#maybe she'll let me leave this time? like maybe if i just stop texting so will she and she won't call me 48 time bc i didn't answer her
slutforleeminho · 5 months
heyy, i love your work, i was wondering if you could write a fic based on the song ‘the other woman’ by lana del rey where the reader is the other woman. you could do it about any member :)
this is my first ever request since i’ve been on this app so i hope i did it right 😭
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The other Woman • Hwang Hyunjin
thank you so much! i’m so happy that your first ask was on my acc! i hope you like it<3
warnings: suggestive(no explicit smut), arguing, infidelity, toxic relationship, plot twist at the end;)
"I have to go, beautiful." Hyunjin leaned down to kiss your forehead after pulling his pants up and buttoning them. He placed his hand on the side of your face, gently caressing your cheek with his thumb. "She'll get suspicious if I stay any longer."
This was normal for you, yours and Hyunjin's little routine. He'd take you out to dinner and treat you like a princess, paying for your meals and anything else you could possibly want. Holding your hand and taking you places you've only dreamed of going, then he'd take you home --your home-- and he'd fuck you like there was no tomorrow. And then he'd leave to do the same things with his wife.
You never understood why he pursued you the way he did when he had someone at home to take care of, but you didn't care enough to bring it up. Why would you? You have everything a young woman could ever want; a young, handsome, rich man who gives you anything you want. But only a few times a week. It's okay though, that just gives you plenty of time to do things that you enjoy like reading and going to museums and admiring the beautiful pieces of art that you wished you could just shove in your bag and take home with you.
"Okay," You said with a tired smile. "I'll see you tomorrow."
"Actually, I meant to tell you, I won't be able to come over tomorrow. Apparently, Violet has a family reunion, and she wants me to accompany her." He stated as he pulled his shirt over his head and grabbed his bag from the chair in the corner of your room.
Violet. Such a pretty name for such a lucky woman.
"Oh." Was all you replied with.
"Are you mad at me?"
"No, of course not, these things happen," You knew exactly what you were getting yourself into as soon as you entered this relationship, if it can even be called that. "Just text me when you can. let me know when you want to meet up."
"Of course." He smiled.
He kissed you deeply before he left that night, almost making you forget that he had someone at home waiting for him, and you would be left here, cold and alone.
That text that he promised didnt come until a week later.
"I miss the way you feel wrapped around me." Was all that the message contained. You liked to imagine he was talking about your warm embrace, but you knew that wasn't true. He just wanted to feel an unfamiliar body underneath his.
You weren't sure how you ended up like this. When you first met Hyunjin he was sweet and caring, attentively listened to you while you complained about your bad day at work and massaged away all the soreness in your muscles. You can't remember the last time he's taken you out to dinner or bought you flowers. Now you were just his escape from his nagging wife.
You put up with the constant shame and guilt you felt for being with someone who already had their someone, because you thought that maybe his love for you would grow and that maybe someday Hyunjin would realize that you're the one he wants to spend every waking moment with and not someone else. But as your love for him grew your patience shrunk until one day you snapped.
Hyunjin was collecting his things after he had finished what he came here for, which was to get his dick wet and nothing more. "I won't see you again after tonight."
Hyunjin stopped in his tracks and stared at you with wide eyes. "What do you mean by that?"
"I mean I deserve more than this. I deserve to have someone's full attention and all of their heart." You held yourself together, determined not to cry Infront of him. He doesn't deserve your tears.
"Baby, what are you even talking about?" He knelt down in front of you and placed his hand on your shaking knees. "Of course, I love you."
"No, you don't," You shook your head. "You love my body, you love having someone at your disposal, someone you can use only for your own pleasure. If you loved me even in the slightest there wouldn't be another woman getting the treatment that I crave so fucking much." All the emotion you've kept stuffed away finally revealed itself in the form of a single tear running down your cheek.
It was silent for a long time before Hyunjin spoke. "I'll leave her." You snapped your head up so fast that it hurt. "If that's what you want than I'll do it." The way he worded it as if it was your choice whether his marriage ended or not made you sick to your stomach, but you couldn't deny that you felt a flutter of hope in your chest that maybe this didn't have to end after all. But you're smarter than that. He says this now, but he doesn't mean it, and even if he did you wouldn't be able to sleep at night knowing that a woman who did nothing wrong was out there most likely crying herself to sleep while your warm and safe in the love of her life's arms.
"No, be with her. I'll be okay." That was a complete lie but even after everything he's done, you still don't want him to worry about you.
"Please don't do this to me. I love you and I want to be with you. He held on to your legs tighter.
"Funny, isn't that what you told her when you vowed in front of God and everyone that your love for her would be eternal." His mouth snapped shut and his hands left your legs before he stood. He leaned down and before you could register what was happening his lips were on yours. You immediately reciprocated, leaning forward and pressing yourself closer into him. He was so intoxicating, the way his tongue glided with yours so smoothly had you in a trance; you snapped out of it when he placed his right knee on the bed beside you and started pushing you backwards. "No!" you shoved him away. He stumbled backwards but regained his balance quickly. "I'm not doing this with you, Hyunjin. I can't do this anymore, its wrong."
"Since when do you have morals?" His voice was louder this time, he was pissed.
"I've always had them, but I put them aside because I love you!" It was your turn to stand up and look him square in the face. "But the longer we do this the more I realize that this isn't love, its obsession and its toxic. You never loved me Hyunjin you were curious about infidelity, and I was an easy target because my standards were so fucking low that I actually settled for you."
"Fuck this, I don't have to sit here and listen to you degrade me like this." He grabbed his bag and left, but not without slamming the door behind him.
The past month has been hell. After laying in your bed for an entire week you decided to pack up all of Hyunjins things and throw them out, the smell of him that was radiating off of them was making you sick to your stomach every time you walked in the room. And then you went to the mall to treat yourself to a new outfit, you wanted something that didn't have any memories of him attached to it. A trip to your favorite coffee shop followed after that. you hadn't been her in a while and you missed the smell of fresh espresso as you walked in the door.
After getting yourself your favorite -a butter pecan macchiato and a small triple chocolate brownie (they were out of doughnuts)- You sat in the best spot in the entire shop, in a little booth in the corner right next to the window, where you could watch the leaves that had no color left in them fall to the ground only to get trampled over by the passing pedestrians. The leaves reminded you a lot of yourself in a way, but you hoped you never had to fall again.
"Hi," a voice pulled you out of your thoughts. You turned to find yourself looking up at a very handsome young man. His hair was blonde, and it came down to his shoulders. he had an apron on, and a big smile plastered across his face, little freckles decorated his cheeks. "I saw you bought one of the brownies, it's a new recipe I tried, and I wanted to ask if you enjoyed it."
"Oh," You blinked up at him. "Um yeah it's really good, maybe my new favorite."
"Oh, thank god," He let out a sigh of relief. "I was worried that it wouldn't be any good. See a couple of the ingredients I use were sold out, so I had to substitute-" He stooped in the middle of his sentence. "I'm sorry, I'm rambling. I tend to do that a lot."
"No, it's okay," You huffed out a laugh. He was so cute. "Now I'm curious about what ingredients were sold out." You joked.
He smiled widely at you and stretched his hand out. "I'm Felix."
You hesitated but took his hand anyway. "Nice to meet you, Felix."
taglist: @katsukis1wife @sungprotector @seung-mine @favieee @soephiphanymain @z4hir @minnieslover @kjr-army @caitlyn98s @bangchansbae @fawnpeaks @yumiblogs
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jareaul0ver · 29 days
Nika is SUCHHHHH gf material I feel like she’d be the biggest simp
my god she would be.
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nika simp hc's
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she's always surprising you with small gits
little bouquets of flowers, bracelets, rings, you name it and shes getting it for you
shes in awe of you every time you dress up for a night out, or even when the two of you are just relaxing in bed
"you look so pretty, bebo" she always posts you on her story with some sort of little caption like "my gorgeous girl" "pretty thang"
whenever you're out in public and someone starts hitting on you, she gets super defensive
"my girlfriend is beautiful, isn't she?" "surprised she's single? she isn't, she's with me"
if you two don't spend the night together, she makes sure to call you and say "goodnight, i love you" or "goodmorning, i love you" every time
she'll send you cute texts of things she's doing throughout her day because she just can't stop thinking about you she has to make sure to include you in everything, she loves keeping you in the loop
she also loves when you just talk her ear off
"like i was saying, she was being a total bitch about it! like seriously, how can you give so much work outside of class.." she ends up just staring at you while you talk
she's always touching you.
when you're in public it's less obvious, only linking pinkies or holding hands, but if you're anywhere else she has her hands all over you; your waist, your shoulders, your thighs, she's probably giving you a back rub too that girl just cannot keep her hands off of you
pet names are huge for her
she loves calling you baby, love, some croatian pet names, honey, all the cute stuff
she secretly takes pics of you all the time
on one of your birthdays she surprises you with a book of all the pictures she's taken of you while you've been together she calls it her memory book, and it makes you cry because she loves you enough to keep all these pics
always tells you how proud of you she is
good grade on an exam? proud struggling to do something simple and you finally get it done? proud doing nothing special at all to make her say shes proud? proud she is literally just proud to call you her girlfriend
she loves taking care of you in bed
she always makes sure you cum, and if you give to her, she has to give back to you if you want her to
sex is usually pretty soft, but sometimes she loves when you let her do as she pleases
she usually takes the opportunity to make sure it's entirely focused on you
she worships your body and loves praising you
"good girl" "you're doing so good for me" "you're so perfect, my love"
her aftercare is phenomenal
she never leaves you hanging she'll run a bath for you, help you in the shower, cuddles you right after and makes sure you're comfy and okay especially after if you guys are a little more rough than usual
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i haven't done headcannons yet, but i felt like this was the perfect time to do so
i actually enjoyed writing these bc it was so easy to, so maybe ill do more if you guys want that
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savannahsdeath · 8 months
hiii I love your work! could you pretty please do some toxic ellie? :)
mdni please<3
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summary: a miserable attempt to leave your toxic girlfriend
warnings: preferably 18+, just lots of toxic shit, manipulating, reader is crying
writers note: probably the only toxic post you'll see on my profile. honestly, i dont even know why i wrote this and im posting it just for the anon. i dont support any toxic behavior, cuz even a simple fanfic can bring some harm. dont read it if youre sensitive to such topics and if you decide to read it, dont romanticize it and dont blame me for any bad feelings you felt while reading - youre responsible for your own media consumption, im not forcing anyone to read. as i said, i just post it for the anon and also because i dont want it to just sit in my drafts (i dont have the guts to delete it). ugh its kinda long but i just want to make sure everyones safe, please take care🩷
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you were sitting in your bed with your head buried between your knees for half an hour now, ignoring the buzzing of your phone. you caught her with another girl. you should cry and feel miserable, and all you could think of was; 'finally! finally a reason to leave her!!'. all you could feel was happiness.
but leaving her wasn't easy. you tried a few times before.
'maybe it'll be different this time', you hoped. but the way you kept receiving notifications from her said otherwise. 'maybe if i ignore her for a few more minutes, she'll let me go.'
you tried to put your phone down, but your hands won't let you. your thumbs kept reaching for the screen in a desperate, involuntary action. you were powerless to stop it. you knew you shouldn't respond. you know you should walk away, but you couldn't. every time she messaged you, your heart beated faster and your breathing quickened. you knew this isn't the best thing for you, but a part of you was still clinging to hope.
'enough, stop it.' you ordered to yourself.
you picked up your phone, deciding to call your friend. she'll make you remember all the cruel things ellie did and leaving her will be easier.
your hands were shaking and you were truly scared of what's going to happen. you hestitated for too long before clicking on your friend's profile and.. lost your chance.
ellie was calling you. she wasn't giving up and she was probably pissed off by now.
you sighed and whispered; 'sorry' to your future self, before answering the call.
"why aren't you answering to my texts, huh?" she asked in an accusatory tone, as if you were the one who did something wrong.
your breath hitched as you heard her voice. there's no going back now. "i'm sorry, ellie, it's over." you mumbled and shook your head in disbelief. 'i'm sorry'?? for what? where was your confidence?
she took it from you, just like she's going to take anything she wants.
"i'll pick you up in a few minutes." she announced and you felt tears starting to well up in your eyes.
great. so she's on her way here.
you took a deep breath to stop your voice from quivering. "i'm not going anywhere- not with you."
ellie laughed, thinking it's all a joke. "you're funny, honey. you know you come crawling back to me everytime." she replies calmly. "so get ready. i'm coming to pick you up, and then we can talk about this. like grown-ups."
ellie was good at controlling you. she'll say she's coming to pick you up, and you'll be waiting on your porch when she arrives. she had a firm grip on you and she knew it.
not this time.
"like grown-ups?" you nervously laughed. "you cheated on me. again."
ellie didn't get angry. she wasn't even surprised.
"don't overreact, babe." she replied in an irritated tone. "it's not like it was anything serious. it's just some random girl. i'm still with you. you should know that."
you were stunned by her cavalier attitude. she really thought it's no big deal.
"leave me alone." if there was even a little bit of toughness in your voice before, it all left. now, you were just simply begging her to stop. "please."
ellie's confidence and her nonchalant attitude was getting to you. you felt angry, but at the same time, you were starting to doubt yourself.
you wanted to hang up, but you couldn't. you just waited for her reaction, praying this'll be the end. but you knew everything depended on what ellie wants, and for her, only her own good mattered.
ellie chuckled. "oh, sweetheart. you think you can just break up with me over the phone? we're not even having a fight here. come on, be reasonable. let's just talk this through. i'll be there soon."
you proudly raised your chin, even though she couldn't see that. the tears ruined your confident facade anyway. "i locked the door."
she stayed silent for a moment, not expecting that from you. but she always had a plan b, and you realised that as soon as you heard her laugh. "i'll check that myself."
you heard her car arrive outside your house, and an instant wave of regret washed over you.
she knocked on the front door. "i'm here, love. open up." her voice was gentle, with an apologetic tone.
you knew it was all a ploy to get you to open the door. you knew this was just another manipulative tactic she was using, but it was starting to work.
"come on, be a smart girl." she continued in a sweet voice. "or we'll do this the hard way."
you cursed yourself for how weak you felt, even though it wasn't your fault.
"ellie, please..." you begged, with as much authority as you could muster, but your pleads still sounded weak.
"what's that, babe? are you crying?" she responded in a mocking tone.
you felt powerless to resist her. your stomach twisted in knots, but your fingers reached for the knob. your other hand quickly wiped away your tears, though there were some visible smudges left. you stared at the doorknob in your hand, fighting every instinct in your body to open it and let her in. but you knew she'll get her way, sooner or later. you just wanted to get this over with.
with a shaking hand, you opened the door. you saw that ellie was holding a set of keys - there was definitely one to your house too. she could just unlock the door, but she wanted to check if you'll listen to her. you didn't even want to think about what would happen if you didn't give up.
she walked inside like she owned the place, and she didn't even look at you. she knew she's got you wrapped around her finger.
"good girl." she said, with the same mocking tone.
ellie's eyes darted around the room, and she walked over to take a closer look at a framed photo of the two of you on your shelf. she smirked, letting out a sarcastic 'hmph, so cute'.
you stood there, defeated, as she walked past you and paced around your home. she made herself comfortable, as if she belongs there. you tried to keep a brave face, but she could see right through it.
she sat down and turned to you. "tell me, why we ended up here?" she asked, her voice was cold and unforgiving, but it also sounded curious. "why are you trying to leave me? aren't you happy?"
you felt your lips tremble, as you parted them to speak. "you know damn well what you did."
she stood up and walked up to you, standing right in your face and leaning a little to match your eye level. "fucked another girl? huh? is that it?" she stroked your cheek with the back of her fingers, mocking your pout.
you flinched away from her touch, but she grabbed your face with both hands and pulled you towards her.
