#matt wilson is the god of colors
makingqueerhistory · 10 months
I’m actually serious about this, if at all possible, right now is a very good time to request queer books from your local library. Whether they get them or not is not in your control, but it is so important to show that there is a desire for queer books. I will also say getting more queer books in libraries and supporting queer authors are pretty fantastic byproducts of any action.
This isn’t something everyone can do, but please do see if you are one of the people who has the privilege to engage in this form of activism, and if you are, leverage that privilege for all you’re worth.
For anyone who can’t think of a queer book to request, here is a little list of some queer books that I think are underrated and might not be in circulation even at larger libraries:
Refusing Compulsory Sexuality: A Black Asexual Lens on Our Sex-Obsessed Culture by Sherronda J. Brown
Silver Under Nightfall by Rin Chupeco     
Harvard's Secret Court: The Savage 1920 Purge of Campus Homosexuals by William Wright    
The Perks of Loving a Wallflower by Erica Ridley   
God Themselves by Jae Nichelle
IRL by Tommy Pico        
The Pink Line: Journeys Across the World's Queer Frontiers by Mark Gevisser
Passing Strange by Ellen Klages             
The New Queer Conscience by Adam Eli
Fierce Femmes and Notorious Liars: A Dangerous Trans Girl's Confabulous Memoir by Kai Cheng Thom          
Queering the Tarot by Cassandra Snow              
Wash Day Diaries by Jamila Rowser
Queer Magic: Lgbt+ Spirituality and Culture from Around the World by Tomás Prower            
Before We Were Trans: A New History of Gender by Kit Heyam   
Beyond the Pale by Elana Dykewomon 
Hi Honey, I'm Homo! by Matt Baume      
The Deep by Rivers Solomon
Homie: Poems by Danez Smith
The Secret Life of Church Ladies by Deesha Philyaw  
The Companion by E.E. Ottoman 
Kapaemahu by Dean Hamer, Joe Wilson, Hinaleimoana Wong-Kalu
Sacrament of Bodies by Romeo Oriogun     
Witching Moon by Poppy Woods 
Tell Me I'm Worthless by Alison Rumfitt    
Dead Collections by Isaac Fellman    
Disintegrate/Dissociate by Arielle Twist           
Dear Senthuran: A Black Spirit Memoir by Akwaeke Emezi             
Peaches and Honey by Imogen Markwell-Tweed      
Nepantla: An Anthology Dedicated to Queer Poets of Color by Christopher Soto
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liz-allyn · 1 year
sugar and vice, pt. 23 [mob!tasm!peter x fem!oc]
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summary: in the beginning, there was darkness...
words: 5.1k
chapter warning: gratuitously deep philosophical nonsense.
series warnings: mob-typical bang bang violence, hurt/comfort. smut. Spicy situations. spousal / domestic abuse. family trauma. verbal abuse. PTSD, psychotic breaks/episodes, drug use. coercion. manipulation. kidnapping. gore. blood. possessive!peter, protective!peter. toxic/yandere!peter (maybe, sorta), negative self-talk, shameless forced proximity trope. ‘only ten one bed oops’ trope, imprisonment. slowest burn. a dash of questionable and/or morally grey intentions. extremely toxic relationships. having happiness ripped away from you.
This version of TASM Peter is not canon. The relationships and characters here are not healthy.
Don't date a mob boss.™️
18+ You’re responsible for your own media consumption, but if you think that this symbol
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is the logo of some off-shoot programming block on Nickelodeon, then you're wrong. But are you? Regardless, live a little and come back later.
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Part 23
Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick...
Peter thought of the elements. 
Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick...
The Greats. Earth. Wind. Water. Fire. Space. Born out of Hinduism’s sacred literature. Also, Captain Planet’s sidekicks.
Tick... Tick... Tick...
The Chemical Elements. Only 118 of them have even been discovered. Only 95 of those are primordial, whereas the rest are man-made. 
His dad used to talk for hours about this stuff.
Tick... Tick... Tick...
The interrogation room he was in was dark, despite the flickering fluorescent bulbs. The buzz of the lights sounded like a buzzsaw. The air was cold, too. The thin NYPD-branded, crew neck tee that Peter had been given to wear didn’t help much. 
Tick... Tick... Tick
The lights flickered again, this time with a greenish hue. 
Argon. Symbol: Ar. Number 18. A noble gas. Mercury. Hg, number 80. Also known as quicksilver. Highly toxic. Phosphorous. Number 15.
In his class, he was Number 2.
Atoms aren’t even as old as people assume. After the Big Bang, the universe was still nothingness—white, hot light that scorched everything out of existence. The heat was uninhabitable. Hydrogen didn’t make its appearance until roughly 370,000 years later. 
370,000 years of hot, blinding nothingness.
Tick... Tick... Tick...
Hour after hour, they came at him like waves of radioactive light.
First, there were two detectives—both a bit too junior to be assigned to such a high-profile case, but Peter figured that they didn’t know that. A reserved Eagle Scout named Sousa and a snarky blonde female named Carter. 
Or just ‘Sharon,’ as her boss Alexander Pierce referred to her, to her thinly-veiled ire. 
The Commissioner waltzed into the room mid-interrogation and essentially asked his naive detectives to go back to coloring while the adults talked. Both detectives walked out of the interrogation room with a scowl on their faces.
They probably didn’t know it, but Pierce wasn’t concerned about their abilities as detectives, or the integrity of the case. All he needed was to get Peter behind bars, where crooked guards and violent inmates could take over. Where he could give Peter the same welcome that Miguel had.
They probably didn’t know it, but Peter could tell by the scent of Pierce’s cologne: a $1,200 bottle of Bond 9 Dubai that not even New York’s police commissioner could afford. 
Peter recognized the scent. It was Wilson Fisk’s favorite gift to give his friends.
They probably didn’t know it, but Peter did. 
Pierce had no intention of letting him make it to trial.
Peter was disconnected. Drained. Eventually, even Matt’s voice became static which blended into the tone of the room, and droned beneath the ticking of the clock and the god-awful buzz of the lights.
“—he’s in’a world’a trouble...”
“... absolutely no evidence —not even formal charges have been presented...”
It might not have been productive, but Peter allowed himself to tune out. Matt was a good lawyer.
“—lucky we’re not pressing charges against the department after Captain Stacy’s unwarranted attack on my client, whom he’s been stalking for years—”
Oh man, that’ll piss George off when it gets back to him. A very good lawyer.
Despite his earlier act, he still felt a great amount of sorrow for George Stacy. Not exactly sympathy... and not quite guilt. Just sorrow. 
Looking into his eyes was like looking down into a sinkhole. Or passing a destroyed car on the highway. Unidentifiable. Cold. Hollow. Empty. Somehow the emptiness in Gwen’s father always triggered an empty feeling in him. It was a secret weapon that George had over Peter that his estranged father-in-law didn’t even know he had.
On the outside, Peter could wear a mask that projected cockiness and make lewd comments about the man’s wife. On the inside, George could eviscerate Peter with a look.
370,000 years of nothingness. Nothing but white, hot rage.
Peter tuned back in for a moment when Pierce said the name Walker. He hadn’t even heard the question fully and already his blood was boiling. He wished that he was guilty of that bastard’s murder. He wished that he had killed him. He tried to focus on something that Felicia said months back which resonated with him: about how Honey needed a chance to stand up for herself.
Maybe Felicia was right. Maybe it was just a terrible thing that needed to be done, and Honey was the one that needed to do it. 
Honey wasn’t Gwen. 
The history she shared with that dead asshole was a far cry from the tragic turn of events that led Gwen to shove a man off the ledge of a clock tower. 
Honey wasn’t Gwen.
The look of heartbreak in her eyes. He’d never forget it. 
George looked at Peter that way once, too—after a closed-casket funeral when he laid his daughter in the dirt.
They looked the way Peter felt all the time. Devastation. Ruin.
How could Peter possibly be capable of such cruelty? The world was full of monsters. Sometimes Peter was one of them.
Honey wasn’t Gwen.
In the beginning, there was darkness. Then, there was an explosion. Then there was an inferno that burned so hot, even the basic building blocks of the universe could not begin to form.
Honey wasn’t Gwen; she was Peter’s universe. The stars in his sky. She was a vast, endless expanse that surrounded him. That held him in an ever-growing, outwardly-expanding gravitational orbit. She was everything, and outside of that, there was nothing.
And every second in that room he felt himself getting further away from her.
Peter’s bones hurt. His back was in so much pain it was difficult to sit still. On top of that, he was weary. He was traumatized. He was grieving the loss of his security, his home. Grieving Eddie.
Despite that, Peter could toss the table like a Coke can. He could punch a hole in the wall and stroll out if he wanted to. Or crawl across the ceiling, to Pierce’s astonishment and horror.
Pierce was staring at him again. This time, there was a self-satisfied smirk on his lips.
Even if Peter did escape, he had too much to lose. Peter knew it. Pierce did, too.
In all the ways that mattered, he was trapped in his own web.
After several more minutes (or hours, maybe) of grandstanding on both sides, the door to the interrogation room swung open. A stocky figure silhouetted the doorway. Intense features, sharp lines in his jaw, brow, and aquiline nose, as much shadow spilling over him as there was light. 
The temperature of the room shifted. Matt and Pierce stopped talking. Peter froze, lifting his chin as he met the dark glare of Manhattan’s district attorney. 
“Frank,” Pierce said with a tinge of discomfort. “I wasn’t aware you’d be joining us so soon.”
Matt’s voice warmed but maintained a snarky edge. “Ah, is that the Honorable Francis Castiglione?” he bitingly beamed. 
Despite the smile on Murdock’s face, Peter could hear the pace of his lawyer’s heart pick up. Which... wasn’t a great sign. Even Pierce started to sweat. 
