#meh im not gonna tag this
It's not the same Sin Eater, it's a demonic version resurrected by Kindred and given supernatural powers back when Kindred was supposed to be a demonic Harry roasting in Mephisto's realm before editorial fucked up Spencer's story. Still stupid, but stop pretending there wasn't an explanation in the story. I think the norman stuff was very dumb but I'll still give credit to that run compared to the literal diarrhea before and afterwards. And to be fair the idea of a sin eater that literally absorbs sins is pre existing originating in axis carnage not under Spencer. And the whole introduction of the concept does tie it to the character concept for good or ill.
im gonna be real with you my guy: i dont actually care
as i said i dont remember a lot of the details of spencer’s sin-eater plot. i read it a year ago and have since read literally all of amazing spider-man so the details of a plot i didnt like (which was immediately overshadowed anyways by a plot i really fucking hated) fell out lol. imo it doesn’t matter that it’s not literally stan carter back from the dead. it’s sin-eater’s name and likeness, and in my book that counts as bringing sin-eater back. especially when it’s done in such a stupid way. it still sucks.
im well aware that the sin-eater was tied to the idea of a sin-eater absorbing sins in the original story. but it was also, crucially, a metaphor. making the metaphor literal (much less VIA SHOTGUN) is not actually any less stupid 😂 it’s the discarding all the themes and what was actually good and important about the original character in favor of a literal interpretation that is both really dumb and also spawns consequences that are somehow even dumber and make less sense that makes the magic shotgun that eats sins drive me insane
for all the flaws of dan slott’s run/spider-man beyond (and trust me, i have my own issues with both of them, especially beyond), nick spencer is hands down my least favorite spider-man writer in all of spider-man. for a whole host of reasons that have absolutely nothing to do with sin-eater and his magic shotgun. i like to harp on the shotgun because its SO silly and also because it keeps coming up in sillier and sillier ways in the current comics, but genuinely it didnt even register to me besides being kinda goofy when i first read it. my problems with nick spencer run much deeper than he did this dumb thing. so its cool that you like him or whatever but he gets no grace from me on my own blog hamming up an explanation of this really stupid plot point to entertain my friends lol
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star-bastard · 9 months
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pandaragons · 2 months
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Hello wtnv fandom if you exist hi
Also hello to my very small amount of followers yes i do exist I just forgor to post in forever literally only place I've been posting my art is in various discord servers 💀..
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shower-phantom-ideas · 7 months
Jazz becoming the next big Gothem villain is such a solid concept. Theres so much to explore.
She targets corrupt mental institutions. Corrupt companies who destroy their workers state of mind so they wont quit. She attacks landlords who make it impossible for people to live comfortably.
She is the staple anti-hero of anyone struggling to get back on their feet. People should have to work three jobs just to afford a crappy one bedroom, no utilities, half bath, in crime alley apartment, with a roommate.
Shelters should be aiming to gain a profit instead of using the donations to support others.
She is tired of these big name heros leaving children to clean up messes. She has watcher her own brother wither away to a shell of his former self trying to make a change and she is sick of it. Hell she herself is a child but if this is what it takes, then this is what it takes.
Enter from the left The Manipulator™️
Feared by all corrupt. People think she has mind control or something. When she targets someone they make almost a full 180 in their ways. “She will do anything to get her way or to make people into what she thinks they should be. And she mist be stopped” cries big business.
In reality she is the worlds best damn psychiatrist ever to be known. She doesn’t force anyone to change but gives them the choice to be better. To see how much more they can be. And it terrifies them. Helps them find themselves again and to move past their troubling pasts. No force and no mind control. No manipulating. No one but those who she has helped know the truth but when they tell the truth it only fuels the fire of her being controlling.
Theres one thing also fuelling the flames of mind control. Thats the fact that every single major hero to go after her can’t. Any who approach her find themselves no long near her. Superman just wants to talk, well she doesn’t, and he is then back in his city?!? Batman is stalking her to figure out how to deal with her but once he gets too close he suddenly finds himself in the batcave?
