#maybe i should just make those 'fancam'
lonely-night · 4 months
me: don't look at other people's edit post notes don't compare to yours don't compare to yours don't compare to yours don't compare to yours don't compare to y-
also me: *looks at the notes* ok cool cool cool it's fine im not feeling demotivated or anything :)
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samarecharm · 3 months
So funny that i find myself w less and less new music to discover compared to what i was finding in my teen years, and i am like 98% sure its bc i havent watched frag videos or amvs in over a decade 😭
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xoioel · 5 months
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parings; hinata x 8th member fem! reader
genre; fluff and slight angst??
warnings: none?!
synopsis; you’ve been having your doubts about why you debuted with XG, because you dont have as many talents as the other girls. And plus the age gap, you being a foreign member so the language barriers, it makes you think you need to go on a hiatus to work on yourself..
authors note; hey guys im back from my god knows how long break😭 this is so sweet bc hinata is such a cute patootie
— i speak my mind and don’t think first
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It's very difficult being a maknae, especially when you haven't trained as much as the girls. Before the debut and internship only a year passed and boom, debut at 15!
How sometimes you want to stop time and improve yourself, maybe just to restart and try again, if only get closer to their perfection.
It’s so nice to have hinata in the same room, you don’t have to clean it and no one will mind, everyone lives in their own comfort, you can not only laugh with her, but also have a heart-to-heart talk, but sometimes you don’t say a word when returning from the another group photoshoot.
Today is just such a day when everyone, having returned home, scattered to their rooms and went to the shower. having waited your turn, you needed into it. Finally, you can take the weight off your shoulders. People say that the older you get, the less you start to beat yourself up about things, but even after almost two years.
At the age of 16 you start comparing yourself even more. On the way home, you decided to look at your fancam, is that really how you look as you dance. Why are there so many mistakes, but your voice, is it really true? It’s so hard, everyone has their strengths, but what are yours? the comments mostly talk about how cute you are and that's it, but is that really all?
Many tears begin to flow one after another. after standing there for a good 10 minutes, you go back to the room, the light is no longer on, only one lamp near your bed is on, Hinata already seems to be sleeping soundly, turning to the wall, you change into pajamas and go to bed, now you can finally sleep.
But the sobs continue to break out as soon as your head hits the pillow. Your trying to drown it out, as you sit up and start breathing, everything seems to stop.
"Are you okay? what's happened?" Hinata’s voice comes from somewhere on the side, slightly lower than usual and you hear the rustling of comforters, “Sorry, I’m already going to bed” You were about lie down. “I asked what happened to you?” her voice sounds rougher than before.
“I...I just, umm” your hands bury themselves in the hair and head falls to the knees. “come here,” She says nothing more and opens the many blankets, moving back, inviting you to lie with her in it. Doing what she asks, you settle down on her bed, pressing your back to her chest.
Her hands find your hair and begin to stroke and scratch your scalp “well, what’s going on, I noticed in the car that something was wrong”Hina says to you as she continues to play with your hair, “I’m just not sure that I fit in the group, all that they say about me is just how cute I smile or I’m mistaken, how cute my voice trembles, they don’t say that I dance or sing well. It seems to me that I got into the group too early, should I have taken someone else and not me?”
“Stop saying that,” She switches to a whisper, “why are you listening to what they say about you on the Internet? they always divide everyone into beautiful, talented, cute or those who don’t do enough” She breathes loudly, and her hand leaves your hair and squeezes your shoulder.
“You are unique, as unique as we all are, do you think we would have gotten into the group if we weren’t like that? Our group is not just work, we are family and will always support each other, right?”
- nod -
“Then next time, please tell me and the others on how you feel or if you really need just talk to Jurin-chan, if you want to improve your skills, let’s practice together, the main thing is to say, we will definitely cope with everything no matter what happens, okay?”
“Yes, thank you so much Hina unnie, I love you, all of you”.
A long night in the arms of your sister, what could be better and easier, it really helps when family is always nearby.
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© xoioel — do not copy or translate my work.
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chokchokk · 9 months
I see you interact with a lot of people and was curious if you would assign your moots on who would be "your ateez eight is one team"? Or who would be who for you personality wise based off ateez members xx
except choosing only eight for eight is really difficult i'll be fr. like i have collected so many bbies and babies assigning only one for each is gonna be so difficult like who the fawk am i to leave anyone of yall out.... anyway i'll try to choose those who i interact the most on tumblr but also in private because yall have my heart and i want to give yall pieces of it you know !!!! (it's gonna be burning aflame so if it's too hot then let it fall. it's ok.)
i'll base it off my mootie's personality and assign them their position using some info from this & this i guess~ and i'll just quickly assign myself and say... performance-wise i wanna be san. who doesn't want to idols slutting it out every second in their fancam? pls close your eyes then because you won't like me as an idol. i want to put edit-tiktok in a chokehold. personality-wise yeesh i dunno i don't think they would take me for this alone...... lol anyway did i write like WAAAAAY too much? no. could've written more. so much more. LOL i hope yall care for it~ xoxo
upcoming ... EIGHTEEZ MEMBERS!