"i just had some fun." she said calmly. "besides, you can't blame me for wanting something different. just trying to make up for what you lack." she caressed your face, tracing your lips. it was almost gentle, as if she wasn't even trying to hurt you. but her words cut deep. "now, stop acting like a baby." she let go of your face. "i'm trying to have a mature conversation with you."
the obedient, scared side of you wiped your tears away and straightened up without thinking, but everytime you closed your eyes - everytime you blinked - another wave of salty liquid streamed down your cheeks.
you sniffled and tried to keep it together, but your body was shaking and feeling dizzy. still, you stood your ground.
"please, ellie... i can't do this anymore." you begged in a shaky voice.
"sh, shhh..." ellie wrapped her hands around you, rubbing your hair in a soothing motion. "don't say dumb things. i already know you can't live without me. you know that too." she grabbed you by the shoulders and forced you to look at her for a second. "don't you?"
her embrace felt somehow comforting, not matching the poisoning effect of her words. you clinged onto her, hoping to get as much from this rare moment as possible.
but you knew, deep down, that this is just another manipulation tactic. you shouldn't fall for her games.
"there, there." she whispered to you. she held you even tighter, as if she was trying to absorb every ounce of energy you had left.
she pulled back and looked you straight in the eyes. "do you see what happens when you try to leave me, babe?"
"i am leaving you." you said with as much conviction as you could muster. "i'm serious this time."
but ellie just smiled, treating your words like a joke. "that's funny, honey. this is just another one of your little tantrums. you're just upset because you haven't gotten enough attention these days. but you don't want to lose me." she ran her hands along your cheeks and caressed your hair. "you'll come back to me. you'll come crawling back, just like always. because you can't live without me."
you instantly buried your face in her chest, as she started stroking your back.
she sighed. "are you finished?"
you felt ashamed. you failed, once again. you let her win.
you lifted your head up so you could see her expression. her smile was even more mocking and cruel now that you've given in to her.
"that's more like it, babe." she said with that same condescending tone. she pulled you in for another hug, as if nothing happened. "now, let's forget all about today, okay?" she whispered in your ear. "my pretty girl."
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starrshaddow · 5 months
university mizu x readers where mizu would drop everything or run out of her class to bring something like a book or phone that her s/o forgot will be the death of me. I mean look at mizu. The girl looks so serious all the time but when it comes to you (her s/o) she would be so dang soft.
Gentle gazes, fleeting and subtle touches, and light affectionate way of speaking. Goddd 😭😭 people would not recognize her when shes with you. Shes a whole new different person.
She smiles more, talks more, and laughs more
She's polite to other people but she's ten times more polite to you. Would pull your chair for you, fix your hair when the wind messed it up, lift up the neckline of your shirt when it pulled down too much, and carry your bag (and other stuff you're holding that day) even though it doesnt even have anything in it.
Would insist on holding your bag, she just likes helping you out. She knows you've had a rough day and how much you're studying so much and she wants you to feel that shes always with u and supporting u even in the simplest ways :D
she's not the most verbal person when it comes to saying she loves you but she shows it more than she says it!
You're spending the whole day in class? When she's free and she knows you are too (she has a copy of your sched in her phone), she'd text you to eat outside.
You're walking in the sidewalk? She holds you by the waist and makes sure you're walking beside her on her left and not beside the road.
When your holding your umbrella bcz the sun is burning your skin off, she would wrap her hand around yours and take your umbrella from you so she can hold it for you.
She'll play dumb when you're both doing something. Like maybe you know how to draw and she asks you to teach her how just so you'd hold her hand. i swear to god, you did not see the cheeky smile on her face when you held her hand and taught her how to make light markings on the paper with a pencil.
Second time (out of a lot of times) she did that is when you're playing a video game on a console. And she would repeat the same level over and over and over again just so you would be close to her and teach her over and over again how to play the game and how to use the controller. (its funny how you never noticed she's doing it on purpose, and if you did, you're probably letting it slide for the excuse of being closer to her too)
Also if you're hella stressed at school, you dont even have to tell her. She knows because you, the most talkative person there is, just stops talking and looks spaced out feels kind of scary for her. So she cheers you up by starting a convo with you. She'd bring up your hobby, favorite show, or anything she usually hears you gushing about. She likes hearing you talk about them because she feels how passionate you are about them.
But if you're really tired, she will not force you to talk. She'll just stay with you. If you want her to hold you, she would. If you want to be alone, she'll leave you alone, but you have to tell her. She's not really the best at knowing what to do when you're upset. She doesnt want to do the wrong thing and make you even more upset. But she will do other stuff for you, like make sure you've eaten that day, and maybe encourage u to take a walk outside.
But always remember that she will never force you to do something you dont want to, because she knows you'll be the same to her too :))
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annawritesblog · 10 months
Eyes off you (c.l.)
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Summary: Y/n and Charles have been together for 2 years and Charles has a special surprise for her.
A/N: I wrote this a long time ago so if there’s any mistakes in it, feel free to tell me:) Also, English is not my first nor my second language so excuse my spelling and/or grammar errors. I recommend listening to the attached song as it plays in the background later in the story. Enjoy🤍
Charles' P.O.V.
Are you still at home? Came the message from Arthur.
Yes, we're leaving in 15 minutes, come in about 30. I wrote back.
I put my phone in the right pocket of my suit pants, the left being full with the red velvet box. I took a final look in the mirror and after a few quick breaths, Y/n appeared from the bathroom.
"I'm ready." She says and puts a lipgloss in her purse. Her purple dress showing her curves just right, like a princess.
"My God. You look absolutely stunning, chérie." I say and wrap my arms around her waist leaving little kisses in the crook of her neck.
"You don't look bad yourself." Smiles the girl I've been in love with for almost 2 years. "Stop." She warms as I still kiss her neck slowly moving down to her collarbone.
"Can't we just stay home?" I ask, but I realize that that would be the worst idea ever, considering that in less than 30 minutes my brothers will be here. "I mean, no. We should really go, hurry even."
She turns around and furrows her brows. "Everything okay?"
"Everything's wonderful, love." I grab her small hand and guide her out of the penthouse. After locking the door, we take the elevator to the underground parking house. Opening the door for her, she sits in the black Ferrari.
The ride is less than 15 minutes, but it feels so much more than that. She talks about how happy she is that we're going to this birthday party, but I can barely process anything she's saying. "Oh, I left my phone at home."
"Are you serious?" I ask and she nods worriedly. "I can't turn around."
"We're already late, Carlos will kill me if we make it there after Isa." I try to lie, hoping she doesn’t suspect anything.
"Okay, you're gonna have to take pictures then." She lets go easily.
A few minutes later we arrive at the beautiful venue in Monte Carlo. We walk inside, hand in hand and see that almost everybody is there.
"You were right. We really are late." She says and we giggle a little, just the two of us, our little private space.
"Sorry, mate. We're here." I half-hug Carlos, who just shrugs it off saying it's fine.
"Okay, okay. She's coming." Carlos tells us and when his missis arrives we all scream happy birthday to her.
Y/n and I spend a little time talking to Isa, but I excuse myself to another table where some strangers sit. I open the last texts from Arthur, saying that they have arrived about 10 minutes ago. I quickly text some informations, although I explained everything to them yesterday, but I want everything to be perfect, she deserves nothing less.
"Boo." Y/n says behind me, which does scare me. How long has she been staying there? Hopefully not long at all. "What are you doing?"
"Answering some texts from the team." I say and she gives me a dissapointed look. "I know and I am sorry, chérie. That was the first and last, I promise." I put my phone in my pocket and I kiss her hand sweetly. We walk to Carlos' table where he gives me a reassuring look.
"Y/n, come, you have to look at this." Isa grabs her arm and drags her away.
"How are you feeling, man?" The spaniard infront of me asks.
"You don't have to be, she'll say yes." Carlos comes closer to me.
"What if she won't? Maybe she's not ready yet. We have been together for almost 2 years, that's soon, isn't it?" I go in full panick mode.
"What? It's not too soon, if you're ready, than nothing's too soon." He pats my shoulder. "They're coming." I look behind me and I see Y/n and Isa walking towards our table.
"Look what we found. Chocolate covered fruits, this is the best day of my life." Isa says with a full mouth and my missis just laughs next to her. I wrap my arm around her waist, securing her close to me.
About 2 hour later, after I got a text from my brothers saying they're done with everything, we decided to go home.
"Excuse me, I need to use the restroom." I whisper in Y/n's ear, letting her go from my embrace.
"Okay, I'll be here." I give her a peck on her cheek and walk towards the restrooms.
Kicking the door open with my feet, I rest my hands on the sink trying to catch my breath. I promised my brothers that I would call them before we start heading home. After 2 rings Lorenzo picks it up. "Hey, what's up?"
"We're just leaving. Everything ready?"
"Yes, everything's disgustingly perfect." My little brother yells and drops something.
"What was that?" I ask immediately.
"My phone, fuck."
Lorenzo sighs and says something to him that I don’t hear. "Are you okay?"
"Not really, shitting my pants right now." I sigh.
"You don't need to be scared. She's gonna say yes, I'm sure." My big brother says.
"One hundred percent. Who wouldn't wanna marry you?" Arthur laughs in the phone.
"Thank you?"
"I was trying to lighten the mood." Arthur says and I let out a little laugh.
"Listen. Do you remember the Australian GP? How nervous you were? For days, you couldn't think straight you were that scared and you ended up winning it. Think about this as a race. You're nervous before it, but the outcome will be perfect." Lorenzo says and I can sense that they're both smiling.
"Thanks, both of you. I owe you both."
"You don't owe us anything, this is what siblings are for." Arthur says and we hang up. I go back to the main room and after a few short goodbyes, we get in the car.
"It was so much fun!" Y/n exclaims and I put my hand on her thigh.
"Yes, it was." I agree.
Se turns her head my way as I start my car. "Where's your mind?" She tries to be cool about it, but I know she's worried.
"In Australia." I answer with a smile.
"Oh, really? What kind of mistresses do you have there?" She smirks and I slow down a bit. We can't be home, before they've left. For once I'll keep the speed limit in mind.
"One, only. I spent like a week there with her. She was wow, like she had a blue lingerie set that she wore after I won. That was something, kept me up all night." I smirk smuggly and my hand travels further up her thigh. She lets out a shaky breath and looks at me.
"Do you remember that?"
"I think I'll remember that forever." We stop at a red light. "Where's that set, anyway?"
"You might see it around this weekend." She looks out the window, clearly blushing.
"Then, I'll have to give my best in this race." My hand travels even more north on her, already feeling her warmth. Althought, this is not going anywhere for a little while.
"You better, mister."
"You already know I will."
"Mrs? I'm not married." She says followed by a few giggles. I messed this up.
We spend the rest of the car ride listening to music and talking about the party. By the time I park the car, I'm sure that my brothers are already home.
I take my keys out and try to put it in the keyhole, but it falls to the floor. I pick it up and place it in again, only for it to slip out of my hand again. "Merde." I curse as I pick it up from the floor.
"Okay, babe. What's wrong?" Y/n asks as I can finally open the goddamn door.
"Nothing is wrong, love. I drank too much coffee." By this time I'm sure she doesn't believe a word I'm saying, but I can't just tell her that I'm nervous she'll say no to marrying me. She'll found out soon anyway, I won't blow it at the last meters.
"We really have to stop drinking so much coffee it's not-" Her words are lost. She looks outside our balcony and slowly back to me. "What is this?" She starts walking towards the table full of her favourites.
I wrap my arms around her waist, while she wraps her hands around my neck. "You deserve it. You've been next to me, when I was at my worst, especially nowadays. Thank you, chérie."
I kiss her passionately and she fumbles with my hair.
"You didn't have to do this, Charles. I will always be there for you." She sits on one of the chairs and looks at the beautiful view of the city. I sit in front of her and start the light music from my phone.
"Oh my God. Macarons." She exclaims and pops one of them in her mouth.
"It's from the bakery you like so much." I say and just watch her face light up. I don't know if it's because of the lights or because I'm obsessed with her, but she's glowing. Just as beautiful as she was when I met her on the streets of Monte Carlo two summers ago. Walking up and down confusedly in her white sundress.
"What is it?" She asks looking deeply into my eyes
"I'm just so in love with you." I take her hand and rest it on top of the table. "That simple."
"You're gonna make me cry."
"Don't cry, baby." I lock our fingers together. "Let's dance instead." I guide her to the end of the balcony where there's space for us to dance. I wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her as close as I can and rest my forehead on hers. Eyes off you starts playing just in time. Just like I planned it would.
It's our song. It played in the restaurant I took her to on our first date, only knowing each other for 3 days, a few days later when we first kissed and I played it when I asked her to move in with me in Monaco. And now when I propose to her.
"Do you think about the future?" I ask her slowly swaying her to the music.
"I'm only thinking about the future." She giggle then adds: "But yes. Although it's pretty foggy, you are crystal clear." She says sweetly which makes my heart melt. How did I deserve her?
"Same here. You're light as the bright sunshine for me, angel. Always be with you." I lean in closer and whisper in her ear. "This song is gonna play at our wedding."
I can tell she doesn't know where to put this information, but she nods slowly. I step back from her and I can tell that she has realised what's happening. With shaky hands I take the velvet box out of my pocket and get on one knee. She covers her mouth with both of her hands and tears have already filled her eyes. "Chérie. You don't even know what you do to me. For almost two years now, you're the first thing on my mind when I wake up and the last when I fall asleep. I have never even dreamed that I would end up next to someone as perfect as you are." She now covers her whole face with her palms and silent sobs leave her mouth. "Look at me, angel." She looks at me and I can already feel my eyes watering. "No matter what happens, you will always have me, I promise you. I promise to give you everything your heart desires, everything you need. So, my love, will you make me the happiest man ever and marry me?" I open the small box revealing the rare diamond ring.
"Yes, yes. A thousand times yes, Charles." She says and I hug her closely. We only part for the few seconds it takes to put the ring on her finger. Without hesitation, she kisses me and I caress her cheeks with my hands. A few minutes later we pull away and I wipe away tears from her cheeks.
"Don't cry." I say.
"You're crying too. It's allowed." She laughs which makes me too.
"Look at you, already acting like a wife." I pull her close yet again and breath in her scent. My fiancee's scent.
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aaronhotchswife · 6 months
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Drew Starkey X Female Reader
Chapter 2
Warnings : alcohol, panick attack, angst, want to give the reader a hug, smut, loss of virginity
If you missed chapter 1
"One of the hardest things in life is having words in your heart that you can't utter." - James Earl Jones
Y/N's point of view
I'm at Madelyn's, curled up on the couch with a hot tea in my hands. I don't want to go home, because I know that Drew will be there, with Odessa probably. I don't have the strength to see him. Even if at the same time, he is the only person I want to see.
I now know what heart break feels like and I now know that I have to teach my heart to accept disappointments, even from the people I love, even from him.
Madelyn is sitting next to me, playing with my hair. I respond to the worried texts of my friends, saying that I'm okay and that I'm sorry to have ruined their night. They are all understanding and tell me to have a great trip at my parents for the holidays, and to take time for myself. I respond to all of them except Drew. I just write him that I'm at Madelyn's and that I'll pass by tomorrow to get my suitcase for the holidays. I ignore his texts asking me what happened. I just answer him to have a great Christmas before turning off my phone and go to sleep.
