#marina doria
onheirpodcast · 3 months
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Key figures in the story of the shooting in Cavallo
Dirk Hamer - An athletic, friendly 19 year old German who died after being shot in the early hours of 18th August 1978. He was asleep on a boat near the island of Cavallo after a day trip with his sister and her friends.
Prince Vittorio Emanuele and Princess Marina - The son of the last King of Italy. He was alleged to have fired the shot that killed Dirk following a heated encounter on a neighbouring boat. His wife Marina was his staunchest defender throughout.
Birgit Hamer - Dirk's older sister, a model and former Miss Germany. After her brother's death, she would dedicate the next 40 years to getting justice for him.
Beatrice Borromeo - Best known as the daughter in law of Monaco's Princess Caroline, she is a journalist and family friend of Birgit. She was crucial in uncovering Vittorio's bombshell confession and directed a documentary on Dirk's death.
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sacrifesse · 7 months
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🌊 ⋆˙⟡♡ OCEAN iD PACK 〰️
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— NAMES : oceanne , oceanette , oceanesse , coralette , coralesse , fishe , fishette , fishesse , blu(e) , bluette , bluesse , wavette , wavesse , waterette , wateresse , beachy , beachie , beachette , beachesse , cecelia , shorette , shoresse , marie , marinette , marinesse , reefette , reefesse , coastalle , lagoona , lagoonne , lagoonette , lagoonesse , aquatique , tidette , tidesse , nauticalle , nauticalette , nauticalesse , marina , ariel , poseidon , bay , brooke , marin , pearl , skip , skipper , coraline , doria , dorian , oceania
— PRONOUNS : ocean/oceans/oceanself , coral/corals/coralself , fish/fishes/fisheself , blue/blues/blueself , wave/waves/waveself , water/waters/waterself , beach/beaches/beacheself , shore/shores/shoreself , marine/marines/marineself , reef/reefs/reefself , coast/coasts/coastself , lagoon/lagoons/lagoonself , aquatic/aquatics/aquaticself , tide/tides/tideself , nautical/nauticals/nauticalself , pearl/pearls/pearlself
— TiTLES : the oceanic one , the one of the ocean , (pronoun) whose home is amongst the coral , the one of ocean blues and soothing waves , (pronoun) who rides the ocean waves , (pronoun) who plays in the sand while the ocean tickles (pronoun) toes , (pronoun) who swims amongst the fish , the aquatic one , the nautical one , (pronoun) who searches for a pearl
— GENDERS : oceangender , seagender , whimsiaquata , oceanstaric , deepseaesic , celeseagender , aecatoric , merpearlia , oceaenigmatic , caerocvitta , purpoceanic , catwaveic , pupwaveic , dawnsunoceanic , hapearlybright , lullastaric , astrobyssian , biocealovecoric , marpupcatticfluid , lovmoonseaica , oceancatgender , seaglassgender , reflectocestargender , angmarigender , oceansunsetic , marinauroric , calmseashellic , oceamarisumtempic , genderaqua , oceanusolic , wavegender , shelsonatic , cloudyoceanic , deepoceanmystic , hydroneric , gendersuichu , starwashic , thalassagender , seasoundic , gendersea , oceandream , 🫧emojic , watercoric , waterelementic
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pt: ocean id pack
requested by 👾🏥 anon /end pt.
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sunshinies · 11 months
✧° Kokomi inspired names/pronouns/titles ! °✧
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art by x ! rq by @bipbopp !
🫧 names:
adriana , amara , amphitrite , aquamarine , aquila , ariel , aurelia , azure , brooke , calliope , calypso , chloe , coral , coralia , cordelia , dahlia, delmare , delphine , destiny , doria , isla , jellie , jillie , jubilee , julie , kendra , lumina , marcella , margot , marina , marin , marnie , melusine , meri , nadia , neptuna , neptunea , nerida , nerissa , nixie , oceana , pearl , pearlina , selene, lyra , sirena , skipper , summer , thalassa, xenia , undine , vivienne
🐚 pronouns:
shell/shells/shellself , mer/mers/merself , sea/seas/seaself , aqua/aquas/aquaself , cor/coras/coralself , blub/blubs/blubself , dive/dives/diveself , pearl/pearls/pearlself , splish/splashes/splashself , reef/reefs/reefself , che/cherish/cherishself , kyu/kyus/kyuself , cute/cutes/cuteself , fin/fins/finself , sea/sear/searself , fish/fishs/fishself , fae/faer/faerself , ei/eir/eirself , glub/glubs/glubself , jell/jells/jellself
🌊 titles:
the pearl of wisdom , her oceanic glow , the lady of tranquil waters , she who enchants with grace , the lady of the ocean's embrace , she who gleams like pearls , her healing waters , her fearless elegance , the lady of the shimmering tide , she who leads with valor , the one who walks on water , she of the raging sea
prns and gendered terms may be replaced.