HYUNG-LINE/CAPTAIN. [ helping hand ; guide ; respected ]
MICHI BBY, @cybrsan this wasn't a choice i had to think about longer than a second michi !!! i should honestly thank you every day for having been the helping hand that i needed to make that leap from tumblr newbie to turning into an even more unhinged hivemind of #horndogism by introducing me to the cromernet!!!! like you have a calm personality that could start a storm... (and this isn't me wanting to see waterbender!wooyoung lol) and as it goes for the position, i do see you taking in a generally nurturing and guiding role!! just helping out wherever you can fr and still maintaining your smile and warmness when your life is filled with other duties?? michi mother.
KALEM MAMA, @svintsandghosts would you give yourself the position of a leader?? uhhhh... i think you probably wouldn't lol. but i know you and i have seen you, and it has (and will hopefully!) always work out with you sat at the steering wheel soooo here you go babes. you have determination, responsibility and the lightheartedness that would make for a very dynamic group dynamic while still getting shit done FUCK YEAH!!!!!! (i also see you as the oldest member getting confused with the young sometimes lol)
BAI-BAI, @hwaightme i still revisit some of our conversations just to ground myself, btw. like those words coming out of you so naturally is so so awe-inspiring and i find myself feeling great comfort in the love you have for the world, people and those two combined into art. it's... yeah, it's amazing!!! i see you being the philosopher that plato wanted in his ideal nation, a philosopher who is so talented in thinking, creating and reflecting and- that's just you for me, bai. i can't say anything more or less than that;;
SKY BABES, @pocketjoong there is a big lack of interaction here for me to put you here i KNOW but anytime i read your messages in the cromernet dc it's like yes... that is our sky!!! that is our cromother!!!!! (portmanteau of cromernet and mother, yes) so so careful, so gentle, so compassionate with everyone!!!!!!! your sense for responsibility and the sensibility you have is like???? you are such a warm hug of a person and i hope you feel the same warmth back!!
DEMON LINE. [ captivating ; dual ; feral but tamable lol ]
LOVELYSSIE (ALYSSA), @kitten4sannie first of all, my alysstar~~ hope you like being called tamable~^^ LMAO okay getting that out of our way, uhhhhh would i give you san? after all the things we said about him...... maybe....? whwhwgwg but not for the reasons that won't keep us awake for 12 hours~ sooo i'm going to give you demon line because oohhh hobblebun, when you get immersed into the #wordcraft, it's like... you're in it. and that's for me what the demon line is all about!!! friendly, super super approachable, lovable even, and then it's like BAM. the guttiest, tingle-evoking, body-throbbing paragraph i've ever read in my entire life help. innocent filth? oh yeah your work is definitely not innocent just like san is not innocently humping the air and slapping ghost ass but once you're off the stage you're both little spoon and just in need of some good ol' praise hehe. come here you!!!!!!
ANNE PFANNE, @ssaboala surprised to see yourself here? hmmm maybe. i hope you are lol. soooo what i think is so interesting about your personality is like. how "loud" (as in rich (as in charakterstark)) it is but when it's like? comfortably loud. laid-back, but can still get feisty on you typa thing, tbh. like you know you're talking to ms. choi-pfanne when you text her or are texted by her lmao??? i think the same thing goes to show in your work tho!!! filled with so much personality, it's so fun to read, and of course your irl personality is the same, but with more authority (because of the amounts of times you told me to start writing hop hop lmao) anyway yeah you're here, in the demon line, whether you like it or not xoxo
CHUPS (CHIP), @jaehunnyy could've just given you maknae line but i think you got two sides to you that even though i've reached a very stable, constant state of sweetness i think there's something a bit feral in you. lol i mean this in the best way possible tho, of course. like you are my little baby, you fr awake some of my motherly instincts who just... so happens to want to bite her kid's ass when she's roguing out!!!! anyway yes my darling, you can be so feral and i adore you for it, i wouldn't trade it for anything else!! and also you'd rock the shit out of demon line as a dancer i think. lol
ZERDA HERZBLATT, @a1sh1teruu yeah i think i'm just putting the german-speaking ones in the demon-line, screw me for it. LMAO. but yeaah i think you got a duality that comes from... rather your thoughts? ideas? at least i was rather positively surprised to be explained all the things about your mingi-series and HEY it was amazing so keep on going with that you know!!! your personality is energetic and i love how you talk with anne and me LMAO!!!!!!!!
