#mario and luigi's real 'parents' are actually stars
multicolour-ink · 8 months
You may be familiar with the Pixar short Partly Cloudy, which shows that delivery storks get babies made from cloud people, and I bring this up because of what possibly could've occurred directly before the events of Yoshi's Island: one cloud person created Baby Mario, decided there needs to be two of them, and then created Baby Luigi, giving them their matching hats as a symbol of their bond
In Yoshi's New Island, it's revealed that babies come from a "magical cuddly land" up in the sky (way to censor the birds and the bees Nintendo!).
Taking the idea from the short you mentioned, maybe all babies in the Mario verse (the games at least) are made by the Star Spirits? And since the Star Spirits themselves are basically gods, they foretold that this destined hero needed a supportive partner, and so created a brother for them...
One in which the hero would share a special bond with...
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glux2 · 6 months
Musing: Emotional connection
Recently a very close person to me suggested i binge watch "Angel Hare", before that day my only exposure to that project was a fan game that had a very funny punchline in lampooning the "cursed videogame" genre.
So i watched the whole thing and it was great.
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This scene right here made me feel more feelings than most of the media i have watched/played/read in like the last 5 years or so.
So it made my mind wonder, like, "hold on, when was the last time i felt this strongly about a piece of entertainment?"
Sure, if you know me, i felt strongly about the ongoing plotline for Noelle on Deltarune, so one would think "2021 when chapter two came out", right? but no, i got very invested but it wasn't it.
The last time i felt so strongly about a piece of media was actually Deltarune's predecesor, Undertale in 2015.
I finished Undertale in tears, i got in a very bad funk when i found out about the genocide ending, it truly made me feel emotions.
So i began to ponder, just what really moves me?
Full disclosure: I don't cry at movies. This is not a "look at me i am a badass who is not beheld by feelings" statement, no, i kinda just dont connect emotionally with movies as easily as other people.
I have talked about this, many times actually, Toy Story 3 did not make me cry, it always bothers me how people at the time were like "if TS3 didn't make you cry, you have no soul" and shit like that, so let me repeat something i have said many times before:
Toy Story 3 was a movie i went to see the day doctors had informed me my mother had entered terminal phase of cancer.
My friends took me to see TS3 when i felt the greatest sadness i have ever felt in my entire life. And im glad TS3 was a pretty funny movie that managed to distract me from what i was going through. TS3 uplifted me when i had a very real reason to cry.
So what im getting at is, i rarely connect emotionally with what conventionally makes people emotionally connected, not that i havent felt strong emotions from movies, but as we'll get to later, it's just not the stuff you would expect, when we get back to movies you'll be thinking, "what the fuck, Toy story 3 did not make you emotional but THIS THING DID?!"
So, if traditional "emotional things" rarely have moved me i began to think to myself, "what are things that have made me feel this strongly?"
I realized it's the damn weirdest things.
I'll try to list things that i can remember making me feel this emotional.
Now i'll be upfront, im not a very cultured person, so you'll notice most of this is...not very high brow.
Also, obviously spoilers for all this stuff im about to talk about.
Before we begin: Honorable mention goes to me finding out i had repressed memories of being traumatized as a kid by being show an animated adaptation of "Pilgrim's progress" by an aunt, which disturbed me greatly towards the end as the main character dies and before it the souls of two people he met are condemned to eternal damnation from making MISTAKES, not sins, not evil, but THE FUCKING MISTAKE of exploring alternate routes before them.
-Yoshi's Island, 1994 When i was a wee one Yoshi was one of my fave videogame characters, so of course i was beyond hype when a game where you play as yoshi came out, the ending is one of the greatest moments in videogame history, the beautiful music, the journey of the stork, and finally the classic Mario fan fare playing as baby mario and baby luigi being held by their parents with the words "Heroes are born", it's such a powerful moment. To this day i still cannot listen to that credits music without tearing up.
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-The bicentennial man, 1999 The bicentennial man is one of the biggest examples of a movie being fucking mischaracterized in the marketing, this movie is based on Isaac Asimov's short story and later novel, it stars Robin Williams, so all marketing was presenting the movie as Robin Williams comedy movie, IT. IS. NOT. The bicentennial man is a scifi drama about the existential search for meaning and the nature of what truly is to be alive. You get invested on the quest of this robot trying to find humanity for 200 years, and the punchline to this movie is, in his quest for humanity he forgoes the immortality being a machine provides him as he had developed the way to turn himself biological, still artificial but biological, and he dies peacefully on his sleep before he can be told that humanity had declared him, legally, a human being. To me it was such a powerful moment, he found true meaning to his life, became human, yet died before knowing so.
-Courage the cowardly dog, "The Mask", 2002 This is a legendary episode of an already great show that has a lot of very good emotional moments, some may cite episodes like "the giving tree" or "the last star maker", but for me it's this one. For those who have never experienced this episode, it revolves around a cat girl named Kitty who one day shows up at Courage's farm and she's wearing an upsetting mask, she abuses courage because she believes all dogs are bad. The mask serves 2 purposes, one is metaphorical, "her inability to face reality", the second is to hide her identity as she believes she is in danger. The thing is, she is on the run because her lover best friend Bunny is trapped in an abusive relationship with a gangster dog who threatened to kill her if she was seen near Bunny ever again, the episode coats the whole situation with a ton of goofiness, but it's actually very fucking dark: A young lesbian is trapped against her will on an abusive relationship with a toxic, violent man who threatened to kill her girlfriend if she refused to date him. Courage, being a good little dog ventures to save Bunny and have her reunite with Kitty because, despite how bad Kitty was to him, he recognizes that Kitty is a victim and she and Bunny deserve better, leading to Courage letting them escape away together, to live happy and free. I don't think it's just me, but the final image of Kitty and Bunny hugging as the train takes them to freedom felt so powerful to me.
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-Twisted Metal Head-on, 2002 This is one of the weirdest things i have ever gotten emotionally invested, but honestly? i love when some shitposting franchise suddenly manages to pull this off, specially given the set up for this whole thing im going to describe starts in an early game as a fucking joke. So to contextualize this, the first two Twisted metal games were helmed by the og creators of the franchise, TM 3, 4 and small brawl were made by different developers when the creators lost the rights, but during the PS2 era when the og developers came back and created TM: Black, and TM: Head-on, Black was a reboot, Head-on was a retcon sequel to TM 2 that eliminated TM3 from the timeline, but not TM 4. Still with me? Okay so TM2 had this character, Krista Sparks, who was the revealed to be the daughter of the main antagonist of the game, Calypso, but hold on? wasn't Calypso's backstory that his family died in a tragic accident which lead him to become evil? So turns out, the FBI retrieved his daughter's corpse, turned it into a robot with a bomb with the intend to make her get close to Calypso and blow him up. The ending ends comically with a message reading "The FBI wishes to thank you for putting an end to Twisted metal". Stil Still with me?!?!?! ok! so Head on! In this game Krista is back, as a ghost, her ending consists on her confronting her dad, who has now brought up so much pain, misery and death to the world, Calypso tries to explain that the nature of his powers mean he has to do this otherwise he cannot use his powers, and his plan was for Krista to win so he could bring her back and her mom to life, but Krista is so horrified with what has happened that she refuses and blurts "I wish the accident that killed me and mom never happened" the intention being impeding Calypso from becoming this evil super natural villian, but as per all endings, it's always a monkey paw affair and Calypso knows it, looking saddened he grants the wish because he has no option, his powers force him to. Briefly Krista has a vision of her childhood with her dad before he became evil as they share a sweet moment playing on a swing set. HARD CUT TO A HOSPITAL, Krista is on a bed in coma, Calypso is there and whispers to her something along the lines of "Sleep tight my dear, may you finally find peace", as Calypso is leaving the hospital you can hear 2 doctors talking, mentioning that Krista had been in coma for more than a decade and apparently Calypso just had found out. Excuse me Twisted Metal, but WHAT THE FUCK? You are a dumb fucking edgy car combat game, how dare you make me feel these things?
-Mother 3, 2006 (translation on 2008) Mother 3 hopefully needs no introduction, or maybe it does, because many people have reduced it to a joke due to how nintendo stubbornly refuses to give us an official release, but also many of you must know this franchise is the spark that ignited the flame of the absolute Juggernaut Undertale would become, as well as many other games influenced by it. The Mother/Earthbound games were known for being quirky and deviating from the standard conventions of the game, notably for the modern day setting and unorthodox choices of how you deal with the villians, they were always billed as emotional, but i feel they did not live up to that...until 3. The general narrative to Mother 3 is about how greed is destroying the world, the main villian corrupting what we see of the world (a paradise little town where everybody is nice) by introducing luxury, money and status....and also stomping everything with his fascist army and cyborg mutants. Mother 3 is a game about how the worst traits of humanity are destroying the world and upsetting nature. Mother 3 is also the story of 2 twin brothers who suffer tragedy after tragedy after tragedy that ultimately pits them one against the other with the fate of the world at stake. Mother 3 punches you almost immediately by killing the mother character (which i might mention you're encouraged to name after your own mother) at the end of the first chapter and how this affects her surviving family. one of the Twins, Claus, is so disturbed that he decides to on on his own to try to kill the monster that took his mom, while the other, Lucas, was too afraid and weak to stop his brother, resulting on Claus dying as well...but the badguys take his corpse and reanimate it into a cold, emotionless cyborg who follow's the big bad's order and is using him to try to cause the end of the world. In the climax of the story Lucas is force to confront Claus, clause is a brain washed cyborg, his master is out of the picture and all he can do is fight, you can't reason with him...and then.... Lucas and Claus begin to hear a voice, a familiar voice, it's their mother, reaching for them from beyond the grave, pleading for them to stop fighting, suddenly Lucas and Claus both have a flash back to when they were babies, overhearing their parents talk about the hopes they have for them, the many things they will be able to achieve together, this makes Clause snap out of his brain washing, removing the helmet that had been hiding his face since he was resurrected, Lucas and him have a moment as they are finally reunited, Claus realizes all the bad things he has done while under control of the bad guy and realizes he must atone for his crimes, he prepares a lightning attack he knows cannot hurt Lucas and cause HIM to die. "Im sorry for all the problems i caused" he says as he is dying on his dad's arm, "I must go to where mom is now", as he passes away he can hear his mother calling for him, "You just be so tired" she says. Now i know it will sound insane for people to hear a videogame of all things can make one so emotional, but damn, just recollecting these scenes for this dumb post has made me start to cry, the emotional punch of this scene is very strong, it demolished me when i played the game back in the day, but now? After my own mother passed away? I have been scared of playing this game again. I mot sure if im emotionally prepare to go though that again, even 10+ years later. That's how powerful this scene was to me.
-Elite Beat Agents, 2007 If you have played this game, you know were im going, for those who dont, EBA is a silly rhythm game about secret agent cheer leaders that are dispatched around the world to help people in need by raising their spirit and allow them to overcome adversity, the game is insanely wacky and have scenarios like helping a ninja car salesman prevent a company from stealing his company's secrets, helping a washed up baseball star fight a lava spitting golem rampaging on an amusement park and traveling back in time to help davinci paint the mona lisa. EBA is also the second game in the Ouendan series, and there is something you need to know about this series: They all include tearjerker levels to contrast with all the goofiness. "A christmas Wish" is a christmas themed level set to Chicago's "You are the inspiration" and the story to this level is positively DEVASTATING: A few months before christmas a business man tells his daughter and wife he has to go on a business trip but he promises he'll be back just in time for christmas, the girl asks him to bring back a "girlfriend" for her teddy bear. The father dies on a plane crash. When the mother breaks the news to the little girl she gets angry, crying to the skies that her dad promised he would be back for christmas. The backdrop of the stage is set the girl and the mom doing things to remember the dad, like looking through a photo album and baking a cake for his birthday, it's very sweet, but...this is EBA, if you're doing poorly you see the "bad" versions of these scenes, and in this one, one is very devastating, the little girl is having a dream where she's chasing the spirit of her dad, if you're doing well she calls for him and for a brief moment the dad stops and starts turning towards her, if you're doing bad the spirit fades away and the girl wakes up in tears. Dear goodness. But of course, if you beat the level you get this sequence of the ghost of the dad showing up on chrismas morning to fullfil his promise, giving the little girl the teddy bear he promised and having the chance to say good bye to his family.
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This punches you really fucking hard in the gut. I am incapable of doing this level without ending in tears. For a time i could not even listen to this song without tearing up until, i shit you now, the deadpool movie used it on a comedy scene.
-Punch out!!, 2009 This one is one i know got me because of personal nostalgia, when i was a wee one the og NES punch out was a big part of my childhood, Punch Out!! on the wii was a masterfully crafted tribute to the franchise. To not dwell too much time on this, this game has an interesting quirk, the ending is a downer ending and it's the only ending you can get. After you beat the last opponent there is a sequence where Mac and Doc seemingly are having a disagreement, where Mac seemingly has decided that if he loses 3 times, he'll retire from boxing completely. After this you face randomly opponents from the game, the first time you lose in this mode you lose your champion title, after three loses, it's game over and the story mode becomes locked for that save file. The final cutscene is Doc walking through what seems to be a gallery with boxing memorabilia, and untold number of years later, he is alone, he spots his old bike on this gallery and rings the bell, he looks up and speak to an absent Mac, "Good job son, good job", as he leaves the camera pans to reveal he was looking at a framed photo of him and Mac on one of their training sessions. The music on this sequence is so perfect, and it was aimed at people like me, people who grew up with the franchise, the idea was making it feel like Doc was reminiscing of YOUR time with punch out when you were a kid, and to make you think about how far YOU have come since the first time you played the games in an arcade, or your nes, or snes. It's actually pretty effective and it got me.