additional tags: @eternoelle @hauntingidol @delusielle @puriette @the-astropaws @cocajimmycola
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europesroyalsweddings · 8 months
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✵October 7, 1971 ✵
Marina Ricolfi-Doria & Prince Vittorio Emanuele of Savoy 
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bonheurportatif · 1 year
Une Alexandra, deux Alexandre, une Alexia, une Alice, une Aline, un André, une Angélique, deux Anna dont une Anna-Maria, neuf Anne, dont une Anne-Charlotte et deux Anne-Gaëlle. Une Anouk. Un Anthony, un Antoine, deux Arnaud, deux Aurélie, deux Aurélien. Une banque, une banquière. Un Baptiste, trois Barbara, un Barry, une Béa, un Benjamin, une Bérengère, un Bernard, une Bertha. Trois Camille, deux Carine, trois Catherine, une Cathy, deux Cécile, une Cécilia, une Céline, plusieurs Centres, deux Chantal, deux Christelle, un Christian, deux Christine, un Christophe, deux Claire, une Corinne. Un Damien, un Daniel, une Danielle, deux David, une Delphine, trois Denis, un dentiste, un Didier, un Djib et une Doria. Une Edwige, un Élian, une Éliane, une Élise, un Elliot, une Émeline, trois Émilie, une Emma, un Emmanuel, une Emmanuelle, cinq Éric. Un Fabien, une Fabienne, un Fabrice, une Flavie, une Florence, trois Florent, deux Florian, deux Floriane, deux Franck, deux François dont un F.-C., une Françoise, trois Frédéric, une Frédérique. Une Gaëlle, une Garance, un Gérard, une Ghislaine, un Grégory, deux Guillaume, un Gwenaël. Une Hélène, un hippocampe. Trois infirmières, deux Isabelle. Un Jack, un Jamal. Un Jean-François, un Jean-Marc, un Jean-Philippe, cinq Jérôme, un João, un Johann, un Jordane, une Judith, une Julie, huit Julien. Une Katy, un Kervin, deux kinés. Deux Lætitia, deux Laurence, trois Laurent, une Leslie, un Lewis, trois librairies, un Louis, une Louna, un Luc. Une Manon, un Marc, une Mariane, quatre Marie, une Marina, deux Marine, une Marion, un Martin, deux Martine, un Matthieu, une Mathilde, deux Maud dont une Maud-Elisa, deux Michèle, deux Mickaël, un Mirko, une Morgane, une Murielle, une Myriam. Une Nadine, une Nani, une Natacha, neuf Nathalie, une Néda, deux Nelly, un Nico et un Nicolas, un notaire. Une Odile, trois Olivier, un orthodontiste, une Oskia. Une Pamela, deux Pascal, deux Patrick, une Pauline, une Perrine, cinq Philippe, un Pierre, un Pierrick, un plombier. Une Quitterie. Un Raoul, un Raphaël, un Rémi, deux Renaud, une Rieko, deux Robert, un Roland, deux Rose dont une Rose-Marie. Une Sabine, une Sabrina, une Sandrine, une Sandy, quatre Sarah, un Séb et un Sébastien, un Serge, trois Séverine, un Simon, une Solenne, cinq Sophie, deux Stéphane, un Swan, une Sylvie. Un Théo, un Thibaud, deux Thierry, un Tony. Trois Valérie, un Victor, une Viki, quatre Vincent, trois Virginie. Un Wilfried. Un Xavier. un Yannick, un Yarol.
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nipresa · 10 months
Il 16 dicembre 1969, al fine di sanare la condizione borghese della fidanzata, Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia, auto-proclamatosi re d'Italia, emanò un "decreto reale" nel quale conferiva a Marina Ricolfi Doria il titolo di duchessa di Sant'Anna di Valdieri.