Drew's point of view
I think I'm in love with Y/N since I saw her for the first time. When everyone got cast, we had dinner at the restaurant to get to know each other. I was sitting with the boys, talking about what we liked in life, when I saw her, making her way to the table. She was wearing a yellow summer dress with white converses. Her hair was tied up in a effortless ponytail, and I swear that in that moment, I saw the most beautiful girl in the world.
But I think that I truly fell in love with her 3 months after we met. We were walking in the city, and we saw a kid looking for his parents. Without hesitation, she made her way to him, kneeling at his height, asking him if he needed help. The kid was inconsolable so she sat with him, telling him stories and making him laugh until his parents found him again. In that moment, I knew. I knew that she could have broke my heart in a thousand pieces and I would've been grateful.
Since that day, three years ago, it always been the two of us, until tonight.
So when I arrive at Madelyn's apartment, I want nothing more than to have answers. I feel sick to think I could've put her in that state. I knock at her door, rubbing my hands in my face. When she opens the door, I can see how annoy she is at me.
"She's sleeping."
"Ok, then tell her I passed by and that I want to talk. Please," we're both surprised by my shaking voice. "What the hell happened out there ?"
"Maybe you should ask that to your friend Odessa, Drew. I know she is your friend, but you should've seen the state Y/N was. Getting humiliated like that in front of her friends, in front of you."
"In front of me?" I struggled to ask, my brows furrowed.
"Please Drew," she chuckled coldly. "As if she wanted you to know that she was a virgin. I'll let her know you passed by, but you need to let her some space, she has a lot on her mind right now."
"What do you mean by that?"
"You should go, Drew, she'll talk to you when she's ready."
I leave her house, cursing to myself. When I go to bed that night, I can't stop thinking about her, about us, about how I lost something I never had.
Y/N's point of view
I leave Madelyn's apartment early this morning, figuring out that if I go to our apartment early enough, chances will be that Drew will still be asleep. I guessed right because when I unlock the door, I can hear him snoring lightly.
As I'm driving to my parents' house, I put my Christmas playlist on shuffle, question to get into the mood. As I get on the highway, the song Blue Christmas by The Lumineers starts playing. I feel like it's the first time in my life where I can really relate to this song. My mind starts to wonder, how will Drew's Christmas will be like. How will my Christmas be like. I can feel the tears burning my eyes as I try my best to stay concentrated on the road.
I'm sitting on the sofa; my parents and my brother are talking about something I can't decipher. I'm scrolling on my phone, through Instagram. My heart skips a beat when I see a picture that Mackayla posted. I look at the picture, where Drew all smiling, is photographed with his family. I read the caption as it says "Merry Christmas from our family to yours.'' I double tap on it, liking it, even if it feels as if my heart throws itself down the 18th floor to see him smile like that.
Drew's point of view
Christmas sucks this year. I try my best to act like everything is fine, to act as if she's not mad at me. But my mind keeps wandering and I keep asking myself why she acted like that. I mean, sure what Odessa did was not nice, but I keep asking myself what was the meaning behind Madelyn's words.
''Drew!'' Brooke's voice pulls me out of my thoughts, ''We're opening the gifts!''
I sit on the floor, watching my mom handing me a gift. I unwrap it, finding an air fryer under the paper. Before I can say anything, my mom almost screams, ''It's for you and Y/N! I know how you both love easy and quick cooking.''
I laugh slightly, trying to push away the thought that I miss her, that I love her, and that I hope that our friendship can pass through whatever happened that night.
Y/N ‘s point of view
As I come home 2 days later, I see Drew laying on his bed, reading a book. I feel my heart throbbing in my chest, and weirdly, for the first time, I don’t know how to act around him. A mix of thoughts is spinning around in my head, and I find myself wondering if I should apologize to him for how I acted at the bar. Madelyn told me how he went to her apartment to have answers and I can’t imagine how bad he must’ve felt.
He must have felt that I was standing in the doorframe of his room because he turned his head, looking at me with so much gentleness, as if he was afraid to break me just with his gaze.
''Hi.'' I say, making an effort to keep my voice steady.
I make my way to him, laying next to him on the bed.
He clears his throat before speaking again, ''how was your Christmas?''
''T'was fun,'' I answer, my eyes focused on his bedroom's ceiling, ''what about yours?''
''Was great, my mom says hi,'' he smiles.
''We should talk,'' we say at the same time.
Drew chuckled softly, and for the first time since I'm laying next to him, I stop looking at the ceiling, looking at him instead.
''I feel like I owe you an apology for how I acted at the bar,'' I say, my voice not even louder than a whisper. But I know he heard me he interrupts me.
''No, I should apologize. I should've done something while you were having a panick attack. Does it happen often ?''
Drew's point of view
I look into her eyes as I ask my question. I can see her breath getting stuck in her chest.
''It's fine if you don't want to talk about it,'' I say, giving her an occasion of changing subject.
''No, it's ok,'' she answers, ''I used to happen a lot more when I was younger. I used to do them when there were a lot of people or noises. But the one a couple of days ago was the first in a long time. I thought I was getting better, I honestly did. But sometimes, I just lay in bed at 3 am, trying to figure out what is wrong with me and why I'm never enough.''
''I'm sorry,'' I say to her. I truly feel sorry for her, because I know that she can't see herself the way I see her. So strong, always there for the others, always happy. I'm cursing mentally to not have realized how she was doing.
''You don't have to be sorry Drew.''
My hand reaches for hers and my gaze goes from her eyes to her lips. I can see hers do the same. I just want to close that gap between our lips. But before I can do anything, she turns her head, excusing herself and leaving me alone in my room.
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doyouknowbtsswag · 8 months
Should Have Picked Up The Phone |So-Mun|
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Sorry this is short
I strolled around the neighborhood shivering at the low temperature. I was originally supposed to be on a date with my boyfriend but he never showed up. Recently he's been canceling dates or leaving me hanging like a fool. All of the pity looks thrown my way by others makes it 10x worse. My mind always makes me wonder if he wants to break up and it makes my heart shatter. I can't help but think of what I did wrong if he doesn't like me anymore. He always says it's because his grandma wandered off again which is valid. I've seen her try to leave and even helped him before but that excuse is getting old. At this point, I wouldn't mind just hanging out at his place if that's the only time I could see him. I haven't seen him in days and even then it's a brief conversation. I walked down the street to my house and saw a man with a hoodie stopped at my door. I quickly hid behind the big dumpster ignoring the awful smell.
"Hello?" I heard the man say as he knocked on my door. "You dropped your ID card so I figured you would want it back."
I scrambled through my bag and looked in my wallet to see if I had actually dropped it but seeing my ID in my bag confused me. Why would he lie about that? I decided it wasn't safe for me to be around here so I quietly and quickly ran away praying I wouldn't trip over my heels. I ran for a good 10 minutes not caring about how much pain my legs and feet were in. I hunched over both of my hands on my knees and tried to catch my breath. I looked around and saw I ended up near the park.
"Mun's house isn't far from here maybe he'll be there," I said to myself my breath still shaky.
I grabbed my phone from my purse and made my way to his house. Even if he wasn't home I would be able to lend a hand to his grandparents. I pushed his contact and let the phone ring but he didn't pick up. I called him a few more times scared and upset about everything.
"Come on pick up pick up" I continued to walk but felt like someone was watching me the whole time. This made me call him more and more. I started to speed walk getting closer and closer to his house calling and calling. I hit the call button one last time before having someone grab me from behind. I dropped my phone struggling against the person who grabbed me. The call went directly to voicemail.
"Mun, shouldn't you answer your phone?" Hana said as she walked over to him. "I think you've trained enough today."
"Who was calling?" He asked stepping away from the punching bag and wiping sweat from his forehead.
"Y/n" Hana handed him his phone.
Mun groaned as he took the phone from her hand. "I forgot we had a date tonight"
"Again?" She said.
"She'll understand"
"How would she just understand?"
"I'll just say what I usually do, something came up with my grandparents"
"Shouldn't you just find time? Or take a break for a day" Hana crossed her arms.
"Evil spirits don't take breaks" He argued. "And with everything going on right now I can't afford to fall back"
"You're not the only counter, you can take a day off," Hana said. "Your not alone"
"I'm just nervous Cheong Shin will do something while I'm taking a break," Mun said as his phone vibrated with a text message.
"Call her back quickly," Hana said. "The nights not fully over"
"I-fine I call her back," He said as he called you back but came back with no answer. He sighed as he texted you saying how sorry he was hoping to get a response. He raised an eyebrow confused but slowly turned into worry as he called you again.
"She isn't picking up," Mun said looking at Hana.
"Try calling her again," Hana said now concerned herself.
"Pick up pick up," Mun said as he paced back and forth. "She's not acting petty right?"
"I highly doubt it"
"It picked up!"
" Y/n? What's wrong? Y/n?" He said concerned. "Are you okay?" The panic and concern in his voice was clear.
"So you do know him" The man said but it sounded like there were two people.
"Who's this?" Mun asked unsure if his ears were deceiving him or not. He was only met with a deep chuckle from the other end of the phone.
"Your worst nightmare" The man grinned. "She might have been safe if you picked up the phone"
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bokutooooo · 8 months
Dream Ride PT- 2 ᰔᩚ
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The annoying sounds of my alarm clock going off waking me up almost instantly and I can already feel my head pounding. Last night I ended up going to one of Han's infamous parties and let's just say it was fun. "Morning Cassidy, how'd you sleep?" Cassidy was my aunt, one of the main reasons I came to Japan after mom threw me out. "it was fine, woke up a couple of times but nothing to bad. How's Neela? you girls have fun? being careful I hope". I grab a box of cereal and a bowl "It was fun I mean just regular car stuff.. Neela likes my car so that's good" I laugh thinking about how Neela kept asking me to let her drive it. "I'm glad, just make sure you guys are being careful and staying out of trouble" I give her a nod walking towards the small couch. I haven't really told her anything about Han I don't think she'll like it, which means I probably shouldn't be getting involved with him but can you blame me? his shoulder length jet black hair, his little smile and I mean have you seen the 1997 Mazda RX-7 it's almost to nice. "Hey? you going to start getting ready? Don't want you getting yelled at again."
"Hey Neela whatcha doing?" I say as I'm walking into class. "Nothing too exciting just sketching something knew, you think I should get a Toyota Supra? I mean how cute would that be." I lightly laugh "I think you should get whatever you like, you have the time and money right? so do it." she gives me a small smile and continues sketching away.
I sat down as our professor walked in, all I could ever think about was cars, friends and.. well Han. I know it's stupid, thinking about a guy who pays me little to no attention but I can't stop. My grades were going down, I was starting to care less and stop trying but If I don't start picking them back up my aunt will notice and question me than I would have to tell her something. "Hey! let's go times up" I look up and Neela's waiting for me "class is over? already?" I swear class just started "Yeah??? let's go weirdo."
Me and Neela were out shopping "What about this one? it's cuteee, c'monnnn look at the lace lining" I look up from my phone. She was buying a new skirt.. yet all the ones she's tried on were kind of.. ugly? "No." I look back down "whatever!" she aggressively shuts the the curtains of the change room. "How's Hanny booooo have you texted him? "Why would I be texting him?" she pops her head out "because you like love him? and you always want to talk to him."
"Well I haven't talked to him since the party so." It's true I do love finding an excuse to talk to him but I guess I'm starting to realize that we have like no chance together. "What's up? you suddenly stopped liking him?" "No it's just- It's not going to happen. Like ever, so I'm going to stop being a fangirl and find someone else. Plus Cassidy would ever approve and I won't let her down."
"Oh come on! you guys like.. love each other!! maybe thats to quick.. but! you guys love talking to one another and love hanging out, so who cares what others think? Cassidy you'll talk to when it happens, don't worry about before it even happens."
Neela had a point but I'm not even sure I was ready, I don't even know how Han feels.
Once Neela found an outfit she liked we went to go eat. "Hey Neela I'm gonna go grab something from Starbucks want something?" "mmm.. sure! just an iced coffee please."
"Hey Neela got your ice-" I paused, DK and Morimoto sat on either side of her. "Oh hey DK what are you doing here?" "Just came for something to do, ran into you two." Neela looked a bit uncomfortable, DK practically breathing on her and Morimoto right on the other side "Me and Neela were just about to leave but we'll probably see you guys tonight." "Yeah sorry guys see you later!"
Tonight was one of the biggest Drift events of the year. It would be packed, cars in every spot, people everywhere, music blasting and food. That's why me and Neela went shopping, had to look extra good tonight. "Why was DK like breathing down you're neck? he's pretty clingy for someone your not dating" "I know but we've been best friends for agesss, kind of hard to just stop you know?"
"Eeee! look at it! so cute!!" I was admiring my self In the full body mirror. I had white leg warmers with pompoms on them, and light pink tank top with a dark pink outline and a white headband. "look at you cutie!" "never mind meee look at you beautiful" Neela had on a short denim skirt, black military boots with a heel and half up half down hairstyle with a bow. "ready to go? we should try to get there before it gets to packed, gonna need to park somewhere."
Hope you enjoyed this part!>
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nyxronomicon · 6 months
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chapter iii: fushiguro
toji x reader (she/her. tits & vagina)
cw: child neglect, fuckboy Toji, gambling, alcohol, no curses au, found family, DILF Toji, Toji is motivated by sex, anger issues, Shiu is a little shit (affectionate), a LOT of swearing in this chapter
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Toji watched the smoke billow up from his cigarette, swirling in the air, echoing his swirling emotions. His thoughts were on you. How shitty his whole situation already was and now you were a part of it.
No. He reminded himself that you were nothing more than a neighbor. Nothing more than a babysitter. He took a drag of the cigarette and stared into the night sky. Things always got messy when Megumi was involved, but it was too late. He fucked up. He shouldn't have opened his big mouth and told you so much.
Granted, he was pretty convinced you wanted to have sex with him. Maybe not so much anymore, but that didn't stop him from thinking about it. That hazy expression you had after drinking a little whiskey was stuck in his head as he took another drag of his cigarette. "Fuck," he mumbled, trying to push the memory out of his mind.
Toji's phone rang. He looked at the caller ID and picked up. "Yeah?" He spoke with disinterest.
"I've got a job for you." The voice said. "It'll take a few days."
Toji closed his eyes briefly, shaking off his emotions. "Timing couldn't be better."
"Oh?" the man responded. "Something happen with that neighbor girl?"
"Shut up." Toji hissed before adding, "Shouldn't have told you about her."
"So I take it you need a babysitter." There was a pause while Toji finished his cigarette, tossing it on the ground and stepping on it.
"If you're offering." Toji was dreading the thought of facing you again. As much as he wanted to fuck you, he'd be just as happy if you decided you didn't want to see him again. It'd be easier for everyone.
"I don't mind." Toji could hear the faint chuckle from the other line. "Maybe she'll stop by."
"Don't get any ideas," Toji scowled. A strange possessiveness came over him, not that he had any claim over you. He hadn't felt this way in a long time.
"Interesting." The man on the other line mused.
"You're getting ideas, Shiu." Toji muttered. "Are you really gonna piss me off to talk to the neighbor chick? You, of all people, should know how bad that could end for you."
Shiu just laughed. "You'd never."
"Try me." Toji snarled into the phone before hanging up with a sigh.
You texted Toji. He was acting weird when you parted ways last night, so you wanted to make amends. Not necessarily for Toji, but the thought of leaving Megumi like that made you feel guilty. Although, you'd be lying if you said you didn't feel bad for upsetting Toji, too.
You went the entire day without hearing from him, so when you got home from work, you considered stopping by. If he wasn't around, Megumi would be there and he'd probably want company, anyway. So, you changed out of your work clothes and knocked on his door.