“Mr. Murdock,” New York’s toughest DA replied without batting an eye. Unswayed. Uncompromising. Undefeated. He held a stone, straight-laced expression. Even beneath a conservative black suit and tie, he was one of the most intimidating men Peter had ever laid eyes on. He was at least a solid 170 pounds, Peter supposed, of solid muscle and righteous fervor.  
“Just having a little fun, Mr. Castle,” Matt charmed with obnoxious flair. “How could I forget your name with all of the posters still hanging around? ‘Stand Your Ground.’ Great campaign slogan, by the way. Especially for a pacifist who managed to ban every firearm in the five boroughs. Although, I’m certain you won’t be getting any gift baskets from the gun lobby—”
“I wanna speak with your client alone.” Frank’s deep voice rolled through the room like the first tremors of an impending avalanche. The other men stared back, blinking silently.
Matt’s sunny disposition dimmed as his jaw tightened. Pierce’s hackles were raised, although he tried to suppress it. Wordlessly, they blinked and flinched and tried to wrap their heads around the request.
A humorless laugh left Matt’s lips. “Yeah. That’s not gonna happen—”
“That’s fine,” Peter answered. He and his lawyer spoke simultaneously, their voices crossing each other in converse directions. 
Matt turned his head towards Peter’s side of the room, his whole body going stiff. The flesh behind his light stubble turned pale. “Um,” Matt subtly cleared his throat while his heartbeat hurled alarmed profanities at Peter. “Uh, that is... not advisable.”
“S’okay, Matt,” Peter calmly replied, keeping his eyes locked on Frank. He could hear the sounds of his lawyer’s brain overheating while trying to reboot. Pierce pinched his lips in an anxious pout, avoiding looking directly at the district attorney.
Matt gripped the head of his cane tight enough to nearly break it. “Uh... Um. Oh-okay.” Awkwardly, Matt pushed his chair back as he came to a stand, shuffling to his feet. 
Leaning back into the chair rest, Pierce visibly relaxed until Frank sternly added, “You too, Commissioner.”
The irritation in Pierce’s eyes didn’t go unnoticed. Shoulders tensed, teeth gritted, the man stood from his chair. He mirrored Matt as he sidestepped from the table and towards the exit.
Matt lingered for a moment at Peter’s side while his nails anxiously scored the cane. Peter noted the pinched expression behind Matt’s ruby-colored glasses.
“It’s okay,” Peter murmured under his breath, repeating an earlier sentiment that Murdock was skeptical to believe. And with that, Matt was powerless. Hesitantly, he gave them a parting nod, and followed Pierce out of the room.
The metal door echoed as it slammed shut, leaving the two of them alone in the cell. 
Peter threaded his fingers together, the metal in his chains clinking, and leaned back as far as his restraints would let him. Thighs spread and chin tilted off axis, he fixed Frank with an unimpressed glare as a smirk played on his lips.
The prosecutor shifted like a monolith unearthing itself. Frank measured the cocky, sharp-tongued mafia ringleader with eyes colder than steel as he strode to the table. He pulled out a chair across from the prisoner and lowered himself down into it.
The two of them sat quietly for a moment on opposite sides of the room. But it was their positions on opposite sides of the law that created friction. 
Frank was at least a decade older than Peter, but Peter seemed even more juvenile by comparison. The mob boss looked and acted like a young prince, leaned back in his seat with a smug face. Alternatively, Frank glowered down at him with the authoritative scrutiny of judge, jury, and executioner.
“Hot daaamn,” Peter said, mouth curved into a smile. “You put on some weight since I last saw ya, bub.” Waggling his eyebrows, his eyes flicked over the other man’s form. “You been workin’ out? Crossfit, maybe?” He let out a mirthless laugh. “Forget bein’ the scourge of New York’s underworld— Bro, you must be killin’ it in the gym.”
Unfazed, Frank disregarded the remarks without a single blink. His dark eyes bored into Peter, and he remained more than comfortable with the uncomfortable silence that followed.
Peter glared at him with darkening eyes, balling his fists against the table. “Is it safe to assume the cameras are off at this point?” Animosity sharpened his voice to a razor’s edge. “I mean, that’s the only way you’d ever allow yourself to be seen fraternizing with a criminal like me, right?”
The temperature of the room pitched downwards even further. Icy waves surged off of Peter. Frank was a stone wall, letting each wave crash over him and fall back into the surf.
“I’m not the one who put you in those cuffs, Peter,” Frank answered, nonconfrontational. “I’m not the bad guy here. And I never wanted to be your enemy.” He kept his voice soft and respectful, wisdom shining from his eyes. “You and I—we’re not so different. We’re not monsters; we’re men. We’re bound by the law. Both of us, judged by the law.”
The smile faded from Peter’s lips. “Well," he glowered, bitter frost in his bite, "aren’t you a modern-day Moses on the Mountain.” His words were punctuated with ire as he scrutinized him with disdain. “Y’know, they told me ya caught religion, but I didn’t realize what a holy roller you were. When we’re done here, I’ll give ya Matt’s number. Give ya tons to talk about. Bet'chu two would be a hoot at parties.”
Peter sneered at him a moment longer, then let out a bored, depreciating sigh. “M’not much of a Bible thumper, myself,” he half-shrugged. “Only verses I know by heart are Ezekiel 25:17... and, uh... whatever that bullshit was in Shawshank.”
Frank glanced down, deep in thought. “‘His Judgment Cometh and That Right Soon’,’' he said, recalling the prop he referenced. It was a tapestry embroidered with the Bible verse hanging in the corrupt Warden’s office—a MacGuffin in the film’s plot. 
“That's not a real verse,” Castle noted, matter-of-factly. “You’re probably thinkin’ of Psalm 98:9—’Let them sing Before the Lord; for he cometh to judge the earth: With righteousness shall he judge the world and all of its people equally.’” 
Peter’s eyes narrowed. “Well.” The word tasted bitter on his tongue as resentment spread through his chest like a tumor. “I’m Jewish. And even then, I never drank the Kool-Aid. S’not really my thing.”
He waited, expecting Frank to take offense. To Peter’s dismay, he remained as peaceful as a lake on a windless day. 
“I get that,” the older man mused somberly. Contemplative, he looked up at Peter with sympathy coloring his face. “If what happened to you, happened to me,” he said, “I don’t know if I’d like who I’d become either.”
As he said it, his gentle eyes settled in on Peter with a knowing expression. Pity. It made Peter's teeth grind and his temper burn. It took all of his self-restraint not to break out of his chains and (re)break the prosecutor’s nose. Indignation writhed inside of his chest, souring his face and his stomach.
“Heard you were gunnin’ f’me real hard, too,” Peter muttered bitterly, tossing words like daggers. “Really put the heat on me— M'actually flattered.” Salaciously, he flashed his canines with a wink. “But ya didn’t hafta go to all that trouble, Frank. If y'wanted to get me alone in a dark room, y'coulda just hit me up on Grindr.”
“Are you done?” he replied witheringly.
“Oh, c’mon,” Peter taunted, equal parts threatening and scandalous. “I mean—they don’t call ya ‘The Punisher’ for nothin’, right? Well, go on. Punish me, Daddy. Why doncha just bend me over your knee?”
Frank’s eyes flicked to the black, mirrored glass window, shaking his head in frustration. “Always a comedian,” Castle huffed, annoyed. “Between you and Wade Wilson, it’s like watchin’ a hundred-car pile-up of clown cars. Can’t even be just a little real, not even for a second—” 
“That’s not true,” he pouted. “My tits are real...”
Fed up, Castle shook his head and grumbled, “Y’think everything's is a joke! Can you at least pretend like you give a shit about any of this—?” 
Peter’s temper flared suddenly, hitting a flashpoint that boiled the humor out of their rapport. “Y’know what I think?” he snapped back, eyes dark with rage. “I think you’re a God-damn hypocrite! That’s what I think! You and this whole corrupt, bullshit organization. That’s the joke.”
Frank shook his head, grinding his teeth. “There you go. Always a martyr.”
“Again, with the religious talk?” Peter rolled his eyes into the back of his head while letting out a dramatic sigh. “Look, ‘m’not interested in joining your little MLM cult-club, alright?”
“‘Mob Boss,’ my ass,” Frank scoffed. “Ya act like a fuckin’ child! Always whining about being the victim! Like you’re the only one in this city who's ever lost somethin’! Arrogant prick, I did three tours in Iraq while you were doodling in your diary! I was washing the blood of my brothers off my uniform while you were crying into your pillow at night! People die! Thousands of ‘em, every day! All tragedies, all the time, yet— somehow—yours is special!”
Frank’s voice boomed off the concrete walls, patience shattered. “You wanna talk about hypocrisy?” Castle said sharply. “Punishment?! How about three weeks ago in Forest Hills? Right in your backyard. Cops got a call about a domestic dispute. When they got there, the perp somehow ended up with a bullet hole in the back of his head, even though no one in the house owned a gun. You know anything about that?”
Peter straightened his lips into a thin line, lifting his chin. “Sounds like the dispute was resolved.”
“How about that hedge fund manager that committed suicide last spring?” Frank said, skewering him with his gaze. “The one that decided to swallow a container full of gasoline and light up a cigarette before jumpin’ off a roof on Park Avenue?”
“Tragic,” Peter replied, deadpan. “I read about it in the news. Guess the shame of stealing $8 million dollars of pension money from a firefighters union must’ve really burned him up inside.”
Agitated, Frank scowled with his eyes narrowed into slits. “How ‘bout in Brooklyn last fall? How do three seasoned drug pushers end up OD’ing on half their own supply of Fentanyl?”