La nobiltà italiana post 1947 è un colossale LARP
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lamilanomagazine · 1 day
Genova, 3887 mila prenotazioni per l'evento "Palazzi Svelati" del 2 giugno
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Genova, 3887 mila prenotazioni per l'evento "Palazzi Svelati" del 2 giugno Sono già 3887 le prenotazioni al link https://palazzisvelati.happyticket.it/ per visitare, domenica 2 giugno, Festa della Repubblica, i 22 palazzi che aderiscono alla nuova edizione di "Palazzi Svelati", l'apertura straordinaria al pubblico di palazzi delle istituzioni di Genova solitamente chiusi al pubblico, tra cui quello della Regione Liguria. Ben 23 le istituzioni coinvolte (Prefettura e Città metropolitana di Genova hanno sede nello stesso edificio, palazzo Doria Spinola), tra cui tre novità in questa edizione 2024: Villa Sauli Bombrini Doria (sede del Conservatorio Paganini nel quartiere di Albaro), il Museo Diocesano di Genova con il Chiostro dei Canonici di San Lorenzo e il Palazzo Ducale di Genova. Prenotarsi è ancora possibile, e si attendono visitatori dell'ultimo minuto visto che, in molti casi, la prenotazione è facoltativa. "Grande attenzione e curiosità per l'edizione 2024 dei Palazzi Svelati - dice il presidente ad interim della Regione Liguria -, manifestazione che si riconferma come un vero e proprio segno distintivo di Genova nell'unire indissolubilmente cultura e Istituzioni. Si aprono così i battenti a luoghi normalmente non accessibili al pubblico, ma dotati di veri e propri tesori artistici. Una formula unica sempre più apprezzata, con tanti eventi di richiamo e tre nuovi ingressi nel circuito delle aperture capaci di attirare cittadini e turisti oltre che un modo di vivere appieno i palazzi pubblici dove hanno sede le Istituzioni azzerando ogni sorta di distanza. Ricordo che, nella passata edizione, è stata registrata la presenza di circa 1700 visitatori solo per il Palazzo della Regione Liguria". Per l'occasione, all'interno del palazzo della Regione Liguria in piazza De Ferrari, i visitatori potranno ammirare un quadro, proveniente da una collezione privata, che racconta un angolo di Genova, l'attuale piazza Matteotti, come era nella seconda metà del '600. Si tratta di un'opera del tedesco Pietro Maurizio Bolckman - nato nel 1640 in Germania, a Gorinchem, e morto a Torino nel 1710 - che visita Genova tra il 1670 e il 1680 circa, e ne ritrae uno degli angoli più vivaci e colorati: piazza Matteotti, al tempo conosciuta come "Piazza Nuova", rappresentata durante lo svolgimento di un mercato. Tra "besagnini", prelati, nobili trasportati in portantina e tanti altri personaggi, i visitatori potranno ammirare la piazza sotto una luce inedita, cogliendo le differenze e le similitudini tra la sua forma attuale e quella del XVII secolo. L'iniziativa, dal titolo La città svelata - Il "gran teatro" di Piazza Nuova con gli occhi di un nordico, è curata da Anna Orlando. I "Palazzi Svelati" 2024 sono: Palazzo Doria Spinola – Prefettura e Città Metropolitana di Genova; Palazzo della Regione Liguria; Palazzo Doria Tursi - Comune di Genova; Palazzo Tobia Pallavicino - Camera di Commercio; Palazzo della Borsa; Palazzo De Gaetani - Banca d'Italia; Museo dell'Accademia Ligustica di Belle Arti; Palazzo dell'Università; Palazzo Lomellini Patrone - Comando Militare Esercito "Liguria"; Palazzo San Giorgio - Autorità di Sistema Portuale del Mar Ligure Occidentale; Museo del Risorgimento - Istituto Mazziniano; Sala Operativa della Protezione Civile di Regione Liguria; Avvocatura Distrettuale dello Stato; Palazzo Ducale di Genova; Palazzo degli Uffici Finanziari - Agenzia delle Entrate; INAIL - Direzione regionale Liguria; Forte San Giorgio - Istituto Idrografico della Marina Militare; Capitaneria di Porto - Guardia Costiera; Comando dei Vigili del Fuoco; Museo Diocesano - Chiostro dei canonici di San Lorenzo; Villa Sauli Bombrini Doria – Conservatorio Paganini; Caserma "San Giorgio" - Comando Regionale della Guardia di Finanza. Maggiori dettagli e orari sul sito della regione a questo link. In occasione del 2 giugno si terrà la cerimonia ufficiale di celebrazione della Festa della Repubblica, in piazza Matteotti, a partire dalle 9.30. In programma, dopo l'alzabandiera, l'esecuzione dell'inno nazionale da parte del Conservatorio Niccolò Paganini di Genova e la lettura del messaggio del Presidente della Repubblica.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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onheirpodcast · 3 months
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The fall out from Prince Vittorio Emanuele's alleged killing of young German Dirk Hamer in 1978 takes us from the glamorous beaches of Corsica to the Paris court room which sat at the heart of the French Revolution, the jail cells of Potenza in Italy to the production rooms of Netflix. The Prince's death in 2024 puts an end to an almost 50 year saga of power, crime and corruption which consumed the lives of so many.