It was only minutes before the door creaked open, a stranger behind it. He had a thin mustache, short hair, and wore a button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up. He smirked, eyeing you up and down before he spoke.
"You must be the neighbor girl."
"And you are...?" You looked confused, glancing in the apartment behind him for Megumi.
"Shiu Kong." He stuck his hand out. "A friend of Toji's."
"Are you in security, too?" You asked.
He chuckled. "Yeah." There was a short pause, then he added, "He's got a job in another town for a few days. I watch the kid sometimes when he's gone."
At the sound of your voice, Megumi rushed to the door. "Miss MC!" He had a bright smile. "I finished another puzzle. Come look!" He grabbed your hand as Shiu stepped out of the way to let you through. Megumi led you to his spot on the living room carpet, flipping through the newly completed puzzles as you complimented his work.
Shiu simply observed, wondering what it was about you that had captured Toji's interest. Megumi had clearly grown attached to you already. He was more animated than Shiu had ever seen. The kid had been telling him about you earlier, about how you brought him to the store and tucked him in. Clearly, the missing piece in Megumi's life was some kind of mother figure.
Shiu knew Toji better than that, though. He knew it was unlikely he'd talked to Megumi about you, and even less likely that he talked to you about Megumi. Regardless, Toji never really cared about what Megumi wanted, and that alone wouldn't have Toji acting the way he was. Something else must have happened between the two of you.
He pulled out his phone, taking a picture of you on the floor with Megumi. He immediately texted it to Toji, with the caption: look who decided to visit.
Toji: tell her to leave.
The response was almost immediate, making Shiu chuckle. Toji rarely got possessive like this. Of course, he had no intention of backing down. This was just far too interesting.
"MC," Shiu called your name, walking closer as both you and Megumi looked at him. "Care to chat? I was hoping to ask you something." Megumi frowned, eyeing him.
"Sure." You stood, following the man to the kitchen. Megumi snuck behind, hiding just out of sight so he could eavesdrop.
"Toji's going to be gone a few days, and I'm not much of a chef." Shiu stated. "Would you mind making us dinner tomorrow? I've already ordered delivery for tonight."
"Oh," you smiled brightly at the idea of making another friend. "Of course. Megumi would like that, too."
"He would," Shiu smiled back. There was a short pause. "I have another question. You know how Toji is, he won't tell me anything. Are you together?"
You laughed, thinking it was a joke for a moment before you realized he was being serious. "Sorry, uh, no. We're not... anything. Just friends."
"Is it that ridiculous that I asked?" He chuckled. "Sorry, just wanted to make sure."
"Why? Did he say something about me?" You tilted your head. The nature of the conversation was still lighthearted, and you could feel your heart beat a little faster at Shiu's boy-next-door charm.
"Nothing, really. But he doesn't normally mention the women he sleeps with."
The phrase echoed in your head. The women he sleeps with. You figured Toji probably slept around with how flirty he was, but you never thought about it. Still, the confirmation had you feeling a little shattered. A little inadequate.
"Toji and I haven't slept together, if that's what he told you." The smile left your face as you leaned against the countertop.
"No, no." Shiu smiled nervously. "I meant to say, he doesn't really mention women at all. Not since his wife left him."
"Do you know her? What is she like?" You pried, thinking maybe if you can get a little of information from Shiu, you wouldn't have to bring it up with Toji again.
"She was good for him. Made him a better man." He sighed. "But she's better off." There was a long pause as you contemplated whether you really wanted to know the answer to your next question.
"Did he love her?" You asked quietly. Shiu studied your expression. Some shyness. Almost like you didn't want to know. Toji certainly wouldn't want you to know. And yet, the man couldn't resist.
"I think so. In his own fucked up way." He replied. He couldn't lie to you, not for this. And he knew that eventually, it would all catch up to Toji, regardless. "But she's long gone. Seriously."
You took in a deep breath. The ramifications weighed heavy on your mind. One of them was lying to you. Shiu stepped closer, gently holding your cheek as your eyes met his gaze.
"Hey. He's going through something that has nothing to do with you. You can be there for Megumi with or without his blessing." Shiu's brown eyes shimmered as you looked at him, your heart racing. Even though he was practically a stranger, you felt so close to him at this moment. Maybe it had just been too long since you'd felt affection, but it was nice. 
Your thoughts felt so foggy. You needed to leave and clear your head. You felt drawn to Shiu, and you weren't sure how much of that was his smooth-talking and how much of it was real. You pictured Toji finding out and in your mind he just shrugged, his apathy like a knife in your heart. But, if he didn't care, why did you?
"I should go." You mumbled, shuffling out of the kitchen. "See you tomorrow, Megumi." You waved, not even sparing a glance at the living room before leaving the apartment. Megumi was relieved- you would have caught him listening in.
Shiu followed behind you, instantly noticing Megumi's poor hiding spot. "Eavesdropping again?" He laughed.
"You're not allowed to flirt with her." Megumi pouted.
"She's a little old for you." Shiu ruffled Megumi's hair with a grin.
"No, for dad." He pulled away, pink dusting his cheeks. "She's nice. I want her to keep hanging out with dad. He likes her."
Shiu looked at the kid, shocked he'd say something so on the nose. He had just been thinking the same thing. Maybe you were the one who could force Toji to move on.
Your emotions swirled in your head. You felt even worse now. Toji only reopened those wounds last night because of you. And you didn't even give him anything in return. No truths, no dares. You stared at the text conversation between you, wondering what you might say to apologize.
It would be better in person, of course. But you had no idea when he'd be back and you were afraid he hated you.
You: I'm sorry about last night... please let me make it up to you.
There it was- the familiar silence of waiting for a message from Toji. He was traveling for work. You had to keep reminding yourself like a mantra while you cooked dinner. Still nothing after you finished eating. It was hours before you finally got a response.
Toji: i told you i'm saving that dare for later You: I mean as an apology. I feel bad. Toji: for what? she means nothing to me. i don't care that you asked.
That wasn't what Shiu said. You wanted to believe Toji, but your gut told you something wasn't right. He took her name. That's especially weird with an arranged marriage. You suddenly had a sinking feeling that you couldn't trust him. That Shiu was the one telling the truth.
You: ok then. Toji: did something happen?
You didn't know how to talk to him at this point. What else was he lying about? You could feel yourself spiraling in negative thoughts. You needed to stop talking to him, but your fingers compelled you to type one more message.
You: I talked to Shiu. It just feels like you're lying to me. Maybe we should just be friends. I still want to be there for Megumi.
Toji didn't respond to that text message. Not that you were expecting it.
Long after he and Megumi finished dinner, Shiu's phone rang. He didn't bother looking at the caller ID; he knew who would be on the other line.
"Hey." Shiu excused himself to smoke a cigarette outside, leaving Megumi to his nature documentary. The kid didn't need to overhear this.
"What'd you fuckin' say to her?" Toji barked.
"Not even a hello? I thought we were friends, Fushiguro." He mused.
"Just tell me what you said, you fuckin' prick." He sounded furious, which just made Shiu smirk.
"Keep talking like that and I'll start to think you have a little crush." Shiu wore an easy smile as he stepped outside. It was getting late. The sun had just dipped below the horizon. He pulled out a cigarette, placing it loosely between his lips.
"Fucking christ. Why is talking to you like pulling teeth?" Toji sighed.
"Calm down. I told her the truth, man." He lit the cigarette.
"The truth?" Toji hissed.
"What," He sighed, taking a drag, "was I supposed to baby her or something? Tell her you never loved your wife? That you're just a wellspring of affection waiting for the right cute neighbor girl to shower with adoration?"
"My ex-wife." Toji corrected him.
"You never signed the papers, dude. You're still married, whether or not those feelings still exist."
"Fuck off." Toji growled.
"You know I'm right, man." Shiu took another drag, watching the sky slowly darken behind his clouds of smoke.
"Yeah? If you're so perfect, where's your girl, Casanova?" Though his tone was still short, he seemed calmer now. Shiu was a seasoned expert at de-escalating Toji's fury.
"Dunno." Toji knew Shiu well enough to picture the shit-eating grin on his face as he spoke. "Maybe she's across the hall. Maybe she's making dinner for me and Megumi tomorrow."
"You didn't." It was a rare treat for Shiu to ruffle Toji's feathers like this.
"You're really down bad, eh?" He chuckled. "Consider it my payment for taking care of the kid."
"I'm gonna wring your fucking neck, Kong." Toji growled into the receiver. "She isn't a payment. Christ."
"You're right. She's a free woman. And she's right to be cautious of you. You know that." Shiu puffed the cigarette before adding, "and I'm not giving up my cut of this job, so don't even think about it."
There was a deafening silence. "Shiu." Toji's voice had softened. Almost like he was feeling reasonable now. "Seriously. What's your game?"
"I was thinking about asking her out. She's cute." He smiled, wishing there was a little less light pollution so he could see the stars. Not that the parking lot of this dingy apartment building would be very picturesque.
"No." Toji shot back. "Cancel."
"Why should I?" He took a long drag.
"Are you gonna make me say it?" Toji's voice was tired. Shiu knew that this wasn't the only thing on his plate now, but Toji was resistant to change unless he was pushed to his breaking point.
A humorless chuckle escaped Shiu's lips, smoke trailing out with it. "Why don't you tell me the real reason you never signed those papers instead?"
Toji huffed. After a long pause, he relented. "Megumi deserves a better father. He deserves an out, and I can't give that to him."
"You think she can?" Shiu asked. He figured it was something like this. There was another long pause.
"Dunno anymore." He sighed.
"You want my opinion?" Shiu finished his cigarette. "She's not the escape you think she is. She'd be stupid to come back just to clean up the mess you made. This is on you, man. You can't keep putting off happiness like some fucking edgelord. Megumi's miserable, you're miserable, just let this neighbor girl in a little. Let her make you happy. Fuck."
"You think she wants that? To get involved with... all this?" Toji was quiet, almost pensive.
"Why don't you ask?" Shiu walked over to the trash, putting out his cig before tossing it.
"And tell her everything? Fuck off, dude." Toji hung up without another word.
Shiu looked at his phone with a smirk. "Here I thought we were making progress," he mused to himself as he returned to the apartment.
The next morning, Shiu poured himself a cup of coffee as Megumi ate his cereal at a barstool. "Hey, uncle Shiu?" The nickname always made Shiu smile.
"What is it?" He looked at the kid. It wasn't very often that he started a conversation.
"Why did you say my mom is better off without my dad?" Megumi looked at his cereal.
"You heard that, huh?" He set the coffee down on the counter, now directly across from Megumi. "Listen, your dad isn't emotionally intelligent. Do you know what that means?" Megumi shook his head. He did not. "It means that he's not good at recognizing and expressing his feelings."
Shiu sighed, wondering how to put this without giving Megumi too much information. "Your dad loved your mom, but I don't think it was for the right reasons. He loved what she could offer him. It was an arranged marriage to her, but to him, it was an escape."
"An escape? From what?" Megumi tilted his head.
"From his family." Shiu smiled softly.
"Dad has family?" The kid asked, a shocked look on his face.
"Yeah, but they were mean to him, so he doesn't want them to meet you." Shiu sipped his coffee. "He's protecting you, I think."
"I don't want him to protect me." Megumi pouted.
"Oh?" Shiu chuckled. "You want his family to be mean to you, too?"
"Maybe they won't be mean to me." He shoveled another bite of cereal in his mouth.
"His family is mean to everyone." Shiu set his mug down. "You'll understand when you're older." 
Megumi was quiet. This wasn't the first time he'd been told this. He frowned, wanting to know more but not knowing how to get it. "What does that mean?"
"Your father is in a dangerous line of work. You're putting yourself in danger if you ask too many questions." Shiu dismissed him again, this time much more seriously.
"What about Miss MC?" Megumi asked.
"She knows even less than you do." Shiu took another sip of coffee. "Are you worried about her?" He leaned on the counter behind him, facing Megumi with the mug in hand.
"She asks a lot of questions." He simply responded. "Does that mean I should protect her?"
Shiu chuckled, "I think you're a little small to be protecting anybody."
"Then dad should protect her." Megumi finished his bowl of cereal and brought it to the sink. He wasn't tall enough to rinse it out, so he just set it down and returned to his barstool.
"What makes you say that?"
"He likes her. I can tell. He's way nicer to her than he is to you." Megumi sat back down.
"Hey," Shiu laughed. "He doesn't even know her. I'm his best friend."
Megumi looked at Shiu with disbelief, "really? He's not very nice to you." Shiu couldn't really tell if the kid was joking or not- he was one of Toji's only friends that had even met him.
"That's his shitty emotional intelligence." He stepped away from the counter. "Even when he likes people, he won't show it. I don't think he's ever told me we're friends, but we are."
"How do you know?" Megumi looked at him with those piercing blue eyes.
"We've shared too many beers and stories to be anything else." He shrugged.
"Does Miss MC know he likes her?"
Shiu paused at Megumi's question. The answer was undoubtedly no. But it's not like they could really do anything about it. Toji was a stubborn fool. He'd push her away completely before even considering the thought of taking her on a date. If Shiu or Megumi talked to him about it, he'd be even more resistant to the idea. God forbid she asks him out- Toji was way too old-fashioned about his views of masculinity to accept that.
"I don't think she does." He responded.
"We gotta tell her. So she knows about his emotional intelligence." Megumi earned another chuckle from Shiu.
"I'm not sure we should interfere." Shiu finished his coffee, returning to the kitchen. Megumi followed. "At least, not so directly."
"Why not?" Megumi pouted.
"Your dad needs to think it's his idea. Otherwise, he won't do anything." Shiu thought for a minute. "But he needs a little push. You're right about that. Let's think about it. Maybe we can come up with a plan." He smiled at the kid, not realizing his words would plant a seed into the little guy's head.
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gracies-baby · 2 months
Hey!!! Can you write a Gracie Abrams x female reader. The reader is a couple of years younger than Gracie. She is 20, an actress and comes from a rich family in Italy. The reader is known to be a bad girl and a player. She changes girls like she changes he clothes basically but she is very kind and adorable deep down. and then when she meets Gracie, y/n falls in love with her actually and is not a player anymore but Gracie was only with her as a dare to break her heart as no one has before. Angst with a happy ending.
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Begin Again
(Gracie Abrams x Reader)
Breaking! Italian actress Y/n L/n and American singer Sabrina Carpenter call it quits after 3 month relationship! Fans heartbroken after this news
We all knew this was coming. Hardly news worthy.
I give her a week before she's got someone new.
She's literally only 20 and she's had like 20 different girlfriends 💀
"They all think I'm a slut" Y/n rants to her friend as she reads the comments on the article.
"Who cares what they think? Your fans love you. These people just need to hate on successful women to feel accomplished" her friend, Jenna replies.
"I dunno, what if they're right? I mean, I do date a lot more than any other 20 year old" Y/n continues, stopping when she gets a notification from instagram, seeing someone had messaged her.
Hey, I know you don't know me and we've never spoken at all but I just wanted to see if you were okay? I heard the news. Breakups are hard. I also wanted to see if you maybe wanted to have dinner with me sometime?
"Gracie Abrams just asked me out" Y/n says, showing her phone to Jenna.
"Seriously? Go! Say yes!"
"I just got out of a relationship though. What are people gonna say?" Y/n asks as she nervously stares at her phone.
"It doesn't matter. All that matters is your happiness. Gracie could make you happy. Just try one date"
"..fine. She is really cute" Y/n replies as she types on her phone.
Hi! Thanks so much you're so sweet! I'm okay, thanks for asking. I would love to have dinner with you btw. Let me know when you're free!
"Great! My job here is done! I gotta go now though, I'll see you tomorrow" Jenna says as she walks out of her friend's apartment.