-Regular Show, "Trucker Hall of Fame", 2012 What makes this one different from others instances of me making me emotional, it's, much like the "Angel Hare" example at the top, this one is all about WARM HAPPY FEELINGS, so for those who did not watch this episode, let me summarize it for you: One day Muscleman gets word that his dad, who was his personal hero, has passed away, and he's tasked with carrying his final wish, spread his [hat's] ashes in a place called "Trucker hall of fame", you see, Muscleman was lead to believe his dad was a legendary trucker and that earned him his admiration, but during the episode Muscleman finds out he was lied to, his dad was a forklift driver that the truckers belittled, altho feeling cheated for having been lied to he carries on with his father's wishes. Now because this is regular show, when they arrive at the trucker's hall of fame they are immediately attacked by ghost trucker for "desecrating the hall of fame" as they spread the ashes something happens: The ghost of Muscleman's dad manifests himself and saves his son, taking the chance to apologize to his son and having the chance to say his final good bye personally. Despite the inherent silliness of the show's premise, i think this episode really did a good job on expressing that sense of catharsis of making peace with the passing of a love one.
-The Final Girls, 2015 A friend suggested we watched this movie, and much like Twisted metal up there, i absolutely did not expect for this incredibly stupid comedy horror movie to hit me with any sort of emotional connection, and yet... The Final Girls opens with the main character in a car with her mom, who is an struggling C-tier actress whose biggest achievement ever was appearing on a Friday the 13th knock off movie, during this sequence they get in an accident where the mom dies and even after it's been some time since the accident the main character has not properly moved on from the passing of her mom. Her friends and some people at the college she attends are preparing this horror movie festival where the main event is they are going to play the movies from the franchise her mom was on, and they suggest she should come. Then some bullshit happens and they all end up somehow trapped in the world of the movie. A quick rundown of the rules of horror movies is explained to them, the monster cannot be defeated by fighting it, it's only the final girl who can defeat the killer, and unfortunately for them they accidentally killed the character that, in the canon of the movie, is the final girl, so they believe one of them has to become the final girl and end the movie to hopefully get out of it. The problem is, the main character is experimenting shock from interacting with her mom's character, she is not taking well to seeing her mom on the flesh and she dedicates the entire movie to "save her mom", in the climax of the movie the mom character begins to understand that she is a fictional character and the nature of her attachment to the main character, understanding that they cannot be both the final girl and if then main character wants to make it back to the real world she has to learn "To let go", choosing to sacrifice herself so there is only one final girl. It's kinda weird, that of all possible premises, this managed to make a "You need to move on" message that somehow managed to resonate with me, you might have figured out by now a running theme here, but, i was really hard for me to deal with my mother's passing even if it's been years since it happened, so it's kinda funny for me to think these are the places i have found comfort from.
-Undertale, 2015 Okay this is tumblr, i already talked about Undertale on the prologue to, whatever the fuck im doing here, you know what undertale is, you know how effective it is, Undertale is really well designed for you to grow emotionally attached to these characters, so being able to see all these characters you know have grown attached to have their happy ending on the pacifist ending does fill one with a very satisfactory warm happy feeling that can move you to tears. ...Or you can be bummed out by being a little greedy gaming bitch and taking a look at the bad ending. Because you just couldn't help yourself, could you?
-Onward, 2020 This movie did not hit me as hard as the most emotional entries on this, but it still got me, because in the end of the day the main motivation of the characters on this movie is experiencing closure, catharsis over the death of their father, for Ian it's the fact that he died before he was born so he never met him and is driven by this desire to finally see the father who he shares such a connection with on the stories everybody who knew him in life have told him, and then there is Barley, the elder brother, who did know his dad in life, but is tortured by how, as a kid, he did not properly say good bye to him because he was terrified of death and avoided being there for him in his final days. The ending for this movie is very powerful, Ian choosing to sacrifice being able to meet his dad in the flesh, even for a few minutes, in order to give Barley the chance to being able to properly make peace with his dad and properly say good bye to him. Ian doesn't even get to SEE this, he does not get to see his dad even tho it was what he wanted most of all, but he understood bringing closure to Barley was more important than his selfish desire to see his dad, someone he never knew in life.
So what have i learned from whatever the hell this trainwreck of a post is...i guess that what really gets to me, what really moves me, is when a character, maybe not even someone i can realistically relate to, gets to experience closure, catharsis and be in peace with the people who are missing on their life. The majority of these things in here, even the Angel Hare example, relate to a character being able to experience catharsis by being able to properly make pace or otherwise contact someone they lost, or their ability to move on from this world, so to speak, knowing that their affairs and in order and that their loved ones will be okay.
Things can always look dark, the world may be trying to keep you down, maybe losing someone has been specially hard for you, but it's not the end of the world, you are loved and things can get better, it always hurts and we'll never stop missing what we have lost, but the memories of happier times are there to remind us, we can be happy again, and we can move on, use those memories as your motivation, you can lead yourself to a future filled with light.
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year2000electronics · 3 years
RPG 2 was gonna be a thing but it became Paper Mario which is still cool. There's some characters and designs taken over from it like the shamans becoming Merlin and so on. Also got Star Hill.
Also Geno and Mallow are a delight Geno is a fricken star from Star Road and picked the puppet look because out of some kids toys that consisted of him, Bowser, and Mario, that one looked the strongest. His real name can't be pronounced since it's a bunch of symbols.
As for Mallow he's a cloud boy who was raised by frogs and thought he was a frog who couldn't jump until he was told he was found as a baby in a basket. I'm getting closer to finding his real parents in the game,,
And Luigi isn't seen but on Star Hill there's a wish that says they wanna be a great plumber just like his brother Mario *sob*.
1. thats actually interesting! iirc you can find some stuff hinting to that in pm64's files too
2. geno and mallow my beloveds 3. AGAIN. BEING LUIGI SHOULD BE IN THE DSM 5
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taranza-stan · 3 years
Haha, you didn't really thought that this would be the last time I used this tag, right.
No, instead, for the real last Miitopia post, I will talk about almost all of the Miis in my party.
Why you ask?
Because I want to.
So, let's get started with Teammate number 1, a stubborn Warrior:
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The Dark-Matter-Swordsman
And to be honest?
There really isn't all that much of a backstory for him.
I chosed him because he was one of the Miis I still had and I didn't knew that you couldn't change your party members, so he just stayed in the party, but at least I like him a little more now.
Teammate number 2, a kind priestess:
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Princess Rosalina
Now I have something to tell:
Super Mario Galaxy was my very first Videogame experience.
One of our relatives had a Wii with this game, and one time we were visiting I was allowed to play on it.
I mean I was very bad at it, but I still remember how I sat on this couch and was absolutely in love.
I actually think that this game not only made me a Nintendo fan, but a huge fan of video games as a whole.
And that's how Super Mario Galaxy shaped my life, and why Rosalina deserved to be a part of the Team.
Teammate number 3, a cautious Scientist:
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Professor E. Gadd
This is basically a follow up to the mario galaxy Story.
After playing on the Wii for the first time I knew that I wanted to have my own console.
So little kid me annoyed the shit out of my parents until they finally gave up and got me a Nintendo 3ds plus Luigis mansion 2 for my Birthday.
I played this game so much as a kid, I'm pretty sure that there is still my very first safe state on it.
So, as a representative for my first, own game on my first, own console,
Welcome E.Gadd.
Teammate number 4, a laid-back imp:
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Look at her.
That is literally the pose that the Imp makes.
No childhood backstory here, I didn't even played twilight princess that much, I only got to the second dungeon, but I still remember her.
I loved her character, her design, the game she appeared in and that was reason enough for her to be in the Team.
Teammate number 5, a cool popstar:
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Splatoon 2 is just one of these games that I love with every cell of my body.
I can't even tell you what about this game makes it so special to me, all I know is that I just saw this game in the store and instantly knew that I must have it.
And I still believe that Octo Expansion was one of the best DLC Nintendo ever made.
So as a representative for a game that I love, Dedf1sh joined the Team.
Teammate number 6, a stubborn princess:
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Oh, I can hear the salty paper mario fanbase crying and screaming from here, so let me say it again:
Paper Mario Sticker Star is not a bad game.
Literally every discourse I ever had about this Series always revolved around "PaPer MarIo iSn't a gOoD SeriES anYm0re", and it sucks.
Paper Mario still is a good game Series, it just isn't the one you're used to anymore.
When I played Sticker Star, I didn't expect a bad continuation of a great Series.
I didn't expect a dull and empty chell of a beloved franchise.
What I expected was a game I could play and have fun with, and guess what, I got exactly that.
I will admit that, looking back, the game could have been more, but I won't change my Opinion of this game.
So, as a statement against the paper mario fanbase, kersti got into the Team.
And now, the last Teammate, a kind flower:
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Haha depressed Spider Boy goes brrrrrrrr
What, you expect me to explain my totally normal and healthy obsession with this Character just like that?
You wish, I will tell you about it when I feel like it.
Ok, this was really the last Miitopia post, back to inconsistent Meme-posting.
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zachscarroll · 4 years
Final Thoughts on Paper Mario the Origami King with some major spoilers
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I thought this game overall was incredibly charming and worth your time if you are a fan of the classic games like the original Paper Mario 64 or Thousand Year Door. It was leaps and bounds ahead of Sticker Star, and overall I thought it was better paper Mario game than Color Splash ever hoped to be.
Even though I'm pleased with playing it through it does have some glaring issues. Right out of the gate, this game is being held back by some sort of executive decisions from Nintendo and it shows tremendously especially within the first few hours of the game. I know nothing about the development of the game, but there are defiantly some things that seem either out of place or rushed which is strange.
Practically the first 3-4 hours of the game is nothing but tutorials, which they do need to explain stuff but not this much oh my goodness. They truly took a lot of the challenge out of the game and made it "very, very young kid oriented" and I'm not looking for the most challenging game out there--I usually play most games on easier difficulties so I can enjoy the adventure instead of having to be annoyed with redoing things. Olivia pops up way too much. I liked her character for the most part. Between Huey, and Kersti, Olivia was a very good one. Huey was a little bit more funny, but Olivia had a lot of charm and multiple emotional arcs. I know saying that sounds silly for a Mario game but she does grow as a character showing that she's still worried about whether or not she can really stop her brother. However, she pops up every time something happens. It's too much. I can see something has appeared Olivia. It's okay--but I'm getting off topic that's exactly what Huey did too in Color Splash. I hate to say it but when she leaves your party by being crushed by a boulder it felt like a classic paper mario game then. You had Bobby with you and he would add his own flair as the helper character.
Bobby truly was a great partner, and even if he's only with you for like maybe 2 or so hours I enjoyed having him around. I'm extremely glad they had partners return even if they felt more like story related. I liked having more than just Olivia with me. All of the partners except Professor Toad were really cool. It kinda sucks that Professor Toad is so forgettable because he is the only partner who has an over world ability. I think it would have been cooler if he was like a Monty mole or something instead of just a Toad with a shovel, there's just so many Toads in the game that an archaeologist Toad could have been cool, but I don't really know where they were trying to go with the character. He was like a scaredy-cat kind of character but also made weird like college references like about his thesis. At the very least he had an unique outfit? I don't know I'm reaching for Professor Toad. Why not just have Captain Toad who's an already established character and an explorer? Anyway, I found it kinda weird that no one else had an over world ability, and they could have done some more interesting puzzles if they had given Kamek or Boswer some. I loved having Kamek join and how he talked about being self conscious and lacking self esteem because Bowser never listened to him. Bowser Jr. was cool too, he wasn't as bratty as I thought he'd be. He was written like a tough kid. Both Kamek and Jr. have satisfying reasons for leaving your party. I liked how they put Mario first in order to save the whole kingdom. It made me as the player feel like "these bad guys know that Mario can save them." I know it's silly but again just a nice touch to the story. Of course you get Bowser to join you right at the very end which is just so great. He even talks about his parenting practices. Luigi also have a shockingly hilarious and "key" role to the story. I'm so glad to see these classic characters have great writing behind them, and really show off that these partners are pretty vital to paper Mario. Especially Luigi and Bowser when in the previous two titles had maybe like 8 lines between the two of them. Yes they don't do much in battle, but they are vital to the story. If my paper Mario games have a fun and unique story then that's all I really want.
Bobby was my favorite. If you haven't seen the one big twist involving Bobby, I'd skip this section and pick back up at the next paragraph. Anyway, Bobby sacrifices himself to save Olivia. While you can kinda piece things together and see it coming after a while you don't expect Bobby to just like straight up die. I remember when it happened I was like, "they really did this in a Mario game?". They even have a cute moment later on in Bowser's castle where Olivia thinks she see Bobby again. Overall he was amazing. That whole area of Shogun Studios felt the most reminiscent of classic Paper Mario games. I had a grin on my face pretty much the whole way through.
The one big gripe I had with the partners is other than Bobby any time you wanna go back to Toad Town or other areas they're just like "yeah okay i'm gonna stay here see ya later". Why? Why not let them come with you? The writers don't have to write any additional dialogue and if they did that would have been cool. Why wouldn't Professor TOAD wanna go back to TOAD town? There's an extra area where you can take Bobby at one point to get photos taken with him in Shogun Studios. Why not do that with other characters as a cool little Easter egg? Truly I didn't understand why they couldn't travel with you. I know in that infamous interview floating around with the directors and producers saying they only wanted one partner at a time so it didn't cause any confusion for swapping them out but that's so stupid.