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Osn firma accordo per la manutenzione delle navi Marina Militare
Orizzonte Sistemi Navali (OSN), la joint venture partecipata da Fincantieri e Leonardo con quote rispettivamente del 51% e del 49%, ha firmato, con la Direzione degli Armamenti Navali del Segretariato Generale della Difesa/DNA, l’accordo quadro di mantenimento in condizioni operative per la portaerei Cavour e il cacciatorpediniere classe Orizzonte Andrea Doria e Caio Duilio della Marina…
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aneurinlarsen · 1 year
3 Reasons You Should Go To Cinque Terre a minimum of Once in Lifetime
Italy is among the most checked out countries in the world as well as no person can resist to its incredible beauty, the elegance of its greatest cities or its smallest towns.
It's not a coincidence people describe Italy as 'Il bel paese'.
It would be difficult to detail all the appeals Italy can supply you, but there is an unique location that is entitled to a see at least as soon as in your life We're talking about "Le Cinque Terre", also referred to as 5 Lands, an item of heaven which includes a stunning coast called Riviera Ligure di Levante (or Riviera Spezzina), and also the wonderful towns of Monterosso al Mare, Vernazza, Corniglia, Manarola and also Riomaggiore. If you don't recognize that area of Italy, below we will describe why you need to visit the Cinque Terre at least as soon as in a lifetime.
Why are they called Cinque Terre and also where are they situated?
Surely you've heard of the wonderful laguna veneziana, of the exceptional sea of Sicily, or the elegance of Florence, without pointing out Rome, caput mundi. Nevertheless, not every person finds out about the Cinque Terre.
As stated above, the Cinque Terre belongs to the Italian region of Liguria, in the north-west area, close to France.
This location is made up of five stunning villages (in the past known as Terre, Lands), which come from La Spezia, one of the most essential cruise port of the region.
Hotel la spezia
That's why the coast of the Riviera Ligure di Levante is called Cinque Terre (5 Lands).
The 3 main reasons for seeing the Cinque Terre at the very least as soon as in a life.
1) Nature
It could sound evident, however the natural beauty of the National Park of the Cinque Terre occupation the heart, the mind and the spirit.
Poets like the Nobel prize Eugenio Montale blogged about the heartbreaking charm and sublime asperity of this part of Italy.
Begin a travel between slim paths on high cliffs, amongst the indescribable colors of those spectacular views, it offers you a true feeling of satisfaction, leaving you a sense of deep and tranquility, speechless in front of those appeals that Nature has actually provided to this component of Italy. The Cinque Terre belong to the National forest of the Cinque Terre, perfect habitats for great deals of pets where they locate perfect conditions for living and duplicating.
2) The Sea
The harsh shoreline is a distinct line which leaves without breath those that wants to start a trip to the Cinque Terre.
Remaining in front of the Riomaggiore and also see the peaceful blue is actually astonishing!
Albergo economico la spezia
Delving into the crystal water from the middle rock in the marina of Manarola, because fantastic sea of an extreme eco-friendly, gives the visitor memorable memories.
You can not miss out on a browse through to Vernazza, a little village with a superb view: the items of the sea that this coastline can offer to site visitors are of an uncommon charm.
Obtain lost in the infinite blue of the water after having gotten to the marvelous Castello dei Doria is actually unique for its charm.