MAKNAE-LINE. [ clever ; playful ; deft ]
RIRI(ELLE), @dairyminki didn't wanna give you the honour of demon-line. no jk i actually don't think you are in the demon line because you're... not that feral. like OKAY you are feral with me but like. that's my responsibility. i think you are a sweetheart through and through!!! with just... a bit of slyness that you can't shake off. like we went from little sister-big sister to the #hornet, okay? like we're on the same page. LMAO okay what i mean by that is just the fun i have to talk with you, like you are such a joy to engage and chat with you<33 like helping you out on your work is so so enjoyable, pls never think that i could ever be bored of that it's just time that i don't have but WANT to have, fr. like if i could i'd spend all of my days reading your work with you xx
BABY NORA, @cheollipop i realize i have no better nickname (punch me in the guts for this) so i'll just use this one. forgive. uhh. is this me saying you have younger sibling energy through and through? yeah. that's exactly what i'm doing. like i could have given you demon-line for having those two distinct moods from time to time, buuuut i think for you, it's almost natural to be that way? like the "cheeriness" is still a part of you even tho you may claim it not to be. just my observation here tho. in general i just think that your personality is stable even if you think it's not and it's just cuteness all around, even in the playfulness lol xx
VENDETTARLING, @vforvendetta-dupe did i ever call you darling? i don't think so. but you are a darling, i hope you know that ^^. sooo, yeah, you give me younger sibling and the ones that need all the love at that!!!! and tbh i'm not complaining. i like the random conversation-starters as much as i love the conversations that follow right after and ahhh babes you are just a joy fr. thank you for providing me with dog-pics and your cuteness all around the clock !!! xx
BEE(BEE), @hanniebeesworld i think you were one of the first people to have sent me a dm and i'm so glad you were, beebee like whwgwhw you are so so so adorable i really needed your sweetness (pun intended) when first starting all of this;;;;!!!! i don't know where you have been~ hopefully enjoying your school~ your life~ but i really really adore you so much wow!!! hope you're always eating the sweetest of sweets and collect the most delicious memories in life, beebee!!!!!!!!!!
VISUAL-LINE. [ aesthetic ; composed ; harmonious ]
LILO BUN, @seonghwaddict did i make this category just 4 you? ppffftt, i won't tell....... (i did.) i know we haven't chatted in-depth a lot which we should def change (that's a threat) but i still wanted to tell you that i appreciate your personality and adore the way you articulate yourself (in your work specifically!!!) it's so precise, and i think this also goes for you off-tumblr<33 i think there's a lot of playfulness like LMAO don't get me wrong i don't think you're this cold, composed person, like not at all actually lol, just that you have something very loose and comforting about you!!! hope that's understandable lol what i mean is that your company is nice lilo xx
KO-ALA (KALA), @jeonride omg not me being so lost and not adding you immediately because i am texting you rn help you're here because your blog is so so pretty and i can just see you have an eye for detail and just so so lovely!!!?? like your energy is so pretty too? you have something very affectionate about you and it makes you very likeable <33 so much fun to talk with you!!!! i appreciate you a lot and HELLO the fanfic???? i will forever cherish it. making americanos and always thinking of hubby. thank you so much <33
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fillinforlater · 1 year
Monday of Appreciation: Part 66
Hello everyone, Smite here!
I hope you've had a nice week. It's (already/almost) the holidays and only a couple days before Christmas. Stay warm in this time or have a cold drink if you live in another part of the world where it is colder. It's crazy to think that another year has passed by and will be wrapped up shortly.
Update: There is no surprise/special planned from my side and I also do not intend to do a year-end voting about your favorite fics of mine. I will also probably not finish any new fic in time, sorry. With that said, enjoy Christmas!
@iznsfw: Fancam ft. Chaewon
This you, Kaede? I was slamming my fist on my desk repeatedly. The first part was already great, but then IZ just got ANOTHER one up his sleeve and runs us over like a truck. Another grand slam in this series. I'm so looking forward to the others (the last I'll read will be Minju, HYPEEEEE)
@noblenobi: Say My Name ft. Chaeyoung (TWICE)
NOBI. IS. BACK. This should be enough reason to read this. If not, then look at the Chaeyoung picture and imagine her going to town on poor, poor you. This had me distracted and gasping late at night, fucking awesome.
@rosiesmuts: Not Quite Freest Use ft. Somi
Ah yes, Rosie and great Somi fics. They go hand in hand. I have someone in my asks wanting a bimbo Somi... but I don't see the reason. This is just so good, similar pictures and I just... want to taste those delicious tits. Okay, fuck, maybe I'll give her a go too.
@chunksworld: Behind Closed Doors ft. Yujin (IVE)
Yujin BFH? Yujin BFH. If this doesn't make your heart sputter and gets you going, I dunno what else will. The outfit, the setting, the build up waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. Thank God they have sound proof walls kekw.
See yaaaaaaaaa ;)
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conkreetmonkey · 6 months
(rant, as a new Tumblr user (not actually that mad, just having a little fun))
I need all Tumblr users to understand that I will never interact with any post that explicitly asks for reblogs or likes. idc how many cutesy emojis you wrap that turd in, take that Facebook shit somewhere else. Especially people whose already obnoxiously existent under-post blurbs say something like "reblogs>likes!" Fuck off, if I was going to do either of those things, I certainly aren't planning to now. It's like if I gave you a $5 bill and you said you wished it was a $10. I'm trying to be nice, you greedy bastard. Stop being so passive-aggressive. This isn't a business transaction, but you're acting like a used car salesman trying to haggle for the best price. I'll give your post what I think it deserves.
Unless there are actual stakes behind a post, like if you're asking for help or spreading important news, or maybe even trying to promote an art account (sometimes), I respect it. Otherwise, I despise it when people beg for digital brownie points. It gives me Reddit "le updoots" flashbacks. I already hand out likes and reblogs like a kindergarten TA does a bag of dollar store lollipops. I'm not obligated to spread every one of your dark academia AU Klance fancams like the damn town crier. Your post should be likeable on its own accord, without you grovelling for scraps like a starving street dog every time you post a pink-tinted Twitter screenshot you stole from an Instagram repost bot.
