#maybe (?) new avatar
deimosatellite · 3 months
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smilefortae · 3 months
Guys I’m slowly becoming obsessed with Dallas Liu…
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eywaseclipse · 3 months
Perhaps we all deserve cute little Sully family scenarios where the sky people never came back…. Just saying
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a-devious-route · 1 month
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Eto Migriauli
(( more ))
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r0semultiverse · 3 months
Liminal spaces?? The distortion, is that you?? 👀👀👀
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Today I learned where Liminal Space terminology came from.
Architectural hunger, huh? 👀
Time distortions eh? 👀
A soulless fairground?? Wait wasn't there a tma episode that had one of those?? I just woke up, I might be wrong.
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Lights in the dark??? Glowing mist?? Wait... mist... the lonely?? 👀
This sounds like a combination of the distortion & the lonely to me.
A tall woman you say? HELEN???? 👀👀👀
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Inviting you inside?!?! Real distortion type energy. 👀 Wish she'd invite me inside. 🥺
"You are here, stay a while!" Helen or whoever, don't mind if I do. 🤭
"her rictus grin stayed as wide as ever" yeah that seems about right.
Who is cooking inside the distortion? 😩 lmao
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Bro walked into the AI generated restaurant.
Jujutsu Kaisen domain expansion uncanny restaurant, stay a while!
"It don't bite- yes it do!"
100% feels like the spiral tried to eat him.
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I love Alice's sass. 💜
Contractors?? 👀
"Assuming any of us are still here by then." Hey, don't say that.
Gwen, not everything is about work. 🙄
Sam & Celia left without signing out? Uh-oh.
Gerry?! 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀 HUH?? HOW???
Why is he so cheery? Lobotomy archives canon? /j
Gigi..???? 👀
That silence was deafening. Gifted kids program?? 👀
"I don't think Gerry can help you." "Yeah I barely remember any of it."
"Asking me what books I like to read."
Someone isn't saying something or disclosing something they could be, it feels like.
"Other than just sitting around with a bunch of other kids in a room that smelled like old books."
Were they trying to create avatars? 👀👀👀
That painting is going to be important. 👀
"It was my idea, remember?" Of course it was Celia, you know so much about so much. (Question is, why do you know?)
"maybe you can help me with my mystery?" Celia?? 👀
"I’m trying to look into… Weird physics stuff: time travel, other dimensions, teleportation, all that good stuff." HUH?!? 👀👀👀
"Then yeahh. I'm doing a favor for Georgie." I don't buy it.
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Wait, What The Ghost exists still or exists in a new universe?? 👀👀👀 Georgie?! 👀
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myimaginationplain · 7 months
AU where Katara & Toph both set up premier waterbending & earthbending academies in Republic City; the two schools are dedicated to teaching holistic, unified forms of their respective elements, bringing together previously disparate styles. Katara's school teaches Southern style, Northern style, & Foggy Swamp style waterbending, without any gender-based segregation between self-defense or healing classes (no, bloodbending wouldn't be taught because Katara don't like that shit). Toph's school teaches her personal seismic style of earthbending, metalbending, & more classical forms of earthbending. Katara's academy is on the coast of Yue Bay, in sight of both Aang's memorial statue & Air Temple Island; Toph's academy is far inland, to the east.
Rather than Toph, Suki is the one who establishes a police/security force. Suki's police academy could have a special program with Toph's, so you'd still get those cool metalbending officers. But the school prioritizes non-bending combat first & foremost. Ty Lee's chi-blocking technique is taught there as a required course.
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aquanutart · 2 years
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I welcome our new toothpaste lords
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benjiedrawings · 1 year
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Wu is his safe haven your honor
*sweater weather playing in the background Image description in alt text
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enbymai · 5 months
toph randomly visiting her friends all the time because she misses them, but pretends she's just there for the free food
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sunflowerpieivan · 5 months
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Well…I think it won’t do any harm to post this here. I thought that one my avatar is not good enough so I decided to draw something new, so here it is, little chibi (?) bear Ivan.
It looks so clean in comparison with my usual drawings :’)
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i have my reservations, and i truly dont believe a live action adaptation is necessary at all (but please at the very least don't fuck it up this time) i am still so excited
also im in love with suki, pls im so queer
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smilingperformer · 7 months
Gonna put the opening genka teaser below the cut! Probably more teasers tomorrow.
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Talks about her eyes sparkling at something. Honestly, that's a pretty shot of her, can't wait to see the colored version!
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cupofangst · 6 months
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He’s finally here!
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So...we traded in Sokka unlearning misogyny and humbling himself for Suki spending the majority of her screentime making goo-goo eyes at him. How progressive.
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lovelesslittleloser · 8 months
People should be more afraid of asexuals, because they’re the only people that are immune to one of the seven deadly sins
#seven deadly sins#maybe they have metaphorical lust. lust for the aesthetic#asexual#we also should fear aromantics but they aren’t necessarily immune to lust so fear them for the usual reasons#pride? sometimes can be negated by self-hatred but usually shows up when you do something to be proud of. as it should#greed? you might donate your money to orphans but if anyone touches your collection of shiny trinkets their hand will be removed#envy? unless you have never met any other living beings I don’t think it’s possible to escape this one#wrath? work in public service for a week and we’ll get you wanting to fistfight god#gluttony? eating disorders are a thing; however you should definitely eat something unless you wanna die#sloth? insomnia is a thing. but you should probably sleep if you don’t want to be driven mad upon the rocks#honestly too little of the seven deadly sins is also bad. no sloth? you’re barely functioning. no gluttony? you die of starvation.#no wrath? you’ll become a doormat. no envy? you’ll never want to improve yourself. no greed? you give all your stuff away and are now poor#no pride? you don’t love yourself AT ALL. no lust? no new generation.#and frankly that last one isn’t bad in the slightest considering that much is also true for people with a same-gender significant other#(unless they are also trans and willing but that’s a them problem to have)#plus overpopulation is a thing anyway so frankly the less lust the better.#the avatar of lust has been too overworked the past few decades and and wants a damn break for once#tw eating issues#tw eating disorder#eating disorder mention#shitpost
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mayasaura · 2 years
Something I'm gonna be so interested in finding out is the literal magical power dynamic between John and Alecto. Alecto is the source of John's power, but she can't do necromancy. She can do something, for sure, the way she moves through the River like it's her natural habitat, but all of this started because she needed someone else to wield her power. She couldn't do it herself.
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