Peter remained expressionless. “Dunno, Frank. Guess the Lord works in mysterious ways." The attorney huffed with nostrils flaring. By contrast, Peter idly see-sawed his head. "Rather poetic," he said, "as far as justice goes.” 
“That’s what I call ‘punishment,’ Parker. Not justice! Vengeance! Plain. Simple. And cold-blooded.”
Peter sat up, leaning forward as his colorless eyes flashed with rage. “Before you accuse me of anything else you can’t prove—especially the messes that New York’s Finest shoulda handled—how ‘bout you explain to me how two innocent women were butchered and burned to death in Midtown and not a single arrest has been made?”
Frank turned silent.
“How ‘bout the dozens of immigrant families who’re bein’ forced against their will to launder the Mayor’s drug money so he can spend it on campaign ads?”
The other man’s jaw clenched while Peter continued his attack. “Let’s keep goin’ shall we?” he hissed. “Tell me how a Russian oligarch and his buddies park a yacht in the harbor—filled with stolen girls—children, practically—and somehow just... get away?” Veins protruded from his neck as anger rippled through his chest. 
“Got any answers for me, Counselor?” Peter spat harshly, jabbing his index finger at Castle as far as he could while in handcuffs. “Wanna phone a friend? How ‘bout you call your boss, yeah? Why don’t you ask Wilson Fisk? Ask yourself! If you’re such a holy man, then how can you work for the Devil?! How can you even sleep at night, huh?I”
Outwardly, Frank was stoic with nothing but a crease between his brows to telegraph his thoughts. Inwardly, Peter could hear the attorney’s heart rate drumming up as Peter relentlessly dressed him down. Castle’s jaw was locked tight, holding his breath.
“And tell me one more thing,” Peter added, eyes flashing with rage. “How many times do you think about what woulda happened if I hadn’t been in the Park that night?” He blurted out the statement with a livid snarl and a dry throat. “What if I hadn’t intervened in the Blacksmith deal? What woulda happened if I hadn’t gotten your wife and kids outta there before the guns started goin’ off? You ever think about that!?”
Peter’s voice buckled on the last word. Memories of the violent night in Central Park five years ago flooded them both, bringing a tidal wave of conflicting emotion that swallowed him up. 
It was Peter that covertly led the FBI to a plan to eliminate several gangs (and Peter’s enemies) at once. Practically a gift from the gods, it seemed, to take out all of Peter’s competition in one swoop. 
Once it was clear to the young mob boss that the FBI cared more about making headlines than making sure the park was clear of innocent people, Peter chose to intervene. In the end, it was a disaster anyway.
When the other gangs realized they were being set up, a shootout erupted. Lives were lost. Peter saved as many people as he could, including Frank Castle and his family. For everyone else, it was still a tragedy. 
Gwen included.
It was the first and last time the two men had met. And subsequently, a night that neither of them ever talked about. 
Until now.
Peter’s eyes glazed over, tortured by the consequences of his choices. A tidal wave of conflicting emotions swallowed him up as his mind flooded with horrible thoughts. Betrayal, and resentment, and bitter, evil, disgusting jealousy that Peter could save Frank’s family but not his own.
Peter looked contemplative, then. Haunted. He fixed his weary eyes on Frank, continuing to unravel.
“And I’m gonna level with ya, pal,” Peter said in an unnervingly soft tone of voice. “Fuck. You. If you think that you and I are the same. You and I are not the same. Never will be.” Heartache pierced his throat, compressing his voice. He jerked his thumb toward himself. “Because somebody saved you.”
Tears glistened as Peter breathed hotly through flared nostrils. “Fuck your judgment!” he growled. “Because if what happened to my family happened to your family—ya wouldn't last a goddamn day! You’d be a nut job! You'd be beggin' for a bullet in ya head, rather than see what I’ve seen!” 
Fury vibrated through the younger man’s being, indignation piercing each sentence. “I don’t give a shit what nickname they call you,” Peter seethed, “in the media... in the Marines... not even in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade! When it’s your family filled with bullet holes—believe me— that shit hits different.”
Peter’s eyes were wild—black with anger, wet with tears. “‘You wouldn't like who you'd become either?’” he repeated, muttering spitefully. “Fuck you!" Peter’s voice echoed, bouncing off the walls and reverberating in Frank’s chest. 
He took a measured breath. His throat bobbed, cords pulled tight. "I may not be a religious man," Peter added as his chest heaved, "but I pray you never have to find out.” His volume abruptly dropped, adding a foreboding sentiment to the words. Like whispering a dark secret. A warning.
Blinding, white hot rage obliterating everything in its path. Scouring any sign of life before its existence.
Castle sat stoically with his arms crossed. Breathless from his outburst, Peter slowly retracted himself back into his seat. Frank studied him with a contemplative gaze and a tight-lipped mouth. 
Until he broke his silence. “Every night.” 
It was barely a whisper. Peter blinked at him with a crooked brow while the other man held Peter in his gaze.
“Every single night,” Frank answered, a little louder, “I think about what would’ve happened to my family if you hadn’t been there.”
Peter pressed his lips together, jaw flexing stiffly. Mist gathered on his lashes. He drew a shaky breath, lip trembling. To keep his eyes from betraying him further, he hardened his brow.
“You’re a hero, Peter,” Castle said simply. It was just a fact. “And a good man.”
Peter averted his gaze, casting it down while he swallowed a thick lump in his throat. 
“You have the power to do good,” he said. “So much more than you realize.” Frank’s eyes swelled with something like reverence and admiration for his antithetical counterpart. “And yeah,” he noted matter-of-factly, “I do pray." He watched him placidly and empathetic. "And when I do, I pray that one day, other people will see you for the man you really are. And maybe... just maybe—you'll see it, too.” 
Shooting pain in his fingers alerted Peter to the fact that his knuckles were clenched white. He kept his head lowered, eyes hidden and fixed on the shackles around his wrists. 
“I pray that you find faith in yourself,” Castle said, then. His soft voice sliced through Peter’s toughened heart. The older man’s lip tightened into a line, his deep voice thick with sorrow. “And salvation... from yourself.”
Peter looked upward. The attorney gazed back at him in earnest. The silence which followed felt like the end of an era.
“You and I want the same thing,” Frank then said, returning to a sense of formality. “You want to expose Wilson Fisk as the Kingpin. So do I.” 
Peter studied Frank’s heart—and his own. Steady. True.
“The only difference,” Castle added, “is I want to do it right: by the law. Justice. Not revenge.” Peter couldn't help but roll his eyes. “Because if we can’t do this right, then it’s not worth doing at all.”
“The only difference is,” Peter countered, “when I take Fisk down, he’s gonna stay down.”
Frank gazed at him incredulously. “That’s nice. Good stuff. You want me to write that down and read it at your funeral?” Peter glared bitterly but had nothing to say. 
“Cards on the table,” Frank explained. “I don’t have enough evidence to charge you. Not today. Now you can walk outta here, go back to your old ways. End up in a casket, or in a jail cell sooner or later. Take my word, there are plenty of people in this building that want you dead. You won’t last a night at Ryker’s without someone tryin’ to stab a broken toothbrush through that giraffe neck of yours.”
“Sounds like it’s gonna be painful,” Peter muttered in a low voice. “For them.”
Frank fixed him with a stern glare. “Alright, smartass. Then what? These people are comin’ for blood. And they’re not going to stop with just yours.” He paused, then added, “You should know that, more than anybody.”
Peter had nothing to say to that. The thought alone stole his breath.
“You wanna fight the system?” Frank said. “You wanna take down Fisk? Then you bring me proof to put ‘em away. All of ‘em. Fisk, Pierce, his little ‘Shield’ SS hit squad. Every last one of them.”
Peter bit his tongue, contemplating the idea.
“And most importantly, you keep your hands clean,” Frank declared sternly. “No more dead car thieves in the river. No more pimps gettin’ scraped off the subway tracks.” His tone was cold, eyes sharp as he skewered Peter threateningly. “There’s enough killing in this city as it is. You cross that line, and I will come for you, you understand? Deal or no deal, our history be damned—you are not allowed to take the law into your own hands. You got that?”
Peter raised his chin, peering at him through the fringe of his slitted eyes. 
The clock ticked on. Primordial elements as old as time surrounded them. And for reasons that Peter could not fully understand, he walked into a coffee shop one day and walked out with hope. A dangerous seed. 
A force that could save the whole city. The world.
Maybe even his own soul.
The district attorney came to a stand, holding the mob boss in his stare. “You’re a free man, Peter,” Frank said. “What happens next is up to you.”
After another moment, he headed for the door. As soon as he placed his hand on the doorknob, he glanced back at the man who he owed his life. With a stone expression, Castle made one final plea.
“Whatever you do... Don’t let me catch you.”
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It was half past noon when Honey walked into her modest apartment in the Theater District off 45th Street. 
Flipping on the lights, she peered hesitantly inside. Stepping through the threshold felt like tumbling down a wormhole through time.
More or less, the studio apartment looked exactly the same as it did nearly a half-year ago, when she left for work at the coffee shop. 
It was a bit tidier than how she’d left it—her cheetah print throw blanket neatly folded on the edge of her thrifted loveseat. The smell confirmed that all the perishable food had been discarded. An empty vase sat alone on a scuffed, white, gateleg table that was crammed into a corner of her kitchen. The daisies that it once held had wilted and been tossed long ago.
The world was alien to her. It was like walking through a dream, or onto a theater set piece constructed for a play about her life. These were the possessions of a person she didn’t know anymore.
“We had someone come by earlier with groceries,” a voice said from behind her. She turned as Karen Page strolled into the apartment wearing camel wide-leg wool trousers and a matching double-breasted blazer from The Row paired with Salvatore Ferragamo Vara-bow pumps. “A maid came in once a week to tidy up, but other than that everything should be as you left it.”