And it's especially pathetic when it's just mindless selfies or other wannabe influencer shit. Clout means less than nothing here, and you get it by posting worthwhile content, not just by having a fat ass crammed into beige leggings. Nobody's going to pay you to advertise weird diet beverages if you get enough reblogs, and interaction doesn't prompt an algorithm to spread your insipid, soulless content slop. This is not a website for influencers. We do not want you here. You are a digital parasite that adds nothing and seeks only to take. Go away.
This isn't even mentioning the graphic design of some of these banners. Some of you even have brightly coloured little jpegs, although these are, I've found, more often used for DNI lists. Either way, it's obnoxious, and made more obnoxious by the fact that it was seemingly made in MS Paint by a preteen fujoshi in 2008. Get your pink text on magenta gradient backgrounds away from my poor eyeballs. This is the kind of thing that should be in a pinned post or a bio, not on every goddamn post you make. JUST STOP.
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wtheckzukasubs · 1 year
“The Great Gatsby” (shinko) subs
Download the subs here: wtheckzukasubs.tumblr.com/shows
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For now, they will only sync to the livestream version*, but I will reedit them to fit the one they show on Skystage. I just couldn’t wait and had lots of free time at work to kill my wrist these last two weeks.
(* Sorry for this slip up guys, I meant the version from the camera from when I was in the Tokyo Grand Theater for this shinko, which is on the exact day that they showed the livestream, and recorded this show, so if anyone else was also in there with a camera recording the show, they will sync to your fancam, okay? So, will this clarification calm down that who thinks they’re dumb enough not to know cellphones can record a screen??? Because only this underestimation of the company or a need some in the fandom have to bully, which only results in depriving others who don’t know Japanese of having some accessibility, under the pretense of being the protectors of the fandom, would explain the message I just got. Maybe I’ll make subs to all the fancams of shows I buy from now on and see what happens. Because my first thought when someone who never spoke to me sends me a message like they’re my friend was to just disappear with everything, but that would just leave people without a way to understand the plays. Even if my subs are the worst around, they are of the few one can still find in the web and download to use on their dvds/blurays/whatever-who-cares without having to socialize. You may be social butterflies, but some people just have nightmares having to talk to any strangers. I’ve gone hungry, lost, I’ve even gone sick when I could avoid it by talking to someone and I didn’t. It’s not because I understand them, it’s because I am them. There’s probably one or two persons with those fancams for this show, maybe none at all that care for watching it with subs, so I’m buying headache for no one but my own conscience. But be it. We’re way way way past that generation in the fandom, wanting to be the good guys who behaved, so we’d look good to the japanese fandom, that was the 2000′s, so update yourself or be more sincere in what you’re saying.)
(And now all my love for Ami has been trashed and I’m crying but maybe this person caught me at a bad time when I was actually all happy and wanting to be part of the fandom. And SLAP! I’m reminded of why I don’t. You may think it was a nice advice, but it wasn’t. It hurt. Who are you even??)
I’ve been following Ami since I thought she was young Masao in her hatsubutai photo and she keeps making me proud!
(It’s also hella funny when she’s between the tallest seito in current zuka in the first scene).
If you don’t know her but was a Daimon fan, please, discover this precious little thing!
Trigger warnings, same from the honkouen, and not limited to gun, war, death, white men being white men, racism, and so on. Those get very little screen time, except for the white men (though the actresses are neither, of course). Sorry, I should be bothered by a lot of things, but I laughed every time we got to the shirts scene, like... ugh. Considering all that, it’s amazing, but I still like and recommend this musical.
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levyfiles · 2 years
I honestly think it would do Watcher a lot of good to hire a professional Social Media Manager and Marketing Manager. They all have a lot riding on this company.
They also need to work on getting actual sponsorship opportunities. We have Pretty Historic, why not reach out to some make up brands to partner with? For Worth a Shot you telling me no alcohol brand would have wanted to slap some branding in there. I know they want so badly to be above BF but they need to realize that if you want to run a corporation and entertainment company you NEED to diversify and sometimes do some more grown up corporate stuff. And you can do that without losing soul and heart.
They’ve also really dropped the ball on the merch for some reason? Like why didn’t Worth a Shot, the newest AYS and TMS get any merch drops? Why release the Camp Watcher shirts WEEKS after the episode?
Also I’d really like to see them actually bring light to the folks behind the scenes. Let me see more TJ, Mark, Brittany, Kate, Katie, etc. Hell they should be on the website with a little profile. Do some social media spots of those who make the magic which would be a big middle finger to Buzzfeed. Which I think is another reason that they need maybe a more seasoned social media person to be honest. Because like…we’re getting memes, jokes about Stranger Things and the Professor’s Death weird TikToks that feel like Shipping fancams.
I think that maybe they should be consulting with maybe the Try Guys who have been running a successful solo company for a while now. Because honestly I think if Watcher doesn’t shape up it might not last a decade.