Does tomorrow work for you? If not I can clear my schedule
Tomorrows great! Just tell me the time and place and I'll be there
The two girls stay up talking until going to sleep, waiting for the next day.
She's not here. I think I got stood up
You definitely did not get stood up. I'm sure she'll be there soon. Just wait a few more minutes
As soon as Y/n gets the text, she feels someone take the seat opposite her.
"Hey! Sorry I'm late, I slept through my alarm and I had to pick out an outfit and it was a huge thing. I hope you weren't waiting too long" the brunette says as she takes her jacket off and hangs it on the back of her chair.
"No, not long at all. How are you?" Y/n asks with a kind smile as the two order their coffees at the counter.
"I'm great! I'm releasing an album next week, that's going well. How are you?"
"I'm.. okay. You really lifted my spirits though" Y/n says, sipping her coffee.
"That's great to hear. I've seen what everyone's been saying about you. It's such bullshit. I mean, sometimes relationships don't work out, you know? It's not your fault. Well, I don't know what happened, but I can guess it's not your fault" Gracie speaks, smiling at Y/n gently as the two walk out of the coffee shop, spotting paparazzi a few metres away.
"Heads up" Gracie says, putting her head down as she takes Y/n's hand in hers.
"So, how's a second date sound?" Gracie asks nervously.
"A second date with you sounds amazing, Gracie" Y/n replies with a soft blush.
"Great! I'm busy tomorrow but how's Friday sound?" Gracie asks with an excited grin.
"Fridays perfect, I'll see you then" Y/n replies, leaning in to kiss her lips only to kiss her cheek at the last minute, leaving the brunette disappointed.
"Play your cards right and there's more where that came from" Y/n says before gently closing the door, leaving the taller girl on the other side of it.
Y/n turns on her phone when she begins getting slammed by notifications.
Y/n L/n seen with singer Gracie Abrams leaving popular coffee shop hand in hand. New romance brewing?
Literally not even a week after Sabrina
Gracie girl get out while you can
She was probably cheating on Sabrina ngl
Y/n reads the comments as tears fill her eyes. She opens her contacts and calls the first person she thinks of.
"Gracie? Can you come back?" She pleads, voice breaking.
A few minutes later, there's a knock on the door. Y/n opens it only to fall into the brunettes arms, Gracie wrapping her arms around her and holding tight.
"I'm sorry, I know we just met but you're the first person I thought to call" Y/n rambles only for Gracie to stop her.
"It's okay. Don't apologise. You can call me whenever you want"
"Everything they're saying about me.. you don't think it's true, do you?"
"Of course I don't! I don't know you that well, but I do know you're not a slut" Gracie replies, guiding Y/n to the couch.
Gracie continues to calm her down, waiting until she falls asleep before leaving the apartment.
The two girls go on a couple more dates before making it official, Gracie asking the shorter girl to be her girlfriend on a late night picnic date.
"Gracie? Are you home?" Y/n asks, opening the door to her girlfriend's apartment when she received no answer. She goes to her girlfriend's room but stopes when she hears talking.
"Gracie, she deserves to know. You love her don't you? And she loves you, just tell her" a woman's voice says from inside.
"I can't do that. She would leave me if I did" Y/n opens the door to see her girlfriend standing with Olivia.
"What's going on?" Y/n asks nervously looking between the two.
"I'm gonna go. Gracie has something to tell you" Olivia says before leaving the apartment.
"What do you need to tell me?"
"Okay.. so, uh, just remember that I love you so much. I've never loved anyone the way I love you. And you love me, right?" Gracie asks, holding her girlfriend's hands.
"Of course, what's wrong?"
"Um, when I asked you out.. it was because Olivia dared me to okay? But that doesn't change the fact that I love you now!"
"What? So what was the plan, you were gonna break my heart after getting me to fall in love with you? How could you do this?! I trusted you! I confided in you!" Y/n exclaims, voice breaking.
"You can still trust me! I will still listen to everything you say! This doesn't change anything!" Gracie pleads, tears running down her face.
"No Gracie! It changes everything! You didn't actually want to be with me! You thought I was a slur just like everyone else!" Y/n runs out of the apartment in tears.
"Y/n wait!" Gracie yells but the girl is already gone.
Y/n L/n seen leaving girlfriend Gracie Abrams apartment in tears. Is this the end for the couple?
Y/n hit the three month mark 💀
Who tf would break up with Gracie Abrams
If Y/n doesn't want Gracie I'll have her
After days of Y/n ignoring her calls, Gracie decides to go to her apartment. She knocks on the door, only for Jenna to open it.
"What do you want?" She asks coldly as she stares at the girl.
"Please. I just need to talk to her. 5 minutes" Gracie pleads before she hears Y/n's voice.
"Who is it?" She asks her friend, stopping when she sees the girl at the door.
"Y/n please. You're not answering my calls. I just need to talk to you"
"You need to leave"
"No. Let her come in" Y/n cuts her friend off, watching as she steps aside for the taller girl to walk in.
"You have five minutes" Jenna says before leaving the room, giving the girls privacy.
"Y/n. I know I hurt you but that doesn't change the fact that I love you now. I love you so much. Please believe me" Gracie says, taking the girls hands only for her to pull away.
"How can I believe you? Our relationship was built on a lie!"
"If I didn't love you, why wouldn't I have left you sooner? Why would I have stayed with you this long?" Gracie says, watching as the other girl steps away from her.
"I can't continue this relationship knowing what I know now, Gracie" Y/n mumbles in heartbreak.
"So what if we start a new one? You still love me, don't you? We'll have a new first date and I'll ask you to be my girlfriend again and we'll rebuild our relationship and this time, it's not going to be a lie. Please, just one more chance" Gracie says, stepping closer to the girl and hesitantly taking her hands again.
"Okay. One more chance. I still love you so much" Y/n says, wrapping her arms around the brunette.
"Thank you so much! I love you" Gracie says, pulling the girl in for a gentle kiss, Y/n pulling away after a second.
"You're not even gonna take me out first?" She says as the two girls begin to giggle.
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Lena, the Werewolf
Monster x human reader (wlw)
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Mostly safe for work(nudity, depictions of a strap on), but trigger warning for domestic abuse.
Escaping a bad situation leads you to the small town of Denizen, where the people are hiding more secrets than just a beautiful state park. It's here that you meet Lena, the best bartender you've ever met.
(I'd also like to shout out @momolady , as this piece was inspired by characters in her Hearthway Hollow section)
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"Finally away. Finally, I've gotten away." That's all I can think, as I speed down the road. As I wipe the last of the tears from my eyes, I try to control my breathing. Fortunately, I haven't passed any hidden police cars. The way I was driving, I would have been pulled over, for sure. Then again, maybe cops who didn't know my ex would take me seriously.
With clearer eyes, I catch sight of a speed limit sign. I slow down to match the thirty mile per hour limit. I figure that I must be getting close to a town. I'm not even sure where I am, right now. I just ran out of my apartment, got in my truck, and sped off. I didn't even have time to grab clothes, this time. He was so mad... I couldn't stay there. I can only imagine the state that my apartment's in, now. Caleb probably tossed the place and broke all my stuff. It's probably for the best that the majority of my most prized possessions are at my parents' house. But I definitely won't have my computer or a lot of the pictures I had hanging on my walls, when I go back. I shiver at the thought of him still punching holes in my kitchen.
I'm shaken from my thoughts, when I pass a sign. It says, "Welcome to Denizen. Home of Nethermoore State Park." The green of the basic road sign stands out against the fall colors painting the woods around me, making it hard to miss. I don't think I've ever heard of this town, let alone the park. Coming around the corner and over a small bridge, I'm met with a quaint town. Right away, I can identify a coffee shop, hardware store, gas station, grocery store, and a bar, most importantly. The lights on the street have hanging baskets decorated in autumn fashion, with fake, orange leaves and little pumpkins. There's not a stop light, even on the main road. This place is so much smaller than Stillwater.
I pull my truck into a space next to The Raven bar and grill. It stands out pretty well and has a very charming look to it, as it seems it's designed to look like a log cabin. When I park, I notice an older man leaning against the wall, smoking a cigarette. He looks at my truck, before looking in at me. Then, he just looks away, taking a drag. Now parked, I take the chance to look at my phone. Fifteen missed calls, fifteen voicemails, and fifty-seven unread messages, all from Caleb. However, there are also a couple texts from my mom, wondering where I am and if I'm alright. Caleb must have called her to see if I was hiding with her and Dad, again. Hiding there didn't go well, the last time, though. He almost fought my dad to get to me. I'm pretty sure he'd do far worse, this time.
I send her back, "I'm alright, Mom. He's upset, because I finally told him that we're over and that I'm going to be moving out of my apartment and away from him, as soon as I can. It's finally going to be over. I'm going to be staying the night, out of town, but I'll stop by after I go collect my things, tomorrow." I watch the text bubble for "someone is typing" dance for a moment, before her reply pops up. She tells me that she loves me and that she's proud of me for finally leaving him. She tells me to stay safe and that she'll see me, tomorrow.
I store my phone back in my pocket and hop out of the truck. I hadn't gotten the chance to eat the dinner I'd made, and now I'm getting hungry. The smoker looks me up and down and nods at me, but gets a bit of a concerned look on his face.
"You alright, Miss?" he asks.
"Huh? Oh, yeah, just getting through a bit of a rough patch. I'll be fine," I reply.
"Well, this would be the place to help with rough patches," he says, pointing his thumb over his shoulder at The Raven. "But this is also pretty good and you look like you could use it." He fishes a tissue out of the pocket of his jean jacket and hands it to me. I take it and wipe the last of the moisture from my eyes and wipe my nose up, thanking him.
"No problem, miss. I'm Elijah, by the way. I own the grocery, next door, if you need anything, while you're here." Elijah smiles, kindly. He reminds me of my dad, in a way; sturdy build with dark hair and kind eyes. He's the kind of friendly that makes you feel calm.
"Also, miss, and not to pry on your business, but what brings you to town? Camping out the rough patch in the park or you just come for the pour?" he jokes, taking another drag from his cig.
"Oh, I'm YN. YN Green, and I'm just passing though. Needed to get away, for the night, and kinda ended up here by accident," I reply.
He chuckles to himself and replies, "Well, Ms. Green, if you believe the old folktales, no one ends up in Denizen by accident. Always something to find. Anyways, I'll let you get to finding what you need." I nod and thank him for the help. He nods back with a smile.
When I walk into the bar, a few people glance over at me. The place is warmly lit with hunting and sports decor all over the walls, ranging from old Wild jerseys and a gigantic, framed picture of the old Metrodome to mounted deer and fish. There are a couple TVs, too. All are silent, except for the one displaying a channel for the music playing over the speakers. Many of the tables are full, but I find a small one tucked in the back. The black chair I sit in has a little duct taped patch on it. The sound of bar chatter and 90s country is almost foreign.
Then, an older woman in a black t-shirt with the bar's logo walks over with a laminated menu. "Welcome to The Raven. Can I get you started with anything to drink?"
"Just a water, please," I say with a smile. She studies my face for a moment as she hands me the menu.
"Alright, I'll bring that right over," she says in a cheery tone. I look down at the menu. Burgers and sandwiches line both sides of the menu, with sections for appetizers and daily specials. Today, it's fish fry, like many Midwestern places do on Fridays.
Looking up from the menu, I take another look around. This place is different from my usual hang outs, but not in an uncomfortable way. Certainly, just... different. My eyes stop at the bar, where I notice one of the bartenders is looking at me. She glances down as she hands a customer a beer, but her eyes come back to me. Her short, brown hair is pulled back into a paintbrush of a ponytail, showing off her undercut. Her face is soft, but with a strong jawline. She looks athletic and like she enjoys her time at the gym. I'd bet she could open any jar of pickles she set her mind to.
The waitress comes back over and sets my water down. "Know what you're having, tonight?" I look from her to the menu and order the fish - three pieces with waffle fries, and I ask her to hold the side of coleslaw. She scribbles it all down and nods, taking my menu. "Thank you much. That'll be out in a bit." I nod and try looking back at the bar, but the woman is gone, pry helping someone at a different corner of the bar or checking in with the kitchen. Elijah walks in and takes a seat at the bar, giving me a wave when he sees me.
I pull my buzzing phone back out. Caleb's latest text says, "Where the fuck are you? You need to come back here and take back what you said. We're not over and you better be prepared to apologize, you fucking bitch." My eyes start to water, so I just swipe the notifications away. I open my phone and message my landlord about the situation. A friend of my dad, Mark has been working with me to document everything that's happened and get me out. He wishes he could just move me to his other property, but it's all occupied. With Caleb and I both on the lease, though, he's making sure that all charges for damages and fees for breaking the lease are going to him. He thanks me for the info and says he's going to go over and give him his thirty day notice. I thank him and set my phone down, again.
The waitress comes back over, but not with food. She hands me a glass with what looks like a kiddie cocktail in it.
"I didn't order a drink," I tell her. She lets out a little chuckle.
"No, but someone sent it over. Lena makes a mean Malibu Shirley." I glance over at the bar where the bartender, Lena, is looking at me, again, while she stands by Elijah, who's giving me a toothy grin and doing a goofy, finger twiddle wave. I smile at him, mouth a 'thank you', and thank the waitress. She smiles and walks off, again, towards a table of older folks having a rather jovial night. I take a sip of my drink. Sweet and fruity, not too strong. It would be great blended, on a hot summer day.
As the night winds on, I eat my dinner and stare at my phone, trying to find a local hotel. There's a motel at the edge of the state park, but it says that it doesn't have vacancy. The next closest one is forty-five minutes back the way I came. Far too close. I sigh, wishing I hadn't taken my camping gear out of my truck bed. I send messages to Mark and my parents, getting and giving updates about what's all been happening. Apparently, Mark took the police chief with him, to deliver the papers, and Caleb was detained, after they discovered all the damage. I still don't feel safe enough to go home.
Elijah came and went, telling me to have a good night. I order a few more Shirleys, as the night goes on. The waitress, LouAnne, gives me a polite smile, every time she stops at the table. I think I only heard her raise her voice, once, and it was to tell this old drunk he had to go home. Lena kept looking over at me, but I haven't seen her for a bit. I get lost in my search for a place to stay the night and the warm comfort of coconut rum.
Suddenly, the chair on the opposite side of the table slides out and the bartender takes a seat. "I'd ask if this seat was taken, but I don't think I've seen anyone use it, since you came in. Plus, it's getting close to closing time and I doubt anyones gonna come in just to snatch it," she jokes. "I'm Lena." She's even prettier, up close. I notice the little freckles on her cheeks and the crescent moons on her ear piercings.
"Yeah, the waitress told me your name. You're the bartender that likes to stare," I joke back. Her cheeks turn pink, but she laughs along, shoulders shanking. Her eyes are soft. They're green, like walking through a spring forest. "I'm YN." We shake hands and I can feel just how strong they really are.
"Yeah, ol' Eli told me about you. Said you blew in out of nowhere. He also said you might need a place for the night, and considering you've had a few more of my Shirleys than just the one I sent over, I'm gonna guess a ride somewhere, too." I feel my mouth fall open, ever so slightly. She sent it? Probably just trying to be nice, I suppose.
"You sent it? I thought Elijah did, cuz he saw me when I got here, so I thought he was just trying to help me feel better," I tell her. Her face gets a bit more serious.
"Yeah, I did. Elijah mentioned that you looked a little worse for wear, when you pulled up. Everything ok?" she asks, leaning in and resting her forearms on the table. I feel tears fighting to come out, but I hold myself together. Between the stress and liquor, it's a real battle. The crack in my voice, however is a different story.