3) Shades
Yellow, red, blue, pink, white, environment-friendly, turquoise: the Borghi (tiny villages) of the Cinque Terre are like a party for the eyes, an excellent combination of amazing appeal.
Quit to admire the upright as well as narrow residences, hidden paths, high stairs, old wall surfaces ruined by the wind as well as the salty air.
Every corner of those ancient towns of fishermen has a distinct taste, tough to locate anywhere else in the world.
Corniglia, as an example, is the tiniest area of those 5 Borghi (villages) and it lies on top of a cliff surrounded by vineyards, which mix the eco-friendly of their leaves with heaven of the sea and the colorful houses.
They are only a few of the many reasons why to check out the Cinque Terre as well as now it depends on you to uncover the others: we are at your whole disposal to bring you via the appeals of this remarkable microcosm.
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wizwint · 2 years
Aquazzura matilde suede pumps
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Prince Andrew's public dressing down: Duke banned from wearing military uniform and saluting as he joins Anne and Edward in uniform REBECCA ENGLISH hails Sophie, who has quietly and unobtrusively become one of the unsung treasures of the Royal Family Ouch! Awkward moment Meghan Markle was SNUBBED by royal well-wisher who refused to shake her hand during Fab Four walkabout at Windsor Standing by her side: King Charles and his siblings Anne, Andrew and Edward stand guard by the Queen's coffin during vigil at St Giles' Cathedral in Edinburgh Oprah Winfrey says she hopes royals coming together for the Queen's funeral will help Harry and Meghan 'make peace' with The Firm We really want her to be happy and we are.' 'He knows that she's happy and moving forward I can say that he's elated, as we all are. Of her father, Tom Sr's reaction, she said: 'I can say that he's excited and very proud and naturally, as you can imagine, very happy because doesn't every father want his daughter's happiness? Her daughter Samantha has also opened up on the engagement, speaking to Good Morning Britain from her Florida home and telling them the news is 'lovely'. She's very well educated and she's had a lot of exposure to the public. 'She's worked in a professional, public life forever. She added: 'I'm really happy for them and I hope they'll be happy together and have a great life.'Īsked how she thinks Meghan will cope with the transition from actress to princess, the mother-of-two added: 'You and I both know that Meghan is very well educated. His mother Roslyn has also reacted to the news, telling that she thinks the engagement is 'absolutely wonderful news.' The 51-year-old also extended an invitation to his own upcoming wedding to Darlene Blount, 37, to Meghan and Harry and has previously offered to throw the royal a bachelor party in Las Vegas. Tom Jr is yet to comment on news of his sister's engagement but in September told DailyMailTV that his sister is a 'hot commodity' and that Harry needed to hurry up and propose – advice he appears to have heeded. Meghan is the only child of Doria Ragland and Thomas Markle, although the latter has two older children with his first wife Roslyn Loveless, now 72: Samantha Grant, 53, and Thomas Jr, 51. The mother-of-one spent most of Monday inside her home, with a friend arriving around midday to walk her dog, Sam. It is unclear of Thomas Markle will walk his daughter down the aisle. Kensington palace confirmed that both Meghan Markle's parents will be present at the wedding, but will not have to pay for the costly affair. 'We wish them a lifetime of happiness and are very excited for their future.' To see her union with Harry, who shares the same qualities, is a source of great joy for both parents. It continued: 'Our daughter has always been a kind and loving person. On Monday, she released a statement along with ex-husband Thomas Markle Sr, 73, declaring herself 'incredibly happy for Meghan and Harry'. On Tuesday, Doria was seen paying a home visit to a low-income apartment complex in Marina del Rey, accompanied by her security officer and a co-worker.ĭressed in a loose black dress, a patterned headscarf and stacked wedge heels, the therapist refused to comment on her daughter's engagement and strode past waiting photographers with her head down.ĭoria has never commented publicly on her daughter's relationship with Prince Harry but was photographed with the newly engaged couple at the closing ceremony of the Invictus Games in Toronto at the end of September. They will shun a large wedding at Westminster Abbey or St Paul's for a more intimate church service at St George's where his father married Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall, in 2005, and Prince Edward married bride Sophie Rhys-Jones in 1999 (pictured) Ragland had spent time with the couple before they were engaged, appearing in public at the closing ceremony of the Invictus Games in Toronto at the end of September. The mother-of-one had spent Monday at her Windsor Hills bungalow as the world learned of her daughter's joyful engagement.īut on Tuesday Ragland went back to work as a wellness counselor for Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services – a Los Angeles-based organization specializing in treating substance abuse - heading for a low-income housing complex in Marina del Ray.ĭressed in a loose black dress, a patterned headscarf and stacked wedge heels, the therapist strode past waiting photographers with her head down but did briefly say that she was pleased with the engagement news. She spoke out as she headed to work at a low-income apartment complex in Marina del Rey, California. Meghan Markle's mother Doria Ragland said Tuesday that news of her 36-year-old daughter's engagement to Prince Harry had made her 'very happy'.