I agree with a lot of this especially about the merch situation. I don't want to get into my depth of disappointment regarding that because it's a whole other kettle of fish
I think that the current work on Watcher's socials does effectively speak to an audience and it's deeply necessary to give Watcher a lasting campaign of influence online because Youths are gonna Youth. The Stranger Things thing was a bad look imo but that's beside my point. My issue is that there needs to be balance. Putting someone who is already working their butt off to make their in-jokes happen and succeeding into the position of all-around fan engagement management is going to let a lot of stuff fall through the cracks. The merch issue, the Patreon issue and the lack of perks for higher tiers notwithstanding. All of this stuff sours your relationship with fans and it should be apparent by the slow decline of their patrons since they appeared to have peaked at 4k before dropping again.
I was recently reading a rant from another fan in a private space saying they want to share Watcher stuff with friends but being a bit older, the socials are not for anyone older than 25 to follow. This is not a failing on the part of their social media manager because she's doing what they hired her to do but they need to hire someone to work next to her to do something that diversifies the reach via marketing. And mostly, both people need to be in LA. Their social media game wasn't anywhere as hot as it was when Simone was in LA, I can't even lie. Having someone around who just knows when to pull out their camera and document boosts fan engagement so much, I'm surprised they haven't buckled down to make that a normal thing.
The Try Guys actually had a trypod episode where they interviewed their social media manager. If you can find it and give it a watch, you'll understand very very quickly why marketing is non issue for them and the Try Guys barely have to lift a finger to plan that stuff. It's almost all her direction. It's a lot of work but she has a team as well.
Idk, I think it just aggravates me more because it's become apparent they are doing really well and they're making huge strides better than any company that started the way they did but I don't want them to waste it acting like they need to keep plates spinning with a small team. You've got the resources! Use them!
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covenlegacy · 1 year
Are you also getting rid of the attraction to the guy you like at work or in the neighborhood? There is no difference between this.
To me it is a difference because guy from neighborhood is more.. ,,real" option. It's not like zero chances for relationship then. But yeah, I usually wait till it will pass because I know it's not returned. My whole love life is some weird and also toxic guys hitting on me and me avoiding them or it's me crushing on someone who's very different from me, who has the features that I wish to have. Jungkook is from the same pattern. I always crush on rebels with unique style who are confident and bold. Why? Because I suffer anxiety for ages, my individuality was dimmed by my strict, judgmental family and i used to blend with crowd to avoid conflicts. The rural opposite of JK or any of my crushes. But what I mean, no, I'd give it a try with a guy who showed any signs of interest but they never did. Another obstacle are my trust issues and low self esteem after being bullied for ages and two of my crushes actually making fun of my interest in them. I actually talked with me therapist about guts ,,like Jungkook" and.. honestly? I'd think that someone like him would make fun of me if he showed interest in me (not literally JK 😂 so calm tits, others here, it's just theoretical). He kinda scares me. He's intimidating to me because he doesn't seem to give a f. about things, like he never had anything to loose, especially in love and his skills in many things make him have advantage over others. It's like facing Goliat when I'm clumsy myself. And you're right. First method was to avoid it but it didn't work. But bathing in those feeling is not good but I remember when i tried to accept it and admit it and I felt like it's getting more intense again. I felt enamored again when I watched his fancams. It's his eyes.. Whatever. I don't want to go deeper with it and simply watch content with him like nothing happened because then I'll be thinking about him for days again and I want him to leave my freaking brain. 😮‍💨 That's why I assumed he uses some love spells on himself to attract people because it's.. just sick. I guess direct spells take your brain away and you're unconscious of it but maybe he uses some general attraction spells or he wears some talismans to attract love. I dunno man. I want to feel indifferent and I feel i do, like today it's more neutral. Fucks knows what will be next week. Ugh.
Are you really afraid to feel all this because it will be in your head or are you uncomfortable that you are in love with someone? If (well, you've already told your story, so I'll use the available information) your relationship with the guys was not very good, and that moment about the fact that they mocked your feelings for them is quite a painful experience. Are you sure that everything is fine in this regard? Do you give yourself the right to love someone or do you now have "I shouldn't do this/feel this" in all your emotional experiences? Because, as I said earlier, it seems to me that there is a problem with you with yourself. I didn't write it down, yes, because I didn't have time, I'm sorry. You are aware that all your feelings are only yours. You don't owe anyone anything, it's just yours. You can feel and want whatever you want. The opinion of those stoned jerks should not be considered as the only true one. It's wrong.
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formulaonedirection · 2 years
shooting star emoji hehe
Being a menace. Self explanatory. Or having the most insane out of the ordinary things happen to you. Things that would make someone appear on those True Crime tiktoks.
Lewis. Like there's only maybe 5 or 6 people that should be allowed to talk about Lewis and you're up there. I love a long form Lewis essay from tumblr user 44lh I'm just nodding along and going yeah....so true........
Taylor Swift fancams you've made this your brand you've associated yourself with a common criminal and that's on you.