Honey blinked with wide eyes as she watched the strawberry-blonde haired woman breeze through her home—former home. She pulled a rolling carry-on case behind her filled with a small portion of Honey’s wardrobe. Karen came to a stop in the center of the apartment. With neatly manicured nails, she produced a keyring from her blazer pocket.
“New keys,” she explained, handing it over to Honey. “Any pertinent mail has been left for you on the counter. The new wifi password is on the sticky note next to it, along with your new cell phone number.”
She had almost forgotten. Honey reached into her coat pocket and pulled out the latest model of iPhone. She stared down at the foreign object queasily. This one had no spider decal, she noted. 
“There’s also a debit card, too,” Karen explained methodically, as if reciting a monotonous dialogue. “New bank account information is in the folder. We’ve made a small deposit to compensate you for your troubles, at least until you find a new job. But you shouldn’t have any more problems from here on out.”
A few seconds of silence passed as Karen eyed the peeling paint on the walls. “Well. I’ll leave you to it, then,” she said, straightforward. 
Honey’s eyes darted over to Karen as the woman turned to leave mouth “Wait!” she called out, her forehead creased and mouth hung agape. Karen stopped in front of the doorway. “Wait... is that it?” she said, dismayed. 
Karen blinked her radiant blue eyes. “Was there something else you needed?”
Her nose crinkled at that. “What about Peter?” Honey said, almost in a demanding tone. “What happens to him?”
Karen cast her eyes to the floor, sighing uncomfortably. “I’m afraid I don’t have an answer for that.”
Honey glared at her crossly. “Well, can I at least talk to him—?”
“It would be best to limit contact at this time.” The pleasant formality of her voice made Honey want to punch her.
“For how long?” she scoffed.
Karen gazed at her for several moments of silence. Which continued on, until Honey realized that an answer wasn’t coming.
“We’ll be in touch,” Karen added gently.
As the woman stepped out into the tenement corridor, Honey nearly jolted after her. “Wait... M-Ms. Page?”
She waited.
“What do I do now?” she asked meekly. Her voice sounded timid to her own ears.
Karen stared back at her then lifted up one of her shoulders. “Whatever you want.” 
And with that, Honey was left alone for the day.
And the next.
And the next.
And the next.
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Continue to Epilogue
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stackthedeck · 1 year
Don’t be shy post your fanfic red flags to tumblr
I swear y'all want me dead, I'm not scared of the tiktok teens but the tumblr users will kill me over this
when I say red flags, I mean squicks, I mean things in marvel fanfics that tell me the author is more concerned with fanon than they are with the source material which is just something I don't want to read
Mommy friend Natasha— If it's an avengers fic and Natasha is there to sigh and the boys and tell them to talk care of themselves, make the move on the boy, or just mother them I hate it. I need more than one woman in a fic and I need them to pass the Bechdel test and be more than "the one with the brain cell"
damsel in distress Peter Parker— I need a damn good reason Peter doesn't use his super strength or super genius to escape a kidnapping, he's a fucking superhero who can save himself. This isn't to say I don't like Peter Parker whump, but I need some explanation or it seems like he's forgotten he's super human
the Deadpool thought boxes— most fic authors are writing them because they're saw them in another fic not because they're read them in the comics and it fucking shows!
No murder Avengers—Explain to me why your picture of Steve Rogers wouldn't kill a nazi in a heartbeat?? Quickly!
writing out characters of color—self-explanatory. How can you write a post winter soldier fic without Sam Wilson? Where is Ned in your mcu Peter fic? Why did you make Peter Parker act like the mcu version in every way but you made MJ into a white Mary Jane? Why is there always a convenient mission that the characters of color are sent off to deal with?? Y'all are not hiding your bigotry well
"pretty" Wade Wilson—I don't care if it's a no powers au or if you're using an image replicator, keep the scars! The scars are pretty and I don't want to read a fic that disagrees
Super Family—my beef with this trope pre-dates the mcu Spider-Man, this shit infected tasm fandom after the Avengers came out. The civil war being the stony divorce arc and Peter being the traumatized child of said divorce joke was funny. But it was only a joke. I don't care what adult "adopts" Peter, Peter already has a loving home and Aunt May is doing a fantastic job raising him. It's even worse when Peter was adopted young or the bio child of one of the heroes because it completely robs his story of the importance and impact of Aunt May and Uncle Ben. I hate it so fucking much
"world on fire" in daredevil fic— it's a fucking metaphor! It's a good metaphor you can write into a fic, but if you make it literal so that Matt is "seeing" objects but like as fire oh my god no! He has not light response in his eyes, he's moving through the world through sound and touch like blind people do, his powers just grant him a great degree of precision. Y'all can't handle the idea of disabled people as competent capable adults
Any fic that makes a rational cool level headed woman into a raging bitch—we get it you have no friends and have internalized the not like other girls mindset, but don't make it my fucking problem
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prettypipedream · 2 years
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dog days are over - florence + the machine
cut deep - matt maeson
midnight sky - miley cyrus
break my face - ajr
crush culture - conan gray
some nights - fun.
cringe (stripped vers.) - matt maeson
blood runs red - matt maeson
naruto themed sexting - panucci’s pizza
how to disappear completely - radiohead
good in red - the midnight
family line - conan gray
familia - nicki minaj, anuel aa, bantu
if i die young - the band perry
darling - halsey
kids - pup
favorite crime - olivia rodrigo
replace you - justus bennetts
control - halsey
bored - billie eilish
just a kid - noah vela
seventeen going under - sam fender
tears of gold (stripped vers.) - faouzia
don’t blame me - taylor swift
rip 2 my youth - the neighbourhood
body - mother mother
home - cave town
the audacity - emlyn
lotta true crime - penelope scott
people watching - conan gray
sex, drugs, etc. - beach weather
colors - halsey
brother - madds buckley
oh my God - Ida Maria
mama - my chemical romance
set me free - joshua bassett
fuck this town - glaive, ericoda
you found me - the fray
if i killed someone for you - alec benjamin
i want a dog - hobo johnson
ribs - lorde
happy little pill - troye sivan
little lion man - mumford & sons
fake id - big & rich, gretchen wilson
mommy - acacia
bad habits - fidlar
what the hell - avril lavigne
good person - gilanares
lion - saint mesa
middle finger - bohnes
weak - ajr
miss missing you - fall out boy
afraid - the neighbourhood
you should see me in a crown - billie eilish
throne - bring me the horizon
sober - fidlar
motherlove - bea miller
little league - conan gray
original me - yungblud, imagine dragons
sanctified - matt maeson
you might not like her - maddie zham
nelsonwood lane - matt maeson
if it’s not God - maddie zham
yucky blucky fruitcake - doechii
oak trees - daniel nunnelee
bartender - lady a
fake happy - paramore
prideful - nf
crusader - stevie howie
the village - wrabel
cry baby - the neighbourhood
for your entertainment - adam lambert
father - the front bottoms
mean! - madeline the person
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Ghost Soldiers
https://archiveofourown.org/works/50615668 by Anonymous Gwen Stacy falls into a different reality where the Avengers are nice people, Peter Parker was Spiderman and died in the snap, and the super soldiers are interested in her? Half inspired by another fic, and the other half wanting the Duo to really tame a brat. ‘Have you ever put your face up to one of those old dummy thick TVs? The ones that let out the static and make your hair stand on end? Yeah, ok so imagine that feeling but like all over your body’. Gwen had been falling in this strange void for what felt like days, there wasn’t even a sensation of falling anymore, just existing, in an unmovable place. Thank god time didn’t seem to pass here because her phone games were the only thing keep her sane. She was sitting in a lounge position with her mask down playing solitaire. Definitely living the dream. Her surroundings were basically a purple swirling void with random flashes of color, pretty amazing in theory, but yeah, after 5 minutes, gets kind of old. Words: 723, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Avengers (Comics), Spider-Man - All Media Types, Spider-Gwen (Comics), Captain America - All Media Types, Winter Soldier (Comics) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi Characters: Tony Stark, Clint Barton, Steve Rogers, Gwen Stacy | Spider-Gwen, Peter Parker, Wade Wilson, Matt Murdock, James "Bucky" Barnes, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Pepper Potts Relationships: Steve Rogers/Gwen Stacy, Gwen Stacy & Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Avengers Team Members & Gwen Stacy | Spider-Gwen, Peter Parker & Tony Stark Additional Tags: Spider-Man Identity Reveal, Gwen Stacy | Spider-Gwen-centric, Hurt Gwen Stacy | Spider-Gwen, Fluff and Smut, Angst and Feels, Snark, Bisexual Gwen Stacy | Spider-Gwen, Gwen Stacy | Spider-Gwen is a Brat, Awesome Gwen Stacy | Spider-Gwen, Peter Parker Acts Like a Spider, Avengers Family, Dead Peter Parker, Polyamory, All The Ships, Kinky, Kink Discovery, Deadpool being Deadpool, Typical Deadpool Violence, Not Beta Read, My First AO3 Post, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Meme Lord Peter Parker, Companionable Snark, Everyone Is Poly Because Avengers read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/50615668
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bonesofapoet · 2 years
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( please note some links will take you to my main blog )
* characters with an asterisk are now platonic only
Arthur Curry
melted stars, melted sea
Donna Troy
morning sun, burning waffles
headcanon: a snowy afternoon
to bloom through a blade
Dick Grayson
car crash hearts
with fear, i fall
headcanon: going to a haunted house
watchers in the night
portraits for lovers
Jason Todd
lightning fields
now cracks a noble heart
headcanon: watching it snow
we are unsung hymns
a shelter made of mercy
i didn’t know the world could be so warm
they say fear is for the weak
sky full of song
headcanon: going to a haunted house
atlas bewitched in a diner
trials of the gods
headcanon: jason is scared of loving you, but cant stay away
John Constantine
death wrapped in velvet
the muse of venus
Roy Harper
my dear, how sweet we could be
Billy Bennett
constellation dreams
Lex Miller
midnight reality
anthology pt I
anthology pt II
a rose colored curse
we walk in beauty
i can see fire in your eyes
Marcus Lopez Arguello
neon anchors
merciful souls
starlight sins
from dusk ‘til dawn
Saya Kuroki
shallow glory
Alucard ( Adrian Tepes )
revival of a soul
Nicholas Scratch
sweet cravings
headcanon: vigilante/hero x you
through the thorns
Bucky Barnes
letters from poseidon
we’re nothing but a falling star
skin & bones
Frank Castle
soft and wild
abandoned valor
once upon an ugly sweater
the oracle at the end of the world
Matt Murdock
aphrodite’s kiss
blood of the holy
lucifer in the arms of persephone
Peter Parker (TASM)
a duet, honey sweet
muse of the heart
Quentin Beck
careful, i bite pt I
careful, i bite pt II
Sam Wilson
stars in high tide
steady heart
Sylvie Lushton
tired eyes and gentle hands
* Yelena Belova
the glow of a valley
Malcolm Bright
we move lightly
crimson darling
Captain Rex
Din Djarin
a legion on crimson wings: pt  I  II  III  IV  V  VI
violent delights
the golden rays of night
wicked, wicked dreams
Obi-Wan Kenobi
fallen kingdoms and starlight hearts
Billy Hargrove
head full of noise
Eddie Munson
sunset leather + rooftop smiles
headcanon: going to a metal show with eddie
monster hunting would suck without you
too young to fall in love
Peter Hale
on the breath of a hurricane
Declan Lynch / Jordan
veiled in vintage thorns
Booker ( Sebastian le Livre )
funeral for a ghost
Kol Mikaelson
watch me crack and shatter
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songder-bot · 5 months
songs from my spotify wrapped that are not yet in the bot
(i'm not saying all of these will be added, but some of them probably will be. mostly i'm putting this here as a reminder to myself)
(under the cut bc its 74 songs lol)
hollywood baby by 100 gecs (its in now!)
