alfinaazzahra · 1 year
Ibu suport Ibu
Pernah ada di posisi enggak dianggap sama ibu-ibu lain karena enggak kelihatan batang hidungnya alias banyak ngabisin waktu di rumah aja buat ngurus anak-anak.
Makin kesini aku sedikit paham, mungkin seseibu yang enggak menganggap aku dulu punya alasan sendiri. Misal, mereka juga baru keluar dari 'gua' nya setelah lama berjibaku dengan anak dan baru mulai bisa 'bebas' karena anak-anaknya sudah cukup besar untuk ditinggal atau disambi.
Mungkin, ibu-ibu lain memang powerful dan enggak selemah aku yang dikasih anak terus ngendon aja di rumah.
Atau, mungkin emang pas lagi apes aja ketemu seseibu yang kayak gitu?
Enggak tau lah, hal positifnya aku jadi tau perasaan 'tidak dianggap' dan jadi berusaha untuk menjaga sikap ke ibu-ibu lain yang sedang dalam posisi aku dulu.
Semangat ibu, you deserve to have a good friend who always supports you.
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mommatov · 1 year
Going Through the Motions Called Emotions
For the past two days I’ve been sick. On an antibiotic and a steroid to try and knock it out. Then on top of that V’s got an ear infection. Oh, did I mention I am about to start my period? Was going to try and tough it out as I always try to do, but this time is something different. My body is achy, my head feels foggy. One minute I am happy, the next I’m not. I don’t know if it’s me just reaching the wonderful ripe age of 30 (lol) or just so over worked from not only work but trying to make sure I am being a good mommy, partner, friend, daughter, and so forth. Why do I feel so guilty about missing work when my body is yelling at me?
“Take care of me.” It must often say to me.
So much coffee, not enough water. So much working and being a momma, not enough sleep.
My mind too. I have not been taking good care of that at all. I stopped taking my medicine. Why do you ask? I don’t know really. I think that maybe I can handle it myself?
We’re fighting right now. I do not know if I am wrong, but I also feel so right in what I am feeling. I may have overreacted, but also, I am so over stimulated. I’m tired, I’m sick, I’m foggy, and I just need him. Why do I feel so guilty though?
He has been working a lot and he never does get to be his own person, so I felt guilty for even feeling this way. Selfish almost. I just need him.
The conversation never really went anywhere other than a bad place, so I have just stopped responding. I turned my phone off. I think the best thing right now is silence. Or really I don’t know what the best thing is. Sigh.
Not sure why I really started typing this all out, but I rather not even bother anyone with my problems. Feel like a nuisance.
I do feel better though being able to get my thoughts out. I need to start doing this on my bad days, like today, but also my very good days. To remind myself that there is always tomorrow, whether it be good or bad. Take it in stride is what I like to tell all my friends. Now if I could only take my own advice…
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Like are you fucking serious right now?
Mondays are absolutely the worst. Mondays are the September of the weekdays .. wake me up when it's over seriously.
But why?
Let me give you a little look into my life.
-I have severe anxiety and of course with that comes the even worse panic attacks.
-even more personal ... it's way worse on school weeks when I have to share my kids every other weekend because I got no time with them. If Mondays make me feel some type of way, I wonder if it does them too ...
-Mondays mean that we're supposed to start our work week... but, for someone like me ... Mondays are usually spent in bed with my brain rolling and jumping from thought to thought. I might even go from room to room and just sit and stare at everything I want to "fix or diy or clean" but everything is just so fucking overwhelming ... Back to bed I go.
Oh the possibilities of the week... everything I want to do because it's Monday .. all these ideas I have in my head for the week - let's get motivated... Maybe i'll build a whole new work station and omg I can build cabinets for my sink, no wait I need to work .. so let's draw some design that might go viral and make my life easier - but probally not.. I'll probally just spend all day on it and delete it because after working all day on it I'm not the same person I was at the beginning of the day and it no longer fits my vision. That's more like it.
And of course .. it's technically Monday now so let's kick today's ass ...
Time to go to bed so I can wake up and do everything on my list. Probally not but hey it's a good thought right
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drbrookeweinstein · 10 months
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You are firing on all cylinders to do all the things.⁣
But today, I want to remind you, if no one else does, that you are enough.