Send me a star and I’ll tell you three things I associate you with
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jung-koook · 2 years
omg yes i feel like some people do shame folks for leaving bts at the beginning but ugh, it’s all about being a fan at any point. i feel like for some it’s all about fomo and tied to popularity and fame from being at multiple concerts and have all the merch rather than love for the boys? or maybe i’m just very cynical after seeing it for years? lol
OMG THE FACT THAT HEADLINER STILL HAS FOLLOWERS IS SO GROSS. not only is she much older than jk, she’s said and did some shady things and needs to be deplatformed. i swear people just reward sasaengs bc they’re all close up with the boys on camera and it’s so ???? like why do you need to see that all the time. i get perhaps you wanna see them out and about, but some of these people wait outside of hotels and go on the same flights or disclose info that shouldn’t be disclosed. i can never understand why people still ride for headliner or any of these sasaengs today i rly do.
ANYWAY enough ranting i can’t wait to see more gifs from you and overall good vibes! 💝
omg this is sad :/ I had many friends who were here with me from the beginning but are no longer ); I think bangtan dna era was the era that I had the most friends who told me they werent feeling connected to bangtan anymore. I noticed that bangtans growing popularity made some fans feel that way too. I think everyone has their reasons and I dont blame anyone for wanting to leave the family. and this thing about fans who buy more merch are more fans than those who dont, its the most childish thing ever lmao. these things dont make you more of a fan, it just says that you have more money and more opportunity to have merch and go to their concerts. bangtan is a group that from day one suffered and still suffers hate. they are also a group that has such a positive message and always mentions things against hate and these ugly stuff. some people dont follow the messages that bangtan is passing to us and see fans acting this way is really sad.
headliner is really gross! i had seen one person say they still support headliner because their fancams are the best ._. and sometimes i see their fancams on instagram, i cant believe e_e
I dont know how old headliner is but I dont think age matters. I find it beautiful and emotional when I see much older fans at their concert. I think I always share with my friends saying that this is my future. i really hate it when someone says i'm getting older and i should stop supporting bangtan. like??? just because i'm getting older i need to stop enjoying and being a fan of groups. why?? lol i just hear it from two people i dont care so its ok ASKLASKASK
aww i like your rants alskask if you want you can always rant with me here ♡ thank you ♡ I hope you have a great weekend! thank you so much for your sweet mesagges ♡
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seokwoosmole · 2 years
Ranking SF9 Title Tracks (Part 1.)
I'm sad and emotional cause I miss Binseong especially with the comeback around the corner so I'm immersing myself in sepgu in a less sentimental, more critical way. This ranking isn't exactly in order of my personal favorites, but I also factored in which ones I feel are objectively better in terms of song quality, production, mv, overall vibe, enjoyability etc. That being said, I'm can be bad at viewing things objectively, so maybe I failed at doing that. I'm not a music critic, I'm just a fan with opinions. Disclaimer: I enjoy all SF9 title tracks, just some better than others, so don't be sad if I rank your fave low. We don't need that traumaaaaaaa.
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13. ROAR – It's good. Like really good. Like a work of art level good. The rap line shines (PRAISE FOR YOUNGBIN'S PART DURING THE BRIDGE!!!), the music video is so cool, love the choreography and driving/car concept; it's all close to perfection in everything except the actual sound of the song – it's very busy and loud, but it's missing that sense of cohesiveness that gives busy songs that sense of smooth finality.
12. Good Guy – It pains me to rank this song so low, especially since it gave them their first 3 wins. And they all killed this era in terms of visuals, the music video is sooo satisfying, and the song has such a clean production. And the choreo is cool; Good Guy fancams are some of my faves to watch. And the rap!!! Rap line is amazing here!! But imo, it doesn’t have as much of a WOW factor as their other songs do that leave me thinking about it long after listening/watching. I do love that Taeyang choreographed part of it; again, the choreo is the highlight. I think personally, I enjoy ROAR more than Good Guy and it's so experimental and takes a lot of musical risks, but Good Guy is objectively a better quality song because it plays things safe.
11. Fanfare – I genuinely want to corner and question the haters that said Fanfare was a flop debut. It’s catchy, the beat is snazzy, and the sound is so unique musically (it has that seamless cohesiveness that ROAR lacks). Line distribution is so whack (why did I never realize how much of the song was occupied by YooTae?! no hate, just an observation) and while I still think the song is amazing, I can't help but wonder how much more dynamic it would have been if they incorporated the other members more. Even though SF9’s concept has evolved and matured as they’ve aged, I feel like this song perfectly fit the concept they were going for at the time.
10. O Sole Mio – Where was O Sole Mio's win?? Every time I find one of those YouTube compilations of "100 songs every bg stan should know", O Sole Mio is almost always on there, and usually it's the only, or if not, one of the only SF9 songs on the list. The love is there so why no win?? While I wish the costumes were better, I think the concept of incorporating capes into the choreography is SO CLEVER!! Also, the song is so catchy, but the Spanish influence in the instrumentals makes it stand out even more so. And even though line distribution is very uneven, I don't find it too bothersome because each member has a very memorable part in the song. O Sole Mio was one of the first SF9 title tracks I fell in love with and even though I didn't hear the song when it first released, it gives me nostalgia to when I first became a Fantasy. Though, it does feel very dated in an isolating kind of way. O Sole Mio (and a lot of the other tracks from the Knights of the Sun album) is unlike any of SF9's other songs, and listening to it, you can tell that it's from early on in their repertoire and definitely during an experimental phase. It feels like a song from the past you love and feel nostalgic about, but if I were to stand it next to one of SF9's song they released after this, there were so many things O Sole Mio lacks that were improved upon: line distribution (*cough cough more Hwiyoung*), a more established group "sound", more dynamic choreography (the cape part and the entire part during the chorus is really cool, but the dancing during the rest of the song isn't that revolutionary).