Back to the game being held back--there were times I could see the designers desperately wanted to make a unique character better, or give something else a personality but they weren't allowed to. It hurts a lot when the original paper Mario games could give toads fun little names like  "Zess T." or "Fice T." and now we have "Professor Toad" or "Battle Lab Toad". There are two toads in Toad Town that both say something like "where's Purple Toad?" or "Where's Blue Toad?". Stuff like that takes me out of the enjoyment of the game. It's only when you go and look on the around on other sites that you find out that the Origami Craftsman man is actually Theofold. Yes, we did have captain T. ode, but like. That's just "Toad". Back to that interview from the producers of the game where they say they can't really alter Mario characters anymore like give them age, gender, etc. But come on. I'm not really sure why they can't give the toads proper names. I know that's an extreme nitpick, but that's definitely something that takes me out of the game and reminds me "oh yeah we can't do this anymore". Even Bobby, will constantly remind Olivia to call him "Bob-omb" It just feels like a slap in the face. Bring back Toadsworth? An established character who has been MIA for like years now. Just please. Please make the Toads different they did a very good job here with a handful like, the sea captain, captain T.ode, Professor Toad, and the Shangri-spa Toads. I remember those toads because they were dressed up differently than the other ones. I even remember the Toad who told you where the heart ups were because he was in a completely unique pose then the other ones. Please Nintendo I'm begging you just make them look more unique or don't rely on them as a pillar of a character. They are all the same. Just do more colors of Toads! There's red, blue, yellow, green, and purple.Make an orange Toad or something please. I liked finding the Toads in the different areas and they would unfold from origami, it gave me some korok seed vibes. Do more stuff like that!
Concerning the game's overall story, I liked it, but it could have been so much more. There were multiple key moments where I was like "why wouldn't they have a cut scene for this as like a flashback?". The first one was right at the beginning of the game. They instead of showing you in the actual game like a cut scene, they show a small slideshow of Toads setting up for the Origami festival with Princess Peach on the logo screen which I guess is okay, but I'm not a fan. Personally, I would have liked there to be a sort of storybook intro that the previous games had being like "every 100 years the toads in toad town set up a festival to honor the proud technique of origami" and then cut to Mario and Luigi getting a mail call from Parakarry (like the previous games) and then being like "the festival is today we hope to see you there." and then bam they're driving to the festival. I know that seems kinda dumb but why not show that in your game instead of Luigi being like "can't wait to get there" while he's driving his cart from Mario Kart. It's a little weird to me. The biggest moment like this happened when you first meet the origami craftsman (who yes is just a Toad) he explains these unique origami techniques he used to fold King Olly to make him come to life, but like brushes past it real quick. And then at the very very end (skip ahead if you don't want spoilers) Olly talks about this 1000 crane origami wish thing that was never brought up before by anyone. If he had mentioned it when he dropped the boulder on Olivia that would have been acceptable but it just kinda comes out of nowhere. If you're going to bring these things up then like at least mention them once before or have some type of set up and pay off for it. It just felt kinda rushed. The ending was cute though, and I remember liking Color Splash's ending a bit more but this one was surprisingly beautiful with how it ends with floating lanterns it reminded me a little of Tangled.
The other big thing people are complaining about is no experience. This has pros and cons. pros: the battle in this game a lot of them are scripted or can be ran past no problem. However if you want to buy better weapons or accessories (this game's subtle nod to the badge system) you need a lot of coins. A lot of them. You use the coins in battle to let the Toad audience help you or use coins to buy more time to line up your foes properly. I like this system. While I could have gone for a little more incentive to battle I found myself using my coins even if I had thousands of them. I thought it was a pretty good balance. I don't see why they couldn't have thrown in a little more to make the battles worthwhile though. Why not after ever 10 battles let you pick a stat? Mario's running speed in the over world could be faster, Mario's first strike can be stronger, It doesn't cost as many coins when using them in battle? These are just thoughts I've had if they don't want to use a traditional style stat system. They had max up hearts that raised power and health it's just kinda strange why they don't want to have stats improve or give you another reward for battling other than money.
I will say while backtracking to get missing collectibles I avoided battles outright. If I got into a battle while backtracking I would sigh. I knew there was nothing left for me to spend my coins on so I would try to run from the battle but nine times out of ten I would fail running from the battle. At least the battles go by quickly, but it would use up durability on your consumable weapons. I'm very glad that they brought back permanent weapons and no stickers or cards. This weapon system is a littler underutilized though. I feel like if the designers went in they could have come up with three or four more weapon types. Why not use more Mario related power ups? Why just the fire or ice flowers, tail, and pow block? Why not have a jump move that hits in a 4x4 area like the hammer? They have a hammer item that works like the jump move! Why not have the frog suit back from sticker star or color splash that you can use to dodge unavoidable damage if you don't line up the monsters in time? I loved the battle system a lot more than Sticker Star and Color Splash but it seems like they only scratched the surface of the attacks Mario could do. If you're going to have different weapons that break why not have 10 or 20 unique different weapons as opposed to just more powerful versions of the same 5 weapons? Same with the healing items. Why only mushrooms, when in Toad Town you can get coffee that speeds you up or slows you down? Especially when you find a handful of coffee shops in the game, why can't I buy those coffees there? Why not bring back the cooking in the game from the first two? I know it'll never happen, but near the end of the game you get a spot to cook one item and I really got my hopes up.  I know I'm presenting a lot of questions, but this is all I thought about when doing the battles. If they do an "origami king 2" or something that reuses this battle system I feel like there is a lot of room for improvement and a lot more unique encounters. I also feel like they did this because they didn't want to over complicate things. They wanted the battles to be simple after you did a puzzle section. Also the battles are super snappy. Lasting two turns if you get the right line up and can be more if you don't. I think that's a really good way to make the player really learn the right way to move the board. That being said there were many times I didn't see the solution and would brute force my way through making some of the battles a bit of a slog.
They do flip the script a lot with the boss battles. First off "The Legion of Stationary" is great. While it took me a while to get used to them, they were some of the best fights in the whole game. The Tape boss was extremely cool and used an element that I wished more games could use. They let you get comfortable with the battle system then the tape is like "no you can't move stuff around, or you have to move the 2 rings around at once." This was such a cool battle and it really did make you think. I will say it was a little weird that the bosses were real life objects like colored pencils or a bunch of rubber bands, but I thought it was more comical. I know a lot of folks did not like them at all. They were set up and referenced though because all of the tools were mentioned in a bookshelf in the origami craftsman's library. This is how set up and pay off is done correctly because Olly would have seen him using them and so he'd use them against the toads and Mario just a nice little touch really. If you missed the book in the library scene they really hammer it home by showing you the legion of stationary was on the origami craftman's desk. I've looked around online and apparently a lot of the bosses can be beaten differently, they don't all end in 1000 fold arms finishers which is super cool.
Also the two other big mechanics for this game were the 1000 fold arms and the paper macho bad guys. The 1000 fold arm thing was fine, it felt right at home in a game like this which focused on origami. That being said the paper macho characters felt tacked on. They did not belong in this game, They were the other side of the battles being in real time and defeated by Mario using his hammer on them. The reason why they had to have these were if Olivia was not with you like on the cruise ship you had a way to take down a boss without her help, because she's needed for the 1000 fold arm technique. Cool idea, but felt wrong for this game which focused on origami it's like they really really wanted to make this a Zelda game and have action style battles to contrast to the puzzle ones. Again, I could see them being used in another game.  
If they do make another Paper Mario game, and I hope they do, I hope they keep pushing the needle forward.Every game since Sticker Star has been a HUGE improvement, and if we're not going back to the original games I hope each game makes an effort to address all of the glaring issues that all of us Paper Mario fans have.
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Have you ever hugged someone for over a minute? I mean, maybe?
Would you ever get a tattoo on your collar bone? I don’t know.
Would you take the 3 minute beatdown to be in a gang? No thankssss. Do you check your texts right away when you receive them? Absolutely not.
Has the last person you texted ever been mad at you before? Justin has been mad at me multiple times lol.
Have you ever searched for your house on Google Earth? Yes.
How old do you look? Early to mid-20s.
Do you like movie nights? Always.
Is there a trampoline in your backyard? I don’t even have a backyard.
Does the thought of having children scare you? I already have two, so yes, the thought of having more sounds like a nightmare.
Are you nice to everyone? No.
Would you rather date someone older than you or younger? Justin is younger than me.
What will you be doing in the next 2 hours?
Probably driving home.
Who did you talk to on the phone last? Actual talking? I think the kids’ dad.
Does it make you uncomfortable when you receive a compliment? Sometimes.
When you are home alone at night and hear strange noises, are you afraid someone is going to break in? Yes.
Do you wake up cranky? Sometimes.
What is on your wrists right now? A bracelet that says “Redrum” on it.
Are you a beach, country, or city person? City.
Are you an official couple with the last person you kissed? Yes.
Looking back, did you ever think you would be where you are now? No.
Do you like someone? My boyfriend.
Are you happier now or three months ago? Now.
What’s the greatest thing that happened to you today? Nothing great has really happened.
How old do you think you will be when you finally have kids? I was 19 when I had my first kid, 22 with my second.
Are you waiting for something? Sure.
If you could change your eye color would you? Maybe to grey.
What was the weather like today? It sunny and nice.
Do you think you’ll be married in ten years? I hope not.
Does your ex still love/like you? Probably.
Are you stubborn? Oh yeah.
Do you tend to hold a grudge? Yes.
Where were you at 9am this morning? In bed.
How has the week been? It went by so fast!
Did you go out or stay in last night? I went to Justin’s house, so I’m not sure if that’s considered going out or staying in lol.
Something you do a lot? Worry.
How many states have you lived in? One.
Can you commit to one person? Yes.
Who was the last person to hold your hand? Justin, or one of my kids.
How many chances do you tend to give people before enough is enough? Way too many. Do you think you and your best friend will be friends in 10 years? Yes.
What do you miss most about your ex? Nothing.
Are you attracted to the last person that kissed you? Yes.
What’s a fact about the last person you kissed? He’s an only child.
Something you really want right now? A million dollars.
How long have you liked the person you like? For about 3-4 years.
Does any part of your body hurt right now? My shoulders and neck, a little.
Did anyone see you kiss the last person you kissed? I assume not, since it was just me and him in his garage.
Can you recall the last time you liked someone? Now.
Are you happy with the way things are going? Yes.
Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now? Yes.
What plans do you have for tomorrow? Nothing in particular, I think.
Has a friendship ended recently that you wish hadn’t? Nope.
Have you ever given your ALL to someone who walked away? Yes.
Have you ever kissed the last person you texted? Yes.
Do you and your last ex hate each other? Nah.
When was the last time you were sick? Like a year ago.
Are you one of those people who are always cold? Not really.
Do you tend to waste a lot of money? Yes.
Have you ever regretted kissing someone? No.
When was the last time you got a haircut? In July.
Did you sing at all today? Yeah.
Would you rather be able to control the weather or control traffic? Weather.
Do you own any articles of clothing with skulls on it? Yes.
Are you faster at text messaging or typing on the computer? Typing.
If you won a trip to a nude beach would you go or give the trip away? I probably wouldn’t go.
In your opinion which is the stronger emotion: love or hate? Love.
Tongue piercings - cute or trashy? Neither?
When it comes to jeans: skinny, flared or boot cut? Skinny.
Would you rather be a star ballerina or a star break dancer? No thanks.
When it comes to Baseball would you rather be on the field or in the stands? The stands.
I’ve got to know, who do you prefer: Mario or Luigi? Mario.
Have you ever changed clothes in a public area (not a dressing room)? Yes.
How many months apart is your birthday from your best friends? Kelsi’s birthday is six days before mine, Krystle’s is 6 months before, Needles is 5 months before, Carly’s is 10 months before.
Yes or no: Techno music? Nah.
Yes or no: pigtails? Nah.
They say diamonds are a girls best friend; what do you say? I think that’s stupid.
Has anybody ever told somebody one of your secrets? Yes.
Have you ever kissed anybody who had a mustache? Yepp.
If you were famous do you think you could handle the popularity? Probably not.
Have you ever kissed someone whose name started with a letter P? My high school boyfriend’s name was Phillip.
Did you talk to one of your best friends today? What did you talk about? I talked to Justin, Krystle, and Carly.
Do you get on better with funny or serious people? Funny.
Do you have mood swings around the time of the month? Yes.
Have your friends met the last person you kissed? Yes. Most of my friends are his friends too.
What if you saw your best friend holding hands with your ex? I’d be very, very confused.
Your last relationship, who dumped who? I ended it.
How old were you when you had your first boyfriend/girlfriend? 13.
Is your hometown nice? Some parts.
What if you got stuck in a lift with the last person who Facebook messaged you? Ugh, I’d rather not.
When/where did your last hug take place? Earlier today, at my mom’s house.
Do you consider yourself mature enough to make your own decisions? I’m 31...
Have your parents ever told you about their love lives, and any previous relationships they had before they met? Yes.
You get a text from someone saying that they want to hang out - who would you most like it to be from? Justin.
Do you and your friends have any inside jokes? Sure.
Do you think someone has feelings for you? Are these feelings returned? I know my boyfriend does, and obviously they’re returned.
What if the last person you texted were to ask you out? Well, he’s already my boyfriend, so.
Do you believe in love at first sight? Explain. No, that’s dumb.
Would you prefer to be somewhere else right now? If so, where? And why would you prefer to be there? Yes, like, in a room surrounded by millions of dollars, where it’s free for the taking?
When you listen to music, do you ever find that the songs affect your moods and change how you feel? Sure.
Can you remember what you dreamt about last night? No.
What’s one thing about today that you didn’t like? Feeling nauseated.
Who is the last person that you said i love you to, besides family members? Probably Justin.
Are you mad at anyone right now? Nope.
Is there one thing all of your ex’s had in common? Sarcastic assholes who can carry a good conversation. And they all have daddy issues.
What’s a compliment you receive often? My eyes, my lips, or my hair.
Have you ever had a friend that got a bf/gf, and then completely ignored you? Yepp.
Would you ever go back to any of your past relationships? No.
Who was the last person to comfort you when you were upset or crying? Probably Justin. Do you prefer to text or talk on the phone? Text.
Do you know anyone that’s gotten an abortion before? Yes.
Do you think you could forgive someone for cheating on you? Not anymore.
Have you ever been arrested? Yes.
Who’s the last person that gave you roses? Justin.
Do you still talk to the first person you kissed? No. What if you had a baby with the last person you kissed? NO THANKS.
Do you have a picture of you kissing someone? Yes.
Who was the last person to comment one of your pictures? Rey
Have you learned from your past mistakes?