clusterhug by i dont know how but they found me (in also!)
heartbreak feels so good by fall out boy
somebody told me by the killers
bud like you by ajr
overexposed by matt and kim
pompeii by bastille
wrecking ball by mother mother
dumbest girl alive by 100 gecs
love from the other side by fall out boy
lights go down by idkhow
ferris wheel by sylvan esso
young volcanoes by fall out boy
choke by idkhow
sunflower by post malone spiderman
tell me ma by sham rock (....i cant explain)
you first by paramore
doctor worm by they might be giants
lake effect kid by fall out boy
rio by mika
icarus by the crane wives
baby you're a haunted house by gerard way
hand of god - outro by jon bellion
wellerman - electric swing remix by betty booom (...I CANT EXPLAIN)
little talks by of monsters and men
one last cigarette by the band camino
turn the lights off by tally hall
joe by ajr
oxford comma by vampire weekend
punk tactics by joey valance (okay this one i can explain)
home run! by shawn wasabi
candy by robbie williams
the last of the real ones by fall out boy
hello brooklyn by all time low
vampire money by my chemical romance
& by tally hall
never met! by cmten, glitch gum, 100 gecs
wage wars get rich die handsome by the mountain goats
everybody loves me by onerepublic
talk too much by coin
so much for stardust by fall out boy
walking on sunshine by katrina and the waves
new york city by they might be giants
pollyanna by green day
philly forget me not by hall & oates & train
you're gonna go far kid by the offspring
rose colored boy by paramore
oh no! by marina
you're nobody till somebody wants you dead by saint motel
everybody wants to rule the world by tears for fears
way less sad by ajr
best friend by toy-box
mememe by 100 gecs
need a little sunshine by augustana
work this body by walk the moon
washing machine heart by mitski
spent my life by kindred
sonder by the wrecks (ehehe its my name)
let's dance to joy division by the wombats
istanbul (not constanstinople) by they might be giants
this december by ricky montgomery
otter pop by shawn wasabi
ok overture by ajr
sweet talk by saint motel
mos thoser by fraxiom/food house/gupi
and the day goes on by bill wurtz
yes i'm a mess by ajr
we are the crystal gems from steven universe
i wish that i could wear hats by brian david gilbert
wilson (expensive mistakes) by fall out boy
waterfalls coming out your mouth by glass animals
only happy when it rains by garbage
let's get this over with by they might be giants
west coast smoker by fall out boy
0 notes
Thor #32 Review
Thor #32 Marvel Comics Written by Torunn Gronbekk Art by Juan Gedeon Colors by Matt Wilson Letters by Joe Sabino The Rundown: Thor chases after the creature that took his father’s soul as Doom continues his plans for power. Doom has Hela trapped in his castle in Latveria as he attempts to gain the powers of a god. At the same time, Thor and Jane continue to search the ruins of Hel for…
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themovieblogonline · 1 year
Daredevil Movie Director Admits Backlash On Kingpin Casting
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Did you know that a live-action Daredevil Movie exists? Daredevil is enjoying its 20th anniversary this year! That's right, Daredevil had it's opening way back in 2003 to great fanfare. You are forgiven if you never heard of it but it seems the movie is a hot topic. The movie stars Ben Affleck as the lead character Matt Murdock AKA Daredevil. The movie also stars Jennifer Garner as Elektra, Colin Farrell as Bullseye, and Michael Clarke Duncan as Wilson Fisk AKA The Kingpin. Director Steven Johnson is sitting down with Yahoo Entertainment to reflect on the movie and talk about his experience making Daredevil. I like the interview because the director seems to be pretty open to discussing his regrets. Daredevil did 'ok' at the box office and went on to generate a spinoff movie for Elektra actress Jennifer Garner. The director mentions  regrets and challenges from making the movie and one of the comments is a bit... well, you tell me: You cast the late Michael Clarke Duncan as the movie's other villain, the Kingpin, who has traditionally been depicted as white in the comics. That kind of color blind casting is more common now, but ahead of the curve then. Did you get any blowback from comic fans? Oh yeah, I got a lot of blowback. It's the strangest Catch-22, because you want to have opportunities for everybody. You say, "I'm not going to pay attention to race: I'm just going to cast the right person for the role." But then you get killed for that who say: "The Kingpin should be white" or "He's not my Kingpin" and all that kind of stuff. So I definitely got heat on that, but I don't regret the decision at all. Michael was fantastic. It's hard to find a guy who is that big and also that formidable, and Michael was definitely that guy. God bless him. Were you sorry that casting tradition didn't continue with Netflix's Daredevil series that's now coming to Disney+? Not at all. I think Vincent D'Onofrio is wonderful as the Kingpin. It's all about finding the right actor for the character, you know? Vincent is a great Kingpin and Michael was a great Kingpin. And the show is terrific. It's fun, because everybody gets to have their imprint on it: You don't own the character, you just get to be the steward for a short time and then pass it on for someone else to do something with it. That's why it was so fun to see all the different Spider-Men come together in the last Spider-Man movie. Seeing all those different versions from different decades and different filmmakers coming together was such an exciting moment. Kudos to Steven Johnson for his casting choices. I don't find it surprising at all that he got blowback and that sort of casting would get a strong reaction today. There's a very large audience who does not like race-swapping of characters and there are some that don't mind. I think Michael Clarke Duncan did a fantastic job as The Kingpin. I remember being really excited about his casting, especially after his string of hits like The Green Mile. Sadly the actor didn't get to reprise his role for a sequel so that one film will remain his only outing as The Kingpin. I get apprehensive to talk race-swapping in these sorts of roles. I think it can work at times but I also have seen it backfire badly. Have you seen the original Daredevil? What do you think of MCD's portrayal and what do you think about this topic? That's all for this one... Read the full article
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popculturespiritwow · 5 years
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After many months, I’m back! Sorry for the long silence. Life=Crazy=Sorry.
I’m planning over the next couple weeks to post summaries of the rest of Imperial Phase I & II and then hopefully I’ll catch up soon after that. It’s hard to believe there’s only a few more issues left. (Nooooooooooo.)
I’ve actually held off reading the most recent couples issues until I’ve gotten back onto this, so if as we go you’re wondering how it is I don’t already know this or that, that is how. I think the last issue I read had all kinds of crazy reveals about Baal. Speaking of which...
BAALER (I Hate Myself for this Title But There You Are)
The big reveal of issue 27 is that Baal has some kind of magic super secret voodoo he can use to stop the Great Darkness. It builds on last issue, where we learned he’d not only been previously briefed on the GD by Ananke but seen his father murdered by it. It’s also the beginning of another shoe dropping, except we don’t really know what gets squished beneath it for another eight issues and two specials and like a year of reading time so it doesn’t seem like a shoe so much as a hmm, that’s mysterious, I’m sure it’s fine, shall we rave then?
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I love the visual structure of this page, the way it uses repetition to express the passage of time and also distance to simultaneously demonstrate our own distance as readers from whatever horrible nightmare things are going on and to minimize those events. (It’s so small; whatever it is, it couldn’t be that bad, could it?)
(Baal, what have you done...)
I also like how Baal’s “reassurance” to Mini repeats his mother’s words from last issue--“It is what it is,” but then adds on in a way that sounds like the sort of ‘steel yourself for nightmares’ mantra learned from everyone’s favorite grandmonster. Even as it gives Baal an adult-sounding stoicism, it also makes him sound like a little boy. 
