though science cannot explain the existence of water, several religious explanations exist. Most of these simply state that God made it for some reason, but the Norkibrundians have a more interesting mythology:
When the Norkibrundian god council created the world, they did so without a single drop of water. The only water that existed at all was in the body of Dolores, the first human. Because Dolores and her children, the beginnings of humankind, subsisted on water and there was none to be found, Dolores hated the gods and demanded that they give her family water to drink. Vic, the strongest of the Gods agreed that this was unfair and ordered Ahaw, the laziest of the gods, to create water. Ahaw did so, but the water took on his lazy nature, and was most subject to gravity, always dripping downward to the lowest places on Earth. Coincidentally, Ahaw is said by the Norkibrundians to have created cats as well.
Because Dolores lived at the peak of the tallest mountain (Mt. Driskill), she and her progeny began a pilgrimage downward to the oceans where all the water had gone. Their journey was long and difficult, and one of her children died, her son Chiir. Thus it is said that every sip of water a human takes is paid for by the blood of her kin- And to this day before drinking the Norkibrundians will say the possessive form of his name in his honor, "Chiir's."
Dolores eventually made her way to the ocean where she and her remaining children drank of the pure water, but polluted it with their tears, and thus, ocean water is salty to this day, as are the Norkibrundians to their gods, especially Ahaw who is regarded as a lazy devil worthy of the contempt of the people. Fresh water from rain, and in lakes and rivers is regarded as having been created by Marty, a god whose story consists mostly of fixing Ahaw's mistakes. Marty is venerated by the Norkibrundians on Spring Equinox. Some say the holiday of Mardi Gras is based on a Christianization Marty's Day, pointing to the original Norkibrundian manner of celebration involving trading beads for the flashing of one or more breasts.
The Norkibrundian culture has nearly died out as of 2023, partly because of cultural shift and partly because the Norkibrundians only ever consisted of a few college students in the 60s who made all this up on a whim. Anyhow that's uh, what did you ask? Where water is from? Uh, sorry for the tangent. Water comes from clouds.
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ashacidic · 2 years
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Kin art. ( don't tag as me/kin if you rb please !!!! )
Need to change my icon among other things lmao
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