Am I supposed to list everything I’ve ever learned for every mistake I’ve ever made, or...?
Who’s the last guy you texted? Justin... jesus this whole survey is becoming about him.
What about the last girl? Krystle & Kelsi in a group text.
Who was the last person to make you cry? Myself.
Have you ever not been able to get someone out of your head? Sure.
What is one quality that you really appreciate in a person? Honesty.
When was your first real relationship? Well, I don’t really count high school relationships as real relationships, so I guess when I was 20.
Have you ever cried over an ex? Yes.
Do you ever think about your ex and cry? Not anymore.
Is there anyone in your life who you won’t ever want to lose? Of course?? Have you ever snuck out of your house? Not really, no.
Have you ever snuck someone into your house? Nope.
Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex? Yes.
How many people have you kissed? Way too many to try and count.
What’s the craziest thing you’ve done on a dare? Idk
Have you ever cussed someone out? Yes.
Have you ever cheated on someone? Yes.
Have you ever had a friend-with-benefits? Yes. Have you ever spread a nasty rumor about someone? Not intentionally.
Have you ever broken someone’s heart? Supposedly.
Have you ever been physically abused? Yes.
What’s something you really regret saying to someone? Nothing.
Is there something really bad that you’ve done, that only YOU know about? I don’t think so.
Does it take a lot to make you feel guilty? No.
Have you ever broken a really important promise? Probably.
Have you ever gone out with a best friend’s ex? Yes.
Have you ever made out with someone who was just a friend? Yes.
Have you ever cheated on a test? No, but I’ve helped others cheat.
Have you ever told someone’s deep, dark secret? No.
Do you ever lie to make yourself sound better? Not really.
Have you ever made up a false rumor to get back at someone? No.
Have you ever gotten in a fist fight? No.
Have you ever purposely hurt yourself? Yes.
Have you ever mooned/flashed someone? Yes. Got sent to an alternative school because of it lol
Have you ever caused someone major embarrassment? Not major, no.
Have you ever pushed someone into a pool? Yes.
Have you ever got in a fight with someone and never made up? Yes.
Have you ever farted and blamed it on someone else? Yes lol
Have you ever copied someone else’s homework? Yes.
Have you ever skipped school to do something more fun? Yes.
Have you ever skipped school to get out of a test? No.
Have you ever kissed someone the same day you met them? Yes.
What’s under your bed? The banisters that are supposed to go on my bed, the ceiling fan is in the way.
What’s on that way top shelf or in the very far back of your closet? Games.
Do you have a super-secret hiding place and what’s in it? No.
Have you done something recently you hope no one finds out about? Nope.
What is your last thought before you fall asleep? It varies.
Have you ever you shop lifted? Yes, in my angsty youth.
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dragonkeeper19600 · 4 years
Fallen Star AU: Stella
This is a character profile for Mario and Peach’s daughter Stella, the main character of the Fallen Star AU.
I’ve posted a picture of her before, but I’ve decided I like my original concept sketch of her a little better.
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General History: Stella was born in Sarasaland less than a year following the collapse of the Mushroom Kingdom. As Peach’s only daughter, and thus the rightful heir to the Mushroom throne, Stella was raised in absolute secrecy in Sarasaland, lest Bowser’s forces should discover her existence. Peach knew that the child of Mario and herself would give hope to the Toad population now living in oppression under Bowser’s rule. However, this reasoning has led Luigi to accuse Peach of using Stella.
Let it be said that Peach never pressured Stella to follow in Mario’s footsteps. Stella chose that path on her own. At a young age, she chafed at her confined existence and longed to liberate the conquered kingdom and take her rightful place as princess. 
As a teenager, she became aware of the toll such a quest would take on Luigi, who had always worried over her and might never recover if she died the same way her father did. But, at 18, her hand was forced, and she officially made her existence known to Bowser and his forces. She understands she’s risking more than her own life by fighting, but she believes the war with Bowser is bigger than herself and Luigi. 
Personality: Stella has always been a tomboy and being confined in her childhood has given her an intense wanderlust. Despite the tragic circumstances of her birth, she is a very idealistic individual, believing in a clear distinction between right and wrong and the sacred duty to fight for justice. These ideals will be challenged as she fights new foes, learns more of her family’s legacy, and sees that things are not as black and white as she believed. 
Stella exudes confidence in everything she does and has inherited her father’s impulsiveness. She’s also inherited his appetite. She can finish a slice of her mother’s cake with shocking speed. She tries to emulate Mario in many ways. She spent years training to gain his skills in acrobatics, and deliberately chooses to dress like him to order to evoke his image.
However, there’s a little bit more to her emulation of Mario than simple hero worship. Ever since she was very small, she’s been aware of a gap in her family’s life, the gap left by her missing father who would never come home. Stella remembers an occasion in her childhood where she walked in on Peach, hoping to give her a bouquet of flowering weeds she’d picked outside. Peach didn’t see her come in, and Stella saw the tears rolling silently down her cheek. Her mother, she’d come to understand, had lost everything, her home, her country, her people, and her knight. Stella’s attempt to follow in Mario’s footsteps is, in some way, an attempt to fill the gap. 
Abilities: Stella boasts the usual Mario Bros. agility and strength. She also possesses traces of her mother’s Wish Power. She can slow her descent from a long fall, and she inherited the ability to seal the Dark Star, which comes in very handy at a critical moment. 
Peach: Stella has spent most of her life in the company of her mother. Peach opted to use a frank and non-judgmental approach when raising her daughter. Whenever Stella had a question or was uncertain about something, Peach answered her as though she were an adult. When Stella expressed a desire to journey to the Mushroom Kingdom, Peach chose not to try and dissuade Stella and instead told her very clearly of the risks. As she grew up, Stella grew to admire Peach’s fortitude, managing to raise her lovingly even though her entire life had been destroyed and she is now living in exile. A huge motivator for Stella’s need to defeat Bowser once and for all is her desire to finally bring her mother home. 
Luigi: Luigi came to visit Stella often, and Stella found herself both flattered and intimidated by Luigi’s almost reverential love for her. Luigi taught her Italian and begrudgingly trained her how to fight the plumber way, though he would prefer for her to never use the skills he taught her. Luigi no longer fears for his own safety the way he did when he was younger but is instead plagued with fears of losing Stella. It was the guilt of worrying him that kept Stella in Sarasaland until she was eighteen. Mario died before she was born, and Toadsworth passed away when Stella was too young to really remember him, so Luigi has been her main father figure throughout her life. She’s called him “Zio” since she was little and continues to do so as a adult.
Mario: Stella’s entire life has been defined by her secondhand knowledge of Mario. She grew up hearing stories of his exploits and her family’s tender memories of him, and she quickly grew to idolize him. However, she has often longed for him to have a real, physical presence in her life. What would it be like to have a father say goodnight to you every night? And, wouldn’t her mother and uncle be so much happier if her father were still around? Stella, in many ways, sees Mario as the ideal of what a person should be, and she’s tried in every way she can think of to live up to his legacy. It’s put her under a lot of stress.
Daisy: Daisy is Stella’s Cool Aunt. Stella has known sorrow before she really knew her own name, and Daisy is a much-needed source of levity in her life. Daisy has matured since her younger days. Since the fall of the Mushroom Kingdom, she’s taken a more active role in the politics of Sarasaland, and so Stella sees her less often than Luigi. But, whenever she comes by, she’s always ready with a joke, a laugh, and presents for Stella and Peach. As a parent, Daisy has taken a more hands-off, let-them-learn-by-doing approach, which her own kids and Stella have benefitted from and which is the source of many headaches for Luigi. 
Cousins: Stella has three cousins: Tony, the eldest, Marigold, the middle one, and Viola, the baby of the family. Of the three, Stella is closest to Tony. Growing up as sheltered as she was, Tony was the only child her age available to play with. Even in their teens, Stella still considers Tony to be her best friend. Lanky and accident prone, Tony is more cautious than Stella but usually ends up going along with whatever she’s doing anyway. Stella influences him to journey into the Mushroom Kingdom to fight alongside her. Tony and Stella’s closeness is all the more impressive considering that Tony has often been envious of Stella. As a child, it often seemed to Tony that Luigi cared more for Stella than him. Stella and Luigi were united over their grief for Mario, and Tony felt his own exclusion from that connection. Tony covers up these negative feelings with a jokester personality. Whenever he’s feeling nervous about a leap into danger, he’s always ready with a self-deprecating joke. 
Bowser: Stella was warned her whole life that Bowser would try to kill her if he ever learned of her existence. When they finally encountered each other, Bowser did not disappoint. He’d spent eighteen years looking for Peach after she escaped the Kingdom, and when he learned Mario had had a daughter with her, he saw red. Whereas he’d never meant to actually kill Mario and felt something resembling remorse afterwards, he wanted Stella on a platter from day one. In his warped mind, Stella is the last thing tying Peach to Mario, and if he kills her, Peach will have no choice but to accept him. That Peach would never forgive him for killing Stella seems to never occur to him. Stella, however, is mostly unfazed by Bowser’s white hot rage. She’s always thought of him as a monster, a two-dimensional tyrant, and there was something morbidly satisfying in his immediate hatred of her. Neither she nor Bowser really see each other as thinking beings, just living symbols of what they oppose. 
Bowser Jr.: In the years following Mario’s death, Bowser Jr. has grown up to heavily resemble his adult father. Whereas age, stress, and, yes, grief, has caused Bowser to begin to decline, Bowser Jr. is in the peak of his adulthood. It’s often Junior, not Bowser himself, that Stella faces in combat, and at first, it seemed as though their relationship would be a copy of the enmity between Mario and Bowser during Mario’s lifetime. Bowser Jr. was pressured by his father early on to “torch that girl” that had stolen his mother from him, and Stella made her own disdain for Bowser Jr. clear from their first meeting when she told him, “You are standing in between me and my throne.” Despite their rivalry and volatile beginning, Stella and Junior eventually formed a mutual respect for each other. Junior came to feel disillusioned with his father’s drive for conquest, but he didn’t see an alternative to his current strength and war-centered way of living. Stella, an emphatic person herself, began to see and understand the burden Junior bore as the only son of the Koopa King, forced to comply with the wishes of his father and his people against his own better instincts. This understanding eventually bloomed into a sort of mutual attraction, and a lot of their fights became romantically charged. It progressed to the point where Junior at one point proposed to Stella, reasoning that a union between them would end the conflict. But, Stella turned him down. She’d already fought against him for so long under the narrative that he was an illegitimate prince with no claim to the Mushroom throne. If she married him now, thus acknowledging him as the heir, she would be betraying her people. She couldn’t accept a kingship that had been based on so much sacrifice. None of the reasons for her refusal had to do with Junior himself but what their union would mean for her people. They couldn’t be together. 
The Havoc Star: The weapon that allowed Bowser to conquer the Mushroom Kingdom, the thing that had killed Mario. For the longest time, the Havoc Star was a source of awe-inspiring horror for Stella. If Mario represented an idealized good, then the Havoc Star was pure, voidal evil. Bowser’s hated of Stella occasionally drove him to try to use the Havoc Star on her, and while these attempts were unsuccessful, Stella always escaped just by the skin of her teeth, and the destruction was always terrible. Other stars speak soothingly with wisdom or kindness, but Stella never heard anything from the Havoc Star but nerve-scraping screaming that filled the entire cavity of her skull. Stella’s top priority in the early days of her conflict with Bowser was to find a way to destroy the Havoc Star. If she could do that, then Bowser’s main ace in the hole would be gone, and taking back her kingdom would be easy. 
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scatterpatter · 5 years
I gush about SMRPG color keys for way too long
All art by @loopy-lupe, find the original post here and go support them!
But aaaaaa I followed them on Devianart back in like 2012-2013ish when they were famous for their Seven Star Comics and found out that they did an entire set of color keys for the game and after going over the whole thing for like the 50th time I wanna gush about some of my favorite things sooo... below the cut!
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First off, I know it’s color keys so obviously color is important, but... my word, Loopy has masterfully used colors in this entire piece. You can instantly tell the mood of each piece and... it’s just soooo pleasing to look at!
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Mario is SO delightfully expressive and animated- I mean everyone is but right away you can tell just how expressive and animated Mario is which gives us an amazing first impression of him!!!
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OOF those COLORS *heart eyes*
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those clouds go from smiley to frowny... iconic
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Toad has seen enough shit to be phased by this
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Castle town!!! is so pretty!!! And lively!!!
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tbh Mario should get a career in acting he’s so dramatic and i love him
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So uh... about Castle Town...
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I ADORE how the star piece is all “WOO YOU FOUND ME! IM IMPORTANT!” and Mario and Mallow are just “Ah yes... this thing... I totally know what it’s for... totally...”
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Mallow trying to keep the pie dry no matter what is blessed content
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I love this scene so much- the tears in their eyes as Mallow and Frogfucius clearly cared deeply about each other but have to let each other go since Mallow wants to find his real parents... my h e a r t
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I love how even in the inn, you can see arrows raining down outside the window
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I love his bonk so much he’s such a dooork
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god again the COLORS so BEAUTIFUL
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i adore how Bowyer is constantly portrayed with a wide stance to make him more egotistical/imposing... also this shot is absolutely gorgeous and so dynamic I adore iiit
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Geno: “... Whoops... did they hear all of that exposition I just gave? ... This is fine.”
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Link on the stairwell since he’s an in-game easter egg is a great touch... also Mario back at it again with the theatrics!
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Geno’s shadow is a star... I didn’t know I needed this detail in my life but here we are...
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I also love the idea that Mallow and Mario are morning birds while Geno is a night owl it’s so in-character
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The star piece being right up in the rafters is a great touch... also rip the trio
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These images being back-to-back does such a good job at expressing the current mood of the team!!!
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Bowser is so shook... tbh I dont blame him
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Bowser, Geno, Mario, and Mallow: “... I can explain.”