Part 2 in progress...
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ebbarights · 1 year
living+ liveblog under cut
had a good day then a bad day then went for a run and now it's a good day again. let's see if this changes things
logan jumpscare omg
okay i didn't fucking miss him lmao. disregard previous posts
he's against powdering his face because that's gay
literally googled lorene scafaria yesterday bc she directed hustlers and her name sounded familiar only to realise i know her as bo burnham's partner kms
barefoot swede tw
matsson with his affected lisp maybe you should hang out with roman instead of shiv who's too good for you
i have skarsgård stockholm syndrome (lol) bc i've seen him in soo many things lately
the first meeting me when i lie
TWEETS AND DRUG RUMOURS glass houses ken
a friend sent me a roman fancam the other say bc i told her he's my favourite character and it kind of annoyed me a tiny bit bc. that's not what this is but also. lbr. it's exactly what this is
roman facial tic comeback!! honestly my favourite thing kieran does
i want someone to do a hug counter per episode/season when this is all over this one is off the charts
shivyyy :'((((
roman you're not ready to fuck. you never are and i love that about you
why does she give him advice about grief tho. 'it just hasn't hit you yet'? she's right but that's a really weird thing to say to a stranger
sidenote i have german subtitles on this episode because i was eating and they're the only ones available and. everybody is using like. the formal you? and that's so weird. i don't think they should do that. they're all using first names
the segregation comment should be so telling for those guys who think roman is actually right-wing. he knows shit about all ideologies he just doesn't give a shit!! (that would be very bad irl but in the show i think that's an important distinction)
roman you can't just fire people because you brought it up
is ... the presentation that day? and kendall wants to build a house? dude do you know anything about anything
who is tk. shiv lore unlocked
i used to play something like bitey with a friend in school but with. i think it's called indian burn in english? don't think that name's okay but idk what else you would call it
why is greg there
kendall looks exhausted
roman with the you're fired is like a little kid who just learned a new trick
oooh no i know that gerri outfit i know what comes next :(
this conversation hurts but also this is lifeblood to me
oh so it wasn't your dad will wash you away it was the money. that's such clever editing
roman's on such a power trip it's crazy. maybe post-grieve a little that'll make you feel better
the way he immediately regrets it and his mouth when kendall says he shouldn't is actually killing me dead
tomshiv wouldn't survive a day in a trailerpark
kendall sounds so sad when he talks about the clouds
kendall baby you're so manic and the sibs totally know it
roman pulls him out of it straight onto the other side and then leaves him alone with it that's horrible. i get it but it's horrible
is the fingers to the forehead thing a grounding technique
it's still so crazy to me that their dad just died. like JUST died. and now they have to do shit like this because the company's toast otherwise. something capitalism something humanity etc
maybe i'm an idiot but why would the guy ask him about matsson's tweet that he obviously hasn't seen?
somebody stop this how long will kendall talk about the tweet this is on l to the og level
literally laughed out loud when roman showed hugo that matsson deleted the tweet
roman in the car 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
(though the people who said roman was seriously genuinely for real horny listening to that make me fucking angry. necrophiliac believer bullshit)
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lesbiancarat · 2 years
Oohhh nicee!! I know March, ash, don are major fan favorites from what I have seen? But it flip flops alot because then we have about you and shadow sometimes popping up at the top bside wise and I think its just fun to see what fans like and enjoy from bsides! Especially with how sometimes different they can sound and it fits peoples tastes and such. For me I'm leaning towards ash and March along with shadow but hot? Omg my most overplayed song rn like YouTube is very much side eyeing me with how many times I watched the mv, dance, 8d version, everything lol xD it is a fun song and yes, I cannot help but do the body roll while humming the song and doing the dishes lolol. I believe the comeback was short? Sorry am a bit behind with svt news as I'm all over the place personally which is a shame but also I do know they have their tour so maybe that could be why as well? Despite it being short promotion wise, I am happy with it because of all the praise this album got and as mention, jun, hao and seungkwan are all getting alot of attention!! Don't get me wrong, I think everyone very much owned this era and everyone is chefs kiss but those 3 to me are the most stand outs if you will? Like their aura on stage is just SOOO fun to watch and I always hold my breath as cliche as that sounds xD (funny about the no showing with seungkwan jdjwjdjsj he showed a lil bit according to boo fans so he has joined the dark side lol) especially since like for seungkwan and jun they aren't always like, shared outside of their bubble of being performers more like the funny people with the memes ya know what I mean? (Idk if I am explaining this correctly fnsndjsj) people are being drawn into their performance and its so nice to see people going 'why hello there who is this!?' And I get all giddy and happy because its nice to see them being praised as performers! Like you said, jun's fancams are getting alot of love and as he should! Its cute to see him get flustered about the praise but I hope he feels proud of the hard work ya know? (Also jun being a fboy!?! Jesus i never knew this was a thing nd I joined the fandom during DWC lolol. Maybe I wasn't deep in the fandom and thats why? I always saw fans calling him handsome but the funny quirky guy? Which fits him i mean he is attractive but this guy just lives his life peacefully and with a hot dog machine while giving heart eyes to seventeen members but I am a baby jun bias so correct me of course!)