At first they think it’s teleportation but time is passing? Theres video feed and tracking of no they just went back themselves. No response from them the whole trip. As if possessed. (Lmao it’s just good brother danny pranking his sis a little by making her seem all powerful but also protecting her anyway he can. Or could be Dan instead)
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salad-storm · 2 months
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Some doodles/early designs for characters while I was listening to s3
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hearts401 · 6 months
its kinda wild living in a house full of people you hate and i apply that to evan a lot.
like yeah you could spend a day with this person and laugh andhave fun but you will inevitably be reminded of why you hate them and why you cant get along with them and its because they make no effort to be kind to you.
The only time michael treats him like a person is when harassing him isn't the most fun thing to do at the moment. like if he wants to watch a movie, he'd totally sit beside evan and put on a movie for the two of them. he'd totally get snacks and maybe even invite elizabeth bc watching a movie alone without snacks is boring! but even adfter that he'll turn around and pull the same cruel pranks.
but that tiny moment of normalcy existed, and evan is then thrust into a painful reminder of where he is.
eventually he'll stop enjoying those little moments. eventually they'll become less and less. eventually he won't want anything to do with michael ever, and those little moments are something he'll turn down because whats the point? its just a different form of emotional abuse he recieves with this back and forth that he cant understand because michael wont HELP HIM because michael will hand him something nice and smack it out of his hands because michael does what michael wants and evan just. doesnt get it
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brookheimer · 1 year
honestly, if the shiv pregnancy plotline is done well, i feel like it would end up being kind of, like, revolutionary for female characters in prestige television? 'revolutionary' is a strong word, but even so! just... prestige television is obsessed with the whole Strong Femininity-Rejecting Career Woman archetype and it's a trope that's often been lauded as empowering, as allowing women to be complex like male characters. except... often they're not complex like male characters, they're complex as male characters in that they're treated basically like a 'complex male character' stuck into a female body. the explanation is a legitimate one: the female character rejects classical femininity. sure. the better shows will depict the lengths these women will go to be perceived as 'masculine' in order to survive, to thrive in their patriarchal world. but regardless of the show, the vast majority of Strong Female Characters are never allowed a lot of things that their male equivalents would: namely, love and sometimes family. it's like we think that if a Strong Complex Female Character falls in love or wants a relationship/a family, she's no longer a Strong Complex Female Character, she's just a Female Character. that is so incredibly detrimental! it reifies the belief that love/family/etc are inherently 'feminine' things and that inherently 'feminine' things are inherently weak, and any woman who displays 'femininity' is no more Strong or Complex than a 1950s housewife.
so for shiv, a Strong Complex Female Character who admittedly has spent the majority of the series surrounded solely by men (she's had maybe three conversations without a man present?), ensconced in the 'masculine' defense she's created for herself... for that shiv, girlboss shiv, Strong Complex Femininity-Rejecting Career Woman shiv, to get pregnant and have to reconcile the version of herself she needs to present to the world with whatever she actually is or actually wants (because frankly, we as an audience have no fucking clue what shiv wants in life outside of logan and waystar royco) and her own fear of anything remotely approximating 'femininity'... well, assuming shiv remains shiv, remains manipulative and calculating and angry and machiavellian and 'masculine' and everything else she's inherited from her last name -- everything else that makes men on the internet call her a sociopath -- while also being allowed to explore her relationship with femininity, to maybe want kids or a family because that isn't just a Woman Trope that's also just a natural human desire for connection that many people experience, to be not just the woman or the anti-woman but a fully fleshed out person... i mean. that would kind of be huge, i think.