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“... Whoops. Uh, wrong number-”
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The bros ship it. And judging by Peach’s blush... she ships it too.
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Everyone blushing at Samus... disaster bi energy
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I adore this panel so much- the home looks so cozy and warm and just- Mario introducing Luigi to everyone and Luigi like “Oh hi Peach hi Bowser I wasn’t expecting guests... and I guess I have 2 new friends now okay-”
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This scene is just... so powerful- just, the warmth radiating off of them both as Ge consoles Mallow- and then lets Mal feel better by letting him find the Star Piece, just... Aaaa they’re such brothers I love them so much
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I love how suspicious Geno is during these scenes and how Bowser seems to be catching onto that fact
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I love how their characters just absolutely shine through here- Bowser getting wasted on 2 beers at once, Peach calmly sipping her martini, Mario already drunk from a martini, and Geno with his glass of water denying Mallow any alcohol asdfghjkl-
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Okay all of the fake toads melting away and forming Yaridovich is TERRIFYING and I LOVE IT
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This one is so beautiful that I actually have it as my background atm- I love this because we actually see a quiet and contemplative Bowser for once- a front he probably wouldnt let down in front of the others. I’d like to think that, since the stars are out and Exor is in the background, that they’re taking about how the heck they’re gonna get their homes back... Gosh it’s so beautiful
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The four of them blushing over Culex... big disaster bi energy
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More shots that just absolutely show off their personalities!
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Mallow reuniting with his parents is just.... so sweet, my h e a r t...
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“Geno rushes in”
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Geno convincing Bowser to throw him and then being caught by the others... my “found family trope” heart can’t handle it...
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There were many, many allusions to the Seven Star Comics that I didn’t mention, but I can’t skim over this one... BAZOOKA TOAD!!!
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God, there’s just so much emotion in this one shot, I absolutely adore it- especially the subtle spotlight shining over both Geno and Mario like WOW- which is of course followed byyyyy-
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1- MALLOW ON HIS SHOULDERS!!! 2- We see Smithy literally melting between forms which also shows how unstable he is and is a GREAT SHOT
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Geno’s goodbyes with everyone is so personal to his relationship with them and I adore it soooo much
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*CLENCHES HEART* Also I see that cape making the shape of a star you cant fool me-
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Once again, the use of colors and added effect of the sunrise are SUCH nice touches i aaa!!!!!!
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I believe this is implied to be Geno’s home- and honestly it’s soooo pure that he kept all this memorabilia from his adventure- like- especially the silly Koopa Troop pin, its just all so pure my heart cant handle-
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Welp! This took me nearly 2 hours to type out but honestly it was so worth it!!! I adored these color keys so much, especially the added scenes that arent even in the game! The use of setting and colors is nothing short of masterful, and this made me SMRPG heart SO happy!!! 
Okay done rambling, thanks for tuning in XD
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transslyblue · 5 years
Also "1-99"
(1) Do You Sleep With Your Closet Doors Open Or Closed?
Haha, closed. I don't like seeing the dark void that I call a closet
(2) Do You Have Freckles?
Yea, but you can't really see them unless you're close
(3) Can You Whistle?
(4) Last Song You Listened To.
The Hunchback of Notre Dame musical, the Tavern Song
(5) What Is Your Favourite Colour?
Blue, but I also like a variety of purples and greens
(6) Relationship Status.
Single and not looking
(7) What Is The Temperature Right Now?
69º F
(8) Did You Wake Up Cranky?
Yea, unless I wake up myself
(9) How Many Followers?
118, but I need to go through and block any bots. (;w;)
(10) Zodiac Sign.
(11) What Is Your Eye Colour?
Blue/green hazel. My eyes are multi-coloured so they have blue, green, and brown with a very grey look to them.
(12) Take A Vitamin Daily?
I forget daily
(13) Do You Sing In The Shower?
(14) What Books Are You Reading?
I really want to get back to reading some more Lovecraft, but i don't have much time to read
(15) Grab The Book Nearest To You, Turn To Page 64, Give Me Line 14.
"Minutes before librarians ate him."
(16) Favourite Anime?
Uuuuhhhhhh, hm. I guess it'd have to be InuYasha, but I like a lot of anime
(17) Last Person You Cried In Front Of?
Err,,, it was a very close friend. Idk if they'd want me to say who they are tho
(18) Do You Collect Anything?
Rocks and those snowglobe musicboxes
(19) What Did You Have For Lunch?
Yogurt and a protein bar. Ik, ik real healthy and filling
(20) Do You Dance In The Car?
Depends on the song, but not really
(21) Favourite Animal?
Owls and cats
(22) Do You Watch The Olympics?
Not really, but when I do it's the diving Olympics
(23) What Time Do You Usually Go To Bed?
(24) Are You Wearing Makeup Right Now?
I don't wear makeup. Though I have considered it
(25) Do You Prefer To Swim In A Pool Or The Ocean?
Either. Pool is safer though
(26) Favourite Tumblr Blog?
Oof, idk if I can pick just one, so imma name a few. @ohhimarx @mirosuikaaa @masochist-incarnate they're all really friendly and nice
(27) Bottled Water Or Tap Water?
Whichever is most convenient at the time
(28) What Makes You Happy?
The sound of rain, art, my friends talking to me, I have a list that I've posted, so I won't list out here
(29) Post A Gif Of What You’re Currently Feeling Right Now.
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(30) Do You Study Better With Or Without Music?
Haha, I don't study;;;
(31) Dogs Or Cats?
(32) If You Were A Crayon What Colour Would You Be?
Blue-tiful lol, for real though probably bubble blue
(33) PlayStation Or Xbox.
Does Switch/ds count?
(34) Would You Swim In The Lake Or Ocean?
(35) Do You Believe In Magic?
Not really, but I won't bash on anyone who does
(36) What Colour Shirt Are You Wearing?
Black, but is a Link being a meme
(37) Can You Curl Your Tongue?
(38) Do You Save Money Or Spend It?
I save more then I spend.
(39) Is There Anything Pink Within 10 Feet Of You?
Yea, it's a pink pillow of Lion from Steven Universe and a music stand from when I was in middle school
(40) Do You Have Any Obsessions Right Now?
Kirby in general
(41) Have You Ever Caught A Butterfly?
Nope, but I have touched one before
(42) Are You Easily Influenced By Other People?
Yes and no. It really depends on how long I've been around them
(43) Do You Have Strange Dreams?
Omg yes! I remember a few and they were all lucid dreams! (I looked up the term from last time I answered this question)
(44) Do You Like Going On Airplanes?
Never been on one
(45) Name One Movie That Made You Cry.
Of Mice and Men
(46) Peanuts Or Sunflower Seeds?
(47) If I Handed You A Concert Ticket Right Now, Who Would You Want The Performer To Be?
Panic!At the Disco, Fallout Boy, or The Neighborhood
(48) Are You A Picky Eater?
Not really. There are some foods I refuse to eat, but otherwise I eat pretty much anything
(49) Are You A Heavy Sleeper?
(50) Do You Fear Thunder / Lightning?
Nope! I actually like thunder
(51) Do You Like To Read / Write?
I enjoy reading. As for writing, eh. I'll write out my ideas but I'mno good at fleshing them out to be interesting
(52) Do You Like Your Music Loud?
Yes. But not too loud, just enough where I don't hear everyone around me
(53) Would You Rather Carve Pumpkins Or Wrap Presents?
Carve pumpkins! I really am bad at wrapping presents
(54) Put Your Music On Shuffle, What Is The First Song That Came Up?
Hurts - Illuminated
(55) What Season Are You In Right Now? (Weather)
Spring and dying from pollen
(56) What Are You Craving Right Now?
Idk, something salty tbh
(57) Post A Screenshot Of Your Tumblr Feed.
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(58) What Is Your Gender?
I'm a transgender male, so i use he/him pronouns.
(59) Coffee Or Tea?
Both, but I like tea more
(60) Do You Have Any Homework Right Now? If So, What Is It About?
I'm not in school anymore soooo no
(61) What Is Your Sexuality?
Idk. Questioning I guess
(62) Do You Make Your Bed In The Morning?
(63) Favourite Pokemon?
I already answered this one, so I'll say a new pokemon that I love. Rowlet!
(64) Favourite Social Media?
Bruh I am not a fan, but Tumblrs the one I'm on most.
(65) What’s Your Opinion On Instagram Stories?
Idk. I don't have an Instagram
(66) Do You Get Homesick?
(67) Are You A Virgin?
Yes, and I plan to stay that way for awhile
(68) What Shampoo And Conditioner Are You Using Right Now?
I use Suave, but I also use TeaTree when I get really bad dandruff
(69) If You Were Far From Home And Needed To Sleep For The Night, Would You Choose To Rent A Crappy Motel Room For $60 Or Sleep In Your Car For Free?
Depends on the place. But most likely I'd risk the motel.
(70) Are Both Of Your Blood Parents Still In Your Life?
My mom yes, my biological father... It's complicated
(71)  Whats The Next Movie You Want To See In Theaters?
I don't really watch movies, so none
(72) Do You Miss Your Ex?
I don't have an ex
(73) What Is Your Favourite Quote Right Now?
Be the person you needed when you were younger. I have no clue who said it, but I live by that
(74)  What Eye Colour Do You Find Sexiest?
Eyes in general are great. Idk how anyone can not find something they like in any eye colour
(75) Did You Like Swinging As A Child? Do You Still Get Excited When You See A Swing Set?
(76) What Was The Last Thing You Ate?
(77) What Games Do You Have On Your Phone?
Voez and Pokémon Go
(78) Would You Give A Homeless Person CPR If They Were Dying? Why Or Why Not?
Yes, because no oen deserves to die. I'd do my best to help any homeless person
(79) Been On The Computer For 5 Hours Straight?
Haha, not today. Yet
(80) Stalked Someone On A Social Network?
Not really
(81) Do You Like Meeting New People?
(82) Do You Wear Rings? If You Do, Take A Picture Of Them.
I don't wear jewlery much. But I would like to get my ears pierced properly
(83) Do You Sleep With Your Bedroom Door Open Or Closed?
Closed! I don't want people or my cat to walk in
(84) What Are Three Things You Did Today?
I woke up, did laundry, answered these questions
(85) What Do You Wear To Bed?
Pajama pants and a t-shirt
(86) List All Of Your Different Beauty Products You Have Right Now.
I've got none. Unless you want me to name what body wash i use. :/
(87) Are You A Day Or Night Person?
Night person
(88) List All Of Your Video Games On Your Phone, Console Etc.
Phone: Voez, Pokémon Go
Switch: Legend of Zeld: Breath of the wild, Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Kirby Star Allies, Mario Kart 8, PuyoPuyo Tetris, Bayonetta 1&2, Hyrule Warriors, Just Dance 2017, Super Mario Party, Let's Go Eevee, Mario Odyssey, Undertale, Shovel Knight, Pokémon quest, Mom Hid my Game, Deemo, Sonic Mania, Detention, The Coma, Cave Story
3DS: Kirby Clash Deluxe, Kirby Triple Deluxe, Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn, Kirby Planet Robobot, Kirby Canvas Curse, Kirby Mass Attack, Kirbg Super Star Ultra, Kirby Squeak Squad, Pokémon Y, Pokémon Platinum, Pokémon Ultra Moon, Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Pokémon Heartgold, Legend of Zelda Link Between Worlds, Legend of Zelda Majoras Mask, Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D, Legend of Zelda Phantom Hourglass, Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks, Super Smash Bros, Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon, Wario Ware Gold, Super Princess Peach, Animal Crossing New Leaf, Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow, Cooking Mama, Cooking Mama 2, Sonic Colors
Gameboy Color: Pokemon Blue, Legend of Zelda Link's Awakening
This is over the course of many years
(89) Tell Me About A Dream That You Had And When It Happened.
I had this dream where I was flying a red paper plane. It took forever to carry it up this tapestry, but i did it. When I finally took off this group of white paper planes were chasing me so I shook them off and landed, taking shelter in this museum. This museum held other people hiding and was actually an abandoned grocery store. Then I woke up.
I don't rememebr when this was, but I wrote it down. I have a few more if you're interested.
(90) Favourite Soda Drink?
Strawberry Ramuné
(91) What Sounds Are Your Favourite?
(92) Do You Wear Jeans Or Sweats More?
Jeans, since I can't wear sweatpants to work
(93) How Do You Look Right Now?
Uhhh, probably a slob since I've been in pajamas all day
(94) Name Something That Relaxes You.
Stuffed animals
(95) What Tattoo Do You Want?
Idk. Haven't really wanted one. Maybe a connect the dots one.
(96) Favourite YouTuber?
Idk. I watch Pyrocynical and Markiplier, but other than that I listen to music, watch speedpaints, and speed plays of various videogames
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classicdaisycalico · 5 years
Daisy and Luigi 25
fifty ways to kiss someone.   send me a 💏 and i will randomise a number in order for my muse to kiss yours…
AWWW YEAH TIME FOR A BELATED CHRISTMAS FIC. I’ve been looking forward to writing my first Christmas fic for a while now. And now I finally have the chance to do it! I’m so excited!!
BUT FIRST! Some Italian lessons!
Fa freddo = “It’s cold.”Principessa = “Princess”E = “And”Fa neve = “It’s snowing.”Per certo = “Of course”Buon Natale = “Merry Christmas” (I HAD TO INCLUDE THIS ONE.)
Also wow sorry this took literally all day. But I hope you enjoy it! I hope it’s real cute!!!!!
Luigi and Daisy, #25: “As a ‘Yes’.”
It had been a little over a month since Daisy had been flown to the Mushroom Kingdom per her parents’ request. After Tatanga’s invasion of Sarasaland, their daughter needed to be somewhere safe while they dealt with the aftermath and reconstruction themselves.