I saw you got tickets and so happy for ya!! Congrats to everyone that got tickets and to those that didn't, don't feel bad!! You can get them resale or its also ok if not! Doesnt make you less of a fan and they are holding an online concert as well I believe so you can try that as well! To everyone seeing svt the first time, super fun and hopefully this time we get luck with a full svt again this tour jfjsjdjs. As for me, we got tickets!! We checked both ticketmaster and vividseats on the day of general and we got better pricing for vivid so we got those there! Granted idk when my friend will get them so if anyone has advice do share! I hope we get them because I will feel bad if she paid and we don't get them. But interesting? I know from my experience at ode in Chicago when we got the day on the time they open doors, we went to our seats and got in line and lightsticks were instantly gone and sold out so I guess the best thing is to either arrive super early OR instantly go in line? I bought mine before so I'm good there!
lol i also do the point choreo whenever i'm listening to it and i'm by myself, it's just too addicting dfkjhg yeah the promotion period was a bit short most bc of concert preparation, their seoul concert is in like a week believe it or not. but it also it seems like their last several comebacks have had shorter promotional periods, which i'm guessing is a combination of them being an older/well known group + focusing more on western/international promotions in recent years
yeah i mean not everyone was explicitly calling him a fuckboy all the time. tbf i also joined the fandom in 2017, but from what i've gathered predebut through 2016 was when the worst of that kind of stuff was going on in the fandom (including other just... bad jokes lmao). but his image even back in 2017 was definitely more along the lines of "handsome guy who's really confident/narcissistic" than it was "funny goofy guy". like it's not to say that ppl didn't talk about him being goofy back then but it just wasn't his main image if that makes sense. and even if he was seen as goofy he definitely wasn't seen as innocent by the majority of the fandom back then lol
thank you! i'm not familiar with vividseats but yes hopefully it works out and you're able to go! and yeah if you want a lightstick you have to rush straight to the merch booth as soon as the doors open, no time to go to your seats first lol! but me and my friend did manage to each get one. we were near the doors when they opened but not like the first ones to go in and we went directly to the merch booth. i think there were like ~8 lines at the one booth we went to and maybe 10 or so people in each line before we got there? i was with 3 other people and only me and one other friend wanted a lightstick but all 4 of us each got in separate lines to placehold in case one moved faster. my two friends that weren't buying anything got out of line once we all started getting closer to the front. but it ended up working out and me and my friend both got lightsticks!
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sanhapup · 5 years
i can’t watch sanha do this choreo i can’t i will die
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atsuwiee · 2 years
hello!! can i request the twst dorm leaders w an s/o who was a kpop idol in their world?? kinda like chungha maybe (bc i've been obsessing over her more than usual these days) hehehe thank you!!<3
twst dorm leaders with a kpop idol s/o
pairings: dorm leaders x gn!reader genre: fluff
warnings: grammatical errors, not proofread xian’s note: i actually dk if you were asking for a fem or gn s/o T_T so i decided on gn, i hope you like it tho:D
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he’d be asking what you did in the human world
then you proceed to tell him that you had a career which is being a kpop idol
i don’t think he knows about things like that so you have cater search your name up
riddle is pretty shocked to see how famous you are
will listen to your music when you’re not around heh
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doesn’t believe it at first when you tell him
“so you’re famous… in the human world?” “yeah, i make cool music too”
is very surprised
leona would love to watch your shows in the near future
honestly i feel like he’d watch those fancams of you because he’s (lowkey) interested on what your career is
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he’s very facinated once you tell him
offers that you should try to hold concerts here lol
listens to your music at times because he loves your voice
he thinks you’re career is amazing
also thinks you’re really beautiful in your performances
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omg this boy will start to become really interested once you tell him
probably tells jamil and a few other students
he thinks you dance really well!
kalim also loves your songs and probably tries to dance it with you
he thinks you hold such a special career
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couldn’t believe it
though he gets a bit excited when you tell him
and like the fact you’re like famous in your world makes him think you’re a really good singer
singing competetion with vil hell yeah (jk-)
i think he’s like really proud of what you do but just doesn’t show it
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is pretty cool and chill with it
honestly he’ll be your fan lol
watches your live shows or fancams
oh he also thinks you look really beautiful in some of your outfits in music shows
is facinated how you’re really good in singing WHILE dancing- like he can’t even take that much physical activity so seeing you do it amazes him
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doesn’t know what a kpop idol is so you have to explain it o_O
will listen to your stories on when you were in concerts, live tv, or even being an emcee on music shows
he finds it very interesting
also thinks you dance really well
probably listens to your music 24/7 ehehe
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