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SAMEDI 8 OCTOBRE 2022 (Billet 2 / 5)
« L’ORIGINE DU MAL » (2h 05)
Un film de Sébastien Marnier, avec Laure Calamy, Doria Tillier, Dominique Blanc…
L’AVERTISSEMENT est écrit en toutes lettres sur le Site d’Allociné : « Des scènes, des propos ou des images peuvent heurter la sensibilité des spectateurs ». Il s’agit d’1 ou 2 scènes de relation saphique. Voilà, vous êtes prévenus… Elles ne sont pas « gratuites » et ont une importance dans l’intrigue du film mais elles ne sont pas, loin s’en faut, le sujet du film.
Vous trouverez ci-dessous la critique qui se rapproche le plus de ce qu’on a pensé de ce film. Les critiques « pro » sont très bonnes dans l’ensemble, celles des spectateurs aussi.
Marina lui a donné ❤️❤️❤️ et JM un peu plus, ❤️❤️❤️,5 sur 5, pour saluer la performance d’actrice de Laure Calamy que nous avions découverte et beaucoup aimée dans « Antoinette dans les Cévennes ».
Sébastien Marnier livre un thriller en forme de jeu de massacre. Baroque, méchant et déroutant. Le mariage réjouissant et réussi entre Claude Chabrol et Brian De Palma.
Sébastien Marnier aime le genre, les histoires à tiroirs, les personnages grandiloquents, les demeures inquiétantes et les coups de théâtre. Alors, roublard, il déguise son goût du trop derrière une apparente mesure de rigueur. « L’ORIGINE DU MAL » s’ouvre comme un petit polar social. Une jeune ouvrière prend son courage à deux mains et finit par appeler ce père très riche qu’elle n’a pas connu, pour lui demander de l’aide. Une fois arrivée dans sa demeure isolée, la voilà proie d’une famille dysfonctionnelle où belle-mère, demi-sœur, nièce et même femme de chambre semblent observer d’un mauvais œil les largesses et le sourire du patriarche vieillissant.
Mais est-elle vraiment la proie ou une prédatrice ? Habilement, le cinéaste joue avec les codes, excite notre attention par des scènes pleines d’effets, d’indices et de mystères. À la manière d’un Chabrol, le film croque la laideur d’une bourgeoisie rance, momifiée par l’argent, où l’on pourrait à tout instant entrapercevoir le pire derrière les bonnes manières (un geste violent par-ci, une saillie antisémite par-là, un regard concupiscent…). Mais Marnier est un cinéaste d’aujourd’hui et plutôt que se contenter de déplorer le système, il l’invective par ses images, l’interroge, le détourne et joue, à la manière d’un De Palma, avec le ridicule. Twist rocambolesque, composition dégénérée (du grand Dominique Blanc !), mystère épais, tout est trop dans « L’ORIGINE DU MAL ».
Qui mieux que Laure Calamy, corps tremblant, pour incarner ce cinéma sur la crète ? Impressionnante, elle emporte avec elle toute une troupe où règne Jacques Weber, puissant en patriarche pathétique et inquiétant. Film de faussaires, jeu de dupes où l’image léchée mêle premier et deuxième degré, satire et empathie. Pour peu qu’on sache s’abandonner aux soubresauts d’un récit, qu’on aime se laisser malmener par un film méchant et mal élevé, romanesque et too much, « L’ORIGINE DU MAL » est un pur plaisir de cinéma.
(Source : « cinemateaser.com »)
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lonestarbattleship · 3 years
What would you say was the most extensive modernization work done to a battleship? Barring Japanese hybrid battleship/aircraft carrier conversions.