And speaking of Baal’s complicated relationships with children: Had we been told before now that Mini ascended just a month after him? It strikes me as a brilliant move on Ananke’s part. Right from the start she’s set up her replacement self as a little sister for Baal to protect.
Two issues in a row we’ve got Mini as the seeming target of the Great Darkness bug fiesta. Is that because it knows who she really is/will be? Is the GD somehow in league with Ananke, and the attacks on Mini are just another way of keeping everyone thinking of her as Everybody’s Favorite Divine Lil Sis? Or does this, too, have something to do with Baal? Could it be that it’s actually Baal and not Laura that is well and truly cursed?
The heart of issue 27 is the five double-page spreads in which the standard left to right, up to down of Western comic storytelling slowly breaks down. On the first splash we’ve got a Laura/Sakhmet story riding the top, then the lower three quarters of each page telling their own stories (though really it’s the continuation of Baal’s story from page one to two). The second spread flips the structural arrangement, but now the left and the runner are continuing a story while on the right page we’re with Laura and Baph and Laura’s sister and ow oh God that hurts to read. 
The pages continue to shift and change from there, with one section always following Laura, at least one following Dio/Cass at the rave, and the other one or two checking in on what other characters are up to.
The thing I love about the approach is how it speaks to the disintegration within the group that Laura ordained with her choice of “Anarchy” last issue.  We’re not in complete collapse by any means, we can definitely follow the narratives, but the idea that these characters are starting to go in different directions is literally demonstrated in the structure of the page.
And also in the way the pages alter the visual language of Dio’s earlier rave (from issue 8). We’ve got the same 16 block grid structure, but it’s twice as dense; now every block contains an actual story panel, as compared to half for most of 8, with the other half used for the ongoing rave 1-2-3-4 countdowns.
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Whereas issue 8′s dance pages had a sort of expansiveness, a sense of the rave as the overriding context that the story panels are just a part of, in 27 we’ve lost all that. In fact the rave is only one small part of what’s going on, even as its grid and color frames remain. (It’s interesting to see the rave visual style used as well for what precedes and follows it; it’s like the energy of the rave is starting to bleed out beyond the confines in which it makes sense.)
It’s also worth noting the rave in issue 8 ends with different members of the Pantheon one after another finishing Dionysius’ sentence, as though all one person. Another great contrast with the never-united narratives of issue 27.
But you know, even seeing how issue 27 offers an intensifying deterioration of the rave joy feel of issue 8, I still easily get lost in the visual dance of its two page spreads. I think it’s those bright frames; they just read to me as “fun”. (Apparently I’d be all good living in a prison camp as long it was decorated with Christmas lights.)
One moment does really snap me out of it, though:
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No matter how bad things have gotten, Drunk Child Star Mini feels very unexpected. Plus who is she talking to? The camera team? Herself? Ananke Within?
(Actually, going back to issue 8 I realize we get a similar moment where out of the blue the story cuts to Minerva, talking directly to the camera with that same combination of ‘Don’t mind me.” and “Life sucks.”
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So she’s almost certainly talking to their documentary squad.)
Mini drinking is not the worst thing we see in these pages by any means.
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Ow. Ow. Oh God, Oh God it hurts.
But somehow that Mini moment (that mini Mini?) (#sorrynotsorry) is the moment I find most off key.
Hmm. That comparison between the two Mini moments has got me thinking...
You know, give me a second...
*time passes*
So hey, I’m back. I just went back through the rave in issue 8. Here are some of its major beats:
Dio tries to help Laura let go.
Laura becomes a part of everything going on.
Laura talks about her family and sketches them in light.
Cassandra cannot connect. 
Sakhmet and Laura look each over and then start dancing together.
Woden watches.
Mini is left out.
The Morrigan warns Laura about getting too into Baphomet.
Everyone unites around Dio’s thought of making people’s lives better, because the end is coming soon.
Each of those beats is returned to issue 27.
Dio tries to help Cassandra let go.
Laura tries to disconnect from everything that’s happened.
Laura thinks about when she got Baphomet to create an illusion of her family.
Cassandra finally connects, saying “You’re full of stars”, which is what Laura said to her at the rave in issue 8. But then she rejects the connection.
Laura, now with Sakhmet, wonders what’s the worst thing she could do to her.
Woden watches. (Jamie uses the very same image.)
Mini is still left out, and now drinking. 
Laura gets too into Baphomet, and now Baphomet is locked away with the Morrigan.
Cassandra rejects the connection.
There’s a little more in each rave than that (Woden plotting, Woden calling for a hook up, Baal and Inanna), but you gotta love the way the parallels show those stories having progressed (and not for the better).
(Also, I know Dio is on life support at this point, but man it feels like there should be one more cast rave, doesn’t it? Jonesing for my rule of threes.)
In the final pages we shift to two pages of a sort of call and response; on the left side we get David telling us what’s “really going on”, aka in year two the gods lose it, and on the right we cut back to each god in their own version of doing that, and ending on the punch line of Cassandra.
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She’s the one god who seems to have her head well and truly on straight, the adult in the room, but here she is just staring silently at what has been her white whale the whole issue, Ananke’s Murderous Mystery Machine.
Gillen’s notes on this moment are familiar, chilling and wonderful:
Comrade Rossignol, my old partner in crime, game developer and co-writer on The Ludocrats, and I have a line we tend to quote to one another. It’s a paraphrase of a quote from Ballard: ‘My advice to anyone in any field is to be faithful to your obsessions. Identify them and be faithful to them, let them guide you like a sleepwalker.’
We quote it as: ‘Stay true to your obsessions and your obsessions will be true to you.’
It’s basically been our respective careers’ magnetic north, but there’s certainly times when I wonder how good it’s proved for us as human beings.
You could easily go from Cassandra staring silently up to the spooky final full page spread of her white whale itself. But instead Gillen gives us an extra six panel page first. It seems puzzling; we don’t really need to have David ask “Are you okay?” We already know that Cass isn’t, and that she doesn’t know it.
But for me what makes that page so important is that it gives the other Norns the chance to ask David about their own fate. Imperial Phase I has taken Skuld and Verdandi from silent back-up singers to real emotional partners with Cass, indeed the dominants to her submissive. By presenting us with the question of their fate we’re reminded of the fullness of their humanity; their lives are just as valuable as that of Cass.
Their question also plays very much to Gillen’s comment about the destructive impacts of artistic obsession. These gods don’t just hurt themselves; they put their families, their fans, their friends at risk. What will Skuld and Verdandi do when those dangers come for them, one wonders...?
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thecreaturecodex · 3 years
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Image by Matt Wilson, © Wizards of the Coast. Accessed at the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting Art Gallery here
[I feel sorry for the kir-lanan. And not just because of its bondage straps/nipple rings outfit. The kir-lanan were clearly supposed to be the Next Big Thing that hit the Forgotten Realms when the 3e version of the Campaign Setting book came out. Their entry hypes them up as a new and emerging threat, and they appear prominently in City of the Spider Queen and Lords of Darkness, two early 3.0 Forgotten Realms products. And then... nothing. They aren’t even mentioned in either 4e or 5e, having been completely swept under the rug. Maybe they’re victims of the constant retcons and catastrophes that mark the Realms between editions. Maybe it’s because they originated in the Time of Troubles, which a lot of folks hate. Maybe it is the nipple rings.]
Kir-Lanan CR 2 CE Monstrous Humanoid This muscular humanoid has leathery wings and clawed hands. Its skin is charcoal gray and finely scaled. Its face is surrounded by horns, and it has a thin tail ending in a spur. The thing wears a body-wrap of cloth studded with bones and bits of metal, leaving its limbs free.
The kir-lanan are a mystery. They appeared rapidly and recently, and their own lore tells that they were the byproduct of a war between distant, alien gods. Whether this is true or not, the kir-lanan despise all things divine, and seek to destroy churches, murder clerics and parishioners alike and generally tear down all testaments to godly power. As such, they have many enemies and few friends. Some kir-lanan wings may find themselves under the sway of demodands, nightshades or asuras, all of which share their opinions of the divine order.
A kir-lanan’s body is infused with negative energy, allowing it to use a variety of necromantic spells and drain life with a touch. They are fast and nimble in the air, making hit and run attacks. They prefer to soften opponents up at range at first, sniping with crossbow bolts and ray of enfeeblement spells before diving down to melee.
Fighter, sorcerer or magus are the most common class options taken by kir-lanan. A few become oracles, which are viewed with both awe and suspicion. Awe because of their mastery of negative energy magic. Suspicion because their powers seem too close to those of “godslaves”, clerics, for comfort. Kir-lanan society is ruled by the strong, with no social distinction between the sexes. Childcare is typically foisted off onto the weakest member of the band, who fosters all of the wing’s children at once regardless of parentage.
Kir-lanan vary widely in terms of skin color. Grays, blues and purples are the most common, always in dark hues. Some individuals are very dark green, brown or midnight black. It is as of yet unknown how long they live or if they suffer the effects of old age.