Telling her, "I'm fine, just some stuff with my b... My ex." I have to correct myself. He's not my boyfriend, anymore. There's a slight shift in Lena's expression, but it passes quickly. "He's just being a jerk cuz I told him to get lost. But then I got lost and ended up here. Funny how that works." I know I'm rambling, but the words are hard to stop. Her face softens as her eyes scan me. She looks so amused.
"You're a little drunk, aren't you?" Not a question.
"Yes, ma'am. And youuuu started it." I point a finger gun at her and giggle. "You make a good drink." Lena smiles and lets out a soft chuckle.
"I'm flattered," she says, mockingly, placing her finger tips against her chest. Then her tone turns to the edge of flirtatiousness. "It's not every day I get such praise from such a pretty girl." I'm praying that the flush from the alcohol hides my blush.
"I, um... Thanks," I squeak out, causing her to throw her head back with laughter.
"God, that was adorable," she wheezes, trying to compose herself. Pretty, now adorable? I'm not even sure what to truly say, in response. "Ok, ok. Real talk. Eli said you were pry in need of a place to stay the night. Not to be presuming anything, but I've got a spot at my place. I have my basement listed as an Air BnB, and it's open, at the moment. Since it's just the night and short notice, you can just crash down there, if you need. If you found a spot, that's cool, too, but I just want to make sure you get where you're headed, safely." She sounds genuine about the offer. I didn't find a place and I didn't even think to check that site, with it being such late notice.
"Uh... Yeah, that would work for me, if it's not too much trouble. I promise I'll pay you back." Lena puts up a hand and shakes her head
"No need. I'm offering. Now, I get done in thirty, so just hang here, while I finish cleaning up and clocking out," she says. And that's what I do. I sit with my, now, almost dead phone and watch her work. She wipes down the bar and washes her mats, before mopping and taking out the trash. She lifts the large bag like it's nothing and I have to push a thought out of my mind, when I realize that I rocked my hips on the chair. She looks back at me, for a moment, before leaving the room, a strange look in her eyes.
When she and the cook lock up, I head to my truck for my charger and travel toothbrush. I expect her to head for a car, but she just starts walking. I try asking her about it, but she says she lives only a bit down the road and that she just walks.
"Do you want to just drive my truck?" I ask. I'd feel better not leaving it here, if I don't have to." She agrees and we hop in. Lena adjusts the seat back and tilts the mirrors. She rolls the windows down, too, letting the chilly, fresh smelling air in. Then, in no time at all, we pull into the long driveway of a gorgeous two story house. She parks my truck and we hop out.
"Hey there, Toasty," Lena babbles after pushing the door open. She looks back at me with an uncomfortable face. "You don't mind dogs, right?" Then, before I register it, we're both surprised by a very happy Staffordshire terrier bouncing out of the door and jumping up to sniff and lick at my face and hands, letting out a few barks. I laugh at the excitable dog and scratch his ears.
"I love dogs!" I laugh, as the dog sits for pets. "Is this good boy yours?"
"Yeah, he's my buddy." Lena leans down and pats his side. Then, he runs into the yard to do his business, before coming back to us. "Alright, in." He follows her command, trotting back through the door and we both follow.
Lena's home is beautiful. She has many different potted plants in her windows, a spacious living room, and a kitchen that would make my mom jealous. She gives me a small tour, only pointing upstairs to tell me she sleeps up there, before taking me to the basement. It's finished and she's set up a second entertainment area with a TV and an Xbox 360. I even spot some old guitar controllers, in the corner. There's a full bathroom and a bedroom, in the far corner with a nice bed already made up.
"I know you said it's alright, but I'm definitely paying you back for this. This is really too kind." Lena just shakes her head.
"Not happening," she replies, crossing her arms.
"You can't stop me from trying," I say, crossing my own arms and smirking. Her brow creases as she lets out a light snort. Lena takes a couple steps towards me and I feel the wall on my back. I stare into her eyes and am surprised that I don't feel the same way Caleb made me feel, when he would corner me. This time, I can feel my heart racing in places besides my chest. I see Lena's eyes dilate, as if she can tell that that's what she was doing to me, too.
She places her right hand above me and says in a low tone, "I can't stop you, YN, but I can certainly do my best to make you too flustered to keep trying." I can smell her sweet and musky perfume. Her eyes have the same amused look that they had, at the bar. She's playing with me, like I'm a toy. I've never flirted with another girl, like this. Sure, I kissed a few friends, in college, but I never really took the chance to pursue anything further. It was all just in good fun, but this? This is different. And so much more exciting.
"And just how would you do that?" I look at her chest as I trail a finger along her collar, before looking back up at her. I see her breath hitch as she takes in my response. Then, she gets more serious, an almost worried look in her eyes.
"You really want to do this? I need you to know that I didn't bring you here for anything funny and that, if you're just playing, I understand. I'm not the kind of person to just bring anyone home, especially not drunk girls. I'm... not the type for one night stands," she says, searching my eyes. Wouldn't this just be one night, though? I mean, I don't think I want it to be, but isn't that how it has to go? I just left Caleb. I can't just start in with a new partner, the same night. Then again, I haven't so much as kissed him, in over three months, and with everything he's done, I think I'm ready for someone who wants me.
I look Lena in the eyes, then down to her lips. They're thin and I can tell that she bites them, but they draw my attention in a supernatural way. I want to see more of her. I want her. Looking back up and meeting her eyes, I can almost see sweat forming on her brow, in anticipation of my answer.
I place my hands on either side of her face and let out a steady breath. "My brain has been so fried, this evening, Lena, but if there's anything that I know for certain, it's that I don't think I'd ever forgive myself if I didn't take this chance. I want this and I want you." Her eyes light up and I don't think she really knows what else to do, besides stare at me and bring a hand to my cheek. Her mouth is trying to form words, but nothing comes out. I let out a small chuckle, before leaning in just a little, glancing down at her lips, again. This time, she takes the initiative and kisses me, hungrily. My hands find each other, interlocking my fingers behind her neck. Her right hand, remains on the wall, while her left takes hold of my waist, pulling my body to hers.
"Fuck, your lips taste good," Lena growls. She tastes like peppermint and vanilla chapstick. I can feel my body turning on for the first time in ages, as she kisses me. She rolls her hips against mine and I begin to notice a firm object being ground against me. In my head, I let out a long "fuck." Lena hard packs. She's a butch who hard packs. I moan against her lips, grinding my hips to match hers.
"You're sure about this, YN?" Lena pants in my ear, huskily.
"All bark and no bite, huh?" I goad, trying to control my breathing as I plant a soft kiss on this woman's neck. She lets out a noise somewhere between a low growl and a chuckle, before latching into the side of my neck. Her teeth press against my skin and I can't hold back from moaning, which only seems to encourage her. She hungrily licks and sucks at my neck and I have to push her away, before she leaves a mark.
"Not there, just yet," I whine. "I want it there, but no visible ones, yet." She nods, a hungry look in her eye, as she realizes that this means she will have access to the rest of my body to leave marks on. She licks her lips as she looks me over.
"Fair enough." With a quick movement of her hands, I'm lifted off of my feet. I wrap my legs around her middle as her strong hands caress my thighs. "Then let's take this to my room, huh?" She gives a toothy smirk as she begins to effortlessly carry me up the two flights of stairs.
"God, you're strong," I tell her, making her smile.
"I have a very active lifestyle. When I'm not at the bar, I'm either in the gym or on the trails. And I work at the trail head, for the nature center. They have me split firewood, for the campers at the state park." I get a mental image of Lena all sweaty, wearing a wife pleaser and jeans, with an ax over her shoulder. She hums out a teasing tone, when she feels my muscles clench at the thought. One hand slides further up my ass and gives me a little squeeze, as we get to the second set of stairs. "I felt that, cutie."
I mutter into her neck, "Well, I could feel your strap, when you were grinding on me, so I guess we're even."
"You can do a lot more than feel it through my pants, if you want," she growls in my ear. When we get to the top of the stairs, I feel a wet nose touch my ankle. Toasty is looking at us, happy for company. Lena sets me down and gives his head a pat. "Sorry, buddy. You're going to have to sleep in the living room, tonight." He cocks his head, but trots down the stairs, when Lena tells him to go on.
Lena's room is spacious with a couple of dressers, thier tops covered in little knick knacks, a large book case with books ranging from older hardcovers to more contemporary, and a comfy looking king-sized bed with a maroon comforter on it and a large walnut chest at the foot of it. I excuse myself to her bathroom, for a second. I set my phone on the counter to charge and pull my toothbrush from my pocket. I give myself a quick cleaning and check my neck for a mark. Besides being a little red, I'm ok.
When I come out, Lena is sitting on the bed, looking deep in thought. She gives me a soft smile, when she notices I'm looking at her. I ask her what's wrong and she just gives a little shake of her head.
"I'm trying to figure out the right words, right now..." answers Lena. I give her a confused look and she sighs. "Well, there's... some stuff you need to know, if you're serious about this whole thing. And it's... It's going to be really hard to believe and make me sound insane." She looks almost terrified. I sit next to her and she keeps just looking at the carpet. "I hardly know you, YN... But I really feel a connection that I can't shake."
"I was feeling something similar..." I say. "Back at the bar? I just couldn't stop looking at you. Something in the back of my brain kind of just said 'that is the prettiest, most fascinating person you've ever seen, so you better not stop staring.'" She finally looks at me with a soft smile that doesn't quite reach her eyes..
"I'm... not quite a normal person." I raise an eyebrow at this as she searches for more words. "Well, you how I'm a dog person? Like, how I have Toasty?" I nod. "Well, I'm also a dog-person. With the hyphen, in the middle."
"So... You're a furry? Or is this like a pet-play thing?" I ask, thinking she's just worried about exposing a fetish.
Lena says, voice wavering in a way I would have predicted, "I'm... not entirely... human? I'm... I'm a werewolf." A goddamn werewolf? I turn and just stare at the floor, the same way she had been.
I sigh. "If you didn't really want to have sex with me, you could have just said." She looks shocked.
"I'm being serious!" exclaims Lena. "Want me to show you?" I look back at her and tell her very matter of factly that, yes, if she ever expects me to believe her that she's a werewolf, then I'm going to need proof. Holding eye contact with me, she offered her hands. I watch as they shift from the slightly muscular hands of the butch bartender to a set of furry claws. I jump back, almost falling off the bed. I don't even know what to say.
Lena stares at her hands and replies, "It's a genetic thing, so don't be worried about catching it. This town was made for our kind, a few decades ago. That's why people ask strangers if they're going to the park. It's a total safe zone for us to shift or be in our less-than-human forms. ...I'm sorry, I should have told you, sooner." She can't even look at me. She looks so ashamed. I'm trying to process it all, but nothing is computing, properly.
Slowly, I manage to ask, "Can... Can you always control it, like that, or... you know... Like, does the full moon make you wolf out?"
"I'm in total control, but the pack does get together, during the full moon, for a meeting and other activities. Mostly a midnight run or hunt," Lena explains. I look back down at her hands. They're still the paw-like, furry hands. "February can be a bit hectic, though." She laughs a little at this, but whatever it is goes over my head. Taking everything in, today, must have taken its toll, as this all starts to feel less and less insane. I place my hand on her shoulder and she stiffens.
"I've had... a very rough day, Lena. And I don't know if it's the drinks, the fact I've been so emotionally drained, or the fact that I thought you were a person I was genuinely 100% glad I met, a few minutes ago, but I don't think I care about... any of that," I say, tiredly, gesturing at her claws. She looks up at me, eyes wet with tears she's holding back, like water in a dam.
"You... you really don't mind that I'm..." Her lip quivers and I almost can't help but think it's cute. I give her a soft smile.
"Strangely enough, no." I sigh and replace my hand with my head, resting it on her muscular shoulder. "I just wish you'd saved it for a bit." I can feel her turn her head, a bit. "Not meaning that this was one, but telling a girl you're a werewolf is kind of a second date type thing." Lena bursts out with her hardy laugh, again, wheezing and letting her tears fall. I scoot closer to her and wrap an arm around her waist.
"So... I'll take it you want to keep seeing me?" Lena asks, sniffling and wiping away tears from her eyes and face with her paws.
"Yeah... I want to get to know Lena. But you need to do a couple things, first." She nods, smiling that beautiful smile. "1.) I could use some pajamas, 2.) I want to see your whole body do that, cuz that is so weird and I don't think I'll be able to sleep without seeing how that works, and 3.) you're big spoon." She laughs and leans into me.
She jokes, "Alright, but if you ask me to play fetch, you're sleeping downstairs." I pick my head up and look into her pretty, green eyes. I give her a quick kiss on the cheek and tell her it's a deal. Then, she kisses my forehead and gets up to find me some night time clothes. She hands me a white tank top and a pair of thin, black, cotton pants. As I'm about to excuse myself back to the bathroom, she turns away and pulls her shirt off. She does the same for her sports bar. I can see just how cut she is, now. My eyes linger on her toned back as I set the clothes on her bed. I, similarly, turn away from her, disrobing and watch her out of the corner of my eye, the same way you suspect she is.
As I pull her tank top over my head, I hear the zipper of her jeans come down. I watch with anticipation as Lena slides them over her hips, exposing her red boxers and the straps of the mount she's wearing underneath it. She tosses the jeans onto a chair that seems to house a few articles of "I'll wear those again" clothes as I finish pulling on the pair of pants. She digs in her dresser and pulls out a gray t-shirt and blue, flannel shorts. She casually brings them over to her bed and sets them down, all the while she's smirking, I know she saw my ogling her chest.
"You can look, YN. Wolves are pretty open about their bodies. Can't quite shift well in your clothes and expect them to be in decent shape, after." My eyes are scanning her body and I can practically feel my brain kicking me for not just telling her to shut up and fuck me, after I got out of the bathroom. Her tits are great and the outline of her strap is just... Ugh... "Also... I can smell every time you've been turned on, tonight. Glad I waited for you to be looking, when I did the trash." She winks as my face flushes bright red.
Then, moment of truth, she slides her boxers off. Her mounted dildo springs up from her thigh - dark blue and purple, large, and in a very uncommon shape. Of course the werewolf lesbian has a Bad Dragon. I make a mental note to look for the model, in the morning. Unfortunately, I don't get to enjoy it, before she slides the toy from her hips and puts it in the chest with what looks like more of her gear. Now I can see her well groomed bush. And she's about to get more hairy.
Lena looks at me, nervously, as she steps back to the center of her room, stark naked and asks, "You're ready for this?" I nod, sitting sideways on her bed. I take a deep breath as I watch her. She groans as her body shifts and elongates, growing hairier and more monstrous. I feel my body start to shake with fear, but I don't look away. Her kind eyes change to add tones of rich amber to the forest green. Her chestnut hair covers her body, changing to gray in many places. She's so much taller than me, now. And she has a tail! She looks straight out of a movie. Twilight, eat your heart out.
As I try to speak, Lena rasps out, "There's more." Then, she begins to shrink onto all fours, hands becoming paws, broad chest slimming, and cut muscles becoming less and less defined as a wolf, unrecognizable from any other, now stands in Lena's bedroom. She pads over to me and looks up with the saddest puppy eyes I ever saw, laying her head in my lap. She can definitely feel me still shaking, because she lets out a sad whine. I don't suppose she can talk, like this.
Carefully, I set my hand on her head and her tail starts to wag, ever so slightly. I pet her coarse, yet still fluffy, fur. She's like the husky my friend had, when we were kids. She lets out another whine, looking at me expectantly, but I just stare back. I think to scratch behind her ears and she seems to enjoy it, but shakes her head and takes a step back. I watch as she shifts back, groaning and growing more and more nude, until she's just plain, naked Lena.
