#ml origins spoiler
the-bluespirit · 1 year
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galahadwilder · 8 months
Claw Noir is like “ooooh I’m so evil” and he’s strutting around thinking he’s hot shit and then he meets Chat Blanc and immediately pisses himself in fear
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amimons · 1 year
Let’s talk about how Marinette without a miraculous, threw hands with Monarch, got slammed HARD against a wall only to come back for round 2, all while wearing a handmade Ladybug (lucky charm edition) suit!?!?!?
What a legend 👏
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daily-kagami · 11 months
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Day #75: Sunbathing
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thecapturedafrique · 7 months
When you’re reading the latest chapter of @coffeebanana’s awesome fic everything i know (brings me back to us) and suddenly realize that Marinette lying about Gabe to Adrien at the end of S5 is just a repeat of the scarf incident in S1:
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kittychat-ladybug · 10 months
Please no more singing I can’t do this anymore
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bittersweetresilience · 11 months
timeline of félix events (s1-s5)
félix grows up and experiences horrors
he and adrien are close as children and switch places sometimes
after a particular experience, félix realizes his life is tied to the ring his father wears, which can also control him
émilie dies of a mysterious illness and colt follows relatively soon after, allowing félix to recover his ring
some time after papillon appears (ladybug et chat noir), mayura makes her debut, revealing that the peacock miraculous is working for papillon (mayura)
at some point, amélie messages gabriel about wanting the graham de vanily twin rings back
félix shows up at the mansion, steals the ring gabriel is wearing for her, and makes his first attempt at striking a deal with papillon for the peacock miraculous (félix)
félix is invited back, does not give back gabriel's ring, and confirms his suspicions of gabriel being papillombre (gabriel agreste)
félix comes again to help adrien and snoop around, takes nathalie's tablet, takes what he thinks are the miraculous, unexpectedly finds émilie in the repository, and unfortunately realizes nathalie can control adrien with the other graham de vanily ring (risque)
félix realizes he's holding a fake miraculous, takes the opportunity he's presented with to make a deal for the real one, and gives up the ring he originally stole in his bargain with gabriel (réplique)
félix returns to london, where amélie tells ladybug and chat noir he's missing and where he meets duusu for the first time (multiplication)
félix goes to paris to free his cousin and waits for weeks before enacting his grand plan at the diamonds dance, where amélie also confirms at félix's direction that gabriel sucks (émotion)
félix goes to paris again to be silly and in love, dealing with kagami's mother in the process (prétention)
félix and kagami presumably go on cute dates offscreen, during one of which kagami tells him she thinks marinette is ladybug
félix and kagami stage a play to let marinette in on the sentimonster lore, reveal gabriel as monarque, and request she take him down so they can continue to be silly and in love (représentation)
pool date and heroes team (re-création)
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bugnoirelahiffe · 8 months
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knockknockitsnickels · 11 months
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yunyin · 1 year
You know what, Derision was probably the most brutal ep I've seen in a lot of ways, but I'm really glad I saw it when I'm doing this rewatch cuz it gives SO much more insight into Marinette, esp early on.
Seasons 4 and 5 have been so good about giving new insights into all the characters, but I had kind of thought it would be everyone but Marinette, since we already see things from her pov, but we've only known her for I guess less than a year, and who knew just what had triggered so much of this?
PS the effect of this knowledge on the ladynoir partnership is amazing
like "I trust him" in Gorizilla or how much she likes his sense of humor in "Truth?" Fantastic
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miraculous-romance · 2 years
She flat out confessed her feelings and you said "It's alright, I have feelings for another girl now", like.... BOY IF YOU DON'T START LEARNING TO READ BETWEEN THE LINES I WILL--
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the-bluespirit · 11 months
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1.26 // 5.26
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galahadwilder · 9 months
Concept we're all sleeping on: Evil Multimouse.
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wackus-bonkus-maximus · 8 months
*stumbles drunk onto your porch* TRICK. TREAAAAAAT.
hi autumn I love your costume 💕 all those bells and braided cords and green hair... u really went all out 😍
sorry it's not ladywalker I hope some toxigriffe origins will suffice:
Rainwater soaked into her back and scalp, the hazy clouds rolling past as the sounds of thunder died. It was cold, and her joints hurt, and she was almost certain the bite-sized meteorites that had collided with her spine would leave craters on the skin beneath her suit. But, she was alive.  She was breathing. Gasping for breath, even still. Hesperia had recalled his Kamiko and Stormy Weather was restored to the blue-eyed girl who brightened Paris’s weather forecasting system with her sunny smiles, and Toxinelle was lying on a rooftop far out of reach of both of them, and didn’t even have the Butterfly Miraculous to show for it. But at least Griffe Noir didn’t, either.  She turned her head toward where he lay sprawled out several feet away. Frost still shone in his hair, his skin more pallid than usual, his lips more blue than black. Still wheezing and shivering, he turned to look at her too. Their gazes locked, the moment stretching with the silence. Either he was taking his time thinking what to say, or the exhaustion was getting to him too. “That was stupid,” Griffe said, point-blank. Toxinelle bristled. If she’d had the strength, she would have swung another kick at him. “What are you talking about?” “You could’ve left me there,” he pointed out, gesturing toward the wall of ice still blocking off the roundabout, a Griffe Noir-sized hole visible even from the safety of the rood. “You should have. I could take your Miraculous right now." Anger fired through her, sputtering like a broken engine. Her hand twitched, weakly, and only added to the flames.  "Come and get it, then," she spat. But Griffe Noir only laid there, staring at her, and Toxinelle glared back until at long last, they both looked away. They weren’t working together. They hadn't worked together to escape Hesperia's kamiko. It was only that Toxinelle had needed his Cataclysm to shatter the glacier in her way, and Griffe Noir had shoved her out of a stray tornado's path to protect the earrings. Nothing more, nothing less. They were staying out of each other’s way in the interest of a common goal. She would still fight him for the ring at the next opportunity. With the power of his Miraculous, she’d have a better chance at taking Hesperia's brooch. Maybe it was worth it, even if using the ring would kill her twice as fast.  But she was tired. She’d reach for Griffe Noir's hand another time.
(also ty for leaving me an ask for the game i was trying to make you play 💛 hopefully we both got something yummy out of it)
from the ask box trick-or-treat (fic writer edition)
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jennrypan · 8 months
.. why does MLB keep fumbling the bag!?!?!?
I don't CARE that she's good now SHE CAN BE GOOD AND EDGY
I'm so pissed out-- it's like every magical girl thing where the girl turns in her colors and magic at the end. PLEASE.
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Wait okay the post I just made about what if Adrien sprained his ankle during Desperada was a joke post, but now I have questions. Why did Gabriel's cataclysm injury persist through all of his second chances, but Adrien didn't need to sleep or eat through all of his?
I'll just explain that away as "since it's a cataclysm, ie something caused by another miraculous, it overrides the snake miraculous power." That's a good enough explanation for me.
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