I'd have to say the Conte di Cavour class and the Andrea Doria Class battleships of the Regia Marina (Italian Navy).
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The Italian Navy needed a stop-gap measure to counter the French Navy Dunkerque Class battleships while the Littorio Class battleships were under construction.
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Their original guns were rebored from 12 inches (305 mm) to 12.6 inches (320 mm). They removed the center turrets and in it's place, put in more efficient and powerful engines raising their top speed from 21.5 knots to 27 knots. They removed two proprellers out of the four. With the increase in speed, they had to graft new bows. Their armor was increased in several areas. Their casemate guns and torpedo tubes were moved and replaced with modern AA defense guns and secondary batteries.
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In short, the Italian Navy built new fast battleships into the bones of the 4 older dreadnought battleships.
It should be noted, while the Conte di Cavour class were completed in 1937, the Andrea Doria Class were completed in 1940 and competed for resources with the Littorio Class. This delayed their completion since Italy did not have the industries like some of the Allied nations.
Thanks for the ask.
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✵October 7, 1971 ✵
Marina Ricolfi-Doria & Prince Vittorio Emanuele of Savoy
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jornale · 3 years
#lula #bolsonaro #eleicoes2022 #eleicoes #lulavsbolsonaro #pt #datena #psl #paranapesquisas #ciro #marina #mandetta #doria #politica #brasil #portaljornale #jornale
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lamilanomagazine · 4 months
E' morto Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia, figlio dell'ultimo re d'Italia
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E' morto Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia, figlio dell'ultimo re d'Italia Umberto II. E' morto a Ginevra Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia, figlio di Umberto II, l'ultimo re d'Italia, e di Maria Josè. La notizia è stata diffusa in una nota della "Real Casa", ancora non sono stati resi noti luogo e data delle esequie. Vittorio Emanuele, in esilio dal 1946 al 2003 dopo il referendum del 1946 era figlio dell'ultimo re d'Italia, Umberto II, avrebbe compiuto 87 anni il 12 febbraio. L'annuncio della morte Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia è stato diffuso attraverso una nota della "Real Casa di Savoia": "Alle ore 7:05 di questa mattina, 3 febbraio 2024, Sua Altezza Reale Vittorio Emanuele, Duca di Savoia e Principe di Napoli, circondato dalla Sua famiglia, si è serenamente spento in Ginevra. Luogo e data delle esequie saranno comunicati appena possibile". L'ESILIO Dopo il referendum del 1946 il lungo esilio dal 1946 al 2003, Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia nato il 12 febbraio 1937 a Napoli, era designato a succedere al trono di suo padre, Umberto II. Dopo il referendum del 1946 che sancì la vittoria della Repubblica, visse in esilio fino al 15 marzo 2003 quando, una volta cancellata la XIII disposizione che vietava il rientro dei discendenti maschi in Italia, era ritornato in patria dopo 57 anni. IL MATRIMONIO Il matrimonio con Marina Doria, da cui ha avuto un figlio, Emanuele Filiberto, ma lo stesso matrimonio non era stato visto di buon occhio dall'ex re e per questo i due si sposarono in segreto, senza avvisare le famiglie. Di fatto il matrimonio creò l'ennesimo dissapore alla casata, con il padre che non diede mai il "regio assenso" alle nozze, cosa che invece sarebbe prevista dalle leggi dinastiche. I PROBLEMI GIUDIZIARI Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia fu indagato e prosciolto per la morte di Dirk Hamer. Il 19enne tedesco era rimasto ucciso nel 1978 in una sparatoria sull'isola di Cavallo, in Corsica. Dopo una lunga battaglia legale tra la famiglia dei Savoia e la famiglia del giovane, Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia venne prosciolto. Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia fu coinvolto anche in un'inchiesta sul casinò di Campione, nel 2006 quando, nell'ambito di un'inchiesta sul casinò di Campione d'Italia, venne arrestato con le accuse di associazione a delinquere finalizzata alla corruzione e al falso e allo sfruttamento della prostituzione. Anche in questo caso, dopo un mese ai domiciliari, venne scagionato dalle accuse con formula piena "perché il fatto non sussiste". E ricevette un risarcimento di 40mila euro per i sei giorni trascorsi in carcere prima dei domiciliari.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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