Kir-Lanan     CR 2 XP 600 CE Medium monstrous humanoid Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +4 Defense AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15 (+1 Dex, +2 natural, +3 armor) hp 16 (3d10) Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +3 Defensive Abilities negative energy affinity Offense Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (good) Melee 2 claws +5 (1d4+2) Ranged light crossbow +4 (1d8/19-20) Special Attacks drain life Spell-like Abilities CL 3rd, concentration +4 (+8 casting defensively) 3/day—chill touch (DC 12), command undead (DC 13), ray of enfeeblement (DC 12) Statistics Str 14, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 11, Wis 8, Cha 13 Base Atk +3; CMB +5; CMD 16 Feats Combat Casting, Great Fortitude“ Skills Escape Artist +2, Fly +9, Knowledge (religion) +2, Perception +4, Stealth +9, Use Magic Device +7; Racial Modifiers +4 Stealth, +4 Use Magic Device Languages Common Ecology Environment any land or underground Organization solitary or wing (2-12) Treasure standard (studded leather armor, light crossbow, 20 bolts, other treasure) Special Abilities Drain Life (Su) As a swift action, a kir-lanan can charge its claw with negative energy. If it misses with this attack, the use of drain life is wasted, but if it hits, it deals an extra 1d6 points of negative energy damage, and heals the same amount. This negative energy can only harm the living, not heal the undead. A kir-lanan can use this ability a number of times a day equal to 3+ its Charisma modifier (4/day for the average specimen).
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scotianostra · 3 years
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For my friends in the U.S.A.
If you are asked about you connection to Scotland, you don’t have to say, “Oh I am quarter Scottish” etc, believe me when I tell you it sonds cringeworthy hearing something like that, instead all you need to say is you have Scottish blood going back through generations.
Here are a few facts and quotes from  over the centuries.....
"If all else fails, I will retreat up the valley of Virginia, plant my flag on the Blue Ridge, rally around the Scotch-Irish of that region and make my last stand for liberty amongst a people who will never submit to British tyranny whilst there is a man left to draw a trigger." George Washington, Valley Forge.
"Every line of strength in American history is a line colored with Scottish blood."  President Woodrow Wilson 
More than 100 governors of pre- and post- Revolutionary America were of Scottish birth or descent.
5 U.S. Supreme Court Justices, 25 of them are in the Great Americans Hall of Fame.
Almost 1/2 of the Secretaries of U.S. Treasury and 1/3 of the Secretaries of State were Scots.
9 of the signatures on the Declaration of Independence were from Scots descent.
9 of the 13 colony governors made in the new USA were Scots.
61% of American Presidents are of Scots or Scots-Irish descent.
“History credits the Rev. Elijah Craig, a Baptist minister, with being the first in 1789 to make bourbon.” He was a Scotsman.
James Pollock, of Scots descent, put the slogan "In God We Trust" on American coins!
And as for the first printed dollar sign, that was made on a Philadelphia printing press in the 1790s and was the work of a staunch American patriot – or at least a vehemently anti-English Scotsman – named Archibald Binny, who’s today remembered as the creator of the Monticello typeface.
Scots  emigres to the US are five times more likely to become dollar millionaires than those from any other country, according to a study of wealth. Thomas Stanley and William Danko, in their book The Millionaire Next Door, analysed the ethnic backgrounds of the wealthiest members of US society and discovered that while people of Scottish origin make up 1.7% of the population, they comprise 9.3% of its millionaires.
Famous Americans with Scots heritage include, Elvis Presley  a fan discovered when he traced his idol’s ancestors back to Lonmay in Aberdeenshire in the 1700s.
Dr. John Harvey Kellogg descended from Scottish Immigrants. He began working with his brother Will Keith Kellogg to develop breakfast cereals in 1897, launching the brand that would later give the world many breakfast cereals.
Ben and Casey Affleck have small amount of Scottish ancestry
Lucille Ball was another with Scottish blood.
Other Hollywood stars with ties to the homeland include Jim Carrey, Shannon Doherty, Matt Damon, Laura Dern, Ted Danson, Jane Fonda, Clint Earwood, The Jenner's and Judy Garland. 
The list is endless, I would be here all night going through them all 
In other fields, Neil Armstrong,  Buzz Aldrin and Apollo 12 Astronaut all made sure that Scots blood were among the first people to walk on the moon. 
Kurt Cobain, Johnny Cash, Lana Del Rey, Billie Eilish,  Don McLean, Meat Loaf, Axl Rose, Taylor Swift and Jack White are only a few of the musical family that are ofScottish descent.
I have to bring name checkst to an end and will just say that we aren’t so proud in Scotland of my last name, whose mother came from Scotland, Donald J Trump
Many of my followers have commented through the years that they are proud of their own heritage, or that they have an affinity with Scots or Scotland, I just have to say back that we are proud to have a connection with you all too. 
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storja-historja · 7 years
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I dig through my old archives. Apparently, about 2  years ago I tried to draw a frank/matt inception!au doujin(?), and fails miserably. So, uh. I decided to just... leave this here.. unfinished.  Bcs i need more frank/matt content in my life and ini dibuang sayang  :(
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lucasmeows-blog · 4 years
Why Daredevil series is so good
I was re-watching the Netflix Daredevil series.  I really love Daredevil, I read a lot about him, one of my favorite stages was the one Bendis wrote (after his success they gave him the ultimate universe, he was director of marvel and everything went to hell) he rethought Frank Miller's style, brought many great supporting characters and in addition to that unique tenure where his secret was in danger and he tried to convince the press that he was not daredevil while they investigated him. Bendis ends his stage with Matt going to jail and another very good stage begins
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The thing is, the series portrayed the best of comics with an interesting three-dimensional character development: the bad guys aren't just bad, the good guys aren't totally good, they're all human. The daredevil series is faithful to the comic in the sense that it captures its essence and adapts it to reality (we all know that Daredevil has the gallery of the most ridiculous villains that exist)
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The chosen color palette seems very appropriate to me because in a comic you can look good in his red devil costume but finding someone dressed like that would be quite ridiculous when what Matt was looking for was to instill fear in his enemies (or was that Batman?)
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 They gave Karen an importance more than being the love of Matt's life that in reality the only thing she basically does is leave him and come back to leave him again. Karen never earned my love in comics, especially for selling Matt's identity FOR A SINGLE DOSE OF DRUG
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I mean she could have asked for a lot more. However I had liked his return as a feminist activist who wanted to destroy the porn industry. The thing is that they gave her a personality from the beginning and a greater participation in the series, was not only the pretty secretary that both lawyers fall in love with (she had to be a naive and hegemonic blonde because they were going through times much more misogynistic than now. In fact the subject of misogyny in comics is left for another day to delve deeper)
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 and the most important thing Karen is not alone to break Matt's heart and screw everything, he is convinced by the truth and becomes a reporter (a bit abrupt maybe but I accept it)
I always liked that formula from the comics where a client with a somewhat unusual problem presented himself, a difficult case that was not credible that Matt accepted when he learned that he was not lying and investigated the case as Daredevil. Something I really appreciated about the series is that Foggy is the first to find out his secret, Foggy always deserved more and was always treated as the naive friend of Matt Murdock, I think they gave him some of the respect he deserved, also many will remember his incredible bad luck in love, but the relationship with Marci that although it is a little strange ends up being pretty? I dont know
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     What impacted me the most: Wilson Fisk and Bullseye, are one of the biggest villains daredevil faced, I had no faith that they interpret them well but OH MY GOD. I empathized with both of them and then I worried about myself. But it is great, I mean yes, maybe it is not the size that Kingpin has in the comics and it took a long time to put on his white suit but they show how he is building his empire, manipulating and convincing people, it was like a construction, when he finally Put on his white suit is like  ready. He did it, he became the Kingpin.
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     I never thought Bullseye could be portrayed in any way other than a psychopathic killer incapable of feeling. They show us as a beginning, it reminds us that it necessarily had to be a person who lived in society until he got fed up and became what he is. It was quite ingenious and interesting, also a way of talking about mental health, and touching on that subject I would have liked to see a little more about Melvin Potter "the gladiator", who if you read comics you know him, but if you don't is going to be only the man that makes the costume for daredevil. I found his story very beautiful because it was not easy for him to recover, he needed Matt's trust and he became a very tender and sensitive giant human that unfortunately was easy to manipulate. Justice for Melvin. 
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    I like that too, there wasn't a big obsession with saying who they were and remembering him all the time, they just were (I talk about the super cliche conversations where they yell daredevil, he yells the name of the villain and then replies -you'll never catch me daredevil because I ...- and they say his name and tell his whole evil plan). 
    In general I liked everything about the series, I love it, I found it so perfect, a work of art. It is the best adaptation I have ever seen and we know that the story of the comic is not perfect in its entirety. I was amazed at how good the scripts were, the character transformations, the tense moments, the way they portrayed Matt's heightened senses (haha I can smell the suit, Matt you should know that sounds super weird). Yesterday reading the credits I came across the list of thanks, and I understood why they managed to capture that essence. Look at those writers, that team, it's just incredible.
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There is a lot to talk about, I just wanted to highlight those general aspects, as I already said I really love daredevil, I really like his relationship with Ben Urich and the numbers narrated from his perspective, it broke my heart a little that this character did not exploit but it is fine It doesn't have to be exactly like the comic. I think the proper enemies had to be carefully chosen to display, I also believed that the owl was going to survive and become a major villain eventually but it didn't. The series is really good, anyone can watch it and enjoy it, you don't have to be a comic fan to understand it. The coordination of fights, the camera movements, the lights, the scenery, the scripts, it is beautiful to see.
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The man without fear. (Oh and Charlie Cox was so sexy)
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superpoweredfancast · 2 years
Thor #26 Review
Thor #26 Marvel Comics Written by Donny Cates Art by Martin Coccolo Colors by Matt Wilson Letters by Joe Sabino The Rundown: Thor rages across a planet and it will take Banner, Odin and Hulk to find a way to stop him. In the aftermath of a gamma explosion, a raging Gamma Thor proceeds to attack Tony Stark’s new armor and decimate it. With the god of thunder’s rage unchecked, Stark is taken…
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aion-rsa · 4 years
DC FanDome: Schedule, Date, Time, and How to Watch
Fans hoping for major DC news in lieu of an actual San Diego Comic-Con are definitely going to get just that at DC FanDome, a digital event designed to be watched at home like a real con.