Even so, it meant that the princess would spend her first Christmas away from home, away from her family. She was deeply saddened by this; it was one of her favorite holidays of the year, which meant she would miss nearly every tradition her family carried ever since before she was born. Most of all, she missed the days leading up to the 25th. On the very first day of December, they would trim the Christmas tree in the center of the castle gardens area that was open to the public, and light it that evening. From there, they would decorate the castle interior and even the exterior, with beautiful wreaths, poinsettias, string lights, and even little candles. Of course, nobody could forget their tree inside, either, littered with ornaments, garlands, and even some seasonal flowers. At the top of the highest bough was a glittering golden star.
Yes, Daisy had missed it all very much, and Peach could sense her sadness, too, even as the two prepared for the holiday festivities in the Mushroom Kingdom together. Only her walks around Toad Town, hearing Christmas carols everywhere and seeing the joyous spirit of others, could keep her mind off her own homesickness for a while.
It was the day before Christmas Eve, and the first flecks of snow fluttered through the air as she was just about to start her walk back to Peach’s castle. It was nearly 4:00, half an hour or so before the local businesses would begin closing up shop. This part of Toad Town was almost about empty, with nearly everyone retiring home from work for the day (the schoolchildren off on break for the next two weeks).
And once again, she felt the feelings of homesickness and loneliness wash over her again, much like a wave upon the sandy beaches of Muda. She hung her head and sighed, wishing it would go away soon.
She immediately snapped her head back up. The voice came from behind her, with an accent she recognized immediately. Before she could even say hello, she felt a scarf drape over her shoulders. From the corner of her eye she caught the familiar hue of hunter green, belonging to none other than Luigi.
“Fa freddo, principessa,” he cautioned, “E fa neve. I won’t have you freeze out here.”
“I was just on my way back to the castle, actually.” She pulled the scarf snugly around her neck, blushing a little. “Thank you for this…I hadn’t counted on it snowing while I was out. I suppose I was out a little longer than I expected. Where are you going?”
“Back home, same as you.” He shyly lifted his arm. “I’ll walk with you, if that’s all right.”
Whether or not it was Luigi’s bashful offer or the bristling cold, the tint of pink in her cheeks deepened. She circled her arm around his. “Thank you,” she answered.
The same thing always happened whenever the two walked back to the castle together: they would never take the pipe shortcut that lead to just outside the gate. Both of them were quite certain it was because they simply just enjoyed each other’s company and that they wanted to savor every second with each other before they parted ways. Today was no different, but with being so close to Christmas, there was an added bonus of walking through the beautiful snowfall, arm in arm.
Daisy had to admit it; if there was one other person besides her family and her friends that could warm her heart this cold holiday season, it was Luigi. Although it had barely been a few weeks since their first encounter, she knew that he felt the same. Perhaps in the coming days, he would let her know? Or maybe the other way around? After all, there was no time like Christmas to do so, with everyone in such high spirits.
Before long, they had reached the castle gate. “I suppose I’ll see you tomorrow evening, then, too?” he asked.
The princess tilted her head to the side in confusion. In all of their conversation regarding the upcoming holiday, she had not mentioned meeting up with him at any point the next day. “What do you mean?” she asked quizzically.
His eyes widened. “Peach never told you?”
“Told me what?”
“The festival tomorrow. There’s always a festival on Christmas Eve every year. It’s been a tradition ever since Peach’s parents began their rule together.”
She sheepishly averted her eyes from his inquisitive gaze. Who would have known such a pair of sweet brown eyes could make her blush so intensely? Finally, her focus landed on the garland adorning the portico above the castle door that sheltered them from the snowfall. “She must have been so busy with everything else that it slipped her mind,” she suggested. “It wouldn’t be like her to suddenly spring something on me at the last minute.”
“But you will be there, yes?”
She looked back at Luigi, shocked at the haste and the subtle but uncharacteristic urgency in his question. Her eyes momentarily flickered back to the garland. “Well, since I’m already at the castle with Peach, then I suppose I will be there…”
One specific part of the garland caught her eye: a small leaf drifting to the ground, away from its brethren as part of the decoration. Following suit were two little white beads dropping to the ground. Her eyes widened as she realized what the plant in question was. It couldn’t have been real…but there was only one way to find out. She began removing some of her gloves. “Will you go tomorrow?”
“Per certo!” the man in green exclaimed. “Mario and I haven’t been since…six years ago now. We can’t wait to go again.”
“I’m sure you’re very excited,” she answered, her green eyes glued to the plant on the garland, palms open underneath where the berries fell. After a brief moment, she heard the crackling of branches and the unfurling of leaves. The pesky little plant was actually growing!
“What’s that noise?”
Daisy froze. It was growing too loudly! She fiddled with her gloves as she furiously wrestled them back onto her hands. “It must have been the wind,” she half-lied as she untied his scarf and placed it back around his neck, ushering him out from under the portico. “You should probably be heading home. I hear this evening’s going to be a bit blustery on your way back, and I don’t think that snow will be calming down any time soon. Good night!”
She took a few steps towards the door when she felt his hand on her shoulder. “Princess?”
She stopped and turned around slowly to look at him, almost expectantly. “Yes?”
He gulped nervously, his eyes darting back and forth until he finally spoke up again. “There’s a ball the day after…”
Daisy nodded along. “Yes…”
“And…I was wondering…”
He noticed suddenly that his hand was still resting on her shoulder. He drew it back quickly, almost sharply, his face immediately growing red. “Mario and I were invited this year. And…if you wished to go…then maybe…I was thinking…”
She couldn’t help but smile at such a sweet gesture. “Are you asking me to attend the ball with you?”
“I…” His eyes ducked down from hers as he twiddled his thumbs. “…You will go, yes? With me?”
Right then and there, Daisy decided that a simple “yes” wouldn’t do. She needed to cement the idea in Luigi’s head that she would be more than happy to accompany him to the ball.
That hanging plant above their heads provided the perfect basis for that answer.
Standing on the tips of her toes, the princess let her lips press against his cheek. She felt him tense, drawing in a sharp gasp of air in great surprise, but she let the kiss linger for a split second before she broke away. “Does that answer your question?” she asked.
He was at a loss for words. “What? I mean…I don’t…”
She pointed above their heads and winked. “Buon Natale, Luigi.”
With that, Daisy blew one last kiss in his direction and exited through the castle doors. Once Luigi registered everything that just happened, he let his eyes wander upward to where she pointed. He was met with a bough of leaves and white berries.
He laughed to himself. Daisy, that beautiful and witty princess, had ensnared him in a little trap she had grown all by herself from Peach’s garlands! And she had bid him adieu with a kiss the same way he did the evening right after he first met her.
Lucky thing it had helped him earned him his first official date, and on Christmas Day, no less.
Buon Natale, indeed.
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multicolour-ink · 4 months
Mario x Anastasia AU
(no references to the real life Anastasia! Just the movie)
- Mario and Luigi are princes of a kingdom. When they are young, they are each gifted small music boxes - a sun and a moon respectively.
- One day, Bowser attacks their kingdom to conquer, and take its power for himself.
- King Pio stays behind to fend his forces off, and is killed in the attack. Meanwhile, Mia manages to get the twins as far away as possible, before she too is killed by Bowser's forces.
- The twin princes rush to a train that will take them to safety. Mario pushes Luigi on first, but is unable to hold onto Luigi's hand, and he falls, hitting his head and falling unconscious. Luigi screams as the train carries him away from his brother.
- Years later, Mario (now 18 and going by the name "Maurice") grows up in an orphanage, with only one thing that is his own - a small box in the shape of a sun, that plays the most beautiful music. He doesn't remember who he is, other than this box is very important to him, and he feels like he has been missing something...
- Determined to find out who he is, "Maurice" sets off on a journey, with only the music box and an anonymous message inscribed on the back of it: "Nothing can hurt us,"
- On his journey, "Maurice" comes across two con artists, Toad and DK, who are looking to pass off an unsuspecting young man as the Prince, and claim the award from Prince Luigi.
- Along the way though, "Maurice" ends up growing closer to Toad and DK, and both con artists start to being to rethink their scheme...
- Meanwhile, Prince Luigi has grown up in the safety of the Mushroom Kingdom (where the train took him) and has been living with his uncles who had already took up residence there long before. His friend, Princess Peach and the ruler of said kingdom, offers support, but he is far from consolable...
- Every year, on the anniversary of his brother's disappearance, Luigi looks up at the stars, and holds his moon shaped music box, praying that he will be united with his brother again one day.
* * *
*points below discuss the AU's ending. Some spoilers for the Anastasia movie*
- By the time the odd trio reach the Mushroom Kingdom, Toad, having by now had a change of heart, truly believes "Maurice" is actually the missing Prince Mario, and encourages him to see Prince Luigi.
- However, upon seeing "Maurice", Luigi flies into a rage. Having been tricked numerous times in the past by imposters claiming to be his brother, the Prince is at his breaking point. He comments that it is especially cruel that this imposter looks so much like his brother, and dismisses them.
- Shaken up by the disastrous reunion, "Maurice" realises that Toad and DK were just using him to con Prince Luigi and get the reward money. Furious, "Maurice" proclaims he never wants to see them ever again, and runs off in tears. More lonely and broken than ever...
- Toad seeks out Prince Luigi and "kidnaps" him in his kart, begging the Prince to listen and meet with "Maurice". Toad reveals he worked under their parents as a very young toad, and witnessed the two of them escaping with their mother. More hopeful, but still unsure, Luigi agrees to meet with "Maurice" in the fire flower field.
- Meanwhile, DK also corners "Maurice" and attempts to apologise for the way that they used him. DK reveals that he too is actually a Prince. After Bowser lost track of the missing Prince Mario, he sought to attack other kingdoms, in order to gain and build up an army once again. Even in his weakened state, Bowser still managed to do a lot of damage. This left the other kingdoms, including the Kong Kingdom, in a financial crisis. DK shamefully had to turn to being a con artist, as this proved to be the easiest way to make money to support his struggling kingdom.
- Hearing all of this, "Maurice" feels the need to forgive them.
- Toad unites with the pair and tells "Maurice" that Luigi is willing to talk to him. Shaking with fear and excitement, "Maurice" agrees to meet the Prince.
- The two beings, the Lonely Prince and the Lost Soul, meet in the fire flower field. "Maurice" reveals his music box, with the inscription on the back.
"Where did you get that?", asks Prince Luigi shakily.
"I've had it since as long as I can remember...", says "Maurice". "Please. Just tell me. Who am I?"
Luigi, with shaking hands, reveals his music box and an inscription on the back
"as long as we're together."
- And then in that moment, both men are overcome with emotion. They pull each other tight, hugging and crying, finally reunited after all this time.
- But soon after Bowser returns to claim both Princes, and Mario and Luigi have to team up together again to stop him! All is then at peace, and the brothers and their new friends continue to live peacefully 🙂
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clownkiwi · 4 years
Ruby’s Thoughts on the Super Mario Bros 35th Anniversary Direct Earlier This Morning
ok!!! let’s talk about those silly mario announcements today, because, if ya know me, i love me my marios so much. in fact, some of my favorite games of all time include super mario world 2: yoshi’s island, super paper mario, super mario galaxy, mario & luigi: bowser’s inside story, super mario rpg, & super mario odyssey; it’s safe to say ive been a mario fan for a long time, and i love him alot.
and considering its marios big year (shhhhhh, hes turning 35 this year!!!), you’d expect a lot of big things. and, like i said, we got a bunch of mario announcements!!! some of them huge!!! and some of them i’m mixed about, but we’ll get to that once we start talking about them. so, let’s start with the very first announcement down below!!!
1) Game & Watch: Super Mario Bros
So like, as the first announcement, ummmmmm. This doesn’t look too bad. and I know this was made as a collectors item for like the most extreme Mario fans & game collectors/”historians”. And I’m one of those, a huge Mario fan. So like, I really really want it, even though it’s just a Game & Watch with Mario 1, The Lost Levels, a clock, & a Game & Watch game, priced for $50. And I’m on the fence. Like, ehhhh??? Should I pay $50 for games I could easily emulate on my laptop for free??? But also, this is a collectors item, and I know Nintendo fans will buy these in bulk and sell them for a higher price on Amazon & eBay, so like. Maybe I will get this. Just to see all the Mario stuff on there!!! And I’ll keep the box as well as the thing itself, and yea, I might actually get it for Christmas. yay :)
2) Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury
Now this was definitely an exciting announcement!! We all knew this was happening, from all the rumors, just to the fact that this was inevitable. I’m very glad Mario 3D World will get another chance on the Nintendo Switch!! If you’ve heard from many Mario fans & Wii U owners, it has to be one of Mario’s most underrated adventures in recent years; and that’s coming from someone who’s favorite underrated classics happen to be Super Mario Land 2 & Super Mario Galaxy 2! So it’s very exciting that we got one of the best Wii U games ported on the Switch! And this time it’ll have online multiplayer, but I don’t think that’s what I’m excited for the most. What I’m really interested in has to be Bowser’s Fury. What is that? Will it be harder levels, will it just be more of what we already loved from the game, or will it be a whole new campaign/story after beating the main campaign? Nintendo has been very vague about it, and we can only really know once it get’s close to coming out next year. So I’m very excited to see what that’s about!!
And yes, I should warn you, this is the only bit of new Mario content to come out that I can actually play. Everything else will be pure nostalgia bait, for both good and bad reasons. We’ll talk about that later, but all things considered: I’m very excited for this game, and I can’t wait for it to come out on Switch :)
3) Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit
OK, so like. If I was 7-11, I would be very excited for this, and I’d be begging my parents to get this. This would be something fun to play with if I was younger. But not only am I not in the age group appropriate for this, our house is messy as fuck. If I wanted to properly play this, I’d have to clean everything up our house, which will take a lot of work. So, this will be one I will pass on. Not to say it isn’t cool as fuck and I’d love to get it, I just won’t be able to play it ever in my house. Plus, it can only be played indoors, meaning I can’t make cool as fuck courses outside. This’ll be one of those Nintendo Labo things to me personally, where I’ll see it, go “Wow!! Cool as fuck, wish I had that,” I won’t get it, and I don’t think my life will be personally too affected. Still really cool though, I’ll admit that.