I see you and you are doing a fantastic job at being the imperfectly perfect mother.
I want you to know you don’t have to do this alone. I have a safe space.
A safe space for you with 24/7 support. THRIVE Like a Mother is a place you can learn. Grow. And begin to THRIVE!!!
If you want that, it's here. I am waiting. And I would love nothing more than to support you.
If you want to find out more about what this looks like, comment, I'M READY, and I will dm you all the details.
You can have this. You are worthy of this.
It's time.
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dee2x · 2 years
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spent the last few days appreciating life exactly where we are. I’ve always known that I do not want to escape on the weekend, and I don’t want to recover from the week. I want to spend every day living our lives fully, to be in the present. some days will be good, and some challenging. that is life. ✨ to do this, we need to be mindful of what we choose to put our attention to. hold on firm to our boundaries of our decisions. trust ourselves. do the work that we are happy to be at, and if we are not - make adjustments to your life to change it for the better. small adjustments make a huge difference. give your attention to what matters to you, not what is expected of you. start by defining what does matter to you. make sure it is what is really important to you, and not just what people have always told you is important. you are the most important person in your child’s life. don’t be perfect, but be human. make mistakes, so they can see. live your life, so they can follow. ❤️ #beingaconfidentparent #raisingconfidentkids #takingonlife #momthoughts #middlechild #familylife #steppingup #beingme (at Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkDmI7oJTSz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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edgeofoursouls · 4 years
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I’m just trying to soak these moments in
Someday you’re going to be my age and I don’t know how that’s going to feel
Right now I don’t want to imagine how that’s going to feel
Because right now you rely on me
And you want to be near me
And I never want to change that
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behustle · 4 years
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#mom #momthoughts #momlove #quotes https://www.instagram.com/p/CBuQWaPjohd/?igshid=2u7xasfvqmor
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#blessed 💙💜 #boymom #boymomlife #singlemom #singlemomlife #momlife #parenting #parenthood #parent #momthoughts #littleblessings #blessings #love #famouslyadjacent #abiggirlsguidetolove #chicklit https://www.instagram.com/p/B72hNcvAW75/?igshid=1ru7ki6geq3bn
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ahappyevent · 4 years
A wrap up of the last decade
Sounds like soooo much, but it actually feels like 10 years have gone by in a second.
I always get very thoughtful towards the end of a year... like it’s a good time to look back and assess. When in reality we should be doing this more often...
I started journaling in the last few weeks / months. And this piece is a part of my journal, which I want to share with you my girls.
So, last 10 years?
They started in Vienna, where we lived for 3 and we were 4 (me, daddy and 2 cats). Moved to Dubai lived there for 4 and we were 7 the most and 5 in the end (us, you two girls, buni and 2 cats; in the end cats moved to Austria).  Now in Zürich, been living here for 3 and we are the 4 of us.
Almost the entire of these years, mommy and daddy were side by side. The times when we were not, we were still the very best of friends. Our relationship has grown and fallen, and grown again to heights we would have not imagined. Not without hardship, tears, fights, disappointments. But also with honesty, vulnerability, laughter, happiness and peace.
We got married. 27th Jan 2012 officially. 9th June 2012 with friends and family.
We got you girls. 2 beautiful girls, seriously, just like in my dreams when I was a teenager and dreamt of having 2 girls. 26th November 2012 and 12th March 2016. We gave birth to you side by side, and have been by your side ever since.  Both pregnancies for me were a dream! Out of 10 years, 5 and a half I’ve either been pregnant or breastfeeding. Loved almost every minute of it.
We lived in 5 different houses. But all felt like home.
We traveled a bit only... not so much as I’d have wished, but then we have the next decades coming :)
I went from corporate to maternity, to corporate to maternity and a sort of sabbatical, then to the startup world, now in venture capital. Keep your brain engaged and you shall never be sorry. Also, being out of your comfort zone is painful, but (I hope :)) worth it.
I developed the most amazing self awareness & curiosity about my, yours and others behaviours. I am kinder, less aggressive (externally and internally) and more balanced than I’ve ever been. Even though, in the mids of all this, this year I have done the most intensive work with myself.