[more under the cut! like, a lot more. be fucking warned]
really, Strong Career Women were created as the antithesis of the television housewife. the housewife displays every emotion except for anger and deeply desires love and family. therefore, the Strong Woman will display no emotion but anger or pride (because those are the only masculine emotions) and have no interest whatsoever in love and family (because men don't have interest in love and family). and that, obviously, is horseshit -- men experience the entire human spectrum of emotions and desire love and family and all of that, because that's literally just part of being a fucking human. but while prestige television frequently explores the interiority, humanity, desires and dreams, etc etc etc of their complex male characters, they very rarely do the same for their women, at least not outside of the bounds of career and/or other areas where the woman in question demonstrates her power and masculinity (such as relationship power plays). we can't explore the humanity of Strong Female Characters because then they'd show emotion and desire love and connection, which would out them as women, as housewives, not Strong Female Characters.
we think emotion and yearning deepens male characters and lessens female characters, because we 'expect' that from women but not from men. when a woman cries on television, we think 'here they go again.' when a man cries, we think it's a shocking and meaningful display of vulnerability. both in-universe of the shows and in real life, in the writer's room and beyond, Strong Complex Women are only taken seriously so long as they reject 'femininity' as much as humanly possible. Strong Complex Female Characters have to be one-note, because if they show any other notes, they stop being seen as strong or complex. their lives begin and end in the office, in the presence of men, in the persona they've created for themselves. if there is a self beyond those boundaries, we never see it. we're not allowed to. Strong Women are uniquely forbidden from those basic aspects of human life, even more so than men, i'd argue, because to display any of those qualities would be to out yourself as A Woman and prove everyone right, to lose any and all credibility you've ever gained in your entire career because now they now you've been A Woman all along. but that's not realistic, that's not human. yet because they are still women and on some level do still want to be seen as women, but that's impossible to balance with the need to be seen as a man. there are almost no female characters that are allowed to simultaneously embrace 'femininity' and desire 'feminine' things such as love and family while still prioritizing their careers, being cold and manipulative and calculating, and presenting 'masculine' in the way they handle themselves.
i'm not saying shiv has been poorly written so far, or that succession has been, like, enormously sexist by keeping a lot of her interior life private. i think in large part this has been purposeful and makes a lot of sense -- after all, shiv is notoriously most resistant when it comes to self-reflection, possibly more than anyone else; kendall obsessively introspects, roman hates it and deflects but that's largely because he already knows what he is and can't bear to be reminded of it, but shiv is... well, a little delusional at times. forcibly delusional. she has to delude not only herself but everyone else around her in order to survive as a woman in a man's world, a liberal in a conservative company, a hardcore capitalist in a bernie sanders campaign. kendall wants to be a good person but knows he isn't, roman doesn't believe it's possible for him to be a normal person let alone a good one, but shiv clings onto these label of Good Person and, i don't know, Essentially A Man, with such intensity and desperation that any actual self-reflection would literally be suicide. it would burst that bubble entirely and then what's left?
well. what IS left? because, i mean, something would be. she's still a person. she's not a robot programmed to imitate men and show no emotion or desire (god knows she's not even good at pretending). but shiv would never take that step of her own volition. she'd never just sit down and think "hm, let's actually dig into what i really want from life and from myself" -- and even if she did, she wouldn't be honest about it.
then boom. pregnancy. "oh fuck i am a woman. oh fuck what if i do want a kid and this is my only chance. oh fuck" etc etc etc. it's not reducing shiv to being a womb (crazy take, by the way) but it's actually expanding her from being the lack of one. rather than simply being a Woman with a distinct set of qualities and no contradicting ones or an Anti-Woman with the opposite set of qualities and not a hint of anything that could be construed as a former, she'd become a person. obviously, you can be a person and a woman without being pregnant or wanting kids or a family, but we don't even know what shiv wants! she hasn't allowed herself to consider it seriously, because that would be betraying her Anti-Woman Survival Method! it's not saying that pregnancy/family/etc are necessary for a full and happy life, but rather, spending your entire life terrified of showing interest in anything perceived as 'feminine' and thus weak, of showing emotion or desire or love because you know how the men in the room will receive it -- that isn't satisfying! that isn't a happy life! that's a life lived in fear, denial, and repression masked as Masculine Self-Sufficiency to such an extreme extent that men don't even do that. the only thing worse than a man displaying 'feminine' characteristics is a woman displaying 'feminine' characteristics -- the feeling men talk about when displaying emotion is the disgust, judgment, and dismissal women (particularly those trying to perform masculinity/live in masculine spheres) experience on a day-to-day basis. while a man displaying emotion is met with shame in the moment, a woman displaying emotion is seen as a confirmation of what the men around her have been thinking all along: she's weak, she's not up to it, she's a 'woman.' men can shake it off. women can't. the reason displaying emotion feels uniquely hard for men is because it's their first time being treated like a woman.