"I forget that you can't understand me, like that." Lena walks back around the bed and hikes her boxers back up. She comes back around, pulling her shirt on and squats in front of me. "Are you alright? I know that seeing that is a lot, the first time." I put my hand back on her head and just play with her hair. She sighs and stands up, crawling onto the bed and pacing herself at the center. Her arms are open and she motions for me to come closer. I do, sitting between her legs as she wraps me in a warm hug. She sways and hums one of the songs that had been playing at the bar. I hardly even register it, when I start to cry. It feels like my body is just all of a sudden racked with sobs as I cry against her.
"It's alright, YN. It's going to be alright. I've got you." Three little words to make you feel at home. Two strong arms to hold you together. Lena feels like the one person in the whole world with both, and she is, right now. "I don't know what all you're going through, right now, or how much I've just added to all of the things on your mind, but I'm right here, for you, YN. I'm right here." She continues swaying and rocking me until I can't cry anymore. She wipes my teary face either thumbs and holds my cheeks in her hands, until I look at her.
"That's it. It's going to be ok. Want me to grab you some tissues? There's a box right over there." She jerks her head over to her right. I nod and she leans back, stretching out. She comes back with a small box of Kleenex and I take one, blowing my nose, loudly. She rubs my back and just sits, patiently waiting. After a few more tissues and a few more lingering hiccups of sobs, I'm left puffy-eyed and all cried out, leaning into Lena's warm hug.
"I think it's time to get some rest. We'll figure this out, in the morning, alright?" Lena softly asks. I nod against her chest. She scoots back, leading me with her hand, as I crawl behind her. "Ok. Let's just scoot back, here, and get comfortable and we can fall asleep, when you're ready. Come here." She pulls back the comforter and tosses the decorative pillows off the end of the bed. Lena, then, pulls the covers over both of our laps, as I lean into her, finding comfort in her warmth.
"Lena?" I whimper, trying to find my voice.
"This is all real, right now?"
"I'm afraid it is." I nod. "Is there anything I can do for you, YN? Anything at all that would help you though this?" She sounds so sincere, almost pleading.
"Just... Don't... Don't let me go. Okay? Promise me that."
Lena's face softens and she kisses me on the top of my head. "YN, when I said that thing about not doing one night stands, I meant it. There's nothing set in stone, but I trust my instincts and they're completely drawn to you. Wolves mate for life."
"I know this sounds weird, but haven't you had partners, before? You seem so confident and practiced." She laughs through her nose.
"I've had a few standing partners, but those relationships were for mutual physical needs. I'm twenty-seven and it's a bitch to be as horny as wolves can get, without having an outlet. Mostly women, but one was nonbinary," Lena explains, gently, rubbing my arm with her thumb.
"Men, but mostly because I was unsure. Looking at you... I don't know, it was just different." She nods along.
"It can feel like that, sometimes. And it's ok to feel unsure." Lena rests her chin in my head. "Also, and I hate to do this, but I'm going to run downstairs and let Toasty out, for just a second. I'll be right back, ok?"
I nod and reply, "Yeah, go ahead." She kisses the top of my head, before slipping out of the bed, putting on her shorts, and telling me she'll be right back, before disappearing out the door. I head to the bathroom, myself, while she's gone. Checking my phone once more, finding nothing but random notifications, before grabbing it and plugging it in next to the bed, for the night. I swipe away all of the notifications for calls and texts from Caleb, the fear of that whole situation feeling like a distant memory. I take a chance to look at his messages, all the same as they've been during previous fights. I know I have to go back to my apartment, tomorrow, to assess the damage.
When I hear Lena coming back up the stairs I shut my phone off and set it back down. She flicks the light off and climbs back into her bed to snuggle up to me.
"Can I ask one more big favor?" I ask.
"Can I come back, tomorrow? Stay a while?"
"Nothing would make me happier. Stay as long as you'd like. Preferably forever, but..." she jokes. I laugh and that makes her smile. "Aww, there's that cute laugh. ...Alright, now. It's been a long day and it's getting really late. We'll get you all settled, tomorrow. I already told Vix, that I'm not going to be in, tomorrow, anyways." Lena holds me close as she prepares to fall asleep. With the weight of everything, both being away from Caleb and from everything since I entered Lena's house, I fall asleep almost immediately. I barely make out Lena's, "Goodnight, YN," as I fade into the darkness of sleep, dreamless and safe.
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cosmicanemoia · 1 month
Proper Introduction
Amelia Shepherd x Reader
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Love Me Till You Leave Me part 5
You receive a text from Teddy saying that she wants to meet with you in the cafeteria of the hospital. You were just outside Grey Sloan Memorial sitting on a bench, so you got up and went into the hospital. When you were making your way to the cafeteria, you could tell that everyone's looking at you funny, but you didn't mind them and went on with your business. When you got to the cafeteria, you sat down and took your phone out of your pocket and texted Teddy that you're already there. Teddy thinks to herself and thinks that is fast.
Amelia and Teddy went to the cafeteria together, and when Teddy saw you sitting alone, she called out your name and waved at you. Amelia, on the other hand, was shocked to see you. As they make their way to you, Amelia nudge Teddy with her shoulder and asked "What the hell did you do? What is going on?" Teddy just smiled at her and continues to walk to you. When they finally get to where you are, you stand up, and Teddy gives you a hug. As you hug Teddy, Amelia caught a whiff of your scent once more. You thought she inhaled your smell, but you thought maybe not. (She did.) They sat down with you and talked.
T: Dr. Shepherd thinks you're stalking her.
Y/N: Good one. Ted. * You raise your eyebrows up and down and chuckle a little*
T: Unfortunately, I'm not joking. *sighs*
Your smile turns into a frown.
Y/N: What made you think that? Me? Stalking? You? I didn't mean that in a bad way. You're gorgeous. But I'm not a Stalker.
A: Then what are you doing in Boston? We bumped into each other. Outside near the hospital? We almost bumped into each other. I even smelled your scent in one of the pillows in the on-call room.
T: What were you doing smelling a pillow?
A: Not the point. TED.
T: it's chief Altman for you. And how do you know her smell from other smells? Are you once a perfume connoisseur?
A: Again, not the point. I remember your voice. You only ever said "sorry" and not "I'm sorry." Care to explain yourself?
You weren't saying anything, and they can tell you were thinking to yourself. You are trying to remember, and you did.
Y/N: the gorgeous woman in Boston. It was you? And yes! Outside, you almost spilt your coffee on me. I almost knocked you down. I slept one time in the on-call room, Ted knows that. I haven't slept for two days so she let me. *winked*
A: All that information does not, not make you a stalker.
Y/N: Right. It doesn't. (You shake your head left and right and smirk) I was in Boston with a friend, well my girlfriend at that time, but that's a story for another time. Ted knows her, I can give you her number, and you can call her and ask what was I doing in Boston. But tell her to skip the intimate details. She likes sharing those. Although, I doubt that she'll answer. And outside when you almost spilt coffee on me. I just finished talking with Ted here, and I ran out to the hospital because I am going to be late to an appointment.
T:bYou should stop saying appointment when you're meeting with your family. Dr. Shepherd told me she could smell you all over the hospital.
Y/N: You showed me around that should be normal. (Your eyes fixated on Amelia's making her kinda nervous. You stare into people's eyes when you get serious, unknowingly.) So?
You like how I smell? *you teased*
A: *scoffs* I- (her phone pinged, she's being paged) I need to go it's an emergency. (She quickly got up on her seat and walked away.)
Teddy laughs out loud when Amelia gets out of sight, which confuses you, so you asked her.
Y/N: Why are you laughing like that? What's so funny?
T: she is so whipped.
Y/N: whipped? Who is?
T: Yes! Dr. Shepherd, for you.
Y/N: You're being delusional.
T: You're being blind.
Amelia entered the room where they read x-rays and scans. She let's out a deep sigh. Link and Owen looked at each other.
L: Already? it wasn't even midday.
O: Girl troubles? Maybe?
A: Shut it! *She commanded with an annoyed look on her face.*
Link and Owen turn their backs on Amelia and say that they need her for consult. She lied about it being an emergency. Amelia's conversation with them was rather short.
Amelia was alone when she went in the elevator, and before it closed, y/n swoops in. Now, they are alone, together. Y/N pulls the emergency stop and turns to face Amelia, who was in shock and a little nervous, not knowing what's gonna happen next.
A: Please don't kill me.
Y/N: *laughs* You're funny. I'm not gonna kill you. If you come over to my house for dinner tomorrow night. *menacingly stares at Amelia* I'm kidding. I'm not a murderer. Just come over tomorrow night, and dinner's on me. Wear something casual. * held out her hand to Amelia* Hi! I'm y/n l/n. Nice to meet you.
A: *confused of what's going on, also held out her hand to shake yours* I'm Amelia Shepherd. Nice to meet you, too.
Your hands were still holding each other. You pulled her for a hug. Amelia thinks it was a very good hug, and she felt safe in your embrace. She thinks you pull away way too soon and wants more. You push the emergency stop, and the elevator starts to work again. As you both walk out, you said, "Now, we are properly introduced." You nod at her and said "See you around, Dr. Shepherd. It was nice meeting you." You turned around and walked away, and you missed the smile that was on Dr. Shepherd's face.
As Amelia turns to walk away, she is smiling and giggling like a child. Link, Owen, Jo, and Bailey saw her, and as she saw them, she continued to walk on and didn't mind the faces on her colleagues and friends' faces. She's genuinely happy.
O: What do you guys think happened in that elevator?
L: What can make Amelia smile and giggle like that?
J: Sex, the thought of sex, someone she really likes asking her on a date.
The three looked at her, who couldn't seem to believe or accept what she had just said.
J: What? That's what I would also look like if I were in her position? You asked a question I just answered.
B: She's in love.
Bailey shivers as soon as those words leave her mouth. The three looked at her, and they seemed to agree with her, but they were waiting for her to elaborate more or share her thoughts more, but she just walked away.
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pleasingsatellite · 2 years
can you do laurajadestone as the face claim? i’m not sure if you’re taking requests or not but i figured i’d ask :)
This is long-term gf btw so from 1D days :)
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liked by 1dfan1, 1dfan2 and 36,385 others
1dupdates During a recent interview, Harry confirmed he had a girlfriend named y/n! She works with the boys as their tour manager!
view all 2,394 comments
1dfan1 omg omg no one move 4/5 boys now have girlfriends
1dfan2 me crying like I ever had a chance
1dfan3 wait that's so cute
1dfan4 I was wondering who that was he was spotted walking around with the other day
1dfan5 she's apparently in the This is Us movie so we'll at least get to see her
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liked by harrystyles, niallhoran and 382,923 others
yourinstagram tour life
view all 1,395 comments
1dfan1 she's so pretty
1dfan2 yeah she and harry make a lot of sense let's be honest
1dfan3 can we blame harry for falling for her though?
1dfan4 I heard she and Niall are besties too which just warms my heart so much
harrystyles can I get your number?
↳yourinstagram sorry I'm taken by someone, maybe next time
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liked by 1dfan1, 1dfan2 and 34,124 others
thesun Harry Styles was recently spotted in LA with his long-term girlfriend y/n. It seems like the couple was in happy spirits despite One Direction recently announcing their hiatus.
view all 893 comments
1dfan1 I don't need any hiatus reminders please and thank you
1dfan2 okay but do you guys think they'll actually get back together? I'm starting to have doubts
↳1dfan3 of course they will are you kidding me?
1dfan4 I have a friend in the music world that there is talks of harry signing a contract to release solo albums so I don't know about all of that
↳harryfan1 unpopular opinion but I don't really care if 1d gets back together I just want harry and y/n to stay together
↳harryfan2 if he tours alone she'll def still work for him
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 46,294 others
hsdaily "She's been my rock for years now. We met at the peak of the band and she's been with me through so many highs of my life and so many lows. If anyone knows me inside and out it's y/n and I'm so lucky she's stuck around during such a transitional period of my life. This whole album is for her and I can't wait to see what else is to come in both my career and with her. I'm also really excited cause she's going to continue to be my tour manager and getting to work with her makes my days just so much better." Harry talking about his girlfriend y/n during the BTA
view all 475 comments
harryfan1 they're so cute are you fucking kidding me
harryfan2 they've been together for so long and she's been through so much with him and I can't wait to see what comes of their relationship
harryfan3 the way he talks about her especially when he was talking about how hard it was being away from her while he was in jamaica recording ugh bestill my heart
harryfan4 "continues to be my tour manager" HE'S GOING ON TOUR I'M NOT READY
↳harryfan5 it's gonna be weird seeing him perform alone...
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 45,395 others
harrynews Harry and y/n were spotted in London today!
view all 348 comments
harryfan1 texting and driving sir?
harryfan2 They were seen leaving a meeting omg what if we get tour dates soon
↳harryfan3 I'm not mentally, emotionally or financially ready yet he needs to give me like 3 months
harryfan4 my fav couple omg I need them to get engaged already they've been together for so long
harryfan5 so happy harry got y/n in the 1d divorce
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liked by annetwist, yourinstagram and 3,293,234 others
harrystyles / / SEE.YOU.SOON / /
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harryfan2 I feel like he'll do a bigger tour right after cause this isn't a lot of dates right?
harryfan3 so excited but also could throw up from the nerves of having to buy tickets
yourinstagram excited to get back into the game and turn my manager brain back on
↳harrystyles it never turned off, you boss me around daily
↳yourinstagram shhh what no I don't.....
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liked by harrystyles, niallhoran and 349,203 others
yourinstagram so excited to get back on the road in a few days! Live on Tour here we come
view all 2,394 comments
harryfan1 blue is 100000% your color omg
harryfan2 I'm so excited! I still can't believe he's touring as a solo artist though
↳yourinstagram I know it's crazy!!
niallhoran drinks before you guys leave?
↳yourinstagram you paying?
harryfan3 any hints on what the tour is going to be like?
↳yourinstagram there might be some covers involved...
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liked by harrystyles, gemmastyles and 5,283,293 others
yourinstagram Getting to see you grow so much as a musician and as a person has been the biggest blessing and I can't wait to continue watching you grow till we're old and gray, so it's a yes.
view all 8,380 comments
harryfan2 I've been waiting for this day for years omg omg omg
annetwist can't wait to celebrate the happy couple in a few days!
harrystyles thanks for saying yes, makes working together a whole lot less awkward.
harryfan3 I've gone back to this post for like an hour still in shock
harryfan4 It feels like they've been together for years yet I'm still shocked they're engaged
niallhoran happiest life to you guys! I could see this coming from miles away
↳yourinstagram our #1 supporter for years
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liked by yourinstagram, annetwist and 895,328 others
harrystyles C.H.A.S.M
by: yourinstagram
view all 65,771 comments
harryfan1 chasm is such a cute band name
harryfan2 icons in one picture
harryfan3 I hope we get a band pic after each show that would be so cute
harryfan4 Can we talk about the first concert him being on stage alone was so different but so good
harryfan5 the album artwork curtain that drops is such a nice touch I love getting to see his silhouette
yourinstagram all my favorite humans in one picture
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 45,299 others
harryupdates y/n via instagram stories! We're loving the backstage sneak peaks on her insta stories
view all 2,474 comments
harryfan1 the day we see mitch smile will be the day the world explode
harryfan2 It's literally sarah's band and harry is just apart of it not the other way around
harryfan3 I love y/n for all the backstage stuff it always looks like they have the best time
harryfan4 We need more harry pics though like what does that man do backstage play ping-pong and hide?
↳yourinstagram he sleeps until like an hour before the show...