Originally set up as one epic night of panels and reveals, DC announced that it will be splitting FanDome into two separate and distinct events: Hall of Heroes, which will be held in late August, and WatchVerse in mid-September.
The August date still holds most of the big-ticket items. It’s billed by DC as “an epic world designed personally by Jim Lee featuring special programming, panels and exclusive reveals from a wide variety of films, TV series, games, comics and more.” Functionally, it’s the Hall H of FanDome.
This DC FanDome trailer gives fans a good glimpse at what they can expect from the event:
Here’s everything else you need to know about DC FanDome:
DC FanDome Date and Time
The first DC FanDome event, Hall of Heroes, kicks off on Saturday, Aug. 22 at 1 pm ET. Sign up to watch here!
DC FanDome Schedule
Here’s a rundown of all the panels happening during DC FanDome: Hall of Heroes. The panel descriptions below are courtesy of DC. All times are ET:
1:00 PM – Wonder Woman 1984 Panel
“Wonder Woman 1984 stars Gal Gadot, Chris Pine, Kristen Wiig and Pedro Pascal, and director/co-writer/producer Patty Jenkins join forces with Brazilian hosts Érico Borgo and Aline Diniz to celebrate the fans in a big way. They will answer questions from fans from all over the world, talk fan art and cosplay, and reveal an all-new sneak peek at the upcoming film — plus a few more surprises!”
1:25 PM – WB Games Montreal Announcement
“Gamers! You won’t want to miss this first look at an exciting new game, and Q&A with its developers.”
1:45 PM – The Sandman Universe: Enter the Dreaming Panel
“Neil Gaiman, Dirk Maggs, G. Willow Wilson and Michael Sheen discuss the legacy of The Sandman comic book series and how it has been expanded with new stories, adapted into new mediums, and enthralled audiences around the world.”
2:15 PM – Multiverse 101 Panel
“Get schooled in this engaging refresher course on the creation of the Multiverse with DC Chief Creative Officer/Publisher Jim Lee, Warner Bros. Pictures President of DC-Based Film Production Walter Hamada, and Berlanti Productions founder/DCTV mega-producer Greg Berlanti.”
2:40 PM – Flash Movie Panel
“This 101-style conversation with The Flash filmmakers Andy Muschietti and Barbara Muschietti, star Ezra Miller and screenwriter Christina Hodson will give fans a speedy rundown on the first-ever Flash feature film.”
2:50 PM – Beyond Batman Short
“The Batman of Swinging Sixties culture clashes with the Batman of the far-flung future when Batman Beyond and his mentor, Old Bruce Wayne, intercept a broadcast of the 1966 Batman TV show!”
2:55 PM – The Suicide Squad Panel
“What else would you expect from The Suicide Squad but the ultimate elimination game? First up, writer/director James Gunn takes on fan questions, then brings out Task Force X for a fast-paced, no-holds-barred Squad Showdown that tests every team member’s Squad knowledge — and survival skills!”
3:40 PM – BAWSE Females of Color within the DCU Panel
“What’s a BAWSE? Find out here as some of the hottest actresses across DC television and film sit down with celebrity DJ D-Nice and Grammy-winning singer/actress Estelle to discuss how they use their confidence and vulnerability to navigate their careers in Hollywood. Panelists include Meagan Good (SHAZAM!), Javicia Leslie (Batwoman), Candice Patton (The Flash), Tala Ashe (DC’s Legends of Tomorrow), Nafessa Williams and Chantal Thuy (Black Lightning), and Anna Diop and Damaris Lewis (Titans). Catch the entire full-length conversation at McDuffie’s Dakota in the DC WatchVerse.”
4:00 PM – Legacy of the Bat Panel
“Calling all Batman fans! Don’t miss this discussion on the wide scope of the Batman universe, including the Batman Family of characters. Key talent from comics, TV, and games will provide insight into the world of Caped Crusader.”
4:30 PM – Joker: Put on a Happy Face
“Featuring interviews with filmmakers and industry legends, discover the origins and evolution of The Joker, and learn why the Clown Prince of Crime is universally hailed as the greatest comic book Super-Villain of all time.”
4:45 PM – Surprise DC Comics Panel
5:10 PM – I’m Batman: The Voices Behind the Cowl Panel
“Everyone has their favorite Batman. But for audiences around the world, their favorite Batman has a local sound. It’s time to meet the voices behind the cowl. Hear what it’s like to be one of the many global vocal actors portraying the Dark Knight when the Super Dubbers, who lend their talents to the Caped Crusader on screens big and small all over the world, come together for the first time ever.”
5:30 PM – The Snyder Cut of Justice League Panel
“Zack Snyder fields questions from fans and a few surprise guests as he discusses his eagerly awaited upcoming cut of the 2017 feature film and the movement that made it happen.”
5:54 PM – The Flash TV Panel
“Executive producer Eric Wallace joins cast members Grant Gustin, Candice Patton, Danielle Panabaker, Carlos Valdes, Danielle Nicolet, Kayla Compton, and Brandon McKnight to discuss all things Flash with Entertainment Weekly’s Chancellor Agard. Team Flash will break down both parts of season six and look ahead at what is to come with an exclusive trailer for season seven. Fans will also get a look at the exclusive black-and-white noir episode ‘Kiss Kiss Breach Breach,’ which will be available on The Flash season six Blu-ray and DVD on August 25.”
6:10 PM – Black Adam Panel
“Star of the first-ever Black Adam feature film Dwayne Johnson sets the stage for the story and tone of the new movie with a fans-first Q&A…and a few surprises.”
6:30 PM – CNN Heroes: Real Life Heroes in the Age of the Coronavirus
“While DC features iconic fictional Super Heroes recognized around the world, CNN Heroes shines a light on real-life, everyday people making a difference in their communities. Now, as the global Covid-19 pandemic has turned all of our worlds upside down, CNN’s Anderson Cooper introduces you to the frontline workers, advocates, neighbors, and friendly strangers who are coming together to help us through this crisis.”
6:50 PM – Titans TV Panel
“’Titans are back, b*tches!’ That phrase kicked off an explosive second season of Titans that culminated with the long-awaited emergence of Nightwing as their leader and the tragic death of one of their own. And as a new mysterious threat looms, season three promises to be the biggest yet! Join executive producer Greg Walker and series stars Brenton Thwaites, Anna Diop, Teagan Croft, Ryan Potter, Conor Leslie, Curran Walters, Joshua Orpin, Damaris Lewis, with Alan Ritchson and Minka Kelly for a preview of the new season as well as a discussion on the ‘Fan Favorite Moments’ of the first two seasons.”
7:05 PM – Aquaman Panel
“Aquaman director James Wan and King Orm himself, Patrick Wilson, take a deep dive into the world of Atlantis that Wan created, revealing their favorite behind-the-scenes moments from the largest DC movie ever!”
7:15 PM – “Ask Harley Quinn”
“She has gone toe-to-toe with Batman and the Justice League, and taken down The Joker and the toughest villains of Gotham City, but at DC FanDome, Harley Quinn faces her toughest challenge yet — answering burning questions from DC’s biggest fans in her own tell it as it is, no-BS style. If you love the Harley Quinn animated series, this is one you cannot f—king miss!”
7:20 PM – Wonder Woman 80th Anniversary Celebration Panel
“As an Amazon and a god, Wonder Woman is truly timeless. So, it’s hard to believe she’s turning 80! Join Wonder Woman 1984 director Patty Jenkins and star Gal Gadot, along with a very special guest, as they reflect on the character’s influence on them personally, and look forward to the 2021 celebrations!”
7:25 – Tomorrow’s Superheroes with Jim Lee
“DC Chief Creative Officer/Publisher Jim Lee joins Bing Chen, founder of the global non-profit collective Gold House, to discuss the important contributions of Asian artists and writers in comics and comic book–inspired entertainment.”
7:40 PM – SHAZAM! Panel
“Zac Levi and the cast can’t tell you s#&t! Sworn to secrecy on the new script for their upcoming movie, Zac and a few of his SHAZAM! castmates talk with the Philippines’ #1 DC fan, Gino Quillamor, about what the next movie might be about, while commenting on everything from panels to the other Zack’s cut — and even have a few surprise guests drop in!”
8:10 PM – Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Panel
“Will Arnett hosts the highly anticipated video game reveal from Rocksteady Studios, creators of the Batman: Arkham franchise.”
8:30 PM – The Batman Panel
“The Batman filmmaker Matt Reeves joins host and self-professed fangirl Aisha Tyler for a discussion of the upcoming film…with a surprise (or two) for the fans!”
You can check out the full DC FanDome schedule here.
DC FanDome Live Stream
While DC FanDome is free for all to enjoy, you will need to create an account on DCFanDome.com in order to watch the event. You’ll then be able to access each panel via the DC FanDome program scheduler.
Following the conclusion of The Batman panel at the end of Hall of Heroes, the Fandome schedule will then cycle back through two more times, giving you three shots to watch in a 24-hour period.
DC FanDome: WatchVerse Date and Time
DC will host a second, on-demand FanDome event called WatchVerse on Saturday, Sept. 12 at 1 pm ET. While viewers will be able to access all content in any order they please, the event will only be available for 24 hours.
This event will include the previously announced panel on the expansion of “DC’s Watchmen Universe” discussion with Damon Lindelof and Tom King talking Rorschach, a Joker War panel with Batman writer James Tynion IV and Batgirl scribe Cecil Castellucci, a Three Jokers panel with Geoff Johns and Jason Fabok, a panel on John Ridley’s exciting upcoming The Other History of the DC Universe, and more.
The post DC FanDome: Schedule, Date, Time, and How to Watch appeared first on Den of Geek.
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