4) Super Mario Bros 35
OK OK, so this was another one of those “WOAH, WACKY NINTENDO COMING AT US FROM LEFT FIELD” things that like, seemed so obvious. Why hasn’t Nintendo conceived a Mario Battle Royale? Well, only because they were holding it for Mario’s 35th Anniversary, and, I love it!!! This seems like a game I’ll play alot, and I’ll have to play as much as I can, because compared to these other games, this one will be limited!!
Yea, would you believe it?? If you have a Nintendo Switch with Nintendo Switch Online, you can only play this from October 10th to March 31st. Which seems very dumb!!! Why would you get everybody excited over a cool game that alot of people might love, only to take it away from us, like, barely six months after it came out? This makes no sense! But trust me, we’ll go more in-depth on this soon. Before we talk about that, let’s talk about the other stuff!
5) The other stuff
I wanna get those cute new Mario overalls. I also wanna get those Splatfest keychains when they come out, as well as those Mario pins!! Sadly, you have to buy one of the new $60 Mario games when they come out, which sucks! Because I don’t have much money on my Nintendo account, and I don’t even have a job, so I can’t get it right away. Also seems real greedy to give out something for free when you also have to buy something in order to obtain it. But trust me, this is only a setback; I will get those pins if it’s the last I do.
But, of course, it’s time to talk about the most controversial announcement that was made today. The final announcement Nintendo made today regarding Mario’s 35th Anniversary, and that’s
6) Super Mario 3D All-Stars
That’s right! The highly rumored, highly hyped up, highly exciting announcement yet! The one everyone has been talking about, the one we’ve all been getting excited over! And even though I was first excited by this, I was also a little bit disappointed. Now, however, I’m even more mixed on this one!!
Let’s talk about the Pros & the Cons about this one.
Mario 64, Sunshine, & Galaxy are finally on Switch!!! Wow, that is very exciting!!!
Wow, Mario Sunshine looks so beautiful in HD!! Probably because of the widescreen thing, but that makes it better!!!
The Music Player is cool, I’m glad I’m now able to listen to the whole soundtrack of Mario 64, Sunshine, & Galaxy on the comfort of my Switch!! :)!!!
I’m glad they’re all together in one collection!! That’s super cool too!!
And hey, it’s coming out real soon too, that’s cool!!
OK, that’s all I have on the Pros, let’s move onto the Joycons. Cons, I mean.
OKAYYYYYY, where can I even start??? The title is very misleading. It is called “Super Mario 3D All-Stars” right?? Why didn’t these games get beautiful HD remastered graphics, or better yet, full on remakes?? With updated graphics, stuff missing from the original prototypes added in there (like playable Luigi in Mario 64), or, hell, even stuff added from the DS remake onto the Switch remake?? Playing Super Mario 64 on the Nintendo Switch in an All-Stars-esque package should mean a total upgrade!! All we’re really getting is like, “Higher Resolutions” (even though fans have been able to port Mario 64 onto PC at 60 FPS & in 4K widescreen resolution, and the way the game looks on Switch just seems to be barely emulating, but whatever) and updated controls for the Switch. Now, it’s not to say that the novelty isn’t cool. I’m glad we’re able to play Mario 64 & Sunshine on Switch, but like, if these are just straight up ports of the original games with nothing added to it, why even release physical copies of it when you could just release them seperately through Virtual Console, or, ya know, just separate releases on eShop?? It didn’t seem too hard to just port them on Switch, why not rerelease them on the platform for a cheaper price? And speaking of,
The price of this. How are you able to justify 3 games that are all more than a decade old for $60 if you’re not even gonna add in any new content besides a music player?? This kinda seems very cheap and reeks of Nintendo trying to make as much of quick bucks as possible from this. You gave the fans what we wanted, you did the bare minimum, and now you will earn in the reapings. And I wouldn’t even harshly complain about this!! Yea, sure, fans are making more beautiful upscalings to Mario 64 on PC for free, but suuuuuure, make your loyal fans pay $20 for a 25 year old game you can easily emulate on your PC. And that’s not even my biggest complaint.
Oh yea, before I go to my biggest complaint: why didn’t you include Mario Galaxy 2?? I know Galaxy is a pretty long game, but at the very least the $60 would’ve felt a lil bit more justified (not totally justified, btw!!! $60 still feels too much to play 4 games that are all a decade old at least). And as it is now, it feels very bare bones. You can’t just rerelease Mario Galaxy onto the Switch without it’s sequel,,, and again, these would’ve been my biggest and only complaints, if not for this one,,,
Nintendo’s “Vault”
Limited Release. Not just limited physical release, but limited digital release too. You can only legally purchase this game when it comes out on September 18th, 2020 til March 31st, 2021. After March 31st, 2021, you won’t be able to legally purchase this game ever again. And this isn’t just a weird thing for the United States. The whole world will get affected by this too. You aren’t safe if you’re in Britain, Japan, Europe, or anywhere else where this game is legally sold.
Out of all of Nintendo’s anti-consumer practices they’ve done in the past half-decade, out of every greedy way Nintendo tried to make money off of your nostalgia, this has to be the most greediest and the most uncharacteristic ever. And I am absolutely anti-capitalist, all of yinz should know this by this point! But even then, this just seems incredibly shady.
Why would you hype up your fanbase over the anticipated rereleases of fan favorite games onto your console, ones that could rank in fans old and new, and only release it for a limited amount of time, before putting it back into a hypothetical “vault”, never to be legally released for an unknown period of time?
And why, as a company trying to heavily protect their image, take down ROMs & ISOs & emulators, but not even clearly release your classics onto modern consoles without doing something weird about it?
You all know what I’m talking about: stuff like “Nintendo Switch Online Nintendo Entertainment System” and “SNES Classic Edition”!!!! Like, limited edition stuff like NES Classic or SNES Classic are at the very least justifiable because they were made to make a quick profit for Christmas by nostalgia-baiting your audience!! Sure, that kinda makes sense. But this is moment that Nintendo seriously crossed the line.
The one chance, the one chance Nintendo could get every Mario fan happy & excited, and they did the bare minimum, in the most cheapest way possible, in the least consumer-friendly way possible, in order to make up for potential losses during this pandemic.
And honestly, we could’ve gotten something better. You could either chalk this to Nintendo’s results from being terribly impacted by a pandemic that forced everyone way from each other, or Nintendo was really planning this all along. And they could easily do this again as well if this game sells well.
Compared to Disney, which tons of people made comparisons to, I can’t currently pirate these Mario games! I lost important buttons from my keyboard for the D-Pad, and the PS4 controller I borrowed from my bro won’t work on my laptop anymore because I lost the proper cord, and other cords I tried using won’t work as well. So, I can’t really boycott this game. Mario is very close and dear to my heart, and I’m willing to buy this game.
However, what scares me the most is that Nintendo could do this again. Zelda’s 35th happens to be next year. What happens if they released the Zelda 64 games for a limited amount of time on Switch as well??? Or what if they released the Gamecube & Wii Zelda games as ports for the Switch in a collection for a limited amount of time as well??? I’ve seen someone predict that Nintendo could possibly do this again, and I can’t really stop it because I want to play Mario Sunshine on my Switch, I want to play Mario Galaxy on my Switch! But I absolutely despised the way Nintendo went along to do this. And I’m gonna hate it even more when they do it again, thinking they could easily fool us again just because it has the “Mario” name on it, or the “Zelda” name on it.
And that’s what I’m more scared and excited for all at the same time.
At the very least, more people are starting to notice.
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surveymeupmate · 7 years
Survey w/ ella
Are you an official couple with the last person you kissed? e- no. not yet. no, dont put that 
k- defo not 
Looking back, did you ever think you would be where you are now? e- idk
k- in some ways 
Do you like someone? e- yes 
k- sadly
Is a best friend pissing you off right now? e- no, i luv em
k- no
Are you happier now or three months ago? e- probably now but only a tiny bit more 
k- defo three months ago lmao 
What’s the greatest thing that happened to you today? e- saw jack, it was good, it was nice 
k- ...
How old do you think you will be when you finally have kids? e- never
k- dead
Are you waiting for something? e- probably yeh
k- exams to be finished 
If you could change your eye color would you? e- nah i dont suit any others 
k- the ones that are like two colours or a brighter green 
What was the weather like today? e- shit
k- the usual 
Do you think you’ll be married in ten years? e- fuck knows 
k- hopefully not
Does your ex still love/like you? e- no
k- hahahahahahahahahah
Are you stubborn? e- yes 
k- depends
Do you tend to hold a grudge? e- depends, i can do 
k- depends 
Where were you at 9am this morning? e- in bed, not my bed but a bed 
k- same but my bed 
How has the week been? e- good? yeh, good.  a bad start but finished off great 
k- a rollercoaster 
Did you go out or stay in last night? e- went out, well i stayed in but not in mine
k- both
Something you do a lot? e- complain 
k- overthink
How many states have you lived in? e- 0
k- none
Can you commit to one person? e- yeh
k- not at the moment 
Who was the last person to hold your hand? e- jack 
k- tom :////
How many chances do you tend to give people before enough is enough? e- depends, like i dont have a specific 3 strikes and ur out 
k- same
Do you think you and your best friend will be friends in 10 years? e- i hope so
k- same 
What do you miss most about your ex? e- nothing cos we’re besties 
k- im not getting into this rn 
Are you attracted to the last person that kissed you? e- yeh
k- nope 
What’s a fact about the last person you kissed? e- he loves oasis n he’s cute 
k- hes a dick
Something you really want right now? e-  *sexual thoughts* 
k- emotional stability 
e- yeah that would be nice as well
How long have you liked the person you like? e- a month but ive mega liked him for the past few weeks 
k- proper liked him since the 6th of may
Does any part of your body hurt right now? e- my side a tiny bit but not rly... actually i have a headache now i think about it
k- my throat 
Did anyone see you kiss the last person you kissed? e- yeh i think everyone saw me 
k- no 
Can you recall the last time you liked someone? e- yeh now 
k- same 
Are you happy with the way things are going? e- some of them 
k- not at all i want to die™
Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now? e- maybe 
k- hopefully not 
What plans do you have for tomorrow? e- dying and also being dead
k- same 
Has a friendship ended recently that you wish hadn’t? e- *shakes head*
k- idk man 
Ever given your ALL to someone who walked away? e- urm no
k- not my all but a bit
Have you ever kissed the last person you texted? e- yeh only a few times, many times
k- yeah 
Do you and your last ex hate each other? e- no
k- no but we should 
When was the last time you were sick? e- like a week ago
k- maybe soon 
Are you one of those people who are always cold? e- no
k- yes 
Do you tend to waste a lot of money?
e-  probably
k- yes
Have you ever regretted kissing someone?
e- nooooo? 
k- yes 
When was the last time you got a haircut? e- a month or two ago
k- a while ago
Did you sing at all today? e- yeh 
k- yeh 
Would you rather be able to control the weather or control traffic? e- the weather cos i dont drive 
k- same 
Do you own any articles of clothing with skulls on it? e- noo?
k- i think i might ?
Are you faster at text messaging or typing on the computer? e- typing, but it has to be a laptop
k- texting
If you won a trip to a nude beach would you go or give the trip away? e- give it away 
k- depends
In your opinion which is the stronger emotion: love or hate? e- fuck knows 
k- emotions are not real, simply chemicals to help us survive 
Tongue piercings - cute or trashy? e- neither, im not arsed 
k- idk man 
When it comes to jeans: skinny, flared or boot cut? e- skinny
k- same 
Would you rather be a star ballerina or a star break dancer? e- i want to say break dancer because they are cooler but being a ballerina is peng so in conclusion neither 
k- break dancer 
When it comes to Baseball would you rather be on the field or in the stands? e- in the stands
k- i rly dont give a shit about baseball tbh
I’ve got to know, who do you prefer: Mario or Luigi? e- Luigi, no mario, actually neither *goes on the name all the characters in the franchise*
k- idk man 
Have you ever changed clothes in a public area (not a dressing room)? e- probaly, yeh like on the beach 
k- yeh 
How many months apart is your birthday from your best friends? e- 4 and 1 
k- 4 
Yes or no: Techno music?
e- neither can it depends 
k- idk 
Yes or no: pigtails?
e- sometimes 
k- sure
They say diamonds are a girls best friend; what do you say? e- do they?
k- a lot of things 
Has anybody ever told somebody one of your secrets? e- well yeh
k- yeh
Have you ever kissed anybody who had a mustache? e- no 
k- i dont think so 
If you were famous do you think you could handle the popularity? e- i could but id get sick of the paparazzi 
k- maybe idk 
Have you ever kissed someone whose name started with a letter P? e- no
k- i dont think so 
Did you talk to one of your best friends today? What did you talk about? e- yeh loads 
k- shes legit in front of me rn 
Do you get on better with funny or serious people? e- funny
k- depends how im feeling but funny most of the time 
Do you have mood swings around the time of the month? e- yeh but i have them all the time 
k- maybe idk 
Have your friends met the last person you kissed? e- yeh
k- yeh 
How old is your oldest cousin? e- i am the oldest cousin so 17 
k- idk late 20s 
What if you saw your best friend holding hands with your ex? e- id be like katie why are you holding ur own hand lol 
k- i dont think she would tbh
Your last relationship, who dumped who? e- katie dumped me what a dickhead, wait we never actually broke up, katie im breaking up with u 
k- it was mutual, kind of 
How old were you when you had your first boyfriend/girlfriend? e- 16
k- 14 i think.