We’ve seen 2 human beings being born into this world, taking their first steps, saying their first words. Running and falling, and dancing, laughing, crying, suffering, learning (or not yet) to manage emotions. Hugging us and saying I love you mommy, I love you daddy. No matter what, at the end of the day, this expression of unconditional love keeps me humble and always eager to learn and do better.
Sofia, you’ve discovered such an amazing passion, for which you have an amazing talent - music. The pitch of your voice even as early as 3years old was phenomenal.  You were verbal very early on, we could reason pretty much anything with you, kind towards your friends and sister. Eager to please others, perhaps sometimes at the expense of your own ‘voice’. Be strong my love and keep your path!
Ana, you’ve brought an entirely new dimension to our life. Strong, very ‘body’ able and aware, even though too courageous and daring. ‘No’ is your least favourite word, when it comes to accepting it, not saying it :) No is never the way, the only way is your way. Super loving to us and your sister (when ‘no’ is not involved :)) Be kind my love and make room for others on your path too!
Your daddy has moved from corporate to startup, his own.  First try! Moved to Chile for 6 months, almost didn’t make it for the wedding and for Sofia’s birth :) Worked hard, learned many lessons, failed. Still proud of him. He joined us in Dubai, took care of you Sofia for a whole month on his own, to which I will forever be grateful. That month has definitely changed the way he perceives motherhood and bonding with kids. Went back to corporate, moved to Switzerland in corporate and then changed to startup, his own. Second try! This time with an amazing partner, and not on the other side of the planet :) Many lessons learned, not failed, on the contrary story continues and it’s going very well. Super proud of him!
Have met people in the past 10 years that will forever be in my life. So grateful for these friendships being forged in the mid 20s / 30s.... even cooler than the high-school ones :)  
A hip surgery 2 years ago, due to a light injury during yoga training - me.  Broken  leg skiing, a rod inside the leg for 1,5yrs and then removed - daddy. I discovered and love spinning, perfect combination between sports and partying :) Daddy discovered and loves yoga. I did my 200hrs yoga teacher training and loved it. Together we ran 4 semi marathons, and one marathon. And many more kilometres in between.
Mental health gained priority in the last half of the decade. Meditation, yogic breathing, and mindfulness. Not all the time, but trying to have a steady flow. I immediately feel it when I don’t.  
Read tons of books in the last years, after my sleeping patterns returned to normal. I would usually have 3-4 books from different fields in parallel.
Natural living - discovered essential oils, mostly for your health, girls. It saved us many times and I bet we’ve escaped many potential rounds of antibiotics. The power of plants is amazing and it’s a natural and strong support for our bodies. Also the aromatherapeutic effect of oils is undoubtedly affecting the way we feel, think and act.
Food - towards the end of the decade I am strongly contemplating moving towards a plant based nutrition. The more I read about it the more convinced I am. Plus there is tons of research on it, outlining the benefits. Will see how this goes in the 2020s, transition is not easy.
We’ve loved each-other at the start of this decade, and love each-other still. The past year has been incredibly hard for us from so many points of view. Somehow we’ve managed to stay listening and always move forward.  One thing that I know for sure is that I have the best partner by my side and I am super grateful for this.
Have a great next 10 years girls! At the next wrap up of the decade you’ll be 17 and 13 .... say whaaaaaaaat? :)))
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Love, mommy
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momthoughts · 5 years
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Picking lemons in summer.
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alfinaazzahra · 1 year
Ya karena kalau Ibu bahagia, seisi rumah bakal bahagia juga. Sebuah keniscayaan.
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im-just-a-peach · 5 years
So sometimes I feel like I want to talk about the way I am raising my children differently but then I usually shut myself up because it just feels like bragging but like does anyone actually want to hear about that kind of stuff?