anyways. i digress. succession has been hinting at things all along -- moments that show she genuinely loves tom, the conversations with her mother, etc -- and now that throughline can actually, y'know, follow through, and it might be fucking great, guys. that's what i'm hoping for with the shiv arc -- her trying to reconcile with the fact that she's a woman, and the show using it as a way to explore the bizarre and arbitrary way we assign 'femininity' to natural aspects of human life and desire, making those things impossible for women to ever even consider wanting or earnestly caring about if they want to be seen as people rather than as capital-w Women (and what is a capital-w Woman anyways?), and just, like, idk. i think it's idiotic to act like women like shiv aren't allowed to want kids and families -- and that narrative is so deeply ingrained in society that the presumably largely female/feminist/progressive online succession fanbase has been constantly reiterating that same trope as a genuine criticism levied against the writers' decision to make shiv pregnancy!
i said in another post that this plotline feels to me like... high risk, high reward. yeah, it's high risk, it could go terribly in so many ways, but to me personally as someone who has been endlessly endlessly fascinated with the internalized misogyny within so many 'feminist' narratives and the apparent belief that strong women aren't allowed to 'act like women' if they want to continue being seen as strong, as someone who has unironically written a multitude of papers and articles on this topic for college and for journals, the reward is just SO fucking high. like, this could be a fucking GAME CHANGER. if they pull this off it might genuinely alter the way prestige media writes 'strong female characters' which is something that has been needed for years. there will always be risk in storylines as historically ridden with misogyny as pregnancy/abortion/etc narratives are, but if there's any show right now i trust to approach this with care and deftness and real thought, it's succession. if it flops, it flops, and that will genuinely suck. a lot. but even if there's only 1% chance for success, that's still, like, 0.9% more than any other show i can think of. so fuck it. full speed ahead, baby. do this shit right
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Solo Skizz!!  And Camel Bubbles!!
(And an assortment of other doodles ahem)
Skizz doodle because sometimes ya just feel like drawing Skizz, ya know??  Let’s be honest Skizz needs more appreciation.  He’s amazin.
Also, have this assortment of other doodles!!  Which I wasn’t going to post without a big doodle cuz I don’t normally do that.  So.  Doodles!!
That said I hope y’all are having a good day and that you enjoy this assortment of random arts and that good things happen for you today <3
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pagesofkenna · 2 years
project update!! check it out!!
this is a basic draft, every planet outlined and colored so I know where things go so I can remove the tracing material
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and here it is with the tracing material removed!!
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it's over halfway done and it looks so GOOD on the solid black I'm so relieved!!
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volos-wish · 10 months
Thinking about... Locke and Joshua meeting...
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ask-ii-drfizz · 29 days
how do you feel about zoetrope
He's stupid. Just how I like my Zoetrope.