Is your home town nice? e- no, not the town center anyways, its a mess
k- its better than some places i guess 
What if you got stuck in a lift with the last person who Facebook messaged you? e- it would be fun ;)
k- idk man, it would be chill 
When/where did your last hug take place? e- in toms brothers bed this morning, more of a cuddle than a hug 
k- in toms doorway last night 
Do you consider yourself mature enough to make your own decisions? e- yeh
Have your parents ever told you about their love lives, and any previous relationships they had before they met? e- yeh, i know my mums entire life 
k- a little bit
You get a text from someone saying that they want to hang out - who would you most like it to be from? e- dunno katie but obvs not rn 
k- ella probs 
Do you and your friends have any inside jokes? e- yeh
k- yeh 
Do you think someone has feelings for you? Are these feelings returned? e- yes and yes 
k- yes and no
What if the last person you texted were to ask you out? e- idk what this phrase means 
k- i would b like ella what about jack 
Do you believe in love at first sight? Explain. e- no
k- no
Would you prefer to be somewhere else right now? If so, where? And why would you prefer to be there? e- no
k- asleep  cos i love sleep but im happy chilling atm 
When you listen to music, do you ever find that the songs affect your moods and change how you feel? e- can do 
k- a lil bit
Can you remember what you dreamt about last night? e- no
k- i think it was something to do w/ shit that is stressing me out but i cant remember that well
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iamsoneurotic · 6 years
Hey Milo! You Five! And other stuff...
So we’re weeks out from baby #3 being born… I’ve hardly written a single update about this pregnancy because oddly enough it’s really, really hard to find time to write absurdly long posts when you’ve got two little boys and a pregnant wife.
Oh who am I kidding, I’m just really lazy. But having kids is such a good excuse to not do things that I can’t help but use it every chance I get. Now if only I had a decent excuse to get a minute alone from the boys I’d be in business! I kid… but let’s not pretend that it isn’t the worst thing in the world to wake up to a toddler screaming at you to play legos upstairs. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE playing with Legos and I love playing with my kids, but I love not moving in the morning more. We’ve got a rule in the house: Mommy and Daddy don’t play until after they’ve had their coffee in the morning. Needless to say I sip mine VERY slowly.
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Rachael and I are not morning people. Milo and Noli inherited that trait from us, but unfortunately they also inherited my stubbornness - so they just refuse to sleep in. Yeah, I know all kids wake up early and are miserable, but Noli literally wakes up growling and Milo always wakes up yelling “HEY!” like he dreamt about some goblin flicking him in the nose and then woke up too soon to flick him back. That’s what I imagine happens anyway. If they’re so mad about being awake, why not just stop being awake?? It’s not that hard, I do it all the time!
But whatever. They come out of their rooms, they fight over a lego, I pathetically and ineffectively shout at them from my recliner downstairs and then I drink my coffee and secretly daydream about drowning to death in it. Mornings with the Marianelli’s are a good old time. Even the unborn one wakes up cranky, he just awakens when Rachael is going to bed and kicks her in the ribs like a savage. Crap, I just realized I never posted his gender - well if you haven’t figured it out yet, he’s a boy. If anything I’m consistent.
We had the sonogram a week after my last post and boy oh boy the boy wasn’t shy about being a boy. Have I said boy enough yet? I know a sonogram isn’t actually a camera with a lens, but I swear, the moment they turned that device on he practically slapped it against the screen. No subtlety whatsoever.
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There’s this awkward moment during a gender reveal where both parents are secretly hoping for different results (by secretly I mean me, Rachael was quite vocal about her hopes) - it’s like when you’re playing a board game with people and it’s maybe 10 rounds in and that competitiveness is starting to rear its ugly head and the laughter is becoming more and more forced with every round - and then you win for like, the 5th time in a row and you’re not quite sure what emotion to express so you just sort of downplay your own victory as dumb luck, but now everybody feels insulted that you’re pitying them… Yeah, that’s what it’s like to find out you’re having a third boy.
But for real, it’s better this way and we all know it.
I can’t tell if the sound of my voice makes the little stinker agitated or happy. He usually starts moving a lot when I talk to him (yeah I know, they can be startled by sound and it’s not technically me specifically that he’s responding to - but let me have this!), I think my proudest moment was when I placed my hand on Rachael’s belly and said “HIGH FIVE!” and he totally kicked my hand. He also likes to kick me in the head when I try listening to his heartbeat… They say you’re supposed to be able to hear the heartbeat without a stethoscope but I’m three kids in and it’s NEVER happened! I do, however, hear a lot of digestive sounds that I wish I could un-hear.
This pregnancy gives me a lot of memories of when Milo was still in the womb and he would stop Rachael dead in her tracks by roundhouse kicking her in the side. This little guy might actually be worse. There were a couple of weeks in the Autumn where we were convinced he was actually kicking Rachael in the spine. It would send shockwaves up her back and every time it happened I thought she either saw a giant spider or suffered an aneurysm. I’m not saying I wished for the latter, but I really hate spiders… Don’t judge me.
We’ve been trying to prepare Noli for the baby’s arrival. He can get pretty jealous. My brother came home one day with puppies and Noli got really sad that we were giving the puppies so much attention. It broke my heart a little. He’s a really sensitive kid - it’s a good quality, but it can be difficult. I have to discipline him almost entirely differently from how I discipline Milo because of it. To be honest I still don’t really know what I’m doing when it comes to that with him. Some days I think I’ve cracked the code, but then the next day it’s an entirely different ball game. He’s been a little grumpy lately and we haven’t really figured out why outside of “Terrible 3’s” (terrible 2′s is a myth, 3′s suck).
I used to think I knew what a tantrum was… I was so wrong. On Christmas Eve Noli threw the most epic tantrum I have ever witnessed in the history parenting. It’s mostly a blur at this point, but it started when I tried making him put on a pair of pants after his bath and it ended with a full-on UFC-style showdown where I was literally grappling him on the floor so that he wouldn’t hurt himself. I ended up tapping out because nothing was working - Rachael finally managed to defuse the entire situation by simply pulling an ice-tray out of the freezer and showing it to him. Yup. Problem solved. All the shouting, bribing, begging, grappling and crying did absolutely nothing - a boring inanimate object from a mini-fridge tamed the beast. How Rachael thought to walk past a playroom full of toys and grab an unused ice-tray will forever be a mystery to me. Since being pregnant the girl can barely remember her own name, yet she knew exactly how to deal with a situation that neither of us had experienced - motherly instinct is truly the 8th wonder of the world.
All tantrums aside, Noli cracks me up. He’s making up his own superheroes now. His latest evil creation is “Play-Doh Butt”. His superpower? He shoots pink legos out of his butt. I’ve also learned a number of other characteristics that I wish I could forget. He’s apparently blue, wears no clothes, has no hair (anywhere) and is little. He’s straight out of a nightmare. There’s another superhero he’s working on that’s less fleshed out, and I truly hope it remains that way because I don’t need nor want any other details. His name is “Tater Tutt” and, in Noli’s own words, “he shoots poo-poo out of his hands at all the happy people”... I think that makes him a villain, but I’m not sure Noli sees the lack of virtue in flinging your poop at happy people. I’m sure there’s somebody out there who would derive joy from that experience, but it’s certainly not anybody I want hanging around my 3 year old.
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I can’t bring myself to discourage his progressive line of superheroes, they’re more creative than anything I came up with at that age - my greatest childhood achievement was creating a superhero who controlled fire, and I named him “Flamer”. Just failure all around. One of these days I’ll get around to asking Noli to draw a picture of Play-Doh Butt for me just to see what monstrosity he puts to paper, but until then I’m totally satisfied just watching him draw Spider-Man… with chalk… on our walls. So glad we didn’t give him markers that day. For a 3 year old he’s a really good little artist - I’d say even for somebody older than him. His Spider-Man drawings are really cute and surprisingly stylized. Between the two of them, I think he’s the most handy with a drawing utensil, and it makes sense; Milo is very book smart, Noli is very creative. It makes a lot of sense to me, Milo is a spitting image of Rachael, so naturally he’s just gravitated towards books and math. Noli got my genes, hence, Play-Doh Butt and art.
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He really is the sweetest little boy on the planet though. I slipped on the bottom step the other day like a bobo and fell down, Noli immediately ran over to me and kept trying to make sure I was okay… Milo, on the other hand, just yelled at me to get a toy for him that he got stuck under the television. I’ll be remembering that when it’s time to draft up wills. Anyway, the point is, the kid just has a kind, nurturing soul. He wants everyone to be happy...
He still can’t say his K’s.
What else… Oh, yeah, Milo turned 5! My baby is growing up and I’m both happy and miserably depressed over it. I feel like I’ve said this for other birthday posts, but it’s how I feel every time. I don’t sing Happy Birthday to the boys, I sing “Cats in the Cradle” and my tears put their candles out. Nobody likes growing up in our house.
I think he had a good day. This was the first birthday that he actually seemed aware of leading up to it. He was so excited he woke up at 5:30 in the morning and for the first time ever WASN’T cranky! I wanted to stick my head in a stove, but at least he was happy to be up before the sun. We had a Mario-themed birthday for him - correction, a LUIGI themed birthday for him; He prefers Luigi to Mario. He’s been playing a lot of Mario Run on his iPad… Probably too much, but mommy and daddy are literally the worst parents in the world when we’re feeling defeated so we throw iPads at the boys for distraction while we recharge our broken will. He’s actually really good at that game, he beat it before I did - and I’m awesome. I’m terrified to introduce him to the original Mario games, he hates losing, and that’s basically all you do with the old ones. You lose until you throw a controller at the wall, then you play DOOM for an hour to vent. We’re not there yet with the boys.
One of the reasons I was so excited for him to turn 5 was STAR WARS. It’s a movie I’ve always looked forward to watching with my kids, but wanted to wait until they were old enough to actually get what they’re watching and hopefully not get too scared. We have a media room upstairs that is 100% off limits to the kids, but I told Milo for his 5th birthday we’d get milkshakes and watch a big boy movie in the media room… He was a little bored by it, but he was happy to just be in our home’s ‘Forbidden Kingdom’ with junk food and some one on one time with Dad. I really loved it. When you have more than one kid, it’ hard to just enjoy them for their own uniqueness. They morph together into this wild entity that lives to argue with itself and bring chaos and exhaustion to your once stable, quiet household.
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Milo is a brilliant boy. Every day he makes it a point to remind me how much of a genius he is. Whether it’s his ability to perform division in his head or how he reads at a 1st grade level (even more so I think) or the fact that he can build a set of Lincoln Logs exactly as they are on the box when I can barely make any sense of the vague directions they come with. He’s a sponge for knowledge. He also had a piano recital on his birthday and he nailed it. It probably doesn’t sound like much to an adult musician, but for a 5-year-old to play piano and without looking at the sheet music, know when he’s made a mistake and correct it by ear is wildly impressive. Like I said - brilliant.
Milo - I know I’m a month late writing this, but I’m just so amazingly proud of what a big boy you are. I love your face, I love your voice, I love your personality and your sense of humor, I just love everything about you. I can never find the right words to express it, but I’m just so filled with joy watching you grow up. You were the very answer to a prayer I had prayed almost every night since I was little - to be a Dad, to have a family of my own. Now I get to pray every night and thank God for a family I know I’ll never truly be worthy of. So yeah, just in case you ever doubted what you mean to me.
Happy Birthday, baby boy. I love you.
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Anyway, this is turning into one of those super long posts that Rachael yells at me for writing, so I guess I’ll wrap it up… My next post will inevitably be another 2-part ‘Birth of Baby’ story (and hopefully my last), so be on the look-out! Or don’t. I don’t even know who’s reading this besides my wife, and she doesn’t much care for the amount of detail I go into regarding the births so I imagine I’ll just be reading the next post to myself. Good lord it’s late.
Auf Weidersehen, goodnight (why yes, I did have to Google that), ~ M.
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multicolour-ink · 1 year
Ok big brain time
I can't stop thinking of that Yoshi egg in the end credits of the Mario Movie, and what it all means going forward...
Please note at the time of writing this I have not yet seen the movie in full, but I just want to write down my thoughts based on what I know about so far. Apologies for any errors.
Out of all the characters I find strange to introduce in an end credits scene...why Yoshi? Was...Yoshi ever a popular character to deserve hype? Let alone for a movie verse?
In regards to the games, Yoshi's most notable is the Yoshi's Island series, which introduced new lore and characters, such as Baby Bowser, the Yoshi's of Yoshi Island, and of course...the "origins" of Mario and Luigi.
I hope you know where I am going with this.
Not only do we get the established "twin bond" between Mario and Luigi (which allows them to sense each other whenever they are far apart), but in Yoshi's Island DS, we were introduced to the concept of "The Star Children"
Now hear me out because I know this is going to sound crazy - but I have an idea!
What if the sequel is introducing the "Star Children"?
Based on what we know in the movie, there are a few things to note:
1. Peach is a lost child who was found by the Toads. Where did she come from? Where are her real family? Are they dead? Did they perhaps send her away for her safety because someone or something was targeting her?
2. Mario and Luigi have parents. Which I find a little odd. Now hear me out! Yes it's great we do (finally) meet their parents, but are you seriously telling me that Nintendo approved Illumination to give them fully fleshed out parents, but in the Yoshi's Island games we don't even see their faces? I dunno, that seems quite fishy to me...
So options for how this could go down:
a) the couple are NOT the Bros' parents, but adopted the Bros when they were sent away from the Mushroom World for their safety, due to a prophecy. It's only after the events of the first movie, that their parents realise the boys deserve to know the truth...
or b) the couple ARE their real parents, but they are actually from the Mushroom World, and moved away to another world, but decided to keep it a secret from their boys in order to keep them safe. Cue the awkward "Oh by the way that kingdom you found, well turns out we're all from there!" reveal.
Of course I am very likely just reading too deep into this but I think it's worth bringing up!
3. The Yoshi egg hatching in the sewer is very reminiscent of the end credit scene in Yoshi's Island DS; which revealed Yoshi being born as the 7th and final "Star Child". Now of course we haven't seen Wario yet (he may be in the sequel), but that egg hatching could be Yoshi being "born".
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I know I am very likely to be wrong about all this, and this isn't what will happen at all. But I just wanted to get this out. It's food for thought based on things I just found interesting to talk about.
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