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 35,849 others
hsdaily harry and y/n and the rest of the band were spotted at an art gallery today during their day off
view all 1,394 comments
harryfan1 the yellow corduroys are going to do it for me every time
harryfan2 one thing about harry, he's gonna spot a camera every dan time
↳harryfan3 I swear he has a sixth sense when it comes to it
harryfan4 I love that the band goes on little field trips together
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liked by harrystyles, pillowpersonpp and 538,393 others
yourinstagram lil art date
view all 3,249 comments
harryfan1 I love getting little insights into their relationship
harryfan2 they go on so many art dates I can only imagine the artwork they have in their house
harryfan3 okay but I'm totally bringing this picture to my hairstylists like the cut and color are everything!!!
harryfan4 you guys are everything and I can't wait for the wedding like I just know it'll be the wedding of the century
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liked by harrystyles, emiozmen, and 583,394 others
yourinstagram A fan wanted a photo with Spike and Silver
view all 12,495 comments
harryfan1 omg they're so cute spike's outfit are you kidding me?
harryfan2 I can't wait until harry and y/n have kids of their own
harryfan3 he looks like such a dad in this pic :(
harryfan4 I've been waiting for Silver and Spike to get on tour for this moment right here
↳yourinstagram they're a blast to have backstage, you'd think harry was their age with how he acts with them
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liked by harrystyles, yourinstagram and 294,595 others
pillowpersonpp Finally got my bestie away from work and onto a coffee date
view all 2,559 comments
harryfan1 she's so pretty
harryfan2 y/n and Sarah being besties makes my world go round ngl
harrystyles damn, she told me this was a work meeting that's why she canceled our breakfast plans.
↳pillowpersonpp yeah sorry no work is being discussed just girl chat
↳yourinstagram we can reschedule harry, couldn't bail on Sarah oops
harryfan3 they're all so funny and I can only imagine what backstage is like
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liked by annetwist, niallhoran and 239,403 others
yourinstagram being on tour is my favorite thing in the world if you haven't noticed
view all 5,493 comments
harryfan1 Mexico suit supremacy
harryfan2 the third picture are you kidding me?
harryfan3 yeah gonna need a backstory as to why harry is naked playing ping-pong ball stat
↳yourinstagram his suit ripped and so it was getting fixed and apparently the only way to pass the time was to play ping-pong?
↳harryfan4 yeah sounds a lot like harry
harryfan5 I just wanna know if harry wins every game
↳yourinstagram he would never admit it but I've bet him plenty of times
↳harrystyles you're being a liar right now to my own fans
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 56,395 others
hsdaily harry and y/n backstage via helenpambrun
view all 3,393 comments
harryfan1 this outfit was so good are you kidding me?
harryfan2 literally my parents
harryfan3 I'm mitch in the background
harryfan4 green will always be harry's color
harryfan5 her being the first person he approaches after coming off stage... I need 35 minutes to contemplate
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liked by yourinstagram, spaceykacey and 3,389,283 others
harrystyles Kissy. Thank you for coming out to see us, it has been a pleasure playing for all of you. I'm off to write some music and I hope I'll be seeing you again very soon. Thank you to my band, the crew, and all of you for making this tour so wonderful. Treat people with kindness. Goodbye for now. I love you all. H
view all 273,365 comments
harryfan1 KISSY????
harryfan2 oh this man is too cute for words
yourinstagram so very proud of you and I'm so honored to have been able to watch you grow from 1D to a solo artist and I can tell you big things are in your future superstar
annetwist so proud of my baby
harryfan3 seeing all of harry's family at the show last night was so cute
harryfan4 "I'm off to write some new music" and I'm not prepared to hear it
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liked by harrystyles, gemmastyles and 1,483,394 others
yourinstagram we're back...
view all 12,485 comments
harryfan1 no fucking way
harryfan2 any non-american dates?
↳yourinstagram announcing very very soon
harrystyles I won't be attending if you're not going
↳yourinstagram wouldn't miss it for the world
harryfan3 I can't believe harry is doing his second tour as a solo artist are you kidding me?
omg that took forever so I hope you like it! I'm thinking of doing like a part two that focuses on 2021 LOT and then 2022 LOT but have so much else planned we'll eventually get around to it :) happy lights up anniversary <3
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jojojoy1 · 1 year
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Ajax Petropolus x reader
Summary: you're one of the most popular students at nevermore. You're best friends with Bianca, Yoko(whom is also your roommate), Divina and Kent. However, you are dating Ajax Petropolus, who is shy and quiet, totally not the kind of person you normally surround yourself with. To keep your popularity, you keep your relationship with Ajax a secret. He was fine with that at the beginning, but now he wants to tell people.
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You were stood with your best friends, Bianca, Kent, Yoko and Divina, at the fountain, talking about whatever. You had been dating Ajax Petropolus for 3 months now, however, none of your friends knew. You're one of the most popular students at nevermore, Ajax isn't. While you love Ajax, he just doesn't fit your persona. He had agreed to keep your relationship a secret because he wants to be with you, but maybe he wants more.
Ajax POV
I just stared at her. She is so beautiful, I want to go up to her and kiss her right now. But I can't do that cuz I'm not cool enough to be her boyfriend publicly.
3 months ago I thought I was making the right decision when I said we could keep it a secret, but it's killing me. Not even my friends know, and I hate lying to them.
"Ajax! Dude!" Xavier shouted at me, hitting me around the head, "You listening?"
"Of course he's not," Spoke Enid, "He's to busy staring at Y/N" She teased.
"I wasn't staring," I whisper, looking at the table, "I was glancing."
"Dude, you're totally in love with her."
"Go away," I turn to Wednesday hoping she will jump in and change the topic.
"Why don't you ask her out?" Enid exclaims.
"Yeah, take her into Jericho this weekend!" Xavier agrees.
"Guys, can we drop this?" I say. If we continue talking about Y/N I'm gonna tell them everything and she'll be pissed at me.
"Fine," Enid finally backs down, "So, Poe Cup is coming up,"
I stop listening to what their all talking about now. I need to talk to Y/N. I can't keep hiding this anymore.
Normal POV
You were sat in your dorm with Yoko when you got a text from Ajax,
'I'm coming over, we need to talk'
You were confused to say the least. Your relationship was perfect, what could he possibly need to talk to you about.
"Hey, you okay?" Yoko asked when you didn't respond.
"Yeah, fine. Umm, Yoko, Can I cash in one of my 'need you to leave the dorm' tickets."
"Yeah, I'll just go hang with Divina. Was that text really that bad."
"Yeah. Thanks by the way," You say as Yoko grabs a couple things before leaving.
"Sure, Don't worry about it."
10 minuets after Yoko left, you here a knock at your door. You get up and open it, and by no surprise Ajax is stood there looking the most stressed ever. He didn't wait for you to let him in, he just walked past you over to your bed.
"A 'hello' would be nice" You say, sarcastically.
"We need to talk."
"Yeah, about what? Everything is fine."
"No it's not!" Ajax had never yelled at you before, it took you by surprise.
"Don't shout at me. Let's talk this through." You walk over to your bed and sit down, encouraging Ajax to do the same.
Ajax sits and puts his head in his hands.
"I want to tell people about us. I want to tell my friends that I'm dating the most beautiful girl in school. I want to stop lying to people. I want to stop feeling like my own girlfriend is embarrassed by me."
You sit in shock at the small outburst. Ajax was a very laid back guy, he would just go with the flow, so these sudden demands of your relationship was a surprise.
"No! No no no no" Ajax lifted his head from his hands and it was obvious he was crying. "We're not doing the whole 'we'll tell them soon, just give it time' spiel. I'm done waiting. Either we tell them tomorrow morning at breakfast or we break up 'cause it feels like I mean nothing to you. Every time I see you in the quad I always look at you in hope of you acknowledging me, but you don't. Then I have to act like nothing's going on between us when Xavier or Enid says something. It's not fair Y/N. I don't want to keep hiding us. I deserve better. I deserve someone who isn't embarrassed to be seen with me. After I texted you, how long did it take for you to tell Yoko to leave?"
"Ajax I-"
"How long Y/N?"
"Almost immediately" You whisper, embarrassed.
"Y/N, do you really want to be with me?"
"Yes. Yes, of course I do."
"Then start acting like it 'cause I'm not waiting forever."
"We'll tell everyone tomorrow, I promise."
The next morning, when you and Yoko left your dorm to walk down to breakfast to meet up with Bianca, Kent and Divina, Ajax made a surprise visit. He was stood outside your dorm waiting for you. When you walked out the door he wrapped his hands around your waist, "Hey, babe."
You got very nervous as you still hadn't told Yoko about you and Ajax, "Hey" You said and kissed him on the cheek.
"So this is the mystery man I had to keep leaving the dorm for." Yoko chuckled, "Not who I expected, but better than what I thought."
"Who did you think I was dating?" You asked, curious.
"Bianca, Divina and I thought you and Kent were hooking up. But this is way better."
"Is that why Divina's been pissed at me recently?"
"Yeah, but she'll be happy you're not fucking her brother."
"We going to breakfast then?" Ajax said.
"Yeah, let's go" You said.
The walk to breakfast was better than you had anticipated. When you walked into the quad to find Bianca, Divina and Kent all eyes turned to you and Ajax holding hands. You guessed Yoko had messaged Bianca on the way down as your normal table was pulled over to make one big table with Xavier, Enid and Wednesday.
You walked over, Yoko going to the other side of the table to sit next to Divina, and of course Bianca had to say something, "Well hello lovebirds!" she semi-shouted as you sat down next to her, Ajax next to Xavier.
"Fuck off." You said, jokingly.
"Morning." Divina said, with the biggest smile you had ever seen.
"You look happy." You teased, laughing.
"I'm very happy." Divina replied.
"SO HOW LONG HAS THIS BEEN GOING ON THEN!?!" Enid yelled in excitement, "'Cause if I'm not mistaken, just yesterday Ajax was seriously pining over Y/N?!"
"We've been going out for 3 months now." Ajax said, a smile covering his entire face.
"Enid, can you be quieter, soon only dogs will be able to here you." Wednesday said in her same monotone voice.
"Sorry." Enid whispered.
You all eat breakfast and talked until you had to go to class.
Every morning from now on, Ajax would meet you at your dorm and you, him and Yoko would walk to breakfast together, and the tables were always pushed together for you all to sit together. You couldn't be happier, telling everyone was the best decision you had ever made.
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miya-akane · 9 months
hi! can i have 7 for that prompt request list thing for akito? if you understand what i mean ahah- have a good day!
─ "love is all around"
→ pairing. shinonome akito x gn! reader
→ tw. none
romance prompts
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Prompt 7 | visiting them at their place of work
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"Welcome how could I help you-" Akito's shut himself up when he noticed you're the one that entered the boutique. He stopped arranging clothes and walks up to you.
"(Name). What are you doing here?" He said with closed eyed smile but you know him well to notice that he's annoyed by his tone.
"Oh nothing, just want to visit my dear boyfriend. Maybe I could buy some clothes too. You don't want to be mad at customers right? Most importantly, that customer is your s/o" You said teasingly, knowing he'll felt so annoyed by now.
He sighed, knowing that it's no use being mad at you since you'll just continue teasing him either way. "Just don't try to do anything dumb okay?" "Okayyy"
And just like that you disappear to who knows what section of that store while Akito just watching you like an eagle watching it's prey. (In case you did anything)
Akito goes back to arrange the clothes but his eyes caught someone trying to hit on you. At first he just brush it off but when he glanced back and saw how uncomfortable you look. He decided to step in.
"Can't you see they're uncomfortable? Please leave before I report you." He said to the guy that was harassing flirting with you while standing in front of you. "What? It's not like you're their boyfriend or something buddy. Let me do my thing. And don't interrupt us." The guy tried to take your hand before it got slapped by Akito.
"Please leave this instant. I don't want to make a fuss in here. And yes. I'm their boyfriend so what?" Akito glared at the guy before pulling out of the boutique for some privacy. "Look I know you're trying to buy some clothes but please walk to your home now. It's not safe out here at this time okay? I'll walk you home."
"Wait wait wait. What about your work-" "That can wait. You're my priority. I'll text my manager later saying it's an emergency. She'll understand." Akito said, cutting you off while holding your hand and pulling you to your home.
'He's so cute when he cares..' You thinked while smiling to yourself.
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notes. i kinda like how i write this also sorry anon for the long wait..
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whirld-of-color · 1 year
previous update
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(plaintext: You won't succeed.)
The voice reverberates around the train, bouncing off of the metal walls and echoing back in a chorus of voices- some low, some high. Two are screaming.
Bright orange graffiti scrawls itself across the windows behind them- the words the figure across from him just said, as if in a mimicry of subtitling. As soon as they're written, they disappear again, vanishing like illusory spots in Purple's eyes. He fumbles for his tape recorder, switching it on after a momentary struggle.
"Who- do you know me? What are you talking about, what do you want?"
The light cupped in their hands wavers as they fidget.
I'm... Orange. You can call me Orange.
I don't know you, but... I can guess your story. I've seen it enough times before.
I was one iteration of it.
Orange tilts their head consideringly at Purple.
No one has ever succeeded on the quest you're embarking on. I suggest you turn back.
"I can't. I- I'm not leaving her there."
I thought you would say that.
You won't succeed. You drag them. Her. Out of the ground, and she'll never be the same. The dead aren't meant to come back.
Mine begged me to let them die, at the end. I had to kill them myself.
It isn't worth it. Turn back.
Purple flinches.
"I know. I- I know, okay? You know I can't turn back."
Orange sighs, rattling the train.
I do.
...Alright, then.
Orange sounds so, so tired.
Let's make a bet. Let's... play a game.
Here are the wagers: I bet your dead- that is, in this case... Orchid. You bet something important to you- if you don't have anything left to bet, that's your life.
Orchid. Hm.
She's...not dead or alive enough to...
I... what did you do...?
A terrified silence.
If you make it back to this station with Orchid in three days, you can bring her fully back to life and keep whatever you bet. She'll be free. If you don't, I take both for myself, and she dies for good. Back to the ground.
"I... okay. Okay, I."
"Okay, I... alright. Alright."
Purple nods to himself and opens up his backpack with shaking hands, getting up and crossing the distance to Orange. He hands the backpack to them.
Within is every tape Purple's recorded after he left the house- there must be around fifty or more of them, all crammed in together. As Purple speaks, he finds his gaze darting away from Orange's not-face. Anything is better than that... emptiness.
"I... I'd like to trade these. They're... important to me. It's- they're... like, my voice. Like- if-"
"They're... I- I'm trading my voice, it's just- not the one in my throat."
Wait, why are you... oh.
Hehe. That's... clever. I have to say.
"Is that... good?"
The phrasing is clever, is all.
Maybe not... I don't think you know what you're trading here, or you wouldn't have bothered. But that's as good a way to get around it as any. Maybe if...
Orange shrugs again, zipping up the backpack.
A voice is more than enough. The fact that it's only recorded, well... I'm not keeping score.
The train stops with an ear-piercing screech as Orange pushes the backpack over to Purple.
We have a deal, then?
Purple nods, pulling the tapes close to his chest as the train doors slide open.
"Yeah- yeah, we... we do."
Alright. This is your stop. Once you step out of the station, your timer starts. Make the most of it, will you?
And... remember.
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(plaintext: The house always wins.)
(masterpost link!)
(ah, writing. for the record, the colored text dotted throughout is pretty much just to put emphasis on certain words, there's no deeper meaning.)
(also, "the house always wins" is a dumbass pun. im aware it's a dumbass pun. just. fucking roll with it okay. i have to get my kicks from somewhere)
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