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Fallout video update
Read more bc I'm shy I don't usually edit videos
I like this more but I'm still not happy happy with it I'm not sure why, but I did add captions for the song so there's that
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bucksbisexual · 1 month
you guys....... YOU GUYS.......... i just finished s1 of grey's anatomy and i have Thoughts.
first of all, love sandra oh and cristina SO MUCH <3 she's my bestfriend she would trade me for hard candy she's the love of my life. her struggles with being a people person are so relatable to me bc i used to have a very hard time during most of my life to relate to others (i'm kinda more like izzie in a way now) so that was . Great to see. (also her thing with dr burke is so!!!!!!! it had me giggling like omg raw lust in their eyes and the "you're the only one" line and just that whole scene..... i need them to adopt me legally.)
then meredith i don't.. really care abt tbh she lives in the shadow of her amazing mom who can't even remember who she is anymore. it is tragic and she's rlly good at what she does but her continuing the affair with derek aka doctor mcdreamy pissed me off quite a lot so. since she seems to have nothing else going for her i'm kinda just hoping her scenes end early as of rn. it could change later on tho there's 20 seasons of this shit lmfao
someone who i liked from the beginning is george because god he's SUCH a loser i need him PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!!! i need him to be bisexual and have such hard raw anal sex he can't walk for a week and feels like he's been knotted for life but i also need him to date izzie like this is insane!!!!!!!!!! he's so anxious all the time and has 0 social skills and i love him sorry to any haters u will never see me hating him,,,,
i don't have any other strong feelings towards others as of rn, i love izzie and want to see more of her backstory, but as of rn cristina and george are my faves! who knows what will change next season but we're gonna find out soon (it's already opened and ready to play)
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oddogoblino · 4 months
Probably gonna be a controversial post buuuttttt
Everytime I see some proshipper encouraging kids to be pro with them, something I've noticed is that they always try and twist what being an anti is to scare them & seem like they're protecting them. They're intentionally trying to make antis out to be like some religious old dad who wants nothing even remotely sexual to be shown & will always be angry, but that's really not true.
If you think that others not being allowed to be disgusting about kids (fictional or not, they're still kids and they know it. Its the whole fucking reason they're into them specifically- how is that not fucked up and cause for concern) and other shit like that that ruins a fandom as "being a prude" then I hope you get a reality check and stay away from minors!
The whole thing of being an anti is just...don't be fucking awful and disgusting towards kids and such like that. That's it. That's the big fucking whoop. Whoa, what a concept. Truly, impossible to please.
It's not the antis harassing people for just "not shipping smth right", those are just assholes who want to feel superior to others. Theyre just assholes, nothing else. That's not being an anti. If it's not over a legit issue, then that's being a dick who thinks their headcanons are gospel. Antis are against the actual bad shit that needs to stop bc it fucks up fandom experiences & gives safe spaces for predators.
You can be perverted all you want, ship things however you want, just don't be a creep and promote gross shit. You can portray this bad stuff, but actually PORTRAY it! Stop romanticizing and fet!shizing it! That's literally all antis want. How hard is that to understand? How hard is that to please?
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lilbit-of-kizzy · 8 months
He was gone
He’d left
After everything, everything he’d seen and learned about “his” people, he’d still left
Crowley wasn’t sure where he was driving to, Away was his only destination
He was leaving
Crowley was standing there staring at him, watching him get in the elevator….he felt like…like he should care just a little more than he did, but he was quite excited at the prospect of changing things. Making things the way they should be again! (Why couldn’t Crowley understand that?)
As the elevator doors started to open he noticed the odd feeling lingering in the back of his head. It’d been there since the bookshop…what was it? Guilt? Remorse?....fear? As Aziraphale tried to pinpoint the feeling (and where it had originated) he glanced up to see Michale holding a clear device with a small smirk on their face.
“...no!” he started to scream when he finally recognized, not only the device, but where that feeling had come from. He’d forgotten the kiss. In the short elevator ride it had been wiped.
They were taking Crowley away. 
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smashwolfen · 2 years
Having a rough morning and needed to draw something nice to get some fog outta my mind, so have the child I said I wouldn't get attached to. His name is Alphy, and his Pikachu plush is named Chichu.
He will brighten my day any day
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