Cause I have been wanting to do a pod or something and I know @irresponsible-black-unicorn is doing an adulting series soon... and maybe I could talk about that kind of stuff then... but idk... y'alls input is appreciated here
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itskoiniapna-blog · 5 years
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Follow for daily new thoughts... #itskoiniapna #koiniapna #hindithoughts #mondaymotivation #inspirationalquotes #inspiringquotes #heartbreakquotes #heartbroken #sadshayri #momthoughts #dadthoughts #gfbf #breakupquotes #lovequotes #hindisuvichar #morningquotes #morningmotivation #goodnight #goodmorning #onlymotivation #motivationalspeaker #motivationalspeech #inspiringplayspaces #tuesdaymotivation #tuesdaymorning #wednesdaymotivation #thursdaymotivation #fridaymood #saturdaynight #sundaymotivationalquotes https://www.instagram.com/itskoiniapna/p/Bw-DK5Hgvng/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=17zg02h86q86y
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drbrookeweinstein · 10 months
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Do you find your child is heightened ALL.THE.TIME?
I like to call these awesome kiddos our spunky monkeys!
They are brilliant, strong, opinionated, and can't stop the ants from squirming in their pants.
But the issue with these kiddos is we are pegging them as the "behavioral kids," the bad ones.
They drive you up the wall, never stop, struggle to sit still at school, and you may even feel like a tornado lives in your house.
I want you to know your child is not broken.
You are not a bad parent, either. YOU are not causing this.
But how do we calm the storm? Calm the ants in the pants?
Simple. Sensory and emotional regulation.
But that requires YOU, YES, YOU as a parent, to become the expert on sensory regulation. You must understand how your child ticks. What will set them off, what will calm them down?
And how do you learn this?
I not only teach you how to emotionally and sensory regulate your body, but I teach you how to support your children.
I've helped thousands of parents with this. Transforming their family lives. Calming the storm.
And you can have that too. You can transform your lives.
If you are curious about my THRIVE Like a Mother program, comment, CALM THE STORM.
I am here. And ready to support you and your entire family.
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Just to start, dinners aren’t always that elaborate. My husband prefers to have salad, a side dish (besides salad), rice, miso soup and a main dish. So usually meat. But these days sometimes I just pick at what I’m cooking as I cook and then he gets this set out meal. He gets home late usually - maybe after 7:30 at least most nights. Actually I guess it’s earlier than most Japanese working men, but it’s still not fun. When K-chan was still newborn I’d make his dinner and then I’d put her down for bed and then I’d panic sleep. Sometimes I didn’t see him for two days in a row. I’ve blocked out a lot of that time because it was stressful. These days I’m also very stressed but for different reasons. Sometimes I miss pure survival mode. Anyway now I usually take a bath with K-chan while he eats dinner. I don’t think it’s a ton of breathing room and I don’t know if he really cares that much but I personally would like to eat in peace for twenty minutes sooooo. So as you may have picked up on by now I’m quite a negative person. I’m working on it, sort of. The truth is the event that inspired me to actually draw this out was on such a night my husband walked in and told me I shouldn’t let her play with my wallet while I make dinner. I got a little huffy. My empty wallet with some shop cards kept her occupied for twenty minutes!! That’s forever! Special thanks to my friend Lauren for taking the brunt of my whining now. Sorry. Thank you. . . . . . . . . . . #ママライフ#ママブログ#ママり#コミック#イラストレーター#イラスト#momblog#momthoughts#diary#baby#babyabroad#momabroad#japanbaby#art#dailylife#illustration#drawing#mylife#saitamamama#saitamamama#sigh#sad#japanesefood#udon#artist#artblog#momart#memories https://www.instagram.com/p/BuBZFcOnDDe/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=12vmbbkh4fv00
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nomadanu-blog · 5 years
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A very warm welcome we had today in #Sölden ❤️ ♡ This is our first vacation without our teddy-bear Maria (We do miss her badly, but we also missed being just the two of us. I’m very sure every mother and father understand this 😊) ♡ As for us, we will snowboard most of the time so I’m gonna be offline more 😉 Thank you all for your good thoughts in advance! Love, Danu ❤️ ♡ ♡ ♡ #austria #snowboarder #snowboard #winterlover #motherhood #momthoughts #nomadanu #couplegoals #love #travel #traveler #nomadfamily #nomads #explorer #familylove #prosnowboarder #tistheseason #grateful #gratefulheart (at Sölden, Austria) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrVW6Exgbml/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=8xjt4urlhfou
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